Ansal Media Group Inc.
Ansal Media Group Inc.
While December may have the shortest day of the year or bone-chilling winter weather, it is also the most festive and joyous season in all 12 months. From Christ mas to Yule and Hanukkah to New Year, the last month of the year is a ‘world of holidays’ and I hope these holidays bring great opportunities, love, and light to each one of you.
The winter holidays are an exciting time of year. The decorations, the carols, the food, and the festivities, it is certainly a fun-filled time. However, for some, this over-stimulation of the senses can be a trigger for stress and anxiety. Our special write up by Dr. Esha Singh ND will help you to safe- guard yourself against holiday burnout.
In this edition, we have the latest fashion and beauty tips to help you sail through these harsh winter months. We also have the juiciest Bollywood and Hollywood gossip along with some more exciting reads that are going to keep you entertained throughout. You must also check out our coverage of the local events held in and around our city.
The entire team behind this edition has worked relentless ly to bring forth quality content for you. I hope to stand high and rise above the expectations of our readers.
I am thankful for your support and the love you have been showering on us throughout the journey. I would love to have your suggestions and recommendations to be better and grow with every upcoming edition.
You can share your valuable feedback at ansalmedia8@gmail.com
Visit our website www.entertainmentmagazine.ca to get an e-copy of this magazine. Sending across warm wishes of the holiday season to each one of you.
Love and regards, Rajesh Ansal Ansal Media Group Inc.
Ansal Media Group Inc.
Photo credits
Rajesh Ansal, Brian Jessel BMW, Ankush Pal, Paarull Commmunications, Sirka Takeout, Western Community College, Surrey Police Service
Nikita Sharma
Sunil Kumar
contRIBUtIng wRItERS
Dr. Sifti Bhullar, Sandeep Ahuja, Prof. Avtar Singh Virdi, Dr. Pargat Singh Bhurji, Sajan Kumar, Nikita Sharma, Ritika Tiwari, Kritika Kapoor, Surbhi Bassi, Gagandeep Singh Pannu,Paarull Commmunications,Nikhil Bendre, Esha Singh, Nutan Desai, Amarnath Halember, Puja Gupta, N. Lothungbeni Humtsoe, Dr. Rishi Raj Borah
IANS, IANSLife, FirstCry Parenting, www.womansday.com
ansalmedia8@gmail.com • www.entertainmentmagazine.ca
Baldeep and Kanwardeep: The culinary masters
Many people seem to have the misconception that the road to becoming a chef is easy, but if we really look at the intricacies, the reality is in fact the complete opposite. Why you should open an resp account for your child- free money isn’t the only reason!
VISAFF concludes with a great success! Want to turn Vegan? Top 10 winter skincare swaps
The Vancouver International South Asian Film Festival (VISAFF) was a huge success with over 80 film screenings, including 12 features and 8 doc umentaries, bringing together many respected members of the community from across Metro Vancouver and beyond.
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Recognizing the impor tance of higher edu cation for children, the government generously allocates funds to support par ents in this endeavour through the Canadian Education Sav ings Grant (CESG) wherein it matches 20% of the money that parents deposit into an RESP for their child. As the intent is to help everybody irrespective of their socioeconomic back ground, the government has gone a step further and helps low-income families through Canada Learning Bond. Through this, the government depos its up to $2,000 in your Child’s RESP in gradual installments over the period of 16 years- $500 in the first year and $100 an nually for the next 15 years. But ironically in 2018 alone, $4 billion of federal funds allocated to the CLB went unclaimed because an estimated 1.8 million children weren’t signed up to collect the benefit.
The worth of this unique Savings Initiative of the government is highly appreciable; yet the facts/ statistics indicate that enough qualified people do not take full advantage of this wonderful plan.
This is probably due to the fact that people are either ig norant of the higher costs of post secondary education, or don’t have a clear idea about the application process of an RESP. As per Statistics Cana da, the average cost of 1 year of undergraduate tuition in Canada nearly tripled from $2,333 to $6,191 between 1995 and 2015. As these costs can seem unaffordable for many people later, to ensure that their children get quality ed ucation and proper training for their career, parents need to start investing for their kids’ post secondary educa tion at an early stage.
Now, as we have seen that the government makes a contribu tion to help you save for your child’s education, some people tend to believe that it is simply a way to get ‘free money’ from the government.
But is this the only reason why you should feel motivated to invest in REsP?
Certainly not! RESP is not only a way to get free funds from the government; it has numerous additional advantages that are quite appealing as discussed below:
1. Your savings grow tax-free
The greatest feature of an RESP account is its tax-free advan tage. The government doesn’t charge any tax on the invest ment earnings (as long as they remain in the plan). Further more, when your child needs to withdraw the money for his/ her post secondary education, the contributions you made are withdrawn tax-free as well. Though the portion of govern ment grants and capital gains withdrawn as Educational Assistance Payments (EAPs) are taxable, since they are taxed in your child’s hands who is a student, the taxable amount is negligible.
2. Number of investment options available
The RESP funds can be invested in a number of funds such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds and GICs. While some plans let you decide how to invest your sav ings, others invest your money for you.
3. Help for low-income families
To help people from low income families, the govern ment provides additional grants. If your household’s net income is less than $98,040 (2021), you qualify for
the additional Canada Edu cation Savings Grant (CESG). Also as discussed above, if you are unable to invest for your child’s education due to low income, the government helps you through a unique resource called the ‘Canada Learning Bond’ (CLB) that was introduced in 2004. You are not required to make any contribution at all. The gov ernment will deposit up to $2000 in your child’s RESP in gradual installments over the period of 16 years- $500 in the first year and $100 annu ally for the next 15 years. But that doesn’t imply that late registrants will get less bene fit. You can claim CESG ret roactively if you started the RESP later and missed the first few years of grants.
4. Different options available in case your child doesn’t opt for post-secondary education
If your child doesn’t intend to attend college/university, you can keep the account open for up to 36 years. Moreover, you can transfer the money to another child (for Family RESP plans) though the $ 7,200 life time grant limit still applies. Not only that, you can withdraw your original contribution to the RESP tax-free or can trans fer up to $50,000 to your RRSP (though for this, the child must be over the age of 21 and the RESP must have been open for at least 10 years having room for contribution).
5. sets a good example for your children RESP also sets a great ex
ample for your kids as it can teach them about the value and importance of education so that they may make sus tained and dedicated efforts to get higher education.
As we have seen, RESP is not only a way to get ‘free mon ey’ from the government. It is a great tool to save for your child’s post-secondary edu cation offering you a tax free growth, plenty of investment options, assistance for low-in come groups, flexibility of usage and educational value for children.
As an independent Insurance Advisor working through Punjab Insurance Agency, I deal with different insurance companies offering plans for different types of insur ance. I can explain to you in detail the insurance plan options and coverage that are suitable for your needs and resources. Besides, I can also help you to purchase Mortgage Insurance, Super Visa Insurance, Disability Insurance, Critical Illness Insurance, Extended Medical Plans, Group Medical Plans, RESP, RRSP, Travel Insur ance, TFSA accounts, Health & Dental plans along with Estate Planning suitable for your needs and resources.
only a few months of the year present as many multicultural celebrations as December. From christ mas to Hanukkah, the last month of the year is a ‘world of holidays’ or popularly called as the ‘holiday season’.
You may have heard people, companies or advertisers talk about the ‘holiday season’. If so, you might be wonder ing exactly what ‘holiday season’ means. Don’t people take vacations all year round? And aren’t there public holi days at different times during the year?
The answer to both these ques tions is yes, but ‘holiday season’ is a North American term that refers to the period from Thanks giving until the New Year. This covers many of the most import ant holidays in American culture when most people in the and Canada are likely to travel back to their hometown or take time off to spend time with their family and loved ones.
In the uK and in other En glish-speaking countries, you are more likely to hear peo ple talk about the “festive season”, which covers the build up to Christmas un til the start of the New Year, or the “Christmas holidays”, which is the week lasting from Christmas Eve to New Year’s Day. Many businesses in the completely during this time and employees take the whole time off as holiday.
so, let’s look at which holi days take place during the ‘holiday season’.
Hanukkah Hanukkah (also called the festi val of lights) is an important Jewish holiday that lasts for eight days and nights. The exact start date chang es each year, but it always falls in November or De cember. In the 2nd Century BC, the Jewish people fought back against the
seleucid Empire that had taken over much of the Middle East and made Judaism illegal. Hanukkah is all about the moment that the Jewish fighters took back the Holy Temple in Jeru salem and were able to practice their religion again. Today, Jews all over the world celebrate the festival by lighting candles in a traditional eight-
a doughnuts their Christmas Christmas ed other across is with time 24th Boxing on Canada try, tions are spread, children Christmas ple ing
Menorah, eat delicacies like doughnuts and spend time with their families and community.
Christmas Christmas in Canada is celebrat ed in the same way as it is in other western countries. As it is across the globe, December 25th the official holiday in Canada, with many Canadians also taking time off on the afternoon of the 24th (Christmas Eve) as well as Boxing Day, which is celebrated on the very next day.
Canada is a multicultural coun try, so many other holiday tradi tions aside from Christian ones are observed in December and throughout the year. Ha nukkah celebrations are wide spread, especially in Toronto and Montreal where there are large Jewish populations. on Christmas Day, pretty much everything in the way of retail and services is closed, except for the occasion al convenience store. If you’re looking for a bar or restaurant for a good holiday meal, a hotel is a good bet.
In Christianity, this is the day that Je sus Christ was born, and it is the most popular Chris tian holiday in the western world. In the Bible, wise men brought special gifts to the baby Jesus and traditionally, a figure called ather Christmas / santa Claus t. Nicholas (depending on which country you are in) is thought to bring presents to children around the world on Christmas Eve. Today, many peo ple celebrate the festival by hav ing a big meal with their family and giving presents to each other. This is celebrated by most people in western countries, even if they are not Christian or religious.
Christmas Eve (December 24th) is the last chance to get Christmas shopping done, with most stores staying open until 5 or 6 p.m. and lots of people leav ing work for the day by noon or shortly thereafter.
Canadian traditions include dec orating a Christmas tree and ex changing gifts. on Christmas Day a special meal is prepared often including roast turkey, seasonal vegetables, mashed potatoes, and gravy. Traditional favorite Christmas desserts reminiscent of England include Christmas plum puddings and mince meat tarts. Christmas crackers and fireworks are popular favorites. A rich fruit Christmas Cake is also a traditional Christmas sweet.
