Rita Stern I contemporary symbolist english

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RITA STERN contemporary symbolist

BIOGRAPHY RITA STERN, born March 1982 in Carini/Sicily, lives an works in Germany since 2006. She grew up in an Austrian arIst family. Her parents Rainer Stern fantasIcally realisIc and symbolist arIst and Heidemarie Stern representaIve of the Symbolist and naive painIng devoted themselves in the 80s to the icons and street painIng and traveled in long study trips through Europe. When Rita Stern was one year old , the family returned to their homeland. ANer years of intrafamily support and training in use of techniques, she was fortunate to further studies of the old master painIng techniques with Prof. Ernst Fuchs (Founder of the “Vienna School of FantasIc Realism”) and Rainer Stern in their arIst’s workshop in Vienna. By the influences of sacred about surreal to fantasIc painIng Rita Stern developed an independent, reduced to the symbolism but sIll technically challenging style of painIng. Her painIngs reflect impressions of current affairs as well as the values of our society, economy and poliIcs. With a small wink, she wants to encourage people to rethink and change their point of view. Since 2007 first exhibiIons and purchases by private collecIons in Austria and Germany.

EXHIBITIONS 2011 Berlin, Gallery Dikmayer, "The Legend of the Vienna School of FantasIc Realism" 28.10. – 31.12.2012 2012 Hamburg, "Art & Architecture“ Steinberg, Schumann & Collegen 01. – 02.09.2012 2012 Großheubach, “Rosshoffest 2012″₺ 16.09.2013 2013 Innsbruck, 17.ARTInnsbruck, Galerie Dikmayer, Special Show Special "trend to return to the fantasIc realism and the next generaIon“ 21. – 24.02.2013 2013 Miltenberg, ExhibiIon CompeIIon KUNSTRAUM.miltenberg e.V. 26.4.2013 2013 Miltenberg, group ExhibiIon KUNSTRAUM.miltenberg e.V. 17.07. – 06.08.2013 2013 Stu>gart, “Colorful” with Gunhild Schneider at the Bischof-­‐Moser-­‐House 03. – 30.09.2013 2013 Großheubach, “Rosshoffest 2013″₺ 15.09.2013 2013 Berlin, Art fair BERLINER LISTE 2013, KraNwerk Berlin 19. – 22.09.2013 2013 Barcelona, Gallery ART Nou Mil.leni, ExhiIon ESPACIO120 „Salón de Arte“ 05. – 22.09.2013 2014 Miltenberg, ARTCLUB Members ExhibiIon „Green“ 6.-­‐26.2.2014 2014 Miltenberg, ARTCLUB Members ExhibiIon „Summer“ 12.6.-­‐2.7.14 2015 Munich, Kunst im Foyer der LV1871 „Design meets Art“ 27.1-­‐March2015


Interview with Sabrina Koblenz MAIN TV (in german) http://www.main.tv/main_tvsendungen/canapegespraeche/canapegespraeche-mit-der-kuenstlerinrita-stern-aus-miltenb.html

Official catalog Art fair 10. BERLINER LISTE 2013

"Art for small and large purse“ (in german)

Articles in Main-Echo-regional edition  ,Bote vom Main' 09/05/2013

"touch points of two worlds - Artistic creation meets entrepreneurial thinking“ Articel in ID Magazine 04/2013 Page 20

"touch points of two worlds - Artistic creation meets entrepreneurial thinking“ Articel in ID Magazine 04/2013 Page 21

Official catalog Art fair 17. ART Innsbruck 2013 Page 51 Gallery Dikmayer

Interview with SchwazTV (in german)

17. ART Innsbruck 2013 Sequenz 15:15 http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=cxJbXbLUVhQ


QUASSELSYNAPSE acrylic and oil on canvas 120 x 100 cm 2013

COME IN AND BURN OUT acrylic and oil on canvas 140 x 100 cm 2013

LEBEN AUF GROSSEM FUSS acrylic and oil on canvas 100 x 120 cm 2013

PIROUETTE DER MARIONETTE acrylic and oil on canvas 100 x 120 cm 2012

MINDLESS WORKER Acrylic on canvas 100 x 100 cm 2011

HOMMAGE Á HEIDI acrylic and oil on canvas 100 x 100 cm 2010


MEINE MUSE acrylic and oil on canvas 100 x 120 cm 2012

LICHT UND SCHATTEN I Acrylic on canvas 60 x 80 cm 2012

REFLEKTION Acrylic on fiberboard 115 x 54,5 cm 2013

MUSTANG oil on canvas 150 x 50 cm 2012

IN SUMMER Acrylic, pigment and oil on canvas 60 x 80 cm 2013

OPEN YOUR EYES Acrylic, pigment and oil on canvas 60 x 80 cm 2014

DAS DASEIN Oil on canvas 60 x 80 cm 2014

AMA DABLAM テ僕, Vergoldung auf Leinwand 80 x 60 cm in Arbeit

KALA PATTAR テ僕, Vergoldung/Versilberung auf Platte 40 x 50 cm in Arbeit


Vienna – Studio Rainer Stern / Palais Palffy

Vienna – Artist‘s workshop of Ernst Fuchs und Rainer Stern / Palais Palffy – Work on „The holy communion“

Monaco – Studio Ernst Fuchs


10. BERLINER LISTE 2013 – Kraftwerk Berlin Middle

10. BERLINER LISTE 2013 – Kraftwerk Berlin Middle

Group Exhibition – KUNSTRAUM.miltenberg e.V.

Exhibition Challenge – KUNSTRAUM.miltenberg e.V.

Art fair 17. ART Innsbruck – Galerie Dikmayer


Studio and Gallery WinterheltstraĂ&#x;e 2 63897 Miltenberg Germany www.ritastern.com rs@ritastern.de Sources for the images used: Rita Star Copyright: The reproduction, modification, and any kind of exploitation outside the limits of copyright require the written consent of the author or creator.

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