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...Inside Content
from APRIL 2023
by Sunil Kumar
Avoid these mistakes while investing for your child
Before making an investment, ask questions and evaluate the available options.
The vibrant festival of Vaisakhi
The festival of Vaisakhi is celebrated to mark the onset of spring season in India.

Our heartfelt congratulations to VIP Sales Manager Khan Parveez from Brian Jessel BMW for his exceptional performance as Canada’s Top Gold Sales Masters in 2022. His hardwork and dedication has helped him achieve great results in yet another financial year.
JagranTV Founder Dr.
Verma honors father’s legacy by funding computer lab in Punjab School
Since 2003 Dr. Avi Verma’s JagranTV is not only connecting the people worldwide with its religious and devotional programs, it is also working to uplift the marginal classes by doing a lot of welfare work.
Vaisakhi wishes from Gary kelbert owner/operator ihoP restaurant on 82nd ave and 120th st. surrey, bC.

BCSK organizes all women sports event
The “BC Superkings Sports Club” celebrated their 3rd year Women’s Day sports event by conducting Volleyball, Throwball, Tug of War, and Tennikoit exclusively for women.