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Change in the Capital
Syria, only one thousand people were with him. Consequently, Syrian expedition was forever postponed.
In 36 AH, after Battle of the Camel, Ali changed the capital from Madina to Kufa. Apparently, this was because Ali had a large number of supporters in Kufa and it was near Damascus. From there he could closely monitor the activities of Muawiya. Another reason for changing the capital was to save Madina from the political chaos and revolts, just like Usman preferred to get martyred but did not allow fight in the sacred city of Madina. Due to this change in capital, Madina and its people lagged behind politically. Many Companions of Prophet Mohammad and their followers (Tabiun) were still in Madina and were not actively involved in the matters of state. Therefore, the Islamic state was deprived of their supervision, sincere advices, cooperation and prayers. The people of Kufa (Iraq) did not stand by Ali and could not pass the test of loyalty and obedience as was expected from them. Several incidents verify that. Here we have mentioned some of them:
In the Battle of Siffin, when Syrians realized they were going to be defeated, thousands of their soldiers came out raising the Quran on spears and called for peace. Syrians knew they would loose if the battle was not stopped. Ali commanded his soldiers to keep fighting and advised them not to fall into the trap of Syrians. However, a large group from Ali‟s Kufan soldiers refused to continue and threatened him that if he would not reconcile and accept the ordain of the Book of Allah, they would leave him. Ashtar and his fellows wanted to continue the war but they were halted by pressurizing Ali. Kufans had also threatened to dismiss Ali.