Sumner Newsletter 2012 Winter Edition

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SUMNER ALUMNI NEWS Vol. 2 Issue 4 Fall/Winter Newsletter of the Sumner High School Alumni Association of Kansas City, Kansas, Inc. 2012 Purpose of The A



reetings Fellow Sumnerites and Friends of the Sumner Community, With this issue of your Fall/Winter Sumner Alumni News, come best Dr. Deloris Pinkard wishes to each of you as we are full-swing into this active Holiday Season. No matter the outcomes of our national and local elections, a major issue is that each one of us exercise our right, responsibility, and privilege to VOTE. Our Alumni web site ( has carried important voter information and regulations to help and encourage all of us – and our families and friends to that end. Our Alumni Web Site is ready to go on-line. We have a few technical details still to be worked out. With Joan Moore Carter (Class of 1968 as our Web Designer, we are in the process of getting on line with lots of interesting and important information, as well as fun photos and memories you will appreciate. If you have some class photos or old Sumner memories in print or pictures, please send them to President Pinkard or to Joan at Membership and Communications Committee members assisting with the web site are Naomi Baker Evans (Class of 1960), Gerri-Ann Jenkins (Class of 1973), Ron Hopkins (FL Schlagle Class of 1978, and Deloris Strickland Pinkard (Class of 1962). Special appreciation goes to former committee members

Roy L. Robinson, Bettye Maddox, and Patricia Davis Baker for laying the groundwork for accessing the web site. The New Year is already upon us. From all of us on your Alumni Executive Committee, come wishes to you for good health, peace, and happiness. Recently, our Alumni Association has experienced two very successful scholarship fund raising and FUN activities. THANK YOU TO ALL ALUMNI AND FRIENDS WHO SUPPORTED AND FACILITATED THESE PROJECTS. 1 – The first Sumner Alumni Bowling League, led by Thomas Gordon (Class of 1966) Melvin Anderson (deceased Aug. 2012; Class of 1962), and Bob Milan, Sr. (Class of 1952) presented the Alumni Scholarship Fund with $525.00 at the September 29, 2012 quarterly meeting. The members of the Summer Bowling League were represented at the meeting by those pictured in this newsletter. The next 12-weeks bowling session is planned for Spring 2013 starting in March and running for the usual 12-weeks session. A Summer League starting in June is also planned. ALL LEVELS of bowling abilities are welcomed, and bowlers do not have to be Sumnerites; just fun-lovers who want a little healthy exercise. Try to get four or more of your class members to form Class Teams. Teams do not have to be comprised of only class members; family members are welcomed also. BE THINKING ABOUT BOWLING WITH US at K C Bowl, 82nd and State Avenue, on Wednesday’s at 11:00 AM.

2 - Morris Campbell (VP and Class of 1962) led the JAZZ in the Afternoon and Silent Auction Event of October 6, 2012. Please look for the photos and event article in this issue. THANK YOU to all who supported the event, particularly those who are out of town but sent a contribution or paid for a Donor’s Ticket even though you could not be here to attend. Profit to our Scholarship Fund totaled more than $1,500.00. Our current officers have agreed to continue in their positions for the next 2-year term. The Chaplain’s position will be assumed by Rev. Chauncey R. Black. With no additional nominees coming from the floor at our September meeting, the expectation is that the secretary will cast one unanimous vote for the slate as presented. Any required installations will occur at the December 15, 2012 quarterly general membership meeting. Finally, please note that we are looking for your help with various additional projects, such as seeking our own building/facility through grantproposal writing; research assistance tracking the progress of our 15+ years of scholarship recipients led by Janet Rogers Morgan, (Class of 1957); and/or volunteering to serve on any of our Standing and Special Committees. CONTACT ME AT 913-334-6476 OR Until next time,

Dr. Deloris Strickland Pinkard President, 2011-2012



At the General Membership meeting held September 29, 2012, four members/new attendees were acknowledged: from the Class of 60' Janae Holland Haygood and David Maddox; Valera Richmond Jefferson, Class of 62', and Veda Monday, Class of 66'. Acknowledgement of appreciation of the June, 2012 Sumner Day Celebration was sent to Trinity AME Church, to the attention of Pastor Fran Cary and “The Sumner Day” Planning Committee. Sympathy acknowledgement was sent to Alumni Room chairperson, Granvile O'Neal (and Family) in the loss of Mr. O'Neal's father. The Association president also sent condolences to the family of Melvin Anderson, Class of 1962, who was also co-organizer of the Sumner Alumni Bowling League; and to Bowling League member, Maglother Roath in the death of his twin brother, Arthur Roath (Class of 1962). Remember, we make no difference in our respect of persons, but if we're not advised of an accomplishment, illness or death, we are unable to send acknowledgement in support of your situation. Wayne and Joyce Hanna Co-Chairs


