Summerville Post - October, 2003

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summerville post Volume 27, No. 1

October 2003

Announcing Summerville’s 26th Tour of Homes October 10, 11 and 12, 2003 presented by the Summerville Neighborhood Association On October 10th, 11th and 12th, the Summerville Neighborhood Association honors and recognizes the Summerville’s Twenty-Sixth Annual Fall Tour of Homes! Excitement grows for the 1st Annual Monte Sano “Rock and Stroll”. On Friday, October 10th, Monte Sano Avenue will come alive with merchants, artisans, and live music. New this year, participants can experience the tour by candlelight. The Candlelight Tour is only offered October 10th from 6-9. The tour features seven delightful homes and one exquisite garden. The Summerville Resident Art Exhibit at St. Mary’s on the Hill Catholic School will feature resident talents. Special thanks to St. Mary’s, who generously donated their beautiful facility to serve as Tour Headquarters ‘2003’. Our notable community, known as Summerville, has been important in shaping history. In 1776, George Walton, a visionary centuries ago, had foresight in recognizing the potential of Augusta. Summerville is a national treasure and is listed in The National Register of Historic Places. The most important result is the recognition it brings. Homeowners can use this recognition to raise awareness and encourage historic preservation. Thank you so much to the seven home owners who are participating, and whose homes are featured on the tour. It has been a privilege and honor to work with each and every one of you. We are excited about the diverse offering we have planned for this year. Thank you so much to all of our volunteers who have spent hours organizing the tour. Thank you to all of the local businesses and artisans for their involvement. Together, with the Summerville Neighborhood Association, we will ensure the preservation of Augusta’s rich past for future generations. Tour chairs, Kim Dorr and Donna Whaley

SNA FALL GENERAL MEETING Meet and Greet your Summerville Neighbors! Election of 2004 Board of Directors Thursday, November 20, 2003 The Partridge Inn – Social Hour 6-7 PM Meeting Begins at 7:00 PM

3RD ANNUAL NEIGHBORHOOD CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING Hickman Park Friday, December 5, 2003 at 6:00 PM

Tour of Homes is sponsored by First Bank and First Bank Mortgage. Thank You !

SNA Board of Directors Cheryl Grace President 736-7195 David Pulling Vice President 738-0982 Cathy Clarke Secretary 667-6355 Tom Larsen Treasurer 736-2356 Sandra Blackwood Ex-Officio 738-9325 David Anderson 733-3938 Julia Barrett 736-5577 Carol Bennett 733-6721 Alissa Bogorad 736-0438 Kathleen Brown 738-6119 Mike Brown 733-0654 Liz Claffey 284-5499 Martha Crossland 731-9122 Erica Garner 736-8490 Vicki Greene 736-1291 Marjorie Kilchenstein 736-3401 Ellis Johnson 738-0746 Mary Helen McDonough 738-2825 Amy Nesbit 737-2683 Lara Plocha 729-0211 Harriett Speer 733-6196 Pete Theodocion 739-0815 2

Letter from the President As Fall approaches, it is always fun to me to observe the mums and pumpkins start appearing on the diverse and beautiful front porches of Summerville. If you haven’t done so, it seems to make you want to hurry out to do the same. Mums and pumpkins are usually the first reminder that the highlight of fall – the annual Tour of Homes – will soon be here! Our tour chairs, committee, and gracious homeowners have been working hard and have assembled an incredible tour this year. They are to be commended for bringing back the Candlelight tour on Friday evening, their creativity in adding the “Monte Sano Rock and Stroll,” and the addition of an art exhibit to feature the talent of neighborhood artists. What great ideas to involve everyone in what will be a great weekend of activities in our neighborhood! The proceeds from the Tour, along with membership dues, go right back into neighborhood enhancements that benefit us all, so please show your support by being part of the Tour weekend. We cannot continue the good work that affects your property value for the better without your help – help us help our neighborhood. This year, the Board has continued its work being proactive on historic preservation issues as they arise, continuing dialogue with ASU regarding their campus changes, and tackling beautification projects at the Appleby Library and Hickman Park. Annual donations have been made to benefit numerous projects from membership dues and Tour proceeds. Membership has seen a tremendous increase this year, which should be a good indicator that Summerville residents support their neighborhood association. I challenge every single member to get involved. Volunteer a little of your time with the Tour or any other area of interest. You are needed! On behalf of the SNA Board of Directors, please join us in enjoying the 2003 Tour of Homes brought to you by your friends and neighbors! Cheryl Grace President, Summerville Neighborhood Association

