SUN 1-Term final

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CHILDREN’S ART EDUCATION SERVICE DESIGN To provide memorable Experience to Children and parents

Illustrated Report 2015, Mdes SADI st 20071741 JiSun Park

Table of Contents I. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 3 1. RESEARCH BACKGROUND ........................................................................................... 3 II. CONTENTS AND METHOD OF THE STUDY ............................................................. 6 1. SPECIFIC RESEARCH PROBLEMS ......................................................................... 6 2. SEQUENCE OF RESEARCH .................................................................................... 8 3. LIMITATIONS OF RESEARCH ......................................................................................... 9 III. THEORY OF PARENT-CHILD RELATIONSHIP ..................................................... 10 1. PARENT-CHILD RELATIONSHIP ................................................................................... 10 2. ROLE OF PARENTS..................................................................................................... 11 3. IMPORTANCE OF PARENT-CHILD RELATIONSHIP ......................................................... 12 4. PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH MODERN PARENT-CHILD RELATIONSHIP ...................... 12 IV. CHILDREN’S NEEDS AND PARENTS NEEDS ....................................................... 15 1. CHILDREN’S NEEDS ................................................................................................... 15 2. PARENTS NEEDS ....................................................................................................... 17 V. THEORY OF CHILDREN’S ART EDUCATION ........................................................ 18 1. CHILD ART EDUCATION THEORY ................................................................................. 18 2. IMPACT OF CHILD ART EDUCATION ON CHILDREN....................................................... 21 3. IMPACT OF CHILD ART EDUCATION ON PARENT-CHILD RELATIONSHIP ........................ 21 VI. PROPOSAL OF SOLUTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH RESEARCH RESULTS ... 25 1. IN-DEPTH RESEARCH ............................................................................................... 25 2. PROPOSAL OF ART PROGRAM FOR PARENT-CHILD INTERACTION ............................... 28 3. EFFETS OF THE PROGRAM ......................................................................................... 30 VII. CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................... 31 VIII. REFERENCE LIST .................................................................................................. 35 IX. QUESTIONNAIRE ..................................................................................................... 37




1. Research background

The modern society is increasingly overflowing with cold-hearted Mammon and human relation conflict. As a result, parents and their children have become estranged each other. (DailyMail.2013)

Parents spend less and less time with their children due to a busy life. On that account, the sensible experiences of children are built through interacting with other people than their parents. It is important to note that children build their sensible experiences by literally embracing all environmental factors. That is to say, it is not an exaggeration to say that their whole body is a sensible organ. However, the phenomenon that their sensible experiences are built through other people than their parents causes a delay in the psychological development since those children may build their sensible experiences in an unnatural way.

Moreover, parents tend to have higher expectations on the growth of their children albeit they have less time to spend with their children. This will make those children become helpless and get a lower degree of self-esteem.



“No time for the family? You are not alone: Parents and children spend less than an hour with each other every day because of modern demands� (MCCANN, 2013)

Daily Mail reporter Jaymi McCann recently quoted the result of the new research that families did not spend enough time with their children. According to the new survey((Virgin Holidays and Universal Orlando Resort survey,2013) parents and children were spending 9 hours less per week on the whole. The survey concluded that the reason thereof was the busy modern life. Moreover, the survey found that a lot of families had quiet time in front of television or computer when they were spending time at home.

This survey found that families were busier than ever. This article indicates that a majority of parents find it hard to spend quality time with their children although those parents work and their children spend time alone at home or school.

According to Amy Nut (2010), quality time spent by children and parents together will allow parents to communicate to their children better and also do fun activities together. This improves the value of their children. If children do not spend much time with their parents, then they will be unable to determine what is right and what is wrong.



This is not something that people other than parents, such as babysitter, can determine for children. Furthermore, those people are unable to consider the issues between parents and children. ( Kids and Teens Guide, 2013)

There is also a problem in another aspect. Modern parents ask their children for several behaviors that satisfy their expectations in everyday life (Macoby, 1980). That is to say, the demands of parents become an objective, which they want their children to achieve. Although they do not spend much time with their children, they still expect their children to grow in accordance with their belief and environment. They get finally satisfied when their expectations are fulfilled by their children. An adequate level of parental expectations helps children grow appropriately. Parents can have an adequate level of expectations only when they are accurately aware of the status of their children. Identifying the state of children will generate different outcomes depending on the attitude, belief and set of values of parents. A behavior of young children is influenced by the awareness and expectations of parents (Goodnow, 1985). On that account, it is appropriate for parents to have an adequate level of expectations by spending a lot of time with children, showing their natural attitude and belief and doing various activities that promotes creativity. That is to say, it is appropriate for children to understand naturally the expectations of parents and grow accordingly.



II. Content and Method of Research

1. Specific Research Problems

What ways can modern parents leverage to spend their limited time more efficiently with their children?

As revealed in many studies, art education has been presented as a good example of embracing fun, intellectual education and human education. Art is a field that men and women of all ages can easily access and enjoy. Therefore, it has gained attention as a suitable medium through which parents and children communicate. (Klein, 2003)

On that account, this study aims to first point out the consciousness study and the problems as to the relationship between parents and their children who are living a busy life and improves the parent-child relationship through art education based on the survey on the degree of interest of parents in the creativity development of children and also the survey on the needs of both parents and children. Moreover, this study aims to propose a service that enhances the creativity of children.



