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Last Moments of Ali ibn Abi Talib
It was Friday night, 17th Ramadan. Ibn Muljam, Shubayb and Wardan hid behind the door of the mosque at night. At the time of dawn salat, Ali came to the mosque. Upon entering the door of the mosque, he said, “O people! Salat, salat. ”
Shubayb stepped forward and attacked him with his sword, but he missed him. Ali had walked forward and the sword hit the door of the mosque. Then Ibn Muljam stepped forward and attacked Ali on the forehead. On seeing this, Wardan ran away and went to his home. When he described the incident to his friends, they killed him. Ibn Muljam was arrested. Ali instructed his nephew, Ja‟dah bin Hubayra, son of Umm Hani to lead Muslims in salat. People took Ali home. By this time sun had risen. When Ibn Muljam was brought in front of Ali, he asked him: Ali: O brutal man! What tempted you to kill me? Ibn Muljam: (Ignoring the question) I have been sharpening this sword for forty days and praying to Allah that may this sword be used to kill the person who is evil for people. Ali: I can tell, you will be killed with the same sword. Ali then addressing the audience said: “If I survive, it will be up to me whether I pardon or punish him. If I die, kill him the same way he tried to kill me. O Hasan! If I die, kill him with a single strike of the same sword. Do not mutilate his dead body and do not kill anyone other than this man.”
After the martyrdom of Ali, Hasan per his instructions, cut the head of that man with a single strike of the same sword.
When it seemed inevitable that Ali would succumb to the injury, Jundub ibn Abdullah went to him and asked, “O Leader of the Believers! Should we pledge allegiance to Hasan after you?”
Ali said, “Neither do I ordain about it nor stop you from doing so.”
When Ali felt that he had reached his last moments, he called his children and advised them such words of wisdom that are truly like the foundation of sacred religion Islam. He said: I advise you to always fear from Allah. Do not fall for the world even if it comes to you fully adorned with wealth and riches. Do not get upset at not being able to attain a worldly object. Always say and support the truth. Be kind towards orphans. Help the needy. Always oppose the cruel and help the oppressed. Practise upon the teachings of the Holy Quran and do not be afraid of those who reproach on following the orders of Allah. In his last moments on 21st Ramadan 40 AH, he advised Hasan and Husayn to be kind towards their younger brother Mohammad ibn al-Hanafiyyah and advised him to obey and respect the elder brothers. After that he remained silent for some time. Then he opened his eyes, recited the shahada and passed away.
2:756) (﴾﴿نوعجرہیلاا ان وہللانا
Meaning: Indeed, to Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.
His tomb is in Najaf, Iraq.
Explanation: I adorn my eyes with the dust of Madina and Najaf (the resting places of Prophet Mohammad and Ali ibn Abi Talib respectively).