14 October 2016, Issue 825
In the ring p5
The Bay’s largest circulating, most read newspaper.
66,600 copies
Kids and country
She’s a funny gal p11
Lawyers don their bras p35
Dig out your gumboots and fill your coin purse this week Sunners, because there are two great country events on for you this weekend. Both Pyes Pa School and Tauriko School will be hosting fun country days out this Saturday, October 15.
So whether you’re interested in the best lamb and calf in the district, or you’re just after a great bargain and some good food, both schools will be hosting a great day out. Oscar Jackson, pictured, will be taking along ‘Bouncy’ the lamb to his school ag day. Read more on page 15. Photo: Chris Callinan.
Talking to the Troggs p43
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Friday 14 October 2016
The Weekend Sun
2 The Weekend Sun is published every Friday, circulating throughout the Western Bay of Plenty, delivered free to 65,000 homes of more than 159,700 residents from Waihi Beach, through Katikati, Tauranga, Mt Maunganui, Papamoa and Te Puke including rural and residential mailboxes. The Weekend Sun is produced by Sun Media Ltd, an independent and locally owned company based at 1 The Strand, Tauranga.
1 The Strand, PO Box 240, Tauranga Phone 07 578 0030 www.theweekendsun.co.nz ads@thesun.co.nz newsroom@thesun.co.nz
Sun Media Ltd Directors: Claire & Brian Rogers General Manager: Jay Burston Editorial: Andrew Campbell, Letitia Atkinson, Elaine Fisher, Zoe Hunter, Merle Foster, David Tauranga, Hunter Wells, Greg Taipari, Cayla Saunders. Photography: Tracy Hardy, Bruce Barnard. Advertising: Matt Batchelor, Kathy Sellars, Suzy King, Lois Natta, Rose Hodges, Bianca Lawton, Doug Britton, Chloe Brown, Leah Rogers, Aimee-Leigh Brunsdon, Mere Kawha-Brears, Jo Delicata, Tinesha Lupke, Karlene Sherris. Design Studio: Kym Johnson, James Carrigan, Kerri Wheeler, Kyra Duffy, Lauren McGillivray, Karen Raikes. Office: Julie Commerer, Melanie Stone, Kathy Drake.
The Bay’s most read newspaper
All aboard for Planet Mars This week it’s revealed Earthlings are making plans to live on Mars, despite the fact we struggle to make telephones that won’t blow up. The galaxy is clearly not a safe option, while Samsung’s version is capable of incinerating your Stubbies. There’s nothing worse than striding down Devonport Road, looking all dapper in your Crocs and muscle shirt, then finding the device in your shorts has spontaneously combusted. Alexander Graeme Bell would be disgusted to think his invention could have morphed into a portable incendiary device. A walking bomb. Imagine the classic line, the first words spoken on a telephone “Mr Watson, come here, I want to see you!” would be followed by “and bring a fire extinguisher LOL.” You’d think there would be more important goals for a planet struggling with so many issues. Earthlings should get their own backyard in order before sauntering over to someone else’s to make trouble. World peace would be a good start. And sort out the terrible predicament of Kim Kardashian. It must be awful to lose six million dollars of your favourite jewellery. Crikey, we could rebuild Steve Austin for that sort of money. By the way, a costume hire company has withdrawn its outfit for bad taste parties, “Parisian Heist Robbery Victim Costume Kit.” For $69.99, it included a long black wig, white robe, sunglasses, a gag, a rope and a ring. Critics have accused the hire company of trying to profit from the Kardashian situation. Hello? Isn’t that what the Kardashians have always done? The same costume company also offers a “Donald the Wall Builder Halloween Costume.”
Pressing issues
Cosmetic Medicine
And we should solve some of the other pressing issues facing the universe. The housing crisis. Why build on Mars, when there’s a shortage in Auckland. Granted, the red planet is a better neighbourhood with more atmosphere. We’d be much better to simply fake a Mars colonisation. It worked for the moon
landings and everyone is happy. Most of the population believes man landed there, and the rest are satisfied because it gives them a conspiracy theory to believe.
Other things
We also have to sort out whether Daniel Craig is going to be James Bond, or not. It’s taking the concept of a secret agent to extremes of secrecy if no-one knows if he is or isn’t. Clowns. I’ve long maintained they’re evil and unnecessary. Just like fireworks, It was mildly entertaining once, back in the days when there was no other entertainment. The time has come to snuff them both out. We can’t be colonising Mars while we still have clowns. For starters, their feet won’t fit in the spacecraft and red noses aren’t going to stand out on a red planet. The most pressing problem is that Mars ain’t the kind of place to raise your kids. In fact it’s cold as hell. And there’s no-one there to raise them if you did. That is according to Elton John who was quite confused when he wrote this. But that could be due to the fact that “all this science I don’t understand. It’s just my job five days a week.” We have just one response, Elton: Rock it, man.
Pussy galore
Now if only we could convince Trump that the red planet is crawling with pussies and could really do with an obnoxious retard for a leader, we’d solve several issues with a oneway rocket. Actually, if there’s any spare seats, he can take the Kardashians along with him. Speaking of lewd, the man who witnessed the Aaron Smith dodgy restroom escapade is reported to be regretting he went public. Says he’s had a lot of abuse since the story broke. No kidding! That’s what you get when you
hang around public toilets make clandestine recordings of the private actions of private individuals. In fact, this witness is the only one in my view, who has broken any laws. Smith and his lady friend might have pushed the boundaries of common decency and moral conduct, but were quite entitled to be using the bathroom for whatever private business they desired. That’s generally what toilets and bathrooms are for. That’s why they have doors. So people can do their private business. And while the morally outraged are hurling fire and brimstone, remember that no illegal activity took place, as far as the world knows. The witness, however, made a secret recording of a private conversation… without the knowledge of the parties being recorded. That is illegal. Not saying that any of you, particularly celebrities in national sporting uniforms, should rush off at every opportunity for a bit of rumpy pumpy beside the dumpy. Just that people who hang around dressing rooms and bathrooms with recording devices often are charged with some sort of perversion related crime. It’s like the old argument over censorship on television. Anyone outraged by what they see can avoid it quite easily by changing the channel or switching it off. Same with public bathroom hijinks. You can always walk away. No-one expects you to make an award winning documentary about it. This recording was not made because someone was outraged at behaviour. It was made because Smith is an All Black. Had he been a Westie doper dragging his slapper ho into the bathroom, no-one would have bothered recording or reporting.
Parting thought Parting thoughts, from astute reader David: “My wife asked me to pass the lip balm, I gave her the super glue by mistake. She still isn’t talking to me.” The police apprehended two men. One was drinking battery acid, the other eating fireworks. They charged one and let the other one off. brian@thesun.co.nz Facebook: Rogers Rabbits
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IMPORTANT STUFF: All material is copyright and may not be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Sun Media makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all information and accepts no liability for errors or omissions or the subsequent use of information published. Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second-smallest planet in the Solar System, after Mercury, according to Wikipedia. Named after the Roman god of war, it is often referred to as the “Red Planet” because the iron oxide prevalent on its surface gives it a reddish appearance.
The Weekend Sun
Friday 14 October 2016
Main issues for new mayors Tauranga City’s civic heart project and changing the way things are done in the Western Bay of Plenty are the first big gigs for the district’s two new mayors.
New mayors of Tauranga and Western Bay of Plenty Greg Brownless and Garry Webber. Greg Brownless was elected Tauranga’s new mayor last Saturday after receiving a preliminary 9046 votes, while Garry Webber secured Western BOP’s top job with 3592 ticks of endorsement the same afternoon. Greg says there’s two immediate issues he’ll look into – the previous council’s decision to pull the New Year’s Eve celebrations and the civic heart project. “I would like to find out what’s behind it, I would like to find out what the Police position is, see what the appetite among the councillors is to see if we can change anything,” says Greg, who has been on Tauranga City Council for most of the last 20 years. “It’s counter intuitive to the whole idea of being originally told we needed to provide family entertainment there and that would help out, and now to find that it’s the opposite. “I probably would like to talk to the other councillors and try and see if there’s anything we can do. Unfortunately, it’s all so late in the year.” The civic heart project is another issue he’s eager to hear the new council’s thoughts on. “It’s a big wish list. I would like to see that refined a bit, pick off something we can actually do, rather than too much dreaming,” says Greg. “I think we also need to engage the feelings of the local architect and design people.” In the Western BOP Garry Webber is promising the council is going to change how it does things. “I don’t think there’s much wrong with what WBOPDC has been doing, it’s more the how rather
than the what,” says Garry, who has been a Kaimai ward councillor for the last two terms. “How we do things is really going to a communitybased starting point for a lot of our planning, rather than council comes up with ideas and goes out to the community.” His example is Katikati library, which has seen cost increase from $3.5m to $4.5m – with an explanation by council staff that building costs increased by 15 per cent during 18 months. “You know you learn from these things going forward and I think that’s one of the lessons we have to learn that we have got to engage with the community earlier in the process, rather than later.” Garry says WBOPDC still has some way to go to make sure rates are delivering value for money “and I think we are pretty close to where we should be going forward”. And ongoing housing growth shows people want to live in Western BOP. “They want to come here because of what those communities provide and we need to make sure we don’t get carried away providing stuff that is gold plated, but stuff that’s fit for purpose and meets the needs of the current community and provides ongoing reasons for people who want to come and live in the district.” Read more about the new faces and who’s disappeared on both councils following Saturday’s election day at www.theweekendsun.co.nz
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Friday 14 October 2016
The Weekend Sun
A selection of some local breaking stories featured this week on...
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Baypark Jetsprints on hold Jetsprints is unlikely to return to Baypark this summer after concerns were raised regarding the safety of the infield race track. Soil erosion along sides of the channels caused shelves to form, endangering drivers in last January’s event. New Zealand Jetsprints Association president Paul Gaston says although he’d like to bring the event back to Tauranga, the safety issue needs to be resolved first.
Trial sees security beefed up Extra security personnel and Police were on hand for the verdicts of three men accused of aggravated robbery in Tauranga District Court on Monday. The jury found Wayne Jones and Clayton William Luke Kerr each guilty of two charges of aggravated robbery. In addition Kerr is also convicted of robbery and receiving stolen property. The jury was unable to convict a third accused, Ethan Paul Hogarth, on two charges of aggravated robbery. He was freed from the court. Both Jones and Kerr are remanded in custody until November 18.
Campus design confirmed The look of the Tauranga CBD university campus has been approved by its three funders – Tauranga City Council, Bay of Plenty Regional Council, and Tauranga Energy Consumer Trust. The design concept is also approved by the Tauranga Tertiary Campus Charitable Trust, the entity responsible for overseeing the interests of the three regional funders. The design concept highlights the facilities that will be built to create flexible, modern undergraduate and postgraduate teaching. Features include customisable teaching spaces, a 200-seat lecture theatre, a multi-function space, computer labs and common areas for studying and socialising.
Crash victim farewelled Family and friends have farewelled a Tauranga man killed in a three-car crash on State Highway 29 last Friday, October 7. The funeral for Shayne Peter Waaka, 40, who died when the car he was in was involved in a three-car crash near Kaimai School was held in Pyes Pa on Wednesday. According to Police, on SH29, near Kaimai School, just after 3.30pm two cars collided then a third was clipped.
SunLive Comment of the Week ‘Yahoo!!!!’ posted by Jimmy Ehu on the story: ‘Campus design confirmed’. “The Elizabeth St/Cameron Rd intersection is just going to be more fun to negotiate, heaps of thought gone into having an emergency response installation across the road as well, and all the carnage will start before the students arrive.”
Jingle bills, jingle bills A measured Christmas for Tofi and children. Photo: Chris Callinan.
When the electronic cards are being thrashed at the rate of 160 transactions a second this Christmas, ‘Tofi’s Eftpos card will be sitting snug in her wallet. Alongside her credit card. They will have hardly had an outing. And when the country’s Christmas spend explodes to more than $6 billion Tofi, as she’s popularly known, will have made a minimal contribution to that blowout. It’s not because she’s a grinch. “It’s because we can only just afford the food on our table and the roof over our head.” But the genial Samoan mother-of-four can still manage a chuckle about her predicament. “We can laugh even though it’s a real struggle, even though it put so much stress on us.” Laughter may be a medicine, but it’s not the cure. Hers is a story of hardship, but more a story of courage and common sense. And about seeking advice and financial planning. Having a plan and executing it is the cure. “Because if Christmas sneaks up and you haven’t planned, it becomes even harder,”
says Rae at Tauranga’s Budget Advisory Service. “The pressure of Christmas can generate reckless spending. “That’s when people who can’t afford it, resort to the credit card.” And this steward of the purse strings makes her appeal. “I implore you now. Don’t do that.” Tofi, her kids aged 15, 10, eight and three and Rae, who all wish to remain anonymous, have agreed to share their story to save others from Christmas’s biggest hangover. Debt, unmanageable debt, the thumping red headache that engulfs so many of us in January and February after a Christmas of excess. “It’s about focusing on how much you want to spend at Christmas and how much you should spend,” says Rae. “And it’s about financial planning for all eventualities. “Christmas is just another occasion you have to put money away for. Like running your car, the rent, the power, the food.” And that’s where Tofi’s story kicks in. Because she wasn’t reckless with money, she wasn’t extravagant. Her circumstances changed drastically and tragically and she wasn’t prepared. “My husband was working at Tauranga
Hospital but he became very ill and had to give up his job. And I had to give up my job as a cleaner to look after him.” One minute it was a comfortable twoincome family. “We could always afford the shopping and even had holidays.” Then it was scraping by on a benefit topped up by savings. “We started getting behind with the rent, school expenses and a lot of bills,” says Tofi. But worse was to come. Tofi’s husband, Danny, a man whose standing in the Polynesian community was as big as his impressive physique, passed away suddenly. It was crushing for Tofi. Her husband, her life partner, father of her children gone, aged just 46. “My husband handled all of the family’s finances. He did everything. He organised the kids’ Christmas presents.” But Danny was gone. “If the kids wanted something I would have to remind them Dad’s not here anymore, it’s just me by myself. Then they stop and look at the situation.” So what’s in store for this family at Christmas, will there be presents, will there be Christmas dinner? Read the full story at Hunter Wells www.theweekendsun.co.nz
The Weekend Sun
Friday 14 October 2016
5 Chris Walker, the man who will chaperone the suits in the ring. Photo: Chris Callinan.
Suits going the rounds “Those not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” A little bit of wisdom from the late and great Muhammad Ali. And on the week of a major corporate boxing event here in Tauranga, the promoter Chris Walker is promoting that sentiment. “I salute people stepping outside their comfort zone and into the corporate boxing ring in front of a big crowd,” says Chris. “It takes a bit of courage.” It also takes sound planning, sound advice and direction in the fighter’s corner and a myriad of safety precautions. “But it’s interesting that the sport of boxing seems to get beaten up every time something controversial happens,” says Chris. He laughs about it, even when it involves a boxing festival like tomorrow night’s charity corporate challenge. He’s reflecting on a corporate
boxing incident in Hamilton last month, when 49-year-old Neville Knight collapsed and died in the ring. “It was a heart attack,” confirmed Knight’s trainer Dion McNabney, owner of Nabby’s Boxing Gym at Te Rapa this week. “He didn’t even take a shot, you can’t blame boxing for that.” “And what do you do? Put an age cap on all sports, bowls and golf and golden oldie rugby?” “And let’s not forget every 90 minutes someone, somewhere in New Zealand, dies from cardiac arrest,” says Chris, also of TGA BOX health and Fitness. The Hamilton incident was a medical episode not a boxing one – and he says it’s not an indictment of boxing. Tomorrow night’s big event Clash of the Corporates at Tauranga’s Memorial Hall QE11 on 11th Ave is billed as “an exhilarating night where you will be entertained by businesspeople going head-tohead during three two-minute rounds – a fabulous spectacle and a wonderful night of entertainment”. Corporate boxing has been around for years. “They call it
white collar boxing in the United Kingdom,” says Chris. It was popularised in New Zealand by Duco Event’s Fight for Life promotion, where sporting celebrities slug it out. Now there are about 90 corporate boxing events each year in New Zealand. It’s very popular. “To be fair, it’s only three twominute rounds and they’re wearing massive 16 ounce puffball gloves – twice the size of professional fight glove. “It really reduces the impact of a punch,” says Chris. They’re also wearing headgear, mouth guards and groin guards. Chris is a qualified coach with more 25 years’ competitive and coaching experience. And he insists you need appropriate people on board for corporate boxing events like qualified boxing coaches, like himself. His only concern about some shows is unqualified personal trainers jump aboard and pop up in the corner of the ring to train people. “That’s where the danger might be.” Read the full story at www.theweekendsun.co.nz
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Friday 14 October 2016
The Weekend Sun
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Maersk megaship
This week it was great to join the hundreds of people who crowded around the base track of the Mount to welcome the biggest container ship to ever dock at Tauranga Harbour. It’s a major milestone for Tauranga following the Port’s recently completed $350 million infrastructure upgrade. These upgrades have clearly already paid off, by providing the opportunity for larger ships like the Aotea Maersk to visit our shores. To give some perspective to its size, the container ship is longer than the 345 metre Sky Tower, measuring an impressive 347 metres. The 9500 twenty-foot equivalent units vessel offers exporters significant efficiency and environmental benefits. The Aotea Maersk can carry almost twice as much cargo as any other container ship that has previously docked in New Zealand, which will allow us to become a more efficient export nation. Such large ships are a potential game changer for our region’s businesses that are looking to export, allowing us to compete with countries that have big ships on their main trade routes. It will serve a new line between China, New Zealand and Chile,
opening up new economic opportunities in Latin America. It will also offer a fast weekly direct service to important markets including China, Korea, Japan and Taiwan. The Government’s Roads of National Significance programme is strengthening the key strategic routes that will be used to transport freight to and from ports handling these megaships. As witnessed by the Aotea Maersk’s arrival, the Port of Tauranga is set to benefit from these improvements significantly. We also continue to invest heavily in the rail network with more than $4.2 billion spent in rail since coming into government. This foresight means our land transport network, including the ‘golden triangle’ between Tauranga, Waikato and Auckland, will be able to more effectively and safely manage the freight these massive ships will carry. It’s great to see how improved infrastructure is transforming our region’s economy for the better. I look forward to seeing more business growth as a result of the Port’s new capacity for larger ships.
Artists stay on the Strand Live art will remain part of weekend life on The Strand in Tauranga. At least for another year.
The Left Bank Market’s ‘Art on The Strand’ has been authorised by Tauranga City Council to continue its markets every second and fourth Sunday of the month, starting again on November 13 and 27. The market has been given the right to request a following Sunday if it’s rained off. There is a market this Sunday, the last of the present series. ‘Art on The Strand’ is aimed at creating a vibrant
art community – a regular, unique and exciting display space for local artists to promote and sell their work. The artists will showcase their art to the public, who have an opportunity to purchase the art pieces. The not-forprofit venture runs from 8am-5pm. It’s hoped the extension of the markets right to use The Strand will also attract more artists, sculptors, photographers, potters and painters, who create art gallery-style pieces to participate in the market. If you’re an artist and would like to support ‘Art on the Strand’ for 2016-2017 go to the ‘Left Bank Tauranga’ website.
The Weekend Sun
Friday 14 October 2016
Carolyn Berben, Betty Hall, Alison Curtis and Debbi Coulter with the dogs. Photo: Chris Callinan.
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Who let the dogs out? There’s bound to be some tails wagging and tongues dangling tomorrow, as dog owners exercise their pooches at TECT All Terrain Park for Western Bay of Plenty District Council’s fun-filled dog walk. Alongside Western Bay of Plenty’s spokesdog Alfie, canines can be taken on some of the park’s great walking routes or left to run free in the Off-Leash Exercise Area from 10am on October 15. The walk follows the October 14 launch of the 2016 Dog Control Policy and Bylaw Review. WBOPDC compliance and regulatory manager Alison Curtis says this is an excellent opportunity to get local dog loving people and their four-legged pals together to socialise and exercise in the beautiful adventure park on our doorstep. There are two walks to choose from tomorrow – one 20-minute and one 30-minute route, or keen walkers can do both. After the walk, all will gather at the Off-Leash Dog Exercise Area, where Alfie and friends will be provided with free time and a doggy playground,
while owners can enjoy a cup of coffee and a sausage. “Even if you don’t have a dog, come along with the family for a fun walk out,” says Alison. “We are handing out doggy bags with free goodies including a fashionable poop bag, dog food, a lollypop for the kids as well as information on our new Wander Dogs Club and summer walk series. “Make sure to check your doggy bag for the mystery prizes.” What you will need: Good walking shoes, a bottle of drinking water – plenty of dog drinking spots are on the way – and a gold coin donation for the sausage sizzle, which goes towards council’s Adopt a Dog Programme. “If you ever wonder where to wander with your dog, the TECT All Terrain Park is a fantastic place to do so,” says Alison. “The park is a dog-on-lead area, other than the dog exercise area, so Alfie says remember to bring your lead.” The Western Bay Wander Dogs walk is at TECT All Terrain Park from 10am-12pm on October 15. There is plenty of parking on-site. There is no cellphone coverage at TECT Park, so be prepared to be ‘off the grid’ for a while.
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Friday 14 October 2016
The Weekend Sun
Surf ’s up for little nippers
Summer is on the horizon – and this Sunday offers a chance for parents to sign up tomorrow’s ‘little lifeguards’ at Papamoa. Papamoa Surf Life Saving Club’s Junior Surf programme is hosting a registration afternoon from 2pm-4pm on October 16 for children aged 5-14. The programme aims to develop and improve youngsters’ skills in the surf plus teach them lifesaving knowledge. Papamoa SLSC spokesman Jim Pearson says becoming a junior surf athlete with the club has a range of benefits. “They build up their skills and confidence in and around the surf, and that confidence extends out of the water – kids get a better idea of what they can do and what they can achieve. “They also get to be part of a really familyorientated club and learn new skills in an environment that’s fun and enjoyable.” New members are being asked to register in person at the club this Sunday from 2pm-4pm. During registration, new members will be introduced to Papamoa SLSC and be briefed on the upcoming surf lifesaving season, which starts Labour Weekend on October 22, and the Junior Surf programme that begins November 6. And with Papamoa experiencing massive growth –
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the suburb’s population is now in excess of 22,000 people – the club is also expecting its numbers to rise too. Jim says last year the club’s total membership was 756, including 395 junior surf athletes. This year the club estimates its junior numbers are likely to number more than 400. “A high percentage of our junior athletes end up becoming lifelong members of the club,” says Jim. “Many of our senior athletes started out as nippers with Papamoa and have stayed with it. “My kids, who’re now eight and 10, have been nippers since they were five and they absolutely love it, they look forward to getting down to the club every weekend and having a good time.” Current members are able to renew their registrations online via the club’s website. Papamoa Surf Life Saving Club’s Junior Surf programme registration is on October 16 at from 2pm-4pm. For more information, programme costs or to renew your registration, visit: papamoaslsc.surflifesaving.org.nz
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Youngsters have fun on the sand and in the surf at 2015’s Papamoa junior surf carnival.
