Summit Support 2017-2018

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SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 – 2018

BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2017 – 2018 Rick Baker Chair


Letter from Head of School




Summit Fund Statistics


Letter from Board Chair

Penni Bradshaw


Class of 2018 Gifts

Ben Carson


You... Inspired Learning

Jennifer Byrne Secretary Carlie Eubanks Treasurer Curt Batten

Mark Conger


You... Impacted the Future


You... Ignited Potential


Grandparent Valentines

Lauren Dunn


Annual Giving Clubs

Richard Gottlieb



Paul Grosswald


Donor Roll


Alumni Giving by Class Year

Libby Whitaker Kelly ’91



Rick Maloy


Capital & Endowment Gifts

Kate Michalek


Patrons for Tomorrow


Named Endowment Funds

Wesley Davis ’87 Tonya Deem Charles Douglas ’75

Shelley Holden Jennifer Hudson

Pam Oliver Joe Parrish ’88 Michael Rogers Summit Support published annually by Advancement Office Summit School 2100 Reynolda Road Winston-Salem, NC 27106 Editor Jeanne Sayers Photography Martin Tucker Design One Hero Creative, Inc. Writer Amy Hughes If we have inadvertently made an error in or omitted your preferred published name, please accept our apologies and inform the Development Office at 336-724-5811. Summit School provides a challenging curriculum within a caring environment to help students develop their full potential. The School admits students of any race, religion, color, and national or ethnic origin.


SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018

YOU DEEPEN THE ROOTS AND EXTEND THE REACH OF SUMMIT SCHOOL. THANK YOU. Your generosity is inspiring learning­—now and far into the future. You can see and hear this each day in every classroom. You can read about it in the articles and view it in the photographs featured in this issue of Summit Support. We know that the single biggest variable in student success is the quality of the classroom teacher, as expressed in the students’ experience of the program. Your support makes possible the remarkable educational tapestry that is the Summit experience, including, as reflected in this Report, the following: + Hands-on/minds learning in science (both within our science labs and in the “land labs” across our campus) + The 9th grade production of Super Sidekick in which students, under the leadership of our extraordinary arts and technology teachers, built the sets and created the costumes + Third graders’ visit to Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine as part of their year-long study of pioneering + The annual 9th grade philanthropy project (this year a $2,500 gift to H.O.P.E. through the Lovett Foundation) + Nationally recognized professional development for our teachers made possible through our Center for Excellence and Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CEI) You—parents, grandparents, faculty, staff, students, family members, alums, friends in the wider community, organizations/foundations/ matching gift companies—express your philanthropy in a dizzying variety of ways: volunteering, class gifts, capital and endowment gifts, Summit Fund, Grandparent Valentines, tributes, Patrons for Tomorrow, and the Roots and Reach Campaign. Founding Head of School Louise Futrell said, “I had a dream school in mind where everybody could be a somebody.” Your philanthropy brings this dream to life. It always has. It always will. We are deeply grateful to you for your enduring gifts of time, talent and treasure—gifts that continue to develop Summit’s full potential.

Onward and upward,

Michael Ebeling Head of School

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018


VOLUNTEERS Missy Carroll Catherine Davis Hornaday ’97 Molly Stokes Iauco ’94 April Ruffin-Adams Kim Wilson

We are grateful for the many volunteers whose time and dedication reflect the culture of philanthropy at Summit School.



PARENTS' DIVISION Hunter and Sandlin Douglas ’94, Chairs Pam and Mark Oliver, Co-Chairs


Catherine Davis Hornaday ’97 Will Parsley ’95 Marybeth Terry

Shon Gilmore Heather Maloy Ben Sayers Wesley Suttle Kim Wilson




SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018


David Broughton Tonya Deem Sherry Frino Elizabeth Hollan Amy Morrow



Alex Turner Lara Wilson



David Ahn Molly Stokes Iauco ’94 Laura Mochnick Kubicki ’84 Sara-Peyton Joyner McCormick ’89 Wesley Suttle

Wesley Davis ’87 Katie Fowler Shelley Holden Elizabeth Hollan Ticia Kribbs Kristen Zaks


Rick Baker Pam and Mark Oliver Roni Wyss


David Broughton Missy Carroll Katie Fowler Shelley Holden Elizabeth Hollan Will Parsley ’95 Marybeth Terry Roni Wyss Kristen Zaks





Tonya Deem Brad King Laura Mochnick Kubicki ’84 Patti Shugart Alex Turner


Wesley Davis ’87 Shon Gilmore Ticia Kribbs April Ruffin-Adams



David Ahn Ben Baker ’89






Mandy Haggerson Will Parsley ’95 Ben Sayers

Amy Morrow, President Robin Pfefferkorn, President-Elect Tracy Arne, Secretary Kristen Zaks, Treasurer Laura Bland, Assistant Treasurer Kate Michalek, Nominating




Jennifer Eisenberg Grosswald ’85 and Paul Grosswald

GRANDPARENT CHAIRS Ellen Carswell Parsley ’63 and Bill Parsley

ALUMNI CHAIRS Henry ’71, Suzanna ’05, Blair ’08, and Jack Roemer ’13

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018


A MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES CHAIR Greetings! On behalf of the entire Board of Trustees I want to offer a couple of thank yous. First, thank you for your generosity over the past year in helping us achieve our fundraising goals. Second, thank you for being a part of our efforts to further develop and grow a culture of philanthropy at Summit School. On both counts, you could and you did!

Summit School. Tuition covers only part of the cost of a Summit education, with the remainder covered through an annual draw from our endowment (given generously by past generations) as well as gifts to The Summit Fund. The annual draw from the endowment and your generous gifts to The Summit Fund benefit every student in the school.

Philanthropy can be defined as the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes. At Summit, our cause is expressed in our mission: Summit School provides a challenging curriculum within a caring environment to help students develop their full potential.

The 2018-19 school year will be my third and final year of chairing the Board of Trustees, a team of highly dedicated, experienced, and engaged people that serve Summit and give freely of their time and talent. Additionally, 100% of trustees jump-start philanthropy by committing their financial resources every year before we expand The Summit Fund campaign to the broader school community.

Through your philanthropy, YOU inspired learning, YOU ignited potential, and YOU impacted the future. Your generosity has made possible our challenging, one-of-a-kind academic programs to students of all ages. Your generosity has given a child opportunities that turn into a lifelong passion for learning. Your generosity lays the groundwork for generations of Summit children. Fundraising, above and beyond tuition, is vital to both day-to-day operations and the long-term future of


SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018

Again, and on behalf of the entire board, thank you for all the ways you contribute to the Summit School community. Kindest regards,

Rick Baker Chair, Board of Trustees

As one of Summit’s Core Competencies, the importance of Social Responsibility is instilled in every student from the moment they enter the school. And that work culminates in two incredible ways during 9th Grade—a philanthropy project and a class gift to the school.

2018 PHILANTHROPY PROJECT For the philanthropy project, Summit has been proud to partner for the last four years with The Lovett Foundation. Charlie Lovett ’77 established the Lovett Foundation over 25 years ago to provide support in six areas – arts, environment, homelessness, AIDS support, and women’s and family issues. Lovett’s foundation provides the 9th grade class at Summit with a $2,500 grant to give to the organization of their choice. More than that, Lovett also helps them to create a Philanthropy Committee. Working with Jeanne Sayers, Summit’s Director of Development, Lovett guides the students through the process of creating a scope and a mission for their work, and through the selection process. “Philanthropy has the power to create incredible change, but you have to be thoughtful and focused to have the most impact. That’s what we try to teach our 9th grade students,” said Sayers. This year’s Philanthropy Committee made the decision to focus their efforts on poverty in WinstonSalem. Each committee member had a responsibility to reach out to an organization that supported the students’ established mission and ask them to submit a grant application. Working with Sayers, the students reviewed the applications—a challenging process. “It was a difficult decision to make because each organization was so deserving,” said committee

LEADERS IN PHILANTHROPY CLASS OF 2018 — SUMMIT 9TH GRADERS member Hollis Maxson ’18. “There are a wide variety of needs in our community, so it was really tough to decide on just one.” Ultimately, the students voted to award their $2,500 grant to H.O.P.E. (Help Our People Eat). H.O.P.E. uses community-wide volunteer support to prepare and bring nutritious weekend meals to thousands of children in Forsyth County who are at risk for hunger. H.O.P.E. received the check from the students at Eagle Day, a celebration that marks not only the last day of school, but also a year full of successes. “It is hard to imagine in this day and age that one in four children in North Carolina isn’t getting enough to eat,” adds Bo Dalrymple ’18. “Starting here, where we live and where we grew up, to fix that seemed like the right choice and I’m proud of our class.”

100% PARTICIPATION PROJECT In addition to the grant making work, 9th grade students at Summit also make a class gift to the school.

The intention of the gift is to memorialize their time at Summit and leave something for future classes to enjoy. Previous gifts have included tables in the 9th grade lounge and a deck outside the Lewis Science Center. This year, each member of the class contributed at least $20.18 to buy supplies for building a deck near an archery shed on campus. Not only did the students raise the money to create a capital class gift, a group of the students built the deck under the watchful eyes of duWayne Amen, Director of Facilities, and facilities team member Billy Stoltz. “Of course we want our students to understand the importance of giving back, but it’s so much more than that,” adds Sayers. “We want them to find the things they are passionate about, the places where they want to affect change, and then give of not just their money, but their time and their talents. That’s where the real power exists. That’s the lesson we want very much for them to carry forward in their lives.”

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018




SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018

One of the Six Promises of Summit is to provide Educators Who Engage the Whole Child. It may be the most important promise we make to our students and also the one that requires the most of our faculty. Summit’s Center for Excellence and Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CEI) ensures that our faculty are prepared to fulfill the promise.

Dr. Kristin Bennett joined Summit in 2012 as the first Director of the Center for Excellence and Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CEI). But the spirit of the Center’s mission had long been a part of the culture. “Our teachers are the reason we have the CEI. They are the ones who started to think more strategically about their own professional development and what they could do, see, and learn to better meet the needs of their students,” said Bennett. “Because of our teachers, a need was identified and we have this incredible new resource within Summit for our faculty and for the community-at-large.” Bennett started at the beginning, establishing processes for faculty to apply for and propose ideas for professional development. She also created a plan to steward funds that were already earmarked for training and develop plans for an additional endowment. The ultimate goal? No matter what may be going on in the economy, our teachers will have the opportunity for professional development. With the infrastructure in place, the CEI team was able to focus on establishing what their three main pillars of professional development would be: 1. Understanding and applying progressive education principles. 2. Content area literacy. 3. Community collaboration and partnership. And then the CEI set to work curating professional development experiences. In the six years since the CEI’s founding, 90% of Summit’s faculty have attended workshops. They vary from single day to weeklong training opportunities. But the real magic is what happens when the teachers return to the classroom. “In a traditional education environment, a teacher may have an opportunity to attend a conference every once in a while. They will meet other educators, have good conversations and get some great content, and then they go back to work within the constraints of the system they’re in,” said Bennett. “For our teachers, they walk into these opportunities asking themselves, ‘how can I make this part of the student experience?’ They not only have permission to do that, but they also have the resources and support to make it happen.” Shannon Pylant, a sixth-grade science teacher at Summit, attended the National Science Teachers Association conference in Atlanta this spring.

“The only word I can think of is phenomenal. I had the opportunity to interact with science educators from around the country, hearing and learning from them and what works in their classrooms, making connections. It was inspiring,” said Pylant. Pylant came home with a new set of hands on activities for her students, some she implemented right away and many more that will be used in the upcoming school year. These activities will allow students to delve in, identify issues and create solutions, and really grasp content. And Pylant also sees ways to strengthen the connections with other areas like Language Arts, Math and Social Studies. “We do not have a box curriculum at Summit. We are constantly bringing in new teaching methods, experiences, and lab activities,” said Pylant. “What we do here is really innovative. We are so lucky to have the support that we do to take everything to the next level.” Elizabeth Kerr Wild ’84, an instructor in Ceramics and Glass, and Visual Art, agrees with Pylant. Wild recently returned from a conference in Pittsburgh conducted by the National Ceramic Art Educators. “I have been to a number of conferences, but this one was so focused on ceramics, which is a big part of my studio. It was so incredible to be in a room with people who are excited about the same things you are,” said Wild. “There were educators at all levels from all over the country. We talked about technology, new techniques in teaching. I saw linkages to our maker movement at Summit and so many different opportunities for my talented students. I couldn’t turn around and not be inspired about something.” Adds Wild, “The NCECA conference was something I wanted to experience and to have Summit cover the cost was a real gift. I am very grateful for the opportunity as it allowed me to connect and deliver better content for my students.” The CEI is facilitating a more closely aligned faculty. Lines are blurring and silos between content and disciplines are coming down as teachers seek more creative and collaborative curriculum options. According to Bennett, the biggest beneficiaries of the professional development movement at Summit are the students. “If teachers either aren’t trained or only trained to teach in a traditional way, they’re only going to reach students who fall in the middle,” said Bennett. “We give our teachers diverse, exciting and motivating opportunities because they bring that back and that’s how we are able to inspire students and fully engage them – all of them.”

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018




SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018

Intro by Jessica Alfaro, Third Grade Teacher For as long as any of us can remember, the theme for Third Grade at Summit has been pioneering. This originally referred specifically to our study of early American settlers in the United States and our Pioneer Days in social studies. But the word ‘pioneering’ has much broader applications, particularly in today’s world. So we started to ask ourselves in the last couple of years how could we make pioneering a year-long theme and expand it into other parts of our curriculum? The following article, written by the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, talks about how we have been able to expand the theme of pioneering in additional social studies lessons as well as science. Students now equate pioneering with words like innovation and entrepreneurship. In addition, the expansion of this theme has given us a platform to continue to reinforce the importance of connecting to our broader community and of giving back. As educators, we are grateful that Summit affords us the opportunity to step outside the lines of the way things have been traditionally done to find new and exciting ways to engage our students. It’s working. We are very proud of our third graders. They are learning to ask not why, but why not? And most importantly, they are showing daily their generous spirits and are setting a great example in our community.

THE SMALLEST GIFTS CAN BE THE GREATEST Reprinted with permission from Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM)

A recent mail delivery to the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM) revealed a surprising and significant donation check to support research efforts. The check was for $195 and came from Summit School third graders, who had toured the lab this spring. “We were so surprised to open the mail from the Summit School third graders following their tour of the labs to find letters, drawings and a donation check,” said Anthony Atala, M.D., director of the Institute. “For our work to be chosen by the students is really special. It is gratifying to know they want to help us fulfill our mission of making patients’ lives better.” The tour and the check came about because the third graders spent the entire year studying pioneering as a through line - both pioneers of the past and pioneers of the future. As part of this theme in social studies, students learn basic economic principles and then apply these to a business development project. Students design a business plan and proposal, and eventually develop a business model and open their businesses for a business expo. Parents and other students come and shop, and all proceeds from their businesses are donated to charities of the students' choice. “At the same time as this project is happening in social studies, students begin to learn about the human body in science,” said third grade teacher Jessica Alfaro. “We visited

WFIRM as a fantastic example of modern and future pioneering in our city and in the world. Regenerative medicine is a fascinating ‘real-world’ application for students to see pioneering in the area of medicine and human body systems.” After visiting WFIRM this year, she added, many students were incredibly interested in the work happening there and the ways that discoveries and progress happening now will change the future of medicine. When it came time to choose the charity their business would donate to for the social studies/economics lesson, several students from each class chose to donate their money to WFIRM. Students also donated to the HOPE Food Truck, Humane Society, and Ronald McDonald House. “The students who chose WFIRM were motivated by the application of the research happening there, and particularly remembered the potential for understanding and treating cancer and for helping veterans or others who needed reconstructive surgery of different kinds,” Alfaro said. “Students were inspired by the work happening at WFIRM and wanted to find a way to contribute, so that medical pioneering could keep happening and change the lives of everyday people. Many of them have had family members with cancer, accidents, injuries, diabetes, heart disease, etc. and they wanted to donate their money somewhere that could help reduce or eliminate these medical issues.”

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018




SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018

When famous superhero Blackjack the Bold is kidnapped by an evil sorcerer, it’s up to his assistant Inky to step up and save the day! Little does he know that he’ll also have to contend with Ninja Koalas, dark caves, secret weapons, and an abducted princess who’s considerably braver than he is.