1) Title of Research

How to improve relationship between parents and children with art education

2) Scope and Method of Research

This study collected the data by conducting the preliminary research using the previous studies, related books, articles, etc. Also, this study conducted the primary and secondary surveys including an interview for specific research.

The target market area of this study is Cardiff, UK. The small group focused survey was conducted with the parents who had a children aged 5 to 7 year old in pre-schematic stage. The respondents were instructed to directly participate in the questionnaire that was created based on the existing literatures, articles and previous studies. Of those 30 parents, a total of 25 parents responded. A total of 30 questionnaires including the 5 questionnaires distributed via SNS were analyzed. Moreover, this study conducted the in-depth survey through one on one interview.

The data collected from the survey was expressed in a graph after being analyzed through Excel program that was the database program. This study presented the children’s art education service based thereon.



Research about their relationship

Children’s creativity education

Parents’ needs and children’s needs

Children’s art education

2. Sequence of Research

First Phase – Secondary Research

a. Personal experience b. Children’s perspective research / parents’ perspective research c. Read book: parents’ role / children’s education

Second Phase – Primary Research

a. First small group focused survey b. Second survey via SNS c. In-depth Survey through 1 on 1 interview d. Make a conclusion and suggest solution



3. Limitations of Research

a. This study may have a limitation in terms of covering the general awareness of parents because it was conducted as a small group focused survey.

b. This study may have a limitation in terms of generalizing and analyzing the research results on a global scale because it was conducted with the parents living in Cardiff, the United Kingdom.

c. According to Lowenfeld(1968), those children in their pre-schematic stage (children aged 4 to 7 year old), who begin to create a conscious form in the course of unconscious expression, are regarded to be in a stage when their symbolic schema appears because they are able to express their desires. That is to say, it is extremely important for them to communicate with their parents. Also, they are the age group that is most suitable for this project. Therefore, they were selected as the research subjects in this study. This also indicates that this study may have a limitation in terms of interpreting the research results for the generalization of all age groups.



III. Theory of Parent-Child Relationship

1. Parent-Child Relationship

Parent-child relationship is the first relationship that humans make. Also, this is the most basic relationship. Humans grow and evolve through this relationship. Children learn to adapt into the environment mainly through parents. They recognize their respective role based on the relationship with parents. Also, they learn the appropriate behaviors for social norms by imitating the life styles and behavior patterns of adults. According to Bronfenbrenner(1970), the interaction with family members in the process of personal growth, particularly the personal experience of parent-child relationship, is the very important variable that has a direct impact on the personality formation and intellectual development of children. Parent-child relationship has a direct impact on the psychological characteristics of children and also the early experience from parent-child relationship has a significant impact on the personality formation as well as the interpersonal relationship and adaptive forms during childhood. An experience with loved ones has an impact on the formation of personal belief, including peer relationship, interpersonal relationship, self-efficacy and affinity, on a continuous basis and also it influences on maintaining and developing the satisfaction of interpersonal relationship.



2. Role of Parents

Bjorklund presented the objectives of parental education as follows by arguing that education was needed in relation to parental role because parents would have the most significant impact on children.

a. Understanding the growth and developmental forms of children who are in their personality formation stage b. Spending effective time with children c. Understanding that an environment accelerates the development of children and guardians perform an important role in this developmental process

The concepts on parental education presented by Brim (1965), Auerbach (1968), Becher (1980), Caraldo (1987), Gestwicki (2000), etc. are as follows.

Brim (1965): It is an educational activity to change parental role Auerbach (1968): It is an intervention method to help parents perform the parental role. Becher (1980): In a broad sense, parental education is to educate parents on parental role and behaviors. In a narrow sense, parental education is an activity that is developed and organized to enhance the ability of parents to raise children successfully.



Caraldo (1987): It is a part of child-rearing. Also, it is the method to help the growth and development of children. Gestwicki (2000): It is a specific effort of parents to provide children knowledge and supports in order to improve the efficiency of child-rearing.

3. Importance of Parent-Child Relationship

The author of the book “Scandinavian parents present their children time as a gift� argues that the best gift that parents can give to their children is to spend time together. Children spend most of their time in the growth period under the parental influence. Thus, The physical and psychological growth and development and also the foundation of abilities for learning knowledge and selecting occupation are built within their family. Parents and children continue to interact with each other from the moment of birth until children get mature with the exception of several special cases. Therefore, parent-child relationship plays the critical role in the development of children from the infancy stage to the youth stage. That is to say, parents will have a greater impact on their children in more diverse aspects when they spend more time with their children.

4. Problems Associated with Modern Parent-Child Relationship

First, this study conducted the focused group survey in order to examine the awareness of parents on parent-child relationship. !


III-1. Do you think you are spending a lot of time with your children (child)? In regard to the question on how much time parents spend with their children as the first step of survey on the awareness of parents for parent-child relationship, a total of 30 parents responded. Of those, the 14 respondents answered “Not too much”, whereas the 9 respondents answered “No” and the remaining 7 respondents said “Yes”. This result indicates that parents themselves also think that they do not spend enough time with their children.

III-2. Then if you are with your children (child) what do you usually do?

In regard to the next question of “Then, what do you usually do when you are with your children (child)?”, their responses included visiting educational place, spending time playing with them, drawing, playing with toys, biking, going to cinema, playing video games, etc.

II-3. If you don’t spend a lot of time with your children (child) what is the reason?

