Sunrise Autumn 2018

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AUTUMN 2018 £2.50 Where Sold

The Magazine of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, United Kingdom



- Pastor E. A. Adeboye








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Editor-in-Chief: MODUPE AFOLABI Managing Editor: YINKA ODUWOLE Editor: ANDREA ONDUKU Photographer (RCCG Events): KUSH Designed by: IFE SAMUEL Published by: The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Central Office, United Kingdom



All Correspondence to: Sunrise Magazine, RCCG Central Office, Redemption House, Gunnels Wood Park, Gunnels Wood Road Stevenage SG1 2TA


The views expressed by contributors to Sunrise are not necessarily a reflection of the official doctrinal positions of RCCG. The publisher, editors, contributors and related parties are not responsible in any way for the actions or results taken by any person, organisation or parties on the basis of reading information, stories or contributions to be found in this publication.


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For Good Success,

Make Soul-Winning Your Lifestyle By Pastor E. A. Adeboye Joshua 1:8 says, “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shall meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein; for then thou shall make thy ways prosperous, and then thou shall have good success”.


e need to know that not all success is good. Proverbs 1:32 tells us that if prosperity is in the hand of a fool, the prosperity will destroy him. This means there is a kind of success that can even bring destruction. You also need to know that not all success lasts. It is a terrible thing to have been rich once and then become poor. When you study the Scriptures, you will discover something about Solomon; he started very well, he was very wealthy but in 1 Kings 12:1-4 you will discover that towards the end of his life, his resources had become so seriously depleted that he had to tax the people heavily to be able to sustain his lavish lifestyle.

3. Do good, because of the law of harvest. The law of harvest says that whatever you sow, you will reap (Galatians 6:7).

Abraham, he obeyed, and his blessings became irreversible. When we talk about tithes, some of us think ten percent is too much to give to God; wait until you compare ninety percent of something to 4. Seek peace. Proverbs 16:7 says, hundred percent of nothing. ‘When a man’s ways please God, He will cause even his en- Promotion without possibility of deemies to be at peace with him’. motion. Therefore, ensure that your ways please God. Isaiah 48:18 It is better never to have been promoted says that if you obey God’s than to have reached the top and then commandments, you will have be demoted. King Saul in 1 Samuel 15:1peace like a river. Additionally, 30 was a nobody until the Almighty God don’t just seek peace; you are to grabbed him and turned him to a king. He became a king and stopped obeying pursue it (Hebrews 12:14). God and so God removed him. 1 SamuGood success has many facets, let’s look el 2:7 says that God brings down and He at a few: lifts, promotion comes from God (Psalm 75:6-7). If you don’t forget your promotProsperity without adversity: er, then you can stay forever on top. ConProverbs 10:22 says ‘the blessings of the sider David for instance, one day David Lord make one rich and adds no sorrow’. was dancing and praising God vibrantly The Bible is full of examples of those who (2 Samuel 6 v 14 -22). He told his wife, received from the Lord and then the ‘I am dancing for the one who took the blessing turned to sorrow. The classical kingdom from your father and gave it to example is Ephraim, when his grandfa- me’. The Almighty God said to David in 2 ther wanted to bless him and Manasseh Samuel 7:1-16, ‘David your kingdom shall his elder brother, his father transferred be forever, you will never lack somebody the blessing of the elder brother to the to sit on your throne’. I am sure you know younger Ephraim and within years, that today Jesus Christ is called the Son Ephraim prospered ten times more than of David, the King of kings Himself.

There are good successes but there are bad successes. The path to good success is to keep the book of the law, the Bible in your mouth and meditate on it day and his elder brother, but his mistake was night. that he ignored God. By Hosea 4:17 God This is because the Bible gives secrets for said, ‘Ephraim has joined himself to idols, success. For example, if you study the Bi- leave him alone’! In Hosea 5:9 God said, ble you will discover that Job 36:11 says ‘Ephraim shall be desolate’. The blessing ‘if you will obey and serve the Lord, then that God has pronounced on you will you will spend your days in prosperity never become a curse. and your years in pleasure’. When you read Psalm 34:12-14, David says that if How do you have prosperity without adyou want to live long and enjoy good versity? age, there are certain thing you must do: The blessings of the Lord make rich and 1. Keep your tongue from evil. Proverbs 18:21 says death and life are in the power of the tongue. 2. Depart from evil. In Job 28:28, Job said that by the fear of God, men depart from evil.

Deliverance without relapse

It is a terrible thing for someone to have been delivered before and then suffer again. In Matthew 12:43-45, Jesus Christ said that if an unclean spirit goes out of a man, it will be going through the dry places looking for somewhere to rest. If it can’t find a place, it will go and check its old house and if it is empty, it will come back with 7 more who have no home and add no sorrow with it (Proverbs 10:22). then the end of the man will be worse However, don’t forget God during your than the beginning. prosperity. You must remember it is God What can you do, so that your deliverance who gives you power to get wealth (Deu- will be permanent? teronomy 8:18). You can show God that you have not forgotten him by putting Luke 8:1-3 tells us that when God set Him first in everything (Malachi 3:10). In Mary Magdalene free, she became a diGenesis 22:1-18 when God gave a test to vine treasurer. What she used in serving 4

GENERAL OVERSEER the devil before, she now used to serve the Lord. Mark 5:1-20 says that after God set the mad man of Gadara free, he came to Jesus and said, ‘I will go with you everywhere’. Jesus said ‘No! Go and advertise me’. If God sets you free and you keep on telling other people about him, He will make sure that you remain free. Healing without scars. Often when you go to the hospital with a problem, that problem may be solved but there are almost invariably some side effects or scars. In 2 Kings 5:1-14, when God healed Naaman, the Bible said his skin returned to him as that of a new baby; there were no scars left, no signs at all that he ever had leprosy. There is a God who can guarantee that once He heals you, you will remain healed. What did Naaman do? He humbled himself before God. Initially when he was told to go and wash in Jordan, he was angry. Many of us want to dictate to God how we want to be healed. That is not the way God does His things. Anytime you want to do anything for God, follow instructions! After he was healed, he came back to testify. It is when you testify that God puts a seal on your miracle so that the enemy can never steal it from you. Lastly if you want your healing to be permanent, turn your back on sin. In John 5:2-14 we meet a man who was sick for thirty-eight years. When Jesus healed him, He told him ‘Go and sin no more or else something worse will happen’. Exodus 15:26 says, “I am the Lord that heals thee”. If you will hearken diligently to the voice of the Lord your God, to observe and to do all that He commands you, He said He will make sure no disease will come upon you. It is possible to be healed and remain healthy forever. Victory without a defeat Victory loses its value if it is followed by defeat. In Joshua 6:20, Joshua led the children of Israel; they shouted, and the walls of Jericho fell. Then we get to Joshua 7 and they came against just one small town called Ai and the people of the town chased them and slaughtered 46 of them. Joshua fell on his face because when victory is followed by defeat, victory loses its value. What do I do so that I will be victorious all the time?

Make sure that you are not your own enemy. Romans 8:31 says ‘if God be for us, who can be against us?’ If God is for you, the devil cannot be against you; resist the devil and he will flee from you. If God is for you, demons cannot be against you; you are to cast out demons. If God is for you, herbalists cannot be against you because every weapon fashioned against you shall not prosper. But if God is for you and you are against yourself, then God have mercy. Before you sing that song, ‘Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered’, make sure you are not one of the enemies. Maybe one of the reason God trained me as a mathematician before calling me into the ministry, is so that I will know that formulas only work when they satisfy certain conditions. Deuteronomy 28:7 says, ‘the enemy that rises against you shall be smitten before your face, they shall come against you in one way and they shall flee seven ways’. Beautiful passage! But is there any condition for that? The condition is in verse 1; ‘if you, the one that God is going to fight for, if you will hearken diligently to the voice of the Lord your God to observe and to do all that he commands you, then any enemy that comes against you will be smitten before your face’. Anointing that will never run dry. It is better never to be anointed, than to have an anointing that will run dry. Isaiah 10:27 says that anointing destroys yokes. Anointing makes you untouchable. In 2 Kings 1:9-12 when the enemies came, and they said they wanted to arrest Elijah, he roasted them. In Judges 15:14-15, when they brought Samson bound to the Philistines and the anointing of God came upon him, the fire of God destroyed every yoke. However, if anointing dries up, then the anointed becomes a victim in the hands of the enemy (Judges 16:18-21). How do I make sure that my anointing will never run dry? All you must do is to stay connected to the Almighty God, stay connected to the source of the anointing. Take Elisha for example. ISn 2 Kings 2:1-15, everything Elijah did to persuade him to stay back, he said ‘no sir, you are my spiritual father, everywhere you go, I will follow’. No wonder even after he died there was still enough anointing left in the bones of Elisha to raise the dead. It is a terrible thing to have been anointed once and 5

then become ex-anointed. That is why I always warn those who are in deliverance ministry in particular; be holy because every demon you cast out is going to report you to the Devil. The Devil will say, ‘I know, leave him alone now, he is hot but keep watching him, if he ever becomes cold then we will deal with him’. The fire of the Almighty God that is surrounding each one of you will never go out in Jesus’ name. Salvation without backsliding. It is better not to be saved than to be saved and then backslide. There is nothing as terrible as an ex-Christian. 2 Peter 2:20-22 describes such as a person as a dog who went back to his vomit, that is a horrible picture. That is why David cried in Psalm 51:12 for God to restore the joy of salvation. The Devil knows how to deal with a backslider. The story of a prodigal son is a classic example of a backslider (Luke 15:11-24). Initially the boy was having a wonderful time, but the joy of the backslider will never last. Very soon adversity came, and all friends turned against him. He wanted to eat the food given to pigs, that was how bad things got before he decided to return to his father. What do I do so that I will never backslide? Philippians 2:12 says you are to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Whatever temptation the devil will bring your way, tell the devil ‘I cannot afford to lose my salvation’. Colossians 3:1-4 says, ‘focus on things above not things beneath’. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and every other thing will be added to you. Also, keep wining souls. John 15:1-2 says that every branch that does not bear fruit, He takes away. Are you winning souls? You have been born again for one year; how many souls have you won? You have been born again for ten years, how many souls have you won? Make soul-winning your lifestyle.

Website: Twitter: @PastorEAAdeboye Facebook:


The God that



f all the resources humanity has been gifted with by the Lord, perhaps the most precious is time. Other resources such as wealth and property can be more easily recovered, even if with some toil. Time is, however, the difficult one to recover. Once passed, it is ordinarily impossible to retrieve it. With each passing second, minute, hour, day, week, month and year, the clock never stops ticking. Your time is your life. Lost time would, therefore, require nothing short of a miracle to regain.

Recall the story of the Shunammite Woman told in the Book of 2 Kings 8. In a dramatic encounter with God’s Prophet Elisha years before, her son had been supernaturally restored from death to life. At the instruction of this same Servant of God, she had sojourned with her family in the land of the Philistines for seven years, avoiding the prophesied famine in Israel. On her return, she discovered her house and land had been taken over and decided to appeal to the King to repossess her property and home.

At the exact time she arrives the King’s Palace to This is why we all should be thankful that we make her plea, Elisha’s restored servant Gehazi serve the God who is able to restore was telling the King of how time that was lost. God’s omnipo- “Indeed, we Elisha had restored her son tence means He is able to fold time to life many years ago. Talk in His hands and help anyone who serve the about perfect timing! As it needs to recoup the years that have happened, not only did the gone by without having reaped the King restore all that was hers, God that expected returns. It is difficult for he gave the unusual and mirestores” raculous command that she the human mind to understand the ability of God to do with time as He be given all the produce from pleases. Yet, this is due to the fact that time is just her fields from the day she left Israel until her reanother of God’s creation. God exists. He is not turn! bound by His creation, time inclusive. Indeed, we serve the God that restores. After Ruth “In the beginning, God created the heavens and unfortunately lost her husband in Ruth 1:4, she the earth”, the Holy Spirit tells us in Genesis 1:1. was supernaturally led to Boaz who redeemed, By implication, God has existed before even the married her and together they had a child Salmon, beginning of creation. God did not start to ex- who was to be the great-great-grandfather of King ist in tandem with time as we know it; He has David and thus a forebear of our Lord Jesus Christ. been in existence before time and will continue God is also in the business of restoring prodigals, to exist outside the boundaries of time, as we be they sons, daughters, partners or even nations. understand it. This is one reason we often find it The God who restores will visit you this season and difficult to understand eternal life with our finite restore more than you have lost in Jesus’ name. minds. Our brains are simply too simple to fully Pastor Modupe Afolabi grasp eternity. is the Editor-in-Chief of Sunrise and Executive Administrator of RCCG Central Office. Twitter: @MoAfolabi

Have you lost valuable years due to the vicissitudes of life? Be comforted, especially if you are in Christ. Not only have you come to the only One who can restore the years that spiritual locusts have eaten because He is compassionate and merciful, be assured that as you call on Him, He will answer speedily.



Opportunity When to grab I’m not sure Not when Time is tariff Barely making of Future’s contour Space and fate in Miscellany

Ephesians 5:16 says, “Making the most of your time, because the days are evil.” How do you spend your time? You must make the most of it. I often tell my 11 year old son that seconds turn into minutes, minutes into hours and hours into days. Every second wasted will lead to minutes, hours and days wasted. We need to adjust our thinking to value every second of our time. How many opportunities are we missing out on because we don’t have enough time to utilise them? We miss deadlines, we miss connections, we miss Divine Favour and open doors all because we are not doing what we are meant to be doing at a particular time. We are spending our lives doing catch up. We are trying frantically to catch up on last week’s activities and so we miss out on the agenda for today. Whereas if we gather all the seconds we have wasted staring into space while on the bus or excessive conversations on the phone, time spent on Social media or those box sets we are trying to get through, we would be amazed at how much time we actually have to chase those contacts, make those connections or start that business.