What sounds like the next Marvel Comics blockbuster movie is actually the plot summary of this past fall’s ninth grade musical at Summit, Super Sidekick. Drama teacher Kianna Scanlon admits it was an interesting choice but one she was able to make because of her students and the support of the school. “We had a really small class— only eight students. We had to be thoughtful about choosing a production that would develop our students and showcase their unique talents,” said Scanlon. “I can tell you having that kind of latitude in choosing a show does not happen in many places.” As with previous productions, Scanlon leveraged her partnerships across multiple disciplines to bring the show together, including unearthing some secret faculty talents. “When we started, we thought we could get by with Elaine Phelps, Summit’s music teacher, accompanying on the piano. She plays beautifully, but it wasn’t quite the right sound. Super Sidekick is actually a rock musical. We needed a rock band, something we’ve never done before.” Henry Heidtmann, Summit’s AV Technology Specialist, stepped up and played bass. Trevor Keitt, Piano and Percussion Instructor, supported on drums. And band teacher Nathaniel Ward played guitar. They learned the score, attended rehearsals and were there for every production.

Adds Scanlon, “It really gave the show that extra ‘oomph’ and energy. It wouldn’t have been the same without the band.” Jared Taylor, a new instructor in technical direction, used Super Sidekick as a teaching opportunity. His students built the sets from scratch. Summit has never used stock sets or projection to create the visual elements of the musical stories. Everyone in Sixth through Eighth Grade helped to do something – design, construction, painting. And the same goes for the costumes. Visual arts teacher, Elizabeth Kerr Wild ’84, worked with students to create all of the production’s memorable costumes, including the Spiderella inspired villain’s cape. “The cape was incredible,” recalls Scanlon. “Our villain was mean and fantastic and, oh gosh, just the most glamorous villain you’ve ever seen.” Speaking of our villain…the Sidekick villain was actually supposed to be Sorcerer Slurm, a role written for a male actor. Said Scanlon, “In the case of the villain, the strongest actor for the role happened to be a female. But everything from the dialogue to the music was written for a male, so the student had no example for how the role should played or the music should be sung. I almost think that was a blessing in disguise because the student worked really hard to create the role and make it her own. I cannot imagine Super Sidekick with a male villain.”

That kind of problem solving is something that Scanlon encourages throughout the rehearsal process. “When you are rehearsing, things go wrong and you work to figure it out. You get a little tired, you get a little silly, but with everyone in the room, the pieces fall into place and someone has an idea that can bring it all together. We like to call it creativity matched with critical thinking.” One of Scanlon’s favorite problemsolving moments in Super Sidekick came courtesy of the Ninja Koalas. “We had this archway in the set. It was beautiful, but we couldn’t figure out what to do with it. Enter the three wonderfully purely goofy boys cast as the Ninja Koalas, the backup villains. They have a song called It’s Hard to Be Evil. They started doing a conga line through the archway in a rehearsal and it was perfect. They would change it up for each production and it brought down the house every night,” adds Scanlon, who still laughs when she tells the story. When asked to share the favorite production she’s been a part of during her time at Summit, Scanlon struggles to pick just one. “They have all been unique and memorable because I don’t have to pick a show and hope that it will work based on who decides to audition. I know who is going to be in my class. I know my students,” said Scanlon. “I have the remarkable luxury of being able to select a show and then daydream for months as the pieces start to come together in my head. That daydream is only made better by the students and faculty who actually bring it to life, and by the administration and alumni who believe in and support the arts at Summit.”

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018


GR ANDPARENT VALENTINES Thanks to these special grandparents whose Valentine’s Day messages contributed more than $22,000 to Summit School.

ST. VALENTINE GRANDPARENT Bud and Zanne Baker H. David Hughes

ANGEL GRANDPARENT Malcolm and Patty Brown June Miller-Bohannon Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Perry, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Schindler

CUPID GRANDPARENT Anonymous Tom and Bonnie Bowman Mr. and Mrs. James J. Edmundson David Hedrick Danny and Pat Hoots Fran and Don Howe Morris and Beverly Marley Marianne and Rod Meyer Tony and Ann Palmer Bill and Cindy Price Dale and Sally Richter Henry and Teri Russ Sally and Steve Seawright Marian and William D. Smith, Sr. Mrs. Brant Snavely, Jr. Mike and Libby Trull Daniel and Glenda Webster Claudette B. Weston Grace and David Wyss


HEART GRANDPARENT Anonymous Kathryn Allred Janet Baker Mr. and Mrs. John D. Bassett III Joan Marie Belnap Gene and Anne Birke Edwin and Ilse Bornemann Mrs. Cynthia A. Bowen S. Austin Broome Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bruton Jean Burris Bud and Susie Campbell Tom and Nancy Cannon Dr. and Mrs. Dudley C. Chandler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Donald Clark Mary Alice and Mike Colo John and Valerie Cronan Rick and Sara Crowder Dan and Nancy Culp John and Ann Dalena Terrie and John Davis Julia Breckinridge Davis Charlotte del Valle Mr. and Mrs. James W. Douglas Doyle and Betty Early Wallace and Sharon Edge Ed and Vivian Ellis Marlene and Richard Emmerich Wayne and Lici Fansler Lois J. Felten Chuck and Mary Beth Fitzgerald Bob and Sara Fly Brenda Funderburk Tom and Elizabeth Gatewood Louise Gilmore Juanita S. Greene Mr. and Mrs. John Grenda Patrick and Martha Heafner Daphne W. Hill James and Roula Hodges Carol and Chip Holden Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Holmes, Jr. Harvey Huntley Linda Huntley Tim Isley Dennis and Barbara Johnson

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018

Dr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Keith Hayden and Mary Kepley Bill and Ginger King Vicki Kocher Jane G. Lauritzen Ronald L. Leak Sae and Hannah Lee Dr. Laurel Link Lea and Randy Loftis Carolyn McInnis Lontz Pat Marquardt J. Douglas and Martha McDowall Butch and Tricia Mendenhall Arlene and Jonathan Meter Don and Tali Meyer Karen and John Morrow Ken and Mary Nan Moser John and Linda Myers Brett and Debra Nelson Dr. and Mrs. J. Raymond Oliver Thomas and Jane O'Neill Maurice and Geneva Perez Norman and Toni Petersen Frank and Linda Petronzio George and Judy Plonk Louise Pollard Billy and Deborah Prim Dan and Linda Sayers Nancy and John Schultz Joan and David Senior Sterling and Joyce Sims Michael and Robin Speaks Nancy Spencer Jean Olive and Allston Stubbs Mary Sturkie Jean Thompson Dottie and Donn Toney Samuel and Brenda Tucker Jim and Anna Turner Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Veneziano John and Betty Whitaker Thomas and Verona White Steve and Lynn Whitley Mr. Robert W. Williams Janie and J. D. Wilson Mary Lou and Peter Wilson Yvonne B. Winters Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Zaks

SPECIAL SUMMIT GRANDPARENT Anonymous Eugene and Suzanne Ackert Janet and Jack Adamson Miles and Cathy Aldridge Terrance and Barbara Andree John and Barbara Bankett Les and Debbie Barsz Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Boyd Penelope Broughton Mary Ann Bruno Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burress Elmer and Linda Doyle Nancy Dunn Robert and Sara Dunnagan Elizabeth Frushour Kenneth and Andrea Graves Pat and Fletcher Grubbs Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hargrove Ms. Patty Harper Angela Haselwood Linda Hewitt Jillian Holgate Debby and Guy Jeter Mr. and Mrs. Brownell Johnston Julia Kelly Barbara and Brent Kirby Margaret Laxton Bobby and Judy Macemore Bill and Marilyn Mankins Elizabeth Martin Linford and JoAnn Martin Mr. Bernard McGinnis Lynda King Morris Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Murphy David and Joyce Pearce Sam and Mary Jane Petros Helen Rayner Hal and Ann Rollins Linda and Dave Sheasley Teresa and Gus Smith Charles Spross Gary and Sheila Staats Blanche Stevens JD and Mary Storch Jerry and Carol Trecroce

Mary Ellen Turner Helen Waite Paul and Kathy Werle Susan White Maxine Whitney Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas Williams, Jr. Maria Williamson

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018



Bold indicates new members in giving clubs

The Onward and Upward Society celebrates Summit’s generous donors who give at the leadership level of $2,300 or greater. $2,300 bridges the gap between tuition and the actual cost of educating each Summit student.

SUMMIT STARS $20,000 and Greater Jeff and Laura Allen Caroline and Curt Batten Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burress Matthew Cullinan and Anna Reilly Mebane Charitable Foundation Smith Self

1933 COUNCIL $10,000 - $19,999 Anonymous Malcolm and Patty Brown Jim and Beth Einstein David and Mary Mounts Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Schindler Summit School Parents’ Association

FOUNDERS’ SOCIETY $5,000 - $9,999 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Bassett III Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Beach Filippo and Nicoletta Berti Mr. and Mrs. Austin Byrne Mr. and Mrs. David C. Eagan


Mr. and Mrs. John Gehring J. Michael Johnston Foundation Carrie and Richard Malloy William and Jayne Mebane Kate and Joe Michalek Ellen and Bill Parsley Karen and Tom Pranikoff

HEAD’S TEAM $3,000 - $4,999 Carolyn and Michael Albright Dr. and Mrs. Guy M. Arcuri Nancy and Rick Baker Ben and Joyce Carson Mrs. Doris H. Crumpler Mr. and Mrs. Chris DiRusso Mr. and Mrs. James W. Douglas Mrs. John T. Eagan, Jr. Liz and Michael Ebeling Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Goodson Kay D. King Ann and Bob Merkel Dr. Steven S. and Mrs. Joyce Mou Patrick and Allison Rimron Forrest Staton Jim Stroupe and Ursula Henninger Brooke and Catherine Webster David Werle and S. Margaret Pike Mrs. Genny Williams

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018

PIONEER CIRCLE $2,300 - $2,999 Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Jason Bridges Angela, Andrew and Stephen Carr Dr. Eben and Missy Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Sandlin M. Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Grosswald Richard and Kate Haselwood Ann and Ben Hough Beth and David Janeway Paul and Denise Laurienti Carolyn McInnis Lontz Janice and Charlie Lovett Louisa and Mark Petersen Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Roemer, Jr. Jeanne and Ben Sayers Mark and Pam Shehan Brant R. Snavely III Elton B. Stephens, Jr. Rob and Holly Stowe Alex and Elliott Turner Carter and Melissa Ward Mr. and Mrs. Greg Wilson

FUTRELL FRIENDS $1,000 - $2,299 Anonymous Cal and Mary Craven Adams Sandra Adams Joe and Anne Andrews Robert Arey Ben Baker Jerry and Cassandra Baker Mr. and Mrs. Martin Baker Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan B. Blanco James and Laura Bland Thomas and Ute Bornemann Penni and Mike Bradshaw John and Betsy Brais Wendy and Michael Brenner Mr. and Mrs. David P. Broughton Jim Bunn Craig and Kathleen Cannon Tom and Nancy Cannon Franklin and Beth Chen Claire and Hudnall Christopher Dr. and Mrs. Nick Chrysson Daniel Cohen and Lisa Dragoni Susan and Mark Conger Barry and Dottie Cook Bill and Betty Gray Davis Marina and Wesley Davis Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dunn Barry and Lynn Eisenberg Robert Finch Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Flow Mr. and Mrs. McDara P. Folan III Mr. and Mrs. Bradley H. Fowler John and Sherry Frino Paul Fulton Thomas G. Gallaher Gfeller Family Vernon Glenn Ted and Julia Ann Goins Bernard and Anne Howell Gray Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Greene John Harper and Sheila Cipriano Laura W. Hearn Tamer Hegazy and Jane Clarke

Joseph and Deanne Hettinger Shelley and David Holden Ms. Leslie A. Hollan Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hollan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hollan III Loma Hopkins Mark and Heather Hopkinson Keya Hosseinzadeh and Maha Torabi David and Cristi Howe Stephanie and David Iauco Gregory and Cathy Irwin Mr. and Mrs. Trent E. Jernigan Charles and Susan Johnson Sean and Elizabeth Kehoe Elizabeth and Jonathan Kelly Cindy and Bob Kluttz Scott and Ticia Kribbs Drs. Adrian Laxton and Brandi Jacques Barry and Tina Leonard Aubrey and Holli Linville Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Maloy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jason M. Marley David and Carroll McCullough Will and Robyn McElwee Tom and Sandy Meckley Brian and Mary Mendenhall Marianne and Rod Meyer Kate and Joe Michalek Heath Miller Mrs. Patricia Bradshaw Morgenstern Ken and Mary Nan Moser Anthony and Ashley Myers Richard Noll and Natalie Jensen-Noll Mark and Pam Oliver Thomas and Stacey O'Neill Joe and Britt Parrish Will and Emily Parsley John and Dominique Patrick Dan and Ashley Pearce F. Matthew and Stacy Petronzio Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Pfefferkorn Dave and Kay Phillips Billy and Deborah Prim David and Laura Ramsay Beth and Dave Reboussin Roy O. Rodwell Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Roemer III

Isabel Ruffin Jimmy Ruffin Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ruffin Vahid and Bita Salem Dr. and Mrs. Scott Segal Mr. and Mrs. William Semans Patricia and Philip Shugart Omari Scott Simmons Beth Perry Skorich Mr. and Mrs. Anthony K. Slater Teresa and Gus Smith Nancy Spencer David and Catherine Spross Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stacy Dr. Selester and Freda Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Stopyra Eddie and Phyllis Stubbins Carter and Sharon Sturkie Mark and Wesley Suttle Mike and Alison Sweeney Mary Craig and Andy Tennille Chad and Marybeth Terry Nancy Rodwell Tuohy Jay Turner and Tonya Deem Jim Walter Meredith and Win Welch John and Betty Whitaker Anne Glenn and Rob Whitnell Andrew and Nicole Williams Ralph and Beverly Williams Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Willis, Jr. Lara and Fletcher Wilson Mike and Heather Wilson Mary Lou and Peter Wilson Dr. William Wilson and Mrs. Leslie Wilson Yvonne B. Winters

LEWIS LEGENDS $500 - $999 Anonymous Dax and Nichole Allred David and Julia Archer Heidi Klepin and Hal Atkinson Kelly Baird and Kelly Barham Jeffie Weaver Baldwin

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018


Mr. and Mrs. James B. Barber Ranlet S. and Frank M. Bell, Jr. Thad and Amy Bergelin

Gene and Charlla Jernigan Dr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Keith Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey J. Kierstead

Dan and Christine Bland Chuck Blixt and Dianne Neal-Blixt Brent and Pam Bond Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Booke Tom and Bonnie Bowman G. Thomas Boyette III Felice and Richard Brenner Cara and Buck Byrum

Dany and Lisa Kim-Shapiro Mr. Kevin Kranis and Dr. Robin Boyd-Kranis Scott and Darcey Ladner Roland Leak and Sirena Hargrove-Leak Celia Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lewis Margaret and Rick Lewis

Ann Brown and Chip Campbell Drew and Sara Cannon Dr. and Mrs. Dudley C. Chandler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Donald Clark Kate and Alex Clegg Timothy and Emily Collins Nan V. Crawford Stephanie and Chris Cronan Rick and Sara Crowder John and Sarah Dalena Katie Distler Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Douglas III Brendan and Laura Dugan Jim and Lauren Dunn Chris W. Eagan Kerry E. Eagan Mr. and Mrs. James J. Edmundson Brian and Lauren Eisenberg Mr. Ned Erickson and Dr. Lia Erickson Carlie Eubanks Ellie and Stuart Fine Paul and Elizabeth Foley Omnia and Jennifer Fowler Rob and Bonnie Fowler Margaret McKinnon Gardner Matthew Giegengack and Claire Calvin Chris and Shon Gilmore Richard and Jennifer Gottlieb Mr. and Mrs. Parker H. Grubbs Abram and Nevine Hanna John and Tina Heafner Jay and Jane Helvey Charles Hildebrandt and Wendy Moore Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Holmes Danny and Pat Hoots Matthew and Catherine Hornaday Harriet and Royce Hough Dr. and Mrs. Jon Hudson Rob Hurley and Meredith Adams


