Summit Support2015

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Summit Support


2014 2015


A Message from the Head of School Stewardship is about fulfilling our debt to the future. If you are reading this issue of Summit Support, you know that. You live it. Summit’s history is one of stewardship, and the philanthropic spirit that inspires it. In the following pages you will read about tinkering, service learning, design & innovation, the public purpose of private education, and the living legacy of one family through planned giving. continued on page 2

Founded 1933

A Message from the Head of School

“I had a dream school in mind where everybody could be a somebody... Until the child has learned, you have not taught.”


Message from the Head of School


2014-15 Summary


2014-15 Volunteers


Inspiring a Culture of Philanthropy

8 9

Fifth Graders: Primed for Design and Innovation


Jim Bunn, Patron for Tomorrow


Onward, Upward and Outward: Camp Pathfinder’s Inaugural Summer

“We may not be able to predict the future, but we can understand some of the skills our children are going to have to have to be successful.” – Jodi Turner, Junior Kindergarten teacher “We want service to become a daily piece of our students’ lives. Our students are, in a sense, finalizing who they are going to be.” – Gardner Barrier, Director of Upper School “Not only were we able to assist 20 underserved children and 10 teachers in the public school system, we were able to support some members of our own staff who had not had Orton-Gillingham training.” – Carrie Malloy, Director of Triad Academy


Parents’ Association 2015 Auction: Corks and Canvases


Grandparent Valentines


Annual Giving Clubs


Annual Fund Donor Roll


Alumni Annual Fund


Alumni Giving by Class Year




Named Endowment Funds




Capital & Endowment Gifts


Patrons for Tomorrow

“I have always been captivated by Summit’s focus on the individual child, and its commitment to teaching to individual differences in children.” – Jim Bunn, former Summit parent and Trustee


2 Triad Academy

Named Annual Scholarships Established

100% of teachers participated in deep dives on making thinking visible


computers, laptops, and tablets on campus

Junior Kindergarteners “Make” Tinkering an Imaginative Way to Learn

“The synergy of scholarship and creativity is quintessential Summit.” – Tom Shaver, 5th Grade teacher

Michael Ebeling

5,201 hours of volunteer service logged by upper school students

in Upper School

This vision is the expression of stewardship of the highest order. Our students embody the future. Our teachers inspire children to create a world we can scarcely imagine. And Summit supporters like you make this all possible, deepening our roots and extending the reach of yet another generation of graduates–a reach that is described in these interview excerpts:

Onward and upward,


Table of Contents

These stories are the result of Summit’s enduring values as a community and our clear identity as a progressive school. For 82 years our Summit community has remained committed to founding head of school Louise Futrell’s 2-part vision:

Thank you for being part of Summit’s legacy, for embracing stewardship, and for helping develop each Summit student’s full potential.



Development Office – Summit School 2100 Reynolda Road, Winston-Salem NC 27106


Photography Design Writer

4 reunion events

5 Alumni returned to

campus to share their lives with students

75% of full-time faculty attended off-campus professional development opportunities

55 9th grade speeches delivered Year

18 sports played 33 teams

Summit Support published annually by

30 students transitioning from Triad Academy to other divisions

Jeanne Sayers Martin Tucker One Hero Creative, Inc. Robin Pfefferkorn

The School admits students of any race, religion, color, and national or ethnic origin. Summit School provides a challenging curriculum within a caring environment to help students develop their full potential.

If we have inadvertently made an error in or omitted your preferred published name, please accept our apologies and inform the Development Office at 336-724-5811.

244 wins 2 undefeated teams


establishment of Alumni Council


educators attended Harvard’s Project Zero conferences


ounces of honey harvested

Thank you

to all of our generous friends and donors for allowing Summit to deepen our roots and extend our reach. You make a meaningful impact on our students, educators, and community. The numbers, stories, and lists on these pages are select examples of the many ways your philanthropy cultivates our fertile learning environment.


2014–2015 Volunteers 2014-2015 Summary Annual GIving

Thank you to all of our volunteers whose time and dedication make an enormous impact on learning at Summit School.

2014-15 Operating Budget

Board of Trustees

Unrestricted Annual Fund……………………….$ 478,405 Restricted Annual Fund………………………….$ 388,364

Other Bus / Foodservice /Books

Parents’ Association Fundraisers………………… $ 108,000 Endowment……………………………………………$ 3,720 Capital ……………………….…………………………$ 108,900


Endowment 1%

Auxiliary Programs




Gifts / Rental Houses


Total Support (gifts and pledges)………………$ 1,087,389

2014-2015 Annual Fund Statistics 82%

Total number of donors – 1,042

Matt Cullinan Charles Douglas ’75 *Sandlin Douglas ’94 *Lauren Dunn Richard Gottlieb Jennifer Grosswald ’85 Parker Grubbs ’88 *Bill Hollan ’92 Michael Hough Jennifer Hudson

*Kay D. King ’83 Rob Moore ’76 Carlie Stubbs *Phil Thomas ’71 Alex Turner *Claudette Weston

Denise Hickman Shelley and David Holden ’92 Elizabeth and Bill Hollan ’93 Brad King Patti Shugart Jim Stroupe Alex Turner Fletcher Wilson ’86

Past Parent Chairs Nancy and Ernie Osborn

* Advancement Committee Member

Tuition & Fees


New donors – 143

Ben Carson, Chair Emily Neese, Treasurer *Jimmy Broughton, Secretary Marie Arcuri ’77 *Kim Bailey *Rick Baker Bonnie Bowen Charlotte Broughton ’87 *Jim Bunn Mark Conger



Annual Fund

7% 4% Instructional 9%

Trustee participation – 100%

Financial Aid

Faculty and staff participation – 99%


9% Plant & Operations

63% Salaries & Benefits

Parents’ DIVISION Terra and Terry Snider, Chairs Carolyn Albright Kristie Blanco Johnná Burns Joyce Carson Marina and Wesley Davis ’87 Katie Fowler Paul Grosswald

Grandparent Chairs Mary Lou and Peter Wilson Alumni Chairs Sandlin Douglas ’94 Kay D. King ’83

Parent participation – 80%

CONSTITUENCY GROUP DONATIONS* Parents…………………………………………………………$306,809 Alumni participation – 9.8%

Grandparents………………………………………………… $126,060

new parents’ capital campaign

Past Parents……………………………………………………$204,636 Alumni……………………………………………………….…$150,671 Bridge the Gap Team – 70 donors

Faculty and Staff…………………………………………..…$49,063 Former Faculty/Staff and Friends…………………………$33,885

Katheryn and Otis Northington, Chairs

April Ruffin-Adams and Fred Adams Hunter and Sandlin Douglas ’94 Amanda and J.D. Hoots

Melissa ’89 and Richard Lewis Leah and Tom Ravenel Christine and Bain Storch

* many gifts are counted in more than one constituency group



Inspiring a Culture of Philanthropy in Upper School an Interview with Gardner Barrier and Elizabeth Turner

Q. What is Summit’s inspiration for service learning and Service Day? Elizabeth Turner: Sparking intrinsic motivation in young teenagers is no small task. But, if we think about it, they are primed and ready to help others in more meaningful ways than they have been before. Developmentally they are becoming more social, more invested in the feelings of others, and are eager to establish who they are. We know that a strong sense of self instills confidence and anchors young teens. Gardner Barrier: For us here at Summit, it’s about forming daily, life-long habits and instilling service into those habits. We want service and philanthropic engagement in society to become a daily piece of our students’ lives. Our students are, in a sense, finalizing who they are going to be. As they do so, we want them to be thinking about how they can be impactful. We would like for them to see that service can stick to your ribs and make you want to do more and more; it can become a compulsion to give. In that spirit, we want them to want to serve not because it is required or gains them academic credit, but because it is the right thing to do, because it benefits and enriches the server as well as the served. We see service as an issue of the heart. We try to give that message to our students—that service is emotional and impactful, both for the server and the served. I think Fadzai Mushayamunda ’15 hit the nail on the head in her ninthgrade speech. She says, “Finding opportunities to serve is easy, but wanting to serve is different. You can tap into that desire by serving…. Service has enriched my life, and I am a different person because of it.”


Second, after the panel of speakers, students embarked upon numerous and varied hands-on service activities. Over the course of the day, students packaged 4,000 food items for HOPE, built birdhouses for Habitat for Humanity, packaged race packets and Easter eggs for the Lillie’s Friends run, collected more than 600 cans of food, and made 540 toiletry bags for the homeless in our community. Lastly, students gathered at the end of the day to discuss and reflect upon their experiences and the feelings those experiences evoked. Q: What was the outcome?

G.B.: The goal of the day, which this year fell on March 18th, was to deepen our progressive roots and make service both more visible and intentional to our students.

G.B.: It was a tremendous success! Service Day served to deepen our roots and relationships across this campus with local non-profits. As students looked back on the day, many commented that it felt good to actually do tangible things for people instead of just talking about it. Their reflections demonstrated to us that they had been fully engaged throughout the day and invigorated by their efforts. I am energized to see what this special day is going to look like going forward.

First, we had a morning informational panel of speakers from several different non-profits in our community. Representatives from HOPE (Help Our People Eat), Lillie’s Friends, The Bethesda Center, Samaritan Inn, Habitat for Humanity, and other local non-profits presented. Each group discussed how

E.T.: I am hoping this is a lasting shift for all service learning at Summit. In the coming years, I hope to see more service days and more field trips into our incredibly philanthropic community.

Q. What is the goal of Service Day?

As a school rooted in the progressive tradition, Summit students have always engaged with community and society. One important way our students do this is through service learning and philanthropy. This year, in addition to ongoing service to community, upper school students experienced a full day of immersion in service “to act as a member of a unity” in the first Summit Service Day. The concept was created by Gardner Barrier, director of upper school and assistant head of school; Elizabeth Turner ’90, upper school guidance counselor; and Summit parent Anne Powers. Gardner Barrier and Elizabeth Turner share their thoughts about the day.

they serve in the community and how they strive to maximize their impact on society.

I believe that the only true education comes through the stimulation of the child’s powers by the demands of the social situations in which he finds himself. Through these demands he is stimulated to act as a member of a unity, to emerge from his original narrowness of action and feeling and to conceive of himself from the standpoint of the welfare of the group to which he belongs. ~ John Dewey, My Pedagogic Creed, 1897 7

Junior Kindergarteners “Make” Tinkering an Imaginative Way to Learn an Interview with Jodi Turner Summit’s junior kindergarteners are leaders in the Maker Movement. They are, indeed, these “independent inventors, designers and tinkerers” of our 21st century world. Summit’s emphasis on experiential learning provides students with a particularly fertile environment for tinkering. Jodi Turner’s junior kindergarten class has taken to tinkering with the fervent gusto particular to a group of four- and five-year-olds. Read more about her vision for these future leaders below.

The Maker Movement, as we know, is the umbrella term for independent inventors, designers and tinkerers. Makers tap into an American admiration for selfreliance and combine that with open-source learning, contemporary design and powerful personal technology like 3-D printers. ~ Joan Voight, AdWeek, Mar. 17, 2014

Q. What does the Maker Movement and tinkering look like in junior kindergarten? I am a believer in Thomas Edison’s adage, “All you need is a good imagination and a pile of stuff.” In that spirit, I collect old electronics from Goodwill and from parent donations to our class. My original plan was to have Maker Mondays and Take Apart Tuesdays. On Take Apart Tuesdays the children would take apart the old electronics, and on Maker Mondays they would begin recombining spare parts to create their own original inventions. However, the exercise was so popular that every day is now a Maker/Take Apart day! They enthusiastically wield screw drivers and trade advice for loosening screws and clipping wires. Q. What is “Tinkering?” “Tinkering” is a powerful teacher tool I keep in my toolkit. Though it is an unassuming word, it carries a big impact. Tinkering is literally the unskilled and experimental repairing, adjusting, or, in our case, taking apart of old items, and the recombining of their parts to create other, new inventions. Q. How does tinkering help prepare our children for a future we cannot predict?


We may not be able to predict the future, but we can understand some of the skills our children are going to have to have to be successful. Those skills will include thinking creatively, working collaboratively, and being able to identify and solve problems. Tinkering fosters those skills in innumerable ways. In taking apart an old VCR, which looks like a relic to the children, they begin to uncover things that look like a chrysalis, for instance. They are fully engaged and thinking, applying the knowledge they already have of

Fifth Graders: Primed for Design and Innovation an Interview with Tom Shaver At Summit, we see abundant evidence of the ways in which experiential, project-based learning enhances and solidifies knowledge. Tom Shaver, beloved and talented fourth- and fifth-grade math teacher at Summit, developed an innovative race car project that has been the high point of many a fifth-grader’s year. The experience lets students express their individuality and originality while collaborating with classmates. The synergy of scholarship and creativity is quintessential Summit, much like Tom Shaver who retired this year. He describes the project here. Q. What is the race car project?

The children have to work together to create. There’s a lot of arguing and a lot of discord, but there’s also a lot of information and advice swapping. There is a lot of failure, a lot of refining, and a lot of reworking. But in the end, they work together, synthesizing their individual learnings, and figure out how to make something pretty spectacular.

It is a year-long project that takes students from illustrating a concept car all the way through to running their final product down a ramp and calculating the average speed. Generally, after math concepts that will be needed for each phase of the project are introduced and practiced in class, students are given time to work on their car project during Friday class time. Friday is usually “project” time in my class, and, as such, is devoted to a variety of collaborative and individual projects that are completed in the advanced math program.

Q. How does tinkering inspire your students?

Q. Why race cars?

What we’re trying to teach our kids is that there is complexity in the world around them, and they can uncover that complexity and learn how to make things better. We are teaching them that they can create their own machines and improve on the creations of others. By their very nature, children are disposed to experiment and to think creatively.

