Sunrise Spring 2019

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£2.50 Where Sold

The Magazine of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, United Kingdom



- Pastor E. A. Adeboye

- Pastor Agu Irukwu












Editor-in-Chief: MODUPE AFOLABI Managing Editor: YINKA ODUWOLE Editor: ANDREA ONDUKU Photographer (RCCG Events): KUSH Designed by: IFE SAMUEL Published by: The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Central Office, United Kingdom


All Correspondence to: Sunrise Magazine, RCCG Central Office, Redemption House, Gunnels Wood Park, Gunnels Wood Road Stevenage SG1 2TA


The views expressed by contributors to Sunrise are not necessarily a reflection of the official doctrinal positions of RCCG. The publisher, editors, contributors and related parties are not responsible in any way for the actions or results taken by any person, organisation or parties on the basis of reading information, stories or contributions to be found in this publication.


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By Pastor E. A. Adeboye


he simplest definition of glory is found in Proverbs 3:35 which says that the wise shall inherit glory but shame shall be the inheritance of fools. The fool is the opposite of the wise and likewise shame is the opposite of glory. There’s nothing glorious in sickness. You can’t see anybody bragging that they are sick. There’s nothing glorious in being poor. You can’t hear anybody boasting that they have to search the rubbish for food. There’s nothing glorious in being bound by forces of darkness. It is possible to move from glory to glory physically, materially and spiritually.


It is glorious to be healed. In Mark 5:25-34, the woman who had an issue of blood for 12 years who suddenly got her healing was able to come forward and testify. It is more glorious to be healthy, more glorious never to be sick at all. When a wound heals, scars re-

main; so it is better never to have been wounded. It is possible to be healthy all the days of your life. All you need to do is look at Moses; at 120 years, he wasn’t wearing glasses.

will never be among them from now. Then there are those who are comfortable; somehow their salary just manages to keep them going until the next one will come. You are going to leave that level even today.

It is even more glorious that whosoever you touch will get healed. In Acts 3:1-8 Peter touched the lame man and he was made whole.

Then there are those who are rich. Rich people are those who can afford to put money aside in a savings account. For example, God blessed Abraham greatly and he was rich (Genesis 24:34-35).

It is even more glorious that anyone who touches your clothes would be healed. Acts 19:11-12 tells us that from the body of Paul, aprons and handkerchiefs were taken to the sick and the sick were healed. Something even far more glorious than that would be when your shadow can heal. Acts 5:1416 says that the shadow of Peter was healing the sick. I’m praying for you: a time will come in your life when you are passing by and people will just want to be in your shadow.


There are people who are poor; you 4

There is a level higher than being rich: the level of the wealthy. In Genesis 26:12-14, the Bible tells us that Isaac was so rich that he had a store of servants. He was storing servants like people store food. The level that is higher than being wealthy is being prosperous. In 2 Chronicles 1:6 -12, Solomon offered a thousand burnt offerings to God. However, there is a level higher than the prosperous and that is where you are going. That is the level of the flourishing. When somebody is flourishing, they have

GENERAL OVERSEER so much money that they don’t even know what to do with it. For example in 2 Chronicles 7:5, the next time Solomon decided to offer an offering, he offered 22,000 oxen and 120,000 sheep! You will not stop until you begin to flourish.


It’s a very terrible thing to be bound by forces of darkness, even if it’s a single demon. It’s a shameful thing, but it’s a glorious thing to be demon-free. You can go a little higher than that and have power, mighty spiritual power, firepower like in 1 Kings 18:31-39. Elijah prayed for two minutes and fire fell from heaven. That’s power. But then you can move even higher than that and get to a stage where you don’t have to even pray before fire will fall by your decree. In 2 Kings 1:9-12, some soldiers came to arrest Elijah and he said, ‘if I be a man of God, I command that you roast’ and fire came from heaven and consumed them. Now, that is power! But you can move to an even higher level of spiritual power. In 2 Kings 6:8-23, Elisha, who got a double portion of the anointing of Elijah was to be arrested. The king knew the kind of man he was and so he didn’t send some soldiers; he sent an army to arrest one man and when the army came, Elisha arrested them instead. There is even a greater level of power and that is when you leave behind a legacy of power that remains long after you are gone, when anywhere you have been remains saturated with power. In 2 Kings 13:14-21, the Bible tells us that even after Elijah died, there was so much power left in his bones that the bones could raise the dead.

Now you know that it is possible to move from glory to glory physically, materially and spiritually, you need to know what you must do to qualify. 1) Exodus 15:26 says that if you will hearken diligently to the voice of the Lord your God to observe and to do all that He commands you, then He will see to it that no sickness will come near you. If you want to lay hands on the sick and see them recover and progress to where even your shadow will raise the dead, the answer is very simple, go and witness. Signs shall follow them that believe. As you go, as you witness, as you win souls and establish churches, you will discover that more and more signs and wonders will begin to follow you. You can ask Philip. He didn’t sit down at home; he was just an usher but when he went out, miracles, signs and wonders began to follow (Acts 8:5-8). If you don’t just sit down in the church warming the chair but you just go out witnessing, you’ll be amazed how miracles will begin to follow you. 2) Genesis 26:12-14 tells us that Isaac sowed in the first year and reaped a hundredfold. In the second year, he sowed more and reaped another hundredfold. The third year he sowed more and that’s how he went forward and grew; he just went on sowing more and more and more. If you remain where you were last year, you are a backslider. If you want to go from glory to glory, you must increase what you did last year. You must sow more and more because the Bible says if you sow sparingly you will reap sparingly, but if you sow bountifully, you will reap bountifully. 3) You must be totally surrendered to God. In 1 Kings 19:11-21, the first day that Elisha came into contact with Elijah, he surrendered all. In Luke 5:1-11 the day Peter came 5

into contact with Jesus Christ, he surrendered all. When you learn to let God be God in everything in "The level your life, it will that is amaze you that He will move higher you from glory than being to glory.

wealthy is

We must make being Jesus our focus. He is a holy God prosperous" and so you too must move from one level of holiness to another. Hebrews 1:9 says you should love righteousness and hate iniquity and God will anoint you with the oil of gladness above your fellows. If you study those people that you know are moving from glory to glory, you will notice that they have something in common. They are very diligent and hard working. However, if you are going to move from glory to glory, it must start with contact with the King of Glory Himself. Jesus Christ is the King of Glory. You must come to Him, you must associate with Him and then He can move you from glory to glory. Colossians 1:27 says ‘Christ in you the hope of glory’. If Christ is dwelling in you, you can only hope for a glorious tomorrow. @PastorEAAdeboye


The Glory of the

Latter House O

ne of the root meanings of the Hebrew word Kavod which translates as ‘glory’ is ‘majesty.’ The glory of God can thus refer to the display of God’s majestic and awesome divine presence. Christians believe that God is the most Glorious Being in the spiritual and material universe. This is as it should be. God is glorious. Everything about Him is glorious. He is the King of glory. Glory is that word used to describe someone or something of magnificence or great beauty. It is, therefore, vital that we have a clear understanding of the implications of God’s glory. First, it implies that our God must be approached with the reverence and honour due to Him. It is no wonder we are commanded to worship God by ascribing to Him the glory He deserves. “Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness”, the Psalmist tells us in Psalm 29:2. We must come to God’s throne, in deference to His glory. Second, stop for one moment and think of what actually happened at Eden during the fall. Man and Woman were created in the image of God, according to Genesis 1:27. Eve and her husband must have carried some reflection of God’s glory. When Satan tempted Eve and got the couple to eat of the forbidden apple in the garden, one of God’s gifts they appear to have immediately lost was God’s glory upon their lives. They suddenly saw that they were naked. Isn’t this what we refer to when we tell someone in contemporary times, ‘You don’t know what you carry?’ What does the person in question ‘carry’? God’s awesome glory, of course! We are created to be earthy tabernacles that carry and reflect the glory of God in His universe. This brings us to our third contemplation. We must never become ex-carriers of


God’s glory. As carriers of His glory, you and I cannot afford to lose this precious glory of God in our lives. The opposite of glory is shame. Sin is the only thing that can strip us of God’s transferred glory. It was the sin of disobedience to God’s express instructions that cost the first couple at Eden. It is still sin that separates humanity from experiencing the fullness of our dominion on earth. “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” (Galatians 6:7-8). We must put to death our worldly impulses. It is difficult to imagine or see what would be worth more than being a carrier of God’s glory? The glory of God is our covering, our light, our spiritual garment which keeps shame far away. Have you had cause to exchange His glory for what is earthly, temporal and is passing away? Weep not! Pick yourself up. Reach out to God once again. He loves you so and will cover you. Our bodies are like tents that we live in here on earth. Even when downcast, God is faithful. The glory of your latter house will be far greater than the former, says the Lord. (Haggai 2:9). Shalom.

Pastor Modupe Afolabi is the Editor-in-Chief of Sunrise and Executive Administrator of RCCG Central Office. @MoAfolabi


Celebrate Our

On Easter morn, we celebrate our Savior; Whatever people seek in Him, they find. In history, there has never been another So holy, sacrificial, good and kind. His resurrection makes us all immortal; In heaven, we’ll be together with our King. Eternally we’ll share in all His blessings; Happy Easter! Jesus Christ is everything! By Joanna Fuchs


aster is the greatest celebration of the Christian faith. On Easter, we celebrate the event that sets Christianity apart from all other religions and cultural traditions of the world. It’s the day that our God rose from the dead. And He’s still alive today! A W. Tozer said “The cross is the lightning rod of grace that short-circuits God’s wrath to Christ so that only the light of His love remains for believers”. Lee Strobel said “Jesus Christ did not come into the world to make bad people good. He came into this world to make dead people live”. Easter is an amazing season of joy and life where we are reminded of how insurmountable God’s love for us is. It’s also a season where we must determine not to keep this love to ourselves. We must be purposeful not to be so caught up in the prevalence of Easter eggs that we forget to let others know the reason for the season. Some churches have craft events for children in this season and are decorating baby chickens and eggs instead of sharing the truth of Easter which is that Jesus is alive!


find. There are many creative outreach ideas online. Let’s make this Easter different than others and make it about winning souls. In this edition of Sunrise, we can read about a great revival that took place at Easter in New Zealand at an Easter Convention. The precursor to revival in this instance was a hunger for revival as well as repentance from the leaders from fear, backbiting, laziness and prayerlessness to mention a few. We must determine as those that are among the righteous that we will purify ourselves and be the true church of Jesus before we can ever reach others who are outside the Kingdom. In other words, the revival must start with us. A great place to start is the advice given to us by our Chairman in this edition in his article ‘The Mechanisms of a Healthy Church’. If we follow the 12 keys within, we will be able to model a healthy church and thus encourage those outside its walls to join. Our General Overseer assures us in his article that it is possible to move from glory to glory physically, materially and spiritually where we are able to go beyond being ministered to and minister to others. It is my prayer that we will all advance in this new season and achieve all that God has enabled us to do for Him in Jesus name. This edition is packed full of articles on a variety of topics such as parenting, relationships, fitness, Healthy eating and spiritual matters that when applied to our lives will enable us to get to the top. I pray that you are blessed and transformed by this edition. Please pass the magazine on to bless someone else when you finish with it. Happy Easter!

Easter is a great time to evangelise and let people know why Easter is so important to us. Invite people to your Easter services and make the services relevant to newcomers who are curious about your faith. As believers we celebrate that Jesus is alive in every service so don’t be afraid to make your Easter services different with an outreach focus. Be creative in your presentation of the Easter message. Why not put on a drama production and invite the community or give away free Easter eggs with a gospel tract inside or do an Easter egg treasure hunt with the end treasure being Jesus and then explain how He is the greatest gift and treasure we could ever

Andrea Onduku Editor


The Mechanisms of A Healthy Church By Pastor Agu Irukwu

How Healthy is Your Church? Basically this has to do with how we do Church. Its answering these two questions: How do we do church? And the second question would be, how relevant are our churches today?

are already structures that exist. We are all in structures that exist. So no matter how small the church is, there’s already an existing system that runs and then there are existing processes. Now in dealing with change we must go back to saying ‘what exactly are the structures we have?’ and are these structures fit for purpose in the next stage? What are the systems that exist in this church? Are these systems fit for purpose in the next stage? They might have worked 10 years ago, but are they working now and more importantly can they work in the next stage? And what processes exist that keep this whole thing going and are those processes fit for purpose in the next stage? Now to help us have a picture of what we’re trying to drive when we talk about a healthy Church, we’re talking about the church that is fit and well. A church that is wholesome, a church that is blooming, a church that is strong, a church that is thriving, a church that is fine, a church that is in good shape, a church that is robust.

These next three words I’m going to say, I’ve said over and over again and I can’t run away from them. It’s answering this question: Do we Now, there’s a gentleman called George Barna. have the right structures, the right systems and George Barna is the acknowledged expert on church history and statistics, particularly statisthe right processes? tics Church information. He has a book called We want to get from point A to point B. There 8


The Habits of Highly Effective Churches, and this is a quote from him that kind of sums up today. This is what he says about the habits of Highly Effective Churches. He says highly effective churches are implementing Christianity more and more deeply both on the corporate and individual levels. They are people who truly worship God on a regular basis. They are people who are consistently introducing non-christians to Christ. They are learning and applying principles of the Christian faith to their lives. They are developing significant relationships with other believers, befriending, encouraging and holding each other accountable. They joyfully contribute their material possessions to Ministries and individuals in need for the Glory of God, they devote their time and energy to helping disadvantaged people”.