Matthew and Samara Llewellyn Joseph and Lisa Malangoni Harvey S. Martin Stephen and Rachael Matthews John Scott May Marci McAllister Mr. and Mrs. Stuart H. McCormick J. Douglas and Martha McDowall Noah and Virginia McKay Fred and Cecelia McPhail Alyson Meyer Thomas and Constance Moore Danny and Kathy Newcomb Katheryn and Otis Northington Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Ogburn, Sr. Tony and Ann Palmer Lindsay and Ricardo Peral Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Perry, Jr. Jordan and Meredith Peterson Phil Petros Bill and Jane Pfefferkorn Gini and Brian Piekarski Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward Pleasants, Jr. Anne and John Powers Beth and Bob Probst Religious Society of Friends Catherine Rice Ginny Rice Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Rice III Betsy Holmes Richardson Nic and Ellen Robinson Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Robinson Michael and Jill Rogers Emily Brown Rostlund and Olle Rostlund Mr. Dalton D. Ruffin Greg and Shannon Russ Bill and Vera Satterfield Mary and John Schultz Nancy and John Schultz Sally and Steve Seawright Joan and David Senior

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018

Ken and Stefoni Shaw Steve and Heather Shearer Mr. and Mrs. Gregory I. Skoteiniadis Sarah Sloan William Sloan and Barbara Clifford Anna Marie and Craig Smith Jeff Smith and Robin McGurkin-Smith Elizabeth Newman Smyth Mrs. Brant Snavely, Jr. Douglas Sosnik and Maria Jorge Deborah Southern Molly and Jim Southern Stella Surratt Betty P. Sutton Charles and Martha Sutton Jocelyn Tennille Bryan and Sharon Thompson Kelly Timberlake Margaret and David Townsend Elaine Turner Tom and Mari Valaoras Henry and Valerie Valk Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Veneziano Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welch Steven and Kathryn White John and Kim Wilson Tripp Winslow and Stacie Zelman Mr. and Mrs. H. Vernon Winters Mr. and Mrs. William Woltz, III Grace and David Wyss Jason and Kristen Zaks

ADAMS ARCHITECTS $250 - $499 Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Bryan A. Adams Allison Aldridge Cinda and duWayne Amen Meredith N. Andrews Hope Arcuri Matthew Arcuri John Baicy Chris and Nermin Ballinger Ellen and Doug Bassett Wyatt and Bartlett Bassett Sarah Bauk Lori and Alan Baydush Brad and Michelle Beck Charley and Pat Belch Mr. Bert L. Bennett, Jr. Richard and Mona Bennett

Chris and Emery Bettis Janice C. Blake Daniel and Sarah Anne Blynn Ann and Bret Borchelt Beth and Jon Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Boyd Butler Family Missy and Archer Butler Jason and Jennifer Caldwell Benjamin J. Carson IV Carlyle Chandler III Jeffrey and Melanie Chandler Shueimei and Cheng Chen Ms. Suzanne Clark Andrea and Caleb Clauset Christian and Amber Colo Mary Alice and Mike Colo Mrs. W. Andrew Copenhaver Edward A. Crawford Sarah and Tom Dalrymple Julia Breckinridge Davis Suzanne C. Davis Cathy and Walter Denning Evan and Mark Dunnagan Doyle and Betty Early Kathryn and Bobby Edwards David and Sherrie Fain Andy and Kim Fansler Steven Feldman and Leora Henkin Bob and Sara Fly John and Sheila Fox Joe and Peggy Gaddy Tom and Elizabeth Gatewood David and Tonya Geren Sam and Yiota Gianopoulos Jodi Turner and Bill Gifford Betty Allen and Conrad Graham Juanita S. Greene Caren Grice Christopher and Mandy Haggerson Borden and Ann Hanes Andrew and Erika Hano Steve Harberger Susan and Jay Hedgpeth David Hedrick Sue and Doug Henderson Gloria Henninger Persis W. Hildebrandt Andrew Holgate and Kristin Bennett Amy Underwood Holland John Hollan, Jr. Pollyann and Greg Holthusen Mr. Mark H. Hoppe and Dr. Betsy S. Hoppe

Joseph and Anne Hsu Robbie and Dave Irvin Debby and Guy Jeter Mr. and Mrs. Brownell Johnston Scott and Mary Jones Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kaplan Brad King Barbara and Brent Kirby Leigh and Andy Koman Scott and Bebe Krewson Dr. and Mrs. David Kunkle Heston and Savana LaMar Amy S. Lawrence Lea and Randy Loftis Rob and Kathy Luttrell Michael and Lisa MacCorkle Jenny and Kirk Macemore Mr. and Mrs. M. Brian Magargle Katherine and Simon Mahler Angela and John Manning Sarah and Chris McAuley Dr. and Mrs. William McCall, Jr. Shawn and Linda McCarty Matt and Dot McCollum Ed and Rebecca McKee Barbara and Mark McManus Debbie and E. Fred McPhail, Jr. Prenard Mickens Scott and Daniela Miller Steven and Susan Moll Kimbrel Bunn Morris John and Amy Morrow Robb and Eva Mothershed Colby and Sean Murphy Tim Musser Bill and Shea Oakes Jane and Sam Ogburn Jr. Dan and Alex O'Hara Mildred W. Paden David and Laura Pasquale Ford Perry Frank and Linda Petronzio Emerson London Pheeney Alison Rice and Harvey Phillips Mr. Graydon O. Pleasants, Jr. and Ms. Margaret Scales George and Judy Plonk Kimberly Powers John and Joan Preyer Shannon Pylant The Regan Family Charles and Juliana Richards Mark and Stuart Robinson Chris Rogers and Dawn Greene-Rogers

Henry and Heather Royster Dan and Linda Sayers Michael and Elizabeth Scannell Bill and Barbara Scantland Susan and Gary Schambach Matt and Tricia Sheehan Bekah and Shaun Sidden Carolyn O. Simmons Paul Sinal Michael Skorich Douglas and Brandi Slater Alex Smith Jonathan and Emily Smith Liza and Marshall Smith Dr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Sommerkamp Mr. J. Christopher Spear George and Ashley Stabolitis Ena (Midg) Stackhouse Dana and James Stallings Susan E. Surratt Jim and Virginia Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Thomas Dave and Katie Thompson Barton L. and Angela S. Tiffany Robert and Kelly Turner John and Brenda Tyo Francis Walker and Debra Liu Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wild David Winters and Audrey Williams Bill and Page Woltz Lynn and Jeff Young

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018


SUMMIT SUPPORTERS Up to $249 Anonymous Frederick Adams and April Ruffin-Adams Janet and Jack Adamson Hannah Albertson Martha Albertson Susan Spaugh Alexander Jess Alfaro Charlie Allen Ross Allen Mark C. Anderson Terrance and Barbara Andree Scott and Cynthia Andree Bowen Lisa Arbaugh Tom and Tracy Arne Kamran and Fariba Ashraf Kimia Ashraf Steve and Patsy Ashworth Stewart Austin Derek and Tiffany Avery Bruce and Anne Babcock Emily Neese and John Babcock Kim Bailey Bud and Zanne Baker Robert Baldwin Edmund and Emily Ball Aaron and Leslie Banzhof Rajendra and Vijayalaxmi Basannavar McKinley Bassett Hines Batten Raike Batten Hannah Beck Jason and Laura Bell Stuart and Julie Belnap Madeleine Bennett The Bergman and Balderamos Family Linda and Lee Bettis Kurt and Ashley Birkins Grif and Kathy Blackard Charles and Fran Blackburn George Blackburn Gwen and Ed Blackmer William and Mary Block Austin Bloom Bill and Betsy Neill Blue Parker Bond Robert and Carolyn Bouldin Brian Bouzas and Marybeth Oas


Mr. and Mrs. Ramiro Bouzas Bonnie Bowen Mrs. Cynthia A. Bowen Jack and Diane Bowen Scott and Caroline Bowen Betsy and Carr Boyd Nancy A. Bramlett Dennis, Julie, Jessica and Katelyn Branch Clayton and Keith Brant Anna Henderson Brantley Rob and Judy Breakstone Angela Dillard Breeden Ann Brenner Rachel Brewbaker Penelope Broughton Chad and Caroline Brown Hilbert Brown and Leila Wall-Brown Jackson Brown Jayden Brown Thad and Kathryn Brown Ty and Tara Brown Virginia Browne Daniel Bruton Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bruton Kris and Katie Bryant Mark and Beth Budd Derrick and Elizabeth Burger Jean Burris Lisa and David Buschek Blake Byrne JP Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Brad A. Calhoun Dexter and Wanda Campbell Taylor Campbell Pat and Gene Capps Melissa and Mike Capriola Brennen Carr Donnell Carr Eoin Carr Allison Carroll-Blackwell Nathaniel Carson John Carty Robbie and Julia Chandler Madhulika Chandra Nancy Chapman David and Marci Chermak Sarah and Gabe Chrysson Alice Day Brown Clark Thomas Clauset David and Debra Clayman Alice and George Cleland Melissa and George Cleland Jennifer J. Cleland

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018

Richard H. Clement Jeffrey and Julie Clevenger Harry and Andrea Cline John Coan Cathy Coles Austin Conger George Conger Chris Conrad Mitch Cox and Mary Reynolds Emily Craig John and Valerie Cronan Dr. J. Robert Crouse III Edward and Anne Crow Tao and Jennifer Cui Chris and Kathy Culp John and Ann Dalena Bo Dalrymple Katie Dalrymple Jane and Paul Daniel Terrie and John Davis Sandra and Lawrence Davis Martha and Linwood Davis Rosann Davis Timothy and Ida Davis Dicky and Amanda Deal Todd and Karen DeNeui Caroline Gray DenHerder Mr. and Mrs. Anthony H. Disher Jr. Alan and Sharon Doorasamy Kevin and Tracy Doub Borden Douglas Catherine Douglas Mr. and Mrs. G. Walker Douglas Hill Douglas Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson Douglas, Jr. Margaret Douglas Mary Grace Douglas Mills Douglas Mr. and Mrs. T. Dixon Douglas Thomas Douglas Walker and Emily Douglas Robert Douthit Elmer and Linda Doyle Mr. and Mrs. R. Paul Dresel Cary Driver Michelle Duchneskie Mary and Joe Dudley Mrs. Susan Ashworth Dumbacher Alison Elster Duncan Tracy and Tami Duncan Emily Dunn Nancy Dunn Robert and Sara Dunnagan

Edna H. Duren Betty Earle Rob Edwards Whit and Fleming Edwards Aurelia Gray Eller Ed and Vivian Ellis Meredith and Adam Elrod Jack Elster John and Susan Elster Mrs. J. Robert Elster Sally Colhoun Engram Barbara Eure Barrett and Jeannie Evans Meredyth and Whitney Ewing Ty Fansler Ann and John Faris Denise Gagnon Faulhaber Mr. and Mrs. Jason Felten Lois J. Felten Mr. and Mrs. Robert Field Richard and Catherine Fields Nancy Figan Owen Fitzgerald Dr. Will and Anne Fleeson Claudia and Gary Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Fleming, Jr. Dolores and Moises Flores de Valgaz Stephanie Flores de Valgaz Ben Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Lewis S. Fowler Marion and Jenifer Fowler Catherine Copenhaver Fraise Alex French Robin and Dana French Billy and Donza Friende Carolyn and Winn Fuller Carrie Fulton Cici Fulton Mary Elizabeth Fusco Christine and Roger Gagnon Russ Gagnon Gray Galloway Mr. and Mrs. James G. Galloway, Jr. Jay and Carrie Galloway McCabe Galloway Heyward and Tiffany Garner Kathy and Art Gibel Finn Giegengack Julie Giljames Adam and Rebecca Ginn Richard and Clara Gizinski Paxson B. Glenn Mr. Raymond Glover and Dr. Melicia Glover

Brant Godfrey Norma Goelst Joshua Golden Michael Gordon Pat and Nancy Grantham Katherine Anne Graves Robert Gray Dr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Gray Thomas A. Gray Alex Green David Green Jack Green Stan C. Green Brad and Catherine Greene Tom and Teese Griffin Pat and Fletcher Grubbs Davis Hanson Shannon and Will Hanson Thomas G. Hardy III Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hargrove Wendy Harper Chuck and Kelly Harris Fran Sizemore Harris Martha and Mo Hartley Beth and Brian Haskell Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hauser Peter Hawley Henry G. and Julie M. Heidtmann Daniel and Catherine Helm Christy and Scott Hemby Ross and Jeanette Hemp Conley Henderson Mrs. Robert Henning Matt Henrichs Gigi Perkinson Hershey

Marian Starr Hessman Daphne W. Hill Della Hinman Joanna Holden Libby Holden Henderson Holder Janet L. Honecker Elizabeth Rief and Shawn Hooper JD and Amanda Hoots Blitz Hoppe Will Hoppe Linda Holmes Horsley Karen House Mike and Alyssa Hubbard Charles and Suzanne Huber Carolyn Huettel Lucia Hughes and Thomas P. Hughes Greg and Kimberly Hundley Dennis and Marie Hunt Susan and Gary Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Greg Hunter Tarrah Hunter Jonathan and Misty Hyman Nick and Molly Iauco Steven and Ana Iltis Mary Starling Inman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jabbour Paul M. James III Katherine Janeway Christopher Jenkins Gaither and Sarah Jenkins Jane Harris Jester Charles Johnson Douglas Johnson and Casey Price Edna P. Johnson

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018


Geoffrey and Edith Johnson Hunter Johnson Katie Parsley Johnson Mark and Rachel Neely Johnson Anne Coggan Johnston Suzy McCalley and Allen Joines Bev and Janet Jones Chris and Lucinda Jones Hunter Jones Ms. Shakerra Jones Tamala Jones Mr. Fred B. Jordan Betsy and Bill Joyner Sarah Kaplan Seth and LaRinda Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Brent Keene Joshua and Kirstin Keilty Liam Keilty David L. Kelly III Robert and Maxine Kelly Charles Kenan Hampden and Barrett Kenan Hayden and Mary Kepley Mica Kim-Shapiro Bill and Ginger King M. Carlyle Kinlaw Clark and Caroline Kinser Robert and Kathryn Klawinski Jeffrey and Deborah Klein Bob and Acra Kluttz Emy Knight Vicki Kocher Erin Koewing Joy V. Kontos Robert Krebs and Jennifer Girard-Krebs Elizabeth Krewson Emily Krewson Sawyer Kribbs Walden Kribbs Jason and Laura Kubicki Bryan and Joan Kull Lesley-Anne Lamb Jake Lang Justin Lang Whitney and Rob Lang Kip and Marti Larson Sarah Parrott Lathrop Mary Katherine Lautemann John Layman Thomas and Elizabeth Layman Donelle Leak Sae and Hannah Lee Donald Lendle and Margaret Harper


Helen Levin Lois and Bruce Levin Whitney Wright Lewallen Carlos Lindo and Katia Reyes Dr. and Mrs. Donald J. Lineback Dr. Laurel Link Kathryn K. Linville Barbara Lister-Sink Brian Littlejohn Frank Littlejohn Peter and Jolynn Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. London, Jr. Reid and Meredith Long Ms. Elisa Lovette and Ms. Jennifer Redd-Lovette Elle Lovette Jamey Lowdermilk Dr. and Mrs. Tad and Ellen Lowdermilk Robert Lyerly Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lyerly Chris Lyon Mr. Paul MacAnanny and Dr. Erika Johnston-MacAnanny Jack and Gayle MacKenzie Carter Malmo Gerald M. Malmo III Turner Malmo Mr. and Mrs. John Mann Mallory Mansfield Paul and Deborah Mansfield Mr. and Mrs. William F. Maready Carla Martin Elizabeth Martin Mary Allen and Jim Martin Valerie Martin David Masich Mary Catherine Bozymski Maus Hollis Maxson Justin Maxson and Lisa Abbott

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018

James May William May Allyson McCauley Jason R. McEnaney Biz McEwan Barbre McGill Mr. Bernard McGinnis Alexander and Deirdre McKinnon Mr. and Mrs. John B. McKinnon Sedric McMillian and Loni Worsley Mr. and Mrs. R. Gregory McNeer, Jr. Trish McRae David and Susanne McWilliams Butch and Tricia Mendenhall Dr. and Mrs. J. Wayne Meredith Elizabeth Turner and Sam Merrick Arlene and Jonathan Meter Don and Tali Meyer Gary Michalove Shannon and Ryan Mihalko Ms. Angela G. Mims Katherine Mims Ann Benbow Mirchandani John and Beth Mochnick Mark and Heather Moir David Moore Elizabeth A. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Robertson L. Moore Melody Moossavi Shahriar Moossavi and Mozhdeh Marandi John M. Morehead Kathy Morgan Ted Morgan Whitt Morgan William Morgan Lynda King Morris Karen and John Morrow Aly and John Kenneth Moser Deanna Carlisle Moss