But perhaps I Must grab, for that remaining Flickering seconds-before Regret stabs my back of once-in-a-blue-moon’s Wasted Opportunity The dictionary defines opportunity as: ‘a time or set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something’.


he Bible has much to say about opportunity, Galatians 6:10 says, “So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.” This means that anytime you have the chance to do something good for someone, don’t let it pass by. Why? The previous verse says that when we sow what is good, we will reap blessing. Those blessings will then give us further opportunities and open doors.

What about opportunities for learning? Do we make time to learn? Do we attend Bible Studies, Conferences and Seminars? Do we watch documentaries, read books and take time for introspection? This edition of Sunrise as always is full of materials that will help you in many areas of your life such as finance, business, leadership, wisdom, relationships and much more. Will you pass the opportunity to increase your capacity, will you spend time to read the words within the pages? I pray that you take the time and I pray that your life is impacted by what you read. Remember it’s your magazine, feel free to get in touch with your questions, comments and contributions.

Colossians 4:5 says, “Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of the opportunity.” Living your life in a responsible and Christ-like way gives you an opportunity to witness (show forth) the love and wisdom of God to others which can bring them to faith in Jesus. John 9:4 says, ”We must work the works of Him who sent Me as long as it is day; night is coming when no one can work.” You will not remain on the same spot for life or remain young forever. There are certain things that you are meant to do for God that cannot wait until tomorrow or until next week or next year. Each day has its own assignment. Too often, we let opportunities to evangelise or build God’s kingdom slip through our fingers. We give many reasons, usually that we are not qualified or we are afraid or we convince ourselves that the timing is not correct, that things must be more palatable or convenient first. The truth is that you might not see that open door again. In terms of evangelism, we must work hard while the doors are still open. Secularists are fighting hard to have the doors slammed shut against the spray of the gospel. Now is the time, now is the hour to win souls while there is still time.

God Bless you.

Andrea Onduku Editor





he crack of the starter gun echoed through the stadium on the hot Friday evening in July of 1924. Eric Liddell sprinted forward in his unusual running style, his head thrown back, his arms waving at his side, his feet barely touching the track as he ran. No one, not even Eric himself, though he had a chance of winning the 400-meter race. But Eric was determined to do his best. Eric Liddell was Scotland’s fastest sprinter. He was their hero. He had won every 100-meter race he had run since early in his running career. His quick speed earned him a spot on the 100-meter British Olympic team. However, Eric Liddell had announced to his country that he could not run in the Olympic 100-meter race because the finals were scheduled on a Sunday. Sunday was a day of worship and rest for Eric. He would not run even if he were his country’s only hope of winning an Olympic gold medal. This made the Scottish people very upset with Eric. They wrote bad things about him in the newspaper. Some people even called him a traitor. But Eric stood firm. He had never run on Sunday and never would, not even for an Olympic gold medal.


With very little time remaining before the Olympics began, Eric



trained and qualified for another race that was not scheduled on a Sunday. Eric knew his chance of winning the 400-meter race was slim because two of the runners in this race had set world record times. In addition, on the day of the race, Eric was assigned the worst lane. But a note from his team trainer encouraged him. It read, “He who honours Him, He (God) will honour.” Liddell knew his decision not to run on Sunday honoured God.

an entire day to get to the village hospital. In the meantime, the Japanese were taking over more of the country and there was talk that all foreigners would be locked up. Captured, but not Stopped The day quickly arrived when all foreigners were forced to move into an overcrowded prison camp. They lived in very bad conditions. There was no running water, the bathrooms did not work, and they were given only a small bowl of soup and bread at each meal. Eric made the best of it though. He knew they could be there for a very long time. He set up church services, schooling for the children, sporting activities, and helped take care of the sick. He became the most respected person in the camp because of his good attitude.

Going for the Gold As Eric rounded the turn on the track where all the runners usually come together, he expected to see the world record holders ahead of him. But he was there alone. He threw his head back even more than usual and pumped his legs as fast as he could. Eric crossed the finish line first, winning the gold medal! He had also set a new world record! Eric received a hero’s welcome when he returned home. The newspapers now tried to outdo each other praising him. But Lidell knew their praise would not last long. He would soon announce his plan to stop running and go to China to tell people about Jesus.

However, after being in the camp for almost two years, Liddell became very sick. He had a stroke and was unable to walk. The man, who had helped so many, now could not help himself. One morning Eric, the super athlete, who was now only 43, began to have trouble breathing. A little girl, who had come to visit, ran to get help. When she returned with a friend of Eric’s, he looked up at his friend and said, “It is surrender.” Eric died that same day. It was later determined that he had a large brain tumour. The entire camp mourned his death. When news reached Scotland a few months later, the entire country also mourned the death of their beloved athlete who died at such a young age.

Off to China Eric Liddell was born in China. His parents were missionaries there. He spent his early childhood playing among the Chinese children. He spoke their language perfectly. He knew God was calling him to return to China to help teach the Chinese people about Jesus. It was a dangerous time to return, however. Japanese soldiers had invaded China and were treating the Chinese people badly. They killed many of them, burned their villages, and destroyed their crops. When Eric arrived in China, it was even worse than he expected. It was not the land he had left many years before. The Chinese, whom he once played with, now did not want foreigners in their country.

His story has touched the hearts of millions through a movie about him (Chariots of Fire) that won an Academy Award in 1981. Eric Liddell would not have ever imagined it, but his devotion to God and commitment to spreading the story of Jesus did not end in that brutal prison camp. His life and testimony are remembered around the world.

Despite the difficulties Liddell stayed. He was sure God had called him to China. He began teaching at a British-run Chinese college. He loved teaching the boys and challenging them in sports. Life would not remain so simple for him though. The conditions in China were growing worse by the day. The mission’s board chairman asked Eric to move to the area in which he had grown up. The people there needed comfort and hope in the midst of the Japanese devastation. Many Chinese people in this area also hated Christians. Missionaries were likely to be shot without question. Eric discussed it with his wife and though it was hard to leave, he knew he was the best person to go.

Culled from:

Eric Liddell worked long hours traveling in the war-torn area preaching and tending the sick. Many times, he had to carry the injured to the hospital on his bike over rough roads while dodging gunfire. Sometimes it would take



That I May Know Him

here is a world of difference between knowing about Jesus and knowing Him. No, this is not a play on words. This is a matter of life and death. Coming to a realisation of the nuanced but tangible difference between knowing a lot of things about Jesus and knowing Jesus is like having an epiphany. Why does this

even matter? Increasingly, there is a nagging feeling deep in one’s soul that many of us who currently profess faith in Jesus Christ and follow Him may really not have progressed much on our journey to knowing Him, that is, building a thriving relationship with Him in our daily walk.

say. Knowing many things about Jesus Christ of Nazareth the Saviour of the world is just that: knowing a lot of facts – historical, intellectual, theological and even biblical – about Him. In the Age of Information, when anyone can become an instant ‘expert’ on any subject by ‘googling’ up the topic ‘OK, what do you mean by ‘know- on Google, you can be sure that ing a lot about Jesus?’, I hear you there is a lot of information out

“How far would you go to know more of the Saviour of your soul?”


there in the digital universe about Jesus Christ – from fact to fiction. There are numerous Bible commentaries, sermons, devotionals, opinions being churned out daily from digital factories – personal, institutional and denominational. Indeed, knowledge is increasing exponentially in these last days. Yet, access to a lot of information about Jesus is still not knowing Him. I daresay that there is even the possibility of being a preacher of the gospel, genuinely busy with the things of God’s Kingdom and still not quite have had that lightbulb moment when you ask yourself: ‘Am I merely increasing in my knowledge about Jesus to the detriment of knowing Him intimately? You see, the truth is that one can be in a position to whip up a sermon in an instant, one’s senses having been trained from years of preaching and engaging in Kingdom business. Ask any preacher. The truthful preacher will tell you, however, that there is a world of difference between effortlessly preaching a great sermon and sharing a message that was planted in one’s heart by the Spirit of God. The former situation could simply be the result of knowing a lot of things about Jesus, probably learned from years of church-going, discipleship or even seminary training. The latter springs from a healthy, growing relationship with Jesus. The major difference between those who possess a lot of biblical knowledge about Jesus and those who are growing in their personal walk with Him, is relationship. The extent to which you know someone in a personal sense is directly proportional to the quality of the relationship you have

with that person. There is a popular proverb attributed to the Japanese which claims that everyone has three faces: The first face, they show to the world; the second face, they show to close friends and family; and the third face, they never show to anyone. Food for thought. The difficulty today is that while many may actually know a lot about their church, the Body of Christ, Christianity, Biblical doctrines, etc, there is a very real possibility that not enough progress is being made in a personal sense, regarding their further knowledge of the One who saved their souls. One ordinary day, Messiah threw His disciples into a bit of discomfort when He questioned the extent of their spiritual understanding about who He really was: “When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah: and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” (Matthew 16:13-15) As you probably know, on that occasion it took the Holy Spirit to supernaturally reveal Jesus’ identity as the Saviour of the world to Peter, one of His disciples. The starting point to knowing Jesus in an intimate sense is a relationship with His Spirit, who is also the means to blossoming this friendship. Being active for the God’s Kingdom is good and commanded in the Scriptures, but the foundation for our Christian walk and service must be hunger to be in a deeper relationship with Jesus, to know Him. Now, one un11


derstands why Apostle Paul, years after his dramatic conversion, still wrote with emotion: “I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. I want to suffer with him, sharing in his death,” (Philippians 3:10, NLT).

How far would you go to know more of the Saviour of your soul? What would you give up, even sacrificially, in order to know more of Jesus? How could one know if he or she is prospering in their personal knowledge of Jesus Christ? I think the first proof of course, is a changed heart. Old things pass away, all things become new. Then, of course, is the unquenchable excitement that consumes you for the things of God’s Kingdom. To that, one can add a conscious refusal to settle into a spiritual comfort zone, a never-ending quest to seek Jesus, particularly when away from the crowd of believers. Knowing Jesus is about being continually transformed into His very image. The Word of God becomes our mirror; the Holy Spirit, our ever-present Helper coaching us to do the will of the Father at all times. Finally, if the gap between what Jesus would do and what we do is increasing, we need to go back into that secret place and reorder our priorities. Knowing Him is more crucial than even serving Him.

Dr Yinka Oduwole is the Managing Editor of Sunrise and Pastor of The Risen Christ, Knebworth Twitter: @YinkaOduwole







e live in the 21st century where we have an epidemic! The diagnosis? We are reenacting the Tower of Babel!

The danger in that is, when we do so without the Creator, we will always end up back at a Tower of Babel situation, where we start building fancy careers, houses, homes and lives without God!

now!!! Who can save us? Who can deliver this generation? Maybe the NEXT generation?

God is becoming more and more The problem is that we are now in distant not because he has moved chief danger in the 21st Century of his position but we have shifted having: in our mentality. Religion without the Holy Ghost We think we can achieve all things without God and to shock Christianity without Christ the religious ones in our midst, Methodology without ConvicWE ACTUALLY CAN!! Genesis 11:6 tion!! tells me there is nothing we can’t achieve and NOTHING SHALL BE Forgiveness without Repentance IMPOSSIBLE TO MAN! Salvation without Regeneration

There’s a PROBLEM, our youths are tired of church and don’t really want to know God!

Civilisation, globalisation, exposure, education, modernisation and technology have proved just that - we human beings can be ANYTHING and ACHIEVE EVERYTHING we want to be, because God already breathed into us the innate ability TO BE and the gifts and callings of God are without repentance.

Encountering God is not a transferable skill. It is faulty theology to expect a Pastor’s child to act a certain way because they were born to a Pastor! The anointing is not by DNA But by incorruptible seed.

Heaven without Hell

One of the saddest realities of the 21st Century youth is that many are well churched and hear about God every day but never experience God for themselves. Knowing God is not simply done by coming to church, it is by coming face to face with God!

In another 100 years from now what we think is an abomination or making headline news right now would actually become the norm and God might have to apologise to Sodom and Gomorrah because they were not even Whether your parents told you a nearly as corrupt as we are right lot about God, or none, you can’t 16


God is becoming more and more distant not because he has moved his position but we have shifted in our mentality

The church is messy! It’s a hospital for the broken hearted who have all been referred to the one consultant who won’t refer us to any other specialist. Everyone attends the waiting room in pain, that’s why we are all getting on your nerves at the moment! We may all have problems, that’s true but we also have God! The church of God is not a museum for saints but a hospital for sinners. In physics, there has to be a collision for there to be impact! You can’t have a public place without a private space. You need to clash with God in the secret place in

blame them as it makes little dif- order to know Him. Tweeting cliference. chés or sharing someone else’s messages on Facebook does not You need to know God for yourmean you know God. self. That will explain your journey Young man, young lady, I know right now; you are clashing like you say you have tried church Jacob. In that same journey once and It didn’t work. That’s because you clash with God the process you may have tried Sundays and leaves you PREGNANT as you you may have tried people, but conceive GOD so you can deliver you definitely haven’t tried God! Him to your world and change it That’s why you don’t know Him. by his WORD. If you are fed up of church beMy dear youths, hopping from cause you have nothing in comchurch to church in a desperate mon with those in church right quest to quench your thirst for now, then congratulations, that more excitement is not the anmeans you are in the right place! swer to your problems. It is a total You don’t have to have some- lack of spiritual and moral responthing in common with them! It’s sibility to think your entire knowlGod that has things in common edge of God is dependent on with them, not you! If you choose your pastor and the church and to go to church based on what so when things don’t go RIGHT, you have in common with them, you go LEFT? Adding churches to then it would be a football club, your CV like you add new degrees is not going to cut it. not church!


