Sunrise April 2016

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“We will be praying, in JESUS name, along with you for a blessed Empowered21 Congress...” Pastor Enoch Adeboye

Empowered 21 Global Council Member and General Overseer of Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG)


Morris Cerullo

John Francis


Nicky Gumbel

Agu Irukwu

Marilyn Hickey

Cindy Jacobs

J. John

Lawrence Khong

Samuel Rodriguez

Billy Wilson PLUS Special Guests

Noel Robinson

Lou Fellingham

Nicky Brown

Rony Padilla

Mark Stevens

Arinola Nnatuanya





George Wood


ISSN NO:2042-6542 EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief: MODUPE AFOLABI Managing Editor: YINKA ODUWOLE Editor: ANDREA ONDUKU Photographer (RCCG Events): KUSH; FEMI Designed by: IFE SAMUEL Published by: The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Central Office, United Kingdom All Correspondence to: Sunrise Magazine, RCCG Central Office, Redemption House, Station Road, Knebworth, SG3 6AT The views expressed by contributors to sunrise are not necessarily a reflection of the official doctrinal positions of RCCG.The publisher, editors, contributors and related parties are not responsible in any way for the actions or results taken by any person, organisation or parties on the basis of reading information, stories or contributions to be found in this publication.

Tel: +44 (0) 208 171 1030 Email: Web:







ohn chapter 10:10 says "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I Am come that they might have life and that they might have it, more abundantly". What is life? Life is the opposite of death. To understand life then, you need to understand what is associated with death because when you have life those things that are associated with death will be absent from you. Sorrow is a direct associate of death. In Mark 5:38, by the time Jesus got to Jairus’ house whose daughter had just died, there was a lot of weeping. Sorrow is an associate of death and that is why, when Jesus comes into your life, what He wanted to say to you first is, 'weep not'. In Luke 7:11-15, when Jesus saw a widow going to bury her son, and everybody was weeping, He said, "weep not". Jesus will dry your tears, if sorrow is linked to death, it follows that joy is linked to life. That is why He said in John 16:24, ask, till your joy be full. Another direct associate of death is loss. When somebody dies, you lose him, invariably, he/she is gone. In Mark 5:20-24, Jairus had only one daughter, her death means loss of heritage. In John 11:39, when Lazarus died, the sisters were heartbroken, because he was their only brother, and now, it looked as if he was gone forever. If loss is associated with death then restoration is associated with

life - because restoration is the opposite of loss. In Job 2:25-27, God promised that He will restore. If there is anyone who has lost something that the enemy has stolen from him, in the Name of the One who have come to give life there shall be restoration. Another direct associate of death is loneliness. In Luke 7 11-15, the reason the widow was so sad, that she lost her only son, was because now she would be all alone in the house. Her husband was dead and her only son, now also dead. Thank God for a solution. Jesus said in Hebrews 13:5, 'I will never leave you, I will never forsake you'. When Jesus is by your side, loneliness is removed. Apart from the associates of death - sorrow, loss, loneliness, we have agents of death. Sickness/disease. Why do people get worried if somebody becomes sick? It is because sickness can lead to death. 2 Kings 13:14, says Elisha was sick whereby he died. Sickness can lead to death: it is an agent of death. That is why it was said about Jesus in Exodus 15:26, I Am the God that healeth thee. Sickness is the opposite of healing. Sickness is an agent of death, healing is an agent of life. Another agent of death is poverty. In 1 Kings 17:10-12, the widow of Zarephath said to Elijah, we have only one meal left for me to eat with my son and die. In 2 Kings 6:26-29, there was a famine that was really bad in Samaria, two women


living together reached an agreement: both of them had a son, 'you kill your son today and we eat him, and tomorrow we will kill my son and we shall eat him'. So, one day they killed the son of one woman they ate the son. Now, tell me, what killed that boy, if it is not poverty? That is why the One who has come that you may have life, said about Himself in Philippians 4:19, 'but my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus'. Another agent of death is hopelessness. When a man has hope, no matter how little, it keeps him/her alive, if there is a hope, there is life. That is what is keeping many people going "that your tomorrow may be alright, you never can tell help may come". But when a man has lost all hope, it yields to death. John 5:9, tells us about a man who was at the pool of Bethesda for thirty-eight years, waiting for an opportunity to get into the pool first, after an angel who came once a year, to trouble the pool. Thirty-eight years, that was how long he had been sick, but he came to life. Okay, he had hope, that one day will be one day. Fortunately for him, the day came, Jesus walked to him and gave him healing. In 1 Kings 19:1-4, Elijah had just had a great victory over the prophets of Baal, everyone was bowing down, saying, Jehovah is LORD but then he discovered that Jezebel, the wife of the king, wanted to kill him and so he concluded that, there was no hope. What was it, that he said to God? "Please kill me any day". When a man loses hope, he could even commit suicide to kill himself. Thank God for Jes-

us Christ. Ephesians 1:27 says 'Christ in you, the hope of Glory'. As long as you have Jesus Christ, there is hope.

what you are going to reap'. If you seek peace, peace will follow you, if you pursue peace, peace will pursue you.

