Committed to responsible water stewardship and strategic partnerships to ensure long-term water security.
Thanks to some extraordinary local engineering prowess, the lives of 246 zama zamas – trapped at the Stilfontein Mine
were rescued.
With the challenges facing SA’s mines, localisation and building a resilient and competitive SA supplier base has emerged as a key strategy to address these
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South Africa’s ability to localise some industries and develop others offers enormous potential from a socioeconomic and job creation point of view.
Rodney Weidemann
nemployment remains one of South Africa’s biggest challenges, which is why the concept of localising industries that have previously been the remit of foreign countries is so crucial.
In fact, with the challenges facing SA’s mining sector, localisation, and building a resilient and competitive local supplier base, has emerged as a key strategy to address this issue.
A er all, relying on international suppliers can make mining operations susceptible to challenges like logistical delays, currency volatility, and geopolitical uncertainties. Meanwhile, strong local supply chains help minimise these risks, by reducing dependence on external sources.
Local suppliers also better understand local mining conditions, and can tailor solutions more e ectively than international providers, enhancing productivity and operational performance.
to create a regional minerals processing hub, with all the job creation and economic benefits this o ers.
With the appropriate policies, transport networks and partnerships in place, the country can attract investments and jobs and turn around the long-term decline in its mining sector.
The recent Stilfontein mine tragedy, which cost 78 zama zamas their lives, underscores the complexities of illegal mining in South Africa. However, despite the tragedy, the rescue of 246 individuals from the same perilous sha , thanks to Tech Edge and its mobile mine rescue winder, demonstrated the country’s extraordinary engineering prowess.
Rodney Weidemann
Tel: 062 447 7803
Email: rodneyw@samining.co.za
Stacey Visser
Email: vissers@businessmediamags.co.za
Shailendra Bhagwandin
Tel: 011 280 5946
Email: bhagwandinsh@arena.africa
Ilonka Moolman
Tel: 011 280 3120
Email: moolmani@samining.co.za
Tshepo Monyamane
Tel: 011 280 3110
Email: tshepom@samining.co.za
To achieve such localisation in the materials handling sector, it is imperative to foster strong collaboration between mines, government, industry, and local suppliers in order to align goals and provide the necessary support for capacity building.
Similarly, the projected shortage of critical minerals over the next decade could significantly benefit South Africa, which has a large share of these minerals. It sets the stage for the country
In an increasingly climate-conscious world, industries that have a negative impact on the environment are facing greater levels of scrutiny from end-users. For the modern mine, this means focusing on sustainability from the initial mining plan, through aligning corporate goals with environmental imperatives, to the a er-mine rehabilitation and the long-term impacts on the surrounding communities.
Moving from green mining to digital mining, we consider how the e ective harnessing of data allows mines to leverage artificial intelligence and automation to a far greater extent. This will help to catapult the mining industry to the frontiers of technological advancement and enable it to futureproof operations by mining “smarter”.
In other stories, we take a look at the key issues raised at the Investing in African Mining Indaba 2025, which focused on inclusivity, sustainability, and strategic collaboration, with the goal of futureproofing Africa’s mining industry.
We also take a look at how invaluable so starters are in a wide range of mining and industrial applications, helping users to protect motors and motor-driven equipment. We look at why these are such important components in many industrial systems, and the benefits mines can obtain from using this equipment.
Finally, in our cover story, Phillips Global, with its ability to draw upon the resources of a worldwide network of companies, has built its reputation on cra ing engineering quality and precision into every product and service the company provides. This full service o ering, encompassing rebuild, repair and remanufacture, is aimed at keeping customers’ operations – and profits –running at full speed.
Neesha Klaaste
Tel: 011 280 5063
Email: neeshak@sahomeowner.co.za
Andrea Bryce
Lodewyk van der Walt
Email: lodewykv@picasso.co.za
Jocelyne Bayer
Tel: 011 280 3000
Neesha Klaaste
Tel: 011 280 5063
Email: neeshak@sahomeowner.co.za
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Barrick Gold Corporation has injected over $4.24-billion into the Tanzanian economy since establishing the Twiga joint venture with the government in 2019, contributing $888-million in 2024 alone. Twiga comprises the North Mara and Bulyanhulu gold mines.
Barrick president and chief executive Mark Bristow says the Twiga partnership remains a leader in Tanzania’s extractive industry, creating thousands of jobs, supporting local businesses and funding critical community projects.
“We spent $573m on national suppliers and service providers last year, representing about 83% of our total spend in-country. Additionally, 75% of all our payments to suppliers and service providers went to indigenous companies, exceeding our target of 61%,” says Bristow.
Thanks to Barrick’s policy of local employment and advancement, 96% of its 6 185-strong workforce are nationals, with 53% coming from the communities neighbouring the mines.
Barrick also invested over $5m during the year in potable water, healthcare and education, taking the total investment in community projects to $15.8m since Barrick formed the Twiga partnership with the government and assumed operational control of the Tanzanian mines in 2019. “Barrick’s work in Tanzania is a model for sustainable mining that balances economic, environmental, and social responsibility,” he says.
SRK Consulting has emphasised the nurturing of skills as a vital foundation for building inclusion and long-term resilience in the continent’s mining ecosystem.
This is particularly true in West Africa, where gold production was estimated to have reached almost 12 million ounces in 2024. The region is also home to other minerals that are critical to the global energy transition, further fuelling Africa’s industrialisation through downstream processing and manufacturing.
“We need to be building on the depth of mining expertise that exists in West Africa, which has been developed over more than a century of mining in countries like Ghana,” says Ivan Doku, partner and Ghana country manager for SRK Consulting. “The region must foster local skill sets in response to changing standards and requirements both from government and clients.
“The global shortage in critical tailings-related skills, for example, does make it di icult for the mining sector at the moment, but at the same time presents great opportunities for young professionals in our region. With the growing focus on local content in mining services and products, there is an urgent need to develop these skills locally.”
This also aligns well with mining’s future-proofing imperative, adds Doku, by upskilling local young generations to contribute meaningfully to mining’s growth – and to embrace emerging technologies to develop cutting-edge solutions.
Just four years a er commencing operations, the Tshiamiso Trust has achieved a significant milestone, disbursing over R2-billion to ex-gold mineworkers and their families who met the criteria for silicosis and work-related tuberculosis (TB) compensation.
This groundbreaking achievement represents a positive impact on more than 21 200 families, and marks the largest payout ever made by a compensation organisation in this sector.
“This milestone is a collective victory. It is through the remarkable collaboration of all our stakeholders that we have accomplished something unprecedented. Together, we are making a real di erence in the lives of those who have su ered due to the working conditions they endured,” says Dr Munyadziwa Kwinda, CEO of the Tshiamiso Trust.
The geographical distribution of claims highlights the trust’s impact across the region, with Lesotho seeing the highest concentration of payments at 40%, followed by the Eastern Cape in South Africa at 27%. To date, 8 799 Lesotho claims have been paid out, amounting to R799-million, and 5 559 Eastern Cape claims have been compensated, valued at R531m.
State-of-the-art global haulage company Railveyor has appointed Deebar as its o icial sales representative in South Africa. This partnership is a pivotal step in Railveyor’s global expansion, enhancing its capabilities in this dynamic and resource-rich region, according to Tas Mohamed, CEO of Railveyor.
As a leading supplier of innovative mining solutions, Deebar led the installation of an earlier Railveyor system at Phakisa Mine, a Harmony Gold-owned operation in SA. This project exemplified the power of combining Deebar’s local expertise with the advanced technology of the Railveyor system – to deliver an e icient and sustainable materials handling solution.
Through the strategic agreement, Railveyor and Deebar will collaborate on new opportunities across the country, o ering clients state-of-the-art material haulage systems that prioritise e iciency, sustainability, and safety. The partnership underscores Railveyor’s dedication to forging meaningful relationships that drive progress in the mining industry.
The Railveyor system’s exclusive combination of fully electric, autonomous operation and scalability has proven to be a game-changer in mining logistics, o ering significant reductions in operational costs and environmental impact. This partnership aims to bring these benefits to more clients in the Southern African Development Community, a region renowned for its mining heritage and potential.
Impala Platinum Holdings (Implats) has signed a five-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with Discovery Green, to supply wheeled renewable energy to its Impala Refineries operation, which is based in Springs, east of Johannesburg.
The strategic renewable electricity contract will significantly reduce Impala Refineries’ Scope 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions – by more than 852 000 tonnes CO2e over the initial five-year period of the PPA – and yield cost savings.
Implats’s energy strategy seeks to strengthen the security of electricity supply in South Africa, reduce GHG emissions and long-term input costs, by integrating renewable electricity into its electricity supply options.
One of its initiatives involves procuring renewable solar and wind electricity from energy aggregators via the South African national grid – the concept known as “wheeling”.
This PPA represents the first phase of Implats’s aggregator wheeling programme and will supply 90% of Impala Refineries’ electricity needs from 2026 – starting with the delivery of over 130 000MWh of wheeled energy per year.
The record low number of fatalities and advances in health on South African mines in 2024 are a result of the collaboration between all stakeholders who share the vision of zero harm, and who support the interventions and programmes developed by the Minerals Council South Africa (MCSA) in partnerships with its members.
The MCSA, an advocacy body whose members account for 90% of annual mined production by value, notes that the 42 fatalities reported for 2024 is a new all-time low for the industry, and continues the encouraging overall downward trend in deaths on mines.
In 2022, the industry reported 49 fatalities, which was then a record low, but there was a regression to 55 fatalities the following year. There was a 24% year-on-year decline in fatalities in 2024.
Injuries declined by 16% year-on-year to 1 841 in 2024 from 2 181 the year before, while occupational diseases declined by 17% to 1 864 cases in 2024, from 2 233 the year before.
Phillips Global delivers a full service offering encompassing rebuild, repair and remanufacture, aimed at keeping customers’ operations –and profi ts – running at full speed.
With the ability to draw on the resources of a worldwide network of companies,
Phillips Global has built its reputation on cra ing engineering quality and precision into every product and service the company provides.
This has led to Phillips Global becoming one of the largest full service companies in the world. According to South Africa MD John Pinheiro, this full service consists of a range of equipment and services that are designed to meet all their clients’ requirements.
“Our full service o ering encompasses original equipment manufacturer (OEM) solutions designed for customers that have specific requirements involving either purchasing such equipment new, or replacing existing equipment within their operations,” he says.
“It further includes refurbishments done to customers’ existing equipment that has reached the end of its expected life cycle. Such renovations mean the customer can
repeat the cycle with the same, refurbished, equipment.”
He says the service also ensures regular repairs to customer equipment, in order to increase its reliability and reduce their downtime, while custom modifications can be made to client equipment, which will cater for their specific conditions and mining needs.
“Finally, we also supply a ermarket parts to customer operations, providing ongoing support for their equipment, along with 24/7 support provided by the organisation’s Field Service unit, which is always on call to assist when required.”
“Apart from standard repairs, Phillips Global is also able to assist clients with the rebuilding of used and damaged equipment, while in extreme cases, we can help restore used equipment to a like-new status.”