2. A Healthy Church is a Praying Church

I guess the thing we would have to ask ourselves is that somehow you have to be able as much as is possible to measure prayer in your church. You have to because you can’t increase something that is not measured. How do you know it has increased if you’re not measuring it; so you must be able to measure prayer. Now, one of the things we did here quickly was we realized that the practitioners, the people who lead powerful prayer teams usually don’t have the administrative graces that will allow us to keep track and measure prayer. So we have an administrator here who is not a practitioner. She is in the Prayer Ministry, but her role is to audit and measure prayer for me. Now because we wanted to be practical as well, we take advanIf you put the ministry of the church that you tage of technology. Some of the richest praying represent against those benchmarks it can tell that is being done now in the church is being you whether your church is healthy or not. And done on our prayer webinars and it’s interesting. so what we’re dealing with is, how do we make 3. A Healthy Church is a Worshipping Church churches move from where they are (not so healthy) to being robustly healthy. And there are You know John 4 verse 23 mentions true wor12 things that I want to share. Some of them shippers, that’s what God is looking for. Now the are borne out of experience, not that I got them effort to create a worshipping church must be from any book, but some are general principles intentional. Please write INTENTIONAL in big of church growth. I’m going to share them like bold letters. Somebody must be planning this highlights so you can tease it out, you can break thing. Somebody must be sitting down and stratit down, you can ask questions and then, do egising about how we are going to create a worwhat needs to be done: shipping church. Somebody must have a clear 1. A Healthy Church focuses on Strategic idea as to where we are going in this regard and somebody must be driving it. Somebody must Leadership be choosing those songs. Somebody must be There’s a phrase from John Maxwell, but we creating the atmosphere for worship. Somekind of adopted it here at Jesus House (RCCG): body has to ensure that those who are leading ‘everything rises and falls on leadership’. Ev- worship are purified vessels. Somebody must erything is a leadership problem. If there’s a be intentional about it; somebody at the end of a problem, it’s a leadership problem primarily. So service must be measuring whether this service a healthy church has a good leader who’s sur- achieved what we wanted to achieve; and what rounded by other good leaders who are serving do we want it to achieve? The aim is to enable other leaders. A lot of our churches have a lead- people to experience God in a tangible practical er and followers. That is unhealthy, because a but highly spiritual way. healthy Church has a good leader surrounded by 4. A Healthy Church Releases People Intenother good leaders who are serving other leaders. The aim is to grow leaders. If you are stra- tionally into Ministry tegic in your church, you are constantly growing It mustn’t just happen; there must be a clear coleaders. So there must be strategic leadership herent process for releasing people into Minisand being strategic means you’re thinking more try. If not, you then get people who become tired, than a Sunday service. You’re thinking medium weary and stale. They have been in the church to long term. for so long and there’s no ministry expression 9

because we haven’t created a pathway for them to have ministry expression. How can we create a way to allow these people into Ministry? There are people who have sat under me for 20 years; they’ve learnt everything they have to learn and yes, the ideal would be to send them off to plant a church, but they don’t want to leave the church and they don’t want to go and plant a church. So from the moment somebody joins your church or gives their lives to Christ, one of the things you’re thinking is, where can this person serve immediately in this church because that engagement is going to keep them? 5. A Healthy Church Must Have a Clear Vision

do that? And when I say coherent it must all tie in from the discipleship that’s done on the pulpit to what has been done in the various groups - It must all tie in. So what is your discipleship system? Every one of us who’s in the church must be able to say, ‘this is our discipleship system.’ This is an overview of how we ensure that people in this place become mature. 8. A Healthy Church Must Have an Effective System of Fellowship George Barna says ‘what makes a church stable and secure is not mere friendliness, but true concern, compassion and caring for others’. It’s one thing to be friendly but really what makes a church stable is genuine compassion and care for others. Every one of us has to look at our fellowship system; what exactly is this fellowship ‘thing’ and how does it work? What is the fellowship system in your church? How do people come and how do they get into fellowships? For us (RCCG Jesus House) we’ve realized that what we call connect groups is really the future of the church.

Please if you’re a pastor and you’re not sure about this, your Number One job apart from prayer and study of the word is to share Vision. So if you remove prayer and the study of the word the main thing you do is to share Vision. You must understand how to share the vision and you must share a vision. People are driven by the pictures that are painted for them. If there’s no picture painted for them then the people are going to get tired quicker than you can In fact the way I’ve said it to them here (in RCCG imagine. Jesus House), I’ve said really the real church are 6. A Healthy Church Has a Clear Mission the connect groups. What happens on Sunday are the various pastors in the various churches What are we about? Where are we headed? bringing their congregation together for us to What is the mission of this church? There must celebrate. That’s the way church must go and be a clear mission! In the RCCG, we want to go it’s a pattern that follows what existed in the earto heaven and take as many people as possi- ly church. ble to Heaven; somehow you must extrapolate that and put it to your people in a way that they The real church was done in people’s homes; will grasp. It’s a great mission for the Redeemed when they met together, they shared fellowship, Christian Church of God, but somehow I must they studied the word, they took communion; take from that mission and make it applicable to that’s where the real church is. So the focus has the people in a way that they understand. There to move from this Mega gathering, this bigger must be a clear mission. church and the focus has to move to what people are doing in those groups, (whatever you 7. A Healthy Church Must Have a Coherent call them); we call them Connect Groups, Life Discipleship System Groups, Small Groups, whatever they’re called, There must be a coherent discipleship system House Fellowships, if you want to use what is and we must ask ourselves some questions. traditionally used but that must be the focus. The discipleship systems that we have: are they How can we keep it alive there and get it going? working? Are they really working? We must not And here we have a pastor who heads it up and be afraid to ask ourselves some hard questions is trying to work out that whole system. You can and if they’re not working, then what kind of dis- adopt whatever system suits you. Just find out cipleship system can we put in place? The aim is what suits you. What we do here is that our Conto create mature believers. How are we going to nect Groups study what was preached in church on Sunday. 10

9. A Healthy Church Must Have a Burden Ourselves: The church cannot go further than and Strategies for Evangelism the pastor has gone. So we’ve got to look at ourselves. When the Bible shares out talents, A church that simply does not have a burden or it’s fascinating that God himself gives some effective strategies for evangelism is just not two, and gave some five. Which means that healthy. from Heaven, this person cannot do more than 10. A Healthy Church Must Be Serving the- two. What that means is that we’ve got to take a look at ourselves and be truthful to ourselves. Needy We’ve got to admire our strengths, accept our If you remember what George Barna said, he limitations. And then we must also look at oursaid ‘they devote their time and energy to helping selves in terms of how we empower ourselves; disadvantaged people’. It’s a whole Matthew 25 how we get the right skills. Where do you go and thing. There is something about a church that sit to learn? Who’s speaking into your life? Who cares for “the least of these my brethren”, as are you looking at? And you want to be like, you Jesus called them. There is something about want to learn from? that and we’ve seen the dramatic changes here as we have worked so it must be a part of the Culture: The second thing of course that we’re going to have to deal with is culture. Culture is church. strong. If we’re not intentional about it, nothing 11. A Healthy Church has Healthy Finances is going to happen and you know, the interesting thing is that you do little things first, and they This is about transparency accountability. Peo- have massive impact. We’ve just got to someple want to know ‘what I gave’, what is happen- how be intentional. ing to what I gave?’; that’s the reality and so we must have systems that encourage transparen- Religion: We’ve got to deal with the spirit of relicy and accountability. The church must know gion. Religion is stifling, especially to the youngthat these things exist. The structures that are er generation. So when they come and meet there, we must let the church know that those our religion, off they go! So everything has to be structures exist and that they work. So what called into question. Is this thing allowed? Is it am I trying to say? I’m trying to say you’ve got working? Is it off-putting? If it is off-putting, then to sit down and start to work these things out. scrap it! And nothing should be sacrosanct, only That’s part of the change that we’ve just got to the foundations must be sacrosanct! embrace and start to deal with it. Now if you remember one of the things George Barna said, ‘in Traditions of men: ‘It’s the way we’ve always a healthy Church, they joyfully give their money’. done it. We don’t toy with the ancient landmarks; those ancient landmarks are scriptural.’ Any12. A Healthy Church Operates by the Su- body who wants to come and toy with the founpernatural dations of our faith, we’re going to resist them. But apart from that, there are some traditions There has to be a move of the Holy Spirit. You that just have to go if it’s not working anymore. have to have a strategy for your church to enter the dimensions where the gifts of the Holy Spirit are manifest. That liberty must come! We must get that liberty and then we must see it’s a New Testament Church. We must see the gifts of the Spirit in the church. You must teach about it. You must allow room for the Holy Spirit to stir up those gifts. That is the New Testament Church. So we must create the environment for that to happen.

Pastor Agu Irukwu

Putting It All in Context: Four Things to Confront

Chairman RCCG UK




Easter Revivals THE



he story of the Revivals which began in the Auckland Province of North Island, New Zealand, demonstrates very clearly how Revival may be expected in any part. A cablegram received in London and published in The Christian, summed up the work fairly well. It was signed by the Rev. A. S. Wilson, author of Faith’s Fight and other well-known books, whose reputation as a preacher is better known in the Southern Hemisphere. “Extraordinary New Zealand Revival begun during Orr’s ministry at Ngaruawahia Easter Keswick and other camps. Hundreds publicly confessing sin, scores of conversions resulting, with sanely intense meetings of tireless crowds continuing till approaching midnight. Ngaruawahia missionary pledges and offerings Sunday approximately two thousand pounds. - A. S. Wilson.” I had received a cablegram from the Bible Training Institute of Auckland-it reached me in Los Angeles - asking

me to attend the Easter Convention at Ngaruawahia, as a speaker. On Wednesday morning, it was my privilege to speak at the Bible Training Institute. This influential school of the prophets was founded by the late Rev. Joseph Kemp, and has continued till this day to be one of the great factors in the work of the Lord here. The students listened well to the message, and a break came in the meeting when one after another rose to confess hindrance and sin. Criticism, prayerlessness and secret sins were amongst the honest confessions-and a little local revival broke out as soon as these hindrances were cleansed away. Dr. Charles J. Rolls, the noted Bible teacher who was Dean of the Institute in days gone by, arrived at ten o’clock to speak to the students (it was their last day of the term), and finding the whole company on their knees, he joined us, and we all spent a glorious hour before the throne, asking and receiving revival. Dr. Rolls, from that moment, became a close friend and helper: I could see that revival was a genuine passion with him. That meeting was really the revival in first fruits. 14

This Easter Convention at Ngaruawahia has become the “Keswick” of New Zealand. Folks seemed full of expectancy regarding the blessing that was to come - and the revival overwhelmed them. In the meantime, revival broke out in a meeting at Auckland. My companion and I were having supper with the family of the young man who had greeted us on board. Without warning I was told that I would be the speaker at a service in a marquee the same evening in Mount Eden district. And so I went along to the meeting held in Mr. Rimmer’s tent. It was crowded with young people, bright, happy young people. The service began in the usual way. I went ahead with a message to Christians. The Lord began to work in their hearts, and the expected break came. A young man stood up to ask prayer for deliverance from sin: another followed; then another. One young leader startled his friends: “You all think that I am a deeply spiritual Christian - that I have that reputation. But I want to tell you inside I am like a sepulchre.”

REVIVAL All the scenes of revival began to be enacted before our eyes. Some were melted into tears: some broke down while speaking: two or three prayed at once. And so the revival came to that meeting of young people. There was much rejoicing, and as I learned that some there present were going to be at Ngaruawahia, I felt more and more convinced that a revival would sweep .the Convention. I said so. Some people smiled. Others said that they hoped so. Some of us knew that revival would come because it had, come first to our own hearts. Revival does not produce pessimists. The Convention began in conventional ways with an opening meeting. Mr. Miller (who led my Cousin Jack to Christ) gave a fine address. Friday’s meetings were pent up with expectancy, but no break occurred. Dr. Rolls gave a remarkably fine address on Friday evening. After the evening meeting, a young man who had been in the revival in Rimmer’s tent approached me. “Mr. Orr,” said he. “About a dozen fellows want you to come along to Tent Number Twenty-nine. They are concerned about revival.” I went. We discussed the hindrances to revival with frank earnestness. There seemed to be conviction, deep conviction. When we started praying, transactions were gone through with the Lord. The first prayer was a broken confession of secret sin: another sought cleansing from pride: another confessed criticism: another unbelief. Young men are honest in their prayers - and these were not kept back by the presence of women. I think that everyone of the twelve young men got right with God. Then the spirit of revival began to fall upon us - it was an amazing meeting. We sang, we prayed, we rejoiced, we cried unto God. At ten-fifteen, I said to them: “Now look here. I am going off to my hotel to go to sleep. But take a tip from me-go and try to get some of the other tents on fire for the Lord. It is your work just as much as mine. We asked God for a revival here - we have got it. The same thing will apply to the other tents.” They divided up into parties of three and started out. I went to my hotel. I felt the urge to tell Dr. Rolls of the revival, but did not want to disturb him. However, I could not sleep, so I left in

my coat, got an apple, told the hotelkeeper that I would go for ten minutes’ walk, and set out for the camp. To my amazement (for lights out was at ten-thirty) there were prayer meetings going on in a dozen tents. I listened. In some tents, revival had begun: in others they were asking for blessing. I met some of the boys from ‘29.’ There was a late prayer meeting of a score of fellows going on in the big marquee, and the two boys from ‘29’ announced their intention of “butting in.” I left them and walked back to the hotel, rejoicing at their boldness. They went down to the marquee, and found a very ordinary sort of prayer meeting about to be closed. Now one of these two young men was an over-exuberant fellow in temperament: the other was a quiet type. The quiet fellow went to the front of the prayer meeting and boldly interrupted the prayers, much to the astonishment of the score of men. “Listen here, you fellows. What’s the use of praying for other fellows’ sins. You ought to confess your own, and get a revival in your own heart first.” And so they told an astonished company of how the revival had descended upon Tent 29. In the twinkling of an eye, there was conviction as the Holy Spirit descended upon that prayer meeting. Men were broken down, confessed sin, cried for mercy, sought forgiveness, asked for revival. And the prayer meeting in the big marquee went ablaze with spiritual power. In the meantime - it was quarter to eleven - I reached the door of my hotel, and to my utter dismay, found myself locked out. I knocked the door, rang the bell, hammered, knocked again all without avail. It is surely a remarkable thing that the other visitors had been shown a private way in at the back - but I was blissfully ignorant of such an ingress, for no one had told me. I tried every means of getting in until quarter past eleven. Finally, I made up my mind to go down to the camp and sleep on a spare palliasse. So off I set for the camp the third time. This time I heard unusual sounds from the big marquee and went in to find a deep revival begun By one o’clock there were no fewer than sixty men in that revival meeting - everyone of whom had made his 15

peace with his Lord. Other enemies were reconciled, other sins were confessed, other souls received the transforming power. At one o’clock, I managed to persuade them to go to bed. They protested - I insisted, backed by a few others. Finally we stood up to sing. . The benediction was pronounced. It was ignored so far as going to bed was concerned. The praise service started allover again. At last we prevailed on them to go to bed. The last hymn was, “Blest be the tie that binds.” The “sixty ‘’ - as they were afterwards called, were one in heart. My only concern was the fact that they had made the noise of six hundred - and that in the middle of the night. But revival had come-we were all convinced of that. Saturday evening’s service was utterly overcrowded. There were 1,000 people crammed into the tent, and dozens of others all round the place. Dr. Rolls gave me a nod as I started to speak. When the appeal was made, a score of young people walked forward to the front and confessed besetting sin. Many were in tears as they knelt there. People began to break down allover the meeting. Mr. Sanders and Dr. Rolls made their way over to the men’s dining tent, and to them I sent score after score of young folk seeking blessing. Before very long there were two hundred being dealt with. Other leaders went out and dealt with different groups-there were seventeen after- meetings scattered all over the camp. Rev. A. S. Wilson calculated that over five hundred were dealt with: scores of backsliders were restored: there were dozens of conversions. About three hundred older people waited with me in the big marquee-and revival swept them likewise. Pastors and workers confessed backsliding; tears flowed; decisions for Christ were made by the unconverted. Two Chinamen, who could not speak English, were in the meeting under conviction of sin. They were dealt with through an interpreter and decided for Christ. An excerpt from ALL YOU NEED (1936) by Dr. J. Edwin Orr

