African Leader 2022

Page 22

OUR ECONOMIC RECOVERY Dr Asghar Adelzadeh and Dr Pali Lehohla suggest that for the country to chart a new economic path and achieve gross domestic product growth, an increase in social cohesion, which will enable stable capital accumulation, is needed


hile South Africa plans for a post-COVID-19 era, the most pressing question on everyone’s minds is: what will the economic recovery look like and mean for the 60.1 million people who live in the country? During the early 1990s, the ANC developed the Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP), which provided a broad consensus on reconstruction and redistribution as the way South Africa could achieve growth and development. After the 1994 election, the government distanced itself from the RDP and embraced a variant of free-market capitalism for the country’s post-apartheid economic system. In 1996, the Growth, Employment and Redistribution (Gear) policy framework postulated that the country could achieve transformation and development through economic growth that would result from the expansion of the free market economy through lower taxes, privatisation, deregulation, competition and an independent Reserve Bank. These measures hoped to stimulate private sector investment, produce high economic growth, create employment and income, and lower poverty. In 1999, the Reserve Bank adopted inflation targeting as its monetary policy framework. This made inflation – rather than employment, growth domestic product (GDP) or a

Dr Pali Lehohla

combination of criteria – the primary goal of monetary policy. By the end of the 1990s, the ANC government had basically embraced free-market ideology to inform its post-apartheid economic policy framework. The results have been chronically low economic growth, high levels of unemployment and poverty, rising inequality and deindustrialisation. Looking ahead, three scenarios are worth considering.


The first scenario asks: what if the country’s recovery plan continues with the post-1996 policy framework? This scenario captures the Indlulamthi iSbhujwa scenario, which creates an enclave bourgeois nation, a country torn by deepening social divides, daily protests and cynical self-interest. It epitomises a loose-limbed jumpy nation with a frenetic edge. Under this Business

The Gwara Gwara outlook for the future is captured by the model’s results that include an annual GDP growth rate of 1.8 per cent, and unemployment and poverty rates of 29 and 36.5 per cent respectively by 2030. 20

as Usual (BAU) scenario, government spending on goods and services increases by 7.5 per cent a year and continues to weakly support industrial policies. Investment by the government and state-owned companies increases by six per cent a year. The government continues with its current public works and social grant programmes. The Reserve Bank continues with its inflation targeting policy and private sector credit extension grows by six per cent a year. The model’s simulation of this scenario shows that there will be an annual average GDP growth rate of 2.2 per cent a year, and by 2030, the unemployment and poverty rates will be 27 and 34 per cent respectively.


Over the past two years, Treasury and the Reserve Bank have proposed policy measures that are more consistent with an even more conservative policy framework. These include supply-side reforms, a more austere fiscal policy and a stricter inflation target. The second scenario, therefore, asks the question: what if the recovery plan implements even more conservative policies than those that were implemented after 1996? This “austerity policy scenario” captures the Gwara Gwara scenario – the ups and downs of a false dawn – that embodies a demoralised land or disorder and decay and creates a nation torn between immobility and restless energy. Relative to the BAU scenario, and in addition to a wide range of supply-side measures, there will be cuts of 10 per cent in government final consumption spending, and investment by the government and state-owned companies will be cut by five per cent. The government will abandon its localisation policy and cut subsidies on products and production. The Reserve Bank


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2022/03/15 9:18 AM

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