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Aftermath of the Martyrdom of Usman
chest and stabbed him with dagger several times. On seeing this, Usman‟s wife Naila ran towards him to save him but a cruel rebel attacked her with sword that cut her three fingers. Then another brutal man Sudan ibn Hamran attacked Usman and martyred him. This incident took place on Friday, 18th Dhul al-Hijjah 35 AH. Most of the Companions had gone to Makkah for hajj and because of their absence the rebels could take over Madina. For two days the dead body of Usman kept lying there unattended. A few Companions who were in Madina, were powerless and could not do anything due to the outraged rebels. Eventually, Ali ibn Abi Talib bashed the agitators and with the help of other Companions made arrangements of the burial of Usman. On the third day, a group comprising of only seventeen people secretly offered the funeral prayer of Usman and buried him near Jannat al-Baqi. Due to the fear of rioters they had to even conceal the traces of his grave. At the time of martyrdom, Usman was eightytwo years old and had been a Caliph a little less than twelve years. The heart-wrenching martyrdom of Usman marred the Muslim unity. Indeed this incident had dreadful impact on the future of Islam.
Everyone agrees on the dreadful outcomes of the martyrdom of Usman. Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman on hearing the news of the assassination of Usman said, “The martyrdom of Usman has left such a vacuum which even mountains cannot fill.”
Abdullah ibn Salam said, “This day marks the end of the influence of the Arabs.” Usman himself had said addressing the