SNA Establishes Appleby Library and Gardens Fund Efforts to preserve the history and beauty of the Appleby Library continue with the establishment of the Appleby Library and Gardens Fund established by the Summerville Neighborhood Association. The donation of a large fountain by Louise Mulherin inspired SNA Board Member, Julia Barrett, to create a plan to further beautify the landscaping of the library. Plans to install the fountain with a surrounding pool on the library’s front lawn and build an arbor at the rear of the property are estimated at twelve thousand dollars. The columns on the arbor match the existing columns on the library. Gifts in memoriam or honorarium are being accepted by the Summerville Neighborhood Association, as well as general donations and in-kind support. The SNA Board of Directors has committed to matching all funds raised for the fountain and the arbor. Future projects include restoration of the deteriorating side building (which used to house the house’s kitchens) and ongoing landscaping and maintenance of the property. For more information, please contact board members Julia Barrett or Lara Plocha.

Great News for Hickman Park!

Historic District Design Guidelines

After a brief closing for some refurbishing, Hickman Park is open with new hours and staffing by Richmond County Recreation and Parks Department. The park house has been thoroughly cleaned with newly buffed shiny floors and fresh paint. The park house is in the process of being stocked with new games for all to come inside and enjoy. Plans are in the works to continue improvements outside with additional landscaping enhancements and possibly more playground equipment. A staff person of the Recreation Department is on duty Monday through Friday from 2 to 7 pm. The Summerville Neighborhood Association and the Recreation Department are jointly funding the position. An adult should accompany children under eight (8). Plan to come by and enjoy YOUR park. The park and park house are open to everyone. If you have suggestions for additions or improvements for the park, send them via email at

The Summerville Historic District Design Guidelines, based on an extensive study of Summerville’s historic district, is filled with pictures of Summerville homes, interesting facts about our local architecture and helpful tips for maintaining and rehabilitating older homes. Copies are available at The Parsonage Books and Gifts located at 2230 Walton Way; Hill Drug Company at 1432 Monte Sano Avenue and Historic Augusta Office at 111 Tenth Street. The cost is $18. This book would make a wonderful Christmas present!

Summerville Neighborhood Website Improved Check out the new and improved SNA website at! We have been working on improvements to the website and have finally rolled out the new version. The site will be updated in a timely manner to better serve as an information source for our neighborhood with pages on the tour, historic preservation, neighborhood association happenings, beautification, membership and more. Please visit the site and e-mail your comments or info to be considered for posting.

your neighborhood.

www.Summervil eyour website.


e m o c Wel Wagon The Summerville Welcome Wagon is on the road and it needs your help. Be on the lookout for houses bought or sold in your area. When you know about new neighbors, call Donna Whaley at 733-2788 and give her the address. She will then greet them with a lovely gift basket and a welcome to Summerville. Our neighborhood is such a friendly place to live and we want all new neighbors to get that message right away. Donna looks forward to hearing from you!

3rd Annual Christmas Tree Lighting at Hickman Park Light up the Holiday Season at the Third Annual Summerville Neighborhood Association Christmas Tree Lighting at Hickman Park. Santa Claus will be there with treats for all good children! The festivities begin at 6:00 pm on Friday, December 5. Santa hopes to see all of you there for this very special celebration!