Pinheiro notes that from a repair
perspective, the work covers everything from fixing individual parts to the repair of an entire machine, should it require such an intervention before it reaches the end of its life cycle.
“When we rebuild equipment, this is usually in instances where the customer has equipment that is incomplete, abused or damaged – and thus requires missing parts and repairs to get the unit up and running,” he says.
“Remanufacturing, on the other hand, is the process of restoring used equipment to like-new condition. Essentially, this involves stripping the machine completely, a er which it is properly cleaned, repaired, the relevant parts are replaced, and it is tested to ensure it meets OEM specifications. Only a er all of this is completed is the machine returned to the customer.”
What Phillips Global is doing here, continues Pinheiro, is rewriting the script as an OEM – going beyond equipment, in order to take the business to the next level.
Apart from standard repairs, Phillips Global is also able to assist clients with the rebuilding of used and damaged equipment. – Pinheiro “ “
Among the core equipment supplied by Phillips Global are:
■ OEM shuttle cars and battery scoops
■ Refurbishment of shuttle cars and battery scoops
■ Refurbishment of continuous miners
■ Repair of continuous miner fabrications
■ Repair and lacing of cutter drums
■ Manufacture, wiring and repair of flameproof enclosures
■ Supply and refurbishment of underground batteries and chargers
“As an enterprise, we rely on the vast experience of our people in order to deliver a truly full service operation that o ers all the capabilities described above. The experience we have gained over the past half century now enables us to be a solutions provider, helping customers with problems and delivering the requisite engineered solution.
“In order to be a quality solutions provider of this nature, we focus closely on listening to our customers, while also understanding their particular situation and requirements. In this way, we are able to achieve the required results.”
He says by listening closely to its customers, the business is able to gain a better understanding of their daily frustrations and issues. This knowledge then enables it to either provide a solution, or improve on the current application.
“By understanding its customers, Phillips Global has adopted a ‘continuous improvement’ approach that has, in turn, made its equipment and parts more reliable, while also reducing its customers’ running costs,” he says.
“Most crucially, we understand that ultimately, ‘people buy from people’, which is why we place so much focus on our team. By concentrating on ourselves – as opposed to focusing on our competition – we are able to ensure we do what we do, to the best of our ability.”
Phillips Global, which is part of the Baughan Group of companies, recently announced a new acquisition of its own, in the form of WB Fabricators. Pinheiro explains that with this acquisition, Phillips Global will be able to increase its ability to deliver complete machine builds.
“Our organisation is renowned throughout the industry for its continuous miner refurbishments and cutter drum lacing and repairs. The new acquisition has significantly added to the experience of our team, making us a leader in this field,” he says.
“This will now also provide us with the capability to provide quality products on both our OEM and refurbished miners, which fits with our dedication to protecting the continuous miner by providing a balanced and smooth cutting machine.”
It is important to recognise that Phillips Global has had two philosophies since its inception in 1976, notes Pinheiro. These are to get customers back in production as soon as possible, no matter what it takes, and thus enable them to achieve the second philosophy, which is to mine more, haul more, and make more.
“It has always been our goal to ensure customers can do more, in order to assist them to make more profit. To achieve
this, we need to have simple, easy to fix and reliable equipment, as this is what translates into more profitability for our customers’ operations.
“In the longer run, our commitment is to the industries we serve, by consistently providing products of the highest quality, along with exceptional customer support.
“Phillips Global therefore remains committed to innovative design, manufacturing, procurement and superior service, concentrating on – and innovating within – the specialised niches that the company understands best,” he says.
The importance of sustainability runs through the life-of-mine – from initial fi nancing, through aligning corporate goals with environmental imperatives, to the legacy of the communities left behind.
By Rodney Weidemann
In an increasingly climate-conscious world, industries that have a negative impact on the environment are facing greater levels of scrutiny from end-users.
For the modern mine, this means focusing on sustainability from the initial mining plan, to the a er-mine rehabilitation.
According to Cathy Nader, principal: Mining and Resources at Nedbank Corporate Investment Bank, a focus on sustainability and environmental awareness is no longer just a nice-to-have, but is in fact essential. The trick is to take sustainability to a new level, while not impacting profitability.
“It should be remembered that virtually any focus on sustainability will help to reduce costs, thereby boosting profitability. Furthermore, a sincere focus on sustainability will be attractive to banks and other investors, potentially leading to the mine accessing cheaper funding,” she says.
“On the other hand, an insu icient focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals will a ect access to debt funding from banks, make investors more wary and maybe even impact access to mining licences.”
She says a failure to focus on remediation and rehabilitation from the outset can also lead to massive and unexpected costs when it comes time for mine closure. A lack of ESG focus can also lead to potential community and labour disruptions.
“This is why companies should implement sustainability practices into the mine plan from day one. For example, utilising renewable energy and practising
good water management from day one allows the mine to optimise e iciencies, leverage new technologies, and really get its ESG principles in tune with its operations.”
Natasha Pather, partner at Webber Wentzel, notes that a holistic approach to ESG-linked funding can unlock additional funding benefits for businesses.
“In the SA market, there are usually two types of ESG-linked funding made available to corporate borrowers – sustainable financing and use of proceeds financing, sometimes known as green or social loans,” she explains.
“Sustainable financing is a type of funding that allows borrowers to measure their performance against a set of predetermined key performance indicators. If these are met, there is a financial benefit, such as a margin reduction or access to additional funding. This financing is typically a better fit for larger corporates, which already have their own corporate social responsibility programmes.”
Use of proceeds financing, continues Pather, focuses on the purpose against which the proceeds are applied. This funding arrangement can be either a loan or a security, such as bonds, notes or other commercial paper.
“This type of funding is appropriate where it is possible to link the purpose to which the funding will be applied to an ESG-linked cause. A benefit of this type of funding is that it can be more accessible for a broader range
of borrowers or issuers, who are looking to fund an ESG-linked purpose,” she says.
From a sustainable power perspective, it must be understood that the shi to greener energy sources comes with substantial financial investment. Fortunately, suggests Johan Pretorius, MMM segment lead: Anglophone Africa at Schneider Electric, there are also attainable financing models which allow mines, particularly junior miners, to realise their green projects.
“Foremost are partnerships with independent power producers (IPPs) and energy companies, which o er flexible financing and infrastructure development options. One example is power purchase agreements (PPAs), where mines partner with renewable energy companies to secure long-term, stable energy supply contracts,” he says.
“Under a PPA, the renewable energy company finances, builds, and operates the renewable infrastructure – such as solar or wind farms – and the mine agrees to purchase the generated power at a predetermined rate over a fixed period.”
This model, says Pretorius, is particularly advantageous for mines that want to reduce upfront capital expenditure, while ensuring a reliable and clean energy source.
“Another option is build-own-operate (BOO) models, preferred by larger, financially secure mining groups. These o er greater control over energy production, reducing reliance on external power sources and
– Nader “ “
A sincere focus on sustainability will be attractive to banks and other investors, potentially leading to the mine accessing cheaper funding.
According to NSDV Law, South Africa’s legal framework provides mechanisms to regulate the environmental impact of mining preventing unacceptable damage while avoiding stifling sustainable development. Compliance with these regulations, along with innovations in greener mining technologies and waste management, is critical to striking a balance between economic growth and environmental protection.
In addition to legal compliance, advancements in mining technology – such as the use of renewable energy in operations and innovative waste management practices – are becoming crucial to reducing the environmental impact of CRM extraction. These innovations help mining companies meet global sustainability goals while minimising their carbon footprints.
minimising long-term operational costs.”
BOO models are for more established clients, he notes, who want to have more say over how their energy mix is being used. For junior miners, on the other hand, there is growing interest from development finance institutions (DFIs) and international organisations in funding green energy projects in Africa’s mining sector.
“Ultimately, reliability of power is the key issue in most of Africa, so increasing green investments here not only help to improve ESG standards, but it should also upli the surrounding communities, as it will enable the mine to create a sustainable ecosystem around it,” he says.
According to Pooja Dela, partner at Webber Wentzel, it is imperative that mines ask the question: What does sustainable development mean for the communities we leave behind?
“The global shi towards embedding business and human rights (BHR) principles in corporate decision-making has reshaped expectations of the mining industry. Companies are now seen not only as extractors of resources, but also as custodians of community wellbeing and as influencers of good practice in their supply chains,” she says.
“For mining companies to e ectively future-proof their legacies, sustainable development requires a shi towards genuine, transparent, meaningful and continuous engagement with communities,
throughout the mining lifecycle.”
Companies must always listen to community voices, she says, ensuring their needs and priorities shape the development agenda. This includes moving away from one-size-fits-all solutions, and tailoring projects to the unique cultural, heritage, environmental, economic, and social contexts of each community.
“Mines must invest in initiatives that promote economic diversification, such as supporting agriculture, entrepreneurship, or manufacturing. These investments foster resilience, and are a catalyst to creating sustainable livelihoods and development beyond the life-of-mine. Clearly, these should be considered upfront.
“Social and labour plans o en include training and education components. However, the scope should expand to include skills development and skills transfer, to prepare communities for a post-mining economy. Collaborating with academic institutions and NGOs can enhance the quality and relevance of these programmes.”
While mining operations o en bring significant infrastructure investments, such as roads, schools, and clinics, continues Dela, ensuring the long-term sustainability of these assets requires proper planning and handover processes, including partnerships with local governments.
The environmental impact of mining can persist for decades. Companies must prioritise rigorous rehabilitation programmes that create opportunities for sustainable post-closure land uses and economic
transition. This, she says, could include ecological tourism, agriculture, or renewable energy projects, in line with regional spatial development priorities.
“In South Africa, the legacy of mining is inextricably tied to the country’s socioeconomic development. As the sector navigates these changing dynamics, it must embrace a forward-looking approach that prioritises long-term community well-being and resilience. This means thinking not just about the present, but also about the generations to come, as the construct of sustainable development envisages.
“The communities we leave behind are not just a reflection of the mining industry’s commitment to transformation, they are a testament to its humanity. By embracing their role as partners in development, mining organisations have an opportunity to redefine their legacy – not as extractors of resources, but rather as builders of resilient, thriving communities,” says Dela.
A DFS is the foundation for a successful mining project. However, even the most technically sound DFS risks effective execution, without a funding strategy.
Mining projects are as much about vision as execution, and all too o en projects fail – not because of what’s beneath the ground but because of what’s missing in the plans. A definitive feasibility study (DFS) should map the route from concept to execution.
Stressing this aspect, Tshepo Pitse, principal of Mining and Resources at Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking (CIB), notes that without a proper funding strategy woven in, a DFS risks leaving projects stranded. It’s like a mine sha with no exit – a promising start, but going nowhere.
A DFS is not just technical; it’s strategic, he says. Banks look to fund projects with clear competitive advantages, such as highquality shallow resources with good grades, a long mine life, and first or second quartile unit costs in stable jurisdictions, with good management teams. These factors reduce uncertainty and improve viability. However, even the best technical cases require strong financial structures to turn potential into progress.
