3 minute read
Ali‟s Departure towards Basra
As you have read earlier, Ali was informed of the conditions of Makkah by his aunt, Umm Fadl, the wife of Abbas ibn Abd alMuttalib. She had also informed him that Talhah and Zubayr were advancing towards Basra. This was an apprehensive news for Ali, so he started preparations to leave for Basra. Ali departed for Basra in the end of Rabi ath-thani 36 AH, taking along troops from Madina, Kufa, Egypt and Makkah. When Ali reached Rabadha, he got the news that Talhah and Zubayr had taken control of Basra. This news added to his apprehensions. He halted at Rabadha and passed several ordains. While he was still in Rabadha, a group from tribe Tayy came to him and offered help. Ali appreciated them and included them in his army. When he left from Rabadha, he came across a man from Kufa. Ali inquired him about the strategy of governor of Kufa, Abu Musa al-Ash‟ari. He said, “If you intend to reconcile then he will obey you but if you choose to fight then he will part.” Ali replied, “Unless we face some accidental situation, we intend nothing but reconciliation.” Ali then marched forward and reached Zeeqar. From there, Ali sent Mohammad ibn Abu Bakr and Mohammad ibn Jafar to deliver his letter to Abu Musa alAsh‟ari. They tried to convince Abu Musa to promise his support and fight along with them in case of war but he said, “To opt for war is the way of world and to reconcile is the way to better hereafter.”
On hearing Abu Musa‟s verdict, the people of Kufa refused to cooperate with the representatives of Ali. Due to which Mohammad ibn Abu Bakr and Mohammad ibn Jafar had to take a stern stance but Abu Musa al-Ash‟ari stood by his decision and said, “If war is necessary then it must be against the insurgents who took the path of violence and killed innocent Usman.” Mohammad ibn Abu Bakr and Mohammad ibn Jafar returned to Ali and briefed him about the situation in Kufa. Then Ali sent Abdullah
ibn Abbas and Malik al-Ashtar to Abu Musa al-Ash‟ari. Despite being potentially the best, both of them could not change Abu Musa‟s mind. When they retunred, Ali sent his son Hasan and Ammar ibn Yasir to Kufa. On getting the news of their arrival, Abu Musa al-Ash‟ari went to the mosque to meet them. When Hasan mentioned his reason of arrival, Abu Musa said: “I have heard from the Prophet of Allah, he said, „Soon there will be tribulations, he who will remain seated shall be better than the ones standing. He who will remain standing shall be better than the ones walking and the one walking shall be better than those riding. All Muslims are brothers to one another. It is unlawful for them to shed each other‟s blood and usurp each other‟s wealth‟.”
On hearing this speech, Ammar ibn Yasir got furious and started objurgating and condemning Abu Musa but he did not respond. However, his supporters attacked Ammar ibn Yasir. Abu Musa came forward and saved him. Meanwhile, Zayd ibn Suhan reached there with a letter from Aisha for Abu Musa al-Ash‟ari and the people of Kufa. Zayd started reading the letter right away despite that the people around forbade him to do so. The supporters of Ali were also present there who tried to attack Zayd. Abu Musa kept trying to stop the fight. Malik al-Ashtar again came to Kufa and presented two conditions in front of Abu Musa al-Ash‟ari. First, he would cooperate with Ali ibn Abi Talib in every condition. If not, he must leave Kufa before the evening. Abu Musa al-Ash‟ari agreed to leave Kufa there and then.
Hasan ibn Ali and Malik al-Ashtar along with the people of Kufa went to meet Ali at the station of Zeeqar.