This is the last night of the old year and the beginning of the new one! Many people have big parties with friends or family, at home or at bars and clubs. Everyone stops to count down to the start of the new year and it is a tradition at several places to drink champagne and kiss people around you at mid night. Many people also make New Year’s Resolutions, which are a list of things that they will try to do or stop doing in the coming year. For example, start going to the gym, or stop smoking.
By: Kritika Kapoorwinter skincare
skin care regimens
Here are the top swaps you need to introduce in your beauty regimen for the cold season:
utilize lukewarm water
When the temperature drops, it’s very tempting to take a hot shower. However, if you care about your skin, you should avoid them. Instead, shower and wash your face with lukewarm water. Hot showers quickly dry your skin, and if you don’t moisturize it right away, your skin can develop cracks and winter eczema.
Keep hydrated
In the winter, whether inside or outside, the air is drier. As a result, water evaporates quickly from your body. So, you must keep your skin hy drated. You can also control the humidity in your home by installing a humidifier. This will undoubtedly keep your skin happy.
What makes your skin happy in the summer can make it sad in the winter. As a result, you should adjust your skin care products accordingly. Us ing gentle skin care products is the key to healthy, glowing winter skin. To avoid stripping your skin’s natural moisture barrier, use cleansers that contain moisturisers. If you have acne or breakouts, use ceramides, hyaluronic acid, hydration serums, and glyc erin-containing products to help repair your skin’s mois ture barrier.
Avoid exfoliating very regularly Exfoliating the skin aids in
the removal of dead cells. You must exercise caution during the winter months because your skin’s barrier is already compromised due to the dry and cold weather. Exfoliating your skin once a week is suffi cient; this aids in skin regen eration and product absorp tion. You should also exfoliate depending on your skin type. Exfoliate your skin lightly if you have very dry skin. Once a week is sufficient if you have a combination or oily skin.
The pores and skin in your palms have fewer oil glands compared to the pores and skin on every other body component. That’s why mois ture escapes from your hands speedy, making them prone to cracks and itchiness. Follow a moisturizer before you leave home.
Pick out glycerin-primarily based creams and petroleum jelly to moisturize your feet.
Additionally, make sure you exfoliate the pores and skin for your feet every so often in order that it could soak up the moisturizer without prob lems.
It doesn’t have to be fancy. Right here’s a very simple and easy skin care recurring that all of us can comply with to preserve their skin happy all through the win ter. Cleanse your skin once or twice a day, ideally within the morning and earlier than going to bed. After washing your face in the morning, fol low a light day by day mois turizer to lock the moisture in. Use a heavy moisturizer or overnight cream at night. This should be executed on damp pores and skin due to the fact simply-washed pores and skin absorbs moisture better.
wear sunscreen even on cloudy winter days Applying sunscreen in the
harsh winter weather is just as important as it is in the summer. Don’t be fooled by darker, dreary winter days, either. UV rays from the sun can penetrate clouds and cause damage. Apply a mois turizing, broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher to all exposed areas of your body before going outside.
Rather than using lip colors that take away your lips’ nat ural beauty, keep your pout pretty with moisturizing lip balms that come in color.
The presence of serum ver sus the absence of serum
Serums are thinner in consis tency and contain hyaluronic acid, making them one of the best winter skincare prod ucts. It does not give up easily and adheres to the surface of your skin to provide deep and long-lasting hydration. It is also anti-aging and should be applied before moisturizer.
By Karan Bhaskarand summer
are poles apart. the products that work for summer certainly don’t do the trick in win ter, and how you use your products too is very different.
Brian Jessel Magazine, deemed as number one luxury lifestyle magazine in Van couver, was very proud to be part of the largest culinary art competition, Canada’s Great Kitchen Party, held in Vancouver last month. The magazine is focusing on British Columbia success sto ries, elite and luxury brands, entrepreneurs and unique
As the runways have revealed the best of fashion, the hottest winter trends are quickly making their way to racks and hangers at stores. to make the best choices and pick out the hottest trends of this season, here is a guide to tell you what is ruling the world of fashion in the fall and winter of 2022-23.
1. Puff up those shoulders
Puffed powder shoulders and sleeves that are bold and ex travagant reel in an element of confidence that you can nev er say no to. This trend can be embraced in any way, on shirts, dresses, or on statement mak ing blazers and jackets. Try this trend with some bright colors, especially bright yellow, which was also a hit this season.
Thanks to the popularity of tote bags in the last couple of years, the favored types of bags are shifting from the smaller ones to big bags. These range from jumbo size hand bags to huge totes to also gym style duffel bags. Find the best match to your outfit and get strutting.
3. show some skin (on the ankles)
As the days and nights get colder, we often cover ourselves completely from head to toe, and for the right reasons. But the catwalks have inspired all of us to show some ankles by wearing hemlines on outfits, ranging from skirts to pants. This creates a very graceful and elegant look, and you have to try it for your next dinner party!
The retro vibe in latest trends
has been undeniable, and this trend plays on the vintage vibe heavily by introducing rug like capes that keep you warm while giving your body a unique sil houette of straight lines. If you are looking for a new coat this season, our recommendation would be to switch to a cape altogether.
Neutral colors like beige, nude, mild browns, and all their stun ning varied shades are once again the talk of the town: but to do it right there is a catch. To
do the neutral look, you have to commit to it entirely and only wear shades of neutral beige. So, have some fun and play around with different shades and tints of the same color.
6. sequins in the sequence
This is no boring fall, and to match the heat you better line up some sequin-studded attires in your rotation. The runways showed us the way and now the streets have caught up, sequins are the best way to brighten up the winters that can sometimes get lazy and boring. Jazz up
simple outfits with a statement piece full of shiny sequins, or find yourself a bold showstopper piece.
7. Hotter with the headgear Hats and caps and scarves are all mandatory to finish your look this season because balance is key, and your look should be well put together and coordinat ed from head to toe. You can ei ther go the basic chic route and coordinate your headgear, and if you want to be experimental you can make it the statement piece of your look.
While the trends are always here to guide you, fashion is always personal and intuitive. Jazz up every trend with your personal style, and always ex press yourself with your clothing choices.
Although winning an argument is not an easy task and it consumes one’s tremendous amount of en ergy and time. However, an argument can certainly be taken into our favor when addressed using specific strategies. As a result of this, relationships can be saved as well.
First of all, it is as essential to have evidence in favor of our argument as it is to have con trary evidence against your partner’s argument. Along with addressing these pieces of evidence, we need to make sure that we have outlined all the pros for our argument and cons for their argument. This will help our partner weigh the negative and pos itive outcomes of each argu ment and encourage them
partner, rather than loud and hot-tempered. The more pos itive and understanding the environment surrounding the couple, the more likely your opposite partner will be able to view things from your per spective and will likely agree with your opinion.
Second, while arguing, it is essential to respect your part ner by giving them time to process the thoughts that you have just presented to them. For example, if you are rush ing and constantly talking one after another, they will certainly feel overweight and targeted. This will make the entire situation worse.
Thirdly, it is essential to con verse with your partner in a manner and attitude that you have always been doing in a daily rou tine. Other
their names due to anger, and you have previously never done that, it might make them feel as if they were talking to a stranger and will be less likely to comply with your thoughts. In the future, if you realize you are mistaken in the middle of an argument, acknowledge your mistake without wasting time.
In future arguments or con versations, your companion will take you more seriously. It is also a respectable thing to do, and they will appreciate your humble gesture. They will respect you and may even support your side if you per suade them.
Instead of allowing your emotions to cloud your judg ment and compel you to create the worst scene, please take a moment to
be a great strategy. The sens es can contribute to a per son’s sense of being rooted. When you are not standing, even concentrating on your toes might help you center yourself. However, the best and most universally accept ed strategy would be to wait until you are both alone be fore having the conversation.
Overall, by keeping these strategies in mind, one can undoubtedly win an argu ment without losing the rela tionship.
“Don’t raise your voice, improve your argument.” - Desmond tutuBy: Surbhi Bassi
Actress Preity Zinta penned a heartfelt note for the makers of her film ‘Soldier’, which released in 1998, and shared anecdotes from the shoot of the film.
She took to Instagram, where she shared a clip of the title track of ‘Soldier’, picturised on herself and Bobby Deol.
She wrote: “Soldier was my second release but the first film I signed. I was so confused that I would be working with two directors with one name. Thank you Abbas Bhai & Mustan Bhai for never letting me falter.”
“Thank you Rameshji for this opportunity & for not getting upset with me for leaving set for more than a week to take my psychology exams during the climax shoot in Rajasthan.”
She then thanked Bobby for bringing her into the movies.
“Thank you Bobby for being you & for bringing me into the movies & thank you to the entire cast n crew for so much fun during the Australia, New Zealand & Rajasthan sched ules. I will always miss you Saroj ji You taught me how to be a Heroine #soldier #soldieranniversary #memories #ting,” she concluded.
‘Soldier’ is an action thriller film directed by Ab bas-Mustan starring Bobby Deol, Preity Zinta and Raakhee Gulzar.
According to the film’s writer Shyam Goel, it was in spired by a real incident that happened in Punjab where a woman’s forehead was etched with the message that her husband was a traitor.
Her husband, a soldier, was accused of treachery, and she was thrown out of her village. The story was already made as a Tamil movie in 1989 titled Thaai Naadu, starring Sathyaraj in dual roles.
By: IANSBollywood actor Vivek Anand Oberoi, who plays a cop in the recently released streaming show ‘Dharavi Bank’, is very mindful of portraying the men in uniform in their true spirit and believes that it is important to render a sense of dignity to the roles of righteous cops.
The actor shared that it was important to not play the part in a caricaturish fashion. Talking about the same, the actor told IANS: “It is important to dignify men in uniform. It’s a noble profession that commands respect from the artistic community. As writers, creators and even in the audience, we need to make the extra effort to get it right on the screen. I wanted to bring in gravitas to the part. I researched extensively and spoke to my friends who are cops about their experiences, their challenges.”
Having been around men in uniform and been friends with them, the actor was insistent that he plays it as authentically as possible.