B e co m e a n S N A M e m b e r If you are interested in supporting the arts, improving education and beautifying your neighborhood, join the Summerville Neighborhood Association. Funds generated by past membership dues and the SNA Tour of Homes benefitted the following projects in 2002: • Augusta Jazz Project • Augusta CSRA Empty Stocking Fund • Augusta CSRA Silent Santa • Davidson Fine Arts Scholarship through the Allison Bruker Fund

• Monte Sano Elementary School Donation for classroom computers • Hickman Park equipment, personnel and sprinkler system • Appleby Library sprinkler system

Join us in giving back to the community by completing the membership form. As a thank-you for your membership, you will receive a $10 off certificate for Bamboo on Hickman complements of The Partridge Inn.

2004 SNA Membership Form Detach and mail with $20 dues to: SNA Membership, P.O. Box 12212, Augusta, GA 30904 Last Name ___________ First Name(s)__________________________ Names of children in household __________________________________ ____________________________________________________

I would like to serve on the following committees: ❏ Education/Outreach ❏ Finance ❏ Special Events ❏ Land Use/Historic Preservation ❏ Neighborhood Enhancement

Address ________________________________________________

❏ Neighborhood Safety

Home Phone ____________________________________________

❏ Membership

Work Phone(s) ____________________________________________

❏ Tour Advisory

E-mail Address ____________________________________________

❏ Hickman Park


TOUR WEEKEND, 2003 – SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Friday, Oct. 10th FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY BOOK SALE PREVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm Appleby Library – Open to Friends of the Library and Summerville Residents CANDLELIGHT TOUR OF HOMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm View the Tour Homes by the Romance of Candlelight MONTE SANO ROCK & STROLL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 pm – midnight Street Party highlighting Summerville Artists, Musicians and Shoppes

Saturday, Oct. 11th TOUR OF HOMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Noon – 6:00 pm FRIEND OF THE LIBRARY BOOK SALE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 am – 2:00 pm Appleby Library – Open to All SUMMERVILLE ARTIST GALLERY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Noon – 6:00 pm Tour Headquarters – St. Mary’s Catholic School

Sunday, Oct. 12th TOUR OF HOMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm SUMMERVILLE ARTIST GALLERY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Noon – 6:00 pm Tour Headquarters – St. Mary’s Catholic School EVENSONG AT GOOD SHEPHERD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:00 pm – 6:30 pm The traditional close of the Tour Weekend at The Church of the Good Shepherd This year’s Tour of Homes Headquarters will be located at St. Mary’s Catholic School on Monte Sano Avenue. Check in here for tickets and transportation information!

Tour 2003 Ticket Outlets The Parsonage Books and Gifts (Church of the Good Shepherd) 2230 Walton Way 733-6130 Quiet Pond 1423 Monte Sano Ave 729-0020

Del’s Lamps and Shades 1526 Monte Sano Ave 738-2362 Fat Man’s West 4301 Washington Rd 855-0796

Cost of tickets is $20. Includes candlelight and regular tour

Fat Man’s Main 1545 Laney-Walker Blvd Imperial Theatre Box Office 745 Broad St 722-8341 SoHo 435 Highland Ave 736-4310 5

The Summerville 26th Annual Tour of Homes Tour Headquarters This year’s Tour of Homes Headquarters will be located at St. Mary’s Catholic School on Monte Sano Avenue. Check in here for tickets and transportation information!

Show Your Summerville Spirit Remember to check out the great Summerville Tour Souvenirs available at Tour Headquarters during the Tour weekend. T-Shirts, cups, flags, stickers, books and much more will be available. Excellent time for early Christmas shopping!

Volunteer for the Tour It’s not too late to get involved in the best weekend of the year! Volunteers are needed for the Summerville Tour of Homes! To volunteer, call Kim Dorr at 733-0265 today!

Free Tour Transportation A great (air conditioned) way to enjoy the Summerville Tour of Homes is to park your car at Tour Headquarters (St. Mary’s Catholic School) and ride a Tour Bus. Buses will run the tour route continuously both Saturday and Sunday. No buses are available for the candlelight tour on Friday night.