In regard to the above question, all the parents answered that it is because they are working. All the parents who do not spend a lot of time with their children think that they do not have enough time to spend with their children at home because they are working.



III-4. What does your children (child) do when they are not without you?

This shows that the children do not spend time efficiently and adequately as watching TV (12peoples) accounts for the largest proportion, followed by playing with toys (8peoples) and reading a book (7peoples) computer(5peoples) I don’t know(2peoples) in relation to the question of what they usually do when they are alone. This also indicates that the parents are also aware of it to a certain extent.

Those parents who are working full time feel burden in relation to time and place and their participation rate is also low. This phenomenon has a great impact on the overall understanding of parental education and the adequate development of infants. Moreover, it implies the conclusion that it would be inevitably difficult to implement effective childhood education.



iv. Children’s needs and Parents needs

1. Children’s needs

Children also have their own needs just like all other humans. However, children have even more needs than adults. Nonetheless, children are unable to satisfy their own needs; thus, they should get help from adults. On this account, the growth of children is closely related to the reactions of adults. (Brazelton, 1977)

According to “Meeting Children's Needs” as mentioned in the principles of parenting by a child development specialist (Goddard, 2007), parents teach children on how they are living and reacting in response to their children’s needs or demands. Thus, children get emotional support and love naturally from their parents. The needs of children vary widely. However, their needs can be broadly sub-divided into the five types.

a) Basic Physical Needs b) Feeling safe and secure c) Affection d) Need for Self-Esteem e) The Need for Self-Actualization



Satisfying children’s general demands as a parent is an act of helping them grow into an independent grown person and achieve their goal by themselves. Moreover, it can be deemed as an essential role.

“Even when young children spend most of their waking hours in child care, parents remain the most influential adults in their lives," (Lester and Sparrow, 2010) a board-certified pediatrician who sits on the faculty of the Harvard Graduate School of Education. The role of parents cannot be replaced in the life of children.

Then, do parents have a sufficient level of understanding about the needs of their children?

IV-1. What do you think about what is children’s needs are? The responses of the parents on the above question are as follows: the 26 respondents out of a total of 30 participants in the survey said happiness and playful game as the needs of children, whereas the 25 respondents gave multiple answers of parental affection and education. The parents also believed that their children had some other needs such as religious faith and health.



2. Parents needs

IV-2. What is the needs that you want for your children?

As a result, this study found some common points between the needs of children and the needs that parents want their children to have. Some of the examples included enjoyable things, things that they can enjoy doing, affection and creativity education. To satisfy the common needs of children and parents, it will be first for children and parents to spend time together. Also, it will be important to find and do an adequate play activity together.



V. Children’s art education theory

1. Child Art Education Theory

“ Art has an impact on children that lasts a lifetime ” – JACQUELYNNE MODESTE, PARENT, MANHATTAN

To children, art is a way of their action. Also, it is an active attempt to navigate on the outside world. To children, artistic activity is a direct and ceaseless effort to handle their own problem as to themselves. The formative expression activity of children can be deemed as a medium to promote the physical and psychological development and also mitigate the psychological tension. V. Lowenfeld argued that formative art is the most vital learning among the various types of education. W. Stern expressed formative art as a joy of features. In addition, M. Lindstrom said that art education was the learning tool of thinking, emotion and action. Thus, the art education of children is very important. It can be regarded as one of the valuable educations having a great impact on creativity in the modern era.



V-1. Do you think your children (child) are having creativity education?

In regard to the question on whether their children were receiving creativity education, only the 6 parents out of the 30 parents who participated in the survey said that their children were receiving it.

V-2. What area do you think it helps children’s creativity?

In regard to the result of the survey question on which subject would have the greatest impact on the creativity of children, more than half of the parents selected art (54%), followed by activity (29%), language (15%) and science/math (2%). Also, some parents said that all subject areas would be of help to their children. Some parents answered that it would depend on what their children would enjoy the most.

According to Lawson, art education would develop appreciation and creation abilities and enhance aesthetic expression skills. Art education also makes children understand that art will improve economic life in a society. Moreover, it allows children to learn how to spend time on leisure and makes them learn meaningfully and usefully in conjunction with the other subjects.

Art education provides a larger impact on children than creativity development. In addition, it contributes significantly to the growth and development of children.



Thus, a majority of those parents (54%) who picked art as the most important subject for the creativity development of children answered that spending time with children would be the most important factor for the creativity education of children.

V-3. How important do you think spending time with parents and children (child) are important for children’s education?

In the interview on the reason for the need of art education of parents, which was conducted separately with the parents who answered that art would be the most important subject for creativity development, a majority of them answered that they were viewing art as an important education to develop the creative thinking of their children. This indicates that most of the parents recognized the need of art in relation to the development of creative thinking of children.

Creativity can be said as the basic nature of all people. To display and develop this basic nature, it will be required to study and explore parents. (Brittain) On that account, art field has been a lot of help to the creativity development. Also, it can be said that the interest of parents on the creativity development of children is highly related thereto.