The race car project has been a part of the advanced math program for the last three years. I chose race cars because I felt it would be a real-world topic that is exciting and that lends itself to many math concepts. Besides the problem-solving that is inherent in each phase of the project, topics such as formulas

chrysalises to this new-to-them, strange electronic machine. Once they completely demolish it, they use the parts and their learning to make their own unique inventions. Their thinking through this process is visible to me and to each other. Q. In what way does tinkering promote collaboration within the classroom?

for perimeter and area, mass, geometric shapes, surface area, finding mean, median, and calculating velocity could be covered in a fun and engaging way. It also allows students to work collaboratively to share ideas and information to produce a final product. Q. How does the project begin? Students explore race car images on the internet to help them form ideas of what race cars look like and how best to design them for speed. After a group discussion about their findings, the next step is to “draw” a concept car. We do so in the Design Center using Sketchup, a design program used by architects. Q. Once students have come up with their designs, how do they bring them to fruition? After designing the concept car, students are asked to modify their design in order to make a finished product out of wooden parts. They are given a list of specifications for base size and height, and the steps needed to complete the project. After a study of perimeter and area, students work in teams to blueprint their car parts. They then transfer their blueprints to construction paper and begin cutting out and taping the parts together. At this step, they find out if they have included all the necessary parts and whether their paper mock-up fits the specifications. They make changes and corrections to their design before constructing the actual wooden parts. Also in this phase, they use formulas for finding the area of geometric shapes and calculate the surface area of their cars. Q. What other technologies do the students take advantage of? As you can imagine, we utilize numerous technologies! Students transfer their paper mock-up designs into Adobe Illustrator. This program then sends the design to the laser continued on page 11


Patron for Tomorrow

See page 42 for a complete list of Patrons for Tomorrow and information on making a planned gift.

Q. What impact do you think donors have on Summit?

an Interview with Jim Bunn

Donors provide the financial means to putting Summit on the cutting edge of education. Our gifts provide Summit with the opportunity to engage the best teachers: teachers who are capable of teaching to individual differences in our children, teachers who believe inherently in Louise Futrell’s premise that “Until the child has learned, we have not taught.”

Jim Bunn and his family are as loyal Summit supporters as there are. Jim is currently a trustee and member of Patrons for Tomorrow, Summit’s planned giving society. Jim’s two daughters Kimbrel ’86 and Teebie ’91 were Summit-lifers, and his grandchildren, who live in Charlotte and California, are attendees of Summit Summer. Jim’s late wife Jenny was also heavily involved with Summit, serving frequently in the classroom, on the auction committee for multiple years, and, finally, as a two-term Board of Trustees member.

The annual fund bridges the gap by providing operating expenses not covered by tuition. Gifts to the endowment assure the long-lasting impact of teacher development, financial aid, building and grounds growth, and long term necessary expenditures. A planned gift is a guarantee of an individual living legacy. No matter the size of the planned gift, it “doesn’t hurt,” and can be our testimony to others of the good Summit has done for our own families. There are many ways a planned gift can be made as a “thank you” to Summit, and as a living gift after we are gone. I hope you will consider giving to Summit today!

Charlotte, both boys have attended Summit Summer. This past June, Teebie’s children, George and Jane, who live in Piedmont, CA, spent a month on the east coast and their week at Summit Summer proved to be, according to Teebie, one of the best learning experiences of their lives. Q. What fuels your continued involvement in Summit?

Q. What has Summit School meant to you and your family? The Bunn family has witnessed first-hand the Summit experience where, in the words of Louise Futrell, “Everybody can be a somebody.” Our daughters, Kimbrel and Teebie, spent a combined total of 22 years here learning and growing into their teenage years with confidence in themselves, a yearning to learn, and an appreciation for giving back to their community. Summit planted these seeds, which were nurtured and grew throughout their education and into adulthood. With a mature understanding of how Summit molded her early life, Kimbrel always longed for the possibility that her boys, Charlie and Xan, could attend Summit, too. Even though her family lives in


Since Summit School remains an important milestone in our family’s life, service to Summit is second nature for us. In the late 1970s, my wife Jenny chaired a precursor to the Summit auction at a restaurant in the Stratford Oaks building. When Summit formalized the auction and moved it on-campus, she went on to serve the committee in 1983, and chair the auction in 1985. Because of her unfailing love for Summit, the family created a memorial garden, located between the Lewis Science Center and the Miranda Language Center, in her honor. As a former high school English teacher, I have always been captivated by Summit’s focus on the individual child, and its commitment to teaching to the individual differences in children. My family has been fortunate enough to have had some outstanding learning opportunities, but Summit has been the most remarkable.

Fifth Graders: Primed for Design and Innovation


printer which cuts the individual car pieces from wood. Friday project time is for gluing parts together; correcting errors; reprinting parts that did not work; assembling axles and wheels and mounting them onto the cars; filling in gaps with wood putty; sanding, painting, and varnishing; and massing their cars on triple-beam balances. Q. How do you conclude the project? By May, we are primed and ready to send the cars down the ramps and calculate their speed. We mark off ten feet on the ramp, and each student works with a partner to mark the time it takes for their cars to reach that ten foot mark. We do this ten times without weights and ten times with, finding the average speed for each car. This final process of sending cars down the ramp, finding average times, and calculating speed takes the greater part of our last week of school and is always a lively celebration of our time together in advanced math.


Onward, Upward and Outward: Camp Pathfinder’s Inaugural Summer

The 2015 Parents’ Association Auction raised $87,500 to support capital improvements at Summit. The evening included an art sale, “100 for 100,” live auction, dinner and music. Thanks to all who attended and to those who contributed time and talent to make the event such a success.

an Interview with Carrie Malloy The past four years have brought great synergy to Reynolda Road with the integration of Triad Academy as a division of Summit School. The merger has resulted in tremendous gains for students and educators on our campus. The evolution of the merger has allowed us to leverage our gains to serve the greater community. This summer, Camp Pathfinder launched as a program that reaches outward to develop the full potential of even more students in our community. Carrie Malloy, Director of Triad Academy at Summit School, shares with us the story of this innovative program. Q. Tell us about Camp Pathfinder. Camp Pathfinder was a five-week Orton-Gillingham instructional camp serving 2nd-4th graders who have dyslexia and other language-based reading difficulties. Each day, students received a one-on-one hour-long tutorial led by an Orton-Gillingham trained teacher and aimed at developing and solidifying literacy. In addition, there was a supervised study hall for practicing reading skills, and a Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) based activity, during which students were able to take advantage of our state of the art facilities and resources. Q. How did the idea for Camp Pathfinder come about? It has always been disheartening to meet families who come forward in need of help but who are unable to afford our program. We also see legions of teachers who would like to have the necessary training for teaching dyslexic students but have no resources for getting it. About a year ago, I sat down with Kristin Bennett, Director of the Center for Excellence and Innovation, to figure out what we could do to meet the needs of students and teachers here at Summit and in the larger community of Forsyth County. Our plan was to train 10 local public school teachers in Orton-Gillingham instruction free of charge. We gave them 70 hours of training in exchange for their commitment to come back and teach at Camp Pathfinder this summer.


Parents’ Association 2015 Auction: Corks and Canvases

Kate Michalek, Chair Mary Jo Gray, Treasurer 100 for 100 Committee Q. How were you able to fund such an undertaking? That’s where Phil Thomas ’71, a Summit Trustee, became involved. He suggested we partner with the Mebane Foundation, which has a long history of supporting literacy initiatives in North Carolina. They generously agreed to a $50,000 grant. A happy coincidence, as part of the grant, was that 20 public school children who might otherwise not have been able to attend due to financial constraints were able to come free of charge. Q. How did Camp Pathfinder impact the Summit community? Happy coincidences abounded in this endeavor! Not only were we able to assist 20 underserved children and 10 teachers in the public school system, we were able to support some members of our own staff who had not had OrtonGillingham training. We were able to train four members of our own staff: two lower school learning specialists, a first grade literacy specialist, and a sixth grade English teacher. After all, 30 of our students from Triad will be leaving in the 2015-2016 school year to go to other divisions within Summit. By training additional teachers, we will better be able to support those students. This year’s camp was more of a success than we could have even imagined! Most of the tutors we trained want to return next year, and many want to serve as afterschool tutors in our tutoring program. In addition, the students who attended made tremendous gains. We are thrilled to have been part of the extension of Summit’s mission out into the community.

Caren Grice Dot McCollum ’95 Eva Mothershed Clare Quadland Elizabeth Wild ’84 Class Projects Colby Murphy ’88

Portrait Sponsors Batten and Company BB&T BB&T Capital Partners The Budd Group First Tennessee Bank Flik Independent School Dining Integrated Solutions International LLC Wake Forest Baptist Health Sports Medicine Wells Fargo Bank Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice, LLP

Decorations Missy Butler Molly Iauco ’94 Katie Woltz Food and Beverage Vera Satterfield Jane White Grandparent Valentines Ginny Hunter

Cheers Sponsors Carolina Liquid Chemistries Corp. HANESbrands Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton, LLP Mercedes-Benz of Winston Salem Village Tavern Other

Shelley Holden

Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Carolinas Realty Capture Public Relations & Marketing Deutsche Bank

Wine Raffle and Tasting

In Kind

Mary Lynn Sullivan

Immedia Print Wildfire



Grandparent Valentines St. Valentine Grandparent H. David and Kathy Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Schindler Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Sherrill Robin and Robert Weisner Angel Grandparent Mr. and Mrs. John D. Bassett III Tom and Bonnie Bowman Mary Louise and John Burress David and Holly Davis Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Douglas Carolyn M. Lontz Cupid Grandparent Patty and Jimmy Barrier MeriLyn Barrutia


Richard Bennett Tom and Nancy Cannon Mary and Jim Edmundson Laura Hearn Helen Laughery Lea and Randy Loftis Mrs. Cecil H. Smith Marian and Bill Smith, Sr. Mrs. Brant Snavely, Jr. Heart Grandparent Anonymous Dr. and Mrs. Miguel R. Alday Barbara Reese Alford David and Sally Blanco Edwin and Ilse Bornemann Rupert and Cynthia Bowen

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bruton Mary Burge Bob and Jean Burris Bud and Susie Campbell Winborne and Chan Chandler John and Harriet Clark Dulcie and John G. Creech John and Valerie Cronan Doris H. Crumpler Pamela Davis John and Patricia Driscoll Mary and Joe Dudley John and Lu Dunkelberg Barry and Lynn Eisenberg Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ellis Richard and Marlene Emmerich Elizabeth “Puddyn” Ervin Mrs. Lola Ann Evans

Chuck and Mary Beth Fitzgerald Paul Fulton Brenda and Amon Funderburk Tom and Elizabeth Gatewood Kathy and Art Gibel Dr. Lou Gottlieb Juanita S. Greene John and Pam Grenda Jim and Doris Helvey Linda Hewitt Carol and Chip Holden Margaret and Hubert Holmes Elizabeth and Jim Holmes Danny and Pat Hoots Fran and Don Howe Sylvia C. Howell Gretchen M. Howerton Mrs. Billie J. Johnson and James B. Johnson Henry and Dyeann Jordan Dr. and Mrs. Ted Keith Mr. and Mrs. James Kendrick Mary and Hayden Kepley Jim and Linda Keyzer Bill and Ginger King Caroline and Clark Kinser Mrs. Dean G. Lauritzen Dr. William Lazarus Ronald L. Leak Margaret and Rick Lewis Rob and Kathy Luttrell Pat Marquardt Doug Maynard Carroll and David McCullough Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McGinnis Debbie and Fred McPhail Tom and Sandy Meckley Jonathan and Arlene Meter Ruthlee and Glenn Orr Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Perry, Jr. Bill and Jane Pfefferkorn Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Robinson Dr. and Mrs. Robert Rolih Roy and Linda Rowe

Thanks to these special grandparents whose Valentine messages contributed more than $20,000 to the Parents’ Association auction. Nancy and John Schultz Steve and Sally Seawright Sherby and Janet Slaughter Carolyn Myers Sloan John and Joyce Sloop Teresa and Gus Smith Nancy and Jim Spencer Mr. and Mrs. John (Joy) Storey Jean Olive and Allston Stubbs Dr. Thomas and Mary Sturkie Stella Surratt Mrs. John J. Sutton Dottie and Donn Toney Mr. and Mrs. Billy G. Turner Jim and Anna Turner Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Veneziano, Sr. Mack and Evelyn Virgil Herbert Watkins Dan and Glenda Webster Claudette B. Weston Mrs. Steve White Lynn and Steve Whitley Ms. Patricia B. Wild Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas and Lynn Williams Mr. Robert W. Williams Mary Lou and Peter Wilson Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Zaks Special Summit Grandparent Anonymous Terrance and Barbara Andree John M. Andrews Gene and Ellen Barrier Les and Debbie Barsz Gwen and Ed Blackmer Zelda and Arthur Bowen Bob and Beth Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Broughton Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Byar Sharon and Richard Cantone Randa Cartwright

Mr. and Mrs. W. Donald Clark John and Kay Delaney Mrs. Linda DeNeui James and Cathy Dunn Richard and Kay Falls Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Felten Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gaull, Sr. Beth Gentry Steve and Jennifer Greer Dick Grosswald Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hargrove Daphne Hill Jillian Holgate Richard and Dolores Hoppe Anne and Bob Hudson Dennis and Marie Hunt Susan and Gary Hunter Stephanie and David Iauco Tom and Rita Iltis Betsy and Bill Joyner Kathryn M. Lasley John and Terri Littlejohn Sandra Livengood Nancy and Jim Mattox Tom and Dee McCutchen Mrs. Shirley G. McNeil Don and Tali Meyer Mary B. O’Connor Frank and Linda Petronzio Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Petros Helen Rayner Sarah and Vade Rhoades Ned and Ruth Skidmore Martha and Clary Sprouse Mary and JD Storch Joel and Diane Strangis Jerry and Carol Trecroce Mary Ellen Turner Maxine Whitney Mr. and Mrs. Roger Williams Mr. and Mrs. Steve Winters David and Grace Wyss Jan and Bill Zelman


Annual Giving Clubs

Bold indicates new member in this club.