Daniel and Bonnie Murphy Millie Murphy Sarah Murphy Chiedza Mushayamunda Dereck and Yvonne Mushayamunda Fadzai Mushayamunda Simba Mushayamunda Joshua Myers Mr. Joseph F. Neely and Ms. Joyce R. Neely Betsy Neill Scottie and David Neill Lydie Neill Mary Scott Neill Rob Neill Frances Newman Holbrook Newman Michael and Martha Nichols Dr. and Mrs. Robert Nicolotti Thomas F. O'Brien III Jack Ogburn Mindy Ogburn Sam Ogburn Dr. and Mrs. J. Raymond Oliver Justin and Jennifer Orbock Roanne and David Ornelles Justin and Jill Osborn Ross Osborn Chris and Ellyn Owens Jeannie and Steve Paparoupas David and Joyce Pearce Leane Peddycord Cliff and Sarah Pennell Timothy Pennell Linda Penney Rachel and Blair Percival Magdalena Perez Vicente Dane and Virginia Perry Josh Perry Colin and Mary Elster Peters Owen Petersen Thomas and Ashley Petronzio Sam and Mary Jane Petros Paul and Robin Pfefferkorn Philip Pfeifer and Catherine Matthews Michael and Elaine Phelps Ridgely Medlin Phillips Skip and London Pickett Helen Pierce Sterling and Cynthia Pierce Apsara Prasad and John Pinelli Dixon B. Pitt Harry and Cami Plagianis

Brian Platz Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Pledger Louise Pollard Katie Pons Ms. Shayna K. Pons Anne and Alex Pope Joanne Portaro Richard W. Porter Jane Dudley Portman Brent and Jaye Powell Joe and Ann Fleming Taft Powell Brian and Gina Powers Robbie Powers William and Margaret Price Megan Probst Christian and Sarah Purgason Kate Quadland Marten Quadland Mr. and Mrs. Quad Quadland Sarah Ravenel Leah and Thomas Ravenel James Reaves Winnie Jordan Reaves Pat and Roland Reboussin Matthew Regan Richard Reich and Marian Wilson Curtis E. Reid Derek and Alli Reid Jon and Elizabeth Reynolds Wendy Rice Peter and Sarah Richter Brandi and John Rights Phala Roberts Mark and Debbie Robinson Andy Rodekohr and Xiaolin Dai Michelle and Harper Roehm, Jr. Blair Roemer Jack Roemer Suzanna Roemer Anna Rogers Michael Rogers Ms. Stephane Rogers David and Jennifer Rosen Gregory Ross and Linda Nicolotti Sarcanda and Brent Rottweiller Roy and Linda Rowe Avon Ruffin Mr. and Mrs. Dalton D. Ruffin, Jr. The Russell Family Unit Jack and Virginia Salt Harry Sams Emma Stuart Satterfield Susannah Satterwhite Dr. and Mrs. William M. Satterwhite

Teebie Bunn Saunders and James Saunders Kianna Scanlon Nancy and Andy Schneider Michael and Millie Schultz William Schultz Frank Seitz Ruth and Marcus Seitz Alvin Selby John Senior and Raegan Dalbo Cristen and Ben Sessions Elizabeth Sharpe Tom Shaver Nate Shaw Linda and Dave Sheasley Glenda M. Shelton Jan Shepherd Carolyn M. Shields Penn Shore Colleen Bryant-Sills and Brooks Sills Martine T. Silver Elizabeth Perkinson Simmons Paul and Susan Simos Jaclyn Sizemore JJ Sloan Mr. and Mrs. A. Zachary Smith III Catherine Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Smith Julie Smith Tom and Sandra Smith Marian and William D. Smith, Sr. Will Sneden Terra Snider Terry Snider Hank and Kate Hanes Snow Mark and Karen Sohmer Jackie Rose Sparnicht Jennifer Sparnicht Michael and Robin Speaks Matthew and Courtney Spear Joan Spehrson Beverly Spicer Dack Stackhouse Les and Jan Standerfer Blake and Lindsay Stanley Hans and Tracy Steckly Marilee and Ken Stettler Blanche Stevens David Stoeri Cannon Simpson Stoffel Billy Stoltz Patti and Tom Stopyra Christine and Bain Storch JD and Mary Storch

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018


Anne and Bill Straughan C. Barbour Strickland III Vance Stroupe Koleman Strumpf and Deborah Healy Al Stubbs Jean Olive and Allston Stubbs Jim and Claudia Stubbs Z and Meredith Stubbs Amelia Sturkie Elisa Sturkie Katie Hill Sturkie Christopher and Mary Lynn Sullivan Linda Sullivan Summit School Fall Basketball League Bo Sutton Jack and Cindy Sutton Jenny Sutton Will Sutton Spencer and Shannon Taft Jared Taylor Rob and Beth Taylor Parker and Chris Tegeler Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Terry John and Angela Tesh Derrick Tharpe and Kristine Coates Christy Thomas Ginger and John Thomas Martha and John Thompson

Rhonda Timberlake Karen Tolbert Dottie and Donn Toney Katy Warren Towers Bruce and Patty Townsend Gray Townsend Mary Lyle Townsend Reilly Townsend Catherine Tracy Khang and Kelli Tran Jerry and Carol Trecroce Alex Tribble Mr. and Mrs. R. Christopher Tribble Sydney Tribble Jane Wilsey Tucker Jeff and Betsy Tucker Martin Tucker Chris Tuohy Lisa and Jeff Turner Mary Ellen Turner McLean Turner Elise Tutwyler David and Kourtney Tuxhorn Lou Utt Mark and Nancy Vaders Tricia Vaughn Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Veneziano Paden and Stacy Verner Whitley Vogler Alex and Kelley Waite

Summit thanks all who participated in the Founders Day Week of Giving Campaign

George and Phyllis Walker Judi Wallace Nathaniel Ward and Charmaine Cadeau Adam and Tracy Warren Betty and Charles Watson Brian K. and Cindy S. Weisner Janice Weiss Caroline Welch Edwin Welch Louise Strickland Wells Paul and Kathy Werle Mr. and Mrs. Kim D. Westmoreland Thomas White Thomas and Verona White Cameron and Elise Whitley Rachel Will Kelly and David Williams Mel and Jennifer Williams Mr. Robert W. Williams Fleet Wilson Grace Wilson Janie and J. D. Wilson Justin and Danielle Wilson The Wittenberg Family Alen and Roni Wyss Ming-Lung Yang and Abby Yager Eleanor Cross Young Heather S. Younts Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Zaks



For the second year, Summit realized tremendous results from its Week of Giving Campaign, celebrated in conjunction with Founders Day on September 26th. The campaign was led by Summit Fund Parents’ Division Chairs Hunter and Sandlin ’94 Douglas (parents of Mills ’25 and Borden ’28) and aided by dozens of volunteers.

• RAISED $151,502

More than 25 members of the Douglas and Elster families issued a challenge to the Summit community — if 250 gifts were received by the end of the week-long campaign, they would collectively donate an additional $5,000 to Summit.


Fortunately the goal was exceeded by more than 43%, and the Douglas/Elster Challenge was a success. Summit School is grateful to the 357 donors during this week!

Please save the date and be sure to join us, near or far, for this year’s Founders Day Week of Giving September 24-28, 2018 PAGE 24

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018




MEMORIALS Summit School is honored to remember the following individuals by gifts made in their memory.

Betty Gay

Dr. Harold C. Pollard III

Anne and Bill Straughan

Sandra Adams

Matt Gfeller ’08 Michael Ebeling

Michael Ebeling Joseph and Anne Hsu

Haley Gfeller

Peggy Pruett

Clara D. Allen

Lisa and Robert Gfeller

John Scott May ’70

Arthur and Martha Foreman

Geneva Johnson

Janet L. Honecker

Mary Pullen

Mark and Nancy Vaders

Ted and Julia Ann Goins ’82

Theodore R. Keith ’91

S. MacGregor Ruffin ’10

Dr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Keith

Michael Ebeling

Richard and Melissa Lewis ’89

Isabel Ruffin ’13

Deanna Carlisle Moss Anne and Bill Straughan

Dr. Stephen G. Anderson Sandra Adams

Guy M. Blynn

Sally Pullen Kelly ’52 Ted and Julia Ann Goins ’82

Daniel ’93 and Sarah Anne Blynn

Jenny Kimbrel Bunn Jim Bunn

Michelle Lachat ’84 Kathernine Anne Graves ’84

Kimbrell Bunn Morris ’86

Beth Lyon

Teebie B. Saunders ’91 and James Saunders

Chris Lyon

Rachel Malcolm

William H. Carr

Sandra Adams

John Scott May ’70

Pat and Gene Capps

Nilla Dudley Childs ’73 Ted and Julia Ann Goins ’82

Anne Copenhaver and Family Cornercap Investment Counsel Betty Earle

Andy Copenhaver

Jane Harris Jester

Sandra Adams

Anne Coggan Johnston

Grandchildren of Andy Copenhaver

Lois and Bruce Levin

Michael Ebeling

Joan Spehrson

R. Baker Crawford III ’87

Les and Jan Standerfer

Edward A. Crawford ’90

Anne and Bill Straughan

Nan V. Crawford

Judi Wallace

Mary Baucom Driscoll

Juliette K. Miranda

Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Driscoll

Dr. Donald J. ’59 and

Kristen A. Duren ’84

John Scott May '70

Mrs. Judy Lineback

Edna H. Duren

Fred Patterson ’78

Katherine Anne Graves ’84

Donnell Carr ’78

Jim ’77 and Lorre Ruffin Jimmy Ruffin ’07

Donna Whitley Sandra Adams Betty Earle

DONOR ROLL Donors to the Summit Fund by constituency group (# years of consecutive giving since 1990-91)

PARENTS Anonymous Cal and Mary Craven Adams (5) Frederick Adams and April Ruffin-Adams (4) Carolyn and Michael Albright (4) Allison Aldridge Jeff and Laura Allen (5) Dax and Nichole Allred (3) Mark C. Anderson (7) Scott and Cynthia Andree Bowen (2) Joe and Anne Andrews (3) Tom and Tracy Arne (5) Heidi Klepin and Hal Atkinson Stewart Austin Derek and Tiffany Avery John Baicy (10) Kelly Baird and Kelly Barham (2) Ben Baker (17) Mr. and Mrs. Martin Baker (6) Nancy and Rick Baker (6) Edmund and Emily Ball Chris and Nermin Ballinger Aaron and Leslie Banzhof Rajendra and Vijayalaxmi Basannavar (2) Wyatt and Bartlett Bassett (4) Caroline and Curt Batten (7) Lori and Alan Baydush (2) Brad and Michelle Beck (16) Jason and Laura Bell Stuart and Julie Belnap (3) Thad and Amy Bergelin (2) The Bergman and Balderamos Family Chris and Emery Bettis (3) Kurt and Ashley Birkins (2) Grif and Kathy Blackard Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan B. Blanco (13) Dan and Christine Bland James and Laura Bland (2)


Brent and Pam Bond (11) Ann and Bret Borchelt (2) Thomas and Ute Bornemann (9) Brian Bouzas and Marybeth Oas (2) Scott and Caroline Bowen (10) Beth and Jon Bowman (13) Betsy and Carr Boyd (5) John and Betsy Brais (4) Dennis and Julie Branch (3) Mr. and Mrs. Jason Bridges (3) Mr. and Mrs. David P. Broughton (26) Chad and Caroline Brown (2) Thad and Kathryn Brown Ty and Tara Brown (2) Daniel Bruton Kris and Katie Bryant (2) Mark and Beth Budd Derrick and Elizabeth Burger (5) Missy and Archer Butler (4) Jason and Jennifer Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Brad A. Calhoun (13) Ann Brown and Chip Campbell (2) Taylor Campbell (2) Craig and Kathleen Cannon (7) Drew and Sara Cannon (6) Melissa and Mike Capriola (2) Dr. Eben and Missy Carroll (5) Jeffrey and Melanie Chandler Robbie and Julia Chandler Madhulika Chandra Franklin and Beth Chen (3) David and Marci Chermak Dr. and Mrs. Nick Chrysson Andrea and Caleb Clauset (10) David and Debra Clayman Kate and Alex Clegg Jeffrey and Julie Clevenger Harry and Andrea Cline (5) Daniel Cohen and Lisa Dragoni Timothy and Emily Collins (3) Christian and Amber Colo (2) Mitch Cox and Mary Reynolds (2) Stephanie and Chris Cronan (12) Tao and Jennifer Cui John and Sarah Dalena (3) Sarah and Tom Dalrymple (18) Jane and Paul Daniel Rosann Davis

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018

Suzanne C. Davis (15) Marina and Wesley Davis (28) Dicky and Amanda Deal (5) Todd and Karen DeNeui Mr. and Mrs. Chris DiRusso Katie Distler (2) Kevin and Tracy Doub (3) Mr. and Mrs. Sandlin M. Douglas (24) Mr. and Mrs. R. Paul Dresel (7) Michelle Duchneskie (3) Tracy and Tami Duncan (2) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dunn (2) Emily Dunn (3) Evan and Mark Dunnagan (2) Conrad and Lisa Emmerich (5) Mr. Ned Erickson and Dr. Lia Erickson (7) Carlie Eubanks (15) Meredyth and Whitney Ewing David and Sherrie Fain (3) Andy and Kim Fansler (3) Mr. and Mrs. Jason Felten (6) Richard and Catherine Fields (2) Jennifer Finch (3) Robert Finch (3) Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Fitzgerald (11) Dr. Will and Anne Fleeson (4) Paul and Elizabeth Foley Mr. and Mrs. Bradley H. Fowler (6) Mr. and Mrs. Lewis S. Fowler (2) Marion and Jenifer Fowler (2) Omnia and Jennifer Fowler Robin and Dana French (4) John and Sherry Frino (3) Heyward and Tiffany Garner (3) David and Tonya Geren (2) Sam and Yiota Gianopoulos Matthew Giegengack and Claire Calvin (3) Chris and Shon Gilmore (2) Adam and Rebecca Ginn Mr. Raymond Glover and Dr. Melicia Glover Katherine Anne Graves (18) Dr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Gray (12) Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Greene (3) Caren Grice Mr. and Mrs. Parker H. Grubbs (13)

Christopher and Mandy Haggerson (2) Abram and Nevine Hanna Andrew and Erika Hano (12) Shannon and Will Hanson (16) Wendy Harper (4) Richard and Kate Haselwood (2) John and Tina Heafner (4) Tamer Hegazy and Jane Clarke Daniel and Catherine Helm (3) Jay and Jane Helvey (3) Ross and Jeanette Hemp Joseph and Deanne Hettinger (2) Charles Hildebrandt and Wendy Moore (4) Shelley and David Holden (6) Andrew Holgate and Kristin Bennett (13) Amy Underwood Holland (12) Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hollan III (11) Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Holmes JD and Amanda Hoots Mark and Heather Hopkinson (2) Matthew and Catherine Hornaday (2) Keya Hosseinzadeh and Maha Torabi (5) Ann and Ben Hough (12) David and Cristi Howe (7) Dr. and Mrs. Jon Hudson (7)

Mr. and Mrs. Greg Hunter (6) Rob Hurley and Meredith Adams Nick and Molly Iauco (3) Gregory and Cathy Irwin (3) Gaither and Sarah Jenkins (3) Mr. and Mrs. Trent E. Jernigan (3) Douglas Johnson and Casey Price (11) Suzy McCalley and Allen Joines Scott and Mary Jones Ms. Shakerra Jones Tamala Jones Seth and LaRinda Kaplan Sean and Elizabeth Kehoe Joshua and Kirstin Keilty (2) Elizabeth and Jonathan Kelly (11) Hampden and Barrett Kenan Dany and Lisa Kim-Shapiro Brad King (11) Kay D. King (11) Jeffrey and Deborah Klein (2) Cindy and Bob Kluttz (4) Erin Koewing (3) Mr. Kevin Kranis and Dr. Robin Boyd-Kranis (14) Robert Krebs and Jennifer Girard-Krebs (2) Scott and Ticia Kribbs (4)

