1 minute read
Attempt of Reconciliation
possession of the water of river Euphrates. Ali also set his army in the field of Siffin in front of the Syrian army. They faced difficulty in obtaining water from the river since the Syrian army had seized it. Ali sent a message to let them have access to water. When Ameer Muawiya agreed to give them access, Walid ibn Uqba and Ibn Abi Sarh opposed and said: “Torment them by keeping them thirsty the way they tormented Usman.”
When Syrians did not agree to give access to water, this provoked a fight between the Syrian and Iraqi troops. The Syrians were defeated and Ali captured the river and then made it accessible for both armies. Hence, both the troops equally quenched their thirst.
Both forces were encamped opposite to one another, but the battle did not start. Both armies were taking water from the same place which led to their meetings. This continued for over two months. Ali sent Bashir ibn Amr and Shabath ibn Ribi at-Tamimi as his envoys to invite Ameer Muawiya towards obedience and to pledge allegiance. Bashir ibn Amr after praising Allah, said, “In the name of Allah, I request you to refrain from dividing Muslims. Abstain from shedding blood.”
Muawiya: Did you advise the same to your friend Ali as well? Bashir: He is not like you? Muawiya: What do you mean? Bashir: I mean, he is more eligible for caliphate because of his early acceptance of Islam and kinship to the Prophet of Allah. Muawiya: Then what do you suggest? Bashir: Adopt the path of truth towards which he is calling you.