Sunrise oct 2012

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SUNRISE AUTUMN 2012 ÂŁ2.50 Where Sold

The Magazine of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, United Kingdom

RCCG UK Turns 24 far, so good


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SUNRISE Magazine ISSN NO: 2042-6542 EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief: MODUPE AFOLABI, Managing Editor: YINKA ODUWOLE, Editor: ANDREA ONDUKU Contributors: KEN OMEJE, HARUNA ISAH, IDORENYIN ENO, ADEYINKA OSHIN, BRYCE EDEM, JOHN SHOWEMIMO, BUKKY FATOKUN. Columnists: JOSEPH AMAEZE ONWUCHEKWA, DR. AKPO ONDUKU, KAREN ALLEN, OLANIKE ADEBAYO, ANDREA ONDUKU Photography (RCCG Events): KUSH Designed by: XANDY DAEHNHARDT Printed by: WWW.CHURCH-PRINT.CO.UK Published by: The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), United Kingdom. All communications to: Sunrise Magazine, RCCG Central Office, Redemption House, Station Road, Knebworth, SG3 6AT. Disclaimer: The publishers, editors, contributors and related parties are not responsible in any way for the actions or results taken any person, organisation or any party on basis of reading information, stories or contributions in this publication. Tel: + 44 (0) 208 171 1030 Email: Web:







he Bible in John 5:2-9 describes a man by the pool of Bethesda who had been ill for thirty eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he had been in that condition a long time, He said to him, ‘do you wish to get well’? The sick man answered Him, "sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up, but while I am coming, another steps down before me" Jesus said to him "get up, pick up your pallet and walk" immediately the man became well and picked up his pallet and began to walk. This man was lying down helpless, waiting for the angel to come. The angel had come 38 times and this man had got nothing out of it because somebody smarter and quicker had always robbed him of his success. However, one day unexpectedly, his jubilee came because Jesus walked to him, looked at him where he was on the ground and said "come up Higher" and immediately the man who had been lying down helpless, jumped up completely whole.

What if the man at the pool of Bethesda had said that he wanted to remain on the ground? Then he would have remained on the ground. Therefore, if you are going to come up higher, you must be willing to come up higher. You must obey the one who commands you to come up higher because the Word of God says in Isaiah 1:19 that if you are willing and obedient then you shall eat the good of the land.

God is asking us to ‘Come up Higher’, will you take the invitation just as the man at the pool of Bethesda did?

When God calls you to come up higher, you must have faith in the God who is calling you to come up higher because Heb. 11:6 says that without faith it is impossible to please God and Mark 9:23 says if you can only believe, all things are possible to him that believes. You must also make the necessary efforts to go higher. You must pray a determined prayer, until you ind yourself on top.

A further point to note is that the one who is going to ask you to come up higher, must be somewhere at least higher than you. According to Psalm 91:1 the one who is calling us to come higher is called the Most High. Ecclesiastes 5:8 calls him the One who is higher than the highest, so the One who is inviting us to come up higher surely is higher than all of us. Also the one who is inviting you to come up higher must have the ability to help you climb. In case you want to come higher but you cannot do so, he must have the ability to help you up and must have the power to deal with those forces trying to hold you down.The God who is calling you to come up higher, He is the one who said in Jeremiah 32:27 “Behold I am the God of all lesh, is anything too hard for me”? When we are asked to come up higher, it could be an invitation; like Jesus said ‘come ye to me all ye that laboured and are heavily laden. And I will give you rest’, or it could be a command just like God said ‘let there be light and there was light’.

Therefore, if you are going to come up higher, you must be willing to come up higher.

Beloved, life is in levels. There are all manners of levels, for example there is the level of the poor, the level of the comfortable, the level of the rich, the level of the wealthy, the level of the prosperous and the level of the lourishing. The rich people are those who save money, the wealthy are those who put money in a ixed deposit account. They can take one million pounds to the bank and ask them keep it for three years before coming back for it. Then there are those who are prosperous and there are those who are lourishing, who can lend to nations. It is not impossible for you to rise to the level of lourishing. In 2 Chronicle 1:15, Solomon was a man who treated silver like ordinary stones. When dealing with health there are also levels, there is the level of the sick, the level of those who have



been healed, the level of those who are healthy and the level of those who if they touch you at all you will be healed; they have the healing touch.They are not just healthy; they carry the healing virtue. So even if you are not sick and you are healthy, you can go higher, you can get to that level, where whoever you shake hands with will receive healing. Next there is the level of the healing handkerchiefs where a touch by hand is not necessary. Acts 19:11-12 tells us that from the body of Paul, handkerchiefs and aprons were taken to the sick and they were healed and the devil departed from them, that is a different level and you can move to that level. The next level is the healing voice. Here, you just speak the word and healing takes place. You can still move higher again, you can move from the healing voice to the healing shadow Acts 5:14-16 tells us that the shadow of Peter was healing the sick. Decide the level that you want and pursue it. The man at the pool of Bethesda was considered to be so low and so unimportant the writers didn't mention his name. Among the Jews if you are important and if you come from a good home, they will mention your name and the name of your father. They mentioned the name of Bartimeaus the son of Timeaus even though he was a beggar yet they didn’t mention this man’s name. Yet the great Promoter stood beside him and said come up higher. God also picked Abraham who was completely unknown until God intervened and told him to ‘Come up higher’. In Genesis 12 v 1:3, God just said to Abraham who was the son of an idol worshipper and unknown and said to him "now I have decided to have mercy on you, I will bless you, I will make you great, I will turn you to a blessing, I will bless those who bless you, I will curse those who curse you and through you shall all the nation of the earth be bless”. There are also levels of greatness, Abraham was great, his son was very great and his grandson was exceedingly great. You may be great already, God is saying come up higher, let's make you very great, you may be very great already, God is saying come



The God who is calling you to come up higher, He is the one who said in Jeremiah 32:27 “Behold I am the God of all flesh, is anything too hard for me”?

up higher, let's make you exceedingly great. You can also move from failure to success, from success to great success and from great success to frightening success. It is possible for God to make you so successful that you will become so afraid. In Luke 5:1-11, Peter ished all night but caught nothing, Jesus stepped into his boat, told him where to throw the net, he did, caught so much ish, two boats began to sink and he became afraid. There are also different level of victories; we have victory, great victory, victory without a ight, and victory that will frighten the victor. The Bible says the just shall live by faith, do you believe it? You will have it. It's just a matter of faith. The invitation to ‘come up higher’ has been extended to you. Will you accept it? Pastor E. A. Adeboye (General Overseer, The Redeemed Christian Church of God)


Season of jubilee W

elcome to another edition of Sunrise Magazine. It is always a joy for us as the editorial team to produce this magazine and we believe that once again this edition is rich in content that will bless and encourage you the reader. What a great season we are in! This year we have celebrated the Queen’s Jubilee and it is also Jubilee for The Redeemed Christian Church of God as we celebrate our 60th Anniversary as a church. The notion of Jubilee is from God (Lev 25:10-13): "This fiftieth year is sacred - it is a time of freedom and of celebration when everyone will receive back their original property, and slaves will return home to their families. This is a year of complete celebration, so don't plant any seed or harvest what your fields or vineyards produce. In this time of sacred celebration you may eat only what grows on its own. During this year, all property must go back to its original owner". CEV. From an examination of the Jewish Jubilee as contained in the preceding scripture, it is clear that Jubilee is God's idea. There is however, a sense in which the idea of Jubilee transcends the historic Jewish Year of Celebration and assumes relevance for Christians in this contemporary era. How exciting it was to, therefore, hear our father in the Lord, the General Overseer declare a season of Jubilee for the RCCG at the 60th annual convention of the Church held in Nigeria in August. On reflection, a season of Jubilee can be marked by the following. First, it is a time of total submission to God's Will and Sovereignty as evidenced by the divine declaration that it was to be a sacred year. In other words, a time of Jubilee is a reminder for you and I to surrender completely to divine direction for our lives. Second, a Jubilee year is characterised by the Declaration and granting of freedom to the captives or those in any form of bondage. As such, this is the season of forgiveness. It is a time to let go of past hurts and offences, even as we make a conscious effort to be reconciled to those with whom we may have broken or strained relationships. Third, Jubilee is also a period of restoration. When God commands Israel to ensure that everyone receive back their original property which they might have lost through indebtedness and that those in slavery or bondage should be allowed to return home to their families, He was signalling that at the heart of the Jubilee season is recovery of all losses. So it does



not really matter what you have lost or the extent of those losses, you will recover all. Fourth, Jubilee is significant because it is a time of sacred celebration. Halleluyah! Another name for Jubilee, as you might have guessed already, is 'Celebration'. To not celebrate God and His goodness this season will be an act of disobedience. Whatever you do in this period, let your thanksgiving rise up to the heavens in the knowledge that you serve a faithful God who is able to make all things work together for good for those who love Him and are walking in His purpose. Fifth, Jubilee is a time for restitution. All property must go back to its original owner. What do you need to restore? Are you still putting off that pending restitution that needs to be made? Now is the time to make things right with God and others. Sixth, it is a period demanding complete honesty, as God commands fairness in the determination of even that which needs to be restored. In this regard, self-examination is paramount. Finally, Jubilee is a time of divine provision, a season to cease from our labours and to trust the Lord for supernatural increase. As we recall our history on this 60th anniversary, we are grateful to God for the growth which has resulted in thousands of RCCG parishes being planted all over the world including Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia and the Americas. This issue of Sunrise again coincides with Festival of Life, one of Europe’s largest Christian gatherings and the theme is A Second Touch. It is our prayer that all participants will receive a Second Touch that will impact their lives, families and ministries. The feature article aims to define and explain this so that we can have a deeper understanding. There are many other interesting, informative and encouraging articles and features throughout the magazine that will inspire us to attain greater heights. A running theme throughout this issue is that God can and does use ordinary people like you and me to achieve His purposes if we allow Him to work through us. We hope you also enjoy our other features in categories such as our recipe section, advice column and our photograph section of various RCCG events since the last edition. God Bless you and happy reading! Modupe Afolabi Editor-in-Chief


Q: How does an Elephant get out of a tree? A: Sits on a leaf and waits till Autumn! hope that this little joke made you laugh! It is that time again, already summer has gone and autumn has arrived. My 5 year old son was excited to see the leaves falling off the trees, because he knows that after autumn comes winter and winter means snowmen and Christmas! Isn’t it funny how a child always wants life to move faster so they can get to the next exciting adventure while adults want life to slow down! Really life moves fast and that is why as Ecclesiastes 5:16says we must make the best use of our time. In a world that is so fast-paced we must take time out to re lect on our progress and decisions before we go ‘racing’ down the wrong path. I hope that as you take time to re lect, the articles in this edition of Sunrise will be informative, inspiring, challenging and encouraging. It has been a year of celebration with


the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, 65 medals for Team GB in the Olympics hosted in London, Andy Murray winning his irst major tournament at last, the 70th birthday of Pastor E.A. Adeboye and The Redeemed Christian Church of God celebrated her 60th anniversary. It is a great privilege for me to be part of a church that has been alive for 60 years and is going from strength to strength, expanding, growing and developing new initiatives every year. Happy Anniversary RCCG! What a special year it has been – Jubilee for the Queen and Jubilee for RCCG! Jubilee is described in great detail in Leviticus 25. Jubilee signi ies freedom, relocation and restoration. The year of Jubilee was the year that captives were set free and slaves were returned to their families. It was a year of harvest and

restoration where debts were cancelled and the poor were to be provided for. We however, do not have to wait to receive these blessings. Jesus came to bring restoration and freedom to the world and therefore you can celebrate because jubilee has come to your house. You are free to live the life that God has destined for you to live. Many of the articles in this edition describe those who are living life to the full, not allowing themselves to be restrained by the enemy or circumstances of life. There are also some articles that give us encouragement and tips on how to live a life of freedom so that we are moving forward and not backwards. As you read, it is my prayer that the seeds in your life sown by the materials in this magazine will blossom, lourish and produce a great harvest in Jesus Name. Andrea Onduku (Editor)






In everyday language we use the term ‘touch’ in both a physical and emotional sense, so for instance a person may either touch an object or another person and be touched by a kind gesture or a sad event. In the spiritual sense however the touch originates from a non-physical realm which we Christians refer to as the spiritual realm. To anyone not acquainted with this realm such a touch may appear intangible but for us Christians the spiritual realm which can only be perceived through our spirits is more real to us than the earthly realm which we perceive through our ive senses. 10



hen we think about two people touching each other we usually envisage an initiator and a recipient i.e. one person doing the touching – the initiator and another person receiving the touch - the recipient. Of course it is entirely possible for two people to touch each other simultaneously but in the spiritual sense God is usually the one reaching down to touch us in response to our cry for His touch. WHY DOES GOD TOUCH? When He touches us it is because he wants to impart or transfer something to us. Conversely when, through prayer, we ask for His touch we are usually asking for His divine intervention or for some form of blessing in an area of our lives. The story of Hannah is relevant here because Hannah wanted a child but God needed a priest and prophet to replace Eli. When Hannah’s desire met God’s desire she conceived and gave birth to a child – Samuel- who became God’s priest and prophet. Therefore when He touches us, it is partly because He wants to bless us but mainly because He desires His will to be carried out in the earth and is looking for someone to ful ill it. From this it is clear that His blessings are usually a by-product of His touch.

WHY DO WE NEED HIS TOUCH? If a person believes they can make it in life without a touch from God, they are used to getting ahead by relying

on their own abilities and resources to tackle the issues of life. When a person is af licted with an illness like terminal cancer, self-reliance or reliance on human and material resources is futile. Those who recognise human limitations seek supernatural intervention and some choose to consult the powers of darkness for help which always carries grave consequences. There is only one touch that guarantees resolution of every situation or circumstance it comes in contact with and that is God’s touch. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF HIS TOUCH? The bene its are many. One touch from God is enough to change a person’s life overnight. Are we trusting God to prosper us inancially? We are told about a certain man named Obed-Edom in whose house the ark of the covenant resided for only three months and in that short time his affairs prospered. The Bible records the accounts of Job and Solomon who were the richest men in their eras because they both received a touch from God. Do you desire in luence? Read about a man named Joseph who became the second most in luential man in the world at a time of global famine because he received a touch from God. Are you nursing faith for a child but are worried that you are past the age of childbearing? Then I suggest you read about Sarah who was almost ninety years old when she gave birth to Isaac. Have you been carrying a longterm illness? Then read the account in the Gospels about the woman with the issue of blood who was healed because she received a touch from God. These are just a few of many examples littered across the bible of the transformation that follows God’s touch. HOW CAN WE RECEIVE HIS TOUCH? We receive His touch by attracting His presence. Without His presence there can be no touch. There has to be a desire in our hearts for His presence coupled with an understanding of why it is needed. Moses understood this, which is why he told God (Exodus 33: 15) that he was not prepared to lead the children to the promised land without His presence. Moses earnestly desired God’s presence and for his reward received a touch from Him that transformed His life. However we need to know that at the foundations of God’s touch, are His holiness, His righteousness and His love. It is important to note however that whilst He loves us He hates our sin because He is a holy and righteous God and as long as we are living in sin and are unrepentant of that sin we are unlikely to ever receive His touch. We should remember that faith is no substitute for

obedience. When we believe in and receive Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Saviour we immediately receive forgiveness of our sins and gain access to eternal life (life beyond the grave). We start becoming sensitive to Him (God) and desiring to do His will. In turn He graces us with His presence and imparts blessings into our lives that cannot be quanti ied. When we cry out to Him for a touch He hears us and answers us but we can only maintain the fruit of His touch through our continued obedience to His will. If we however choose to continue living in sin or fall back on our old ways after a while we experience dif iculty receiving answers to our requests. Instead we receive from him another type of touch – His correction! Like any loving father, God will discipline us to correct us and His methods are often painful. In this instance we are still receiving a touch from Him but not of the palatable variety. WHY DO WE NEED A SECOND TOUCH? A irst touch establishes God’s purposes but a second touch establishes you in the fullness of God’s purpose. A second touch is personal; a second touch is deliberate. It does not come to repeat or duplicate what has already been established but comes to enhance or elevate it. A second touch is a speci ic touch and always gives birth to something the individual could not have conceived or given birth to by the irst touch. Many people experience a irst touch but very few experience the second. Many are called = irst touch but few are chosen = second touch. Many of us are content with the irst touch and do not seek the second because we are not diligent in the things of God. A classic example is the story of the ten lepers whom Jesus healed (Luke 17: 16-18) but only one returned to give thanks and worship Him. The one who sought more than just his healing was the one the bible records received a second touch from the Lord i.e. he was made “whole”. For instance, a irst touch may establish a person’s ministry, promote them materially, give them a career, provide them with a supportive family, heal them of an illness but if they choose to relax at this stage they will never enter the depth of God’s purposes for their lives. Only those who receive a second touch discover and walk in the fullness of God’s purposes for their lives. There is so much more of God that we have not experienced and we can therefore not afford to be complacent in our pursuit of Him. The bible tells us to seek and we shall ind. Only seekers receive a second touch.



WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF A SECOND TOUCH? The bible is littered with men and women who received a second touch from God and went on to carry out phenomenal exploits for Him. However I want to focus on one man who received a second touch from God and what it did in his life. Elijah had seen the greatness of God, however when Queen Jezebel threatened to kill him, Elijah led into the wilderness fearing for his life (1 Kings 18 & 19). Exhausted and discouraged he collapsed under a tree and prayed for God to take his life. Whilst he was sleeping an angel touched him and woke him up from sleep and told him to get up and eat. When he woke up he saw some freshly baked bread and a jar of water. We are told that Elijah ate and then went back to sleep. How many of us go to sleep (become complacent and content) after receiving a touch from God? Many of us we would be content to receive that irst touch from God and go back to sleep. As you recall, Elijah was sleeping before the angel woke him up but after eating rather than rising up to continue his journey or heading back home he went back to sleep. This would seem to indicate that even though his more immediate need for food and drink after a long journey had been met by God the fundamental issue concerning his fear and discouragement still abided. It is clear that whilst he remained afraid and discouraged He would never be able to step into God’s next level of anointing. We are told however that the angel of the Lord returned and touched Elijah a second time and told him to get up and eat some more to enable him complete the journey ahead of him. Elijah got up and ate and drank some more and we are told that on the strength he acquired from the food he was able to travel a journey of forty days and forty nights to Mount Sinai, the mountain of God, where he located and spent the night in a cave. Notice that prior to his encounter with the angel Elijah had no particular destination and that he only paused under the tree to cry out for God to kill him. The only destination he had in mind at that point in time was his grave. How many of us experience suicidal thoughts under pressure and have stopped seeking God’s will? Cry out to God for a second touch! After the irst touch Elijah’s immediate need for food and drink was met and he went back to sleep but God’s desire was for Elijah to continue to seek Him and to meet with Him at Mount Sinai. To enable Elijah accomplish that task, God touched him again and this time Elijah ate with purpose not because he was



hungry but to build his strength so that he was energised enough to continue the pursuit of God. A second touch from God will restore your appetite for the things of God, energise you to continue the pursuit of God, refocus your mind and priorities, deliver you from suicidal ideation, help you to overcome fear and anxiety, reveal a new destination and give you the courage, patience and stamina to navigate your way out of the wilderness as well as the ability to ascend spiritually to the place where you can encounter God again. Without the second touch Elijah may have died in the wilderness. At Mount Sinai, we are informed that Elijah met with God where he received fresh revelation and fresh instructions from God regarding succession. As a result of that encounter Elijah received a fresh anointing that enabled him to continue his ministry, anoint Elisha as his successor in title and fearlessly confront King Ahab to deliver God’s judgment. At the end of his ministry, Elijah did not taste death but was taken up to heaven in glory. The man who was at the point of quitting in the wilderness at the tree of futility and despair regained his momentum and stamina to carry on thanks to a second touch. HOW CAN WE RECEIVE A SECOND TOUCH? Very simply, only those who diligently seek God receive a second touch. The bible makes clear that God is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11). The bible assures us that if we search for him wholeheartedly we will ind him (Jeremiah 29:13). The second touch doesn’t come to those Christians who have stopped seeking His will in their lives. We are instructed to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and not to lean on our own understanding and that if we acknowledge Him in all our decisions He will direct our paths (Proverbs 3). The irst touch will get us saved but the second will keep us saved. The second touch is therefore the sole preserve of an exclusive bunch of Christians who are outward looking and not inward, people who have died to their own desires and are passionately pursuing His. The good news is that the door is not closed and any Christian can receive a second touch simply by putting Him irst in their lives. Simon Peter received a second touch from Jesus after he denied Him and he went on to become one of the most in luential Apostles in the New Testament. May we discover the faith and zeal to pursue Him so that we can receive that vital second touch. Amen.

CBHS 2012 LONDON - 17th November 2012

The Redeemed Christian Church of God: Our History he Redeemed Christian Church of the Lord Jesus Christ will appear in glory God (RCCG) was founded in 1952 in at the end of the age, He would meet the Nigeria, following a divine RCCG. Without doubt, these were revelation received by a young man extraordinary prophecies to a man with whose heart had been set ablaze with an no formal education or great means. Yet, unquenchable desire to personally he did not doubt the promises of the Lord encounter the Supreme Being, in spite of but set out in faith to do His will. a prevailing environment of nature The RCCG was, therefore, set up on the worship. Seeking a fervent relationship basis of this covenant between God and man: as long as the members of the RCCG with the God he still knew little about at remain obedient to God’s Word, the Lord the time, Reverend Josiah Olufemi has promised to always miraculously Akindayomi was fired by the intuition Rev. Josiah Olufemi Akindayomi, Founder, meet the needs of the Church. that there was a greater power than those Redeemed Christian Church of God commonly known to his people. This pursuit of God led him to the Church Missionary Society Rev Akindayomi remained faithful to this heavenly vision where he was baptised in 1927. Yet, remaining largely until he went to be with the Lord in 1981. Prior to this, spiritually unfulfilled, he later joined the Cherubim and sometime in the early 1970s, he had received a message Seraphim Church, an indigenous African Church that from the Lord about his spiritual successor, a young educated man who at the time was not a member of the emerged from the Anglican (Episcopal) Church in Nigeria. Church. Hence, when Dr Enoch Adejare Adeboye, a young Reverend Akindayomi’s call as a servant of God began whilst university lecturer in Mathematics became a member of the still a member of the Cherubim and Seraphim Church, a Church in 1973, Rev Akindayomi spiritually discerned that prompting he ignored for several years, until repeated this was the person the Lord had spoken about. Dr Adeboye business failures brought him to the point of repentance. soon became involved in the activities of the Church and This season became the turning-point for him in his began to serve as an interpreter for Rev Akindayomi, relationship with God. Humbled, he made the decision to translating his live sermons from Yoruba to English. The totally yield to God and His purposes, seeking divine young man was ordained a pastor of the church in 1975. confirmation of a call to ministry. The confirmation he sought eventually came through the Holy Scriptures. By As revealed by the Lord, Pastor E.A. Adeboye became the 1947, he had also become increasingly concerned about General Overseer of the RCCG in 1981. Under his leadership, some of the doctrinal beliefs of the Cherubim and Seraphim the RCCG has begun to experience the phenomenal growth Church to which he belonged and became totally persuaded promised by the Lord to his predecessor. A man devoted to fervent prayer and known for his unwavering emphasis on to leave in 1952. holy living as the foundation of a fruitful and enduring The House Fellowship he later set up in Lagos, Nigeria soon relationship with God, Pastor Adeboye is being used by God became the hub of spiritual conversions and remarkable to bring the message of the gospel to nations around the miracles, causing the group’s membership to grow rapidly. world. In spite of the miraculous move of God in his ministry, During this period, Rev Akindayomi who couldn’t read or however, Pastor Adeboye’s humble disposition is widely write English not having had a formal education, received a acknowledged, thus making him a role model for many the vision in which the words “The Redeemed Christian Church world over. In December 2008, Newsweek, the international of God” were written, being the name of the Church that the newsmagazine, named him one of the 50 most influential Lord would establish through him. By supernatural persons on the planet. enablement, Rev Akindayomi was able to write these words spelling out the name of the Church. In the course of that The RCCG is currently active across continents with spiritual encounter, God also revealed to him that the thousands of parishes, of which over 670 are in the United Church would spread to the ends of the earth and that when Kingdom.






he admonition from the Apostle Paul contained in Galatians 6:7 is a piece of scripture that anyone who has been a Christian for a while would almost certainly be aware of: “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows”. So apt and so true in the spiritual realm just as in the physical dimension. Those who devote much time to theological thought have an attention-grabbing label for it: the Law of Harvest. And the reasoning behind this spiritual law is quite simple: the universe is governed by immutable laws and scientific laws for example are empirical statements describing observable patterns in nature. Similar to the physical universe, therefore, are laws governing the spiritual universe, one of which is the Law of Harvest. Simply put, the law of harvest can be stated as follows: a person will reap whatever they have sowed. It is a spiritual law governing all that happens in the universe and will not normally change (Ecclesiastes 3:14; Gen 8:22). The Scriptures shed more light on the law of harvest. Galatians 6:8-10 explains that if a person sows to “the flesh”, they will reap “corruption”; likewise, if someone sows “to the Spirit”, they will definitely reap eternal life. In other words, sowing to the flesh leads to eternal separation from God, while sowing to the Spirit leads to eternal life in God’s bosom. As the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) celebrates its Diamond Jubilee this year, there is a sense in which the reality of the Law of Harvest in the fortunes of the church which is now present in over 160 countries comes to the fore. Without doubt, what we are witnessing today as the continuing success and expansion of the RCCG worldwide is a direct consequence of the truth that one man’s obedience to the call of God can positively influence the destiny of generations to come. When God called Reverend Josiah Akindayomi to begin the House Fellowship that later metamorphosed into the RCCG in 1952 by the grace of God, it is difficult to imagine that he could have envisaged that the church will operate internationally

as it does today. Yet, all Reverend Akindayomi could have held on to were the promises that God gave to him that if he and those that would join the RCCG would remain faithful to Him, the church will not only end up operating globally but will also be standing when our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ returns to earth. Our celebrations in this 60th year of the RCCG can be said to be the fruit of the seed of obedience of one man and the faithfulness of God to His promises. To God be the glory! In the United Kingdom (UK), the RCCG also started as a seed in a very real sense. In the beginning, there was no large congregation to usher in the church into the UK, no church building, no fanfare, no church-launch project. All that was visible was a seed, with just four persons including the General Overseer Pastor E.A. Adeboye meeting in a living room in London for the first service of the church in the country. The year was 1988. Pastor Janet Adedipe who was a student at the time recalls that moment with nostalgia. “There were just 4 of us and I was a student. I thank God for the grace of God upon the General Overseer and the vision that he had because the beginning was so small. Yet, miraculously, within one week of that first church meeting in somebody’s living room, we found a place for public worship and the rest is now history”, Pastor Adedipe told Sunrise previously. Today, her joy and gratitude to God for what is happening in the RCCG in the UK continues to increase, as she serves selflessly as a trustee of the church. Also present at that initial church meeting was Mr Toyin Alade who shared his recollections of those seedling moments with Sunrise: “We met with the G.O. (General Overseer) in a living room down the road from here (Finchley Central in London): myself and 3 other people. He told us about the vision he had to bring the church to the UK, that he would very much like us to start the church in the UK and so, it was from there (that) we met in the sitting room on that fateful day”. Alade continues: “It is something that is beyond human reasoning. When we started in the living room, we never saw beyond our noses then.



We did not know that this thing would become so big that it would be something we would come and celebrate today. God has done awesome and mighty things in our midst“. At the 2012 Annual General Meeting of the RCCG which took place at Jesus House for All the Nations, London in October, the General Overseer Pastor E.A. Adeboye also reminisced about the small beginnings of the mission in the UK, underlining the role which the grace of God has played in the continued growth of the church in the country. “Who would have ever believed that this church started with four people One a student; One an immigrant; One, I don’t know what his status was then; and myself - just a visitor. Who would ever believe that in less than 30 years, ministers alone would occupy a place like this (the 2,000-seat Auditorium at Jesus House, London)? Who would ever believe that these people who had no money ..., (some of them) students who don’t even know where they would get their school fees will begin to buy churches? Who would ever believe that?“

The General Overseer added: “I remember very well like yesterday, when the church we were using was becoming a bit uncomfortable for us because they were going to move the Pastor from St. Marylebone Anglican Church and were bringing in somebody else who wasn’t too friendly, I said ‘What do we do‘? I suggested to the few of us who were there, ‘Why don’t we buy a house?’; and we saw a house somewhere, I think on Finchley Road. ‘Why don’t we buy the house and knock off the walls in between, just do like we do in Nigeria?’. Who would ever believe that one day, we would have a building like this (Jesus House, London), that this (the main auditorium) would just be a part of the facilities available? Who would ever believe? When we were meeting in Angel (London) and the house was so cold, we asked for permission to wire the place (for heating) but they refused, and we had to arrange for mobile heaters. Who would ever believe that we would sit down in an auditorium and we would be sweating because the heater is a bit high? Was all this done by our wisdom? was it done by our ability? Who would ever believe that we would get to a situation where the

Pastor E.A. Adeboye, Pastor (Mrs) Folu Adeboye and Pastor (Mrs) Janet Adedipe



government officials would be talking to us when they want to take important decisions?� Indeed, all the glory belongs to God for what He is doing with the RCCG worldwide and in the UK. Without doubt, the RCCG is a Covenant Church, a church covenanted to God as a result of His mercies and enduring faithfulness. As the RCCG and its friends across the world rejoice with us about what God is doing in our midst, it is evident that the seed which was sown by obedience 60 years ago in Nigeria and 36 years later in the UK has grown and is still growing. The harvest is obvious, with no fewer than 650 RCCG parishes successfully planted in Britain. At the 2012 AGM in London, Chairman of the RCCG UK Board of Trustees and Head of the Executive Council, Pastor Agu Irukwu provided a snapshot of the progress that has been recorded within the past one year, a story of divine favour, passionate commitment to the assignment the Lord has given to the church and a testimony of what the abundant grace of God can accomplish. Halleluyah!

Pastor Agu Irukwu, Chairman, Board of Trustees, RCCG UK and Head of Executive Council

RCCG UK Central Office: The Central Office continues to serve as an effective resource hub for the whole mission in the UK, equipping our Pastors and churches for success in ministry.





