1 minute read


4.0 A 93-100 3.7 A- 90-92 3.3 B+ 87-89 3.0 B 83-86 2.7 B- 80-82 2.3 C+ 77-79 2.0 C 73-76 1.7 C- 70-72 1.3 D+ 67-69 1.0 D 63-66 .7 D- 60-62 0 F 59 and below

Grade Reports

Progress Reports reflect current achievement at mid-quarter.

Mid-Semester Report Cards reflect current achievement after a nine-week period. No credit is awarded at quarter.

Semester Report Cards include the final semester grades. Credit is awarded for classes that are successfully passed.

NOTE: Semester Grades are: Permanent Appear on transcript Determine credit earned Factor into cumulative grade point average (GPA)


A student earning a passing grade in a semester course will earn one-half credit. Sun Prairie High Schools run one -quarter credit class: SP 30. A student earning a passing grade in a quarter credit class will earn one-quarter credit.

Please note: Study Halls and Teaching Assistants (TA) do not earn credit. Students may have up to one study hall OR TA on their schedule per semester.

Grades earned through the summer school credit recovery program do not replace previous failing grades but do count toward a student’s overall GPA.

SP 30

All students will be automatically enrolled in our Academic and Career Planning (ACP)/Advisory course, SP 30, each year across grades 9-12. Upon successful completion, students will earn a 0.25 elective credit, per year, for participation in academic and career planning (ACP) lessons and activities.

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