2. Impact of Child Art Education on Children

According to V. Lowenfeld, the main purpose of child art is to pull out the internal emotion of a child. Those factors having a great impact on the concept of a child drawing a picture are emotional factors. One can identify the personality and thoughts of a child through the pictures drawn by a child. Lines, shapes and colors expressed by a child represent the mindset of a child symbolically. Also, they can be regarded as the psychological projection of a child. This allows us to diagnose the state of mind of a child. Art activity is the most essential educational activity, which every child likes. We should also regard this as a medium through which children can express their emotion freely before we place any educational significance on this (Kellogg.n.d)

3. Impact of Child Art Education on Parent-Child Relationship

1) Research on Awareness of Parents on Child Art Education

This study conducted the survey on what attitude those parents having children aged 5 to 7 year old and living in Cardiff had on the creativity education (art education). This study later analyzed the survey result for each survey question and investigated the relation between the results.



As for the responses as to the reason for the need of art education, the 17 respondents answered “It is the important education to develop creative thinking of children”, which accounted for the largest proportion, followed by “It provides an opportunity for self-expression and it is of help to mental health” (8 peoples) and “It is directly related to real life” (5 peoples). Thus, a majority of the parents thought that they needed art education for developing the creative thinking ability of their children. That is to say, the parents perceived that art education would allow children to express their unique character freely and creatively. Moreover, the parents also perceived that art education was a means for children to express themselves for the emotional growth to communicate with themselves. Lastly, the parents believed that art education would allow children to live knowing the true meaning of beauty and have a direct impact on real life.

2) Impact of Parent Role on Children in Child Art Education

Parents are the important environmental factor for children; thereby, giving a direct impact on the creativity of children. However, their actions are restrained due to either high expectations of parents or environmental conditions. Also, the development of creativity is sometimes slowed down. “The psychological characteristics of humans are determined by the environmental factors rather than the genetic factors,” the environmentalists argued.



Some family members or parents often appear at the transition phase, which is the period of realistic expression to create conscious forms from unconscious expression course from a child’s art. For instance, those children drawing mother frequently represents anxiety they feel psychologically when their mother is not present at home. Thus, parents should lead their children slowly and gradually albeit they spend a short period of time. They also should recognize the playful scribbles of their children and help them encounter a variety of materials and expression methods.

In other words, parents teaching children become the most important environmental factor to children. Moreover, parents should also respect the expression of children to enhance their creativity and always pay careful attention to their children so that they can open their mind and express it in a painting more confidently. Lastly, parents should spend more time to give their children cautious policy.

In addition, parents should raise their children with a creative attitude by utilizing recycled materials rather than materialistic things. Such parental role can provide an adequate educational environment to children and help develop their creativity.



V-4. If your children (child) shows a talent in art, would you do something to make it improve?

As a result of the survey on the parental role for child art education, the 28 parents out of a total of the 30 parents responded that they were willing to help their children if they were found to have talent in art. Moreover, they answered that they were doing several activities such as visiting art halls and exhibitions and doing formative art activities with various plays at home in order to develop the talent of their children.

The aforementioned result of this survey indicates that the parents are aware that parental participation in the art education of their children has an impact to a certain extent. Art education activities, which parents and children conduct together, will not only influence the creativity enhancement of children but also improve parent-child relationship in a positive way. However, it is equally important for parents to note that intervention by the desire of parents can rather cause an adverse effect even though parents should form an environment of formative art activities. But most of parents have an insufficient amount of knowledge on art education; thus, it is required for parents to learn about efficient art education activities and utilize them properly with children.



vi. Proposal of Solution in Accordance with Research Results

1. In-depth Research for Improving Parent-Child Relationship

Dr. Goh Chee Leong of the Board of Governors at HELP International School proposed the following ways to become an effective parent.

1. Do ONE educational activity with your child each day

These activities don't take a long time, perhaps 20-30 minutes each and the goal should be to do one activity a day.

2. Do ONE Fun activity with your child each day Fun and joy are an important part of our family lives. They help establish the emotional connection between parents and their children. They say that a family that plays together stays together.

That is to say, parents and children should spend pleasant time together everyday and do fun activities. They also confirm their respective sense of belonging there through. This can be viewed as an effective relationship. “Fun activities� refer to the art education activities derived as a result of the aforementioned survey results. This study conducted the in-depth research



through the secondary survey in order to propose a solution on the promotion of parent-child relationship through these acts.

Subjects of In-depth Research

One on one in-depth interview was conducted with the 5 parents who had children aged 5 to 7 year-old in their pre-schematic stage and who were living in Cardiff region.

Background of In-depth Research

Presented the need of intellectual education as to the child art education of parents

Importance of art education from the emotional aspect rather than the functional aspect


Satisfying the needs of parents and children

Improving the parent-child relationship through art education


Questions and responses of in-depth 1:1 interview

1. In your opinion, what is the most important area for the art activities of children?

: Creativity development, expression of one’s own emotion, intellectual and emotional growth through many experiences, sociality development, etc.

2. Which formative art activity do you want to do with your children?

: Activity allowing children to express their idea actively, activity allowing children to have confident attitude for their painting, activity allowing parents and children to participate together to create and use something for their actual life, etc.

3. What effect do you expect from art education activities that you do with your children?

: Getting compliments for children from people surround them, spending time with children efficiently, having a lot of conversations, etc.



2. Proposal of Art Program for Parent-Child Interaction


The conventional art programs that allows parents to be with their children has mainly focused on those formative art activities in which children would first express their unique character, feeling and emotion freely and creatively through their own techniques and then parents would complete it.

Art activities are mainly classified into those to see and those to represent. Adequate parental participation can generate positive outcome when children are unable to express easily things that they desire to represent or they do not complete their artwork to the end.

