7 minute read
Usman‟s House was Besieged
The rebels however were not ready to hear any explanation. They said, “We will kill you if you do not resign from the post of caliphate and will fight whoever tries to stop us. ” Usman said, “I would rather prefer to be killed than resigning from the post of caliphate which Allah has bestowed upon me.” He added, “You do not need to fight with anyone because I will not permit anyone to fight with you. Whoever does so, will be doing it against my will. Had I wanted to fight, I could have gathered the army from everywhere or I would have fled to a safe place.”
On this second invasion of the Egyptian rebels, Ali again used his influence and was successful in repelling them. However, truth be told, the rebels were thirsty for Usman‟s blood whatsoever. Hence, the moment Ali left, they besieged Usman‟s house. They did not allow anything or anyone enter the house. The sincere Companions were willing to give their lives and do anything and everything to save Usman but he asked them to go back. Nevertheless, Husayn ibn Ali, Ibn Abbas, Mohammad ibn Talhah and Abdullah ibn Zubayr stayed there. How could they leave alone the Leader of Believers and the Companion of the Holy Prophet whom he gave the glad tidings of paradise! Witness the extent of brutality! The rebels seized the supply of water to the house of Usman. When Ali and Umm Habiba, the Mother of Believers, heard about this callousness, they went to counsel the rebels but they were outraged and blinded by their wicked intentions. They could think nothing beyond taking revenge from Usman. They even disregarded the honour of the Prophet‟s Mosque, disrespected the Mother of Believers, Umm Habiba, and injured the mule she was riding. Some people rescued her and took her to a safe place. Madina, the city of the beloved Prophet of Allah, had become unsafe. The rebels were unstoppable. They were unleashed even
more because most of the eminent Companions had left for Makkah to perform hajj. Ali, his sons Hasan and Husayn, and a few Companions were in Madina to guard Usman. The rebels took advantage of the situation and did not listen to anyone. The Companions in Madina were helpless because of two reasons, firstly they were few in number, secondly, Usman being the Caliph had ordered them not to take out their weapons and shed blood in the sacred city of the Prophet. How could the Leader of Believers bear to divide the Muslims into groups and allow them to shed each other‟s blood! Chaos in Madina elevated to such an extent that many people left the city while the remaining considered it unsafe to come out of their houses.
Ali made all possible attempts to negotiate with the rebels and stop them but they were uncontrollable and ready to kill anyone who came in their way. Confronting them or trying to stop them was like committing suicide. At last Usman sent a message to Ali to meet him. Ali of course decided to answer the call of the Leader of Believers but the rebels stopped him forcefully. Therefore, Ali took his turban off and gave it to the messenger of Usman saying, “You are seeing the situation here, tell him what you have observed.” The siege was very fierce, it was not possible to send a messenger outside Madina to ask for help from the Companions in other cities. Yet Usman tried his best to stop the rebels and save Islam from an irreversible damage. As a last resort, he decided to deliver a sermon standing on the roof of his house. He said: “O people! You want to kill me although I am your guardian and Muslim brother. I swear to God! I always tried my best for the betterment. Anyhow, I am a human and made mistakes in some matters. Remember! If you kill me, you will not be able to offer salat together and perform jihad together ever again.” He meant that the Muslims would be disunited and divided into groups and sects forever. This speech of Usman was in fact a
prediction. It is true that after the assassination of Usman, unity of Muslims drastically deteriorated and this left such a void which is not filled even today. Next day he again delivered the sermon:
“In the name of Allah I ask you, do not you remember when the Holy Prophet migrated to Madina, land for Prophet‟s Mosque was very small so he said that whoever would buy land to extend the mosque and donate it in the way of Allah, will be granted a better place in the paradise. At that time I followed the order of the Prophet, bought land and donated it for the Muslims. Today you do not let me offer salat in that mosque! I question you in the name of Allah, do not you remember when the Holy Prophet came to Madina and there was only one well of sweet water, he asked, „Who will buy and donate this well in the way of Allah? He will get a better well in paradise.‟ I bought the well and donated it in the way of Allah. Today you have ceased the water of that well for me!”
He delivered another speech in which he said: “I question you in the name of Allah, does anyone remember that one day the Holy Prophet was on the Mount Uhad and it began to shake. The Prophet hit the mountain with his foot and said, „O Mount Uhad! Be still, there is no one upon you but the Prophet, the truthful and two martyrs.‟ I was with the Holy Prophet at that time.”
People verified the incident. Then Usman said,
“I question in the name of Allah from the people who were present at the time of the Pledge of Tree and the Holy Prophet had sent me to talk to the infidels. At that time, did not the Prophet call his hand as my hand and take pledge on my behalf?” People verified this incident and said, “Yes, it is true!” Even after that, when the rebels did not back off from their intention of killing Usman, he delivered the last speech and said:
“O people! Why do you want to kill me? I have heard from the Prophet of Allah that other than three conditions it is unlawful to shed blood of your fellow Muslim. The conditions are; a Muslim after accepting Islam becomes an apostate, indulges in adultery after being purified or kills someone and then is killed as a compensation. I am clear of all three accusations. By God! Ever since Allah has guided me to righteousness, I have not liked any religion in comparison to my religion Islam. I did not indulge in any wrong deed even when I was ignorant and neither have I killed anyone. Then why do you want to kill me?”
Regardless of these reminders, when the rebels did not back off, then Usman‟s sincere supporters stepped forward. Zayd ibn Harithah went to Usman with a group of Ansar and said, “Ansar are here.” Usman said, “If they are here with the intention to start a war then I do not grant permission of it at all.”
Abdullah ibn Zubayr said, “We are present in a large number outside your house, if you allow we will sacrifice our lives to guard you.” Usman said, “I order you in the name of Allah! Abstain from shedding blood for me.”
Al-Mughira ibn Shu‟ba said, “You are the leader and Caliph of Muslims and right now surrounded by danger. In this situation you must adopt one of the three ways; you have sufficient force, come out with us and fight as you are the righteous and they are the wrongdoers. The second option is that let us break open the back door for you since the front door is besieged, and go to Makkah where people will not fight against you. Third option is to go to Syria, people there are loyal to you and Ameer Muawiya will guard you.” Usman refused the suggestions saying, “I do not want to fight back and be such a successor of the Holy Prophet because of whom the blood of Muslim umma is shed. I refuse to go to Makkah as these miscreants will go there as well and continue to work upon their agenda. I also refuse to go to Syria