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br oa VD d S at ban L a th d nd e als AD sa o m a SL e va pr ila ic b e. le
The Weekend Sun
Friday 14 October 2016
Gratitude in a canvas It’s the sad but inspirational story about the coming together of a grief-stricken artist and an ‘angel’ called Vicki. And set against the idyllic backdrop of a garden art festival.
It’s the stuff of novels, but in this case it’s artist Angela McKenzie’s very real, personal story. And one, which she says, underscores the noble and compassionate work of a group known as Victim Support. “They are caring people that give their time freely to help victims find strength, hope, and safety in the face of grief and trauma at what may be the worst time of their life.”
Angela’s sharing her story to demonstrate her gratitude to Victim Support. And to give back. Angela remembers the day vividly. “My dad, who was helping my brother shift stock, had been struck by a car and had suffered terrible injuries.” She recalls feeling she was in another world and that such things didn’t happen to good people. “However, it had happened – and I knew my mother would need to be completely embraced in love and support.” Her dad was the strong one, the steady force that took care of everything. But he was gone. “Vicki from Victim Support arrived at my mother’s a short time after the accident. She was that steady force, who had the calm and
practical way that we all needed. We hadn’t experienced the loss of a family member in such a violent way.” Victim Support is an independent incorporated society providing free 24/7 community response to victims of serious crime and trauma. Vicki took the family through the steps it needed to take, with patience and kindness. “I needed something to focus on,” says Angela. “Something to do, to feel things were being taken care of so my mother didn’t worry.” Vicki was a regular reassuring voice on the phone through the following months, through the rollercoaster of emotions and leading up to the first ‘anniversary’ of her father’s death. “She was the one person I could pour out my sadness, frustration and anger to. “This wonderful team of people encouraged me to continue. It helped me focus on something other than the nightmare.” Some valuable advice from Vicki reinforced that. “She told me to concentrate on feeding the soul, something I could do as an important part of looking after myself.” For Angela that was art. Angela’s work will be on view at Garden 39, ‘The Orchard’ – during the Bay of Plenty Garden and Art Festival, from November 17-20.
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The artist Angela McKenzie and Vicki. Photo: Bruce Barnard.
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Friday 14 October 2016
The Weekend Sun
Festival fun in October at Te Puke white elephant stall.” And there’s no need to go hungry – there will be food a-plenty including a hangi. “People can sit back and enjoy the live entertainment and place your bids on the items at the silent auction,” says Roger. For those who like something a little more energetic – the Fun Run/Walk is also taking registrations from 8.30am on the day for a 9am start. Choose either the 2.5km or 5km route – there’s fabulous spot prizes to be won! Proceeds from the day go towards children and youth-related activities
both in the church and wider community. Recipients of grants from last year’s Gala include the Te Puke High School Special Unit trip to Wellington, Alternative Education Trust Garden Project, Youth Encounter Ministries Trust – Dirt Bike Encounter programme, and sponsorship for terminally ill, disadvantaged children to a Christmas Party at Mystery Creek. The Ocktoberfest Gala Day and Fun Run is on tomorrow, October 15, at Te Puke Baptist Church, corner of Malyon St and Station Rd, starting 9am – or Fun Run from 8.30am.
Bring the Noize presents ‘Blackout’ Bring The Noize’s ‘Blackout’ is at Totara Street in the Mount tonight.
The Bay’s premier music event for teenagers is getting the party started in Mount Maunganui tonight. Bring The Noize is presenting Blackout, featuring DJ crews Junai and B2B with Mufasa who are hitting the stage down at Totara Street in the Mauao Performing Arts Centre, starting 8pm. Running for the last two years now, each BTN party runs to a different theme and gives young people the
October 2016
Looking for a fun, affordable, family day out? Te Puke Baptist Church is gearing up for its 11th Ocktoberfest Gala Day on tomorrow from 9am. Ocktoberfest organiser Roger Le Blanc Smith says the monster slide will be back for the kids along with face painting, a sawdust dig and pony rides. “Dad can try out his strength at the strong man stand, while having his car washed for him, and challenge the kids at the six-hole mini-golf. “Mum can check out the bargains at the pre-loved clothes stand and
“club experience” in a safe and healthy environment. Totara Street’s epic lighting rig will be back in play and they’ll be a tonne of prizes and giveaways, a free sausage sizzle and other cheap food and drinks, plus an in-house photographer. Blackout is at Totara Street tonight, October 14, from 8pm-12am. The gig is R14-18. Tickets cost $20 from iticket.co.nz For more information see: www. facebook.com/bringthenoizemusic
Raising funds to save the Bay’s wildlife Beyond the entrance, the expansive dining/kitchen/fam family bathroom ily pavilion opens into such an before entering up inviting space, generously proportio the you could happily spend ned master suite the with its walk in wardrobe side is a separate day there. Just to the and ensuite. The master suite lounge room shut off for those that can be is a delight, space maximised by quiet conversat noisy movie nights, or placing ‘His and ions away from Hers’ drawers the hub. within the walk in wardrobe in The kitchen a relaxing room Careful planning island counterpointed cabinetry woodgrain makes this by the 197m 2 home sharp sophistica matches with the tion of feel larger and woodgrain used the ensuite. shows in the flooring. how thought Both bathroom Mirrored ful s toe kicks makes well appointed are architecture the with and spacial Island look like use of stunning it is planning can tiles floating. The as decorative give composite elements the illusion Island stone that help the of a top is 100mm spaces deep and quite transcend from a feature in itself. bigger home. function into form. Having no sink, it While visitors alternative dining could be used as an may love this home just as table…perfect it is, those ‘drinks for and platters’ personalise your G.J. Gardner can type occasions Through a door plan to suit your . and lifestyle to the carpeted – including working budget turn right and hall, you are lead colour consultan with into the domestic wing ts range of products to select from a wide with two of the queen-sized bedrooms three to bring your to life. All the vision , a laundry-u benefits of experienc space then an tility internal door expertise and e, to group buying garage. Turn around and you the double creating a home power pass the that is as individuawhile its owner. l as
Local wildlife trust ARRC is always working tirelessly to look after local wildlife, and a recent burst of cash will help the team immensely in upcoming months. The Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation Clinic raised nearly $10,000 at a fundraiser held last month. ARRC director Liza Schneider says the money will go towards their conservation
efforts and educating children through their ARRC book series. The fundraiser saw an auction, raffle and dinner to raise money for the wildlife trust, and ARRC patron Sir Gordon Tietjens was subject to the auction with attendees being able to bid on his presence at their table for the evening. For more information on ARRC, visit: www.arrc.org.nz
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Not valid with VIP or other offers. Limit of one voucher per table per visit. Expires 30/11/16.
The Weekend Sun
Four comedians walk into a club… If you’re a Tauranga City councillor heading along to next month’s Laugh Club and voted to axe the New Year’s festivities – expect a bit of ribbing. “You know that’s never going to work right? You can’t tell thousands of young people ‘don’t come out and party’, they’re just going to party harder,” says comedian Urzila Carlson. “I really can’t wait to dredge that one up.” Urzila is part of an all-star comedic Kiwi line-up who’ll be taking to the stage at Club Mount Maunganui on Totara St on November 4. Cracking jokes and taking pot-shots alongside Urzila at the first Laugh Club at the Mount in 18 months are fellow comedians and good buddies Tom Furniss, Nick Rado and Tarun Mohanbhai. “Nick is my writing buddy and Tarun is my, y’know, whenever you’re bored or find a new biscuit in the shop you ring him up and say: ‘Bro did you see this?’ “I also sometimes guest host on The Rock with Tom, who I’ve known ever since he started; he looked like a young innocent
lesbian but now he’s a fully fledge ‘can almost grow a goatee’ guy.” If you wander down for the gig next month, it’s almost guaranteed the axed NYE celebrations won’t be the only local issue in the firing line. “As soon as I hit a town I go get the local rag and go through it. I just get a feel for the city and also it depends on how my drive down was, how much road rage will be in the show.” The Laugh Club featuring Urzila Carlson, Tom Furniss, Tarun Mohanbhai and Nick Rado is on at Club Mount Maunganui on Totara St on November 4, from 8.30pm. Tickets cost $30-35 from Eventfinda. The Weekend Sun has one double pass to give away to one lucky reader who can tell us what topic Urzila will bring up at The Laugh Club? Enter online at www.sunlive. co.nz under the competition section. Entries must be received by Wednesday, October 19. David Tauranga
The queen of funny Urzila Carlson is part of an all-star comedic line-up heading to Mount Manganui for the Laugh Club on November 4.
Quilters stitching it all together this weekend If you’ve always thought of making that patchwork quilt, but you’re not sure where to start, this weekend gives you the perfect opportunity. The Tauranga Patchwork and Quilters group is hosting a club open weekend this weekend. The open day will be held at the Tauranga Arts and Craft Centre,
177 Elizabeth St, from 10am4pm tomorrow, October 15, and Sunday, October 16, to give people the opportunity to ask questions, meet club members, check out clubrooms and learn techniques. The weekend will also showcase a range of wonderful work, including The Aotearoa Quilters’ yellow 12x12 challenge and floral
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challenge exhibition, and club members’ quilts including the president’s challenge. There will also be the opportunity to watch quilting techniques and demonstrations, enter raffles and buy anything quilting from the numerous sales tables. Entry is free and refreshments are available throughout the day.
Friday 14 October 2016
Friday 14 October 2016
The Weekend Sun
Boobops, breast cancer and a Bay girl Former Taurangian Kerre McIvor is the star at a charity dinner and auction jointly organised by Tauranga Breast Cancer Support Service and the Boobops dragon boat team. The event is on November 19 at the ASB Baypark Stadium Lounge – doors opening at 6pm and the function starts 7pm. Tickets for the dinner and charity auction are $85 per head, which includes a threecourse meal and a complimentary drink. Email boobopsinfo@gmail.com for tickets. The proceeds of the auction will be split 50-50 with TBCSS. Income from the evening will be used to assist local women newly diagnosed with breast cancer and long-term recovery for survivors through dragon boating with the Boobops Team. Kerre is guest speaker, MC is Peter ‘Blackie’ Blackwell and auctioneer is Blair Cashmore. “We are incredibly excited and
honoured to have Kerre McIvor donating her time to be our guest speaker,” says dragon boat team member Judy Atkins. The Boobops Team comprises 100 per cent of breast cancer survivors. “We are a group of dedicated, competitive and inspirational women, who have been paddling together for more than 10 years. “Research shows that dragon boating is very therapeutic for breast cancer survivors, in that it reduces the risk of lymphedema – a debilitating condition common after breast surgery and lymph gland removal. “Dragon boating also promotes upper body fitness and exercise to regain strength and health. “We have members from Waihi in the north, to Te Puke in the south and Matamata in the west.” The charity auction is an important part of the event and where they expect most of the money from the evening to be generated, says Judy. “We have already secured a
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huge range of really exciting auction items and continue working on expanding this list right up until the end of October,” says Judy. “However, to make our function an amazing success, we need to sell tickets – we are aiming for 450.” Kerre McIvor is guest speaker at the Boobops dinner and charity auction next month.
See old Tauranga from the sky Due to popular demand renowned local photographer Alf Rendell’s book ‘Historic Tauranga From Above’ has been re-printed and is now for sale again. And this week a photographic gallery showcasing Alf ’s stunning work opened in the Goddards Shopping Centre. The gallery is open until October 23 from 10am-3pm daily.
Alf will be on-site on October 18 and 20 to sign copies of his book, which features photographs he took from an aeroplane between 1946 and 1956 during a period when Tauranga started to grow from a small, coastal fishing village into a city. The book is for sale at Paper Plus stores, with $10 from each sale being donated to Waipuna Hospice.
The Weekend Sun
Friday 14 October 2016
d n e k e e ur W O IT!
Indulge Speaker Collective 6.30pm, Baycourt
Indulge in a night of insight and inspiration with well-known speakers, such as Al Brown, covering a broad range of topics including business, leadership motivation and more.
22 SAT
International Youth Silent Film Festival
7pm, Baycourt
Screenings and red carpet awards night of the top silent films from around New Zealand with Nathan Avakian, the festival’s composer, playing the Mighty Wurlitzer, the largest type of musical instrument in the world.
21-23 FRI-SUN
Bay Salsa Festival Otumoetai College
See some of New Zealand’s top Latin dance teachers and performers from all around the country taking part in the 10th Annual Bay Salsa Festival.
22 SAT
Checaine Set Us Free Tour
8pm, Totara St
Checaine are hitting the road and bringing their high octane show to Tauranga.
22 SAT
Wheels on Mainstreet
HoopNation ASB Arena
HoopNation tips off at the ASB Arena, hosting some of the best Basketball talent in the country, including players from the Tall Blacks, Tall Ferns, the full Tall Blacks Junior Tall Fern squads and ex Breakers stars. Don’t miss the action for the whole family, proudly supported by Tauranga City Council. hoopnation.co.nz
The 10th biennial festival celebrates the beauty and diversity of the Western Bay of Plenty’s gardens and the creativity of artists. Explore the wonderful array of gardens on the garden trail, spanning from Katikati to Te Puke. The festival will feature art and horticultural exhibitions, creative concept spaces as well as an array of speakers and workshops. gardenandartfestival.co.nz
10am – 3pm, Coronation Park, Mt Maunganui Classic cars, custom cars, hot rods, trucks and bikes: Vehicles of all shapes and sizes are on show for the whole family.
Bay of Plenty Garden & Art Festival
Experience the magic of outdoor cinema at Mount Drury for a gold coin donation. Kick the evening off with a Beach Clean-up at 4pm, food and entertainment from 6pm and the screening of ‘Bella Vita’ at dark. Night Owl cinema is proudly supported by Tauranga City Council’s Community Events Fund.
The festival is the first of its kind in Tauranga and will not only feature the Oi YOU! Collection with works from Banksy on display for the first time on the North Island; but also art work specially created for Tauranga by six international and national artists as well as an extensive festival programme including works of the city’s local artists, public wall paintings, food, music and dance. Paradox: Tauranga Street Art Festival is a collaboration of Tauranga City Council, Oi YOU! and the Tauranga Art Gallery.
Night Owl Cinema 4pm, Mount Drury
Paradox: Tauranga Street Art Festival
Mauao Beach Volleyball #2
9am – 6pm, Mount Maunganui Main Beach Come down to the Beach and watch Beach Volleyball teams from across New Zealand competing.
Subscribe to our online newsletter at www.tauranga.govt.nz to keep up to date with what’s happening in your city (07) 577 7000
Friday 14 October 2016
The Weekend Sun
Why the youth vote is bad call The reason why young politicians do so badly in local politics in Tauranga, while the electorate continues to drag old fossils out of the cupboard, lies in the numbers. Tauranga’s youngest city councillor Matt Cowley – aged 33 – lost his seat largely because youth appeal doesn’t work in an ageing electorate. Electionz reports a voter turnout of 38.07 per cent, being 34,503 votes, excluding special votes. The total of enrolled voters in Tauranga is 51,015. There are no statistics available on who didn’t vote, but a look at who is enrolled can be used as a guide. The Tauranga electorate is age heavy, with a large proportion of enrolled voters aged 70-plus, according to the Electoral Commission enrolment statistics as at September 30, 2016. The age groups are divided 18-24, 25-29, and following in five-year cohorts until age 69. Each age group has an estimated eligible voter population of between 3600 and 5500, except for the 70-plus group, which has
Matt Cowley says goodbye to council. an estimated eligible population of 10,550. Another factor is the total enrolled in each cohort and the difference between eligible voters and enrolled voters. At the younger end of the electorate there are 1242 eligible voters not enrolled. For the 25-29 year olds the difference is 577, and 306 for the 30-34 year olds. At the 70-plus end there is minus 222 people. There are 10,772 people enrolled, compared with the estimated 10,550 eligible
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There is money and knowledge out there for community groups and projects – it’s all about knowing how to access it. That’s why there is the Te Puke Funding Information Forum, where key community funding and support agencies like TECT, BayTrust and the Lotteries Board will gather in one place at one time and share with groups and the public what they have to offer and how it can be tapped. The funding savvy forum is tomorrow, October 15, in the Pioneer Lounge at Te Puke Memorial Hall from 9am-12.30pm. The forum has been organised by Western Bay of Plenty District Council and SociaLink Tauranga Moana. It will include short scheduled presentations by funders to give specific information about assistance they can provide, as well as presentations about health and safety and managing volunteer groups. Attending funding agencies are Acorn Foundation, BayTrust, Department of Internal Affairs Lotteries, Western Bay of Plenty District Council, WorkSafe NZ, SociaLink, Tauranga Energy Consumer Trust and Exult.
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population. Some have died since they enrolled, but the 102.10 per cent enrolment is an indication of the older age group’s enrolment saturation. On percentages, the age cohorts from 35 and older all have above 95 per cent enrolment. It’s actually 97 per cent and above – except for the 40-44 year olds, who are at 94.3 per cent. At the younger end the percentages enrolled are 77.4 per cent, 85.5 per cent and 91.8 per cent. Andrew Campbell
156 Chadwick Rd Greerton 578 2028
The Weekend Sun
Friday 14 October 2016
Good ol’ country day out Three-year-old Max Jackson and brother Oscar, 5, give Max’s pet lamb ‘Bouncy’ a hug. Photo: Chris Callinan.
The good old country tradition of having an agricultural day lives on in the Bay – this weekend Pyes Pa and Tauriko schools keep the tradition alive and well with their annual calf club and gala days. “Pyes Pa School’s annual calf club is a proud tradition and an important part of what makes our school unique and special,” says Pyes Pa School principal Michelle Thurlow. “It is a delight to see the joy on the students’ faces as they take part in the various activities.” With plenty of fun activities including pony rides, mini jeeps, a bouncy castle, a vertical bungy, paint ball, smash a plate, coconut shy, fight a knight, Classic Flyers fly-over, lots of food stalls, a hangi and much
more – there’s bound to be something for the whole family. The calf club starts at 8am tomorrow, October 15, followed by the gala at 10am. Both events are held at Pyes Pa School and Michelle says everyone is welcome to join the fun. Tauriko School also has their ag day and gala on tomorrow at the school. The ag day will start at 8.30am followed by the gala, beginning 11am. With bumper balls, mini jeeps, bouncy castles, pony rides, magic carpet rides, and loads of fun games, Tauriko School will have something for the whole family. They will also have great food options including the old favourite candy floss and loads of fabulous quick fire raffles, silent auctions and live auctions.
Toughening up on dog control in the Bay The updated Dog Control Bylaw that comes into effect for the Western Bay of Plenty District on October 14 recognises the increasing urbanisation of the district’s urban rural mix, and places new restrictions on the area’s dogs. They can no longer wander about downtown without a lead, or poo where they please. In public places where there are no designated restrictions, dogs must be under control at all times. Where a dog is causing or is likely to cause, danger, distress or nuisance, it must be kept on a leash and under the control of the owner. Dog owners must carry a leash at all times. The person in charge of a dog
must remove any dog faeces their dog produces and dispose of it in a hygienic manner. The requirement to remove dog faeces applies not only to public places, but also to land that is not their own land. The Dog Control Bylaw 2016 requires any person in charge of a dog to carry a means of picking up and removing any dog faeces when in a public place – for example, a plastic bag. Prohibited areas where dogs are not allowed at any time include children’s playgrounds, areas of intense public use, and areas of ecological sensitivity. Dogs will be required to stay on a leash in Waihi Beach, Katikati and Te Puke town centres; and off the foreshore altogether
between Cooney’s Reserve and Lynley Park Omokoroa; and an on leash restriction along the new Omokoroa to Bethlehem Cycleway. Disability assist dogs are exempt from the public place restrictions. Working dogs, except for those kept to herd stock, are also exempt from the restrictions specified – but they must be working. The changes to the dog policy follow public feedback earlier this year, says WBOPDC group manager policy, planning and regulatory, Rachael Davie. There are currently more than 8000 dogs registered in the Western BOP. Consultation on the bylaw took place from April 13 to May 13, 2016.
Ear wax is a natural occurring substance in healthy ears, but it’s quite common for wax to build up in the ear canal.
Free Hearing Check is only available to people aged 18 years and over. $20 Ear Wax Removal is vaild to 31 December 2016. Only available at Bay Audiology Bureta Park and Tauranga City.
Ear suctioning uses a very gentle vacuum technique to safely remove wax. If you have noticed deteriorating hearing, itching, fullness or a blocked feeling in your ears it’s a good idea to have your excess wax removed.
Book your clean & check today! Bureta Park Bay Audiology Shop 5, Bureta Park, 40-50 Bureta Rd, Otumoetai 07 577 1010 Tauranga Bay Audiology 639 Cameron Road, Tauranga 07 562 0025
Friday 14 October 2016
The Weekend Sun
HoneyLab buddies with US megacorp Strong science has enabled a Tauranga company to cosy up with the world’s biggest consumer goods company, Proctor and Gamble – a company with sales twice the size of the New Zealand economy. “P&G is an enormous company, annual sales in the $80 billion region, and obviously a relationship or partnership would be excellent for us,” says Dr Shaun Holt, co-founder of the healthcare company, HoneyLab. P&G boasts a portfolio of household name brands like Vicks, Gillette, Pantene, Head and Shoulders, Ariel, Olay and Pampers. HoneyLab has developed Honevo, a medical grade kanuka honey formulation for dermatology, nutrition, cosmetics, cough and cold and pain products. It’s used in the treatment of acne, rosacea and cold sores. Shaun can’t go into the specifics of its relationship with P&G. “But what we set out to do was license our products – we would develop the products and then a company like P&G would license them, they would take it over and pay us a royalty.” That’s potentially far more lucrative. “But it’s also a hard battle,” says Shaun. The other option for the company was not to invest in research and development, and instead build its brand and sell its own
Honey entrepreneur Dr Shaun Holt. Photo: Bruce Barnard. products. That’s what most companies do. “We adopted the alternative strategy and I think it’s starting to pay off.” Honeylab would not get all of the sales price, it would get a cut. But with the volume of sales P&G could generate it could be a better deal. “It’s a big partner, it’s overseas and it’s got the grunt to bang the products out globally.” And, of course, the New Zealand company would still be supplying the crucial component, the kanuka honey. “It can only come from New Zealand. And unlike IT companies, which can shift to San Francisco or wherever, our honey
Annual fair at Kempton Kempton Park Retirement Village will host its annual fair this weekend, and have plenty to see and do. The village has been in operation for five years and houses more than 70 residents. Their fair, on tomorrow, October 15, from 10am-2pm, will have a cake stall, raffles, a sausage sizzle, handmade craft items for sale, a book and a plant stall as well as white elephant ‘odds and ends’. The fair is at the village at 40 Te Paeroa Rd and parking is available on Carmichael Rd. Everyone is welcome to pop over for a lovely day out.
can only ever come from NZ.” P&G may operate out of Cincinnati, Ohio, but kanuka honey means Honeylab products will always be wedded to the Bay of Plenty. And when Honeylab went courting a global partner it was difficult getting an audience, getting in front of the big players. “I would go to partnering conferences, speed dating for pharmaceuticals. “You would have 20 half-hour meetings, you would pitch your stuff, rush off to the next meeting and they would get back if interested.” Read the full story at www.theweekendsun.co.nz
Changes at Sport BOP There’s a new chairperson and new board members at Sport Bay of Plenty. Paul Wollaston is stepping into chair Sport Bay of Plenty, replacing Grant Utteridge. The full Sport Bay of Plenty board is chairperson Paul Wollaston, Graham Young, Jo Tisch, Mary-Ann Nixon, Rawinia Kamau, Shirley Baker, Vaughan Bidois. Grant Utteridge will remain ex-officio until the end of the year.
