The Weekend Sun - 14 March 2025

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Donations wanted!

If Naomi Harrison, pictured, could get her hands on heaps more bundles of blankets ahead of winter, she’d be an even happier lady Harrison is the manager of Waipuna Hospice’s Greerton op shop – which is among six Hospice op shops across the district that sell preloved items to fund the amazing work

Waipuna Hospice does in the Tauranga and Western Bay of Plenty community

Right now – ahead of winter – all six op shops at Greerton, the Mount, Fraser Cove, Pāpāmoa, Te Puke and Katikati need more donations Things like furniture, linen, blankets and warm clothing are in high

demand “We really need quality donations If it’s in good, sellable condition, we’d love to have it,” said Waipuna Hospice general manager of retail Jace Dowman

“Right now, we especially need homewares, bric-a-brac, trinkets and furniture, things like beds can make a real difference

“Linen is always needed too – especially at this time of year – plus warm clothing, jackets and blankets Every donation helps support our community, so if you have items to spare, please drop them off today” Find out more on page 15

Photo / Brydie Thompson

Tauranga Militaria Show



The bleedin’ obvious is the answer

Open Letter to The Government

Ey up! How you doin’ my old sausages? And I am talking traditional Cumberland sausage here, chunky with a variety of herbs and spices and fit for a school lunch

There’s 500 years of British tradition in a Cumberland sausage – coiled, roasted, sliced and sandwiched up for a school lunch pack Perhaps a dash of sweet and sour chutney, or a lick of Dijon

I am writing because of all the bru-ha-ha about your school lunches The Gummint, as you say, trying to save pennies and the electorate grumbling that parents should be responsible for feeding their own kids at lunchtime Seems some parents don’t, won ’ t or can ’ t – but you can ’ t have little bellies rattling empty and education compromised So I am going to loan 260 years or so of accumulated family wisdom and experience that might help resolve the school lunch debacle

I am the Right Honourable John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich. Like Churchill, I was First Lord of the Admiralty also Postmaster General and Secretary of State for the Northern Department So there’s cred Of course, there was all the scuttlebutt about me being a compulsive gambler and a dandy

But that’s how I came to make a significant, enduring, contribution to mankind And maybe the answer to your school lunch problem Because I am sandwich by name and two slices of bread and filling by nature

at halftime will provide the oomph needed to best serve taxpayers in the afternoon, and removes the need to raid the snack machine for “salt and vinegars” And if you want a good lunch, then pack your own I understand there’s been a suggest from the ninth floor of the Beehive

Marmite sandwiches and an apple f isn’t going to have the kids salivatin are deciding between the Caramelised Onion Alsatian Tart or the Harissa Roasted Market Fish at Bellamys for lunch today, they might consider some of the sandwich suggestions I have compiled

In 1762 I ordered up bread and meat so I could eat and carry on playing at the gaming table And voila! The simple, the portable, the versatile sandwich was born Since then the family name has been sandwiched into virtually every Western cuisine for 263 years. So when considering school lunches, think of me and thank me Think sandwiches – splendid, sublime, sandwiches, nourishing and sustaining sandwiches Beats burned plastic and butter chicken Beats late lunches, sloppy lunches and no lunches at all

Where there is smoke there is fire And where there is extra mature cheddar, mayo, good firm tomatoes and salt and pepper, there are sandwiches! I feel a song coming on “Sandwiches, glorious sandwiches We’re anxious to try it Three sandwiches a day, our favourite diet ” (Apologies to Lionel Bart on Broadway)

Th I d scoffing meat sandwiches at Didn’t have to stop for lunch uld roll on straight through ndwich, an apple and extra h. Five extra hours of learning andwiched into the week

Experience tells us lunch is just as important as breakfast A good binder

Let’s go back to the future Belgium, aka luncheon sausage, and tomato sauce sandwiches Tried and true A couple of slices of Belgium on white bread, and a squirt of Jim Wattie A great go-to and very tradeable, as in swap you a Vegemite and chips for a Belgium and J-Dub Sandwiches become currency

The kids themselves say if the Gummint really wants to be cool, it should get Parliamentary Services to buy in some Oki Doki Disco Bits Fun Bars Imagine unchtime in the Beehive, taking in the harbour views d chowing down on a crunchy biscuit base with caramel, covered in milk chocolate and topped with fun disco chocolate beans

There might be some criticism – a note perhaps saying the lunch taken to school “ was inappropriate and unhealthy” I know a mum who wrote back saying: “If you find my lunches inappropriate and unhealthy, don’t eat them ”

I know tomato sandwiches have got a bad rep because they get soggy But soggy ’ s good, soggy brings a maturity and richness to a tomato sandwich Or construct the sandwich just prior to consumption Or drain the gloop on a kitchen towel –if you don’t mind tasteless but dry tomato sandwiches It’s not science It’s kids’ stuff Get them involved at the construction stage

Anything leftover can go in a sandwich – mac and cheese, fajita mix with salsa and sour cream Think savoury Oh, sweet is crap Preparation is paramount A sandwich thrown together will look and taste thrown together And you spend at the deli, Gherkins, onion, lettu

How about peanut and jelly, tinned aspa tinned peas to make marmalade, and pean banana?

Regards, 4th Earl of Sandwic

uc a sandwich needs crunch ce, celery, carrot, salty crips utter and onion, sardine agus mashed with go further, sausage and t butter, bacon and ion for or school lunches. That g. So when the elected ones

Bay of Plenty MP Tom Rutherford is celebrating a win for the community

Subject to considerations being met, Tauranga City Council said it is likely one of the ramp connections at the Pāpāmoa East Interchange will open nearly a year early.

Rutherford contacted the NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi in December to ask about the possibility of opening the eastbound off-ramp and on-ramp on Tauranga Eastern Link before full completion of the interchange, scheduled for the third quarter of 2026. He also wrote to Minister of Transport Chris Bishop on February 12, advocating for the early opening of the ramps, to help alleviate traffic congestion for Pāpāmoa, Tauranga’s largest and fastest-growing suburb, now boasting a population of 37,800 “I have engaged with our local community on this issue, including TCC, residents and local businesses. There is strong

MP pushes for earl opening


support across all these groups for an early opening of these specific ramps, recognising the significant benefits this would bring to our community including reduced travel times and improved safety by redirecting traffic away from the already congested Domain Rd exit.”


Rutherford said challenges faced by the community included increased pressure on local roads, longer travel times and added congestion. He also highlighted the environmental impact of unnecessary detours.

“The ramps are nearly finished, and I would love to see them open ahead of schedule, perhaps a year or so before the full interchange is completed.

“NZTA is currently in discussion with TCC on the possible options for early opening of entry and/or exit ramps at the Papamoa East Interchange,” said NZTA Waka Kotahi system design regional manager Susan Collins. “We agree it would

be positive for everyone if a pragmatic way forward could be found and fully appreciate the pressures on the local network. As a priority, we ’ re working our way through requirements around signage and tolling to ensure the decision ultimately made is efficient, safe and fair for everyone using the TEL.”

TCC major projects director Chris Barton said considerations council was working through with project partners and stakeholders include ensuring the safety of road users and construction staff; confirming all construction activities on or near the ramps are completed prior to ramp opening; assessing potential impacts or complications to ongoing construction to complete the interchange; and the potential complications in connecting traffic to the TEL (SH2) early “Subject to addressing the considerations outlined above, it is likely we will be able to open one of the interchange ramp connections in the second half of 2025.”

Liddle Crawford

Bay of Plenty MP Tom Rutherford at the Pāpāmoa East Interchange. Photo / Rosalie Liddle Crawford

A selection of local breaking stories featured this week on

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Links Ave closure

The controversial closure of Mount Maunganui’s Links Ave will remain but its closure times will be reduced.

