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Aisha‟s Demand of Retribution of Usman‟s Murder
take revenge of the assassination of Usman. We have come to remind you.” Ali replied, “I am truly saddened at the assassination of Usman. I care about his rights and retribution. I will definitely punish his murderers but will not show any haste in it. I cannot act on your suggestion until the state matters are settled and people are directed to the right path.” On hearing this Talhah and Zubayr went back. However, in the streets of Madina, people started demanding revenge from Usman‟s assassinators in low
voices. (Tareekh-e-Islam by Professor Abdullah Malik)
When Ali ibn Abi Talib came to know that people of Madina were making various assumptions regarding retribution of Usman‟s murder, he went to the pulpit of the Prophet‟s Mosque and gathered people to address them. Ali clearly declared that he was absolved of Usman‟s murder. He also shared the responsibilities he had as the Caliph and the problems he was facing. He advised people to keep calm and assured them that justice would be done.
The next day, Marwan ibn al-Hakam and some other people from the Umayyad tribe went to Syria and Ali could not stop them.
During the siege of Usman‟s house, Aisha bint Abi Bakr had gone to Makkah for hajj. After hajj, when Aisha was returning to Madina, a person named Ubaydullah ibn Abi Salma Layshi met her. When she asked him about the condition of Madina, he told her about the assassination of Usman. On hearing the news she became extremely sad and announced that the revenge for the murder of Usman would be definitely taken. She also added, “The insurgents have shed the blood of an innocent person which is declared unlawful by Allah Almighty. They have stained the
glory of the sanctified city to which the Prophet of Allah migrated. They shed blood in the sacred month in which killing is prohibited. They looted what was not legit for them. By Allah! Single finger of Usman is better than the world full of such rioters. Undoubtedly, Usman is pure and free of the accusations rioters blamed him for, just like gold is refined of impurities and dirt is washed off from the cloth.”
Aisha postponed her return to Madina. Abdullah ibn Hadrami, who was appointed as the governor of Makkah by Usman, went to Aisha and said, “I will be the first one to take revenge for the assassination of Usman.” On hearing this, all the people from the Umayyad tribe gathered who had left for Makkah after the martyrdom of Usman. Sa‟id ibn al-As and Walid ibn Uqba were also among them. From Madina, Talhah ibn Ubaydullah and Zubayr ibn al-Awam had also come to Makkah. Abdullah ibn Amir from Basra and Ya‟la ibn Umayyah from Yemen arrived with six hundred camels and six lakh dinars. Talhah and Zubayr briefed them about the condition of Madina in detail. They particularly discussed the assassination of Usman, pledge of allegiance taken by Ali and the demand of retribution for Usman‟s murder. Some people suggested to go to Syria. Abdullah ibn Amir disagreed and informed that in Syria Ameer Muawiya is enough to deal with the rioters. He then suggested, “We should go to Basra as the people of Basra are naturally inclined towards Talhah. Moreover, I have deep rooted relations there. When we will take control over Basra, people there will also stand with us in demanding the revenge. Thus, we will be in a better position to fight the murderers of Usman.” Everyone liked this suggestion and decided to head towards Basra.
When they were ready to leave for Basra, it was announced in the city, “Aisha bint Abi Bakr is heading towards Basra along with Talhah and Zubayr. Those who support Islam and want to take revenge of the assassination of Usman should come along.
Those who do not have conveyance will be provided.” More or less sixteen hundred people joined Aisha from Makkah. People from surrounding areas also joined because of which the number of troops increased to three thousand. At the time, Umm Fadl, the wife of the Prophet‟s uncle Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib was residing in Makkah. She secretly wrote a letter to Ali in which she described the situation of Makkah.
When Aisha left Makkah, other wives of the Holy Prophet travelled with her till Dhat‟ Irq39 and from there said goodbye to her in tears. Here a Hadith is worth mentioning: One day the Prophet of Allah was sitting in his house and most of his wives were present. Suddenly, he said, “I wish I may find out who amongst you will be the one on seeing whom the dogs of Chashma Khwab will bark!”
The caravan proceeded from Dhat‟ Irq. Aisha was riding a camel named Askar. When the caravan reached Chashma Khwab, the dogs started barking upon seeing the caravan. Aisha asked, “What place is this?” She was told that it was Chashma Khwab. She got anxious on knowing it and said, “Take me back! Take me back!” Instantly, she patted on the neck of the camel, had it sit down and got off the camel. The caravan stopped. She stayed there for one night and one day. After remembering the saying of the Prophet, Aisha was perplexed. Signs of anxiousness were visible on her face. A day passed by in this state when someone shouted and said, “Hurry up! Hurry up! Ali has arrived.” On hearing this the caravan quickly headed towards Basra and finally stopped on reaching there. Talhah and Zubayr took control over Basra and expelled the governor of Basra, Usman ibn Hunaif.
39 A waystation on the way form Makkah to Kufa, located 92 kilometers northeast of Makkah.