The Weekend Sun
Friday 14 October 2016
Friday 14 October 2016
The Weekend Sun
More than you bargained for The Spring Home Show this Friday, Saturday and Sunday is the perfect place to find all of your home products and service needs under one roof.
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The three-day event features more than 170 exhibitors that you can browse, compare, and draw inspiration from. From top of the line to budget-conscious, there is a huge range of options to help you bring your dreams to life! If you’re looking to modernise or renovate your home and prepare for the warmer weather ahead, it can be hard to know where to start. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to talk to a range of knowledgeable builders and trades, interior decorators, outdoor furniture retailers, pool and spa specialists and
roofing, decking and glass services. We have also brought together the most experienced new build vendors in the area. If you want to be handed the keys to your fully completed dream home, this is a great place to scout around for options. There are finance specialists on-site so you can discuss your loan options and get it all done in the same day! Maybe you’re just looking for the perfect finishing touches and you can browse these too – take a look at the new appliances and cookware on offer, find the comfiest bed, the most relaxing spa, or the upgrades to your outdoor area you’ve been searching for. Save time, save money, and find exactly what you need – visit the Spring Home Show at ASB Arena, Baypark, on October 14, 15 and 16. Parking is free!
The Spring Home Show features more than 170 exhibitors that you can browse, compare, and draw inspiration from.
Be in to win a free kitchen upgrade Get that wow factor in your new kitchen by signing up to a Classic Builders house building contract at the Spring Home Show – and they will upgrade your benchtop and sink for free.
enjoyed by family, friends and visitors. You’ll be able to choose from the Hostess Kitchens standard range to create your own unique vibe, making your ‘family hub’ a comfortable, stylish zone to reflect your own personality and taste. Visit the Classic Builders expert sales team at Stand Classic Builders A13 located close to will turn your the entranceway of this kitchen benchtop popular event – the up a notch, taking Spring Home Show – it from Formica to running from October Silestone. 15-17. As the leader and With 20 years’ building specialist in all types experience you can trust of quartz surfaces Classic Builders to guide and benchtops you towards a kitchen for kitchens and The team at Classic Builders. design that will maximise bathrooms, Silestone creates a quality kitchen with a timeless finish. space while providing you with the very best Plus, you’ll receive a kitchen sink upgrade kitchen products. from a stainless steel insert to a Blanco bowl. For more information, visit: This means you will be given an extra $3500 www.classicbuilders.co.nz worth of kitchen! Or call 0508 4 CLASSIC (25277) and Your contemporary kitchen upgrade will be be sure to visit their Facebook page to keep an attractive addition to a place meant to be up-to-date. See you at the home show!
The Weekend Sun
Friday 14 October 2016
Keeping everything in its place Whether it’s a walk-in wardrobe or a hallway closet – without the right set of shelves, or an appropriate-length hanging rod, these organised areas can become a nightmare.
their needs and wants – be it for their wardrobe, pantry or linen cupboard and sliding doors.” Wardrobe World offers a range of options to suit all budgets, from high-end Melrobe and Eurobe systems – complete with woodgrain shelves and drawers – to the Classic and SuperSlide wire closet systems, made using American-made Ventilated Wireframe In the business for 16 years, Di Sherer from Closetmaid Products which come with a Wardrobe World knows what it’s like and 25-year warranty. how important it is to have a storage space “These are great products that will simplify designed for your specifications and storage your life,” says Di. “You walk into a wardrobe requirements. “Everything we do is customand everything is in its place. They are easy made, from full consultation, measuring, to keep tidy, durable, and will double your manufacturing to installation. hanging area, so you can get twice as much into “We sit down with our clients and discuss your space than your usual shelf and rail.” Wardrobe World has a showroom at 62 Courtney Rd, Fraser Cove, and services the Bay of Plenty and Coromandel region. Pop in to view their layout options, or give Di a call to arrange a oneon-one consultation at your own home. You can also visit Wardrobe World at the Spring Home Show on Christine MacGibbon and Di Sherer of October 14-16 at ASB Wardrobe World. Arena, Baypark.
Educate yourself about your options What does the choice in your home and your child’s school have in common? They’re both life-changing decisions that will have a significant impact on your family’s future. Often where to live and where to learn are connected – choosing the right school zone plays a big part in the decision where your child will receive their education.
That’s why, at this year’s Spring Home Show, Bay of Plenty school ACG Tauranga will be in attendance alongside home-related retailers. ACG Tauranga is the city’s only private, secular, co-educational school, and is the only school in the area providing the Cambridge Curriculum from primary school to Year 13. ACG Tauranga can be found at stand D123.
Friday 14 October 2016
The Weekend Sun
Congratulations – you are pregnant! You are about to bring a little newborn baby into this world. But have you thought about when that cute, cuddly baby becomes an intrepid toddler, exploring every inch of your household? It happens – and fast! When baby starts to crawl it’s too late to be thinking of babyproofing your home – so start now! Little things will go a long way to seeing baby keep safe in the home – now and in future. Start with shelving – move everything up out of reach or out of the room that you don’t want baby getting into. Books and photographs become main targets for baby to rip or chew on. Cords and plug outlets are another area of concern. Luckily, you can buy plastic outlet inserts to keep baby’s fingers out of plugs. Cords should be kept out of harm’s way – or thrown away. Babies love to chew them, which is very dangerous. And make sure your TV is stable on its stand, you don’t want it toppling down.
To stop coffee table knocks there’s little corner softeners available. And you can get all sorts of plastic locks and ties for kitchen drawers or cupboards so fingers don’t get jammed. Maybe keep one cupboard open with items that can entertain but cannot hurt baby. Think pots and pans. Laundry areas – with buckets full of whitener soaking dirty nappies and clothing – can be a risk for drowning or electrocution. I bought a baby gate to stop bubs getting in there altogether. No worries for mama now. Toilet doors should be shut at all times because hands – and other objects and food – can get dangled down the loo. Or use the nifty plastic fasteners to fasten the toilet lid down. Heaters and fireplaces should always have a screen or fire-proof gate around them to stop baby getting burnt. And make sure baby cannot access stairs – inside or outside the home. So yes – having a baby means turning your home and all its contents upside down. But it’s all worth it. Merle Foster
Give Blizzard the bunny a home
Hi there rabbit lovers! My name is Blizzard. I’m a lovely New Zealand white-cross male rabbit. I’m looking for a new home where I can explore, jump and live a safe happy life. I’m an adventurous bunny, making my way around the neighbourhood so I’ll need a secure yard that can keep me safe and sound.
If you’re looking for a new friend to join your family then come in and meet me today. I may be the pal you’re looking for! Ref: 24272.
The Weekend Sun
Friday 14 October 2016
Flange 110-140mm Flange 110-140mm Flange 110-170mm Flange 110-170 Suitable for holesSuitable up to 130mm for holes up to 130mm Suitable for holesSuitable up to 160mm for holes up to
Spruce the home up this spring With spring arriving, along with longer days and more sunshine, Kiwis usually get bitten by the home improvement bug. You might not notice your home’s pitfalls during winter’s dreariness but come spring you can guarantee you’ll see things around the home which need a sprucing up. So here’s some simple, low-cost tips on how to spruce up the home this spring. Firstly, aim to get rid of all the dangly power cords that run riot across the floors and walls. They never look nice – even the new brightly coloured cords leave some feeling of shabby – so aim to rid or hide them. Hide them behind a stack of books or an artwork leaned against the wall, put them in a box or
Blu-tac them under a desk or table. Or better still – create a charging station in a drawer. These are all the rage in new homes builds. Next tidy up your bookshelves. A well-arranged bookcase can be a striking focal point in a room – you could arrange by colour or size and it can be a good idea to break up the books by adding the odd small artwork or treasure. Then gather all of your trinkets placed around the home and decide what you really want to keep. Really pare things back. Ask yourself what fits your décor? Are they special mementoes? If so, you can always put them away and bring them out when you switch things up. Chuck all the unwanted items on Trade Me – you’ll be surprised at what a difference less stuff will make. And all the bits and bobs
could be someone’s treasure. Or gift it to local charity. Have a look at your homes’ entrance. This is where first impressions are made. Get rid of the mouldy old doormat and the gazillion pairs of shoes. A fried refashioned an old school glory box into a shoe holder. No shoes are left lying around at her front door. A fresh coat of paint at the doorstep wouldn’t hurt if needed wither. And spend some time on your windows – give them a good clean. A low-cost method is using newspaper and white vinegar. Clean windows left more light and scenery into the home. Splurge once – go shopping and grab one thing that will make you home ‘pop’. A new rug, lamp or cushion can add spring colour and life to the room you use the most. Make the bathroom bare. The designer bathrooms in all the magazines have pretty much nothing on display. So use drawers and cupboards to conceal all your moisturisers, make-up and toothbrushes etc. Adding some colourful towels and a succulent in a pot – or a candle – will also work wonders. Lastly, the bedroom swap the duvet cover if you have another. If you buy new - fresh botanical prints with white will really make a crisp, clean statement this spring. And move furniture around – look at your spare room and see if you can swap items over to make a cleaner look. Or one that make your living in the room more comfortable. Swap rugs, stools, side tables, lamps, throws – even sheets – between rooms to create a spring ‘wow’ factor.
We have all Webases have covered all bases-covered now - now you can replace you canvirtually replaceany virtually size or any size or type of existing type ofdownlights, existing downlights, as as these adaptor theseflanges adaptorcater flanges for all cater for all hole sizeshole up to sizes 160mm up toin160mm diameter. in diameter Once installed, Once installed, they become theyone become one with the light withand the look lightgreat! and look great!
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They’ll come and do the dirty work for you If you want your blinds clean – like, really clean – then Tony Baker from BOP Ultrasonic Blind Cleaning is the man for you.
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that does not require physical contact, scrubbing or harsh chemicals.” The cleaning process is known as cavitation, and Tony says it’s a gentle yet effective cleaning method. “Cavitation has the ability Tony says ultrasonic technology to not only clean is the most hygienic way to clean the surfaces of items, but your blinds, and the method is to also penetrate into the suitable for places that must be difficult to clean internal and germ-free. crevice areas. “Ultrasonic technology is used “Ultrasonic cleaning in all hospitals, dental surgeries will not scratch, pit or and optometrists as part of the damage items the way sterilisation process. that conventional cleaning “It is also used in many other methods do.” industries that require a precision Ultrasonic blind cleaning clean to remove dirt dust, grime, The BOP Ultrasonic Blind Cleaning van. removes dust, dirt, bacteria, mould and bacteria,” says Tony. It works by placing the blinds in an ultrasonic tank of bug stains, grease and grime as well as odours from cooking, pets and cigarettes, and is a safe and gentle hot water. blind cleaning technique. The tank then emits sound waves that travel through Tony says they will come and do the dirty work for the water, creating millions of microscopic bubbles you. “Nobody likes cleaning blinds, but that implode – “literally sucking the surface clean,” with the ultrasonic blind cleaning method, everybody says Tony. likes the results.” “Ultrasonic is a powerful, yet gentle cleaning process
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Friday 14 October 2016
The Weekend Sun
Nailing the long weekend home DIY project The big weekend is coming – yes, the first three-day hole when home owners and DIY-ers start every power tool and outdoor gardening gadget in sight. Labour weekend – from October 22-24 – is when backyards roar throughout the country as people get stuck into projects
inside and outside the home. And greenfingers galore get digging, placing seedlings in for summer produce. But now is the time to plan these projects and make sure you have all of the tools, materials and manpower needed for the job. Because there’s nothing more frustrating than turning up at the DIY store on Labour Monday and they’ve
Regain the freedom of your home Simple, safe and stylish, Acorn Stairlifts give people the chance to enjoy their own homes once again. • For straight or curved staircases • Indoor and outdoor lifts • Free home assessment • Fast installation
act now to see if you can borrow or hire them locally. And materials – how much do need? It’s time to get out the tape measure and make list of how many planks of this and how many screws for that you need. And remember to order a little extra – most stores are understanding when it comes to returning extra materials as long as it’s not damaged or used. Better to have too much than not enough. And how much manpower do
you actually need? If you do have grandiose plans or heavy lifting tasks that need more than a few people, you might want to call grandma and granddad and get them to cancel their three-day getaway. Start the begging now! Gardeners need to ensure they’re home-grown seedlings are ready for planting – or get in early and source the varieties of crops you want before the long weekend rush. Think about compost, fertilisers, sprays and garden tools you may need too. Lastly, stock up on food and beverages in preparation – it’s good to keep the energy levels up on the big jobs.
Feel like home in your outdoor areas
run out of product for the project you need. This weekend The Weekend Sun suggests sitting down with your partner in crime and sorting out your plans. First, talk about what the project is and how much you’re aiming to achieve on the three-day weekend. Don’t make plans to grandiose – or they’ll be left unfinished and possibly in the weather until you can get back to them. Then decide what exactly you need. Have you got all of the tools required to do the job? If not,
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From spring onwards we start living more outside the home – on terraces, decks, verandahs and courtyards. But what makes these spaces feel like home? Outdoor furniture is a must – and there’s heaps of style on offer. Check out photographs online – is wicker, wooden or steel furniture your style? A good umbrella doesn’t go astray if you have no sun cover – or maybe look at the value of shade sails. And a barbecue will make your
Get the most efficient unit available in New Zealand
outdoor haven a real Kiwi place to socialise. There’s all sorts of appliances and gadgets you can get to accompany a barbecue. But key is first choosing a barbecue that fits your space perfectly and can adequately cook for your family. So take care with style and size. An outdoor patio heater will keep friends warm on chilly summer nights. Or consider the popular chiminea, a fire pit or log brazier. Just choose according to the safety of your surrounds.
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The Weekend Sun
Friday 14 October 2016
There’s real family value in flooring Hayley Ferris, Lena Ferris, 15 months, and Steve Ferris with the team at Flooring Room.
t he i mporte r furniture
BIRTHDAY SALE The newest flooring store in Tauranga is in some ways the oldest. The Flooring Room’s Steve Ferris and his family have been involved in flooring services in Tauranga for more than 45 years but the only thing old-fashioned about The Flooring Room is their good old family values. As soon as you walk into their modern showroom you’ll see they understand style and design – and with a massive range of carpet, vinyl, timber, laminate and more, you can be sure they’ll transform your house into a home you’ll love to live in. Being third generation flooring experts provides big advantages. “Reputation is key for us,” says Steve. “Unlike a lot of flooring stores we’re a locally-owned family business
and as locals we care about ensuring the finished job looks fantastic.” Steve recognises this as an important proposition for the business, so he’s putting his name, and his face, at the forefront of his Tauranga marketing campaign. “Buying flooring is a big deal to people and the fact that I put my name to every job will reassure people that we’ll see them right.” At The Flooring Room it’s the little differences that make a big impact. Whether it’s the free cappuccino made you in-store, the free colour consulting, the exclusive products, or the largest buying power in the Bay, Steve and his team are confident you’ll be rapt with the result. The Flooring Room, where real value comes with real family values.
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Paint the house – not our drains With spring here, DIY-ers and professionals alike are picking up paintbrushes around Bay of Plenty homes.
But everyone is being warned – don’t paint the region’s drains as well. This month’s Don’t Paint The Drain campaign is being run by Tauranga City, Western Bay of Plenty District and Bay of Plenty Regional councils’ pollution teams to encourage people to care for the environment when sprucing up homes with paint this renovation season. Tauranga City Council pollution prevention officer Radleigh Cairns is hoping the campaign will reach all those picking up a paintbrush this spring to look after our environment. The aim is to help prevent pollution of the Bay’s waterways and harbour by both the DIY enthusiasts and professional painters. Radleigh says the campaign encourages the proper disposal of old paint, paint tins, and the wash water
leftover after rinsing paint equipment. “Enamel, water, and oil-based paint can all cause serious harm to our environment. They may contain toxic solvents, heavy metals, and suspended solids,” says Radleigh. “Runoff of residential and commercial painting activities to the stormwater system directly affects our local waterways and the organisms in them. “It can poison animals and plants, restrict light entering waterways, smother organisms and clog gills and eyes of fish, reduce oxygen levels in waterways and make fish and shellfish poisonous if consumed.” The campaign advises commercial painters and building contractors should use a paint wash water treatment system or make their own ‘two bucket system’ for small operations. People can also win paint prizes as part of the campaign by picking up a Don’t Paint The Drain brochure from participating paint stores, or council visitor information centres. For more information, call 07 5777 000.
MEET OUR NEXT GENERAL MANAGER As a locally owned family business with three generations of knowledge and flooring experience behind us, it’s fair to say we’ve got “fluff in our veins”. So while we continue to provide you with the highest quality flooring and best possible value and service, we’ll be preparing our daughter Lena for our next General Manager position.
DON’T MISS OUR FREE UNDERLAY & FREE INSTALLATION SALE!* Real value, with real family values. carpet, f loors & more 07 571 1114 | Cnr 11th Ave & Cameron Road www.theflooringroom.co.nz
Lena Ferris
Upcoming General Manager
* Conditions apply. See instore for details.
Friday 14 October 2016
The Weekend Sun
Get rid of flies from the home The biggest issue buzzing around my house at the moment is flies. They land on things, spread germs and give others the impression my palace is a tip. So how do get rid of them? Or make your home unattractive in the first place? Here’s some tips that may help. Make your home unattractive to flies by keeping all bins covered, remove uneaten pet food and have pet bowls outside away from doorways, and ensure your compost bin is well covered. A clean kitchen is also a deterrent. So wash dishes immediately after use, scrape crumbs and leftovers into the bin or in-sink disposal after eating. Teach your children to wash up and clean up after using the kitchen. And put rotting food outside or in a compost pile, as flies lay eggs on rotten fruit. Then deploy the easy killing methods like fly swats, fly zappers or fly traps – for
example, vinegar traps or sticky ropes/strips. The ropes are cheap at twodollar stores. Also try darkening the house and having one exit for flies to leave. Flies like light so will head towards it. Shut window drapes, curtains and blinds and doors to rooms where flies aren’t. Or place mesh screens on your windows and doors. Mesh screens will keep flies out more effectively than sprays, traps and the like. Remember the rainbow-coloured doorhangings? Rub doorways and windows with natural repellents. Lavender oil is an oldie but a goodie. Put deterrent pot plants at doorways – venus fly trap anyone? If all else fails, call in the pest control guys. Merle Foster
Fixing your garage door – no matter what If your garage door is playing up – whether it’s squeaking, sticking or stubbornly staying put – Securadoor can help.
99% UV Protection
Engineered for very high wind zones
NZ Made Locally Owned
Owner/manager of Securadoor, Matt Bawden.
“We offer services for residential garage doors along with commercial and industrial doors, which include garage door servicing, repairs and maintenance, automatic openers as well as supply and install of new doors,” says Securadoor’s Matt Bawden. His team insist on only working with high quality products and always complete every job with excellent workmanship. “We take pride in what we do and have 10 years’ experience. We will supply a door to suit your requirements and can offer custom garage door solutions including glass and cedar options,” says Matt. “Now is the perfect time to get your door serviced before Christmas and the summer holidays – more importantly if it’s been more than a year since its last service.” Matt says regular servicing keeps your door hassle-free, reduces wear and tear and the risk of an expensive repair bill “It also reduces the likelihood of your door getting stuck in action at the worst possible moment. For example, trying to get your boat out of the
garage on a sunny weekend!” Securadoor supplies the well-known and trusted brand – Merlin Automatic Garage Door openers –which come with five and seven year warranties. Securadoor is currently running a $100 off promotion on all new Merlin Automatic openers. So now is the perfect time get everything sussed – for a prompt and reliable service, give Matt a call on 027 846 7697.
The Weekend Sun
Friday 14 October 2016
A solution for your gutter Whether you’re sick of leaves clogging your gutter, rodents causing havoc, or birds nesting producing a problem, give Guttersolutionz a call. Guttersolutionz has recently appointed an area manager for the Bay of Plenty, Rachael Patterson. The Bay of Plenty area was previously managed from Christchurch and Auckland, but will now be managed locally meaning faster, friendlier and more region-specific service. Rachael is a past client, so she knows what works and how to get the best results for your home.
“Rachael had a problem with birds in the roof. Now Rachael is an area manager for the Bay of Plenty,” says director Reece Chippendale. “She’s a local that can come and see it sooner, and she’s actually got it on her house.” “Definitely, I can attest that it works!” says Rachael. Advertising the only NZ-made gutter protection, their products are made of either aluminium or copper and stop everything from pesky rats to fallen leaves blocking up your gutters. Rachael has lived in the Bay since early this year, and says she and her family wanted to
“start afresh at the beach”. “My point of difference is that you’ll get honesty out of me. “We’re here to solve people’s problems as opposed to selling them stuff they don’t want or need.” Guttersolutionz services both commercial and residential properties, and their products come in a variety Rachael Patt erson with R of colour options to best match your eece Chippen dale. roof colour. Servicing the entire Bay of Plenty region – For more, visit: www.guttersolutionz.co.nz from Katikati to Whakatane and everywhere Or to arrange an appointment with Rachael, in between – if you’ve got a gutter problem, call 0800 333 101. Rachael from Guttersolutionz can help.
What is ‘real’ in this world? Following a recent stint of medical-assigned bedrest, I found myself watching TV programmes that I normally wouldn’t view. But out of boredom, drug-induced and reduced brain cell capacity and general exhaustion, I found myself watching a programme that made me question my understanding of the English language. Well one word in particular – ‘real’. According to the Usborne English dictionary the word ‘real’ is: 1. (adj) true and not imaginary. 2. (adj) genuine and not artificial. Right, that’s what I thought. So why then, as I find myself watching an episode of ‘The Real Housewives’, did I feel the content of the programme did not fit the title of real housewives? I’m a housewife. I have been for 12 years. I can tell you that at no point in my 12 years have I found myself meeting or socialising with anyone who lives like the so-called real housewives. I do not have a different outfit for every single day. I do not have time to go get pedicures and manicures. I’ve had no cosmetic work – as is evident by the bags under my eyes and the reflective frowns on my forehead. I don’t have a personal trainer, I don’t have a chef, and I don’t have a personal assistant.