FAITH Anatomy as a ield of study means to analyse bodily structure usually by dissection. To adequately understand the bodily structure of faith, it may be necessary to dissect it in order to analyse what exactly it is.


aith is a irm belief in something for which there is no proof. Faith in a Christian context is an unwavering con idence in the character of God, in spite of people, places and predicaments. There is a wide spectrum of opinion with respect to the epistemological validity of faith. The Bible in Romans 12:3 says “no man should think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.” Therefore faith is a central commodity in religion. It is also often argued that religious faith is irrational and sees faith as ignorance of reality: a strong belief in something with no evidence and sometimes a strong belief in something even with evidence against it. In contrast, some advocates of faith argue that the proper domain of faith concerns questions which cannot be settled by evidence. The great Martin Luther King Jr. said faith is taking the irst step even when you don’t see the whole staircase. Corrie Ten Boom said that “never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.” To many Christians the anatomy of faith remains a mystery. The classical de inition of faith biblically is drawn from Hebrews 11:1 that “now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” The Message translation of the Bible even takes it further that “the fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the irm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It’s our handle on what we can’t see. The act of faith is what distinguished our ancestors, set them above the crowd” (Hebrews 11:1-2). Therefore, faith is the epicentre that holds the entire construct of



Christianity together. In the absence of faith the Christian life could be considered as completely non-functional. Therefore, to a considerable extent,if faith is understood, grasped, and realized, everything begins to it back into place and the Christian life once again has power. In the life of a believer, how do we measure or critically analyse the existence or reality of faith? What are the proofs of authentic faith and how does one know that he/she has got faith? Understanding the nature of faith is very crucial in our Christian walk. In Hebrews 11:6, we see that without this quality called faith, we will never be able to please the Lord.Faith isn’t just a biblical term to study but it’s a dynamic principle of living. The Bible tells us that we are to "live by faith." In verses like Mark 11:22 and Habakkuk 2:4, we are reminded that faith is to be the daily lifestyle of the believer. When we read Romans 14:23, we learn that anything that isn’t a product of faith is a sin. We know that we are saved by faith, Ephesians 2:8-9, but just how do we go about living everyday of our lives by faith? Firstly, faith just takes God at His Word and serves Him. John writes in 1 John 5:14-15 that, “And this is the con idence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.” The existence of the Godkind of faith in the human heart is the evidence that what we have prayed for exists. Faith is not based on human feeling but rather it is based squarely on the fact of what God says. Jesus admonished in John 14:14 that if you shall

ask anything in in His name, He will do it. J.M. Barrie said “the reason birds can ly and we can't is simply because they have perfect faith, for to have faith is to have wings.” Secondly, the acid test of faith is that it must deliver results or it is fake. The Bible in 2 Cor. 13:5 admonishes us to examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith;….” In 2 Cor. 5:7, the Bible says, “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” Faith is the basis of our walk with God. This faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Rom. 10:17). Thirdly, it is encouraged that we can grow in faith. Romans 1:17 says “for therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, the just shall live by faith.” We must demonstrate total con idence in the Son of God, looking to Him for strength, and trusting in His promises, and in His grace. How do we test the authenticity/reality of faith? Absolute dependence or reliance on the Word of God: Learn to rely on God’s Word. The psalmist says in Psalm 119:89 that “forever O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.” Matt. 24:35 takes it further by stating that “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” 1 Peter 1:25 says “but the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.” Patience: This refers to a calm endurance of pain or any provocation. It involves being quiet and self-possessed waiting for something. This is a companion of authentic faith. In Isaiah 28:16, the Bible states that “… he that believeth shall not make haste.” Anxiety is not patience. Philippians 4:6 admonishes us not to be anxious. Dedication – Authentic faith empowers the believer to be rooted and grounded in God. In Job 2:9-10, Jobs wife said, curse God and die, but Job sinneth not with his lips. Job said “though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him” (Job 13:15). Authentic faith is proved by undying dedication to God. Another example is the story of the three Hebrew boys in Daniel 3 (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego). They responded to king Nebuchadnezzar saying that even if God does not deliver them, they will not bow to the gods of the land. Know that it is not only what He does that makes Him God. It is also what He does not do that makes Him God. Faith illed people are not driven by things but by God. Dedication means being the same under every circumstance. It is unwavering faith. Therefore, authentic faith is unreserved dedication. What God does or does not do does not affect you. True dedication is a proof of authentic faith. Faith illed people are always high up, because their root is in God: In Psalm 112:6, the psalmist says - the righteous shall be established forever, He shall not be moved. Corresponding Action: Let’s be reminded that faith without works is dead (James 2:17). Whatever you claim to believe is proved by what you do. In 1 Sam. 2:3, the Bible says your actions validate your faith. In Genesis 17:1-10 God instructed that “every man child among you shall be circumcised.” In vs. 23 Abraham obeyed. Abraham’s

actions were the proofs that he believed. In Gen 22: 1- 18 Abraham was ready to offer Isaac as a sacri ice. Following the obedience of Abraham, God said, in blessing I will bless thee. Until your actions line up with what you claim to believe, it is fake. In Hebrews 11: 7 “by faith Noah, moved with fear”. That is action. God weighs your actions to determine manifestations in your life. If your corresponding action is not moving you, then it is not faith. Peace is a product of believing. Rom 15:13 says “The God of hope ill you with all joy and peace in believing .…”Hebrews 4:9-11 summarily says in peace anxiety ends. Peace is one of the proofs of faith; a peace that passes all understanding.Ralph Waldo Emerson said “all I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.” Positive Confessions: Faith is a speaking force. Romans 10:10 says “for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” Your confession either validates or betrays what you call faith. If your faith cannot be traced in your words it is fake. Faith is validated by joy. Faith infuses you with joy unspeakable (Is.51:11). The Bible says in 1 Peter 1:8 that “whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:” Faith rejoices in the reality of the unseen. While Abraham was busy counting the stars and celebrating, his wife Sarah was laughing. We can’t but just appreciate the faithfulness of God. In Acts 8:6-8, “Philip preached Christ, and there was great joy in the city.” Faith is always a stimulant of joy unspeakable, full of glory. If there is no joy, then there is no faith. Faith is an antidote of depression. Authentic faith celebrates God.Thanksgiving and praise is a proof of authentic faith. Psalm 89:1-5 “… with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations….” Authentic faith celebrates God in the face of failure. Philippians 4:6 helps us to appreciate the fact that thanksgiving is a force that accompanies faith to deliver Authentic faith does not question God. Those who question God can’t claim to believe Him. The faith that triumphs is the one that graduates into trust. Romans 4:2021 says that Abraham that, “He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in God; And being fully persuaded … he was able also to perform.” Lastly, faith leads to unity. "And all that believed were together, and had all things common" (Acts 2:44), faith leads to proclaiming the gospel. Paul said: "But having the same spirit of faith, according to that which is written, I believed, and therefore did I speak; we also believe, and therefore also we speak" (2 Corinthians 4:13) and faith leads to persecution. Paul wrote: "For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake;" (Philippians 1:29). Unless our faith leads to unity, proclamation and persecution, we do not have the right kind of faith. Dr.Akpo Onduku (Pastor, RCCG Chapel of Grace, Bradford)




Olympic Torch Bearer

Tunde Ajisola Lit in Greece, the Olympic Flame arrived in the UK on 18 May 2012 before setting out the next day on a 70-day Olympic Torch Relay, bringing the excitement of the Games to everyone. The Olympic Flame stands for peace, unity and friendship. It was carried by 8,000 truly inspirational Torchbearers, nominated by their communities and chosen by London 2012. It enabled local communities to shine a light on the best their area has to offer.


unde Ajisola was one of those nominated and chosen to carry the Olympic Torch on its way from Luton to Dunstable on 8th July. Tunde who attends The Redeemed Christian church of God Victory centre in Luton, and lives in Leagrave, came to the UK to study for his MSc at the University of Bedfordshire. He was one of two Luton students elected to the Student Representative Council. Tunde was determined to give something back to the community and became a volunteer with a group known as Green House Mentoring in Stopsley. The organisation, which is connected to Stopsley Baptist Church, mentors young people, helping them to ful il their potential. Many of these youngsters have been excluded from school or are facing other signi icant challenges. He has been doing this for ive years. He also volunteered with Bedfordshire Police while



studying for his Master’s Degree serving in the retail crime unit based at the Arndale shopping Mall in Luton Town Centre-saving police time by illing forms and taking inger prints. He is currently a football Referee for Spartan South Midlands and helps to organise the Redeemed FC U12s. In addition, Tunde through his IT post at Acer UK, was employed as a consultant with London 2012 Olympic Service Operations as part of the technology team at Canary Wharf. It was his outstanding voluntary work that led Tunde to be nominated and chosen to be an Olympic Torch Bearer. He described it as an experience of a life time, an honour and the ‘icing on the cake’ . Tunde Ajisola still has the torch he carried and is happy to encourage young people in various youth groups with his story. You can contact him via

Operation Christmas Child Operation Christmas Child is the world’s largest children’s Christmas project – sending gift- illed shoeboxes to children in need around the world since 1990.


hurches up and down the country have discovered that there is power in a simple gift – both for the adults and children in the UK giving and the child overseas receiving. What’s more, churches have realised that shoeboxes are a fantastic mission opportunity – both overseas and at home. Overseas, children receiving shoeboxes not only encounter God’s love through the gift they receive – they also have the chance to hear the Gospel presented to them and are invited to a follow-up programme run by the local church, where they can ind out more about Jesus and have the chance to accept Him into their lives. At home, shoeboxes are a great way to draw people in – through a special Shoebox Service, through packing parties for children or by becoming a Drop Off Point for local people to take their shoeboxes to. There are countless opportunities for churches to connect with those who don’t yet know Jesus. Getting involved Operation Christmas Child takes place between October and December, with the deadline for receiving shoeboxes November 18th. Getting involved as a local church is as easy as 1-2-3:

1. Visit the website ( to order or download FREE resources, including a little lea let for anyone wishing to pack a shoebox 2.

Decide whether you want to encourage families to do their own shoeboxes at home, or bring in their empty shoeboxes and gifts to church so they can be packed collectively

3. Operation Christmas Child will then contact your church to arrange for your shoeboxes to be collected on or around November 18th. “The whole church has really got behind this fantastic initiative. Knowing that as a church we are going to ill an entire shipping container with 8,000 shoeboxes for Liberian children ills us with great joy and we rejoice in the Lord at the impact this will have on the children who receive them!” - Pastor Sola Irukwu, the Head of CSR for Jesus House, Brent Cross, North West London If you would like to ind out more about how this project could help your on-going agenda of outreach to your community and development of your congregations then visit




Parenting Initiative at Living Faith Resource Centre he Living Faith Resource Centre which is a core project of RCCG Living Faith Assembly Horsham recently held a very successful parenting course which drew participants from all cultures in the Crawley and Horsham areas. The participants were taken through 10 modules (one module each week) in good parenting by a specialist parenting instructor from Parenting UK. The participants were given a certi icate upon completion and


the course was supported by Awards For All, a Lottery grants scheme funding small, local community-based projects in the UK.The resource centre started a second phase of training in September 2012. Theparenting courses offered by the Living Faith Resource Centre are in line with the RCCG UK Parenting Initiative pioneered by Pastor Agu Irukwu. As such, RCCG UK has been working with Care for The Family and The National Parenting Initiative. Churches have been encouraged to hold parenting classes for their members and local communities.



For more details about the parenting classes at The Living Faith Resource Centre visit




Schools, Churches and Communities Together Pop UK is a dynamic organisation that works with primary schools throughout the UK providing a fresh and exciting way to help schools' meet their community integration targets and enabling them to engage the entire school in social, moral, spiritual and cultural learning through music. Sunrise caught up with founder Andy Silver to ind out more. Can you tell us about Pop UK? Pop UK is a ive day project. It takes three days to teach the children seven culturally relevant pop songs, all based on life af irming values. On the fourth day a mobile recording studio is brought into the school and the children are recorded. The following week a concert is planned at a local church. The reason the concert is the following week is that it gives time for the CDs to be manufactured and produced. The concert forms a long-term working relationship between school and church. At the concert the church is given a slot to pro ile all it is doing to serve the community. The unique school CD is sold at the concert and the evening is a wonderful celebration of the achievements of the children. The whole process creates a partnership between school, church and the wider community. How long has Pop UK been running for? I founded Pop Connection in 2005, since then the project has been used throughout the UK bringing together schools, churches and communities. As a result of its expansion the project is now called Pop UK. What does the project achieve? Within the school, the project aims topromote children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and understanding. It also aims to promote cross-curricula interaction and creativity across the Performing Arts, PHSE, Citizenship and Religious Education and inspires children and teachers to explore possible uses for music and the performing arts in learning. The project also aims to: • Develop relationships between schools, churches and community groups.. • To bring together schools with different pupil pro iles, social and ethnic backgrounds to learn from and support each other • To promote intergenerational relations - encouraging older people from the church to invest in the life of the



school • To raise the pro ile of the school within the community demonstrating its ethos and core values and building mutual respect • To interact more meaningfully with the local church. • Promote community integration by identifying and celebrating the shared common values within our communities, particularly emphasizing the importance of unity and diversity. • Promote personal and social responsibility towards one another. • Enable tangible community investment into schools from a variety of community/ faith groups and the development of long-term relationships between them. In what ways does Pop UK strengthen relationships between church, school and the wider community? 1.By the church demonstrating that everyone is valued Every child whatever their background, ethnicity, culture or religion will be fully involved in each project. 2.By the church showing respect for all regardless of gender, race, ethnic origin, religion, age and physical or mental ability. – Songs and lyrical content used in the project will teach pupils the importance of valuing all people and ourselves. 3.By the church showing mutual commitment, responsibility and obligation to serve one another – Each project is designed to enable all participants to work together to support each other and the wider community. 4.By the church demonstrating community participation and harmony – Each project seeks to unite communities by celebrating goodness and life af irming values. At the same time the project seeks to challenge and remove any obstacles to unity and understanding. What was the catalyst that led you to decide to set up Pop Connection/ Pop UK?

community. Is the project for Christian schools or can anyone be involved? The project is designed for any primary school. The way the project is delivered is based around helping schools meet educational agendas therefore it sits perfectly within the normal state school educational system

Schools are required by the Government to be proactive in connecting with faith groups within their communities. This requirement opens the door for churches to play a crucial role within the life of the school. The idea for this project came from the desire to see churches more meaningfully interact with their local schools, providing schools with support, helping schools with their RE and Citizenship curriculum and by involving church members in volunteering to help with after school clubs, one to one reading classes and pastoral support. What are the main issues facing primary school children today? I would say the main issues are a broken family life resulting loss of security and loss of a sense of personal value as well as anxiety about body image and maintaining an image that is forced upon them by the media. Pressure of school work because of schools having to maintain their position in the league tables is also a major issue of stress. Unfortunately cyber bullying, texting and verbal bullyingis also a big issue. How does the project promote children's social, moral, spiritual and cultural development and understanding? Each song is based around an important theme. Our tutors explore these themes with the children before teaching the song. The themes are - Reverence, Wisdom, Thankfulness, Humility, Endurance, Service, Compassion, Trust, Peace, Forgiveness, Friendship, Justice, Hope, Caring for Creation. How does Pop UK bene it the community both shortterm and long-term? The project breaks down obstacles to unity and understanding within communities. This is achieved by the children themselves through the concert. The concert becomes a memorable event as it celebrates common values and the achievements of the children. Pop UK sets up a platform for the church to raise its pro ile within the community and it starts the process of building relationships. The short term bene it is putting on an event that brings the community together, the long-term bene it is giving the church the opportunity to show long-term commitment and initiative within its immediate

How is the project funded? The values and ethos of PopUK are expressed in creating community partnerships and investment in the life of the school. In order to encourage shared ownership of the project the costs are shared between the school and any other participating groups, such as the church, local business or any other community group. The usual breakdown of the fee is: School: ÂŁ600 Church and community: ÂŁ600 Travel costs are additional to the above fee and may also be split between participating groups. Recouping costs: Schools may recoup costs by adding to the price of the CD. PopUK charges ÂŁ5 per CD to cover all production costs, but schools are entitled to charge more after discussion with PopUK and taking into consideration the reasonable cost parents in any community would be prepared to pay.Schools or the group providing the concert venue may also charge entry for the concert after discussion with PopUK and income from this set against costs of the project. What is the process of starting a Pop UK project? Does a referral need to come to the school or can interested churches contact you? Several schools contact us randomly without necessarily having any church contact. However, the best way the project works is for the church to initiate a meeting with the head teacher, a church representative and a Pop UK member of staff. The purpose of the meeting will be to explain the aims and objectives of the project and the practicalities of how it works. Would a school or church need to have agreed on jointly participating in the project before contacting you? The project needs to be understood by church leaders. If they believe the project could have long-term bene its for the impact of the church within its community then a meeting needs to be organised between church, school and us. For more information visit or contact Andy via



