Summit Support 2018-2019

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2018– 2019 Rick Baker Chair


Letters from the Head of School and the Board of Trustees Chair

Jennifer Byrne Secretary




Annual Giving Statistics 2018-2019


Redefining What It Means to be a Pioneer


Collaborative Learning in a Cutthroat Kitchen

Carlie Eubanks Treasurer David Ahn Penni Bradshaw Benjamin J. Carson III


Girls Closing the Gender Gap in Technology


It Starts Here with Confident Leadership


Lights • Camera • Auction Summit Gala

Lauren Dunn


Grandparent Valentines

Richard Gottlieb


Annual Giving Clubs

Sirena C. Hargrove-Leak



Shelley Holden


Donor Roll

Matthew Hornaday


Alumni Giving by Class Year


New Donors




Capital & Endowment Gifts

Pam Oliver


Named Endowment Funds

Joe Parrish ’88


Patrons for Tomorrow

Michael Rogers


Kami Chavis Mark Conger Wesley Davis ’87 Tonya Deem Sandlin Douglas ’94

Jennifer Hudson Libby Whitaker Kelly ’91 Kate Michalek Rick Maloy

Patron Spotlight

Adjunct Members Ben Baker ’89 Melissa Combes Charles Douglas ’75 Jimbo Galloway ’80 Jim Ruffin ’77 Rob Welch William Woltz


Summit Support published annually by

Editor Jeanne Sayers

Advancement Office Summit School 2100 Reynolda Road Winston-Salem, NC 27106

Photography Martin Tucker Design One Hero Creative, Inc. Writer Ryanne Probst ’07

If we have inadvertently made an error in or omitted your preferred published name, please accept our apologies and inform the Development Office at 336-724-5811. Summit School provides a challenging curriculum within a caring environment to help students develop their full potential. The School admits students of any race, religion, color, and national or ethnic origin.

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019

Your philanthropy matters more than you know. What do pitching an idea for an innovative business, battling in the first ever Cutthroat Kitchen competition, writing code for robotics, and delivering a multi-media ninth grade speech have in common? They are unique curricular experiences that change our Summit children’s lives. And they are made possible by your support. The titles of the articles in this issue of Summit Support testify to the deep roots and far reach of this school—and to Inspiring Learning: the essence of who we are and what we do. It Starts Here with:


+ Redefining What it Means to be a Pioneer

+ Collaborative Learning in a Cutthroat Kitchen

+ Girls Closing the Gender Gap in Technology

+ Confident Leadership

The photos tell a special story of their own, one of enduring love and deep learning. We know that children learn best from those they love and respect and by whom they are loved and respected. These photos feature a rich tapestry of community members, including grandparents, parents, students, teachers, administrators, volunteers, trustees, and alums. You are mentors and models, encouragers and friends who not only make Summit a great place to be a child. You make it a great place to be. Thank you for your volunteerism, your financial support, your presence and your participation. Your commitment unleashes the potential of our students and releases us all into our possibilities. There are no greater gifts. With gratitude,

Michael Ebeling, Head of School

On behalf of the entire Board of Trustees, I want to thank you for your support during the 2018-2019 school year. The Summit School community really stepped up last year and supported all of our vitally important fund-raising efforts. From our annual Summit Fund to last spring’s record-breaking gala, to named scholarships and other donor-driven initiatives, last year was an inspiring year. Added to your financial contributions are the countless hours of volunteering from parents, grandparents, alumni, students, trustees and other community members, and you see how special this place is to so many people.


As I have said in previous Summit Support reports, tuition covers only a portion of the cost of a Summit education, with the remainder covered through an annual draw from our endowment, as well as gifts to The Summit Fund and other fund-raising initiatives. I have been truly inspired by the Summit community’s generosity of time, talent, and treasure. This generosity has been evident at Summit for over eight decades and our continued philanthropic spirit and generosity will ensure a sustainable future for our beloved school. Thank you for all you do for Summit School! Kindest regards,

Rick Baker, Chair, Board of Trustees

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019


VOLUNTEERS It Starts Here... with gifts of time. We are grateful for the many volunteers whose time and dedication reflect the culture of philanthropy at Summit School. These leaders work tirelessly to increase funds and participation on behalf of The Summit Fund, our annual giving program that supports the annual budget.



Pam and Mark Oliver, Chairs Jill and Michael Rogers, Co-Chairs

Mandy Haggerson Will Parsley ’95




Beth Chen David Williams

JUNIOR KINDERGARTEN 81% Will Parsley ’95 Marybeth Terry



Sandlin Douglas ’94 Shon Gilmore Mandy Haggerson David Williams



Ben Baker ’89 Beth Chen Sarah Dalena April Ruffin-Adams Wesley Suttle Catherine Webster




Kristin Bennett Beth Chen Sarah Dalena Sandlin Douglas ’94 Shon Gilmore April Ruffin-Adams Catherine Webster



Elizabeth Hollan Amy Morrow



Kristin Bennett Pam and Mark Oliver


Kristin Bennett Sara-Peyton Joyner McCormick ’89 Wesley Suttle Catherine Webster

Joyce and Ben Carson

GRANDPARENT CHAIRS Marianne and Rod Meyer

Terrie Davis ’60 Jennie Davis Blair ’86 Wesley Davis ’87

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2017 - 2018


Brad King Patti Shugart




Katie Fowler Shelley Holden Elizabeth Hollan Michael Rogers Kristen Zaks


David Broughton Katie Fowler Shelley Holden Elizabeth Hollan Will Parsley ’95 Marybeth Terry Kristen Zaks






Donor-Designated Restricted




Parents’ Association Fundraisers






Endowment and Capital

TOTAL GIVING 2018-2019





Total Giving by Constituency*



132 $352,390



Faculty and Staff

Faculty and Staff Trustees

90 $265,410

Past Parents






Former Faculty, Staff, and Friends


Foundations and Corporations

*gifts may be counted in more than one constituency group

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019




WITH 3RD GRADERS REDEFINING WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A PIONEER Individualized caricature baseball cards. Scented candles. Ever-lasting dog treats. A website that gives book recommendations. No, these aren’t ideas that were tossed around during a fan-favorite episode of Shark Tank. This is a 3rd grade classroom at Summit School. Welcome to 3rd grade social studies. For years Summit has seamlessly incorporated the idea of what it means to be a pioneer into its 3rd grade social studies curriculum. As part of Summit’s commitment to inquiry-based, experiential learning, the school has embraced the traditions of early American pioneers through such signature experiences as Pioneer Day and the annual Taffy Pull that have endured in 3rd grade for over 60 years. This is still very much a part of the curriculum, but in the past few years Summit’s team of 3rd grade teachers have strived to extend and expand the concept of “pioneering.”


SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019

As the students embark on this important part of American history, they also study what it means to be a pioneer today. Economics plays an important role in this unit. Throughout the year the students learn important economic principles like the difference between goods and services and the concept of supply and demand. Parents of students who are either experts in economics or have their own businesses participate in a parent business panel. Come springtime, the students are tasked with creating a product, crafting a business proposal, and marketing and selling their item in a business fair at the end of the year to parents and other students. “We wanted to touch on what it means to be a pioneer other than just looking at the Oregon Trail,” says 3rd grade teacher Della Hinman. “It teaches the kids that entrepreneurs are pioneers in their own right, and that this is another way to envision what a pioneer looks like.” In addition to the business fair, students write and deliver a pitch, in the elevators of Flow Automotive Companies, a local business with strong Summit ties. This element of the unit has real-world applications. Kids come to understand that beyond having a great idea for a business, they’ll also need to garner support for it from the community, to show that it’s a worthwhile endeavor, and to gain funding so they can move forward with their ideas. Then there are the more intrinsic applications: finding their voice and sense of agency. Presenting their ideas to business leaders in the community gives them experience with public speaking, speaking in front of strangers, and verbalizing and owning their ideas. “I think the elevator pitches are a great example of just how Summit establishes and encourages opportunities for student voice,” says Hinman. “Starting in junior kindergarten and going right through the 9th grade speeches, there are opportunities every year for students to assert agency and intention, to share their voices and really be heard by adults. We felt like this pitch idea was just another natural extension of that progression.” And if the curriculum feels like a large undertaking for kids who haven’t even hit double digits in their age yet, that’s because it absolutely is, but the kids are thriving with it. “Where the kids are at this age, they just get really excited about having their own ideas and making them happen,” says 3rd grade teacher Catherine Helm. “And even though

this project sounds like it might be over their heads, they’re kind of primed for being in over their heads, just from a developmental standpoint.” The teachers describe this project as being a completely student-driven experience, a chance for them to own their creative process and learn by doing. Their hope is that the students will develop confidence throughout the process, confidence in their own ideas and expressing those ideas to others. They stress that this is an opportunity for divergent thinking, and the results can be shocking. “Sometimes the children who have the most innovative ideas will totally surprise you,” says 3rd grade teacher Jess Alfaro. “This project gives kids an opportunity to really think outside the box and showcase their thinking in a new and exciting way.” More than just finding voice and agency, the students are learning what it means to contribute to a community. The proceeds from the business fair are donated to local charities like The Humane Society, The WinstonSalem Institute for Regenerative Medicine, the H.O.P.E. (Help Our People Eat) Food Truck, and others. “It’s a way for the kids to feel like they’ve made a significant contribution,” says Alfaro. And that’s what this unit is really all about: contribution, connection, creativity. Whether students are brainstorming outside-the-box ideas, honing the details of their business plans, or holding their own with local business leaders, it’s clear that Summit third graders are redefining what it means to be a pioneer.

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019


READY, SET... COOK! When 7th grade student Lealand Oakes first decided to participate in the Cutthroat Kitchen Competition hosted by Flik & Food Network celebrity chef Jet Tila she expected to come away from the experience with new friends, fond memories, and maybe a few new recipes to try out with her family. What she didn’t expect? To leave the competition a leader with the skills and confidence to command a kitchen—and her own anxiety. “Before [the competition] I used to have trouble with timed tests,” says Oakes. “And I’d get really frustrated with it, and I feel like this has really helped me with that. It’s helped me practice calming my nerves, and staying calm and collected in a really hard, stressful situation.” So what exactly is the Cutthroat Kitchen Competition? As the name would suggest, it’s modeled after the popular cooking show Cutthroat Kitchen, but instead of seasoned chefs competing it’s young students with a passion for food. In the past, Flik has hosted similar competitions in different markets for students throughout the country, and even brings in celebrity chefs to moderate the event. Last spring, Summit students participated for the first time in one of these competitions alongside Forsyth Country Day School, Greensboro Day School, and Wesleyan Christian Academy in High Point. Summit’s team was coached by Flik Chef Justin Wilson, who in addition to his role as Summit’s chef, hosts a weekly cooking club. The cooking club is exclusive to Upper School students and meets for 30 minutes each week. Students embrace fun culinary challenges like learning how to roll sushi or how to fancifully decorate cupcakes. It’s there that Wilson gathered his team for the competition. “We picked students who had been in the club previously or had other connections to the kitchen,” Wilson says. “Kids who we thought might be a good fit for the competition.” And a competition it certainly was. The team of six students spent four hours every Saturday for weeks leading up to the big event practicing recipes with their team and going over strategies. Part cooking challenge, part trivia challenge, students were tested both mentally and physically and were always kept on their toes. “One of the most challenging parts was probably the sabotages just because you never knew what you were going to get,” says Oakes. By “sabotages” she’s referring to the trivia portion of the competition. The trivia can either help or hurt a team. If


SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019

a team answers a question first (and correctly) they can sabotage another competitor by taking away an ingredient or having a member of their team sit out. To combat this, Coach Wilson spent those Saturdays helping the students practice recipes with sabotages, like cooking fried rice without rice. One of the sabotages Summit’s team faced during the competition was having Coach Wilson sit out for one of the rounds. “I sort of became the ‘mama bear’ when they took the coaches away,” says Oakes. “I helped tell people what we should do. It made me step up.” Watching Oakes, one of the younger members on the team, transition from competitor to leader is exactly what Wilson hoped the kids would get out of the competition. He wanted to nurture their passion for the culinary arts, yes, but he also hoped they would learn confidence, independence, and gain a sense of agency. Wilson uses learning how to scramble an egg as an example of this. He says this is something that they can learn to do right now, that they don’t have to wait until they’re older to learn the skill. “That skill they learn now will help them 10 years from now,” he says. “Whether they’re in college or just graduating and moving into an apartment on their own. Even if they never learn to cook anything else, that’s a skill that will come in handy. And if you can learn that one thing then you’ll have the confidence to build off of that and hopefully learn other things.” The skills they learned go beyond the kitchen—which is just one reason why cooking is a hallmark of progressive education. Skills like leadership, time management, balancing stress, and, yes, learning to cook an egg. While Summit didn’t win the competition Wilson remains impressed with the students nonetheless, and has seen a passion for food and learning new things take root in them. “I had parents telling me that their kids want to cook dinner,” he says. “And it’s not because they felt pressured by the competition but because there’s a desire there. They want to do it and show what they’ve learned and what they’re continuing to learn.”








Research indicates there’s a gender gap when it comes to technology and computing jobs. Despite the fact that opportunities for those jobs are rapidly expanding, the gender gap only continues to widen. According to data from the National Center for Education Statistics, women currently only make up about 18 percent of college students who graduate with a computer science degree. This trend is further supported by findings in a recent survey conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. If this trend continues studies estimate that women will hold only 20 percent of computing jobs by 2025. In response to these trends Summit School has introduced “Girls in Coding,” a unique program specifically targeted towards female students to encourage early interest in computer science. The hope is that by providing more opportunities for girls to explore coding/programming early on they will develop an interest and cultivate this passion beyond Summit’s doors. The program starts in the 2nd and 3rd Grades. Learning Specialist Bebe Krewson and Director of Technology Chris Culp facilitate coding and


SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019

programming activities through a math enrichment group that lasts for about eight weeks. Students are purposefully divided into two groups: boys and girls. This separation is in part due to those studies mentioned earlier on, which show that when girls are separated from boys in a group setting they tend to speak up and get more involved, whereas when they’re in a mixed group setting they’re more likely to fall back into more traditional interest areas of learning. “We pulled about six to eight kids for each group,” says Krewson. “These kids were teacher recommended, ones we felt would appreciate and easily connect with coding.” The enrichment group focuses on teaching through visual programming, with an emphasis on coding, utilizing microcontrollers, and gaining a better understanding of electronics in general. This is done by using the web-based program Scratch. Scratch helps students understand how to actually code through a Raspberry Pi microcomputer that’s attached to the

Scratch program. Students can interface with GPIO (general-purpose input/output) pins on an integrated circuit computer board and will be able to program using Scratch, various colored LED lights to flash on and off at different time increments. They use a microcontroller (IC chip) as a tool to see how coding works when connected to the Raspberry Pi through Scratch programming. “A lot of schools are teaching coding,” says Culp. “But the way they’re teaching it is, well, pretty boring.” Culp is referring to the antiquated way in which most schools teach programming, where students sit in front of computers and write code. However, as Summit’s teaching philosophy encourages students to learn by doing, our tactics for explaining code is much more hands on. Instead of just writing code that makes something change on a computer screen, Culp and Krewson present more real-world applications for coding. For example, writing code that makes a light flicker or runs a certain light pattern.

It’s another way in which Summit encourages its students to learn by doing. The hope, of course, is to plant a passion for computer science early on, to show them what they can do with skills like these. “I think Summit does a great job of presenting opportunities like this for girls, and for every student really,” says Rogers. “They come in extremely tech-savvy, but then to grow these skills so early on, skills that will benefit them later in life, through college and future jobs, it is really a very cool thing.”

“It’s much more exciting for the students,” says Culp. “And it gives them more of a real-world understanding of coding when they can physically see the results of their efforts.” The “Girls in Coding” program pairs nicely with the Lower School’s Design and Technology studio course led by Karen House and Stephane Rogers. Together they teach design and technology to 1st through 4th graders with House focusing on the design aspect of the program and Rogers focusing on the technology. Like “Girls in Coding,” the studio class introduces coding concepts early on, starting with the 1st graders and building on each year as the students progress through the Lower School. During the technology portion of the class students work with, a site that offers different coding courses according to age groups. Then in the spring, they put those skills to use, whether it’s writing code for robotics, or programming their own “Flappy Bird” game (a popular video game amongst kids their age). In 1st through 4th grades students are using Lego WeDo robotics kits to gain a deeper understanding of programming. “They start making that connection in a more concrete way and can actually witness how the coding works,” says Rogers.