“In the end, every fiction series is indeed a dramatic retelling but it is upon the actor to ensure it’s as close to reality as possi ble. From getting the day-to-day cop jargon right to getting the body language, the walk, the psyche, I went all out to ensure that this depiction of what a cop from the Mumbai Police force is like doesn’t resemble past and present screen renditions. I am glad that the response is so positive and heartwarming. It truly makes all the work feel worth it,” Vivek added.
Directed by Samit Kakkad, the show, which also stars Suniel Shetty in his streaming series debut, is a classic gangster versus cop story and is currently streaming on OTT platform MX Player.
By: IANsIn this month’s article, we will be addressing a common type of anemia seen in dogs, known as ‘Immune-Medi ated Hemolytic Anemia’.
In the veterinary world, we commonly address this condition as its abbreviated form, ‘IMHA’. It is seen to be a very life-threatening situation that should always be taken seriously in both dogs and cats. Like any autoimmune disease, this condition causes your pet’s immune system to fight against the body’s own red blood cells, causing the death of these cells that results in anemia.
IMHA is an autoimmune condi tion, which can be triggered due
to a number of causes. Certain drugs prescribed to your dog for previous illness or concurrent diseases can be a triggering fac tor. A previous encounter with an infection that your dog’s immune system worked to fight off could have influenced the start of an autoimmune reac tion.
If your dog is experiencing IMHA, some of the common signs that may be noted are weakness, increased respirato ry rate, collapse and pale mu cous membranes, fever, feeling unwell overall, loss of appetite, dark urine, and possible vomit ing. If your furry companion is exhibiting any of the aforemen tioned signs, it is highly rec ommended to seek assistance from your local veterinarian as soon as possible. In this case, your veterinarian will choose to perform a complete blood work panel to test the ‘Packed Cell Volume’ levels. This blood test will determine how many red blood cells are present in your dog’s body. If the count is low, then it would indicate the pres ence of anemia. Additional tests may be warranted to reach a conclusive decision and diagno sis. These tests can help deter mine if there are any underlying issues such as an infection, toxin ingestion or cancer.
Like many autoimmune condi tions, a cure may not be possi ble; however, management is key. A recommended treatment plan includes suppressing the immune system to decrease the effects of it harming itself. Immunosuppression can be accomplished through ste roids, such as Prednisolone or Dexamethasone. However, it is important to note that steroids being used at high doses over long periods of time can have
detrimental effects. Therefore, it is ideal to work alongside your veterinarian towards monitor ing your pet’s condition and coming up with a beneficial and practical plan together for helping your dog feel better.
In some cases, blood trans fusions may be needed, de pending on the severity of the anemia being experienced by your dog. Most recent studies have proven for new alternative treatments to be beneficial. Such treatments include plas mapheresis and splenectomy. Plasmapheresis is a treatment in which blood is removed by using a needle or catheter. It is then placed into a machine, which allows for the blood to be separated into different cell cat egories, such as red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Recent research has shown that this can allow for the effective removal of antibodies that are attacking the immune system and for allowing agglutination to take place. A splenectomy is a surgical procedure in which the spleen is removed. This treatment is commonly seen as a solution for humans deal ing with IMHA. By removing this organ, we are able to allow the process of red blood cells removal to be slowed down. However, this is considered as a last resort if other treatment plans are not effective.
By: Dr. Sifti BhullarThe Vancouver Interna tional South Asian Film Festival (VISAFF) was a huge success with over 80 film screenings, including 12 features and 8 documenta ries, bringing together many respected members of the community from across Metro Vancouver and beyond.
The Opening Night Red Carpet Gala at Surrey City Hall kicked off VISAFF with great fanfare. Member of Parliament Randeep Sarai and Surrey Mayor Brenda Locke were among the many dignitaries in attendance. The audience was also wowed by performances of San Francisco based violinist Raaginder and Shiamak Davar’s dance troupe.
At the Gala, VISAFF recognized actress Balinder Johal with a Lifetime Achievement Award for her immense contribution to the entertainment world. Actress Agam Darshi was also presented with a Leadership in Film Award for her contri bution to the entertainment industry and the South Asian community. Writer and Director Jacquile Singh Kambo received the Emerging Artist Award at VISAFF and we wish him all the best for his future projects.
With the theme Unity in Di versity this year, representing a convergence of strong and authentic South Asian voices
through the language of films, the VISAFF line-up included films in 16 different languages.
The Opening Night Feature Film No Land’s Man and the closing film Land of Gold made a big mark on the attendees. Most film screenings were sold out and were followed by lively Q&As with filmmakers and an engaged audience. The Paki stani and Punjabi Night screen ing of films Khel Khel Mein and Razaa were also very well re ceived.
The five-day affair was lush with food and drinks, and wrapped up with an awards cer emony. Maasa (Directed by Phu lawa Khamkar) won an award in the Best International Short Film category. Desi Standard Time Travel (Directed by Kashif Pasta) and Beast (Directed by
Urvashi Pathania) shared the award for Best North American Short Film. The film to win the Best Documentary was HA NII TOKXW - Our Food Table (Di rected by Farhan Umedaly).
Four Samosas (Directed by Ravi Kapoor) won the Best Feature Film, actor Agam Dar shi won the Best Actress award for Donkeyhead and Stephen Lobo won the Best Actor award for Donkeyhead as well. Closing Night film Land of Gold (Direct ed by Nardeep Khurmi) won the Critics Choice Award.
VISAFF Outstanding Speakers Panel included Bhupinder Hun dal (News Director for Global BC), Gurpreet Sian ( Studio Ana lyst), Sonia Sunger (News An chor at Global BC) and Nira Aro ra (Radio Host) who shared their ideas and experiences as South
Asians in the Canadian media and the belief that building deeper connections with one another is the key to our com munity’s success. The Industry Night saw live readings by Van couver Poet Nhylar of Queer Art Exchange and a performance by Premier Punjabi Drag Queen Jolene Queen Sloan.
“It has been an overwhelm ing and amazing five-days with so much love and sup port from the community for the films, filmmakers and us,” said Festival Producer Mannu Sandhu. “Nothing lasts unless people decide to support it and we sincere ly hope that everyone will continue to support VISAFF as they have over the past 12 years.”
Your endurance can also be increased during winter be cause the heart needs to work less you also sweat less making your work out more efficient.
Himalayan Siddha Grand Master Akshar shares 6 ways that you can exercise and keep up with your fitness game even during cold win ter days.
walking/ Running/ Jogging: Start your exercise routine with a brisk walk or maybe you could take a jog or run around your neighborhood block. These are cardiovas cular activities that pump up your heart rate and get you ready both mentally and physically for your upcoming workout session.
stretching: After your jog or run make sure that you spend a few minutes on
stretching. Experts recom mend that you stretch be fore and after your workout as this readies your muscles keep them safe from injury and also effectively improves your chance of getting leaner and more toned.
urya Namaskar: In yoga, Surya Namaskar also known as the sun salutation is con sidered to be a complete body workout. The Surya Namaskar is comprised of eight different postures that are sequenced in a 12 step flow. It starts from the right side and needs to be com pleted on both sides for a complete cycle. If you are a beginner you can start with 3-5 cycles and gradually increase it to 11, 21 and so on. Practicing this sequence early in the morning will boost vitamin D in your body d and bring many physical as well as mental health benefits.
Energy breathing: Pranaya ma is a breathing exercise that can be performed to gain many health benefits for both mind and body. During winter techniques such as Kapalbhati Pranaya ma and Khand Pranayama are suggested for you.
Meditation techniques: There are many meditation
techniques that you can practice regularly such as Sthiti Dhyan, Swaas Dhyan, Aarambh Dhyan etc. Here is a simple and powerful med itation technique to build positivity.
Prarthana Dhyan (Prayerful Meditation) formation
1. Sit down in any comfort able posture
2. Join your palms in front of your chest to form Pranam Mudra
3. Straighten your back and close your eyes
4. Frame and repeat posi tive affirmations aloud or silently
Relaxation: End your workout session with complete mindbody relaxation in the form of Anandasana. Relaxing the body is as important as exer cising as this gives your body the chance to rest, recover and recoup.
formation of the Posture:
1. Lie down in a prone posi tion on a comfortable sur face or on your yoga mat.
2. Close your eyes.
3. Let your legs relax com pletely and place them at a distance that is comfort ably apart.
4. Let your ankles drop, and keep your toes are facing sideward.
5. Place your arms along side your body and slight ly apart. Make sure your palms are lying open to the sky and facing upwards.
6. Starting from your toes, bring your attention to ev ery area of your body. Use deep breaths to lull your body into a deep state of relaxation.
7. Maintain awareness so you do not fall asleep in the process.
8. To recover from the pos ture, gently roll to one side (right) with your eyes closed. Slowly push the floor to come
9. up and sit in Sukhasana.
Anandasana can be done after you complete your physi cal practice, and when you are tired, it helps to completely relax your body. This pose re quires you to concentrate and focus on your breath. When you are in this posture, try to take deeper and faster breaths.
Exercising during the winter can actually burn more calories than when you exercise in summer.By: Ritika tiwari
the cold breeze, the chilly mornings, the freezing nights, the bright shining moon, and the morning fog all indicate one thing – christmas is here! this certainly is a much-awaited time for most because of all the celebrations that will take place.
If you have a kid and haven’t thought of his participation in your celebrations, think again – you could be miss ing an opportunity to make this Christmas celebration memo rable for both him and you! Cel ebrating Christmas with your kids is a great chance for you to spend quality time with them. But to make this an unforgetta ble time of togetherness, here are some tips on things to do with kids for Christmas:
Make your child write a letter to santa
Santa Claus is the first thing children remember (and love) about Christmas. Instead of going and buying presents for your little one every year, why not make him take that extra effort and talk to Santa him self? Encourage your little one to write a letter to Santa, sug gesting what he would like this
year. Make sure he decorates it with all his favorite things. Then, you can help him with Santa’s “address”, and mail it off to him! This activity will also make for a great keepsake –when he grows up, you can show him these letters and reminisce!
Have a storytelling session
Christmas is a magical time, and what makes it better is the beautiful stories around the holiday. Snuggle up under a warm blanket with some hot chocolate and narrate some Christmas stories to your child.
Do this at bedtime – prefera bly on Christmas eve – so that your child wakes up in a festive mood on the big day!
Have a Christmas movie marathon
Even better than Christmas
stories is holiday movies – this is one of the most fun things to do with kids for Christmas and can develop into a family tradi tion.
