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Meeting of the Arbitrators
appointed an arbitrator on behalf of Kufans and other people accompanying them. Muawiya appointed an arbitrator from the Syrians and the people accompanying them. Indeed, we depend on nothing but the ordain of Allah and His Book. We agree that we will not let anyone intervene but the Holy Quran, it is among us from the beginning till the end. We shall enliven him whom the Quran has enlivened and will execute the one whom the Quran orders to execute. Thus the arbitrators must act on the ordain in the Book of Allah. The arbitrators are Abu Musa alAsh‟ari, Abdullah ibn Qays and Amr ibn al-As. The ordains they may not find in the Quran, they shall resort to the Sunna which is agreed upon.”
When the treaty was written, the leading persons of both groups were asked to sign it. When Ashtar was asked to sign, he refused which instigated argument between Ashtar and Ashath. Ali intervened and stopped them otherwise they might have taken their swords out. This treaty was written and signed on 13th Safar 37 AH.
The arbitrators met at a place called Azraj near Dumat al-Jandal. Ali sent four hundred people with Abu Musa al-Ash‟ari. Shurayh ibn Hani was made the incharge and Abdullah ibn Abbas was sent as the imam. Muawiya also sent four hundred people with Amr ibn al-As. When the meeting started, Abdullah ibn Umar, Abdullah ibn Abi Bakr, Abdullah ibn Zubayr, Mughira ibn Shu‟ba, Sa‟d ibn Abi Waqqas, Abd ar-Rahman ibn Harith, Abd ar-Rahman ibn Abd al-Yaguth and Abu Jahm ibn Hudhayfah were also present. Their presence was just as the observers, they did not have any say in the final decision. The dialogue between the two arbitrators is as follows:
Amr ibn al-As: Do you know that Usman was martyred. Muawiya belong to the same family as Usman and is his heir.
Abu Musa: Yes! That is true.
Amr ibn al-As: Then what is holding you back from giving him the right of caliphate. He is brother of the wife of the Holy Prophet, Umm Habiba. He has stayed in the company of the Prophet and has also served as a scriber for him. He has the ability of governing a country and has traits of politics. He is the one who recognizes and returns the favour. If you choose him as the Caliph, he would make you the ruler of your favourite city. Abu Musa: “O Amr! Fear from Allah. The criteria to choose a Caliph and a leader is piety rather than politics. On this basis, Ali is more eligible to hold the seat of caliphate. As far as attaining the rule over a city is concerned, I choose not to take bribe in the matters of Allah.
Amr ibn al-As: I do not agree with your opinion. Abu Musa: Then elect Abdullah ibn Umar as Caliph. Amr ibn al-As: What do you think about my son? You are well aware of his abilities.
Abu Musa: Undoubtedly, your son was pious and truthful but you have set him on the path of mischief as well. Amr ibn al-As: (Sarcastically) Well! You recommend giving this high position to someone very naive. Abu Musa: O Amr! The nation has given the matter into your hands after going through immense bloodshed. For God‟s sake! Do not put the nation into another trial. Amr ibn al-As: Then what do you suggest? Abu Musa: I think it is better that we suspend both of them and then allow Muslims to elect their own leader.
Amr ibn al-As: (Happily) “Yes! That would be great.