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019




“Be the change you wish to see in the world” is one quote that 9th grade student Jessica Branch took to heart when crafting her 9th grade speech. For those who are unaware of the process, the 9th grade speeches are a time honored tradition at Summit, wherein students spend the fall semester researching and writing a 6-8 page term paper. Then in the spring they create a 7-minute speech based off that paper and present it to their peers. From commentary on foreign policy to prison reform and police brutality to the history behind the sport of golf, students may choose any topic they like as the subject of those papers-turned-speeches. Jessica Branch, however, decided to take a different route when crafting her speech.


Diagnosed with dyslexia, Jessica has always struggled with her learning differences. But instead of shying away from those differences she decided to empower herself and others by making it the topic of her speech. In her speech titled “Don’t Dis Dyslexia,” Jessica talked about how dyslexia is more than just a learning difference but rather her “superpower.” Her speech particularly connected with the Triad Academy division 4th graders in Mrs. Bridges’ and Mrs. Holland’s homerooms. As students who also struggle with learning differences, the 4th graders immediately related to her speech and her journey with dyslexia. To show their gratitude they wrote Jessica thank-you notes

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019

encompassing all they felt while listening to her speech. “I loved your speech, I almost cried,” wrote one student. “I know how it feels because I have dyslexia too. In 1st and 2nd grade I was still reading picture books.” Another student wrote, “[In your speech] you talk about 1st grade and your story is the same as mine,” while still another said, “I think if a lot more people heard your speech they would understand dyslexia way more.” Jessica’s 9th grade speech is just one example of how students take on leadership roles during their time at Summit. Leadership, ingenuity, and finding a passion­—these are things that start here at Summit and carry on throughout our students’ lives.

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019


PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Robin Pfefferkorn President Kristen Zaks President-Elect Catherine Davis Hornaday ’97 Secretary Laura Bland Treasurer Catherine Webster Assistant Treasurer

COMMITTEE HONORARY CHAIRS Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burress lll

EVENT CHAIR Missy Carroll


Amy Morrow Nominating

PATRON CHAIRS Libby ’91 and Jonathan Kelly Betty and John ’52 Whitaker

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Amy Bergelin Laura Bland Missy Butler Ann Brown Crowder Campbell ’93 Sarah Dalena Suzanne Davis ’93 Hunter Douglas Mandy Haggerson Shelley Holden Elizabeth Hollan Heather and Mark Hopkinson Beth Parker Janeway Heather Maloy Alyson Meyer ’88 Eva Mothershed Colby Morris Murphy ’88 Jill Osborn Sarah Richter Lynn Segal


SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019

THANK YOU Marybeth Terry Katie Thompson Heather Wilson Katie Woltz Kristen Zaks

PATRONS A-LIST PATRONS Nancy and Rick Baker Ann Brenner Jim Bunn Mary Louise and John Burress Tom and Nancy Cannon Missy and Eben Carroll Alex Dapp ’08 Rosena F. Glenn Dillard Liz and Michael Ebeling Laura W. Hearn Amanda and JD Hoots Libby ’91 and Jonathan Kelly DeWitt ’69 and Geoff Kierstead Amy Linville Carrie and Richard Malloy Heather and Rick Maloy Kathy and Danny Newcomb Louise Pollard Lane and Jack Roemer Ellen and Andrew Schindler Margaret ’78 and David Townsend Catherine Kendrick Webster Elizabeth ’93 and Rob Welch Betty and John ’52 Whitaker

Mary McCabe Dudley Nancy and Stu Epperson Nella Purrington Fulton Ann and Borden ’58 Hanes Carla and Bill ’61 Hollan Jennifer Hudson Dusty and Barry Hytinen LaRinda and Seth Kaplan Bussie and Sean Kehoe Mary Nan and Ken Moser Katheryn and Otis Northington Nancy and Ernie Osborn Ashley and Dan Pearce Lara ’93 and Nicholas ’85 Pierce Mary Hannon and Robert Reid Jeanne and Ben Sayers Pamela and Mark Shehan Patti and Phil Shugart Jane and Henry ’63 Stokes Christine and Bain Storch Nancy Rodwell Tuohy Margaret Pike and David Werle Heather and Mike Wilson


HOLLYWOOD PATRONS Sandra P. Adams Kristie and Jonathan ’88 Blanco Missy and Archer ’93 Butler Ellon and Jim ’66 Butler Hunter and Sandlin ’94 Douglas

STARRING ROLE The Budd Group Javara Wake Forest Baptist Health

CAST Alex. Brown, A Division of Raymond James BB&T Davie Dermatology Flik Independent School Dining Front Street Capital Modern Automotive Moser, Gallisdorfer & Broughton, D.D.S. OrthoCarolina Robin McGurkin-Smith D.D.S., MS, PA The Variable Village Tavern Weed Man Womble Bond Dickinson

RED CARPET Constangy, Brooks, Smith & Prophete CycleBar Winston-Salem EmClay Properties Garner Foods HanesBrands I.L. Long Construction, Co. Image Wizards JALA K&W Cafeterias Kaplan Companies Kilpatrick Townsend KRG Utility, Inc. Royce Too Smith and Shehan Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Trust Company of the South Wells Fargo Bank WinterBell

IN-KIND A Papier Excalibur Direct Marketing Mutual Distributing Piedmont Distillery

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019



Bud and Zanne Baker Danny and Pat Hoots Susan and Charles Johnson

Julia Breckinridge Davis Mr. and Mrs. James W. Douglas David Hedrick Fran and Don Howe Mary Jane Keith Louise Pollard Teri and Henry Russ Sally and Steve Seawright Katherine and Robin Team Libby and Mike Trull Glenda and Daniel Webster Pat and Joe Young



Thanks to these special grandparents whose Valentine’s Day messages contributed more than $20,000 to Summit School.


Malcolm and Patty Brown Nancy and Stu Epperson Jane and Redge Hanes Tony and Ann Palmer Winifred Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Schindler

CUPID GRANDPARENT Bonnie and Tom Bowman Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burress III


Anonymous Victoria and Miguel Alday Donald Allred Jane and Mark Barkley Edwin and Ilse Bornemann Mrs. Cynthia Bowen Pam Brett Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bruton Jean Burris Tom and Nancy Cannon Mr. and Mrs. W. Donald Clark Mary Alice and Michael Colo John and Valerie Cronan Kathy Cross Rick and Sara Crowder Terrie and John Davis Charlotte del Valle Lee-Anne and William Distler Holbrook and Roger Dixon Sharon and Wallace Edge Marlene and Richard Emmerich Dianne English Laura Felts Chuck and Mary Beth Fitzgerald Brenda Funderburk Elizabeth Garner Tom and Elizabeth Gatewood Juanita S. Greene Christine and Richard Hankins Martha and Pat Heafner

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019

Daphne W. Hill Carol and Chip Holden Mrs. Margaret Holmes Stephanie and David Iauco Barbara and Dennis Johnson Rosella and Jerry Jones Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kendrick Bill and Ginger King Vicki Kocher Margaret Laxton Ronald L. Leak Hannah and Sae Lee Dr. Laurel Link Lea and Randy Loftis John and Mary Lu MacCorkle Mr. Bernard McGinnis Arlene and Jonathan Meter Beth and John Mochnick Kathy Morgan Karen and John Morrow Mary Nan and Ken Moser Mrs. Ruth Oliver Jane and Thomas O'Neill Geneva and Maurice Perez Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Perry, Jr. Linda and Frank Petronzio Cynthia and Bill Price Sally and Dale Richter Ruth and David Sabean Dan and Linda Sayers Nancy and John Schultz Joan and David Senior Sherby Slaughter Anne and Kenneth Smith Ena (Midg) Stackhouse Jean Olive and Allston Stubbs Camille Suttle Rosalind and Henry Thomason Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Veneziano, Sr. Betty and Charles Watson Claudette B. Weston Janie and J. D. Wilson Mary Lou and Peter Wilson Yvonne B. Winters Grace and David Wyss Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Zaks

SPECIAL SUMMIT GRANDPARENT Anonymous Kathryn Allred Les and Debbie Barsz Anne and Gene Birke Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Boyd Randa Cartwright Dr. and Mrs. Dudley C. Chandler, Jr. Rhonda and Greg Cox Mr. and Mrs. John D. Dalena Linda and Elmer Doyle Melissa and Roy Duckworth Nancy Dunn Betty and Doyle Early Elizabeth Frushour Marty and Forrest Galyean Ann and Gerald Goforth Pat and Fletcher Grubbs Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hargrove Ms. Patty Harper Linda Hewitt Jillian Holgate Marcy Kelley Lynn Kogen Judy and Bobby Macemore Pat Marquardt Elizabeth Martin Tali and Don Meyer Sarah Morgan Joyce and David Pearce Sam and Mary Jane Petros Valerie and Ross Prochnow Helen Rayner Debbie and Tom Ressler Geraldine and Harvey Rorie Brandy Rutherford Linda and Dave Sheasley Barbara and James Sifford Teresa and Gus Smith Blanche Stevens Mary and JD Storch Jerry and Carol Trecroce Mary Ellen Turner Paul and Kathy Werle

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019



Bold indicates new members in giving clubs

The Onward and Upward Society celebrates Summit’s generous donors who give at the leadership level of $2,300 or greater. $2,300 bridges the gap between tuition and the actual cost of educating each Summit student.

SUMMIT STARS $20,000 and Greater Jeff and Laura Allen Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burress III Anna Reilly and Matthew Cullinan DataMax Foundation Mebane Charitable Foundation Smith Self Tom Davis Fund

Mr. and Mrs. David C. Eagan J. Michael Johnston Foundation Carrie and Richard Malloy Jayne and William Mebane Kate and Joe Michalek David and Mary Mounts Ellen and Bill Parsley Karen and Tom Pranikoff Catherine Webster

HEAD’S TEAM 1933 COUNCIL $10,000 - $19,999 Malcolm and Patty Brown Beth and Jim Einstein Marianne and Rod Meyer Brice and Beth O'Brien Emily Brown Rostlund and Olle Rostlund Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Schindler Summit School Parents' Association George and Phyllis Walker

FOUNDERS’ SOCIETY $5,000 - $9,999 Nancy and Rick Baker Mr. and Mrs. Austin Byrne Mr. and Mrs. Chris DiRusso


$3,000 - $4,999 Dr. and Mrs. Guy M. Arcuri Filippo and Nicoletta Berti Ben and Joyce Carson Mr. and Mrs. Sandlin M. Douglas Mrs. John T. Eagan, Jr. Liz and Michael Ebeling Lisa and Robert Gfeller Richard and Kate Haselwood Susan and Charles Johnson Liz and Stan Kelly Kay D. King Denise and Paul Laurienti Carolyn McInnis Lontz Janice and Charlie Lovett Ann and Bob Merkel Dr. Steven S. and Mrs. Joyce Mou John H. Murphy, Jr. Mark and Pam Oliver Jeanne and Ben Sayers

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019

Pam and Mark Shehan Forrest Staton Rob and Holly Stowe Ursula Henninger and Jim Stroupe Chad and Marybeth Terry Ed and Sue Welch Tripp Winslow and Stacie Zelman

PIONEER CIRCLE $2,300 - $2,999 Ben Baker Laura and James Bland Thomas and Ute Bornemann John and Betsy Brais Mr. and Mrs. Jason Bridges Mr. and Mrs. David P. Broughton Angela, Andrew, and Stephen Carr Dr. Eben and Missy Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Bradley H. Fowler David and Cristi Howe Louisa and Mark Petersen Dr. and Mrs. Scott Segal Elton B. Stephens, Jr. Carter and Melissa Ward Mr. and Mrs. Greg Wilson

FUTRELL FRIENDS $1,000 - $2,299 Anonymous Cal and Mary Craven Adams Sandra Adams Anne and Joe Andrews Robert Arey Emily Neese and John Babcock Jerry and Cassandra Baker Brad and Michelle Beck Amy and Thad Bergelin Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan B. Blanco Penni and Mike Bradshaw Cara and Buck Byrum Cynthia Rorie-Cain and Randell Cain Ann Brown and Chip Campbell Craig and Kathleen Cannon Tom and Nancy Cannon Beth and Franklin Chen Claire and Hudnall Christopher Dr. and Mrs. Nick Chrysson Kate and Alex Clegg Lisa Dragoni and Daniel Cohen Emily and Timothy Collins Susan and Mark Conger Marina and Wesley Davis Mary and Jeffrey Deaton Mr. and Mrs. James W. Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dunn Lynn and Barry Eisenberg Bobby Finch Ellie and Stuart Fine Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Flow Mr. and Mrs. McDara P. Folan III Paul Fulton Thomas G. Gallaher Claire Calvin and Matthew Giegengack Julia Ann and Ted Goins Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Goodson Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Greene Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Grosswald Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hauser Laura W. Hearn

Jane Clarke and Tamer Hegazy Deanne and Joseph Hettinger Wendy Moore and Charles Hildebrandt Suzanne and Matt Hinchliffe Shelley and David Holden Ms. Leslie A. Hollan Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hollan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hollan III Tracie McMillion and Mark Holmes Danny and Pat Hoots Loma Hopkins Heather and Mark Hopkinson Keya Hosseinzadeh and Maha Torabi Dr. and Mrs. Jon Hudson Stephanie and David Iauco David and Beth Parker Janeway Mr. and Mrs. Trent E. Jernigan Brigitte Steinmetz and Borwin Jung LaRinda and Seth Kaplan Elizabeth and Sean Kehoe Elizabeth and Jonathan Kelly Cindy and Bob Kluttz Leigh and Andy Koman Ticia and Scott Kribbs Drs. Brandi Jacques and Adrian Laxton Tina and Barry Leonard Michael and Michelle Merritt Leonard Holli and Aubrey Linville Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Maloy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jason M. Marley Harvey S. Martin David and Carroll McCullough Robyn and Will McElwee Sandy and Tom Meckley Mary and Brian Mendenhall Heath Miller Patricia B. Morgenstern Mary Nan and Ken Moser Bonnie and Daniel Murphy Ashley and Anthony Myers Natalie Jensen-Noll and Richard Noll Stacey and Thomas O'Neill Joe and Britt Parrish Will and Emily Parsley

Drs. John and Dominique Patrick Ashley and Dan Pearce Beth Perry Stacy and F. Matthew Petronzio Kay and Dave Phillips Billy D. Prim Beth and Dave Reboussin Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Roemer, Jr. Michael and Jill Rogers Mr. Dalton D. Ruffin Isabel Ruffin Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ruffin Jimmy Ruffin Mary and John Schultz Heather and Steve Shearer Patricia and Philip Shugart Omari Simmons Brant R. Snavely III Terra Snider Catherine and David Spross William A. Starbuck, Jr. Dr. Selester and Freda Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Stopyra Carter and Sharon Sturkie Wesley and Mark Suttle Katherine and Robin Team Mary Craig and Andy Tennille Christopher J. Tuohy Nancy Rodwell Tuohy Alex and Elliott Turner Tonya Deem and Jay Turner Jim Walter Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welch Meredith and Win Welch Anne Glenn and Rob Whitnell Beverly and Bill Williams Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Willis, Jr. Mike and Heather Wilson Yvonne B. Winters

LEWIS LEGENDS $500 - $999 Dax and Nichole Allred Julia and David Archer Heidi D. Klepin and Hal Atkinson Kelly Barham and Kelly Baird

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019


Mr. and Mrs. James B. Barber Ranlet S. and Frank M. Bell, Jr. Graham and Janice Bennett Anna and Richard Bevis Jake and Jennie Davis Blair Christine and Dan Bland Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Booke Bonnie and Tom Bowman G. Thomas Boyette III Jim Bunn Cassie and Dennis Campbell Drew and Sara Cannon Dr. and Mrs. Dudley C. Chandler, Jr. Kami Chavis Melissa Combes Mary Reynolds and Mitch Cox Nan V. Crawford Stephanie and Chris Cronan Sarah and John Dalena Mrs. Rosena Ferrell Glenn Dillard Katie Distler Mr. and Mrs. T. Dixon Douglas Jim and Lauren Dunn Chris W. Eagan Kerry E. Eagan Mr. and Mrs. James J. Edmundson Lauren and Brian Eisenberg Mr. Ned Erickson and Dr. Lia Erickson Carlie Eubanks Elizabeth and Paul Foley Jennifer and Omnia Fowler Bonnie and Rob Fowler Sally Carson Gaines Margaret McKinnon Gardner Dilara Dagoglu Gemmell and Christopher Gemmell Andrea Glenn Vernon Glenn Richard and Jennifer Gottlieb Jane and Redge Hanes Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Holmes Amanda and JD Hoots Mr. Mark H. Hoppe and Dr. Betsy S. Hoppe Catherine and Matthew Hornaday Ann and Ben Hough Royce Hough Charlla and Gene Jernigan Sara Pesek and Rogan Kersh Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey J. Kierstead Dany and Lisa Kim-Shapiro Kip and Marti Larson Amy S. Lawrence Sirena Hargrove-Leak and