Good Tidings “T

iding” means “a stream or current of a happening, an event or news.” Most English Bible versions roughly de ine or translate “tiding” as “news.’’ Good and bad tidings, good and bad news! Everybody likes good things to happen to them and that means good news – e.g. an application submitted somewhere yields a great job, a woman praying for a child conceives after seven years of marriage, a son is admitted to a well regarded university on a full scholarship, a daughter is getting married to a successful young man, a father is miraculously healed of a congenital disease, the taxman sends you an unexpected refund of one thousand pounds, and so forth. God is the source of all good things and He is keen to continuously bless you with good tidings. “Every good endowment and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change” (James 1:17). “For the Lord God is a sun and shield; He bestows favour and honour. No good thing does the Lord withhold from those who walk uprightly” (Psalm 84:11). People do not naturally like bad things to happen to them and nobody prays for bad news. Bad news is bad enough but its import hardly hits home if one is not directly or indirectly affected. Bad news via the television in remote parts of the world may not have a huge impact to someone in the UK who has no relatives or friends in the reported places. The devil and his cohorts are the architect of all evil – killing, stealing, destruction (John 10:10). God allows the devil’s wicked ministry for a purpose, and for believers in Christ, both the ministry of God and the ministry of the devil work together for our good. All evil occurrences are bad news but all bad news are not necessarily evil. Failing an exam and job interview is bad news but not necessarily evil. People hardly succeed all the time in all of their endeavours even when they have made their best efforts. Failure can be postponed success (e.g. in an exam) or just an indication that it is not God’s place or time for you (e.g. a job interview outcome). We all receive good and bad news in this life, and sometimes, it looks as if they are preordained and there is



nothing we could have done about it. Such a cynical or Calvinist attitude may not be the best way to interpret predestination. We can actively enhance good tidings and mitigate or overturn bad tidings in our lives. The lifestyle, godliness and prayers of the Gentile Centurion Cornelius in Acts 10 were what brought down good tidings to him. Pay attention to the reported qualities of Cornelius (vs. 2): “a devout man who feared God [venerated Him with reverential obedience], as did all his household; and he gave alms liberally to people [caring for others with great generosity], and prayed constantly to God.” What good tidings did Cornelius receive as an outcome of his purposive actions? Acts 10:3-48 tells of Cornelius receiving an Angelic visitation announcing God’s answer to his prayers and heaven’s acceptance of his righteous liberality; dispatch of Apostle Peter to minister to him and his household, as well as salvation and Holy Ghost baptism for him and his entire household. Cornelius already had a good job (a Roman senior army of icer) that guaranteed wealth and physical security for him and his family. As such, good job, nice accommodation, personal and family protection, and wealth were apparently not part of his desires otherwise they would have been re lected in his prayers and the answer he received. As a wealthy God-fearing man, his needs were profoundly spiritual and God met him at the point of those needs. Like Cornelius, your lifestyle, godliness and prayers can attract good tidings in every area of your need. Conversely, King Hezekiah of Judah was an outstanding man in the bible because of his repeated rejection and reversal of bad news. When Hezekiah received a threatening letter from the more powerful Assyrian King Sennacherib (Isaiah Chapters 36 & 37), he refused to accept the threat of Assyrian conquest but instead took the letter to the house of the Lord where he spread it before the Lord and cried for God’s intervention. As expected, God intervened by sending Prophet Isaiah with encouraging words to Hezekiah and subsequently sent His angel to deliver a decisive slaughter/defeat of the Assyrians. Similarly, when God sent Isaiah with a prophesy that King

Hezekiah would die and not recover from his sick bed, the king besieged God in prayers and had his impending death postponed by 15 years. He received divine healing and surely, his kingdom prospered. In God’s sovereign judgment and scheme, one man’s bad news can be another man’s good news. God’s rejection of Saul as King of Israel because of his stubborn disobedience (bad news) produced good news for David whom God chose to replace Saul as king. In the book of Esther (5-8), the execution of the king’s wicked top aide Haman made room for the promotion of the king’s gateman Mordecai to the of ice of chief royal aide. Haman had originally plotted to kill Mordecai and all the Jewish people but God turned him a victim of his wicked plot. God will begin to turn the bad news of the wicked into good news for you in Jesus name. Secondly, one man’s good news can be another man’s bad news. The birth of Jesus Christ was good news to his parents, the multitude of angels praising God in heaven, to the shepherd that watched their lock by night and the wise men from the East, but it was bad news to the wicked King Herod who saw the Messiah as a threat to his dynasty. Herod therefore plotted to kill the new born king and abort the good news. But he failed. Heaven will not let the wicked abort your good news in Jesus name. Thirdly, one man’s good news can be another man’s good news also. For example, Kings don’t ascend to the thrown alone and every new government comes with a new cabinet and array of new appointments. David’s

“God is the source of all good things and He is keen to continuously bless you with good tidings. “Every good endowment and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change” ( James 1:17).

ascension to the throne of Israel was good news to his loyal army commanders like Joab and Abishai, the two sons of Zeruiah, who were among his top military aide and ruling cabinet (I Chron. 11). God will make the good news of the righteous produce good news for you in Jesus name. Fourthly, one man’s bad news can be another man’s bad news too. When people put their trust in a fellow human being to uplift them, the travail, mind-change or demise of the big patron can easily shatter their hope. Jeremiah 17:5-6: “Thus says the Lord: cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes lesh his arm, whose heart turns away from the Lord. He is like a shrub in the desert, and shall not see any good come. He shall dwell in the patched places of the wilderness, in an uninhabited salt land.” Similarly, when a coup plot is aborted or an inept regime falls, the leader does not fall alone; he drags many others down with him. I Samuel 4 records one of the most tragic accounts of multiple bad news in the bible. Eli the priest received the bad news of the death of his two wicked sons Hophni and Phinehas in battle, the defeat of Israel and the capturing of the ark of the Lord by the Philistines; and he suddenly collapsed and died. Bad news can kill the faint-hearted and this explains why some people commit suicide. On receiving the aggravated bad news, which now included the death of his father-in-law, the pregnant wife of Phinehas fell into premature labour, put forth a son and gave up the ghost, naming her surviving orphan Ichabod, which means: “The glory has departed from Israel.” What a tragic outcome of bad news! You are not destined for multiple bad news and tragic response in Jesus name. The glory of the Lord will not depart from you. In this life, everybody puts an overriding trust in something – God, a human being, government, self, knowledge, connections, professional skills and quali ications, magical power, position, possessions, etc. ‘’Trust in God alone’’ is what can best help us to cope with the devastating effects of bad tidings and also to improve our chances of good tidings. The good tiding of great joy that God gave to the world a little over 2000 years ago is Jesus Christ (Luke 2:10). Jesus is God’s Messiah for our salvation and he gave us the ultimate good news, His lifechanging gospel. I leave you with God’s Good Tiding of Great Joy. Ken Omeje is a Minister of the gospel and a Professor in the United States University in Nairobi, Kenya



‘Education Is Compulsory, School is NOT’. Karen Allen is a highly acclaimed Author, a Conference host, inspirational speaker, youth campaigner, personal development coach and a trainer in lifestyle transformation and mother of 5. She recently took the momentous decision with her husband to withdraw her children out of mainstream education and stay at home to home school them. Karen tells Sunrise the story of what led to this leap of faith and shares honestly how it is going thus far. ecently my husband and I made a decision to the Caribbean, I really did love it and whilst the system


do something that has been considered by many as completely absurd. There was a time when we thought that people who took this bold and courageous step were absolutely crazy, however we have come to realise that sometimes you have to be prepared to take huge risks in order to gain huge rewards. With this in mind, we chose to remove our four children from conventional education and embarked upon a journey where only the bold or the bonkers dare to do tread, we decided to home school. If you are like most, I can just imagine what you must be thinking. I have received so many questions, concerns, objections and words of ‘wisdom’ that I could easily have retreated from this path if my resolve was not as strong as it was. Home schooling is not for cowards believe me. In our case the decision to home school did not come easy, in actual fact when our oldest son (now 9 years old) was about a year old I considered the possibility of home schooling but as God would have it the timing was not right. Reaching a decision to home school was not an easy one and it did not occur overnight. Having been schooled for approximately four years in Jamaica from age 8 -12, I had personally experienced the best of both worlds when it came to education, I was turned on to learning whilst in



was very strict in many ways, the results were second to none. Success was non-negotiable, we were expected to succeed because the teachers knew we could, and we did. When I returned to the UK and continued on my educational journey I realised that the standard was obviously different and not in a positive way. In many ways my hopes of educational success had been dashed because the high expectations were no longer there. As a result of this I believe a ‘dream seed’ was planted inside of me to do something different, in relation to educating children of my own, if and when I had the opportunity. That ‘dream seed’ took many, many, many years to germinate and after nine years and four children the dream has become a reality. We finally took the plunge to home school this year after much prayer, research, counselling and wellrounded advice from friends and family. Over the years I’ve had the opportunity to meet some amazing and very successful home schooling parents who were very strong advocates of the benefits of taking this road less travelled. Once I had answered all the questions and settled the concerns that had prevented me from making the decision sooner, I stopped wrestling with the inevitable and found peace. We spent the best part of this year (2012) talking with

the boys about our decision and the reasons why we felt this was the best thing for our family at this time. (To be honest I have been talking about my desire to home school for many years so this was not surprise to the boys). At first they were apprehensive as expected, (the thought of not seeing their friends was unbearable) but soon they too could see the benefits (after I promised them that we would keep in contact with their closest friends from school). So the journey has begun. On Monday 10th September I became a home schooling mum and quite frankly it is going much, much better than I anticipated. I had envisaged that by now I would be losing my hair and my mind but God has been so faithful, with His purpose comes also His grace. I am still ‘finding my feet’ and the boys are slowly but surely getting used to the change and are saying positive things about their experience (I guess one would say they have no choice!) Although we are still in the early stages of this journey I have discovered so much about myself and the boys, I am much more patient than I give myself credit for and the boys are an absolute pleasure to spend my days with. I am often asked the question “Why did you decided to home school?” Here are some of the reasons. • We believe that it is important for our children to have a spiritual foundation underpinning their education. • We believe that the education system in the UK is designed to teach most children to be average and to accept mediocrity as standard. • We believe that home schooling will enable us to greatly influence our children’s philosophies until they are able to shape their own. • We want our children to experience the true joy of learning and we want them to grow up with a passionate desire to learn new things. • We want our children to know that education is an equaliser and that once they are educated in any given area ANYTHING is possible.

• We believe that there are core subjects such as communication skills, financial education, discipline, respect and people skills that are not a priority on the school curriculum but should be. • We believe that education should be linked to a child’s purpose and that children should be taught and often reminded that they were created for a purpose and that it is important for them to find out what that purpose is and then go on to fulfil it. • We believe that our children need to be frequently exposed to people and places that will serve to inspire and influence them in a positive way and we feel that the education system should be more flexible and creative in including such experiences in the curriculum. • We want our children to understand the importance of things that the education system place little value on for example, the importance of failure, the importance of focusing on you’re strengths, the importance of standing up for what you believe in and the importance of following your dream. Since embarking upon this journey it has surprised me to know that there are many others who too have considered home schooling but have never had the right ‘knowledge’ to take the plunge, what has also amazed me is just how many people have also had a ‘dream seed’ planted in their hearts for many years but have been too afraid or insecure to make the dream become a reality. Now that I have begun on this road I can’t imagine going another route and for that I am very grateful to God. If our story will encourage or energise just one person to live the dream that God has placed in their heart regardless how ridiculous or out of reach it may appear, then our decision to home school was well worth it. If you would like to follow Karen’s journey you can visit her blog: You can also contact her via &



How to Register on the

Book of Life Database

The Book of Life Database is a prestigious list with tremendous benefits for anyone that is found on it – “But don’t rejoice because evil spirits obey you; rejoice because your names are registered in heaven” Luke 10:20 (NLT). Every year Forbes Magazine publishes the richest people in the world along with other exciting lists about people, places and businesses. The people that are mentioned in these lists derive a lot of benefits that include publicity, goodwill and monetary returns.


he benefits you get when your details are entered on the Book of Life Database include:

Advocacy – You obtain direct access to an Advocate that will represent you in all battles of life. “My dear children, I am writing this to you so that you will not sin. But if anyone does sin,we have an advocate who pleads our case before the Father. He is Jesus Christ, the one who is trulyrighteous. He himself is the sacrifice that atones for our sins—and not only our sins but the sins of all the world” 1 John 2:1–2 (NLT).The Advocate will provide you with the resources, strategies and knowledge you need to overcome various challenges in life. More importantly, The Advocate will defend you when you appear before the Most High Judge Theo at the Eternal Supreme Court to give an account of your life from cradle to grave. This is a very important event in the life of a person with significant consequences –



only The Advocate can guarantee a positive outcome. Obtaining this benefit will provide an assurance of a positive outcome (Acts 17:30–31; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Hebrews 9:27–28). Sustainable Lifestyle – Any person whose details are entered on the Book of Life Database automatically gets the ability to experience a sustainable lifestyle. “The thief’s purpose is to stealand kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life” John 10:10 (NLT). A sustainable lifestyle will ensure you experience good health and wellbeing, prosperity and abundance. Significantly, this benefit of a sustainable lifestyle is guaranteed for everyone listed on the Book of Life Database beyond the personal experience on planet earth. In other words, they will obtain the ability to live forever in paradise (John 3:16–17; John 14:1–3; Romans 6:23).

“The Book of Life Database has a standard that must be met for anyone to be listed on it. Unlike the Forbes Magazine’s list, this standard is not dependent on your success as a rich person; rather it is dependent on your success in a relationship with the author of the Book of Life Database – Jesus Christ”. Kingdom Citizenship – Having the benefit of Kingdom citizenship will provide any person listed on the Book of Life Database access to the resources, power, protection and glory of the Kingdom. “And you have caused them to become a Kingdom of priests for our God. And they willreign on the earth” Revelation 5:10 (NLT).Such a person will have at their disposal resources and power that is far greater than the combination of all the people listed in the Forbes Magazine list of the richest people in the world (Colossians 1:13–14, 27; 1 Peter 2:9). A unique quality of these benefits is that once obtained, they are irrevocable; anyone that has the opportunity to be listed in the Book of Life Database gets these benefits permanently – provided they meet the set criteria. Forbes Magazine uses a defined set of criteria to screen entrants into the list of the richest people in the world. With this database screening system, anyone entered on the list knows the criteria they’ve met to be listed; for those not listed, they are aware of the standard that must be met before they could be entered on the list of the richest people in the world. The Book of Life Database has a standard that must be met for anyone to be listed on it. Unlike the Forbes Magazine’s list, this standard is not dependent on your success as a rich person; rather it is dependent on your success in a relationship with the author of the Book of Life Database – Jesus Christ – “Nothing evil will be allowed to enter, nor anyone who practices shameful idolatry and dishonesty—but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.” Revelation 21:27 (NLT); Hebrews 12:1 The 3 steps to follow to obtain the tremendous benefits from being listed in the Book of Life Database are: 1. Enter into a relationship with the author of the Book of Life Database by accepting Him and acknowledging the

price He paid to set up the Book of Life Database. He is the only person that can authorise your details to be written in the Database. There is no way to hack into the Database; the only access to the Database is through Jesus Christ(John 3:3; Romans 10: 9–13; 2 Corinthians 5:17; 1 Timothy 2:3–6). 2. Grow the relationship – Be committed to the relationship you have entered with the authorof the Book of Life Database. Get to know Him better; spend time with Him; listen to Him;avoid things He dislikes that could hamper your relationship with Him and maintain a closerelationship with Him (2 Corinthians 13:5; Ephesians 5:15–20; Hebrews 12:14, 2 Timothy 2:19 Titus 2:11–14; 1 John 3:2–3). 3. Make a success of the relationship – Be determined to maintain a qualitative relationshipwith the author of the Book of Life Database till the time you depart planet earth; share withothers your experience about this relationship; look forward to the benefits and rewards youwill receive from the author when you depart planet earth (Matthew 24:13–14; Matthew25:21, 23; Revelation 3:5; Revelation 21:27). By using these three steps, you will have the guarantee that your details have been entered in the Bookof Life Database on a permanent basis. This entry into the Book of Life Database will give you thewonderful opportunity to get the tremendous, irrevocable and permanent benefits.A unique feature of the Book of Life Database is the fact that anyone can be listed on it, providedthey’ve followed the three steps. In other words, there is no discrimination, everyone from all walks ofhuman life and experience will be accepted once they’ve met the three steps criteria (Galatians 3:26–29; Ephesians 2:8–10).There are three sets of data that are required for a person to be entered on the Book of Life Database.They are a very simple and basic set of data; your name, date of birth and the date of acceptance ofthe author of the Book of Life Database. The first two pieces data are readily availablefor every person. The only outstanding data is the date of acceptance of the author of the Book ofLife Database. However, this data can only be determined and provided when the persontakes the decision to follow the three steps outlined above. Do you want to obtain these tremendous,irrevocable and permanent benefits of Advocacy, Sustainable Life and Kingdom Citizenship? Then take the life changing decision now, accept the author of the Book of Life Database, and have the three set of data required to be registered on the Book of Life Database (2 Corinthians 6:2). The decision is yours, make it NOW! Adeyinka Oshin is a seasoned author. His books include Judge Theo – The Final Judgment, God Has Got Talent – ME & Health and Safety Bible and A Global Plan for A Global Problem.