On Christmas day, you can huddle up with your entire family and watch happy Christmas movies for kids. Your child will love this tradi tion and will look forward to it every year.
Go on a donation drive
Christmas is a season of joy, but it is also the season of giving. This is one of the best family things to do on Christ mas – it can even become a yearly tradition in your family!
Take your child’s old toys and clothes and donate them to the shelter closest to you. You can do the same for your own belongings as well – someone out there will thank you for it. Not to men tion, this can teach your kid the value of being kind and giving more than taking.
Make Christmas crafts together
Christmas is all about enjoy ing the day to the fullest. What can be better than decorating the house and X-mas tree with handmade crafts especially, made by your little munchkins?
If you are hosting a Christ mas party at your home, then it would be the perfect excuse to engage your kids in art and craft activities as well as deco rate the house with beautiful crafts.
sing Christmas carols
It is good to have a Christ mas tradition, whether it is decorating cookies or singing Christmas carols. It teaches kids about togetherness and creates happy memories.
You can practice with your kids before Christmas and on the day of Christmas huddle around the tree, piano, or the stereo, and sing carols.
western Com munity College is donating $5,000 to the Surrey Food Bank and an other $5,000 to the Archway Food Bank Abbotsford as part of its initiative to cele brate its tenth anniversary by giving back to the communi ty. We genuinely feel it is es
sential to give back to the community. We are grate ful for the work and ef forts the Surrey Food Bank and Archway Food Bank have put out in their respective
regions, as well as for their sup port to the local community.
Food is provid ed to anyone in need, including children, seniors, unemployed indi viduals, and persons with disabilities, by the
We are sincerely grateful to the Surrey and Archway Food Banks for their contributions to British Columbian society.
Many people seem to have the misconception that the road to becoming a chef is easy, but if we really look at the intricacies, the reality is in fact the complete opposite. Be ing a chef is tough and demanding both physically and mentally!
he long hours that are synonymous with the career, makes it abso lutely vital that you are passionate and dedicated to the craft. You need to be passion ate about creating new rec ipes, and not be scared to experiment with different ingredients and flavors. Your passion needs to be what motivates you.
The founders and head chefs at the Sirka Gour met TakeoutBaldeep Singh and Kanwardeep Ahluwalia are not only passionate but also have the right amount of motivation, talent, experience, and enthusiasm. The restaurant has creat ed a stir in Surrey with their lip-smacking delicacies and top-class dining experience. We let you get acquainted with the duo who are the heart and soul of Sirka Gourmet Takeout.
Baldeep, a first-generation
chef, feels that a chef mustthink like a scientist, cook like a grandma, and plate like an artist. “I believe in choosing my passion as a profession and hence I became a chef.”
He says, “Cooking is an inter action between the ingredients and as a chef, I understand the story behind each ingredient. I feel communication is the key to have a perfect platter with your personal touch as we pour our heart and soul out.”
The different facets of being a chef excites him every day to give his best at work. Meeting different people with varied mindsets and preferences and catering to their needs with utmost care and perfection is what thrills him. He says, “A chef’s life is really an exciting career. The challenges to create menus and deliver dining ex periences of a kind that people love. This makes one feel like a winner, and I believe as a chef I make it happen. Also, you can not ignore the opportunities of meeting new people and cel ebrating novice cuisines. The empowering experiences that I
have after delivering the prod uct is unmatched.”
“I believe a great chef has to be passionate about food and cooking. They must genuinely enjoy the whole process of pro curing, preparing, cooking, and serving food and have to be able to design menus too,” he added.
Kanwardeep Ahluwalia, the other culinary master at Sirka
Kanwardeep says, “Chefs use science to develop their food preparation techniques and invent new methods of cooking. Chefs understand how cutting, heating, and cooling food change its composition. Cooking and food preparation are applied sciences, and chefs understand them fully to succeed at their job.”
Gourmet Takeout, feels being a chef is to honor the art of cook ing and blend the craftsman ship with your utmost creativity. For him, it is equally important to understand your ingredients,
to have the intelligence to play around with your own authentic aesthetics and trust while cre ating a dish that gives a rush of adrenaline.
He says, “I cannot think well, sleep well if I haven’t dined well. If it applies to me, it surely fits right for many others as well. My life is for food, it’s not just a pro fession for me but an expansion of my wings to nurture, create, improve, learn, play, and display my deepest desires on the plate.
He says for him being a chef means you need to romanticize the food that you make.
Sirka Gourmet Takeout has not just won people with its amaz ing food offerings, it has also been a proud food sponsor at various celebrity live shows held in the city. Kanwardeep says, “A chef has to have a keen sense of business to run a profitable organization. The kitchen has to not only produce tasty food, but it also has to be cost effective and wastage should be mini
“The ability to multitask comes to great use in the life of a chef. They are overall in charge so from planning and designing menus to raw ma terial procurement and inven tory management to ensure that the right food goes to the right table, all the elements of a kitchen have to come together at the right time to result in seamless satisfactory service. It is the chef’s duty to keep tabs on all of it.”
Every chef has to be committed to quality using only the freshest and best quality ingre dients and the best techniques to pro duce tasty food of the highest grade.
He added, “There is no guarantee that everybody will always love the food cooked by a chef. He will sometimes face criticism and he has to be able to handle it with equanimity, analyze the feedback and take ap propriate action on it.
“It’s a pleasure and an honor to be a chef,” he concluded and signed off!
Baldeep says, “An essential quality of a true chef is stamina. The commercial kitchen is a hard place to work; long hours on foot exposed to heat, grease, high pressure, and odd working hours; a chef needs stamina to remain focused and consistently produce top quality food.”
Lifestyle changes seem scarier until you try them. Turning vegan is one lifestyle choice you may want to transition to. Eliminating animal products, including eggs and dairy, from your diet and consuming more vegetables sounds inspiring. You will be surprised by the number of options available for Vegans. Some things that you already like are vegan, and there are various international dishes that you can try.
The key to adopting veganism successfully can be embracing one change at a time and at your own pace. Here are some tips and suggestions that can help you go vegan.
Your pantry will play a crucial role when you choose a plantbased lifestyle. Before you elim inate it from your diet, adding things you can consume is a good idea. Stocking up on the ingredients and nutrients from all the macro-nutrient cate gories is essential. Incorporate whole grains, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, and tofu into your meals. Get your daily dose of healthy fats by opting for nuts like almonds and walnuts, olive oil, avocados, etc. Try beans and legumes, tempeh, seitan, etc., for your fill of proteins.
Read about preparing, storing, and using plant-based alterna tives. Experiment with recipes and make a menu plan by col lecting the ones that look ap pealing. Familiarize yourself with a few varieties of quick and easy vegan meals and enjoy them while preparing them. Switch to almond or soy milk to substitute cow’s milk. Find the alternatives that suit you best and build your pantry accordingly.
Don’t listen to the noise While information is available freely, there are a lot of unsolicit ed opinions that you may come across in today’s world of so
cial media. People may preach about the advantages and drawbacks of a vegan lifestyle. However, once you decide, your mind should not waver. Be sure about your “why” and under stand your rationale behind turning vegan. It can be for your health, ethics, or any other rea son. Your perspective should be the only thing that drives your decision.
Research and learn There is a lot of information available about adopting a vegan lifestyle. You must invest time and resources to research and learn about your options. Gather information about op timal nourishment through a plant-based lifestyle. The tran sition will not be easy if you fancy dairy, cheese, chocolate, and meat. Rely on finding and making alternatives for your favourite foods, so you do not crave them. Your taste buds will be challenged when you adopt a plant-based lifestyle. Welcome
at every opportunity. Train your mind to accept the alternatives and relish the choices.
Understanding the benefits of a vegan lifestyle will be help ful. Educate yourself about the costs and practices involved in the processing of animal prod ucts. Determine your reasons for turning vegan. Make it a habit to scrutinize the list of ingredients. This will help you figure out if the product is vegan. Acquaint yourself with the lesser-known ingredients that may be ani mal-derived in unsuspecting products. Scan for vegan prod ucts at your grocery store and explore vegan-friendly restau rants around you.
There is a multitude of options available to gain knowledge. These sources can offer valua ble insights and lend support during your transition. You will likely feel more confident about your choices when reinforced. You can watch YouTube videos, read blogs, and connect with the community to learn how to make your vegan cheese, plant milk benefits, and even mock meat’s drawbacks!
Once you know your goal, you can go at your own pace. Every one has a different methodolo gy when it comes to adapting to change. For some, it is easier to make the transition overnight, and others may take more time to accommodate. If drastic life style changes are generally chal lenging for you, approaching
For example, if you eat meat twice or thrice a week, switch to eating it once a week. You can also change one meal at a time. A vegan breakfast in the first week, a vegan lunch the next week, and so on. Before you eliminate dairy from your beverages like tea and coffee, experiment with plant milk. Stock your fridge with the right alternatives. Plant-based alternatives can be found for most food items. You do not have to sacrifice your favourite things. Adapt yourself to the limited menu options available while eating out at restau rants.
The Vegan movement is quickly multiplying across the globe. Remember, several communities around you can support and help you dur ing your transition. Connect with the community if you have questions, difficulties, or problems. Communication can solve doubts and help in identifying solutions. Talking to others who have success fully transitioned to the vegan lifestyle can be extremely sup portive. Gather your daily dose of inspiration by browsing websites with information that can help you navigate.
A change can be overwhelm ing but believe in yourself as you leap. Stick to your decision to turn vegan and remind yourself of your reasons. When in doubt, reach out to the Ve gan community. Take one day at a time and be satisfied with your choice. Be sure to enjoy the new lifestyle and have fun experimenting with alter natives. Every change has a learning curve, and every little victory counts!
By: Nikhil BendreI woke up the next morn ing after having a very scary dream. I tried to recall what that was. I was in some church. A priest was preaching that a per son suffers horribly if he seeks blessings from other gods after accepting Jeus his or her lord. In another dream, I was sitting beside my mom and a pandit was saying that I didn’t have a happy married life. I was arguing with the pandit that all of his pre dictions weren’t true. Both the priest and the pandit were arguing with me. My heart was throbbing like an engine. I woke Sam and Nancy up. I was trembling with fear. We got ready. We had breakfast and left for Surrey. Sam and Nancy had enjoyed themselves a lot on this trip to Whistler. But I was shuddering with fear. Sam was driving and
singing Kamal Heer’s fa mous Punjabi song kudiye ni saggi phul valley, kain the wala puchhe tera na (Hey you lady with a saggi flower, the boy wearing a special neck chain called Kentha is asking you your name). I, casting a fake smile, had been trying to hide my fear. But I wasn’t a good pretender. When Sam saw me uptight, he started asking me, tak ing his eyes off the road, what the wrong was with me. He tried to express his happiness by driving the car stylishly. I stopped him from being so careless while driving. He insisted on knowing why I was so serious and he was taking his eyes off the road time and time again. I asked Sam to pull over the car.
