Entrepreneurship in Italy

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Italian young are ready to become enmtrepreneurs?

Agenda 01

Young graduates


Rural Entrepreneurship


Financial help



Italian with Degree Only 17% become entrepreneurs




Economy Jura and Medicine.

scientific, agricultural and chemical-pharmaceutical fields

120.000 in 2016 39.158 in 2016



Between the ages of 25 and 34, 26.4% of the people graduated against 38.8% in the Union. It is the second worst figure in Europe after Romania

26% have degree

Some reason… 1

Young become entrepreneurs because their parents have a SME.


The development of digital skills in Italy is very low.



“for young Italians the school is useful above all to increase knowledge and skills, to learn to reason, to be with others, to develop attitudes and a sense of citizenship, secondly, to knowing how to face life and find a better job”. More than other young in Europe, they also feel the need for a greater educational and professional In the Career day only big corporate goes in the UNI to speak with students for recruiting, not entrepreneurs


They think there is too burocracy (FALSE) – lack of information


Fear .. Too many risks


From 2006 to 2011 the number of owners and young administrators is reduced by about 64 thousand units, 7,800 fewer in the last year alone

Trade, construction, hotels and restaurants are the activities with the greatest vocation for young people, while in the industry there is a real escape.

16,4% 39.158 in 2016



Between the ages of 25 and 34, 26.4% of the people graduated against 38.8% in the Union. It is the second worst figure in Europe after Romania

26% have degree

Other info‌ 1



If the rate of youth entrepreneurship is higher in the Center-North province, in the last 5 years they are those of the South which have shown the best dynamics. Decline of around 46% of owners and future events in manufacturing companies with a good approximation. This must certainly be traced also to the de-industrialization processes taking place in our country as well as to the economic crisis

-21% of agriculture, -14% of construction and -9% of services, the area that mostly contains the losses of youth entrepreneurship.

The situation in the agricultural field Italy is the number 1 in Europe


With over 55,000 farms led by under-35s, Italy is at the top of the European Union for the presence of young people in agriculture Trade, construction, hotels and restaurants are the activities with the greatest vocation for young people, while in the industry there is a real escape.

6% IN 2017 39.158 in 2016



Between the ages of 25 and 34, 26.4% of the people graduated against 38.8% in the Union. It is the second worst figure in Europe after Romania

26% have degree

Who are the under 35s in this field? 1

They are high-tech farmers One in four has a degree





8 out of 10 are used to traveling and going abroad, a feature that helps them enter new markets and send their products around the world. An agricultural entrepreneur under 35 of four is a woman.

They show a particular predilection for the protection of the environment and for social attention

Financial info 1


To start the business, young farmers can count on the help of European funds. Nearly 30.000 young people in 2016/2017 presented in Italy a request for the establishment of the Rural Development Plans (RDP) of the European Union,


with 61% concentrated in the south Italy



Costs: 700 euros per hectare per year, to which we need to add between 800 and 1,200 euros per hectare for processing, seeds, seedlings, labor, equipment and water. Total starting economic commitment fluctuates between 30.000 and 50.000 â‚Ź

Financial help Not only Europe but also Italian Government has approved measure to increase entrepreneurship


interest rate" tender is the incentive for young people and women who want to become entrepreneurs. The benefits are valid throughout Italy and provide for the zero-rate financing of business projects with expenses up to 1.5 million euros which can cover up to 75% of the total eligible expenses.

Results: - 441 Initiatives financed - 96 mln Concessions granted - 2.225 New jobs BENEFICIARIES: Companies to be set up and companies already made up of 12 months max FINANCED EXPENSES: corporate land, buildings, masonry, machinery, plant and equipment, IT programs and services for ICT, patents, licenses and trademarks, specialist consultancy, etc. FACILITATION TYPE: Facilitated financing at 0% rate up to 1.5 million euros

I Measure Zero interest rate

"Smart and Start" call for proposals supports the creation and growth of innovative high-tech and digital startups.The facilitation is granted in order to stimulate a new entrepreneurial culture linked to the digital economy, enhance the results of scientific and technological research and encourage the return of ÂŤbrainsÂť from abroad.

