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Treaty of Hudaybiyyah
Meaning: Amr ibn Abd al-Wud because of his foolishness helped the idols (made of stones) while I used my senses and intellect and supported the Lord of Mohammad. I came out of the duel in a state that I left Amr soiled among the mounds of soft sand like the ends of tree.
O non-believers! Never think that Allah will leave His religion and His Prophet in a vulnerable state.
On 1st Dhul al-Qadah 6 AH, Prophet Mohammad along with a caravan of fourteen hundred Muslims peacefully headed towards Makkah with an intention to perform umrah. However, the residents of Makkah did not allow Muslims to enter Makkah on any condition. Prophet Mohammad and his followers camped at Hudaybiyyah which is almost ten miles from Makkah. After negotiations both parties decided to resolve the matter through diplomacy rather than warfare. A treaty was drawn and Ali ibn Abi Talib had the honour to write it. The Makkan delegation sent to conclude the treaty was led by Suhayl ibn Amr. Ali started writing the treaty as: “This is the treaty on which Mohammad, the Prophet of Allah, agreed.” Suhayl ibn Amr was enraged to see this and said, “The whole issue is that the Quraish of Makkah do not accept Mohammad as Prophet of Allah.” He demanded to write „Mohammad son of Abdullah‟ instead. Whereas Muslims insisted on writing „Mohammad, the Prophet of Allah‟. However, Suhayl was adamant to cancel the treaty if „Prophet of Allah‟ was written on it. Prophet Mohammad told both parties to calm down and asked Ali to erase „Prophet of Allah‟ from the treaty. On hearing this order, Ali got worried. His inward was screaming that Mohammad is the Prophet of Allah. Erasing those words of the treaty was like denying this fact. When he hesitated