At a city delivery committee meeting on Monday, Tauranga city councillors voted to reduce the times people can be penalised for using the street incorrectly

Councillors discussed at length what the best hours would be for the safety of children at Mount Maunganui Intermediate, which has an entrance on the street.

One councillor wanted more community engagement to reach a long-term solution because the Links Ave closure led to “low trust ” in the council.

The eastern end of Links Ave in Mount Maunganui has been closed with numerous restrictions on its use imposed by council since March 2022. The new restricted hours are 7.30am-9am and 2.30pm-4pm.

89 new homes for Tauranga

Construction of 89 homes in Tauranga is planned to start at the end of 2025 – eight years after the developer purchased the land

A mix of two and three-bedroom homes is planned for the 1.42-hectare site at 80 Ngatai Rd in Otūmoetai, next to Woolworths Bureta Park, to help reduce the city’s housing shortfall.

Each home will have a dedicated carpark and bicycle parking area. Resource consent has been lodged with Tauranga City Council for the two-storey development. It comes after the council granted a non-notified resource consent to the developer for a 56-lot residential development in 2018.

TNL open day

Tauranga baker and barista

Harriet Campbell is gearing up for another trip to Ukraine with her humanitarian project, Never Alone, to raise awareness of the ongoing war.

Since last December, she has made four trips to the war-torn country

“Please don’t forget about what’s going on I know it’s really easy, and especially in New Zealand, it’s so far away that sometimes you ’ re on another planet,” said Campbell

In helping those in Ukraine following the invasion by Russia on February 24, 2022, Campbell said she had found her purpose

“I have now made four trips to Ukraine I have volunteered in animal rescue, in multiple kitchens providing food for displaced civilians and soldiers, assembling first aid kits for frontline troops, at an aid station for injured soldiers, and in many other initiatives ”

That’s how Campbell met her partner, Jason Zan, another volunteer from the United States

“In December 2024, we created the project, Never Alone,” she said “Jason and I cooked and delivered 2000

The Takitimu North Link project team is hosting a community open day for the public on Saturday, March 29, from 10.30am-1.30pm at Bethlehem Hall, 239 State Highway 2. “The team is really keen to share updates with the community and answer any questions you may have,” Waka Kotahi NZTA regional manager infrastructure delivery Darryl Coalter said. “We’ve passed the halfway point in building this road now, and when you ’ ve got good news – you just want to share it – so we ’ re hoping for a good turnout. ”

Tanner and Ruthe tie

A rare dead heat in the 1500m at the national athletics championships in Dunedin saw a tie in the track’s blue-riband event last weekend. Tauranga Olympian Sam Tanner and Tauranga 15-year-old Sam Ruthe now share the title after the March 9 race. Tanner led in the final straight until a kick from the youngster pushed him up to his rival at the line. After several minutes of deliberation, officials confirmed a time of 3m 44.31s for both athletes.

It was Tanner’s fifth national 1500m crown and Ruthe’s first at senior level

meals to the frontline villages, soldiers, and children’s centres

Quite overwhelming

“The response that we ’ ve had from so many people has been quite overwhelming

“It’s quite emotional to see that you can have such an impact with not a lot, just showing up and serving up some hot food and just showing them that they haven’t been forgotten ”

Campbell said the war is bleak

“Sometimes it feels hopeless People are really tired They just want to live again ”

She said the level of hope is still going strong, and people are working as hard as they were in the beginning

“On one occasion, we were two kilometres from the line It was very interesting Just hearing artillery”

Campbell said the sound of artillery didn’t stop the whole time they were there Another time, they were at a base close to the Russian border

Not alone

“It’s just under constant barrage, every single night of the attacks The city was bombed every single night ” “Now we are planning our return to continue the Never Alone project ”

The project is about showing the Ukrainian people they are not alone

“It’s providing a little bit of hope and some hot meals, showing people that they haven’t been forgotten about

“Right now, it feels more important than ever to show the Ukrainian people that they aren ’ t alone ”

The pair are now fundraising for their June departure They require between $10,000 and $15,000 for travel costs

“The food side of the project is very affordable I can feed about 100 people for between $100-$150 That includes meat, cookies, bread It’s a good meal ”

Real lives

To donate and help Campbell and Zan travel to Ukraine to help provide aid to the suffering nation, plunged in war, visit her GiveaLittle page: www givealittle co nz/ cause/help-us-feed-thousands-of-frontlinevillagers

“I want people to remember that there are real lives that are being destroyed, there are still people there that are going through absolute hell ”

To keep up to date with their journey, search for ‘Never Alone - Humanitarian Kitchen’ on Facebook

Ayla Yeoman

Below: Harriet Campbell and Jason Zan looking at the ruins of the Ukrainian war Photos / Supplied Left: Humanitarian volunteers and founders of the ‘Never Alone’ project, Harriet Campbell, from Tauranga, and Jason Zan, from the United States.

Council rejects call to e tend hours ejects extend

Mount Maunganui residents are disappointed the opening hours at the iconic Mount Hot Pools will not be extended.

Julie and Jim Carle petitioned Tauranga City Council to return the pools to the 6am opening time used before the Covid-19 pandemic, instead of the current 7am

The pair presented their petition with 127 signatures at an October council meeting.

Julie Carle told the meeting the pools were a “unique, essential rehab and health and wellness public facility”.

The later opening time was not serving community needs and was causing “disharmony” between the walkers, swimmers and aqua class members, she said.

be opening earlier” The cost of opening an h hour earllier M Mondday to Saturday would be an extra $162.50 a day, according to information provided by Bay Wave, that manages the pool.

Julie Carle told Local Democracy Reporting the decision was “disappointing considering we got such a positive response from the council” at the first meeting.

The decision doesn’t service the demands of local workers, disabled, those recovering from injury, [or the] elderly Has council business trumped local interests and concerns?”

It was also disappointing the decision took six months and there had been no communication with them during that time, she said.

Bay Venues operations general manager Tina Harris-Ririnui eed ith ncil’ decisi

Julie and Jim Carle petitioned the council asking for the Mount Hot Pools to open earlier.

including pools and leisure centres.

Harris-Ririnui said staff loved the community’s passion for the iconic Mount Hot Pools. Many residents made a visit part of their daily or weekly routine.

“We also need to ensure this venue remains economically sustainable so the community can enjoy it for many more years to come. ”

Mount Hot Pools opened earlier than most equivalent pools nationally, many of which opened at 9am or later, she said.

BayWave in Mount Maunganui was an alternative that opened at 6am, HarrisRirinui said.

Its leisure pool was heated to 32C, the same as the Mount Hot Pools hydrotherapy pool.

“The leisure pool is perfect for lane walking and there is plenty of ilable thi ti of

McTavish reappointed regional council CEO

Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council yesterday approved the reappointment of Fiona McTavish as chief executive for a period of five years, effective from July 1, 2025

BOPRC chair Doug Leeder said in addition to seven years ’ experience in the role, McTavish brings a background in policy and planning and experience from executive positions held in the education and health sectors

“Regional council is thrilled to

endorse Fiona for another term of chief executive,” he said. “Her vision and leadership have been instrumental in driving our strategic initiatives and fostering collaboration within the council, the Bay of Plenty region, and the regional and unitary sector ”

The re-appointment of Ms McTavish follows a robust recruitment process where she was selected from a competitive group of high-calibre candidates.

Foundation helps Roman flourish

Judea boy Roman Cebalo celebrated an extra special birthday on Monday, March 10.

The five-year-old was diagnosed with a rare form of leukaemia aged 11 months but is now running about like a normal kid. “He’s into hot wheels and minions, and enjoys swimming, athletics and playing with his friends,” said mother Courtney Cebalo

She said navigating her son ’ s cancer journey was only made bearable by support from the Child Cancer Foundation – which has its annual nationwide Street Appeal today, March 14, and Saturday, March 15.

“If I didn’t have that support and those

check-ins I would’ve probably ended up in a heap on the floor.”