According to B. Edwards(1976), art education is more liberal than any other subject. Also, it allows more freedom in relation to expression theme, expression material, technique selection and expression process. However, children tend to pursue order gradually when they approach to what they intend to express. At this time, parents should inform the appropriate order and lead their children accordingly in order to conduct creativity education.



2) Introduction of Program

Target Market

: Parents having children aged 5 to 7 year-old and their children

Detailed Introduction of Program

a) Purpose of Program : This study aims to generate positive impact based on the above-mentioned results of the in-depth research by proposing an art education program that allows parents and children to spend time together in an efficient way and that improves the relationship between them.

b) Introduction of Program : Adding an idea to the creativity of children will generate another play. Parents photograph or scan the wall scribbling of their children that they thoughtlessly found, the paintings drawn on a sketchbook or the pictures of memory in which parents spent time together with their children and then send them to the designer. Later, the designer will model these pictures and create an art product program kit that can be used in real life. After parents and children receive this design program, they will be able to experience another activity with those same pictures, which would other end as mere scribbling on a piece of paper.



1) Creating a doll with children’s pictures (the materials to be used for creating a tool, including cotton, drawings, cloth, needle, thread, etc., are enclosed.)

2) Storybook created with children’s pictures (storybook created based on children’s pictures and painting tools)

3) Creating an eco bag with children’s pictures (printing by electrostatic transfer process / the materials allowing parents and children to create their own eco bag by applying heat are enclosed)

3. Effects of the program

We thought about a workbook that comes every week, If this kit could deliver once every week or 2 weeks or every month, rather than having a whole play at once, parents and children could do it more. If it is sent every week or so, children won’t know what will come next then they could be excited what will be the next.

Parents can apply in the website and choose between 2 options, First option is 1 hour in a week and second option is 2 hours in 2 weeks, So once a week or 2 weeks children and parents delivered a play kit spending 1 hour or 2 hours.



so once a week or 2 weeks children and parents delivered a play kit spending 1 hour or 2 hours.

This program can brand and commercialize children’s pictures. A variety of party supplies can be produced using children’s pictures if parents request for their children’s birth party or family event (picture-engraved balloon, plate, cup, etc.). Children naturally become a designer; as a result, they become more confident about themselves. It is also possible to create secondary effects such that they can receive their childhood memory as a gift later through these products.

Once we collect many pictures, we will be able to plan an exhibition for fundraising for financially disadvantaged children who cannot draw a picture and organize a campaign for the purpose of allowing one child to help another child.

vii. Conclusion

This study investigated on how much time parents spent with their children, how children spent time when their parents were not around and what needs parents and children have respectively based on the previous study showing that there were some issues associated with the parent-child relationship because those children in the modern era spent less and less time with their parents and they could not use time adequately. Moreover, this study examined the awareness of



parents on the creativity education of children and the creativity education through child art.

To summarize the results of the research, today’s parents also recognized that they spend an insufficient amount of time with their children. Also, they believed that their children did not spend time efficiently when they were not around. A majority of the parents were interested in the creativity education of children. However, they could not do various activities due to time constraints. In their opinion, art was the most helpful subject for the creativity education, followed by activity. More than half of the parents said that they were willing to help their children if they showed an interest in art.

As for the needs of parents and the needs that the parents want their children to have, this study found some common points. Some of the examples included enjoyable things, things that they can enjoy doing, affection and creativity education. As a result of the indepth research for designing a service to improve the parent-child relationship through art education, this study found that the parents expected to get compliments for their children from people around the children, spend time with their children efficiently and have a lot of conversations with them through art education activities in which their children could demonstrate their ideas actively, they could have a confident attitude about their paintings and the parents could participate with their children to create and use something to be used in real life.



This study proposed the design program kit allowing for the participation of both parents and children based on these research findings.

Children get various experiences through the motivation to draw a picture, the process of doing art activities and a sense of accomplishment that they feel after completing an artwork. Children express what they see, what they hear and what they feel by touching through art activities. Those expressions might be a momentary feeling or an expression of opinion. They might also be an expression of their basic emotional state. The body movement of drawing freely like scribbling is also understood as a means of reducing the inherent stress of children. When parents experience formative art activities that have diverse meanings to children, they can naturally understand the emotion of children and communicate with their children for every moment. Furthermore, parents can also reduce their own stress and have the peace of mind through an indirect interaction with their children.

This is because people sharing the same experience can share comfort and support with each other (Taylor, 2002). It is hoped to create a program satisfying all parents regardless of whether they spend less time with their children or have a serious issue in their relationship with the children. This study can hardly represent the opinions of many parents because it was conducted in a limited area called Cardiff. On that account, a future-oriented approach would be to



develop this study in accordance with each culture and soil on the assumption that it does not break the components about whether to satisfy the needs of both parents and children. Thus, it is required to have a follow-up research to improve this program for our conditions through an execution research based on qualitative research method.