Make it to




eaven is a real place. It’s a spiritual planet far removed from stellar regions known to science. If you don’t believe in a tangible Heaven above, your Christianity falls down with a big bang! Forgive the puns. I am dead serious. A belief in Heaven is at the centre of your faith in God. Which begs the question as to why the reality of Heaven is a stumbling block for some people.


are passing through; our eternal destiny as Believers in Christ Jesus is with God in Heaven. As He prepared to return to Heaven, remember what Jesus told His disciples in John 14:2-3? “In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also”, declared Jesus, Think about this. Perhaps the speaking of Heaven. best-known line in the Holy Scriptures is the 1st verse in Genesis. “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1). We know it by heart. It appears Heaven was one of the very first creations of the triune God, a place they call home. Why then is it difficult to paint a picture of Heaven in our minds which is real and inspiring? Those who should know tell us that the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible mentions the word ‘Heaven’ 327 times in the Old Testament and 255 times in the New Testament. Amazing. What then makes anyone think Heaven is just a nice, fable-like add-on to the Christian faith? No, far from it; Heaven is central to the divine quest for a loving relationship with humankind. “But our God is in heaven; He does whatever He pleases”, Psalm 115:3 emphatically declares. Our Saviour Jesus Christ came down from Heaven to execute the divine plan for redemption. Messiah Himself unequivocally declares in John 6:38 from whence He came to this planet: “For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.” The scriptures teach with clarity that this earth is not our permanent home; we are pilgrims. We

emerald.” (Revelation 4:1-3). A glimpse of Heaven in a vision does not negate its existence.

There is one more crucial fact to note about Heaven. Not every person gets into God’s house. Again, the scriptures cannot be broken; we either believe it entirely or question its veracity: “And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and heaven fled away: and there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it: and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoFriend, Heaven is such a beauti- ever was not found written in the ful place. Forget the overthinkers book of life was cast into the lake who try to get us to completely of fire.” (Revelation 20:11-15). discountenance the colourful imagery and vivid depictions of how Make it to Heaven. Heaven is like. Isn’t it apt that just as the Scriptures open with an unequivocal reference to a created Heaven, the Bible closes with even more graphic descriptions of the glory of God in His holy Heaven: “After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as if it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter. And immediately I was in the spirit: and Dr Yinka Oduwole behold, a throne was set in heavis the Managing Editor of en, and one sat on the throne. And Sunrise and Pastor of he that sat was to look upon like The Risen Christ, Knebworth a jasper and a sardine stone: and @YinkaOduwole there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an

“ Friend, Heaven is such a beautiful place ”




Still Bearing Fruit after Many Decades of Song


f there were an anthology of songs which have captured the imagination of contemporary Christians, chances are it would include at least two soul-stirring songs titled Let Your Living Waters Flow and Holy Spirit, Move Me Now. These melodious worship songs have easily become Christian spirituals. Which is why when the opportunity arose for Sunrise to interview the near 38-year-old group known as Vinesong, it was accepted with gladness, excitement and anticipation. Founded by the unassuming but great servant of God Pastor John Watson – one of God’s Generals in every sense who was incidentally ordained a pastor by RCCG’s General Overseer Pastor E. A. Adeboye - Vinesong describe themselves as “an international, interdenominational team of Christian missionaries” who are sharing the gospel “through worship and the Word, living and traveling together 11 months of the year.” Every word of that self-description is true. We caught up with Vinesong at their quaint, countryside home in England where they indeed all live together. We find Christian Aartsen – one part of the couple serving as the group’s administrator – gardening. I recognise 20

him from their website. Smiling, he waves us on. We are met at the door by Rachael Gray who arranged the interview. The interview itself is conducted in Vinesong’s warm, idyllic residence. The deep bonds of fellowship amongst the Vinesong team is obvious: it’s one big, happy family of worshippers and Christian ministers dwelling in unity. During the interview, we are gifted with what is almost certainly a world magazine exclusive – the legendary Pastor John Watson is stepping down and has handed over the reins of Vinesong to Daniel Kok, now a long-standing member of the group. Of course, we engage Pastor John and Daniel Kok in conversations around transitions. As we leave, Sunrise’s Magazine Designer who is doubling on this day as Interview Photographer Brother Ife Samuel and I are blessed by the whole Vinesong team, along with Pastor John, with a psalm for protection sang over us in a traditional Jewish way. It is like waves of mercy, love and peace breaking over us. We pray that more of God’s grace will be showered on these great servants of God in their journey. By Yinka Oduwole


'God Put Vinesong Together' - Pastor John Watson

Pastor John Watson Sunrise: Vinesong: How did you come about the group. That’s really remarkable, even from the name when the ministry started in 1982? perspective of business management practice. You’ve also managed to set it up as an intergenPastor John Watson: Thank you Pastor. You’re erational Ministry. How do you also manage the welcome. I was with the Vineyard Church. So the fame that can sometimes come with Christian obvious choice of name for me was Vinesong! I ministry, especially for Christian worship miniswas actually one of the founding Pastors of Vine- ters? song in America. Pastor John Watson: I feel so humbled and Sunrise: For those who’ve followed Vinesong our team is humble. Well, that makes me more over the years, it’s difficult to separate the minis- pleased than anything else; we are naturally try from the person of the Holy Spirit. Your minis- known for that and we don’t try to be anything. try is so marked by the Holy Spirit. How does one stay grounded? Giving the glory to God and not dwelling on it. You know, I’ve always Pastor John Watson: Yes! It’s, I think, such an told the teams and I have to be real, ‘don’t come honour, the privilege that the Lord has allowed with an attitude’. People have trouble with teams. the Holy Spirit to be synonymous with Vinesong. We’ve never had anyone lose their temper. I make But we are always careful and I’m always careful sure that people are in the right place. If you have to give Him the glory because he won’t share his been called by God, it’s going to be alright. Stay glory with any man. A lot of musicians and sing- faithful to the call; stay faithful to the original call. ers want some of the glory for themselves. Sunrise: Is there room to innovate the sound of Sunrise: It’s been about 38 years since Vinesong Vinesong? Is there room to experiment with other began and this is the fourth incarnation of the genres? 21

Pastor John Watson: Probably for other people, but I’m just happy to stay in my little corner and do what God told me to do. He gives the songs. I’m never trying to write a song. I’ve only written when God gives me a song. We don’t write a song unless God wants one written. For the RCCG Holy Ghost Congress every year, Daddy G.O. (Pastor E. A. Adeboye) gives me the title, so I can sit down and God gives me the song. You know, on the average, we’ve had songs like ‘Our God Reigns’, which is quite big now. We were in Ireland and staying in a hotel with a nice view. So I put my keyboard and my laptop there and I sat there, God gave it to me and I said to the team, ‘we’ve got a song!’ At other times, when you’ve had this song and you just can’t get to the next level with it, you just trust God to know what to do with it. ‘How Majestic’ is special as well. Just from seeing the photos from the Hubble (Telescope), I went, ‘Oh Yeah!’ I get inspired by different things. I’ve had the pleasure of having my keyboard with me and then I get songs. You know Lucifer was the chief musician in Heaven, and people don’t realise that they can fall into his trap. You have to be so careful how you approach the throne of God because God won’t have any unclean thing on the altar. And I’ve been very worried about the worldwide church because you know, we would turn everything into a competition.

Pastor John Watson: I don’t know if it’s becoming more of entertainment than worship, but people are longing for worship, to worship God. God gave me this revelation about Lucifer, but it wasn’t an awesome and frightening revelation. I believe we’re in the era of narcissism. Some people have got that spirit of narcissism - self-love and self-promotion. Sunrise: So what would be your message to worship leaders, pastors and church leaders? Pastor John Watson: To be humble. And to do what God wants, not what they want. You know, we so into following recipes. You know, you have to guard your heart. But I can tell you when I’m sitting in a meeting or anywhere and that narcissistic spirit comes, because you know, it’s not scriptural. It’s earthly and sensual, definitely not spiritual. So talking about Ministry, there is a need for us to stay humble and prevent narcissism. Sunrise: There’s something that struck me when I was doing a bit of research on Vinesong. I realised that almost everybody who is part of the team got recruited by you, and I think to myself, ‘What discernment!’ How do you do that, just know who is supposed to be part of the team?

Sunrise: Is contemporary worship music becoming more of entertainment than true worship of God? 22

Pastor John Watson: The Lord is good, because you know, I’ve never heard anyone of them sing before they join. I never hear them sing.

Sunrise: And Vinesong is such a diverse team; Pastor John Watson: I want to see the team recit’s an international team. Do you ever have ognised. There’s a lot of jealousy in music. We cross-cultural challenges? feel a lot of unfriendliness from some different quarters from some people because they are Pastor John Watson: I don’t think humanly you insecure, but we’ve never tried to open the door can make it happen because you know, it’s for ourselves. And I think that’s one of the big sewhen God puts something together. My sound crets of Ministry - not to open the door. Let God engineer was Smith Wigglesworth’s great- do it. It’s up to the next generation; it does not great grandson. You know, this is the way the include me. Lord told me to do it and I’m so afraid of people with the wrong agenda, people in ministries with other agendas. And you know, I just think it’s fantastic that God would put people in the right place. It becomes challenging and exciting, for each person becomes a real blessing.

“The Vision Will Not Change” - Daniel Kok

Sunrise: So how do you prepare for the next generation, the transitions that must take place definitely at some point in time. Pastor John Watson: You’ve got to kind of hand over. Daniel and Charlene are running the ministry now. We went to the RCCG Holy Ghost Congress and I tried to hide, as I wasn’t on stage, but the camera found me and the people could see me! … The Lord was setting me free to hand over to the next generation, and it’s got to be to those called by God. Sunrise: Coming back to your pastoral work, which is what a lot of other people are not aware of, you’ve mentored lots of pastors. And obviously you mentor members of Vinesong too. Is this still something you still intend to do even though you’re beginning to hand over some of the music aspects of the ministry? Pastor John Watson: Well, right now, I’ve handed over all the music. … I don’t even go to the (music) practices anymore… They need to fly, you know, and they know exactly how it works. Sunrise: Will you still be mentoring pastors in your spare time? Pastor John Watson: Well, yes. You know I get to do that often. Sunrise: Finally, Vinesong will be 40 years old in about three years’ time. So what’s the next big challenge or vision, that you think the team should pursue?

Sunrise: Congratulations on assuming leadership of the worship team in Vinesong, as Pastor John Watson has passed on the baton to you at this time, assisted by your wife. So, what does it feel like to carry such a huge responsibility? Daniel Kok: To be quite honest with you, I was very encouraged by a book that I read from Mummy and Daddy G.O. because I read about when they were ushered into being the Overseers at RCCG, that they had a really hard time and it was difficult for them to initially accept the call in a way. And it made me feel very normal in a way. It’s a little bit overwhelming, but there’s been great peace in the whole process. And when God is in something, especially like this way, it will affect lives. He doesn’t make mistakes and therefore I know that I’m in the will of God. The acid test in knowing God’s will is peace, and it’s been peaceful - the whole process. One doesn’t always feel like you ready. You never feel like you’re actually qualified; you never feel like it should be you. Oth23

er people are a lot more qualified than I am, but for some other reason the Lord chose me and my wife and Rachael Gray to spearhead the ministry by His grace and by His mercy and. I think just knowing that without Him, we can’t do it, is the greatest peace you can have because the Bible says His strength is made perfect in our weakness. So, many times you feel ‘I can’t do this; it’s overwhelming; it’s this, it’s that’, but

dreamed this would be possible, that it would ever happen. I never contemplated the idea. That’s the other secret for me. I think if people fantasise about positions and places where they want to be, I think many times, the Lord might give it to someone who we wouldn’t expect. So, in my case the Lord really helped me not to think further than every day, and not to strive and think ‘Oh, What if?, What if?’ And I think that’s

letting His power shine through is the best thing, and to allow Him to be Lord always. You know, God is the lead and we are just His assistants. So, for me, the word leadership just means that you are a little closer to hearing from Him and hearing what He wants, as far as the vision is concerned and way we should go. So I really am very much aware that I’m His assistant and I’m available, and if this is His call for my life, it’s a great honour, an absolute honour. And to be quite honest with you, I never ever

been something that’s really helped me.