Jason and Laura Kubicki (2) Bryan and Joan Kull Dr. and Mrs. David Kunkle (4) Heston and Savana LaMar (2) Kip and Marti Larson (5) Paul and Denise Laurienti (8) Mary Katherine Lautemann (4) Drs. Adrian Laxton and Brandi Jacques (4) Thomas and Elizabeth Layman Roland Leak and Sirena Hargrove-Leak Barry and Tina Leonard (3) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lewis (4) Carlos Lindo and Katia Reyes (2) Aubrey and Holli Linville (3) Brian Littlejohn (18) Matthew and Samara Llewellyn (2) Peter and Jolynn Lloyd (2) Ms. Elisa Lovette and Ms. Jennifer Redd-Lovette Mr. Paul MacAnanny and Dr. Erika Johnston-MacAnanny (3) Michael and Lisa MacCorkle Jenny and Kirk Macemore Katherine and Simon Mahler (4) Joseph and Lisa Malangoni (3) Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Maloy, Jr. (5) Angela and John Manning (5) Paul and Deborah Mansfield Mr. and Mrs. Jason M. Marley (3) Valerie Martin (2) Stephen and Rachael Matthews Justin Maxson and Lisa Abbott (2) Marci McAllister Shawn and Linda McCarty Allyson McCauley (3) Matt and Dot McCollum (4) Mr. and Mrs. Stuart H. McCormick (6) Will and Robyn McElwee (7) Noah and Virginia McKay (3) Tiffany McLendon (2) Barbara and Mark McManus (6) Sedric McMillian and Loni Worsley Fred and Cecelia McPhail (3) Brian and Mary Mendenhall (7) Ann and Bob Merkel (8)

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018


Elizabeth Turner and Sam Merrick (5) Alyson Meyer Kate and Joe Michalek (5) Shannon and Ryan Mihalko (13) Scott and Daniela Miller Ms. Angela G. Mims (11) Shahriar Moossavi and Mozhdeh Marandi (2) John and Amy Morrow (5) Aly and John Kenneth Moser (4) Robb and Eva Mothershed (4) Dr. Steven S. and Mrs. Joyce Mou (12) Colby and Sean Murphy (11) Michael and Martha Nichols (5) Katheryn and Otis Northington (5) Bill and Shea Oakes (3) Dan and Alex O'Hara (4) Mark and Pam Oliver (6) Thomas and Stacey O'Neill (3) Justin and Jill Osborn Chris and Ellyn Owens (3) Jeannie and Steve Paparoupas (2) Joseph and Britt Parrish (2) Will and Emily Parsley (13) David and Laura Pasquale (3) Dan and Ashley Pearce (2) Lindsay and Ricardo Peral (7) Louisa and Mark Petersen (9) Jordan and Meredith Peterson (7) F. Matthew and Stacy Petronzio (2) Thomas and Ashley Petronzio (4) Phil Petros (4)


Paul and Robin Pfefferkorn (7) Philip Pfeifer and Catherine Matthews (3) Michael and Elaine Phelps (7) Gini and Brian Piekarski (12) Helen Pierce Sterling and Cynthia Pierce (3) Apsara Prasad and John Pinelli Harry and Cami Plagianis Brian Platz Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Pledger Anne and Alex Pope Brent and Jaye Powell (2) Brian and Gina Powers Anne and John Powers (7) Kimberly Powers (4) William and Margaret Price Shannon Pylant (5) David and Laura Ramsay (3) Leah and Thomas Ravenel (4) James Reaves (4) Winnie Jordan Reaves (4) Beth and Dave Reboussin (7) Richard Reich and Marian Wilson Derek and Alli Reid (2) Charles and Juliana Richards (9) Peter and Sarah Richter (3) Brandi and John Rights Nic and Ellen Robinson (2) Michelle and Harper Roehm, Jr. Chris Rogers and Dawn Greene-Rogers (2) Michael and Jill Rogers (5)

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018

David and Jennifer Rosen (2) Gregory Ross and Linda Nicolotti Emily Brown Rostlund and Olle Rostlund (4) Sarcanda and Brent Rottweiller (2) Henry and Heather Royster (3) Greg and Shannon Russ (3) Vahid and Bita Salem (2) Bill and Vera Satterfield (11) Jeanne and Ben Sayers (5) Michael and Elizabeth Scannell Mary and John Schultz (21) Dr. and Mrs. Scott Segal (3) Ruth and Marcus Seitz (6) Smith Self (6) Mr. and Mrs. William Semans (5) John Senior and Raegan Dalbo (2) Ken and Stefoni Shaw (7) Steve and Heather Shearer (10) Matt and Tricia Sheehan (4) Mark and Pam Shehan (2) Patricia and Philip Shugart (7) Bekah and Shaun Sidden (8) Martine T. Silver (2) Omari Scott Simmons (4) Paul and Susan Simos Beth Perry Skorich (11) Michael Skorich Mr. and Mrs. Gregory I. Skoteiniadis (7) Mr. and Mrs. Anthony K. Slater Douglas and Brandi Slater Alex Smith (4) Anna Marie and Craig Smith (2) Jeff Smith and Robin McGurkin-Smith (5) Jonathan and Emily Smith (3) Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Smith (2) Liza and Marshall Smith (3) Terra Snider (9) Terry Snider (9) Scott and Alexis Snow (2) Molly and Jim Southern (3) David and Catherine Spross (3) George and Ashley Stabolitis (15) Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stacy (3) Dana and James Stallings (9) Forrest Staton (9) Hans and Tracy Steckly (3) Dr. Selester and Freda Stewart (2) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Stopyra (2) Christine and Bain Storch (4) Jim Stroupe and Ursula Henninger (14)

Koleman Strumpf and Deborah Healy Al Stubbs (27) Carter and Sharon Sturkie (9) Christopher and Mary Lynn Sullivan Susan E. Surratt (6) Mark and Wesley Suttle (5) Jim and Virginia Sutton (28) Mike and Alison Sweeney (14) Rob and Beth Taylor (2) Mary Craig and Andy Tennille (4) Chad and Marybeth Terry (5) John and Angela Tesh Derrick Tharpe and Kristine Coates Bryan and Sharon Thompson (2) Dave and Katie Thompson (3) Barton L. and Angela S. Tiffany (2) Khang and Kelli Tran (2) Jeff and Betsy Tucker (3) Chris Tuohy (7) Nancy Rodwell Tuohy (7) Alex and Elliott Turner (13) Jay Turner and Tonya Deem (10) David and Kourtney Tuxhorn John and Brenda Tyo (4) Mark and Nancy Vaders Tom and Mari Valaoras (2) Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Veneziano Jr. (5) Paden and Stacy Verner Alex and Kelley Waite (3) Jim Walter (9) Carter and Melissa Ward (4) Nathaniel Ward and Charmaine Cadeau Brooke and Catherine Webster (6) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welch Meredith and Win Welch (21) David Werle and S. Margaret Pike (3) Steven and Kathryn White (4) Cameron and Elise Whitley (5) Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wild (3) Andrew and Nicole Williams Lara and Fletcher Wilson (7) Mr. and Mrs. Greg Wilson (5) John and Kim Wilson (2) Justin and Danielle Wilson Tripp Winslow and Stacie Zelman (4) David Winters and Audrey Williams (3) Mr. and Mrs. William Woltz III (4) Alen and Roni Wyss (5)

Ming-Lung Yang and Abby Yager Jason and Kristen Zaks (4)

GRANDPARENTS Anonymous Janet and Jack Adamson (2) Terry and Barb Andree (4) Meredith N. Andrews (6) Bud and Zanne Baker (2) Jerry and Cassandra Baker (4) Mr. and Mrs. James B. Barber (3) Mr. and Mrs. John D. Bassett III Charley and Pat Belch (7) Richard and Mona Bennett (4) Linda and Lee Bettis (3) Charles and Fran Blackburn William and Mary Block (3) Mr. and Mrs. Ramiro Bouzas (2)

Mr. and Mrs. James J. Edmundson (6) Ed and Vivian Ellis (2) Lois J. Felten (6) Bob and Sara Fly (2) Rob and Bonnie Fowler (18) Tom and Elizabeth Gatewood (5) Kathy and Art Gibel (4) Juanita S. Greene (4) Pat and Fletcher Grubbs (23) Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hargrove (10) John Harper and Sheila Cipriano (2) Laura W. Hearn (4) David Hedrick Gloria Henninger (5) Persis W. Hildebrandt (7) Daphne W. Hill (9) Ms. Leslie A. Hollan (5) Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hollan, Jr. (9) Danny and Pat Hoots (4) Harriet and Royce Hough (15)

Mrs. Cynthia A. Bowen (8) Jack and Diane Bowen (2) Tom and Bonnie Bowman (3) Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Boyd (5) Nancy A. Bramlett (16) Penelope Broughton (12) Malcolm and Patty Brown (28) Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bruton (2)

Susan and Gary Hunter (2) Stephanie and David Iauco (6) Beth and David Janeway (3) Gene and Charlla Jernigan (2) Debby and Guy Jeter

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burress (20) Jean Burris (3) Dexter and Wanda Campbell (2) Tom and Nancy Cannon (7)

Dr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Keith (4) Robert and Maxine Kelly (2) Hayden and Mary Kepley (4) Bill and Ginger King (11)

Dr. and Mrs. Dudley C. Chandler, Jr. (13) Shueimei and Cheng Chen (2) Mr. and Mrs. W. Donald Clark (5) Thomas Clauset (2) Alice and George Cleland (20) Mary Alice and Mike Colo (2) Barry and Dottie Cook (2)

Clark and Caroline Kinser (3) Barbara and Brent Kirby (12) Bob and Acra Kluttz (4) Vicki Kocher

John and Valerie Cronan (2) Rick and Sara Crowder (2) Mrs. Doris H. Crumpler (11) John and Ann Dalena Bill and Betty Gray Davis (4) Terrie and John Davis (14) Julia Breckinridge Davis (2) Rosann Davis Mr. and Mrs. James W. Douglas (28) Elmer and Linda Doyle (2) Nancy Dunn Robert and Sara Dunnagan (2) Doyle and Betty Early (3)

Charles and Susan Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Brownell Johnston (3) Betsy and Bill Joyner (6)

Sae and Hannah Lee (3) Margaret and Rick Lewis (2) Dr. Laurel Link (6) Lea and Randy Loftis (5) Carolyn McInnis Lontz (2) Elizabeth Martin (2) David and Carroll McCullough (24) J. Douglas and Martha McDowall (2) Mr. Bernard McGinnis (6) Mr. and Mrs. George McLendon (6) Debbie and E. Fred McPhail, Jr. (4) Tom and Sandy Meckley (5) Butch and Tricia Mendenhall (2) Arlene and Jonathan Meter (5) Don and Tali Meyer (5) Marianne and Rod Meyer (28) Dr. and Mrs. Grover Mims (4)

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018


John and Beth Mochnick Kathy Morgan Mrs. Patricia Bradshaw Morgenstern (23) Lynda King Morris (28) Karen and John Morrow (2) Ken and Mary Nan Moser (8) Danny and Kathy Newcomb (2) Dr. and Mrs. Robert Nicolotti (2) Dr. and Mrs. J. Raymond Oliver (3) Tony and Ann Palmer (2) Ellen and Bill Parsley (28) David and Joyce Pearce (2) Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Perry, Jr. (28) Frank and Linda Petronzio (4) Sam and Mary Jane Petros (4) Bill and Jane Pfefferkorn (5) Dave and Kay Phillips George and Judy Plonk (4) Louise Pollard Billy and Deborah Prim Pat and Roland Reboussin (7) Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Robinson (4) Roy O. Rodwell (4) Roy and Linda Rowe (2) Avon Ruffin (2) Dan and Linda Sayers (3) Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Schindler (5) Nancy and John Schultz (7) Sally and Steve Seawright (7) Joan and David Senior (2) Linda and Dave Sheasley Catherine Smith (2) Teresa and Gus Smith (13) Tom and Sandra Smith (2) Marian and William D. Smith, Sr. (8) Mrs. Brant Snavely, Jr. (5) Michael and Robin Speaks (2) Nancy Spencer (20) Elton B. Stephens Jr. (3) Marilee and Ken Stettler Blanche Stevens Patti and Tom Stopyra (4) JD and Mary Storch (4) Eddie and Phyllis Stubbins (2) Jean Olive and Allston Stubbs (28) Linda Sullivan (2) Stella Surratt (2) Betty P. Sutton (28) Charles and Martha Sutton (2) Jocelyn Tennille (2) Dottie and Donn Toney (6) Bruce and Patty Townsend


Jerry and Carol Trecroce (5) Mary Ellen Turner (4) Lou Utt (2) Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Veneziano (9) Betty and Charles Watson Ed and Sue Welch (4) Paul and Kathy Werle (3) John and Betty Whitaker (3) Ralph and Beverly Williams Mr. Robert W. Williams (5) Janie and J. D. Wilson (3) Mary Lou and Peter Wilson (14) Dr. William Wilson and Mrs. Leslie Wilson Yvonne B. Winters (4) Bill and Page Woltz (4) Grace and David Wyss (8) Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Zaks

PAST PARENTS Anonymous Sandra Adams (28) Martha Albertson (28) David and Julia Archer (2) Dr. and Mrs. Guy M. Arcuri (28) Kamran and Fariba Ashraf Steve and Patsy Ashworth (28) Bruce and Anne Babcock (28) Emily Neese and John Babcock (17) Kim Bailey (16) Bud and Zanne Baker (2) Ellen and Doug Bassett (2) Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Beach Ranlet S. and Frank M. Bell, Jr. (3) Mr. Bert L. Bennett, Jr. Filippo and Nicoletta Berti (8) Gwen and Ed Blackmer (24) Janice C. Blake (19) Chuck Blixt and Dianne Neal-Blixt Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Booke (28) Robert and Carolyn Bouldin Bonnie Bowen (14) Mrs. Cynthia A. Bowen (8) Penni and Mike Bradshaw (3) Rob and Judy Breakstone (18) Ann Brenner Wendy and Michael Brenner (6) Felice and Richard Brenner Hilbert Brown and Leila Wall-Brown (13) Malcolm and Patty Brown (28)

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018

Jim Bunn (13) Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burress (20) Mr. and Mrs. Austin Byrne (19) Dexter and Wanda Campbell (2) Tom and Nancy Cannon (7) Pat and Gene Capps (28) Angela S. Carr (28) Ben and Joyce Carson (16) Dr. and Mrs. Dudley C. Chandler, Jr. (13) Nancy Chapman (18) Claire and Hudnall Christopher (27) Ms. Suzanne Clark (2) Alice and George Cleland (20) Melissa and George Cleland (15) Jennifer J. Cleland (23) Cathy Coles (5) Susan and Mark Conger (5) Barry and Dottie Cook (2) Mrs. W. Andrew Copenhaver Nan V. Crawford (27) Dr. J. Robert Crouse III (5) Rick and Sara Crowder (2) Mrs. Doris H. Crumpler (11) Matthew Cullinan and Anna Reilly (12) Chris and Kathy Culp (22) Bill and Betty Gray Davis (4) Terrie and John Davis (14) Julia Breckinridge Davis (2) Sandra and Lawrence Davis (2) Martha and Linwood Davis (26) Timothy and Ida Davis (3) Cathy and Walter Denning (25) Mr. and Mrs. Anthony H. Disher Jr. (24) Alan and Sharon Doorasamy Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Douglas (28) Mr. and Mrs. G. Walker Douglas (28) Mr. and Mrs. James W. Douglas (28) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Douglas III Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Driscoll (3) Cary Driver Mary and Joe Dudley Jim and Lauren Dunn (6) Edna H. Duren (28) Mr. and Mrs. David C. Eagan (17) Mrs. John T. Eagan, Jr. (22) Liz and Michael Ebeling (10) Kathryn and Bobby Edwards (28) Barry and Lynn Eisenberg (26) Aurelia Gray Eller (28) John and Susan Elster Mrs. J. Robert Elster