As you go out there into your University, schools, relationships and life as a young adult, the advantage is that you have heard about God from an early age. You may have grown up in a Christian home and I know your parents might have forced you to every service because they were desperate to introduce you to their God. Yet the saddest thing is you have now moved from religion to reality and you are now lost because you heard about God every day but never really experienced God yourself! WAKE UP! No one is going to do the “knowing” for you! Ecclesiastes 12 :1 says we must remember God in the days of our youth, don’t let the excitement of youth cause you to forget your Creator!

A rolling stone gathers no moss. Psalm 92:13 says it is they that are planted in the house of the LORD that shall flourish in the courts of our God. Why aren’t you planted in a church? Why aren’t you part of the work force? Why aren’t you pouring into someone else?

Oluwatoyin Ajala

Why aren’t you part of the change you want to see?

Youth Pastor, Poet, Writer and Co-founder Trustbridge Academy

Why won’t you stand for one thing instead of falling for every17

Plan to Prosper: 4 Key Areas By Mark Lloydbottom


t is rightly said that failing to plan is planning to fail. I always see God as the ultimate planner, and the Bible is replete with His plans for man. He has set clear goals for man, his redemption and his life on this earth and in eternity. He has provided us with what we need to live

and reproduce. God has had a plan for each of us from the beginning. When President Kennedy announced that America was going to land on the moon by the end of the 1960s, the whole nation was galvanised and motivated by the space 18

race and the desire to achieve that goal. Can you remember watching athletes being interviewed after an Olympic event? While some might announce they are retiring, most tell how they wish to return and improve their performance in four years’ time.


Remember that you are never more like Jesus than when you are giving, so be generous.

Vision and dreams are powerful motivators for both nations and individuals. Add to the mix instruction and Godly wisdom from the Bible and you have all you need to achieve your Godly financial goals.

repaid roll over the money you pay off this debt to the next smallest debt, and so on. Keep this process in place until each debt is repaid including car loans, educational loans, and home mortgages.

What are the key areas where you should plan? Your response to that question will be personal to you and dependent on your current situation.

Your mortgage If you have a mortgage and move, is it wise for you to increase the mortgage? Perhaps you could reduce the term of the mortgage by two to five years? If the interest rate could change in less than five years, could your finances cope with an increase of just two percentage points? Why not start saving that margin to prove that you are in control of your finances?

1. Monthly income and expenditure It is important to have all the information you need to assess your situation. If you are unsure of your actual expenditure you could spend a month or two writing down everything you spend. There are phone apps that can help with this. Do you have more income than expenditure? If not, then look at your expenditure to see where this can be reduced? What are you spending that could be stopped or reduced? Could you and should you earn more money? “Just about the time you make both ends meet, somebody moves the ends”. — Herbert Hoover 2. Debt Is your total debt manageable within your budget? Resolve not to allow your debt to increase one penny more. Cut your cards up if that will help. This is one form of plastic surgery that over time will improve how you feel – and maybe even how you look! Use the snowball strategy - start by repaying the smallest debt first and then when this is

3. Giving Remember that you are never more like Jesus than when you are giving, so be generous. Is giving a priority for you? Do you give from what is left over or out of your first fruits? “Honour the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops” (Proverbs 3:9). This is repeated in Exodus 23:19: “Bring the best of the first fruits of your soil to the house of the Lord your God.” You are the steward of all that has been entrusted to you. Paul encourages us to give proportionately. Remember that a tithe is ten percent of income and that is certainly proportionate to your income. But remember also that it is not just ten percent that belongs to God – it all belongs to Him. How much are you going to give to the Lord through your church? Will you give to the poor? Do you have some money put aside so that you could give when a need arises? 19

“You’ve heard of prayer warriors. What about giving warriors? God has entrusted us with so much. Perhaps He is raising up a great army of givers, and He’s calling us all to enlist”. — Randy Alcorn 4. Saving Fluctuating interest rates and falls in stock markets have historically changed the forward planning of many people. Make sure you have some savings to protect your finances from being knocked off balance by the unexpected and make a long-term commitment to saving. You could have more freedom to serve the Lord by doing this. Where could you add a little stretch into your planning? Be real and ask God to lead you as you record what you sense are the right steps for you to take with your finances. Let Him remind you of those unfulfilled dreams you have. If you are married, share finances and decisions with your spouse. This is one of those areas where couples can share together as they seek to manage what God has given. Finally pray that you will bless God with your plan and you will be a blessing to others. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. Remember the Lord in everything you do, and he will show you the right way”. Proverbs 3:5-6 Source: blog/2018/10/3/plan-toprosper-4-key-areas




very individual has a creative ability that can be released for the mutual socioeconomic benefit of the individual and their community. There is a measure of creativity deposited within each of us; and since we are all uniquely different, creativity can be manifested in diverse and unique ways. Creativity is the ability to generate ideas that result in new products and services which contribute to the socio-economic growth of a community. Creativity transverses across all human fields of endeavour – sciences, arts, technology, governance, education, health, sports, finance, culture, media, industry, family life, faith etc. To be the C.H.A.N.G.E you want to see in your family, community and nation, discover your creativity. Make a committed effort to determine: • What am I good at? • What am I wired for? • What can I do effortlessly yet with passion to make life better for myself and for others?

• What hidden skills do are limitless and new I possess that can turn discoveries are being made situations around for myself daily. and for others? Someone created the These are some of the game football which today questions you need to find has been developed into answers to support your a multi-billion enterprise journey to discover your worldwide. However, another creativity. We cannot all be person exhibited creativity wired to become political by combining elements of leaders. Those who occupy football and rugby to form these positions need some American football which other people with diverse although played more in the creativity to support United States of America, effective policy formulation, generates billions of dollars implementation and and has attracted a lot of governance in our nations. following worldwide. Who would have Y o u r thought that creativity today, we could lead would have to the dedicated discover y TV channels of a cure to broadcast for a sports, news, debilitating documentaries, disease, music movies, to the d r a m a , formulation of an effective entertainment and faith policy to transform education, etc – these are the results of health, social services, someone’s creativity; discover the economy etc; to the yours and make an impact safeguarding of the peace, on your generation. Your security and welfare of a creativity is all you need to community. At the other end, come out of the prison of life your creativity might be to be you might be experiencing a loving, caring and dedicated now; the prison of lack parent that will nurture your of employment, financial children to become great in hardship, marital breakdown, life. The options for creativity health challenges, difficulty in

“A bonus of discovering your creativity is that you will appreciate creativity in other people”


raising your children etc. In the film Shawshank Redemption, the effects of prison made Andy Dufresne to forget his creativity as a former banker. Prison had reduced him to living to survive until a chance opportunity came along his way. Andy re-discovered his creativity for sorting out financial matters and his passion for helping others in need. This transformed his status in prison, he became a VIP – Very Important Prisoner, with added privileges. Daily, he had something to divert his energy, passion and dedication towards. Although, he was physically in prison, he saw himself as free, his creativity made a big impact on all around – including on the prison staff. In the Bible, although Joseph found himself in prison, he did not abandon his creativity. He was diligent in planning and organising the affairs of his fellow prisoners and eventually the prison warden handed over most responsibilities to him. Joseph also had the creativity for knowledge management – he had the unique ability to interpret dreams. He did not hesitate to assist a fellow

prisoner he saw in distress by interpreting his dream and this led to his release two years later. The interpretation created a vacancy for someone to oversee implementation and the President automatically placed Joseph in a newly created position of Prime Minister to oversee implementing the new national development plan. Please note that the fact that Joseph was brought from prison was disregarded by the President. As far as the President was concerned, this was a past event immaterial to the future of Joseph and the nation. The reality was that for the nation to survive, the President had to empower Joseph to use his creativity for planning, organising and knowledge management to bring about a positive lasting change in the nation; ex-prisoner or not – Joseph was chosen because he discovered his creativity. To be the C.H.A.N.G.E you want to see in your family, community and nation, discover your creativity now! A bonus of discovering your creativity is that you will appreciate creativity in other people; you will celebrate creativity in other people. When you are excited, happy and content with your own creativity, you recognise and acknowledge the diversity in the creativity exhibited by other people; you are not threatened by the creativity of others. You are open to collaborate and support others in discovering and benefiting from their creativity. In the film Shawshank Redemption, Andy was very content in his creativity, he supported his friends to discover and exhibit their creativity by expanding the prison library. He supported a young man to learn how to read and write and encouraged him to sit for a diploma examination, then sent the crumbled answer

sheet away for grading despite the young man giving up. He called his friends – co-workers (hello, they were all in prison!). There was mutual respect among his friends; Red did not feel threatened about Andy’s achievements; he did not feel bad that Andy did not discuss the details of his escape plans with him and he did not feel bad that Andy succeeded in escaping from prison, leaving him behind. Red’s comments about Andy’s escape reveals his joy for Andy’s success, “I have to remind myself that some birds aren’t meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice. Still, the place you live in is that much drabber and emptier when they’re gone. I guess I just miss my friend.” Have you ever wondered the sort of relationship that would have developed between the butler and Prime Minister Joseph? I want to believe the butler would not have envied Joseph’s rapid promotion and I want to believe that the butler would have enjoyed special status among the other Presidential staff as a close friend of the Prime Minister. Andy re-discovered his creativity by volunteering to help a prison warden and Joseph exhibited the creativity that brought him out of prison by volunteering to help a fellow prisoner he saw in distress. Your creativity must add value to the lives of others. You don’t have to be in a physical building to have your freedom restricted like in a prison. There are many in virtual prisons either because of abuse, addiction, debts, failed marriage, mental health challenges, bankruptcy and social limitations. Their freedom might not be physically restricted, but they are in a virtual prison imposed either by their minds

or the minds of others around them. Hope is an essential attribute that fosters positive change and enables a person to achieve the seemingly impossible. Are you in a prison-like situation? Hope is a good thing to have; this will motivate you to seek the strategies that will provide the change you desire and sustain you to achieve your purpose in life. In the film, Shawshank Redemption, Andy Dufresne spoke to his friend, Red (Ellis Redding), “Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.” That statement saved Andy’s life and most probably his friend – Red’s life. Irrespective of how a person gets into prison, the first thing that is lost in addition to freedom is hope. Will I ever make it through time to get out of this prison? For 19 years, hope sustained Andy that he could get out of the prison.

of longing to desire a better positive change in life. Red choose to have hope and follow his friend’s advice and he survived. Red’s parting statement in the film was, “I find I’m so excited that I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it’s the excitement only a free man can feel. A free man at a start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope.”

Hope is a good thing. To embrace C.H.A.N.G.E to succeed, it is essential you cultivate hope that you will experience a turnaround in your current situation; that you will come out of your virtual prison and experience freedom, achievement, fulfilment, harmony and prosperity. Don’t become institutionalized by your prison experience; discover your creativity, have hope, Three people left the prison – embrace C.H.A.N.G.E to Brooks Hatlen, Andy Dufresne succeed. and Red (Ellis Redding). Their survival outside prison was based on whether they had hope or not. Brooks was Please note, C.H.A.N.G.E in this released on parole, but he article stands for did not want to leave as he C = Creativity | H = Hope wasn’t prepared for a change | A = Action | N = New to life outside prison and Ideas | G = Generation | E = he committed suicide. Red Empowerment described Brooks experience as a consequence of him being “institutionalized”, Adeyinka Oshin i.e. the prison experience affected his mentality to is a seasoned author and the extent that he couldn’t researcher. He is passionate function anywhere else other about using innovative than in prison. strategies to inspire and Andy patiently planned change lives. He is the author and executed an audacious of Judge Theo – The Final escape (creativity!); he had Judgment, Diary of a Cohope, he had a vision of incidental Pastor, Embrace where he wanted to be, he the Divine Appointment in embraced change to achieve your Disappointments. He his desire and he survived. serves as Pastor, RCCG, Royal Red was released on parole; City, Sevenoaks, Kent. He can he too was not prepared for be reached via email: info@ change outside prison life and would have gone down the same route as Brooks but Andy gave him a new sense



SELF discipline I stands for Intentional

I stands for Intense We should be serious, focused and passionate enough not to take discipline lightly when self-coaching. A highly concentrated and severe work is needed with all consistency for our personality to become amazingly outstanding. Our determination is defined by the intensity of self-discipline that we are undergoing. (Ecclesiastes 9:10).


We should not be vague when disciplining ourselves as this would be a waste of time and it would not improve our performance. Being intentional is to know the reason why we should treat ourselves with all strictness. Moreover, our intention should be to train to be the best rather than please the world around us. People will always expect us to please them in their needs but often they are not supportive and interested in all the struggles we endure towards excellence (Romans 12:2).

Discipline is a word of 10 letters:

S stands for Sincere

D stands for Direct

Self-honesty helps us to discover the very hidden inadequate personality traits within our lives, which must be acknowledged thoroughly to deal with imperfections and struggles that might hinder the progress of change and transformation from within us (Galatians 6:4, 1 John 1:9).

elf-discipline increases potential and improves excellence in life’s journey. 1Corinthians 9:27

“I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified”. We will use “discipline” as an acronym to discover its impact when it is applied on our daily life routine.

Have a direct or straight talk to yourself in cases of misbehaviour. We often enjoy talking directly to others and straight to the point when telling them off, but we are in denial when it comes to self-rebuke even though it is a great self-straightener for a better performance. We tend to encourage our bad behaviour under the pretence of being positive to ourselves. Rebuking one’s self is the beginning of self-discipline, but we must maintain a positive attitude about ourselves not a negative one (Proverbs 6:23).