Sunrise: So, how does it feel to have been mentored by such a great man of God? Daniel Kok: It’s been a great privilege. It’s very humbling and a great privilege. And as I said, I know of many that would’ve qualified to be here, rather than me. I mean, why me? You know, I’m from South Africa, minding my own business and the Lord amazingly came to save me and from

that moment, it’s almost like things definitely took their won course. You know, when I look back, everything happens for a reason, leading up to this point. And yes, it’s a great privilege. I’m humbled and like I said, I see it is an absolute honour because when I see the men that had mentored him (Pastor John Watson), it gets even more amazing. You know, from Daddy G.O. and to Heads of denominations, Heads of Ministries, all the way back through to the Vineyard Church, including Andrae Crouch

but I know that as we moving closer to the End Times and to Revival, that He’s going to show us an even deeper way of worship and even closer walk with Him in order to really hear His heart for the nations. Lord we want more of You and in our meetings, more healings, more deliverance and much more signs so that His name can be glorified, that the body of Christ can be edified and that ultimately, He can look down upon us and say. ‘Good and faithful servant; you’ve done what I’ve called you to do. You’ve run the race.’ I hope that answers your question. But thank you Sunrise: Finally, Vinesong will be 40 years old very much. We have believe in where we heading. in a few years. What’s your vision for Vinesong? Thank you very much and congratulations Oh Where do you think the Lord is taking Vinesong? Glory to God. Thank you Ying busting [00:07:00] us. All right. Daniel Kok: The short answer is, we’re going to stay the course of what He’s called us to do. Sunrise: Any final thoughts? The vision will not change. The mission will not change. So, I think pretty much, how we do things Daniel Kok: I am very aware that without the wisand the way God has shown us all these years, dom of the elderly and fathers within the Church, what is peculiar to the ministry, the parame- we as the younger generation would have little ters, the restrictions, the borders and the great chance to succeed. Therefore, Pastor John’s platform that the Lord has given us - that I don’t overseeing counsel at this moment is paramount think will change, but methods do change, and to the future success of Vinesong, as well as beGod-willing we will have new songs if God wants ing under the spiritual covering of our dear Daddy to give us new songs. We’re praying for God to G.O. and the RCCG Church. open the doors to more nations for us by the grace of God. We’ve been to more than 40 coun- Sunrise: Thank you. tries, but I’m trusting Him for more than double that in the distant future, that God would really Daniel Kok: Thank you and God bless you. just take us from glory to glory. That’s His promise. How he’s going to do that, I’m not quite sure,


In Honour of



er Love is unique and one of the most precious of God’s gift to mankind.

Nothing in the world is as powerful as a mother's love for her children, a connection so strong and special it can do miraculous things, it is made of deep devotion and of sacrifice and pain, it is endless and unselfish and enduring. Mothers often postpone their ambitions and careers until a later date to nurture and see her children moulded and shaped in God’s love in their early days. She builds in them confidence in God and in themselves, creating a platform for success in all their endeavours to give them a sure foundation and a firm grip of the precepts of the kingdom. She prepares them for the future and what lies ahead as the days unfold and the years roll by? Her love inspires them to grow in love, filling


their hearts with gladness in warm and thoughtful ways. She loves her children in spite of their mistakes, she loves them for who they are. Kudos to mothers who through patience will obtain the reward of their labour of love. Her strength and capability is second to none, you wonder where she gets all the energy from. She juggles and multi-tasks, combining so much at a time and getting everything rightly done, organising and sorting without leaving any stone unturned and still looking great and glamorous. She is an early riser, with a picture of the agenda for the day, working all through until night time to accomplish her goals for today and relentlessly preparing ahead to fulfil tomorrow’s assignment. She is on her feet to see her home looking spick and span and household creates an ambience of order not chaos.


She instils in her children diligence and courage to surmount every obstacle that comes their way, inculcating in them the power of resilience and hard work that are prerequisites to greatness in life.She is a full time employee with duties that last a life time without a vacation. Though her job may not be appreciated by all and she is underpaid, misunderstood and mistreated, yet she forges ahead to please her Maker and to fulfil the purpose of her calling, drawing strength from the Strength of Israel, her source daily. We salute your valour and perseverance in keeping strong to see your seeds blossom and flourishing.

We celebrate you women of honour, we celebrate your love for God and for the community We celebrate the faith of mothers for holding forth to bring down the glory of the Lord. 27


Nothing in the world is as powerful as a mother's love for her children


Her faith in God is unwavering, her pronouncements and disposition aligns with her confession. Her children are brought up in the way of the Lord, as she influences their lifestyle as a good role model. She teaches them how to pray and to put their trust in God who is Omnipotent and Omniscient. Her faith propels her children to do things that they never thought possible. She believes in their dreams, she speaks positive and faith-filled words of life over them to see those dreams come true. She stirs them up, goading their destiny, leaving them with a heritage of faith that will be a blessing to the next generation and producing a godly legacy that the world is waiting for. She is a Prayer Warrior, whether the conditions are right or not, even when there is no fruit on the vines, she goes on her kneels armed with the sword of the spirit, ready for battle. She travails with the unceasing movement of her lips, groaning in the Spirit. She refuses to give up until she sees the light at the end of the dark tunnel, her household safely trust in her prayers, knowing that she stands in the gap, interceding on their behalf, eager to see the move of God in their lives

By Ekpen Happiness Onasanya

Six Principles To Make You A Good Father Figure


e cannot talk about fatherhood without giving all credit to the almighty God who is the everlasting father of all creation (Isaiah 9:6).

A father figure within our world could be a biological father, a stepfather, a mentor, a leader, a coach, a spiritual father, etc. Let’s use the word “father” as an acronym to discover the six hidden principles.

F.A.T.H.E.R 1. Founder

A founder is the one who initiates things. In the book of Genesis 1:1,26, we see how God is not only the creator but He is the initiator of all things. “Until you take outstanding initiatives you’re yet to be a good father figure” A life with consistent initiatives keeps you on top of your listeners and followers. Beware of people you allow to take initiative for you as it is a way of empowering them to play a very key role of founders, which will place them in the same rank as father figure of your life. Joseph was a son, a brother and a slave, yet he became a father figure in Egypt and to his family because of his initiatives before Pharaoh. 28


A good father figure is a person of quality. The quality of his works is astonishing. He creates the atmosphere of excellence around him and he makes his children to love and aspire for excellence

A founder is a chest of legacy. All that you acquire today will become a legacy for generations to come. Therefore, pay attention to things you are gathering and acquiring. The pharaoh that refused to free the Israelites did not leave a legacy as he lost his son, his army and his own life

2. Anchor

An anchor is the thing that holds the ship in place regardless of its size and heaviness. You cannot be a good father figure if you are easily dragged back and forth because of pressure and emotional feelings. An anchor is never afraid to stop the ship in the middle of deep ocean. It is smaller than the ship, yet heavy to allow its power to breakthrough the waters. As an anchor, your authority should not be based on fear but on good judgment.

Young David while running for his life had a ‘once in a life time’ opportunity to kill his hater yet he made a good judgment as a good father figure.

a selfless knowledge for his people. “Until you accept suggestions from your followers, you’re yet to be a good father figure”. In Exodus 32:10-14 we see the Everlasting FaAn anchor can also ther listening to sugplay a role of a frame. gestions from Moses. As a frame you are the secret behind the A heart for teaching unity and harmony is a sharing and facilof your people. You itating heart. It loves don’t need to boast passing on knowledge about your strength, to others, as well as as you will be evaluat- making hard and comed through the beau- plicated stuff easy for ty, unity and harmony its listeners; yet it enyou are displaying as courages them with a frame. Job was a passion to be hard powerful frame be- working people. hind the beauty, unity and success of his Teaching skills family which is the A good father figure reason why he did not uses every opportuallow his wife to influ- nity in good and bad ence the strength in seasons to teach his him. environment. He does not open his mouth to Just as a human skel- please or hurt but to eton holds the body educate his followers. together, its strength Furthermore he teachis evaluated by what es not only in words it endures. So is the but also by example father figure in whom as he mingles to idenpeople find strength. tify with his followers. “Until you’re ready to be the frame for many, 4. Head you cannot be a good A good father figure is father figure” the head and he leads but not drags. “Until you take the 3. Teacher lead to show the way A good father figure you cannot be a good is a teacher who ed- father figure” ucates his environ- 1Peter 5:1-3 ment. A good father figure Preparing for teaching is always on the front lessons of life. line to assess and proA good father figure cess the vision. He is is a good learner and a quick thinker yet prohe digs deeper to get found and pays atten-


tion to details.

A founder is also a history maker. Work your mind hard to become a history maker. Being part of history is not bad but you should not fold your hands enjoying your father’s history, because you might end up without making history till you die. Jephthah was denied his father’s inheritance, yet he made history in becoming a king.

challenging tasks to keep the mind aware Showing the way. and awake throughout A good father figure the journey. is the bearer of the 6. Responsivision. He is the pathble finder of his people A good father figure and he guides them is a responsible perthrough. Sometimes son as he is the one he might have missed in charge. He knows steps but he will not and honours his duty. allow his followers to Also, he enjoys fulfillgo astray. ing his requirement Being a role model. A good father figure should be an icon within his generation and to generations to come. Moreover, he is someone that inspires people by his leadership attitude and many can look up to him as a role model.

without grudges nor regrets whatsoever.

Being in charge of himself He looks after himself and he sets patterns and routines of life to keep his body and health fit for the next level. He does not overload and overwork his life. 5. Elite “Until you’re in charge An Elite is the best of yourself you cannot because he works to- be a good father figward the best and pre- ure” pares his people for the best. He makes A good father figure is sure that each one of in charge of his peohis listeners aims to ple and he takes the become an elite within responsibility of his his generation. actions. He does not like to pass on bad A good father figure behavior to his followis a person of quali- ers. Also he stands as ty. The quality of his a representative of his works is astonishing. children regardless of He creates the atmo- the situation. sphere of excellence around him and he A good father figure makes his children to is a founder with outlove and aspire for ex- standing initiatives cellence. that impact generations of leaners into A person of great ability great visionaries of excellence with darA good father figure ing, caring and sharhas the ability to solve ing attitudes. life equations with all wisdom. He takes up By: Pastor David Chambo



magine being asked to die for a condemned armed robber, a terrorist, or a morally corrupt person in your community; would you oblige or voluntarily rush out to do so? Certainly not; judging by general human standards. For a good man or woman in society, some people may agree reluctantly or hardly opt to die in their places or stead.

FEATURE torious celebration. The Bible states: And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement. Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned. Romans 5:11-12.

The whole of mankind was hopelessHowever, that unpopular and un- ly under the grip of sin and death. likely line of action was what God Before the law came by way of the took. Read how the Holy Bible tells Ten Commandments given to Moses, us: no man could be legally accused of For when sin, even “For God did we were though yet without a l l not send his Son into the world to strength, sinned in due time condemn the world, but that the world t h r o u g h Christ died A d a m through him might be saved” for the unand Eve. godly. For scarcely for a righteous The partaking in the failure of Adam man will one die; yet peradventure for and Eve was the inheritance of death a good man some would even dare which passed on to all mankind. That to die. But God commendeth his love death was pronounced upon us contowards us, in that, while we were ditionally by God. We entered into it yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much by the choice of our foreparents. We more then, being now justified by his therefore inherited the death as well. blood, we shall be saved from wrath Jesus Christ came as the second through him. For if, when we were Adam. He was perfect all the way. enemies, we were reconciled to God He obeyed God all the way. Greater by the death of his Son, much more, still, Jesus Christ died for our sins being reconciled, we shall be saved in stead of us all. He became sin for by his life. us, took our sin away. He died our Romans 5:6-10. death. Arose from the grave and freely offers and gives his life to all who Our first parents sinned by deliberate would receive him! That is Love that disobedience to God. Being our foun- is indescribable! It is such a great and dational and therefore representative wondrous love. parents, Adam and Eve ushered sin At this time of Christmas celebration, into the world with the deception by we remember that God sent his own Satan. The choice was theirs to obey begotten Son Jesus into the world. God or Satan. Their choice had se- He was born in a manger in the little vere spiritual and physical implica- town of Bethlehem in Judeae. Jesus tions. As forewarned by God, death Christ came on a rescue mission. He was the result. Man died spiritually came to rescue mankind from sin by being cut off and out of fellowship and death. That rescue mission has with God. This effect passed on to all been completed. Jesus came, born mankind. as a baby. He grew up and became a Genesis 3 carpenter in Nazareth. He ministered across Jerusalem, towns and villages However, the reconciliatory initiative in Judeae and Samaria in Palestine. made by God through the death of his He surrendered himself to be cruciSon Jesus Christ removed the curse fied after a torturing flogging with and judgment of death from us all. We whips at the whipping post by fierce, have been reconciled to God by the cruel Roman soldiers. He died on the death of Jesus Christ. We are saved cross. He was buried and the tomb by his life because he died, was bur- securely sealed. On the third day he ied but arose from the grave on the arose from the grave and came out third day according to prophecies of alive after a powerful earthquake the Scriptures. We can rejoice in vic- broke through the sealed entrance to 31

the tomb! By his life, Jesus Christ offers and gives new life to anyone who would listen, trust and obey him. Dear friend, you can be one of that great company as you read this message. Come to God through Jesus Christ today, as you read this message. If you shall confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord. And believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead on the third day according to the Scriptures, you shall be saved. With your heart you believe and you are made righteous. With your mouth you confess and you are saved. Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10: 9-13. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16. Jesus said: For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. John 3:17. To reject Jesus is to reject peace and everlasting life. That in essence, is self-condemnation. It is worse than suicide! Indeed, Jesus Christ came into this world with the joint plan of his Father, the Almighty God. His mission was to rescue the whole of mankind. The rescue mission was accomplished. By his substitutionary death for every human being, Jesus Christ effected peace and reconciliation between God and mankind through his death on the cross. That was why he was born at Christmas. He was born as an obedient servant of God; born as willing spotless sacrificial lamb; born as a high priest; born as a king; born as the final judge of all the earth. Jesus Christ brings you and me peace from God. He enhances peace with God. Come to Jesus now. Embrace him, so that you may have everlasting life and peace.