Barrett and Jeannie Evans (5) Ann and John Faris (10) Steven Feldman and Leora Henkin (4) Claudia and Gary Fleming (28) Dolores and Moises Flores de Valgaz (17) Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Flow (28) Mr. and Mrs. McDara P. Folan III (19) Rob and Bonnie Fowler (18) John and Sheila Fox (4) Billy and Donza Friende (4) Carolyn and Winn Fuller (28) Cici Fulton (19) Paul Fulton (13) Joe and Peggy Gaddy (3) Christine and Roger Gagnon (28) Mr. and Mrs. James G. Galloway, Jr. (5) Tom and Elizabeth Gatewood (5) Lisa and Robert Gfeller (14) Jodi Turner and Bill Gifford (13) Julie Giljames (13) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Goodson (12) Richard and Jennifer Gottlieb (12) Betty Allen and Conrad Graham (26) Pat and Nancy Grantham (3) Tom and Teese Griffin (5) Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Grosswald (16) Pat and Fletcher Grubbs (23) Borden and Ann Hanes (28) Chuck and Kelly Harris (5) Martha and Mo Hartley (28) Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hauser (28) Laura W. Hearn (4) Susan and Jay Hedgpeth (28) Henry G. and Julie M. Heidtmann (17) Christy and Scott Hemby (13) Sue and Doug Henderson (25) Mrs. Robert Henning (4) Ms. Leslie A. Hollan (5) Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hollan, Jr. (9) Pollyann and Greg Holthusen (4) Janet L. Honecker (5) Loma Hopkins Mr. Mark H. Hoppe and Dr. Betsy S. Hoppe (26) Joseph and Anne Hsu Lucia Hughes and Thomas P. Hughes (22) Greg and Kimberly Hundley Steven and Ana Iltis (5) Robbie and Dave Irvin (28)

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jabbour (22) Beth and David Janeway (3) Jane Harris Jester (15) Anne Coggan Johnston (25) Bev and Janet Jones (3) Chris and Lucinda Jones (22) Mr. Fred B. Jordan (2) Betsy and Bill Joyner (6) Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kaplan (3) Dr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Keith (4) Hayden and Mary Kepley (4) Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey J. Kierstead (12) M. Carlyle Kinlaw (2) Bob and Acra Kluttz (4) Leigh and Andy Koman (5) Joy V. Kontos (13) Scott and Bebe Krewson (21) Whitney and Rob Lang (2) Donald Lendle and Margaret Harper Lois and Bruce Levin Barbara Lister-Sink Lea and Randy Loftis (5) Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. London, Jr. Janice and Charlie Lovett (24) Dr. and Mrs. Tad and Ellen Lowdermilk (28) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lyerly (19) Chris Lyon (6) Jack and Gayle MacKenzie (3) Gerald M. Malmo III (23) Mr. and Mrs. John Mann (20) Mr. and Mrs. William F. Maready Mary Allen and Jim Martin (14) John Scott May (23) Sarah and Chris McAuley Dr. and Mrs. William McCall, Jr. (7) David and Carroll McCullough (24) Jason R. McEnaney (16) Ed and Rebecca McKee Mr. and Mrs. John B. McKinnon (14) Mr. and Mrs. R. Gregory McNeer, Jr. (13) Dr. and Mrs. J. Wayne Meredith Marianne and Rod Meyer (28) Heath Miller Dr. and Mrs. Grover Mims (4) Ann Benbow Mirchandani (2) John and Beth Mochnick Mark and Heather Moir (22) Mr. and Mrs. Robertson L. Moore (23) Thomas and Constance Moore (3) John M. Morehead (28) Mrs. Patricia Bradshaw

Morgenstern (23) Lynda King Morris (28) Karen and John Morrow (2) Ken and Mary Nan Moser (8) Deanna Carlisle Moss (21) David and Mary Mounts (3) Daniel and Bonnie Murphy (2) Edie Murphy (20) Dereck and Yvonne Mushayamunda (18) Tim Musser (4) Mr. Joseph F. Neely and Ms. Joyce R. Neely (25) Scottie and David Neill (23) Danny and Kathy Newcomb (2) Frances Newman (12) Richard Noll and Natalie Jensen-Noll (13) Jane and Sam Ogburn Jr. (2) Roanne and David Ornelles (24) Mildred W. Paden (27) Ellen and Bill Parsley (28) John and Dominique Patrick (21) Cliff and Sarah Pennell (8) Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Perry, Jr. (28) Dane and Virginia Perry (27) Alison Rice and Harvey Phillips Skip and London Pickett (18) Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward Pleasants, Jr. (25) Mr. Graydon O. Pleasants, Jr. and Ms. Margaret Scales (28) Louise Pollard Ms. Shayna K. Pons (23) Karen and Tom Pranikoff (19) Beth and Bob Probst (22) Mr. and Mrs. Quad Quadland (6) The Regan Family (17) Curtis E. Reid (15) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Rice III (23) Mark and Debbie Robinson (3) Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Roemer, Jr. (20) Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Roemer III (26) Ms. Stephane Rogers (14) Mr. Dalton D. Ruffin Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ruffin (23) Nancy and Andy Schneider Nancy and John Schultz (7) Jan Shepherd (28) Colleen Bryant-Sills and Brooks Sills (22) Carolyn O. Simmons (15) Dr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Smith (15) Mrs. Brant Snavely, Jr. (5)

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018


Dolores and Moises Flores de Valgaz (17) Stephanie Flores de Valgaz (5) Robin and Dana French (4) Billy and Donza Friende (4) Jodi Turner and Bill Gifford (13) Julie Giljames (13) Norma Goelst (3) Richard and Jennifer Gottlieb (12) Andrew and Erika Hano (12) Steve Harberger (4) Beth and Brian Haskell (5) Susan and Jay Hedgpeth (28) Henry G. and Julie M. Heidtmann (17)

Mark and Karen Sohmer (15) Jennifer Sparnicht (12) Nancy Spencer (20) Ena (Midg) Stackhouse Les and Jan Standerfer (15) Elton B. Stephens Jr. (3) Anne and Bill Straughan C. Barbour Strickland III (18) Jean Olive and Allston Stubbs (28) Betty P. Sutton (28) Charles and Martha Sutton (2) Jack and Cindy Sutton (5) Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Terry (14) Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Thomas (25) Kelly Timberlake (6) Rhonda Timberlake (5) Margaret and David Townsend (25) Mr. and Mrs. R. Christopher Tribble (14) Lisa and Jeff Turner (16) Francis Walker and Debra Liu (2) George and Phyllis Walker (28) Judi Wallace Brian K. and Cindy S. Weisner (27) Mr. and Mrs. Kim D. Westmoreland John and Betty Whitaker (3) Tom and Rachel Wiggins (26) Mel and Jennifer Williams (11) Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Willis, Jr. (28) Janie and J. D. Wilson (3) Mary Lou and Peter Wilson (14) Mr. and Mrs. H. Vernon Winters (17) The Wittenberg Family (20) Lynn and Jeff Young (11)


FACULTY AND STAFF Anonymous Jess Alfaro (4) Cinda and duWayne Amen (15) Lisa Arbaugh (4) Kamran and Fariba Ashraf Mr. and Mrs. Martin Baker (6) Sarah Bauk (3) Kurt and Ashley Birkins (2) George Blackburn (3) Janice C. Blake (19) Rob and Judy Breakstone (18) Rachel Brewbaker (4) Mr. and Mrs. Jason Bridges (3) Lisa and David Buschek (6) Cara and Buck Byrum (8) Jason and Jennifer Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Brad A. Calhoun (13) Allison Carroll-Blackwell John Carty (2) Sarah and Gabe Chrysson (4) Andrea and Caleb Clauset (10) Melissa and George Cleland (15) Cathy Coles (5) Emily Craig (5) Chris and Kathy Culp (22) Sarah and Tom Dalrymple (18) Suzanne C. Davis (15) Dicky and Amanda Deal (5) Cathy and Walter Denning (25) Mr. and Mrs. R. Paul Dresel (7) Liz and Michael Ebeling (10) Meredith and Adam Elrod (6) Conrad and Lisa Emmerich (5) Andy and Kim Fansler (3) Mr. and Mrs. Jason Felten (6) Nancy Figan (4)

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018

Daniel and Catherine Helm (3) Christy and Scott Hemby (13) Della Hinman (3) Andrew Holgate and Kristin Bennett (13) Amy Underwood Holland (12) Elizabeth Rief and Shawn Hooper (15) Karen House (14) Mike and Alyssa Hubbard (6) Tarrah Hunter (2) Jonathan and Misty Hyman (4) Christopher Jenkins (3) Jane Harris Jester (15) Douglas Johnson and Casey Price (11) Mr. and Mrs. Brent Keene (10) Joshua and Kirstin Keilty (2) Cindy and Bob Kluttz (4) Emy Knight (3) Joy V. Kontos (13) Scott and Bebe Krewson (21) Dr. and Mrs. David Kunkle (4) Lesley-Anne Lamb (6) Mary Katherine Lautemann (4) Amy S. Lawrence (6) Carlos Lindo and Katia Reyes (2) Kathryn K. Linville (5) Jack and Gayle MacKenzie (3) Katherine and Simon Mahler (4) Carrie and Richard Malloy (7) Sarah and Chris McAuley Jason R. McEnaney (16) Biz McEwan (2) Mr. and Mrs. R. Gregory McNeer, Jr. (13) Trish McRae (6) David and Susanne McWilliams (4) Elizabeth Turner and Sam Merrick (5)

Shannon and Ryan Mihalko (13) Mark and Heather Moir (22) Mr. and Mrs. Robertson L. Moore (23) Deanna Carlisle Moss (21) Colby and Sean Murphy (11) Dereck and Yvonne Mushayamunda (18) Tim Musser (4) Anthony and Ashley Myers (2) Mindy Ogburn (4) John and Dominique Patrick (21) Leane Peddycord (5) Lindsay and Ricardo Peral (7) Magdalena Perez Vicente Josh Perry (11) Louisa and Mark Petersen (9) Jordan and Meredith Peterson (7) Thomas and Ashley Petronzio (4) Michael and Elaine Phelps (7) Anne and Alex Pope Karen and Tom Pranikoff (19) Shannon Pylant (5) Jon and Elizabeth Reynolds (18) Wendy Rice Patrick and Allison Rimron (3) Phala Roberts (3) Andy Rodekohr and Xiaolin Dai (3) Ms. Stephane Rogers (14) The Russell Family Unit (2) Vahid and Bita Salem (2) Susannah Satterwhite (2) Jeanne and Ben Sayers (5) Kianna Scanlon (4) Bill and Barbara Scantland (12) Susan and Gary Schambach (6) John Senior and Raegan Dalbo (2) Elizabeth Sharpe (2) Ken and Stefoni Shaw (7) Glenda M. Shelton (15) Bekah and Shaun Sidden (8) Colleen Bryant-Sills and Brooks Sills (22) Carolyn O. Simmons (15) Julie Smith (3) Dr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Smith (15) Mark and Karen Sohmer (15) Jennifer Sparnicht (12) George and Ashley Stabolitis (15) Dack Stackhouse (13) Dana and James Stallings (9) Les and Jan Standerfer (15) David Stoeri (15) Billy Stoltz (12)

Carter and Sharon Sturkie (9) Jared Taylor Parker and Chris Tegeler (5) Mary Craig and Andy Tennille (4) Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Terry (14) Christy Thomas (2) Ginger and John Thomas (6) Martha and John Thompson (22) Kelly Timberlake (6) Rhonda Timberlake (5) Karen Tolbert (2) Martin Tucker (12) Nancy Rodwell Tuohy (7) Lisa and Jeff Turner (16) Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Veneziano Jr. (5) Nathaniel Ward and Charmaine Cadeau Janice Weiss (8) Meredith and Win Welch (21) Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wild (3) Rachel Will (5) Kelly and David Williams (6) Mel and Jennifer Williams (11) Heather S. Younts (12)

FORMER FACULTY, STAFF AND FRIENDS Sandra Adams (28) Martha Albertson (28) Steve and Patsy Ashworth (28) Bud and Zanne Baker (2) Nancy A. Bramlett (16) Pat and Gene Capps (28) Nancy Chapman (18) Alice and George Cleland (20) Richard H. Clement (14) Mr. and Mrs. G. Walker Douglas (28) Betty Earle (2) Jim and Beth Einstein (2) Barbara Eure Janet L. Honecker (5) Loma Hopkins Anne Coggan Johnston (25) Barbara and Brent Kirby (12) Lois and Bruce Levin Janice and Charlie Lovett (24) Mary Allen and Jim Martin (14) John and Beth Mochnick Roanne and David Ornelles (24)

Dane and Virginia Perry (27) Louise Pollard Suzanna Roemer (9) Tom Shaver (13) Jan Shepherd (28) Paul Sinal William Sloan and Barbara Clifford Joan Spehrson Rob and Holly Stowe (6) Betty P. Sutton (28) Katy Warren Towers (7) George and Phyllis Walker (28) Judi Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Kim D. Westmoreland

ORGANIZATIONS, FOUNDATIONS, MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES AmazonSmile Foundation Ayco Charitable Foundation Bank of America Blue Bell Foundation Community Foundation of Greenville Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Duke Energy Foundation Fidelity Charitable First Tennessee Foundation Flik Independent School Dining Foundation for the Carolinas IBM Corporation J. Michael Johnston Foundation Kula Foundation LexisNexis Mebane Charitable Foundation Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC National Christian Foundation Northwestern Mutual Foundation Religious Society of Friends Renaissance Charitable Foundation Reynolds American Foundation Robinhood Pediatrics Schwab Charitable Fund The Sara Smith Self Foundation Inc. Summit School Fall Basketball League UBS Financial Services Wells Fargo The Winston-Salem Foundation

Mildred W. Paden (27) Linda Penney (2)

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018





27% CLASS OF 1958

Paxson Glenn (17) Sam Ogburn (25) Alvin Selby (5)



John Whitaker (3)



Donald J. Lineback (4) Clifford W. Perry, Jr. (28) Richard W. Porter (20)


Ed Crow (3) Lawrence Davis (2) Mary Lee Walker Douglas Kay Dalton Snavely (5)




David A. Irvin (28)

CLASS OF 1955 Linwood L. Davis (26) Robert Gray (3) John Morrow (2) C. Edward Pleasants, Jr. (25) Jane Wilsey Tucker (3)


Ross Allen (3) Robert Arey Lynn Brenner Eisenberg (26) William E. Hollan, Jr. (9) Ted Kaplan (3) Mary Allen Mann Martin (14) Ena (Midg) West Stackhouse



17% CLASS OF 1965


Peter Hawley (22) Gary Michalove (13) Mildred Willis Paden (27)

26% CLASS OF 1966


Anonymous J. Conrad Graham, Sr. (26) John M. Morehead (28) Mark Sohmer (15)

Mary Starling Inman (15) J. Wayne Meredith Graydon O. Pleasants, Jr. (28) C. Barbour Strickland III (18) Henry Valk

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018


Vernon Glenn (2) Susan Richardson Hauser (28) Janie Butler Wilson (3)





Terrie Allen Davis (14) Jane Keiger Gehring (7) F. Borden Hanes, Jr. (28)



Mike Brenner (6) Richard Gizinski (3) Tom Gray (28) Harvey S. Martin (28) Lynda King Morris (28) Ellen Carswell Parsley (28)

Betty Gray Heefner Davis (4) Mrs. Patricia Bradshaw Morgenstern (23) Emily Pleasants Smith (2)


CLASS OF 1962 Beverly White Spicer

A. Zachary Smith (2) Benjamin S. Willis, Jr. (28)

Aurelia Gray Eller (28)







John Coan (2) Rob Fowler (18) Dorothy Douglas Westmoreland


CLASS OF 1969 Anthony H. Disher, Jr. (24) Marian Millaway Douglas (28) DeWitt Chatham Kierstead (12)



Anne Howell Gray (26) David Masich (2) John Scott May (23) Ann Benbow Mirchandani (2) Susan Pfefferkorn (11)



Leesa Lybrook Goodson (12) Celia Lewis (5) Thomas F. O'Brien III (28) Betsy Holmes Richardson (11) Henry C. Roemer III (26) Elizabeth Perkinson Simmons (5) Doug Sosnik J. Jackson Sutton III (5) Phil Thomas (25) Louise Strickland Wells

