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Did not Circumambulate Kaaba without The Prophet
Hudaybiyyah when Usman went to Makkah for negotiations with the Quraish, rumour of his martyrdom was spread. On that occasion, Prophet Mohammad took pledge from all the Companions which is renowned as „Pledge of the Tree‟. Since Usman was not present on the occasion, the Holy Prophet placed his one hand on the other and said, “This is the hand of Usman and I pledge on his behalf.” No one else is ever blessed with such honour. This incident can be verified by the following Hadith:
Anas ibn Malik relates that at the time of Pledge of the Tree,
Usman had gone to Makkah as the ambassador of the Prophet.
When Companions were pledging allegiance at the hand of the Prophet, he said, “Usman is performing the duties of
Allah and His Prophet.” After that the Prophet placed one of his hands over the other as Usman‟s hand for swearing allegiance on his behalf. Hence Usman‟s hand was (many times) better for people than their own hands. (Tirmidhi 3702)
Another distinction of Usman is that when he was sent to Makkah as an ambassador of the Prophet to negotiate with Quraish, they offered him the opportunity to perform circumambulation of Kaaba which he declined by saying, “I will not perform circumambulation until my beloved, Prophet Mohammad, is able to do it. ”
Ah! What a priceless action of the lover of the Prophet. The people were considering him fortunate for having the opportunity to go to Makkah as an ambassador and be able to perform circumambulation of Kaaba. When the Prophet heard how people felt, he said, “Usman will not perform circumambulation without