By Adefolaju Ashaye Author of ‘Want To Get Married? Read this First’ available now on Amazon







o you allow yourself to dream, meaning do you allow yourself to visualise your future? I don’t mean only your married future, I mean what do YOU want to do, what are YOUR passions?

to incorporate a spouse. However remember that God has a unique purpose for you as well as a unique purpose for your marriage when it happens. We often get so hinged on getting married that we forget to take time to find out our own personal calling and desires.

I recently watched a TV drama where a married woman with 2 older children had a health scare which she was able to overcome. She had been working as a principal of a secondary school and loved her job. All of a sudden, now that she had a second chance, she realised that her dreams for life were much bigger than her current circumstance. She wanted to go and teach in remote areas, she wanted to make a real difference, not be tied to a desk doing paperwork. The problem now was that how could she fulfil these dreams when she had a teenage daughter to consider and a husband with his own dreams? Her husband found a list she has made of her dreams and felt that she no longer loved her life including her family as all her goals did not involve them and there began to be tension in the home.

Jeremiah 29:11 says: “I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.”

This example illustrates the need to know what your dreams for your life are at an early age even before marriage so that your spouse will be aware of them and you can both incorporate each other’s dreams into your life together. When you are waiting for marriage, you may tend to feel afraid to dream because you will want your future 34

God has plans for you and you need to take time to find out what these plans are. We have to take the time to find out more about ourselves. What value can we add? What do we actually want to do? What do we actually like? Our dreams, wants and the value we can add to the world are the very things that become our passion and our drivers in life. Without identifying our passions in life, a vacuum is created. Instead of being filled by our dreams and goals, it is filled by dissatisfaction, lack of motivation and soon, depression.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself: Q. If you could spend the rest of your life doing or talking about one thing, what would it be?

INSPIRATION Q. What do you love? What do you hate? (These questions go together because what you love and what you hate are often the left and right sides of the same thing. They are simply two different angles from which to view your calling, and they will generally be opposites of one another). Q. What makes you feel alive? (When you’re doing what you’re called to do, you will feel fully alive. You’ll be motivated). Q. What talents and gifts do you have? In 2 Kings 4, a widow begged the prophet Elisha for help. Her late husband had left their family in debt, and the creditors were coming to take her sons as slaves as payment for their debts. Elisha’s said,”Tell me, what do you have in the house?” (2 Kings 4:2). The woman said that she had nothing in the house except a jar of oil. He told her to go borrow as many empty vessels as she could from her neighbours. After she had collected lots of jars, she was to pour what little oil she had into all the jars. When she obeyed, a miracle happened. God multiplied the little bit of oil this widow had, turning it into so much oil that she sold it and repaid her creditors. Sometimes we don’t dream of a great future or set goals because we feel we have nothing to offer. This is far from the truth because God has given you something that He can multiply and use you for greatness. So if you have taken time to go through the questions and think about your future, you should have some dreams that you want to achieve. You have dared to dream!

Take Action

A dream will remain a dream or a wish of you don’t make any plans, steps or goals. Take time to make a plan of how you can move closer to achieving your dream. One of the best pieces of advice I ever had

“ Before you

can take a step physically, you have to take it mentally ” was to never wait for a convenient time as it may never come. When you look at how full your days are, you may think you have no time to make your dream happen. Bills need to be paid and therefore you have to go to work and what if your job doesn’t fit into your dream? Even if you only spend 30mims a day working towards your dream, you will be moving closer rather than staying on the same spot waiting for a convenient time. What do you do if your are just too tired? In his book, ‘The Energy Secrets To Do The God’s Life’, Dr James Littleton says “If your son or daughter were drowning in your pool, no matter how depressed or tired you were, you would be moved to save them. I know this is an extreme graphic example, but it is one that proves that depending on the gravity of the matter, you will take action no matter how you feel”. If you place more gravity on your goals in life, you’ll find that you will overcome the very things that have been stopping you and push yourself to go past the limits.

cally, you have to take it mentally. You have to mentally push through all the obstacles that could come up and be resolute to persevere and continue anyway. Your mind will throw up lots of reasons as to why your dream will not work. You will have to have the courage to silence these voices.

Dreaming takes focus. Dreams turn into goals when we set a deadline to do them and we refuse to be distracted by our fears, naysayers or obstacles that arise.

Commit your dreams into the hands of God. Psalms 127:1 says “Unless the Lord builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted. Unless the Lord protects a city, guarding it with sentries will do no good.” Proverbs 16:3 says “Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.” Proverbs 16:9 TPT. Says “Within your heart you can make plans for your future, but the Lord chooses the steps you take to get there.”

Make room, you are going to the top! Isaiah 54:2-3 ““Enlarge your house; build an addition. Spread out your home, and spare no expense! For you will soon be bursting at the seams. Your descendants will occupy other nations and resettle the ruined cities.” The Message Version says:

Visualisation is very important. ““Clear lots of ground for your We have to first learn how to see beyond the limits of our natural eyes. Or put another way, we have to visualise the invisible. Christopher Columbus lived in a time when everyone believed the world was flat. No-one would think of going exploring to a place they didn’t believe existed. He would have had to visualise what he believed was on the other side of impossibility.

Dreaming takes courage.

Before you can take a step physi35

tents! Make your tents large. Spread out! Think big! Use plenty of rope, drive the tent pegs deep. You’re going to need lots of elbow room for your growing family. You’re going to take over whole nations; you’re going to resettle abandoned cities”. DARE TO DREAM By Andrea Onduku


MATTERS OF THE a e r d n A Dear


Perhaps there is a family get together at a time when you have a church activity-which one to you choose? In such matters, we should seek the face of God to help us put God first (Luke 14:26). Don’t get embroiled in strife with family members who criticise you faith or your lifestyle of honouring God. Some family members may question your fervency for the things of God and become quite upset with you but again you must continue to put God first. We must not be afraid to take a stand for Jesus even among our family members.

Dear Andrea, I can’t get along with my family, what should I do? Thank you for this question, you haven’t mentioned exactly what problems are going on whether the problems are with your children, spouse, parents or other family member but one of the greatest ways that the enemy distracts us is through strife and quarrels in the family. We know that it is the enemy’s plan for families to be at war but we who are in Christ are to follow a different pattern – we are to follow peace with all men (Heb. 12:14) The NLT tells us that we should work at living in peace. That tells us that to be at peace with our family will take some hard work. Fighting rarely achieves anything, you could be having the same quarrels for years until you begin to talk to each other calmly and respectfully.

Dear Andrea, Parenting today seems to be very different than when I was growing up. How do I get the balance right? Psalm 127:3 says “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.” Many of us grew up with the phrase, ‘Children should be seen and not heard’? It is true that in today’s society, many children are given a little too much freedom but do not give them any say either is not the best. When children are invisible in the home, this means that we don’t have a relationship with them, we are merely talking to them but not with them and this means that there may be no understanding between them.

Listen to some quotes from children When my dad gets mad, he’ll yell. That’s exactly how he was raised, and although he’s working on it, sometimes it still shows through. Katie H. Age 15 My mom is not always nice with her words, and I really let that affect how I feel about myself. Annie T.Age 18

Children should not be merely tolerated, even sometimes seen as an inconvenience, they should be valued and enjoyed. Having babies and young children is a season, they will soon become teenagers, then adults and then parents themselves. We should enjoy each season.

My parents and I fight nearly every day. At least when we fight it means that I don’t have to let them get close to me. Eleanor T. Age 16 So if fighting does not achieve anything, how do we resolve conflict? There is such a thing as good ‘fight’. What is a GOOD ‘fight’? It is one in which you resolve conflict in a way that heals, rather than wedge one more chasm in your relationships.

Many children, when growing up, all they hear is, ‘you can’t do that’, ‘you can’t do this’ and when they ask why, their parents say, ‘because I said so’, or you they get another slap for daring to ask. It would be better if parents explain why they cannot do something so that when they are older they will not depart from it.

A good ‘fight’ involves a commitment to resolve conflict. It is working through problems or disagreements and coming up with a workable solution, compromise, or plan of action. A good ‘fight’ is determined from the very beginning. It’s planned. It doesn’t happen when tempers are hot and flared. It occurs at a predestined time and place. It happens when you reaffirm the love that you have for one another before addressing the issues. A good fight means that you will both have the freedom to talk about things that are important to you, and each of you agree not to say anything that is mean or derogatory.

Good clear communication between us and our children is also essential. When dealing with young children, always come down to their level when talking and be specific about what you expect from them. Let’s look at another example: Father to son: Why do you always disobey your mum? Son: I never do Father: But she always complains about you touching her glass jar Son: Oh no dad, she just complains about the flower vase close to the jar, I think she feels I’ll break it but I never touch it.

A good ‘fight’ must involve good listeners in which each agrees to leave out personal accusations. Rather than pointing out individual flaws (such as “You’re a slob”), you discuss practical solutions

On hearing the conversation, Mum replies: You’ve both got it wrong, I am concerned that our son would eat all the biscuit in the jar Son and Father: Why didn’t you say so?

Steps of a good/fair ‘fight’ • Ask if it is a good time to talk – both parties should be relaxed and not stressed or wound up • State your complaint – just one at a time • The other person could relay back what you said so that both are sure they understood what was said. Fighting occurs because one thinks that she/he is not heard by the other party. • State what you would prefer the other person to do instead • Again other person will relay it back and if they understood correctly, they will agree or you continue calmly discussing it until a solution is reached.

As well as being clear in our communication, we should also be positive in the way we speak. If a child scribbles on the wall, instead of yelling, we could say, ‘That picture would look nicer on this sheet of paper’. Instead of calling our children naughty, we can say, phrases like ‘You are a very good boy, what do good boys do?’, ‘Please act like the good boy you are’, ‘Is that a nice way to speak to mummy?’ Another point is that we need to nurture our children’s personalities and steer them in the right direction, we should not forget about them, letting them mind their business while we mind ours. In 1 Sam. 16, David’s father forgot about him, it was almost as if he was invisible. When the prophet Samuel came looking for a new King to anoint, David’s father brought seven sons but none of them was God’s choice. Samuel had to ask if there was another son as Jesse did not voluntarily say that he had another son, he had overlooked David. There is greatness in all of our children, we may not be able to see it, we need to look for it and nurture it. Jesse did not see the greatness that was in David. In terms of getting the balance right, this is just some pointers, the best way to do so is to rely on the Holy Spirit to guide you through at each stage.

You may think that this looks too easy, how will an agreement be reached? What if you cannot agree. Most times, when a complaint is raised in this sort of calm environment you will be surprised how much you will both be able to understand each other’s point of view and find a solution, especially when the process is backed up with prayer. If you can definitely not agree, then you need to both compromise or disagree agreeably, there is no need to continue going over and over the same conflict. You may have to develop an understanding between you that, that particular topic is off limits. Most importantly, what will quell strife and contention is love. Love is a strife killing force - 1 Corinthians 13, 1 Cor. 12 & 14 both talk of spiritual gifts but Ch. 13 is the balancing factor sandwiched between them both, showing the importance of love.

Andrea Onduku Send your problems or questions, which will be treated in the strictest confidence, to

Lastly, sometimes the nature of our relationship with God means that we may offend our family members. For example, there is a family lunch and you are fasting. You may offend family members by not eating.




“Anyone can become angry, that is easy . . . but to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way . . . this is not easy.” - ARISTOTLE 38


n the first part of this article we likened the above quote to the frustration expressed by some Christians in fulfilling Ephesians 4:26 which says: “Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath.” We also stated that deciding to solve marital problems collaboratively will go a long way in helping every couple to deal with the puzzle. We went further to introduce the concept we called “Collaborative Marital Problems Solving (CMPS)”. In this concluding part, we are discussing the steps involved in CMPS and some key things to note when applying the model to solve marital conflicts. ▯ The Steps: 1. Empathy – this step involves dialoguing with your spouse, in an empathic manner, with a view to understanding his/her perspective on a given persistent issue/problem. Reflective listening is one of the skills you need to deploy at this stage. You will do well to let James 1:19 (So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath. NKJV) be your “walking stick” at this point. There will be the need for you to patiently probe for more information to have a clear understanding. Don’t jump to conclusion. 2. Define the Problem – this second step is making your concern or perspective about the problem known to your lover. In other words, you are now expressing the impact the issue/problem is having on you, how it’s affecting your interaction with your lover. You may start by saying something like: “My concern is . . .”

MARRIAGE It is important to go through this step with absolute sincerity, no attempt should be made to exaggerate or intimidate your lover. Remember that: “Love must be sincere” (Romans 12:9a NIV); and in keeping with Colossians 3:9a, you should not lie to each other. 3. Invitation – This step is similar to the admonition of the Lord to His children as found in Isaiah 1:18a which says: “Come now, and let us reason together….” This step therefore involves brainstorming potential solutions that address the concerns which both of you identified in the first two steps. Doing so gives your lover the feeling of togetherness, that you are also genuinely interested in finding a good solution to the issue. Consequently, there should not be a “holier than thou” attitude, or flagging of “the head” card. You could start discussion on this step by saying something like, “Let’s think about how we can solve this problem” or “Let’s think about how we can work that one out.” It may be a good idea that whoever takes the lead in the CMPS process should give the other lover the first opportunity to come up with a solution by saying something like: “Do you have any idea/suggestion?” This gives your spouse the confidence that you are interested in his/her ideas. “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. (Romans 12:10 NIV).