CLASS OF 1972 Sally Colhoun Engram (25) Thomas G. Hardy III (2) Helen Levin (11) Jim May Susan Janeway Moll (3) Rick Pfefferkorn (28)




Betsy Neill Blue (26) Angela Dillard Breeden Chris Conrad (15) Chic Huber (15) Minxy Bland Klawinski (2) Sallie Spencer Rice (23) Thomas B. Rice III (23) Dalt Ruffin (27) Cannon Simpson Stoffel (22)



Jeffie Weaver Baldwin Marian Starr Hessman (6) K. Elizabeth Sutton Hoppe (26) David Janeway (3) Tom Moore (3) Mark Robinson (3) Penn Shore (22) Sarah Ferrell Sloan Debbie Southern


CLASS OF 1977 Marie Flow Arcuri (28) Anne Glenn (15) David Kelly Charlie Lovett (24) Jim Ruffin (23) Bill Satterwhite John Thomas (6)


Charles Douglas (28) Paul M. James III (14) London Lake Pickett (18) Jane Dudley Portman (28) Ben Salt Brant R. Snavely III (28)




Richard Brenner Donnell Carr (2) Walker Douglas (28) Alex McKinnon (2) Margaret Driscoll Townsend (25)


G. Thomas Boyette III (22) Mary Elizabeth Sherk Fusco (2) Thomas G. Gallaher (2) Martha Brown Hartley (28) Rob Moore (23) Ridgely Medlin Phillips (28) Tricia Vaughn (12)




George M. Cleland IV (15) Gigi Perkinson Hershey (17) Linda Holmes Horsley (23) Carolyn Huettel (17) Jim Southern (3) J. Christopher Spear (20) Kathryn Snavely White (4)

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018




Katherine Anne Graves (18) Gaither Jenkins (3) Barrett Isley Kenan Laura Mochnick Kubicki (2) Robb Mothershed (4) Joanie Lacy Preyer Elizabeth Kerr Wild (3)



Andrew Carr (18) David Eagan (17) John Elster James G. Galloway, Jr. (5) Christopher N. Jones (22) Carolyn M. Shields Jan Williams Tribble (14)

CLASS OF 1981 Julia Cardwell Archer (2) Jennifer J. Cleland (23) Margaret McKinnon Gardner (3) Hamp Kenan Carol Williams Lyerly (19) Scottie Galloway Neill (23) William M. Sneden (4) Jim Sutton (28)



Bryan Adams (28) Bartlett Spencer Bassett (4) Chris Culp (22) Rob Edwards (28) Julia Ann Kelly Goins Mary Elster Peters

CLASS OF 1983 Filippo Berti (8) Stephen Carr (18) Lisa Pappas Field Omnia Fowler Kay D. Burress King (11) Sarah Parrott Lathrop (28) John L. Schultz, Jr. (21) Brian K. Weisner (27)


Gary G. Fleming, Jr. (28) Carolyn Sherrill Fuller (28) Jennifer Eisenberg Grosswald (16) Juliana Cleland Richards (9) Greg Wilson (5)




Scott Bowen (10) Carlyle Chandler III (16) Elisabeth Frost Dresel (7) West Fowler (2) Catherine Turner Greene Whitney Wright Lewallen (18) Carla Turner Martin Kimbrel Bunn Morris (23) John Morrow (5) Holbrook Newman (3) Beth Perry Skorich (11) Matt Spear (3) Dack Stackhouse (13) Al Stubbs (27) Spencer Taft Fletcher Wilson (7)






Jonathan Blanco (13) Elizabeth Vann Bowman (13) Rachel Cannon-Percival (2) Julia Spinnett Chandler Sam Gray (12) Parker Grubbs (13) Alyson Meyer Colby Morris Murphy (11) Justin Orbock (3) Joe Parrish (2) Marten W. Quadland III (6) Meredith McCullough Welch (21) Jennifer Blackmer Williams (11)



Ben Baker (17) Brian Eisenberg (14) Matt Henrichs (2) Melissa Keith Lewis (4) Sara-Peyton Joyner McCormick (6) Prenard Mickens (2) John Kenneth Moser (4) Ford Perry (27) Elizabeth Newman Smyth (10) Jim Stubbs (26) Betsy Davis Tucker (3)


Charlotte Chandler Broughton (26) J. Wesley Davis IV (28) Whit Edwards (28) Paula Sommerkamp Magargle (6) Bobby Price Ashley Moser Veneziano (5)

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018



Stewart Kepley Austin Edward A. Crawford (27) Jay Galloway (2) John Hollan, Jr. (21) Mary Linville Jones Bob Kluttz (4) Emy Watson Knight (3) Sarah DeRamus Purgason Elizabeth Turner (5)

CLASS OF 1991 Drew Cannon (6) Brad Fowler (6) Elizabeth Whitaker Kelly (11) Scott Ladner (2) Anne Spencer Pope Teebie Bunn Saunders (22) Z Stubbs (26) Robert Turner




Susan Spaugh Alexander Susan M. Branch (4) Anna Mackie Calhoun (13) David L. Holden (6) Aubrey Linville (3) Aly Kleinmaier Moser (4) Ben Sessions (2) Catherine Hunter Tracy




Dan Blynn J. Archer Butler (4) Ann Brown Crowder Campbell (2) Chip Campbell (2) Suzanne Collins Davis (15) William E. Hollan III (11) Elizabeth Pollard Welch

CLASS OF 1998 Liz Martin Campbell (2) Laura Beach Dugan (3) Susan Ashworth Dumbacher (11) Jackie Sizemore (11) Lindsay Robinson Stanley Kelly Young Williams (6)

Dixon Douglas (5) Lewis Fowler (2) Katie Parsley Johnson Rachel Neely Johnson (6)


Robert Baldwin Loni Worsley Michael Schultz


Ashley Newcomb Birkins (2) Fran Sizemore Harris (11) Whitley Vogler

CLASS OF 2001 12%

Denise Gagnon Faulhaber (18) Dorothea Garner McCollum (4) Emily Sutton Parsley (13) Will Parsley (13) Emerson London Pheeney (3) Julie Smith (3) Forrest Stephens Staton (9)



Anna Henderson Brantley (15) Stephanie Flores de Valgaz (5) Jay Godfrey Michael Gordon Millie Crockett Schultz




Anonymous Austin Bloom (2) Alice Day Brown Clark Margaret Douglas Mary Grace Douglas Conley Henderson (13) Mary Catherine Bozymski Maus (2) William May (3) Barbre McGill Dixon Pitt Catherine Rice (13) Suzanna Roemer (9) Reilly Townsend (2)




Walker Douglas Wilson Douglas Will Hoppe (13) Sarah Kaplan (3) William Mebane (3)



Dax Allred (3) Clayton Capps Brant Caroline Gray DenHerder Sandlin Douglas (24) Casey Copenhaver Fraise (2) Molly Stokes Iauco (3) Elizabeth Blanco Marley (3) Josh Perry (11) Ann Fleming Taft Powell Kate Hanes Snow Mary Craig Wilson Tennille (4) Eleanor Cross Young (4)






Gabe Chrysson (4) Elizabeth Krewson (13)

Hannah Albertson 20TH Russ Gagnon (19) Heyward Garner (3) Catherine Davis Hornaday (2) Reid Long (2) Jamey Lowdermilk Emily Brown Rostlund (4) Cristen Windham Sessions (2)




Anonymous Emily Krewson (13) Carter Malmo (8) Ted Morgan Whitt Morgan


Virginia Browne Meredith Ahles Elrod (6) Katie Janeway Timothy Pennell (2) Parker Kelly Tegeler (5)

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018




Alison Elster Duncan Haley Gfeller (8) Blitz Hoppe (11) Joshua Myers (2) Mary Scott Neill (3) Katie Pons (11) Jimmy Ruffin








Hope Arcuri Brennen Carr (7) Justin Lang (2) Robbie Lyerly (7) Chiedza Mushayamunda (2) Lydie Neill (3) Ross Osborn (2) Jenny Sutton (5) Gray Townsend (2)

Catherine Douglas Thomas Douglas McCabe Galloway (5) Sarah Murphy Ginny Rice (10) Blair Roemer (8) Susannah Haynie Satterwhite (2) Mary Lyle Townsend (2)






George Conger (2) Kerry Eagan (7) Joshua Golden William Morgan Jack Ogburn Matthew Regan


2018 Austin Conger (2)





Blake Byrne Benjamin J. Carson IV (8) Chris Eagan (8) Jack Elster Carrie Fulton (3) Gray Galloway (5) Stan Green (12) David Moore (9) Betsy Neill (3) Sam Ogburn Megan Probst (3)


CLASS OF 2013 Jack Green (12) Jack Roemer (6) Isabel Ruffin Elisa Sturkie (5) Elaine Turner (3)






SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018


Matthew Arcuri Jake Lang (2) Turner Malmo (5) Elizabeth Moore (4) Nate Shaw Caroline Welch





Katie Dalrymple (3) Hill Douglas David Green (12) Fadzai Mushayamunda (2) Rob Neill (3) Will Sutton (3) Sydney Tribble (3) Fleet Wilson



Kimia Ashraf Madeleine Bennett (3) Jayden Brown (3) Eoin Carr (2) Warren Quadland (3) Katie Hill Sturkie (3) Alex Tribble



Nathaniel Carson (3) Simba Mushayamunda (2) Anna Rogers (2) Michael Rogers (2) Will Schultz (2) Jackie Rose Sparnicht (2) Edwin Welch (2)


Ben Fowler Alex French Finn Giegengack Alex Green (7) Davis Hanson Henderson Holder Charles Johnson Hunter Johnson Hunter Jones Liam Keilty Mica Kim-Shapiro John Layman Donelle Leak Frank Littlejohn Elle Lovette Mallory Mansfield Hollis Maxson Katherine Mims Melody Moossavi Millie Murphy Owen Petersen Robbie Powers Kate Quadland Sarah Ravenel Harry Sams Emma Stuart Satterfield Frank Seitz JJ Sloan Vance Stroupe Amelia Sturkie Bo Sutton McLean Turner Elise Tutwyler Thomas White Grace Wilson

CLASS OF 2020 Raike Batten (5) Charles Kenan

CLASS OF 2022 Hines Batten (5) Joanna Holden (2) Sawyer Kribbs

CLASS OF 2024 Libby Holden (2)

CLASS OF 2025 Mills Douglas Walden Kribbs

CLASS OF 2028 Borden Douglas

CLASS OF 2029 Cecilia Hemp


Charlie Allen McKinley Bassett Hannah Beck Parker Bond Jackson Brown JP Caldwell Bo Dalrymple (3) Ty Fansler Owen Fitzgerald

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018


TRIBUTES Gifts were made in honor of the following individuals and groups.

Dr. Sandra Adams Bryan ’82 and Heather Adams John Scott May ’70

Gene Capps Nate Shaw ’14

Kate ’15 and Isabelle ’17, and Ava ’19 Ginn

Asling ’21 and Cade ’25 Clauset

Adam and Rebecca Ginn

Ben and Joyce Carson

Alice Cleland Hannah Albertson ’97

Nathaniel Hanna ’29 Abram and Nevine Hanna

Hank Haselwood ’26

Ollie ’24 and Sage ’26 Andree Bowen

Jennifer J. Cleland ’81

Jack and Diane Bowen

David Green ’15

Susan Hedgpeth

Jack Green ’13


Ann Yancey ’16 and McKinley Exum ’18 Bassett

Alex Green ’18

Stan C. Green ’10

Janet and Jack Adamson

Cecilia Hemp ’29

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Bassett III

Melissa Cleland

Wyatt and Bartlett ’82 Bassett

William May ’05

Margaret ’14 and Hadley ’16 Bassett

Noah Cline ’19

John Scott May ’70

Harry and Andrea Cline

Anne and Bill Straughan

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Bassett III

Mrs. Doris H. Crumpler

Mildred Batchelor

Sharon Copper

Helen Pierce

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Greene

Ross and Jeanette Hemp

Loma Hopkins

Tarrah Hunter Justin and Jill Osborn

Thomas ’19 and Bobby ’21 Hunter

Sarah Bauk

Caroline Dunnagan ’21

Tom and Elizabeth Gatewood

Mills Douglas ’24

Barbara and Brent Kirby

Susan and Gary Hunter

Ashley Newcomb Birkins ’00

Betty Earle

Danny and Kathy Newcomb


James ’20 and Adelaide ’22 Jernigan

Bradley Bowen ’19

Dr. Michael J. Ebeling

Mrs. Cynthia A. Bowen

Steven and Susan ’72 Moll

Elliott ’07, Spencer ’09, and Huntley ’11 Brewer

Kim Fansler

Wyatt and Bartlett ’82 Bassett

Grace ’20, Kate ’20, and Caroline ’21 Bridges Tom and Bonnie Bowman

Cara Rennie Byrum

Mr. and Mrs. James B. Barber

Lily ’11 and Lucy ’13 Jones Bev and Janet Jones

Mary Craig ’94 and Andy Tennille

Sarah Kaplan ’04 Deanna and Ted ’61 Kaplan

Vivi ’21 and Nora ’23 Finch Doyle and Betty Early

Kristen Keene Justin and Jill Osborn

Camille and Jimbo ’80 Galloway Robbie and Dave ’54 Irvin

Doug and Bingle Lewis Mary and Joe Dudley

Omnia ’83 and Jennifer Fowler

Carrie and Jay ’90 Galloway

Margaret McKinnon Gardner ’81

Christopher and Mandy Haggerson

Robbie and Dave ’54 Irvin

Religious Society of Friends

Emily Jackson Calloway ’96

Jane Keiger Gehring ’60

Ellen ’66 and Logan Jackson

John and Gwynne Myers ’60 Nicholaides


SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018

Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Shirley Anne and Bill Straughan

Rick Maloy

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Rogers, Jr.

Olivia Tennille ’27

Jason and Kristin Zaks

Michael and Jill Rogers

Mary Craig ’94 and Andy Tennille

Paul McManus ’21

Harrison Sams ’18

Nancy Rodwell Tuohy

Barbara and Mark McManus

Michelle Duchneskie

Carolyn McInnis Lontz

Grace ’23 and Miriam ’25 McPhail

Susannah Satterwhite ’08

Jodi Turner

Debby and Guy Jeter

Mary Craig ’94 and Andy Tennille

Borden Douglas ’27

Carolyn Simmons

Noah ’20, Annabella ’21, Poppy ’22, and Finn ’25 Veneziano

Debbie and E. Fred McPhail, Jr.

Katherine Mims ’18 Anonymous

Heather Moir Omnia ’83 and Jennifer Fowler


Ken and Mary Nan Moser

Perry ’22 and Davis ’24 Skorich Janice Weiss

Michael Skorich

Mary Craig ’94 and Andy Tennille

Henry ’17 and Leila ’20 Slater

Jack ’23 and Mary Olivia ’25 Moser

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony K. Slater

Ken and Mary Nan Moser

Julie Smith

Deanna Moss

Ralph and Beverly Williams Christopher and Mandy Haggerson

Grace Wilson ’18

Justin and Jill Osborn

Fleet Wilson ’15

Lily Smith ’20

Miru Yang ’24

Anna Marie and Craig Smith

Ming-Lung Yang and Abby Yager

Mary Craig ’94 and Andy Tennille

Edith W. Myers Joshua Myers ’07

Scottie ’81 and David Neill

Carolyn Smith Sutton ’08, Timothy ’11, and David ’13 Smith

Robbie and Dave ’54 Irvin

Dr. and Mrs. William McCall, Jr.

Chris Nichols ’19 J. Douglas and Martha McDowall

Owen Pearce ’20 David and Joyce Pearce

Jim Pettit

Dack Stackhouse ’86 Joshua Golden ’12

Lauren ’19 and Carley ’21 Stewart Jerry and Carol Trecroce

Hannah Albertson ’97

Sam ’14, Max ’17, and Joel ’19 Stopyra

Chloe Fitzgerald Plumb ’98

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Stopyra

Barbara Lister-Sink

Elisa ’13, Katie Hill ’16, and Amelia ’18 Sturkie

Anne Pope ’91

Marian and William D. Smith, Sr.