The 2003 Tour Committee Tour Co-Chairs Kim Dorr Donna Whaley Treasurer Tom Larsen Hospitality Kathleen Brown Kim Dorr Rock & Stroll Lara E. Plocha

Artwork Donna Whaley

Transportation Horizon Motor Coach

Advertising & Publicity Kim Dorr Donna Whaley Tracy Meehan

Webmaster Paul Eubanks

Artists Gallery Ivy Coleman Flowers Laurie Adams

Post Lara Plocha Claffey Printing Hostesses Lisa Annis

Thank you to our gracious homeowners for opening their homes. Special Thanks to this year’s tour party hosts: Boone & Georgeanne Knox and Kim Dorr


Friday, October 10th, 2003 7 pm ’til midnight on Monte Sano Ave. the first [hopefully] annual Summerville Street Party celebrating the diversity & creativity of Summerville’s resident musicians and artists showcasing Monte Sano merchants Sponsored by the Summerville Neighborhood Association Budweiser True Music and Techwerx Augusta


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★ Headquarters ~ St. Mary’s on the Hill Catholic Church 1. The home of Russell and Dorothy Moores ~ 2204 Kings Way 2. The home of the Dennis-King Family ~ 2429 Williams Street 3. The home of Dr. and Mrs. David Bogorad ~ 2509 Walton Way 4. The home of Doug and Diane Murphy ~ 2501 Bellevue Avenue 5. The guest cottage and garden of Betsy Eisner and Louise Gissel Eisner ~ 1112 Glenn Avenue 6. The home of Joseph R. Neal Jr. ~ 1323 Glenn Avenue 7. The home of Bob and Dorothy Williams ~ 1314 Glenn Avenue 8


The home of Russell and Dorothy Moores 2204 Kings Way

Candlelight Tour

In the summer of 1924, Mrs. Frankie C. Doughty, widow of the late cotton factor Llewellyn G. Doughty of 2321 Kings Way, went down the street a few short blocks and had Willis Irvin design her “widowhood home.” It is a classic of the Spanish Colonial style. Mr. Irvin’s plans from June 1924 will be available at the house during the tour. There have been but four owners: Mrs. Doughty until 1930, Mrs. Gladys J. Hardwick from 1930-1951, Henry and Maria Bredenberg from 1953-1964 and Dorothy and Russell Moores since July of 1965. For years after we bought the house, we would hear “Oh, you all live in the Bredenberg house.” “No dammit, we live in the Moores house.” The house is known as the Albatross. When we bought our first (and only) house in the summer of 1965, Dorothy wanted a new ranch style house out in the country and Russell wanted an old house in town. We were very young and very poor; we could not get a second mortgage on a house in the country, but could on an old house in town, so Russell got his old house on the Hill. Dorothy hated it and sat and cried as they moved our furniture in, likening it to an Albatross around her neck (confer Samuel Taylor Coleridge, “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”). It has been “The Albatross” ever since. Mrs. Doughty added an addition to the back of the house almost immediately, a screened-in porch on the first floor and a sleeping porch on the second. These are now the breakfast room and the bedroom respectively. The Moores’ added a large room with a basement coming off of the breakfast room toward Milledge Road in 1967, which is still known as the "new room." The covered patio on the uphill side of the house was enclosed in 1974 and is known as the “porch room.” It is now shared by parrots and canaries (in cages) and the Victorian wicker furniture (not in cages). The brick wall around the yard was put up in 1950s by the Brededbergs out of bricks from an old downtown warehouse which they had owned and had torn down. During the spring and summer months of 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001, the grounds and entryway from the street were completely redone by the Atlanta landscape architect Darryl Moores (second son) and his Mexican, Guatemalan and Brazilian crews from Atlanta. The contents of the house comprise a collection of diverse, much loved things: majolica, old (working) telephones, Hummel figurines, old (working) clocks, oriental carpets (some old, but most only somewhat old), old (working) oil lamps and whale oil lamps, old (working) electric lamps, paintings, many by local artists, and a few interesting pieces of furniture.