I am the personal assistant! If I drank like they do I’d be incapable of speech let alone driving. I don’t have time to go on holidays offshore with my fellow housewives and then get annoyed because one of the ladies upstaged my “I’ve hired a luxury boat for the day” with “well I’ve hired a helicopter and we are going to a secret retreat”. If I had a friend that could afford to upstage me, then I would love her and embrace the offer with welcome arms. As for relaxing and getting away from it all, my recent stint of five days in hospital is as close to a break as I’ll have this winter. In many ways it was very relaxing. Mind you, I didn’t have to cook, clean, run children around, help with homework or do the housework. I slept for hours on end. Read copious amounts of trashy magazines, listened to music and had lovely chats with the nurses. Plus, I had an endless supply of some rather super drugs. So for those watching ‘The Real Housewives’ and like me wondering where it all went so wrong, remember this. You are the real housewives, you are amazing, you are selfless, you are helping build the future of our country and your bags, wrinkles and frown lines show you are true and not imaginary, genuine and not artificial. You are real!
Friday 14 October 2016
The Weekend Sun
A raw Sew Retro this year Doilies, tablecloths and tatters of fine fabric for your home – go mad at Sew Retro and pick up a bargain to refine your décor or start a new household project.
stuff that’s really cheap that you can cut up and reuse, there’s the excitement of all the creative possibilities.” A few years ago the sale was popular with people doing up retro caravans, and Rose expects that may be the case again this year. Turning Point Trust’s Rose Weber has “There are a lot of creative people in washed and ironed “a tonne” of doilies our community, and Sew Retro is one of and tablecloths for the last few Sew the few places you can get your hands on Retro sales. This year, the sheer volume a lot of this stuff all at once. of goods on offer has made that task “You can spend your time creating unmanageable. rather than hunting.” “We have the largest amount of goods Rose expects the retro clothing, in we’ve ever had – it’s going to be a big one particular, to draws large numbers. this year.” “You can’t get this stuff anywhere else. And Rose believes it’s a good things You could spend weeks trolling around this year’s Sew Retro – a one-day sale on all the op shops in the hope you might October 15 at The Historic Village – will find something. Rose Webber is surrounded by containers of clothes for the Sew Retro sale. see items on offer in the state they were “At Sew Retro, you’re guaranteed to donated in. find what you’re looking for.” “The prices reflect that – they’ll be lower this year. Sew Retro is the major annual fundraiser for the “Plus, it will give people the chance to look at a piece and think: Turning Point Trust, which provides an environment ‘I could clean that up’. They’ll get that sense of discovery of a where people living with an experience of mental treasure in its raw state.” illness and addiction feel safe and supported, and can develop As always, there will be some “really cool” retro clothing. meaningful relationships and skills that will facilitate community “There’s just so much stuff this year. I have 150 60-litre inclusion and participation. containers, and they are chocka.” The trust’s services include day activities, vocational services, peer Sew Retro is great for those into creating cosplay, costuming, support and advocacy and career support. doll clothes, props, pathwork, embroidery, crazy quilting and more, Sew Retro 2016 is on at the Tauranga Historic Village tomorrow says Rose. “For people creating with textiles, there’s a lot of other from 9am-3pm. Entry is free. Karolyn Timarkos
Fronting up to window cleaning in the Bay Spring is here and summer is on its way. But how much care have you given the front of your home during winter? My answer is none! I looked at the entry to my home on the weekend and gasped. The windows were dirty inside and out – thanks to a little miss and her streaky handmarks running all over the place and some delinquent birds pooping everywhere.
38 Jets
The exterior wall of the house that accommodates the deck was grimy. And the deck itself had patches of mould and a few loose nails. Not a good look with the barbecue season sizzling up – and visitors about to knock on the door. So I went into panic mode. I grabbed bottle of white vinegar, a rag and some newspapers and furiously cleaned the inside of the windows. Then I noticed the ranchslider tracks and aluminium joinery were dusty and full of spiders. I got out the vacuum cleaner sucked up hundreds of Charlotte’s cousins and wiped off the fly poo. I leapt outside manned with a soft
scrubbing brush, a bucket of soapy water, a window wiper blade and got the hose going. I started scrubbing the windows and joinery and then looked up. The whole wall was grey with a mould-like substance, possibly dust and grime stuck on, plus it was cobweb city. So I scrubbed the walls down too. Next weekend the deck is in for a good scrub, and my partner is to hammer down those loose nails. So when the sun does shine and we crank the barbecue up with friends – my home’s frontage will shine. And so will my pride. Mojito at mine anyone? Merle Foster
The Weekend Sun
Friday 14 October 2016
Window furnishings direct to you Building or renovating? Let BOP Curtains and Blinds help with your exciting project.
colour and co-ordination will help you achieve that stunning, unique look for your home. A free measure and quote and interior design advice will help customers get the best look that will be practical and within budget, or book a personal in-home consultation to get the right look for your
home. “Be assured of quality workmanship from our sewing teams,” says Tony. “Installation services are provided by competent, experienced installers, who will make sure all curtains and blinds fit perfectly. “Our whole home packages offer unbeatable value. We have a Starter pack, Builders pack and an Elite pack.” The company’s mobile service has also been tailored for customer convenience. Contact BOP Curtains and Blinds today to schedule a personal consultation.
Their motto is: ‘We come to you’ with thousands of samples to show all the latest curtain and blind ideas. Be inspired by the beautiful new-season range of fabrics perfect for the warmer seasons of spring and summer. “We’ve got window furnishings for spring and summer including products to help protect furnishings from the sunshine and heat,” says Tony Baker of BOP Curtains and Blinds. “We’ve got all the latest in colours and design from around the world.” BOP Curtains and Blinds offers top quality brands including James Dunlop Textiles, Charles Parsons Interiors, Resene fabrics, Warwick fabrics and Ken Bimler. Thinking bespoke? You’ll love BOP Curtains and Blinds’ motto is: ‘We come to you’ with working with Tony. With 30 years’ experience, his knowledge of trends, thousands of samples to show all the latest curtain and blind ideas.
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Planning a pool for summer A big decision about installing a pool is the material that is going to be used as a pool surround. The general guide to choosing from the variety of natural and artificial materials available is the end use. It is going to be wet a lot of the time while the pool is in use? In summer there will be people stepping over the surround into the pool and children will run – so non-slip is good.
A light colour is necessary, because on a hot day under full sun, a dark coloured surround will fry the feet. Here’s where the choices diverge from sandstone, concrete varietals and pavers to plastics and polypropylene. There are a range of these materials used in commercial pools in non-standard colours. Shop, get answers about how it performs under constant high UV, the colour fastness, working life, and compare costs.
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M 021 02538444 | E bayofplenty@archgola.co.nz | www.archgola.co.nz
Friday 14 October 2016
The Weekend Sun
Maximising on-farm servicing To ensure they can maximise on-farm servicing of tractors and farm machinery, Matamata Tractors and Machinery operates up-to-date service vehicles equipped with modern tools and diagnostic equipment.
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Their Massey Ferguson-trained mechanics have the knowledge to service and repair a wide variety of tractors and farm machinery. New to the team is Tony Johnston, who is selling Massey Ferguson tractors and farm machinery in the Tauranga area. Tony brings a wealth of experience to the team, having been in the tractor and machinery industry for 29 years. “He started as a mechanic and then went into sales,” says Matamata Tractors and Machinery manager Kevin Morey. “Tony has always worked in Tauranga, so he knows the area well.” Family owned and operated since 1981, Matamata Tractors and Machinery is a master dealer for agriculture manufacturing company AGCO. This gives them the ability to sell Massey Ferguson tractors and offer genuine parts and fully trained mechanics to ensure full servicing is available to their customers.
Tony Johnston is new to the Matamata Tractors and Machinery team. Matamata Tractors and Machinery carries a selection of new Massey Ferguson tractors, as well as secondhand ones in a wider variety of brands. Their yard is well stocked with Massey Ferguson products including tractors, utility vehicles, ride-on lawn mowers, as well as a wide range of other farming and lifestyle block machinery. The company’s parts and sales office is fully staffed to ensure they can respond to customers’ needs in a timely manner.
Flocking to the next Birds of Bay of Plenty meeting Willie Shaw from Wildlands Consultants Rotorua is heading to Tauranga to speak to the Birds Bay of Plenty group and talk about current and former wildlife work done by the consultancy in the region. Willie will speak at 7pm on Wednesday, October 12, at the
Arts and Craft Centre at the expressway end of Elizabeth St. All are welcome. A gold coin donation to cover costs is appreciated. Birds BoP is the local branch of Birds New Zealand, the Ornithological Society of NZ. Birds NZ is about enjoying
and studying birds. Birds BoP holds evening meetings, field trips, bird counts, etc and welcomes new members and visitors. If you are interested in birds, come along to the meeting or, for more information, email: birds.bop@osnz.org.nz
For both residential and professional operations 3 cylinder, 1.1 litre liquid cooled diesel engine Optional factory fitted loader and mid mower deck Japanese built for reliability Turf / Ag / Industrial tyres available
3 cylinder, 1.1 litre liquid cooled diesel engine provides high torque at lower RPM Dedicated Tractor Loader Backhoe model with 4in1 front end loader Optional 60" mid mount deck is available Backhoe easily detached to allow for 3 point linkage implements to be used 2 range hydrostatic transmission Backhoe includes a cast iron bucket link and boom float Complete with standard 400mm digging bucket
For both residential and professional operations 3 cylinder, 1.1 litre liquid cooled diesel engine Optional factory fitted loader and mid mower deck Japanese built for reliability Turf / Ag / Industrial tyres available
For both residential and professional operations 3 cylinder, 1.1 litre liquid cooled diesel engine Optional factory fitted loader and mid mower deck Japanese built for reliability Turf / Ag / Industrial tyres available
MFGC1700 SERIES | 22.5 HP
Reliable 3 & 4 cylinder engines with excellent For both residential operations MFGC1720 TLB | 24.5 HP and professional fuel economy to save you money
3 cylinder, 1.1 litre liquid cooled High flow hydraulics making this tractor the ideal front end loader platform diesel engine 3 cylinder, 1.1 litre liquid cooled diesel engine provides high Independent 540 rpm PTO ensuring torque at lower RPM Optional factory fitted loader and ease of use and a lifetime of low Dedicated Tractor Loader Backhoe model with 4in1 front end maintenance operation loader mid mower deck 2WD & 4WD axles featuring Optional 60" mid mount deck is available Japanese built reliability power steering Backhoe easily detached to allow for 3 pointfor linkage implements to be used Turf / Ag / Industrial tyres available Innovative styling and roomy operator’s area 2 range hydrostatic transmission
Backhoe includes a cast iron bucket link and boom float Complete with standard 400mm digging bucket
3 cylinder, 1.1 litre liquid cooled diesel engine provides high
Reliable 3 & 4 cylinder engines with excellent fuel economy to save you money High flow hydraulics making this tractor
The Weekend Sun
Friday 14 October 2016
Self-driving car to rev up Tauranga Tauranga is set to be the first New Zealand city to see an autonomous vehicle in action. Volvo and the New Zealand Traffic Institute aim to demonstrate the technology in the city November, says Transport Minister and Tauranga MP Simon Bridges. “This is will be the first trial of its kind in NZ and reflects our world-leading regulation around autonomous vehicles, which encourages new technology while protecting public safety. Part of the national Trafinz transport conference, Simon says it’s exciting to see international recognition that NZ is at the forefront of enabling this technology. “Autonomous vehicles will be a big part of the future of transport and offer potential safety, efficiency and environmental benefits.” The Government is currently reviewing the rules relating to autonomous vehicles, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Small Passenger Service operators, says Simon. “Testing in NZ also enables an understanding of how the technology responds to the New Zealand environment, and allows our transport sector to gain skills in deploying and managing new technology.” The New Zealand Transport Agency and Ministry of Transport are working with Volvo and Trafinz to ensure the trial will operate within the law, including appropriately managing any safety risks. Car manufacturer Volvo will demonstrate the technology on a 10km-15km stretch of public road in Tauranga as part of the national Trafinz transport conference. Volvo NZ national manager Coby Duggan says the vehicle will self-drive using sophisticated technology to navigate the road – with driver interaction only required at the halfway-point of the trip. Coby says the demonstration will take place in a ‘real world’ environment with other motorists. Anders Eugensson, a visiting expert from Volvo’s Swedish headquarters, says the technology offers significant benefits for New Zealanders who commute
The Volvo XC90 Drive Me test vehicle. daily or who are travelling between cities. “Our research shows around nine in every 10 crashes have a driver causation error component, and the reality is self-driving cars simply do not get distracted. “We believe this technology will greatly reduce the number of collisions on NZ roads while also improving efficiency.” Anders says Autonomous Driving will also help reduce congestion on roads and improve productivity by reducing the daily commute stresses for workers and intercity travellers. Trafinz vice president John Goettler says the technology has real applications for the future of transport within the NZ roading network. “This demonstration is a significant first milestone towards the introduction of self-drive vehicles to enhance road safety and productivity in NZ.” John says NZ is an ideal location for the demonstration because of our world-leading regulatory environment, which encourages trialling and demonstrations of new technology such as autonomous vehicles, while protecting the safety of all road users. “As the volume of these vehicles grows, we also need to turn our attention to the creation of smart highways and motorways, to obtain the real benefits of safer, more efficient, people focused and less congested travel,” says John. The demonstration is expected to take place on November 18, once planning and approvals for NZTA regulatory requirements have been completed.
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Friday 14 October 2016
The Weekend Sun
Attention youth! Is your future calling? Are you starting high school next year or aged 13-15 and looking for If so, the unit commander of Tauranga 16 Squadron of ATC is a challenge? Have you considered joining wanting to talk to you. the Air Training Corps? “We provide young male and females with an opportunity to experience a wide range of outdoor activities which includes flying, bushcraft, first aid, firearm training and to develop leadership skills,” says flight Lieutenant Lynn White. “We also offer NCEA credits within our training programme.” The 16 Squadron ATC Tauranga is a disciplined, structured youth development and military-based training organisation, and enrolments for you to join their ranks in 2017 are now open.
Training is based on the New Zealand Defence Force and the uniform is supplied.
So if you’re interested go and see them at the Army Hall on Eleventh Ave on October 25 from 1830 for our open night.
The 16 Squadron ATC Tauranga is wanting more members.
Suit up and swim to win! Getting swim fit for summer fun, or training for the Ocean Swim Series event at Mount Maunganui, has just got more tempting.
Bay Venues has Ocean Swim Series entry tickets to give away – and to be in with a chance to win them you simply need to get swimming. The more you swim, the more chances you have to win. The ticket giveaway promotion, leading up to the November 19 Ocean Swim Series’ Sand to Surf event, stretches from October 1-30. Simply get swimming at any of the city’s five Bay Venues Aquatic facilities during October and you will go into the draw to win an entry to compete in the Ocean Swim Series Mount Maunganui event. Bay Venues Baywave manager Mike Page says the more you swim, the more chances you have. “One pool entry equals one competition entry. Purchase a 10-swim concession in October to get 12
competition entries. Better still, purchase a 30-swim concession card in October to get 40 competition entries,” says Mike. Three tickets will be drawn on October 31 for each venue. Tickets to the event are currently selling online at early bird prices ranging between $22.50 and $59.50. Lots of great spot prizes are also up for grabs, such as a seven-day Clubfit membership, Aqualine gear and aquatic entry concession passes. Three tickets will also be available to BaySwim members enrolled for Term 4 classes for the kids’ 200m Banana Boat OceanKids geared at seven-12 year olds. Young swimmers can enter various events, but the Banana Boat event is specifically for the younger age group. So get swimming this October at Baywave, Greerton, Otumoetai, Memorial or Mount Hot Pools and be in to win. For more information, visit: www.baywave.co.nz
Synchronised swimming success in the Bay
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Tauranga Synchro is continuing to dominate the national synchronised swimming arena after a successful campaign at New Zealand championships held in here Tauranga last weekend. The NZ National Synchronised Swimming Championships at
Baywave attracted more than 140 competitors from nine clubs plus three international clubs from Perth, China and New Caledonia. Twenty-three Tauranga Synchro athletes dominated the placings, winning gold in 13 out of 16 events entered.
In some events, like the school solo, Tauranga Synchro took out gold, silver and bronze medals. The annual event, held for the first time in Tauranga, also gave some of the newer Tauranga Synchro swimmers the opportunity to perform at their very first competition.
The Weekend Sun
Friday 14 October 2016
Where would we be without our great teachers? October 5 marked a special occasion in the education world. It was not a public holiday, but it was a day that honoured those who have made an impact on every one of us at some point in our lives.
That day is World Teachers’ Day. Celebrated in 100 countries around the world, it recognises those at the forefront of our learning and acknowledges the significant contributions they make in our classrooms and communities. To be an effective teacher, I believe there are some fundamentals: you must be able to build relationships with the students to
understand them and their learning, address the core principles and values in every lesson, and have a passion for what you do. We’ve got a passionate, dedicated team of teaching staff at ACG Tauranga, who all enable extraordinary accomplishments with our students. Earlier this year, Dave Hanna helped our Year 3-4 pupils make a public submission to Tauranga City Council on the Draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan, while Jackie Webb coached six of our students to compete in the AIMS Games. Our teachers are accomplished in their own right, too. Visual arts teacher Leana Buxton
was named a finalist in the prestigious 2016 Miles Art Awards, and music teacher Kelly Hayward followed in the footsteps of Kiwi legends Tim and Neil Finn by recording an album at Auckland’s Roundhead Studios. Sue Wood is doing some amazing work in our English department. Her attitude towards education has turned many students around to the joys of English, and I think she says it best with this statement: “Every triumph of communication should be rewarded. In order to learn, we all have to make some mistakes. Students have to feel
the world won’t end as they go through that inevitable experience.” Our team of talented teachers is complete with Peter Stevens, Ali Stevens, Dan Pratt and Caroline Frankel. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all our teachers for their hard work and dedication – we couldn’t achieve greatness without them. If you’d like to meet myself or any one of our friendly teaching staff, ACG Tauranga is holding an open day on Saturday, October 15, from 10.30am-2.30pm, at 6 Keenan Rd, Pyes Pa, Tauranga.
Pressure spelling becomes a gripping TV sport They spelt the words ‘concierge’, ‘kitsch’, ‘furlough’ and ‘juggernaut’ in the pressure-cooker of peak-time national television. And all because it sits snugly with Tauranga’s Wright Family Foundation vision of enabling kids to achieve full potential through education. The TV show is ‘Spellbound’ which charts the journey of 36 Year 9-10 finalists in the New Zealand Spelling Bee. The contestants would ask the trademark questions. “May I have the definition please?” and “Can you please use the word in a sentence?” Then almost robotically they would deliver
back the spelt word. ‘Spellbound’ is a three-part thriller but not as we know it. It’s kids in the hot seat spelling difficult words – and its gripping television. “I was on the edge of my seat,” says Chloe Wright of the first episode of ‘Spellbound. “It’s fantastic to be part of producing a television show which the whole family can enjoy and participate in together. Sport in New Zealand is getting a new face.” But making television isn’t cheap and Chloe’s Wright Family Foundation charitable trust put up the $480,000 in funding to produce the TV show. The foundation is the NZ Spelling Bee’s sole sponsor, and Chloe – who is the foundation’s CEO – donated the additional funding so
the event could be televised and brought into the nation’s homes. “Through screening ‘Spellbound’ more children will be encouraged to reach for the stars,” says Chloe. “We couldn’t let this opportunity pass by, and are delighted to have been able to make it happen.” Chloe says The New Zealand Spelling Bee is a fantastic event, which resonates with the foundation’s vision. “We want to create articulate readers and writers, who may go onto higher education with confidence.” And, she says, the spelling bee is a perfect fit with that goal. Nationwide regional heats saw 1000 kids compete, with the field whittled down to the country’s top 36 spellers. The Wright Family Foundation was established in April 2014
Spellbound – young gun spellers.
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as part of Chloe and husband Wayne’s vision to make a positive difference in New Zealand society. The foundation aims to improve the wellbeing of all New Zealanders, by unleashing potential through education. It supports projects and organisations focused on educational development– just like the spelling bee. The second instalment of ‘Spellbound’ is on TVNZ 1 at 7.30pm this Sunday, October 16.
Star tingr Otch tobe th 17 & 19 BAY LEARNING ACADEMY
Friday 14 October 2016
The Weekend Sun
Pull on your best pink! Don’t go home after work on Wednesday, October 19 – instead pull on some pink and join the annual 2016 HOT Pink Walk.
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Organised by the Breast Cancer Support Service Tauranga Trust and House of Travel, this fun event is a chance to walk, celebrate and remember those in our lives who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. It also raises funds for Breast Cancer Support Service Tauranga Trust, so they can continue to support people in Tauranga who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. With entertainment along the way, and a fun after party at La Mexica on The Strand, Breast Cancer Support Service Tauranga Trust service manager Helen Alice says why not make a night of it? “Bring your friends, bring your family and have some fun. Everyone is welcome.” Helen says new to this year is the fact people can book their tickets – $10 for adults and a gold coin donation for under 13s – online at: www.breastcancerbop.org.nz/page/ hot-pink-walk
Helen Alice, Ngaire Laker-Metz and Gill Collins all geared up for the Hot Pink Walk. Photo: Bruce Barnard. “The online bookings are proving very popular.” Along the walk, which begins at Masonic Park, will be what organisers are calling ‘hot spots’. “We have entertainment as people are walking the route at each hot spot, including new entertainment options this year and a new main stage act,” says Helen. But she’s keeping those new entertainment options a surprise. Merchandise will also be available
for purchase at the merchandise tent, including their new HOT Pink Walk T-shirts. People are encouraged to book their tickets for the 2016 HOT Pink Walk on October 19 online at: www.breastcancerbop.org.nz/ page/hot-pink-walk The walk begins at Masonic Park on The Strand, from 5.30pm-7pm with an after party at La Mexica. For more information, search ‘HOT Pink Walk’ on Facebook.