C stands for Correctional Correction is very important in life. We should correct our mistakes as soon as discovered to break out of the cycle of stress. Ignoring a mistake is a door to a traumatised tomorrow, as it can haunt us psychologically (Proverbs 28:13, 12:1). 22

P stands for Productive The result is always more desirable than the process. In other words, a formula that does not lead to a promising result cannot be of use. Therefore, one should not waste a lifetime journey on unproductive hard work (Matthew 25:14-30, Proverbs 12:24). L stands for Liable A liable, responsible and accountable form of discipline is the best we can offer to ourselves daily. We should learn how to take responsibility for our actions and to remain accountable to ourselves. Liability in self-discipline requires prudence and maturity that helps us to avoid any shameful mediocrity in our behaviour (1 Peter 2:12, 3:16).

I stands for Instructive

E stands for Excellence

Self-discipline cannot operate with a guessing mentality because we do not take chances while disciplining ourselves. An instructive procedure is very dynamic and effective. We can rate the level of our listening skills by checking on our ability to follow instructions (Proverbs 4:20-27).

Self-discipline increases potentials and improves excellence. We are not born with excellence, but we are born ready for excellence. When we are born out of the womb, we are covered in blood and slimy fluid and we must be cleaned up to face the world for excellence. As toddlers we learned how to keep up with cleanliness to live in excellence. Growing up we are left on our own to develop and apply the mentality of excellence (1 Corinthians 13:11, 2 Corinthians 8:7).

N stands for Noticeable All the work of self-discipline that we do in secret, can obviously influence one’s appearance and behaviour in public. Self-discipline works from the inside out. Change is noticeable and manifests progressively regardless of the environment, therefore when change comes, life cannot remain the same (2 Corinthians 5:17).

In conclusion when all is put in one sentence, self-discipline can be defined as: A Direct and Intentional talk to one23

self with a Sincere heart leading to Correctional thoughts, that endure Intense self-coaching from a Productive, Liable, and Instructive mind-set; which is Noticeable through Excellence.

By Pastor David Chambo Pastor David is the Pastor of RCCG Joy Assembly, he is a singer, songwriter, worship leader and author. His CD ‘Give Way’ is available on Amazon, Google Play Music & Spotify and his book ‘Life without Agenda is Uncertain’ is available via Amazon, Google books and Walmart. You can contact him on Facebook @pst david k-el chambo




f you continue to listen to the negative voices in your environment, you will not be able to maintain passion to achieve your maximum potential. The quality of the voices that you permit to take root in your mind will determine the quality of the future that you create. Your Future is Decided By Who You Listen To. David had marvelled king Saul and his entire Army by singlehandedly slaying Goliath the giant. The whole nation of Israel were overwhelmed with relief as they pondered upon the potential disaster that could have befallen them had they failed to conquer the swaggering Goliath. In the end, the people of Israel had no choice but adore and cherish the faith, bravery and expertise of David in battle.

A short while later, the soul of Jonathan, king Saul’s son, was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. With such incredible admiration, Jonathan ended up entering into a covenant relationship with David (1 Samuel 18:4). Even Saul himself, still flourishing in his kingly anointing, could not help but catapult David unto a high ranking position in the army because God had made David very successful.

Israel to meet King Saul with singing and dancing, with joyful songs and with timbrels and lyres. As they danced, they sang: “Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands.”

potential and dreams.

When You Start to Listen to Wrong Voices, Wrong Spirits Begin to Gain Access to Influence Your Future

What we listen to is critical to what we think about. What we think about is crucial to the feeling that we generate. The feelings that we generate determine the actions that we take. And of course, the actions that we take decide the future that we create. This is why you cannot afford to allow your mind to focus on the negative. Life is tough. Things will happen, but there is always a better option to take – the God-option. What would God do if He was in your shoes? How would Christ think in the situation that you currently find yourself? What do you think He will focus hi thoughts on – positive or negative?

The moment the welcome-home songs of the women began to get to the ears and mind of Saul, his future began to change. He had zoomed in on a negative thinking and completely zoomed out of his kingly anointing. The Bible says in verses 8-9 of 1 Samuel 18 that, “Saul was very angry; this refrain displeased him greatly. “They have credited David with tens of thousands,” he thought, “but me with only thousands. What more can he get but the kingdom?” And from that time on Saul kept a close eye on David.” Jealousy and Anger are Proofs of Wrong Focusing

Everything was going on well for King Saul until he began to pay undue attention to the singing and dancing of the town women, their chanting seemed to favour the exploits of David more than those of Saul’s.

Broken focus is the main reason why men fail. Nothing sabotages a great future like the combination of jealousy and anger within the soul of man. You start to entertain dark and unholy thinking as you begin to see the other person as someone standing in your way to progress. Before you know it you start to plot a coup to sabotage or truncate the person in question. In the case of Saul, David had to die. He had listened wrongly and therefore paved the way for wrong thinking that lead to demonic oppression.

In 1 Samuel 18:6-7, the Bible says that, “When the men were returning home after David had killed the Philistine, the women came out from all the towns of

Having been possessed by an evil spirit, Saul spent the lion share of his kingly time hunting the life of David. Eventually Saul died with series of unfulfilled


You Can’t Hear the Symphony of Possibilities If Your Ears Are Buzzing With the Noises of Negativities

You see, you may not be able to entirely predict the kind of remarks that your ears get exposed to, as it was in the case of Saul. However, it is your responsibility to ensure that your mind does not filter out the positives and settle on the negatives. If you are to stay in your kingly anointing and keep the devil at bay, you must constantly renew your mind with the Word of God (Romans 12:2). Whoever Has Got your Ears Has Also Got Your Destiny What has got your ears lately? Is it the disappointment of your past, money worries, health worries, relationship crisis, the inner critical voice from the devil that suggests you should forget becoming anything significant in life, or is it the discouraging comments of some authority figures in your life about your possibility to do well in a certain area of life?


VOICES “Broken focus is the main reason why men fail”

Whatever negative agenda is currently contesting for your ultimate attention, you will have to cast it down in the name of Jesus if you must move forward towards the direction of God’s will for your life. It is impossible to fulfil God’s plan for your life if you allow the negative observations of others about you to force your eyes off the truths of God’s Word. Here are a few steps to help you keep your mind focused on the truth of the Word of God and escape falling for wrong voices that are aiming to abort the future of peace and prosperity that God has for you: Guard the doors of your heart. The doors to your heart include your eyes and ears. Therefore be careful of the kinds of things that you see, watch, read or listen to. Every information that is deposited into your mind has a reward or consequence capable of influencing your future

“The actions that we take decide the future that we create”

(Proverbs 4:23). Constantly scan your thought life to identify contrary inner chattering. Our mind is built for conversations. At any time of day, your mind is active generating, filtering and validating thoughts. It is your duty to ensure that you are totally in control of your thoughts. Reject every negative thought that rises in the name of Jesus and claim every positive thoughts into your life (Philippians 4:8). Hang out with positive people. The Bible says that, “Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals (1 Corinthians 15:33).” If your friends are always negative, they will eventually pollute your mind with their negativity. In an atmosphere that lacks truth and positive motivation, staying motivated and inspired becomes a daunting task. Get Godly friends who can inspire you to grow in your walk with the Lord and achieve your positive 25

goals in life. Abide in the Word. The Word of God is the antidote to the spirit of error. It is impossible to constantly soak your mind in the Word and not experience the refreshing power of the Holy Spirit that causes joy, inner peace and faith to multiply. The Word of God is the Divine Map that keeps you on the path of righteousness and fulfilment. Stick with the Word of God. Read it day and night. It will keep your mind focus on God’s promises that brings victory and success (Psalm1:1-3).

By Wale Oladipo Wale Oladipo is a dynamic motivational speaker, psychotherapist and author of many mental health, motivational and inspirational books and programmes. He also runs workshops and seminars on mental health and personal success across the UK.



he world today is at a critical and decisive moment. The times are unstable, there are all sorts of crises. We live in the midst of crisis. The situation we face today is not just economic, environmental, political or sociological. There is also a crisis of leadership. It is a crisis requiring a dramatic cultural shift to correct the course of history. Indeed, we are experiencing the slow unfolding of disaster all around us. An understanding of the times or seasons will make the believer more effective in his/her personal life, more effective in leadership and more effective in the kingdom. The Bible states in 1 Chronicles 12:32 “…the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do ....” If the Church is to arise and fulfil her purpose in the heart of God in this age, the wisdom of the men of Issachar must characterize the Church of our generation as well. Wisdom is the correct application of knowledge. The Scriptures refer to wisdom as the principal thing and urges us to acquire wisdom and in all our getting, get understanding (Proverbs 4:7). We are in a season of many divine realignments. In order not to miss out on what God is doing, every believer needs the Issachar anointing. The NLT version of 1 Chronicles 12:32 says “from the tribe of Issachar, there were 200 leaders of the tribe with their

atives. All these men understood What was unique about the men the signs of the times and knew the of Issachar? best course for Israel to take.” Firstly, the men of Issachar were The word Issachar is a Hebrew a special group of people that alword meaning hireling or reward. ways knew what to do and when Simply, Issachar means one that to do it. They had an inspiring will bring a reward. The name itself perception and wisdom that a seems to be derived from the join- whole nation followed them and ing of the Hebrew word for “man” waited for their leading (1 Chronand the Hebrew word for “wag- icles 12:32). Summarily es,” thus a “hired man” or “hired # The men w o r k e r.” of Issachar Issachar understood was the chronolog5th son of ical time, Leah and but they Jacob. also underHe bestood spiricame the tual and pofoundlitical time. er of the Israelite # The men Tribe of of Issachar Issachar. could disIssachar cern what had four God was doing and when He was sons and went with his father into doing it. Egypt, where he died and was buried (Numbers 26:23-24). Af- # They knew when one move of terward, his descendants formed God was ending and another one one of the 12 tribes of Israel. was beginning. By the end of the wanderings # They could discern when a leadof Israel through the Sinai deser was falling, and another leader ert, they numbered over 60,000 was rising. fighting men. When the Promised Land was apportioned, the # They could even tell who the men of Issachar received sixteen next leader should be. cities and their adjoining villages (Joshua 19:17-23). Moses referred # They knew who to follow and to Issachar complimentarily as when to follow him or her. a “strong donkey” situated in a Secondly, the men of Issachar exbeautiful land (Genesis 49:14). celled in the knowledge of God’s




law. They were full of wisdom. In fact, God chose the sons of Issachar as one of the three tribes to go out in front of Israel whenever the nation moved. Judah (the praising people) went first; then Issachar (the wise and discerning ones) and Zebulun (the financiers) (Numbers 2:1-17). That was the combination. The sons of Issachar were so sharp, and so spiritually astute, that the whole nation depended on them to know what they ought to do and when they ought to do it. They understood the times, to know what Israel ought to do. Thirdly, as a demonstration of the astuteness of the sons of Issachar, they supported a female ruler when it may not have been popular. In the times when Israel was governed by judges, before it had kings (around 1100 BC or earlier according to some scholars), a woman rose up to judge the land. Her name was Deborah. Although women did have rights in Israel, it would still have been unusual for a woman to sit in authority over the nation. Nevertheless, God was with Deborah. He placed her in authority, and the sons of Issachar knew it. Therefore, they aligned with Deborah and went out to battle under her leadership. They were quick to follow one of their own, the great female judge Deborah, into battle to break the stronghold the Canaanites held over their lives. The men of Issachar could discern the times and seasons, and they knew God’s hand was on her and it was her time to rule. They gained a great victory and freed the land from foreign rule as a result (Judges 5:1-31).

for one tribe. The tribe of Issachar was united in their support of David (1 Chronicles 11- 12:40). The sons of Issachar supported David because they knew that God had called him to become king, and they knew that his time had come. They could discern the changing of the times. David became the next king and remains the most famous king of Israel in all history to this day. Evidently, is the fact that in the time of David, then numbering nearly 90,000, they were known supremely for their wisdom. Fifthly, amongst many more attributes # Their ability to discern the times and seasons was an incredible advantage: # That ability gave them inside knowledge and understanding of God’s activities.


ing our world views. As believers, to know the signs of the times is more than headlines and tweets. The sons of Issachar knew the “signs of the times” and how best to live considering them. It’s knowing that, as human beings, we are now alive at a given moment in time; an era that is full of significance, positioned uniquely in the wider story of the world as the world moves toward the final chapter which we refer to as the last days. 2 Timothy 3:1-5 puts it that: But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!”

# They were not taken by surprise when things happened. The men of Issachar didn’t simply know those signs but knew # They had influence because of how to then live considering their unique ability to understand them. They had a sense of what times and seasons. to think, how to act and the way # They knew what Israel should to respond. They knew the role their lives had to play considering do and when it should be done. the moment in which they lived. Proverbs 18:16 says “A man’s gift Therefore, knowing the signs of makes room for him and brings the times, and how then to live, him before great men.” What you must be the most pressing chalwere designed to be known for is lenge facing any life and any leadyour gift. God has put a gift or tal- er. ent in every person that the world will make room for. It is this gift Shalom! that will enable you to fulfil your vision and purpose in life. It will make a way for you in life. It is in exercising this gift that you will find real fulfilment, purpose and contentment in your work. Also, Proverbs 22:29 says “Do you see a man who excels in his work? he will stand before kings; he will not stand before unknown men.” Believers should desire the special anointing of the sons of Issachar! Akpo Onduku We can have the same ability to Pastor, Chapel of Grace Bradford discern the times and seasons!

