14 minute read
from NOVEMBER 2020
by Sunil Kumar
Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition affecting the sole of the foot, commonly in the heel. Those with the condition dislike pressure placed on this area. With the correct management, plantar fasciitis will resolve with conservative treatment. Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of pain in the heel.
Harpreet Puri Registered Physiotherapist
The plantar fascia is the thickened tissue on the sole of your foot. It pads the foot as well as having elastic properties to help transmit the forces of the calf muscle, allowing you to spring. It provides shape to your foot arch, providing shock absorption and an even distribution of your weight as you put weight through your leg. If too much demand is placed on the plantar fascia, it can inflame and become painful. This can come about through increased activity, for example on a hiking holiday, or with increased stretch on the tissues, such as swapping to unsupportive sandals in the summer from the usual supportive lace up shoes you wear the rest of the year. Recognising the early warning signs is key to a speedy recovery.
Avoid overdoing the things that particularly provoke your pain. Weight bearing activities such as walking and running are common aggravators, so temporarily reduce these or substitute them for swimming or cycling which do not put so much load through the plantar fascia. Address your footwear. If you tend to walk around in flat, lose unsupportive shoes, wear lace up shoes with a good arch support.
Roll an ice bottle under your foot. This not only acts to reduce inflammation, but also helps to gently stretch the tissues.
Stretch regularly throughout the day, ensuring you hold these positions. This will help to reduce any excess load on the plantar fascia. Remember, plantar fasciitis can take some time to settle, so be patient, and persevere with your treatment. In time, you will get back to doing what you love most.
In cases where the home management is not producing results or recovery is taking longer than expected, physiotherapy intervention can help.
A typical encounter with any uncomplicated case of plantar fasciitis will look something like what follows. Patient- hi, I have been experiencing pain at the bottom of my heel from last three months. I was wondering if you can help me with it. Physiotherapist- I will be happy to be of assistance. Before we proceed let me ask you a few questions to find out exactly what we are dealing with here. Patient - I have had x-rays done and my doctor has told me that I have heel Spurs. My pain is most bothersome first thing in the morning when I step out of bed. After that it improves a little, but it can come back if I walk or stand a lot during the day. Physiotherapist- that sounds like a very typical presentation planter fasciitis which has not healed in an expected time frame. It is normal for people to have pain for more than three months. Patient- I would also like to add that it hurts a lot if I touch the inside of my heel bone at the bottom of the foot and sometimes it feels like a sharp object is stuck there. Physiotherapist- this is consistent with the planter fasciitis. The most common reason for developing planter fasciitis is repetitive overuse of the lower extremity. The best management of planter fasciitis involves examining the bottom of the foot, planter fascia, Achilles tendon, calf muscle, nerve mobility and lumbar mobility. Any one of these sites could be the primary reason for ending up with planter fasciitis. In physiotherapy management a physiotherapist will assess and diagnose to make sure that the best care is given.
Research suggests that the most promising modality that is used in managing planter fasciitis is shockwave therapy. Over 90% of patients report significant improvement within five to seven sessions of shockwave therapy, at a 5 to 7 days of interval. As I said earlier, considering the whole lower extremity chain, almost all patients would make satisfactory recovery by making sure that all the components of lower extremity chain are in good shape.
The most common reason for that posterior chain tightness is overuse of calf muscles where trigger points develop in the muscle. These trigger points are hypersensitive strands of muscle fiber that increase the resting tone of the muscle. The tension in calf muscle and the natural tension in the
Plantar Fasciitis
planter fascia pull on the heel bone from opposite directions eventually results in breaking of the weakest link of the chain. Sometimes it will present as Achilles tendonitis and at other times it will present as planter fasciitis. More common presentation
is planter fasciitis.
Another reason is the reduced nerve mobility of sciatic nerve that supplies the calf muscles. Having reduced mobility in sciatic nerve also results in tightness of the calf muscle. An important part of the management will involve making sure that the nerve mobility is normal. A physiotherapist will typically do stretches in the clinic and give home exercises to make sure that this is taken care of.
For the treatment of trigger point dry needling or IMS is remarkably effective. Dry needling involves inserting acupuncture needles in the trigger points that has been shown to be amazingly effective management. Single intervention may not be as effective as combination of interventions done by an expert.
Patient: Can I have more information about Shockwave therapy.
Physiotherapist: Sure. Shockwave is an acoustic wave which carries high energy to painful areas and soft tissues with subacute, sub chronic and chronic conditions. This energy promotes healing, and the regenerating and reparative processes. It is a unique, non-invasive solution for pain associated with the musculoskeletal system. At our clinic we use state of the art BTL shockwave therapy. Point your phone camera at the QR code to get more information if you are interested.