Discovering the Monalisa Touch… Dr Naylin Appanna has discovered a non-hormonal therapy for breast cancer survivors, who are calling the treatment “life changing”.
therapy for the treatment of genitourinary symptoms of menopause including dryness, painful intercourse, prolapse, vaginal laxity, burning and itching. “It also works for women who have lichen sclerosis, which is a condition with whitening of the labia which results Naylin says results of the Monalisa Touch have in significant itching and is been astounding and after talking to several difficult to treat. specialists who use the machine, as well as “Essentially it’s an female gynaecologists who’ve undergone alternative to hormone treatment, he was convinced of how replacement therapy. well it functioned and decided to bring A lot of people don’t the machine to New Zealand. want to take hormone Consultations for the Monalisa therapy after a breast Touch are available at Naylin cancer scare and Appanna Women’s Health Centre people who have had on Fraser St, Tauranga. Dr Naylin Appanna. breast cancer can’t The treatment is a fractional micro use it, but this works really well.” ablative CO2 laser for vulvovaginal atrophy in The treatment takes about 10 minutes and there’s women treated with chemotherapy, radiotherapy minimal downtime required afterwards. and, or, hormonal therapy for breast cancer “It’s a really easy treatment to do. Basically, it’s survivors. “These therapies cause the ovaries to stop stimulating the body to regenerate the vagina. functioning,” says Naylin. “The results are fantastic, we’ve had amazing results “This leads to a lack of oestrogen, which leads to the with patients saying it’s life changing.” symptoms of the menopause. For more information, visit: “It’s one of only two machines in the country.” www.monalisatouch.co.nz Naylin says the Monalisa Touch is a radical new
Here, there & everywhere
The Weekend Sun
Friday 14 October 2016
Resveratrol – a natural compound to help age gracefully You have seen the petrol advertisements offering some special additive to improve your car engine performance. While that may be true we know deep in our cells is a mysterious protein called SIRT1, which acts like better fuel for your car. These proteins slow the rate of cell ageing by improving the function of our cell engines, our amazing mitochondria. The question is whether there is anything that can stimulate SIRT1, making our cell engines run better for longer? Research shows fasting, reducing calories and exercise all stimulate SIRT1. Recent research has also shown resveratrol increased the activity of SIRT1. Harvard Medical School Professor David Sinclair says resveratrol binds to SIRT1 to make
it run faster, therefore increasing cell life. David says this is the opposite of most drugs, which actually reduce SIRT1 activity. The researchers also looked at many other compounds and found only resveratrol had this incredible effect. The exact mechanisms are still under investigation but it appears resveratrol helps our cell engines perform better. Poorly functioning mitochondria produce less energy, produce more free radicals and create accumulated mutations in DNA. In short, this can accelerate the aging process. If resveratrol stimulates SIRT1 this could be one of the best
compounds to add in supplements. To get the best from resveratrol, it should be combined with complimentary compounds that all work together to protect and rejuvenate our cells. I like to combine high potency resveratrol with grape seed oligomeric proanthocyanidins – known as OPCs – Acai berry extract and alpha lipoic acid to get even better energy responses. Additionally, these compounds are anti-inflammatory, which can really help inflamed joints, muscles and even the inflammation associated with autoimmune problems. If you need more information, give me a call or email: john@abundant.co.nz Join my full weekly newsletter at: www.abundant.co.nz John Arts is a qualified nutritional medicine practitioner and founder of Abundant Health. Contact John on 0800 423 559. To read more, see: www.sunlive.co.nz
‘No sugary drinks’ logo launch a NZ first New Zealand’s first ‘no sugary drinks’ logo will be available for display in schools, businesses, workplaces, public spaces and event venues this week. Marketing expert Dr Bodo Lang devised the logo for the health advocacy group FIZZ, of which he is a member. Bodo says it will empower communities throughout New Zealand to lift their health and wellbeing and send a clear message about the damage caused by too much sugar in our diets. FIZZ is a group of researchers and public health doctors pushing for a sugary-drink free Aotearoa New Zealand by 2025. They say the evidence implicating sugary drinks in serious health problems, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, rotten teeth and gout, is compelling enough to justify ending the sales of these products. “The consequences of too much sugar in our diets are far-reaching and wide-ranging for both individuals and society, from harming our wellbeing and the learning
of our children, to massive healthcare and productivity costs,” says Bodo, who is a senior lecturer in marketing at the University of Auckland. “We’re heartened to see examples of strong community leadership on this issue – a growing number of schools have banned sugary drinks and principals are reporting a sharp rise in learning behaviours and decrease in disruptive behaviours in the classroom.” Auckland Council is phasing out sugar-sweetened drinks from vending machines at 15 council-operated leisure centres, says Bodo. “Many organisations, events and leaders have asked for a logo that would allow them to show their commitment to being free of sugary drinks,” says Bodo. “Just like the smokefree/auahi kore logo allowed people to draw a line in the sand against smoking, this new ‘no sugary drinks’ logo will empower communities to lift their health and wellbeing. “It’ll also send a clear message about the damage that excess sugar is causing.” The logo will be revealed by FIZZ soon, then will be available with usage guidelines from the group’s website: www.fizz.org.nz
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Friday 14 October 2016
The Weekend Sun
Law firm gets suited, booted and bra’d Lawyers are known for their formal attire, but this month the male staff members of Tauranga law firm Lyon O’Neale Arnold will be adding pink women’s lingerie to their wardrobes.
Director Nick Earl and solicitors Simon Gyenge and Stephen Taylor are donning bright pink bras in support of the 2016 House of Travel Hot Pink Walk for breast cancer on October 19. The bra-wearing trio will be helping to man the event’s only drinks station, located at the firm’s Willow St office, which is on the home stretch of the walk. “We thought it would be a fun way of helping to raise awareness of the disease, and we hope it will encourage other men to get involved,� says Nick. “Breast cancer is a disease that not only affects women – it also affects men, both directly and indirectly. About 20 men a year in New Zealand are diagnosed with breast cancer and, while that accounts for only one per cent of cases, many others are affected by the disease through the women in their lives – mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers and daughters.� Lyon O’Neale Arnold has been personally touched by breast cancer, having lost a staff member to the disease and supported another through treatment. Stephen’s grandmother, Julienne Taylor, has had breast cancer four times. “Thankfully, each time it was detected early,� says Stephen. “However, not everyone is as lucky. Breast cancer is something that can affect anyone – women and men – and you never know who it will strike. The Hot Pink Walk
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Simon Gyenge, Stephen Taylor and Nick Earl – three local lawyers doing their bit to help support Tauranga’s breast cancer walk by wearing the appropriate attire. Photo: Chris Callinan.
is a chance to remind people what to look for and to raise much-needed funds towards research into what can be a devastating disease,� he adds. “I’m looking forward to being part of the best-dressed mob in town and urge others to do the same. “Get involved, join in the fun and paint the town pink!� Seventy-five-year-old Julienne had a mastectomy when she was 45, followed by three further surgeries, and has now been cancer-free for six years. “My last surgery was during Stephen’s final year at school. I came home from Hamilton between radiotherapy treatments
Bethlehem centre achieves highly The Bethlehem Birthing Centre has earned World Health Organisation and UNICEF accreditation for adopting practices that fully protect, promote and support exclusive breastfeeding from birth. The Bethlehem Birthing Centre has achieved a 97 per cent exclusive breastfeeding rate since it opened two years ago – way higher than the 80 per cent of babies on discharge from Baby Friendly Hospitals, which is an international initiative aimed at ensuring all maternity services become centres of breastfeeding support. The Bethlehem Birthing Centre was recently audited for BFHI accreditation for the first time. Founder and director Chloe Wright says she’s delighted but not surprised
so I could attend his prizegiving. He’s my only grandson and I’m very proud of him,� she says. “I think it’s great that Stephen and his male colleagues are getting involved in such a worthy cause.� Simon says though the thought of wearing a bra while serving drinks to thousands of women dressed in pink was slightly unsettling, it was nothing compared to that endured by breast cancer sufferers and their loved ones. “The Hot Pink Walk is a light-hearted way of drawing attention to a serious cause, and I’m proud to be part of that.�
it passed. “We are passionate about supporting families and giving babies the best possible start in life.� The BFHI programme aims to improve exclusive breastfeeding rates and ensure evidenced-based best practice standards of care are offered by maternity services. Baby-friendly facilities work to see all women, regardless of their feeding method, receive unbiased information, support and professional advice. In New Zealand, all maternity services are required to achieve and maintain BFHI accreditation. The standards of care and services provided are audited by the New Zealand Breastfeeding Alliance every three years. “And the Bethlehem Birthing Centre works intimately with mums and carers to ensure they have the gentle support they need for successful breastfeeding,� says senior lactation consultant Shauna Walters.
Our one-of-a-kind microscopic hair check-up will determine the likely cause of your hair loss using two different microscopes. By taking a deeper look into the problem and genetic predispositions, lifestyle habits and other possible contributing factors, SRS Hair Clinic can show you just how you can get your hair back.
The Weekend Sun
Friday 14 October 2016
Think about your mental health Mental health awareness week is a good reminder for people to think about their mental health and wellbeing. The theme of this year’s mental health awareness week – from October 10-16 – is ‘Connect with nature for good mental health and wellbeing’. Health Minister Jonathan Coleman says one in five New Zealanders will experienced a mental health issue during their lifetime. “It’s important people can access the appropriate mental health and addiction services that they need,” says Jonathan. “Mental health is a key area of focus for the Government. We’ve increased mental health and addiction services funding from $1.1 billion in 2008-2009 to more than $1.4 billion for 2015-2016. “Budget 2016 includes $12 million of funding during four years to increase support for people to access mental
health services at an earlier stage. “We’re also investing $12 million during four years to expand a successful programme that provides alcohol and drug support for pregnant women. “A new Commissioning Framework, which sets national requirements for planning and designing support for people with mental health and addiction issues, will help to further improve services.” There are a range of initiatives underway to support New Zealanders experiencing mental health and addiction issues. They include: • The national telehealth service has about 1700 contacts a week via phone, text and web from people seeking mental health support from trained counsellors. • The second phase of the Rural Mental Wellness initiative was announced in June, supported by an extra $600,000 in funding from the Ministry of Health and Ministry for Primary Industries. • In March, the
www.depression.org.nz Government announced an extra Phone 0800 111 757 $20 million investment to increase to talk to a trained mental health and wellbeing counsellor or to support for Cantabrians. ask a question about • Under the Prime Minister’s any mental health Youth Mental Health Project $64 related issue. million has been invested during For more information four years to help young people about events for mental aged 12-19. CL INIC A L health awareness week • The Ministry of Health is go to www.mhaw.nz/ working with other government agencies, such as Justice, Police and whats-on. www.clinicalthermography.co.nz Corrections to reduce the impact of mental health clients on their services. LIQUID LAUNDROMAT LIQUID LAUNDROMAT • Supporting primary and • Fast Fast Dryers Dryers • • Fast Fast Dryers community care is a key focus. The •Dryers Fast Dryers • Fast • Dryers • Sports Gear Ministry of Health is currently • Sports Gear •Gear Sports Gear Sports 7 DAYS: DAYS: 5am-11pm • Sports Gear • Sports Gear 7 5am-11pm 7 DAYS: 5am-11pm 7 DAYS: 5am-11pm DAYS: 5am-11pm 77 DAYS: 5am-11pm working with sector experts to • Duvets • Duvets • Duvets • Duvets Duvets • Duvets identify where further support is • Mink Blankets • Mink Blankets easy key self easy key self • Mink Blankets • Mink Blankets easy key self easy key self needed. • Mink Blankets • Mink Blankets easy key self easy key self • Bedding service laundromats • Bedding • The recently refreshed website service • Bedding service laundromats service laundromats • Bedding service laundromats • Bedding • Bedding service laundromats laundromats • Washers depression.org.nz features stories • Washers • Washers Washers • • Washers • Washers WASH $4.00 FRoM $4.00 from a variety of Kiwis who have WASH FRoM • Domestic Laundry WASH FRoM $4.00 • Domestic Laundry WASH FRoM $4.00 FRoM • Laundry • Domestic Laundry • Domestic Domestic Laundry courageously shared their journey. WASH • Domestic Laundry DRY$4.00 FRoM $4.00 DRY FRoM $4.00 DRY FRoM $4.00 • DHBs are making progress on DRY FRoM $4.00 DRY FRoM $4.00 For( 20 Dry up to 4 loads) For 20 minutes Dryminutes up to 4(loads) their suicide prevention initiatives, For 20 minutes up4to to 4loads) loads) Forminutes 20minutes minutes up 44 20 Dryto up to loads) For For 20 ( Dry(( Dry up loads) in partnership with their local WASH ANY 2 DUVEtS, MINK communities and other agencies. WASH ANY 2 DUVEtS, MINK BLANKEtS, ANY BEDDING Work is also underway to refresh WASH WASH ANY DUVEtS, MINK WASH ANY 2 DUVEtS, MINK BLANKEtS, BEDDING ANY 2 DUVEtS, MINK WASH ANY 2ANY DUVEtS, MINK the Suicide Prevention Strategy FoR oNLY $10 BLANKEtS, ANY BEDDING BLANKEtS, ANY BEDDING BLANKEtS, BEDDING BLANKEtS, ANY BEDDING FoRANY oNLY $10 and action plan. FoR oNLY $10 For more information on FoR oNLY $10 www.liquidlaundromats.co.nz FoR oNLY $10 www.liquidlaundromats.co.nz managing how you’re feeling, www.liquidlaundromats.co.nz including online tools, go to www.liquidlaundromats.co.nz www.liquidlaundromats.co.nz
Kick the smoking habit this October This month, smokers are encouraged to kick the habit as part of the 31-day stop smoking campaign Stoptober – and the team at Arnica Health and Healing can help.
have improved, says Aliz. Kellie McColl tried to quit smoking numerous times with every method imaginable. After having brief conversation with a friend about quitting smoking with Bioresonance therapy, she decided to give it a go. Aliz Hartmann of Arnica Health and Healing says “I was sceptical at first, not knowing much about the their professional team uses the Bicom Bioresonance therapy, but was quickly a believer. technique, which is a quick and effective way to stop “After smoking my last cigarette and sitting in a chair smoking in Tauranga. for half an hour with a few gadgets the therapy was “The Bicom Bioresonance technique, which takes compete. between 40 minutes to an hour, works on the scientific “I went home and strangely didn’t want or need a principle of ‘phase cancellation’ the cigarette and haven’t since October aim of which is to cancel out cravings 2015. I had a day or two of feeling like and is 85 per cent effective.” I had lost something or something was Test cases have shown after eight missing but no cravings or want for a hours the nicotine and carbon smoke at all. monoxide level in the blood is “It’s an amazing treatment that will reduced by 50 per cent and after 24 take away your need for a smoke hours the carbon monoxide is cleared forever.” from the body, purifying the lungs. As part of Stoptober, Arnica Health After two days the nicotine is and Healing is hosting a stop smoking cleared from the body, after three event at Methodist Church, 13th Ave, days breathing becomes easier; and on October 28 from 7pm. after two-12 weeks blood circulation For more information, visit is significantly improved. Arnica Health and Healing www.arnicahealth.co.nz, email One year later your lungs will be can help you kick the habit arnicahealing@inbox.com healthier and your breathing will this October. or phone 07 5449467.
Friday 14 October 2016
The Weekend Sun
Takeaway tantrums and doggy bag drama Paying $50 for a large portion of ribs may seem exorbitant but most diners can justify it if they can take the leftovers home and eat them for lunch tomorrow. But the days of taking home what you couldn’t finish may be coming to a close as more bars, eateries and restaurants begin to say no to the doggy bag. After a Kapiti Coast restaurant said ‘No’ to the take-home option, The Weekend Sun asked some local restaurants whether they still offer the option for patrons to take their unfinished food home. Lone Star manager Lydia Day says their restaurant absolutely endorses the use of doggy bags and takeout, and says it could be
unfair to patrons who can’t finish their meal. “Our meals are so big that if you don’t take a doggy bag, if you can get through that meal – you’re doing well. You’ve paid for it and we have the facilities [for patrons to take away leftovers],” says Lydia. English pub Crown and Badger’s head chef Trevor Davies says their pub offers doggy bags. “We still do, we have actual takeaway boxes; and if anybody wants to take away then by all means they get to take it home. We don’t charge for a takeaway box,” says Trevor. “At the end of the day they’ve bought the meal, they’ve paid for it.” And Asian fusion restaurant Macau’s duty manager Marcus Puru says he worked in hospitality in England for four years – which he called a “extremely health and safety-
orientated” country, and both there and at Macau takeaway is fine. “In a nutshell, yeah, if people want to take food home then we do do it; we put it in plastic takeaway containers, put that in a brown bag and let people take it home.” The Mount Maunganui Notice Board Facebook page has been rife with locals expressing their opinion on the potential doggy bag ban after one local was told they couldn’t take their leftovers home. “One restaurant told me they guarded against such things as the customer reheating the meal, say two days later, and becoming ill. I understood
they are looking after their reputation,” says one commenter. “Politically correct world gone nuts but the problem is if you take if home, don’t store it safely and then eat it and get sick there can be ramifications for the seller,” says another. “Should have just taken your food and the plate it was on,” says a third. The Ministry of Primary Industries is clear that once food has been taken away from the restaurant it is then the responsibility of the diner. The concern comes from the food often sitting around at an ideal temperature for bacteria to breed.
A chef ’s favourite meal Peter Blakeway is no stranger to good food. The Bay chef has had his fair share of great meals, but picking a favourite was a question he struggled to answer.
Cayla-Fay Saunders
“It’s a really difficult one to answer because it changes,” says Peter. “These things have changed since I got older.” Peter says his tastebuds change each season in the same way we might change our clothes for a new season. “As we get to a new season, I’m excited about the new season’s growth just around the corner.” But if he really, really has to, Peter can give The Weekend Sun a favourite meal. “If it was my ‘You’re going to die in the morning’ meal, it would be a really good steak, a really fresh salad, probably predominantly rocket, and y’know what? Some classical French chips, but good ones – hand-cut, cooked properly in beef tallow instead of oil. That would be my ‘Death Row’ dinner.” But despite a seemingly stockstandard last meal, he has a few unusual ingredients stashed away in the back of his pantry. “Like burned licorice. I tend to use it for venison. You just very lightly burn it and then turn it into a powder, then use it almost like a seasoning with venison. It’s quite a strong flavour so it needs a strong flavour to deal with it, but when I say burn it – you just use a blow torch Cayla-Fay Saunders on it,” says Peter.
“Caramelised lavender is another one. I was given it and I haven’t found a really good use for but I’m still looking.” “Then I’ve got things like truffle salt that most people wouldn’t have in their kitchen, things like that I guess.” If you had one meal left to eat, what would it be? Let us know on The Weekend Sun’s Facebook page.
Peter Blakeway rifles through his pantry to dig out his oddities.
The Weekend Sun
Friday 14 October 2016
The Weekend Sun
Budget for your money and your tummy Grocery shopping is the type of shopping we can all happily do in the knowledge that we all need food. What we spend on groceries depends on our income, how many we’re feeding – and, of course, taste. But admittedly from time to time we all experience the great overspend, or some naturally spend more than they need to on a weekly basis. Here are a few ways to minimise your spending on food.
First, know or give yourself a budget. Next, plan your meals for the week and from that derive your grocery list. Take note of the ingredients you require for your meals including breakfast and lunches, adjust to meet your budget and stick to it. Use cash. Take the amount out you have budgeted. Leave your cards at home and
use only that cash for purchasing. If you really need to get the most value for money, the best specials tend to be at opening time and just before closing, when the supermarket is trying to make room for the new day’s products. And try shopping online – yes if you don’t spend a certain amount you may be charged a delivery fee but alternatively when you go into the supermarket you undoubtedly will spend that on spur of the moment enticements. So give it a go. Plan, list save… and give your food money some real thought.
Building ideas into businesses The idea is to kickstart new business ventures and sharpen young entrepreneurial skills. It’s Project Ignite, an innovative programme to help Western Bay of Plenty university and polytechnic students build ideas into actual businesses and to hone business acumen. The University of Waikato and Waiariki Bay of Plenty Polytechnic are offering 10 scholarships of $10,000 to students from both institutions to enable
them to take part in the programme. It’s run in partnership with Priority One, Balance Agri-Nutrients, Plus Group and the Ignition co-working space. The programme runs from November to February and includes access to expert start-up coaches, workshops, guest speaker presentations and a workspace at Ignition, Priority One’s co-working space.
Still more consultation with Maori? The Resource Management Act has always required local governments to consult with their community, and that is appropriate.
Surprisingly, the Act requires local governments to consult with Maori also, as if somehow Maori were not part of the community. But worse is in prospect. An amendment to the RMA is winding its way through the parliamentary process and, if passed in its current form, will require all local governments, within 30 days of being elected, to invite all the tribes in their area into ‘iwi participation agreements’. This is a recipe for ‘co-governance’ on a nationwide scale, giving unelected tribal appointees significant influence over local government actions. Those behind the creation of the Hobson’s Pledge Trust strongly oppose this change in the RMA. It would inevitably lead to still more delay in getting resource consents and potentially delays in other aspects of local government. We believe there is only one way forward for New Zealand, and that is one where all citizens are equal before the law – where the state is colour-blind. It is time to be reminded of what Governor Hobson said as each chief signed the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840: “He iwi tahi tatou – we are now one people”. It wasn’t surprising he said that: Article III of the treaty granted all New Zealanders the rights and
Don Brash, one of the two spokespeople for Hobson’s Pledge. privileges of British subjects, an extraordinarily enlightened gift which happened nowhere else in the world. We shouldn’t be abusing that gift by pretending that somehow those with a Maori ancestor have rights that are additional to those enjoyed by other New Zealanders.
Friday 14 October 2016
Wine @ $35 Takeaways @ $45 Magazine @ $15 Coffees x 6 @ $30 or 3 @ $15 Lunches x 5 @ $66 or 3 @$39.50
Save $101.50 An average of
per annum
For and
The Weekend Sun
Friday 14 October 2016
A safe and comfortable retirement Athenree Lifecare is a 43-bed, family-owned resthome, hospital and dementia care facility conveniently located in the beautiful Athenree.
provides a quiet rural setting for residents. “Situated on the water’s edge of the Shelly Bay estuary, our residents have stunning views of the water, native flora and fauna,” says Athenree Lifecare’s new owner Steven Wallace. Providing 24-hour care for those who “We have recently extending our can no longer manage safely in their secure dementia unit to 14 beds own home, Athenree Lifecare also offers and are in the process of revamping the respite and palliative care. adjoining garden.” The resthome also offers an activitiesSteven and co-owner Hazel Wallace based day-care programme and will say the garden is secure and specifically soon introduce a dementia night-care designed to engage and interest programme that caters for families residents, and spacious rooms with a member on their journey with offer garden or water views with Alzheimer’s disease. many opening out onto beautiful Located five minutes off State outdoor areas. Highway 2 between Katikati and Healthy, nutritious meals approved by Waihi, and 30 minutes from Tauranga, a dietitian are prepared by experienced Athenree Lifecare’s unique location kitchen staff, and a full activities programme Inside one of the that changes weekly is rooms. organised by the facility’s qualified activities coordinator. “Popular activities includes visits to the Athenree Hot Springs Thermal Mineral Pools, Zumba classes, art and crafts, beach visits, lunch outings, gardening and many more,” says Steven.
Drop the kids and shop undisturbed ‘We have child-minding facilities” is not a statement you’d expect to hear from the organiser of a market day – but it’s a key message Te Puke mum Rebekah West wants to get across. The increasingly popular Boutique Mummy Markets are on again this month and in December – and thanks to Tiny Tots Party Hire, it means mums and dads can have a leisurely hassle-free stroll around the market, without the little ones in tow. “You can spend some good time without having to rush around after the kids, knowing they’re in safe hands.” Bernice Nel from Tiny Tots has lots of activities on offer. “My older daughter does Jump Jam, so she does that with the kids; plus we have craft activities,
kids’ toys, and a bouncy castle.” The idea behind the markets is to provide a chance to support local mums and family businesses. Rebekah says the markets also provide fantastic networking opportunities, and chances to meet with like-minded businesspeople. “Stallholders can meet their clients. When you can put a face to a name, you’re more inclined to buy products off those people. Everyone does really well at the markets – it provides that personal connection.” Boutique Mummy Markets is offering 50 goodie bags for the first people who spend more than $25. The market is at Papamoa College, 151 Doncaster St, on Sunday, October 16 and Sunday, December 4 from 10am-2pm. For more information, visit: www.boutiquemummymarketsnz.com Karolyn Timarkos
A beautiful space.