Roland Leak Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lewis Margaret and Rick Lewis Brook Martin Deanne E. Maynard Dr. and Mrs. William McCall, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart H. McCormick Martie and Douglas McDowall Ed and Rebecca McKee Cecelia and Fred McPhail Alyson Meyer Constance and Thomas Moore Robb and Eva Mothershed Kathy and Danny Newcomb Katheryn and Otis Northington Mary Ceile and Sam Ogburn Ellyn and Chris Owens Tony and Ann Palmer Lindsay and Ricardo Peral Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Perry, Jr. Jordan and Meredith Peterson Phil Petros Bill and Jane Pfefferkorn Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward Pleasants, Jr. John and Joanie Lacy Preyer Cynthia and Bill Price Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Rice III Mrs. Betsy Holmes Richardson Ellen and Nic Robinson Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Robinson Dawn Greene-Rogers and Chris Rogers Shannon and Greg Russ Bill and Vera Satterfield Dan and Linda Sayers Sally and Steve Seawright Mr. and Mrs. William Semans Joan and David Senior Ken and Stefoni Shaw Scott Skidmore Mr. and Mrs. Anthony K. Slater Sarah Sloan Teresa and Gus Smith Jeff Smith and Robin McGurkin-Smith Emily and Jonathan Smith Will Sneden Alexis and Scott Snow Doug Sosnik Stella Surratt Betty P. Sutton Courtney and Alston Team Jocelyn Tennille Karen Tolbert Margaret and David Townsend

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019

Mari and Tom Valaoras Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Veneziano, Jr. Janet and Adrian Vyse Susan and Steven Walker Mary Lou and Peter Wilson Frankie and Vernon Winters Mr. and Mrs. William Woltz III Grace and David Wyss Kristen and Jason Zaks Qingxia Zhao

ADAMS ARCHITECTS $250 - $499 Anonymous Carolyn and Michael Albright Susan Spaugh Alexander duWayne and Cinda Amen Hope Arcuri Matthew Arcuri Tiffany and Derek Avery Bud and Zanne Baker Charley and Pat Belch James R. Bennett Richard and Mona Bennett Kathryn Cater Bergquist Janice C. Blake Lisa and John Boisture Scott and Caroline Bowen Jon and Beth Bowman Jonathan Branch Angela Dillard and Ralph Breeden Jessica Broderick Katie Brown Terri and Edd Bullock The Butler Family Missy and Archer Butler Carlyle Chandler III Melanie and Jeffrey Chandler Cheng and Shueimei Chen Bradford Church Ms. Suzanne Clark Mr. and Mrs. W. Donald Clark Andrea and Caleb Clauset Mary Alice and Michael Colo Mrs. W. Andrew Copenhaver Mrs. Phyllis Slick Cowell Edward A. Crawford John R. Crouse Rick and Sara Crowder Diane and David Dalbo Mr. and Mrs. John D. Dalena Sarah and Tom Dalrymple

Julia Breckinridge Davis Suzanne C. Davis Jennifer del Valle Cathy and Walter Denning Tina and Rick Donnell Mr. and Mrs. G. Walker Douglas Betty and Doyle Early Scott Eckman Kathryn and Bobby Edwards Sherrie and David Fain Susan and Michael Falcon Leora Henkin and Steven Feldman Sheila and John Fox Billy and Donza Friende Carrie Fulton Peggy and Joe Gaddy Christina Nostitz Ganon Tom and Elizabeth Gatewood Jodi Turner and Bill Gifford Agathi and Constantine Glezakos Mr. Raymond Glover and Dr. Melicia Glover Juanita S. Greene Pat and Fletcher Grubbs Mandy and Christopher Haggerson Borden and Ann Hanes Steve Harberger Tina and John Heafner Susan and Jay Hedgpeth David Hedrick Sue and Doug Henderson Gloria Henninger Keith Herbs Persis W. Hildebrandt John Hollan, Jr. Shelley Holmes Blitz Hoppe Will Hoppe Rob Hurley and Meredith Adams Robbie and Dave Irvin Debby and Guy Jeter Mary and Scott Jones Mary Jane Keith Maxine and Robert Kelly Brad King Deborah and Jeffrey Klein Erin Koewing Scott and Bebe Krewson Dr. and Mrs. David Kunkle Samara and Matthew Llewellyn Lea and Randy Loftis Elisabeth and Peter Lovett Rob and Kathy Luttrell Jenny and Kirk Macemore Paula and Brian Magargle

Katherine and Simon Mahler Allyson McCauley Dot and Matt McCollum Mr. and Mrs. John B. McKinnon Debbie and Fred McPhail, Jr. Elizabeth Turner and Sam Merrick Daniela and Scott Miller Caroline Mitchell Elizabeth and Reid Morgan Amy and John Morrow Aly and John Kenneth Moser Karla Barnes and Kyle Mounts Sarah Murphy Colby and Sean Murphy Jane and Sam Ogburn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. O'Hara Stacy and John Owen Mildred W. Paden Kitty and Duane Peterson Robin and Paul Pfefferkorn Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Pfefferkorn Gini Piekarski Nicholas and Lara Hanes Pierce Sterling and Cynthia Pierce Mr. Graydon O. Pleasants, Jr. and Ms. Margaret Scales Judy and George Plonk Anne and Alex Pope Shannon Pylant Jen and Dan Rackley The Regan Family Jon and Elizabeth Reynolds Yana and Chuck Richards Sarcanda and Brent Rottweiller Lisa Anderson Sari Bill and Barbara Scantland Susan and Gary Schambach

Nancy and John Schultz Tricia and Matt Sheehan Bekah and Shaun Sidden Martine T. Silver Carolyn O. Simmons Michael Skorich Douglas and Brandi Slater Alex Smith Mrs. Cecil S. Smith Liza and Marshall Smith Dr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Smith Marian and William D. Smith, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Sommerkamp Beverly and Sterling Spainhour Mr. J. Christopher Spear George and Ashley Stabolitis Ena (Midg) Stackhouse Dana and James Stallings Christine and Bain Storch Jean Olive and Allston Stubbs Susan Surratt Rob and Beth Taylor Parker and Chris Tegeler Ginny and Phil Thomas Sharon and Bryan Thompson Katie and Dave Thompson Barton L. and Angela S. Tiffany Christine and Jim Toole Elaine Turner Brenda and John Tyo Debra Liu and Francis Walker Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wild David Winters and Audrey Williams Alen and Roni Wyss Lynn and Jeff Young

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019


SUMMIT SUPPORTERS Up to $249 Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Bryan A. Adams Chelsea Curran Adams April Ruffin-Adams and Frederick Adams Martha Albertson Kathryn and Adrian Alday Phyllis Alexander Jess Alfaro Ross Allen Helene Alston Terrance and Barbara Andree Cynthia and Scott Andree Bowen Meredith N. Andrews Lisa Arbaugh Bruce and Anne Babcock John Baicy Robert Baldwin Emily and Edmund Ball Lloyd Barnhardt Gloria Bartelt Vijayalaxmi and Rajendra Basannavar Ellen and Doug Bassett Sarah Bauk Aidan Baydush Lori and Alan Baydush Leigh Beavers Elaine Bell Laura and Jason Bell Shannon Bell Madeleine Bennett Oliver Bennett The Bergman and Balderamos Family Emery and Chris Bettis Linda and Lee Bettis Brittany Biggs Anne and Gene Birke Ashley and Kurt Birkins Gwen and Ed Blackmer Jack and Jordan Blake Nicole and Jackson Blaylock Mary and William Block Bill and Betsy Neill Blue Edwin and Ilse Bornemann Bonnie Bowen Bradley Bowen Mrs. Cynthia Bowen E. Taylor Bowen III


Diane and Jack Bowen Betsy and Carr Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Boyd Nancy A. Bramlett Jessica Branch Julie and Dennis Branch Anna Henderson Brantley Blake Brantley Robianne and Peter Brath Rob and Judy Breakstone Penelope Broughton Kathryn and Thad Brown Volii Brown Frances Browne Daniel Bruton Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bruton Kris and Katie Bryant Beth and Mark Budd Chris Burris Jean Burris Lisa and David Buschek Alex and Dory Butler Jennifer and Jason Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Brad A. Calhoun Katie and Jay Callahan Barbara and Rence Callahan Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Campbell, Jr. Liz Martin Campbell and Taylor Campbell Pat and Gene Capps Melissa and Mike Capriola Wilson Carey Brennen Carr Donnell Carr Eoin Carr Benjamin J. Carson IV Nathaniel Carson Nikki Burris and Gray Cartwright John Carty Aurelia Eller Cathey George W. Chandler, Jr. Julia and Robbie Chandler Nancy C. Chapman Sandra Chitty Molly Chunn Alice Day Brown Clark Thomas Clauset Debra and David Clayman Melissa and George Cleland Jennifer J. Cleland Richard H. Clement Julie and Jeffrey Clevenger John Coan Ellie Collins

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019

Amber and Christian Colo Austin Conger George Conger Chris Conrad Amanda Cooper Tamara and Jon Cornatzer Bonnie and James Crabtree Emily Craig Sophie Cronan Mary Ann and Oliver Cross Jennifer and Tao Cui Mr. and Mrs. Chris Culp Dan and Nancy Culp Bo Dalrymple Katie Dalrymple Jane and Paul Daniel Kelly and Brad Darmofal Terrie and John Davis Sandra and Lawrence Davis Martha and Linwood Davis Lou Davis Ida and Timothy Davis Dicky and Amanda Deal Molly Ashworth DeCola Todd and Karen DeNeui Mr. and Mrs. Anthony H. Disher, Jr. Carson Donnell Tracy and Kevin Doub Borden Douglas Catherine Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Douglas Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson Douglas, Jr. Mary Grace Douglas Mills Douglas Barbara and Robert Douglas Robert Douthit Linda and Elmer Doyle Laurie Tomlinson Dray Paul and Elisabeth Dresel Cary Driver Melissa and Roy Duckworth Dolly Dudley Mrs. Susan Ashworth Dumbacher Alison Elster Duncan Emily Dunn Kevin Dunn Nancy Dunn Edna H. Duren Susanna and Raymond Dyer Jenny Easter Carolyn Ebeling Mollie Ebeling Catherine Turner Edwards and Frank Edwards

Rob Edwards Fleming and Whit Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ellis Mrs. J. Robert Elster Sally Colhoun Engram Barrett and Jeannie Evans Whitney and Meredyth Ewing Toyin and Emmanuel Fadeyi Andy and Kim Fansler Ann and John Faris Denise Gagnon Faulhaber Mr. and Mrs. Jason Felten Lois Felten Mr. and Mrs. Robert Field Nancy Figan Dr. Will and Anne Fleeson Claudia and Gary Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Fleming, Jr. Dolores and Moises Flores de Valgaz Stephanie Flores de Valgaz Catherine Copenhaver Fraise Amber Frantz Robin and Dana French Carolyn and Winn Fuller Sondra and Errin Fulp Cici Fulton Christine and Roger Gagnon Russ Gagnon Gray Galloway Mr. and Mrs. James G. Galloway, Jr. Jay and Carrie Galloway McCabe Galloway Heyward and Tiffany Garner Sam and Yiota Gianopoulos Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gibel, Jr. Julie Giljames Shon and Chris Gilmore Paxson Glenn Norma Goelst Joshua Golden Karen and Keith Googe Pat and Nancy Grantham James A. Gray III Robert Gray Dr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Gray Susannah and Roy Greco Alex Green David Green Jack Green Stan C. Green Catherine and Brad Greene Teese and Tom Griffin Fletcher Grubbs Mr. and Mrs. Parker H. Grubbs

Elizabeth Medlin Hale Gregory and Michelle Halver Robin Hanes James A. Hardison V Thomas G. Hardy III Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hargrove Wendy Harper Elizabeth and Barnes Harris Fran Sizemore Harris Martha and Mo Hartley Beth and Brian Haskell Beth Avera Haupt Peter Hawley Tracy Hayes Lindsay Rothrock Haynie John Heafner Martha and Pat Heafner Gretchen and Jason Heggerick Henry G. and Julie M. Heidtmann Austin and Jay Heller Catherine and Daniel Helm Christy and Scott Hemby Conley Henderson Millie Gold Henning Barbara and Dean Henrichs Matt Henrichs Tiffany and Daryl Henshaw Kim and Joseph Herman Gigi Perkinson Hershey Marian Starr Hessman Christian Hildebrandt Daphne W. Hill Della Hinman Joanna Holden Libby Holden

Andrew Holgate and Kristin Bennett Will Hollan Amy Underwood Holland Carter Holmes Dalton Holmes Pollyann and Greg Holthusen Janet L. Honecker Elizabeth Rief and Shawn Hooper Linda Holmes Horsley Karen House Leigh and Travis Howell Anne and Joseph Hsu Suzanne and Chic Huber Carolyn Huettel Lucia Hughes and Thomas P. Hughes Marie and Dennis Hunt The Hunter Family Tarrah Hunter Thomas Hunter Linda Huntley Misty and Jonathan Hyman Nick and Molly Iauco Mary Starling Inman Jerri Irby Mary Virginia Ireland Jessica Jabbour Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jabbour Paul M. James III Christopher Jenkins Gaither and Sarah Jenkins Jane Harris Jester Douglas Johnson and Casey Price Edna P. Johnson Katie Parsley Johnson Mark and Rachel Neely Johnson

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019


Ryan and Robert Johnson Chris and Lucinda Jones Stephanie and John Jordan Debra Joslyn Betsy and Bill Joyner Sarah Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Brent Keene Franny Kehoe Kirstin and Joshua Keilty Jennifer and David Keller David L. Kelly III Peter and Jamie Kelly Barrett and Hampden Kenan Shai Kim-Shapiro Bill and Ginger King Clark and Caroline Kinser Barbara and Brent Kirby Nachell and Shad Kirley Olivia T. Kleinmaier Lynn Kluttz Robert Kluttz Emy Knight Vicki Kocher Kelly Kollar Joy V. Kontos Jennifer Girard-Krebs and Robert Krebs Emily Krewson Laura and Jason Kubicki Lesley-Anne Lamb Martha and William Lamb Ginny Lambert Jake Lang Justin Lang Whitney and Rob Lang Dr. K. Andra Larson Shaheim Larson Ann Mills Lassiter Sarah Parrott Lathrop Hughes Laurienti Jillian Laurienti Jane G. Lauritzen Mary Katherine Lautemann Margaret Laxton Hannah and Sae Lee Margaret Harper and Donald Lendle Iris Leonard Helen Levin Whitney Wright Lewallen Wright Lewallen Becky Lewis Bingle and Doug Lewis Carlos Lindo and Katia Reyes Dr. and Mrs. Donald J. Lineback


Dr. Laurel Link Kathryn K. Linville Denisha Little-Greene Jolynn and Peter Lloyd Susan Roberts Lloyd-Graham Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. London, Jr. Jennifer and Austin Love Elle Lovette Dr. and Mrs. Tad and Ellen Lowdermilk Robbie Lyerly Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lyerly John and Mary Lu MacCorkle Carter Malmo Gerald M. Malmo III Turner Malmo Bethany Mann Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mann Angela and John Manning Kristy and Patrick Manning Elizabeth Martin Mary Allen and Jim Martin Valerie Martin Grant McAllister Sarah and Chris McAuley Sadie McAuley Stella McAuley Elizabeth Krewson McCall and Will McCall Linda and Shawn McCarty Jason R. McEnaney and Lisa Corum-McEnaney Elizabeth McEwan Barbre McGill Virginia and Noah McKay Alex and DeDe McKinnon Barbara and Mark McManus Loni Worsley and Sedric McMillian Mr. and Mrs. R. Gregory McNeer, Jr.