We are either moving forward, standing still or falling behind. Which one describes you?

Enemies of

Advancement T

he Apostle Paul believed in moving ahead. He said in Philippians 3:13-14 “…but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.” It is very easy to become complacent and comfortable and thus stand still. Once we stand still, everyone passes us by and we end up falling behind. In order to advance in life then, there must be constant movement. I believe that all of us if asked would say that we want to move forward in life yet at times we ind ourselves seemingly stuck or worse still further back than where we started. Perhaps you have taken some steps forward, only to take more steps backwards. What are the things that stop us from advancing forward? If we know these enemies of advancement and how to overcome them then we can progress. Seven enemies of advancement are listed below:



1. Fear The irst verse of the hymn Onward Christian Soldiers says “Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus going on before. Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe forward into battle see his banners go.” As we move onwards and upwards, we need to know that the cross of Jesus i.e. the death and resurrection of Jesus secured victory for us. There is no need to be afraid as long as you are following God’s will. If you are moving forward in a direction that God has not ordained, then you cannot be sure that He is with you. However, if you have sought His direction then never fear going ahead because He will be ahead of you. Do not be afraid of failure, with God on your side, He will perfect all that concerns you. Even if you make a mistake, it is better than not taking a risk and staying in one place. You will not know what will succeed until you try. 2 Timothy 1:7 says God has not given you a spirit of fear, so do not take

something that He has not given you, instead be bold and courageous. 2. Discouragement Discouragement is a dangerous enemy as it can cause us to give-up, wondering what the point of moving forward is. Perhaps you took a chance and were disappointed and so you shrink back determined that you will play it safe next time. Discouragement needs to be overcome quickly so that it will not hinder our advancement in life. We need to recognize that it is the plan of the enemy to steal our joy as this will slow down our progress. When you are carrying a heavy load, you cannot move fast. Discouragement is a heavy load that we must lay down at the feet of Jesus, casting our care upon Him (1 Peter 5:7). We must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and carry on, letting nothing keep us from triumphing as we were created to. 3. Inferiority/low self-esteem Inferiority stops us from advancing because when opportunities come; we think that we are not good enough to take them. As humans we are made in the image of God, in His likeness (Genesis 1:26). We have the capacity to create, to relate and to dominate our environment. As a child of God you are to be a leader wherever you are. Whenever God wants you to move forward, the enemy will always be that voice in your ear that tells you that you will fail, that you are not quali ied or that you will make a fool of yourself. Do not feel that people like you don’t excel, if God gives you an assignment or puts you in a particular job then He knows that you can do it. As a loving Father, he will not set you up for failure. He is on your side and He will work with you to help you succeed. Stop comparing yourself to others and run your own race, if you run someone else’s race, who will run yours? There are speci ic assignments that God has for you, don’t discount yourself. 4. Wrong company It is very important who you spend your time with. Eccl. 7:5 says “Better to be criticized by a wise person than to

If we know these enemies of advancement and how to overcome them then we can progress.

be praised by a fool.” Are you spending time with fools? Who are fools? A fool is someone that acts unwisely or imprudently. These type of people can be found among unbelievers and believers alike. They never reach out for ways to improve themselves, they bristle or laugh when corrected, they complain all the time, but take no action steps to make it better and they want all the success without any of the hard work to get there. Such people can draw you into their ways, when you are fervent, enthusiastic and progressive, they will mock you and tell you that you are ine as you are. Do not listen to them but rather surround yourself with likeminded forward thinking people who will encourage you to greater heights. 5. Insincerity/Falsehood Integrity is essential so that we can advance forward. Proverbs 19:1 says “better is a poor person who walks in his integrity than one who is crooked in speech and is a fool.” Reputation is very important in life. If you someone takes a chance on you and you do not prove yourself as trustworthy, they will not approach you again and they will also tell others not to trust you. There is also the principle of sowing and reaping. If you advance through insincere means, you will not stay forward because God is faithful to those who honour Him. Be sure to be sincere in all your dealings and you will not only move forward but your success will be sustained. 6. Idleness It is quite obvious that someone who is idle cannot advance in life. Advancement requires hard work as one has to overcome various obstacles. Someone who is idle will give up at the irst sign of opposition. It is often said that an idle mind is the devil's workshop. What will cause someone to advance are faith, grace and hard work. Know that faith without work is dead (James 2:20). Let your faith be expressed in works and with God’s grace your desires will come to pass. 7. Lack of vision or aimlessness It is challenging to move forward if you don’t know where you are going. Proverbs 29:18 says “where there is no vision the people perish.” It is necessary not to just be busy but to be purposeful, making the most of opportunities, seizing on the ones that will take you forward. If you do not have a vision for where you are going you will ind that you will ind it dif icult to make productive and correct decisions. An incorrect decision can cause a major setback so it is essential that we know what our aim and focus should be. As you eliminate these enemies from your life through prayer, the Word of God and hard work you will advance in every area of your life in Jesus Name. Andrea Onduku





“Sir, I am a Navy man. Where I come from, there are no oceans. Only dirty farms and ornery mules! And no self-respecting Navy man makes a living driving mules…M-My name is...Boatswain’s Mate Second Class... C-C-Carl Brashear. I am a Navy diver…So I’m asking this: Cut off my leg and assemble a full medical review board four weeks from today. It is then that I will demonstrate that I am fit to return to full diving duty…Sir, I promise, if I am killed at sea, I will make every effort to die like a Navy man.”

young boy watches as his father, Mac, works the plow on their farm. He wants to quit school so he could help in farm work and thus prevent it from financial ruin. Father is opposed to his son being “like him” and sticks to working on the farm, yet allows him to help. The latter growsup and leaves town to join the Navy. Father bellows to his son to be the best, even




if it means breaking the rules: “Don’t! Don’t you ever come back here! Get in there and fight. Don’t take promises. Burst their all rules if you have to. And when it gets hot, and it will, don’t quit on me. Ever! Now, go on. Don’t come back here.” The above is a synopsis from the movie “Men of Honour,” a compelling, gripping story of will and

determination; a triumphant story of a man and his determination to defy the odds. It’s about an ambitious African-American navy diver whose iron will led him to fight discrimination and became the first ever African-American Master diver in the United States Navy. For 129 minutes, I sat glued to the television screen. And here’s my moral of the movie: to the indomitable, any goal is attainable.History is made by those who break the rules. Carl Brashear is a classic example of a man with bones of steel. A man must be relentless, resilient, toughened and indomitable. His spirit must be strong. The true measure of a man is not where he’s reached in life, but the odds he’s overcome to get there. The quality of the battles you fight defines the kind of victor

“Whatever obstacles you might face, you must develop ability to scale the walls. You must learn to hang hang in…to go nowhere”! you are. Until you succeed against stifling odds, your success is not qualitative. Show us scars from battles you won. Coach us on contests you conquered. Tell us troubles you trashed. Point to us tempestuous tides you swam against. Flaunt your victories. To appreciate the glorywe need to hear the story.True success comes with a price. Yes, it comes when we develop a heart of steel which conditions us to keep keeping on. You can succeed against all odds. That’s why I write – to give you wind under your wings so you could flab full blast. There is a picture in my mind as I write; a picture of a scrawny seedling - a scrubby plant - struggling to break forth from a parched land. If you fit into this picture, I feel you in my ink. You can break barriers, contravene conventions and nullify norms. When you succeed, those who didn’t give you a chance will bury their heads in shame. Prove them wrong; succeed against their fallacious postulations. Men, I write to calm your fears. I write to soothe your pains. Courage, fellas, courage! When you step out

to work out your life’s dreams, there’llsure be several things that would try to pull you back. People on whom you rely will disappoint you. Some of those with whom you share the dreams may express pessimism. Many will scoff and scorn. Friends will betray you. Confidants will sell you out. You’ll know pain. You’ll wade through gross darkness. Sometimes you’dso despair of life tomumble, “I quit.” Time and again you’d have to tear through thick fogs, layer after layer, mile after mile, on this chilly tempestuous sea called life, in grandiose anticipation of arriving at the land of your dreams. Nothing boots an athlete’s never-say-die spirit like screams of “c’mon” from the grandstands. But I put it to you that there sure will be times when you would hear no voices orienting you from the shore. Soyou’ll solely need to rely exclusively on the voice from within you to trudgeon. Finances will be slow. And low. The first few steps you take may not produce the desired results. Plans may not fit into your set timeline. Many things will fall apart; the centre might not hold. Your projection might skid off the plotted trajectory. Whateverobstacles you might face, you must develop ability to scale the walls. You must learn to hang hang in…to go nowhere!So when the problem seems most insoluble; when the challenge is hardest; when everyone tells you, “Give up, there’s no need keeping on,” - you keep going. You must develop the ability to handle “momentary disruptions.”I call this rare capacity S-T-I-C-K-A-B-I-L-I-T-Y! You may look fragile. Or you may be fragile. But I put it to you that inside your wiry, willowy body are bones of steel. Never give up. Never give in. Never let a ray of doubt slip in. If you fail, try again. Promise yourself you’ll never stay down. Be hardened against defeat. The same fire that melts the iron hardens the clay. The last advertorial I saw read, “Wanted still: men with bones of steel.” Bryce Edem Bryce Edem is an editor, wordsmith, creative writer, freelance journalist, skilled communicator and prolific bible teacher. You can contact him via www. or



Dear Andrea

Matters of the Heart

A problem is only a problem until you find the solution. Are you searching for a solution to a problem that has so far remained elusive? Maybe you need a second opinion or some advice concerning a situation you are facing? Whatever the need, here at Sunrise Magazine, we want to help, whether it be a problem, an irritant, a matter of the heart, a situation at work, dealing with children, youth issues, suicidal thoughts, finance, the stress of dayto-day living or any other issue. We believe at Sunrise Magazine

that God has called us to bear one another’s burdens.(Gal 6:2) With this in mind Sunrise has created an Agony Aunt Problem page. This is a space for you, the reader, where you can write in with your questions or problems and receive honest and nonjudgemental advice concerning your situation. Thank you to those who have already written in with your questions, the questions and answers are printed below, if you would like further input, feel free to get in touch.

Dear Andrea: I have been in a long term relationship of over 3 years hoping that all will end up with the wedding. Suddenly, my fiancé told me that he has seen some one more suited for him. I am devastated. What should I do? Joyce, 31 years old

Dear Andrea, Recently, I had an argument with my wife, unfortunately I lashed out at her. I have never done this before and I regret it so much. My wife says she cannot forgive me and has left the home with my children. She will not allow me to see the children. We have gone to see our Pastors but she insists that she does not want to reconcile with me. What should I do? Emmanuel

Joyce, I understand that you feel devastated, you have invested three years of your time, your emotions and your efforts into a relationship that has ended most unexpectedly. I would say however that there is always hope with God on your side. Do not give up hope, do not give up on life because with the grace and help of God, you can get through this. In your writing, you didn’t say why your fiancé reached this decision, what were his criteria? I believe that this would be a good place to start. Why would someone else be more suited than you and why did it take him three years to realise this? You could ask him these questions and it may help him and you to have clarity. Perhaps there is something that happened between you that changed his opinion of you and you may not even be aware that a shift happened. If that is the case, you would just need to discover the problem and address it and that may eliminate the other party instantly. I would also ask about whether you have been praying together concerning your marriage. If that is the case, did God speak to Him to change his mind? If you have been praying and God clearly told you both that you were right for each other, then no obstacle would be too high to overcome to make this wedding a reality. Perhaps you could remind him of this and take some time for you both to pray on the issue before he makes a final decision. Whatever the case, know that God has a great plan and purpose for your life and He has the best for you. Continue to serve Him and remain faithful to Him. Never doubt His ways, He will perfect everything that concerns you and He will work all things together for your good, never doubt His faithfulness. As you remain faithful to Him, He will be sure to provide the best for you. Human beings disappoint but God never does, He will give you the solution, only trust Him and depend on Him.



Emmanuel, I can see that you are very remorseful for what happened. I believe it is possible that your wife does not want to come back to the home because she is afraid that it will happen again despite your reassurance that it will not. She may also be afraid that next time you will hurt one of your children. Perhaps you could reassure her by taking some anger management classes? Usually lashing out is as a result of pent-up frustration due to a lack of communication. It is also a mismanagement of anger. There are many strategies that can be learnt in order to deal with anger so that you will not vent in this inexcusable way. The best way to resolve this is to work on yourself, to improve your ways of dealing with pressure for yourself as well as your wife and children. Continue counselling with your pastors as this will provide a safe environment to talk over issues without your wife feeling threatened or insecure. With the help and grace of God, it is possible to repair your marriage but it will take a lot of hard work and commitment and willingness to change. With prayer, the help of God and your pastors, you can rescue your marriage, nothing is impossible with God.Rely on Him at all times and all will be well. Send your problems or questions, which will be treated in the strictest confidence, to and they will be forwarded on to Andrea at


Luke 14:28-33 “For which of you, wishing to build a farm building, does not first sit down and calculate the cost [to see] whether he has sufficient means to finish it? Otherwise, when he has laid the foundation and is unable to complete [the building], all who see it will begin to mock and jeer at him, Saying, This man began to build and was not able ( worth enough) to finish. Or what king, going out to engage in conflict with another king, will not first sit down and consider and take counsel whether he is able with ten thousand [men] to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand? And if he cannot [do so], when the other king is still a great way off, he sends an envoy and asks the terms of peace. So then, any of you who does not forsake (renounce, surrender claim to, give up, say goodbye to) all that he has cannot be My disciple”. I love Jesus, His words are frank, bold and straight guts! After being born again like you. I thought the spiritual cruise is forever but then my Pastor told me I have a purpose. God put me on the planet for a reason. I am saved to serve. How about you? Africa Missions is growing in leaps and bounds. We have incredible reports to share and some will make you cry, some will make you smile and some, you will just know this is the finger of the Deity. But do you know that the story of Africa Missions will not be completed until you get involved? BECOMING GOD’S PARTNER Throughout the generations, God is always looking for someone to work through, work with and work in. His eyes are going to and fro, looking for someone whose heart is yearning towards Him. Our world is in dire need of men and women who will take risks for the Most High who will be pacesetters and pioneers, breaking new grounds. The Bible is full of heroes and heroines who moved by faith and distinguished themselves by exceptional qualities to bring victory and glory to the name of the Lord. But they paid the price to get there. To do the work of missions, there are costs to be considered.