Head Hostess: Cheryl Priessman

Flowers by Weather’s Flowers and Gifts



The home of the Dennis-King family 2429 Williams Street

Candlelight Tour

Built in 1890’s, this residence is a raised, 21/2 -story structure built in the Queen Anne style. The home features a cross-gable slate roof, combination siding of very heavy stucco on the first floor and heart pine shingles in a decorative pattern on the second floor, double-hung sash windows, and a partial width wrap-around porch with round columns grouped in units of three resting atop stucco pedestals. Purchased by the current owners and their three children in 2000, the property has been extensively renovated. Major items completed on the exterior include removal of encroaching vegetation; slate roofing replacement and cooper roofing installation. Work on a landscape plan has begun, including the installation of a boundary-defining fence. Inside, utility systems have been replaced; the kitchen and bathrooms have been gutted and reworked; and, cabinetry was installed in the butler’s pantry and library in keeping with the homes historic character.

Head Hostess: Ruth Bovard 10

Flowers by CH Studio Floral Design & Interiors


The home of Dr. and Mrs. David Bogorad 2509 Walton Way

Candlelight Tour

In 1868, Benjamin F. Hall (1823-1874) built this classic second French Empire home at the corner of what is now Fleming Avenue and Walton Way. Elements of this style included a concave mansard silhouette roofline with decorative patterned metal shingles and brackets beneath the caves. Originally, there was no indoor kitchen. Instead, there was a detached cook house in the back yard. The original owner was Assistant Postmaster and money order clerk. The second owner was a traveling circuit court judge named Hook. The third owners were Wadley/Clark (related) families. The fourth owners were Ben and Beverly Weathers, who restored the home from 1989-1991. Prior to this restoration, the home had fallen into a state of despair, having suffered a fire in the back of the house in the 1980’s. The Bogorads purchased the house in 2001 and have performed additional work including a restoration of the shed on the back lot, with a new roof. The kitchen is entirely new and the plumbing in one of the upstairs bathrooms has been restored to Victorian style. The bedrooms upstairs have new and modified window treatments. The chandeliers in the parlor and dining room have been replaced, and the lower level walkout has been converted into a home theatre. The Bogorads are thrilled to live in this unique piece of Augusta history.

Head Hostess: Susan Kluger

Flowers by Martina’s Flowers and Gifts



The home of Doug and Diane Murphy 2501 Bellevue Avenue

Candlelight Tour

Built in 1916, 2501 Bellevue Avenue was the last of three adjacent houses built by the same builder along the then Sandy Lane. According to a newspaper notice at that time, the house rented for $60 a month. In its nearly 90 years of existence, only five owners have occupied the home: Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Rhodes (19161971), Mr. Griswold Collier (1972-1975), Mr. and Mrs. Carter Brown (1975-1976), Mr. And Mrs. Richard Crawford (1977-2001), and since 2002, Mrs. and Mrs. Douglas Murphy. In 2001, Mrs. Jackie Hogan of Hogan Renovations purchased the home from Mrs. Crawford and began restoration. The extensive renovations, all in keeping with the age and style of the house, included restoring the original mahogany trim, heart- pine floors and seven fireplaces. The tile in the living room fireplace is original while the dining room and parlor tiles are recent reproductions. Each downstairs fireplace mantle is different with individually detailed molding. On the other hand, the upstairs mantles are all the same. During that era, this was typically done as a cost saving measure. The same is true of the brass hardware downstairs and copper upstairs. While early twentieth-century exposed beams add character to the entrance porch, new cabinets, wood flooring, counters and appliances give the kitchen a bright fresh look. Never having owned an old home, the Murphy’s fell in love with its charm. Originally from New York, they moved here from Greensboro, North Carolina, where they resided for the past 17 years. After looking in many areas of Augusta, Summerville and its historic charm was where they wanted to call home. Head Hostess: Michele Benedict 12

Flowers by Charleston Street Garden and Interiors


The guest cottage and garden of Betsy Eisner and Louise Gissel Eisner 1112 Glenn Avenue