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019

Joy McNew Trish McRae Susanne and David McWilliams Arlene and Jonathan Meter Tali and Don Meyer Gary Michalove The Mihalko Family Ms. Angela G. Mims Ann Benbow Mirchandani Kay and Vann Mitchell Beth and John Mochnick Colleen Moir Mark and Heather Moir Susan and Steven Moll David Moore Elizabeth A. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Robertson L. Moore John M. Morehead Janie Hauser Morgan Ashley and William Morgan Kimbrel Bunn Morris Lynda King Morris Ford Morrow Will Morrow Deanna Carlisle Moss Ian Mou Nycole Mumford Millie Murphy Yvonne and Dereck Mushayamunda Fadzai Mushayamunda Mr. Joseph F. Neely and Mrs. Joyce R. Neely Betsy Neill Scottie and David Neill Lydie Neill Mary Scott Neill Rob Neill Frances Newman Holbrook Newman

Chris Nichols Michael and Martha Nichols James Northington Bill and Shea Oakes Thomas F. O'Brien III Mindy Ogburn Mrs. Ruth Oliver Jennifer and Justin Orbock Jill and Justin Osborn Ross Osborn Mary Beth and Michael Palyszeski Lisa Parrish Laura and David Pasquale Joyce and David Pearce Leane Peddycord Cliff and Sarah Pennell Timothy Pennell Linda Penney Julia Peral Rachel and Blair Percival Magdalena Perez Vicente Dane and Virginia Perry Josh Perry Annabelle Petronzio Linda and Frank Petronzio Jax Petronzio Kai Petronzio Mason Petronzio Miles Petronzio Riley Petronzio Thomas and Ashley Petronzio Sam and Mary Jane Petros Michael and Elaine Phelps Ridgely Medlin Phillips Helen Pierce Cami and Harry Plagianis Brian Platz Louise Pollard Katie Pons Ms. Shayna K. Pons Joanne Portaro Richard W. Porter Jane Dudley Portman Molly Potter Jaye and Brent Powell Gina and Brian Powers Marie Hope Preske Bobby and Margaret Price William Price III Beth and Bob Probst Katie Duckworth and Daniel Prochnow Kate Quadland Warren Quadland

Laura and David Ramsay Wendy and Rohan Ranadive Mary Ann and Cal Ratcliff Pamela Rattley Helen Rayner James Reaves Winnie Jordan Reaves Auguste Reboussin Matthew Regan Marian Wilson and Richard Reich Curtis Reid Derek and Alli Reid Religious Society of Friends Debbie and Tom Ressler Catherine Rice Cali and Woody Rich Sarah and Peter Richter Art and Ann Garner Riddle Brandi and John Rights Phala Roberts Debbie and Mark Robinson Adrienn and David Rodda Xiaolin Dai and Andy Rodekohr Roy O. Rodwell Blair Roemer Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Roemer III Jack Roemer Suzanna Roemer Anna Rogers Michael Rogers Ms. Stephane Rogers Charlease and Bernard Roper Andrea and Mark Ropko Jennifer and David Rosen Linda Nicolotti and Gregory Ross Linda and Roy Rowe Heather and Henry Royster Mr. and Mrs. Dalton D. Ruffin, Jr. Stuart Ruffin Hayden Russ Teri and Henry Russ The Russell Family Unit Mark Sabean Teebie Bunn Saunders and James Saunders Emmett Sayers Lucas Sayers Sunny Sayers Kianna Scanlon Elizabeth and Michael Scannell Alvin Selby Raegan Dalbo and John Senior Cristen and Ben Sessions MJ and Chuck Shaffer

Elizabeth Sharpe Tom Shaver Gracie Shaw Madison Shearer Linda and Dave Sheasley Glenda M. Shelton Jan Shepherd Amy and Jay Shively Penn Shore Barbara and James Sifford Colleen Bryant-Sills and Brooks Sills Elizabeth Perkinson Simmons Susan and Paul Simos Paul Sinal Jackie Sizemore Mr. and Mrs. Gregory I. Skoteiniadis A. Zachary Smith III and Emily P. Smith Catherine Smith Craig and Anna Marie Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Smith Tim Smith Sandra and Tom Smith Grayson Snider Kate Hanes Snow Mark and Karen Sohmer Molly and Jim Southern Parker Southern Jennifer Sparnicht Robin and Michael Speaks John Stabolitis Dack Stackhouse and Stavroula Glezakos Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stacy Quinn Stallings Les and Jan Standerfer Ben Staton Tracy and Hans Steckly Marilee and Ken Stettler Blanche Stevens Robert Stimpson David Stoeri Cannon Simpson Stoffel Billy Stoltz Joel Stopyra Mary and JD Storch Nelson Storch Rand Storch Ann Womble Strader C. Barbour Strickland III Al Stubbs Claudia and Jim Stubbs Z and Meredith Stubbs Amelia Sturkie

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019


Elisa Sturkie Katie Hill Sturkie Mary Lynn and Christopher Sullivan Linda Sullivan Erin Sutfin and Steve Susalka Bo Sutton Jack and Cindy Sutton Kelly and Jackson Sutton Jenny Sutton Virginia and Jim Sutton Will Sutton Irma Taylor Jared Taylor Cy Tennille Olivia Tennille John and Angela Tesh Christy Thomas Ginger and John Thomas Martha and John Thompson Kelly Timberlake Rhonda Timberlake Dina Elsaid and Reda Tolba D. Sean Toole Katy Warren Towers Patty and Bruce Townsend Gray Townsend


Mary Lyle Townsend Reilly Townsend Catherine and Eric Tracy Jerry and Carol Trecroce Alex Tribble Mr. and Mrs. R. Christopher Tribble Sydney Tribble Jane Wilsey Tucker Martin Tucker Patrick Tuohy William Tuohy Rachel and Alexander Turner Judith and Billy Turner Lisa and Jeff Turner Mary Ellen Turner Wade Turner Caroline Tuxhorn Charlie Tuxhorn David and Kourtney Tuxhorn Matt Valaoras Valerie and Henry Valk Tricia Vaughn Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Veneziano, Sr. Paden and Stacy Verner Whitley Vogler Jeffrey Wanderman

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019

Tracy and Adam Warren Betty and Charles Watson Michell and Landon Weeks Janice Weiss Caroline Welch Edwin Welch Henry Welch Rachel and Wrenn Wells Paul and Kathy Werle Lizzie White Margaret White Mary Catherine White Kathryn and Steven White Elizabeth Whitehead Cameron and Elise Whitley Nicole and Andrew Williams Kelly and David Williams J. Mel and Jennifer Williams Janie and J. D. Wilson Danielle and Justin Wilson Thomas Wilson Becca Kornegay Wood Carrie and John Worsley Heather S. Younts Jan and Bill Zelman

MEMORIALS Summit School is honored to remember the following individuals by gifts made in their memory.

TR Keith ’91

Roger Ralph

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lewis

Heather and Mark Hopkinson

Sally Pullen Kelly ’52

Dalton Ruffin

Julia Ann and Ted Goins

Sandra Adams

Jenny Kimbrel Bunn

Sgt Maj. and Mrs. Robert Luttrell

Donna Shores

Jim Bunn

Rob and Kathy Luttrell

Lisa and Jeff Turner

Kimbrel Bunn Morris

Beth Lyon

Ned Skidmore

Teebie Bunn Saunders

Chris Lyon

Tracy and Kevin Doub

and James Saunders

Rachel Malcolm

Julia Sneden

Bill Carr

Mr. and Mrs. James W. Douglas

Will Sneden

Barbara and Robert Douglas

Kathryn and Bobby Edwards

Susan and Steven Moll

Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey J. Kierstead

Nilla Dudley Childs ’73

Bingle and Doug Lewis

Julia Ann and Ted Goins

Caroline Mitchell

Frank and Janet Cifrese

Mary Anne Maynard

Tina and Barry Leonard

Deanne E. Maynard

Agnes Clark

Juliette K. Miranda

Dr. and Mrs. David Kunkle

Jennifer J. Cleland

R. Baker Crawford III ’87

Dr. and Mrs. Donald J. Lineback

Edward A. Crawford

Nick Mitchell, Jr.

Nan V. Crawford

Caroline Mitchell

Kristen Duren ’84

George Mountcastle ’47

Edna H. Duren

Sandra Adams

Aurelia Gray Eller ’47

John H. Murphy, Sr.


John H. Murphy, Jr.

Sandra Adams Ben Baker Aurelia Eller Cathey

Frankie Neal Susanna and Raymond Dyer

Sarah and Tom Dalrymple

Amy Messick Paynter ’82

Liz and Michael Ebeling

Jennifer J. Cleland

Louise Futrell

Marjorie Pierce

Robert Stimpson

Sterling and Cynthia Pierce

Matt Gfeller ’08

Dr. Harold C. Pollard III

Lisa and Robert Gfeller

Louise Pollard

Louise Joyce

Mary Pullen

MJ Shaffer

Julia Ann and Ted Goins

McNair Tornow ’90 Sandra Adams

Amelia Treco Omari Simmons

DONOR ROLL Donors to the Summit Fund by constituency group (# years of consecutive giving since 1990-91)

PARENTS Anonymous Cal and Mary Craven Adams (6) April Ruffin-Adams and Frederick Adams (5) Carolyn and Michael Albright (5) Kathryn and Adrian Alday Jeff and Laura Allen (6) Dax and Nichole Allred (4) Cynthia and Scott Andree Bowen (3) Anne and Joe Andrews (4) Heidi D. Klepin and Hal Atkinson (2) Tiffany and Derek Avery (2) John Baicy (11) Kelly Barham and Kelly Baird (3) Ben Baker (18) Nancy and Rick Baker (7) Emily and Edmund Ball (2) Vijayalaxmi and Rajendra Basannavar (3) Lori and Alan Baydush (3) Laura and Jason Bell (2) James R. Bennett Amy and Thad Bergelin (3)


The Bergman and Balderamos Family (2) Emery and Chris Bettis (4) Anna and Richard Bevis Ashley and Kurt Birkins (3) Jack and Jordan Blake (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan B. Blanco (14) Christine and Dan Bland (2) Laura and James Bland (3) Lisa and John Boisture Thomas and Ute Bornemann (10) Scott and Caroline Bowen (11) Jon and Beth Bowman (14) Betsy and Carr Boyd (6) John and Betsy Brais (5) Julie and Dennis Branch (4) Mr. and Mrs. Jason Bridges (4) Mr. and Mrs. David P. Broughton (27) Kathryn and Thad Brown (2) Ty and Tara Brown (3) Daniel Bruton (2) Kris and Katie Bryant (3) Beth and Mark Budd (2) Terri and Edd Bullock Missy and Archer Butler (5) Cynthia Rorie-Cain and Randell Cain Jennifer and Jason Caldwell (2) Mr. and Mrs. Brad A. Calhoun (14) Ann Brown and Chip Campbell (3) Cassie and Dennis Campbell

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019

Liz Martin Campbell and Taylor Campbell (3) Craig and Kathleen Cannon (8) Drew and Sara Cannon (7) Melissa and Mike Capriola (3) Dr. Eben and Missy Carroll (6) Nikki Burris and Gray Cartwright Melanie and Jeffrey Chandler (2) Julia and Robbie Chandler (2) Kami Chavis (5) Beth and Franklin Chen (4) Dr. and Mrs. Nick Chrysson (2) Andrea and Caleb Clauset (11) Debra and David Clayman (2) Kate and Alex Clegg (2) Julie and Jeffrey Clevenger (2) Lisa Dragoni and Daniel Cohen (2) Emily and Timothy Collins (4) Amber and Christian Colo (3) Tamara and Jon Cornatzer Mary Reynolds and Mitch Cox (3) Stephanie and Chris Cronan (13) Jennifer and Tao Cui (2) Sarah and John Dalena (4) Jane and Paul Daniel (2) Suzanne C. Davis (16) Marina and Wesley Davis (29) Dicky and Amanda Deal (6) Jennifer del Valle (4) Todd and Karen DeNeui (2) Mr. and Mrs. Chris DiRusso (2) Katie Distler (3) Tina and Rick Donnell Tracy and Kevin Doub (4) Mr. and Mrs. Sandlin M. Douglas (25) Mr. and Mrs. T. Dixon Douglas (6) Paul and Elisabeth Dresel (8) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dunn (3) Emily Dunn (4) Scott Eckman (2) Mr. Ned Erickson and Dr. Lia Erickson (8) Carlie Eubanks (16) Whitney and Meredyth Ewing (2) Toyin and Emmanuel Fadeyi (2) Sherrie and David Fain (4) Mr. and Mrs. Jason Felten (7) Bobby Finch (4)

Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Fitzgerald (12) Dr. Will and Anne Fleeson (5) Elizabeth and Paul Foley (2) Mr. and Mrs. Bradley H. Fowler (7) Jennifer and Omnia Fowler (2) Robin and Dana French (5) Sondra and Errin Fulp Heyward and Tiffany Garner (4) Dilara Dagoglu Gemmell and Christopher Gemmell Sam and Yiota Gianopoulos (2) Claire Calvin and Matthew Giegengack (4) Shon and Chris Gilmore (3) Mr. Raymond Glover and Dr. Melicia Glover (2) Karen and Keith Googe Dr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Gray (13) Susannah and Roy Greco Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Greene (4) Mr. and Mrs. Parker H. Grubbs (14) Mandy and Christopher Haggerson (3) Gregory and Michelle Halver (2) Wendy Harper (5) Elizabeth and Barnes Harris Richard and Kate Haselwood (3) Tina and John Heafner (5) Jane Clarke and Tamer Hegazy (2) Gretchen and Jason Heggerick Catherine and Daniel Helm (4) Tiffany and Daryl Henshaw Keith Herbs Deanne and Joseph Hettinger (3) Wendy Moore and Charles Hildebrandt (5) Suzanne and Matt Hinchliffe Shelley and David Holden (7) Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hollan III (12) Amy Underwood Holland (13) Tracie McMillion and Mark Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Holmes (2) Amanda and JD Hoots (2) Heather and Mark Hopkinson (3) Catherine and Matthew Hornaday (3) Keya Hosseinzadeh and Maha Torabi (6) Ann and Ben Hough (13)

David and Cristi Howe (8) Leigh and Travis Howell Dr. and Mrs. Jon Hudson (8) Hunter Family (7) Rob Hurley and Meredith Adams (2) Misty and Jonathan Hyman (5) Nick and Molly Iauco (4) Jerri Irby Gaither and Sarah Jenkins (4) Mr. and Mrs. Trent E. Jernigan (4) Douglas Johnson and Casey Price (12) Mary and Scott Jones (2) Ms. Shakerra Jones Stephanie and John Jordan Brigitte Steinmetz and Borwin Jung LaRinda and Seth Kaplan (2) Elizabeth and Sean Kehoe (2) Jennifer and David Keller Elizabeth and Jonathan Kelly (12) Peter and Jamie Kelly Barrett and Hampden Kenan (2) Sara Pesek and Rogan Kersh Dany and Lisa Kim-Shapiro (2) Kay D. King (12) Nachell and Shad Kirley Deborah and Jeffrey Klein (3) Cindy and Bob Kluttz (5) Erin Koewing (4) Jennifer Girard-Krebs and Robert Krebs (3) Ticia and Scott Kribbs (5) Laura and Jason Kubicki (3) Dr. and Mrs. David Kunkle (5) Kip and Marti Larson (6) Denise and Paul Laurienti (9) Mary Katherine Lautemann (5) Drs. Brandi Jacques and Adrian Laxton (5) Sirena Hargrove-Leak and Roland Leak (2) Tina and Barry Leonard (4) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lewis (5) Carlos Lindo and Katia Reyes (3) Holli and Aubrey Linville (4) Denisha Little-Greene Samara and Matthew Llewellyn (3) Jolynn and Peter Lloyd (3)

Jennifer and Austin Love Jenny and Kirk Macemore (2) Katherine and Simon Mahler (5) Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Maloy, Jr. (6) Kristy and Patrick Manning Mr. and Mrs. Jason M. Marley (4) Valerie Martin (3) Linda and Shawn McCarty (2) Allyson McCauley (4) Dot and Matt McCollum (5) Mr. and Mrs. Stuart H. McCormick (7) Robyn and Will McElwee (8) Virginia and Noah McKay (4) Barbara and Mark McManus (7) Loni Worsley and Sedric McMillian (2) Joy McNew Cecelia and Fred McPhail (4) Ann and Bob Merkel (9) Elizabeth Turner and Sam Merrick (6) Alyson Meyer (2) Kate and Joe Michalek (6) The Mihalko Family (14) Daniela and Scott Miller (2) Ashley and William Morgan Amy and John Morrow (6) Aly and John Kenneth Moser (5) Robb and Eva Mothershed (5) Dr. Steven S. and Mrs. Joyce Mou (13) Colby and Sean Murphy (12) Michael and Martha Nichols (6) Katheryn and Otis Northington (6) Bill and Shea Oakes (4) Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. O'Hara (5) Mark and Pam Oliver (7) Stacey and Thomas O'Neill (4) Jill and Justin Osborn (2) Stacy and John Owen Ellyn and Chris Owens (4) Mary Beth and Michael Palyszeski Joe and Britt Parrish (3) Will and Emily Parsley (14) Laura and David Pasquale (4) Ashley and Dan Pearce (3) Lindsay and Ricardo Peral (8) Beth Perry (12)

