Editorial SU MERCADEO, LLC Director: Econ. Carlos Rodríguez Presidenta Fundadora Presidenta CEO Alba Suárez Gerente de Marketing
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Economía en tiempos de coronavirus In conditions that improve 60 % or more during pandemic crisis, that will maintain for the rest of our lives, with or without vaccines, in case that the economy indicators begin to reactivate in normal status without counting another type of eventuality or external shock such as a war or situations like natural disasters, it would not be within the following economic reactivation. First stage: This would be in the middle of this year 2020, a strong impact on the family economies and businesses that could extend throughout the year. Second stage: Throughout the year, banks will raise their rate or maintain the referential rate interest in average, resulting less active than passive average of the main banks of the world with the small fluctuations for each business, fluctuating improvements and little by little you will get better benefits and incomes, as long as we lower the tensions and the uncertainty, we can enter a regularity and the correct reactivation. Por: Econ. Carlos Rodríguez Negocios y Emprendedores Video para Maryland-USA