“We pride ourselves on providing professional care in a family-orientated environment and welcome all your enquiries and look forward to seeing you soon.”
Friday 14 October 2016
The Weekend Sun
Real reasons for the low turnout
The turnout at the recent elections was yet again disappointing. However, it is equally disappointing to see people jumping to solutions without analysing the problem. For example, there has been a call for online voting. The argument is those who are too lazy or disorganised to post a letter will not be too lazy or disorganised to read the brochure with candidate information, attend meetings and read candidates’ webpages before making an informed choice on the election voting site. Somehow I don’t think that is likely. I think there may be other reasons for the low turnout. Too many choices. To vote for a Mayor, ward councillor, at large councillor, regional councillor and DHB member a voter had to read 64 different profiles. Too remote from the reason for voting. With ever larger local authority boundaries voters may not be engaged with the “issues of the day”. For example, many in Papamoa couldn’t care less about Turret Rd
and the CBD. The DHB is spread from Waihi Beach to East Cape, making it very difficult for candidates to be known widely. Lack of solemnity. Having one day where the whole country stops and finds time to vote at a booth ensures the conversation of the day is ‘Have you voted yet?’ With postal voting that conversation is often too late to let a person act if they have forgotten. Satisfaction. Strange as it sounds too many people some voters may feel things are ticking along nicely and there is nothing they expect to get excited about that makes them want to vote. Illiteracy. If you don’t get along to a meeting then you need to be able to read if you want to get an inkling of what candidates are offering. If you want to be able to vote you need to be able to read the voting forms. So there are some reasons for a low turnout for which online voting will not make a difference. I say bring back in-person voting! R Scott, Tauranga City.
There is no racism in equal rights Amazingly, the Hobson Pledge Trust has prised most of the race-bleating appeasers, treatyists, revisionists, grievers out of the woodwork, accompanied by the usual ranting, about racists, the bog standard response when they cannot win an argument based on facts, history logic or even common sense. Hobson’s ‘one people’ statement simply reinforced what the legitimate Maori version of Treaty said: sovereignty ceded, property rights guaranteed; and granting rights and privileges of British subjects with no mention of partnerships, principles or special race-based treatment. Current Maori vested interests are not a special race yet the Labour Party’s Andrew Little, Grant Robertson and Kelvin Davis have jumped into the fray, reinforcing Labours 2014 election thrust for special-preferential race-based treatment.
A strange ‘blond moment’ as left wingers always champion equality not privilege. Labour’s Maori policies are ruinous, but if you think that’s bad go check out the Greens’ absurd aberrations - no referendums simply ‘their way or the highway’. Not a chance that Te Ururoa Flavell and Te Awanui Black, who are ensconced under race-based preference systems, want that to change – they are more than happy with a system of reverse racism protecting their little patches. The National Party bucket list stated ‘race-based’ parliamentary seats would be abolished, but recently resiled from that promise. See Taranaki Settlement Bill 2016.
Sadly, those who are given whatever they demand rapidly develop a sense of entitlement quickly losing all sense of proportion and objectivity. If proposing equal rights for all Kiwis is racist, then I’ll be a monkey’s uncle! R Paterson, Matapihi.
Sage or cynic? Bill Ralston may consider himself a witty and erudite observer of and commentator on the Human Condition, but when he compares those with contrary points of view to rabid racists as he did in his recent Listener article by likening Don Brash and Hobson’s Choice adherents to the Ku Klux Klan, he confirms his smugly arrogant public persona. B Johnson, Omokoroa.
The Weekend Sun
Friday 14 October 2016
An ode to Bay drivers Many BOP drivers are so scary and don’t know what they do, hooning around the roads and streets frightening the wits out of you. Some know a few driving basics but little about the road code, and few know of driver courtesy when they are on the road. Driving in heavy peak hour traffic carefully making your way home, you frequently see a local driver talking or texting on their cellphone. Look, there’s a sign ahead. Drivers to ‘merge like a zipper.’ Not for me says the local hoon, as he buries his leaden slipper. The locals speed into roundabouts, caring not for vehicles on the right, simply ignoring those drivers who brake
petrified with fright. Driving along Cameron Rd in heavy traffic watching cars pass. An impetuous driver just can’t wait. He’s overtaking! Driving up on he grass! ‘Get out of the way’ the papers say when you hear the sirens wail. But many Bay of Plenty drivers never allow that rule to prevail. So what is it with BOP drivers? Why are so many a hopeless brood? Why are they so arrogant, ignorant and frequently extremely rude? Their driving skills don’t justify the aggressive attitude they display. I’ve seen better driving in Cairo than we see in Tauranga every day. So visitors if you are driving in this region perhaps just for the day I wish you good luck with that mate and hope you get safely away! B Conroy, Otumoetai.
Re: ‘Unproven facts’ (The Weekend Sun, October 7). Maori are indigenous to New Zealand despite MJ Anderson’s view. Before 2011 there was a great deal of doubt about who first settled New Zealand. However in 2011 Janet Wilmshurst, a New Zealand scientist working with scientists from California, Hawaii, and Australia, published improved radiocarbon research data from all available sites of early settlement in New Zealand. This radiocarbon data showed there was no evidence of any human settlement in New Zealand before Maori arrived about 1280AD. Janet’s research paper was published by
the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, which is the official scientific adviser to the United States Government. This means her results have the highest possible integrity. They haven’t been challenged since 2011. Maori are the indigenous people of New Zealand. They arrived here first and there were no people living here before them. The migration of Maori from East Polynesia occurred only about 700 years ago but it was the final stage in the journey that mankind took to populate the whole world starting from Africa about 100,000 years ago. P Dey, Welcome Bay.
Parking app has no people pull Re: ‘Parking app live’ (page 6, The Weekend Sun, October 7). Once again Tauranga City Council and bureaucrats make a major decision without public consultation. Were the following considered? Those people who don’t have mobile phones. Those who have very basic mobile phones, which only transmit and receive. Those elderly due to infirmity use walkers. The people in these categories are evidently meant to use the parking buildings. Yeah right! Durham St parking building is 50 per cent taken up with privately leased spaces. The elderly and infirm won’t want, or are unable to, traipse from either parking building to shop. Very little thought for the three categories has gone into this system. What is the overall capital cost to TCC ratepayers to install this system? What is gained from it? This won’t encourage more people into the CBD. R Bailey, Papamoa.
Problem solved
I can’t believe the planning hoo haa of the Phoenix carpark is still going on. If the Mount is short of carparks why doesn’t Tauranga City Council just plonk a multistorey parking building on one site somewhere in Mount North? After all in Tauranga City the council hasn’t minded making multiple carparking areas on Cliff Rd, which also have sweeping harbour views. Then Phoenix can become a recreational park. Problem solved. B Driver, Mount Maunganui.
Forum The F Forum On TheOn Family Forum On The Family is 2016 coming y Forum On The Family is2016 coming to yourto pla is coming to your to place your place Maori ‘indigenous people’ ofis NZcoming
Nobody is indigenous Earlier this year I suggested you watch ‘Skeletons in the Cupboard’ the first of three documentaries produced by Plumtree Productions. This DVD confirmed in my mind the hypocrisy that NZ law and Acts have been based on since 1975. The second documentary is available and named ‘Under the Carpet’. This DVD establishes that three or four cultures inhabited NZ prior to the arrival of Polynesian Maori and European. Nobody is indigenous, everybody immigrated to this land. See: vimeo. com/ondemand/nzskeletonsredheads The dark underbelly of greed and power in this country is exposed in this excellent documentary. M J Anderson, Pyes Pa.
Date: Sunday October Time: Date: Sunday 16 16 October Time: 2pm 2pm Venue: St Petersininthe the City, 130130 Spring St, Tauranga Venue: St Peters City, Spring St, Tauranga Family First NZ has quickly become a household name, advocating for families, and speaking common sense and Familyvalues FirstonNZ has quickly become a household name, a broad range of family issues in New Zealand. It advocating families, speaking common sense seeks tofor promote strongand families, marriage, and the value of and life through research, education and advocacy. values on a broad range of family issues in New Zealand. It
seeks to promote strong families, marriage, and the value of Under the heading ofeducation “Strong Marriages, Strong Families, life through research, and advocacy.
Strong Nation”, Bob’s presentation will give an overview of current family issues including; • family breakdown and marriage, Under•the childheading poverty, of “Strong Marriages, Strong Families, Strong presentation • Nation”, child abuse &Bob’s the anti-smacking law, will give an overview • sex education & ‘gender identity’ of current family issues including;in schools, • family breakdown and marriage, • euthanasia, • child • poverty, parental notification laws • abuse and more…. • child & the anti-smacking law,
Quite wrong
Re: ‘Unproven facts’ (The Weekend Sun, October 7). MJ Anderson is quite wrong about Maori indigeneity. “DNA testing, carbon dating, and archaeological evidence” all in fact point unequivocally to Polynesian ancestors of the Maori being the first settlers of New Zealand, about 700 years ago. • sex With Bob McCoskrie – education & ‘gender identity’ in National Director, Kerry Howe’s 2003 book ‘The quest schools, Family First NZ for origins: who first discovered and settled New Zealand and the Pacific • euthanasia, Islands?’ and also a recent article by • parental notification laws Matthew Wright in the ‘Listener’ issue June 24, 2016, adequately disposes of the • and more…. crypto-racist fantasies of earlier human settlement, which Anderson seems to have been reading. J Coster, Kaimai. With Bob McCoskrie –
National Director, Family First NZ
Mobility Scooter Workshop
Brought to you by Voice for Life Bay of Plenty CharitableTrust In association with St. Peters-in-the-City Presbyterian Church
It’s about keeping you mobile -
We want you to be able to participate in your community, without having to give up your independence and the things you enjoy. Come along for an one hour free workshop and have fun, meet like-minded people, get great tips and free safety equipment, and talk about any mobility issues you may have. Bring your mobility scooter, a friend or just yourself - everyone is welcome!
Thursday, 20 October
Bayswater Village
10.30 – 11.30am
Tuesday, 25 October
Citizens Club/RSA - Te Puke
10.30 – 11.30am
Wednesday, 26 October
Maitland St Senior Citizens - Greerton
10.30 – 11.30am
Thursday, 27 October
RSA - Mount Maunganui
10.30 – 11.30am
Friday, 28 October
St Columba Church - Otumoetai
10.30 – 11.30am
MVM 61772
Upcoming workshops:
Tuesday, 1 November Katikati Memorial Hall 10.30 – 11.30am Church Brought to you by Voice for Life Bay of Plenty Charitable Trust In association with St. Peters-in-the-City Presbyterian
Free morning tea and good company.
Book in for an upcoming session by phoning Age Concern on 07 578 2631.
Friday 14 October 2016
The Weekend Sun
ENTERTAINMENT ENTERTAINMENTGUIDE Stories, snippets, strangeness, and general entertainment. Pg43
Community events and occasions across the Bay. Pg44
News, reviews and opinionated raving on the music scene. Pg45
The Weekend Sun’s ever popular guide to ‘What’s On’ in the Bay. Pg46
Spacious eatery tucked away If you’re looking for good food, great coffee and a unique vibe, The Black Sheep Bar and Grill is just the place to be. The fully licensed a la carte restaurant is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner throughout the week, and the restaurant features two spacious indoor dining areas and a very large outdoor area which includes gazebos, a stage area, outdoor fires and a pizza oven. Owned and operated by head chef Daniel Moffat, his partner Casey Jacobs and Peta Clavis – the three Aussies have crossed the ditch to make their home in NZ and now consider themselves locals! Peta’s husband Hugh Clavis is the fourth partner
in the business – and is the very outnumbered Kiwi. The Black Sheep Bar and Grill aims to source staff and food from the surrounding areas, because they believe this will create a domino effect and locals will in turn support their restaurant. The dog-friendly venue is one of the largest venues in the Bay with a massive parking area suitable for whatever you rock up in. It is a fantastic venue for functions – indoors and out. For more information and opening The interior at The Black Sheep is open to many possibilities. hours, visit: www.blacksheepbarandgrill.co.nz
Latin dancing this Labour Weekend It’s time to dust off your dance shoes and slip on your best dress for Labour Weekend – because the 10th annual Bay Salsa Festival is on October 21-23 right here in Tauranga. This year’s festival promises to be the best ever, with a full schedule of dance classes, parties and performances bringing the beauty of Latin dance to Bay residents. The festivities begin with a Friday night dance party at La Mexica on The Strand, followed by two days of workshops at Otumoetai Action Centre. A two-hour showcase of more than a hundred performers dancing a variety of styles is happening Saturday night, with a back-to-school themed ball concluding the festival at Tauranga Racecourse on Sunday evening. Bay Salsa co-founder and festival organiser Dean Christie says it’s a great opportunity for people to try something new. “The Bay Salsa Festival is a fun, inviting event where people who have never danced before can come and learn and be part of a great weekend,” says Dean. “And if you’re not quite ready to jump on the dance floor yet, then coming to the showcase on Saturday night will not only reveal what Latin dancing can be like, but also give you a great night out. “There are also two parties and a ball
Everyone is invited to get in to the groove at Labour Weekend’s Bay Salsa Festival. Photo: Gate Photography. that you can attend to feel the vibe and practice dancing.” What started off as one-day workshop back in 2006 has now become a weekend-long event, with 36 classes during two days. There are a range of Latin dance styles to choose from, including Linear Salsa, Cuban Salsa, Bachata, Zouk, Kizomba, Samba De Gafieira, Cubaton, Son, Rumba and Pachanga. Tickets are available for the whole weekend, or just for certain events or classes. “There are door sales available for all of the events and classes,” says Dean. “The festival is about inclusion, so everyone is welcome.” Many of the teachers and performers are national champions in their dance style, or have competed internationally. Bay Salsa Festival aims to raise funds to help teams and couples travelling overseas to represent New Zealand on the world salsa stage – although Tauranga gets to see them first. The 10th Annual Bay Salsa Festival is on October 21-23, at La Mexica, Otumoetai Action Centre, Otumoetai College Performing Arts Centre, Tauranga Racecourse. A weekend pass costs $195, or single event passes $20-$100. For more information, visit: www.baysalsafestival.co.nz/ Bay Salsa is offering The Weekend Sun readers a 50 per cent discount on the Saturday night showcase. Just book through eventfinda using the code: sunsalsa16 Ryan Wood
The Weekend Sun
Friday 14 October 2016
Troggs venture out of the cave It was an interview with a rock star that was almost derailed by a pint of Alfred’s, a pub quiz and a protective publicist. The Weekend Sun was about to call Troggs’ guitarist Chris Britton at home in England to chat about the band’s December gig at the Totara Street performance venue at the Mount. But Chris Britton (far right) and The Troggs. the chat was off, according ago when someone even wrote that “teenage to the publicist. Unavailable, he was lust never sounded so good”. otherwise engaged. New York songwriter Chip Taylor suspected So we ring another number and there’s the he had created something “cool, sweaty rock star with his nose immersed in a pint and sensual” when he wrote ‘Wild Thing’ at The Royal Oak, a pub in Goodworth but it took The Troggs, four Carnaby clad Clatford just off the A303 near Andover in long-haireds from Andover in Hampshire, Hampshire. The unavailable rock star was at to cover it and shape it into a number one pub quiz and not so unavailable. on the Billboard Hot 100 in July 1966. The “Oh yes, they serve a very good pint,” song peaked at number two in England. says affable guitarist Chris Britton. Even “We just cut across what was going on this reporter acknowledges a finely crafted 50 years ago,” says Chris, across a pint and English pint is reason enough for being down the phone to The Weekend Sun. unavailable for an interview. “All teenagers think they invented sex. We And yes, the band is looking forward thought we invented it. But it’s pretty tame to New Zealand because they have fond compared with what they chuck out now.” memories. “We did an open air gig in But, says the 72-year-old rocker, anything Invercargill in 1982.” That was either a brave to cause a bit of a stir and be a bit of a or silly punt for a promoter. And the oysters revolutionary. were superb, he seems to recall. “I am up for it, it’s all right by me.” ‘The Troggs’ is a bastardisation of The Troggs take on ‘Wild Thing’ is ranked troglodytes or cave dwellers. “We added an number 257 on ‘Rolling Stone’ magazine’s extra ‘g’ because one ‘g’ didn’t look right.” list of the 500 greatest songs of all time. And out of that very same cave emerged Britton gives himself a pat. “That’s very ‘Wild Thing’. The simple heavy guitar rifts good, well done!” with flirtatious lyrics. “Wild thing, I think And they’ve been banging out ‘Wild Thing’ you move me, but I wanna know for sure.” for 50 years – aren’t we, they, everyone, Salacious for the time, a time half a century sick of it? “No, no, no – it’s still fun. If we
didn’t get such an audience response, we would get sick of playing it.” The Troggs was a band that had several disguises, all of which worked. “For example, you can’t put ‘Love is All Around’ in the same bag as ‘Wild Thing’. We had several hits actually and they were all quite varied.” ‘With a Girl Like You’, ‘I can’t Control Myself ’, ‘Anyway That You Want Me’ – and there would be no point Chris coming all the way from The Royal Oak to Totara Street without dusting off the tried and true. “They want something to latch onto,” says Chris. “If you listen to our music, and I suppose there is a bit of music about it, we are more of a sporting event than a music event.” Probably a reference to the energy they give out to win over an audience – the room shakes and the bodies start moving. Read the full story at www.theweekendsun.co.nz Hunter Wells
The Weekend Sun has one double pass to give away to one lucky reader who can tell us where The Troggs take on ‘Wild Thing’ ranks on the Rolling Stone’s list of 500 greatest songs of all time. Enter online at www.sunlive.co.nz under the competition section. Entries must be received by Wednesday, October 19.
BOP films
Ram Sprouts – Tauranga Girls College – Julie Lamont The Unlikely Hero – Independant – Sam Wakerley, Jayde Leedes, Scott Prestidge Breakfast – Yoobee – Callum Waddicor Friendship – Mount Maunganui Primary – Ula Plajh More of a Nightmare – Omokoroa No 1 School – Jade Newton Fredericks Bad Day – Omokoroa No 1 School – Bodhi Redwood The Girl in the Photograph – Otumoetai College – Lycha Galorio, Breanna Filer A Mysterious Friend – Otumoetai College – Lauren O'Neal A Slice of Love – Otumoetai College – Amelia Best, Nick Tinholt The Other Side of the Mirror – Tauranga Girls College – Tina Jeong, Nathalia Luna Sanz Black Knife – Omokoroa No 1 School – Jule Malkhasian Click – Otumoetai College – Brianna Stewart, Lilian Goodliffe Get Rich – Omokoroa No 1 School – Jacob Reeder Sweat Dreams – Otumoetai College – Kate Lawrence, Amira Adams, Katrina Gadsbey The Punks of Steam – Independent – Issac Bishop The Truth is Out There – Tauranga Girls College – Kelly Tucker Sands The Christmas of 2016 – Tauranga Girls College – Niharika Sharma Trouble in the West – Independent – Liam Davidson
Non-BOP & BOP films
Action Hero Horror Discovery Horror Slapstick Horror Mystery Noir Horror Sci-Fi Romance Mystery Horror Western Horror Romance Western Mystery Hero Horror Slapstick Romance Horror Discovery Horror Mystery Horror Mystery Slapstick Western Horror Romance Horror Noir Sci-Fi
Lets Make This Brief – Wellington East Girls College – Georgia Cotterill Tree Trouble – Te Puna School – Charli Rowe The Girl in the Meadow – Bucklands Beach Intermediate – Bailey Moran Finders Keepers – St Marys Catholic School – Conrad Grace, Ollie Armishaw, Rupert Carter, Max Forsythe Love From the Bottom – Nelson College for Girls – Valentina Herzog A Homage – NZ Broadcasting School – Micah Winiata Over the Fence – Tauranga Girls College – Alexandra Ritai, Amber McNicol, Tayla Yates The Consequence – St Hildas Collegiate School – Amelia Scully Jewellry Bandits – Omokoroa No 1 School – Maddison Banyard Best Friend – Tauranga Girls College – Alice Cotter Clean -NZ Broadcasting School – Mason Cade Packer Not Funny – Tauranga Girls College – Danielle Sigley Welcome to the Wild West – Omokoroa No 1 School – Maya Stone Playtime – Tauranga Girls College – Selena Wright Semper et Saecula – Tauranga Girls College – Maria Codeco The Test – Tauranga Girls College – Alia Marshall Les Femmes de Vengance – Otumoetai College – Alice Cowper, Carrie Atkinson Stop the Clock – James Hargest College - Kiarne Heydenrych, Matthew Butler
Koha Entry
Friday 14 October 2016
The Weekend Sun
Country music legend to headline awards New Zealand Country Music legend Suzanne Prentice is returning to the Bay of Plenty to headline the 40th annual NZ Country Music Star Awards.
No. 1496 Across 6. Sporting contest 1. Lingerie (13) (4,3) 8. Insects (5) 9. Power station (SI) 7. Slippery (6) (7) 13. Relative (7) 15. Inactivity (7) 10. Conflict (6) 11. Racecourse (NI) (6)16. Bay (NI) (6) 17. Messy (6) 12. Hymn (5) 14. Musical instrument 19. Colour (5) (5) 21. Belief (5) 22. Fish (4) 18. Scold (6) 20. Mountain (SI) (6) B E T H E L L S I T A S K A X C Y E E G H I H K A M 23. River (NI) (7) S T A G E E M O T I O N S 24. Maori funeral (5) A R C I E K G R I N K D M E R F G T A K A P U 25. Considerably (13) EA AB G C N E N G A I J K I M Down H A W E R A G G R O T T Y A N C D E T G E I B K L M 1. Paramount (6) S A L U K I G H U S U R P 2. Discourage (5) A L C L E O G T I E K E M H Y A C I N T H I R I L E 3. Calming (7) A S C E E A G A I V K I M 4. Throws (4) S T I R E L A WR E N C E 5. Fraction (5) Solution 1495
th 0 4
October 22-23 will be a big two days for country music in the Bay of Plenty. This year is the 40th anniversary of these Country Music Star Awards and who better to front the event than the first ever show host Suzanne Prentice. “I am really excited to be coming back after all these years,” says Suzanne. “I can’t wait to hear all of the talent and reconnect with old friends.” This premiere music award attracts competitors of all ages from near and far, all vying for coveted trophies, more than $8000 in prizes and selection to the Trans-Tasman Entertainer of the Year on Norfolk Island. Saturday, October 22 sees 200 contestants battling it out to qualify for the Premier Finals Concert at 1pm on Sunday, October 23.