People on the mission fields have countless testimonies of spiritual warfare they engage in and go through on a daily basis. How about you? The moment you want to get involved, you have know that the enemy will go after you to discourage you, to procrastinate, to assume that someone else will do your work. You have to be willing to pay the price of fasting, praying and giving thanks for Divine partners in the work of African Missions. Paying the Price of Emotional cost Being involved in the work of African Missions is highly emotional. It is one of the most emotionally draining things you will ever do. There is nothing that frustrates like when you see a need and you cannot meet the need. You will see traumatic things such as maternity facilities in some villages that could be likened to abattoirs, children having classes in the open field with snakes lurking nearby or hearing the cry of hungry people and yet you can’t serve everybody. How about those who will query your motive of being involved in missions? At times the people you are helping may not understand you or appreciate you. You must be willing to pay the price emotionally and not get discouraged. Your assignment and destiny will not be given to another. Paying the Price of Financial cost The gospel is free but it takes money to spread the gospel. Mission works cost money. Feeding people costs money. Free medical care costs money. Building churches, schools and hospitals costs money. Sending and maintaining the missionaries on the mission field costs money. If you are going to be involved in the African missions, you must be willing to pay the price of financial cost and do it regularly and consistently. Paying the Price of Being There. There are occasions when your presence will speak volumes to the people on the mission fields Are you a professional? Skilled? Educator? We need you to make mission trips to Africa. We are looking for Builders, Technicians, Nurses and Encouragers.

WHAT ARE THESE COSTS? Paying the Price of Spiritual Cost Anything that has to do with God will attract the attention of satan whose assignment is to destroy the one that has been created in the image of God. There are people who can partner with God and African Missions in the area of prayer. Remember Jesus declared that men ought always to pray and not faint. You can pray for the missionaries, souls in the mission fields, protection as new frontiers are taken, favour with authorities and government departments.

Africa Mission needs you. By Andrew Adeleke Please Contact Office: Africa Missions Secretariat 254-270 Camberwell Road, London, SE5 0DP Tel: 020 7277 4312 Email: Website:



Festival of Life April 2012

estival of Life, attended by tens of thousands of people is a free event hosted by Pastor E. A. Adeboye, General Overseer of RCCG. Speakers included Pastor E. A. Adeboye, Pastor (Mrs) Folu Adeboye, Rev. John Partington (General Overseer, Assemblies of God UK), Reverend Kingsley Appiagyei (Senior Pastor of Trinity Baptist Church) and others including the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson. Music was provided by the RCCG UK Mass Choir, Muyiwa, Chevelle Franklin and others.






RCCG Workers Rally April 2012 eld at the Excel Centre London, the Workers Rally provides a forum for all workers in RCCG to be encouraged and exhorted by Pastor Adeboye, the General Overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG)






Good Women Conference 2012

he theme of this 2-day conference which saw women from all over the UK come together in London was ‘It’s Time for a New Approach’. The conference convener and main speaker was Pastor (Mrs) Folu Adeboye.






15 Years of Africa Missions Celebra ng the 15th year anniversary of Africa Missions launched in 1996 by Pastor (Mrs) Folu Adeboye.



Pastor Enoch Adeboye Hosted at the House of Lords reception was held at the House of Lords by Baroness Caroline Cox, a cross bench member of the British House of Lords and the Chief Executive Of icer of Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust (HART) to honour Pastor E. A. Adeboye on his 70th birthday.




Pastor Enoch Adeboye’s 70th Birthday Celebration at Queen Elizabeth Hall astor Enoch Adeboye, was honoured in London, by religious leaders and diplomats in celebration of his 70th birthday. He was hosted and was a speaker at an International Summit of Religious and Political Leaders put together by the Christ Redeemer Friends Trust and the Inter-parliamentary Coalition for Global Ethics He addressed an audience made up of over 250 politicians, religious leaders, ambassadors and civic dignitaries at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre. Other speakers at the event were the Grand Mufti of Bosina, Dr. Mustafa Ceric, Chief Rabbi of Geneva, Rabbi Dayan M.K, Rabbi Nissim Zeev, Baroness Caroline Cox, Chief Executive Of icer, Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust (HART) and many others.







astor Adeboye and Pastor Enoch Adeboye’s guests were hosted to a ball by his friends to his 70th birthday in The 70th Birthday Celebrationmark Savoy Hotel in Picadilly Circus, London. About 500 people at Savoy Hotel London were gathered in the hall of the Savoy Hotel for the event.





Some books you just must read... your local Christian book shop. 50


A – Z of RCCG Unreached Areas in the UK To the Glory of God, the RCCG continues to extend its presence in the United Kingdom by planting new churches in areas previously unreached by the mission. Please find below a list of yet-to-be-reached locations by the church in the UK. Through God’s guidance, these territories will soon be thriving mission fields. Please pray along with us.

Partially unreached areas in SCOTLAND: - Aberchirder and Marnoch - Aberdour and Tyrie - Aboyne - Alvah and Forglen - Arbuthnott - Auchindoir - Auchterless and Inverkeithny - Balhalgardy - Ballater - Balmedie - Balmoral - Banchory - Banff - Belhelvie - Benholm and Johnshaven - Benthoul - Boddam - Braemar - Bullars of Buchan - Burnhervie - Catterline Kinneff and Dunnottar - Claybokie - Cock Bridge - Coull - Craigearn - Craigievar - Crathes - Crathie - Crawton - Crimond - Crofts of Haddo - Cruden - Daviot - Denside

- Dinnet - Dunnottar - Echt and Skene - Ellon - Feughdee West - Fintray and Kinellar - Fordyce, Sandend - Forgue - Foveran - Fraserburgh - Fyvie Rothie Monquhitter - Gardenstown - Garioch - Garlogie - Gourdon - Hardgate - Huntly - Insch - Inverallochy - Inveramsay - Inverbervie. Royal Burgh of, - Invercairn - Inverey - Inverharroch - Inverugie Mill - Inverurie - Kemnay - Kennethmont - Kildrummy - King Edward and Gamrie - Kinkell - Kintore - Kirkton of Glenbuchat - Largie - Longside - Lumphanan

- Lumsden - Macduff - Macduff - Manar House - Maud - Mearns - Meldrum and Bourtie - Memsie - Methlick - Mid-Deeside - Miltown of Rothiemay - Mintlaw - Mossat - Netherley - New Deer - New Pitsligo - Newburgh - Newmachar - Newtonhill, Muchalls, Cammachmore - North Kincardine Rural - Old Deer - Old Rayne - Oldmeldrum - Ordie - Pennan - Peterhead - Pitmedden - Port Elphinstone - Portlethen - Portsoy - Potarch - Redhill - Rosehearty - Royal Deeside - Sandhaven and Pitullie - Schoolhill - St. Combs - St. Cyrus - St. Fergus, Crimond and Lonmay - Stonehaven - Strathbogie - Strathdon - Strichen - Stuartfield - Tap o\' Noth - Tarland - Tarves - Tillydrine - Torphins - Turriff - Udny - West Garioch - Westhill - Whitehills - Ythanbank Compiled by the Parish Liaison Department, Central Office. October 2012.





Ways To Pray For Your Teen

1. PRAY FOR A LOVE FOR GOD. Even if your child has been engaged in a personal relationship with Christ from an early age, the teen years can bring confusion and questions. Pray that they wouldn’t push back from their faith, but that God would “open my [their] eyes that I [they] may see wonderful things in your law.” (Psalm 119:18) 2. Pray for their friendships. Teens naturally pull away from family relationships and focus more on their friendships, making it all the more important that they have the right friends. (“He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harms.” Proverbs 13:20) 3. Pray for honesty. Teenagers can face many tempting situations that test their honesty—honesty with you, their teachers, other adults, and their friends. Pray that they will have the courage to be honest in all situations. (“Better is a poor person who walks in his integrity than one who is crooked in speech and is a fool.” Proverbs 19:1) 4. Pray for their protection from drinking, drugs and pornography An addiction in any of these three areas can ruin a person’s life. Pray that your teen will have the strength and wisdom to withstand these temptations. (“No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful and will not let you be tempted beyond your ability to withstand.” 1 Corinthians 10:13)

5. Pray for their purity. Making one’s way through the jungle of modern teenage relationships with your purity intact is no small order. You can parent and talk until you’re out of breath, but eventually it will come down to a decision your child has to make in a moment alone with a boyfriend or girlfriend. Pray that they will understand the value of waiting, and that God’s commands with regard to our sexual relationships are for our own good. (“Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.” 1 Corinthians 6:18) 6. Pray for safety. If you’ve never prayed this one before, it’s because your teen hasn’t passed his driver’s test yet. During these years when you have to let them experience life occasionally without your supervision, fear can be a parent’s constant companion. Pray that God will protect your child, and calm your heart. (“I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.” Psalm 4:8) 7. Pray for their humility. If your child can learn to put others before himself and to see each person as a unique and valuable individual, he will learn humility. (“Humility and the fear of the Lord bring wealth, honor and life.” Proverbs 22:4) 8. Pray for contentment. Adolescence is often characterized by restlessness and a desire for grati ication of some sort. Pray that your child will learn to be content with what God has provided for today, and that she won’t use discontentment as a springboard into bad decisions. Wise people have the ability to endure and wait on God, even when things aren’t perfect (i.e. waiting for Mr. Right, the perfect job, etc.). 9. Pray for their marriage. While it may seem a bit premature, it’s never too early to pray for God to bring the right spouse for your child one day. Pray that the husband or wife that God has for your child is growing in wisdom and faith until they are together in a marriage built on mutual values. 10. For their future. Your teenager is amazingly close to a series of important decisions: which college, which major, where to live, etc. Choosing wisely and following through with hard work during young adulthood will have a major impact on their future success and opportunities. Pray that they will listen to God’s guidance and make good choices today, so they can enjoy the fruit of those decisions tomorrow. (“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11) Sourced from



Pastors’ Seed Forum (PSF)


astors’ Seed Forum (PSF) is an initiative that originated from Nigeria by Pastor Leke Adeboye in 2008. It is a forum for the children of RCCG Pastors who are 13+ to network and fellowship and also receive mentoring support from older members of the forum. There are workshops and events that deal with issues that are relevant to the children of pastors. PSF UK is co-ordinated by Felix Makanjuola Jnr and was inaugurated in 2011. The vision of the forum is to help young people to ful il the vision of RCCG in a way that is relevant to their age and capabilities. It is our goal that all members of the forum will make Heaven and take as many as possible with them. We aim to bridge the gap between the older and younger generations ensuring that Pastor’s children ind their place within the mission. We also aim to develop young people that can be a model for other young people within and outside of RCCG. Our next event will take place on Saturday 27th October from 5pm to 8pm. It is open to the children of all Pastors and Ministers who are aged 13+. The venue is The Hub, Royal Connections, 90 Monier Road Bow, London, E3 2ND




Because I’m

Worth It! A person with a well-developed self-esteem knows and understands that their life counts, that it is tangible and weighty. They know that life isn’t a waste or insigni icant Olanike Adebayo


elf esteem is de ined by the Collins concise dictionary as “a respect for or a favourable opinion of oneself”. I’d de ine it as a sense of considering oneself to be precious, admirable and worthwhile. A person with a well-developed selfesteem knows and understands that their life counts, that it is tangible and weighty. They know that life isn’t a waste or insigni icant. On the other hand, a person with low self-esteem says, “I’m not relevant, important or to be admired in the least way. I’m not really worthy of love but just to be tolerated around “. That person thinks that until they belong to certain circles, groups, status or class of society, they are not worthwhile. As such, they would give up their esteem, self-worth and a sense of personal appreciation to “belong” into those perceived status-quos in life. Every now and then, life throws challenging

“When things don’t go the way you want them to go, what do you think of yourself and what do you say about the person that you are?”



situations, questions and experiences at us that question our self-esteem and worth. In this world, we would have tribulations but rejoice, Jesus has overcome the world (Mt 16:33). At those times in your life, what you have on the inside and what you have believed about yourself consciously or unconsciously would manifest speedily without asking for your permission or consent as an individual. When things don’t go the way you want them to go, what do you think of yourself and what do you say about the person that you are? Do you see an individual with divine endowments or a person that has to listen to the resounding voices of the crowd? Are you moved to the popular opinion or do you choose not to “tag along” with the happening crew? Let me ask you, who do you think you are? Much more, who do you really know that you are? As a young person, you might be struggling with the sexual pulls, the need to live uprightly, staying away from the wrong environments, the need to prove tough by dishonouring authority igures in your life .Let me inform you that you are not alone in all these. Afterall, the 21st century is said to be a time for total liberalism, individualism and doing things your own way. These concepts are painted with power and strength but underlying those images are deceit, pain and brokenness. We are made to believe that anything is right, cool and okay as long it is right in our own eyes

and estimation. In addition, we are made to understand that if it doesn’t hurt anyone as much as we know, then, it must be ine. How deceitful and destructive! With all these lies that we are faced with everyday in our generation, our self-esteem based on godly, righteous and biblical standards are getting hauls of ridicule, abuse and shame. Guess what? The truth is that the real and authentic stuff has stood the test of time, generations and ages while the ever-changing culture is confusing, demoralising, guilt-laden, frustrating, and intimidating and leads only to hurt, loneliness and shame. When Jesus is your Lord and saviour and you are God-centred, your worth is not based anymore on what your friends, colleagues, fellow students and even your church youth group say about you. It’s based on what the Messiah, the saviour who was dead, who rose from the dead and lives forever says about you. It’s now about the one who says that His banner (signpost, declaration and protection) over you is love says (Song of Solomon 2:4). You need to understand that shunning sexual immorality, derelict and vulgar musical lyrics, foul language and saying NO! to disobedience and dishonour to authority make those that are in bondage to these vices envy you silently. They wish that they could be like you, and stand out of the crowd. They are painstakingly crying for help although these could be in subtle ways. That’s why you need to keep standing in a down world. Appreciate the life you have and the access you have to the heavens in Christ. You need to value who God has made you because you have been called out of darkness into His marvellous light. God doesn’t want you to feel worthless and insigni icant the way religion might have taught. No parent in the world wants their child to feel less than an individual or to feel like an outcast in the family. In the same way, you belong to God and as His child; He wants you to have a sense of belonging in His glory, love and power. He has put His Spirit on the inside of you so that you have a witness in your heart for all that you need in life. He has put great potentials that would keep you on top on the inside of you and has provided all that you need to harness those potentials in order to ful il your dreams. You might not realise it but having someone to cry to

“ Your self-esteem lies in the love and purpose of God for your life and not on popular opinion which changes from season to season”. in prayer, a great God to praise in times of turmoil, a word from Him to calm your anxieties and His comfort and acceptance when you make mistakes are inestimable. No price can be paid for those you know. No friend or even in luential associates can give all these. Having all these make you unique and special. A special child of the King Himself. Your self-esteem lies in the love and purpose of God for your life and not on popular opinion which changes from season to season. To actualise your self esteem, take time and effort to discover what God has placed in you: 1) Write them down in a diary, 2) Pray the manifestation of those desires out loud in prayer, think about yourself walking in those realities, 3) Speak them out often and let His Spirit lead you in living the life He has for you to the fullest. 4) Seek those who excelled in those areas and learn from them. Be a protégée 5) Invest time in building those skills the more. It takes discipline but it can be done. Check out those areas in which you excel and stand out, hone and sharpen those skills and watch the estimation of yourself in God soar like an eagle. Let the light God has placed in you shine into your environment, your family, friends and local community. Before you know it, you’d start to appreciate the abilities in you much more and thereby, improve your self –esteem. You know why? All because you are worth it in Christ! Olanike Adebayo Olanike Adebayo is a writer, author and conference speaker. You can contact her via




