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Ali‟s Marriage to Fatimah bint Mohammad
Prophet Mohammad could not stop beholding this traveller of love. His eyes filled with tears but the feeling of Ali‟s love overcame the emotions of sorrow and soon his eyes brightened with joy and love. He hugged Ali and blessed him with countless prayers. This eliminated all the pain of Ali‟s journey.
Prophet Mohammad had four daughters. His youngest daughter was Fatimah. He adored her the most as she is the leader of all Muslim women of the world. There are two sayings about her birth. First, she was born five years before the Holy Prophet announced his Prophethood. At that time Prophet Mohammad was thirty-five years old. According to the second tradition, Prophet Mohammad was forty-one years old when she was born, which means she was born in the first year of declaration of Prophethood. Zainab, the eldest daughter of Prophet Mohammad, was married to Abu al-As ibn al-Rabi. The middle two daughters Ruqayyah and Umm Kulthum were married to Usman ibn Affan (he married Umm Kulthum after the death of Ruqayyah). When Fatimah, the Lady of Paradise, reached adolescence, many welloff families of Quraish asked for her hand in marriage but Prophet Mohammad either stayed quiet or said, “She will be married to whomever Allah wishes.”
Ali was young and was unmarried. He really wished to have the honour to marry Fatimah but was reluctant to ask because of his poor financial condition. His father Abu Talib had passed away and he grew up under the affection of Prophet Mohammad. All his hopes were pinned on the Prophet of Allah. The Prophet was also inclined towards him for his daughter.
One day some Companions had gathered in the Prophet‟s Mosque, Abu Bakr and Umar were also there busy talking. Abu Bakr said, “Many nobles of Quraish have requested the Prophet to marry his daughter Fatimah but no one has gotten a positive response. Only Ali is left but he is quiet about the matter. Maybe he is not able to propose because of his not so good financial situation. We should encourage him and send him to the court of Prophet Mohammad.” Umar and Sa‟d ibn Muadh agreed on this idea. Therefore, all three went to the house of Ali. On reaching there they found out that he had gone to water the orchard of a friend from Ansar with his camel. They went to Ali and tried to convince him to go to the court of Prophet Mohammad with the proposal. On getting the support of such caring and compassionate friends, Ali‟s eyes filled with tears. He said, “How can I go to his court! I have nothing.” The Companions assured him of financial help as well and sent him to the Prophet. Ali ibn Abi Talib went to the court of Prophet Mohammad. After paying salutations he quietly sat in front of the Prophet with his head down out of respect and reverence. He could not vocalize his intention. Prophet Mohammad encouraged him to speak and said, “Ali! It looks like you are here to talk about something important. Tell me what is the matter?” Hesitantly, in a very respectful and shy tone, Ali presented his proposal. On hearing it, Prophet Mohammad‟s face shone with happiness. He said, “Ali! Do you have anything to pay the mehr?” Ali said, “May my parents be sacrificed on you! You know my condition very well. I have nothing other than a sword, an armour and a camel.” Prophet Mohammad said, “Sword and camel are your necessities. I am willing to give you my daughter‟s hand in marriage for an armour as her mehr.”
On hearing this, Ali was overjoyed and came back to Abu Bakr and Umar who were eagerly waiting for him. They were also delighted to hear that Prophet Mohammad had accepted Ali‟s
proposal. When all three reached the Prophet‟s Mosque, the Holy Prophet was already there. Ansar and emigrants were gathered and Prophet Mohammad tied Ali and Fatimah in the marital knot. On the suggestion of Prophet Mohammad, Ali went to sell his armour. Usman bought that armour at a high price of four hundred dirham. When Usman got possession of the armour after paying the amount, he then returned it to Ali saying, “Keep it as a gift from me.” Ali presented both, the armour and the amount, to Prophet Mohammad and told about Usman‟s favour. Prophet Mohammad prayed for Usman and gave the amount to Abu Bakr directing him to buy essentials for Fatimah-tuz-Zahra. Salman the Persian and Bilal ibn Rabah also went with Abu Bakr.
The dowry that the beloved daughter of Prophet Mohammad got from him included; a charpoy, two millstones, two clay pots, a leather mattress stuffed with leaves of dates in place of cotton fibers, a waterskin and a spouted leather bottle They were tied in the marital bond in Rajab 1st AH. However, Fatimah-tuz-Zahra moved to Ali‟s house a couple of months later after the Battle of Badr. Ali did not own a house where he could take the Lady of Paradise, thus, they stayed in a rented house for some time. One day, the beloved Fatimah went to the court of Prophet Mohammad and requested, “Harithah ibn alNu‟man has many houses, one of his houses is very close to the Prophet‟s Mosque. If possible can you please ask him for that house and grant it to me.” Prophet Mohammad replied, “Harithah has already given many houses in the way of Allah on my request, it is not appropriate to ask him again.”
Somehow Prophet‟s words reached Harithah, he rushed to the court of Prophet and said, “O Prophet of Allah! I present all of my houses to you, you can take whichever you like. The house that you will choose is better to me than the house I am left with.” Prophet Mohammad accepted one house as a gift and