“Risk allocation is key. Mining is inherently uncertain, shaped by fluctuating commodity prices, operational risks, and shi ing regulations. Successful projects involve precise risk allocation among various stakeholders that are best equipped to manage those risks, thereby enhancing the project’s attractiveness to funders and investors,” he notes.
Exploring alternative funding pools during the DFS is critical, says Pitse. Streaming and royalty finance o er liquidity with less equity
dilution. While faster to implement than traditional loans, one must carefully consider the long-term impacts these mechanisms may have on cash flow and profitability. Each decision must align with the broader economic resilience of the project.
“The front-end engineering design phase also presents an opportunity to unlock liquidity. Capital goods and services sourced from countries with export credit agencies and equipment suppliers o ering asset-based finance provide valuable liquidity pools.”
“Execution is as important as financing. Construction phases are sensitive to delays and cost overruns, requiring contingencies and strong project management to stay on track. Lenders focus on developers’ experience and ability to deliver on time and within budget, with guarantees from engineering, procurement, and construction management firms or sponsors support, which provides further reassurance.”
Sustainability has become a defining feature of project viability, and banks insist on environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles being integrated into a company’s strategy as a core principle – not just as a boxticking exercise, he says.
“Aligning with the net-zero transition is also non-negotiable. Banks have started measuring financed emissions and have pledged reductions in scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, requiring mining projects to demonstrate clear plans for decarbonisation.”
Lenders are increasingly focused on projects with real environmental benefits and robust financial returns, he says. “Those
Mining is inherently uncertain, shaped by fluctuating commodity prices, operational risks, and shi ing regulations.
that integrate renewable energy and sustainability-linked loans gain competitive advantages, enhancing both funding certainty and reputational value. Stakeholder engagement is equally critical, as a DFS that overlooks the communities and governments impacted by mining, risks its social licence and long-term success.”
The global energy transition has positioned mining as a cornerstone of sustainability, with critical minerals reshaping the industry. This opportunity comes with increased scrutiny, and projects are judged as much on their social and environmental credentials as their technical merits. The future of mining will thus be shaped by those who combine technical expertise with long-term strategic vision.
“Nedbank CIB stands at the forefront of this evolution, o ering unparalleled insights and solutions in mining finance. Our commitment to integrating ESG principles, innovative funding strategies, and stakeholder engagement ensures that we not only enable projects, but also align them with global sustainability goals,” he says.
Our mining sector team understands that mining is one of the largest contributors to the green energy transition. To explore every possibility to create sustainable mining solutions and help future-proof African mining, partner with the leader in sustainable mining finance.
When you see unexpected connections, you see sustainable growth.
effective harnessing of data allows mines to leverage AI and automation to a far greater extent, enabling them to future-proof operations by mining “smarter”.
By Rodney Weidemann
Over the past decade, global mining companies have adopted autonomous operations, applying the technology to one area at a time – like haulage or drilling, or drones and remotely operated vehicles (ROVs).
Remote operations centres provide the analytics and human intelligence required for safe monitoring and operation of these assets. But traditional mine automation has continued to rely on fixed-function robotics that are unable to self-adapt to the dynamic and evolving nature of mining environments.
According to Seema Mehra, business head for Energy, Resources, Utilities, EPC, LifeSciences and Healthcare at TCS Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa, artificial intelligence (AI) techniques – like computer vision and deep learning, combined with AI compute at the edge – have finally brought in intelligent, flexible, and adaptable modes for automation.
“AI-led automation has the potential to enhance adoption, making it, in most use cases, wider, faster, and easier – at least for the miners who have managed their data well,” she says.
“The advent of digitalisation and internet of things (IoT), blended with AI, has helped to
catapult the mining industry to the frontiers of technological advancement. So, greater value can come from integration of data across these siloed functions, and mines can start linking the value chain together with the deep analytical capabilities of generative AI (GenAI) enabled by advances like chain of thought reasoning.”
In the emerging world of Industry 5.0, notes Mehra, mining 5.0 is rapidly assessing the adoption of AI and related technologies in human-cyber-physical systems (HCPS).
“The advanced techniques are being used in digital simulations for ROV route and load optimisation; ultra-accurate analysis of geophysical and geo-chemical engineering data using quantum computing; AI in augmented or virtual reality (AR/VR)-based drilling; for early warning in mining safety and hazard prevention; combining IoT with environment 4.0 for mining territory restoration; and commodity market trigger sensing for smart contracts in ore sales.”
Jody Conrad, CEO of Krux Analytics, explains that real-time analytics helps mining companies catch issues before they snowball into major setbacks. By providing immediate insights into operations, companies
can detect ine iciencies early, and take corrective action before they a ect long-term profitability.
“Having real-time data in a normalised format ensures consistency, allowing for accurate comparisons across operations –an apples-to-apples view of performance. This visibility highlights the true impact of ine iciencies, prompting timely decisions to resolve delays, optimise workflows, and ensure drilling programmes stay on track,” she says.
“For example, real-time data may highlight that a drill rig is experiencing excessive standby time, due to ine icient shi changes. By catching this early, operators can adjust schedules, keeping rigs drilling instead of sitting idle. Small ine iciencies like these, when addressed proactively, can have a significant impact on overall productivity and profitability.”
Conrad indicates that beyond optimising operations, real-time analytics plays a crucial role in financial sustainability, by providing deeper insights into drilling costs and e iciencies. The data collected during the drilling stage significantly enhances budgeting accuracy, and helps companies plan future programmes with confidence.
Seema Mehra from TCS suggests that there are disruptive possibilities with using AI for mining concepts the industry has been researching for a long time, including:
■ AI-augmented analysis of ore samples during exploration accelerates characterisation of ore bodies and improves accuracy.
Having real-time data in a normalised format ensures consistency, allowing for accurate comparisons across operations – an apples-toapples view of performance. – Conrad
“By ensuring that every dollar spent achieves the maximum metres drilled, mining companies gain greater clarity and confidence in their resource estimates. This not only improves decision-making but also extends mine life by optimising resource extraction and long-term planning.
“For example, by analysing drilling energy consumption, companies can identify ine icient rigs, optimise fuel usage, and reduce operational costs. Tracking water usage through real-time data also helps mines optimise consumption, reducing waste and improving cost e iciency.”
In essence, notes Conrad, leveraging realtime data not only ensures e icient resource utilisation today, but also strengthens the long-term economic viability of a mine –maximising returns over its entire lifespan.
By leveraging and learning from the data collected today, she continues, we are actively shaping the future of mining. As we uncover the true value of di erent data sources, we can expand data collection frequency and quality, leading to continuous improvement.
“This evolution enables greater optimisation and automation, allowing
mining operations to become more e icient, cost-e ective, and sustainable. The more we refine our data-driven approach, the more we unlock opportunities to streamline workflows, reduce waste, and enhance decision-making.
“Mining companies that fail to harness their data risk being outpaced by competitors who are leveraging real-time insights for smarter, faster decision-making. The future belongs to those who invest in data today.
“In an industry where margins and resources are critical, data is not just an advantage – it’s the foundation for long-term success,” says Conrad.
Mehra points out that AI has already helped make mining operations resilient, through the predictive monitoring of asset failure, thereby ensuring zero downtime. AI improves worker safety and accelerates automation too, making mining operations more e icient, cost e ective, and scalable –and therefore there are zero boundaries or constraints to mining operations.
“AI enables mining organisations in their net-zero journey and beyond, through decarbonisation, minimisation of waste avoidance, and energy consumption. AI further assists in bio-conservation, to protect
■ At the operations stage, leading miners are applying AI to geology and mine planning data, to transform drilling and blasting by custom designing each blast. Careful positioning of drill holes and automated, high-precision delivery of micro-controlled explosives help achieve optimal blasting in real life. It results in safer blasts that also produce better fragmentation of the ore.
■ Beyond that, AI could make it possible to redesign mine operations for modular, flexible processes where capacity can be scaled up or down in small increments. It could reshape the mining industry by eliminating the boom-to-bust cycle driven by the traditional capital-intensive approach of large capacity additions.
■ AI can optimise the entire pit-toport value chain in a seamless, integrated and intelligent way.
the ecological footprint of the region, as well as restoration of end-of-life mines. We believe AI models will help optimise the entire pit-to-port operations in a truly seamless, integrated and intelligent way.
“Moreover, the symbiosis of human and machine intelligence makes it possible to redesign mine operations for modular, flexible processes, where capacity can be scaled up or down in small increments. This can future-proof mining from a financial perspective, freeing it from the boom-to-bust cycles of large capex and capacity additions. In fact, in just a few years, it may be di icult to find a facet of mining that remains untouched by AI,” she says.
Following a long evolution, SA is on the cusp of having a robust, investor-friendly wind energy sector – which will benefit employment, manufacturing, and industrial growth.
South Africa is on the brink of a renewable energy revolution, with wind power positioned at the heart of this transformation. As the country progresses with power sector reforms and pivotal policy shi s, wind energy is no longer seen merely as an alternative; it is now integral to the country’s energy future.
Reflecting on 2024, SA has made remarkable strides in transformative policy and regulatory developments. These achievements are the result of collaborative e orts that have been a hallmark of the country’s electricity sector in recent years.
A key driver of this transformation has been policy advocacy and industry collaboration, with the SA Wind Energy Association (SAWEA) playing a central role in influencing legislative advancements. Notable among these are the Electricity Regulation Amendment Act (ERAA) and the upcoming iteration of the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP 2024).
These reforms lay the groundwork for a robust, investor-friendly wind energy sector that will generate employment, boost local manufacturing, and foster industrial growth.
As momentum builds, now is the time to unlock the full potential of wind energy – not just to power homes and industries, but to drive economic growth, promote social equity, and ensure long-term sustainability.
By Wangari Muchiri
at the Global Wind Energy Council and Niveshen Govender CEO of the SA Wind Energy Association
Building on past successes, such as the launch of the first IRP in 2010 and the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPPP), strengthening policy and regulatory frameworks will unlock further investment in wind energy.
A major advancement in SA’s power sector reform was the passing of the ERAA. Signed into law in August 2024 and e ective from January 2025, the ERAA establishes a competitive wholesale electricity market platform and an independent transmission system operator (TSO).
This is expected to transform power production, trade, and grid operations, while also accelerating licensing and regulatory approvals and fostering investment in grid expansion – key to developing and connecting wind farms.
The restructuring of Eskom, as envisioned in the 1998 Energy Policy White Paper, also made significant progress in 2024. The establishment of the National Transmission Company of South Africa (NTCSA) is a crucial step in Eskom’s transformation. The NTCSA will handle key functions of the TSO during the transition to a wholesale electricity market.
Moreover, the introduction of Independent Transmission Projects (ITPs) is a positive move towards encouraging private sector participation in transmission development under the newly cra ed Transmission Development Plan (TDP 2025-2037).
Wind energy continues to lead SA’s transition to a lowcarbon, renewable energy future. With over 3.5GW of installed capacity from 37 wind power plants, contributing over 46 480GWh annually, wind energy plays a vital role in the country’s energy security.
The government’s updated IRP 2024 status has also improved the contribution by wind. In fact, wind energy is slated to contribute between 69GW and 76GW of new capacity by 2050. This presents significant opportunities for investment, industrialisation, and job creation.