YOUTHFUL DAYS Youthful days oh exciting beautiful youthful years For some it just begins, for others it is now history Youthful days oh exciting wonderful youthful years Penultimate to old age, my oh my, how transitory! It is like a thriller movie that you cannot rewind ‘Cos you like to see the end and its thread unwind Like an action movie so keen it blows your mind You wish it has no end but it’s timed as you’ll find Enjoy your youth but be careful of too much freedom Friend please watch out for exuberance void of wisdom Horses wear bridles; be smart wear caution as uniform Leaping before looking does not earn anyone stardom Take a look at the numerous shining stars of heaven Can you tell which one is a million years old or eleven? Their common factor is twinkling; are you 87 or seven? Keep shining whether you’re Moses, Caleb or Stephen Youth is that bridge between childhood and old age Youth is a drama, act your part well on the life’s stage The legacy you leave behind outweighs your message Abel died, yet speaks; your image outlives your age Remember, remember, a selfless heart beats forever Its purpose is beyond self-pleasing, it beats for others Sweet 16? Tantalizing 30? Or you wanna be 21 forever? It is a life that does the will of God that abides forever Some there are whose youth were spent in hardship Some with peer pressures, abuse & ungodly friendship Don’t board the devil’s warship seek God in true worship Your Creator remember now, welcome to His own ship To every stage of man’s life, time is not at all blind Do not only love to live, live to love too and be kind Let not worry & fear throw your purpose to the wind Giving you an expected end is written by God & signed



Bukky Fatokun

Wisdom Tips Life is wonderful but do not become proud and arrogant because you have it and take its daily benefits for granted. Always know the fact that it is God Almighty who has given it to you. True friends are the ones who will be there for you in good and difficult times and bring out the good within you, not the ones who will just associate with you when things are sweet but when you are struggling they abandon you and see you as object of laughter. When people say that you will not amount to anything in life because in their mind you are not up to their standard, make it your profession to shut them up every time and see the champion that God has created you to be and that He sees in you. Surround yourself with those who will challenge and encourage doing your best. An organ’s pipes are individually crafted and tuned to play the musical notes A to G in various pitches based on length, size, mouth positioning and other features, no pipe is the same. It also needs regular tuning and maintenance to keep it playing at its best. We all have individual gifts and abilities that God has given to us. We should use them to bring glory to His name by being a blessing Always be true to yourself and not imitate to win over the admiration and praise of others. If they don’t want to associate with you for being your own person then don’t worry about that because the right people will be friends with you as you are. A wise man changes his mind sometimes but a foolish man, never. If you’re thinking and perception is limited then you will only produce limited results. Broaden and expand your horizons and you will accomplish big things in life. Do things that keep you happy and fulfilled. Do not concern yourself on what others will say or think.

Whatever people are thinking and saying about you does not matter, what God says does It can be easy to laugh at someone else’s struggles, afflictions and times of trouble until you put yourself in their shoes and experiences then you will understand. If you want to become successful, you have to work for it. There is no substitute for hard work. It is not about whether you lose or win because it is always an opportunity to keep learning to better yourself and grow. If you want the good things that life has to offer and God has promised to give, you must be willing to work for it as God does not reward laziness and idleness expecting God to give it to you on a plate of gold. Whatever position of power God has given to you either in employment, church, government or any other institutional setting, use it to be a blessing to others and not to misuse it for your own selfish desires or to mistreat others under you. Never put your trust in man as they can disappoint you and change their mind on helping you. Put your trust in God as He will always fulfill His promises He has promised concerning you. A limited mind and faith produces limited results but expand your horizons and perceptions so than you can achieve big things in life Love should not only be said as it is meaningless. It must be demonstrated through action that is where it counts. Don’t despise your small beginnings because they can be stepping stones to your promotion John Showemimo




HISTORY MAKER Yves Rossy has his name in the history books, could you follow in his footsteps?


ves Rossy, was born in Neuchâtel, in the year 1959, he is Swiss and also a pilot as well. Yves Rossy had the love for flying from a tender age. This man is the first person to successfully achieve human flight and a fully sustained one. This man, strapped some jet-like wings to his back and flew. According to his biography, Yves has always dedicated all his free time to flight and experimented all its forms. His dream was however to try to fly in the most natural way possible, by removing the need for the complicated enclosure an aircraft is. Yves chose to go with model jet turbines, at first 2 of them, which allowed him to just hold level flight in 2005, and then 4 to finally conquer the 3rd dimension in 2006 – not within an enclosed space with mechanical controls and instruments, but by truly flying like a bird for 10 minutes at a time, with nothing but his body and feelings, floating like if the wing was a natural part of his body, so much that he doesn’t even feel it in flight. This was finally the reward of 10 years of development and more than 15 prototypes. All he has is an altimeter for safety, and a tiny throttle control in his hand. I remember the first time I watched this on TV, I was shocked beyond words! It was a live transmission of Yves Rossy crossing the English Channel, he flew from Calais in France to Dover in the UK. This event took place on the 26th day of September in 2008. On 7 May 2011, Rossy flew across the Grand Canyon in Arizona. I really do not know how else to tell you that you alone are in charge of your destiny! Your life will play out exactly how you want it to, your life will play out exactly how you fear it will, your life will play out exactly how you suspect it will! You are in charge as to whether you will fulfill your destiny or not. The earlier you wake up to this realization, the better. The man in this article is a normal human being yet he discovered something extraordinary. Now, let’s not ignore the fact that Rossy has flown both commercial and fighter jets, he has a good understanding of the skies, the unpredictability of the wind and a lot more and this has without a doubt aided his success story. This story has led to an invention that has fascinated our minds for decades!

Amusing as it is, the invention of Yves Rossy is now alive, dreams that could only be imagined on the cheap pages of Mando and Baxter paper grade comic books, story books and Sci-Fi movies. He has imprinted his name in HISTORY forever! Yves Rossy had a lot of experience and put it to use yet a lot of people who know less than he does, know as much as he does, and more than he does, sadly will not do nothing about it, they will not impact the world ever, sadly. As a man thinketh in his heart, so he is. Even King Hezekiah in the Bible whom God told he was going to die, made God add some 15yrs more to his life, how about that! It’s in your hands people! I am here to tell you that it is not yet over, how old are you? You are not too old to achieve something; as long as you can breathe you can accomplish so much. Do not be afraid of a mistake or failure, they only get you closer to your goal. The ‘X-Ray’ was discovered by mistake, or accident if you will, you can also add penicillin to the list. The fact that no human being has ever been able to do something in particular, does not mean that YOU CAN’T DO IT! The fact that no human being has been successful in developing an apparatus to help man breathe like a fish underwater, does not mean that YOU CAN’T! Only two people can stop you on this massive blue ball called earth, GOD and yourself. “ For if God is for you, WHO CAN BE AGAINST YOU...” You were not sent here to chill, watch TV only and know all the celebrities, you were sent here to work hard. Let your light shine so that the whole world will see God in you and be drawn to that light. Luke 8:16. Let’s wake up and help humanity. Let’s wake up and bring souls to Christ by being extra-ordinary, what else are we here for? My verdict, I can do all things I set my mind to do through Christ who strengthens me, what’s yours?

The fact that no human being has ever been able to do something in particular, does not mean that YOU CAN’T DO IT!



Idorenyin Eno



Ways To Revive Your Marriage

Revive means to regain life, consciousness, or strength. Is your marriage alive and well, or is it time to dial 999? Do you need marital CPR? Perhaps the health of your relationship falls somewhere in the middle — slightly out of shape and tired. Unfortunately most of us tend to take the health of a marriage for granted. And we don’t realize how important a happy, healthy relationship is until it’s time for marital CPR. Whether your marriage health is average or in need of urgent attention, putting the 20 principles from this article in place will revive your marriage and maintain its heath.


f course the best way to have a healthy marriage is to have God as the centre. God is Love, therefore if He is in the marriage then Love, unconditional love will be present. Keeping focused on what God has to say through His word about love and marriage as well as a strong individual and joint prayer life will also keep your marriage alive. In addition there are some practical things that you can do that will revive and maintain the health of your marriage, 20 of which are listed below. 1. Make time for each other (Date nights) You should never stop going on dates together. A successful relationship is based on more than sharing a house and silently watching the TV together. Take time out from your routine and do some of the things you enjoyed doing at the beginning of your marriage that provide you with a forum to talk and laugh together. This could be going out for dinner, taking a walk, going to the theatre or having a romantic dinner for two at home. 2. Attack the Problem, Not the Person If the arguments between you tend to escalate it may be because when you argue, one or both of you use “you” statements—“You didn’t do x and you should have done y” just increases the stress level. All your spouse hears is “you, you, you”— which causes more anger, defensiveness and division. Talk about the problem instead and use “I” statements when saying how it makes you feel. That way, it can be the two of you against the problem instead of against each other. 3. Praise Your Spouse—Even If You Don’t Feel Like It Praise does not mean lattery which is often praise with an agenda. Rather, being genuinely appreciative of what your spouse does will be bene icial to your relationship. Focusing on the positive instead of the negative will make a big difference. At the end of every day make sure that you tell your spouse your appreciation for at least one thing that they did for you or someone else during the day. You also might want to make a list of all the positive things your partner does for you and your

relationship that will help you to focus on the positive when you are having a negative feeling towards them. 4. Always be affectionate Touching isn’t just about sex, it’s about affection and togetherness. Touching such as hugging and holding hands are signs of a healthy relationship. Being affectionate without the need for it to lead to sex can make your spouse to feel loved and valued. 5. Don’t forget the importance of a sexual relationship Sex drive can dip for many reasons, including stress or medication. While each spouse should be understanding during these periods of time, both should strive for a healthy sex life. If sex becomes a chore or stops altogether, this will have an impact on the marriage. Sex is a wonderful creation of God not just for procreation but to increase intimacy between spouses and to provide an outlet for tension. Be careful not to ignore this side of your relationship. 6. Never stop the romance There is no general rule concerning romance because what makes something romantic is that it is personal to you. Remembering the little things is romantic such as requesting her favourite song on the radio on your anniversary, buying her favourite snack without being asked or remembering to record his favourite TV show. 7. Laugh together Did your spouse’s witty lines once make tea came out of your nose? Can you think of the last time you laughed with your spouse? Do you both make time to just enjoy laughing together? Make an effort to inject humour into your relationship. Of course humour done the wrong way at an inappropriate time can cause strife, however at times it is better to see the funny side of things rather than be serious all the time. If neither of you seem to be able to see the funny side of life due to stress etc, why not buy DVDs of your favourite comedy shows and dedicate time to watch them together. Laughter really is a good medicine. (Prov. 17:22)



RELATIONSHIPS 8. Make time to talk Make time to talk about issues you are facing as most con lict has its root in misunderstanding. You will be surprised that when you talk, you will discover you actually agree on the issue. Also make time for chatting – about trivia, what’s in the news or what happened at work as this is the bedrock of a good relationship. When you stop talking to each other about the little things, it’s a sign that you don’t see each other as friends any more. 9. Don’t always nit-pick If you’re constantly bothered by their coffee-slurping, their taste in social activities and everything they do then you're in a constant state of “argh”. That's not trivial: it's the kind of everyday stress that can damage your health. Perhaps you have lost sight of why you fell in love with your spouse and have begun to focus on the things that irritate you. You no longer see the good things but only those things you don’t like. You need to make a conscious effort to focus on the good rather than the negative and ask God for grace to accept the things that you cannot change. 10. Share the household chores Every couple has disagreements about housework and other chores, but the squabbles usually end in vague equality or compromise. The most important thing is to be considerate and appreciative of what each other contributes to the maintenance of the house. 11. Look after your appearance Love doesn’t mean letting yourself go. If you no longer care about your appearance or hygiene it spells trouble for your relationship as your spouse will feel that you are taking them for granted. Many times we dress up to go outside and see strangers and yet we make no effort for our spouses. 12. Endeavour to remember and mark special occasions Anniversaries, Valentine’s Day and so on may seem trivial, but a loving couple will acknowledge them in some way, even if it’s with a scribbled note saying I love you posted on the fridge. This will give you chances to expres your love and appreciation for each other. 13. Be sure to be a ‘giver’ and not only a ‘taker’ Most relationships go through stages where one person is more emotionally generous than the other, but the imbalance should not be more or less permanent. Check yourself, do you ever wake up in the morning thinking how you could make your spouse’s day better? 14. Don’t forget to invest in yourself (Me-time, Time on your own with God) It will be easier for you to give your all to your spouse when you are in a good emotional and spiritual place yourself. You cannot give what you don’t have. Make sure that you set aside time to work on your own shortcomings and to develop your walk with God. 15. Don’t compare your marriage to that of other couples It is dangerous to compare your marriage to another. All marriages go through cycles and the marriage you are envying may have previously encounter problems bigger than yours. Also no-one know what goes on behind closed doors. God has a unique purpose for all of us, you are running a different race so don’t use



others to measure your success. 16. Don’t compare your spouse with other men or women Your spouse cannot measure up to the comparisons of people that you do not know. You live with your spouse every day and so you see them at their best and their worst. That person who seems so perfect is likely not so perfect if you really knew them. Wishing your spouse was like person a on your street or person b that you work with will not change the situation. Be proactive and prayerfully talk to your spouse about changes that you could both make to better yourselves and your relationship. 17. Choose your friends wisely Friends who forever criticise your spouse will not add to the health of your marriage. Tell them to respect your spouse or reduce the time you spend with that friend. Refrain from discussing your relationship problems with such critical friends, they will bring it back to you even when you have sorted out the problem with your spouse. 18. Be prepared to continue to change Change is one thing that is guaranteed in life. In healthy relationships, each person is willing to meet the reasonable requests for change of the other. However, in many relationships, a stalemate has been reached where either one or both parties is refusing to meet the demands for change of the other. In this kind of situation, it is advisable that if you want to see change in the other person, you should be willing to change yourself irst. 19. Never stop saying “I love you” These are three simple words that mean so much. Although actions speak louder than words, words still matter. Eliminating these words from your relationship diet will cause you both to feel undervalued and wondering whether love still exists between you. 20. Set your mind to Stick It Out People think if they are unhappy, that there is a problem in their marriage. But up to 80 percent of individuals consider divorce at some time. There is little difference between couples who divorce and those who stick it out. The real difference is the ones who stuck it out have moved past the problem and have moved ahead to feel closer—in no small part because they went through the rough spot together. Andrea Onduku Andrea has a strong passion to see the hurting restored and relationships repaired, as well as a desire to encourage individuals to realize the destiny and purpose that God has created them for. You can contact her via or info@matterso

‘RCCG’s Church-Planting Strategy is Brilliant – Brierley’ Dr Peter Brierley, renowned church consultant and former Executive Director of Christian Research, a UK charity which produces resource volumes like Religious Trends and the UK Christian Handbook recently paid a courtesy visit to the UK headquarters of the RCCG. At an audience with the Executive Administrator of the RCCG Central Office, Pastor Modupe Afolabi, various issues pertaining to contemporary Church were discussed, including the London Churches Census Initiative, a project sponsored by London City Missions and which the RCCG is involved with. Afterwards, Brierley shared some thoughts with Sunrise about Church Growth in Britain, African-led Pentecostal churches and the RCCG’s role in the modern Church movement. Brierley can be reached at

In terms of Church demographics, what is your view about Church growth in Britain. The church overall in Britain is unfortunately declining, but there are pockets of growth. The main area of growth comes through the Pentecostal churches, which, in my estimation, accounts for about 60% of all the growth that is being seen. The rest of the growth comes from Fresh Expressions churches (20%), New Churches, like Newfrontiers (10%) and the Orthodox churches (10%). In over almost four decades as a church growth researcher, what is your assessment of African -led Pentecostal Churches. African-led Pentecostal churches have done the British church good, although to our shame we were extremely negative initially. You have stood the test of time, weathered the active discouragement given in so many ways, and come through that to show us that evangelism can be maintained in the most difficult of circumstances. At the same time, many of your members live in deprived areas, are unemployed, and when employed often are on low salaries. The Deputy Chair of the ACEA, when answering why black churches grow, replied, “We put mission before justice,” and that really says it all. I don’t believe it is an accident that Africa is both the poorest continent, and the continent where the church is growing fastest; God in His sovereignty is working out His purposes and values. What is your opinion about RCCG with respect to its contributions to Christianity in Britain? RCCG is very important for the church in Britain.