Our therapists use evidence based effective free space treatments like dry needling, shockwave therapy and focused exercise therapy to support your recovery.

A Girl in A Whirl
Continued issue (Part 43)
How excited Meenu and I used to be thinking about flying together by an airplane! We, both sisters, were flying together, but all was dull. Meenu was sad and quiet for she had lost her first love of innocent age. I was feeling like a lost soul having sacrificed my love to Meenu. Worrisome thoughts were bothering me a lot during our journey!
“Would my relation with Amrit remain a secret from Meenu? How complex relations I had developed! Was I having a dream? No, that was the bitter truth of my life. How horrible all that was! The only thought that Meenu was coming to Canada, and my parents with Sunny would also follow her was soothing my heart.”, Meenu was as quiet as a statue. Sunk in gloom we both chirpy sisters reached Vancouver. I saw a smile on Meenu’s face first time when she saw everything so neat and clean at the Vancouver airport.
“How beautiful Canada is!”, Meenu said.
“Yes, it’s really so beautiful!”, I responded.
It took us about one and half hours to get Meenu’s paperwork done. It was almost mid-July. When we came out of the airport, we saw Amrit and his parents had come to receive us. Amrit had brought a bouquet of flowers for Meenu that he presented to Meenu. Meenu touched feet of her parents-in-laws respectfully and so did I. Mom blessed Meenu with lots of love.
“Everything will be fine, Sonia!”, mom consoled me besides blessing. Meenu was awestruck to see the beauty of Canada. For a few days, we remained busy in family dinners at our relatives’ homes.
One Saturday, we visited Stanley Park and North Vancouver. Amrit’s sister and bother-in-law, whom we called didi and bhaji, took us to the Cultus Lake the next day. All those places were awesome tourist spots. Meenu and I were extremely pleased to see that. We forgot all our worries for a while. Bhaji planned to take us to Whistler on the following Sunday. He spoke very high about the beauty of Whistler. We eagerly waited for the Sunday.
The next Sunday, we had light breakfast and left for Whistler. Bhaji was in very jolly mood. His younger sister, Preeti, was also coming with us. She was pretty beautiful. But she was pencil-slim. We sat in bhaji’s big truck. Baljit’s sister and Preeti were still inside the house. We had seen Preeti before. Bhaji often made fun of her pencil-slim body. She didn’t mind it.

“Just ask Preeti to wear her wrist watch. It’ll be windy in whistler today.”, bhaji asked didi loudly who was still inside the house. He was so humorous that we couldn’t help bursting out laughing. When both of them came, we left for Whistler. We went a few blocks away and we saw an old Punjabi lady walking on the sidewalk. She was walking with her arms spread out abnormally.
Continued in next edition