Christopher and Mandy Haggerson

Karen Pranikoff Ellie and Stuart Fine

Elliott Williams ’28

My former Summit teachers! Julie H. Smith ’95

William ’19 and ’21 Eliza Price

Summit School Advancement Team

Blanche Stevens

Sarah Kaplan ’04

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018


CAPITAL & ENDOWMENT GIFTS Donors to endowment funds are listed in the Named Endowment Fund pages (46-47)


ANONYMOUS DONOR GIVES TO TRIAD ACADEMY FINANCIAL AID ENDOWMENT An anonymous donor has pledged $100,000 to the Triad Academy financial aid endowment fund. Established in 2012 upon the merger of Triad Academy and Summit School, this fund provides financial assistance for students diagnosed with dyslexia who would not be able to afford tuition without this support.


A named annual scholarship meets the immediate financial needs of an individual student or students. Unlike endowed scholarships, an annual scholarship is awarded only as long as the donor chooses to contribute to the fund. The following scholarships are helping students attend Triad Academy at Summit School: Caroline and Curt Batten Scholarship Jim and Beth Einstein Scholarship George W. Hall Scholarship J. Michael Johnston Scholarship Carrie and Richard Malloy Scholarship Michalek Family Scholarship Pranikoff Family Scholarship Tuohy Family Scholarship

If you would like more information about how to establish an annual scholarship fund or to give to the Endowment Fund, call Karen Pranikoff, Director of Admissions and Development at Triad Academy at 336-722-2777, ext. 1508 or

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018

ROOTS & REACH CAMPAIGN All members of the Summit community can ensure its long-term interests and financial sustainability. Investments made in our facilities and endowment directly impact the quality of our programs. The following donors support Summit's excellence through new pledges and gifts made to capital funds through the Roots & Reach campaign. Anonymous Brent and Pam Bond Anna Marie and Craig Smith Mr. and Mrs. William Woltz III

NEW SEATS WERE PERMANENTLY NAMED FOR THE FOLLOWING IN THE LOMA HOPKINS THEATRE Lexi Pope ’27 Given by Mark and Pam Shehan Chloe Shehan ’27 Given by Mark and Pam Shehan Ava Snider ’22 Given by Mark and Pam Shehan Martha Thompson Given by Summit School Fourth Grade, Fifth Grade, and World Languages Faculty

Since 1933, Summit School has educated children with an emphasis on the whole child, embracing their intellectual, social, and physical growth. Forty years ago, a gymnastics program was introduced to Summit families under the direction of Capers Carlton. Whether on a gymnastics element, on the track, or in a class, Coach Carlton has spent four decades mentoring, training, and expecting the best out of generations of Summit students. He is an exemplary model of a Summit educator, who has inspired learning and prepared children for their academic and personal pursuits in a timeless and timely way. Summit School is honoring Coach Carlton by permanently naming the recently renovated gymnastics studio in is honor. The gymnastics studio is used by Summit's competitive gymnastics team led by Coach Carlton, and by every Summit student for the physical education curriculum. The following donors have made gifts to this special effort. If you would like to make a gift, contact the Development Office at 336-724-5811.

Sandra Adams Hannah Albertson ’97 Martha Albertson Mark C. Anderson David and Julia Archer ’81 Shawn and Anna Claire Ash ’04 Catherine Babcock ’06 Grace Babcock ’09 Emily Neese and John Babcock Isabel Bacon ’04 Zack Bacon Bud and Zanne Baker Charles and Devon Baldwin ’85

Wyatt and Bartlett Bassett ’82 John and Peachy Willingham Beard ’91 Paul and Rains Bercovitch ’95 Lane Blackmer ’93 Drew and Sarah Blackwell ’95 James and Laura Bland Daniel ’93 and Sarah Anne Blynn Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Booke Chandler and Lara-Anne Bradley ’01 Nancy A. Bramlett Jonathan Branch ’96 Susan M. Branch ’92

Anna Henderson Brantley ’01 Ben Breakstone ’11 Emma Breakstone ’13 Rob and Judy Breakstone David and Charlotte Broughton ’87 Missy and Archer Butler ’93 Pat and Gene Capps Anne S. Carr Jorge and Elizabeth Casimiro ’92 Tom and Elizabeth Cassidy ’90 Dr. and Mrs. Dudley C. Chandler, Jr. Ms. Suzanne Clark Melissa and George Cleland ’79

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018


Jennifer J. Cleland ’81 Tyler and Alex Collins ’97 Barry and Dottie Cook Lee and Karen Cory ’82 Charles Crockett ’02 Ms. Brenda Daniels and Mr. Jefferson Dalby Valerie and Octavius Davies Chester '58 and Susie Davis Elizabeth '62 and Thomas Davis ’61 Forrest '93 and Kathryn Deleot Cathy and Walter Denning Cheryl and Joseph Dickson Raymond and Susanna Dyer Mrs. John T. Eagan, Jr. Frank and Catherine Edwards ’85 Carlie Eubanks Barbara Eure Tate Foster ’90 Catherine Copenhaver Fraise ’94 Jodi Turner and Bill Gifford John Gordon and Terry Schupbach-Gordon Michael Gordon ’01 Fraser Gray ’93 Lyons ’57 and Connie Gray Hillary Greason ’86 Murray and Joan Greason Francis S. Gristina ’87 Lytch Tornow Gutmann ’00 Laura W. Hearn Conley Henderson ’05 Sue and Doug Henderson Mrs. Robert Henning Robert Herman ’03 Carol and Chip Holden Shelley and David Holden ’92 Nicole Holder ’02 Andrew and Charlotte Holton ’91 John '91 and Brooke Hondros Mark and Betsy Sutton Hoppe ’74 Jane Hubbard ’00 Cameron and Charlotte Hudson ’89 Mary Virginia Ireland ’08 Ellen '66 and Logan Jackson James G. Hanes Memorial Fund Katherine Janeway ’02 Elizabeth Johnson ’00 Mark and Rachel Neely Johnson ’99 Soren and Nell Johnson ’96 Amory ’22, Lila ’24, Eve ’26, Bo ’28, and Whit ’28 Kelly Elizabeth ’91 and Jonathan Kelly


Stan and Liz Kelly Robert and Kathryn Klawinski ’73 Whitney Wright Lewallen ’86 Elizabeth Cox Lucas ’88 Bryan Macon ’03 John Mancini and Lucinda Fox ’86 Carla Martin ’86 Mary Allen ’61 and Jim Martin David Masich ’70 John Scott May ’70 Stuart and Sara-Peyton McCormick ’89 Biz McEwan Fred and Cecelia McPhail Alyson Meyer ’88 Marianne and Rod Meyer Kate and Joe Michalek Lindy Shealy Mickle ’94 Joseph and Christa Middleton Ann Benbow Mirchandani ’70 Alice Moore ’80 Ted Morgan ’06 Whitt Morgan ’06 William Morgan ’12 Kenny and Beth Morphis Deanna Carlisle Moss John ’96 and Anna Munroe Laura McGowan Murray ’79 and Robert Murray Frances Newman Holbrook Newman ’86 Michael and Martha Nichols Ernest and Nancy Osborn Anne Meade Paden ’98 Benjamin Paden ’05 Claudia Paden ’02 Mildred W. Paden ’65 Beth Weller ’78 and Bill Parkinson Anna Parrott ’87 Timothy Pennell ’02 Rachel ’88 and Blair Percival Jay and Becky Perkinson Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Perry, Jr. ’59 Jordan and Meredith Peterson Chip and Tucker Pollard Petree ’90 Cheryl Pisko ’97 Scott and Hartley Jewell Pohjola ’95 Louise Pollard John and Adrienne Polychron Landon and Caroline Poteat ’93 Stephen Prough and Marina Berti ’84

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018

Kate Quadland ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Quad Quadland ’88 Warren Quadland ’16 Susan and George Ragland Bernie and Trudy Perkinson Roberts ’91 Blair Roemer ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Roemer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Roemer III ’71 Jack Roemer ’13 Suzanna Roemer ’05 Lynne and Herb Roosa Lisa Anderson Sari ’83 Susan and Gary Schambach Kristin Schollander ’94 Tom Shaver Ronald and Sharon Shealy Hunter and Corinna Shull ’89 Grady and Jolene Simmons Elizabeth Newman Smyth ’89 Brant R. Snavely III ’75 Will Sneden ’81 Matthew ’86 and Courtney Spear Dack Stackhouse ’86 Les and Jan Standerfer Brooke ’15, Kendyl ’16, and Kobe ’18 Stewart Al Stubbs ’86 Jean Olive and Allston Stubbs Summit School Parents’ Association Betty P. Sutton Jack ’71 and Cindy Sutton Jim ’81 and Virginia Sutton David and Beverly Swaile ’81 Mary Craig ’94 and Andy Tennille William and Sylvia Tribby Lisa and Jeff Turner Robert ’91 and Kelly Turner George and Phyllis Walker Rob and Elizabeth Welch ’93 Richard ’84 and Tina Weller Kim and Dorothy Westmoreland ’68 John ’52 and Betty Whitaker John Whitaker ’94 Elizabeth White ’09 Ernest and Mary Blake White Margaret White ’05 Mary Catherine White ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Norton Willis ’59 Lara and Fletcher Wilson ’86 Janie ’64 and J. D. Wilson Becky Flatow Zornick ’99

Planned charitable gifts allow alumni, current and former parents, grandparents, faculty and staff, and other Summit friends to leave a lasting legacy at Summit School. Summit’s mission is made possible by thoughtful, engaged leaders, including our Patrons for Tomorrow listed here, who demonstrate their commitment to Summit’s future with a planned gift. *indicates

Anonymous (5) Dr. Sandra P. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Leslie M. Baker, Jr. Mary Louise Eller Ball '75 Ms. Kathryn Cater Bergquist '79 Mr. Royall R. Jr. '65 and Mrs. Henrietta D. Brown Mr. James A. Bunn III Mrs. Angela Carr Ms. Ashley P. Christopher '82 Mrs. Ellen Stockton Coble Mr. Robert F. Coleman III Chris '82 and Kathy Culp Mr. John W. Davis III Mr. Fred Harwell, Jr. and Ms. Joslin Davis Marian Millaway Douglas '69 Mr. Frank E. Driscoll Mr. Garth K. Dunklin '78 Mrs. Aurelia Gray Eller '47 Dr. and Mrs. John C. Faris Mr. Paul Fulton, Jr.

new member(s) in 2017-18

Mr. James A. Gallaher '72 Mr. and Mrs. Martin P. Gilmore Mr. E. Vernon Glenn '64 Mr. William T. Graham Dr. Samuel B. Gray '88 Mr. Thomas A. Gray '63 Mr. F. Borden, Jr. '60 and Mrs. Ann S. Hanes Mr. and Mrs. G. Scott Haynie Laura W. Hearn Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Henderson Mrs. Loma C. Hopkins Carolyn Huettel Mrs. Nancy H. Janeway *Dr. and Mrs. Seth A. Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Lewis Mr. Charles C. Lovett '77 Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. MacKenzie Mr. Gerald M. Malmo III Mr. Richard A. Maloy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John B. McKinnon Mrs. Katherine Memory


Mr. and Mrs. J. Rodney Meyer Helen Lee Mittelstadt ’72 Dr. Carolyn Moyer and Mr. Charles Moyer Ms. Edie Murphy Mr. R. Frank Murphy II ’62 Mr. Christoph & Mrs. Drewry Hanes Nostitz ’63 Mr. Clifford W. Perry III '89 Betty Holmes Richardson ’71 Mr. Mark A. Robinson ’74 Terra Snider Mrs. John J. Sutton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Sykes Lisa A. Taylor ’80 Nancy Rodwell Tuohy Dr. and Mrs. Charles Turner Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Turner Mr. and Mrs. John L. Turner Mr. John C., Jr. ’52 and Mrs. Elizabeth Whitaker Mr. Ralph H. Womble ’69




Make a bequest or gift through your estate by including a provision in your will or living trust. This can be in the form of cash, stock, real estate, or other assets and be designated as a percentage or fixed amount.

Transfer funds directly from your IRA to Summit. If you are a donor aged 70 ½ or older, gifts up to $100,000 are eligible as part of your minimum required distribution and are not included in your gross income.



Name Summit School as a beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy. You may designate the amount as a percentage of the assets or as a specific dollar amount.

Ask your trusted estate advisor about other planned giving vehicles, like a Charitable Lead Trust or Charitable Remainder Trust, that fit your philanthropic and family legacy goals.

For more information contact Jeanne Sayers, Director of Development at: 336-724-5811 or

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018


NAMED ENDOWMENT FUNDS Summit’s endowment funds, established in 1959, have grown to nearly $15 million and generate $700,000 annually for the operating budget. Gifts to the endowment enable Summit to respond quickly to needs and keep the school innovative. Summit has the largest per student endowment of NCAIS (North Carolina Association of Independent Schools) schools. The Board’s policy is to spend 5% of a three year rolling average of the value of the endowment for operations. Each of the following funds supports the area under which it is listed. The year following the fund name indicates the year in which it was established. For full descriptions of each of the named endowment funds, please visit

FACULTY SUPPORT AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Lewis Fund for Faculty Excellence - 1990 Lula Ditmore Sandlin Fund for Teaching Enrichment - 1990 Aurelia Plumly Spaugh Fund - 1992 Anonymous Wilson Family Enrichment Fund - 1993 Albert L. Butler, Jr. and Elizabeth Bahnson Butler Endowment of the Lewis Fund for Faculty Excellence - 1997 Anne Hanes Willis ’36 Endowment of the Lewis Fund for Faculty Excellence - 1997 Elizabeth Fuller and Henry Lewis Valk Fund for Faculty Excellence - 1999 Marian Millaway Douglas ’69 Award for Faculty Excellence - 2001 Mary Lee Nelson LaFar Moore Endowment for Faculty Support - 2001 Endowment for the Center for Excellence and Innovation - 2014

FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Clara Allen Scholarship Fund - 1990 The Fund was established in 1990 to honor Mrs. Allen’s 34 years of service to Summit as a first grade teacher and to provide financial aid. Mrs. Allen was a member of Patrons for Tomorrow, Summit’s planned giving society. Her bequest gift to the scholarship fund will serve generations of Summit School students; her legacy of enthusiasm and care will be felt every year by students who will benefit from her generosity. The Estate of Clara Allen Arthur and Martha Foreman Janet L. Honecker Deanna Carlisle Moss


SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018

Jessica Marsha Wolfman ’94 Exchange Fund - 1994 Alumni Scholarship Fund - 1997 Head’s Discretionary Fund - 1997 Marian G. DeBell Fund - 2000 Jack and Gayle MacKenzie The Perkinson Family Travel Fund - 2000 Gigi Perkinson Hershey ’79 Sara Courtney Bradshaw ’05 Fund - 2001 Donna

Shores Diversity Fund - 2002 Susan M. Branch ’92 Les and Jan Standerfer Lisa and Jeff Turner

Summit School Opportunity Fund - 2006 Summit School Financial Aid Fund - 2011 Gwynne Myers Nicholaides ’60 Betty Sutton to The Jack and Betty Sutton Family Fund The Triad Academy Financial Aid Endowment - 2012 Anonymous Katherine V. Rachel Moyer ’00 Endowment Fund - 2013 Sylvia Holt Cebeci ’56 Memorial Fund - 2014 Matthew Alan Gfeller Fund for Summit School - 2018 The Fund was established by the Gfeller family at the Winston-Salem Foundation in memory of Matt Gfeller ’08. The fund will provide support for annual maintenance of the Matthew Gfeller Weight Room and tuition assistance for students with demonstrated financial need.




57+4741w AS OF 6/30/2018 5%






Lisa and Robert Gfeller

GENERAL AND OPERATING SUPPORT Summit School Endowment Fund - 1959 Joe Parrish, Jr. Sports Fund - 1985 Louise Futrell Fund - 1990 Kate Sandridge Sink ’53 Fund - 1995 Thomas A. Gray ’63 Endowment - 2008

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018


NON-PROFIT ORG. U . S . P O S TA G E PA I D Winston-Salem, N.C. Permit No. 89

2100 Reynolda Road Wi n s t o n - S a l e m , N C 2 7 1 0 6 - 5 1 1 5 w w w. s u m m i t s c h o o l . c o m 336-722-2777




S i x P r o m i s e s of S u m m i t


at Its Best

A Fertile Learning Environment

A Sturdy




S t a t e of the A r t


Educators Who Engage the Whole Child

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