Roman’s health crisis began November 2020 when he was seven months old “He developed life-threatening croup, and ended up in an intensive care unit for six days,” said Courtney.

On leaving hospital, Roman developed a red, raw rash on his face. “We’d later learn he was allergic to antibiotics he was being given but at the same time he was developing this full-body rash.”

A week before Christmas 2020 a paediatrician requested Courtney take Roman to Starship children’s hospital in Auckland for a bone marrow biopsy “No-one could figure out why he was getting this rash.” Discharged Christmas

day, Roman and his mother returned home and went about summer “But he was still sick and we didn’t know why It was awful. Looking back now he was lethargic, pale, snotty and chesty…”

The diagnosis

The family was recalled to Starship and Roman, then aged 11 months, was diagnosed on February 23, 2021, with Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia. It was later discovered he also had an under-developed airway, called Tracheobronchomalacia.

After diagnosis, Roman had two rounds of chemotherapy, followed by a round of conditioning chemotherapy to kill the body’s bone marrow; then a meticulously-timed Cord Blood Stem

Courtney Cebalo and son Roman have come out the other side of the five-year-old having a rare form of leukaemia. Photo / Merle Cave

Cell Transplantation on June 1, 2021, to graft the new blood for it to be accepted by his body Roman’s donor lives in Melbourne.

Courtney said if Roman didn’t have the transplant he’d most certainly have died. “It took 16 days to start seeing any signs of grafting.”

Thankfully Roman’s body accepted the transplant blood and his health had massively improved No longer on medication for leukaemia, he’s now a normal kid, said Courtney She found Roman’s cancer journey very overwhelming – especially when initially meeting and being contacted by a range of health professionals.

A big relief

“Post-diagnosis I’d missed quite a few calls from the Child Cancer Foundation. On the fourth I rang back and got our family support coordinator When I met with her everything got blurted out and it was like a big relief [It was] Like she’d just picked me up and carried me through the whole situation. She called me regularly, and supported me every time I had a worry “I’d just call her and say: ‘I can ’ t do this…’ and

she’d say: ‘You can do this and this is how we ’ re going to do this…’.”

The Cebalo family had a family support coordinator in Auckland and Tauranga. In Auckland, Courtney received wellbeing support. In Tauranga, a firewood delivery helped Courtney, who wasn ’ t working at the time There was travel vouchers, counselling, grocery and care packages. Roman also received passes to kids’ attractions for his birthdays. “Even now they give us vouchers ” Roman will be four years post-transplant in June. “He’s on six-monthly checks. Currently his donor cells sit at 96%, so as long as those donor cells keep doing what they’re doing the leukaemia should stay away. He’s in what’s called morphological remission, which means nothing is happening – but he’s still at that risk,” Courtney said. Only in the last few months had she accepted what had happened “Roman just has to get to five years to be deemed cancer-free as such.”

Always there

Courtney used to donate to CCF but never thought she’d need them. “Back then I didn’t know

what they did. Now, being on the side of receiving their support, what they offer is just so incredible.

“Just having the check-ins, support, the practical help, mental support… they are a special bunch of people. They are just there – even when you don’t know you need them, they are there. Whatever you need, they will find a way to help you. ”

Foundation chief executive Monica Briggs urged Kiwis to donate to the March 14-15 street appeal

“Every week in Aotearoa, three more families receive the devastating news

that their child has cancer Our support is ongoing, often spanning years, as families navigate treatment and recovery The cost to deliver our vital services is $6.5 million per year, and we receive no direct government funding. That’s why our Street Appeal is so important – every donation, big or small, helps us be there for these families when they need us the most. ” Collection sites will be set up across Aotearoa, or donate online at:


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Pāpāmoa’s Nicole Storm cried with joy after finishing her first full Ironman in Taupō

Photo / Supplied

Three world champs ahead

When Nicole Storm reached the finish line of her first-ever Ironman, she cried with pride for 30 minutes.

“This was my first Ironman. I came fifth and then qualified to go to Kona [Hawaii] for the world champs,” said the physiotherapist, mother of two, and owner of two Family Physio clinics in Pāpāmoa.

Storm started competing in triathlons two years ago, working towards the Taupō Ironman. “The conditions were really good on the day I had some mechanical issues on the bik h h that I was probably about 20 min I expected because I had to stop a fix my bike, but outside of that, i well. “I had an amazing day and well prepared for the event. ”

Storm trained for two years, spe 16-20 hours a week doing a mixture of cycling, swimming, running, and weights at the gym.

Biggest supporters

During summer she qualified for the World Champs in Pontevedra, Spain, in June; and the Olympic Distance Triathlon World Champs in Australia in October With three world champs coming up, Storm is feeling elated. “I just feel privileged and excited, to be honest.”

With less than 17 weeks left before she competes in Spain, there was no time for

ike, which means nutes slower than few times to it went really I was really ending

a break in training Her two biggest supporters are her children, aged three and five. “I have so many videos of them running on the sideline while I’m competing or high-fiving me while I’m competing ”

Time for herself

Storm’s passion for triathlons came about when she realised she needed to start taking some time for herself As a business owner and mother, she wanted to spend more time alone and focus on her health. “I wanted to do something that put t f omfort zone and helped me refocus finitely achieved that. I really fell I love competing. I really was just ng out there. I just try to soak in here.”

me out of my co on myself I defi in love with it enjoying bein the atmosph Storm sai “unreal”. “S and called

id the support she received was So many people messaged me d me to tell me that they’d been tracking me on the GPS all day”

“Anyone can do it,” Storm said to others considering competing in a triathlon.

“It’s such a fulfilling experience. You need to start somewhere.”

Storm started by competing in smaller events

“There are lots of little triathlons in the Mount. That’s where I started

“My very first triathlon was the women ’ s tri that runs in Pilot Bay I did that two years ago That’s where I started and then I just slowly worked my way up from there.”

Salva d’or Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria is furnished with antique ornaments evoking pleasant memories of another time Locals have been enjoying Mediterranean and European specialities since 2013 at Salva d’or Personalised menu for adults and children Ideal for your

and summer time dine in and take away evenings

Meet the sweet Eunice, an 11-week-old female staffy cross who will grow into a medium-sized dog Eunice is a laid-back pup who loves to play with her doggy friends in the garden and splash around in the paddling pool. Eunice is crate trained and sleeps throughout the night. She will suit an active home with plenty of outdoor space and a family who will take her on adventures –and is willing to put in the time for training and lots of cuddles. If you think Eunice is the pup for you, head to the RRR website at to fill out an application

Ayla Yeoman
Pāpāmoa’s Nicole Storm competing in the full Ironman in Taupō.

College to mark 60th anniversary

Sixty years have flown by for former students of ‘Oats,’ who are now gearing up to celebrate their connection to Ōtūmoetai College on Saturday, May 31, 2025.

“It’s a time to celebrate friendships, fun, sports, music, and the memories that made our time at Ōtūmoetai College so special. It’s [also] chance to reconnect with those who helped shape our lives and who’ve made ‘learning enlighten life’ for you, ” said reunion co-ordinator Julie Leslie, referencing the college motto

The registration deadline is March 31. Partners can register and participate in all events

The 60th Reunion of Ōtūmoetai College is on King’s Birthday Weekend, giving those travelling from further afield the chance to enjoy a long weekend in Tauranga.

The celebration begins with a day at the college, with an official welcome and pōwhiri, followed by morning tea, photos taken by decade, and speeches from the principal, former teachers, and alumni.

A guided tour of the school will showcase the proposed building plans, and a commemorative photograph will be taken during the planting of the 60th Anniversary tree.