Scholar Society $2,000 - $2,999

1933 Council

Head’s Circle

Jeffrey and Laura Allen Caroline and Curt Batten Wendy and Michael Brenner Mary Louise and John Burress Matthew Cullinan and Anna Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Schindler Smith Self Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Sherrill Robin and Robert Weisner

Anonymous Dr. and Mrs. Guy M. Arcuri Rex and Willann Baker Filippo and Nicoletta Berti Austin and Jennifer Byrne Ben and Joyce Carson Mrs. Doris H. Crumpler Mr. and Mrs. James J. Dunn III Liz and Michael Ebeling Paul Fulton Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Grosswald Rob and Shelley Holmes Pamela and Russell Howerton Chris and Lucinda Jones Kay D. King Brice and Beth O’Brien John and Dominique Patrick Pfefferkorn Foundation, Inc. Beth and Bob Probst Mrs. Brant Snavely, Jr. Terry and Terra Snider Forrest Staton Rob and Holly Stowe Nancy and Chris Tuohy

$10,000 and Greater

Founders’ Society $5,000 - $9,999

Chris and Nermin Ballinger Ms. Nella P. Fulton Mr. and Mrs. John Gehring Ann and Ben Hough Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Malloy Edie Murphy Scottie and David Neill Richard Noll and Natalie Jensen-Noll Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Thomas Brian K. and Cindy S. Weisner


$3,000 - $4,999

Anonymous Darryl and Monica Aaron Emily Neese and John Babcock Nancy and Rick Baker Bonnie Bowen John and Betsy Brais Jim Bunn Derrick and Elizabeth Burger Angela, Andrew and Stephen Carr Dr. Eben and Missy Carroll Matthew and Suzanne Case Claire and Hudnall Christopher Mr. and Mrs. Sandlin M. Douglas Mr. and Mrs. David C. Eagan Mrs. John T. Eagan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. McDara P. Folan III Martin and Susan Gilmore Allison and Alan Greene David and Denise Hickman Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hollan III Amy and Michael Hough Paul and Denise Laurienti Janice and Charlie Lovett Rob and Kathy Luttrell Jed McMillan and Khaki Parks Ann and Bob Merkel Whit and Jacqueline Mims Dr. Steven S. and Mrs. Joyce Mou Louisa and Mark Petersen

Leah and Thomas Ravenel Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Roemer, Jr. Omari and Kami Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Anthony K. Slater Brant Snavely Michael R. and Amy Pope Stinnett Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Stopyra Jim Stroupe and Ursula Henninger Carlie and Al Stubbs Bill and Cynthia Tessien Alex and Elliott Turner Brooke and Catherine Webster Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Willis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Wilson Michael and Debbie Wittenberg Steve Zades

Honor Society $1,500 - $1,999 Anonymous Marina and Wesley Davis Barry and Lynn Eisenberg Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Flow Mr. and Mrs. Bradley H. Fowler Richard and Jennifer Gottlieb Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Holmes David and Cristi Howe Cindy and Bob Kluttz David and Karen O’Brien

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Perry, Jr. Roy O. Rodwell John and Fowler Ruffin Bill and Vera Satterfield Patricia and Philip Shugart Anita and Walter Taylor Meredith and Win Welch

Pioneer Circle $1,000 - $1,499

Anonymous Cal and Mary Craven Adams Sandra P. Adams David and Julia Archer Mr. and Mrs. Martin Baker Gardner and Heather Barrier Ellen and Doug Bassett Brad and Michelle Beck David L. Bodenhamer, Sr. Thomas and Ute Bornemann Mr. and Mrs. David P. Broughton Malcolm and Patty Brown Mike and Leslie Brown Craig and Kathleen Cannon Dr. and Mrs. Nick Chrysson Susan and Mark Conger Mr. and Mrs. David D. Daggett Bill and Betty Gray Davis Mr. and Mrs. James W. Douglas

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Douglas III Mary and Joe Dudley Derek and Jolynn Frosh Cici Fulton Lisa and Robert Gfeller Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Goodson Rick and Jane Graves Bernard and Anne Howell Gray The Grice Family Laura Hearn Shelley and David Holden Ms. Leslie A. Hollan William E. Hollan, Jr. Keya Hosseinzadeh and Maha Torabi John and Gretchen Hoyle Dr. and Mrs. Jon Hudson Stephanie and David Iauco Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Jordan II Mr. Kevin Kranis and Dr. Robin Boyd-Kranis Kip and Margaret Larson Adrian Laxton and Brandi Jacques Bingle and Doug Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Maloy, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William McCall, Jr. Will and Lanie McElwee Tom and Sandy Meckley Brian and Mary Mendenhall Kate and Joe Michalek Barbara B. Millhouse Amy and James North Ernest and Nancy Osborn Ellen and Bill Parsley Will and Emily Parsley Mr. L. Gordon Pfefferkorn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Pfefferkorn Gini and Brian Piekarski Karen and Tom Pranikoff Beth and Dave Reboussin Jeanne and Ben Sayers Alvin Selby Mr. and Mrs. William Merrick Semans


Annual Giving Clubs Beth and Mike Skorich Teresa and Gus Smith Dr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Smith David and Julia Smull Ann Lewallen Spencer Nancy Spencer Mr. and Mrs. William L. Spencer Eddie and Phyllis Stubbins Jean Olive and Allston Stubbs Carter and Sharon Sturkie Mark and Wesley Suttle Michael and Alison Sweeney Chad and Marybeth Terry Julie and Thatcher Townsend Sudarshan and Bharathi Upadhya Jim and Michelle Walter Dr. Catherine Rolih and Dr. Richard Weinberg Ed and Sue Welch Steven and Kathryn White Fletcher and Lara Wilson Mary Lou and Peter Wilson Scott and Margaret Wray


Tom and Nancy Cannon Pat and Gene Capps Dr. and Mrs. Dudley C. Chandler, Jr. Yong and Isabelle Chen Nan Crawford Pirouz Daeihagh Allison Perkins and Cliff Dossel Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Douglas Mr. and Mrs. G. Walker Douglas John and Patricia Driscoll

Bo and Jenny Fulton Santford and Sarah Garner Anne Glenn and Rob Whitnell Gloria Gordon and David Cook Mr. and Mrs. Parker H. Grubbs Shannon and Will Hanson Dr. John and Michelle Hanson Chuck and Kelly Harris Rob and Jan Hiersteiner Stan and April Holder

James and Mary Edmundson Brian and Lauren Eisenberg John and Andrea Eller Mr. Ned Erickson and Dr. Lia Erickson Mr. and Mrs. Filipowski-Race Rob and Bonnie Fowler John and Sheila Fox

Janet L. Honecker Tawnya Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Hoppe Harriet and Royce Hough Lucia Hughes and Thomas P. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Greg Hunter Steven and Ana Iltis

Futrell Friends $500 - $999

Anonymous Carolyn and Michael Albright Al Andrews and Lynne Fuller-Andrews Kim Bailey Jerry and Cassandra Baker Ben Baker Patty and Jimmy Barrier Kathryn Cater Bergquist Michael and Debra Beroth Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan B. Blanco P.A. and Brandi Blaylock Brent and Pam Bond Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Booke G. Thomas Boyette III Felice and Richard Brenner Mr. and Mrs. James W. C. Broughton Cara and Buck Byrum


Dr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Keith Mary Kerr Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey J. Kierstead Leigh and Andy Koman Scott and Ticia Kribbs Michael and Michelle Merritt Leonard Simon and Katherine Mahler Peter Marsh and Alicia Hardin Harvey S. Martin Sarah and Chris McAuley Barbara and Mark McManus Mr. and Mrs. Brad Michael Pat FitzHugh Michal Mrs. Patricia Bradshaw Morgenstern Ken and Mary Nan Moser Colby and Sean Murphy Mr. Joseph F. Neely and Ms. Joyce Neely Katheryn and Otis Northington Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Ogburn, Sr. Dianna Howard and Joe Oldham Mark and Pam Oliver Merritt and Laney Orr Jordan and Meredith Peterson Bill and Jane Pfefferkorn Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward Pleasants, Jr. Ms. Margaret Scales and Mr. Graydon O. Pleasants, Jr. Anne and John Powers James and Winnie Reaves Dr. and Mrs. Vade Rhoades Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Rice III Betsy Holmes Richardson Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Robinson Michael and Jill Rogers Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ruffin Barbara and Bill Scantland Nancy and John Schultz Mr. and Mrs. John L. Schultz, Jr. Sally and Steve Seawright Ken and Stefoni Shaw Carolyn O. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Gregory I. Skoteiniadis

Jayson and Mia Sloan Dr. & Mrs. William J. Spencer George and Ashley Stabolitis John and Bridgett Stewart Dr. and Mrs. Selester Stewart Betty and Bob Strickland Jim and Virginia Sutton Barton L. and Angela S. Tiffany Dr. and Mrs. James F. Toole Margaret and David Townsend Jay P. Turner and Tonya R. Deem Susan Wall Carter and Melissa Ward Mr. and Mrs. J. Mel Williams Tripp Winslow and Stacie Zelman Mr. and Mrs. H. Vernon Winters Mr. and Mrs. Steve Winters Katie and William Woltz Grace and David Wyss Jason and Kristen Zaks

Lewis Legends $250 - $499

Anonymous Cinda and duWayne Amen Tom and Tracy Arne Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Ashworth John and Missy Baicy MeriLyn Barrutia Wyatt and Bartlett Bassett Mr. Bert L. Bennett, Jr. James R. Bennett Richard Bennett Janice C. Blake Mr. & Mrs. David L. Bodenhamer, Jr. Beth and Jon Bowman Betsy and Carr Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Chris Brantley Anne and John Brown Johnnรก Burns Albert Butler Estate Missy and Archer Butler Jason and Jennifer Caldwell Drew and Sara Cannon

Carlyle Chandler III Matthew and Melissa Chin Ms. Suzanne Clark Caleb and Andrea Clauset Alice and George Cleland Edward A. Crawford Stephanie and Chris Cronan Ms. Brenda Daniels and Mr. Jefferson Dalby Todd and Karen DeNeui Cathy and Walter Denning Joe and Cheryl Dickson Betty Earle Kathryn and Bobby Edwards Denise Gagnon Faulhaber Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Felten Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Fuller III Mr. and Mrs. James G. Galloway, Jr. John and Linda Garrou Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gatewood, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Gibel Jodi Turner and Bill Gifford William and Cinny Strickland Graham

Juanita S. Greene Pat and Fletcher Grubbs Chris and Kristen Haaf Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hano Janet S. Hano Steve Harberger John and Tina Heafner Susan and Jay Hedgpeth Kate and Theo Helm Sue and Doug Henderson Gloria Henninger Dr. and Mrs. W. Dean Henrichs Wendy Moore and Charles Hildebrandt Dr. Kristin Bennett and Mr. Andrew Holgate Danny and Pat Hoots Scott Hudgins and Mary Foskett Robbie and Dave Irvin Nathan and Monica Jones Elizabeth and Jonathan Kelly Peter and Jamie Kelly Hayden and Mary Kepley Dany and Lisa Kim-Shapiro Bill and Ginger King


Annual Giving Clubs Brad King Ms. Amy S. Lawrence Roland Leak and Sirena Hargrove-Leak Richard and Melissa Lewis Rick and Margaret Lewis Brian Littlejohn Kathy Littlejohn Lea and Randy Loftis Beth and Chris Lyon Mr. and Mrs. M. Brain Magargle William and Rebecca Marshall John Scott May Mr. and Mrs. Stuart H. McCormick Mr. and Mrs. George McLendon Fred and Debbie McPhail, Jr.


Prenard Mickens Karen McNeil-Miller and Steve Miller John and Amy Morrow Robb and Eva Mothershed Dr. Frank R. Moyer Daniel and Alexandra O’Hara Ruthlee and Glenn Orr Mildred W. Paden Linda Penney Lindsay and Ricardo Peral Ford Perry Phil Petros Paul and Robin Pfefferkorn Rae Hinkle Pickler Nicholas and Lara Hanes Pierce

Don and Lynn Pocock Shannon Pylant Mr. and Mrs. Quad Quadland Susan and George Ragland The Rasmussens Charles and Juliana Richards Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Roemer III Suzanna Roemer Hal and Ann Rollins Sam and Hollie Rollins Emily Brown Rostlund and Olle Rostlund Karen and Sandy Rudolph Vahid and Bita Salem Nicolas and Jill Sear Ruth and Marcus Seitz

Bekah and Shaun Sidden Jeff and Kelly Silver Ned and Ruth Skidmore Alex Smith Amy M. Smith Marian and Bill Smith, Sr. Jeff Smith and Robin McGurkin-Smith Elizabeth Newman Smyth Mark and Karen Sohmer Dana and James Stallings Susan Surratt Betty Sutton Rob and Beth Taylor Mary Craig Wilson Tennille Chuck and Rebecca Thomas

Andrea Thomas Katy Warren Towers Lisa and Jeff Turner Amy and Hayes Wauford Claudette B. Weston Alen and Roni Wyss Lynn and Jeff Young

Adams Architects $100 - $249

Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Bryan A. Adams Martha Albertson Susan Spaugh Alexander Barbara R. Alford Terrance and Barbara Andree Meredith N. Andrews Lisa Arbaugh Kamran and Fariba Ashraf Bruce and Anne Babcock Gene and Ellen Barrier Charley and Pat Belch Kathy and Walter Beroth Mrs. William G. Blackard Grif and Kathy Blackard Gwen and Ed Blackmer Mindy and Art Bloom Bill and Betsy Neill Blue Robert and Carolyn Bouldin Rupert and Cynthia Bowen Scott and Caroline Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Bozoian Nancy Bramlett Anna Henderson Brantley Mr. and Mrs. H. Gregory Bray Rob and Judy Breakstone Hilbert Brown and Leila Wall-Brown Thomas and Amy Bull Todd and Traci Burge Austin and Millie Carr Anne S. Carr Aurelia Eller Cathey George W. Chandler, Jr.

$2,300 and Greater Celebrating 70 members who generously bridged the gap between tuition and the actual cost of a Summit student’s school year.

