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Demanding Resignation From Usman
group of thirty emigrant Companions and Ansar went to negotiate with the rioters and sent them back. Then, after consulting Ali, Usman addressed the Muslims and explained his future strategy. His sermon left a great impact on the people, many of them wept on hearing it.
After a few days, unexpectedly a group of Egyptian rebels came to Madina again. Mohammad ibn Maslamah asked them why they had returned. They replied, “On our way back we confiscated a letter of Usman from the government courier that was addressed to the governor of Egypt in which he has ordered him to punish and kill us.” Then the rebels went to Usman with Ali ibn Abi Talib and Mohammad ibn Maslamah and described the whole incident to which Usman responded, “By God neither did I write such letter nor I asked anyone to write it. I have no knowledge of it.” The rebels then realized that it must be Marwan ibn al-Hakam‟s mischief. Yet they insisted to remove Usman from caliphate. They just needed a reason and they got it. They said that the person who has no knowledge of someone issuing orders on his behalf, using his official seal and sending a courier on his behalf to an official with an official statement, does not deserve to be the Caliph. They demanded the resignation of Usman. Usman said, “I will not remove the robe of honour with my own hands that Allah made me wear.” Here the following Hadith is worth mentioning: Aisha bint Abi Bakr narrates that the Holy Prophet said, “O
Usman! Undoubtedly Allah will bless you with the cloak (of caliphate). Thus if people ask to remove it you must not do
so.” He said this three times. (Ibn Majah, Mustadrak, Musnad
Ahmad ibn Hanbal)
To calm down the rebels, Usman added, “However, I am mortified about whatever happened and will be careful in future.”