“First tell me what you are hiding from me? Why are you…?”, Sam couldn’t complete his question that everything went dark. Sam
had crossed a red light and a pick-up truck had T-boned our car. When I regained consciousness I found myself on a hos pital bed. All except Sam and Nancy were standing around my bed. Continued in next edition
After much ambi guity and constant tussle of ‘yes’ or ‘no’, it’s sorted that Aamir Khan will be a part of “Champions” but, here’s the catch - the ac tor will be working on the project in the capacity of a producer.
News about Aamir Khan’s up coming project “Champions” has been doing the rounds for a while.
The actor, who was most recently seen in “Laal Singh Chaddha”, was in Delhi recent ly for his childhood friend’s event. There, the actor made the revelation about the pro ject.
The actor expressed his thoughts about being in the producer’s chair for the film.
“It’s a wonderful script, it’s a beautiful story, and it’s a very heartwarming and lovely film but I feel I want to take a break. I want to be with my family, I want to be with my mom and my kids,” Aamir said.
“I will be producing ‘Champi ons’ because I really believe in the film, I think it’s a great story.”
The film will be co-produced by Aamir Khan Productions along with Sony Pictures In ternational Productions, India, and 200NotOut Productions.
By: IANSmyrw nvW rUp ... auf Aw
iPr mYN nYNsI ƒ jgwieAw Aqy aus dI iqAwr hox iv~c mdd kIqI[ mYN svyr dI pryswnI vMfx leI nYNsI qoN vwr-vwr mdd mMgI[ nYNsI ny muskrw ky mYƒ smJwieAw ik auh myrI muSkl kl smJ geI sI[ mYN sYm ƒ supnw suxwieAw[ sYm ny mYƒ byiPkr rihx leI ikhw[ ausny mYƒ ieh vI Bros id~qw ik auh myrI ieh icMqW hmySw Awpxy iDAwn iv~c rKygw Aqy hr qrHW dy jo^m qoN bcygw[ mYƒ kuJ cYn qW peI pr mYN muskrwaux dI ihMmq nw kr skI[ aus dupihry iqMn ku vjy Gr ƒ cl pey qy TIk-Twk Gr phuMc gey[
myrw hr pl muSkl nwl bIq irhw sI[ mYƒ hmySw ieho fr lwigAw rihMdw sI ik iksy vI pl koeI mwVI Kbr nw Aw jwvy[ mYN hr vyly frI hoeI rihMdI ik iksy KuSI dy mOky ‘qy vI KuS hox qoN frdI sI[ ie~k Axjwx ijhy
fr ny mYƒ burI qrHw Gyr riKAw sI[ mYN hr vyly fr dy prCvyN hyT jI rhI sI[ mYN AMD ivSvwS iv~c jkVI hoeI sI[ mYN jwxdI sI ik ieh sB myrI ishq ‘qy myry pirvwr dI izMdgI ‘qy burw Asr pY irhw sI[ AwpxI pUrI vwh lwaux dy bwvjUd mYN AwpxI soc dy Gyry qoN bwhr nhIN inkl pw rhI sI[ mIƒ ny mYƒ keI vwr pu~iCAw ik myrI muskwn ik~Qy guAwc geI sI[ myry kol koeI jvwb nhIN sI huMdw[ myry fwk tr ny disAw ik mYƒ bhuq ifprYSn ho igAw sI[ mYN ie~k nrs dI nOkrI kr rhI sI, pr mYN TIk nhI sI[ mYN svyry-swm v~D qoN v~D pwT krdI sI[ myry kol sB kuJ sI isvwey cYn dy[ mYN hmysw socdI ik ikqy koeI aus dy id mwg dI sPweI dw swDn hovy ijs nwl mYN AwpxI burI Xwd Aqy AMDivSvws imtw skw qy mYN ie~k Awm ijMdgI jI skw[ jy myrI mMmI Aqy mYN pMfq kol nw gey huMdy qW myrI izMdgI kuJ hor hI hoxI sI[ ijMnI mY AMDivSvws ivc pYNdI geI EnI hI mYN Awqmk qOr ‘qy kmzor huMdI geI[ myrI hr audwsI ieho huMdI sI ik mYN moq qoN pihlw ies dunIAw qoN clI jwvw[
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singer Papon has now turned into a film maker and is working on two films simulta neously in Northeast India.
‘The Land of the Sacred Beats’ and ‘The Mystical Brahmaputra - A Musical Story’ are the two films Pa pon has been working on for the past 4 years.
Talking about the films, Papon said: “Everyone knows my love towards India, and especially the Northeast. I feel responsible to take the Northeast to the rest of the world.”
“The experience of making films like this is life-chang ing. We have been traveling for years for research and
shooting. I hope through this film we are not only able to boost tourism and culture but also promote its beauti ful stories.”
He was invited to the pres tigious Cannes Film Festival as the Cultural Ambassador of Assam. The teasers of Papon’s productions were unveiled at the India Pavil ion at the March du Film to celebrate cinemas rooted in Assam.
The films are produced by Papon and directed by Par asher Baruah. The duo has been traveling lengths and breaths of the Northeast to capture its diversity, liveli hood, crafts, arts, and stories.
By: IANSPersistent symptoms following COVID -19
The corona virus disease (COV ID-19) pandemic has resulted in a growing population of indi viduals recovering from severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections. These patients may develop a variety of symptoms after recovery from acute in fection, referred to by several terms including “long COVID” and “post-COVID conditions’’.
The recovery process from COVID -19 exists on the contin uum: complications, while after recovery from the acute phase, some patients require eval uation and management for persistent or new symptoms.
Stages of COVID-19 recovery: Acute COVID-19: Symptoms of COVID-19, occur up to four weeks following the onset of illness.
Post-COVID condition: Broad range of symptoms (physical and mental) and symptom clusters that develop during or after COVID-19 continue for more than three months from the onset of illness, have an impact on the patient’s life and other conditions have been ruled out.
These stages reflect sympto matic recovery and are not related to active viral infection. Other terms used to describe prolonged symptoms following COVID-19 illness are described as “long COVID”, “post acute COVID-19, “chronic COVID-19 and”post COVID syndrome”.
There are no widely accepted clinical diagnostic criteria for “long COVID”
Prevention of Post –COVID symptoms:
The most effective means to prevent post CoVID condi
tions also is to prevent CoV ID-19 (e.g: vaccination, social distancing, masking, hand hygiene): it is likely that any measure that decreases the incidence or severity of acute COVID—19 infection will in turn decrease the incidence and se verity of post COVID conditions.
The true prevalence of longCoVID is not known due to varying definitions and meth ods of analysis: A person who had symptomatic COVID-19 infection experienced at least one of three long COVID symp tom clusters, persistent fatigue with body pain or mood swings, cognitive problems or respira tory problems).Females above 20 years are likely to have post COVID symptoms than males above 20 years. Both males and females under 20 years of age are equally affected.
Persistent Symptoms- Per sistent physical symptoms following acute COVID -19 are common and typically include fatigue dyspnoea, chest pain and cough. Patients recover ing from COVID-19 may also
have additional psychological (e.g: anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress disorder) and cognitive (e.g. poor memory and concentration symptoms : Less common persistent physical symptoms include loss of smell, joint pain , headache, sicca syn drome, rhinitis, bad taste, poor appetite, myalgias, insomnia, hoarseness, hair loss, sweating, reduced libido and diarrhoea.
Psychological and cognitive symptoms: these are acute COVID-19 anxiety/depression, physical weakness, joint stiff ness/pain, mental/cognitive dysfunction, and muscle pain.
The risk of cardiovascular events (e.g: myocardial infarction, stroke, arrhythmias, pericarditis, myocarditis and thromboem bolic disease) may be increased after COVID-19 infection.
Expected recovery time courseThere is a shorter recovery (about two weeks) for those with mild disease and a longer recovery (about two to three months or longer) for those with more severe disease. Symptom recovery may take 4 months in non-hospitalized patients and 9 months in hos pitalized patients.
Risk of rehospitalization- Most patients with COVID-19 are suc cessfully discharged although approximately 10 to 20 percent require rehospitalization within 30 and 60 days. Patients recov
ering from COVID-19 infection range from those with mild illness not requiring medical attention to those with severe illness requiring prolonged criti cal care support.
Assess disease severity, compli cations and treatment- During the initial follow up evaluation of a patient with persistent symp toms, a comprehensive history of the patient’s acute COVID-19 illness, including the illness timeline, duration and severity of symptoms, type and severity of complications (e.g: venous thromboembolism, presence and degree of kidney injury, sup plemental oxygen requirements, cardiac complications, delirium) is taken. CoVID-19 testing results and initial treatments used are also considered. The Patients with more severe symptoms may need hospitalization and a multidisciplinary approach to manage.
Advanced Genomics Inc
Address: 8425 120 st #203, Delta, BC V4C 6R2
Which one would you like on your next travel?
Camping allows one to embrace and celebrate the sanctity of nature to the fullest. Quality time spent in the lap of nature surrounded by your near and dear ones is a great and relaxing way to make memories.
Also known as “Tra ditional Camping”, camping is boastful of providing its guests with the best of experiences in the rawest and purest form.
On the other hand, Glamping, a combination of glamorous stays and camping ways, offers its guests with the best of both worlds. This includes luxurious accommodations for comfort in the midst of nature to achieve relaxation and serenity, and of course, a whole lot of memo ries! Pradeep Singh Choudhary, co-founder, Moonstone Ham mock underlines how camping and glamping are different in different aspects.
Accessibility and Effort: Traditions camping can be a big no to those who seek luxu ry and an exciting yes to all the adrenaline junkies and thrill seekers. Camping basics include spotting a smooth area or a free patch that you can mount your tent on, the patience to set up a bonfire and cook lip-smack ing camping delights! These essentials cater to memorable experiences. However, the same might be just too much effort to the ones that crave leisure and luxury.