Beyond energy security, wind power is a catalyst for economic growth, industrial development, and job creation. Investments in wind energy stimulate domestic industries, with the establishment of local wind turbine manufacturing facilities fostering technological advancement and reducing reliance on imports.
The South African Renewable Energy Masterplan outlines a strategic framework to drive industrialisation, expand employment, and localise manufacturing within the renewable energy sector. By focusing on technology transfer, skills development, and workforce training, the country can strengthen its wind energy industry and ensure long-term sustainability.
The wind industry’s social impact is evident, with over R898-million invested in socioeconomic development initiatives by 2022. SAWEA’s 2023 Community Engagement Handbook has further strengthened collaboration between developers and local communities, ensuring transparency and shared benefits from wind energy projects.
SA’s vast wind resources, both onshore and o shore, present significant opportunities for growth. While onshore wind farms dominate, the potential for o shore wind is also substantial.
A 2022 Council for Scientific and Industrial Research feasibility report estimated that the country could generate up to 44.52TWh annually from shallow-water wind farms, and an astonishing 2 387.08TWh from deep-water installations – equivalent to eight times the country’s total electricity demand.
O shore wind remains a long-term prospect, but has attracted growing investor interest. For example Hexicon AB, in partnership with Genesis Eco-Energy Developments, is planning an 800MW o shore wind farm o the coast of Richards Bay, marking a significant milestone in the nation’s energy transition.
As South Africa enters its second decade of wind energy development, the progress made in 2024 serves as a clear indicator of the sector’s transformative potential.
Through continued policy advocacy, industry collaboration, and strategic investments, South Africa is poised to lead the continent’s transition to a renewable energy future, ultimately driving economic growth, energy security, and sustainability.
The views expressed are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect SA Mining’s editorial policy.
Recognising the challenges facing the nation’s mining sector, the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy has issued a call for collaboration, innovation, and skills development.
By Dr Elias Matinde, President of SAIMM
As we enter a new year, the mining sector in South Africa is at a critical juncture. Faced with new challenges, a rapidly changing global economy, and an increasing need for sustainability and innovation, the industry must adapt and collaborate in ways that will shape its future success.
As the president of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM), I feel a deep responsibility to address these challenges head-on, focusing on three key areas that I believe are essential for the sector’s growth. These are collaboration between industry, academia, and research institutions; skills development at the higher research level; and the revitalisation of South Africa’s research capacity in mining.
Historically, SA has been a global leader in mining, known for its technical expertise and cutting-edge operations. However, one area where we’ve fallen behind is research. The mining industry in the country has struggled to keep pace with international technological advancements, and as a result, much of the innovation today comes from external sources.
Local companies o en buy o -theshelf technologies from abroad, relying on
external experts for maintenance and repair, rather than developing these capabilities locally. This disconnect between local industry needs and global research solutions has hindered our ability to adapt to emerging challenges.
To regain our competitive edge, we must foster greater collaboration between the mining industry, research councils, and academic institutions. When we look at some of the world’s leading mining nations, it is clear that a collaborative approach between these sectors has been key to their continued success.
SA’s research councils, such as Mintek and the Mandela Mining Precinct, along with universities and industry stakeholders, must come together to ensure that we are solving local problems with locally generated knowledge.
Through multi-disciplinary collaborations, we can build research capacity and create practical solutions to the challenges that are unique to our mining sector. This will require an ecosystem where knowledge flows freely between academia, research institutions, and industry – fostering innovation that benefits not only mining operations, but also broader societal and economic growth.
Zimbabwean-born Dr Elias Matinde holds a PhD in Metallurgical Engineering from Tohoku University in Japan, a Master of Business Administration and a BSc (Hons) Metallurgical Engineering (cum laude) from the University of Zimbabwe, and a Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education from the University of the Witwatersrand. He is a professional engineer, a Fellow of SAIMM, and a Past Fellow (2017-2018) of the Africa Science Leadership Programme.
One of the main areas of focus during my tenure as president is to rejuvenate South Africa’s lost research capacity in mining.
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Through multi-disciplinary collaborations, we can build research capacity and create practical solutions to the challenges that are unique to our mining sector.
For years, the industry has faced critical challenges – particularly when it comes to new and emerging issues that demand innovative, cutting-edge solutions. Experience alone cannot solve these problems, as they are o en unprecedented. This is why research is essential.
I believe our nation can reignite its research potential by embracing the idea of industry-driven PhDs. By encouraging professionals already working in the industry to pursue advanced research, we can create a powerful pool of knowledge that is tailored to our sector’s specific needs. These industry PhDs would not only solve practical problems, but also ensure that the country is at the forefront of developing new technologies, solutions, and methodologies that will allow us to tackle future challenges head-on.
Moreover, investing in research and development will help SA regain the technological autonomy it has lost over the past decades. We cannot continue relying on imported technologies indefinitely. Local researchers, engineers, and scientists must lead the way in developing solutions that are tailored to our own unique conditions. In my view, one of the greatest challenges facing the mining sector in
SA today is the lack of high-level skills. While we have a strong pool of graduates entering the industry with undergraduate degrees, there is a clear shortage of professionals with advanced research skills – such as master’s degrees or PhDs. In an era of rapid technological change, these higher-level qualifications are essential.
To address this issue, we must encourage young professionals to continue their education beyond their undergraduate degrees. Industry and academia must work together to create pathways that allow professionals to pursue advanced qualifications, while still being employed in the industry. Not only does this ensure the sector is constantly refreshed with new knowledge, but it also boosts job security and creates greater mobility within the global job market.
Moreover, companies that invest in the training and development of their employees will be better positioned to weather industry fluctuations, including economic downturns and commodity price volatility. In today’s competitive market, companies cannot a ord to ignore the value of investing in their talent pool through continuous education.
It’s clear that for the country’s mining sector to thrive, we must prioritise collaboration, innovation, and skills development. As I reflect on the opportunities that lie ahead, I am reminded that while the challenges we face may seem daunting, they are also an opportunity to reshape our industry for the future.
By fostering partnerships between industry, academia, and research institutions, we can solve the problems of today, while preparing for the challenges of tomorrow. Collaboration is the key to unlocking SA’s potential as a leader in mining once again.
It’s time to reconnect the dots, bridging the gap between knowledge generation and practical application. By doing so, we will not only improve the competitiveness of our industry, but also ensure that it remains a source of sustainable economic growth and development for generations to come.
I encourage industry professionals to work together, as one mining community, to embrace research, upskill our workforce, and collaborate in ways that will shape the future of mining in South Africa. Together, we can forge a path forward; one that is rooted in collaboration, knowledge sharing, and the relentless pursuit of excellence.
This year’s Mining Indaba focused on inclusivity, sustainability, and strategic collaboration, with the goal of futureproofi ng Africa’s mining industry.
The 9-12 February 2025 Investing in African Mining Indaba was unique in that it placed indigenous peoples and local communities at the forefront of the discussions, acknowledging their vital role in shaping the industry’s future.
For the first time, representatives from these groups actively participated in key sessions, o ering their perspectives on sustainable and equitable mining practices. The 2025 Indaba was all about a commitment to inclusivity, sustainability, and strategic collaboration, with the goal of positioning Africa’s mining industry for a resilient and prosperous future.
One of the key focuses at the event was around how to maximise Africa’s critical mineral endowment, and how the critical minerals needed for a global clean energy future – which are plentiful in Africa – give the continent a strategic edge, moving forward.
With its strong focus on communities, understanding how to strengthen social cohesion and sustainable partnerships between traditional communities and the mining sector in SA was a core aim.
Indaba also considered the importance of looking beyond extraction, and understanding how important it is to build infrastructure, skills, and value in the African mining sector.
Similarly, the need for local beneficiation was discussed, as delegates considered what it would take to increase investment in midstream and downstream manufacturing facilities.
In the Indaba’s “intergovernmental stream”, much was made of the need to transform
governments’ permitting processes, by understanding what countries with fast permitting processes do well. Naturally, the role of cadastral systems, and the need for greater upgrade investments, were also discussed, alongside potential permitting processes for artisanal and small-scale miners.
Delegates also looked at ways to transform tailings with innovative water solutions and how organisations could reclaim brownfields and rehabilitate mine sites, which dovetailed nicely with the launch of the Global Tailings Management Institute.
From an environmental, social and governance (ESG) perspective, the question was asked as to how short-term profit pressures a ect mining companies’ willingness to invest in circularity, as well as whether mining companies are being honest in reporting their ESG and sustainability impacts.
From a financing point of view, key discussions were held around the subject of whether intra-African financing options can plug the gap le by concerned and risk-wary foreign entities.
Delegates discussed a range of potential solutions to the energy crisis – including new power-generation technologies – and the role mining has to play in Africa’s energy transition.
Technology is playing an increasing role in the mining sector, so it is no surprise that key questions, such as whether mining is being disruptive enough with technology, were asked.
Technology trends across various industries were examined, as was the
issue of employees’ resistance to change, along with strategies for e ective research commercialisation in mining.
Obviously, artificial intelligence (AI) was high on the technology agenda, and how leveraging it can unlock performance excellence in mining operations. Delegates considered the potential return on investment from data-driven initiatives – such as improved operational e iciency, predictive maintenance, expedited mineral discovery, and improved drilling confidence, as well as the hurdles to be faced when implementing data standards in the mining industry.
Technological advancements that can facilitate reduced carbon emissions across various parts of the supply chain were also looked at. As were the adoption of bespoke innovations to help unlock the full potential of Africa’s critical mineral endowment – covering the areas of exploration, extraction, sustainability, and global competitiveness, among others.
Ultimately, the Investing in African Mining Indaba 2025 succeeded in helping to position Africa as the world’s mineral partner of choice. Significant progress was made in understanding what should be done to ensure the continent becomes the global mineral leader, and is able to future-proof its industry.
Most critically, all of this was done in the context of understanding and learning from stakeholders’ respective perspectives, experiences, and expertise, in order to leverage this knowledge to chart pathways for growing the industry while also future-proofing communities beyond mining.
Despite the global aim to transition from coal, it remains a signifi cant mining commodity. Collieries like Khanye therefore remain major contributors to local employment and to the economy as a whole.
Although countries are facing a lot of pressure to transition away from coal rapidly, the shi will happen gradually due to infrastructure constraints, energy security concerns, and economic considerations. While some countries in Europe are moving away from coal, the opposite is happening in Asia. China is making massive investments towards building new coal mines and coal-fired power stations.
According to the Global Energy Monitor, China is developing more than 1.2 billion tonnes of coal mining capacity, accounting for over half the projects across the globe. To support its large population and rapidly growing economy, India is also not backing away from coal. India is, in fact, importing a lot of thermal coal from South Africa, making operations like the Khanye Colliery – which produces washed coal predominantly for the export market – quite significant.
Closer to home, suggests Dawid Venter, mine manager at the Khanye Colliery, coal continues to be the backbone of the energy sector in South Africa. According to the Minerals Council South Africa’s Facts and Figures 2024, coal is the country’s most significant mining commodity by production
volume with an output of 235 million tonnes.