Candlelight Tour

Although the owners of the Tudor Revival home located at 1112 Glenn Avenue knew the first time they saw their house that it was the one they had been waiting for, they got additional support for their decision to purchase, when they discovered the large detached stucco garage in the back yard. And “discover” they did, since some of the 50 or more overgrown camellias originally standing between the small back porch and the garage had completely blocked that building from view. The former garage built, as was the house, in 1929, by a local plumbing contractor, Mr. Henry Erbelding, has been converted from an oversized dirt floor gardener’s shed into a guest cottage for the benefit of family and friends. The former driveway has been enclosed behind a privacy fence to create a small garden, which attracts many butterflies and hummingbirds to delight the owners and amuse their three cats.

Head Hostess: Cindy Henry

Flowers by Fat Man’s 13


The home of Joseph R. Neal Jr. 1323 Glenn Avenue

Candlelight Tour

Mr. Neal purchased the charming cedar bungalow at 1323 Glenn Ave. on August 30, 2002. It is said that William Robinson himself once inhabited this cozy, quaint and warm house, which was built in 1913, along with the houses at 1325 and 1327 Glenn Ave. The original owners of these three bungalow houses were closely knit families who moved up “the hill” from the downtown area to escape the Savannah River floods in the early 20th Century. The main house has three bedrooms and two baths, while the guest cottage in the rear has two bedrooms and one bath. The second floor of the main house was converted into an apartment during the Great Depression, but now serves as five-year old Joseph III’s room. Since purchasing this house, the Neal’s have breathed new life into the home through extensive, ongoing renovations. The current project involves refurbishing the Butler’s Pantry to include a wet-bar and a wine cellar. A landscaping project of the entire estate will follow. The families at 1323 and 1325 Glenn Avenue continue to share dinners, stories and good times, as did the original inhabitants of these three bungalow houses. History is still alive and well on this part of Glenn Avenue.

Head Hostess: Jamie Barefield 14

Flowers by LadyBugs Flowers & Gifts


The home of Bob and Dorothy Williams 1314 Glenn Avenue

The renovation, as you drive down the 1300 block of Glenn Avenue, you might miss the 1930’s craftsmen stucco cottage tucked back amongst the Chinese maple and old oak tree. If you saw it, you might have noticed the fabulous L-shaped front porch, multi-gabled roof, and the tapered window and the door frames on the front of the house. You can also see an earlier renovation in the early 50’s that the integrity of the craftsmen design was jeopardized with the addition of a modern flat-roofed brick master suite. The home was a treasure to find, although it was in dire need of attention and love. The interior has been completely stripped to the stud walls. This old house will receive new electrical, plumbing, bathrooms, and kitchen. The addition of a master suite that respects the original craftsman design will compete the renovation. The work is expected to be finished in the spring of 2004.

Head Hostess: Erica Garner 15


Stop in to say thank you to these Tour supporters Custom Area Rugs

Wool Carpets


Fat Man’s

4301 Washington Rd. P.O. Box 878 Evans, GA 30809

“Newly Remodeled and Expanded”

COPIERS • SERVICE • DIGITAL SOLUTIONS 1771 Central Ave. Augusta, GA 30904 • 733-0537

Ann Godbee Helms President (706) 738-9703 FAX (706) 738-6940

2825 Washington Road Fairway Square Augusta, GA 30909



1545 Laney-Walker Blvd. Augusta, GA 30904

(706) 722-0796 1-800-283-3287 Fax (706) 733-7008

Augusta • Evans E-mail:


1432 Monte Sano Ave. Augusta, GA 30904 Serving Augusta Since 1932


Stewart Flanagin Pharmacist

Serving the Greater Augusta Area With Quality Flowers and Guaranteed Service Since 1960

