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Mediation of al-Qa‟qa ibn Amr al-Tamimi
When both parties along with their armies were all set to fight, Ali sent al-Qa‟qa, a Companion of the Prophet, to Aisha in an attempt to mediate. He first instructed al-Qa‟qa regarding different aspects of the matter then allowed him to answer any new issue that may arise during negotiations according to his wisdom and understanding. Thus, al-Qa‟qa went to Aisha and both had the following dialogue:
Qa‟qa: O Mother of the Believers! What made you revolt?
Aisha: The conflict among people and the thought to course correct them.
Qa‟qa: Please call Talhah and Zubayr so we can talk in front of them.
Aisha called both of them. When they arrived, the discussion proceeded as:
Qa‟qa: Earlier I asked the Mother of Believers what made her to revolt. I would like to ask the same question to both of you. Talhah and Zubayr: Our answer is the same as her answer. Qa‟qa: Her answer was, “Conflict among people and correction of the Muslim umma.” I ask what way you all want to follow to course correct people. Talhah and Zubayr: We want retribution of the murderers of Usman and if this is not done, it will be like denying the teachings of Quran.
Qa‟qa: That is true! We also agree to it, but your approach is wrong. The six hundred people of Basra whom you killed did not murder Usman. Such actions will not lessen the conflict among the Muslims rather will worsen it.