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019


Louisa and Mark Petersen (10) Jordan and Meredith Peterson (8) Stacy and F. Matthew Petronzio (3) Thomas and Ashley Petronzio (5) Phil Petros (5) Robin and Paul Pfefferkorn (8) Michael and Elaine Phelps (8) Helen Pierce (2) Nicholas and Lara Hanes Pierce Sterling and Cynthia Pierce (4) Cami and Harry Plagianis (2) Brian Platz (2) Anne and Alex Pope (2) Jaye and Brent Powell (3) Gina and Brian Powers (2) Bobby and Margaret Price (2) Katie Duckworth and Daniel Prochnow Shannon Pylant (6) Jen and Dan Rackley Laura and David Ramsay (4) Wendy and Rohan Ranadive James Reaves (5) Winnie Jordan Reaves (5) Beth and Dave Reboussin (8) Marian Wilson and Richard Reich (2) Derek and Alli Reid (3) Yana and Chuck Richards (10) Sarah and Peter Richter (4) Brandi and John Rights (2) Ellen and Nic Robinson (3) Adrienn and David Rodda Xiaolin Dai and Andy Rodekohr (4) Dawn Greene-Rogers and Chris Rogers (3) Michael and Jill Rogers (6) Andrea and Mark Ropko Jennifer and David Rosen (3) Linda Nicolotti and Gregory Ross (2) Emily Brown Rostlund and Olle Rostlund (5) Sarcanda and Brent Rottweiller (3) Heather and Henry Royster (4) Shannon and Greg Russ (4) Mark Sabean Bill and Vera Satterfield (12) Jeanne and Ben Sayers (6) Elizabeth and Michael Scannell (2) Mary and John Schultz (22) Dr. and Mrs. Scott Segal (4) Smith Self (7) Mr. and Mrs. William Semans (6) Raegan Dalbo and John Senior (3) MJ and Chuck Shaffer


Ken and Stefoni Shaw (8) Heather and Steve Shearer (11) Tricia and Matt Sheehan (5) Pam and Mark Shehan (3) Amy and Jay Shively Patricia and Philip Shugart (8) Bekah and Shaun Sidden (9) Martine T. Silver (2) Omari Simmons (5) Susan and Paul Simos (2) Michael Skorich (2) Mr. and Mrs. Gregory I. Skoteiniadis (8) Mr. and Mrs. Anthony K. Slater (2) Douglas and Brandi Slater (2) Alex Smith (5) Craig and Anna Marie Smith (3) Jeff Smith and Robin McGurkin-Smith (6) Emily and Jonathan Smith (4) Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Smith (3) Liza and Marshall Smith (4) Terra Snider (10) Alexis and Scott Snow (3) Molly and Jim Southern (4) Catherine and David Spross (4) George and Ashley Stabolitis (16) Dack Stackhouse and Stavroula Glezakos (14) Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stacy (4) Dana and James Stallings (10) Ben Staton Forrest Staton (10) Tracy and Hans Steckly (4) Dr. Selester and Freda Stewart (3) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Stopyra (3)

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019

Christine and Bain Storch (5) Ursula Henninger and Jim Stroupe (15) Al Stubbs (28) Mary Lynn and Christopher Sullivan (2) Susan Surratt (7) Erin Sutfin and Steve Susalka Wesley and Mark Suttle (6) Rob and Beth Taylor (3) Courtney and Alston Team Mary Craig and Andy Tennille (5) Chad and Marybeth Terry (11) John and Angela Tesh (2) Sharon and Bryan Thompson (3) Katie and Dave Thompson (4) Barton L. and Angela S. Tiffany (3) Dina Elsaid and Reda Tolba Christopher J. Tuohy (8) Nancy Rodwell Tuohy (8) Alex and Elliott Turner (14) Rachel and Alexander Turner Tonya Deem and Jay Turner (11) David and Kourtney Tuxhorn (2) Brenda and John Tyo (5) Mari and Tom Valaoras (3) Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Veneziano, Jr. (6) Paden and Stacy Verner (2) Janet and Adrian Vyse Susan and Steven Walker Jim Walter (10) Carter and Melissa Ward (5) Tracy and Adam Warren Catherine Webster (7) Michell and Landon Weeks

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welch (2) Meredith and Win Welch (22) Cameron and Elise Whitley (6) Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wild (4) Nicole and Andrew Williams (2) Kelly and David Williams (7) Mr. and Mrs. Greg Wilson (6) Danielle and Justin Wilson (2) Mike and Heather Wilson (6) Tripp Winslow and Stacie Zelman (5) David Winters and Audrey Williams (4) Mr. and Mrs. William Woltz III (5) Alen and Roni Wyss (6) Kristen and Jason Zaks (5) Qingxia Zhao

GRANDPARENTS Anonymous Helene Alston Terrance and Barbara Andree (5) Meredith N. Andrews (7) Bud and Zanne Baker (3) Jerry and Cassandra Baker (5) Mr. and Mrs. James B. Barber (4) Charley and Pat Belch (8) Richard and Mona Bennett (5) Karen Bertman Linda and Lee Bettis (4) Anne and Gene Birke Mary and William Block (4) Edwin and Ilse Bornemann Mrs. Cynthia Bowen (9) Diane and Jack Bowen (3) Bonnie and Tom Bowman (4) Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Boyd (6) Nancy A. Bramlett (17) Penelope Broughton (13) Malcolm and Patty Brown (29) Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bruton (3) Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burress III (21) Jean Burris (4) Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Campbell, Jr. (3) Tom and Nancy Cannon (8) Cheng and Shueimei Chen (3) Mr. and Mrs. W. Donald Clark (6) Thomas Clauset (3) Mary Alice and Michael Colo (3) Rick and Sara Crowder (3) Diane and David Dalbo Mr. and Mrs. John D. Dalena (2)

Terrie and John Davis (15) Julia Breckinridge Davis (3) Martha and Linwood Davis (27) Mr. and Mrs. James W. Douglas (29) Linda and Elmer Doyle (3) Melissa and Roy Duckworth Nancy Dunn (2) Betty and Doyle Early (4) Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ellis (3) Lois Felten (7) Bonnie and Rob Fowler (19) Tom and Elizabeth Gatewood (6) Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gibel, Jr. (5) Agathi and Constantine Glezakos Juanita S. Greene (5) Pat and Fletcher Grubbs (24) Jane and Redge Hanes Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hargrove (11) Laura W. Hearn (5) David Hedrick (2) Gloria Henninger (6) Persis W. Hildebrandt (8) Daphne W. Hill (10) Ms. Leslie A. Hollan (6) Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hollan, Jr. (10) Danny and Pat Hoots (5) Royce Hough (16) Linda Huntley Stephanie and David Iauco (7) David and Beth Parker Janeway (4) Charlla and Gene Jernigan (3) Debby and Guy Jeter (2) Susan and Charles Johnson (2) Betsy and Bill Joyner (7) Mary Jane Keith (5) Maxine and Robert Kelly (3) Bill and Ginger King (12) Clark and Caroline Kinser (4) Olivia T. Kleinmaier Vicki Kocher (2) Jane G. Lauritzen Margaret Laxton Hannah and Sae Lee (4) Margaret and Rick Lewis (3) Dr. Laurel Link (7) Lea and Randy Loftis (6) Carolyn McInnis Lontz (3) John and Mary Lu MacCorkle (2) Elizabeth Martin (3) David and Carroll McCullough (25) Martie and Douglas McDowall (3) Debbie and Fred McPhail, Jr. (5) Sandy and Tom Meckley (6)

Arlene and Jonathan Meter (6) Tali and Don Meyer (6) Marianne and Rod Meyer (29) Kay and Vann Mitchell Beth and John Mochnick (2) Patricia B. Morgenstern (24) Lynda King Morris (29) Mary Nan and Ken Moser (9) David and Mary Mounts (4) Kathy and Danny Newcomb (3) Mrs. Ruth Oliver (4) Tony and Ann Palmer (3) Ellen and Bill Parsley (29) Joyce and David Pearce (3) Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Perry, Jr. (29) Kitty and Duane Peterson Linda and Frank Petronzio (5) Sam and Mary Jane Petros (5) Bill and Jane Pfefferkorn (6) Kay and Dave Phillips (2) Judy and George Plonk (5) Louise Pollard (2) Cynthia and Bill Price Billy D. Prim (2) Helen Rayner Debbie and Tom Ressler Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Robinson (5) Roy O. Rodwell (5) Linda and Roy Rowe (3) Teri and Henry Russ Dan and Linda Sayers (4) Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Schindler (6) Nancy and John Schultz (8) Sally and Steve Seawright (8) Joan and David Senior (3) Linda and Dave Sheasley (2) Barbara and James Sifford Catherine Smith (3) Mrs. Cecil S. Smith Teresa and Gus Smith (14) Sandra and Tom Smith (3) Robin and Michael Speaks (3) Ena (Midg) Stackhouse (2) Elton B. Stephens, Jr. (4) Marilee and Ken Stettler (2) Blanche Stevens (2) Mary and JD Storch (5) Jean Olive and Allston Stubbs (29) Linda Sullivan (3) Stella Surratt (3) Katherine and Robin Team Jocelyn Tennille (3) Jerry and Carol Trecroce (6)

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019


Mary Ellen Turner (5) Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Veneziano, Sr. (10) Betty and Charles Watson (2) Ed and Sue Welch (5) Paul and Kathy Werle (4) Beverly and Bill Williams (2) Janie and J. D. Wilson (4) Mary Lou and Peter Wilson (15) Yvonne B. Winters (5) Carrie and John Worsley Jan and Bill Zelman

PAST PARENTS Anonymous Sandra Adams (29) Martha Albertson (29) Julia and David Archer (3) Dr. and Mrs. Guy M. Arcuri (29) Bruce and Anne Babcock (29) Emily Neese and John Babcock (18) Bud and Zanne Baker (3) Lloyd Barnhardt Ellen and Doug Bassett (3) Leigh Beavers Ranlet S. and Frank M. Bell, Jr. (4) Graham and Janice Bennett Filippo and Nicoletta Berti (9) Gwen and Ed Blackmer (25) Janice C. Blake (20) Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Booke (29) Bonnie Bowen (15) Mrs. Cynthia Bowen (9) Penni and Mike Bradshaw (4) Robianne and Peter Brath Rob and Judy Breakstone (19) Malcolm and Patty Brown (29) Jim Bunn (14) Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burress III (21) Mr. and Mrs. Austin Byrne (20) Barbara and Rence Callahan Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Campbell, Jr. (3) Tom and Nancy Cannon (8) Pat and Gene Capps (29) Angela S. Carr (29) Ben and Joyce Carson (17) Nancy C. Chapman (19) Claire and Hudnall Christopher (28) Ms. Suzanne Clark (3) Melissa and George Cleland (16) Jennifer J. Cleland (24) Melissa Combes


Susan and Mark Conger (21) Mrs. W. Andrew Copenhaver (2) Nan V. Crawford (28) John R. Crouse (6) Rick and Sara Crowder (3) Mr. and Mrs. Chris Culp (23) Sarah and Tom Dalrymple (19) Terrie and John Davis (15) Julia Breckinridge Davis (3) Sandra and Lawrence Davis (3) Martha and Linwood Davis (27) Ida and Timothy Davis (4) Mary and Jeffrey Deaton Cathy and Walter Denning (26) Mrs. Rosena Ferrell Glenn Dillard Mr. and Mrs. Anthony H. Disher, Jr. (25) Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Douglas (29) Mr. and Mrs. G. Walker Douglas (29) Mr. and Mrs. James W. Douglas (29) Barbara and Robert Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Driscoll (4) Cary Driver (2) Jim and Lauren Dunn (7) Susanna and Raymond Dyer Mr. and Mrs. David C. Eagan (18) Mrs. John T. Eagan, Jr. (23) Liz and Michael Ebeling (11) Kathryn and Bobby Edwards (29) Lynn and Barry Eisenberg (27) Mrs. J. Robert Elster (2) Barrett and Jeannie Evans (6) Susan and Michael Falcon Andy and Kim Fansler (4) Ann and John Faris (11) Leora Henkin and Steven Feldman (5) Claudia and Gary Fleming (29) Dolores and Moises Flores de Valgaz (18) Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Flow (29) Mr. and Mrs. McDara P. Folan III (20) Bonnie and Rob Fowler (19) Sheila and John Fox (5) Billy and Donza Friende (5) Carolyn and Winn Fuller (29) Cici Fulton (20) Paul Fulton (14) Peggy and Joe Gaddy (4) Christine and Roger Gagnon (29) Mr. and Mrs. James G. Galloway, Jr. (6) Tom and Elizabeth Gatewood (6) Lisa and Robert Gfeller (15)

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019

Jodi Turner and Bill Gifford (14) Julie Giljames (14) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Goodson (13) Richard and Jennifer Gottlieb (13) Pat and Nancy Grantham (4) Teese and Tom Griffin (6) Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Grosswald (17) Pat and Fletcher Grubbs (24) Borden and Ann Hanes (29) Jane and Redge Hanes Martha and Mo Hartley (29) Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hauser (29) Laura W. Hearn (5) Susan and Jay Hedgpeth (29) Henry G. and Julie M. Heidtmann (18) Christy and Scott Hemby (14) Sue and Doug Henderson (26) Millie Gold Henning (5) Barbara and Dean Henrichs Ms. Leslie A. Hollan (6) Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hollan, Jr. (10) Shelley Holmes Pollyann and Greg Holthusen (5) Janet L. Honecker (6) Loma Hopkins (2) Mr. Mark H. Hoppe and Dr. Betsy S. Hoppe (27) Anne and Joseph Hsu (2) Lucia Hughes and Thomas P. Hughes (23) Robbie and Dave Irvin (29) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jabbour (23) David and Beth Parker Janeway (4) Jane Harris Jester (16) Chris and Lucinda Jones (23) Betsy and Bill Joyner (7) Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kaplan (4) Kirstin and Joshua Keilty (3) Mary Jane Keith (5) Liz and Stan Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey J. Kierstead (13) Olivia T. Kleinmaier Leigh and Andy Koman (6) Joy V. Kontos (14) Scott and Bebe Krewson (22) Whitney and Rob Lang (3) Margaret Harper and Donald Lendle (2) Bingle and Doug Lewis (29) Lea and Randy Loftis (6) Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. London, Jr. (2)

Janice and Charlie Lovett (25) Dr. and Mrs. Tad and Ellen Lowdermilk (29) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lyerly (20) Gerald M. Malmo III (24) Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mann (21) Angela and John Manning (6) Mary Allen and Jim Martin (15) Sarah and Chris McAuley (2) Dr. and Mrs. William McCall, Jr. (8) David and Carroll McCullough (25) Jason R. McEnaney and Lisa Corum-McEnaney (17) Ed and Rebecca McKee (2) Mr. and Mrs. John B. McKinnon (15) Mr. and Mrs. R. Gregory McNeer, Jr. (14) Marianne and Rod Meyer (29) Heath Miller (2) Ms. Angela G. Mims (12) Ann Benbow Mirchandani (3) Caroline Mitchell Beth and John Mochnick (2) Mark and Heather Moir (23) Mr. and Mrs. Robertson L. Moore (24) Constance and Thomas Moore (4) John M. Morehead (29) Elizabeth and Reid Morgan Patricia B. Morgenstern (24) Lynda King Morris (29) Mary Nan and Ken Moser (9) Deanna Carlisle Moss (22) David and Mary Mounts (4) Bonnie and Daniel Murphy (3) Yvonne and Dereck Mushayamunda (19) Mr. Joseph F. Neely and Mrs. Joyce R. Neely (26) Scottie and David Neill (24) Kathy and Danny Newcomb (3) Frances Newman (13) Natalie Jensen-Noll and Richard Noll (14) Brice and Beth O'Brien Jane and Sam Ogburn, Jr. (3) Mildred W. Paden (28) Ellen and Bill Parsley (29) Drs. John and Dominique Patrick (22) Cliff and Sarah Pennell (9) Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Perry, Jr. (29) Dane and Virginia Perry (28) Gini Piekarski (13) Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward Pleasants, Jr. (26)

Mr. Graydon O. Pleasants, Jr. and Ms. Margaret Scales (29) Louise Pollard (2) Ms. Shayna K. Pons (24) Karen and Tom Pranikoff (20) Beth and Bob Probst (23) The Regan Family (18) Curtis Reid (16) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Rice III (24) Debbie and Mark Robinson (4) Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Roemer, Jr. (21) Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Roemer III (27) Ms. Stephane Rogers (15) Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ruffin (24) Lisa Anderson Sari Nancy and John Schultz (8) Jan Shepherd (29) Colleen Bryant-Sills and Brooks Sills (23) Carolyn O. Simmons (16) Dr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Smith (16) Mark and Karen Sohmer (16) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Sommerkamp (24) Jennifer Sparnicht (13) Ena (Midg) Stackhouse (2) Les and Jan Standerfer (16) Elton B. Stephens, Jr. (4)