2. Deploy the gift of “longsuffering” – It is also important to note that this approach is a process, it is not a technique, quick-fix or recipe for overnight success; your first few attempts may look as if you are making no progress. Be prepared to Persist Until Something Happens (PUSH). Remember the popular adage: “Winners don’t quit, quitters don’t win”. In other words, “…he who endures to the end shall be saved” (Matthew 24:13 NKJV) 3. Avoid “power tussle” – According to Dr. Greene, solving problems collaboratively is “not about power (e.g. I am the head). It’s about clarifying the concerns of both parties and then working towards solutions that address those concerns”. A marriage counsellor said: “In marriage arguments, there are no winners or losers. You are partners, so you either win or lose together. Don’t try to ‘win’”. Try to find a solution. Friends let’s not forget that the master key to marital enjoyment is to allow Jesus in our love matters. For without Him we can’t enjoy marriage to the fullest (John 15:5) but with Him we can deal with all situations (Phil. 4:13). Shalom.

▯ Some key points: 1. Plan – It is important to plan your time with a view to having the discussion when both of you are in good mood. Don’t do it during the heat of the crisis/ problem.


Bayo and Funmi Eesuola

are Pastors @ RCCG Love Assembly in London; they also run 'HELPS Counsellors’ (Christian charitable organisations).


s we go through life, we discover that all our relationships hinge on the relationship we have with God. It is important to know when our relationship with him is off track and how to get back on track and stay on track. Haggai 1 tells us the story of how God’s people had gotten off track spiritually and now with God’s help were seeking to get back on track. The city of Jerusalem had been destroyed and God’s people had been captured and taken into Babylonian captivity in 605BC. The Jewish people had failed to obey God’s laws concerning the Sabbath which stated that the land was to be worked for six years and then given a year to rest. They disobeyed that law for 490 years thereby violating the Sabbath law 70 times. God brought judgment on His people by allowing Babylon under the direction of Nebuchadnezzar to besiege the city of Jerusalem, destroying its city, its temple and stripping the sacred articles out of the temple. After spending 70 years in captivity some of the exiles returned under the leadership of Zerubbabel. King Cyrus of Persia has granted the Jews the right to return and rebuild the temple. In 535BC they returned and started the work but then they got so busy building their own homes that they begin to neglect God’s house. They did not complete the rebuilding of the temple for 20 years. It was finally completed in 515BC. It was not until 444 BC, about 70 years after the rebuilding of the temple when God burdened Nehemiah’s heart to lead the people in rebuilding the walls around the city of Jerusalem. None of us are immune to getting off track when it comes to spiritual matters. In fact it is far easier to get off track spiri-

Staying on Track

tually than it is to stay on track with God. In order for us to know if we are getting off track we need to look at the symptoms of getting off track spiritually. When your child suddenly becomes ill, you call the doctor and the first thing the doctor wants to know is what the child’s symptoms are. Have they got a fever and for how long, do they have a sore throat, are their glands swollen, are they sick to their stomach. Etc. The symptoms will point to the severity of the sickness. If we see ourselves with one or more of the following symptoms we could be getting off track spiritually:

1. Isolation- You begin to separate yourself from God’s people. Church attendance is decreased and spiritual disciplines are not as important or significant in life. You still have an ability to talk using spiritual jargon that sounds good on the surface. You may find yourself spending more time with people who have different convictions than I do. You begin to avoid other believers who are trying to reach out to you. You will not answer the phone or respond to their emails. Although there are times when it might be necessary to spend less time with particular people, avoidance of all believers should ring alarm bells. 2. Rationalisation- Rationalising absence from church or serving in church by making excuses; ‘Life is busy. I still come to church as long as I don’t have more pressing matters. I don’t have time to be as involved in the ministry. Besides, I need to give other people opportunities to serve’. Some even rationalise 40

not having quiet time because of work and career advancement. ‘I used to have more time for prayer but now with all my responsibilities I just don’t have the time anymore’. ‘Once I get all of my bills caught up I will start honouring the Lord with my finances, but right now that just not an option. If I win the lottery I will give a lot of money to the church’. The Israelites did not trust God to provide for their needs, so they disobeyed God by planting crops on the 7th year when they were supposed to let the land rest for a year. (Lev. 25:1-7) They disobeyed this command for 490 yrs, so God used Nebuchadnezzar and his forces from Babylon to destroy their city and capture them and take them to Babylon. 3. Desensitisation- Things that used to bother you, no longer bother you. There was a time when you despised dirty jokes, now you find myself laughing at them and even telling them from time to time. Your vocabulary starts changing and your movie selection is wider to include swearing and immorality. 4. Intimidation – You start to say things like ‘I don’t think it’s a good idea to pray for my meal in public, what people will think’ or ‘It’s not really necessary to share the gospel verbally, I mean people can see my life’. One of the repeated phrases in Haggai’s message was to “be strong”. In other words, don’t be intimidated. 5. Procrastination- You tell yourself that ‘one of these days I intend to get serious about serving God. After I attain some of my goals like earning my degrees, getting married, buying a house I will get more involved in Church’.

SPIRITUAL LIFE Solutions for Getting Back on Track Spiritually The first step is to find out where you are, a spiritual check-up. “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” This

"None of us are immune to getting off track when it comes to spiritual matters. In fact it is far easier to get off track spiritually than it is to stay on track with God." verse is from Psalm 139:23-24 and it tells us we have to ask God to help us assess our own behaviour and our hearts. We need to be open to the changes He is prodding us to make after we have completed a spiritual assessment. “Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith” 2 Cor.13:5 The Israelites were more interested in staying in their place in Babylon, rather than moving on with God. The ones who did move on to rebuild the temple, became so wrapped up in establishing their own homes they neglected God’s temple- God’s house of worship which represented His presence among them. The purpose of today this article is not to make you feel condemned. Many of us are living in a state of continual condemnation, constantly feeling like spiritual failures and so we run away from it. Actually all we need to do is our best, He will do the rest. Keep yourself Spiritually Fit and ready for His return. You see spiritual fitness is not about

how holy you are. We strive to be the best Christian but that is not what it is about, it is about our level of surrender. If we have really surrendered all and are dead, crucified with him then our will is subject to Him. It is about love which is why the greatest commandment is to love Him. When you do that then you will want to please Him and to spend time with Him. No matter how far you have erred, you just have to run into His arms and He is waiting. On the other hand, even if you are doing well, you may not be as close as you can be. There is always work to be done. Joyce Meyer says “Today more people are spiritually malnourished than ever before. Too many elements of society distract people from their eternal soul and encourage them to concentrate on material life instead”. What are the four things that ‘experts’ normally tell you that will help you be physically healthy? Exercise Experts tell us that if we want to make a difference in our physical health it takes a minimum of 30 mins aerobic exercise 3 times a week. The cardio machines work to keep your heart rate at a high level during these 30mins to achieve maximum effort. That means it is not 30mins of casual exercise but high intensity. How much more effort would be needed for spiritual heath? Ingredients for Spiritual Fitness that you need to exercise: ▯ Worship God (Psalm 29:2) ▯ Obedience (Hebrews 5:7-9) ▯ Praise God and have faith in His goodness (Hebrews 13:15) If you are unfit, you will find that when you pick up the Bible or you pray that you get quickly out of breath and give up. If you get back into a regular routine, 41

it will become easier. Strengthen your stamina by communicating with God longer in prayer. Seek Him daily. If you are out of practice in worship, praise and prayer, a good place to start is the psalms as they are a collection of worship songs written by David.Experts usually say that going to the gym with a partner will help you. Fellowship is so important. Diet A scripture based diet is what you need and will cultivate the fruit of the Spirit in you (Matthew 4:4, Gal. 5:22-23). We have to constantly study it and hide it in our hearts so that it is there in times of need. Do you know that Proverbs were used to train young men for leadership in governing Israel’s 12 tribes? Wisdom and understanding are like daily supplements along with the Fear of the Lord (Proverbs 1:7). Drink plenty of Water God alone can water a thirsty soul, only He can satisfy you (John 7:37-38). Water is a metaphor for the Holy Spirit who gives us strength and stamina to do more than what we thought possible. It helps productivity during exercise. Adequate Rest Matthew 11:28-29 says “Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls”. Lastly set a fitness goal – what do you want to achieve in your spiritual fitness program? It is not just about what we should do but what we shouldn’t. If you go to the gym but double your intake of junk food, will you be healthy? The key is in combining the elimination of destructive behaviours and the development of positive behaviours.

By Andrea Onduku

Attracting Divine Attention



hroughout the Scriptures, many Biblical characters sought the attention of God and got it. Psalm 147:11 in The Message Translation says, “Those who fear God get God’s attention; they can depend on his strength.” The Psalmist therefore identified the fear of God as crucial in attracting divine attention. What are the characteristics of someone who fears the Lord? ▯ Obedience: Isaiah 66:2b (NIV) says “These are the ones I look on with favour: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word.” The Message Translation says “But there is something I’m looking for: a person simple and plain, reverently responsive to what I say.” Radical obedience will attract divine attention. Isaiah 1:19 says “If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land;”. Instances in the Bible abound. For instance, Simon Peter after a night of fruitless fishing expedition, said “At thy Word” in obedience to the Lord Jesus’ command (Luke 5:5). The result was a net breaking harvest of fish. Similarly, at the wedding of Cana of Galilee (John 2:5), the mother of Jesus said, ‘Do whatever He tells you to do’, and they were not disappointed. Therefore, radical and prompt obedience. is required to attract God’s attention to your case. Abraham obeyed God immediately and went ahead to the mountain to sacrifice his only son, Isaac and God counted this as righteousness (Genesis 22:13). Romans 2:9-11 in the Message says “If you go against the grain, you get splinters, regardless of which neighbourhood you’re from, what your parents taught you, what schools you attended. But if you embrace the way God does things, there are wonderful payoffs, again without regard to where you are from or how you were brought up. Being a Jew won’t give you an automatic stamp of approval. God pays

FEATURE no attention to what others say (or what you think) about you. He makes up his own mind.” Know that the instructions you choose to obey will create the future that you desire. ▯ Total Commitment: In Acts 10:1-2, we see that what attracted God’s attention to Cornelius was the fact that he feared the Lord, was a devout man, an incurable sacrificial giver; a prayerful man and a worshipper. A commitment to God will attract divine attention. Proverbs 8:17 says “I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.” If God responded supernaturally to Moses, Solomon and Elijah, we can expect Him to respond supernaturally to us. Malachi 3:6 says, “The only thing unchangeable in this world is the God who said, ‘I am the Lord; I do not change’”. Everything else is subject to change, especially when God’s people pray in faith and the Almighty responds. In addition, a commitment to righteousness will attract the attention of God. If you are righteous, holy, obedient and committed, then you will attract favour (Psalm 5:12, Proverbs 14:9). Paul was totally committed to the gospel. He was fully persuaded (Romans 8:38-39), and he attracted the attention of God. ▯ Generosity: Your good works can be a weapon for divine attention. In Acts 9:36-41, Dorcas was restored to life because of her good works. The Shunammite Woman and Elisha in 2 Kings 4:8-37 attracted the attention of God. This woman provided food for Elisha and she provided a room for him to rest. God gave her a son and suddenly her son died and it was her generosity that spoke for her in her moment of need and attracted God’s divine attention that brought back her son to life. ▯ Demonstration of Faith: God responds to faith and we are encouraged to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). Also, Hebrews 11:6 says that God cannot be pleased without faith. Faith draws the attention of God. Romans 14:23

says “Whatever that is not of faith is sin.” 2 Kings 6:3-7 tells the story of a group of prophets who came to Elisha to say that their meeting place was too small. They went to cut down trees for wood to build. As one of them chopped down a tree, the head of his axe flew off and sank in the water. He exclaimed that the axe was borrowed. Elisha was quick to say ‘where did it fall? Then, he took action, cut a stick and dipped it into the water and made the ax head float to the surface which of course should have been impossible. Wherever you see faith, there you see God in action. ▯ Trust, Confidence and Courage: Isaiah 41:10 says “Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God, I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” A rugged determination to serve and trust God will always attract divine attention. Job trusted God and said, ‘even though He slays me, yet, I will trust Him’ (Job 13:15). By Job 14:14, he said, “If a man dies, shall he live again? All the days of my hard service I will wait, till my change comes.” In Job 19:25, he declared, “I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.” Truly, the outcome of his trials was a double of blessings for all that he suffered. The woman with the issue of blood had rugged determination. She said, ‘if only I can touch the helm of His garment, I shall be made whole’ (Mark 5:25-34). This woman’s courage secured her desired miracle. ▯ Sacrificial giving: The Bible records that King Solomon gave 1000 burnt offerings and the same night, he attracted God’s attention which resulted in God offering Solomon the opportunity to ask for anything he wanted (2 Chronicles 1:6-7), The case of the King of Moab sacrificing his son is another example for how the spiritual world belongs to the highest bidder. 2 Kings 3:26-27 reads: “And when the king of Moab saw that the battle was too 43

fierce for him, he took with him seven hundred men who drew swords, to break through to the king of Edom, but they could not. Then he took his eldest son who would have reigned in his place, and offered him as a burnt offering upon the wall; and there was great indignation against Israel. So they departed from him and returned to their own land.” Sacrifice draws the attention of God. The case of Cain and Abel in Genesis 4:4 easily comes to the fore. Abel’s sacrifice got the attention of God. ▯ A Lifestyle of Worship: Worship can attract divine attention. Jehoshaphat demonstrated this in his battle against the people of Moab, Ammon and Mount Seir. 2 Chronicles 20:21-22 says “And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed those who should sing to the Lord, and who should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army and were saying: “Praise the Lord, For His mercy endures forever.” Now when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushes against the people of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah; and they were defeated.” Jehoshaphat got the attention of God and got the desired victory. In Mark 5:1-8; 15, The man of Gadara fell down and worshipped and his deliverance came. Pray this prayer, “Father, by your power, cause me to receive divine attention and single me out for greatness in Jesus Name.” Shalom.