Afterward, past staff members will gather for a group photo

The afternoon will feature musical and drama performances, friendly sports games where former students and staff will compete against current students in netball, volleyball, basketball and touch rugby A debate on the topic ‘How Technology Has Influenced Education in Aotearoa for the Better’ will also be part of events

A dinner at Mercury Baypark Stadium will include past principals cutting a celebratory cake, musical performances, speeches from past and present students, and a special recognition of former teachers and alumni for their contributions to the school. “Please spread the word and gather your friends for what promises to be an unforgettable day,” Leslie said To register for the reunion on May 31, visit: Rosalie Liddle Crawford

College principal Russell Gordon with Ōtūmoetai College 60th reunion coordinator Julie Leslie.
Photo / Brydie Thompson.

Makeroom some for Marley

Marley is a cool dude looking for a new home! His SPCA foster family say the 10-month-old tabby can be a little shy at first and may hide behind his bed. But if you sit with him and give gentle pats, he’ll quickly realise he is safe and will be keen to hang out.

Being young, he lov to play, chasing ping pong

balls favourite. arley needs a quiet, adult-only home where he has a safe space to call his own and a family that’s patient while he settles in. Apply to meet Marley today Phone the SPCA on 07 578 0245. Ref: 630364.

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Kudos to skydiver granny

A Tauranga great-grandmother who inspired a major fundraising effort for Hato Hone

St John back in 2023 has been awarded a distinguished honour

Welcome Bay resident Jean Crabtree was presented with the St John Priory Vote of Thanks at a March 6 ceremony at her home, Greenwood Park Village.

However, the 96-year-old insists the Skydive95 campaign in April 2023 was a team effort.

“This is much appreciated recognition by St John,” said Crabtree. “It may have my name on it but in reality, it’s for all the committee members –those who helped behind the scenes and of course, those who jumped ”

Four generations of Crabtree family, plus staff and residents of Welcome Bay’s Greenwood Park Village made up a group of 18 people who took part in ‘Skydive95’ in April 2023.

They raised more than $51,000 and now have the name of Crabtree’s retirement village on the side of an ambulance.

“This is a vote of thanks from the highest echelons of St John that had to be applied for and deemed worthy,” said St John area committee chairman Vaughan Coy

“Jumping out of a plane is amazing and from the organisation’s point of view, having anyone support us like that is incredible. We just need these kinds of people.”

St John community partnership fundraiser for the central region, Gunner Lovich, said: “We, as an organisation, want to recognise the folk that have given in such a way that enables St John to carry out daily care of the sick and injured in the community”.

“This award is for everyone who worked, those who jumped and all those who donated,” said Crabtree, who first skydived at age 85 and jumped again aged 90 before the Skydive95 fundraising event ahead of her 95th birthday

“Skydiving is a piece of cake; there’s nothing to it,” said Crabtree. “I won ’ t do another, though. When I turn 100, I’d like to try aerobatics in a Tiger Moth ” Debbie Griffiths

St John’s Vaughan Coy, Norm Harris, Marcus Blumson, Jimmy Bray and Gunner Lovich with Jean Crabtree
Photo / Debbie Griffiths

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Building a thriving film industr r

Do you dream of seeing your stories come to life on screen?

Tauranga Tablereads, a dynamic new initiative, is helping turn that vision into reality

Born from the Film Bay of Plenty Screenwriters group, Tauranga Tablereads aims to foster local talent and create opportunities in the film industry

Launched in March 2020 as New Zealand went into lockdown, the group connected via Zoom for weekly meetings that featured guest speakers, workshops, table reads, and peer support on screenwriting projects. When the country moved to Level 1, the group moved to

in-person meetings, holding monthly screenplay table reads with the support of Priority One and Film Bay of Plenty.

This led to exciting collaborations, including short films, Tauranga’s first full-length documentary, ‘Taking Back Our Beach’, and development of ideas for TV series and films.

Renewed focus

In early-2025, a renewed focus on establishing a viable local film industry led to an emphasis on monthly table reads

These sessions, typically held the last Sunday of each month, offer an opportunity for screenwriters to see their work performed by actors and

Mike Savage

Celebrant and Funeral Care

discuss ideas with filmmakers. The first session, held in January, featured a screenplay by Mana Davis, drawing actors and filmmakers from as far the Waikato

“Helping to support the running of the screenwriters’ group and holding regular table reads is about more than just developing scripts,” said Tauranga Tablereads co-founder Sarah Oemcke. “It’s about building momentum for local production and fostering a thriving creative community”

The next monthly table read is on Sunday, March 23, showcasing two compelling screenplays: Lighter by Pāpāmoa writer/producer Sophie Garth and Tuesday at Barry’s by Oemcke.

Lighter is a poignant story about grief and selfreinvention, set in a single night at a Pāpāmoa Beach bar The screenplay follows Daisy, a grieving young mother who is struggling to navigate life after loss. What begins as a simple search for a lighter evolves into a profound journey through shifting friendships and the unexpected bond Daisy forms with a woman who understands survival in a way no one else does.

All welcome

and makeup artist Sophie Garth. Photo / Supplied

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Garth, who has spent 15 years as a makeup artist, draws on her experiences hearing personal stories from people from all walks of life, creating deeply personal, character-driven narratives.

‘Tuesday at Barry’s is a character-driven comedy series that explores the life of an anxious, reclusive man who starts an astronomy club in his backyard. When his chaotic sister and her children move in, his carefully controlled world is turned upside down.

Set in suburban NZ, the series explores unlikely friendships, family dysfunction, and the beauty of connection, all wrapped in dry humour and heart.

Tauranga Tablereads welcomes actors,

filmmakers, crew members, artists, and writers to participate in the table reads.

“Listening to actors bring their words to life sharpens the script, sparks collaboration, and inspires action,” Oemcke said

“If we want to see more stories told from this region, it begins by bringing people together into the same room; sharing ideas, supporting one another, and laying the foundation for a stronger, more connected filmmaking community.”

If you ’ re interested in participating in Tauranga Tablereads, email:

Pacific Lakes Village is set amongst tranquil park like grounds and private lakes Spacious modern villas and terrace houses have been designed to create a vibrant community, providing an ideal setting for your active and independent lifestyle

The village’s main community facility, The Pavilion, is currently under construction. Positioned on the lakes edge, this impressive building will house an eatery, lounge bar, library, art studio, beauty salon, wellness suite and extensive recreational facilities. Experience our community first-hand - show home available by appointment.

Pāpāmoa writer/producer
Rosalie Liddle Crawford

Waipuna Hospice’s six op shops need your unwanted items – as long as they are of sellable quality

That’s the message from general manager of retail, Jace Dowman, who looks after the six op shops that sell quality second-hand items to raise funds to keep Waipuna Hospice operating “We really need quality donations,” Dowman said

Furniture and linen

“If it's in good, sellable condition, we’d love to have it. Right now, we especially need homewares, bric-a-brac, trinkets, and furniture, things like beds can make a real difference

“Linen is always needed too – especially at this time of year – plus warm clothing, jackets and blankets Every donation helps support our

just need to call our collection line on 07 281 1755 and leave a message with their contact phone number –and our team will get back to them within 24 hours

“We run our free collection service Monday to Friday So you don’t need to lift heavy furniture onto trailers – we can pick it up for you ”

So if you ’ re downsizing, moving, minimalising or just having good old autumn clear-out, think of donating your extra items Waipuna Hospice’s op shops – which solely funds the end-of-life care they provide to those needing assistance in the local community.

Sellable items

they are sellable before donating “We truly appreciate every koha (donation) we receive It’s thanks to the generosity of our community that we can continue delivering hospice care However, we ’ re unable to accept items that aren ’ t in sellable condition If we can ’ t find a new home for donations, they unfortunately become an extra cost for us to dispose of, which takes money away from our core service or supporting the terminally ill and bereaved If you ' re unsure about a donation, feel free to ask, we ’ re always happy to help ”

For more information on donating items to Waipuna Hospice op shops visit: waipunahospice org nz/

community, so if you have items to spare, p drop them off today”

Dowman said donations can be dropped off at any of Waipuna Hospice’s six op shops – at the Mount, Fraser Cove, Greerton, Pāpāmoa, Te Puk and Katikati – and their two depots

Free collection service

“Our Pāpāmoa depot is open seven days a week – and so are our three big shops at the Mount, Fraser Cove and Pāpāmoa, making it easy to drop donations off Our Te Puke, Katikati and Greerton op shops are also open six days a week ”

But Dowman also wants people to know th free collection line is available – and this can particularly handy for those who have large heavy furniture to donate “If people need help with larger donations,

Waipuna Hospice Greerton op shop manager Naomi Harrison and assistant manager Penny Vaughan desperately need more housewares donated to sell in their store Photo / Brydie Thompson

Are you ready to talk about wateer?