Results: - 906 funded innovative startups - 284 mln Concessions granted - 4.855 New jobs

ACTIVITY SECTORS: Digital; Technology, research or spin off). BENEFICIARIES: Natural person, innovative Startup max 60 months FINANCED EXPENSES: investment and management costs TYPE OF FACILITY: Non-refundable contribution and interest-free financing FINANCIAL ENDOWMENT: 200 million euros

II Measure Smart and Smart

The "Cultura Crea" Call for Proposals supports the creation and growth of entrepreneurial and non-profit initiatives in the cultural-tourist industry that aims to enhance the cultural resources of the territory in the regions of Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Puglia and Sicily.

RESULTS: - 156 financed companies - 24.3 mln of concessions granted - 364 New employees GEOGRAPHIC AREA: Campania, Puglia, Sicily, Basilicata, Calabria BENEFICIARIES: Natural person, Startup, SME, Third Sector

FINANCED EXPENSES: investment and management costs TYPE OF FACILITY: Non-refundable contribution and interest-free financing FINANCIAL ENDOWMENT: € 107,000,000

III Measure “Cultura Crea”

The "Resto al Sud" Call is the incentive that supports the emergence of new entrepreneurial activities initiated by the under-46s in the Southern regions. RESULTS Data updated to January 15, 2019 - 8.491 Completing questions - 5.714 Applications submitted - 2.190 Approved questions Summary Card: GEOGRAPHIC AREA: Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily; ACTIVITY SECTORS: crafts, industry, fishing, aquaculture and activities aimed at providing services, including tourist services;


IVI Measure

BENEFICIARIES: under 46 residents or non-residents in the regions of Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily, who have already carried out (after 21 June 2017) or intend to run a business in the mentioned regions. If non-residents transfer their residence within 60/120 days from the communication of admission to the facility. FACILITATION TYPE: â‚Ź 50,000.00 for each proposing member up to a maximum of 4 members (â‚Ź 200,000.00) with a FUND LOSS of 35% and the remaining 65% at zero rate to be repaid in 8 years, with 24 months of preamortization.

The "SELFIEmployment" Call finances with zero-interest loans the launch of small business initiatives promoted by young NEETs.

RESULTS - 953 Initiatives financed - 32 million euros of concessions granted - 1.802 New jobs BENEFICIARIES: Natural person and companies for up to 12 months but not active FINANCED EXPENSES: Investment and management costs FACILITATION TYPE: Facilitated youth guarantee loan at zero rate up to 50,000 euros FINANCIAL ENDOWMENT: € 107,000,000

V Measure “Selfiemployment”

Daniele Cassini, a young Apulian entrepreneur who transformed a garage into a computer lab before and into a real professional studio, and now collaborates with the most important names in the international economy thanks to the creation of his "CicerOOs" application: a tourist

search engine that uses an algorithm able to sew the itinerary tailored to the traveler. Domenico Cristofaro who with the

Santo FragalĂ , veterinarian, who, at just 25 years of age, has invented a job that combines the most ancient Sicilian tradition and the modern organic products industry. He, the only dromedary breeder in

olives builds slabs for the building. Use olive pomace to

Europe, produces biscuits, cakes, creams, soaps and cosmetic products with their milk.

produce building panels. Pulp, fragments of the stone and peel worked to become long yellowish sheets that are 100% recyclable and usable in the construction of ceilings, houses and roofs. Ecoplan is the name of his company.

Daniela Ducato (15 million euros a year) has invented "Edilana" with wool it


Alessandro Lassandro and Floriana Pupino in Taranto have created a company that produces bio-cosmetics using donkey milk and extra virgin olive oil as a raw material. Their company is called La Mediterranee and sells all over the world, challenging even the multinationals.

builds insulation for houses and with milk it makes natural paints. Thus it raised the fates of the Sardinian shepherds starving for foreign competition and of its family company now in crisis.

Gianluca Caputo, owner of a window shop (Windor), has patented a system that allows you to have windows like the first day even after 20 years. The system is called Finestre Senza Pensieri.

Giuseppe Martellotti, owner of a used car dealership (Rally Auto) that has established itself on the market by devising the only Guarantees system in the world based on buying a used car and being able to return it if it does not meet expectations.

Vito Del Giudice, owner of a store that sold air conditioners and boilers, patented Energy Check, the system to save up to 50% on energy costs and increasing the energy efficiency of the heating system in each house by the same value.

Alberto Paglialunga, owner of Deghi Spa, who left the garage at home with the money his mother lent him to buy a computer, today even defeated Ikea thanks to a strategy often overlooked by many entrepreneurs, or the possibility of sending immediately ( ready-to-deliver) delicate and voluminous goods with safe packaging and short delivery times.


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