The sector also employs 98 425 direct employees, he notes, reflecting the importance of having coal operations such as Khanye, which contribute to the economy and provide much-needed employment.
“Khanye, which has a remaining life-of-mine of seven years and employs more than 622 people – including local contractors – is an opencast mine located in Bronkhorstspruit, Gauteng. Opencast mining commenced in January 2018, and today, the mine produces around 200 000t/m of run-of-mine coal through its 400 tonnes per hour (tph) Larcodem plant for beneficiation, which was commissioned in March 2019. At this plant, the coal is washed and is predominantly used for the export market,” he says.
“The mine remains important and relevant for various reasons. For one, the demand for coal remains strong not only locally, but globally as well, due to the high energy demand. The International Energy Association (IEA) has forecast that global electricity demand will grow at a faster pace in the coming three years, due to an improved economic outlook for both developed and emerging economies. With such growth expected, countries will need
reliable and a ordable resources to generate enough baseload power.”
Venter points out that Khanye has a range of environmental, social and governance initiatives in place to ensure that mining practices are conducted sustainably and responsibly. These include proactive measures, such as having robust environmental management practices and ongoing rehabilitation e orts, to e ectively address environmental concerns.
“As a colliery, Khanye places great value on its relationship with the Bronkhorstspruit community and is dedicated to fostering positive relationships. The mine actively engages in community outreach programmes and maintains transparent communication through established community forums.”
Furthermore, he says, Khanye is committed to employing locally as part of its social labour plan and HR policies – contributing to the stimulation and enhancement of Bronkhorstspruit’s community and residents’ lives. Khanye also gives preference to local suppliers, with regard to the procurement of locally sourced goods and services.
In addition, the colliery supports
As a colliery, Khanye places great value on its relationship with the Bronkhorstspruit community and is dedicated to fostering positive relationships. – Venter “ “
sustainable development projects through its local economic development projects, like the Mkhambi Primary School, where the organisation has conducted upgrades and renovations. Khanye also o ers bursaries for studies in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, mining engineering, environmental science, and safety management.
“These bursaries aim to support the education and development of individuals interested in pursuing careers in these fields, contributing to the growth of skilled professionals within the mining industry,” says Venter.
“Furthermore, Khanye Colliery provides learnerships in the engineering department, o ering valuable hands-on experience and training opportunities for aspiring engineers.”
He says the colliery has also committed to providing articulated dump truck training to 32 individuals from the local community. The aim is to enhance their skills and employability in the mining sector, which has in the past proved a great success and benefit for both the community and the local mines.
These initiatives, he says, reflect Khanye’s dedication to nurturing talent,
promoting education, and creating meaningful employment opportunities within the community.
“Khanye has a 400tph large coal dense medium separator (Larcodems) plant for beneficiation. This plant is capable of producing a single 0-50mm product while maintaining the optionality to produce sized products, depending on the demand.”
In addition, he explains, the plant is equipped with a filter press, which mechanically dewaters the ultrafine coal material using special filter mediums to exert pressure on it, thereby separating the filter cake from the clean water. The water attained from the fine coal is reused in the plant.
“Khanye works closely with its suppliers, and the mine supports companies owned and operated by residents of its host communities. Additionally, we provide business opportunities through integration into our supply chain,” says Venter.
“The mine is also committed to recognising and mitigating the potential impacts of opencast coal mining, through proactive measures. The colliery is currently engaged in concurrent rehab activities such
The colliery is currently engaged in concurrent rehab activities such as seeding 25 hectares of topsoil to support land rehabilitation, in alignment with its approved environmental management plan.
as seeding 25 hectares of topsoil to support land rehabilitation, in alignment with its approved environmental management plan.”
He says the colliery plans to initiate a hydro-seeding process, which is e ective for hard-to-reach or steep areas.
“Hydro-seeding is helpful for areas like stockpiles, berms, around bridges or culverts, and small areas where construction has occurred. It entails spraying a mix of seeds, fertiliser, and binders – in liquid form – from a bowser with a pipe and nozzle. This can reach distances of 60m to 100m from the point of spraying.
“In so doing, Khanye not only mitigates the potential impact of mining activities on surrounding communities, but just as crucially, demonstrates its commitment to responsible mining practices.”
Implats recognises that responsible water stewardship is a strategic priority, which is why its water stewardship framework is aligned with global frameworks.
Southern Africa faces significant water stress due to a combination of low annual rainfall, uneven distribution of water resources and increasing demand from population growth and economic activities. The region’s average annual rainfall is well below the global average.
Responding to the water stress faced in the regions surrounding its South African and Zimbabwean operations, Impala Platinum Holding’s (Implats) water stewardship e orts focus on maximising water recycling/reuse at operations, and reducing freshwater withdrawals, to increase resilience against water scarcity at each operation and the surrounding communities.
Responsible water stewardship is a strategic priority. Implats’s water stewardship framework consists of six pillars, which are aligned with global frameworks and provide guidance on managing water-related risks and associated capital allocation decisions.
In most parts of Southern Africa, El Niño events are associated with prolonged dry spells, reduced rainfall and increased temperatures. These conditions o en lead to droughts, water shortages and crop failures, posing significant challenges to health, agriculture and food security, and worsen existing water shortages and socioeconomic vulnerabilities.
El Niño events – and the increasingly unpredictable and extreme weather conditions brought about by climate change – foretell future water-related risks for Implats operations and its host communities, which are reliant on rain-fed agriculture. As such, each operation has fit-for-context plans in place to build resilience, including social performance initiatives, to help communities access water and improve their food security.
Several projects are being implemented to achieve these goals – which include achieving 60% water recycling/reuse by 2030 – and mitigate water-related risks.
operation’s southern sha s, once completed.
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water stewardship framework consists of six pillars, which are aligned with global frameworks and provide guidance on managing water-related risks and associated capital allocation decisions.
At Impala Rustenburg, a stormwater catchment dam will be built to improve stormwater storage and ensure greater resilience to extreme weather events, such as floods and drought. In addition, to mitigate water supply disruptions and water quality deterioration, Impala Rustenburg has committed to installing two potable water reservoirs.
Phase 1 was completed in August 2023 and commissioned in March 2024, at a cost of R130-million, and involved constructing a reservoir, pump station and water treatment plant, which provides potable water bu er capacity to the operation’s northern sha s and minerals processing facility. Phase 2 will see the construction of a second reservoir, pump station and water treatment plant, which will o er similar bu er capacity for the
Impala Bafokeng will upgrade the Maseve pump station to improve reticulation and water-use e iciency. Meanwhile, Impala Refineries has committed to an e luent treatment plant and a nickel wash water optimisation project to improve water recycling and reuse capacity, and reduce freshwater intake, while the installation of flow metering on the tailings thickener will improve water accounting at the operation.
Zimplats is implementing process improvement initiatives to reduce freshwater consumption at its mining and mineral processing activities. In FY2024, it achieved a 35% reduction in freshwater consumption at the Selous Metallurgical Complex (SMC) concentrator plant, a er it commissioned its new mills lubrication system cooling towers.
Recycling and reusing treated sewage e luent to suppress dust and water lawns and flower gardens is being actively promoted at both the mining and processing divisions. The volume of treated e luent recycled increased by 60% year-on-year.
A turf and SMC sewage recycling study will be initiated to further improve the security of water supply and reduce freshwater intake. In addition, in the first quarter of 2024, the 3.3km extension of the water pipeline from Chitsuwa Dam to the Ngezi Weir was commissioned, which will prevent unauthorised abstraction and evaporative losses along the Ngezi River tributary.
In conclusion, Zimplats is an active participant in the two catchment councils within which the operations are located. Water conservation awareness sessions are conducted regularly and employees are encouraged to carry water-saving principles and initiatives to their respective homes and communities.
Mines that adopt a circular economy approach will position themselves to adopt sustainable production practices, reduce waste generation, and invest in recycling infrastructure.
The concept of the circular economy has gaimed significant traction in recent years, as a sustainable alternative to the traditional linear economy, which follows a “take-makedispose” model.
In the mining industry, adopting circular economy principles can lead to more e icient use of resources, reduced environmental impact, and enhanced economic resilience – in a time where environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles have come to take on a new and farreaching meaning.
The mining sector is critical to the global economy, providing essential raw materials for various industries, including construction, manufacturing, and technology. However, the traditional linear approach to mining has significant drawbacks, such as resource depletion, environmental degradation, and high waste generation. A shi to a circular economy addresses these issues by promoting resource e iciency, recycling, and sustainable practices.
While the benefits of a circular economy in mining are clear, it also has its fair share of challenges. Implementing circular economy practices can at times require advanced technologies for e icient resource recovery, waste processing, and recycling. Depending on the level of complexity, these technologies can be costly and may require investment in research and development should it be a one-o solution. Moreover, the economic feasibility of circular economy practices may be seen as a barrier, particularly for the junior mining industry, which may have only limited access to capital.
By Dr Andries van der Linde (PhD UH, UK), Technical Director at Blue Tree World
In a circular economy, the focus is on maximising the value of resources, by using them more e iciently. This involves optimising extraction processes to reduce waste, using advanced technologies to increase recovery rates, and improving resource management throughout the supply chain.
Recycling and reuse are fundamental principles of the circular economy. In mining, this can involve the recovery of valuable metals from waste materials, such as tailings and slag, and the repurposing of mining by-products for other industrial applications. For example, slag can be used in high-performance concretes, some types of tailings can be used in road construction, while plastic waste and tyres can be converted into fuels to provide energy.
Extending the life cycles of products derived from mining can also contribute to a circular economy. This can be achieved through better design, maintenance, and repair, as well as through innovative business models such as leasing and product-as-a-service, which would encourage manufacturers to design for longevity and recyclability.
Implementing circular economy principles in mining o ers numerous benefits. A circular economy reduces the environmental footprint of mining operations by minimising waste, reducing emissions, and conserving natural resources. By promoting recycling and reuse, it extends the life of mines, which in turn reduces habitat destruction, water consumption, and energy use.
Adopting a circular economy approach can enhance the economic viability of mining operations by reducing costs associated with waste management and resource extraction. It can also open new revenue streams, through the sale of recycled materials and by-products.
A circular economy in mining can improve community relations and social licence to operate, by demonstrating commitment to sustainability and responsible resource management. It can also contribute to local economic development by creating job opportunities and fostering innovation.
Investments in circular practices may not always provide immediate returns, making it challenging for companies to justify the costs. However, a move towards a circular economy is no longer a choice – it is fast becoming a mining imperative – and fortunately such expenditure can be o set or even turned into a financial benefit, should the business case for such capital expenditure be well structured and supported by solid engineering.
Regulatory frameworks and policies play a crucial role in enabling the transition to a circular economy. In terms of the National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008, waste recycling legislation has become an essential component of environmental management and sustainable development.
Recognising the urgent need to address waste generation and its environmental impacts, the SA government established a comprehensive legal framework aimed at promoting recycling and waste minimisation.