It’s nearly time to tell Tauranga City Council what you think about plans to futureproof the delivery of our water services.

As part of central government ’ s policy programme, ‘Local Water Done Well’, councils are required to consult with their communities and decide on a preferred future delivery model For Tauranga, the options include keeping water services as a council-run operation or establishing a councilcontrolled organisation to do that job, either on a standalone basis or jointly with other partner councils

Tauranga City Council Mayor Mahé Drysdale said it’s a big decision, but the priority is taking care of people today while planning ahead

“A business case has assessed all our options, and we think the best long-term proposition is to move to a joint council-controlled organisation in partnership with other councils.

“This model shows us that we can achieve benefits based on scale and size, while effectively retaining ownership of our waters assets. This aligns with the Government’s push for councils to work together on water, ” Drysdale said

“A council-controlled organisation also means we would be able to appoint directorrs or trustees with the right expertise to meet our expectations. These include pushing for r further efficiencies, while still delivering higgh quality water and wastewater services.

“It would also provide access to borrowing g we wouldn’t otherwise have if we were to keep these services within council. For Tauranga, that means being better prepared d to meet demands driven by future growth and technological advances.”

Consultation will run from March 28 to April 28, 2025, alongside the council’s draft Annual Plan, and will be supported by a detailed consultation document. The community will be asked to identify what matters to them through a series of valuesbased questions, as well as ranking and providing comments on the options.

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“We want to hear from the community before we make this big decision Head online from March 28 to tell us what matters at: letstalk tauranga govt nz or comme to one of our events and tell us in person ”

Western Bay of Plenty District Council is reviewing its Reserve Management Plan for the Kaimai Ward, setting the vision and direction for how these green spaces will be cared for and enhanced during the next nine years.

Community feedback has already shaped the draft plan – now formal consultation is underway, and council wants more voices to refine the plan before it’s finalised. “It’s been nearly a decade since the last review, and as our communities grow and the way people use these spaces changes, we must rethink how we manage and improve them,” said

council’s senior recreation planner Jason Crummer

“We welcome input from a wide range of voices, such as families, recreation groups, conservation volunteers, and everyone who enjoys the outdoor spaces of the Kaimai Ward. Submissions are open now, so don’t miss your chance to contribute.”

To submit feedback, visit: yourplace.westernbay or email: yourplace@ Community drop-in sessions will be at March 22’s Doggy Day Out, March 30’s Oropi Market, and April 5’s Basketball Have-a-go day at Te Puna. Feedback closes Sunday, May 11.

You’ll keep receiving great quality water no matter what, but providing an up-to-date waters network for our growing city is going to cost more than it currently does. We need to create a for how we’ll deliver water services to our community 30-year plan

That’s why we need to deliver water in the most efficient way while ensuring the community continues to experience the same services they do now

Find out more about the options: localwaterdonewell

‘Local Water Done Well’ means councils are required to consult with their communities and decide on a preferred future delivery model. Photo / Supplied

Home &

Community gardens open their gates

For Kevin Collins, the Otūmoetai Community Railway Gardens have been a cherished part of his life for the last 16 years

“It’s not far to walk from my home on Ngatai Rd and I usually grow vegetables like tomatoes, beans and potatoes, ” he said

“I like to get out there and help other gardeners, too You meet a lot of people there It’s a peaceful spot with fruit trees, which makes it a good meeting place ” Collins will be among fellow volunteers at Otūmoetai Community Railway Gardens, which will open 9am-12 noon this Sunday as part of a collective Community Garden Open Day

The event, with 11 participating gardens, is being run by Envirohub as part of Sustainable Backyards month

First time

Regional event coordinator Te Ara Dirkse said it’s the first time for an event of this kind “Those who get a plot, become part of a community that shares plants and produce and it’s nice to have that ‘third place’ in the

community to connect with people who have a similar interest and have face to face time rather than screen time ”

Some gardens grow for foodbanks or a Pātaka Kai (sharing shelves) where excess produce is put for anyone to grab Some gardens will offer produce or preserves, and all will have volunteers on hand to answer questions and guide visitors around “We want people who’ve been driving or walking past wondering what they do, to be nosey and go take a look,” said Dirkse

Sharing knowledge

“I have friends with plots and they tell me it’s great because a lot of people there have knowledge – sometimes 60 years ’ worth of information to pass on – so they enjoy the social aspect and just getting their hands in the soil ”

“Compared to previous generations, we don’t have that sense of sharing and community so I like the idea of getting more people involved in their local community garden, where people can get face to face and be amongst greenery and shared knowledge.”

Bay of Plenty Community Garden

Open Day is on Sunday, March 16, from 9am-midday For more information and a map at: envirohub org nz

Kevin Collins at Otūmoetai Community Railway Gardens, which will open to the public this Sunday
Photo / Brydie Thompson
Debbie Griffiths

Diagnosis in dentistry

Advancements in digital dentistry have transformed patient care at Corson Dental in Tauranga, with intraoral scanning (iOS) and 3D shape technology at the forefront of this revolution.

“By capturing high-resolution, highly accurate digital impressions, iOS 3D shape technology enhances patient monitoring, treatment planning, and diagnosis in ways that traditional methods cannot, ” said Corson Dental’s practice owner Dr Jennifer Corson.

One of the most significant benefits of iOS 3D shape scanning is its precision in patient monitoring “Unlike traditional moulds that can degrade over time, digital scans provide an exact, permanent record of a patient’s oral condition,” said Corson.

“This allows for more accurate comparisons across appointments, helping dentists track wear, gum recession, shifting teeth, or changes in restorations over time with the patient able to see in real time on screen what the dentist is seeing.”

In treatment planning, iOS 3D scans streamline workflows by eliminating the need for physical impressions, which can be uncomfortable for patients

Dentists and specialists can digitally design crowns, bridges, dentures, and orthodontic appliances with greater efficiency and customisation, improving accuracy and patient experience. The ability to integrate with CAD/CAM and 3D printing technology also speeds up turnaround times for restorations, reducing the number of patient visits, said Corson.

“From a diagnostic perspective, iOS 3D shape scanning

World Oral Health Day is marked on March 20 each year, and aims to get the whole globe to unite to help reduce the burden of oral diseases, which affect individuals, health systems and economies everyw y here.

According to World Oral Health Day website, the event ’ s purpose is to empower people with the knowledge, tools and confidence to secure good oral health “Oral diseases are a major health concern for many countries and negatively impact people throughout their lives. Oral diseases lead to pain and discomfort, social isolation

allows for earlier detection of occlusal issues, fractures and demineralisation, offering insights that may be missed in 2D imaging. By combining these scans with AI-driven analysis, clinicians can enhance diagnostic accuracy and predict treatment outcomes more effectively “Ultimately, iOS 3D shape technology enhances efficiency, accuracy, and patient comfort, making it an essential tool in modern dentistry”

and loss of self-confidence, and they are often linked to other serious health issues. And yet, there is no reason to suffer: most oral health conditions are largely preventable and can be treated in their early stages. ”

Oral Health Day is targeted at individuals to take personal action, schools to deliver learning activities about oral health, oral health professionals and the wider healthcare community to educate the populations they serve; and governments and policymakers to champion better oral health for all. Visit:

One of the most significant benefits of iOS 3D shape scanning is its precision in patient monitoring. Photo / Supplied

Maureen knows the value of a medical alarm

Living on her own, Te Puna resident Maureen James got a St John Medical Alarm a few years ago. But admittedly, she’d only started wearing the alarm necklace 24/7 about six months ago. And lucky she did.