The same is satisfied through the novel concept of glamp ing. Amenities such as spa cious tents, comfortable beds, fans/air conditioners and mouth-watering food are provided through glamping. To sum it all up, if experiencing the thrill is your ultimate goal, then traditional camping is for you. Whereas glamping is for the ones who wish to cherish and celebrate nature through an exotic stay.
of activities that visitors can enjoy during their time here. This includes not just camp ing and glamping, but also water tents. Various kinds of water tents like ground tents, floating tents, etc. are pro vided. Other activities, which might vary, are Kayaking, Movie Screening, Barbecue, Live Music, Games, Innovative Workshops, etc. These activi ties are a perfect remedy to a monotonous life.
Amenities: Traditional camping is gov erned by the rusticity of na ture. The amenities provided are minimal and one can truly disconnect from the worldly pleasures of life for a while and spend some quality time with nature.
In glamping, luxurious amen ities, including everything right from a phone charger to a fan and a cozy bed is provid ed. All the visitors have to do is indulge in solitude and cher ish the euphonious melodies of nature to the fullest.
Rates: Parameters such as location and facilities are taken into consideration. Goes with out saying that glamping is expensive as compared to camping. But the cherry on the cake is that one of a kind experiences come along. As a result, make a deci sion between camping and glamping completely de pends upon the visitor/guest’s mood. While both have ad vantages and disadvantages of their own, the fact that they also provide unique experi ences cannot be denied.
By: IANSIn the Rising rate environment, It is dif ficult to predict what will happen with the rates, however being informed is the first step!
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By:Gagandeep singh Pannugagandeep
But do you know the history of Boxing Day? People living in the United Kingdom, Canada, South Africa, Aus tralia, and New Zealand do recognise the holiday, and as the world becomes increas ingly smaller and more in terconnected it behooves us all to learn about meaningful festivities celebrated around the globe.
Boxing Day takes place every year on December 26th, which is of course easy to remember since it always follows Christmas. According to Vox, whenever Boxing Day falls on a weekend, however, the holiday is observed on the following Monday. Box ing Day is most commonly associated with the United Kingdom, which is why coun tries that celebrate it are part of the Commonwealth of nations that were formerly British colonies. (For what ever reason, Americans have opted out of this tradition!) Though the exact beginnings of the holiday aren’t com pletely agreed upon, there are several origin stories that help explain its significance.
The BBC explains that Box ing Day got its name when Queen Victoria held the throne in the 1800s, and is borne out of the tradition of wealthy families boxing up gifts to give to the poor. Since servants of aristocrats were required to work on Christmas, the following day became the time when their employers filled up boxes with gifts, money, and Christ
mas leftovers for them, much like a holiday bonus. Servants could then go home to share the gift boxes with their fam ilies.
Another theory, according to History.com, is that the name arose from alms boxes placed in churches for the collection of donations for those in need. On December 26th, clergy members would give these funds to the poor in honor of the feast of St. Stephen, a Christian martyr known for charitable acts. St. Stephen holds so much significance that in Ireland, Boxing Day is referred to as St. Stephen’s Day.
With so many competing narratives, it’s difficult to know exactly how Boxing Day began. It’s clear, how ever, that what they all have in common are themes of charity, gift-giving, and cel ebrations, which have lived on and is present in how this holiday is observed today.
How Is Boxing Day Celebrated Today?
These days, Boxing Day is regarded as a time to spend with family and friends, particularly those who you
couldn’t see on Christmas. This can include gathering for meals, drinking at pubs, or simply relaxing at home and enjoying the day off. In addition to the holiday’s em phasis on social connection, there are several other Box ing Day traditions that have evolved over the years.
While Boxing Day still has nothing to do with the sport of boxing, it has now come to be associated with watching football. The BBC notes that before the days of television, Christmas Day would feature a full schedule of football matches for fans to attend after they had eaten. During the 1950’s however, attitudes towards playing sports on Christmas changed, and the last football match to take place on Christmas occurred in 1957. Since then, Boxing Day has become the time for sports fans to get their fix. Another facet of mod ern Boxing Day is shopping, since it’s now widely known as a day for massive sales. Similar to Black Friday in the US, plenty of shoppers will spend hours in line to snag some of the best discounts of the season, supplement the Christmas gifts they received,
or possibly even return un wanted items. Since coun tries like the United Kingdom and Canada also celebrate Black Friday, Boxing Day shopping has become slight ly less popular in recent years, but is still a main cele bratory fixture.
Going back to its roots, char ity continues to be an impor tant aspect of Boxing Day celebrations. The Old Farm er’s Almanac explains that this includes everything from charity runs to the Boxing Day Dip, which is when ad venturous participants dress in fancy clothes and take a dunk in the freezing cold sea.
Finally, Boxing Day is also recognized as a day to over indulge on Christmas left overs. Families might invite guests over for a casual lunch featuring baked Ham, Christ mas cake, turkey sandwiches, roasted vegetables and oth er festive foods enjoyed the day before. In that sense, you might have already been cel ebrating the spirit of Boxing Day for years, without even knowing it!
If you have lived in c anada for a few years now, chances are you’ve heard of Boxing Day a time or two.
More than 40 officers from Surrey Police Service (SPS) at tended this year’s Nagar Kirtan at Gurdwara Dukh Nivaran Sahib in honor of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The festi val, which celebrated the First Guru’s birthday, took place on Saturday, November 5, and brought together thousands of Surrey residents who visited the Gurdwara and viewed the parade procession that went down 68 Avenue and looped around 148 Street.
SPS officers set up a booth on the Gurdwara Sahib grounds early in the morning, helping to greet the public that gath ered at the Gurdwara. The officers shared in a meal and interacted with kids and resi dents handing out stickers and other SPS items. SPS officers also gathered in the Divan Hall to pray and pay their respects together. Following the morn ing gathering, the officers proudly marched in the parade, handing out headscarves while interacting with residents. SPS members received a warm welcome from the community, and many of the officers spent considerable time talking with residents, taking photos, and answering questions about the police transition. Community
engagement is an important priority for Surrey Police Ser vice, and they are committed to connecting and engaging with Surrey residents, religious organizations, business own ers, and youth. The transition from the federal RCMP to a municipal service is well under way with over 300 SPS officers hired, making SPS the second largest municipal police service in the province of BC.
For more information on SPS and the progress of Surrey’s policing transition visit their website at surreypolice.ca/spspolicing-tran sition.
However, for some, this over-stimulation of the senses can be a trigger for stress and anxiety. While the holidays are not entirely unavoidable, there are steps that you can take to safe-guard yourself against holiday burnout.
Between decking the halls with boughs of holly and making the perfect Christmas dinner, there are about one hundred and two things to be done during the holiday sea son. Rather than toting around a crammed to-do list, dele gate. Make decorating the tree a project for the kids, and have close friends and family bring their favorite holiday dishes to a potluck-style Christmas din ner. When it comes to getting
you to have the energy to ac tually enjoy yourself.
3. find bliss in imperfection
With the onslaught of im ages of beautifully decorated homes on social media, it is difficult to not strive for per fection in your holiday prepa rations. This, however, adds a
season, this is no exception. It is important, however, to be mind ful of what you consume and to indulge in seasonal treats in moderation. Rather than gorg ing on cookies at the office, pick one or two small treats to enjoy at a special event. During the rest of the time, eat a balanced diet with plenty of vegetables,
do to prevent burnout is to give yourself the space and time to relax. Find a quiet time during the day that can be scheduled off as “you-time”. Listen to mu sic, draw, exercise, or meditate; do whatever it is that takes your mind off of the chaotic ener gy outside, and allows you to ground and focus inwards.
The holidays are an exhil arating time of year. Rather than trying to do absolutely everything, allow yourself to slow down a little. Take in the sights, sounds, and smells that make the holiday season so special – the decorations, the carols, the delicious gin gerbread cookies- and share these moments with your loved ones. Above all, be com passionate towards yourself.
By showing yourself love through rest and restoration, you’ll be ready to take on 2023 with abundant energy.
the winter holidays are an exciting time of year. the decora tions, the carols, the food, and the festiv ities, it is certainly a fun-filled time.Dr. Esha Singh nD
Actress Elizabeth Debicki claims portraying Diana, Princess of Wales reminded her of how dangerous fame can be.
The 32-year-old actress - who plays the late royal in the latest series of Netflix drama ‘The Crown’ - says she’s never been interested in being a celebrity but her latest role made her realize just how difficult fame can be for someone like Diana who was strug gling with her personal life, reports aceshowbiz. com.
“As a concept, [fame is] not one that appeals to me. The main thing it does is take away one of the most valuable things people possess, which is a right to privacy,” she told Vogue Australia.
She previously opened up about the “pressure” of playing Diana in ‘The Crown’ and said it was particularly difficult when she had to wear a version of the late royal’s “revenge dress” - which she wore the night her estranged husband Charles, then Prince of Wales admitted he’d been unfaithful in a TV interview.
Debicki told Vogue UK, “The revenge dress was pressure ... It’s a complex
According to a recent survey by Bumble in India, emotional con nection (60 per cent) and kindness (55 per cent) top the charts, followed by empathy (32 per cent), as priorities when it comes to dating some one or choosing a poten tial part ner, post the second wave of the pandemic.
Bumble’s relationship expert Shahzeen Shivdasani shares tips on the acts of kindness one should adopt
when getting to know some one online:
Respect boundaries: Be patient with people you are connecting with as you get to know them better. If someone has not responded to you, give them time and space to connect with you. They may have other priorities to attend to and this doesn’t immediately trans late to them not being interested. Give them the space to respond in their own time and get to know you when they can give you their full attention. Respecting someone’s boundaries is vital.
Make them feel safe: One of the most important acts of kindness you can do is make your connection or partner feel safe. Let them know that they can be them selves around you. If they’re having a mo ment of weak ness, try not to judge them.
Express gratitude: Expressing grat itude when in a relationship or while getting to know someone, goes a long way. Incorporate small gestures like writing a
thoughtful note or just a sim ple ‘thank you’ after that first date. Being kind is an attrac tive trait!
No ghosting: If you have been getting to know someone on a dating app and decide not to know them further, be kind and straightforward about it - let them know you are not inter ested in taking things further. Perhaps you might just want to still be friends. Just disap pearing and not communicat ing can hurt and demotivate others.