Adopting a circular economy requires a shi in mindset and organisational culture. This can be challenging, because it involves changing established practices and overcoming resistance to new ways of thinking and operating – especially considering the opportunities at hand. Advances in recycling technology and innovative waste management solutions present opportunities for improving recycling rates and e iciency.
Collaboration between the finance sector and the mining industry can foster investment in recycling infrastructure and create new economic opportunities. Education and advocacy can raise public awareness and drive behavioural changes towards sustainable waste management practices.
The transition to a circular economy in the mining sector o ers a promising pathway to sustainable resource management, environmental protection, and economic resilience. While there are challenges to overcome, the benefits of reduced waste, lower environmental impact, and enhanced economic opportunities make it a worthy endeavour.
By embracing circular economy principles, the mining industry can play a crucial role in building a more sustainable and resilient future. The mining industry can be seen as an essential partner in the successful implementation of waste recycling legislation, and as such, be encouraged to adopt sustainable production practices, reduce waste generation, and invest in recycling infrastructure.
The views expressed are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect SA Mining’s editorial policy.
Mining is one of the toughest professions on the planet and requires safety gear that stands up to the most punishing conditions. Lemaitre’s Maxeco Pro meets these needs
For decades, South Africa’s mining industry has been the backbone of the nation’s economy, built on the resilience and sheer determination of its workforce. Every miner who descends into the depths of the Earth, operates heavy machinery, or works tirelessly in a processing plant, knows the importance of durable safety footwear.
When every step matters, choosing the right boot is not just about comfort, it’s about protection, comfort, and trust.
To this end, BBF Safety has introduced the Maxeco Pro, Lemaitre’s flagship safety boot that builds upon the trusted legacy of the original Maxeco, now enhanced to meet the evolving demands of modern mining. Designed with insights from workers in some of the country’s most hazardous environments, the Maxeco Pro delivers superior durability, all-day comfort, and advanced safety features that empower miners to perform at their best.
Mining is one of the toughest professions on the planet, requiring safety gear that stands up to the most punishing conditions. From underground tunnels, to open-pit operations, workers face constant struggles against unstable terrain, falling debris, extreme temperatures, and
long shi s on their feet. The Maxeco Pro is designed to ensure miners have the protection and support they need to get the job done safely and e iciently.
Lemaitre’s mission is to protect the people who build the nation, across industries and generations. The company achieves this by developing outstanding safety footwear that embodies the qualities of those who wear it. The Maxeco Pro is a firm commitment to the hardworking men and women driving SA’s mining industry forward.
To this end, the company has enhanced the Maxeco to ensure that the nation’s workforce remains safe and supported in this ever-changing industry. By incorporating feedback from workers in the field, the business has fine-tuned its flagship product to o er enhanced
protection, greater stability, and improved comfort, reinforcing its reputation as the country’s leading safety boot.
Cra ed for rugged environments, the Maxeco Pro is built to withstand the harshest mining conditions. Featuring a full-grain genuine leather upper, this boot o ers superior abrasion and water resistance, making it ideal for underground and opencast mining environments, where exposure to dust, moisture, and rough terrain is unavoidable.
The Gladius sole o ers maximum traction, as it is designed for a wider fit and o ers enhanced stability on uneven ground. With a square cleat design for superior grip and slip resistance, this dual-density PU sole not only ensures better footing in high-risk environments, but also withstands extreme temperatures up to 95°C. This makes it a
The company has enhanced the Maxeco to ensure that the nation’s workforce remains safe and supported in this everchanging industry. “ “
perfect fit for the demanding nature of this industry.
Safety is paramount in mining, where the risk of falling objects and compression hazards is ever present. The Maxeco Pro features an extra-wide steel toecap that provides 200J impact resistance, safeguarding workers against potential injuries without compromising on comfort, thereby providing superior protection.
Comfort and hygiene are just as vital as protection, as long hours on rough surfaces can take a toll on a miner’s feet, leading to fatigue and discomfort. The Maxeco Pro incorporates an LM-Cloud memory foam insole with Birdseye lining, o ering custom cushioning and superior shock absorption. This breathable and anti-microbial insole promotes dryness and hygiene, keeping feet fresh, even in hot and humid underground environments.
Providing additional and enhanced support, the extra padding in the PlushShield collar and tongue provides critical ankle support, while ensuring superior comfort. The bellows tongue design prevents debris from entering the boot, a crucial feature for miners working in dusty and debris-laden conditions.
Finally, it should be clear that a secure fit
is essential in high-risk environments. The Maxeco Pro’s non-corrosive brass D-ring lacing system, combined with 100cm black braided nylon laces, ensures quick and secure fastening, allowing workers to focus on their tasks without the worry of loose or compromised laces.
The development of the Maxeco Pro was driven by extensive research and real-world trials, conducted alongside South Africa’s diverse workforce. By gathering direct feedback from those who rely on their boots daily, Lemaitre refined the Maxeco Pro to deliver superior performance where it matters most.
Miners need footwear that doesn’t just meet industry safety standards, but exceeds them. The Maxeco Pro delivers on this promise, o ering reinforced protection, enhanced durability, and the all-day comfort necessary for long shi s in tough environments, above and below ground.
The South African mining industry is built on resilience and hard work. Every miner, whether deep underground or operating heavy machinery on the surface,
Mining environments are unpredictable, from uneven terrain to extreme temperatures and heavy machinery hazards. The Maxeco Pro is purpose-built for the industry, answering these challenges with:
■ A full-grain genuine leather upper for water and abrasion resistance
■ An extra-wide steel toecap with 200J impact resistance for superior protection
■ The Gladius sole unit for exceptional traction and stability on rough surfaces
■ An LM-Cloud memory foam insole for customised comfort and pressure relief
■ A PlushShield padded collar and tongue for enhanced ankle support
requires gear that keeps up with their relentless e orts.
Understanding this, Lemaitre has been a trusted name in safety footwear for generations, and with the Maxeco Pro, the company is taking the next step in a legacy of worker protection. It’s the evolution of an icon, and a tribute to the nation’s dedicated workforce.
As the new standard for safety, reliability, and performance, the Maxeco Pro is purpose-built for the future of the country’s mining industry.
SA Mining: NWU is actively pursuing the establishment of our School of Mines and Mining Engineering, which will be based in Rustenburg, to address the evolving need of South Africa’s mining industry.
Curiosity leads at NWU!
to some extraordinary engineering prowess, Tech Edge’s mobile mine rescue winder was able to save the lives of 246 trapped zama zamas at
the Stilfontein Mine.
By Rodney Weidemann
The recent Stilfontein mine tragedy, which cost 78 zama zamas their lives, underscores the complexities of illegal mining in South Africa. However, despite the tragedy, the rescue of 246 individuals from the same perilous sha in less than three days is a testament to the country’s engineering prowess.
This incredible rescue was enabled by a locally designed and manufactured mobile mine rescue winder (MMRW), equipped with world-first capabilities – including the ability to operate to a depth of 3km.
According to Bannister Erasmus, MD of Tech Edge, the suppliers of the MMRW, it’s important to stress that the MMRW o ers more than just rescue services for mines; it is also e ective for sha inspections, and serves as an important egress winder.
“Legally, all mines must have a secondary egress system for underground teams in the event of a winder failure. By providing an alternative egress system through the availability of a mobile winder on standby, mines can continue production without interruption,” he says.
Russell Moore, Tech Edge’s executive chairperson, says the development process adhered to the company’s standard deep-
level winder design protocols for man-riding purposes.
“Ensuring the safety of both occupants and operators remains our highest priority. At the same time, developing a mobile winder capable of operating at such extreme depths presented a remarkable challenge, and required licensing from the Department of Mineral Resources [and Energy] to carry personnel to these depths,” he says.
“We began with conceptual designs and engineering calculations focused on integrating our winder functionality with a cage deployment system – which eliminates the necessity for temporary headgear – all housed on an appropriate mobile platform.”
Rescue operations are time-critical, he continues, as there may be individuals injured and needing urgent medical attention. To minimise the risk of equipment failure, it is essential to incorporate built-in, alternative, or redundant systems.
“While some redundancies are already built-in, we prioritise stringent safety factors to further reduce the chances of failure. For example, our systems include fail-safe braking mechanisms, and the entire hoisting system is continuously monitored by a safety-rated programmable logic controller (PLC).
“This PLC can bring the system to a safe and controlled stop if any of the safety
circuits – monitoring over 120 critical conditions – are not functioning optimally.
“A reinforced concrete foundation, along with holding down bolts and other accessories, is typically needed for conventional winders, which are secured to counteract the downward force exerted by the rope pull and to prevent the winder from falling into the sha .”
Tech Edge’s MMRW, he adds, has been designed from the outset to be self-contained, eliminating the need for a concrete foundation. This was accomplished by mounting the winder on a robust, heavy-duty truck, equipped with hydraulic outriggers that counterbalance the rope pull, ensuring stable operation even on uneven surfaces.
“Permanently installing a winder on a fixed base can take months, so the time saved by utilising our self-contained system is crucial for timely and safe rescues.
“The Bu elsfontein/Stilfontein rescue was the largest ever recorded globally, both in terms of depth and the number of individuals rescued. It highlights SA’s capability to create world-class solutions in the design, manufacturing, and deployment of mining and rescue equipment,” says Moore.
In July 2024, Marthinusen & Coutts (M&C), a division of ACTOM (Pty) Ltd, completed a one-year project for Sasol to rewind a 75MVA BBC synchronous generator stator.
According to M&C project manager Dominik Krob: “This type of generator, especially the generator windings, eventually reaches the end of life and needs to be rewound, which is where we come in. So instead of replacing the entire machine with a new one, the customer decided to rewind this particular stator.”
The generator concerned is a critical component of Sasol’s power generation system. Krob notes that there are several industrial manufacturing plants in SA, and the manufacturing industry has suffered severe losses during load shedding. So many of these manufacturers generate their power in-house to be independent of the grid.
M&C has close working relations with crucial parts suppliers, and turned to National Electric Coil (NEC), based in the
United States, to assist in achieving the tight deadlines on this project. NEC developed a unique system with individually vacuum pressure-impregnated (VPI) stator bars and coils, individually wrapped with the NECCOBond-ETM proven insulation system, and meeting every national and international standard.
While there are numerous stator bar and coil suppliers globally, their quality is not guaranteed. Furthermore, quality issues often reveal themselves only after several years of operation, when it is too late to change suppliers, or even claim damages from them.
NEC is one of the few suppliers that can manufacture individually VPI stator bars worldwide, and it has been doing so for decades, making it a reliable and trustworthy technical choice.
M&C has its own testing capabilities in-house, but stators of this size require exceptional, expensive and large test
equipment to perform the optimum tests and guarantee product quality.
For this purpose, M&C has partnerships with specialist local high-voltage test equipment service providers. The HV Test and the 50kV resonant high-voltage test set are among these.
With the challenges facing SA’s mining sector, localisation, and building a resilient and competitive local supplier base, has emerged as a key strategy to address these issues.
SA Mining spoke to Igor Hulak, partner and global lead of Metals and Mining at Kearney, to find out how such localisation might work.