By: Dr Akpo Onduku Pastor, Chapel of Grace Bradford Twitter: @AkpoOnduku

How I have Turned A House Into My Home Life is like a movie, there is no need to forward it. Just enjoy the moment while it lasts. - Live Israelah P.Chambo


very result we get in life has something to do with the choices we have made or make on a daily basis. Choices such as the people we bring into our life, the choice of a partner, the choice of schools we send our children to, the choice of career, the types of foods, the clothing, soap and even cleaning products we use. The atmosphere you set in your home can be chosen by you and be unique to your experiences. What makes a home is not the amount of furniture or the decorations or antiques bought from every single interior deco store or website. Your home should represent the very best version of you. I am sure you have specific tastes, colours, favourite silhouettes and lots of favourite things that represent your journey. You can translate those favourites into your choices for furniture, home decorations, tables, kitchen utensils and even beddings. Make your home your sanctuary, a place that represents you and your family, not about what the neighbours are doing or to impress anyone else. Take time to create a home in which you and your family will get cosy and flourish. What you select to go into your home will have an impact on your daily routines and the general mood and well-being of your family. For example to do you have a dining table that will encourage family time? Do you have a place to arrange books to encourage a good reading habit? A home is a place for rest, where we all find a sense of peace and completeness. A place where we can all 44

forget about our struggles and whatever life throws at us. I have been through ups and down with home-making and maintenance. I know how it feels to have chaos in your home because of the lack of routine and maintenance. When a house is not well looked after or when the routine of maintenance is affected because of a busy life, the emotions of the entire house are affected. The living room is the place where all the family retires after long days. In most cases it’s probably the most used and visited room in the house and so it can easily get cluttered with bric-a-brac. Try to avoid this and keep it clean and welcoming at all times. The more you exercise routine cleaning, the less clutter you will have. The living room should always be ready to welcome families, friends, watch a movie or have a relaxing time while reading a book.

By Live Israelah Chambo Live is a fashion entrepreneur, designer, stylist, photographer, Associate lecturer, reality talk show host (The Pastor’s Wife Show & The Life Class) and a Pastor’s wife (RCCG Joy Assembly, Sheffield).





haven’t been in the Health and Wellbeing space as long as many others who we might classify themselves to be health experts. However, the time I have spent listening, learning, trying out and developing what works for me, my family, friends and clients do count for something.

I got bigger in size and I fell back into eating unhealthy as we mostly believe that a pregnant woman is allowed to eat whatsoever she craves or desires whilst pregnant. I didn’t know any better at the time, my health didn’t count, neither did the harm I was causing to my baby as a result of my choices of food and drinks.

I made a lot of mistakes and in an effort to snap back and lose my baby weight I dabbled into a lot of fad diets especially after my first pregnancy. Needless to say, my perceived joy was short-lived because once I got myself off the diet; I piled on the weight back on.

Fast-forward to after I had my second child, I became eager to do right by my children – to feed them right and rid my kitchen of any foods lacking nutrients. I gradually started making fresh meals for my children and in the process of doing that, I found my WHY: the need to change my lifestyle and adopt a healthy one for myself, family and generations to come. Knowing fully well that I had tried living healthy the way most people suggest and it didn’t work; I had to find out what other ways there were to achieve a healthy lifestyle. My husband and I set out on a journey to find what works and what was sustainable. Our children gave us a new perspective to living and staying healthy. Our zeal to find out the best way of enjoying life to the fullest and ensuring we fulfil our

During the initial stages of my healthy living journey, not achieving my results the way that I intended was frustrating for me. There was a lot of imbalance caused in my body functionality as a result of starving myself, limiting both calorie and nutrient intake and binging on junk food. I hardly understood the reason for doing what I was doing; all I was focused on was to rid myself of the baby weight from my first pregnancy. 3 months after I had my first child, I got pregnant with my second daughter.

life purpose drove us back to the scriptures on God’s perspective and promises of us prospering in health. ‘3 John 2 : Beloved I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers.’ This became our anchor scripture and even so till date. We realised that the decisions we make in terms of how we live our lives will impact our children and ultimately further generations. My quest for weight loss shifted from wanting to lose baby weight to wanting to raise a healthy family, prospering in health and all areas of life; enjoying God’s promises to the fullest to fulfil my life purpose as a mother. If we defy God’s principles on health, our bodies become weak and susceptible to illness. Filthy habits defile a person and improper and unbalanced food defiles our bodies. These were some of the truths that caused a mindset change in the way we viewed our health and lifestyle. God is interested in seeing us prosper and live life in abundance. Knowing that He has sent forth His word for our

Holy Spirit inspired Health and Fitness For The Whole Family


HEALTH AND FITNESS benefit, gave my family the boldness to involve God in our health journey. We want to finish our lives as healthy, strong, vital and of great blessing to all around us. And it became evident that the only way to walk in this light was to involve the Holy Spirit into our journey. Getting in tune with God and viewing our body as the temple of the Holy Spirit, continued to help us renew our minds and able to adapt our living to God’s ways. From what types of food to eat, to habits we needed to get rid of, to what types of workout we should be doing became Holy Spirit inspired. These did not happen overnight, it’s been and continues to be a learning process for us which also led to the launch of our very first Holy Spirit inspired workout called Afro Praise HIIT ( This is a free workout on youtube, subscribe to the Bodypraise channel and enjoy the workout. Today, I am a mom of 4 young children with my oldest nearly 7 years and my youngest 2.5year old twin boys. This journey hasn’t been one done excluding the children. They have been a great focus of why we have chosen this path of living to enjoy life to please God but also to see our children grow. We take them along in the health decisions we make for the family and explain the importance of taking care of our bodies as a form of worship to God. It’s amazing to see how children embrace changes and mirror what we teach them. The most important thing is to keep it simple, keep it fun and colourful, continue to repeat the process and make out time to explain the journey and the need for it in the simplest way possible. The types of food our children eat especially in the morning, contribute significantly to how the perform at school. Feeding children with the right types of food, helps significantly with their learning. I tend to give my children high fibre foods for breakfast and less sugar. High fibre foods are rich and keep them fuller through

to the next meal. One thing I did right during my pregnancies was to increase my fruit and vegetable intake and this has stayed with my children, a practice that helps get their 5 a day without fail. In the area of fitness, I work from home so I spend much of my time at home with my younger children. Most times I do not have the luxury of getting to the gym for a class or to workout. Knowing full well what exercise does to my body, I let go of all excuses and I workout at home, most times with my children and it’s always fun as they like to imitate what I do. Being intentional about our health must become a priority. We must understand the laws of God as it relates to our health in other to void our bodies of sickness and diseases. As parents, we are responsible for the welfare of our children and we have a duty of care towards them. Children respond well to consistency and repetition. Some of the practices that have worked for us overtime to ensure a balanced healthy lifestyle are a) Be Intentional - Have a health plan for the family, mapping out your ‘why’ and how to achieve a healthy lifestyle for the family. b) Involving the whole family – with the children making contributions too c) Introducing New recipes/ meals gradually and replace junk with interesting and colourful options – for families with fussy eaters, this is a very important point. Engage the children whilst making some of the new meals and enjoy family meals together d) Continue to explain to the children on the importance of taking care of their temple – This is very important especially with the lures of sugary and unhealthy foods they are constantly exposed to. e) Keep it colourful and fun – Children like fun more so 49

adults. Let the process be full of varieties to keep them still attracted to the chosen style of living. f) Engage in physical exercise with the whole family – Children love to be active, that’s a good way to get them to be physically fit. g) Prayer – We as a family continue to succeed at staying on track because we intentionally involve the Holy Spirit into this healthy journey. God created us in His image and He has given unto us all we need, including the grace, to look after His temple – our body. When in doubt always ask the manufacturer - GOD The difficulty faced today in the area of health especially within the body of Christ is the desire to gratify our flesh more than we want to serve God. People tend to hind behind the healing power of God and undermine the need to take responsibility for their health and wellbeing. We can’t disobey God’s natural laws forever and get away with it. The scripture says – Faith without work is dead. Our body is a tool of ministry – we can’t serve God better in sickness than we can in health. Our physical condition can influence our spiritual lives more than we can imagine. Discipline in our physical health impacts positively on our spiritual lives too. Enjoying everyday life in good health ensures peaceful living. We must act now, let us rise up and make our health and wellbeing a priority.

Oge Akinola Oge is an author, a Family Health Practitioner, a certified Sports and Exercise Nutritionist and Pre and Post Natal Fitness Specialist.

God’s health plan:

A Tale of Two Benefits




ruit and vegetables are a good source of vitamins, minerals, folate, vitamin C and potassium. The NHS recommends eating five portions of vegetables and fruits daily as part of an overall healthy diet as this could reduce the risk of heart disease, heart attack, stroke, obesity, bowel cancer and type 2 diabetes. The fibre in fruits and vegetables can also help to maintain a healthy gut and prevent constipation and other digestion problems. Furthermore, eating fruits and vegetables rich in potassium may lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of developing kidney stones and help to decrease bone loss.


There are several Bible verses to back up eating fruits and vegetables for two major benefits- to prevent, as well as cure illnesses whilst promoting our health.


“For everything God created is good…” 1 Timothy 4:4. And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food. Genesis 1:29. And on the banks, on both sides of the river, there will grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither, nor their fruit fail, but they will bear fresh fruit every month, because the water for them flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing.” Ezekiel 47:12. Please test your servants for ten days and let us be given some vegetables to eat and water to drink. Daniel 1:12. Vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, collards, kale, radish etc., can help prevent cancer because they are rich in glucosinolates – a large group of sulphur-containing glucoside, which can slow down and even reverse cancer cells growth. Additionally, glucosinolates can treat inflammation, bacterial and viral infections, carcinogenic toxicity, tumour angiogenesis (blood vessel formation) and tumour metastasis (tumour migration). Benefits of some Biblical fruits and vegetables 1. Pomegranates (Deuteronomy 8:8) contain strong anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant,



anti-obesity and anti-tumour properties. Research shows that pomegranates are now being considered valid treatment options for chronic diseases such as cancer, insulin resistance, intestinal inflammation, and obesity. Bitter Herbs (coriander and parsley) – They shall eat the flesh that same night, roasted with fire, and they shall eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. (Exodus 12:8). Bible scholars do not agree on which plants the Bible referred to when writing about “bitter herbs,” but coriander and parsley were commonly used in Biblical times. Coriander is the seed of the powerful antioxidant and natural cleansing agent cilantro. It is “anti-diabetic” because of its ability to regulate blood sugar, and it is an effective anti-inflammatory. Parsley has been shown to normalise blood pressure, help prevent cancer and offer joint pain relief due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It is a rich source of several crucial vitamins including Vitamin A, B12, C, and K. Lentils are rife with nutrients, including a range of B-vitamins, fibre, copper, zinc, potassium, protein and phosphorus. They also contain a hefty concentration of molybdenum, a lesser-known nutrient required for the optimal function of a number of enzymes in the body. These enzymes are instrumental in the health of many of the body’s systems. Molybdenum is also linked to providing antioxidant support, which is important for combating free radicals and inflammation. Due to their high fibre content, lentils are a great meal choice for both improving digestion and protecting your cardiovascular health. Eating lentils can also provide a healthy source of energy and stabilise blood sugar.

Some other common herbs have been used since time immemorial in the Bible: 51

▯ Aloe (Aloe Vera)—John 19:39–40. Used for: Burns, constipation, cancer, skin irritations. ▯ Flax —Leviticus 6:10. Used for: Arthritis, bronchitis, cancer, dermatitis, heart disease, inflammation, rheumatism. ▯ Frankincense Matthew 2:10–11Used for: Dysentery, gonorrhoea, fever, polyps. ▯ Garlic —Numbers 11:5–6. Used for: Angina, cancer, colds, diabetes, flu, hypertension, infections ▯ Myrrh —Esther 2:12. Used for: Analgesic, astringent, bronchitis, expectorant, high cholesterol. ▯ Turmeric —Song of Solomon 4:14– 15. Used for: Inflammation, flatulence, arthritis, bronchitis, diuretic, dyspepsia, expectorant, laryngitis, lymphoma, rheumatism. Some Healthy Eating Tips 1. Eat your meals at regular intervals, and do not eat animal fat or blood. “Feast [eat] at the proper time” (Ecclesiastes 10:17). “This shall be a perpetual … you shall eat neither fat nor blood” (Leviticus 3:17). 2. Don’t overeat. “Put a knife to your throat if you are a man given to appetite” (Proverbs 23:2). 3. Balance work and exercise with sleep and rest. “Six days you shall labour and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work” (1 Timothy 4:8), (Exodus 20:9, 10). Let us utilise what God has given us to our advantage.

Kevwe Omoragbon Health and Wellbeing Coach




he FOL & Covenant Partners' reception is a joint reception for Festival of Life Partners as well as Covenant Partners with the General Overseer of RCCG, Pastor E. A. Adeboye. The reception is organised annually as a way of saying "Thank You" to both groups of partners. It is also an opportunity for partners to share their testimonies and success stories. Partners also get the chance to meet with one another and network whilst also receiving the word from Pastor E. A. Adeboye. An evening of praise, worship and celebration in God's presence.






he Graduation Ceremony was held in October for all RCCG Schools in the United Kingdom.





he RCCG Ordination Ceremony is hosted by the General Overseer, Pastor E. A. Adeboye, where individuals are ordained as Deacons, Deaconesses, Assistant Pastors and Pastors.





he Annual General Meeting (AGM) is attended by RCCG Parish Pastors and Ordained Ministers. The AGM is chaired by the General Overseer, Pastor E. A. Adeboye.





orkers from all RCCG Churches from across the UK assembled for an evening of Worship, Christian Drama, Bible Study, Prayer and the Holy Communion under the leadership of the General Overseer, Pastor E. A. Adeboye.



RCCG COUNTRY AND REGIONAL ADMINISTRATORS’ CONFERENCE 2018 T his conference aimed to further equip RCCG Country and Regional Administrators with the administrative skills they require to continue providing inspired, contemporary and excellent support in their roles.





he Festival of Life London event is hosted by Pastor E.A. Adeboye at the Excel Centre London and is one of Europe’s largest gatherings of Christians for a night of fellowship, praise, prayers, drama, testimonies and lifechanging Word, featuring a variety of guest ministers from within RCCG and from the wider body of Christ. More than 40,000 are in attendance annually and thousands more watch online from around the world.





his event was organised for all Parish Pastors and National Officers in the UK. The aim was to equip pastors for more effective ministry to the Church and Society and also to provide an opportunity for bonding by pastors in our mission.