Viii. Reference list Beeley, K. and Bryce-Clegg, A. (n.d.). 50 fantastic things to do with paint. Bratton, S. (2006). Child parent relationship therapy (CPRT) treatment manual. New York: Routledge. Brazelton, T. (1977). Q's & A's on child mental health. Rockville, Md.: Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration. Bruce, T. and Meggitt, C. (2002). Child care & education. London: Hodder & Stoughton. Child Development Institute, (n.d.). Be Their Favorite Teacher! A Parent's Role In Child Development. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Jan. 2015]. DailyMail, (2010). The 'not now, maybe later' parents don't devote enough time to their children. Dowling, M. (2005). Young children's personal, social and emotional development. London: Paul Chapman Pub. Ginott, H. (1965). Between parent and child. New York: Macmillan. Goddard, H. (2007). Soft-spoken parenting. Sandy, UT: Silverleaf Press. Jernberg, A. and Booth, P. (1999). Theraplay. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. Klein, S. (2003). Teaching art in context. Reston, VA: National Art Education Association. kurt, e. (2015). with Your Kids When You Have No Time. Lifehack. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Jan. 2015]. LaMeaux, E. (2015). 5 Needs Your Child Must Have Met at Home. [online] Available at:!


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ix. Questionnaire Children’s Art Education Service Design

Part 1. Basic information (1-6) 1-1. What is your children’s (child’s) age? 1-2. What is your age? 1-3. Can you tell us about the members of your family? 1-4. Do you work? If you are what kind of job do you have? 1-5. How long do you work in an average in a day? 1-6. How long do you spend time with your children?

Part 2. Parents and children (1-4) 2-1. Do you think you are spending a lot of time with your children (child)? Very much


Not too much



I don’t know

2-2. Then if you are with your children (child) what do you usually do? 2-3. If you don’t spend a lot of time with your children (child) what is the reason?



2-4. What does your children (child) do when they are not without you? Computer



Play with toys

I don’t know


Part 3. Children’s Creativity education (1-4) 3-1. Do you think your children (child) are having creativity education? Very much


Not too much



I don’t know

3-2. At home, do you think you and your children (child) are having activity for creativity? If you do, what do you do with your children (child)?

3-3. How important do you think spending time with parents and children (child) are important for children’s education? Very much


Not too much



I don’t know

3-4. What area do you think it helps children’s creativity? Art


Science/ Math





Part 4. Parents needs and children’s needs (1-2) 4-1. What are the needs that you want for your children? 4-2. What do you think about what is children’s needs are?

Part 5. Children’s art education – In-depth1 0n 1 Interview 5-1. If your children’s (child) shows a talent in art, would you do something to make it improve?



CHILDREN’S ART EDUCATION SERVICE DESIGN To provide memorable Experience to Children and parents

Reflective Journal 2015, Mdes SADI st 20071741 JiSun Park

CHILDREN’S ARTEDUCATION SERVICE DESIGN To provide memorable Experience to Children and parents

RESEARCH BACKGROUND The modern society is increasingly overflowing with cold-hearted Mammon and human relation conflict. As a result, parents and their children have become estranged each other. (DailyMail.2013) Parents spend less and less time with their children due to a busy life. On that account, the sensible experiences of children are built through interacting with other people than their parents. It is important to note that children build their sensible experiences by literally embracing all environmental factors. That is to say, it is not an exaggeration to say that their whole body is a sensible organ. However, the phenomenon that their sensible experiences are built through other people than their parents causes a delay in the psychological development since those children may build their sensible experiences in an unnatural way. Moreover, parents tend to have higher expectations on the growth of their children albeit they have less time to spend with their children. This will make those children become helpless and get a lower degree of self-esteem.

What ways can modern parents leverage to spend their limited time more efficiently with their children?

SCHEDULE Primary research SURVEY 2

Presentation & Tutorial 10.11.2014









Presentation & Tutorial Colletion of metrials Analysis data

Primary research SURVEY 1

1:1 Interview


RESEARCH PROCESS Parents Perspective Research

Children’s Perspective Research

SECONDARY RESEARCH Personal Experience

Read books Aricles etc

PRIMARY RESEARCH Children’s Art Education Class Expection Small group survey SNS survey Asking people’s Experience 1:1 interview

Professional Material



I started painting when i was 5 years old I always loved drawing and i wanted to be an artist when i grow up FUN ENJOY CREAIVITY COMMUNICATION CONFIDENCE FREEDOM

7years old sun ! 0%

25 %

50 %

75 %

100 %



Student / Eunji.Kim. 7 years

“ It’s a secret teacher, I love drawing ! but sometimes my mom expect too much from me about art. They don’t have enough time to talk about my drawing with me at home ”

I have experience of teaching children about Art It was good experience to know what children’s needs

When i visited their home as tutor Parents were not at home everytime because of work It seemed to me that they don’t have enough time to talk and share the emotion each other.


And sometimes parents tend to have higher expectations on the growth of their children albeit they have less time to spend with their children


COLLECTION OF METRIALS 10.11.2014 - 14.11.2014

I collected the data by conducting the preliminary research using the previous studies, related books, articles, etc from Cardiff Met library and Cardiff Central library and internet


ANALYSIS DATA 10.11.2014 - 14.11.2014


24 HOURS Families don’t spending enough time each other “ Parents and children spend less than an hour with each other every day because of modern demands ” “ Families do not spend enough time together according to new research. they only have eight hours of quality time per week ” “ A lot of family time is spent in silence in front of a television or computer screen ” (dailymail.2013)


ANALYSIS DATA 10.11.2014 - 14.11.2014

Children’s needs and parents needs Education Tool Conversation Tool Engaging Creativity Having Fun Memories Children, like all humans, have needs. Understanding However, children have more needs than adults, and often adults must meet Friends children's needs because the child cannot do it himself . . .