myrw rog Aqy iemiqhwn
Continued issue (Part 43)
dIdI ny mYnUM dwisaf ik supIrIar JIl dy pfxI df ql sB qoN AWucf sI. iesdf pfxI ihAurfn aqy imsLIgn JIlF ivc pYNdf hY. ienHF iqMnF JIlF df pfxI eIrI JIl ivc pYNdf hY. ies JIl df pfxI inafgrf PLfljL rfhIN EntYrIE JIl ivc pYNdf hY. syNt lfrYNs ndI ienHF sfrIaF JIlF df pfxI EntYrIE JIl ivcoNN lY ky mFtrIal aqy ikAubyk sLihrF ivcoN huMdI hoeI aYtlFitk mhFsfgr ivc pFAuNdI hY. mYnUM ieh sB gwlF iswKx df bhuq sLOk pY igaf sI. mNY rojL dIdI qoN ieh sB vfr-vfr sunx lwgI. agly idn dIdI ny mYnUM kYnyzf dy mhfn ivigafinkF dIaF KojF bfry bVy rock qrIky nfl dwisaf:
1 - zfktr vfeIlzr pYWnPLIlz ny idmfg dI srjrI dI sLurUafq kIqI sI. idmfg nfl pYWn vriqaf jFdf hY. 2- kfrzIak pys mykr, idl dI DVkn kfbU krn vflI msLIn, dI Koj zfktr jOhn hfps ny kIqI. sfzf idl sfzy sIny ivc hr vyly twpdf jfxI hfp krdf rihMdf hY. 3- dunIaF dy ivc tfeIm jLon dI kfZ sr PLlyimMg ny kIqI sI. sr PLlyimMg ny dunIaF dI tfeIm jLonF dI PLryimMg kIqI. 4-tYlIPLon dI kfZ alYgjLYNzr gRfhm bYWl ny kIqI sI. mqlb imstr bYWl ny sfnUM tYlIPLon dI bYWl krnI isKfeI sI 5 -iensuiln jo ik sLwkr rog qoN bVI jfnbcfAu dvf hY, iesdI kfZ kYnyzf dy do zfktr sr PLrYWzirk bFitMg (aYWPL bI afeI) aqy cfrls bYWst (sI bI afeI) ny kIqI. ‘afeI’ df mqlb – iensuiln. 6 – ibjlI dy bwlb dI Koj do kYnyizan bMidaF ny kIqI, mYiQAU eIvfn aqy hYnrI vuwzvrz ny. iek mYiQAU nF df gorf hYnrI nF dI cfklyt bfr KFdf sI aqy Ausdf gorf mUMh blb vFg jgdf sI. 7-blYk bYrI dI kfZ kYnyzf dI iek kMpnI dy do ‘sI[eI[EjL’ imstr ijm aqy imstr mfeIk ny kIqI sI. 8 - snomobIl, snoa ‘qy cwlx vfly lfeItvyt motr sfeIkl dI Koj josyPL bOmbfrizar ny kIqI. 9 – sr rjfeInflz PLYsynzyn ny ryzIE dI kfZ ivc Xogdfn pfieaf sI. 10 – roboitwk afrm jF kYnyzfafrm ‘spfr aYrospys/ nYsLnl irsrc kONisl’ ny iqafr kIqI sI. • agly idn dIdI ny kYnyzf dy mhwqvpUrx idn myry nfl sFJy kIqy • jnvrI 11 – sr jOhn alYgjLYNzr mkzonlz (kYnyzf dy pihlf pRDfn mMqrI aqy PLfdr aOPL kOnPLYzyrysLn) df jnm idn. • PLrvrI 15 – nYsLnl PLlYg idn (mypl lIPL PLlYg 1965). kYnyzf df kOmFqrI JMzf pihlF rYWz aYWnsfeIn huMdf sI. • aprYl 9 – ivmI idn (1917 pihlf ivsLv XuWD, ieMglYNz dI pihlI vwzI ijwq) • meI 25 jF ies qoN pihlf somvfr – rfxI ivktorIaf df jnm idn • jUn 6 – zI idn (dUsrf ivsLv XuwD, 1944) sMgwTq PLOjF ny PLrFs dy nfrmYNzI sLihr dy jUno bIc ‘qy jrmn PLOj nUM hrfieaf sI. • julfeI 1 – kYnyzf zy (1982 qoN pihlF zumIinan zy kihMdy sn) • sqMbr df pihlf somvfr – lybr idn • akqUbr df dUsrf somvfr – QYNks igivMg idn • akqUbr df qIsrf somvfr hr ipClI PLYzrl cox dy cfr sfl bfad – PLYzrl cox idn • nvMbr 11 – irmYNbrYNs idn • nvMbr 20 – sr ivlPLRYWz lOrIar (kYnyzf dy pihly PLRFsIsI pRDfn mMqrI, 1896 qoN 1911 qk) df jnm idn • dsMbr 25 – ikRsms idn • dsMbr 26 – bfkisMg idn
Continude in next issue