In 30 years it has become the third largest Pentecostal denomination in the UK (behind AOG and Elim). Furthermore it shows how vision can be outworked, and its strategic direction and thinking is a challenge to us all. Are there lessons that you think that RCCG might learn from historic denominations Someone said, “The main thing is keeping the main thing the main thing.” That’s why you have done with evangelism and mission. Has everything gone right? NO. Have you made mistakes? YES. That doesn’t stop the major target still being aimed at. RCCG is 60 years and almost three decades in Britain, what is your assessment of the impact of the mission in UK. Yes. The genius of Fresh Expressions is that these churches are in an institutional context but are totally non-institutional. Could RCCG creativity allow totally non-RCCG-type churches to be developed but still under the auspices (and funding and authority) of RCCG? Can you give such church-planters permission to fail? These are very difficult questions! The historic denominations also say something about presence and image. Putting a church within 10 minutes walking distance is, I imagine, your answer to presence, and it’s a brilliant one. I don’t know what image your churches give to others, probably positive but it would be worth researching. On a different tack, the historic denominations are pouring and have poured huge amounts of time and resources into helping their local communities. I don’t know how much RCCG replicates this.





Success From working night shift to creating software that has achieved 15 million downloads, Rick Meyer changed his life. Will you do the same?


ick Meyer was employed as a machinist, where he worked the night shift on an assembly line. He said to himself one evening, "this isn't working for me. I can't do this for the rest of my life�. He then decided to buy a computer and began teaching himself programming. He was successful and doors began to open. He was hired by a company to help develop software that operated their equipment, which gave him the opportunity to learn the skills necessary to ind and ix bugs in the programming modules. His abilities were increasing, as were his opportunities. He began traveling to different places conducting seminars and workshops, training others how to use the software he had developed. Later he found himself struggling with a popular Bible software program and again he paused and asked "why don't I just write my own study program?" And that's what he did. He sent copies of it to a few pastors and friends, to get their input on how to improve it. After a few tweaks,



Rick launched his Bible software program for Microsoft PC and Pocket PC, offering it completely free of charge to anyone who wanted it. That was in the year 2000. As at January 2011, over 15 million downloads across nearly 255 countries around the world have occurred. Resources are available in over eighty languages. It is indisputably the best Bible study tool available free today. The recent update was version 10.0 released in November 2011, you can download your own copy via God has not only blessed the works of his hands, but the Lord has poured great blessings out upon Rick and his family. Rick has discovered his talent and he has done it with extraordinary success. The eternal effect of Rick's decision in the lives of millions can be hard to quantify. What about you and me? What extraordinary thing can God do with our life?

We are all endowed with unique capabilities, gifts and talents. How we unleash and use the said talents is what often makes the difference. We have been entrusted with God’s resources; it’s up to us to effectively manage them. Don’t think that you are excused from accountability when it comes to handling your talents. The colossal mistakes of the man in Luke 19:22 who buried his talent are suf icient to conclude that God chooses His investors. God is most pleased when we use our natural abilities for His glory and He demands that His resources should grow and expand to facilitate a growing kingdom. That includes your personal and professional growth

Great people don't just wake up someday and become great, they discover something they can do and then put it to work with lots of practice. Your talent may not be to develop software, it could be that you can sing, you can encourage, you may be a philanthropist etc.Each of us has something to give. We can give our money and our time to charity, be a friend to someone who is sick or lonely, do volunteer work, or be a peacemaker, teacher or minister. We may give unsel ishly of our time to our spouse, children or parents. We may choose a service-oriented occupation, or we may just do our everyday jobs with integrity and respect for others. (Romans 12:5-8, I Corinthians 12:4-12, Ephesians 4:11-12). In receiving these gifts and abilities, we have several choices: We can set them aside in disappointment and pursue something that looks better in our own eyes; we can develop them for personal gain; or we can cultivate and practice them as our own gifts back to God. Great people don't just wake up someday and become great, they discover something they can do and then put it to work with lots of practice. Don Moen discovered his talent as a singer, he developed it by learning music and with much time spent practicing his ability brought him into limelight. Have you ever thought that you could do something better than others out there but you buried your talent because you thought you didn't have enough material to achieve your dream? Or maybe you felt you were not from a rich family. That has been my assumption too! Until when I was made to understand that most great people didn't come from good homes either but they never let their situation determine their faith, they dug deep within and

with that inner strength from prayer they were more than conquerors Are you like the man who buried his one talent? Are you thankful for your gifts? Do you envy anyone for their talents? Am guilty of this! Yet it’s still not too late to change our thoughts today and decide in our heart that we are going to use that which our creator has given us.Ask God to show you how to be a grateful steward of the abilities He's uniquely given you. Below are some tips I have discovered on steps that can free us from settling for the “night shift”. Discover yourself: What is that thing you know you are good at and which the Church can bene it from? One way to recognize our talents is to notice things we excel at and enjoy doing. Another is to ask close friends or family members which areas they see as our strengths. Yet a third is to take one of the various tests that measure our strengths and weaknesses, as well as reveal spiritual gifts. Yet the ultimate way is to go on your knees and ask God. Participate: Once you know what you are good at, make inquiries of what it takes to join others that are serving in that area. Practice: Choir, Drama, Usher, Prayer warrior etc. No matter the group you’re in you must learn to practice. Practice makes perfect. Be passionate: Press on; no one ever said it’s going to be easy. Don’t think about the challenges you are going to face but think of the trophy awaiting you at the end of the race. Be a Protégé: Have someone you look up to as mentor; someone who is better than you who can help you in situations when you’re lost. Pray: Prayer is the key. Always ask God for help day & night, not just about the duty you have been assigned but about everything. Parents can discover their children's special talents by providing varied experiences and opportunities. Then they can help their children by working with them at home. Engage your children. Talk to and play with them. Encourage conversation in any way you can. Talk to them about current events or about what happened during the day. Ask them speci ic questions about what they did. Read to them, play games, and do puzzles together. Finally, do not forget that the essence of the Christian life is in obeying and worshiping God and helping others. God has given each of us important gifts for those purposes. Like the three men in Jesus' Parable of the Talents, our gifts may be great or small. But no matter how great or small our talents, abilities and wealth; we are required to put them to good use. Therefore settle not for the night shift, ind your rightful place and work for God. Haruna Isah




SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN IMMIGRATION REGIME he Government has set new requirements effective from the 9th July 2012 and these changes affect family and private life claims, removals and deportations, children, long residence and working visas in the UK. The rules relating to ‘long residence (continuous illegal residence)’ under the old rules have changed drastically and there are also new changes in relation to the general grounds of refusals and overstayers in the UK. The new changes are complex, difficult to understand and in some cases confusing, and the lack of clarity and court decisions on the changes make it more compounding for everyone including immigration practitioners to fully understand the implication and interpretations. It is hoped that in the next 12 months, as more cases of refusals are tested in courts under the new rules, practitioners will begin to have a clear understanding of the rules and the legal frame work. What is obvious is that higher thresholds have been set on virtually all areas of immigration especially in the assessment of private and family life in the UK. I can concede that the rules have set parameters for the best interests of children with a minimum threshold of 7 years continuous residence in the UK for children who are non British under the age of 18 years to remain in the UK and this may provide basis to permit their parents to remain, if the parents cannot meet the requirements of any of the rules. The rules have also codified requirements for parents who have residence and contact orders from courts on their British and non British children in the UK and people who have legal guardianship on children remaining in the UK. Higher threshold and requirements have been set for people above 18 years and less than 25 years if they can demonstrate that they have spent half of their lives here in the UK. Children’s best interests as stipulated above may be considered where the parents have been in the UK for more than 7 years with their children, receive custodial sentence, and in some exceptional cases, this may be an advantage for many parents who have remained illegal in the country, have been previously been convicted or cautioned for use of false passports, obtaining pecuniary advantage by working illegally, driving offences and other minor/sundry offences. The previous long residence has been extended to 20 years from 14 years under the old rules, and the leave to be granted is no longer Indefinite Leave at first instance but there is a lee way for anyone who cannot meet the 20 years, or the other requirements of the immigration rules by demonstrating that he or she has continuously remained in the UK for less than 20 years and that he or she has no cultural or social or family or any other ties with the country to which he or she would have to go if required to leave the UK. Discretionary leave may only be granted under very exceptional cases with a limited time period, and in family related applications, the new rules have set up financial requirements amongst other new provisions to be met for partners (spouse, civil partner, unmarried partner and fiancé) of a British citizen or a person settled in the UK with a gross annual income of £18,600 as minimum income earning, and £3800 additional income for first non-British child and a further £2400 for each additional




non British child. If applicant is relying on savings, the savings of both partners may be considered with a total savings of £16,000 plus a sum not smaller than two and half times the difference in the required income and gross annual income and the earnings of applicant. The spouse route has been extended from 2 years to 5 years and persons under the age of 65 years must meet and pass the English language test. Appendix FM –SE specifies various requirements and exemptions for family routes. The family rules have also provided for leave to remain in the UK for victims of domestic violence, parents and grandparents and in limited cases (dependant relatives) on exceptional grounds. Years to obtain Indefinte Leave to remain have been increased in many of the categories under the rules. The new rules have also set out a comprehensive legal frame work for general grounds for refusals of applications to UKBA i.e. using deception and false information in previous home office applications, overstaying, breach of conditions of stay, working illegally and claiming state benefits when not entitled to. It has also set out exemptions and lengths for re-entry bans in cases where persons or a person leaves the UK voluntarily at his or her expense or at cost to the UK or removed from UK involuntarily. The rules have also set out requirements where automatic deportation applies and cases where deportation will not apply where such removals would be disproportionate and interferes with private and family life. There are also provisions for Points Based System applicants Tier 1(exceptional talent), (entrepreneur), and (investor), (general) and graduate entrepreneur. There are new comprehensive requirements for Tier 2 (general), (Minister of Religion), (Sportsperson) and intra Company Transfers) etc. Applicants can also take advantage of the new requirements of Tier 5 visas (creative and sporting), (Charity workers), (religious workers), youth mobility and Business Visitors categories to come to the UK for economic reasons. Visiting visas have also been classified into different visa regimes and there are new visas for wide range of people coming to i.e. private medical treatment, marriage, prospective entrepreneurs, entertainment, permitted paid engagements etc. It must also be emphasised that requirements for Tier 4 (students’ route in the UK) have also changed in terms of maintenance, length and duration of courses and limit to stay and it would seem the Government intention is to break the link between temporary immigration and permanent residence and the type of schools students can attend and rights to work whilst studying. Surprisingly, the UKBA have also made significant changes to European Economic Area (EEA) Dependants on their rights to remain and reside in the UK. In conclusion, please note that the changes stated here are not exhaustive and we advice that applicants should obtain independent legal advice from qualified immigration advisers. OLUKAYODE OKENLA, PARTNER, SIMON BETHEL SOLICITORS, 58/60 LEWISHAM HIGH STREET, LONDON SE13 5JH DX 56601 LEWISHAM. TEL: 02082977933, 02033841389

58 – 60 Lewisham High Street, London, SE13 5JH Tel: 0208 297 7933 / 0203 384 1389 M: 078 107 16130 or 079 039 14320 E:

We are able to provide you specialist advice in the following areas of Law: Police Station Representation, Crime and Prison law Immigration and Nationality law Conveyancing and Property law Commercial and Company law Charity law Trade Marks, Patents and Designs Family Law and Probate Housing, Landlord and Tenants Employment Litigation Extradition and Public International Law


Recipes to Make Life Easier

Having Guests for Dinner? Wow them with these fabulous inger foods for appetisers.

PANKO BREADED CHICKEN DRUMSTICKS AND HEALTHY VEGGIES PAIRED WITH A LEMON AND BASIL YOGURT DIP Ingredients 1 Lemon 3 Tablespoon(s) Dijon mustard 3 Tablespoon(s) light mayonnaise 12 Large (3 1/2 pounds) chicken drumsticks, skin removed 1 Cup(s) panko, Japanese-style bread crumbs cup(s) inely grated Parmesan cheese 2 Tablespoon(s) olive oil Teaspoon(s) ground red pepper (cayenne) Salt & pepper 1/3 cup(s) plain nonfat yogurt 1/4 cup(s) packed fresh basil leaves, inely chopped 1pound(s) asparagus Carrots, celery sticks, green beans, and sliced peppers, for serving

Directions Arrange oven rack in top third of oven. Preheat oven to 450 degrees F. Line 18inch by 12-inch jelly-roll pan with foil. From lemon, grate 1 teaspoon peel into 9-inch pie plate and squeeze 1 tablespoon juice into small bowl. In large bowl, stir mustard and mayonnaise until well combined; add chicken pieces and toss until evenly coated. In pie plate with lemon peel, combine panko, grated Parmesan, oil, ground red pepper, 1/8 teaspoon salt, and 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper. Dredge 1 drumstick in crumb mixture until well coated, shake off excess, and place on prepared pan. Repeat with remaining chicken and crumb mixture. Bake 30 minutes or until crust is golden brown and juices


Directions Fill 12-inch skillet with 1/4 inch water. Cover; heat to boiling. Add carrots; reduce heat to medium. Cover; cook 20 minutes or until tender. Drain; let cool. To food processor with knife blade attached, add carrots, orange juice, mayonnaise, vinegar, ginger, soy sauce, sesame oil, cayenne pepper, and 1/8 teaspoon salt. Puree until smooth, scraping down side of bowl. Can be refrigerated, covered, up to 1 day. Place 1 tablespoon puree in each endive leaf. Arrange on large platter. Garnish with chives.

Ingredients 1 Pound(s) carrots, chopped 2 Tablespoon(s) orange juice 1 Tablespoon(s) light mayonnaise 2 Teaspoon(s) rice vinegar 1 Teaspoon(s) fresh ginger, peeled and inely chopped 1/2 Teaspoon(s) lower-sodium soy sauce 1/2 Teaspoon(s) sesame oil, Asian (toasted) 1 Pinch(s) cayenne (ground red) pepper Salt 4 Head(s) (medium) Belgian endive, trimmed, leaves separated (24 leaves)


Ingredients 4 Medium (8-ounce) baking (russet) potatoes 1 Tablespoon(s) olive oil 3/4 teaspoon(s) kosher salt 1/4 teaspoon(s) coarsely ground black pepper Directions Preheat oven to 450 degrees F. Scrub potatoes well; pat dry with paper towels. With knife, cut potatoes lengthwise into 1/2-inch-thick slices, then cut



run clear when chicken is pierced with tip of knife. Meanwhile, in small bowl with lemon juice, stir yogurt, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper until smooth. Stir in basil. Fill 12-inch skillet with 1 inch water. Cover and heat to boiling on high. Add asparagus and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Cook, uncovered, 4 to 5 minutes or until bright green and crisp-tender, turning occasionally for even cooking. Rinse under cold running water; drain. Serve chicken with vegetables and dipping sauce on the side.

slices lengthwise into 1/2-inch-wide sticks. Evenly spray two 15 1/2" by 10 1/2" jelly-roll pans with nonstick cooking spray. In one pan, carefully toss all potato sticks with olive oil, 3/4 teaspoon kosher salt, and 1/4 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper. Transfer half of potatoes to second jelly-roll pan. Bake potatoes on two oven racks 30 to 35 minutes or until browned and crispy, rotating pans between upper and lower racks and stirring potatoes once halfway through cooking.

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