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Ali‟s Announcement of Accepting Islam
Then Abu Talib looked at his son and said, “O Ali! He has invited you towards righteousness, stick to him.”
Now Ali embarked on the journey of Islam with the peace of mind as he was not worried about his father‟s reaction anymore.
For three years, the preaching of Islam continued secretly. After three years, Allah Almighty revealed the verse:
Meaning: (O beloved!) Warn your close relatives (of Our torment).
To obey the order, the Messenger of Allah invited his relatives to his house on a feast. When Prophet Mohammad started his sermon with declaration of Oneness of Allah, Abu Lahab the son of Abd al-Muttalib was outraged and dispersed the gathering. Few days passed by, Prophet Mohammad arranged another feast and invited everyone. After the meal, he said, “Among the people of Arab no one ever brought a better message than I have. This message guarantees success in both this world and the hereafter. Who amongst you accepts this message?” On hearing this, everyone turned his back towards Prophet Mohammad. Ali ibn Abi Talib who had just reached his teenage, was also present in the gathering. He stood up and fearlessly said: “O Messenger of Allah! I will help you and fight with whoever fights you.”
On hearing Ali‟s statement people started laughing at him in disdain while some mocked him. They were making fun of Ali‟s weak physique and young age. They were all looking at the not so strong and young Ali but were not witnessing the strength of