Anonymous Darryl and Monica Aaron Jeffrey and Laura Allen Dr. and Mrs. Guy M. Arcuri Emily Neese and John Babcock Rex and Willann Baker Nancy and Rick Baker Chris and Nermin Ballinger Caroline and Curt Batten Filippo and Nicoletta Berti Bonnie Bowen John and Betsy Brais Wendy and Michael Brenner Mary Louise and John Burress Austin and Jennifer Byrne Angela, Andrew and Stephen Carr Dr. Eben and Missy Carroll Ben and Joyce Carson

20 18

Matthew and Suzanne Case Mrs. Doris H. Crumpler Matthew Cullinan and Anna Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Sandlin M. Douglas Mr. and Mrs. James J. Dunn III Mr. and Mrs. David C. Eagan Mrs. John T. Eagan, Jr. Liz and Michael Ebeling Ms. Nella P. Fulton Paul Fulton Mr. and Mrs. John Gehring Allison and Alan Greene Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Grosswald Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hollan III Rob and Shelley Holmes Ann and Ben Hough Amy and Michael Hough

Pamela and Russell Howerton Chris and Lucinda Jones Kay D. King Paul and Denise Laurienti Janice and Charlie Lovett Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Malloy Whit and Jacqueline Mims Dr. Steven S. and Mrs. Joyce Mou Edie Murphy Scottie and David Neill Richard Noll and Natalie Jensen-Noll Brice and Beth O’Brien John and Dominique Patrick Louisa and Mark Petersen Beth and Bob Probst Leah and Thomas Ravenel Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Schindler Smith Self

Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Sherrill Mr. and Mrs. Anthony K. Slater Mrs. Brant Snavely, Jr. Terry and Terra Snider Forrest Staton Michael R. and Amy Pope Stinnett Rob and Holly Stowe Jim Stroupe and Ursula Henninger Carlie and Al Stubbs Bill and Cynthia Tessien Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Thomas Nancy and Chris Tuohy Alex and Elliott Turner Brooke and Catherine Webster Brian K. and Cindy S. Weisner Robin and Robert Weisner Michael and Debbie Wittenberg


Dr. and Mrs. William H. Chew Gabriel and Sarah Chrysson John and Harriet Clark Mr. and Mrs. W. Donald Clark Melissa Combes Chris Conrad Shannon and Dana Conrad John and Valerie Cronan Dr. J. Robert Crouse III Chris and Kathy Culp Dan and Nancy Culp Sarah and Tom Dalrymple Sandra and Lawrence Davis Terrie and John Davis Ms. Suzanne Collins Davis Dicky and Amanda Deal Molly Ashworth DeCola Tricia and Al DeForest John and Dawn E. Dickenson Tony and Charlotte Disher Mr. and Mrs. T. Dixon Douglas Mr. and Mrs. R. Paul Dresel John and Lu Dunkelberg Edna H. Duren Rob Edwards Whit and Fleming Edwards Aurelia Gray Eller Meredith and Adam Elrod Conrad and Lisa Emmerich Elizabeth “Puddyn” Ervin Barrett and Jeannie Evans Lola Ann Evans Ann and John Faris Steven Feldman and Leora Henkin Mr. and Mrs. Jason Felten Richard and Catherine Fields Dr. Will and Anne Fleeson Claudia and Gary Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Fleming, Jr. Stephanie Flores de Valgaz Fred and Cabell Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Lewis S. Fowler Robin and Dana French Billy and Donza Friende Beth Howell Fulk Christine and Roger Gagnon

John and Tracey Garfield Julie Giljames Adam and Rebecca Ginn Vernon Glenn Mr. Raymond Glover and Dr. Melicia Glover Dr. Louis Gottlieb Mr. and Mrs. J. Conrad Graham, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Gray Thomas A. Gray Tom and Teese Griffin Elizabeth Medlin Hale Borden and Ann Hanes Robin Hanes Thomas G. Hardy III Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hargrove Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hauser Peter Hawley Patrick and Martha Heafner Scott and Christy Hemby Conley Henderson Gina and JD Hendrix Mrs. Robert Henning Gigi Perkinson Hershey Marian Starr Hessman Persis W. Hildebrandt

Daphne W. Hill Ann ’71, Gray ’04 and Anna ’06 Hill Steve and Kay-Lynn Hirst James and Roula Hodges Carol and Chip Holden Pollyann and Greg Holthusen Elizabeth Rief and Shawn Hooper Mr. and Mrs. James T. Hopkins III Blitz Hoppe Will Hoppe Linda Holmes Horsley Karen House Gretchen M. Howerton Mrs. James Howey Joseph and Anne Hsu Alyssa and Mike Hubbard Chic Huber Carolyn Huettel Greg and Kimberly Hundley Jill and Brad Hunt Dennis and Marie Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jabbour Ellen and Logan Jackson Paul M. James III Dr. and Mrs. W. Bryan Jennings Jane Jester


Annual Giving Clubs



Doug Johnson Duane and Mindy Johnson Mark and Rachel Neely Johnson Katie Parsley Johnson Melanie Johnson John and Jayne Johnston Ms. Shakerra Jones Douglas Jotcham and Elizabeth Flewwelling Betsy and Bill Joyner Christine and Will Joyner Tom and Mickey Kangur Barbara Kapp Hank Keating Kristen and Brent Keene David L. Kelly III Melanie Kelly Jim and Linda Keyzer Dixon and Kristin Kinser

Bowen and Julia Marshall Mary Allen and Jim Martin Dr. and Mrs. David McCullough Quinn McCutchen Beth Avera McGee Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McGinnis Mr. and Mrs. John B. McKinnon Trish McRae Elizabeth Turner and Sam Merrick Arlene and Jonathan Meter Marianne and Rod Meyer Shannon and Ryan Mihalko Gary and Jill Miller Dr. and Mrs. Grover Mims Mr. and Mrs. Mark Moir Susan Taylor Montague Mr. and Mrs. Robertson L. Moore Frank Morelli

Barbara and Brent Kirby Bob and Acra Kluttz Scott and Bebe Krewson Rob and Whitney Lang Thomas and Elizabeth Layman Helen Levin Whitney Wright Lewallen Becky Lewis Dr. Laurel Link Dr. and Mrs. Tad W. Lowdermilk Jay and Suzanne Mahler Rachel Malcolm Carter Malmo Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mann Angela and John Manning

Elizabeth and Reid Morgan Kimbrel Bunn Morris Lynda King Morris Aly and John Kenneth Moser Krystle Mullins Mary Jo and Frank Murphy Tim and Lindsay Musser Ms. Anne G. Myers Frances and George Newman Michael and Martha Nichols Roanne and David Ornelles Jesse and Laura Paschall Alpesh and Alpa Patel Cliff and Sarah Pennell Dane and Virginia Perry

Frank and Linda Petronzio Thomas and Ashley Petronzio Michael and Elaine Phelps Skip and London Pickett Mr. Marty Pittman and Dr. Cathleen Killeen-Pittman George and Judy Plonk Anne and Alex Pope Kathleen and David Pounds Kimberly Powers Mary and Cal Ratcliff Roland and Pat Reboussin The Regan Family Curtis E. Reid Anthony and Hadley Reisig Luanne Kelley Rejeski Jon and Elizabeth Reynolds Elizabeth Rhoades Michelle and Harper Roehm, Jr. Stephane Rogers Stephen Rogers Rebecca L. Marion and Russell H. Rollins Mr. and Mrs. Dalton D. Ruffin, Jr. Jane Bunn Saunders and James Saunders Susan and Gary Schambach Mrs. Truman Semans Tom Shaver Matthew and Patricia Sheehan Penn Shore Mr. and Mrs. Barry Sidden Elizabeth Perkinson Simmons Paul Sinal John and Joyce Sloop Krista and Jordan Smith Mr. and Mrs. A. Zachary Smith III Rene and Maria E. Smith Will Sneden Mr. J. Christopher Spear Ms. Beth Patterson Spieler C. Fairley Spillman Ms. Marty Spry Mr. and Mrs. John Stabolitis Les and Jan Standerfer William and Laura Stevens

Douglas Stewart and Cristin Trecroce Idus and Susan Stinson Cannon Simpson Stoffel Patti and Tom Stopyra Robert and Kathleen Stratta C. Barbour Strickland III Christopher & Mary Lynn Sullivan Jack and Cindy Sutton Parker Kelly Tegeler Ginger and John Thomas Charlie and Mac Thomas Martha and John Thompson Kelly Timberlake Rhonda Timberlake Dottie and Donn Toney Mr. and Mrs. R. Christopher Tribble Teresa and Dean Tsipis Mary Ellen Turner John and Brenda Tyo Lou and Alon Utt Ramon and Sonia Velez Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Veneziano Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Veneziano, Jr. Chris and Nancy Walker C. Carter Walker, Jr. George and Phyllis Walker Jim and Sally Weeks Mr. and Mrs. W. Dunlop White III Cameron and Elise Whitley Mrs. Erla Whittington Tom and Rachel Wiggins Ms. Patricia Wild Kelly and David Williams Mr. Robert W. Williams Mike and Heather Wilson Shannon D. Wilson Bill and Page Woltz Sharita and Lawrence Womack Ned and Julia Woodall Heather Scantland Younts Jan and Bill Zelman

Summit Supporters Up to $99

Anonymous Tamra Abbott Frederick Adams and April Ruffin-Adams Jessica and Mike Alfaro Mark C. Anderson Mr. John Andrews Devon Davis Baldwin Robert Baldwin Mrs. Bettianne Beck Mr. and Mrs. Gettys D. Bingham E. Taylor Bowen III Zelda and Arthur Bowen Susan M. Branch Victoria T. Brawley Rachel and Todd Brewbaker Howard and Penelope Broughton Jeff and Mary Brown Ronald and Robin Buchanan Lisa and David Buschek Mr. and Mrs. Brad A. Calhoun Taylor Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cantone Angela, Andrew and Stephen Carr F. Gray Carter Mrs. Nancy C. Chapman Melissa and George Cleland Jennifer J. Cleland Richard H. Clement Harry and Andrea Cline Cathryn C. Coles Emily Craig da Luz Family Mr. and Mrs. Ocatvius O. Davies Angelica Davis Linwood Davis

James Wilson Douglas, Jr. Margaret Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Douthit Cary Driver Mrs. Susan Ashworth Dumbacher Keisha Duncan Sally Colhoun Engram Ms. Barbara C. Eure Mr. and Mrs. Robert Field Nancy Figan Dolores and Moises Flores de Valgaz McDara Folan Mary Ford Cort Fox Russ Gagnon Neil Gargis Haley Gfeller Paxson B. Glenn Dr. Philip and Julianne Golden Michael Gordon Susan Roberts Lloyd-Graham Deborah Seals Grigg Dick Grosswald Martha and Mo Hartley Mr. and Mrs. Brian Haskell Audrey Hayes Henry G. and Julie M. Heidtmann Matt Henrichs John Hollan, Jr. Dolores and Richard Hoppe Misty Hyman Mary Starling Inman Jessica Jabbour Mary and Jim Johnson Tamala Jones Ms. Cameron B. Jordan Mr. Fred B. Jordan Joy V. Kontos

Elizabeth Krewson Emily Krewson Dr. and Mrs. David Kunkle Lesley-Anne Lamb Sarah Parrott Lathrop Mary Katherine Lautemann Celia Lewis Dr. and Mrs. Donald J. Lineback Kathryn K. Linville Mrs. Carol Williams Lyerly Marti Mattox Dorothea Garner McCollum Jason R. McEnaney Valerie McFadden Barbre McGill Mr. and Mrs. R. Gregory McNeer, Jr. David and Susanne McWilliams Sally and Patrick Meehan Dr. and Mrs. J. Wayne Meredith Don and Tali Meyer Gary Michalove Ms. Angela G. Mims Kirk and Hesta Fleming Monday John M. Morehead Ted Morgan Whitt Morgan Harry Clare Morley, Jr. and Winifred Alice von T. Napp Morley Deanna Carlisle Moss Dereck and Yvonne Mushayamunda Cathryn R. Newton Thomas F. O’Brien III Bob and Mindy Ogburn Edward Oleksy and Wendy Harper-Oleksy Anne Ornelles Salem Simmons Parham Leane Peddycord Jay and Becky Perkinson Josh Perry Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Petros Susan and Greg Pfaff Ridgely Medlin Phillips Katie Pons Ms. Shayna K. Pons Richard W. Porter Jane Dudley Portman

Bonnie and Mike Poston Michael and Tiffany Reece Catherine Rice Anna Roberge Lynne and Herb Roosa Delores and Robert Sanders Kianna Scanlon Millie and Michael Schultz Jody Shaw Glenda M. Shelton Jan Shepherd Colleen Bryant-Sills and Brooks Sills Fran Sizemore Jaclyn Sizemore Terri and Jim Skinner Jennifer Sparnicht Dack Stackhouse Mrs. Patricia H. Staples David Stoeri Billy Stoltz C. Bain and Christine Storch JD and Mary Storch Jim and Claudia Stubbs Z and Meredith Stubbs Jackson Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Terry Mr. and Mrs. William Tessien George and Theresa Thomas Christine and Jim Toole Jerry and Carol Trecroce Martin Tucker Marea Van Tilburg Tricia Vaughn Maura and Mark Way Janice and Jim Weiss Jim and Elizabeth Welsh Dennis and Ginger Wiggins Rachel Will Roxie and Wardell Williams Emily Williamson Lisa Wright Eleanor Cross Young


Collegiate Honors Alumni in College

Brennen Carr ’11 Benjamin J. Carson IV ’10 Austin Conger ’09 Thomas Douglas ’08 Chris W. Eagan ’10 Jack Elster ’10 McKenzie Folan ’10 Gray Galloway ’10 McCabe Galloway ’08 Stan C. Green ’10 Isabelle Jones ’11 Justin Lang ’11 Robbie Lyerly ’11 David Moore ’10 Jesse Paschall ’08 Olivia Paschall ’11 Ginny Rice ’08 Blair Roemer ’08 Jenny Sutton ’11

Eagles’ Nest

Young Alumni and Current Students Hines Batten ’22 Raike Batten ’20 George Conger ’12 Jonah da Luz ’13 Colin Dossel ’13 Kerry E. Eagan ’12 Alex Green ’18 David Green ’15 Jack Green ’13 Gavin Grosswald ’13 Ellie Kangur ’13 Jacob Lang ’14 Turner Malmo ’14 Stella McAuley ’14 Elizabeth Moore ’14 William Morgan ’12 Adam Ornelles ’12 Marie Hope Preske ’13 Matthew Regan ’12 Jack Roemer ’13 Elisa Sturkie ’13


Annual Fund Donor Roll Parents Darryl and Monica Aaron Cal and Mary Craven Adams (2) Frederick Adams and April Ruffin-Adams Carolyn and Michael Albright Jeffrey and Laura Allen (2) Mark C. Anderson (4) Al Andrews and Lynne Fuller-Andrews (6) David and Julia Archer (18) Tom and Tracy Arne (2) Kamran and Fariba Ashraf (10) John and Missy Baicy (7) Mr. and Mrs. Martin Baker (3) Rex and Willann Baker Nancy and Rick Baker (3) Chris and Nermin Ballinger (7) Gardner and Heather Barrier (3) Ellen and Doug Bassett (12) Wyatt and Bartlett Bassett Caroline and Curt Batten (4) Brad and Michelle Beck (13) James R. Bennett (10) Michael and Debra Beroth (4) Kathy and Walter Beroth (11) Grif and Kathy Blackard (13) Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan B. Blanco (10) Mr. and Mrs. David Bodenhamer, Jr. (21) Brent and Pam Bond (8) Thomas and Ute Bornemann (6) Bonnie Bowen (11) Scott and Caroline Bowen (7) Beth and Jon Bowman (10) Betsy and Carr Boyd (2) John and Betsy Brais Mr. and Mrs. Chris Brantley (9) Mr. and Mrs. H. Gregory Bray Mr. and Mrs. David P. Broughton (23) Mr. and Mrs. James W. C. Broughton (10) Hilbert Brown and Leila Wall-Brown (10)