The 87-year-old had an accident on January 14 that left her on the floor of her home with broken bones and in excruciating pain – and no-one knew that she’d fell

“I’d just came home and bought my groceries into my island bench ”

There was an unusual helicopter flying nearby

and she wanted to get a photo of it “It sounds stupid, but I thought: ‘I’ll run inside and get my phone As I ran inside the corner of my big toe

caught the bottom of the aluminium doors

“It flung me around across to my island bench and I tried to grab hold of it ” She ended up in a heap near the aluminium door and had broken the top of her femur (thigh bone)

“My other leg was up – good job because the one I’d fallen on was broken and flipped me over ”

Left in shock –“things happened so quickly” –James found she couldn’t move “I couldn’t have got to my phone by myself The pain was horrendous

“I just pushed the button [on the St John alarm necklace] St John talked to me straight away They said: ‘Maureen, are you alright?’ I said: “I need an ambulance, I can ’ t move, I’ve had a fall’

“I asked them to call my son as he works over the shed near my house – but he’d already gone home

CABisaboutbeing empowereddtogether!

It’s Citizens Advice Bureau Awareness Week – a time to put a spotlight on CAB to celebrate our mahi and highlight to the community the help and services we offer

This year ’ s theme ‘Awhi mai, awhi atu – empowered together’ reflects the role of CAB as a place where the community comes together in the spirit of receiving and giving support and being empowered together

Supporting and empowering people – both individually and collectively – is something we know lots about at CAB Our organisation’s aims are to empower individuals and whānau through our service of advice and information; and to empower communities by advocating for fairer laws and policies based on

what we learn from our clients

In the past year CAB’s local volunteers responded to 6500 enquiries from the public

They helped people with questions and issues on a range of topics including tenancy, employment, consumer purchases, immigration issues, the justice system, relationship issues, and more

Learn more about CAB by reading CABNZ’s Annual Report, at: https://www cab org nz/ assets/Documents/About-us/ Annual-Reports/2024-CABNZAnnual-Report-8-Oct-2024 pdf

Informed by the work CAB does with clients, in the past year our national body CABNZ spoke out on social justice issues including those

He and the ambulance were there in no time!”

James is so glad she no longer removes her alarm necklace “I don’t why we take them off it may be a pride thing, but it’s only a silver chain

If you ’ ve got one, put it on!”

“I now think it’s best buddy They are an amazing thing – whether you ’ re young or old – and you ’ re on your own, ” said James, who thanks St John and Tauranga Hospital after her weeklong stay

To arrange a free in-home

demonstration of a St John Medical Alarm or chat through the options, call 0800 50 23 23, visit: stjohnalarms org nz or talk to your doctor or nurse

About one in three people aged 65-plus in New Zealand will have a fall every year, according to Age Concern To educate seniors on how to avoid falls, Hato Hone St John is hosting three events – in Tauranga, Te Puke and Katikati – in coming weeks. See their advert on this page.


affecting Māori, renters, migrant workers, consumers, people on income support, and those who experience digital exclusion

Read CABNZ’s recent submissions at: https://www cab org nz/what-we-do/social-justice/ If you need help and don’t know who to ask, or if you’d like to give back to the community via volunteering, CAB could be the place for you

Call our free CAB phone number 0800 367 222, drop in to see us at CAB Tauranga, 367 Cameron Rd – no appointment needed – or see our website at: cab org nz

Te Puna resident Maureen James got a St John Medical Alarm a few years ago.
Photo / Brydie Thompson

More than 50 exhibits covering everything from travel to shoes will be at 2025’s Seniors & Travel Expo on March 22-23.

“See what New Zealand has to offer with exclusive deals on domestic travel,” said event organiser Colin Gestro of Affinity Ads.“Check out the local market and discover options that will enhance your lifestyle.”

Exhibits include eyewear, hearing tests, wills and trusts, mobility aids, bedding and lounge furniture, new homes, retirement villages, finance and so much more!

Win a Tasmanian trip!

There are two big prizes to win at the 2025 Seniors & Travel Expo First prize is a trip for two to Tasmania, courtesy of AAT Kings. Valued at $10,440, it comprises a trip for two on AAT Kings’ Tasmania Wilderness Icons, a six-day guided holiday from Hobart to Launceston, comfortable accommodation with easy access to city centres, National Park Entrance fees, four dinners, five full breakfasts and two lunches, plus return flights from Tauranga or Auckland. “If you ’ ve previously entered this competition by email, come along to the expo and enter again to double your chances,” said Gestro Another chance to win is a lounge chair from Recliner City


There will be a myriad of travel companies exhibiting their best getaways. From sea and river cruises to those that reach antarctica, anything is possible by stopping in at

one of the travel-related exhibitors. This includes a range of journeys in and around NZ.

Health experts

The expo will also feature a range of health experts and businesses, who can give detailed advice on specific topics. A podiatrist will help with foot problems, an exhibitor specialising in eyes will talk on all problems, a hearing specialist will help you decide how to improve your hearing, and a chiropractor will offer advice unique for you

Transport specialists

Mobility products on display and specialists on-site will listen to needs and concerns, then deliver prompt, safe solutions, giving those with physical impairment greater confidence and independence. A safe, friendly companion driving service will be there, plus a motor sales exhibitor will have five new model cars and two new motorhomes to look over

Home and lifestyle

From builders offering tiny homes to spa retailers, there’s something to catch the imagination of any expogoer

Even footwear! A stairlift installler! And wine tasting!

The 2025 Seniors & Travel Expo is Saturday, March 22, and Sunday March 23, from 10am-3pm daily at Baypark in Mount Maunganui. Expo entry is $6 per person or $10 per couple with Gold Card. There’s plenty of free parking with easy access to the venue, and a café on-site.

A helping hand for seniors

For many seniors, getting around town isn’t just about transportation – it’s about maintaining independence, staying connected, and feeling supported

“I love everything about this job,” said Driving Miss Daisy Tauranga West owner Ruth Masters

“We develop strong friendships with our clients “In fact, I was recently invited to the fifth birthday party of one client’s great-grandson I met the family and they were so grateful for the service I provide ”

Driving Miss Daisy Mount Maunganui/ Pāpāmoa owner Oscar Harper explained how a simple ride can make all the difference

“We go beyond just picking up and dropping off Our service is personal and pre-booked, so when we arrive, we assist clients from their home to the vehicle and again at their destination In

fact, we can even help at the supermarket or doctor’s appointment ”

“We become their confidants,” said Masters “We make getting out as stress-free as possible and if we ’ re called to attend a health consult, the family knows we can be trusted ”

For those who no longer drive, this extra level of care can be invaluable.

“We’re family when family can ’ t be there,” said Harper “We’re more affordable than most realise, and our drivers are carefully selected for their kindness and reliability”

The service is Total Mobility Scheme-approved, offering subsidised rates for those eligible, and has wheelchair-accessible vehicles As an ACCcontracted supplier, Driving Miss Daisy also provides transport to medical appointments

Chat to the Driving Miss Daisy team at the Seniors & Travel Expo at Mercury Baypark Arena

Karaka Pines is excited to have opened its eighth village, with the newest at beautiful Pāpāmoa.

A At Karaka Pines, residents purchase an Occupation Right Agreement – but unlike other models, they get the capital gains back when they sell at villages in Tauranga, Waihī Beach, Auckland, Hamilton, Rototuna, Rotorua and Rolleston They also offer fixed fees for life.

“We think that’s only fair,” said founder and CEO Adam Yates. “It means that buying a home in Karaka Pines Villages gives you financial freedom. Residents leave with a legacy to either pass on to family or use in their next stage of life.”