Fourthly, the sons of Issachar supported King David before he became king when he was not popular with King Saul, who was in power at the time. Before King David, the second king of Israel, began to reign, warriors from the 12 tribes started gathering to him. All the tribes were split Knowing the times will help us in their support of David except in shaping, forming and mould27

Twitter: @AkpoOnduku


Tools for Better Parenting arenting is a Service Oriented Vocation with a contract of a minimum of 18 years to lasting a life time.

As parents, we have been given the responsibility to serve, nurture and train our children. Though the role of a parent is still the same, the intentions have changed over the years. Being a parent these days in the 21st Century is very different from what most of us experienced whilst we were growing up. Back in the 1980s, growing up as a young teenage girl, we were restrained from saying what was on our minds even if it was said with the best intentions and in the most respectful manner. We were never encouraged to speak our minds as it was seen, in most cases as a display of disrespectful and rude behaviour. Nowadays, things have so moved

on, we encourage our children to express themselves and share their thoughts in the right way, so we can help them grow into well balanced and confident adults. God’s mandate for our children is for them to be raised into successful adults, relevant in the society that they find themselves. It is therefore our responsibility as parents to fulfil this mandate. Here are 7 Powerful Tools to help become a Better and Intentional Parent:

according to Gary Chapman. It’s important as a parent to recognise your child’s love language and then speak this language to them. Your child will be more responsive to your guidance when you understand and communicate the love in a way they understand, they will feel loved and always have a full emotional and love tank, then they will listen more and live without resentment. 2) Effective Communication talking as well as listening attentively

A great tool to have to be a better parent is to talk less and listen more, Love is expressed both in action and reduce the need to explain or give in words. Every child has a primary long lectures. The first step to winlove language in which they will re- ning your child especially the preceive and respond to a parent’s love teens and teens is to listen more. best. “There are 5 love languages Create the opportunities to hear in which a child may receive love” them out, give them the responsibil1) Show love and affection-



ity to express themselves, acknowledge rather than convince and understand their thoughts, ideas and points instead of jumping to conclusions. Avoid being critical and judgemental, as it stops you from seeing and knowing who your child really is. Your child will feel safe to share whatever they are going through with you and hence build strong, solid and secure family relationships.

the wrong. This doesn’t make you any less a parent, but it sends an important message to your child that it’s ok to be in the wrong and it’s ok to apologise. It’s always a good way to begin again, make amends, talk through what happened, lessons learnt and what can be done differently next time.

condemning your child. Have expectations and explain these expectations to your child. Establish and set rules. Setting rules and limits will help your child develop a sense of self control. Be consistent with the rules so you don’t confuse your child. If your child goes over the set limit, there should be consequences, and these are to be explained very clearly to your child.

5) Avoid coming to your child’s rescue - Let them make mistakes and learn from them.

3) Spend time with your child - do things together

Mistakes are stepping stones to learning. Your child will become better equipped and ready to face life when you help them by highlighting the lessons learnt from mistakes made.

7) Lastly, Avoid the Power Struggle -As parents it’s very crucial that you avoid using the power struggle. If the only tool you result to is a hammer, you will always be looking for a nail. Do not always result to the attacking strategy all the time. There are ways to get through to your child - Talk things through - identify the issues and suggest ways to avoid a repeat of the issue.

“To a child, love is spelt TIME” Zig Ziglar

“The first step to winning your child especially the pre-teens and teens is to listen more”

The best present to give your child is to be fully present when you are with them. Most of us are very busy and yes, it’s a very busy life keeping up with work and other commitments, but then the time we share with our children can be divided due to the demands from social media and other digital tools. I strongly believe that we can make time, as little as 10 minutes daily to spend time and an undivided attention with our children. Find or better still, make that time to spend with your child, create opportunities where you can be and do things together - take a walk, share mealtimes, listen to them, read together before bedtime and give lots of hugs. 4) Modelling the right behaviour

Our children make mistakes, and so do we parents. There are no perfect parents and no perfect children. Your child will need to learn from their mistakes. I know we are always ready to bail them out, keep them safe, protect them and give them guidance, but also give them space. If you are always there at the slightest problem, the more you think you should know how their lives should unfold, the less you will be there to see how their life is unfolding. Children are good to be left to learn how to make good decisions. If you keep bombarding them with what you think all the time, they will always feel chocked and never be able to make decisions on their own.

“Setting rules and limits will help your child develop a sense of self control”

Children are great imitators; give them something great to imitate. Your child will become who you are; so be who you want them to be. To raise a considerate and respectful child, you need to model the right behaviour. As the saying goes, respect is reciprocal, what our child sees is what he/she will do. As parents, you can sometimes be in the wrong, do not be too proud to apologise if you misunderstand your child’s point of view or are in

Remember you will not be there with them forever! 6) Positive Discipline as opposed to Negative Discipline

Your child will only behave to please you if all you resort to is punishment. When you constantly criticise and discipline your child, they become resentful and harden their hearts to you. You are better off leading your child by loving examples, addressing the behaviour rather than 29

In conclusion, strive to see your child’s true person. Focus on what matters, look closely and praise your child’s effort. Get to know your child, love them for who they are, set boundaries and clear high expectations.

By Shola Alabi Shola Alabi is a British trained Qualified Teacher BSc., PGCE of over 17years, Education & Parenting consultant, Private Tutor who owns two successful Education Tuition Centres in London and Essex and a bestselling author. She is also the founder of The Raising Successful Children (RSC) Hub, an online membership platform for parents. She also devotes her time to speaking to parents in churches, within her community and at schools about the importance of their roles and involvement in the education of their children. She has supported a number of children by her recently launched scholarship program to help less privileged children through supplementary school in order to help improve their attainment grades at school and give them the chance to gain access into highly competitive senior schools & Russell group universities. You can contact Shola via: www.







Strength to Bring Forth


n the book of 2 Kings 19:3, it is written “…for the children have to birth, but there is no strength to bring them forth” (NKJV). The above scripture is a figurative expression that presents a picture of a woman in labour trying to deliver her baby but she lacked the strength to bring forth. The process of bringing forth life through labour has never been an easy experience right from inception.

a change, a shift, or growth. As it is in the natural, so it is in the spiritual. Without strength to travail to bring forth in the place of prayer, there will be no delivery. So many dreams, visions and destinies have been aborted while some are still waiting to be birth into life because of inadequate strength to travail to bring forth. To travail therefore requires a lot of strength. How can we harness strength to travail in prayers?

The analogy of the birth process depicts our prayer lives as Christians because prayers could also be likened to a process. The process of bringing forth in the place of prayers require strength. In Isaiah 66:8, the scriptures say, “…for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children” What does it mean to travail? The dictionary definition of travail simply means: “very hard work, the pains of childbirth, intense pain; agony, to toil, to suffer the pains of childbirth.” Travail takes place after you have conceived something in your heart for a period, you suddenly begin to engage in agonizing prayer. Travail is also a form of intense intercession given by the Holy Spirit whereby an individual or a group is gripped by something that grips God’s heart.

Depending on the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit is our helper, In Roman 8:26, the Bible says, “Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groaning…” The Holy Spirit resides in the life of every believer, the more we are yielded to Him, the more strength we can draw from Him. Our world today is filled with all manner of attractions and distractions that dissipate our energy. We work and sometimes overwork ourselves to make ends meet or maintain the status quo. Time always seem to run out and we long for more than 24 hours in a day to meet needs and deadlines. There is little or no time to pray or have meaningful time alone with our Maker. When we pray in the morning, we do it in a jiffy to attend to other seemingly pressing issues before us, and at the end of the day when we manage to settle down to pray, we doze off because the body is weak. We keep desiring and postponing a quality time with God that never materialises. Amid

The prayer of travail is God desiring to create an “opening” to bring forth a measure of life or growth. If the “opening” was already in place, there would not be the need for travail. Just as the “opening” of the natural womb is enlarged to bring forth the baby, so travail creates an “opening” or a “way”. When you travail, there is always a way opened for life, newness,


the hustling and bustling of life, we can still make provision to have quality time with God, it takes determination, discipline and conscientious effort to make it a priority where everything else becomes secondary. As we tarry in His presence we gather strength to travail in prayers through the help of the Holy Spirit. We don’t leave His presence until the burden of the heart lifts.

word of God is an indispensable weapon to silence what our situation is saying, what the world system is saying and what the devil is saying. The word of God is our anchor, our hope and our strength. Jesus was speaking in John 16: 21 “A woman, when she is in labour, has sorrow because her hour has come; but as soon as she has given birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world” Jesus, speaking here to His disciples, leaves them with a beautiful promise. He told them He was going away, but He was not going to leave them comfortless as He plans to send the Holy Spirit. They were grieving at His departure, yet when they experienced the new birth and the infilling of the Holy Spirit, they rejoiced. Travailing prayers takes a lot of labouring and wrestling to birth new things in the Spirit. With all your strength and tenacity, you lay hold of God’s grace and power as it becomes a passion of your soul because something is at stake. Sometimes, we get the prayer victory in a matter of minutes as we could see in the scriptures; in other cases, it may be longer. As we are led by the Spirit, He directs our prayer lives. He never puts a burden on us that is so heavy that we are unable to get freedom from it as we pray. The new birth which took place in the Spirit realm transcends into the physical giving us the desired bundle of joy. The joy could be the salvation of souls, our relationships, our career, our finances, our health, our peace etc. That vision you had long ago wasn’t just a figment of your imagination, it is still waiting to be birthed into manifestation!

Maintaining a Quiet spirit. There are all kinds of noise clamouring for our attention in our day. We must deliberately switch off our listening ears to the noise around us to concentrate on what could be of benefit to our souls. In Isaiah 30: 15, the scripture says, “…In quietness and confidence shall be your strength…”. Quietness is not a sign of weakness, neither is it an evidence of a lack of knowledge. We don’t necessarily have to contribute to every conversation around us, we must develop a listening skill to just listen. When we are quiet, we become more sensitive in our spirit man and the Holy Spirit will have a free course to speak to us at any time. We can ponder on the word of God for fresh insight and revelation and we are strengthened in the inner man to pray when necessary. A quiet spirit is very precious in God’s sight because we become more reliable to Him (1Peter 3:4). We can hear and carry out His instructions and therein lies strength. It is possible that God could be speaking to us sometimes, but we aren’t listening because of the noise around us. God desire us to be still so that He can speak expressly to us (Psalm 46:10).

Throughout church history there have often been accounts of travailing prayer. A very good example in the scriptures is Jacob who wrestled with God until the break of the day (Genesis 32:24-26). His tenacious, persevering prayer eventually paid off. There are also accounts of barren women in the scriptures who were desperate. They cried out to the Lord and each brought forth either a prophet or a deliverer of the nation: Sarah brought forth Isaac, Rebekah brought forth Esau and Jacob, Rachel brought forth Joseph and Benjamin, Manoah’s wife brought forth Samson, Ruth brought forth Obed, Hannah brought forth Samuel and Elizabeth brought forth John the Baptist. God is still looking for those who will hold His hands and bring forth revival in our nations, those who will travail in prayers to bring forth spiritual children who will become mighty army in this end time, those that will not give up in the place of prayer and travailing until His kingdom is established in our communities and cities. Are we willing to take up the challenge? Shalom!

The Word of God. The word of God is a powerful weapon that we need, to face the battles of life. When we are down and overwhelmed with storms and obstacles, the light in His words brings illumination which energises us to get down on our knees to pray and cry out to God for His intervention. God was speaking to Joshua in Joshua 1:8 “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night……” We must consciously meditate on the word of God on a daily basis, we have to speak it out and as we confess and say it, it generates power that ignites us to pray. We must know and understand what the word of God is saying in every situation and as we become conversant with His words, He uses it to speak to us from the abundance of His word that is dwelling in us. We receive the Rhema which is the revealed specific word for the situation. The more we immerse ourselves into His word, the more strength we generate that will spur us into praying, demolishing every hindrance to prayer. With the advancement of technology, we can access the word of God on all our devices to read and meditate on it anytime and anywhere. The

By Ekpen Onasanya



Are you experiencing an attack upon your marriage? Perhaps things are not working, perhaps outside forces are coming against your relationship, perhaps you can’t explain why things are going wrong?


want to remind you that marriage is ordained by God and anything ordained by God is set to be attacked by the devil. Let’s not mince words, the devil wants to bring disgrace to you, he wants to destroy your marriage, he wants to bring sorrow to your home, he wants to rejoice in your pain. But the good news is that we have a Saviour, we serve a God who is bigger than the forces of hell. At the name of Jesus, every knee must bow, and every tongue confess that He is Lord (Philippians 2:10). Greater is He who is in you that he who is against you (1 John 4:4)! You are an overcomer! Hallelujah! In the book of Isaiah in chapters 7-12 – we read about Isaiah dealing with what could be called the Assyrian crisis. One of the kings in Isaiah’s time was Ahaz. Well, in the days of Ahaz, the king and his people were sick with worry because, just north of their border, the Northern kingdom and Syria were joining forces and it seemed like they were planning to con-


quer Judah. Now God - through Isaiah - had something to say about all this. God sent word to king Ahaz, telling him not to worry about this confederation of enemies. The exact words are (7:4): “Tell him to stop worrying. Tell him he doesn’t need to fear the fierce anger of those two burned-out embers, King Rezin of Syria and Pekah son of Remaliah”. Isaiah 7:7 says “But this is what the Sovereign Lord says: “This invasion will never happen; it will never take place”. The KJV says “Thus saith the Lord God, It shall not stand, neither shall it come to pass”. That evil invasion of your marriage shall not stand in Jesus name!

marriage? Perhaps you have decided to put up walls around yourself and stopped communicating. Or perhaps you have started formulating an exit plan? Maybe you have decided to fight your case and not be a pushover? These things will only make matters worse!

“He has promised you that the enemy’s plan will not stand! He has asked you to stand on God’s word in faith, to pray for your spouse and to be a peace” “maker.