The new Scholarship Committee has been comprised of Carolyn Buford Jones (Class of 1962), Morris N. Campbell, Sr., Robert D. Brady, Jr., Beverly Hooks Scott (Class of 1954), and Marie Williams Morris (Class of 1957) . The committee will work with past 15-year Chairperson, Captola Taylor Harris (Class of 1965) to accomplish the transition. MEMORIAL MARKER COMMITTEE REPORT New Sumner flags for our Memorial Marker site have arrived and a new one is flying above the marker. All recently paid marker names have

been inscribed and installed on the marker. Lighting for the marker has been redirected and now lights the marker itself. Please stop by 9th and Washington Blvd., day or night, to enjoy this memorial. Make this a stop for your Class Reunion celebrations. It is not too late to have your name inscribed on the Sumner High School Memorial Marker. Cost is still $100.00 for each inscription. Funds are used to pay for inscriptions, to maintain the Marker and its flags and lighting. Adrienne Patterson Roselyn Elmore –Bailey Co—Chairs



The Nominating Committee presented its slate of officers for 2013-14 to the General Membership meeting of September 29, 2012. All currently active officers have agreed to continue for a second term under this administration. The position of Chaplain has been offered to Rev. Chauncey R. Black and he has accepted. No other nominations were made when opened to the floor. A unanimous vote for acceptance of the slate cast by the secretary per Robert’s Rules is anticipated for the Dec. 15, 2012 quarterly meeting. Please be ready to support our officers and committee chairpersons. We are appreciative of their willingness to continue the momentum we have attained.

The Sumner Alumni Room participated in the first Wyandotte County Museum Crawl held on Debra Jones Norman Saturday, November 3rd. A special Michael Rogers thanks to all who came out and/or Joanne Mitchell Collins volunteered for the afternoon’s Chairs activities. Thanks go to Adrienne TREASURER/FINANCIAL SECRETARY’S Patterson, Naomi Evans, Clifford REPORT Liggins, Morris Campbell, Wayne and 1 – Great News! Scholarship Funds Joyce Hanna, Granvile O’Neal and have increased by at least $2,000.00 wife, Pam, Deloris Pinkard and John due to Sumner Bowling League’s Yates (Stop in to see his latest $525.00 contribution from its first 12donation to the alumni Room! weeks bowling session and $1,500.00+ Volunteers are also needed to host profit (some receipts may be still to the Chester C. Owens Sumner Alumni come in). 2 – WE ARE NOW Room on the open dates of the second ACCEPTING YOUR NEW OR RENEWAL Tuesdays and fourth Thursdays of each MEMBERSHIP PAYMENTS IN THE month, from 10 AM-2 PM. Select AMOUNT OF $25.00 FOR THE 2013 either day in one or several months, YEAR. Please pay as soon as possible. and times of 2 hours to 4 hours per WE DO NEED YOU. session. Contact Granville O’Neal or Robert D. Brady, Jr. any Executive Committee member to Treasurer volunteer. Shirley Webster-Howard Special appreciation goes to Versa Mansfield Ashley (Class of 1947) and George L. Mansfield III (Class of 1962) for the comprehensive compilation and donation of the History of the Class of 1947 and of Sumner and Northeast Junior High. Be sure to view this collection when you visit the Room. Remember, also, to schedule the Sumner Alumni Bowling League Reps Alumni Room as a stop during your Present Check to Scholarship Fund. Pictured: Clifford Liggins, Debra Jones Class Reunion celebrations. Granvile O’Neal Norman, Thomas Gordon, Venita Kyle, Sumner Alumni Room Curator and Deloris Pinkard, and Maglother Roath. Co-Chair