C. Barbour Strickland III (19) Jean Olive and Allston Stubbs (29) Carter and Sharon Sturkie (10) Betty P. Sutton (29) Jack and Cindy Sutton (6) Virginia and Jim Sutton (29) Irma Taylor Ginny and Phil Thomas (26) Kelly Timberlake (7) Rhonda Timberlake (6) Christine and Jim Toole Margaret and David Townsend (26) Mr. and Mrs. R. Christopher Tribble (15) Lisa and Jeff Turner (17) Debra Liu and Francis Walker (3) George and Phyllis Walker (29) Kathryn and Steven White (5) Tom and Rachel Wiggins (27) J. Mel and Jennifer Williams (12) Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Willis, Jr. (29) Janie and J. D. Wilson (4) Mary Lou and Peter Wilson (15) Frankie and Vernon Winters (18) Carrie and John Worsley Lynn and Jeff Young (12)

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019


FACULTY AND STAFF Anonymous Jess Alfaro (5) duWayne and Cinda Amen (16) Lisa Arbaugh (5) Sarah Bauk (4) Ashley and Kurt Birkins (3) Janice C. Blake (20) Rob and Judy Breakstone (19) Mr. and Mrs. Jason Bridges (4) Volii Brown Lisa and David Buschek (7) Cara and Buck Byrum (9) Jennifer and Jason Caldwell (2) Mr. and Mrs. Brad A. Calhoun (14) John Carty (3) Andrea and Caleb Clauset (11) Melissa and George Cleland (16) Emily Craig (6) Mr. and Mrs. Chris Culp (23) Sarah and Tom Dalrymple (19) Lou Davis Suzanne C. Davis (16) Jennifer del Valle (4) Cathy and Walter Denning (26) Paul and Elisabeth Dresel (8) Liz and Michael Ebeling (11) Andy and Kim Fansler (4) Mr. and Mrs. Jason Felten (7) Nancy Figan (5) Dolores and Moises Flores de Valgaz (18) Stephanie Flores de Valgaz (6) Robin and Dana French (5) Billy and Donza Friende (5) Jodi Turner and Bill Gifford (14) Julie Giljames (14) Norma Goelst (4) Richard and Jennifer Gottlieb (13) Steve Harberger (5) Beth and Brian Haskell (6) Tracy Hayes Susan and Jay Hedgpeth (29) Henry G. and Julie M. Heidtmann (18) Catherine and Daniel Helm (4) Christy and Scott Hemby (14) Della Hinman (4) Andrew Holgate and Kristin Bennett (14) Amy Underwood Holland (13) Elizabeth Rief and Shawn Hooper (16)


Karen House (15) Tarrah Hunter (3) Misty and Jonathan Hyman (5) David and Beth Parker Janeway (4) Christopher Jenkins (4) Jane Harris Jester (16) Douglas Johnson and Casey Price (12) Ryan and Robert Johnson Debra Joslyn Mr. and Mrs. Brent Keene (11) Kirstin and Joshua Keilty (3) Cindy and Bob Kluttz (5) Emy Knight (4) Joy V. Kontos (14) Scott and Bebe Krewson (22) Dr. and Mrs. David Kunkle (5) Lesley-Anne Lamb (7) Mary Katherine Lautemann (5) Amy S. Lawrence (7) Drs. Brandi Jacques and Adrian Laxton (5) Carlos Lindo and Katia Reyes (3) Kathryn K. Linville (6) Jennifer and Austin Love Katherine and Simon Mahler (5) Carrie and Richard Malloy (8) Sarah and Chris McAuley (2) Jason R. McEnaney and Lisa Corum-McEnaney (17) Elizabeth McEwan (3) Mr. and Mrs. R. Gregory McNeer, Jr. (14) Trish McRae (7) Susanne and David McWilliams (5) Elizabeth Turner and Sam Merrick (6) The Mihalko Family (14) Colleen Moir Mark and Heather Moir (23) Mr. and Mrs. Robertson L. Moore (24) Deanna Carlisle Moss (22) Sarah Murphy (2) Colby and Sean Murphy (12) Yvonne and Dereck Mushayamunda (19) Ashley and Anthony Myers (3) Mindy Ogburn (5) Lisa Parrish Drs. John and Dominique Patrick (22) Leane Peddycord (6) Magdalena Perez Vicente (2)

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019

Josh Perry (12) Louisa and Mark Petersen (10) Jordan and Meredith Peterson (8) Thomas and Ashley Petronzio (5) Michael and Elaine Phelps (8) Anne and Alex Pope (2) Gina and Brian Powers (2) Karen and Tom Pranikoff (20) Shannon Pylant (6) Jon and Elizabeth Reynolds (19) Phala Roberts (4) Xiaolin Dai and Andy Rodekohr (4) Ms. Stephane Rogers (15) Andrea and Mark Ropko The Russell Family Unit (3) Jeanne and Ben Sayers (6) Kianna Scanlon (5) Bill and Barbara Scantland (13) Susan and Gary Schambach (7) Raegan Dalbo and John Senior (3) Elizabeth Sharpe (3) Ken and Stefoni Shaw (8) Glenda M. Shelton (16) Bekah and Shaun Sidden (9) Colleen Bryant-Sills and Brooks Sills (23) Carolyn O. Simmons (16) Dr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Smith (16) Mark and Karen Sohmer (16) Jennifer Sparnicht (13) George and Ashley Stabolitis (16) Dack Stackhouse and Stavroula Glezakos (14) Dana and James Stallings (10) Les and Jan Standerfer (16) David Stoeri (16) Billy Stoltz (13) Carter and Sharon Sturkie (10) Jared Taylor (2) Parker and Chris Tegeler (6) Mary Craig and Andy Tennille (5) Christy Thomas (3) Ginger and John Thomas (7) Kelly Timberlake (7) Rhonda Timberlake (6) Karen Tolbert (3) Martin Tucker (13) Nancy Rodwell Tuohy (8) Lisa and Jeff Turner (17) Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Veneziano, Jr. (6) Janice Weiss (9) Meredith and Win Welch (22) Rachel and Wrenn Wells

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wild (4) Kelly and David Williams (7) J. Mel and Jennifer Williams (12) Heather S. Younts (13)

FORMER FACULTY, STAFF AND FRIENDS Sandra Adams (29) Martha Albertson (29) Bud and Zanne Baker (3) Gloria Bartelt Elaine Bell Shannon Bell Brittany Biggs Nancy A. Bramlett (17) Frances Browne Pat and Gene Capps (29) Nancy C. Chapman (19) Sandra Chitty Molly Chunn Richard H. Clement (15) Amanda Cooper Bonnie and James Crabtree Kelly and Brad Darmofal Mr. and Mrs. G. Walker Douglas (29) Jenny Easter Beth and Jim Einstein (3) Ellie and Stuart Fine (2) Amber Frantz Christine and Roger Gagnon (29) Kim and Joseph Herman Janet L. Honecker (6) Loma Hopkins (2) Barbara and Brent Kirby (13) Kelly Kollar Bingle and Doug Lewis (29) Janice and Charlie Lovett (25) Mary Allen and Jim Martin (15) Caroline Mitchell Beth and John Mochnick (2) Nycole Mumford Mildred W. Paden (28) Linda Penney (3) Dane and Virginia Perry (28) Louise Pollard (2) Mary and Cal Ratcliff Pamela Rattley Suzanna Roemer (10) Charlease and Bernard Roper Tom Shaver (14) Jan Shepherd (29) Paul Sinal (2)

Beverly and Sterling Spainhour Rob and Holly Stowe (7) Betty P. Sutton (29) Martha and John Thompson (23) Katy Warren Towers (8) George and Phyllis Walker (29) Elizabeth Whitehead

ORGANIZATIONS, FOUNDATIONS, AND MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES AmazonSmile Foundation Ayco Charitable Foundation Bank of America Charitable Foundation Blue Bell Foundation Community Foundation of Greenville DataMax Foundation

FedEx Fidelity Charitable First Tennessee Foundation Foundation for the Carolinas J. Michael Johnston Foundation Mebane Charitable Foundation National Christian Foundation Northwestern Mutual Foundation Novant Health Arbor Pediatrics Religious Society of Friends Reynolds American Foundation The Sara Smith Self Foundation, Inc. Schwab Charitable Fund Stark Community Foundation Summit School Parents' Association Thrivent Financial Tom Davis Fund T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving Wells Fargo The Winston-Salem Foundation

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019






Donald J. Lineback (5) Clifford W. Perry, Jr. (29) Richard W. Porter (21) William A. Starbuck, Jr.

Rosena Ferrell Glenn Dillard

CLASS OF 1951 Paxson Glenn (18) Sam Ogburn (26) Alvin Selby (6)





CLASS OF 1963 17%

Terrie Allen Davis (15) Jane Keiger Gehring (8) F. Borden Hanes, Jr. (29) Redge Hanes

Lawrence Davis (3)



Dave Irvin (29)



Ross Allen (4) Robert Arey (2) Phyllis Slick Cowell Lynn Brenner Eisenberg (27) William E. Hollan, Jr. (10) Ted Kaplan (4) Mary Allen Mann Martin (15) Ena (Midg) West Stackhouse (2)


Linwood L. Davis (27) Robert Gray (4) C. Edward Pleasants, Jr. (26) Jane Wilsey Tucker (4)



A. Zachary Smith lll (3) Benjamin S. Willis, Jr. (29)



Robert Stimpson



Patricia Bradshaw Morgenstern (24) Emily Pleasants Smith (3)



SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019


George W. Chandler, Jr. James A. Gray III Harvey S. Martin (29) Lynda King Morris (29) Ellen Carswell Parsley (29)

CLASS OF 1964 9%


Martha Andrus Lamb

John Whitaker (4)




Vernon Glenn (3) Susan Richardson Hauser (29) Ann Garner Riddle Janie Butler Wilson (4)

CLASS OF 1965 Peter Hawley (23) Gary Michalove (14) Mildred Willis Paden (28)





Mary Starling Inman (16) K. Andra Larson Becky Lewis Graydon O. Pleasants, Jr. (29) C. Barbour Strickland III (19) Henry Valk (2)


CLASS OF 1968 Graham Bennett John Coan (3) Rob Fowler (19)



CLASS OF 1969 Anthony H. Disher, Jr. (25) Marian Millaway Douglas (29) DeWitt Chatham Kierstead (13)



Robin Hanes Ann Benbow Mirchandani (3) Susan Pfefferkorn (12)



Sally Colhoun Engram (26) Thomas G. Hardy III (3) Helen Levin (12) Susan Janeway Moll (4) Richard G. Pfefferkorn (29)

Anonymous (2) Susan Roberts Lloyd-Graham John M. Morehead (29) Mark Sohmer (16)





Betsy Neill Blue (27) Angela Dillard Breeden (2) Aurelia Eller Cathey Chris Conrad (16) Chic Huber (16) Sallie Spencer Rice (24) Thomas B. Rice III (24) Dalton D. Ruffin, Jr. (28) Cannon Simpson Stoffel (23)



Leigh Chadwick Beavers Leesa Lybrook Goodson (13) Thomas F. O'Brien III (29) Betsy Holmes Richardson (12) Henry C. Roemer III (27) Elizabeth Perkinson Simmons (6) Doug Sosnik (2) Jack Sutton (6) Phil Thomas (26)


CLASS OF 1977 Marie Flow Arcuri (29) Anne Glenn (16) David L. Kelly III (2) Charlie Lovett (25) James M. Ruffin (24) John Thomas (7)



Elizabeth Medlin Hale Beth Avera Haupt Marian Starr Hessman (7) Dalton Holmes Betsy Sutton Hoppe (27) David Janeway (4) Thomas Moore (4) Penn Shore (23) Sarah Ferrell Sloan (2)


E. Taylor Bowen III Richard Brenner (6) Donnell Carr (3) G. Walker Douglas (29) Alex McKinnon (3) Jim Toole Margaret Driscoll Townsend (26)




Keith Googe Martha Brown Hartley (29) Robertson L. Moore (24) John H. Murphy, Jr. Ridgely Medlin Phillips (29) Tricia Vaughn (13)

Phyllis Alexander Charles T. Douglas (29) Laurie Tomlinson Dray Paul M. James III (15) Jane Dudley Portman (29) Brant R. Snavely III (29) Ann Womble Strader


Lloyd Barnhardt Kathryn Cater Bergquist George Cleland (16) Dolly Dudley Gigi Perkinson Hershey (18) Linda Holmes Horsley (24) Carolyn Huettel (18) Jim Southern (4) J. Christopher Spear (21) Kathryn Snavely White (5)


CLASS OF 1976 G. Thomas Boyette III (23) Thomas G. Gallaher (3)

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019




Andrew Carr (19) David C. Eagan (18) Sally Carson Gaines James G. Galloway, Jr. (6) Chris Jones (23) Deanne E. Maynard Jan Williams Tribble (15)




Bryan A. Adams (29) Chris Culp (23) Rob Edwards (29) Julia Ann Kelly Goins (2)



Filippo Berti (9) Stephen Carr (19) Lisa Pappas Field (2) Omnia Fowler (2) Kay D. Burress King (12) Sarah Parrott Lathrop (29) Lisa Anderson Sari John L. Schultz, Jr. (22) D. Sean Toole

CLASS OF 1984 Gaither Jenkins (4) Barrett Isley Kenan (2) Laura Mochnick Kubicki (3) Robb Mothershed (5) Joanie Lacy Preyer (2) Elizabeth Kerr Wild (4)




Jonathan B. Blanco (14) Beth Vann Bowman (14) Rachel Cannon-Percival (3) Julia Spinnett Chandler (2) Samuel B. Gray (13) Susannah Davis Greco Parker H. Grubbs (14) Alyson Meyer (2) Colby Morris Murphy (12) Justin Orbock (4) Joe Parrish (3) Scott Skidmore Meredith McCullough Welch (22) Jennifer Blackmer Williams (12)

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019



Ben Baker (18) Brian Eisenberg (15) Matt Henrichs (3) Melissa Keith Lewis (5) Sara-Peyton Joyner McCormick (7) John Kenneth Moser (5) Jim Stubbs (27)



Edward A. Crawford (28) Jay Galloway (3) John Hollan, Jr. (22) Mary Linville Jones (2) Bob Kluttz (5) Emy Watson Knight (4) Elizabeth Turner (6)


Charlotte Chandler Broughton (27) Wesley Davis (29) Whit Edwards (29) Paula Sommerkamp Magargle (7) Bobby Price (2) Ashley Moser Veneziano (6)




Jennie Davis Blair Scott Bowen (11) Chris Burris Carlyle Chandler III (17) Elisabeth Frost Dresel (8) Catherine Turner Greene (2) Whitney Wright Lewallen (19) Kimbrel Bunn Morris (24) John Morrow (6) Holbrook Newman (4) Beth Perry (12) Dack Stackhouse (14) Al Stubbs (28)



Catherine Turner Edwards Gary G. Fleming, Jr. (29) Carolyn Sherrill Fuller (29) Jennifer Eisenberg Grosswald (17) Peter Lovett Nicholas Pierce Yana Cleland Richards (10) Greg Wilson (6)

Julia Cardwell Archer (3) Jennifer J. Cleland (24) Margaret McKinnon Gardner (4) Hampden Kenan (2) Carol Williams Lyerly (20) Scottie Galloway Neill (24) Will Sneden (5) Jim Sutton (29)




Drew Cannon (7) Bradley H. Fowler (7) Elizabeth Whitaker Kelly (12) Anne Spencer Pope (2) Teebie Bunn Saunders (23) Z Stubbs (27)



Susan Spaugh Alexander (2) Anna Mackie Calhoun (14) David L. Holden (7) Aubrey Linville (4) Aly Kleinmaier Moser (5) Ben Sessions (3) Catherine Hunter Tracy (2)



Archer Butler (5) Ann Brown Crowder Campbell (3) Chip Campbell (3) Kelly Bouldin Darmofal Suzanne Collins Davis (16) William E. Hollan III (12) Lara Hanes Pierce Elizabeth Pollard Welch (2)



Dax Allred (4) Sandlin M. Douglas (25) Catherine Copenhaver Fraise (3) Molly Stokes Iauco (4) Elizabeth Blanco Marley (4) Josh Perry (12) Kate Hanes Snow (2) Mary Craig Wilson Tennille (5)




T. Dixon Douglas (6) Katie Parsley Johnson (2) Rachel Neely Johnson (7)



Alex Butler Jay Callahan Oliver Cross Denise Gagnon Faulhaber (19) Dot Garner McCollum (5) Emily Sutton Parsley (14) Will Parsley (14) Cali Todd Rich Forrest Stephens Staton (10)


Ashley Newcomb Birkins (3) Jessica Broderick Christina Nostitz Ganon Fran Sizemore Harris (12) Janie Hauser Morgan Molly Potter Whitley Vogler (2)

CLASS OF 2001 Anna Henderson Brantley (16) Stephanie Flores de Valgaz (6)



Robert Baldwin (2) Jonathan Branch Wilson Carey Loni Worsley (2)


Chelsea Curran Adams Timothy Pennell (3) Parker Kelly Tegeler (6)