RCCG’S VISION IS FOR CHURCHES IN EVERY COMMUNITY. PRAY WITH US AS WE FOCUS ON THESE PARTIALLY REACHED AND UNREACHED AREAS IN THE UK. Avon Bath Bradley Stoke Bristol Clevedon Keynsham Nailsea Portishead Thornbury Weston super Mare Yate Bedfordshire Ampthill Bedford Biggleswade Dunstable Flitwick Kempston Leighton Buzzard Luton Potton Sandy Woburn Berkshire Bracknell Crowthorne Hungerford Maidenhead Newbury Reading Sandhurst Slough Thatcham Wokingham Borders Coldstream Duns Eyemouth Galashiels Hawick Innerleithen Jedburgh Kelso Melrose Peebles Selkirk Buckinghashire Aylesbury Beaconsfield Bletchley Buckingham Chesham High Wycombe Marlow Milton Keynes Newport Pagnell Olney Princes Risborough Wendover Winslow Cambridgeshire Cambridge Chatteris Ely Godmanchester Huntingdon March Peterborough Soham Wisbech Central Alloa Bridge of Allan Callander Dunblane Falkirk 03/07/2014 Grangemouth Stirling Tillicoultry Cheshire Alsager Bollington Chester Congleton Crewe Ellesmere Port

Frodsham Knutsford Macclesfield Middlewich Nantwich Neston Northwich Runcorn Sale Sandbach Warrington Widnes Winsford Cleveland Hartlepool Middlesbrough Redcar Stockton on Tees Yarm Clwyd Buckley Colwyn Bay Denbigh Flint Hawarden Holywell Llangollen Mold Prestatyn Rhuddlan Rhyl Ruthin Wrexham Cornwall Bodmin Bude Camborne Camelford Falmouth Fowey Hayle Helston Launceston Liskeard Looe Lostwithiel Newquay Padstow Penryn Penzance Redruth Saltash Torpoint Truro Wadebridge County Antrim Antrim Ballycastle Ballyclare Ballymena Ballymoney Bushmills Carrickfergus Crumlin Larne Lisburn Newtownabbey Portrush Randalstown County Armagh Armagh Craigavon Lurgan Markethill Newry Portadown County Down Ballynahinch Banbridge Bangor Castlewellan Comber Donaghadee Downpatrick Kilkeel Killyleagh Newcastle Newtownards

Portaferry Rostrevor Saintfield Warrenpoint County Fermanagh Enniskillen Lisnaskea County Londonderry Coleraine Limavady Londonderry Magherafelt Portstewart County Tyrone Castlederg Clogher Coalisland Cookstown Dungannon Fintona Fivemiletown Omagh Strabane Cumbria Alston Appleby in Westmorland Barrow in Furness Carlisle Cockermouth Grange over Sands Kendal Keswick Kirkby Lonsdale Maryport Penrith Staveley Ulverston Whitehaven Windermere Workington Derbyshire Alfreton Ashbourne Bakewell Belper Bolsover Buxton Chesterfield Derby Dronfield Glossop Heanor Ilkeston Long Eaton Matlock New Mills Ripley Swadlincote Whaley Bridge Devon Ashburton Axminster Barnstaple Bideford Bradninch Brixham Buckfastleigh Budleigh Salterton Crediton Cullompton Dartmouth Dawlish Exeter Exmouth Heathfield Holsworthy Honiton Ilfracombe Ivybridge Kingsbridge Lynton Moretonhampstead Newton Abbot Okehampton Paignton

Plymouth Salcombe Seaton Sidmouth South Molton Tavistock Teignmouth Tiverton Torquay Totnes Dorset Blandford Forum Bournemouth Bridport Christchurch Dorchester Ferndown Gillingham Lyme Regis Poole Shaftesbury Sherborne Swanage Verwood Wareham Weymouth Dumfries and Galloway Annan Castle Douglas Dalbeattie Dumfries Kirkcudbright Langholm Lockerbie Moffat Newton Stewart Stranraer Wigtown Durham Barnard Castle Bishop Auckland Chester le Street Darlington Newton Aycliffe Dyfed Aberaeron Aberystwyth Ammanford Burry Port Cardigan Carmarthen Fishguard Haverfordwest Lampeter Laugharne Llandeilo Llandovery Llanelli Milford Haven Narberth Newcastle Emlyn Pembroke Tenby Tregaron East Sussex Battle Bexhill on Sea Brighton Crowborough Eastbourne Hailsham Hastings Heathfield Hove Lewes Newhaven Polegate Rye Seaford Uckfield Wadhurst Essex Basildon Billericay Braintree Brentwood Brightlingsea 72

Burnham on Crouch Chelmsford Clacton on Sea Coggeshall Colchester Epping Grays Hadleigh Halstead Harlow Harwich Ilford Loughton Maldon Manningtree Rayleigh Rochford Romford Saffron Walden South Woodham Ferrers Southend on Sea Thaxted Tilbury Waltham Abbey Walton on the Naze Wickford Witham Fife Auchtermuchty Burntisland Cowdenbeath Cupar Dunfermline Falkland Inverkeithing Kinghorn Kirkcaldy Ladybank Leven Markinch Newport on Tay Pittenweem Gloucestershire Cheltenham Chipping Campden Chipping Sodbury Cinderford Cirencester Dursley Fairford Gloucester Lydney Moreton in Marsh Nailsworth Newent Painswick Stroud Tetbury Tewkesbury Wotton under Edge Grampian Aberdeen Ballater Banchory Banff Buckie Cullen Dufftown Elgin Forres Fraserburgh Huntly Inverurie Keith Kintore Laurencekirk Lossiemouth Oldmeldrum Peterhead Greater Manchester Ashton in Makerfield Bolton Bury Denton Droylsden Dukinfield

Farnworth Horwich Hyde Manchester Oldham Rochdale Salford Stockport Westhoughton Wigan Gwent Abergavenny Abertillery Brynmawr Caldicot Chepstow Cwmbran Ebbw Vale Monmouth Newport Newport Tredegar Usk Gwynedd County Abergele Amlwch Bala Bangor Barmouth Beaumaris Betws y Coed Blaenau Ffestiniog Caernarfon Conwy Criccieth Dolgellau Holyhead Llandudno Llanrwst Penmaenmawr Porthmadog Pwllheli Tywyn Hampshire Aldershot Alton Andover Basingstoke Eastleigh Fareham Farnborough Fleet Fordingbridge Gosport Havant Hythe Lymington New Milton Petersfield Portsmouth Ringwood Romsey Southampton Southsea Tadley Totton Whitchurch Winchester Yateley Herefordshire Bromyard Hatfield = not the one in Hertfordshire Hereford Kington Ledbury Leominster Ross on Wye Hertfordshire Barnet Berkhamsted Borehamwood Buntingford Cheshunt Harpenden J Hatfield Hemel Hempstead

CHURCH PLANTING Hertford Hitchin Hoddesdon Letchworth Potters Bar Rickmansworth Royston Sawbridgeworth Stevenage Tring Waltham Cross Ware Watford Welwyn Garden City Highlands and Islands Cromarty Dingwall Dornoch Fort William Grantown on Spey Inverness Kingussie Kirkwall Lerwick Nairn Tain Thurso Wick Humberside Barton upon Humber Beverley Bridlington Brigg Cleethorpes Driffield Goole Grimsby Hessle Hornsea Howden Market Weighton Pocklington Scunthorpe Withernsea Isle of Wight Brading Cowes Newport Ryde Sandown Shanklin Ventnor Yarmouth Kent Ashford Broadstairs Canterbury Jan 2016 Chatham Crayford Dartford Deal Dover Edenbridge Erith Faversham Folkestone Gillingham Gravesend Herne Bay Hythe Lydd Maidstone Margate Orpington Ramsgate Rochester Sandwich Sevenoaks Sheerness Sittingbourne Southborough Strood Swanley Tenterden Tonbridge Tunbridge Wells 08/07/14 Westerham Whitstable Lancashire Accrington Adlington Bacup

Barnoldswick Blackburn Blackpool Burnley Carnforth Chorley Clitheroe Colne Darwen Failsworth Fleetwood Kirkham Lancaster Leyland Longridge Morecambe Ormskirk Poulton le Fylde Preston Skelmersdale Whitworth Leicestershire Ashby de la Zouch Coalville Hinckley Leicester Loughborough Lutterworth Market Harborough Melton Mowbray Shepshed ??? Wigston Lincolnshire Alford Boston Bourne Caistor Gainsborough Grantham Horncastle Lincoln Louth Mablethorpe Market Deeping Market Rasen Skegness Sleaford Spalding Spilsby Stamford Lothian Bathgate Dalkeith Dunbar Edinburgh Haddington Linlithgow Loanhead Musselburgh North Berwick Penicuik Merseyside Bebington Birkenhead Bootle Heswall Hoylake Kirkby Liverpool Newton le Willows Prescot Southport Wallasey

Sheringham Thetford Wells next the Sea Wymondham North Yorkshire Bedale Easingwold Filey Harrogate Knaresborough Malton Middleham Northallerton Pickering Richmond – not the one South London Ripon Scarborough Selby Settle Skipton Tadcaster Thirsk Whitby York Northamptonshire Brackley Burton Latimer Corby Daventry Higham Ferrers Irthlingborough Kettering Northampton Oundle Rushden Thrapston Towcester Wellingborough Northumberland Alnwick Ashington Bedlington Berwick upon Tweed Blyth Corbridge Cramlington Haltwhistle Hexham Morpeth Prudhoe Rothbury Nottinghamshire Beeston Bingham Eastwood Hucknall Mansfield Nottingham Retford Southwell Sutton in Ashfield Worksop

Mid Glamorgan Aberdare Bridgend Caerphilly Llantrisant Maesteg Merthyr Tydfil Pontypridd Porth Porthcawl

Oxfordshire Abingdon Banbury Bicester Burford Carterton Charlbury Chipping Norton Didcot Dorchester Faringdon Henley on Thames Oxford Thame Wallingford Wantage Witney Woodstock

Norfolk Aylsham Cromer Dereham Diss Downham Market Fakenham Great Yarmouth Hunstanton North Walsham Norwich

Powys Brecon Builth Wells Crickhowell Hay on Wye Knighton Llandrindod Wells Llanfyllin Llanidloes Llanwrtyd Wells Machynlleth

Montgomery Newtown Presteigne Rhayader Talgarth Welshpool Rutland Oakham Uppingham Shropshire Bridgnorth Church Stretton Ellesmere Ludlow Market Drayton Newport Oswestry Shrewsbury Telford Wem Whitchurch Somerset Bridgwater Burnham on Sea Chard Crewkerne Frome Glastonbury Ilminster Midsomer Norton Minehead Shepton Mallet Somerton Taunton Wellington Wells Wincanton Winsford Yeovil South Glamorgan Barry Cardiff Cowbridge Llantwit Major Penarth South Yorkshire Barnsley Bawtry Dinnington Doncaster Hatfield Mexborough Penistone Rotherham Sheffield Wombwell Staffordshire Alton Biddulph Burntwood Cannock Leek Lichfield Rugeley Stafford Stoke on Trent Stone Tamworth Uttoxeter Strathclyde Airdrie Ayr Barrhead Bearsden Bellshill Biggar Campbeltown Carluke Clydebank Coatbridge Cumbernauld Dumbarton Dunoon East Kilbride Glasgow Gourock Greenock Hamilton Helensburgh Inveraray Irvine Johnstone Kilbarchan 73

Kilmarnock Kilwinning Lanark Largs Lochgilphead Maybole Milngavie Motherwell Oban Paisley Prestwick Rothesay Rutherglen Saltcoats Tobermory Troon Suffolk Aldeburgh Beccles Bungay Eye Felixstowe Framlingham Halesworth Haverhill Ipswich Kesgrave Leiston Lowestoft Needham Market Newmarket Otley Saxmundham Southwold Stowmarket Sudbury Woodbridge Surrey Ashford Camberley Dorking Egham Epsom Esher Farnham Godalming Guildford Haslemere Horley Leatherhead Redhill Reigate Staines Walton on Thames Weybridge Woking Tayside Aberfeldy Arbroath Brechin Carnoustie Crieff Dundee Forfar Kinross Kirriemuir Monifieth Montrose Perth Pitlochry Tyne and Wear Gateshead Houghton le Spring Jarrow Newcastle upon Tyne South Shields Sunderland Washington Whitley Bay Warwickshire Alcester Atherstone Bedworth Coleshill Kenilworth Leamington Spa Nuneaton Rugby Shipston on Stour Southam Stratford upon Avon Warwick Whitnash

West Glamorgan Gorseinon Neath Port Talbot Swansea West Midlands Aldridge Bilston Birmingham Blackheath Bloxwich Coventry Dudley Halesowen Oldbury Rowley Regis Smethwick Solihull Sutton Coldfield Tipton Walsall Wednesbury Wednesfield West Bromwich Willenhall Wolverhampton West Sussex Arundel Bognor Regis Burgess Hill Chichester Crawley Cuckfield East Grinstead Haywards Heath Horsham Littlehampton Midhurst Petworth Selsey Shoreham by Sea Worthing West Yorkshire Batley Bradford Brighouse Castleford Cleckheaton Dewsbury Halifax Hebden Bridge Holmfirth Huddersfield Ilkley Keighley Leeds Morley Normanton Ossett Otley Pontefract Pudsey Todmorden Wakefield Wetherby Yeadon Wiltshire Amesbury Bradford on Avon Calne Chippenham Devizes Highworth Malmesbury Marlborough Melksham Salisbury Swindon Trowbridge Warminster Westbury Wootton Bassett Worcestershire Bewdley Bromsgrove Evesham Kidderminster Malvern Pershore Redditch Worcester




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