SILENT AUCTION NETS HALF OF THE PROFIT We also acknowledge several high ticket-sellers for Thanks for your support! Proceeds to their sales work which was another key our Scholarship fund exceeded ingredient to making this a fun, $1,500.00. entertaining, relaxing and profitable A rich range of outstanding afternoon. Thanks to all others who instrumental and vocal music was supported this event and the JAZZ provided “live” by professional committee by selling tickets. Wayne Sumnerites and other guests including (Class of 1960) and Joyce Jones (Class of a special appearance by Mr. Leon 1959) Hanna, Granvile O’Neal (Class of Brady, musician and instructor 1970), Albertine Morgan (Class of extraordinaire. 1948), Rev. Chauncey Black (Class of Lester “Duck” Warner (Class of 66) 1960), Howard Berry (Class of 1964), anchored the band, providing vocal and and Beverly Caruthers Thompson (Class instrumental leadership along with his of 1954-- and her group in from unique brand of humor. Joining “Duck” Topeka) get high ticket sales honors! were: Charles Williams (Class of 1973), Kudos to all of you! Crayge Lindsey (who also donated Additional publicity fliers and radio several of his CDs for the Silent promotions were coordinated by Debra Auction—Class of 1974), James Ward, Jones Norman (Class of 1966), JAZZ Johnny the Drummer and Band Leader/ and “Johnny on the Drums”. Their Committee Publicity Co-chair and Gloria Musician/Vocalist, Lester “Duck” Franklin Watson. President Pinkard sounds were was superb! An excellent meal was catered by Warner (Class of 66) ready for Sumner and VP Campbell were featured in a 23HyVee with service assisted by Program Alumni JAZZ in the Afternoon. minute segment on and Special Projects Committee, internet radio. chaired by Marie Williams Morris (Class of 1957), Georgia This 23-minute promotion was aired in all 50 U.S. States, Thomas Taylor (Class of 1957) assisted by: Carolyn and in several other countries and islands for 3 weeks Mitchell (Class of 1965-- also JAZZ committee member), prior to the Jazz event. Spot announcements were also Debra Jones Norman (Class of 1966) and Gloria Franklin aired on KPRT and KPRS radio, also facilitated by Debra. Watson (Class of 1955). Please note that this event was a joint project of the Our printer/editor/and JAZZ committee member Gerri Sumner Alumni Association and the Sumner Alumni -Ann Jenkins (Class of 1973) of, Foundation! It has been a pleasurable and productive prepared the eye-catching posters and fliers, the tickets, experience. We hope it is the first of many. Thank you to and e-mailed the event announcements to our Foundation Chairman, W. Michael Rogers (Class of 1958) membership. Distribution of fliers to community and the entire Board. businesses and individuals was facilitated by JAZZ committee members, Robert D. Brady (Class of 1962), Carolyn Mitchell, Morris Campbell, Deloris Strickland Pinkard (all Class of 1962), Elmer Jackson Jr., (Class of 1958), Naomi Baker Evans (Class of 1960), and Clifford Liggins (Class of 1961/2).

Alumni and Friends enjoy Jazz Event.

Sumner Alumni JAZZ Band Plays with Mr. Leon Brady


“Silent Auction Makes Its Mark” The JAZZ committee utilized solicitation letters for local businesses requesting their donation of auction items or gift certificates for the Silent Auction. Many alumni members and friends also contributed items for auction. There was a lot of friendly bidding competition which kept things lively. The bidding process resulted in items selling for opening bid lows of $5.00 up to winning bid highs of $135.00 per item. Donors to our auction included Winkler’s Jewelers, Dub’s Dread Golf Club, Painted Hills Golf Course, Lexi’s Salon Experience and Day Spa, Dennis Sports Consulting, Sunflower Golf Course, Sumner Alumni Room, and many individual Alumni and Friends. Special thanks to Mark Hobson whose affiliation with a west coast professional sports memorabilia procurement company provided about a dozen autographed sports items for bidding. We look forward to working with Mark on sports activities and events in the future. IMPORTANT: If YOU still have JAZZ tickets or ticket money out, please send them to our P.O. Box address on back of newsletter immediately. Include your name so that we can remove those tickets from your name/ account. Our treasurer, Robert Brady and our Financial Secretary, Shirley Webster Howard (Class of 1952) have worked diligently and efficiently throughout this entire JAZZ/Auction project. We sincerely thank them AND want to assist their wrap-up of these records. Please do your part as soon as possible. Last, but certainly not least, we offer special thanks to the Kansas City Kansas Community College and its helpful and efficient staff. Kay Crossley plus all of the Staff in Maintenance/Custodial were indispensable to our success. As you see, there were many alumni and friends involved in this project. If anyone feels overlooked in this news release, please forgive the error- and contact the president who will make the correction/addition in the next newsletter.