CLASS OF 2003 7%


Elizabeth Krewson McCall (14) Rachel McGowen Wells


Nicole Chrysson Blaylock Bradford Church Alice Day Brown Clark (2) Mary Grace Douglas (2) Austin Bloom Heller (3) Conley Henderson (14) Barbre McGill (2) Catherine Rice (14) Suzanna Roemer (10) Reilly Townsend (3) Margaret White Becca Kornegay Wood


Russ Gagnon (20) Heyward Garner (4) Catherine Davis Hornaday (3) Emily Brown Rostlund (5) Cristen Windham Sessions (3)




James Wilson Douglas, Jr. (2) Lindsay Rothrock Haynie Will Hoppe (14) Sarah Kaplan (4) Ann Mills Lassiter Wright Lewallen Will McCall William Mebane (4) Stuart Ruffin






Katie Brown James A. Hardison V Emily Krewson (14) Carter Malmo (9) Jackson Sutton (6)


Liz Martin Campbell (3) Molly Ashworth DeCola Susan Ashworth Dumbacher (12) Jackie Sizemore (12) Kelly Young Williams (7)

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019




Alison Elster Duncan (2) Blitz Hoppe (12) Jessica Jabbour Mary Scott Neill (4) Katie Pons (12) Jimmy Ruffin (2)












11% CLASS OF 2012




Benjamin J. Carson IV (9) Chris W. Eagan (9) Carrie Fulton (4) Gray Galloway (6) Stan C. Green (13) Colleen Moir David Moore (10) Betsy Neill (4)

Hope Arcuri (2) Brennen Carr (8) Justin Lang (3) Robbie Lyerly (8) Lydie Neill (4) Ross Osborn (3) Jenny Sutton (6) Gray Townsend (3) Mary Catherine White

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019


George Conger (3) Kerry E. Eagan (8) Mollie Ebeling Joshua Golden (2) Matthew Regan (2)

Austin Conger (3) Carolyn Ebeling Bethany Mann Lizzie White




Catherine Douglas (2) McCabe Galloway (6) Mary Virginia Ireland Ginny Rice Lambert (11) Sarah Murphy (2) Blair Roemer (9) Mary Lyle Townsend (3)





Jack Green (13) Marie Hope Preske Jack Roemer (7) Isabel Ruffin (2) Elisa Sturkie (6) Elaine Turner (4)



Matthew Arcuri (2) Jake Lang (3) Turner Malmo (6) Stella McAuley Elizabeth A. Moore (5) Caroline Welch (2)

12% CLASS OF 2015 Katie Dalrymple (4) David Green (13) Fadzai Mushayamunda (3) Rob Neill (4) Gracie Shaw Will Sutton (4) Sydney Tribble (4)





Madeleine Bennett (4) Jayden Brown (4) Eoin Carr (3) Sadie McAuley Warren Quadland (4) Katie Hill Sturkie (4) Alex Tribble (2)



Blake Brantley (3) Nathaniel Carson (4) Kevin Dunn Lynn Kluttz Anna Rogers (3) Michael Rogers (3) Edwin Welch (3)



Jackson Brown (2) Bo Dalrymple (4) Alex Green (8) Millie Murphy (2) Kate Quadland (2) Amelia Sturkie (2) Bo Sutton (2)

CLASS OF 2019 Aidan Baydush Bradley Bowen Jessica Branch Ellie Collins Sophie Cronan Fletcher Grubbs


John Heafner Christian Hildebrandt Will Hollan Carter Holmes Thomas Hunter Franny Kehoe Shai Kim-Shapiro Robert Kluttz Shaheim Larson Iris Leonard Grant McAllister Ford Morrow Will Morrow Ian Mou Chris Nichols James Northington Julia Peral Mason Petronzio William Price Auguste Reboussin Hayden Russ Madison Shearer Tim Smith Grayson Snider Parker Southern John Stabolitis Quinn Stallings Joel Stopyra Patrick Tuohy Wade Turner Matt Valaoras Jeffrey Wanderman Henry Welch Thomas Wilson




Oliver Bennett Jillian Laurienti

Kai Petronzio Charlie Tuxhorn



Annabelle Petronzio

Lucas Sayers Cy Tennille

Riley Petronzio

CLASS OF 2024 Libby Holden (3) Hughes Laurienti Rand Storch

CLASS OF 2025 Mills Douglas (2) Jax Petronzio Caroline Tuxhorn

CLASS OF 2026 Carson Donnell Sunny Sayers

CLASS OF 2027 Miles Petronzio Olivia Tennille

CLASS OF 2028 Borden Douglas (2) Emmett Sayers

CLASS OF 2022 Joanna Holden (3) Nelson Storch William Tuohy

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019


NEW DONORS Thank you to the following donors who made Summit a philanthropic priority for the first time this year. We hope to earn your loyal support through the impact your Summit Fund, endowment, and/or capital gifts make on inspiring learning at Summit School.

Anonymous Helene Alston Gloria Bartelt Mary Stuart and Tommy Battle Aidan Baydush Elaine Bell Shannon Bell Oliver Bennett Brittany Biggs Lisa and John Boisture Bradley Bowen Jessica Branch Ashley and Brian Brooks Volii Brown Frances Browne


Terri and Edd Bullock Chris Burris Cynthia Rorie-Cain and Randell Cain Cassie and Dennis Campbell Wilson Carey Sandra Chitty Molly Chunn Ellie Collins Amanda Cooper Tamara and Jon Cornatzer Candler and John Cox Bonnie and James Crabtree Sophie Cronan Lucy Croxton Lou Davis Carson Donnell Tina and Rick Donnell Melissa and Roy Duckworth Jenny Easter Carolyn Ebeling Mollie Ebeling Elizabeth and Joseph Everhardt Caroline Fagg Amber Frantz Sally Carson Gaines

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019

Christina Nostitz Ganon Dilara Dagoglu Gemmell and Christopher Gemmell James Glenn Agathi and Constantine Glezakos Jackie and Richard Goforth Karen and Keith Googe Fletcher Grubbs James A. Hardison V Elizabeth and Barnes Harris Tracy Hayes John Heafner Gretchen and Jason Heggerick Tiffany and Daryl Henshaw Keith Herbs Kim and Joseph Herman Barbara Hight Christian Hildebrandt Suzanne and Matt Hinchliffe Will Hollan Carter Holmes Tracie McMillion and Mark Holmes Emily and Scott Huddle Thomas Hunter Linda Huntley Jerri Irby Ryan and Robert Johnson Stephanie and John Jordan Debra Joslyn Brigitte Steinmetz and Borwin Jung Franny Kehoe Jennifer and David Keller Sara Pesek and Rogan Kersh Shai Kim-Shapiro Nachell and Shad Kirley Robert Kluttz Kelly Kollar Shaheim Larson Hughes Laurienti Jillian Laurienti Jane G. Lauritzen Margaret Laxton Iris Leonard Wright Lewallen Denisha Little-Greene Jennifer and Austin Love Elisabeth and Peter Lovett Bethany Mann Kristy and Patrick Manning

Grant McAllister Joy McNew Janie Hauser Morgan Ashley and William Morgan Ford Morrow Will Morrow Ian Mou Karla Barnes and Kyle Mounts Nycole Mumford Chris Nichols James Northington Stacy and John Owen Mary Beth and Michael Palyszeski Lisa Parrish Julia Peral Annabelle Petronzio Jax Petronzio Kai Petronzio Mason Petronzio Miles Petronzio Riley Petronzio Molly Potter Cynthia and Bill Price William Price Kit Prillaman Katie Duckworth and Daniel Prochnow Jen and Dan Rackley Wendy and Rohan Ranadive Pamela Rattley Auguste Reboussin Debbie and Tom Ressler Charlotte and Mike Riemenschneider Adrienn and David Rodda Charlease and Bernard Roper Andrea and Mark Ropko Hayden Russ Teri and Henry Russ Mark Sabean Emmett Sayers Lucas Sayers Sunny Sayers Madison Shearer Amy and Jay Shively Tim Smith Parker Southern John Stabolitis Quinn Stallings William A. Starbuck, Jr.

Joel Stopyra Nelson Storch Rand Storch Erin Sutfin and Steve Susalka Courtney and Alston Team Katherine and Robin Team Cy Tennille Olivia Tennille Dina Elsaid and Reda Tolba Rachel and Alexander Turner Wade Turner Caroline Tuxhorn Charlie Tuxhorn Matt Valaoras Janet and Adrian Vyse Susan and Steven Walker Ashley and Ben Wall Billie and George Wall Elise and Hamp Wall Jeffrey Wanderman Henry Welch Rachel and Wrenn Wells Elizabeth Whitehead Thomas Wilson Becca Kornegay Wood Molly and Joseph Yoder Qingxia Zhao

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019


TRIBUTES Gifts were made in honor of the following individuals and groups.

Dr. Sandra Adams Mr. and Mrs. Bryan A. Adams Susan and Steven Moll

Jim Bunn

Pete and Catherine Colo

Kimbrel Bunn Morris Teebie Bunn Saunders and James Saunders

Amber and Christian Colo

John and Mary Louise Burress

Camryn Cooper Amanda Cooper

Ann Brenner Mr. and Mrs. Royall R. Brown, Jr.

Xiaolin Dai

Lisa Buschek

Raegan Dalbo

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Greene

Heather and Steve Shearer

Carrie Arrington

Jennifer Caldwell

Tyler Davis ’21

Loni Worsley and Sedric McMillian

Karen and Tom Pranikoff

Rosann Davis

Margaret ’14 and Hadley ’16 Bassett

JP Caldwell ’18

Gus Duckworth ’30

Jennifer and Jason Caldwell

Melissa and Roy Duckworth Katie Duckworth and Daniel Prochnow

Sienna Alday ’21 Kathryn and Adrian Alday Jane Lauritzen

Ellen and Doug Bassett

Sarah Bauk Jaxson Osborn Jill and Justin Osborn

Sarah Emery ’20 and Ames ’24 Bettis Linda and Lee Bettis

Ashley Newcomb Birkins ’00 Kathy and Danny Newcomb

McKinley Callahan Katie and Jay Callahan Barbara and Rence Callahan Amber Frantz

Grace ’22 and Maggie ’25 Campbell

John Baicy

Edwin and Ilse Bornemann

Bradley Bowen ’19

Meredith and Win Welch

Ashling ’21, Cade ’25, and Quinn ’28 Clauset Andrea and Caleb Clauset Thomas Clauset

Henry Clegg ’28 Kay and Dave Phillips

Alice Cleland Anna Haggerson Mandy and Christopher Haggerson

Grace ’20, Kate ’20, and Caroline ’21 Bridges

Jennifer J. Cleland Yana and Chuck Richards

Jeremy Clevenger ’22 Julie and Jeffrey Clevenger

Tom and Bonnie Bowman


Barrett and Jeannie Evans

Blake Brantley Peter and Jamie Kelly

Linda and Elmer Doyle

Judy Breakstone

Sam Evans ’17

Camp Pathfinder Staff

Mrs. Cynthia Bowen

Jessica ’19 and Katelyn ’21 Branch

Mr. Ned Erickson and Dr. Lia Erickson

Jason Felten

Rachel and Blair Percival

Sven Bornemann ’21

The Erickson Clan

Rick and Sara Crowder

Ann Cooper ’22, Lem ’23, and Lindy ’26 Cannon

Janice Blake

Sherrie and David Fain

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019

Vivi ’21 and Nora ’23 Finch Betty and Doyle Early

Carrie and Jay ’90 Galloway Robbie and Dave Irvin

Camille and Jimbo ’80 Galloway Robbie and Dave Irvin

Elise Gemmell ’29 Dilara Dagoglu Gemmell and Christopher Gemmell

Christopher Graves ’19 Marlene and Matthew Graves

Mary Neel Walker Green ’88 George and Phyllis Walker

Susan Hedgpeth

Jack ’21 and Joseph ’23 Kubicki

Mandy and Christopher Haggerson Vivian Haggerson Jill and Justin Osborn Olliana Osborn

Patty and Bruce Townsend

Christy Hemby

Grayson ’22 and Preston ’23 Linville

Sutton ’24 and Jack ’26 Powell

Holli and Aubrey Linville

Jaye and Brent Powell

Isaac Lloyd ’22

Karen Pranikoff

Jolynn and Peter Lloyd

Ellie and Stuart Fine

Charlie Lyon ’07

William Price ’19

Chris Lyon

Blanche Stevens

Carrie Malloy

Sasha Quintana ’23 Elizabeth Martin

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Greene

Jaxson Osborn Jill and Justin Osborn Karen and Tom Pranikoff

Thomas ’19 and Bobby ’21 Hunter

Celie Martin

Tom and Elizabeth Gatewood

Brook Martin

Misty Hyman

Evan ’24 and Zeb ’26 McCollum

Karen and Tom Pranikoff

Dot and Matt McCollum

Anna Haggerson Mandy and Christopher Haggerson Anna Jane Owens

Ainsley Herman Bonnie and James Crabtree Kim and Joseph Herman

Aidan ’23 and Sela ’25 Holgate Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Smith

Drew Holgate

Nicholas and Lara Hanes Pierce

Doug and Bingle Lewis Religious Society of Friends

Wendy Rice Mandy and Christopher Haggerson Vivian Haggerson Jill and Justin Osborn Olliana Osborn

Ann Garner Riddle ’64 Dot and Matt McCollum

Grace ’23 and Miriam ’25 McPhail

Sara Pesek and Rogan Kersh

Debby and Guy Jeter

Georgia Johnson ’26

Trish McRae

Elaine Bell Douglas Johnson and Casey Price Cynthia and Bill Price


Stephanie and John Jordan

Deanna Kaplan Sarah Kaplan

Amy King

Jimmy ’07 and Isabel ’13 Ruffin Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ruffin

Hayden ’19 and Ashley ’21 Russ Teri and Henry Russ

Katherine Mims ’18 Sam ’09, Hannah Catherine ’11, and Jack ’13 Sari


Jack ’23, Mary Olivia ’25, and Walt ’30 Moser

Susan Schambach

Deanna Moss

Jaxson Osborn Jill and Justin Osborn

Anne Coggan Johnston

Skyler Segal ’23

Chris Nichols ’19


Martie and Douglas McDowall

Amber and Christian Colo

Bebe Krewson

Lisa Anderson Sari

Mary Nan and Ken Moser

Jennifer and Omnia Fowler

Greg Kocher

Sophia Plagianis ’27 Cami and Harry Plagianis

Jane Jester

Oliver ’28 and Camden ’29 Jordan

Stella Jane ’28, Thomas ’29, and Charlotte Pierce

Owen ’20 and Wyatt ’22 Pearce Joyce and David Pearce

Ken Shaw Blake Brantley Gracie Shaw

Matthew Arcuri

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019


Stefoni Shaw Blake Brantley Charlie Owens

Ford ’24 and Harry ’26 Shively Debbie and Tom Ressler

Julie Smith Anna Haggerson Mandy and Christopher Haggerson Vivian Haggerson Jill and Justin Osborn Olliana Osborn

Summit School Third Grade Faculty

Sam Smith ’24

Betty Sutton

Mrs. Cecil S. Smith

Dr. and Mrs. Guy M. Arcuri

Jennifer Sparnicht

Alston Team IV ’29

Anna Haggerson

Courtney and Alston Team

Mandy and Christopher Haggerson

Summit School Advocates’ Council

Finn Veneziano ’25 Mary Nan and Ken Moser Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Veneziano, Jr.

Noah ’20, Annabella ’21, and Poppy ’22 Veneziano Mary Nan and Ken Moser

Tucker Verheyen ’23 Nancy Dunn

Parker Kelly Tegeler ’02 Anya Vyse ’24

Susan Spaugh Alexander

Karen and Tom Pranikoff Patrick Tuohy

Dack Stackhouse ’86

Mary Craig Wilson Tennille ’94

Charles Walker ’85

Ena (Midg) Stackhouse

Cristen and Ben Sessions

George and Phyllis Walker

Jan Standerfer

Kate Terry ’29

Janice Weiss

Jennifer and Omnia Fowler

Betty and Charles Watson

Mary Craig and Andy Tennille

Lindsay Robinson Stanley ’98

Laura Terry ’24

Meredith McCullough Welch ’88

Debbie and Mark Robinson

Chad and Marybeth Terry Betty and Charles Watson

Hope Arcuri Matthew Arcuri

Ginger Thomas

Jennifer Blackmer Williams ’88

William Tuohy

Ben Owens

Layla Tolba ’29

Kelly Young Williams ’98

Dina Elsaid and Reda Tolba

Jaxson Osborn Jill and Justin Osborn

Gordon L. Spaugh, Sr. ’53

David Stoeri Heather and Steve Shearer

Carter Sturkie Marian and William D. Smith, Sr.

