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School-To-Career Opportunities

Career and Technical Education Options

Each year the Sun Prairie School District offers career and technical education programs at Sun Prairie High Schools. These programs are designed to prepare youth for a broad range of employment and training opportunities and are offered under the guidance of certified teachers and counselors.

The following is a list of career and technical programs offered at our high schools:

Agriculture Business and Information Technology Health Science Marketing Family and Consumer Science Technology and Engineering Education

Skills for the Future

What is Wisconsin’s “Skills for the Future?”

Wisconsin’s School-to-Career educational initiative opens the door to all students to develop their potential in life. By combining rigorous school-based and work-based learning with greater career exploration and guidance, our educational system will develop students with stronger skills--whether students plan to go directly into the workforce, enter a technical college, or enroll in a university. Enhanced academic and technical skills are what Wisconsin’s business and educational leaders have deemed critical Skills for the Future.

Youth Apprenticeship

Wisconsin Youth Apprenticeship is a unique opportunity for juniors and seniors to start preparing for a career while still in high school. This program provides the opportunity for work-based learning, occupational instruction, and academic education. As a youth apprentice, students will earn an hourly wage while learning from skilled professionals. Upon successful completion of the program, students will be awarded a Certificate of Occupational Proficiency from the Department of Workforce Development. Students are required to provide their own transportation to class and the worksite during the day/evening.

Sun Prairie high schools offer apprenticeships in a variety of different areas including: Accounting, Agriculture, Automotive Technology, Biotechnology, Construction, Diesel Technology, Engineering, Finance, Health Occupations (Dental Assistant, Nursing Assistant, Pharmacy Technician, Medical Office, Medical Assistant, and Physical Therapist Technician), Information Technology, Insurance, Introduction to Veterinary Technology, Marketing, Manufacturing, Welding and Tourism/Hospitality/Culinary Arts.


• Be in good standing with your local school district • Be on target for graduation • Have a good attendance record • Attend one of the Youth Apprentice Information Meetings tentatively scheduled for January 24, February 16, and March 1. (Information will be provided to all current sophomores and juniors with specifics.) • Complete the application and return to Student Services no later than March 1. (Note: Just completing the application form does NOT mean that you are automatically accepted into the program.)

Applications for Youth Apprenticeship Program (YAP) are available on the Dane County Consortium website: dcsc.org • As part of the application process, students are required to submit three recommendations (two from faculty and on from the community). Recommendation forms are included with the application. • Sign up for a regular load of classes for next year. If you are accepted into the program and employment is secured, your school counselor will be notified. At that time, you will change your schedule to accommodate your work schedule. • While staff may become aware of available positions, finding a job is ultimately the responsibility of the student/parent/caregiver.

Work-Based Learning Training Agreement Requirements

Students at Sun Prairie High Schools enrolled in School-to-Career programs are required to:

1. Submit a log of hours worked, signed by the supervisor/mentor, to the teacher-coordinator each week. A minimum of 90 hours are required to earn a half credit. A maximum of two (2) credits may be earned for work experience during the student’s high school career. 2. Cooperate with the training sponsor, observe business etiquette, and obey all safety rules. The student may not perform any task or run any equipment without prior safety instruction and employer’s permission. 3. Not be on school grounds during work release hours unless prearranged with one of the student’s teachers. 4. Notify the school office, teacher-coordinator, and training sponsor in advance when an absence is unavoidable. 5. Not report to the training station on days when not attending school, unless prearranged with the teacher-coordinator. Good attendance and good grades are very important. One unexcused absence from any class will result in a warning. A second unexcused absence will result in probation. A third unexcused absence may result in removal from the program. A student who may be ineligible for work credit for that semester, however, may re-apply for consideration for the work program the following semester. 6. Not terminate employment at the training site without prior approval of the teacher-coordinator. 7. Respect and treat in a professional manner all confidential information concerning the training station. 8. Discuss all work-related problems with the teacher-coordinator in order to resolve them. 9. Maintain a 2.00 GPA each quarter and have received no F’s from the previous quarter grading period. A student may be placed on probation at any time during a quarterly grading period if it is determined they are failing any course. When placed on probation students have ten (10) school days to raise a failing grade(s) to a passing level. If still failing after ten (10) days students may be considered academically ineligible for a work program. 10. Work at a training site that is approved by the teacher-coordinator and school-to-career manager or building principal. The student may not work for, or be supervised by their parent, guardian, or any other family member. Working in the same company as a parent, guardian, or other family member is not encouraged and, in most cases, will not be allowed. 11. Follow all child labor laws as well as all school rules and regulations. Violation of these rules and regulations will jeopardize participation in the work-based learning program. 12. Complete an application and meet with the cooperating teacher in their particular area.

Career and Technical Education Options

Each year the Sun Prairie Area School District offers career and technical education programs at Sun Prairie High Schools. For general information about these programs, contact:

Ms. Nancy Everson, School-to-Career Manager/Youth Apprenticeship Coordinator District Support Center 501 S. Bird St. Sun Prairie, WI 53590 (608) 834-6586

Inquiries concerning equal opportunities for students with disabilities should be directed to:

Ms. Katie Freeman, Student Services Coordinator Sun Prairie East High School 888 Grove Street Sun Prairie, WI 53590 (608) 834-6708 Ms. Kellie Miesbauer, Student Services Coordinator Sun Prairie West High School 2850 Ironwood Drive Sun Prairie, WI 53590 Phone (608) 478-5314

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