What Ahaz should have done was to believe God but instead he decided to formulate and execute his own plan of defence; a plan that eventually backfired. King Ahaz hired the nation of Assyria, to come over and crush this northern confederation. He even agreed to pay them for their help; he paid them well - in silver and gold from the house of the Lord. Can you imagine that he disobeyed God’s plan and even used money from the House of God to disobey!


Yet, our God is so merciful! In Isaiah 9:1 it says, “Nevertheless, that time of darkness and despair will not go on forever”. The picture of total gloom which closed the preceding chapter gives way to a picture of brilliant light. Things would be bad, in the aftermath What has God asked you to do of this Assyrian crisis -- but, they instead? He has promised you wouldn’t be bad forever!! that the enemy’s plan will not stand! He has asked you to stand There was still reason for hope on God’s word in faith, to pray for that in the future, God’s plan your spouse and would be carried out! to be a peace maker. The Bible says that when you I thank God that He is so merciful, submit yourself to and He turned things around for God and resist the land of Zebulun and Naphtali and enemy, he will flee (James 4:7). Your indeed for us, things have turned spouse is not your around because of the birth, enemy! Start ad- death and resurrection of Jesus. dressing the real enemy and he will However, we must have faith in flee out of your God that everything will work home! out as He has told us. King Ahaz When Ahaz didn’t didn’t pay attention to God, and pay attention when he devised his own plan, he to God, things went wrong, even suffered. worse than what he feared came to pass. After the Assyrians had crushed the northern confederation as Ahaz had paid them to do, they just kept coming south, right into Judah and Jerusalem.

Isaiah 8 tells how God used Assyria to punish both kingdoms, Israel and Judah. At the end of chapter eight, there is a picture of the gloom and darkness there would be, as the Assyrians came through with their devastating military force. The last verse of chapter eight shows the people looking around - and seeing trouHave you formulated your own ble, darkness, and the gloom of defence plan in terms of your anguish. 37

Your problem is not stronger than you! He who is in you is greater! Do you believe Him or like King Ahaz are you developing your own plan of escape without God’s blessing? Isaiah 7:9 says, “Unless your faith is firm, I cannot make you stand firm.” Is your faith firm today? The Message version says, “If you don’t take your stand in faith, you won’t have a leg to stand on”. Stand strong today and God’s plan for your life and marriage will prevail. By Andrea Onduku



Dear Andrea,

the crowd.

I am having some issues with my young teenage daughter’s friends. I asked her whether her friends inspire her and she looked at me like I was from another planet. Her friends seem to only be interested in the present and looking pretty with no future goals or aspirations. My daughter used to talk about what she wants to achieve academically and had career goals but now she seems to just have forgotten who she is. What should I do? Anon

Lastly, help her to learn the importance of celebrating and protecting her identity. Teens often experience identity struggles if they are teased or questioned by their friends or peers. Help your daughter to learn that valuable things should be celebrated and protected. Learning to protect the things that make up her identity will prepare her for a lifelong, positive self-image and sense of self and identity. Dear Andrea,

Thank you for getting in touch. What you are describing is not unusual; sadly the majority of teens haven’t taken time to or understood how to find their identity. Their identities become formed through what they see in the media or by what their peers are doing. They do not tend to give it much thought and so a lot of what is happening is subconscious. The thoughts of ‘who am I’ tends to come later or when there has been some sort of crisis. When looking for answers at these moments, teens usually delve into what they have been told about themselves. Unfortunately most times the negative things they have been told about themselves are not constructive and eve the praise they have received is misguided.

My teenage son has a terrible attitude towards me recently and I don’t know what to do about it. Anon I’m sorry that you are going through this. It is important that you don’t engage with verbal battles with your son which could escalate the issue. On the other hand of course you can’t just turn a blind eye. One of the first things is how to manage your emotions. Teenagers seem to have a knack at knowing exactly the right buttons to push. Discipline is always better from a place of wanting to correct to benefit the child rather than a place of hurt, anger and resentment. Rather than responding straight away to your son’s bad attitude, take a breather and calm down. When you are calm, you will be in a better place to model what a good attitude looks like to your son which can be very hard to do right away when we as parents have been disrespected.

It would be an easy solution to say that your daughter should change her friends but that is not really going to address the problem. I would say that the more your daughter works on her self-identity, the more she will gravitate towards like-minded friends. At the moment, she is most likely just finding her feet at secondary school and is conscious of just wanting people to ‘hang’ with so that she is not alone.

There are some tips that might also be of help: Set clear rules about behaviour and communication. Involving your child in discussions about rules means you can later remind him that he helped make the rules, and that he agreed to them. Set and use consequences, but try not to set too many. At times, it might be appropriate to use consequences for things like rudeness, or name-calling.

She is not likely to have lost her aspirations; they are just not her main focus right now. She is going through a social phase where she just wants to have friends. Everything your teen learns and experiences during their adolescent years works to continually shape them as a person. During these years, teens try on different personalities, explore passions and hobbies, and observe all the other people in their lives. All of these things work together, to build up your teen’s own unique, personal identity.

When communicating, stay calm and focus on your child’s behaviour and how you feel about it. Avoid any comments about your child’s personality or character. Instead of saying, ‘You’re rude’, try something like, ‘I feel hurt when you speak like that to me’. It’s OK to occasionally say clearly how you’re feeling – ‘I’m feeling furious with you just now. You’d feel the same’.

While identity is a personal journey your daughter will navigate largely on her own, it is important to understand how you can support their growth, and help them build a strong, positive sense of self and identity. Rather than ask which of her friends inspire her, perhaps try to get her to read some biographies of great historical figures. Now, motivating her to do this may be a challenge. Why not make it a family activity where everyone is reading the same book and set aside time to discuss it? Keeping her focus from time to time on the future will be helpful. You can also help her to set goals for the future; there are some great resources to practically help someone to spell them out on paper. As she makes valuable self-discoveries, you can help her to sort through them and identify the positive things she is finding out about who she is, and who she wants to be. You can also point out and praise your her natural strengths and abilities which will help her to feel confident and boost her self-esteem. Emphasize and encourage the things that make her special and unique so she doesn’t feel lost among

You can also try to use humour. A shared laugh can break a stalemate, bring a new perspective or lighten the tone of a conversation. You could also check that you understood their perspective. Sometimes teenagers are disrespectful without meaning to be rude. A useful response can be something like, ‘That comment came across as pretty offensive. Did you mean to behave rudely?’ Also, if negative attitude is a particular issue, try to remember to praise him when he communicates in a positive way. Andrea Onduku Send your problems or questions, which will be treated in strictest confidence, to



8 Health Benefits of



his culinary staple can do more than spice up your dishes. Coriander seeds can transform your health. It can be found in both whole and powder form, making it extremely versatile to use. Coriander seed essential oil is also available.

3. Improves Digestion

Have digestive problems? Look no further. One of the best benefits of coriander seeds is its ability to cool down inflammation. This means it can ease gas, bloating, and other symptoms of an irritated digestive system. Your intestines will also be able to absorb Check out these 8 benefits of cori- nutrients better. ander seeds: Try making a coriander seed 1. Weight Loss smoothie. Blend a tablespoon of coriander seeds with ice, coconut Weight loss can happen if you milk, and other cooling ingrediconsume metabolism-increasing ents like cucumber or watermeland fat-burning food. If you’re on. trying to lose weight, coriander seed is your new best friend. Boil 4. Relieves Allergic Reactions 3 tbsp of soaked coriander seeds (soaked for minimum 3 hours) in Thanks to its cooling properties, a glass of water till it reduces to coriander is great for calming alhalf. Strain the water and drink lergies. It can relieve common it twice daily. It’ll enhance your symptoms like hives, itchiness, digestion and immunity, helping and swelling. To use it on the skin, make a paste by combining one lose weight. teaspoon honey and ½ teaspoon 2. Improves Thyroid Conditions ground coriander seeds. Apply it on the affected area and wash off If you have thyroid problems like after 5 to 10 minutes. hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, consider eating coriander A coriander seed tea can also seeds. Benefits include hormone benefit a swollen mouth or regulation, thanks to its rich level throat. Simply boil 1 teaspoon of of vitamins, minerals, and antiox- crushed coriander seeds in 1 cup idants. A coriander tea, smoothie, water. Drink warm and add honor water can be a vital part of your ey, if you’d like. You can also add diet. coriander seeds to a cooling


cumber or parsley juice. 5. Calms Arthritis Because of coriander’s anti-inflammatory power, you can use it to relieve arthritis. Make your own ointment by mixing ½ teaspoon coriander seed powder with shea butter, coconut oil, or your favourite unscented lotion. Coriander seed essential oil can also benefit arthritis. Simply dilute 5 drops of the oil in 1 tablespoon of a carrier like coconut, olive, or grapeseed oil. You can even add other anti-inflammatory oils like frankincense, tea tree, bay leaf, and lemon. Rub this mixture onto your joints whenever you need a pick-me-up. 6. Reduces Heavy Menstrual Flow Women with excessive menstrual flow can benefit from drinking water with boiled coriander seeds. It will regulate bleeding, making sure blood loss isn’t too high. The high iron content of coriander seeds will also help replenish the blood, therefore improving energy levels. 7. Controls Diabetes Coriander seeds maintain insulin activity and reduce glucose level

in blood. The insulin secretion increases in the pancreas because of stimulating effect of coriander on the endocrine glands. This reduces the chances of sudden drop in blood sugar level to ensure other normal metabolic functioning.


You can either use powdered coriander seeds or the whole raw coriander seeds in curries, soups, pickles, juices, and gravies. You can also have coriander water – 10 grams of crushed coriander seeds soaked in 10 parts of water overnight. 8. Improves Eye Health High antioxidant content in coriander seeds reduces itchiness, redness, and inflammation in the eyes. Coriander seeds’ anti-bacterial properties protect eyes from contagious diseases like conjunctivitis. Wash your eyes with decoction of coriander seeds, if you have conjunctivitis (pink eyes). To improve eyesight, use a drop of juice extracted from the paste of soaked coriander seeds. Also, to get rid of various eye problems, consume coriander juice daily on empty stomach. Coriander seed pairs well with lemon, apples, and pears. If you’re looking for a lively burst of flavour, combine it with tropical citrus like orange or grapefruit. Don’t be afraid to experiment and play around with flavours. The health benefits of coriander seeds will be worth it! Disclaimer: The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional. Culled from:




his is a much loved and Red chilli powder popular recipe! You’ll find it served at most Nigeri- Salt an parties and it always Instructions finishes quickly! So why 1) Wash meat thoroughly wait till another party before you with water and add to meenjoy it? Here a simple recipe to dium sized pot of choice try if you would like to make it at home. Its health benefits include 2) Add seasoning (Maggie helping to manage the heart rate cubes, salt) and blended and to promote healthy skin! onion to the meat, add water above the meat in the Ingredients pot. 1kg Goat meat pieces 3) Leave to cook for 30mins 1 table spoon of Peppersoup spice on medium heat, during cooking stir, check that mix the taste is to your liking, 1 table spoon of crayfish powder check that meat is the just the right texture 2 pieces of fresh chopped Scent leaves 4) Add pepper soup powder and chilli powder (the Half medium size onion more you add, the hotter Maggi stock cube it will be!), stir, add more


water and seasoning as you wish and cook this on medium to low heat for 10mins 5) Add chopped scent leaves, cook for another 5mins 6) Serve and enjoy with boiled potatoes (optional) or on its own. Be cautious it will be hot and spicy! This provides 2-4 servings, you can also substitute meat for fish, chicken as you wish, make it as hot or mild as you’d like or eat it with white rice, boiled potatoes or any side of your choice. This recipe is provided by DREAMLAND EVENTS N CATERING For more visit them on: @dreamlandeventss




n a generation where everything around you, the media, family, friends and culture are constantly trying to influence you into changing your ‘single’ status to ‘in a relationship’ as quickly as possible. This article is written to inspire you, get you thinking, enlighten you, help improve your mindset and therefore your attitude, address sensitive issues and get you to walk in the fullness of your singlehood as God purposed. So here goes! Be in a Relationship What I mean here is to be in a relationship with yourself and with the Almighty God. If you don’t love yourself first, how can you love someone else? Love is an action word and you can’t give what you don’t have. Love for yourself must come first because only then can you really love someone else. From the story of Ruth and Boaz we see that Boaz was a man of God and we can see this in the conversation he had with Ruth, how he respected, protected and prayed for her in Ruth 2: 8-14. Boaz was also a man of order, he wanted to do things Gods way which we see in Ruth 3: 7-15. When Ruth presented herself to him, he did not take advantage of her, he protected her purity and reputation in verse 11. He did not just not marry her in haste, he realised there was a closer relative that could claim her, and this needed to be addressed after which he could finally make her his wife. Anyone in a genuine relationship with God will love to serve God. It should make you uncomfortable when you don’t contribute in any way to the work of God, if you don’t feel this way, check yourself. (Activity ) In what ways can you draw closer to God? Go ahead and do it Self-Awareness: Allow God to Work on You This one is loaded as there are many aspects to your life. You have to be intentional about improving every aspect of it or it’s easy to miss out on issues you