According to “Meeting Children's Needs” in Principles of Parenting by H. Wallace Goddard, a child development specialist, he way parents respond to their child's needs or demands teaches the child about the world he lives in and how to react to it. Communication

pre-schematic stage YEARS





Problem Solving Critical Thinking Creativity Reflection Imagination Children’s Dream . . . 7

Presentation + Tutorial 12.11.2014

100% 60% 10%

Feedback 1. We should concentrate on why parents and childrens dont have enough time nowadays 2. 1 on 1 interview is nessesary 3. we should make a uerful solution


Survey 1

15.11.2014 Starbucks in Cardiff with Dalkyung Lee

15.11.2014 - 21.11.2014

Questionnaire we made a questionnaire It was based on Secondary research

1 we explained who we are and purpose of the Quesionnaire and why we need your participation

Our First participant


3 we asked sign on participant consent form and gave participant information sheet

10 min to 18min

we waited participant until they answer the question

Rate of participation


4 We gave candy to their children for taking time

Of those 30 parents, a total of 25 parents responded


Survey 2 20.11.2014 - 18.12.2014




Facebook Post 1 Web Link 1


Responses : 3 Responses : 2

Rate of participation

A total of 30 questionnaires including the 5 questionnaires distributed via SNS were analyzed

5 Peoples

Tutorial 26.11.2014

100% 100% 100% 60% 40%


IN-DEPTH RESEARCH 1:1 INTERVIEW 10.12.2014 - 19.12.2014

One on one in-depth interview was conducted with the 5 parents who had children aged 5 to 7 year-old in their pre-schematic stage and who were living in Cardiff

WHY ? 1. Presented the need of intellectual education as to the child art education of parents 2. Importance of art education from the emotional aspect rather than the functional aspect 3. Satisfying the needs of parents and children 4. Improving the parent-child relationship through art education

PRIMARY RESEARCH Q. Do you think you are spending a lot of time with your children (child)?

Q. What does your children (child) do when they are not without you?

vering rms of co e t in n io itat as have a lim rents because it w y a m y d u a 1. This set neral awareness of pp focused survey. rou the g a small g s a d e t c ing condu generaliz f o s m r e n in t a limitatio s on a global scale e v a h y a lt 2.This stundalyy zming the researchwreitshu the parents living in d and a conducte s a w it . e becaus Kingdom d e it n U e Cardiff, th


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Q. What do you think about what is children’s needs are?

7 5




Reading a book

Watching TV


I don’t know

12 Play with toys



Q. What is the needs that you want for your children?

parental affection happiness, playful games

health religious faith

parental affection

Happiness, Education

health religious faith

Q. What area do you think it helps children’s creativity?

Q. Do you think your children (child) are having creativity education? 54%








Enjoy Parents having children aged 5 to 7 year-old and their children

Purpose of Program



This study aims to generate positive impact based on the above-mentioned results of the in-depth research by proposing an art education programfun that allows parents and children to spend time together in an efficient way Education Imagination and that improves the relationship between them.



A CASE STUDY The conventional art programs that allows parents to be with their children has mainly focused on those formative art activities in which children would first express their unique character, feeling and emotion freely and creatively through their own techniques and then parents would complete it.







We thought about a workbook that comes every week, when we were young, also magazines that comes once every month.If this kit could delivered once every week or 2 weeks or every month, rather than having a whole play at once, parents and children could do it more. If it is sent every week or so, children won’t know what will come next then they could be excited what will be the next. Parents can apply in the website and choose between 2 options, first option is 1 hour in a week and second option is 2 hours in 2 weeks, so once a week or 2 weeks children and parents delivered a play kit spending 1 hour or 2 hours. After thinking about how we could sell it, we had some chang es for our play kit.If it is delivered to every house we could a sk for them to send some stuff to us to make something like a product. We had a idea of putting children’s drawings into party supplies for children’s birthdays or in a bag, mug any products.

we collect many pictures, we will be able to plan an exhibition for + Once fund-raising for financially disadvantaged children who cannot draw a picture and organize a campaign for the purpose of allowing one child to help another child.

CHILDREN’S ART EDUCATION SERVICE DESIGN To provide memorable Experience to Children and parents

Personal Development Portfolio (PDP) 2015, Mdes SADI st 20071741 JiSun Park

PDP FIRST TERM 01.10.2014 Although having majored in visual design as an undergraduate, I haven't had a chance to study UX designs in depth. However, not only UX design is inseparable from modern design industry, but also related to industrial design, software engineering, marketing, and business administration. Because it is not too much to say that UX design is leading the overall modern industries, I have always been interested in UX design. As an undergraduate, I had a chance to work on a joint project with a hospital in Korea in order to develop a user Interface design for mental health diagnosis program that was planned to be applied to new kiosk. I did a research to develop mental health diagnosis program for people of all ages. The research was conducted as a primary research, and I personally visited the hospital to interview and survey many people. When the new interface design based on my research was actually adopted and used in the hospital, I felt greater satisfaction than ordinary design projects. It was not just a beauty created on a computer. The outcome was also filled with other people's truthful opinions, and It was meaningful experience to me in that as one of many users, I kept compensating the defects based on actual experiencing of the user interface. Before starting semester, in order to comprehend what UX design is and how to understand consumer needs, I signed in 'UX Designer Group' in facebook to see other people's work, and did online researches. After 1-term semester began with working on a warm-up project, I learned how to apply theories, methods and processes of UX design which I hadn't grasped before to design projects

About warm-up project 1) Me and my partner Dalkyung Lee proceeded a project which concerns transportation system of Cardiff, especially focusing on the bus system and b cycles.