This year’s committee is dedicated to continuing the professionalism and passion that past convenor Merv McEnteer strived for, and also create new opportunities that keep these awards moving forward. “I had no hesitancy seizing the opportunity to become the new convenor,” says Michael Tipping. “These awards have been run so successfully by Merv McEnteer and his team that I’m excited about where to go from here. “Suzanne Prentice returns as a judge, premiere final show host and guest artist.” Former Star Award winners are returning for a private 40th celebration function. Southland singer-songwriter Kylie Price returns home direct from touring Texas to entertain event-goers as well. The awards are at Bethlehem College Performing Arts Centre on Labour Weekend. Auditions cost $5 and $25 for the Premiere Finals Concert. Tickets are available from ticketbud.com plus door sales. Visit: www.starawards.co.nz or call 0221926057.
GIGGUIDE & ENTERTAINMENT Greer’s Gastro Bar Debbie 4.30pm. Sunday 16 – Blaze 5-8pm. The Crown and Badger Classic hits duo. Vocals and Friday 14 – Cougar Alert 9pm guitar. till late. La Mexica Saturday 15 – Planet of 3 9pm Friday 14 – Ken Nicole, till late. former member of folk/ The Hop House rock legends Steeleye Span and acclaimed guitarist/solo Friday 14 – Tommy Lee Richards (Australia) with Alice artiste 9-11pm. Free entry. https://www.facebook.com/ Sea and Hanz Kraenzlin events/1137853536302353/ 7.30pm. Free show. The Matua Mount RSA Sunday 16 – Tim Armstrong Friday 14 – Ray Solomon 3-6pm. 7.30pm. Wednesday 19– “A taste of Saturday 15 – Gerry Lee your music”. Come along 7.30pm. with chord sheets and sing Sunday 16 – Selwyn and with the band. 7.30pm start.
New Zealand country music legend Suzanne Prentice.
Bad Manners to party Lace up your boots, pull up your braces and get ready to party with the ultimate English ska band Bad Manners next week. In celebration of 40 years of tearing up stages worldwide, the legendary band is embarking on their first-ever tour of New Zealand and will hit Mount Maunganui’s Totara Street performance venue on October 20. Formed in North London back in 1976, Bad Manners has always been notorious for their on-stage party atmosphere and their devilishly memorable frontman Buster Bloodvessel’s large girth, bald head and outlandishly long tongue. “It’s a school outing that’s never stopped for us. We started in 1976 and we’ve never stopped. We’ve always played live shows everywhere. We have good fun,” says Buster. Bad manners spent the first half of the 1980’ in the United Kingdom charts with a dozen hits including their classic tunes ‘Lip Up Fatty’, ‘My Girl Lollipop’ and ‘Special Brew’. Since then, the man once dubbed the
‘antichrist of etiquette’, Buster’s barely left the stage, playing ska anthems to audiences everywhere with his boisterous band of misfits egging fans on to ever-increasing levels of joyous pleasure. Metropolis Touring and Tombowler’s Bad Manners 40th Anniversary Tour stops in at Mount Maunganui’s Totara Street on October 20. Doors open 8pm. This gig is R18. Tickets cost $49.90 at: tombowler.com.au
Bad Manners frontman Buster Bloodvessel.
The Weekend Sun has one double pass to give away to one lucky reader who can tell us the name of the man once dubbed the ‘antichrist of etiquette’? Enter online at www.sunlive.co.nz under the competition section. All entries must be received by Tuesday, October 18.
Auditions – Saturday 22 October Finals Concertt – S Sunday October Fi l C d 23 O t b 2016 6
BANDS: Pure Dixie Brothers and Arms
Kylie Price
Suzanincee Prent
K TE ADUL ET CT S T Ca S: $ 2 CH $2rdhol 5 de ILD 0 rs: RE N: $5
Ticket Sales at Door: cash and eftpos available or purchase online at: starawards.ticketbud.com tick
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David Tauranga
The Weekend Sun
Friday 14 October 2016
Reasons to be cheerful – Part 39 We continue the occasional series wherein Winston expounds on things currently making him happy. And this week, with a big bag of new music, Winston couldn’t be happier. Music from round the world, music from Australasia, and music from right here in li’l’ ol’ Tauranga. What more can a happy man ask for? 193) Nick Cave – ‘Skeleton Key’. No one would pretend Nick Cave’s new album is anything but a sober experience. Made in the traumatic aftermath of his teenage son’s tragic accidental death it’s a short almost overwhelming collection of semiimprovised stream-of-consciousness writing, confronting, sad, and searching for answers. There are moments of beauty in the simplicity of ‘Girl In Amber’ and elsewhere as the superb Bad Seeds respond to Cave’s writing but the overarching mood is of sadness. It’s an unflinching album, which finds Cave singing with more restraint and honesty than ever before by dropping the sometimes provocative posturing in his singing and simply presenting a man in a state of numbed flux. Perhaps most powerful is his rejection of obvious solutions, be they God or the ideas of quick healing, happy endings or even that there is meaning found in such events.
that style to its extreme. His playing is incredibly fast, accurate and exciting, weaving intricate rhythmic patterns, simultaneously combining that with percussive slaps to create propulsive grooves that when seen live are simply jaw-dropping. There’s much to enjoy here, 35 songs in all, from the classic blues of Robert Johnson and John Lee Hooker to Waits and Dylan and Lloyd’s own songs. A feast of intricate playing and passionate singing. And Lloyd’s coming to town at the end of the month. Catch him at the Tauranga Art Gallery on Saturday, October 29. Tickets are $25 – prepare to be amazed!
No rest for the wicked
A golden album
196) Apollo Steam Train – ‘The Electric Sun/Streets Of Gold’. Brendan McCarthy has been working on a debut album at Tim Julian’s ColourField studio in Welcome Bay and this ‘double A-side single’ is the first release. Two things are immediately striking: this isn’t a ‘single’ in any traditional sense – the songs are not short catchy radio ditties; and the recording sounds exceptionally good. Instead, I’d describe both the songs as good album cuts; ‘Streets Of Gold’ with its Springsteen-style story of working class life and churning rock guitars,
194) Beth Hart – ‘Floor On Fire’. Beth Hart has barely had time to pause for breath since last year’s criticallyacclaimed ‘Better Than Home’ album. But she’s clearly been busy. After teaming up with the legendary Jeff Beck in December 2015 to perform a spot on Jools Holland’s legendary annual Hootenanny, she assembled a crack band, including guitarists Michael Apollo SteamTrain Double A Side CD cover. Landau and Waddy Wachtel, to record this new album. And it’s staggering stuff. If ‘The Electric Sun’ more meditative it doesn’t win a bunch of Grammys and other awards I will be with a distinctive piano and flowing astounded. Beth’s voice is a huge rich monster, conjuring the ghost melody. Both songs are immaculately of Etta James and other big-voiced soul singers while remaining played and produced, and Brendan’s totally individual. And she has a great band and a great bunch singing and the banks of sympathetic of songs, tough no-nonsense arrangements and an attitude and harmonies are very appealing. approach that push this towards the timelessness that great kick-ass I’ll be writing more about Apollo blues/soul can reach. Breathtaking stuff. Steam Train in the next little while. In the meantime, the songs – digital Picking fast sounds and physical – can be ordered from 195) Lloyd Spiegel – ‘Double Live Set’. It may be about the most apollosteamtrain.com prosaic title ever foisted on an album but the contents of Australian And, as a heads-up, they’re playing guitar wiz Lloyd Spiegel’s new double live CD are anything but. Totara Street at the Mount on If you haven’t heard Lloyd, and missed him when he was in Saturday, November 5, along with Tauranga at MauaoPAC last year, he is a singer – rich slightly Brilleaux and Tuner, each band playing gravelly blues voice – and a quite astounding acoustic guitarist in a one hour set. Should be fun. the complicated fast-picking style of a Chris Smither but taking watusi@thesun.co.nz
How to solve Sudoku!
5 2 Fill the grid so that
5 8 9 every row and every 3x3 square contains 5 6 8 3 the digits 1 to 9 8 2 7 How to solve Solution No.1853 4 3 5 No.1854 9 6 8 7 3 2 1 5 4 Sudoku! 7 1 45 13 72 86 54 91 62 78 93 5 6 2 Fill the grid so that 7 5 9 4 6 8 3 2 1 7 row and every 3 64 1 5 2 3 7 98 9 4 6 every 3x3 square contains 8 2 3 1 9 7 5 4 6 9 6the 4 5 6 8 2 9 6 3 8 5 4 1 7 digits 1 to 9 3 7 5 9 1 4 8 6 2 2 23 7 1 8 4 2 7 6 9 3 5 Solution No.1853 4 to solve 3 How 9 6 8 7 3 2 1 5 4 Sudoku! 6 1 45 13 72 86 54 91 62 78 93 7 5 9 4 6 8 3 2 1 7 Fill the grid so that 3 6 4 1 5 2 3 7 9 8 8 2 3 1 9 7 5 4 6 every row 4 every 9 6 and 2 9 6 3 8 5 4 1 7
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Solution No.1853 6 8 7 3 2 1 5 3 2 8 5 1 6 7 1 7 6 4 9 2 8 5 9 4 6 8 3 2
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Rivers & Railways of the World Join us to hear from our expert on the fabled Trans-Siberian, the brand new Grand Hibernian which starts operation in Ireland this August, to the legendary Ghan, Rocky Mountaineer and more. Relax on a River Cruise as it sails into the heart of major cities and docks in the centre of small quaint villages, something ocean ships are unable to do. Our expert will reveal what makes river cruising so special.
Thursday 27 October, 5.30pm Please RSVP to 07 577 9957 or maree@youtauranga.co.nz by Thursday 20 October for venue details.
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Friday 14 October 2016
The Weekend Sun
Friday 14 October
Friday Fun Night At Baywave for ages
8-13 years. Games, music, prizes, waves & hydroslide 6-8pm. Tickets only $6 to get in. Family pass available. Tauranga Spring Home Show Oct 14-16 at ASB Baypark, Tauranga. Friday & Saturday 10am – 5pm. Sunday 10am – 4pm. Entry $10 adults, children 13 & under free.
Saturday 15 October
Annual Book Sale Books wanted for
Tauranga Harbour Lions November book sale. Drop off points are Living Quarters, Bethlehem Town Centre; Payless Plastics, 414 Cameron Rd; Liquor King, 140 Otumoetai Rd, Brookfield. No magazines or encyclopaedia’s please. 576 7105 Bay Network Singles Club Weekly social activities for those 55-70+. Dining, barbecues, games, concerts, outings. Mary Anne 027 207 1690 Beginners Reflexology Course Nov 5 at Hair Linez, Old Railway Station, Jellicoe St, Te Puke 1-3pm. Learn how to improve your health at home. Reflexology is a mirror of your body. Want to know more? Come along. Fee $15. Elaine 573 5361 BOP Caravan Club Rallies are held throughout the year for motorhomes & caravans. If interested in joining like minded people, Neal 576 9031 BOP Suzuki Music Concert Featuring cello, violin & piano students performing at Wesley Church, 13th Ave 2pm. Adults $5, children $2. Robyn 543 4633 Car Boot Sale Papamoa Community Church, 30 Evans Rd 8-11am. $5 a site. Car wash, food & real coffee. Arthur 021 163 7691 Come Dancing Te Puke Scottish Soc monthly dance 7.30pm. Theme: Tartan. Live band, great supper & company. Entry $7. Valerie 573 7093 Kempton Park Retirement Village Spring Fair at 40 Te Paeroa Rd, Bethlehem 10am - 2pm. Devonshire teas, sausage sizzle, stalls, raffles. Parking in Carmichael Rd. Messianic Meetings Every Sat at Hillier Centre, 31 Gloucester Rd, Mount 10am. Seek to unite together in our walk to put truth into action on a daily basis. All ages welcome. 544 7424 or 0210 226 3515 Narcotics Anonymous Open meeting every Sat 7.30- 8.30pm & every Sunday 7-8pm at Hanmer Clinic (behind Super Liquor) 1235 Cameron Rd, Greerton. Every Fri at Hillier Centre, 31 Gloucester Rd, Mount 7.30-8.30pm. If using drugs is causing you problems, maybe we can help. 0800 NA TODAY Papamoa Community Park Join in the fun - growing soil, food & community. Fun for all ages, dawn till dusk. Gardening bees 2nd & 4th Sat 9am - 3pm. Between 51 & 53 Hartford Ave, Papamoa. Chris 021 0241 5454 or therockpapamoa@gmail.com Papamoa Cruisers Slow bike riders, mobility scooters. Cruise Papamoa East. Load scooters & bikes at Evans Road Church, 30 Evans Rd 8-11.30am. Or meet at Fraser Cove Burger King 2pm. Iain 572 2987 or txt 0275 722 987 Petanque @ Blake Park Every Saturday coaching & competitive play 1pm. Equip available, all levels welcome. Linda 544 2818 Sew Retro Annual one-day sale of retro & vintage. Fabric, doilies, tablecloths, clothing, scarves, ties, aprons & assorted
pieces of nostalgia. Eftpos available & cash accepted. Village Hall, Historic Village 9am – 3pm. Organised by Turning Point Trust. Sunshine Dance Group Final tea dance for 2016. An evening of sequence dancing Oct 29 at Baptist Church Hall, 13th Ave 5-9pm. Theme: Spring Colours. Admission $5pp. BYO food, plates, knife, fork, spoon. Drinks non alcoholic. Tea/coffee supplied. Good music & programme. Taoist Tai Chi 6 week introductory course starts today at 15 Koromiko St, Judea 8.30-10am. Give it a try, start to experience the benefits. John 576 9836 Tauranga Civic Choir Presents Mendelssohn’s “Elijah” at Holy Trinity Church, 215 Devonport Rd, Tauranga 7.30pm. Tickets $30 from Eventfinda, Creative Tauranga & door sales available. www. taurangacivicchoir.org.nz
Tauranga Indoor Radio Control Car Club
Race day at Greerton Hall, Cameron Rd. Track set up from 8.30am. Practice starts 10.30am approx. Come & have a look & maybe try a car out in the Newcomers class. Tauranga Spring Home Show Oct 15-16 at ASB Baypark, Tauranga. Saturday 10am – 5pm. Sunday 10am – 4pm. Entry $10 adults, children 13 & under free. Tauriko School Ag Day & Gala Ag Day starts 8.30am & annual school gala follows from 11am. Bumper balls, mini jeeps, bouncy castles, pony rides, loads of games & more. Quick fire raffles, silent auctions & more. Email: pta@tauriko. school.nz or 027 233 2676 Te Puke Forest & Bird October walk - Kohe Point 2 hour walk, Ohope. Cathy 573 9566
The Artery Acrylic Painting Classes
Two days Nov 19 & 20 10am - 3pm. Go to: Book Classes page at www.theincubator.co.nz The Artery Silversmithing Classes Two days Nov 26 & 27 9am - 12pm. Go to: Book Classes page at www.theincubator. co.nz The Sociables 30’s/40’s age group of males & females that meet up once a week to socialise by dining out or participating in local activities & events. 022 0120 376 Village Radio Community radio broadcasting from Tauranga Historic Village 1368 kHz AM. Music of 1940’s - 90’s weekends 9am - 5pm, weekdays 10am - 5pm. Specialty programmes. www.villageradio.co.nz or 571 3710
Sunday 16 October
Andre Rieu Friendship Group BOP For lovers of this music. Monthly weekend gatherings at each other’s homes, garden party, group booking for cinema concert screening & hear the latest info. Jennifer 574 4238 E: poppet312@gmail.com Annual Hymnfest At Salvation Army Citadel cnr Cameron Rd & 5th Ave 2pm. An offering will be collected for the work of Bible Society NZ. Bay Bible Fellowship/Lord’s Day Worship service at Welcome Bay Primary School Hall, 309 Welcome Bay Rd 10am. Brotherly wisdom from the book of James “Entrusting our lives to God.” Preacher: Tom Griffiths. www.bbf.net.nz Bethlehem Lions Market 1st & 3rd Sun of month at Historic Village, 17th Ave, Tauranga 8am - 12pm. Stallholders - booking a carpark site is essential. Email Alf hvm@lionsclubs.org.nz
Bible Seminars EGreerton Senior Citizen’s Hall, Maitland St 1.45pm. Title: “ A journey through the Bible - the book of Isaiah.” Interactive, Q&A. Refreshments provided. Vic 543 0504 Bingo At Club Mt Maunganui every 1st & 3rd Sun 1-3pm. BOP Automotive Swap Meet And car show at Cherokee Place, Mount 7am. Swap places $20, buyers $5. Kids under 12 years free. No household items or bric a brac. No dogs. Grant 022 535 2422 BOP Rose Society Meet at Max Johnson’s garden, Spencer Ave, Maketu 1.30pm. Walk around a large garden & then go to Maketu for coffee & chat. Fern 575 2857 Corkers Toastmasters Develop your leadership skills, confidence & communication abilities. Every 3rd Sunday at Zone Restaurant, Owens Place, Mount 2-3.30pm. Uncork your potential. Lani 0210 445 654 Croquet Every Sun, Tues & Fri at Tauranga Domain, Cameron Rd 12.45pm. Peter 571 0633 Czech & Slovak Club Tauranga Czech School & playgroup at Tauranga Boys’ College, Devonport Rd 10am - 12pm. Guests welcome. Jaguar Enthusiasts (BOP) Club Calling all Jaguar owners. Meet like minded drivers for outings, tours & socialising. Graham 543 4933 Market Day Oropi Memorial Hall, 1295 Oropi Rd 10am - 2pm. Plants & general goods. Something for everyone. George 544 2595 Maketu Market At Maketu Village Green 8am. Treasures, crafts, produce, plants, books, food & more. Stall fees $10. Susan 533 2600 NZDA BOP Branch Rifle Range ‘On Target’ special charity shoot Oct 23. TSC raising funds for the Mental Health Foundation. Open to all - specifically catering for first time & non-licenced shooters. Rimfire - no recoil, lots of fun to be had. Check out details www.deerstalkersBOP. org.nz Old Time Music Makers Club Every third Sunday at Welcome Bay Hall 1-4pm. $3 entry & ladies a plate. Ces/Joy 544 3849 Quakers in Tauranga In hall behind Brain Watkins House, cnr Elizabeth St/ Cameron Rd 10am for an hour of mainly silent worship followed by tea/coffee & talk. 544 0448 www.quaker.org.nz Radio Controlled Model Yachts Meet Sun 1.30pm & Thurs 5.30pm at pond behind 24 Montego Drive, Papamoa to sail Electron & similar 3ft long yachts, for fun. Adult beginners welcome. Graham 572 5419 Spiritual & Healing Centre The Psychic Cafe at Greerton Community Hall 7pm. Spiritual, psychic & healing practitioners to meet & greet, cafe style. Door fee $10. 578 7205 or www.psychiccafe.nz Tauranga Musica And Legacy Funerals present Marimba & Percussion Duo with Yoshiko Tsuruta, marimba & Jeremy Fitzsimons, percussion at Tauranga Park Auditorium, 383 Pyes Pa Road, Tauranga 4pm. Tauranga Spiritual Society Inc Senior Citizen’s Hall, 14 Norris St. Clairvoyant: Sonja Quirk. Doors open 6.30pm for 7pm. Members $3, non $5. Raffle available $2. Free healing & cuppa. 022 0670 467 Tauranga Spring Home Show At ASB Baypark, Tauranga 10am – 4pm. Entry $10 adults, children 13 & under free.
Tauranga Underwater Hockey Juniors up to year 10 students & new players 5-6.15pm. Seniors Year 11 to Adult 6-7.45pm. Baywave Aquatic Cen-tre every Sunday except holidays. Lance 027 287 4731 or 578 7573 Tauranga Writers Alzheimer’s Society House, 116 13th Ave, Tauranga 2-4pm. How Drama Works with playwright Denis J Edwards. $5 non members.
Monday 17 October
Achieve Toastmasters 1st, 3rd & 5th
Mon. Open meeting 31 October. St Stephens Church Hall, Brookfield 7.309.30pm. Craig 027 587 5115 Alanon Family Group Every Mon at St George’s Anglican Church, Gate pa & Cameron Rd 7-8pm. 0508 425 266 Badminton Tauranga Badminton Club summer season. Every Mon at Bethlehem College Events Centre 7.30-9.30pm. $5pp. All players welcome. Sue 0211 944 335 Ballroom Dancing for Beginners Free dance lessons at Club Mount 7pm. Just come along, easy & fun. Udance2 - The dance Centre. Dean/Miki 542 1295 www. udance2.co.nz Email: udance2@xtra.co.nz Bay Garden Club New members invited to join this friendly group every 3rd Monday afternoon. Jennifer 544 2090 Bethlehem Bowls Every Monday at Bethlehem Hall 7.15pm. First 3 nights free. Wendy 578 2585 Body & Soul Fun Fitness For over 50’s, social events & guest speakers. Mon & Fri Greerton Hall Cameron Rd. Tues Wesley Church Hall, 13th Ave. Weds City Church cnr Otumoetai Rd/Sherwood St. Thurs at Tauranga Senior Citizens Hall, Norris St behind Pak n Save. All classes 9.15-10.15am. First class free. For men & women. Dianne 576 5031 ‘Qualified Sport & Physical recreation instructor’. Bowls Matua Twilight Starts 31 Oct 5.30pm. Casual bowlers welcome. Bowls & free coaching provided. Fun, prizes, sausage sizzle, bar. Tom 576 7212
Brass & Percussion Players Welcome
Practice every Mon at 10 Yatton St, Tauranga 7pm. Jeremy 021 132 3341 Chess Mt Maunganui Mount RSA Chess Club every Mon at Mount RSA, 544 Maunganui Rd. Early program 6-7.30pm during school term. Late program 7.30pm onwards. Standard Chess Rules. Incl casual games. Noel 579 5412 Chess, The Mount Club Every Mon at St Thomas More Church, 17 Gloucester Rd 1-4pm. The only place you play standard chess in Tga. $3 a session. Sets, boards, clocks & refreshments provided. Bob/Viv 575 5845 or 0274 786 282 Citizens Advice Bureau For free, confidential information and advice about anything call in Mon -Fri 9am-5pm 38 Hamilton Street, Tauranga or Freephone 0800 367 222 or 578 1592. JP Service every Mon 1-4pm, Weds & Thurs 9am-11.30am & Fri 2-4pm & Migrant Clinics Tues - Fri 1-4pm. All welcome. No appointment necessary. Employments Disputes Clinic fortnightly Tues - appointments necessary. City of Tauranga Pipe Band Grade 3, meet every Mon at Otumoetai Primary School Hall 7.30pm. A comprehensive programme for pipers & drummers. Experienced players welcome to join this competitive band. Maureen 541 0532 Civic Choir Tauranga Practice every Mon
at Wesley Church, 13th Ave, Tauranga 7.30pm. www.taurangacivicchoir.org.nz Heather 575 9092 Concert Mount Senior Citizen’s, 345 Maunganui Rd 1.30pm. Entertainers: The Backroom Boy, followed by afternoon tea. $3 door charge. Fitness League Ladies exercise with dance to music. Improve posture, energy, toned body, increase strength & fun. Every Mon at Greerton Senior Citizens Hall, 39 Maitland St 9.30-10.30am. Gloria 548 0377 Fitness League Safe effective, low impact fun exercise set to music using the Bagot Stack technique, designed for women of all ages & abilities. First class free. Every Mon at Settlers Hall Omokoroa 9.30am & Tues St Johns Anglican Church Waihi 9.30am. Dorothy 549 3378 Free Meditation Classes Mon 10am & Weds 7.30pm at 41 Sherwood St, Bellevue. Find peace, truth & wellbeing. David/Trisha 570 1204 Genealogy Friendly Group Meet in Mako Room, Papamoa Community Centre 1-3pm. Assistance offered to anyone with an interest in researching their family history. Daphne 575 4674 Grease Urban Dance Studio 162 presents Grease, an explosive dance experience, bringing creativity, passion & power from the street to the stage. Baycourt Oct 17 & 18 6-7.30pm. www.baycourt.co.nz
Harmony a Plenty Barbershop Chorus
Every Mon at Bethlehem Community Church, 183 Moffat Rd 7pm. Wilf 571 5576 or www.harmonyaplenty.co.nz Line Dancing Every Mon at Tauranga Citz Club, cnr Cameron Rd/13th Ave 6-8.30pm. 6-7pm beginners. $6pp per night. Pat 544 2574 or just turn up.