Located on Simpson Rd near Te Ara o Wairakei walkway, shops, cafes and an easy stroll to the beach, the Pāpāmoa village will comprise 114 units, made up of two-three bedroom standalones, duplexed homes and apartments – each with emergency call buttons to ensure 24/7 peace of mind.

A temporary clubhouse will be available for residents at Pāpāmoa until completion of the permanent clubhouse that will host a gym, library, residents bar, games room and dining area with commercial kitchen.

“For a lot of residents, one of the main reasons they move into a village is for camaraderie and community That’s important to us, too, ” said Yates. “Most of all, though, Karaka Pines is about

elements of that for

For more information, call 027 230 2997 or email:

Debbie Griffiths
Driving Miss Daisy Tauranga West owner Ruth Masters with client Cicelia Mason. Photo / Brydie Thompson

Join hosts John & Robyn Cooney … for 20 days June/July 2026

Once upon a week in the Cotswolds

Next time you ’ re in London, once you ’ ve eyeballed Big Ben, Trafalgar Square and Buckingham Palace, you ’ ve gotta get out in the country Why? Because there’s more to Ye Olde Country than just London.

I mean, not far along the M4 are some of the sweetest, loveliest corners you can find in “England’s green and pleasant land” And when you wander off the beaten track through leafy woodland lanes, you ’ re soon oohing-and-aahing at fairytale villages, thatch-roofed cottages, flowersmothered gardens, pubs with weird names, cathedrals with pointy roofs, medieval castles and knights in shining armour

But take care when you visit the Cotswolds, because the call to ramble is strong…

We felt the vibes of ‘Downton Abbey’ in the quaint village of Bampton, went walkabout in Hidcote Manor Garden which is overflowing with exotic rarities, stretched our legs in the Kiftsgate Court created by green-fingered women, and stumbled upon the magical village of Broadway –its streets lined with horse-chestnut trees. There were more bloomin’ gardens than you could shake a gumboot at – and more idyllic villages with puzzling names like Moreton-inMarsh, Stow-on-the-Wold, Bourton-on-the-Water and Lower Slaughter

Lower Slaughter sounded a bit grisly But down the southernmost end of the Cotswolds is Bath –famous for its Roman-built hot-springs spa And it was here that a teahouse, dated 1482, a delicious morsel of information caught my eye. It’s where the famous fluffy buns known as ‘Sally Lunns’ were first baked!

Remember them? With that slab of pink icing? Mmmm…talk about a gift that kept on giving! John Cooney

Logyour holiday withSafeTravelwebsite

Did you know that New Zealand has a website dedicated to helping Kiwis travel safely abroad?

SafeTravel, including the website, is run by the Consular Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

According to MFAT, the SafeTravel website is the official source of travel advice for New Zealanders, with advisories for specific destinations to give help and advice to Kiwis living and travelling overseas Checking SafeTravel before you leave New Zealand, or one foreign destination for another, can help you avoid travel blackspots

advisories for specific destinations with up-to-date information on security risks, a traveller’s checklist to help you plan your journey; and information that can assist New Zealanders if things go wrong when they’re overseas, like an emergency or a natural disaster

There is also a news feature which lets Kiwis know of information they likely need to know before heading to a country – for example, cyclone warnings or seasons, or things like outbreaks of mosquito-borne illnesses in certain countries and how to prepare to avoid them

Kiwi travellers can register their details and travel plans on the SafeTravel website If a crisis occurs overseas, MFAT will contact New Zealanders who have enrolled to check on their safety and wellbeing

Other resources on SafeTravel include travel

The website is also designed for Kiwis living overseas SafeTravel can advise people of consular services to New Zealand citizens outside of New Zealand, even if they don’t normally live in New Zealand Visit: www safetravel govt nz

• Garden Tour price: $23,995 pp share twin •

• André Rieu Concert extra (see InfoPack) • Meander with us by day through fairytale English villages, quaint historic cottages, cobbled seaside towns, and gardens so gorgeous they’ll knock yer gumboots off! Then go to bed each night in intimate, boutique hotels

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$8995 00 pp share/twin l Departs: 12 May 2025

Sydney Stayput

The Cotswolds. Photo / Supplied

Painting the town

When it comes to art, paint runs in Elliot Mason’s ve

“My grandfather, then my uncle owned Harrison’s Gallery (now Harrison’s Frames) and mum worked there, so putting on exhibitions was part of our family life,” he explained

“I was always interested in visual art and painting I had my first exhibition when I was 14 ”

A professional artist since the ag of 23 and a technician at Tauranga Art Gallery, Mason is one of five prominent artists chosen to paint large-scale artworks during Tauranga Street Art Festival from March 21-23. In fact, it’s the largest piece of work he’s ever created.

“It’s about 40m by 80m,” he said. “I did a big work in Hamilton that was a similar length but half the height, so this is easily the biggest for me ”

Mason expects it to take him a full week to paint a stylised image of eels in water on the harbour side of the Bay of Plenty Regional Council building.

“The concept combines natural elements with a Celtic influence of interlaced knotwork in the design The relevance of the eels in this space is their migration from the river to the estuary

“Also, I grew up in Whakamārama with Te Puna stream running through our property and I’d feed the eels.”

It’s not just those early memories; Mason can count five generations of his family that have lived near Tauranga Moana. “I spent a lot of my childhood playing on or in this body of

water, so it’s very meaningful to me, ” he said

For the Tauranga Street Art Festival, city residents and visitors alike are encouraged to walk between sites to watch the murals come to life, while enjoying entertainment.

Along with Mason who’ll be working at 1 Elizabeth St, Tauranga artist Jasmine Kroeze will tackle 80 Devonport Rd; BEMODERN, or Paul Darragh from Mount Maunganui, will work on Tauranga Art Gallery on Willow St; and Auckland artists HASER and Erin Forsyth will transform walls at 64 Elizabeth St and 108 Devonport Rd respectively

“We’re hoping our work will add to the beautification of the city and that it’s the start of something new for Tauranga,” said festival organiser and director of Lighthouse Creative Productions, Craig McClure “In the long term, we’d love to make the festival an annual event ”

More information is at: or join the Tauranga Street Art Festival page on Facebook. Debbie Griffiths

Funds on offer for alternative education groups

Agencies and organisations supporting the district’s youth may be eligible for a helping hand via the Bay of Plenty Education Trust.

Up to $60,000 is available this year to BOP organisations offering alternative education opportunities, thanks to the trust ’ s supplementary grants, which were introduced in 2021.

Applications can be submitted up until May 9 by email to:

Known primarily for its annual education scholarships and community trade training schemes that benefit youth in coastal BOP, the supplementary grants are an expansion of that desire to help young people, said trust chairperson Nick Earl.

“The supplementary grants, which are shared annually among a number of organisations, are benefiting an increasing range of projects.”

Past successful applicants have included ICONZ, the Graeme Dingle Foundation, the Youth Encounter Programme, Blue Light Ventures, House of Science and Edge Basketball New Zealand Through those organisations, the trust ’ s support translated into science kits, dirt bike group therapy, a life skills programme, and an innovative woodworking initiative, to name but some.

Earl said the trust is always open to considering other agencies and organisations to support, whether by way of sponsorship or in partnership, and he urged people to apply

Successful supplementary grant applicants are most often involved in empowering students to overcome life’s obstacles and teaching them tools to build resilience and improve themselves, said Earl. “We love programmes that help broaden horizons and fuel aspiration in people.” To find out more, visit: https://

Churches Active In Our Community

Our changing times...

We are blessed in this fair city with beautiful seascapes where we can watch the constant ebb and flow of the changing tides, which reflect the ever-flowing passage of time.