Mike and Leslie Brown (2) Ronald and Robin Buchanan (3) Thomas and Amy Bull Todd and Traci Burge (3) Derrick and Elizabeth Burger (2) Johnná Burns (2) Missy and Archer Butler Austin and Jennifer Byrne (16) Jason and Jennifer Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Brad A. Calhoun (11) Taylor Campbell Craig and Kathleen Cannon (4) Drew and Sara Cannon (3) Dr. Eben and Missy Carroll (2) Ben and Joyce Carson (13) Matthew and Suzanne Case Yong and Isabelle Chen (13) Matthew and Melissa Chin (2) Dr. and Mrs. Nick Chrysson (4) Caleb and Andrea Clauset (7) Harry and Andrea Cline (2) Melissa Combes (4) Shannon and Dana Conrad Stephanie and Chris Cronan (9) Chris and Kathy Culp (19) Pirouz Daeihagh (10) Mr. and Mrs. David D. Daggett (12) Ms. Brenda Daniels and Mr. Jefferson Dalby (10) Sarah and Tom Dalrymple (15) Mr. and Mrs. Ocatvius O. Davies (7) Angelica Davis Ms. Suzanne Collins Davis (12) Marina and Wesley Davis (25) Dicky and Amanda Deal (2) Todd and Karen DeNeui (2) John and Dawn E. Dickenson Cliff Dossel and Allison Perkins (6) Mr. and Mrs. Sandlin M. Douglas (21) Mr. and Mrs. G. Walker Douglas (25) Mr. and Mrs. R. Paul Dresel (4) Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Drzewiecki (2) Keisha Duncan (2)

(Numbers in parenthesis indicate consecutive years of giving beginning with the 1990-91 school year.) Mr. and Mrs. James J. Dunn III Conrad and Lisa Emmerich (2) Mr. Ned Erickson and Dr. Lia Erickson (4) Barrett and Jeannie Evans (2) Mr. and Mrs. Jason Felten (3) Richard and Catherine Fields Mr. and Mrs. Filipowski-Race (8) Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Fitzgerald (8) Dr. Will and Anne Fleeson Mary Ford Mr. and Mrs. Bradley H. Fowler (3) Mr. and Mrs. Lewis S. Fowler Robin and Dana French Derek and Jolynn Frosh (3) Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Fuller III (25) Bo and Jenny Fulton (16) Cici Fulton (16) John and Tracey Garfield Neil Gargis (2) Santford and Sarah Garner Martin and Susan Gilmore (17) Adam and Rebecca Ginn (3)

The Grice Family (2) Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Grosswald (13) Mr. and Mrs. Parker H. Grubbs (10) Chris and Kristen Haaf (2) Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hano (9) Shannon and Will Hanson (13) Dr. John and Michelle Hanson Chuck and Kelly Harris (2) John and Tina Heafner Henry G. and Julie M. Heidtmann (14) Kate and Theo Helm (11) Scott and Christy Hemby (10) Gina and JD Hendrix (3) David and Denise Hickman (11) Rob and Jan Hiersteiner (2) Charles Hildebrandt and Wendy Moore Steve and Kay-Lynn Hirst (3) Shelley and David Holden (3) Stan and April Holder (8) Dr. Kristin Bennett and Mr. Andrew Holgate (10) Mr. and Mrs. William Hollan III (8) Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Holmes (5)

Mr. Raymond Glover and Dr. Melicia Glover (3) Gloria Gordon and David Cook (2) Richard and Jennifer Gottlieb (9) Dr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Gray (9) Allison and Alan Greene

Rob and Shelley Holmes (16) Mr. and Mrs. James Hopkins III (3) Keya Hosseinzadeh and Maha Torabi (2) Amy and Michael Hough (12) Ann and Ben Hough (9)


Annual Fund Donor Roll David and Cristi Howe (4) Pamela and Russell Howerton (11) John and Gretchen Hoyle Scott Hudgins and Mary Foskett Dr. and Mrs. Jon Hudson (4) Greg and Kimberly Hundley Jill and Brad Hunt (4) Mr. and Mrs. Greg Hunter (3) Steven and Ana Iltis (2) Dr. and Mrs. W. Bryan Jennings (7) Doug Johnson (8) Duane and Mindy Johnson Melanie Johnson John and Jayne Johnston Chris and Lucinda Jones (19) Nathan and Monica Jones Ms. Shakerra Jones (3) Tamala Jones (2) Ms. Cameron B. Jordan Mr. Fred B. Jordan (3) Douglas Jotcham and Elizabeth Flewwelling (2) Christine and Will Joyner Elizabeth and Jonathan Kelly (8) Peter and Jamie Kelly (3) Dany and Lisa Kim-Shapiro (12) Brad King (8) Kay D. King (8) Dixon and Kristin Kinser Cindy and Bob Kluttz Mr. Kevin Kranis and Dr. Robin Boyd-Kranis (11) Scott and Ticia Kribbs Dr. and Mrs. David Kunkle Kip and Margaret Larson (2) Paul and Denise Laurienti (5) Adrian Laxton and Brandi Jacques Thomas and Elizabeth Layman Roland Leak and Sirena Hargrove-Leak (8) Michael and Michelle Merritt Leonard (6) Richard and Melissa Lewis Brian and Kathy Littlejohn (15) Simon and Katherine Mahler Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Maloy, Jr. (2)

20 26

Angela and John Manning (2) Bowen and Julia Marshall Marti Mattox Sarah and Chris McAuley (11) Dorothea Garner McCollum Mr. and Mrs. Stuart H. McCormick (3) Quinn McCutchen (9) Will and Lanie McElwee (4) Valerie McFadden (9) Barbara and Mark McManus (3) Jed McMillan and Khaki Parks Sally and Patrick Meehan (6) Brian and Mary Mendenhall (4) Ann and Bob Merkel (5) Elizabeth Turner and Sam Merrick (2) Mr. and Mrs. Brad Michael (9) Kate and Joe Michalek (2) Shannon and Ryan Mihalko (10) Gary and Jill Miller (10) Karen McNeil-Miller and Steve Miller (2)

continued Ms. Angela G. Mims (8) Whit and Jacqueline Mims (10) Harry Clare Morley, Jr. and Winifred Alice von T. Napp Morley (18) John and Amy Morrow (2) Aly and John Kenneth Moser Robb and Eva Mothershed Dr. Steven S. and Mrs. Joyce Mou (9) Dr. Frank R. Moyer (10) Krystle Mullins Colby and Sean Murphy (8) Dereck and Yvonne Mushayamunda (15) Ms. Anne G. Myers (2) Scottie and David Neill (20) Michael and Martha Nichols (2) Richard Noll and Natalie Jensen-Noll (10) Amy and James North (2) Katheryn and Otis Northington (2) David and Karen O’Brien (3) Daniel and Alexandra O’Hara

Dianna Howard and Joe Oldham Edward Oleksy and Wendy Harper-Oleksy Mark and Pam Oliver (3) Merritt and Laney Orr (14) Will and Emily Parsley (10) Alpesh and Alpa Patel John and Dominique Patrick (18) Lindsay and Ricardo Peral (4) Louisa and Mark Petersen (6) Jordan and Meredith Peterson (4) Thomas and Ashley Petronzio Phil Petros Paul and Robin Pfefferkorn (4) Michael and Elaine Phelps (4) Gini and Brian Piekarski (9) Mr. Marty Pittman and Dr. Cathleen Killeen-Pittman (2) Don and Lynn Pocock (2) Anne and Alex Pope (2) Anne and John Powers (4) Kimberly Powers Beth and Bob Probst (19) Shannon Pylant (2) Mr. and Mrs. Quad Quadland (3) The Rasmussens (3) Leah and Thomas Ravenel James and Winnie Reaves Beth and Dave Reboussin (4) Michael and Tiffany Reece Anthony and Hadley Reisig (4) Michelle and Harper Roehm, Jr. Michael and Jill Rogers (2) Sam and Hollie Rollins (2) Vahid and Bita Salem Bill and Vera Satterfield (8) Mr. and Mrs. John L. Schultz, Jr. (18) Nicolas and Jill Sear Ruth and Marcus Seitz (3) Smith Self (3) Mr. and Mrs. William Merrick Semans (2) Ken and Stefoni Shaw (4) Matthew and Patricia Sheehan Patricia and Philip Shugart (4) Bekah and Shaun Sidden (5)

Jeff and Kelly Silver (3) Omari and Kami Simmons Beth and Mike Skorich (8) Mr. and Mrs. Gregory I. Skoteiniadis (4) Mr. and Mrs. Anthony K. Slater (4) Jayson and Mia Sloan Alex Smith Amy M. Smith (4) Jeff Smith and Robin McGurkin-Smith (2) Krista and Jordan Smith David and Julia Smull Terry and Terra Snider (6) Mark and Karen Sohmer (12) Jennifer Sparnicht (9) Ms. Beth Patterson Spieler George and Ashley Stabolitis (12) Dana and James Stallings (6) Forrest Staton (6) William and Laura Stevens Douglas Stewart and Cristin Trecroce (2) John and Bridgett Stewart (3) Dr. and Mrs. Selester Stewart (3) Michael R. and Amy Pope Stinnett (12)

Carlie and Al Stubbs (24) Carter and Sharon Sturkie (6) Christopher and Mary Sullivan Susan Surratt (3) Mark and Wesley Suttle (2) Jim and Virginia Sutton (25) Michael and Alison Sweeney (11) Rob and Beth Taylor (3) Chad and Marybeth Terry (2) Bill and Cynthia Tessien (13) Andrea Thomas (8) Chuck and Rebecca Thomas Barton L. and Angela S. Tiffany (3) Christine and Jim Toole (2) Julie and Thatcher Townsend (16) Mr. and Mrs. R. Christopher Tribble (11) Nancy and Chris Tuohy (4) Alex and Elliott Turner (10) Jay P. Turner and Tonya R. Deem (7) Lisa and Jeff Turner (13) John and Brenda Tyo Sudarshan and Bharathi Upadhya (2) Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Veneziano, Jr. (2)

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Stopyra (12) C. Bain and Christine Storch Robert and Kathleen Stratta Jim Stroupe and Ursula Henninger (11)

Chris and Nancy Walker (7) Jim and Michelle Walter (6) Carter and Melissa Ward Brooke and Catherine Webster (3) Dr. Richard Weinberg and Dr. Catherine Rolih (2)

Brian K. and Cindy S. Weisner (24) Meredith and Win Welch (18) Mr. and Mrs. W. Dunlop White III (10) Steven and Kathryn White Cameron and Elise Whitley (2) Mr. and Mrs. J. Mel Williams (8) Fletcher and Lara Wilson (4) Mr. and Mrs. Greg Wilson (2) Mike and Heather Wilson (2) Shannon D. Wilson Tripp Winslow and Stacie Zelman Michael and Debbie Wittenberg (17) Katie and William Woltz Sharita and Lawrence Womack (3) Scott and Margaret Wray (6) Alen and Roni Wyss (2) Jason and Kristen Zaks

GrandParents Anonymous Barbara R. Alford Terrance and Barbara Andree Mr. John Andrews (2) Meredith N. Andrews (3) Jerry and Cassandra Baker Gene and Ellen Barrier (3) Patty and Jimmy Barrier (2) MeriLyn Barrutia (5) Charley and Pat Belch (4) Richard Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Gettys D. Bingham (2) Mrs. William G. Blackard (8) Gwen and Ed Blackmer (21) David L. Bodenhamer, Sr. (16) Zelda and Arthur Bowen (5) Grandparents of Bradley Bowen (5) Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Boyd (2) Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Bozoian (5) Nancy Bramlett (13) Howard and Penelope Broughton (9) Anne and John Brown (6) Mary Louise and John Burress (17)

Tom and Nancy Cannon (4) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cantone (2) Dr. and Mrs. Dudley C. Chandler, Jr. (10) Dr. and Mrs. William H. Chew (2) Mr. and Mrs. W. Donald Clark (2) John and Harriet Clark (3) John and Valerie Cronan Mrs. Doris H. Crumpler (8) Dan and Nancy Culp (9) Bill and Betty Gray Davis Terrie and John Davis Mr. and Mrs. James W. Douglas (25) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Douglas III John and Patricia Driscoll (3) Mary and Joe Dudley (10) John and Lu Dunkelberg (5) James and Mary Edmundson Barry and Lynn Eisenberg (22) Elizabeth “Puddyn” Ervin (14) Lola Ann Evans (8) Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Felten (3) Fred and Cabell Fowler Rob and Bonnie Fowler (15) Ms. Nella P. Fulton (16) Paul Fulton (10) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gatewood, Jr. (2) Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Gibel Dr. Louis Gottlieb Rick and Jane Graves Juanita S. Greene Dick Grosswald (9) Pat and Fletcher Grubbs (20) Janet S. Hano (9) Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hargrove (7) Patrick and Martha Heafner (6) Laura Hearn Gloria Henninger (2) Persis W. Hildebrandt (4) Daphne W. Hill James and Roula Hodges Carol and Chip Holden Ms. Leslie A. Hollan (2) William E. Hollan, Jr. (6) Danny and Pat Hoots


Annual Fund Donor Roll Dolores and Richard Hoppe (2) Harriet and Royce Hough (12) Gretchen M. Howerton (10) Mrs. James Howey Dennis and Marie Hunt Stephanie and David Iauco (3) Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Jordan II Betsy and Bill Joyner (3) Dr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Keith Hayden and Mary Kepley Jim and Linda Keyzer (2) Bill and Ginger King (8) Bob and Acra Kluttz Rick and Margaret Lewis Dr. Laurel Link (3) Lea and Randy Loftis (2) Rob and Kathy Luttrell (3) Jay and Suzanne Mahler William and Rebecca Marshall Dr. and Mrs. David McCullough (21) Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McGinnis (3) Mr. and Mrs. George McLendon (3) Fred and Debbie McPhail, Jr. Tom and Sandy Meckley (2) Arlene and Jonathan Meter (2) Don and Tali Meyer (2) Dr. and Mrs. Grover Mims Mrs. Patricia Bradshaw Morgenstern (20) Lynda King Morris (25) Ken and Mary Nan Moser Ruthlee and Glenn Orr Ellen and Bill Parsley (25) Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Perry, Jr. (25) Frank and Linda Petronzio Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Petros Bill and Jane Pfefferkorn (2) George and Judy Plonk Roland and Pat Reboussin (4) Dr. and Mrs. Vade Rhoades Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Robinson Roy O. Rodwell Hal and Ann Rollins (2) Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Schindler (2) Nancy and John Schultz (4)