Meditation & See What Unfolds
Meditation & discussion group every Mon 7-9pm. $5 fee. Kevin 578 7205 Omokoroa Indoor Bowling Club Settler’s Hall, Omokoroa Rd every Mon 1.30pm & Tues 7.30pm. $3 mat fee. New players free first 3 weeks. Anne 548 1636 Otumoetai Indoor Bowls Fun night/closing night (bring a plate), Matua Primary School Hall, Clivedene St 7.15pm. Karen 576 0443 Otumoetai Mens Rebus Inc (Ex Probus) meet 3rd Mon of month at St John’s Hall, Bureta Rd 9.45am. Guest speakers & companionship. David 544 0291 Public Meeting Natural conservation cemeteries at Constables Gallery, Commerce Lane, Te Puke 6-7.30pm. 021 0437 858 or tpenviroforum@gmail.com Recycled Teenagers Gentle exercise for 50’s forwards, & injury or illness rehabilitation. Mon & Weds, 14 Norris St, Tauranga Senior Citizens Club, behind Pak n Save. Tues at St Mary’s Church Hall, Girven Rd. All 9 - 10.30am. Classes taken by qualified instructor. First class free. Jennifer 571 1411 Spring into the Summer Get your free wellness evaluation. Svetlana 027 616 2124
St Columba Indoor Bowling Club
Otumoetai Rd, Cherrywood. Names in by 7.15pm, 7.30pm start. All playing levels welcome. Paul 576 6324 Tauranga City Silver Band Practice every Mon 7pm. Some instruments & tuition available. Jeremy 021 132 3341 Tauranga Creative Fibre Every Mon at Arts Centre, Elizabeth St from 9.30am. Spinning, weaving, felting, knitting, crochet & more. Also on Thurs evening twice
as ire ylinder SERVICES
The Weekend Sun
a month. Margaret 571 3483 or 021 0817 0350 or marg.rus@gmail.com Tauranga Rock n Roll Club Inc Club night every Mon at Tauranga RSA, Cameron Rd, Greerton 8pm. Relaxed, social evening of dancing. Members $3, non-members $5. Visitors welcome. Check the Facebook pages. Trina 575 7461 a/hs Tauranga Senior Citizens Club Cards, 500 & Bridge Mon & Thurs. Indoor Bowls Tues, Weds & Sat at 14 Norris St, behind Pak n Save 1-4pm. Register by 12.45pm. $2 includes afternoon tea. New members welcome. The Artery Drawing Classes For absolute beginners starts Oct 31 6.30pm. 6 weeks. Go to: Book Classes page at www.theincubator.co.nz Womens Art Group Every Mon at Lyceum Club rooms 68 1st Ave 9am 12pm. Margaret 543 3244 Yoga with HanneHatha Mon & Weds 9.30am & 5.30pm. Gentle hatha yoga, small groups. Bethlehem studio. Hanne 027 244 6710
Tuesday 18 October
ABC - Avenues Badminton Club Every Tues at Tauranga Intermediate School Sports Centre. Juniors 6-7.30pm (term time). Seniors (Adults) 7.30-9.30pm. Club racquets & coaching available. Delwyn 027 212 4720 Alternative Book Club For people & books that are a bit different. No set book or theme, just chat at the pub about books. 3rd Tues of month 6pm. Kaye 022 034 0115 or kaye. mclaren@gmail.com Altrusa Community Service Club
Business/dinner meeting 2nd Tues. Social night 4th Tues, each month. Julie 544 0277 Argentine Tango Guys, we need you to rotate, as partners, with the girls. No experience necessary. Free lessons for 8 weeks. Denise 020 400 61340 Badminton (Social) Every Tues & Fri at Otumoetai Baptist Hall 9.30am - 12pm. Racquets available. Lorraine 579 3229 Bayfair Petanque Club Tuition & boules available for learners & visitors. Every Tues & Thurs at Bayfair Reserve, Russley Drive 1pm. Margaret 542 0084 or 021 0293 7459 Beginners Linedance Class Every Tues at Tauranga RSA 5.30-7pm. First 2 lessons free. Just turn up. 027 487 6332 Cards 500 Social, fun, free, competitive evenings of 500 played regularly on various nights. Ideal for Mount & Bayfair residents. Chris 572 3834 Cards 500 Every Tues & Thurs Mount Senior Citizen’s, 345 Maunganui Rd 12.45pm. 575 4650 Excel Toastmasters Every 2nd, 4th & 5th Tues of month at Arataki Community Centre, Zambuk Way, Bayfair 6.158.30pm. Learn excellent public speaking & leadership skills. brooke_bop@ hotmail.com Falun Dafa Exercises & meditation classes. Easy to learn & free. Every Tues at Huia Room, Hillier Centre, 31 Gloucester Rd, Mount 7pm. Judy 021 0425 398 Fitness League Ladies exercise with dance to music. Improve posture, energy, toned body, increased strength. Every Tues at St Columba Church, 502 Otumoetai Rd, Cherrywood 9.3010.30am. Gloria 548 0377 Inachord Chorus Womens 4 Part Harmony every Tues at Bethlehem Community Church, 183 Moffat Rd 6.55pm. Enjoy the challenge of singing & performing varied repertoire. Cathy 579 2040 Israeli Dancing Beginners group every Tues at Gate Pa Primary School Hall, Cameron Rd 7-8pm. All ages welcome, no partner required. Maria 544 1680 or 022 165 2114 Mount Morning Badminton Every Tues at Mount Sports Centre, Blake Park 9am - 12pm. Social, all ages, beginners welcome. Racquets available. Daily fee $5pp. Margaret 575 9792 Nam Wah Pai Kung Fu Chinese martial art training Tues & Thurs at Tauranga Boys’ College 6-7.30pm & Mon & Thurs at Tahatai Coast School, Papamoa 6.15-7.45pm. Brian 021 241 7059 Ocean Running 5k run & walk around Mauao base track every Tues. Register from 5.15pm at Mt Ocean Sports Club, Pilot Bay. $5 entry includes free drink
Friday 14 October 2016
after run/walk & chance to win spot prize. Walkers start 5.45pm, runners 6pm. Phil 021 383 354
Otumoetai Matua Walking Group
Every Tues at Kulim Park 9am. 576 7339 Petanque - Tga/BOP Club Tues & Sunday at Blake Park 1pm. Equip available, all coaching given. Linda 544 2818 Sequence Dancing Tauranga Social & Leisure Club, St John’s Church Hall, 94 Bureta Rd, Otumoetai. Tues 7-9.30pm except 2nd Tues of month 3.30-6pm. Visitors welcome. Murray 576 3294 South City Indoor Bowls AGM, prize giving & supper at Greerton Hall 7.30pm. Keith 577 1116 Tauranga Continuing Education (50+) Group at Historic Village, 17th Ave, Tauranga, 3rd Tues of month. Lectures start 10am. $4 charge to cover expenses. Speaker: Dr Marcus Wilson, faculty of science & engineering, University of Waikato. Topic: Electrical activity in the brain. David 544 4179 www.taurangacontinuingeducation.weebly.com
Tauranga Morning Badminton Club
Every Tues & Thurs at Queen Elizabeth Youth Centre, Memorial Park, cnr 11th Ave/Devonport Rd 9-11.30am. Heather 574 0976 Tauranga Orchid Society Monthly meeting at Wesley Church Hall, 13th Ave 7.30pm. Speaker: Sandra Simpson - power point talk on recent orchid & flower show in Auckland. Visitors welcome. Natalie 543 0847
Tauranga Patchwork & Quilters Grp
At Tauranga Art & Craft Centre, 177 Elizabeth St every 1st & 3rd Tues of month 7pm & 2nd & 4th Fri 10am. Helen 0274 177 581 Tauranga Samba Mount Sports Centre 7-9pm. Brazilian drumming & percussion. No experienced needed. Rob 021 232 7185 Tauranga Scrabble Club Every Tues at Tauranga Bridge Club, Ngatai Rd 8.50am. 3 games $2.50. 544 8372 Tauranga Toastmasters Meet weekly at Tauranga Lyceum Club 7.15-9.30pm. Learn public speaking & leadership skills. Guests welcome. Alan 544 5989
Ulysses Club NZ Tauranga Branch
Third Tues of month at Tauranga Citizen’s Club, Cameron Rd 7pm. Swannie 027 519 4555
Wednesday 19 October Age Concern Walking Group Meet at
Papamoa Palm Beach – Gravatt Road bus stop 10am. 578 2631 Arabian Spice Belly Dance Learn the right moves & drills & dance with us. No partner required. Every Weds at St Columba Church Hall, 502 Otumoetai Rd, Tauranga 6.30-8.30pm. 576 4112 or 021 1245 982 arabianspicebd@gmail.com Bowls Indoor Every Weds & Fri Mount Senior Citizen’s, 3.45 Maunganui Rd 12.45pm. 575 4650 Cards Do you play crib or would like to learn? Every Weds at Greerton RSA 1pm. Rona 578 7939
Community Bible Study International
Every Weds at City Church, 252 Otumoetai Rd 7-9pm for a Bible Study on the “Book of Philippines” for 7 weeks from today. Julie 552 4068 Diabetes Help St Enoch’s Church Lounge, 16th Ave, Tauranga 7pm. Diabetes Help AGM followed by education meeting. Speaker: Francesca Rae from the Heart Foundation. www. diabeteshelp.org.nz Free appointments to see diabetes field worker available at Bongards Pharmacy Tauranga & Life Pharmacy Te Puke.
Fernland Spa Water Exercise Class
Every Weds 10.45-11.45am. Held rain or shine but not during school holidays. Classes taken by qualified instructor & lifeguard. New participants ph Jennifer 571 1411 Friends of the Library Papamoa Library Book Group meet 10am. Theme this month: Gems. Gail 574 3376 Gate Pa Indoor Bowls Fun Bowls at Greerton Hall 7.30pm. Kevin 543 4044 Healing Rooms Experience God’s healing touch, at Bethlehem Town Centre cnr shop behind PO/Bookstore, open Weds 1-3pm. No appointment necessary, no charge, all ages welcome. www. healingrooms.co.nz or 021 110 0878 Healing Rooms Bay Coastal Healing Rooms, Hillier Centre, 31 Gloucester Rd (Bayfair) Mt Maunganui. Caring,
trained Christians pray for your physical, emotional & spiritual health. 1st & 3rd Weds 2.30-3.30pm. No appointment necessary, no charge. 022 120 5406 HOT Pink Walk Presented by Breast Cancer Support Service & House of Travel. Walk Tauranga CBD, celebrate & remember those who have had breast cancer. 5.30-7pm. Adult (over 13) $10. Child, gold coin donation. Enter at House of Travel Tauranga, Z Energy Stations or book online www.prontocommunity.co.nz/hotpinkwalk16 Ice Skating At Omanu School Hall Oct 19-21 3-8pm. Oct 22-24 10am - 4pm. $7 kids under 16. Adults $13. Family (2 adults & 2 kids) $35. Presented by Omanu School Support Group. www.iceskatetour.co.nz Kiwi Toasters Building communication & confidence 1st, 3rd & 5th Weds of the month at 3 Palm Springs Boulevard (same building as Palm Springs Pharmacy) 5.30-7pm. Chrissy 027 296 7939
Mount Healing & Spiritual Centre
Omanu Bowling Club, Golf Rd, Mount 7.30pm. Speaker: Annis Parker Creatures that inhabit out space. Janet 027 264 0226 Narcotics Anonymous Working the steps. Closed meeting every Weds at Downstairs Hall (accessed from the building’s rear), Salvation Army Recover Church, 375 Cameron Rd 7.30-9pm. If using drugs is causing you problems, maybe we can help. 0800 NA TODAY Scottish Country Dancing Every Weds at Senior Citizens Hall, Maunganui Rd. Beginners class from 6pm, regular class 7.30pm. Lynne 573 5055 Single Coffee Club 60+ Mixed company for singles 60+ that meet once a week for coffee, enjoy socialising & making new friends. Email mixandmingle@xtra.co.nz or Gayle 027 439 3267 Sunshine Dance Group All sequence dancers past & present invited to 25th Reunion Silver Anniversary Dance Nov 23 in Greerton Hall, Cameron Rd 7-10.30pm. Dancing, reminiscing, supper, prizes. Dress: Semi formal. Entry: Ladies - plate of food or $5. Men $5pp. Replies to Rick/Jan 544 4379 Tauranga Embroiderers’ Guild Every Weds at Tauranga Rowing Club, Devonport Rd, Tauranga 10am - 2.30pm & 7.30-9.30pm. Beginners welcome.
Tauranga Mid-Week Tramping Group
Golden Cross – Quarry Rd. Grade mod, approx. 5.5hrs. Garry 578 3083 Toastmasters Build your confidence, find your voice & open doors of opportunity in 2016. Join the happy bunch at City Early Start. Every Weds at Avgas Cafe, Classic Flyers 7-8.15am. 021 044 5654 or www.cityearlystart.co.nz
Thursday 20 October
Awesome Clothing Sale Good quality, all sizes & styles - men’s, women’s, children’s, shoes, sheets, duvets etc. Only $5 a bag. You pick. Historic Village, 17th Ave, Tauranga 9.30-10.30am. Organised by Turning Point Trust 578 6934 Bay City Rockers Social rock n roll dancing every Thurs at Senior Citizen’s Hall, Norris St 7.30-9.30pm. Gavin 027 643 6222 Club Mt Maunganui Social games club. Play indoor bowls, 500, bolivia & 5 crowns every Thurs 12.45pm. Prizes & visits to other clubs. John 575 2422 Community Bible Study International
Every Thurs at 14th Ave Gospel 10am - 12pm for Bible Study on “Return to Jerusalem.” Jack/Betty 544 3809 Fab Forty & Beyond Talks & activities on: botox & fillers; glam jewellery, fashion tips & advice, network, meet new friends & more. Oct 27 at The Raft, Chapel St, Tauranga 6-8.30pm. Visit our Facebook site to register for your free entry. Limited tickets available. Fitness League Safe, effective, low impact exercise to music using the Bagot Stack technique, designed to help with posture, bal-ance & stamina, combination of exercise, movement & dance. All ages & abilities. Complementary 1st class. Thurs: Central Baptist Church Hall, cnr 13th Ave/Cameron Rd 9.30am. Weds: Katikati Memorial Hall 10am. Pam 549 4799 or 021 117 7170
Forest & Bird Walk (Tauranga Branch) Te Waihou walkway, Putaruru. Bluespring & trout. Grade moderate. $12
leader Beverley 578 2879 Free Budgeting Course 3 week money management course in Mount 7pm. Covers how to budget, become debt free & save money. To register & for info, www.capnz.org or Jenny 578 1904 Free Meditation Classes At Papamoa Sports & Recreation Centre, 80 Alice Way, 1st left in Parton Rd, at Gordon Spratt Reserve 7pm. Find peace, truth & wellbeing. It’s right inside you. Ian 576 2032 French Connection For lovers of all things French. Come & meet like-minded people over a relaxed drink. Every second Thurs at La Mexica on the Strand between 4.306.30pm. Andrea: agohns@yahoo.co.nz Keynotes 4 Part Harmony Women’s chorus meet every Thurs at Wesley Church Hall, 13th Ave 6.45pm. Sing for fun & health. Nora 544 2614 LOL Laughter Wellness Come & enjoy a laughter pick-me-up session. Penguin Room, Arataki Community Centre, Mount 7-7.45pm. $3 door. Trish 022 036 6768 email: lollaughterwellness@gmail.com
Orange City Square & Round Dance Club
Morning class 10am - 12pm. Weds Advanced, Thurs club night & new dancers, 7.30pm. Frontiersmen’s Hall. 543 1063 Papamoa 500 Card Club Every Thurs at Gordon Spratt Reserve 12.45pm. Dave 575 5887 Petanque Cliff Road Club every Thurs & Sun a 1pm. Equipment & tuition available. Charles 570 1099 Step by Step Alcoholics Anonymous open meeting every Thurs at Salvation Army Hall, Eversham St, Bayfair 7.30pm. Sunshine Dance Group Learn sequence dancing at a friendly club. Meet every Thurs at Baptist Church Hall, cnr 13th Ave & Cameron Rd 7-8.30pm, followed by dancing till 10pm. $2pp, entrance includes supper. Jan 544 4379 Tauranga Cake Decorators Guild Every 3rd Thurs at Wesley Church, 100 13th Ave 7.30pm. Visitors welcome. 575 4383 Tauranga Heart Support Group Low impact group exercise class for those with or at risk of heart & associated diseases. Every Mon & Thurs at City Church, Otumoetai Rd 9.3010.30am. $4pp. Diana 021 0476 155 Tennis Seniors WBOP Players 35 years +. Tauranga Lawn Tennis Club, Wharepai Domain 9am - 12pm. $3 ball fee. Lynda tswbop@gmail.com 021 0576 601 Women’s Singing Group Every Thurs at 68 1st Ave, Tauranga 11am. Beginners welcome. Interested? Marie 576 1300
Young Parents Group For ages 20 & under, every Thurs at Plunket, 471 Devonport Rd 12pm. Lunch provided. Txt Rozi 027 293 0353
Friday 21 October
Alcoholics Anonymous Open meeting every
Fri at Hamner Clinic, 1235 Cameron Rd, Greerton (behind Bridgestone) 7.30pm. For more meetings or assistance 0800 229 6757 Arataki Artists Group Every Fri at Arataki Community Centre, Zambuk Way 9am 12pm. Occasional tuition with local artists. All levels welcome. Chrissy 572 0818 Bi/Gay Men’s Support Group Do you need a trusting person to talk to? Discretion assured. For meetings & locations ph/txt Alex 027 358 5934 Chess Tauranga At Tauranga RSA, Greerton 5-7pm, for the whole family. Longer if necessary for longer games. Incl casual games. Standard Chess Rules. Werner 548 1111 http://www.westernbopchess.weebly.com/ Friday Fun Night Ages 8-13 years. Prizes, games, music, waves & hydroslide. At Baywave 6-8pm. Only $6 to get in. Family pass available. Greerton Indoor Bowling Club AGM & Prize giving. Tauranga City Silver Band Hall, Yatton St. Names in by 7.15pm. Sally 571 8914 TaiChi QingGong 18 Moves A good way to improve your health. Every Fri at Greerton Hall 6.30-7pm. Gold coin donation. 571 5168 Tauranga Lyceum Club Women’s friendship club. Catered lunch first Fri of month & dinner 3rd Weds with varied & interesting speakers. Other activities include: painting, mah jong, music, bridge & Rummikub. At 68 1st Ave. Margaret 543 3244 Tauranga Twilight Bowls 6 Friday’s starting Oct 28 at Tauranga Bowling Club, The Domain, 37 Cameron Rd from 6-7.30pm. Free coaching, bowls supplied. Teams of 3, casual bowlers welcome. Great fun & prizes. Ian 578 2684 Tauranga U3A General meeting at Wesley Church Centre, 13th Ave, Tauranga 10am. Guest speaker: Mark Whitworth, Port of Tauranga - “Presentation on what makes it so special, & what we can expect in the future.” Visitors welcome. Te Puke Lawn Bowling Club Palmer Court. Friday friendly roll up 12.30pm. New players welcome, bowls available. Mufti, flat soled shoes. Paul 573 8991 The Rusty Mannequin Sale Historic Village 9am - 1pm. Best top quality women’s preloved clothing sizes 8-20. $5 - $10. Cash only.
Friday 14 October 2016
The Weekend Sun
God’s perfect peace plan for our mental wellbeing Many, perhaps even you, are having great difficulty coping with a whole range of disappointments, griefs or failures – and even wonder if life is worth living? You’ve tried many sensible and not so sensible things, but nothing provides the mental stability you crave. I want to urge you to deeply consider God’s perfect peace plan for your mental wellbeing. Here’s a 13-fold package of great things Christianity has to offer in this respect: 1. Effective tools for overcoming destructive emotions. 2. A solution to guilt. 3. A solution to worthlessness and lack of identity. 4. A loving family. 5. Supernatural strength – God’s – to deal with things human resources have failed to resolve.
6. Daily purpose and activities to keep you meaningfully occupied and bring joy and satisfaction. 7. Exciting long-term hope to look forward to and to motivate you to endure life’s troubles. 8. A special restful day of the week to look forward to every week. 9. A helpful framework for understanding why the world is like it is and for believing why violence and suffering will finally end one day. 10. Wise proverbs and teachings for healthy and happy living. 11. Accountability to a loving God. 12. Power over satanic or demonic influences on the mind. 13. And best of all, the greatest leader, Saviour and role model ever – Jesus the Christ. By David Kidd, author of devotional book ‘A Life Truly Worth Living – God’s perfect peace plan for your mental well-being’ is freely available on David Kidd request from: www.churchofgodslove.com
Our benefit from quality leadership The recent local body elections have produced the next group of local politicians to manage our councils for the next term. So we can ignore them for another three years – right? No, wrong! We all benefit from quality leadership and have a responsibility to contribute to it.
It is through respect for one another and the contribution by each one of us that an effective community is made. That respect arises from a recognition of ‘That of God’, or the divine spark in everyone. It is this sense of common value that leads to the reality of community, and by working together and cooperating that we achieve God’s work. This requires a deep sense of appreciation for the insights and inspiration we receive from God, and recognition that we are all part of the same spirit. The principles of peace flow naturally from the acceptance of this commonality in God. Other valuable principles are integrity and equality. So whether we are elected representatives or just members of the community, we need to ensure respect for the divine light in each one of us is the principle that guides our relationship.
The Weekend Sun
Friday 14 October 2016
trades & services
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Neil Beattie can get your house sparkling again.
Friday 14 October 2016
The Weekend Sun
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Friday 14 October 2016
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Friday 14 October 2016
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