Summit School Administrative Team

Robert Toole ’15

Andrew Holgate and Kristin Bennett

Christine and Jim Toole

Summit School Advancement Team

Triad Academy Tutors and Staff

Janet and Adrian Vyse

Jake ’22 and Rachel ’25 Winslow Jan and Bill Zelman

Barbara and Brent Kirby Karen and Tom Pranikoff


Lily ’23 and Jake ’27 Winters Yvonne B. Winters

Martin Tucker Joshua Golden

Helen Worsley

Summit School Green Teammates!

Jeff Turner

Mr. and Mrs. James G. Galloway, Jr.

Judith and Billy Turner

Summit School Maintenance Team Martha Albertson

McLean ’18 and Frances ’21 Turner

Alex Zades ’15

Dicky and Amanda Deal

Teresa and Gus Smith

Bonnie Bowen

Loni Worsley and Sedric McMillian

Loni Worsley ’96 Carrie and John Worsley


SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019

CAPITAL & ENDOWMENT GIFTS CAPITAL GIFTS All members of the Summit community can ensure its long-term interests and financial sustainability. Investments made in our facilities and endowment directly impact the quality of our programs. The following donors support Summit's excellence through new pledges and gifts made to capital funds this year.

Amanda and Andrew Long Kirk and Hesta Fleming Monday Colby and Sean Murphy Elaine and Wesley Reed Yana and Chuck Richards Charlotte and Mike Riemenschneider Michael and Millie Schultz Scott Skidmore Forrest Stephens Staton Kelly and Jackson Sutton Meredith and Win Welch Kelly and David Williams



Martha Benbow Amber and Tyler Bishop Ashley and Brian Brooks Chris Burris Dr. and Mrs. Dudley C. Chandler, Jr. Andrea and Caleb Clauset Candler and John Cox Lucy Croxton Elizabeth and Joseph Everhardt Caroline Fagg James Glenn Emily and Scott Huddle Gaither and Sarah Jenkins Bingle and Doug Lewis

Janice Blake Given by Pam and Mark Shehan Cara Byrum Given by Pam and Mark Shehan Andrea Clauset Given by Pam and Mark Shehan David Janeway ’74 Given by Beth Parker Janeway David Allen Jones Given by Virginia and Noah McKay Meredith Peterson Given by Nicholas and Lara Hanes Pierce

Richard and Kate Haselwood

TRIAD ACADEMY FINANCIAL AID ENDOWMENT Established in 2012 during the merger of Triad Academy and Summit School, this fund provides financial assistance for students diagnosed with dyslexia who would not be able to afford tuition without this support. This spring, we launched a special campaign honoring the birthday of Triad Academy Division Director Carrie Malloy. Thanks to the following contributors and the generosity of a matching gift from an anonymous donor, we will invest $100,000 into the Triad Academy Financial Aid Endowment. Making a significant contribution to this fund means that more children with dyslexia have access to the academic help they need to be successful in the classroom and beyond. If you would like more information about how to give to the Triad Academy Financial Aid Endowment, call Karen Pranikoff, Director of Admissions and Development at Triad Academy at 336-722-2777, ext. 1508 or

Stella Jane Pierce ’28 Given by Nicholas and Lara Hanes Pierce Thomas Pierce ’29 Given by Nicholas and Lara Hanes Pierce Chloe Shehan ’27 Given by Pam and Mark Shehan Julie Smith Given by Denise, Paul, Jillian, and Hughes Laurienti Julia Sneden Given by Nicholas and Lara Hanes Pierce


Anonymous Carolyn and Michael Albright Jeff and Laura Allen Katherine and Dent Allison duWayne and Cinda Amen Tom and Tracy Arne Ben Baker Bud and Zanne Baker Nancy and Rick Baker Emily and Edmund Ball

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019


CAPITAL & ENDOWMENT GIFTS Mary Stuart and Tommy Battle Sarah Bauk Beth and Mark Beeler Ashley and Kurt Birkins Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan B. Blanco Cynthia and Edwin Bouldin Bonnie Bowen Nancy A. Bramlett Julie and Dennis Branch Hugh Bray Mr. and Mrs. Jason Bridges Ty and Tara Brown Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burress III Lisa and David Buschek Jennifer and Jason Caldwell Dr. Eben and Missy Carroll Nikki Burris and Gray Cartwright Melanie and Jeffrey Chandler Andrea and Caleb Clauset Cathy Coles Chip and Sharon Copper Emily Craig Anna Reilly and Matthew Cullinan Mr. and Mrs. Chris Culp Sarah and Tom Dalrymple Lou Davis Rosann Davis


Tina and Rick Donnell Cliff Dossel and Allison Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Sandlin M. Douglas Linda and Elmer Doyle Paul and Elisabeth Dresel Liz and Michael Ebeling Beth and Jim Einstein Kimberly Lawson and Richard Emmett Nancy Figan Robert Finch Ellie and Stuart Fine Dr. Lynn Flowers Paul Fulton Norma Goelst Jackie and Richard Goforth Marlene and Matthew Graves Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Greene Chuck and Kelly Harris Beth and Brian Haskell Tiffany and Daryl Henshaw Barbara Hight Amy Underwood Holland Mr. and Mrs. James T. Hopkins III Heather and Mark Hopkinson Mike and Alyssa Hubbard Scott Hudgins and Mary Foskett Douglas Johnson and Casey Price Liz and Stan Kelly Jennifer Girard-Krebs and Robert Krebs Kay D. King Nachell and Shad Kirley Ticia and Scott Kribbs Lesley-Anne Lamb Susan and George Lautemann Amy S. Lawrence Jolynn and Peter Lloyd Chris Lyon Jenny and Kirk Macemore Katherine and Simon Mahler Richard Malloy Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Maloy, Jr. Angela and John Manning Elizabeth Martin Valerie Martin Elizabeth McEwan Barbara and Mark McManus

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019

Susanne and David McWilliams Alyson Meyer Marianne and Rod Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Robertson L. Moore Robb and Eva Mothershed Michael and Martha Nichols Mark and Pam Oliver Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Perry, Jr. Josh Perry Louisa and Mark Petersen Mr. Graydon O. Pleasants, Jr. and Ms. Margaret Scales Jaye and Brent Powell Karen and Tom Pranikoff Kit Prillaman Mary Ann and Cal Ratcliff Debbie and Tom Ressler Brandi and John Rights Anna Roberge The Russell Family Unit Jeanne and Ben Sayers Susan and Gary Schambach Pam and Mark Shehan Amy and Jay Shively Barbara Clifford and William Sloan Dr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Smith Dack Stackhouse and Stavroula Glezakos Ursula Henninger and Jim Stroupe Carter and Sharon Sturkie Parker and Chris Tegeler Mary Craig and Andy Tennille Chad and Marybeth Terry Andrea Thomas Ginger and John Thomas Sharon and Bryan Thompson Kelly Timberlake Rhonda Timberlake Rachel and Alexander Turner Lisa and Jeff Turner Brenda Tyo Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Veneziano, Jr. Ashley and Ben Wall Billie and George Wall Elise and Hamp Wall Claudette B. Weston Kelly and David Williams Molly and Joseph Yoder


Summit’s endowment funds, established in 1959, have grown to more than $14.8 million and generate $730,000 annually for the operating budget. Gifts to the endowment enable Summit to respond quickly to needs and keep the school innovative.

Clara Allen Scholarship Fund - 1990 Jessica Marsha Wolfman ’94 Exchange Fund - 1994 Pamela and Neil Wolfman

The Board’s policy is to spend 5% of a three year rolling average of the value of the endowment for operations.

Alumni Scholarship Fund - 1997

Each of the following funds supports the area under which it is listed. The year following the fund name indicates the year in which it was established.

The Perkinson Family Travel Fund - 2000 Gigi Perkinson Hershey ’79

Head’s Discretionary Fund - 1997 Marian G. DeBell Fund - 2000

Sara Courtney Bradshaw ’05 Fund - 2001 Donna Shores Diversity Fund - 2002 Anne Coggan Johnston Lisa and Jeff Turner

Italics notes new gifts to endowment funds. For full descriptions of each of the named endowment funds, please visit

Summit School Opportunity Fund - 2006 Summit School Financial Aid Fund - 2011


The Triad Academy Financial Aid Endowment - 2012 See page 48 for listing of donors

Lewis Fund for Faculty Excellence - 1990

Sylvia Holt Cebeci ’56 Memorial Fund - 2014

Lula Ditmore Sandlin Fund for Teaching Enrichment - 1990

Matthew Alan Gfeller Fund for Summit School - 2018

Katherine V. Rachel Moyer ’00 Endowment Fund - 2013

Lisa and Robert Gfeller

Aurelia Plumly Spaugh Fund - 1992 Anonymous


Wilson Family Enrichment Fund - 1993 Albert L. Butler, Jr. and Elizabeth Bahnson Butler Endowment of the Lewis Fund for Faculty Excellence - 1997

Summit School Endowment Fund - 1959 Joe Parrish, Jr. Sports Fund - 1985 Louise Futrell Fund - 1990

Anne Hanes Willis ’36 Endowment of the Lewis Fund for Faculty Excellence - 1997

Kate Sandridge Sink ’53 Fund - 1995 Thomas A. Gray ’63 Endowment - 2008

Betty Crockett ’68 Mildred Paden ’65 Robert Willis ’73 Rosalind Willis ’70





Elizabeth Fuller and Henry Lewis Valk Fund for Faculty Excellence - 1999


Marian Millaway Douglas ’69 Award for Faculty Excellence - 2001 Mary Lee Nelson LaFar Moore Endowment for Faculty Support - 2001 Endowment for the Center for Excellence and Innovation - 2014








AS OF 6/30/2019


Planned charitable gifts allow alumni, current and former parents, grandparents, faculty and staff, and other Summit friends to leave a lasting legacy at Summit School. Summit’s mission is made possible by thoughtful, engaged leaders, including our Patrons for Tomorrow listed here, who demonstrate their commitment to Summit’s future with a planned gift. *indicates

*Anonymous (7) Dr. Sandra P. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Leslie M. Baker, Jr. Mary Louise Eller Ball ’75 Ms. Kathryn Cater Bergquist ’79 Mr. Royall R. Jr. ’65 & Mrs. Henrietta D. Brown Mr. James A. Bunn III Mrs. Angela Carr Ms. Ashley P. Christopher ’82 Mrs. Ellen Stockton Coble Mr. Robert F. Coleman III Chris ’82 and Kathy Culp Mr. John W. Davis III Mr. Fred Harwell, Jr. & Ms. Joslin Davis Marian Millaway Douglas ’69 *Mr. and Mrs. Sandlin M. Douglas ’94 Mr. Frank E. Driscoll Mr. Garth K. Dunklin ’78 Dr. and Mrs. John C. Faris Mr. Paul Fulton, Jr. Mr. James A. Gallaher ’72

new member(s) in 2018-19

*Jane Keiger Gehring ’60 Mr. and Mrs. Martin P. Gilmore Mr. E. Vernon Glenn ’64 Mr. William T. Graham Dr. Samuel B. Gray ’88 Mr. Thomas A. Gray ’63 Mr. F. Borden, Jr. ’60 & Mrs. Ann S. Hanes Mr. and Mrs. G. Scott Haynie Laura W. Hearn Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Henderson *Shelley and David Holden ’92 Mrs. Loma C. Hopkins Carolyn Huettel Mrs. Nancy H. Janeway Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Lewis Mr. Charles C. Lovett ’77 Mr. Gerald M. Malmo III Mr. Richard A. Maloy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John B. McKinnon Mrs. Katherine Memory Mr. and Mrs. J. Rodney Meyer


Helen Lee Mittelstadt ’72 Dr. Carolyn Moyer and Mr. Charles Moyer Ms. Edie Murphy Mr. R. Frank Murphy II ’62 Mr. Christoph & Mrs. Drewry Hanes Nostitz ’63 Mr. Clifford W. Perry III '89 Mrs. Betsy Holmes Richardson ’71 Mr. Mark A. Robinson ’74 Terra Snider Mrs. John J. Sutton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Sykes Lisa A. Taylor ’80 Nancy Rodwell Tuohy Dr. and Mrs. Charles Turner Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Turner Mr. and Mrs. John L. Turner Mr. John C., Jr. ’52 & Mrs. Elizabeth Whitaker Mr. Ralph H. Womble ’69




Make a bequest or gift through your estate by including a provision in your will or living trust. This can be in the form of cash, stock, real estate, or other assets and be designated as a percentage or fixed amount.

Transfer funds directly from your IRA to Summit. If you are a donor aged 70 ½ or older, gifts up to $100,000 are eligible as part of your minimum required distribution and are not included in your gross income.



Name Summit School as a beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy. You may designate the amount as a percentage of the assets or as a specific dollar amount.

Ask your trusted estate advisor about other planned giving vehicles, like a Charitable Lead Trust or Charitable Remainder Trust, that fit your philanthropic and family legacy goals.

SUMMIT SUPPORT - 2019 PAGE 50 information For more contact Jeanne2018 Sayers, Director of Development at: 336-724-5811 or

PATRON SPOTLIGHT As a former Director of Admissions, Summit parent, and board member, it’s safe to say that Katherine Memory has a history with Summit School. In 1976 Memory dropped her first child off at Summit. For 23 consecutive years she had a child on Summit’s campus and for 12 years she served as the Director of Admissions, totaling 35 years with the school. Now, Memory is looking towards her future with Summit by becoming a Patron for Tomorrow.


later, during her time in Admissions, she saw instilled in other parents’ children. “I’m so very grateful,” she says. “As a former board member I’m grateful because I got a chance to serve on the finance committee so I knew Summit would be a good steward of my money. Then as a staff member I got a chance to see Summit from the inside, and see how it reflected my own personal values.” She refers to those values as Summit’s “Ethos:” a set of intangible values that’s at the root of every decision Summit makes, and what she wants to pay forward by becoming a Patron for Tomorrow.

“It’s funny but as a parent I used to drop my kids off at Summit and say ‘see you in eleven years!’” she jokes. “But I trusted Summit to instill those core values in my children. Values I still see in them today.”

“Self-confidence, compassion, inclusion: these are things that are important to me, and I want them to be important to my children as well,” she says.

It’s part of her experience as a parent that drove her decision to become a Patron for Tomorrow. She says gratitude had a lot to do with that decision. She felt grateful for the values she saw instilled in her own children and then

Ultimately it’s these values and traits that she hopes lives on from her legacy and financial gifts, and what she hopes will be instilled in the next generation of students during their time on campus.

PATRON SPOTLIGHT When Sandlin Douglas ’94 considered becoming a Patron for Tomorrow he realized his decision was influenced by two factors: his belief in the school’s mission and his deeply rooted history with Summit. Both of Douglas’ brothers as well as his mother are alums of the school, and his children are current students, 1st and 4th graders. “Summit is in our DNA,” he says, “and that’s one of the things that makes Summit so special: its history.” But that’s only half of the reason why he wanted to take part in planned giving. When he reflects upon his time as a student he realizes that what resonated with him the most was the way Summit lives out its mission. The mission he’s referring to is, of course, the one cultivated by school founder Louise Futrell during the school’s conception: that everybody can be a somebody. “When I made that decision [to become a Patron for Tomorrow] it was really fueled by a belief in the school and the school’s mission,” Douglas says. “Paying tuition


and participating in the annual Summit Fund is a sacrifice for every family, don’t get me wrong. That’s what keeps the school running, what keeps the lights on. But when you make a planned gift like this you’re saying you believe in the mission of the school and you believe the world needs a place like Summit.” And the world does need a place like Summit, Douglas emphasizes. A place that encourages the education of the whole child, that strives to enrich its students and promote inclusiveness. As one of the younger members of the Patrons for Tomorrow he knows not everyone has had the same long tenure as he and his family have had with the school, but he hopes that those who are considering planned giving focus on the bigger picture: the future of Summit School and the next generation of students. “My children, along with the entire school community, are benefiting from the past philanthropy of generations of Summit families,” he says. “I believe it is our responsibility to play a part in helping insure future generations of students and families can be enriched by the Summit experience. Being a Patron for Tomorrow is how we can play our part.”

SUMMIT SUPPORT 2018 - 2019


NON-PROFIT ORG. U . S . P O S TA G E PA I D Winston-Salem, N.C. Permit No. 89

2100 Reynolda Road Wi n s t o n - S a l e m , N C 2 7 1 0 6 - 5 1 1 5 w w w. s u m m i t s c h o o l . c o m 336-722-2777


Lunch with Henry Winkler featuring Jessica Branch ’19 (see page 12)

MARCH 25, 2020

S i x P r o m i s e s of S u m m i t


at Its Best

A Fertile Learning Environment

A Sturdy




S t a t e of the A r t


Educators Who Engage the Whole Child

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