706-667-0782 Pager 794-2247

Augusta (706) 737-4120

1857 Central Avenue Augusta Ga. 30904

Aiken (803) 641-0144



DR. JUDSON S. HICKEY Periodontist 2315-B Central Ave. 739-0071

WEATHERS FLOWERS & GIFTS 2148 Central Avenue • Augusta, GA 30904

LOUISE AND CLIFF WEATHERS (706) 733-6447 (800) 543-6283 FAX (706) 667-8262

• Gum Treatment • Extractions • Saturday Appointments Including Cleanings

P.O. Box 2879 Augusta, GA 30904


Jeff C. Annis

Charles W. Rowell, IV attorney at law Anthony Brown, 3602 wheeler road augusta, ga 30909

telephone (706) 650-8872

Surrey Center - Fountain Level 449 Highland Avenue Augusta, GA 30909 (706) 738-6298


491 Highland Avenue / Suite 2 / Surrey Center Augusta, Georgia 30909 / (706) 736-7793

Ann Marie Lives & Loves Summerville!

Wynn Interiors

706-738-1070 706-737-8602

P.O. Box 3102 Augusta, GA 30914


ANN MARIE McMANUS Office: 706-736-3375


PLUMBING - HEATING - AIR CONDITIONING Larry Babbitt - President P.O. Box 3551 Augusta, Georgia 30904 Phone 733-0417


Pamela T. Wynn Allied Member, A.S.I.D. Commercial and Residential Design

Printing Co. Industrial Commercial Full Color Printing Typesetting Graphic Design

Serving the Augusta Area with Over 30 Years Experience

748 Greene Street • Augusta, Georgia 30901 (706) 724-3040

Tour of Homes is sponsored by First Bank and First Bank Mortgage.

Thank You Summerville Tour Sponsors – Year 2003 Your support has made our tour buses possible! Jim Thrash Senior Mortgage Loan Officer


(706) 739-1780 Pager: (706) 481-5300 Home: (706) 541-0666 Toll-Free: 1-877-542-8667 Post Office Box 15367 3515 Wheeler Road, Bldg. A Augusta, GA 30919-5367 Fax (706) 667-8652 Augusta, GA 30909

p o n d

inspired homegoods & gardenware

Open Late Oct. 10th (Friday Night) 1423 Monte Sano Ave. Summerville, Augusta Ph: 706.729.0220

call for appointment 733-2788


q u i e t

“pet portraits”

shawn & lynn horseman

Garren Construction, Inc. 737-5785

435 highland avenue augusta, ga 30909 706.736.4310 phone 706.738.6884 fax

Jimmy Garren – Karen Garren


Sims Appraisal Services Residential and Land Tracts

FRED M. SIMS, JR. Licensed in Georgia & South Carolina

138 Davis Rd., Ste. E Martinez, GA 30907 (706) 650-2288 : FAX 650-0083

Chuck Baldwin Gail Baldwin Bunny Duncan Janie Smith (706) 737-4865 Fax: (706) 733-0275

♦ 24/7 Emergency Response Services – tarping, board-ups, water extraction, drying ♦ Water ♦ Mold Remediation ♦ Fire Restoration

(800) 738-9446

Member of Disaster Kleen-Up International 1012 Tindon Street-Augusta, GA. 30909 –

Garden Makeovers the pot, by the bed, by the yard

Shirley Cunningham

50 toppings calzones

Yo Pizza

chicken wings


“we do more than pizza” 2803 Wrightsboro Rd. 20-A (in Daniel Village) cheesecakes Augusta, GA 30909




Cunningham & Company, Inc. 2310 Middleton Court Augusta, Georgia 30909 Telephone: 706-738-0384 email:

subs spaghetti

706-737-9696 (yoyo) (706) 733-3773 (fax)

Deborah Rodriguez owner

Gary Fails

Williams Renovation, LLC Custom Design ◆ Historic Renovation

1528 Monte Sano Ave. Augusta, GA 30904 (706) 736-9052


Telephone (706) 733-8411

1542 Walton Way Augusta, Georgia 30904

Ed Durant, Owner (706) 738-5529 ■ Fax: (706) 774-1178 Email: •

we nail it!