Fleetwood Point for the dream HOME you always wanted

Welcome home to a collection of spacious 3 bedroom + flex townhomes. Up to 2,200 sf of functional living space. Fleetwood Point sets the bar with its west coast contemporary architecture featuring dramatic roofs, cultured stone, rich wood accents and hardi-plank siding.
Full-sized roof-top patio extend your living space. Gourmet kitchen include quartz countertops, acrylic cabinets, stainless steel appliances, soft-close drawers and more. Natural light fills

homes through bright oversized windows. Convenient main floor powder room with quartz countertop. On-demand hot water tank. Low-E glass windows paired with 2’ blinds reduce UV-light damage while improving energy efficiency. Side by side garages with plenty of room for storage. 2-5-10 home warranty coverage.
Just minutes away from the new proposed skytrain station stop.
Shawn Mendes says all his songs are about Camila Cabello
Singer Shawn Mendes says every song he has written is about fellow singer and girlfriend Camila Cabello.
Mendes speaks about his relationship with Cabello in the new trailer of his documentary, “In Wonder”.
“My song comes on the radio or something and I’m like, ‘Everything’s about you. They’re all, they have always been about you’ , ” Mendes said.
“She goes, ‘what do you mean?’ Like, ‘They’re all about you. Like every song I’ ve ever wrote’ . ”
Mendes and Cabello, who collaborated on the 2015 track “I know what you did last summer ” and the 2018 song “Senorita” , started dating in July 2019.
The documentary will take fans behind the scenes of Mendes’ recent world tour.
The 104-show tour was “pretty intense” for Mendes, who opened up about his rise to fame and struggle to keep pretending he is “Superman” .
“This isn’t the story about a famous musician. This is the story about a guy growing up,” he shared.

“In Wonder”, which has “unprecedented access to Mendes’ private life and years of footage from his life and career, will premiere on Netflix on November 23.
This will be followed by Mendes’ fourth album, “Wonder”, which releases on December 4. Hrithik’s mother Pinkie on SSR: Everyone wants truth, but no one wants to be honest
Pinkie Roshan, mother of actor Hrithik Roshan, has shared a post on late actor Sushant Singh Rajput, saying that everyone wants the truth about his death, but no one wants to be honest.Pinkie took to her unverified Instagram account and posted a photo of Sushant, who died on June 14 and whose death is still being probed.Along with hashtags “prayer is powerful” and the “universe is powerful”, she posted a photo that read: “Everyone wants the truth but no one wants to be honest.”

She had earlier shared a post on justice for Sushant back in August.The death was initially investigated by the Mumbai Police, but after an FIR by Sushant’s father KK Singh in Patna, the case was transferred to Central Bureau of Investigation. The Enforcement Directorate and the Narcotics
Control Bureau subsequently joined the investigation. Source: IANS
Inside Neha Kakkar-Rohanpreet Singh’s fairytale wedding
Rohanpreet Singh shares fresh pics with his new bride Neha Kakkar, declares his love for her
emony and a reception later. Prior to the main celebrations, she had her mehendi and haldi ceremonies too, where she was seen wearing a dark green lehenga choli and dull yellow sari respectively.
Through much of October, Neha had kept fans guessing with regard to her wedding to Rohanpreet. She also came out with a new album, Nehu Da Vyah and had been sharing images and video clips of that as well, which was themed on marriage too and, hence, confusing.

Many had been sceptical as some time back, there had been rumours of her marrying Indian Idol host Aditya Narayan, in which she had been a judge.
(Photo: Neha Kakkar/Instagram, IANS) With inputs from: The Indian Express
After keeping fans guessing about her marriage, singer Neha Kakkar finally took the plunge into matrimony and got married to Rohanpreet Singh on October 24. Now, the latter has shared fresh pictures with his new bride and declared his love for her.
Sharing a bunch of pictures, Rohanpreet wrote: “Meriye Sardarniye Mainu Pyar Tere Te Aayi Jaawe!!!!” The lead picture is from the jaimala ceremony, showing Neha garlanding Rohanpreet. Both had worn clothes by Sabyasachi, in shades of peach and pink. Neha was seen in heavy jewellery with her red bangles standing out.
Neha and Rohanpreet’s wedding rituals included an Anand Karaj ceremony in a Delhi gurudwara, a night ceremony, a varmala ceremony, a ring cer-