Be a good listener: If someone is sharing something with you, be empathetic. You can do that by not dismissing the other person. Communication is a two-way street, and relationships only grow when you both feel heard, seen and understood.
Dating can feel difficult, it is difficult for some to put themselves out there.
As we enter 2022, let’s remember to be kind
By: Nutan Desaiand treat others the way you want to be treated. Be kind
Putting yourself out there can be nerve-wracking and some times all you need is an act of kindness and a compassion ate gesture for a comfortable dat ing experience.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder that af fects the large intestine. Signs and symptoms include cramp ing, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea or constipa tion, or both. IBS is a chronic condition that needs patience & persistence.
Only a small number of people with IBS have severe signs and symptoms. Some people can control their symp toms by managing diet, lifestyle and stress. More-severe symptoms can be treated with medication and counsel ling.
The signs and symptoms of IBS vary. The most common include:
Abdominal pain, cramping or bloating that is typically relieved or partially re lieved by passing a bowel movement.
Excess gas, diarrhea or constipation
— sometimes alternating bouts of diar rhea and constipation
Mucus in the stool
Most people with IBS experience times when the signs and symptoms are worse and times when they improve or even disappear completely.
when to see a doctor
See your doctor if you have a persistent change in bowel habits or other signs or symptoms of IBS. They may indicate a more serious condition, such as colon cancer. More-serious signs and symp toms include:
4Weight loss
4Diarrhea at night
4Rectal bleeding
4Iron deficiency anemia
4Unexplained vomiting
4Difficulty swallowing
4Persistent pain that isn’t relieved by passing gas or a bowel movement
The precise cause of IBS isn’t known. Factors that appear to play a role in clude:
Muscle contractions in the intestine: The walls of the intestines are lined with layers of muscle that contract as they move food through your digestive tract. Contractions that are stronger and last longer than normal can cause gas, bloating and diarrhea. Weak intestinal contractions can slow food passage and lead to hard, dry stools.
Nervous system: Abnormalities in the nerves in your digestive system may cause you to experience greater than normal discomfort when your abdo men stretches from gas or stool. Poorly coordinated signals between the brain and the intestines can cause your body to overreact to changes that normally occur in the digestive process, resulting in pain, diarrhea or constipation. Inflammation in the intestines: Some people with IBS have an increased number of immune-system cells in their intestines. This immune-system response is associated with pain and diarrhea.
severe infection: IBS can develop after a severe bout of diarrhea (gastroenteri tis) caused by bacteria or a virus. IBS
might also be associated with a surplus of bacteria in the intestines (bacterial overgrowth).
Changes in bacteria in the gut (micro flora): Microflora are the “good” bac teria that reside in the intestines and play a key role in health. Research indi cates that microflora in people with IBS might differ from microflora in healthy people.
Triggerssymptoms of IBs can be triggered by: Food. The role of food allergy or intoler ance in IBS isn’t fully understood. A true food allergy rarely causes IBS. But many people have worse IBS symptoms when they eat or drink certain foods or bever ages, including wheat, dairy products, citrus fruits, beans, cabbage, milk and carbonated drinks.
Contd. in next edition
Dr. Pargat Singh Bhurji MD,FRCP ( CYes, even a chronic lifestyle condition can be prevented from soaring, pro vided you know what kinds of food to consume.
Stress is our reaction to feeling threatened by any stimuli when we find ourselves in an unpleasant or dangerous situation. The ef fect of chronic stress on our bodies is harm ful. In the long-term, over-exposure to stress can disrupt almost all body processes and put one at an increased risk of several health and lifestyle issues such as chronic head aches and migraine, anxiety and depression, digestive & sleep problems, heart diseases, high blood pressure, weight gain, etc. Given that chronic stress is a part and parcel of our lives, we cannot stop it but we can manage it by eating healthily.
Certain nutrients in food can keep stress at bay. Among the multiple ways of stress man agement, eating certain nutrients in food is the best. According to studies, just by being stressed, your bodily requirements for cer tain nutrients such as vitamins B & C, seleni um, magnesium, etc. increase. Just by eating foods that are rich in these nutrients, you may be able to manage your stress levels. In fact, there are studies showing that quality nutrients taken long-term can have a posi tive impact on your body.
Research has also proved a relevant, decisive link between gut micro-organisms, which live in our intestine, what we eat and how we ultimately feel. No wonder gut health is in tegral to mood, emotions, and psychological health management. So, managing stress with food is a great tactic for overall health. A well-balanced, nutritious diet is the single most important element for good health.
Next time you feel stressed, observe your pal ate and adjust it accordingly. Here are some great food options that are known to reduce stress levels:
Dark chocolate: Is said to work in two ways - by having a chemical and emotional im pact. Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants and helps lower stress hormone levels in the body when enjoyed in moderation, as tra ditionally bereft of any unnecessary surplus sugar.
Warm milk: Known to induce a good sleepin night and aids stress management when sipped right before retiring to bed. Warm milk has a relaxing effect. Rich in calcium and vitamin D, it helps to maintain the bone and is also known as a muscle relaxant and mood stabiliser.
Nuts & seeds: Teeming with magnesium, healthy fats, and nutrients; nuts and seeds act as a stress-busting snack when con sumed in moderation. Almonds, flaxseed, pistachios, sunflower seeds, and walnuts are great options to choose from.
Foods high in fibre: Fibre-rich foods are hailed as gut-friendly and may lower stress, anxiety, and depression. To add more fibre to your diet, eat adequate amounts of fresh fruits, leafy vegetables, nuts & seeds, and many more. You may also opt for wholegrain-based foods such as whole-grain breakfast cereals.
Whole unprocessed grains: Known to pro vide a mood-stabilising effect by spiking serotonin (a boosting-mood hormone that decreases stress) levels. Thus, resulting in better concentration and focus. Choose healthy, unrefined carbohydrates such as unprocessed grains for better nutrition and adequate fibre intake that takes longer to di gest and thus releases blood sugar gradually over a period.
Eating healthy is the best way to relieve stress and its negative impact on our bod ies. Try eating healthy and watch your food palate as per your physical and emotional requirements.
Ancient science knew something that main stream sci ence is re discovering, many illnesses can be treated by optimis ing our food habits. Diet is the most overlooked part of the stress-fighting regime but is equally equipped to manage stress as the other factors.
Remove makeup before bed
Double cleanse your face by using micellar water fol lowed by a mild face wash to remove makeup com pletely before you sleep. If you are too tired by the end of the day (especially after one too many cele bratory cocktails), keep alcohol-free makeup remover wipes at your bedside for a quick cleanse.
For instantly soft and lipstick-ready lips, mix sugar, coconut oil and honey and apply over lips. Leave on for 10 minutes and gently exfoliate lips with a clean toothbrush.
To avoid eye puffiness, elevate your head by using an extra pillow under the head when sleeping. This will prevent fluid pooling under the eyes. To temporarily reduce undereye puffiness, place chilled (brewed) green tea bags over closed eyes for 10mins.
Waking up with a pesky zit is every bride’s worst nightmare. Cleanse your face every night with a sali cylic acid based face wash and exfoliate gently once a week. If you do breakout, resist the urge to pick at it. Instead, use acne patches with hydrocolloid to speed up healing and conceal acne under the wedding makeup.
A tried and tested home remedy for shiny, frizz- free hair is to mix apple cider vinegar, yogurt, honey and aloe vera. Use this as a hair mask for 30-minutes and rinse off with a mild shampoo for glossy strands. (Patch test for possible allergies)
Last minute changes to your skin care routine might do more harm that good, since there isn’t enough time to recover from an unexpected reaction. Closer to the D-day, avoid any new products or treatments and stick to what you know suits your skin best.
A week prior to the wedding, avoiding excessive consumption of dairy and high sugar foods will help prevent acne flares and bloating. Especially for those prone to rosacea, limiting intake of alcohol and spicy foods will ensure no redness flares.
You can use rustic, live edge wood, gorgeous veneers, and cane. Incorpo rate unique architectural el ements, moldings on doors,
curved windows, architrave & door frames to evoke the feel of an English country side home.
Chirag Vora, Founder of Ma son Home shares some ways you can decorate your Home with an English flair: Incorporate Time less Neutrals: A space in a home always needs decor pieces you never get bored of when you lay your eyes on it. One way to achieve that is by sticking to the classics and timeless neutralsbe it in your cush ions, planters, or tables. For exam ple, a classic beige planter, a textured bathroom set, or a minimal paneled lamp in muted hues would be a must-have in any English Home. Also, tufted cush ions to hop onto the cottage core trend would make any couch inviting with their cozy appeal.
Dress up your Coffee Table dif ferently: The old way of stacking books on your cof fee table can be generic. Instead, try something slightly different
by placing a collection of classic pots, planters, or decor animal accents like Bee fly accents on your table. They make for good conversation starters and enhance and juxtapose the formal, traditional elements throughout the space along with the more modern ones, making for a fun and eclectic yet timeless sprawl.
Add that touch of Victori an: Every English home can never be without that touch of royalty; nothing can add that better than a collection of beautifully handcrafted candle stands that make a royal statement. Every home needs that royal touch with extravagant yet elegant candle stands - be it in your room or your con sole table. They add that old-world charm.
Carve out cozy corners: A Cozy pouffe in your living room with some greens by your side is bound to impart a sense of warmth to every one who walks into that space.
floral fever: Whether in your pillow covers, bedding, or wallpapers, an English home would always have a beautiful melange of florals. It’s a feminine contrast to the muted shade they tend to lean towards, and these Flowers in the Garden and Meadow cushions would be the perfect addition to your couch or bed.
Here are some pro tips to get you started and make you cool: Long walks and nature talksBeaches and parks are free for all! To make your first date a little more romantic, a simple picnic at the park with some yummy snacks or long evening strolls by the sea while you play 20 questions with your date could be exactly what you need.
The classic museum dateMake your first meeting as creative as your personality with an art-inspired date. If both of you are into visual art and mar vel over the rich history of India, invite your match to a muse um date or hit the art gallery to share your knowledge and creativity. Don’t forget to take bomb pics for the ‘gram!
Date night with a homecooked meal- Take a tip or
mu sic and conver sation!
