3 minute read
Contentment and Asceticism
believers, the rumor of Prophet Mohammad‟s martyrdom spread. The Companions were extremely grieved on hearing this news.
Ali says, “When the infidels had surrounded Muslims and I could not see the Holy Prophet, I got anxious. I could not imagine that Prophet Mohammad might have escaped so I started looking for him. I searched for him among the injured but could not find him. Then I looked for him among the martyrs, he was not among them either. Then I had a strange thought that Allah Almighty has probably called his beloved to the heavens. In that situation I decided that instead of remaining idle or fleeing, it is better to fight with the enemies until my last breath. Thus, I attacked the opponents with my sword, I kept on proceeding until I saw the sacred countenance of the Holy Prophet. I was overjoyed to see him. While attacking the enemies, I made my way to the Prophet. Thereby, I saw a group of infidels nearing the Prophet with their swords. On seeing this, Prophet Mohammad said, „Ali stop them.‟ I combated that group by myself, some were killed and some managed to escape. Instantly, another group of infidels started gliding towards the Prophet with their swords. The Prophet again said, „Ali stop them.‟ I again started competing with them alone and did not let even a single individual come near the Holy Prophet.”
On that occasion angel Gabriel appeared and praised the timely help and bravery of Ali. Hearing it, Prophet Mohammad said, “Ali is from me and I am from Ali.” Angel Gabriel replied, “And I am from both of you.”
Prophet Mohammad, the great personality who raised Ali ibn Abi Talib, wears the crown of contentment and asceticism. Ali followed this Sunna of his beloved very well. Ali passionately and delightedly followed every footstep of the Holy Prophet. Following the Sunna of Prophet Mohammad, Ali
made contentment and asceticism the basic part of his life. Being oblivious of the comfort of soft bedding, Ali once was sleeping on the ground and dust covered his body. Prophet Mohammad saw him in this state and blessed him the with title of Abu Turab (Father of Soil). When Prophet Mohammad accepted Ali‟s proposal to marry his beloved daughter Fatimah tuz-Zahra, Ali did not have any cash to carry out the expenses of marriage. Thus, Ali sold his armour to Usman ibn Affan to give mehr. He did not own a house either so a well-off Companion, Harithah ibn al-Nu‟man who had several houses, pleasingly gifted a house to Ali. His financial conditions were so bad that sometimes he could not provide food for the family. Fatimah tuz-Zahra, the Lady of Paradise, used to do all house chores herself. She did not have a maid. Ali himself carried water from the well and his beloved wife ground wheat in the millstone herself. She would get blisters in her hand because of such strenuous work. When they had financially good times, even then they often survived only on barley bread. One of Ali‟s guests was astonished to see that he presented him lavish food but himself ate dry chunks of barley bread dipped in water. Surviving on barley bread has become eternally associated with Ali. Iqbal, grieved about the deteriorating condition of Muslims, asks Allah in his poetry to grant them the strength similar to that of Ali. He says:
نے تو ہے بخشی یںجو ننا جسے
کر عطا بھی راحید ئےوزبا سےا
Explanation: O Allah! Grant the Muslims the power and strength even in their destitute just like You granted Ali the vigour even on eating barley bread. Ali never shied away from working hard to earn a living. Once they had nothing to eat in his house and were starving. Thus, he