might have that could cause problems they might not have finished well. when you get married. (Activity) The word ‘BEAUTIFUL’ can also be interpreted as BEAUTIFUL, what can be How do you treat people? seen here ‘BE’ , ‘U’, ‘FUL’ which means when you’re beautiful, you’re ‘FUL’ of ‘U’, Are you responsible, trustworthy, honest, be who God made you to be. You are respectful, fair, do you have integrity? also chosen, royalty, holy and peculiar. So begin to act like it! Expect that when Financial and Emotional Maturity you’re being you not everyone will ac- Ask God for the spirit of wisdom and cept you but that doesn’t matter, the self- control when it comes to finances. right people will. Misunderstandings linked to finances has caused a lot of problems in marriages. It’s best to begin to practice Be Honest with Yourself now how to handle, manage and mulAnother way to be self-aware is to look tiply money. Don’t bite off more than within, be honest with yourself and you can chew with spending, right ask trusted people around you as well. now focus on needs not wants. Have a Ask them what they like about you and budget on what you’ll spend and what what they don’t like. Don’t take it per- you’ll save and stick to it. Ask for advice sonal, make notes of these and plan from trusted married couples on how how you’ll turn things they don’t like they manage their finances. Financial about you around. Listen to the wise maturity is key, when you get married words of Solomon and don’t be like the person that will moan and say when it’s it won’t be your needs alone to be catoo late that “...If only I had not ignored tered for, but that of two people. all the warnings!” Proverbs 5:12 (NLT). Emotional maturity is also very important. Be kind always, be a peace maker (Activity) and find every opportunity to make What are ways you could prayerfully turn peace with those that you have disweaknesses into strengths and make agreements with. Shift all your expecsure your strengths don’t turn into weak- tation on God and not man. Don’t take nesses? things personal. Is there hurt you’re harbouring that you need to heal Character from? Take your time to heal from it or You’ll also need to allow God to devel- you’ll end up hurting people around op your character. As a single person you. God allows everything to happen it’s important to focus on your charac- or a reason, if it’s someone that broke ter. When our qualifications, achieveyour heart, know that you didn’t end ments and possessions fade, character remains. Your character is how people up with the person because God has will remember you because it deter- better in store for you. There are always mines how you treat people. There is a better things ahead! famous saying: ‘you can judge a man’s Have Fun character by how he treats those who can do nothing for him.’ Another saying One thing you must do during the by John Wooden says ‘ability may get period of being single is to have fun! you to the top, but it takes character to Leave aside the worry of not having keep you there’. Let’s look at two Bibli- someone ask you on a date. Have fun! cal examples; Joseph displayed integri- Keep yourself busy with fun activities. ty by refusing to sleep with his master’s Travel the world and take your friends wife in Gen 39:9 and Ruth displayed along. Make new friends and build reloyalty to her mother in-law in Ruth lationships. Remember not every man 1:16. I believe that if they acted other- or woman you are friends with is your wise and didn’t show good character future spouse and this should not a 44


sole reason to be friends with someone. Have good motives for the relationships you’re in, don’t use a friendship as a means to an end. Successful marriages happen when husbands and wives are forgiving and are the best of friends. Do something that scares you, yes, come out of your comfort zone! Take up classes of things you’d love to know how to do; learn new skills that would make you stand out as an individual, strengthen your career, and add value to your life. Attend seminars or programmes on education, career, marriage, leadership, ministry etc. if you’re not informed how can you perform? (Activity) Where would like to travel to in the coming year? How much do you need to save up every month towards the cost of this trip? Educate and Prepare Yourself for Marriage Finding out about marriage will deliver you out of troubles, will help you and your spouse make wise decisions, it will enrich and strengthen your marriage. Proverbs 11:9, 24:3-5 (KJV). You can also learn about how to be a purposeful single woman or man, the art of courtship, how to keep yourself pure in a world that encourages impurity, deep meaning of sex and why God permits it after marriage, how to know the one for you etc. These are a few areas you can prepare for and find out more about. Thankfully there are so many resources and events to help with this. Additionally, you can gain practical knowledge from those that are currently married. Ask questions, e.g. What’s working well in their marriage? What was the first year of their marriage like? What they wish they knew or did before they got married? Their challenges, and how they deal with them, secrets of long-lasting marriage etc. (Activity) Find out what your love language is at http:// Draw up a mind map on what you know already. If there’s an area you don’t know much about find out about it As you love yourself, cultivate a relationship with God, serve God, allow Him to work on you, grow, have fun, educate and prepare for marriage you’ll finally be able to change that status to not just ‘in a relationship’ for the fun of it but ‘married’ joyfully and purposefully as well.

By Omolara Makanjuola 45

Equipping Leaders for Impact Project (ELIP)

was birthed out of the passion to see young leaders in institutions of higher learning in Africa, trained, developed and mentored as change agents. Their vision is to intentionally train, mentor and develop young leaders from various universities and other tertiary institutions in Africa through a structured leadership curriculum thus empowering them to become change agents in the continent. This vision is achieved through provision of lessons in leadership through conferences and seminars, promotion of ethical leadership values in these sessions and working in partnership with other organisations to achieve this purpose. The flagship conference took place at the University of Ibadan in March 2014 with over 200 students from various departments in attendance. In April 2015, ELIP became a registered charity in Scotland, UK and there have been various events held since, most recently in Uganda. Sunrise caught up with Project Co-ordinator Adeniyi Adebayo to find out more about the project’s recent work in Uganda.

involved with ELIP?

that you have decided to take what you have learnt to AfriELIP was born out of my work ca through ELIP. Can you tell us with EQUP. EQUIP Leadership Inc, about your recent work in UganUSA is a non-profit organisation da? founded by Dr John C Maxwell since 1996 which has trained over The idea to start the Uganda proj6 million leaders in 210 nations ect was mooted in 2014, same of the world. I became a certi- year the ELIP project commenced fied EQUIP trainer in 2006 having at the University of Ibadan (Oyo completed the Million Leaders State) and Bowen University Mandate (MLM) curriculum be- (Osun State) in Nigeria. fore relocating to the UK. I have since completed the Volume Two Uganda with a population of and Three of the EQUIP Million 41.4 million (World Bank) is in Leaders Mandate (MLM) training the East-Central part of Africa. between 2009 and 2015. I have The country is bordered by Kenbeen involved with the EQUIP ya, Democratic Republic of Conleadership initiative in Scotland go, Tanzania, Rwanda and South since 2010 and was a founding Sudan. Just like many African countries, Uganda is bedevilled board member of EQUIP UK. with grave leadership problems. In March 2017, I was appoint- Many people are familiar with ed the National Transformation the saga of Idi Amin of Uganda Coordinator (NTC) for the Salt & who oppressed the country for Light Initiative launch in Scotland many years before he was overby EQUIP USA. thrown. Similarly, the present I believe I have a mandate to government of Yoweri Museveni raise young leaders in developing has been there since 1986. We countries, using the structured believe the ELIP leadership proleadership curriculum I have gramme would create changes gone through. I am passionate in the mindsets of young leaders about transforming people, or- who are in the majority from that ganisations and communities of positional leadership to influthrough intentional leadership ence. Thus, becoming change development and forming strate- agents in this ‘Pearl of Africa’ as described by Winston Churchill. gic networks.

Adeniyi, how did you come to be Thank you Adeniyi, it is inspiring There were some logistic


lenges in making the Uganda trip possible until David Ardron (based in Mansfield, England) was contacted in 2015 during one of the EQUIP leadership training at Stoke on Trent. He had been visiting Uganda since 1990. David was able to connect ELIP to Philip Lotimong in 2018 who became their contact person in the country. After several meetings with the chaplains of the Livingstone International University and the Uganda Christian University, Philip was able to get their support. After the ELIP board’s meeting in April 2018, it was agreed that the trip should take place in September 2018. I embarked on this trip with David Ardron (EQUIP Trainer). David has been using the EQUIP materials to train pastors in the rural locations of Uganda since 2015.

the training. Some students who were from the media department of the university made a surprise video for ELIP to capture the 2-day event. A review meeting with the DVC, Head of School and the University Chaplain took place on Wednesday, the 12th of September. Going forward, LIU wants all the final year students in the university to partake in the project. Besides Volume 1, the university would like to progress with the Volume Two and Three of the curriculum. The Uganda Christian University (UCU) is also in Mbale although there are other campuses located in other parts of Uganda. ELIP were only able to do an introductory session to the leadership project at this University. This was due to the loss of the close relatives of the University Chaplain who was the main contact. However, close to 200 students attended this session including some staff. Many expressed their gratitude that this is taking place and look forward to the start of the curriculum.

Once in Uganda, David and I were able to meet with Prof Richard Trull (VC) and Henry Buregea (Deputy VC, Academics) of Livingstone International University (LIU) which is in Mbale, the Eastern part of Uganda. The sessions at LIU took place on the 7th and Hagar Wadumaga (ELIP, Uganda 8th of September 2018. Interim Administrator) and I had The 2-day training was attended a meeting with some members by 103 students undergoing dif- of the academic staff to discuss ferent courses at various levels in more on the project and set a LIU. 12 leadership sessions from date for 2019. This went well. The Notebook 1 and 2 of the Volume action point is to look at the UniOne curriculum was covered. The versity calendar and fit the trainsessions were engaging, inter- ing to March 2019. active and embedded with Q&A A Strategic Meeting took place on time. Students from other African Friday 14th September in Kamcountries studying at LIU were pala. In attendance were Brenda in attendance. Some were from Amada (EQUIP Certified Trainer South Sudan, Rwanda, Kenya and based in Kampala), David Ardron, the Democratic Republic of ConPhilip Lotimong and Rev John go. The students were greatly inMusa (Youth Pastor) and me. spired and challenged to begin to use the principles learnt during I shared the ELIP vision in Uganda 47


with Revd John and Brenda. Revd John, who could not hold back his tears was so excited about ELIP starting in Uganda at this critical time. According to him, this training would create the necessary transformation needed in the country that is required to take the country to the next level of development. He would like to partner with ELIP to take the programme to student fellowships in Makerere and other notable universities in Central Uganda. In addition, he will introduce the project to the Anglican Diocese in Kampala. The materials would be an incredible resource for their youth pastors. What is next for ELIP in 2019/20? In Nigeria, the Christian Fellowship International (CFI) is to roll out the leadership training in over 60 institutions of higher learning in Nigeria between 2018/19. In Uganda, ELIP Trainers will visit Uganda again in March 2019 with plans to complete Notebooks 3-6 at the Livingstone University and to start up the project at the Uganda Christian University (UCU). There are also plans to introduce the program in Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and South Sudan. Thank you Adeniyi, we pray for more of God’s favour upon your endeavours in Jesus name. Adeniyi Adebayo is the Pastor of RCCG Jesus House, Dyce, Aberdeen, The Director/Leadership Consultant of Total Perspectives, UK, The Project Co-ordinator of ELIP and the National Transformation Coordinator for the Salt & Light Initiative in Scotland. You can contact him via http://www.

BUILD YOUR DREAM WARDROBE FOR THIS AUTUMN ...Monochromatic Autumn Thought for the season “Your wardrobe is your storyteller. Browsing through your wardrobe can tell how far you are ready to go and how well prepared you are for your success. It should include items that tells me all about your personality, your career plan and the things you love the most. ” By Live Israelah Autumn/Winter 2018 is here. Welcome to new colours and structured silhouettes. This season I will focus my trend analysis with clothing for a female of working class who is middle-aged and older. Hurray!!! This season is coming with a lot of surprises! Winter is known for it’s richness and cooler tones but get ready for a change this season. The Pantone fall 2018 colours are indicative of light dappled on the multi-coloured leaves on the forest floor. The inclusion of a lighter twilight blue and pink is also in the palette, stunning the line-up for fall.

When it comes to transitioning your wardrobe from summer to autumn start thinking of reorganising your wardrobe for the cooler autumn days with hues like Mustard Yellow, orange, red, rust and this ultra-pretty mustard yellow. Earthy shades of camel, mulberry and forest green and a spectrum of blue tones. While Animal prints are given sophisticated combinations. # Red Hot Red-hot is back on the carpet. The colour red alone is not a trend, but worn as a monochromatic look, it’s totally a trend for this season. # Mellow Rose Mellow or blush rose is smooth and vibrant and is not typically considered to be a fall shade. But this season is coming with soft pink, making the colour palette unique and stunning.

# Quetzal Green Quetzal Green is bright yet deep hardly confused with any other shade of green. This colour is nothI will mainly focus on colours be- ing else than an exciting mix of cause this is where you can easily blues and greens making its way to go wrong when it comes to ward- the catwalk this season. robe transition for this season. Silhouettes can vary according to Silhouettes: your shapes and personal prefer- Wide leg trousers and wool-rich ences. But colours can be quite un- coats – all flawlessly tailored, as forgiving. you’d expect them to be. This is the season of the shaggy statement Colours: coat; the faux is back on trend. The new fall/winter 2018 colour trends are versatile and rich. This Fabrics season colour palette is the un- Fabrics of the season: expected, changing how people Wool is 100% natural and it’s one of would normally consider their the oldest kinds of all-weather prochoice for autumn and winter. tection, and it’s is renewable and


biodegradable. It’s a natural insulator, with the ability to retain heat even in the coldest temperatures. It will keep you warm. Wool is classified among the most durable material because of its natural ability to stretch and always return to its original shape, which makes it to last longer. What’s most amazing about wool is its ability not only to retain heat but its ability to absorb and release moisture, making it incredibly breathable. Trade in your black or navy blazer for a plaid one. For the office, wear the blazer with trousers, and then swap for jeans on the weekend. The floral print is back into fashion for special occasions and evening wear. Details: ▯ Ruching details, a technique started in the ‘80s is announcing its come back for fall 2018. ▯ Trade in your black or navy blazer for a plaid one. For the office, wear the blazer with trousers, and then swap for jeans on the weekend. ▯ Layer Up, a trench slung over a suit and a white T-shirt is both insulating and on trend. A romantic pussy-bow blouse layered under a dress. Hobbs London offers a rich colour palette for this season. Golden grains, bold berry hues and leafy greens add vibrance to heritage checks and chunky corduroy.