28 20

Sally and Steve Seawright (4) Mrs. Truman Semans (4) Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Sherrill (17) Mr. and Mrs. Barry Sidden (2) Ned and Ruth Skidmore John and Joyce Sloop Marian and Bill Smith, Sr. (5) Teresa and Gus Smith (10) Rene and Maria E. Smith (2) Mrs. Brant Snavely, Jr. (2) Ann Lewallen Spencer Nancy Spencer (17) Dr. and Mrs. William J. Spencer Mr. and Mrs. John Stabolitis (2) Mrs. Patricia H. Staples (11) Patti and Tom Stopyra JD and Mary Storch Eddie and Phyllis Stubbins (4) Jean Olive and Allston Stubbs (25) Betty Sutton (25) Anita and Walter Taylor Mr. and Mrs. William Tessien (3)

continued Charlie and Mac Thomas Dottie and Donn Toney (3) Dr. and Mrs. James F. Toole Jerry and Carol Trecroce (2) Mary Ellen Turner Lou and Alon Utt (3) Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Veneziano (6) Jim and Sally Weeks (2) Robin and Robert Weisner (2) Ed and Sue Welch Claudette B. Weston (4) Mrs. Erla Whittington (2) Ms. Patricia Wild (3) Mr. Robert W. Williams (2) Emily Williamson (3) Mary Lou and Peter Wilson (11) Mr. and Mrs. Steve Winters Bill and Page Woltz Grace and David Wyss Jan and Bill Zelman

Past Parents Anonymous Sandra P. Adams (25) Martha Albertson (25) Dr. and Mrs. Guy M. Arcuri (25) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Ashworth (25) Bruce and Anne Babcock (25) Emily Neese and John Babcock (14) Kim Bailey (13) Mrs. Bettianne Beck (25) Mr. Bert L. Bennett, Jr. (5) Filippo and Nicoletta Berti (5) Gwen and Ed Blackmer (21) Janice C. Blake (16) Mindy and Art Bloom David L. Bodenhamer, Sr. (16) Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Booke (25) Robert and Carolyn Bouldin Rupert and Cynthia Bowen (5) Rob and Judy Breakstone (15) Wendy and Michael Brenner (3) Felice and Richard Brenner (2) Malcolm and Patty Brown Jim Bunn (10) Mary Louise and John Burress (17) Albert Butler Estate (4) Tom and Nancy Cannon (4) Pat and Gene Capps (25) Angela Carr (25) Austin and Millie Carr Anne S. Carr Dr. and Mrs. Dudley C. Chandler, Jr. (10) Mrs. Nancy C. Chapman (15) Claire and Hudnall Christopher (24) Ms. Suzanne Clark (22) Alice and George Cleland (17) Melissa and George Cleland (12) Jennifer J. Cleland (20) Cathryn C. Coles (2) Susan and Mark Conger (2) Nan Crawford (24) Dr. J. Robert Crouse III (2) Matthew Cullinan and Anna Reilly (9)

Dan and Nancy Culp (9) Amy and Tony da Luz (5) Bill and Betty Gray Davis Terrie and John Davis Sandra and Lawrence Davis Linwood Davis (23) Tricia and Al DeForest (15) Cathy and Walter Denning (22) Tony and Charlotte Disher (21) Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Douglas (25) Mr. and Mrs. James W. Douglas (25) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Douglas III Cary Driver Mary and Joe Dudley (10) Edna H. Duren (25) Mr. and Mrs. David C. Eagan (14) Mrs. John T. Eagan, Jr. (19) Liz and Michael Ebeling (7) Kathryn and Bobby Edwards (25) Barry and Lynn Eisenberg (22) Aurelia Gray Eller (25) John and Andrea Eller (3) Ann and John Faris (7) Steven Feldman and Leora Henkin Claudia and Gary Fleming (25) Dolores and Moises Flores de Valgaz (14) Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Flow (25) Mr. and Mrs. McDara P. Folan III (16) Fred and Cabell Fowler Rob and Bonnie Fowler (15) John and Sheila Fox Billy and Donza Friende

Beth Howell Fulk Ms. Nella P. Fulton (16) Paul Fulton (10) Christine and Roger Gagnon (25) Mr. and Mrs. James G. Galloway, Jr. (2) John and Linda Garrou Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gatewood, Jr. (2) Lisa and Robert Gfeller (11) Jodi Turner and Bill Gifford (10) Julie Giljames (10) Dr. Philip and Julianne Golden (14) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Goodson (9) Mr. and Mrs. J. Conrad Graham, Sr. (23) Rick and Jane Graves Tom and Teese Griffin (2) Pat and Fletcher Grubbs (20) Borden and Ann Hanes (25) Martha and Mo Hartley (25) Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hauser (25) Audrey Hayes (3) Laura Hearn Susan and Jay Hedgpeth (25) Sue and Doug Henderson (22) Mrs. Robert Henning Dr. and Mrs. W. Dean Henrichs (9) Ann Waynick Hill Carol and Chip Holden Ms. Leslie A. Hollan (2) William E. Hollan, Jr. (6) Pollyann and Greg Holthusen Janet L. Honecker (2)

Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Hoppe (23) Joseph and Anne Hsu Lucia Hughes and Thomas P. Hughes (19) Robbie and Dave Irvin (25) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jabbour (18) Ellen and Logan Jackson (2) Jane Jester (12) Betsy and Bill Joyner (3) Tom and Mickey Kangur Hank Keating Dr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Keith Hayden and Mary Kepley Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey J. Kierstead (9) Bob and Acra Kluttz Leigh and Andy Koman (2) Joy V. Kontos (10) Scott and Bebe Krewson (18) Rob and Whitney Lang Bingle and Doug Lewis (25) Lea and Randy Loftis (2) Janice and Charlie Lovett (21) Dr. and Mrs. Tad W. Lowdermilk (25) Mrs. Carol Williams Lyerly (16) Beth and Chris Lyon (3) Rachel Malcolm (23) Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mann (17) Peter Marsh and Alicia Hardin (4) Mary Allen and Jim Martin (11) John Scott May (20) Dr. and Mrs. William McCall, Jr. (4) Dr. and Mrs. David McCullough (21) Jason R. McEnaney (13)

Mr. and Mrs. John B. McKinnon (11) Mr. and Mrs. R. Gregory McNeer, Jr. (10) Dr. and Mrs. J. Wayne Meredith (23) Marianne and Rod Meyer Pat FitzHugh Michal (2) Barbara B. Millhouse Dr. and Mrs. Grover Mims Mr. and Mrs. Mark Moir (19) Mr. and Mrs. Robertson L. Moore (20) John M. Morehead (25) Elizabeth and Reid Morgan Mrs. Patricia Bradshaw Morgenstern (20) Lynda King Morris (25) Ken and Mary Nan Moser Deanna Carlisle Moss (2) Edie Murphy (17) Mary Jo and Frank Murphy (2) Mr. Joseph F. Neely and Ms. Joyce Neely (22) Frances and George Newman (9) Brice and Beth O’Brien (4) Roanne and David Ornelles (21) Ernest and Nancy Osborn (14) Mildred W. Paden (24) Ellen and Bill Parsley (25) Jesse and Laura Paschall (10) Cliff and Sarah Pennell (5) Jay and Becky Perkinson Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Perry, Jr. (25) Dane and Virginia Perry (2) Mr. L. Gordon Pfefferkorn, Jr. (20)

Annual Fund Donor Roll

continued Dr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Smith (12) Mrs. Brant Snavely, Jr. (2) Ann Lewallen Spencer Nancy Spencer (17) Dr. and Mrs. William J. Spencer Ms. Marty Spry (2) Les and Jan Standerfer (12) C. Barbour Strickland III (15) Betty and Bob Strickland (2) Jean Olive and Allston Stubbs (25) Betty Sutton (25) Jack and Cindy Sutton (5) Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Terry (11) Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Thomas (22) Kelly Timberlake (3) Rhonda Timberlake (2) Dr. and Mrs. James F. Toole Margaret and David Townsend (22) George and Phyllis Walker (25) Susan Wall Robin and Robert Weisner (2) Jim and Elizabeth Welsh Tom and Rachel Wiggins (23) Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Willis, Jr. (25) Mary Lou and Peter Wilson (11) Mr. and Mrs. H. Vernon Winters (11) Lisa Wright (5) Lynn and Jeff Young (8)

Skip and London Pickett (15) Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward Pleasants, Jr. (22) Mr. Graydon O. Pleasants, Jr. and Ms. Margaret Scales (25) Ms. Shayna K. Pons (20) Karen and Tom Pranikoff (16) Susan and George Ragland (24) Karen and John Regan (14) Curtis E. Reid (12) Dr. and Mrs. Vade Rhoades Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Rice III (19) Charles and Juliana Richards (6) Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Roemer, Jr. (17)


Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Roemer III (23) Stephane Rogers (11) Stephen Rogers (11) Rebecca L. Marion and Russell H. Rollins Karen and Sandy Rudolph (15) Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ruffin (19) John and Fowler Ruffin Delores and Robert Sanders (12) Nancy and John Schultz (4) Jan Shepherd (25) Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Sherrill (17) Colleen Bryant-Sills and Brooks Sills (19) Carolyn O. Simmons (12)

FACULTY & STAFF Anonymous Tamra Abbott (3) Jessica and Mike Alfaro Cinda and duWayne Amen (12) Lisa Arbaugh Mr. and Mrs. Martin Baker (3) Gardner and Heather Barrier (3) Janice C. Blake (16) P.A. and Brandi Blaylock (2) Nancy Bramlett (13) Rob and Judy Breakstone (15) Rachel and Todd Brewbaker Jeff and Mary Brown (6) Lisa and David Buschek (3)

Cara and Buck Byrum (5) Jason and Jennifer Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Brad A. Calhoun (10) Mrs. Nancy C. Chapman (15) Gabriel and Sarah Chrysson Caleb and Andrea Clauset (7) Melissa and George Cleland (12) Cathryn C. Coles (2) Emily Craig (2) Chris and Kathy Culp (19) da Luz Family (5) Sarah and Tom Dalrymple (15) Dicky and Amanda Deal (2) Cathy and Walter Denning (22) Joe and Cheryl Dickson (10) Mr. and Mrs. G. Walker Douglas (25) Mr. and Mrs. R. Paul Dresel (4) Liz and Michael Ebeling (7) Meredith and Adam Elrod (3) Conrad and Lisa Emmerich (2) Ms. Barbara C. Eure (10) Mr. and Mrs. Jason Felten (3) Nancy Figan Dolores and Moises Flores de Valgaz (14) Stephanie Flores de Valgaz (2) Robin and Dana French Billy and Donza Friende Christine and Roger Gagnon (25) Jodi Turner and Bill Gifford (10) Julie Giljames (10) Richard and Jennifer Gottlieb (9) Deborah Seals Grigg (13) Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hano (9) Steve Harberger Mr. and Mrs. Brian Haskell (2) Susan and Jay Hedgpeth (25) Henry G. and Julie M. Heidtmann (14) Kate and Theo Helm (11) Scott and Christy Hemby (10) Dr. Kristin Bennett and Mr. Andrew Holgate (10) Elizabeth Rief and Shawn Hooper (12) Karen House (13) Alyssa and Mike Hubbard (3)

Jill and Brad Hunt (4) Misty Hyman Jane Jester (12) Doug Johnson (8) Barbara Kapp (13) Kristen and Brent Keene (7) Barbara and Brent Kirby (9) Cindy and Bob Kluttz Joy V. Kontos (10)

Scott and Bebe Krewson (18) Dr. and Mrs. David Kunkle Lesley-Anne Lamb (3) Mary Katherine Lautemann Ms. Amy S. Lawrence (3) Kathryn K. Linville (2) Simon and Katherine Mahler Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Malloy (5) Jason R. McEnaney (13)

Mr. and Mrs. R. Gregory McNeer, Jr. (10) Trish McRae (3) David and Susanne McWilliams Elizabeth Turner and Sam Merrick (2) Shannon and Ryan Mihalko (10) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Moir (19) Mr. and Mrs. Robertson L. Moore (20)

Frank Morelli (3) Deanna Carlisle Moss (2) Colby and Sean Murphy (8) Tim and Lindsay Musser Bob and Mindy Ogburn Salem Simmons Parham (2) John and Dominique Patrick (18) Leane Peddycord (2) Josh Perry (8)

Louisa and Mark Petersen (6) Jordan and Meredith Peterson (4) Thomas and Ashley Petronzio Susan and Greg Pfaff (6) Michael and Elaine Phelps (4) Don and Lynn Pocock (2) Anne and Alex Pope (2) Kathleen and David Pounds (12) Karen and Tom Pranikoff (16) Luanne Kelley Rejeski (12) Jon and Elizabeth Reynolds (15) Anna Roberge Suzanna Roemer (6) Stephane Rogers (11) Rebecca L. Marion and Russell H. Rollins Lynne and Herb Roosa (15) Jeanne and Ben Sayers (2) Kianna Scanlon Barbara and Bill Scantland (9) Susan and Gary Schambach (3) Tom Shaver (10) Ken and Stefoni Shaw (4) Glenda M. Shelton (12) Jan Shepherd (25) Bekah and Shaun Sidden (5) Colleen Bryant-Sills and Brooks Sills (19) Jeff and Kelly Silver (3) Carolyn O. Simmons (12) Terri and Jim Skinner (7) Amy M. Smith (4) Dr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Smith (12) Mark and Karen Sohmer (12) Jennifer Sparnicht (9) Ms. Marty Spry (2) George and Ashley Stabolitis (12) Dack Stackhouse (10) Dana and James Stallings (6) Les and Jan Standerfer (12) David Stoeri (12) Billy Stoltz (9) Carter and Sharon Sturkie (6) Betty Sutton (25) Parker Kelly Tegeler (2) Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Terry (11) Ginger and John Thomas (3)

Martha and John Thompson (19) Kelly Timberlake (3) Rhonda Timberlake (2) Teresa and Dean Tsipis (6) Martin Tucker (9) Nancy and Chris Tuohy (4) Lisa and Jeff Turner (13) Marea Van Tilburg (2) Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Veneziano, Jr. (2) Maura and Mark Way Janice and Jim Weiss (5) Meredith and Win Welch (18) Dennis and Ginger Wiggins Rachel Will (2) Kelly and David Williams (3) Mr. and Mrs. J. Mel Williams (8) Lisa Wright (5) Heather Scantland Younts (9)

Former Faculty, staff & Friends Sandra P. Adams (25) Martha Albertson (25) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Ashworth (25) Pat and Gene Capps (25) Alice and George Cleland (17) Richard H. Clement (11) Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Douthit (10) Betty Earle Janet L. Honecker (2) Tawnya Hopkins Mary and Jim Johnson (9) Melanie Kelly Bingle and Doug Lewis (25) Janice and Charlie Lovett (21) Rachel Malcolm (23) Mary Allen and Jim Martin (11) Pat FitzHugh Michal (2) Roanne and David Ornelles (21) Mildred W. Paden (24) Linda Penney (10) Dane and Virginia Perry (2) Bonnie and Mike Poston


Annual Fund Donor Roll Mary and Cal Ratcliff Elizabeth Rhoades Jody Shaw Paul Sinal (12) Idus and Susan Stinson Rob and Holly Stowe George and Theresa Thomas Katy Warren Towers (8) George and Phyllis Walker (25) Roxie and Wardell Williams (2) Ned and Julia Woodall

organizations, foundations, matching gift companies AmazonSmile Foundation Bank of America Foundation Boeing Matching Gift Program Carriage House Restaurant Clarkston Consulting Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Duke Energy Foundation First Tennessee Foundation Matching Gift Program General Mills Box Tops for Education HANESbrands, Inc. Harris Teeter, Inc. IBM Direct Keating Christian Ministries, Inc. Lovett Foundation One Cause Pfefferkorn Foundation, Inc. Religious Society of Friends Reynolds American Foundation SM Energy Company Summit School Parents’ Association Target UBS Financial Services Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program



Alumni Annual Fund Because of you, Summit educators create a fertile learning environment for each student.

