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The Conquest of Khaybar
to do it, Prophet Mohammad himself crossed out the words on the treaty.
There were many tribes of Jews living in Khaybar and they had built many robust forts. Reportedly the Jews of Khaybar had united with the Jews of Madina and were plotting against Muslims. After the Jewish tribe Qurayza faced clear defeat from Muslims, the leader of Jews of Khayber Sallam ibn Mishkam decided to attack Madina with full force. They planned to get help from the Jews of Wadi al-Qura 31 and Fadak as well if needed. They contacted Abdullah ibn Ubayy Salul, the leader of the hypocrites, who encouraged Jews to attack Madina. When Prophet Mohammad found out about these conspiracies, he along with his 1600 followers marched towards Khaybar in Muharram 7 AH.
Ali could not go with the troops because of eye ailment. When the troops had left, he got worried. When his anxiousness reached its peak, he followed the troops not caring about his condition. He was in a state that his eyes were bandaged and he was riding a camel, eventually he reached Khaybar. Fort Na‟im was the strongest fortress in Khaybar. The chief fighter of the Jews, Marhab resided in that fort. His brothers were also very brutal and were residing with him in the fort. The Holy Prophet could not command the troops because of severe headache. He handed over his flag to Abu Bakr and ordered him to attack the fortress. Abu Bakr fought with full force but could not succeed. The next day Muslims fought under the commandership of Umar ibn Khattab but unfortunately could not win. When this was brought to the Prophet‟s attention, he said:
31 Valley of villages located north of Madina.
“Tomorrow I will give this flag to the man who with the help of Allah will conquer this fort. That man will not run away. He is the lover of Allah and His Prophet. He with his strength will conquer the fort.”
On hearing this, all Companions of the Prophet wished to have the honour of conquering the fort. The night went by in this state. The next morning all the Companions were eager to hear the name of the blessed commander. It was Friday. Prophet Mohammad offered the Friday salat and ordered to bring him the flag. He first delivered a sermon to the Muslims and instructed them to remain steadfast. Then he asked, “Where is Ali?” He was told, “He is sick, his eyes hurt.”
Prophet Mohammad said, “Bring him to me.” Mohammad ibn Muslamah went and brought Ali holding his hand.
Prophet Mohammad asked, “Ali! What is the matter?”
Ali replied, “O my master! My eyes hurt and I am not able to see anything.” Prophet Mohammad said, “Come near me.” When Ali glided near the Holy Prophet, he rubbed his saliva on Ali‟s eyes. Immediately, his eyes recovered. It seemed like he never had any eye problem. Then Prophet Mohammad granted him the Islamic flag and ordered him to attack fort Na‟im. When Ali landed the flag in front of the fort, a Jew looked from the wall of fort and asked, “Who are you?” Ali answered, “I am Ali ibn Abi Talib.” Jew said in loud voice, “Swear to Lord who granted Prophethood and Torah to Moses, you will definitely defeat the Jews.”
Marhab‟s brother, Harith, first came out of the fort and challenged Muslims to fight. Some Jews came along with him, but he ordained them to stay away and bragged of his bravery. Ali came
forward to fight and killed him before he could even position himself. The Jews who came with him were disappointed to see this, thus returned. After some time another Jew appeared in the battlefield. His name was Amir and was a very tall man. Once again Ali came forward to fight him. When the fight started, Ali not only defended himself very well but was attacking him fiercely as well. But the Jew had the benefit of his height and was unscathed so far. Eventually, Ali struck on his calves and he fell down. Ali then swirled his sword like a beam of light and cut his head off his body. After Amir, Yasir came forward who was also very strong. Ali wanted to fight him as well but Zubayr ibn al-Awam requested him to allow him to fight and eventually, he killed the Jew.
When Marhab saw his three robust soldiers were killed, he was outraged and came forward to fight. He swirled his sword in the air and entered the battlefield reciting the war poem: “The walls of Khaybar know that I am Marhab, armed heavily, I am experienced and valiant. The onslaught of lions intensify my rage and fury.” Amir ibn al-Akwa went to fight the Jew. Both of them fought face to face for some time then Amir‟s own sword struck his knees, he fell down and was martyred. Marhab roared like a lion. Then Ali came forward against him chanting the following:
“I am the one whose mother named him lion (Haider). I am as fierce as lions of jungle. For your every attack, I will counterattack more ferociously.” Marhab stepped forward and abruptly attacked Ali but he swiftly saved himself and vigorously counter-attacked in such a way that cleaved his head into two, cutting through his steel helmet. Then with another strike he cut his head off his body. The Muslim troops raided the fort, Ali dislodged its gate off the ground and the fort was conquered. It is said that to conquer this fort the