Hit the thrift shops? - If you’ve only got 200 rupees in your pock et, thrifting is freaking awe some. In fact, that’s probably why mentions of “thrifting” in bios have grown by 56 percent! Take your date to a popular street shopping mar ket and show your quirk with your fashion! This might also
be a nice time to get to know what they are into.
Try out a weekend day hike up a mountain- If getting dirty and sweaty is your vibe, you can never go wrong with adrenaline-inducing experi ences! Maybe starting off small and being one with nature while exploring the great out doors over the weekend could be your vibe! You can take your date for a mini-trek and watch the sunrise or sunset together. Explore new paths together by hiking up a mountain and don’t forget to bring a snack for you two to share later!
wholesome art day- If you both share a passion for art or want to try something fun and aren’t scared to get messy, invite your date over for an art day! You can show case your talents and be goofy together. Maybe even turn it into a competition and bring out your competitive sides?
By: IANsIndia is the second-most populous country in the world and home to over 20 per cent of the world’s blind population. Addressing visual impairment is a major health is sue across the globe, and while a number of factors are respon sible for poor vision, including age, genetics, and the environ ment, everyday habits are just as important. There are indica tions that daily habits can affect a person’s eyesight and develop into further complications if not addressed in time.
Too much screen time: Work ing for long hours, especially on a computer has become a reality for many people around the world. The pandemic and the work-from-home culture meant that people have to work virtually for long hours
every day. Such a lifestyle can inevitably cause significant strain on your eyes and lead to eye-related problems if not properly checked. A condition often associated with this is “screen-sightedness” or com puter vision syndrome. The 2020-20 technique is a simple yet effective way to take frequent breaks to reduce the stress on your due to extended use of digital devices. Spend at least 20 seconds every 20 minutes looking at something 20 feet away.
Eating eye health-deficient diet: Including foods contain ing omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, vitamins C and E, and dark leafy greens, nuts, eggs, oranges, and seafood can help maintain eye health.
Not resting enough: Lack of sleep, especially when it hap pens on a regular basis, can have many negative effects on our health, both short-term and long-term, including a weakened immune system, weight gain, heart disease, high blood pressure, mood changes, and memory issues. It also affects the health of our eyes significantly. Not rest ing enough can manifest in bloodshot eyes, dark circles, blurred vision, dry eyes, and other conditions. According to research, the eyes need about 7 to 9 hours of good sleep dai ly to replenish themselves and function well.
Rubbing your eyes all day can also cause some damage to your sight. Rubbing the eyes can break blood vessels pres ent under your eyelids. When the eyes are irritated, instead of rubbing the eyes, try applying a cold compress instead.
Not wearing sunglasses can also have harmful effects on your eyes. Our eyes are vul nerable to ultraviolet rays and weather elements which can affect the health of our vision in numerous ways. Wearing the right sunglasses on a regular basis can prevent the devel opment of macular degenera tion or cataracts. Beyond that, sunglasses also help protect against dry-eye syndrome by blocking the wind and dust that could gain access to your eyes.
Staying dehydrated. Water is essential for the body to help maintain hydration. Our eyes rely on water to help keep them lubricated in the form of tears. It is quite normal for dust, dirt, and other debris present in the air to sneak into our eyes. In the absence of moisture, one may develop dry, red, or puffy eyes. Thus, it is important to stay hy drated by consuming plenty of water every day.
Moreover, regular eye checkups are essential for the timely identification and treatment of visual ailments.
there are about 2.2 billion people globally with near or dis tant vision impairment, according to a 2021 report by the world Health or ganisation (wHo).
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The chef evangelist, with expertise and experience in Indian Culinary is packed w
h h
h o f culinary expertise and travel ordeals, he has evolved an adaptive world cuisine with his expressive cooking style which is to be bought forward with SIRKA.
His career pays homage to his mother which led to his dedicated experimentation and passion for multicultural Indian cuisines. He h a s b e e n t h e p o w e r h o u s e o f m a n y esteemed restaurants and now is fronting w i t h S I R K A t o c r e a t e a n i m p a c t w i t h modern Indian cuisine.
mykAp qoN pihlW kWtYkt lYNz: Aksr kuVIAW mykAp krn qoN bwAd lYNz lwauNdIAW hn pr Aijhw krnw Zlq hY[ mykAp krn qoN pihlW lYNz lw lau[ ies nwl A~KW ivc jln Aqy Kurk dI sm~isAw nhIN hovygI [
AweISYfo: jykr qusIN kwsmYitk lYNz lwauNdy ho qW pwaUfr dI bjwey krIm AweISYfo dw iesqymwl kro[ ieh nw isr& izAwdw dyr qk A~KW auqy itikAw rihMdw hY sgoN ies nwl koeI nukswn vI nhIN huMdw[
AweIlweInr lwauNdy smyN vI A~KW dw ^ws i^Awl rKxw cwhIdw hY ikauNik keI vwr auh quhwfIAW A~KW AMdr cilAw jWdw hY[ ies nwl A~KW ivc jln, KujlI Aqy pwxI Awaux lgdw hY Aqy ies dw Asr lYNz auqy vI pYNdw hY[ A~KW dI vwtrlweIn auqy hI lweInr iDAwn nwl lwau[ hlky h~QW nwl mykAp kro qWik A~KW ’coN lYNz inkl nw jwvy[ jykr quhwƒ iksy auqpwd qoN jln hY qW qurq jw ky A~KW ƒ TMFy pwxI nwl Do lau[ nhIN qW ies nwl ien&YkSn ho skdw hY[ kWtYkt jW kwsmYitk lYNz leI spYSl mykAp pRofkts bxwey jWdy hn ies leI qusIN aunHW dw iesqymwl kro[
srdI dy mOsm ny dsqk dy id~qI hY[ Aijhy ‘c ies mOsm ‘c keI qrHW dI ieMPYkSn PYl jWdI hY[ Kws krky srdIAW ‘c ieimaUn isstm burI qrHW pRBwivq huMdw hY[ srdIAW ‘c jykr quhwfw ieimaUn isstm kmzor hY qW quhwƒ AwpxI fweIt dw Kws iDAwn r~Kxw hovygw[ ies mOsm ‘c srdI, zukwm Aqy buKwr vrgIAW sm~isAwvW swƒ Gyr lYNdIAW hn[ ienHW sm~isAwvW qoN rwhq pwaux leI keI lok Adrk, kwlI imrc, qulsI dI cwh dw syvn krdy hn[ ienHW sB qoN ielwvw zukwm dI sm~isAw qoN rwhq pwaux leI qusIN iek hor GrylU aupwA kr skdy ho[ qW AwE jwxdy hW ies bwry…
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Aries (March 21- April 20)
You will be very resourceful, optimistic, willing to make new friends, to travel with them, to change something about your life. Singles will fascinate all around them with their allure, while the coupled up captivate their sweeties anew. You are in the position to inspire others through what you create this month.
Leo (Jul 23 - August 23)
You have experienced, and will continue to do so, a subtle yearning to belong with a friend or a group who shares your own ideals. A trip could bring you love or more passion in your relationship, if you already have a life partner.
(November 23 - December 21)
You will be full of energy and able to work very hard and make physical effort. You may begin to take on more responsibilities on the job or in another serviceoriented capacity. You’ll be there for your friends, ready to help them anytime.
Taurus (April 21- March 20)
This is an excellent time to work on monetary planning and strategy.
You’ll be focused on joint financial situations and intimate relationships, all of which will work out quite well. However, examine all of your agreements with collaborators and clients carefully to make sure you’re on the right track
Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 23)
You’ll be more willing to study, more persevering and more patient. The financial situation will improve due to the serious and inspired way you manage your profession. Try to be more tactful, more careful about the way you communicate and about the ingenious ideas you come up with.
( December 22 - January 20)
You are in the position to inspire others through what you create this month. An exciting job offer, reward, recognition, or promotion is very possible. An opportunity to expand on a worldly level arrives now. Widening your social circle is indicated.
WX`ÔÜ B¸¹fcd³fMXe IZY ¶fcÀMX WXû³fZ IZY A»ffUf BÀf
IYf RYf¹fQf dÀIY³f IYû ·fe ´fWXbÔ¨fZ¦ffÜ AfÔU»ff: B¸¹fcd³fMXe IYû ¶fcÀMX IYSX³fZ ¹ff B¸¹fc³f dÀfÀMX¸f IYû ¸fþ¶fc°f ¶f³ffE SXJ³fZ IZY d»fE dUMXfd¸f³f Àfe ¶fWXb°f þøYSXe WXû°ff WX`Ü AfÔU»ff Uû Àfb´fSXRcYOX WX`, þû dUMXfd¸f³f Àfe ÀfZ ·fSX´fcSX WXû°ff WX`Ü BÀfIYe JfdÀf¹f°f WX` dIY ¹fZ dIYRYf¹f°fe WXû°ff WX` AüSX Af´f ¨ffWXZ °fû SXûþf³ff BÀfIYf
B¸¹fcd³fMXe IYû ¶fcÀMX dIY¹ffÜ BÀfZ øYMXe³f IYf dWXÀÀff þøYSX ¶f³ffEÔÜ
AV½f¦fÔ²ff: BÀfZ EIY þOÞXe ¶fcMXe ¸ff³ff
Gemini (May 21-Jun 21)
You’ll be in an excellent shape and you’ll have the opportunity to make much money. But pay attention, because it could be a period of extremes, with unexpected benefits and loss. Also carefully watch the sentimental factor and its influence on your professional life!
Libra (September 24- October 23)
You’ll feel unusually assertive and will score major points as you surprise people with your insights and suggestions. However, finances will be almost impossible to predict, though the odds are ever so slightly in your favor. It’s a favorable period for hard study.
Cancer (Jun 22- July 22)
You’ll be inspired to suggest new avenues of business to your team and colleagues. You’ll have remarkable powers of persuasion so don’t worry much about getting your way in meetings. This month brings new suitors for singles and a possible change in status for those already attached.
Scorpio (Octo. 24-Nov. 22)
You’ll be very popular, lively and diplomatic. You’ll go out with friends, you’ll have fun, play and travel more often. Listening closely to your beloved nets you lots of pertinent information, and after the first week you gain an understanding that’s invaluable for your love life.
Pisces (February 19March 20)
Your eagerness to please will be mirrored by your enthusiasm for your profession. Your home life should be especially well integrated with your professional life. Toward the end of December, you may wish to withdraw a bit and recalibrate your thinking about your career path.