As we were heavy users of bus system of Cardiff and had been actually suffering from the system, we started a survey based on our common opinions. Our target market was University students in Cardiff looking for housing for the first time. Grouping similar attributes was not as difficult as imagined because I belonged to the target market and played a role as a participant. We made questionnaires based on keywords extracted from brain storming, and used it to conduct surveys on friends who started to study around similar time in Cardiff, students met on the streets. Because most of the people gladly participated with interest, it was no trouble to gather information. Moreover, analyzing collected data, I was able to find that most of my own needs were corresponding with the needs of other students and it made me enthusiastic when developing solutions.

Since then there was a presentation about the warm-up project and I had a chance to listen to my friends' ideas. While listening to the presentation, I felt that everyone approached the project with their own various points of view, and these differences in perspective seemed to come from the differences in subjects they majored in undergraduate studies For example, students who majored in visual design offered solutions focusing on the visual factors, students who majored in industrial design put emphasis on product, and students who majored interior design or architecture attached more importance of urban planning. After the presentation was over, I gained insight that I shouldn't confine myself to visual factors and consider various angles when analyzing a phenomenon for projects in the future. Also, I learned that in order to conduct more accurate and valid project, conducting qualitative investigations such as in depth interviews, or surveying via SNS are also necessary. About warm-up project 2) We decided to learn more about the Cardiff bus system that we covered in warm-up project, and gathered information to make pivot table based on second survey which consists of deeper questions.

The pivot table helped us to understand consumer needs at a glance. We offered improved service design solution on the basis of gathered data.

After presenting second project, we had a positive feedback from professor Gareth that the storyboard we presented was easy for audiences to understand, and felt the necessity of simple, ordered storyboard. Me and my partner arranged our project and sent an e-mail directly to Cardiff bus company hoping that our project will contribute to improve the system and marketing objectives of Cardiff bus company. Finishing the warm-up project, I learned that UX designers play an important role for people who don't know what they want, or people who are aware of their needs, but had no chance to express them. Also another thing I realized that understanding deeper needs of consumers by observation, specifying them through surveys, and triggering consumers' motivations are also

specifications that designer should comply with, and UX design is not a single designing stage but a whole process. Moreover, finding out the fact that user experience design originally developed from emotion design was a good inspiration and motivation to me as a person who has a dream to become an emotional marketer Also, working on group project with my partner Dalkyung, we had positive experience of sharing personal experiences and dividing duties to concentrate on our respective researches. About main project Me and my partner decided to discuss more about problems that can be improved. As a result, we discovered that we have common interest for children's art education field. Personally, I have been always interested in art since childhood, and had fun expressing my thoughts and feelings, communicate with others through art. In this manner, I have painted for a long period of time, and had a part time job as an art instructor for children when I was an undergraduate student. While teaching the children, I was able to feel precious emotions from my childhood. Most of the children I taught had to spend only little time with their parents because both of their parents had a job. Though the children seem to enjoy painting and satisfy their creation, their parents just wanted them to have high standard of painting skills. I thought that these expectations and lack of communication between parents and children are interfering with creativity of children, thus art education with parents, not with art instructors, is more effective and positive for development of children

My partner, Dalkyung Lee became interested in children's education and the importance of environment that affects children's development while writing a paper on children's picture book when she was an undergraduate student. And based on this personal experience, we decided to conduct research on children's art education service program. First, we agreed that our research to be conducted with two perspectives, children's perspective which is her field of interest, and parents' perspective, which is my field of interest. After studying articles and books, we realized that there are problems in today's child-parent relationship, which were parents spend less time with their children, and even when they do so, they are not providing efficient education for their children. In order to improve the problem, we designed primary research on the basis of insights obtained from secondary research. We made parent-child interaction art program based on consumer needs drawn by surveys, 1 on 1 in-depth interviews.

TUTORIAL / FEEDBACK There was a tuning session in the middle of research and professor pointed out possible problem for our project that we hadn't considered. Also professor suggested new idea to approach to consumer needs more closely. In addition, feedbacks from fellow students helped a lot to proceed with the project. And especially, students who have children gave useful insights about children's characteristics, needs, and parents' needs which became fundamental background of our research. Also, conducting focused research on various locations such as city centre, church, or cinema was a delightful experience. Since I had no prior knowledge of Cardiff, it was hard for me to acquire important information such as relevant institutions, or useful websites. However, thanks to suggestions about various

locations from professor, I was able to understand consumer needs more comprehensively. Finishing 1 term, although it was a short period of time, I was able to experience practical research. Also, conducting primary research that I wasn’t accustomed to, meeting consumers and finding out the problems were big motivation for me to proceed my project. Because difficulties in opinion coordination frustrated me, I had been avoiding group projects. However, while proceeding with this group project, I developed true leadership and realized that when individual capabilities are combined, greater insights and driving force are generated. In addition, having tuning sessions to evaluate each other helped us to maximize the strengths and make up for the weaknesses. Tuning sessions were also good driving force to finish the project with responsibility and tension Therefore, I hope the results of my project conducted by focusing on two perspectives will meet the needs of many people substantially. Also I believe that such experience is a valuable asset, and will be very helpful when proceeding with other projects in the future.

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