Remember this: “As you are getting ready for your new level get ready to face this challenge: “ Get rid of every piece of clothing that does not speak your personality a future aspiration and start afresh” By Live Israelah


What does the Bible says about dressing up: (taken from Proverbs 31:21-26) 21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet. 22 She makes coverings for her bed; she is clothed in fine linen and purple. 23 Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land. 24 She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes. 25 She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

By Live Israelah Chambo Live is a fashion entrepreneur, designer, stylist, photographer, Associate lecturer, reality talk show host (The Pastor’s Wife Show & The Life Class) and a Pastor’s wife (RCCG Joy Assembly, Sheffield). Email: | Facebook@Live Isralah Chambo


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Runcorn Sandbach Widnes Winsford

Bedfordshire Ampthill Biggleswade Flitwick Kempston Potton Sandy Woburn

Clwyd Buckley Colwyn Bay Denbigh Flint Hawarden Holywell Llangollen Mold Prestatyn Rhuddlan Rhyl Ruthin

Berkshire Crowthorne Sandhurst Thatcham Borders Coldstream Duns Eyemouth Galashiels Hawick Innerleithen Jedburgh Kelso Melrose Peebles Selkirk Buckinghamshire Beaconsfield Marlow Olney Princes Risborough Wendover Winslow Cambridgeshire Chatteris Godmanchester March Soham Central Alloa Bridge of Allan Callander Dunblane Grangemouth Tillicoultry Cheshire Alsager Bollington Congleton Frodsham Knutsford Macclesfield Middlewich Nantwich Neston Northwich

Cleveland Redcar Yarm

Cornwall Bodmin Bude Camborne Camelford Falmouth Fowey Hayle Helston Launceston Liskeard Looe Lostwithiel Newquay Padstow Penryn Penzance Redruth Saltash Torpoint Truro Wadebridge County Antrim Antrim Ballycastle Ballyclare Ballymena Ballymoney Bushmills Carrickfergus Crumlin Larne Lisburn Newtownabbey Portrush Randalstown County Armagh Armagh Craigavon Lurgan Markethill Newry Portadown

County Down Ballynahinch Banbridge Bangor Castlewellan Comber Donaghadee Downpatrick Kilkeel Killyleagh Newtownards Portaferry Rostrevor Saintfield Warrenpoint

Long Eaton Matlock New Mills Ripley Swadlincote Whaley Bridge Devon Ashburton Axminster Barnstaple Bideford Bradninch Brixham Buckfastleigh Budleigh Salterton Crediton Cullompton Dartmouth Dawlish Exmouth Heathfield Holsworthy Honiton Ilfracombe Ivybridge Kingsbridge Lynton Moretonhampstead Newton Abbot Okehampton Paignton Salcombe Seaton Sidmouth South Molton Tavistock Teignmouth Tiverton Totnes

County Fermanagh Enniskillen Lisnaskea County Londonderry Coleraine Limavady Londonderry Magherafelt Portstewart County Tyrone Castlederg Clogher Coalisland Cookstown Dungannon Fintona Fivemiletown Omagh Strabane Cumbria Alston Appleby in Westmorland Barrow in Furness Carlisle Cockermouth Grange over Sands Kendal Keswick Kirkby Lonsdale Maryport Penrith Staveley Ulverston Whitehaven Windermere Workington

Dorset Blandford Forum Bridport Christchurch Dorchester Ferndown Gillingham Lyme Regis Poole Sherborne Swanage Verwood Wareham Weymouth Dumfries and Galloway Annan Castle Douglas Dalbeattie Dumfries Kirkcudbright Langholm Lockerbie Moffat Newton Stewart Stranraer

Derbyshire Alfreton Ashbourne Bakewell Belper Bolsover Buxton Dronfield Glossop Heanor Ilkeston 54

Wigtown Barnard Castle Bishop Auckland Chester le Street Newton Aycliffe Dyfed Aberaeron Ammanford Burry Port Cardigan Carmarthen Fishguard Haverfordwest Lampeter Laugharne Llandeilo Llandovery Llanelli Milford Haven Narberth Newcastle Emlyn Pembroke Tenby Tregaron East Sussex Battle Bexhill on Sea Crowborough Hailsham Hastings Heathfield Hove Lewes Newhaven Polegate Rye Uckfield Wadhurst Essex Brightlingsea Burnham on Crouch Coggeshall Maldon Manningtree Rochford Saffron Walden Thaxted Walton on the Naze Auchtermuchty Burntisland Cowdenbeath Cupar Inverkeithing Kinghorn Kirkcaldy Ladybank Leven Markinch Newport on Tay Pittenweem Fife Auchtermuchty Burntisland

Cowdenbeath Cupar Inverkeithing Kinghorn Kirkcaldy Ladybank Leven Markinch Newport on Tay Pittenweem Gloucestershire Chipping Campden Chipping Sodbury Cinderford Dursley Fairford Lydney Moreton in Marsh Nailsworth Newent Painswick Stroud Tetbury Tewkesbury Wotton under Edge Grampian Ballater Banff Buckie Cullen Dufftown Forres Keith Kintore Laurencekirk Lossiemouth Oldmeldrum Peterhead Greater Manchester Ashton in Makerfield Droylsden Dukinfield Horwich Hyde Westhoughton Gwent Abergavenny Abertilery Brynmawr Caldicot Cwmbran Ebbw Vale Monmouth Newport Newport Tredegar Usk

Gwynedd County Abergele Amlwch Bala Bangor Barmouth Beaumaris Betws y Coed Blaenau Ffestiniog Caernarfon Conwy Criccieth Dolgellau Holyhead Llandudno Llanrwst Penmaenmawr Porthmadog Pwllheli Tywyn Hampshire Alton Fordingbridge Gosport New Milton Petersfield Ringwood Romsey Tadley Totton Whitchurch Winchester Yateley Herefordshire Bromyard Hereford Kington Ledbury Leominster Ross on Wye Hertfordshire Berkhamsted Buntingford Buntingford Hoddesdon Potters Bar Sawbridgeworth Waltham Cross Ware Highlands and Islands Cromarty Dingwall Dornoch Grantown on Spey Kingussie Kirkwall Lerwick Nairn Tain Wick Humberside Barton upon Humber Beverley Bridlington Brigg Cleethorpes Driffield Goole Hessle Hornsea Howden Market Weighton Pocklington Withernsea

Isle of Wight Brading Cowes Newport Ryde Sandown Shanklin Ventnor Kent Broadstairs Deal Edenbridge Faversham Herne Bay Hythe Lydd Ramsgate Sandwich Southborough Tenterden Westerham Whitstable Lancashire Adlington Bacup Barnoldswick Burnley Carnforth Clitheroe Colne Darwen Failsworth Fleetwood Kirkham Leyland Longridge Morecambe Ormskirk Poulton le Fylde Skelmersdale Whitworth Leicestershire Ashby de la Zouch Hinckley Melton Mowbray Wigston Lincolnshire Alford Boston Bourne Caistor Gainsborough Grantham Horncastle Louth Mablethorpe Market Deeping Market Rasen Skegness Sleaford Spalding Spilsby Stamford

Kirkby Newton le Willows Prescot Southport Wallasey

Sutton in Ashfield Worksop Oxfordshire Burford Carterton Charlbury Chipping Norton Dorchester Henley on Thames Thame Wallingford Wantage Woodstock

Mid Glamorgan Aberdare Bridgend Caerphilly Llantrisant Maesteg Merthyr Tydfil Porth Porthcawl

Powys Brecon Builth Wells Crickhowell Hay on Wye Knighton Llandrindod Wells Llanfyllin Llanidloes Llanwrtyd Wells Machynlleth Montgomery Newtown Presteigne Rhayader Talgarth Welshpool

Norfolk Aylsham Cromer Dereham Diss Downham Market Fakenham Hunstanton North Walsham Sheringham Thetford Wells next the Sea Wymondham North Yorkshire Bedale Easingwold Filey Harrogate Knaresborough Malton Middleham Pickering Richmond – not the one South London Ripon Scarborough Selby Settle Skipton Tadcaster Thirsk Whitby

Rutland Oakham Uppingham Shropshire Bridgnorth Church Stretton Ellesmere Ludlow Market Drayton Newport Oswestry Shrewsbury Telford Wem Whitchurch Somerset Bridgwater Burnham on Sea Chard Crewkerne Frome Glastonbury Ilminster Minehead Shepton Mallet Somerton Wellington Wells Wincanton Winsford

Northamptonshire Brackley Burton Latimer Daventry Higham Ferrers Irthlingborough Oundle Thrapston Towcester

Lothian Bathgate Dalkeith Dunbar Haddington Linlithgow Loanhead Musselburgh North Berwick

Northumberland Alnwick Ashington Bedlington Berwick upon Tweed Blyth Corbridge Cramlington Haltwhistle Hexham Morpeth Prudhoe Rothbury

Merseyside Bebington Birkenhead Bootle Heswall Hoylake

Nottinghamshire Bingham Eastwood Hucknall Retford Southwell

South Glamorgan Barry Cowbridge Llantwit Major Penarth South Yorkshire Bawtry Dinnington Hatfield Mexborough Penistone Wombwell Staffordshire Alton Biddulph Burntwood 55

Cannock Leek Lichfield Rugeley Stone Tamworth Uttoxeter

Monifieth Pitlochry

Strathclyde Airdrie Barrhead Bearsden Bellshill Biggar Campbeltown Carluke Coatbridge Cumbernauld Dumbarton Dunoon East Kilbride Gourock Greenock Helensburgh Inveraray Irvine Johnstone Kilbarchan Kilmarnock Kilwinning Lanark Largs Lochgilphead Maybole Milngavie Motherwell Oban Prestwick Rothesay Rutherglen Saltcoats Tobermory Troon

Warwickshire Alcester Atherstone Bedworth Coleshill Kenilworth Shipston on Stour Southam Stratford upon Avon Whitnash

Tyne and Wear Houghton le Spring Whitley Bay

Suffolk Aldeburgh Beccles Bungay Eye Felixstowe Framlingham Halesworth Haverhill Kesgrave Leiston Lowestoft Needham Market Otley Saxmundham Southwold Stowmarket Sudbury Woodbridge Surrey Camberley Egham Esher Farnham Godalming Haslemere Leatherhead Reigate Walton on Thames Weybridge Tayside Aberfeldy Brechin Carnoustie Crieff Forfar Kinross Kirriemuir

West Glamorgan Gorseinon Neath Port Talbot West Midlands Blackheath Bloxwich Halesowen Rowley Regis Smethwick Wednesbury Wednesfield Willenhall West Sussex Arundel Cuckfield Midhurst Petworth Selsey Shoreham by Sea West Yorkshire Batley Brighouse Castleford Cleckheaton Hebden Bridge Holmfirth Ilkley Keighley Morley Normanton Ossett Otley Pontefract Pudsey Todmorden Wetherby Yeadon Wiltshire Amesbury Bradford on Avon Calne Devizes Highworth Malmesbury Marlborough Trowbridge Warminster Westbury Wootton Bassett Worcestershire Bewdley Bromsgrove Evesham Kidderminster Malvern Pershore Redditch

NATIONAL ELDERS’ Conference 2018 T

he National Elders Conference took place on Saturday 29th September 2018 at RCCG Victory House, London. The theme for the conference was ‘With Wings As Eagles’. Organised by the National Elders’ Forum, it is one of the platforms for the continued spiritual development of our elders and an avenue for us to deploy the benefits of experience and wisdom to the overall growth of the RCCG. At the conference, our elders are empowered to keep bearing fruit and flourishing in the courts of Almighty God.






his year’s Sports Day took place on Saturday 28th July 2018 at Crystal Palace National Stadium. Highlights included: Football, Athletics for all ages, Relays, Long & high jump, Shot put, Table Tennis and much more.



Talk & Discussion on ‘Tackling Gun & Knife Crime Amongst Our Youth’


his event, organised by RCCG took place on Monday 13th August 2018 at City Hall London.

The event was aimed at facilitating further discussion about a multi-faceted strategy to tackle the disturbing rise in gun and knife crime amongst young people, especially in the nation’s capital London. The guest speaker was Remi Alabi, Solicitor Advocate Specialising in Youth and Sexual Offences





reshers’ Fair 2018 took place on Saturday 1st September 2018 at RCCG Royal Connections. The Freshers’ Fair is an initiative designed for young people between 16 and 19, those considering university options or who are on their way to university to celebrate a rite of passage, as teenagers progress to higher education, Equip teenagers for the challenges and opportunities ahead with tips on how to get the most out of their university experience so they can survive and thrive as well as to create awareness for 16-19 year olds about the skills they will require for career choices and profitable employment in the future in the UK and globally. Exhibitors from some leading UK Universities were also on hand to help young people to explore university places options.





he Christian Media and Communicators’ Conference held on Saturday 22nd September 2018. The conference was for church media and communications teams. It equipped Christians in the media and communications ministry to approach their work with a strategic mindset and the knowledge and cutting-edge tools to manage church communications. Core topics included: How to Set Up Your Church Media and Communications Ministry, The Core Functions of a Church Communications Department, Writing Your Church Communications Strategy and Plans, Communicating in a Crisis: From Strategy to Planning, Social Media: Strategy, Policy, Delivery and Measurement and Dealing with the Media: Planning and Engagement. Guest Speakers included Paul Smith and David Henderson from David Henderson Design and Jerry Curd from Hungry Earth Productions.



Youth Conference RCCG UK

The RCCG UK Youth Ministry hosted this year’s conference on Saturday 29th September 2018 at RCCG Victory House, London. The conference theme was Inspire and had a focus on Careers, Ministry, Spirituality and Entrepreneurship.




Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8)







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