A: The SA mining industry can drive economic growth through localisation, bolster its supply chain resilience, improve cost e iciency, and uphold social responsibility. The enablement of local suppliers helps retain economic benefits within the country, benefitting the local economies close to the mines where the minerals are located.
Relying on international suppliers can make mining operations susceptible to challenges like logistical delays, currency volatility, and geopolitical uncertainties. Strong local supply chains help minimise these risks by reducing dependence on external sources. Local suppliers also better understand local mining conditions, and can tailor solutions more e ectively than international providers, enhancing productivity and operational performance.
A: Localisation drives economic growth by creating employment opportunities, empowering SMEs, and expanding industrial capabilities. From a supply chain perspective, localisation reduces reliance on international suppliers, minimising exposure to risks like transport disruptions,
exchange rate volatility, and geopolitical challenges. This is especially critical for mining operations, which require consistent access to essential goods and services. A well-established local supply network enhances reliability, improves e iciency, and fortifies the industry against unforeseen global disruptions.
A: Reducing dependence on strained logistics networks helps ensure operational e iciency and mitigate risks associated with delays, rising transportation costs, and global supply chain disruptions. Over-reliance on distant suppliers can lead to production bottlenecks, making a strong local supply base essential for maintaining steady operations. In SA, where port congestion and illegal mining persist as significant challenges, localisation presents a chance to alleviate pressure on overburdened logistics networks.
Furthermore, prioritising local sourcing drives job creation by fostering the growth of domestic suppliers, manufacturers, and service providers. This boosts mining, while also stimulating employment in related industries like transportation, equipment maintenance, and skilled trades. By investing in local capabilities, the industry can build a more resilient supply chain.
A: Implementing a localisation strategy presents several challenges, such as limited capacity among local suppliers, higher upfront costs, regulatory hurdles, and concerns about supply chain dependability. Many local suppliers may lack the necessary technical skills or production capacity,
and mining companies that are used to working with established international suppliers might be reluctant to make the shi . Moreover, navigating local content regulations can introduce additional complexities.
Nevertheless, these challenges can be mitigated through targeted investments in supplier development, training, and technology transfer, thereby stimulating economic growth, generating employment, and enhancing supply chain resilience .
A: Fostering strong collaboration between mines, government, industry, and local suppliers is crucial to align goals and provide the necessary support for capacity building. Supplier development and capability enhancement are vital components, requiring investment in skills development, technology transfer, and access to financing.
A phased and strategic approach is equally vital, allowing for gradual implementation while minimising operational risks. Scaling through pilot projects helps ensure a phased and sustainable approach. Regulatory alignment and policy support are essential for creating a conducive environment through incentives, funding opportunities, and clear compliance frameworks.
Furthermore, embedding quality assurance and competitiveness within the programme is key to ensuring that local suppliers meet the required standards and operate cost-e ectively. Finally, ongoing monitoring and improvement, through performance tracking and feedback mechanisms, will help refine the programme and ensure its long-term sustainability and success.
Manitou’s new strategic partnership combines the strength and innovation of the GEHL brand with SGC’s commitment to providing exceptional customer service.
Manitou Southern Africa, a subsidiary of Manitou Group, is pleased to announce the appointment of South Gear Co. (SGC) as the new authorised dealer for its GEHL brand of telehandlers, skid steer loaders and backhoe loaders.
As of March 2025, SGC will be responsible for sales, service, and support of GEHL equipment in the Southern Africa region. SGC will work closely with Manitou Southern Africa.
This strategic partnership combines the strength and innovation of the GEHL brand with SGC’s commitment to providing exceptional customer service. Customers can expect a seamless transition and continued access to GEHL’s high-quality equipment, backed by SGC’s expertise.
SGC, while a newly formed company, is built on a foundation of extensive experience in the construction and agricultural equipment industry. Led by Gavin Leask and Quintin Vorster, formerly of Manitou SA, the team possesses in-depth knowledge of GEHL equipment, making them perfectly suited to support the brand.
Their expertise ensures customers will receive knowledgeable guidance in selecting the right GEHL equipment for their needs, along with dedicated support to maximise performance.
“I’m excited about the prospect of working closely with Gavin and Quintin, who both have the necessary expertise and experience in our product range,” says Darren Hall, managing director of Manitou SA. “I am confident that SGC will be successful in developing and promoting the GEHL product range across Southern Africa.”
This strategic partnership combines the strength and innovation of the GEHL brand with SGC’s commitment to providing exceptional customer service.
“SGC is excited to represent GEHL, marking the beginning of an exciting new chapter for GEHL in South Africa,” adds
Leask, CEO of SGC. This strategic move allows SGC to be disruptive in the local market by o ering world-class products that meet the diverse needs of industries and our customers.
“SGC is committed to delivering customer-centric solutions that go beyond just equipment, focusing on providing exceptional service and tailored support, to ensure maximum value and satisfaction. With this, we aim to revolutionise the market, empowering customers with the highest quality machinery and unmatched reliability and solutions.”
The GEHL brand is synonymous with quality, reliability, and innovation. GEHL equipment is designed to meet the demands of today’s construction and agricultural professionals, o ering a wide range of solutions for various applications. With SGC as the new dealer, customers can expect the same high level of performance and durability they have come to expect from GEHL, along with enhanced customer service and support.
Manitou SA and SGC are committed to ensuring a smooth transition for existing GEHL customers. SGC will honour all existing warranties and service agreements, and customers can continue to rely on the same trusted GEHL equipment they have come to depend on.
With the mining landscape constantly changing, more focus is being placed on specific critical minerals. Many are directly converted into final finished products, like platinum, and others are used as alloying minerals in creating better and stronger materials.
While these minerals improve the corrosion resistance, longevity, appearance and strength of such materials, machining them has increasingly become more challenging.
Grinding Techniques’ Superflex range carries various cutting, grinding and flap discs, manufactured with premium zirconia alumina and ceramic grains, which reduce heat on application, e ectively minimising work hardening and potential hairline fracturing.
These critical minerals have also been identified as being important for the
energy transition and will be used more extensively in solar PVs, battery storage, and electric and hybrid vehicles. As a premium manufacturer of quality abrasive products, Grinding Techniques is constantly researching industry changes and paying close attention to the latest innovations, to ensure its product o ering to the mining and engineering trade remains fit for purpose.
With safety being a core key element
of focus within the mining industry, customers can rest assured that all locally manufactured Superflex products are in strict compliance with both ISO and oSa regulations, and continually undergo rigorous testing during and a er production to ensure they are safe for use.
For a full-basket abrasive solution custom-fitted for your mining application, contact one of our business development managers today.
In a wide range of mining and industrial applications, soft starters are invaluable in helping users to protect motors and motor-driven equipment.
So starters are an important component in many industrial systems, playing a crucial role in controlling the speed and torque of electric motors. By gradually ramping up the voltage supplied to the motor, so starters help reduce the stress on mechanical parts, minimise electrical stress, and reduce the risk of electrical damage.
So starters work by controlling the voltage supplied to the motor, gradually ramping it up from a low level to the full operating voltage. Essentially, as the name implies, it allows the motor to begin running with a so start.
Most motor-driven applications rely on these devices to prevent damage and stress to the machine. The voltage increase is done in steps that depend on the application, and although the voltage increases at a slow rate, the motor is still capable of running at full speed, just at di ering intervals.
If the size selection of these so starters is not done correctly, however, their benefits can be lost, says WEG Africa’s technical manager for drives and controls, Jaco Brits.
“Properly sizing the so starter ensures that it can handle the specific motor and load to which it is connected. If you undersize the so starter, it may not adequately
reduce the starting current or be able to accelerate the load – resulting in damage to the motor, electrical components or power supply infrastructure.”
Over-sizing a so starter brings its own problems, he adds, as it may exercise less precise control over motor acceleration and deceleration – apart from not being cost- e icient.
“Accurate sizing ensures that you are not overspending on a unit larger than necessary. The correct size will deliver a balance between initial investment and longterm operational e iciency.”
Brits highlights that the most important factors to consider are the specifications of the motor that the so starter will be controlling, as well as the characteristics of the driven load. The motor’s power rating directly a ects the starting current required during motor startup, with higher power motors requiring larger starting currents.
“Motors with di erent power ratings operate at varying current levels, so the so starter must be compatible with the motor to ensure proper operation.”
The crucial role a so starter plays in controlling the speed and torque of electric motors should be obvious, he continues. Its benefits greatly outweigh those of other
■ Primary resistor: Known for their smooth starts, primary resistors o er two-point acceleration, ideal for motors that need limited torque to prevent damage to machinery, such as squirrel cage motors.
■ Autotransformer: These use taps on the transformer windings with builtin flexibility to control the power input to the motor, making them an excellent choice for when you need to start star or delta-connected three-phase induction motors.
■ Part-winding: Ideal for motors that supply moving centrifugal force, like those found in pumps, fans, and blowers. Power is applied to one set of windings that are energised to produce a reduced starting current and torque.
■ Wye-delta: Available as open or closed transition, the wye-delta starter can only be used in motors with connection points to each of the three coil windings. They are commonly used in large horsepower and three-phase induction motors.
■ Solid state: O en used in industrial applications, HVAC systems, processing equipment, elevators, mining applications, and more, solid-state starters replace mechanical components with electrical ones using siliconcontrolled rectifiers.
motor starting methods, thanks to its ability to reduce stress on mechanical components, minimise electrical stress, and improve system reliability.
“Installing a so starter to manage the supply voltage to gradually increase the motor speed will help extend the life of your motor and, ultimately, improve overall system performance,” says Brits.
The traditional role of gabions in constructing engineered systems, like mass gravity retaining walls, is increasingly crossing over into parallel applications outside the mainstream civils industry.
One of the key infrastructure drivers, both locally and internationally, is the ongoing refinement of square welded mesh panels, which provide a flat finish that is particularly well suited for wall cladding and feature walls.
The natural appeal of the rock fill used to form gabions has also been a key influencer for landscapers and architects, along with durability and aesthetic benefits, says Louis Cheyne, MD of Gabion Baskets.
“Conventional hexagonal double-twisted woven mesh gabion systems can achieve the same e ect, but their performance characteristics are di erent. Welded mesh is intentionally rigid, whereas woven mesh is designed to flex,” he explains.
“The latter is particularly important for applications like submerged riverine retaining walls, where welded mesh would fail. Both woven and welded mesh can be specified for land-based mass gravity retaining walls. However, choosing the hexagonal woven mesh option is the logical choice given the lower cost at scale – unless there’s a specific design requirement.”
Therefore, notes Cheyne, the starting point for choosing a woven or welded option is dependent on the application, and therea er the ultimate result required, which comes down to the accepted dimensional wire stretch tolerances.
“Welded mesh panels – given their intentional rigidity – must comply to industry standard tolerances in a range from 0.5mm to 0.10mm. However, with woven mesh the acceptable variance is greater at a threshold of around 5%. The reason for this is the need to make provision for the inherent nominal expansion and contraction of woven mesh systems, when bracing and tensioning baskets during installation.