Dollars raised by Alumni was more than $150,000! Alumni giving was 20% above last year

Last summer, the Advancement Office began an initiative aimed at keeping Alumni in better touch with Summit. To that end, the Alumni Council was created. The primary goals of the council are to get Alumni involved, and to share with them the inspiring things happening at Summit today.

and sustain the vitality of students’ academic experience. Response from alumni is extremely gratifying because it indicates a Summit education is valued long after graduation.

Sandlin Douglas ’94 and Kay D. Burress King ’83, current parents and members of the Board of Trustees, agreed to serve as chairs of the council for its first two years. They also agreed to chair the 2014-15 Alumni Annual Fund.

In addition, alumni donations support the financial aid program. The Alumni Scholarship Fund was founded in 1997 with a challenge from the Lovett Foundation. It provides aid to students with demonstrated financial need. To date, alumni dollars assist nearly two students per year.

The results of their efforts speak for themselves and demonstrate that Summit Alumni are proud of this educational institution. Total dollars raised by alumni was more than $150,000! Gifts to the Annual Fund provide about four percent of the school’s operating budget each year. These unrestricted gifts help meet immediate needs, develop relevant new programs

If you are interested in helping with alumni fundraising, please contact Sarah Dalrymple at or by calling 336-724-5811. Thank you for continuing to show your support of Summit!


Alumni Giving by Class Year CLASS OF 1947 Aurelia Gray Eller (25) CLASS OF 1949




Terrie Allen Davis Jane Keiger Gehrig (4) F. Borden Hanes, Jr. (25) CLASS OF 1961

Barbara Babcock Millhouse C. Carter Walker, Jr. (2) CLASS OF 1951 21% Paxson B. Glenn (14) Sam Ogburn (21) Alvin Selby (2) CLASS OF 1952 Susan Taylor Montague CLASS OF 1953 E. Lawrence Davis III Mary Lee Walker Douglas Kay Dalton Snavely (2) CLASS OF 1954 O. Fred Fowler David A. Irvin (25) CLASS OF 1955 Linwood L. Davis (23) C. Edward Pleasants, Jr. (22) CLASS OF 1956 A. Zachary Smith III Benjamin S. Willis, Jr. (25) CLASS OF 1958



Lynn Brenner Eisenberg (22) William E. Hollan, Jr. (6) Mary Allen Mann Martin (11) CLASS OF 1962 3% R. Frank Murphy II (2)







Betty Gray Heefner Davis Patricia Bradshaw Morgenstern (20) Emily Pleasants Smith CLASS OF 1959 9% Donald J. Lineback Clifford W. Perry, Jr. (25) Richard W. Porter (17)




Mike Brenner (3) George W. Chandler, Jr. (2) Tom Gray (25) Harvey S. Martin (25) Lynda King Morris (25) Ellen Carswell Parsley (25) CLASS OF 1964 12% Victoria T. Brawley (2) Vernon Glenn Susan Richardson Hauser (25) CLASS OF 1965 9% Beth Howell Fulk Peter Hawley (6) Gary Michalove (10) Mildred Willis Paden (24) CLASS OF 1966


J. Conrad Graham, Sr. (23) Ellen Parrish Jackson (2) Susan Roberts Lloyd-Graham (2) John Morehead (25) Mark Sohmer (12) CLASS OF 1967 Mary Starling Inman (12) Becky Lewis (16) J. Wayne Meredith (23) Graydon O. Pleasants, Jr. (25)


Sanford H. Rudolph (15) C. Barbour Strickland III (15) CLASS OF 1968 2% Rob Fowler (15) CLASS OF 1969


Anthony H. Disher, Jr. (21) Marian Millaway Douglas (25) DeWitt Chatham Kierstead (9) CLASS OF 1970 8% Anne Howell Gray (23) Robin Hanes (2) John S. May (20) Susan Pfefferkorn (8) CLASS OF 1971

Cinny Strickland Graham (11) William T. Graham, Jr. (11) Elizabeth Medlin Hale (9) Marian Starr Hessman (3) K. Elizabeth Sutton Hoppe (23) Beth Avera McGee John L. Ruffin Penn Shore (19) C. Fairley Spillman CLASS OF 1975


John D. Eller III (3) Leesa Lybrook Goodson (9) Ann Waynick Hill Celia Lewis (2) Cathryn R. Newton (3) Thomas F. O’Brien III (25) Betty Holmes Richardson (8) Henry C. Roemer III (23) Elizabeth Perkinson Simmons (2) J. Jackson Sutton III (2) Phil Thomas (22) CLASS OF 1972 6% Sarah Colhoun Engram (22) Thomas G. Hardy III Helen Levin (8) Rick Pfefferkorn (25) CLASS OF 1973 14% Betsy Neill Blue (23) David L. Bodenhamer, Jr. (21) Aurelia Eller Cathey (3) Chris Conrad (12) Chic Huber (12) Sallie Spencer Rice (19) Thomas B. Rice (19)

Dalt Ruffin (24) Cannon Simpson Stoffel (19) Julie Clinard Townsend (16) Thatcher L. Townsend III (16) CLASS OF 1974 14%


Charles Douglas (25) Paul Marshall James III (11) London Lake Pickett (15) Jane Dudley Portman (25) Brant R. Snavely III (25) CLASS OF 1976 12% G. Thomas Boyette III (19) Martha Brown Hartley (25) Rob Moore (20) Winifred Alice von T. Napp Morley (18) Ridgely Medlin Phillips (25) Will Spencer (18) Tricia Vaughn (9) CLASS OF 1977 10% Marie Flow Arcuri (25) Gray Carter (10) Anne Glenn (12) David L. Kelly III Charles C. Lovett (21) James M. Ruffin (19) John Thomas (3) CLASS OF 1978 E. Taylor Bowen III (4) Richard Brenner (2)


Walker Douglas (25) James F. Toole III (2) Margaret Driscoll Townsend (22) CLASS OF 1979 16%


Kathryn Cater Bergquist (11) Walter Beroth (11) George M. Cleland IV (12) Gigi Perkinson Hershey (14) Linda Holmes Horsley (20) Carolyn V. Huettel (14) J. Christopher Spear (17) Kathryn Snavely White CLASS OF 1980 8%

Devon Davis Baldwin Gary G. Fleming, Jr. (25) Carolyn Sherrill Fuller (25) Jennifer Eisenberg Grosswald (13) Will Joyner Juliana Cleland Richards (6) Greg Wilson (2) CLASS OF 1986 15%

Andrew Carr (15) David C. Eagan (14) James G. Galloway, Jr. (2) Christopher N. Jones (19) Jan Williams Tribble (11) CLASS OF 1981 Julia Cardwell Archer (18) Jennifer J. Cleland (20) Carol Williams Lyerly (16) Scottie Galloway Neill (20) Hollie Thomas Rollins (2) William M. Sneden Jim Sutton (25) CLASS OF 1982 Bryan Adams (25) Bartlett Spencer Bassett Chris Culp (19) Robert L. Edwards, Jr. (25) CLASS OF 1983 Filippo Berti (5) Stephen Carr (15) Lisa Pappas Field (2) Kay D. Burress King (8) Sarah Parrott Lathrop (25) John L. Schultz, Jr. (18) Brian K. Weisner (24)


Katherine Graves Littlejohn (15) Robb Mothershed CLASS OF 1985





Ben Baker (14) Brian Eisenberg (11) Matthew Henrichs (6) Melissa Keith Lewis Sara-Peyton Joyner McCormick (3) Prenard R. Mickens John Kenneth Moser Ford Perry (2) Elizabeth Newman Smyth (7) James Stubbs (23) Shannon Davis Wilson

David L. Holden (3) Hesta Fleming Monday Aly Kleinmaier Moser CLASS OF 1993


J. Archer Butler Suzanne Collins Davis (12) William E. Hollan III (8) Lara Hanes Pierce

Scott Bowen (7) Carlyle Chandler III (13) Elisabeth Frost Dresel (4) Whitney Wright Lewallen (15) Kimbrel Bunn Morris (20) John Morrow (2) Beth Perry Skorich (8) Dack Stackhouse (10) Allston J. Stubbs IV (24) Fletcher Wilson (4) CLASS OF 1987





Charlotte Chandler Broughton (23) J. Wesley Davis IV (25) Whitfield S. Edwards (25) Paula Sommerkamp Magargle (3) Ashley Moser Veneziano (2) CLASS OF 1988 12%

Teddy Crawford (24) John Hollan (17) Bob Kluttz (1) Sara Holmes Meehan (6) Elizabeth Turner (2)

Jonathan Blanco (10) Elizabeth Vann Bowman (10) Samuel Gray (9) Parker Grubbs (10) Colby Morris Murphy (8) Marten W. Quadland III (3) Meredith McCullough Welch (18) Jennifer Blackmer Williams (8)

Drew Cannon (3) Brad Fowler (3) Elizabeth Whitaker Kelly (8) Anne Spencer Pope (2) Teebie Bunn Saunders (19) Alexander Stubbs (23) CLASS OF 1992


Susan Spaugh Alexander (4) Susan M. Branch Anna Mackie Calhoun (10)

7% CLASS OF 1994


Sandlin Douglas (21) Josh Perry (8) Mary Craig Wilson Tennille (3) Eleanor Cross Young 8%



Denise Gagnon Faulhaber (15) Dorothea Garner McCollum Emily Sutton Parsley (10) Will Parsley (10) Forrest Stephens Staton (6) Bill Stevens 8%



Robert F. Baldwin III (5) Michael Schultz


Alumni Annual Fund by Class Year CLASS OF 2004



James Wilson Douglas, Jr. (9) Gray Hill Will Hoppe (10) CLASS OF 2005 7%

Brennen Carr (4) Isabelle Jones Justin Lang (2) Robbie Lyerly (17) Olivia Paschall (4) Jenny Sutton (2) CLASS OF 2012

Margaret Douglas (11) Conley Henderson (10) Barbre McGill Annie Ornelles Catherine Rice (2) Suzanna Roemer (6) CLASS OF 2006 Anna Jarrett Hill Emily Krewson (10) Carter Malmo (5) Ted Morgan Whitt Morgan Jackson Sutton (2) CLASS OF 2007

CLASS OF 1997 Russ Gagnon (16) Emily Brown Rostlund CLASS OF 1998




Fran Sizemore (8) CLASS OF 2001 6%

Molly Ashworth DeCola Susan Ashworth Dumbacher (8) Jackie Sizemore (8) Hayes Wauford Kelly Young Williams (3) CLASS OF 1999 5% Dixon Douglas (2) Lewis Fowler Katie Parsley Johnson (2) Rachel Neely Johnson (3)



Anna Henderson Brantley (12) Stephanie Flores de Valgaz (2) Michael Gordon (3) Millie Crockett Schultz CLASS OF 2002 Meredith Ahles Elrod (3) Parker Kelly Tegeler (2) CLASS OF 2003 Gabriel Chrysson Elizabeth Krewson (10) Rae Hinkle Pickler



McDara Folan Cort Fox Haley Gfeller (5) Blitz Hoppe (8) Jessica Jabbour (5) Katie Pons (8) CLASS OF 2008 Thomas Douglas (8) McCabe Galloway (2) Jesse Paschall (7) Ginny Rice (2) Blair Roemer (5) CLASS OF 2009 Austin Conger CLASS OF 2010 Benjamin J. Carson IV (5) Chris W. Eagan (5) Jack Elster McKenzie Folan (5) Gray Galloway (2) Stan C. Green (9) David Moore (6)




George Conger (2) Kerry E. Eagan (4) William Morgan (2) Adam Ornelles (2) Matthew Regan (2) CLASS OF 2013 Jonah da Luz Colin Dossel Jack Green (9) Gavin Grosswald Ellie Kangur (2) Marie Hope Preske (2) Jack Roemer (3) Elisa Sturkie (2) CLASS OF 2014 Jake Lang (2) Turner Malmo (2) Stella McAuley Elizabeth Moore CLASS OF 2015 David Green (9) CLASS OF 2018





Alex Green (4) CLASS OF 2020 Raike Batten (2) CLASS OF 2022 Hines Batten (2)





Gifts were made in honor of the following individuals and groups.