WEB SITE UP SOON OVERVIEW/OUTLINE We are proud to announce that your Alumni Association has contracted with Joan Moore Carter (Class of 1968) as our Web Site Developer. Two sets of Membership and Communications committee members have worked hard to get us ready to go on line. In fact, it may be that as you are reading this, our web site may be up and ready for your visit! The initial committee of

Naomi Baker Evans, Bettye Maddox (Class of 1962), Patricia Davis Baker (Class of 1962), and Roy L. Robinson (Class of 1964) developed an overview outline for the site and worked with the current committee to get the domain name(s). Joan, along with the current committee, secured the domain(s) and they have started to write, proof, select materials, and plan for content for the various pages/links. We have much important information, many pictures and photos, interactive pages, and some funny memories ready to go on the web site for your information and enjoyment. Current committee members are Naomi Baker Evans, Gerri-Ann Jenkins, Edith Jackson-Turnipseed (Class of 1962), Ronald Hopkins and Deloris Strickland Pinkard. Feel free to watch us as we develop our site and follow us each step of the way. We developed temporary “VOTER REQUIREMENTS INFORMATION” prepared by Roy Robinson and the Social Action Committee on the opening pages. Many changes exist in several states, including Kansas and we wanted to encourage the VOTE as well as to inform you of new I.D. requirements. Joan will be happy to utilize approved materials that you might want to see on the web site. She sees this particular assignment as a privilege (a true Sumnerite attitude) and is developing and maintaining our site at a greatly reduced rate. We are grateful to have her expertise. So, send your ideas, narratives, class photos, etc. to Put the phrase “For Alumni Web Site” in the subject line, please. We thank you in advance for your contributions to web site content.

WE’RE LOOKING FOR… Your Alumni Association is looking for alumni and friends who have interests and abilities in a few areas we are now exploring. 1) We are looking for detail-oriented, research-minded alumni to work with Janet Rogers Morgan (Class of 1957) on a longitudinal study of the impact of our scholarship assistance to our various recipients over the last 15 years. It will yield important information to support continued scholarship fund-raising efforts as well as for helping us to determine relative and direct success of our process. Let us know if you’d like to get involved by contacting Janet, or the president, or any member of the Executive Committee or Foundation Board. 2) We are looking for members to work on any and all of our standing committees. Please see back of this newsletter. If you decide there is a committee of interest to you, please contact the committee’s co-chairs or any member of our Executive Committee.

6 Sumner High School Alumni Association, Inc. P.O. Box 17-2013 Kansas City, Kansas 66117


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SUMNER HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION LEADERSHIP 2011—2012 EXECUTIVE BOARD Dr. Deloris Strickland-Pinkard President Morris N. Campbell, Sr. Vice-President Carolyn Mitchell Recording Secretary Debra Jones-Norman Corresponding Secretary Robert D. Brady, Jr. Treasurer Shirley Webster-Howard Financial Secretary Tiel Sanders Parliamentarian

STANDING COMMITTEE CO-CHAIRPERSONS Executive Dr. Deloris Strickland-Pinkard Morris N. Campbell, Sr.

Budget/Finance Robert D. Brady, Jr. - Shirley Webster-Howard Constitution and Bylaws Tiel Sanders - Dr. Hargest Shumate Membership and Communication Naomi Baker-Evans - Bettye Maddox History, Archival and Alumni Room Granvile O’Neal - Carolyn Mitchell Chester C. Owens, Consultant

Scholarship and Awards Beverly Hooks-Scott Program and Special Projects Marie Williams-Morris - Georgia Thomas-Taylor

Rev. Ephthallia Banks Parliamentarian

Social Action Brenda C. Jones - Howard Berry

Clifford Liggins Sergeant-at-Arms

Courtesy and Hospitality Joyce Jones-Hanna - Wayne Hanna

~~Members-at-Large~~ Dr. Hargest Shumate Dr. Lee Roy Pitts Gloria Franklin-Watson

Nominating Debra Jones-Norman - Mike Rogers Memorial Marker Adrienne Williams-Patterson-Roselyn Elmore Bailey

2012-13 MEETING SCHEDULE Association Meetings will be scheduled for the 5th Saturday in the months containing 5th Saturdays except as noted due to holiday periods. Meeting time is from 1:00 p.m—2:30 p.m. unless otherwise announced. Executive Committee will meet prior to each Association meeting—as scheduled by the Association president. Executive Committee Meetings will be anticipated to be called as needed to conduct Association business between general Association meetings. Location of all meetings for 2013, unless required by external circumstances and announced by the president, will be at the Security/ Arrowhead Branch Bank at 82nd and Parallel Parkway, Kansas City, KS.

2012 December 15 (3rd Sat. due to holiday) Installation of New Officers.

2013 March 30 June 29 August 31 November 16 Sumner Alumni News is distributed by email when email addresses are available. Otherwise postal mail is used. CONTACTS Dr. Deloris Strickland-Pinkard …………..913-334-6476 President Debra Jones-Norman ……………………913-544-4199 Corresponding Secretary Shirley Webster Howard ………………...913-788-7765 Financial Secretary Geraldine A. Jenkins…… ………………..816-522-7872

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