“In our view, however, 5% is too high, and our woven mesh systems and design recommendations make provision for a maximum 2.5% variability. This of course is dependent on correct installation and rock filling techniques. When perfectly executed, the geometry all comes together, whether it’s a gabion staircase, a weir or a retaining wall. For predominately non-engineered structures, welded mesh takes this a step further.”
A gabion is a rectangular or cylindrical wire mesh container that is filled with stones, rocks, or other materials, and used for construction projects such as retaining walls, erosion control, and landscaping. They are highly durable and versatile, while their permeable nature allows water to flow through the structure, which helps prevent erosion and soil displacement.
Historically, he suggests that Gabion Baskets first entered the welded mesh market with a 75mm x 75mm panel product, composed of 3mm diameter Class A galvanised wire. This was followed by 50mm x 100mm, and 50mm x 50mm panels to meet growing demand. In all cases, products can now be specified either with 3mm or 4mm diameter wire within a tensile strength range of 350 to 550 MPa.
“A thicker wire specification provides far greater rigidity and lends itself to the creation of new product lines. For, example, our new gabion barrier systems – employed for tasks like flood emergency mitigation and
military protection – use a 75mm x 75mm panel with a 4mm wire,” he says.
“Lined with a geotextile basket sock, these barriers can be filled with any material, including sand, and are quick to deploy, thanks to their prefabricated modular concertina design. Since they fold flat into a compact space, they are also easier to transport and store.”
Another key advantage he mentions is that welded mesh gabion wire panels may be
rigid in terms of tolerance dimensions, but that doesn’t stop them from flowing with the curves.
“Rounded shapes and corners are a major trend globally, and we’re adding our own unique interpretation locally through an upgrade in our manufacturing lines,” says Cheyne.
Climate change impacts are another constant reminder, he continues, that our fragile ecosystems are under increasing threat and need to be countered with greener initiatives.
“Gabions are a natural response from an environmentally engineered perspective, as well as from a sustainability standpoint. Plus there’s tremendous comfort in being interconnected with natural stone –whether it’s ultimately a welded or woven solution.
“Full engineering design and on-site practical installation training is o ered to assist in using these product lines,” Cheyne says.
Gabions & River Mattresses
Hexagon Wovenmesh
Square Weldmesh
Gabion Barriers
Gabion Toolsets
T: 011 882 5788
E: mail@gabionbaskets.co.za
Practical Site Training
Site Consultation
Complete Installation
Gabion Structure Design
Technical Presentations
Gabion Animations
Cape Town T: 021 100 6307
Kwa-Zulu Natal
T: 031 700 2695
E: salesdbn@gabionbaskets.co.za
E: samantha@gabionbaskets.co.za
Global supply chain challenges and high demand for rare earth minerals are spurring talk of creating a regional minerals processing facility in South Africa.
By Rodney Weidemann
There is a projected shortage of critical minerals over the next decade that could significantly benefit South Africa, which has a large share of these minerals. With the appropriate policies, transport networks and partnerships in place, the country could attract investments and jobs and turn around the long-term decline in its mining sector. This will also create the opportunity for players in this sector to form regional mineral processing hubs.
At present, both critical minerals reserves and processing facilities are concentrated in just a few countries. For example, China accounts for over 60% of all minerals processing and Indonesia dominates processing of high-pressure acid leach nickel. Both countries have benefitted from the development of mineral hubs, which remain relatively uncommon elsewhere.
However, with the shocks associated with geopolitical realignments anticipated to disrupt around 30% of worldwide mineral trade flows over the next decade, supply gaps will be exacerbated. This demonstrates the importance of developing regional mineral processing hubs.
According to Lindokuhle Shongwe, a project leader at Boston Consulting Group’s Johannesburg o ice, the already massive global demand for critical minerals is expected to double or even triple in the next few years, driven by the just energy transition (JET) and the technologies that drive this. Add to this the need for supply chain
resilience – demonstrated by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic – and this convergence presents a major opportunity for countries well endowed with these minerals.
“Regional processing hubs are a great way to address the global supply gap, while also o ering a transformational opportunity to those nations implementing them. Such a hub will help to reduce costs and risks, while delivering long-term benefits to mining organisations, downstream operations, and the governments of the countries where these facilities are located,” he says.
Niel Naude, also a project leader at Boston Consulting Group’s Johannesburg o ice, says in order to build a commercially viable processing facility, it is necessary to first have enough mining activity in the region to make the facility viable.
“So a regional processing facility would require us to build additional mining capacity within SA, though this could be mitigated to an extent by processing regional minerals from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries within SA’s borders,” he says.
“Moreover, such a facility would be a boon to junior miners. Remember that these organisations tend to produce smaller volumes, so having access to a regional processing hub will enable them to compete in the value chain at an e ective at-scale cost, allowing them to get their volumes processed and out to market more easily.”
How mineral hubs operate is by centralising mineral concentrates from various places, before processing and
selling them to regional or global users. In one location, a hub provides largescale processing facilities and critical infrastructure to achieve economies of scale and e iciency, and keep costs competitive.
A good example is how traditional copper processing facilities generally produce from 25 000 to 100 000 tonnes of cathode copper each year. A mineral hub, on the other hand, can process more than 500 000 tonnes, o en along with other minerals.
Shongwe notes that while such hubs present a major economic opportunity, there remain several challenges to overcome.
“To begin with, it will require a regional strategy to cohesively deal with the legal and legislative aspect. Secondly, significant infrastructure development will be needed, in the form of rail and ports from the logistics side, and in terms of power generation facilities, which are currently constrained in SA.
“Also, more broadly, it will be about how to mobilise investments and secure funding for the project. This would require financing mechanisms to derisk the investments, as well as the securing of long-term o take agreements, not to mention the importance of having policy certainty.”
Tycho Möncks, MD and partner at the Boston Consulting Group Johannesburg o ice, says SA has a lot of the JET materials, but not all of these are consumed internally, so there is a big focus on exports here.
“While we do have certain domestic downstream markets, including talk of
building a downstream battery market, it is imperative we seek to export refined materials, most likely through secure o take agreements signed with European Union nations,” he says.
“It’s also worth noting that under such agreements, the transportation challenges would be significantly reduced, as such a hub would be exporting concentrates, which are reduced in volume by a factor of 15 through the refining process, making it easier to transport and move it out of the country.”
Möncks suggests that government’s announcement that 100MW private energy builds are legal has also increased the possibility of implementing a regional processing hub in SA.
“Between the country’s strong solar and wind energy capacity, and the ability of independent power producers to enter the market, we are opening up a whole new playing field in respect of renewable energy builds.”
Shongwe explains that the other major benefit to such a hub lies in the potential
There are seven critical ingredients needed to make mineral hubs successful:
■ Stable mineral supply, which need not be based on domestic resources. It can be sourced through partnerships and government-to-government agreements.
■ Access to downstream markets, which may be through developing domestic demand or forging bilateral relationships or free trade agreements with large markets like the United States and the European Union.
■ High processing capacity: large-scale facilities can maximise e iciency and reduce costs, making them more competitive.
■ Integrated infrastructure, i.e. well-developed transportation networks.
■ A ordable, low-carbon energy supply.
■ Access to low-cost capital.
■ Government support: streamlined regulation, a hospitable business environment, and investments in education, training and R&D.
for job creation. With the country’s wealth in platinum group metals, manganese, vanadium and rare earth minerals, a processing hub o ers significant socioeconomic transformation potential.
“We estimate that such a facility would lead to around 140 000 direct, indirect and induced jobs, including those created elsewhere in the value chain, as it will enable complementary industries to develop.
“For example, a downstream industry developing processed materials into batteries for electric vehicles would o er another opportunity to contribute positively to the fiscus – something that is key in a fiscally constrained nation.
“The current confluence of factors –including demand for JET minerals and the fragmentation of traditional supply chains and the growing need to diversify these – is o ering SA a generational opportunity to strengthen the domestic mining sector.
“A regional processing facility will enable us to not only capture more value locally, but also grow this value in the downstream and complementary industries, boosting not only
As a leading force in opencast mining, Trollope proudly celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. Since its establishment in 1975, the company has built a reputation for delivering reliable solutions with a professional yet approachable and friendly attitude.
Specialising in medium- to large-scale mining operations, Trollope o ers a comprehensive range of services, including opencast contract mining, crushing and screening, mine infrastructure development, bulk earthworks, rehabilitation, and plant hire. With one of Africa’s largest fleets, the company is dedicated to meeting the industry’s diverse requirements while delivering projects with e iciency and accuracy.
Over the years, Trollope has acquired significant experience in extracting a variety of commodities such as coal, platinum, copper, andalusite, gold, phosphate, lithium, uranium, iron ore, manganese, limestone, and diamonds. This adaptability has established the company as an adaptable partner, capable of managing the unique project complexities that characterise the industry.
Operating in South Africa, Botswana, and Namibia, with recent projects completed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Guinea, Trollope is strategically broadening its presence across Africa by venturing into new mineral sectors and regions, while embracing the challenges of operating in remote and demanding areas.
The company recognises Africa’s immense potential but is committed to conducting work in a sustainable manner, while carefully considering the needs of the local communities around which it operates.
Major earthmoving, mining and construction equipment supplier ELB Equipment has announced that it has signed an exclusive agreement with LiuGong to act as its sole distributor in Southern Africa.
The move represents a significant shi for both companies, combining LiuGong’s innovative machinery and global reputation with ELB Equipment’s decades-long expertise, a er-sales support and far-reaching market presence.
“For our existing customers, the partnership signifies a significant expansion of our product portfolio and gives them access to LiuGong’s world-class range of equipment. We remain committed to delivering the highest standards of service and support to our valued customers,” says ELB Equipment CEO Desmond van Heerden.
He says this collaboration provides access to LiuGong’s globally acclaimed equipment, including wheel loaders, excavators, graders, mining trucks, road building equipment, backhoes and skid steers, which will now enjoy ELB Equipment’s local expertise in sales and a ermarket service.
“As we move into 2025, ELB Equipment and LiuGong are committed to setting new benchmarks in the South African equipment market,” he says. “Together we aim to foster innovation, expand opportunities and deliver sustainable value to our customers and stakeholders. This strategic partnership marks a new era of growth, collaboration and exceptional service for ELB Equipment and LiuGong customers.”
Ilonka Moolman 011 280 3120
Tshepo Monyamane 011 280 3110
Business Spotlight – Enaex Africa’s plans to embrace artificial intelligence
Gary Alfonso speaks to CEO of Enaex Africa, Francisco Baudrand, about the company’s plans to embrace artificial intelligence, while also looking into incorporating sustainability within the organisation’s strategic objective. https://youtu.be/2U0RMa_6bko
• Nip Guards improve worker safety around head, tail, and drive pulleys and prevents worker exposure to conveyor pulley nip points and pinch point hazards.
• Easy installation.
• Low maintenance.
• Simple design.
• Operates in all conditions.
• Manufactured according to SABS, CEMA, Australian and PROK mounting standards.
• Unique adjustable guard maintains a constant gap between the conveyor belt and guard, even when the conveyor belt is tensioned.
• Robust construction for longer life.
• Can be installed on bi-directional conveyor belts.
Interact with our AR 3D pump models and seal assemblies