Summit Teachers & Staff

Jim and Nancy Mattox

Class of 1970

Jack Moser ’23

John Adams

Mary Olivia Moser ’25

Sandra Adams

Elizabeth Powers ’20

Gardner Barrier

Robbie Powers ’18

Ann Yancey Bassett ’16

Bob Probst

McKinley Bassett ’18

Kate Quadland ’18

Nancy Borremans

Warren Quadland ’16

Shannon and Mike Chang

Ashley Rhoades ’16

Nancy Chapman

Suzanna Roemer ’05

Noah Cline ’19

Tom Shaver

Cathy Denning

Jan Shepherd

Mary Martha Douglas

Kelly Silver

Barbara Eure

Marty Spry

Carrie and Jay Galloway ’00

Rom Still

Camille and Jimbo Galloway ’80

Carlie Stubbs

Carrie and Jay Galloway ’00

Teresa Tsipis

Debbie Grigg

Annabella Veneziano ’21

Stephen Hendrix ’17

Finn Veneziano ’25

Allie Hiersteiner ’17

Noah Veneziano ’20

The Bill Hollan III Family

Poppy Veneziano ’22

Loma Hopkins

Caroline Welch ’14

Mary Johnson

Edwin Welch ’17

Katherine Mahler

Henry Welch ’19

Lila Mahler ’19

Jacob Winslow ’22

Max Mahler ’22

Cathy Denning

Rachel Winslow ’25

Ash Huggins ’15

Rachel Malcolm

Betty Sutton

New seats named in the Loma Hopkins Theatre

Mary Johnson Catherine Patrick ’15

growth respect genuine

Stella Jane Pierce Thomas Pierce Tom Shaver Ken Shaw Marty Spry


Named Endowment Funds Faculty Support and Professional Development Lewis Fund for Faculty Excellence - 1990 Established to honor former Headmaster Doug Lewis and long-time teacher Bingle Lewis, and to provide professional development opportunities for Summit faculty. Lula Ditmore Sandlin Fund for Teaching Enrichment - 1990 Established in loving memory of Mrs. Sandlin to honor her 40 years of teaching and to provide support for Summit faculty. Aurelia Plumly Spaugh Fund - 1992 Established with a bequest from Aurelia Spaugh, one of Summit’s first teachers, to provide a four to six week mini-sabbatical for a teacher to travel, do research, study at other schools, etc. Wilson Family Enrichment Fund - 1993 Established with a bequest by Diana Dyer Wilson and added to during the Great Expectations campaign by her family to support programs, events, curriculum, and other resources that promote innovations in learning and teaching. Albert L. Butler, Jr. and Elizabeth Bahnson Butler Endowment of the Lewis Fund for Faculty Excellence - 1997 Established by Betty and Albert Butler, Summit parents, trustees and grandparents, to honor Doug and Bingle Lewis on the occasion of their retirement and to continue the Lewis’ commitment to supporting quality teaching at Summit.


Anne Hanes Willis ’36 Endowment of the Lewis Fund for Faculty Excellence - 1997

Year indicates date established.

Financial Assistance

Established by bequest from Anne Willis, Summit alumna, parent and grandparent, to honor Doug and Bingle Lewis and support quality teaching at Summit.

Clara Allen Scholarship Fund - 1990

Elizabeth Fuller and Henry Lewis Valk Fund for Faculty Excellence - 1999

Jessica Marsha Wolfman ’94 Exchange Fund - 1994

Established by Summit parents, Bungy and Henry Valk, in honor of the teachers who influenced their children, and to promote quality teaching for future generations of students.

Established in loving memory of Jessi to help students experience the wonders of travel through Summit’s exchange program and other school sponsored trips.

Marian Millaway Douglas ’69 Award for Faculty Excellence - 2001 Established by family and friends to honor Mrs. Douglas for her love of and dedication to Summit, and to recognize her parents who made a Summit education a priority for their daughter. This fund rewards teachers whose excellence and enthusiasm spark the flame of learning in students. Mary Lee Nelson LaFar Moore Endowment for Faculty Support - 2001 Established by bequest from Mary Lee Moore, parent of Thomas O. Moore III ’74, Robertson L. Moore ’76, Mary Lee H. Moore ’81; and grandparent of Thomas O. Moore IV ’06, George B. Moore ’08, David R. L. Moore ’10 and Elizabeth A. Moore ’14 to enhance teaching excellence at Summit. Endowment for the Center for Excellence and Innovation – 2014 Established to support professional development and learning opportunities for educators at Summit and throughout the wider community.

Established to honor Clara Allen, Summit teacher for 34 years, and to provide financial aid for students.

Alumni Scholarship Fund - 1997 Established in response to the Lovett Challenge during the Great Expectations, Building the Future Campaign to provide financial assistance to deserving students who might not otherwise be able to attend Summit. Head’s Discretionary Fund - 1997 Initiated by Summit faculty and staff in 1991 and endowed by an anonymous donor during the Great Expectations Campaign to enable the head of school to address non-tuition related school expenses for deserving students with demonstrated financial need. Marian G. DeBell Fund - 2000 Established in loving memory of Mrs. DeBell by her family to provide financial aid to deserving students who otherwise would be unable to attend Summit. The Perkinson Family Travel Fund - 2000 Established in memory of Carl J. Perkinson by Mrs. Carl J. Perkinson, Mrs. Gladys Perkinson Hershey ’79, Mr. John Perkinson ’74 and Ms. Elizabeth Graves Perkinson ’71

to help students with demonstrated financial need enrich their educational experiences by participating in school-endorsed trips. Sara Courtney Bradshaw ’05 Fund - 2001 Established in loving memory of Sara by her family, classmates and friends in celebration of the joy of friendship, caring and kindness Sara and her classmates shared and to provide financial aid for deserving students. Donna Shores Diversity Fund - 2002 Established in loving memory of Donna by her colleagues at Summit, the Summit School Parents’ Association, and other friends. In recognition of Donna’s 29 years of master teaching at Summit, this fund supports diversity through financial aid. Summit School Opportunity Fund - 2006 Established at the Winston-Salem Foundation by the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust to honor Dr. Ramon Velez for his service on their Poor and Needy Division Advisory board. This fund provides financial aid to children of needy families in Forsyth County. The Triad Academy Financial Aid Endowment - 2012 Established upon the merger of Triad Academy and Summit School to provide financial assistance for bright students diagnosed with dyslexia and related reading-based academic difficulties. Katherine V. Rachel Moyer ’00 Endowment Fund - 2013 Established by Charles E. and Carolyn F. Moyer to honor their daughter, Katherine. This fund provides need-based financial aid for students whose families might not otherwise be able to afford a Summit education.

Sylvia Holt Cebeci ’56 Memorial Fund - 2014

General and Operating Support

Established by Dr. Tuncer Cebeci in honor of his late wife, Sylvia Holt Cebeci, Summit School Class of 1956. This fund provides need-based tuition assistance for deserving students.

Summit School Endowment Fund - 1959 Established at the Winston-Salem Foundation with a gift from Frank B. Hanes, Sr. to support Summit. Joe Parrish, Jr. Sports Fund - 1985 Established by the Summit Board of Trustees in memory of Joe Parrish, Jr., parent and board member. The fund celebrates Joe’s joyful spirit, energy and enthusiasm in his love of sports, and provides support of the physical education and sports programs. Louise Futrell Fund - 1990 Established with a bequest from Miss Futrell, Summit’s founder, to continue her work with children with specific learning differences. Kate Sandridge Sink ’53 Fund - 1995 Established by bequest from Kate S. Sink, Summit alumna and parent, for general support of Summit’s programs. Thomas A. Gray ’63 Endowment - 2008 Established by Mr. Gray, this fund’s income is used at the discretion of the Head of School.

$15.3 million Total Endowment as of 6/30/2015



Gifts were made in memory of the following individuals.

Beatrice Aycock Parent of Bebe Krewson, Lower School Learning Specialist Grandparent of Elizabeth ’03 and Emily ’06 Krewson

John Myers ’75 Parent of Lilly ’12 and Robert ’16 Myers Brother of James Myers ’81

Russell Baker Grandparent of Nicholas Baker ’20

Peggy Pruett Music Teacher 1954-60, 3rd Grade Teacher 1960-63, 2nd Grade Teacher 1963-82 Parent of MacLeod Fitzgerald ’62, Pamela P. Short ’64, John Pruett ’68 and Laurie P. Wright ’72 Grandparent of Jay ’84 and Amy ’90 Short Aunt of Jean P. Sawyer ’75

Jenny Kimbrel Bunn Board of Trustees 1983-89 Parent of Kimbrel B. Morris ’86 and Jane B. Sanders ’91 Joshua Carson Brother of Benjamin ’10 and Nathaniel ’17 Carson Judith Carter Photography Teacher 2003-06 Nilla Dudley Childs ’73 Parent of Daniel ’96 and David ’99 Childs Sister of Jane D. Portman ’75, Dolly Dudley ’79 and Sally D. Harper ’84 R. Baker Crawford III ’87 Brother of Teddy Crawford ’90 Kristen A. Duren ’84 Annabelle Fong Parent of Roanne Ornelles, Dir. of Elementary Grades & Diversity Coordinator 2006-2013 Grandparent of Annie ’05 and Adam ’12 Ornelles

Hadley Scott Sister of Robin Butcher Gilmartin ’72 Aunt of Penn ’97 and John ’00 Whaling

Names in bold indicate commitments from new families to the New Parents’ Capital Campaign Anonymous 2014-15 Freshmen Boys’ Basketball Team 9th Grade Parents Frederick Adams and April Ruffin-Adams Sandra P. Adams Wyatt and Bartlett Bassett Susan M. Branch Missy and Archer Butler Thomas and Elizabeth Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Sandlin M. Douglas Dr. Will and Anne Fleeson James G. Hanes Memorial Fund Gigi Perkinson Hershey Jonathan and Jessica Himebauch Debbie and Jeremy Huggins Liz and Stan Kelly Cindy and Bob Kluttz Scott and Ticia Kribbs Richard and Melissa Lewis

Simon and Katherine Mahler Dot and Matt McCollum Fred and Cecelia McPhail Mr. Shaver’s Class Mrs. Spry’s Class Dianna Howard and Joe Oldham John and Dominique Patrick Phil Petros Lara Hanes Pierce Kimberly Powers

Leah and Thomas Ravenel James and Winnie Reaves David and Julia Smull C. Bain and Christine Storch Summit School Parents’ Association Nancy and Chris Tuohy Lisa and Jeff Turner Carter and Melissa Ward Neil and Pamela Wolfman Jason and Kristen Zaks

Donna B. Shores First Grade Teacher 1973-2002 Parent of Craig ’81 and Christopher ’83 Shores Julia Sneden Kindergarden Teacher 1973-98 Parent of John ’77, Will ’81 and Rob ’85 Sneden Nell Penn Spencer Parent of William Spencer ’69 and Sallie S. Rice ’73 Mother-in-Law of Thomas Rice III ’73 Grandparent of Catherine ’05 and Ginny ’08 Rice Jack Tally Superintendent of Maintenance 1966-2000

Matthew Gfeller ’08 Brother of Haley Gfeller ’07

Emma Thomas Sister of Bibi ’17, Annie ’19 and Jack ’19 Thomas

Betty Holmes Parent of Jim ’67 and Dalton ’74 Holmes, Betsy H. Richardson ’71 and Linda H. Horsley ’79 Grandparent of Sally H. Meehan ’90, Jimmy ’95 and Andrew ’96 Holmes Great-Grandparent of Riley Meehan ’19

Stuart Thomas Parent of Bibi ’17, Annie ’19 and Jack ’19 Thomas

Barbara Israel Mother-in-Law of Vaughn McCall ’73 Grandparent of Will ’04, James ’07 and Jack ’09 McCall

Capital & Endowment Gifts

Betsy White Parent of Sarah Dalrymple, Dir. of Alumni and Parent Engagement Grandparent of Katie ’15 and Bo ’18 Dalrymple Larry Williams Father-in-Law of Jeff Turner, Dir. of Auxiliary Programs Grandparent of Elaine ’13 and Dorothy ’18 Turner

Mary Mann Parent of Mary Allen M. Martin ’61 and William Mann ’66 Grandparent of David ’90 and Peter ’92 Martin, Mary Taylor ’08, John ’09, Katharine ’10, Betsy ’11 and Katie ’13 Mann



Patrons for Tomorrow

Supporting Summit School through planned gifts.

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Summit appreciates the people – those named below, those who wish to remain anonymous and those who have not yet informed us of their generous intentions – who have included Summit in their estate plans. Their thoughtfulness will inspire learning at Summit for generations to come. Anonymous (10) Dr. Sandra P. Adams Mrs. Clara D. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Leslie M. Baker, Jr. Mary Louise Eller Ball ’75 Ms. Kathryn Cater Bergquist ’79 Mr. Royall R., Jr. ’65 and Mrs. Henrietta D. Brown Mr. James A. Bunn III Ms. Ashley P. Christopher ’82 Mrs. Ellen Stockton Coble Mr. Robert F. Coleman III Mr. Fred Harwell, Jr. and Ms. Joslin Davis Mr. John W. Davis III Marian Millaway Douglas ’69

Mr. Frank E. Driscoll Mr. Garth K. Dunklin ’78 Mrs. Aurelia Gray Eller ’47 Dr. and Mrs. John C. Faris Mr. Paul Fulton, Jr. Mr. James A. Gallaher ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Martin P. Gilmore Mr. E. Vernon Glenn ’64 Mr. William T. Graham Dr. Samuel B. Gray ’88 Mr. Thomas A. Gray ’63 Mr. F. Borden, Jr. ’60 and Mrs. Ann S. Hanes Mr. and Mrs. G. Scott Haynie Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Henderson

Mrs. Loma C. Hopkins Mrs. Nancy H. Janeway Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Lewis Mr. Charles C. Lovett ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. MacKenzie Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Malmo III Mr. and Mrs. John B. McKinnon Mrs. Katherine Memory Mr. and Mrs. J. Rodney Meyer Helen Lee Mittelstadt ’72 Dr. Carolyn Moyer and Mr. Charles Moyer Ms. Edie Murphy Mr. R. Frank II ’62 and Mrs. Mary Jo Murphy Mr. Christoph and Mrs. Drewry Hanes ’63 Nostitz

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Mr. Clifford W. Perry III ’89 Betty Holmes Richardson ’71 Mr. Mark A. Robinson ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Terry B. Snider Ms. Louisa J. Sohmer ’74 Mrs. John J. Sutton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Sykes Lisa A. Taylor ’80 Dr. and Mrs. Charles Turner Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Turner Mr. and Mrs. John L. Turner Mr. John C., Jr. ’52 and Mrs. Elizabeth Whitaker Mr. A. Tab Williams, Jr. Mrs. Allan Hollan Womble Mr. Ralph H. Womble ’69

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The Patrons for Tomorrow club was established to recognize those friends who have made provisions for a planned gift to Summit. Planned gifts through a bequest or other ways of giving can help you realize important tax benefits while making a significant contribution to the school.

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Here are several ways you can support Summit and become a member of the Patrons for Tomorrow club • A bequest through your will for a fixed amount (cash, stock, real estate) or a percentage of your estate. • A gift naming Summit as beneficiary and/or owner of a new or existing life insurance policy. • A trust or other deferred gift arrangement that can benefit both Summit and your family. With careful planning, your charitable gift may provide steady income for you or a family member, provide income tax deductions, allow you to avoid capital gains taxes on highly appreciated property, and help you reduce estate and gift taxes. To find out more about estate gift opportunities and charitable trusts, please contact Jeanne Sayers, Director of Development at 336-724-5811.

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Designed to inspire, illuminate and connect, our facilities provide spaces for memorable exchange and individual learning.



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