This reminds us that change is a constant state in our world Today never stays It morphs into tomorrow, which is then relegated to yesterday, only for that pattern to repeat As the passage of time flows, we change We are young, then older At each stage we deal with the challenges of life

Like the changing tides, our world is constantly shifting and uncertainty can feel overwhelming Yet, amidst all the uncertainty, one truth remains unshaken: God is our firm foundation God is the constant presence who offers His hand to stabilise our journey through life

The Bible reminds

us that: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1) ”

But trusting in God doesn’t mean life will be free of trials and all our problems will disappear

Trusting in God will give us a constant source of strength, so when everything around us feels uncertain, we can rest in the unchanging love and faithfulness of God

He is our rock, our refuge and our steady foundation in every season of life So, if today you are feeling battered from the challenges you are facing, reach out and take God’s hand He will steady you in changing times May God bless you all



7 Oak Lane, Tauranga Shabbat (Sat) 10am or Youtube live @10am Shalom

Joel & Sharon van Ameringen

Sandra Warner, St. Columba Presbyterian Church
The image will be 40m by 80m – the largest work Elliot has ever created. Photos / Brydie Thompson
Elliot Mason will paint a stylised image of eels in water on the harbour side of the BOPRC building

Vibrant celebration to show our city’s diverse cultures

The Tauranga Multicultural Festival will return to the Tauranga Historic Village on Saturday, March 22, offering a vibrant celebration of the region’s diverse cultures.

Now in its 26th year, the festival is an iconic event in the Bay of Plenty’s cultural calendar, promising an exciting day “Each year, the festival serves

as a platform for ethnic communities to showcase their cultures while inviting people from all backgrounds to join in the festivities,” said Premila D’Mello, president of Multicultural Tauranga and the event manager Festivalgoers can look forward to a range of cultural performances, authentic international cuisine, arts and crafts, and interactive discovery tents, where they can learn about the customs and traditions of various cultures At noon everyone can join in a Parade of Nations, where participants will wear traditional attire and celebrate their heritage in a lively, familyfriendly atmosphere.


A festival highlight will be the exhibition Fabric of Discovery – Traditional Attire from Around the World, curated by Alessandra Tilby, showcasing one-of-a-kind costumes from different nations. This exhibition offers a fascinating look at

the history, craft, and cultural significance behind traditional clothing, such as the Indian saree and the Japanese kimono Attendees can also enjoy musical performances and dance workshops.

D’Mello emphasised that the event is a labour of love, with volunteers contributing their time to bring the community together

“This is an event that the whole community looks forward to, not just the ethnic communities,” she said “This would not be possible without funders like Tauranga City Council, TWBCEF, Ministry of Ethnic Communities, and sponsors like Seeka and Pub Charity” Entry to the festival which runs from 10am – 5pm, March 22, is by gold coin donation. For more information, visit Facebook and search for Tauranga Multicultural Festival 2025.

Get ready to be amazed! The Tahatai Coast School Brick Show is back on Saturday and Sunday from 10am-5pm daily There is also a special low sensory hour on Sunday from 9am. Event-goers will be able to see incredible creations by the Bricks of Plenty Lego User Group, try their luck at raffles, grab a sausage sizzle, shop for Lego, and let the kids loose in the free play brick-pit area!

Entry is $5 per person with entry free for those under 3. Cash/eftpos available. Don’t miss this fun-filled family event!


The world’s widest-reaching LGBTQIA+ online celebration is coming to Tauranga next Friday, March 21, with the special screening of Five Films for Freedom.

A partnership between the British Council and BFI Flare, London’s LGBTQIA+ film festival, Five Films For Freedom makes five LGBTQIA+ short films available to watch online for free anywhere in the world Luxe Cinemas Tauranga is hosting a free public screening in collaboration with the British Council New Zealand and the Pacific The films selected for this year ’ s programme are from New Zealand, Indonesia, USA and UK The screening is at 6pm, Friday, March 21. Find out more at: tauranga

Rosalie Liddle Crawford
Tauranga Multicultural Festival in 2023. Photo / Katie Cox

The Jazz Festival approaches

The Tauranga National Jazz Festival is a lunar event; dates change each year depending on the moon.

Here’s how it works: the core jazz festival is on Easter weekend, and Easter itself falls on a Sunday between March 22 and April 25. The rule is that Easter is the first Sunday after the full moon that occurs on or after the Spring Equinox. If that full moon falls on a Sunday, then Easter is the following Sunday Pretty simple? Yeah right.

There is, of course, more The Spring Equinox used to calculate this is not actually the true equinox. Who knew?

In fact it’s an artificial one, decreed to always happen on March 21.

And the full moon used is not the true full moon but an artificial construct based on the Metonic cycle. What’s the Metonic cycle? I get lost around here but it’s basically

to do with calculating leap years, and it clashes with the Gregorian calendar and messes up the whole Easter calculation. Instead you need an algorithm, a mere five calculations, which will tell you the date of Easter Seriously

Two things

concert series –search ‘Stellar Concert Series’

– so instead let’s look at the X-Space concerts

Let’s skip to the chorus: this year Easter is on nearly the latest possible date it can fall, April 20.

That means two things: firstly, jazz festival organisers get longer to organise and sell tickets; secondly, it’s easy to forget about it since it seems so far away This could be a mistake. It’s the longest jazz festival I can remember, starting a good fortnight before Easter and running for two full weeks. Some early events are already selling out. There’s a splendid piece on SunLive about the Baycourt

I’ve got my eye on three: there’s singer Jess Dixon, who puts original lyrics and vocalese to jazz standards, a one-woman Manhattan transfer with a great band; and Lockie Bennett’s Boplicity Quartet is exactly that, a must-see for lovers of Charlie Parker, Bud Powell and other pioneers of bebop

And there’s English clarinet player Adrian Cox, a young man known for his complete immersion in the “lost” ragtime styles of very early New Orleans jazz. He calls his show Makin’ Runs, the name of a tune attributed to legendary – but too early to be recorded – trumpet player Buddy Bolden, the phrase symbolising Bolden’s vision for inventive improvisations whilst never repeating himself Sounds special.

Breaking a tababoo…

It’s a word that’s rarely used outside the doctor’s office, but the cast and crew of ‘The Vagina Monologues’ is hoping to change that “Honestly, I’ve never said ‘vagina’ so many times in my life, or heard so many different names for it,” laughed director Ali Young, who’s excited to take the lead on her first full-length stage show The groundbreaking play was written by Eve Ensler in 1996 based on interviews she conducted with more than 200 women about their views on sex, relationships, and violence against women.

Seven Tauranga residents will perform 10 monologues at 16th Ave Theatre from March 26-April 4 that celebrate the beauty, strength, and resilience of women

“We tried to get as many actors involved as we could,” said Young “From our less seasoned like Annabelle Moffatt, who’s come along in leaps and bound to perform ‘The Little Coochie Snorcher That Could’ to regulars like Geraldine Broderick, who’s performed the show in London ”

While it can be raw, confronting and sad at times, audiences will also enjoy some laughs, Young said.

The festival actually starts on April 7 with the three-day Youth Jazz competitions, leading straight into the three-night Jam Factory series, at least one of which has unsurprisingly already sold out – what a great intimate venue for jazz!

The cast of ‘The Vagina Monologues’.

“I’m normally drawn to comedies and this has plenty of light-hearted moments with a couple of monologues that are pretty gut-wrenching. It’s pushed me out of my comfort zone but it’s something every woman will relate to It’s a thoughtprovoking piece of work.” As part of 16th Ave Theatre’s commitment to the local community, $5

On the Saturday before Easter, April 12, Katikati get into the act with a free daytime street festival, and there are ancillary events all through that week, from jazz at the Mount Hot Pools to the Uptown Downtown programme of bands in CBD and Mount bars and cafés. Look for yourself – it’s all at:

every ticket sold will be donated to a local woman ’ s charity Purchase tickets via iTicket at: http:// vagina-monologues

Adrian Cox Trio Photo
Photo / Debbie Griffiths

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