French, New Orleans and International Specialties 1855 Central Avenue 733-3505

Tour of Homes is sponsored by First Bank and First Bank Mortgage.

Stop in to say thank you to these Tour supporters LAW OFFICES OF

Now Celebrating Our 50th Year in Augusta


Voted Best Seafood Catfish Hushpuppies



Pens • T-Shirts • Caps • Company Wearables • Golf Shirts Accessories • Stadium Cups • Desk Accessories Magnets • Coffee Mugs • Coolers • Umbrellas, etc.

Kelly Promotional Products Kim Dorr

3416 Mike Padgett Hwy.

4007 Enterprise Court • Martinez, GA 30907 Phone (706) 733-0265 • Fax (706) 863-3868 Cell (706) 399-5752 •

(Bobby Jones to Exit 9 then South on Hwy. 56)


From a Friend of Summerville




C H S TUDIO 815 Metcalf Street A U G U S TA , G A 3 0 9 0 4 P: 706.737.3590 F: 706.737.3591

Women’s Discount Warehouse Open Everyday! (706) 736-7006 National Hills Shopping Center Evensong

Candlelight Tour

The Good Shepherd Choir, under the direction of James Nord, invites you to join them in this annual Evensong service at 6 pm on Sunday. Traditionally the close of the Summerville Tour of Homes, the service is taken from the Book of Common Prayer and all period music will be used to recreate the style of Summerville’s early days.

Delight in the romance of candlelight while exploring the beauty of this years tour homes. All homes (except the Williams’ on Glenn Avenue) can be viewed on the Candlelight Tour. Admission to the Candlelight Tour is included with the regular Tour Pass. Please note that buses do not operate on Friday Night

The Evensong service will last about thirty minutes and is open to the public. A reception in honor of Summerville residents will be held in the church garden following the service.

Artist’s Gallery

The Monte Sano Rock & Stroll Friday, October 10 7 pm ’til midnight with Free Admission Celebrate the diversity and creativity of Summerville’s resident Musicians and Artists while strollin’ the shoppes and rockin’ the street. Food, drinks, beer and wine will be available. Sponsored in part by Budweiser True Music and Techwerx Augusta. For more information, contact Lara E. Plocha at 951-0580.

Experience the breadth of artistic talent found in Summerville’s boundaries. The Artists Gallery will showcase Summerville’s own “artists-in-residence.” Featured artists will include: Paul Pearman, Jan Jackson, Randy Lambeth, Donna Whaley, Jill Stafford, Kathy King and many more! For more information, contact Ivy Coleman at 733-4787.

Friends of the Library Book Sale Preview Friday, October 10 The Friends of the Library invites Summerville residents the first opportunity to peruse its fantastic selection of used books during the annual Friends of the Library Book Sale. The preview starts Friday, October 10, at 4:30 pm. Finds include out of circulation library books, donated books and overages. Stock up on cozy reads for the cold nights ahead. 19

Summerville Neighborhood Association P.O. Box 12212 Augusta, GA 30904

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Augusta, GA Permit No. 346

The Summerville 26th Annual Tour of Homes Friday, October 10th Candlelight Tour: 6 pm ’til 9 pm Saturday, October 11th Tour of Homes: noon ’til 6 pm Sunday, October 12th Tour of Homes: 1 pm ’til 6 pm Tour Tickets: $20 each

Advance Tickets Available at: The Parsonage Books and Gifts (Church of the Good Shepherd) 2230 Walton Way • 733-6130 Fat Man’s Main 1545 Laney-Walker Blvd. Imperial Theater Box Office 745 Broad Street • 722-8341 SoHo 435 Highland Avenue • 736-4310 Del’s Lamps and Shades 1526 Monte Sano Ave 738-2362

(includes both candlelight and one regular tour)

Fat Man’s West 4301 Washington Road 855-0796

Tour of Homes is sponsored by First Bank and First Bank Mortgage. Thank You !

Quiet Pond 1423 Monte Sano Avenue 729-0020

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