Beyond this, the kind of life Jesus was talking about is Abundant Life. Some people think when we say that someone has abundant life, it is because he has a big house or a big car. Luke 12:15, says that 'a man's life does not consist in the abundance of what he has'. There are people who are rich financially but if you get close to them, you will say I don't want this kind of life because of the problems they have

You must love God. Deuteronomy 30:20, says 'God is your life; love Him for He is your life'. Proverbs 8:36 says 'those who hate me love death'. If you love God, you love life. If you hate God, you love death.

Real abundant life, includes joy, Nehemiah 8:10 says 'the joy of the Lord is your strength', and it is Jesus who gives joy. Psalm 16:11 says ‘In His presence there is fullness of joy’. Good health is also part of an abundant life. Deuteronomy 34:7 tells us that Moses at 120 years was strong and vibrant, he had good health. Companionship is an important part of abundant life. Ecclesiastics 4:9-12 says, two are better than one. No matter how much money you have, if you are lonely, you are lonely. Glorious hope is part of abundant life. Romans 5:5 says 'hope maketh not ashamed'. 'When there is life, there is hope'. Whether or not to have life, is a matter of choice, Deuteronomy 30:19, God said 'I am placing before you blessings and curses, life and death'. To choose life, there are conditions to fulfil. You need to keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking guise. Proverbs 18:21, says 'death and life are in the power of the tongue'. You need to depart from evil. Proverbs 10:27 says 'the days of the wicked shall be shortened'. God has appointed to every man a certain number of days but when He discovers that you are wicked and you refuse to repent, you refuse to do the will of God, He said, those days can be shortened. He went on to say not only must you depart from evil but you must do good. You must seek peace and pursue it. Galatian 6:7 says 'whatever you sow that is

You must fear God. Proverbs 10:37 says 'the fear of God prolongeth days'. You must obey God. Proverbs 3:I-2 says 'if you will obey God, it will add to you length of days, long life, and peace'. You must beware of curses, stay away from actions that can attract curses. 2 Kings 5:20-27 shows how quickly a curse can bring death. A man called Gehazi lied against a man of God and the man of God pronounced a curse on him- and said, 'the leprosy of Naaman shall cleave unto thee and unto thy seed forever'immediately, that man became a leper and in those days leprosy was incurable, that means his days were numbered. In Mark 11:12-14, 20-21, Jesus cursed a fig tree and the tree died over night. Malachi 3:8-11 say don't rob God of His tithe and offerings offering so that the curse will not be upon you.

Corinthians 3:6-7, the Almighty God says 'when you are born again, you become the temple of God, the Spirit of God now dwells in you'. And He says 'if you defile the temple of God, God will destroy you' - stay away from adultery, stay away from fornication, keep the temple of the Almighty God pure so that you may live long. In Jesus is life. If you abide in Him, His life will abide in you: you will be fruitful, you will be joyful, you will be successful.

“To choose life, there are conditions to fulfil.”

Avoid fruitlessness. When the Lord saved your soul, it is so that you too will save others to the saving knowing of Jesus Christ. John 15:1-2 says "I Am the Vine, my Father is the Husbandman; I Am the Vine, you are the branches. Any branch in Me that beareth fruit He purgeth so that he can bring forth more fruits. Any branch in Me that beareth not fruit He will cast it away". If you are not a soul winner, it means you love death rather than life. You must honour your parents. Exodus 20:12 says 'honour your father and your mother, that your days might be long'. Why must you honour your parents? It is because of the law of harvest: if you honour your parents, you will live long to become a parent. Also honour God. He is the Father of all fathers. That is what He said in Proverbs 3:9 -10, He says honour Me with your first fruit. God doesn't need your money, He needs honour. You must be Holy. Romans 6:23, says 'the wages of sin is death'. So, if you don't want to die, stay away from sin. All sins are bad but one of the most dangerous of all sins is the sin of adultery. In 1


Adapted from a message delivered by Pastor E. A. Adeboye at the Holy Ghost Service, Redemption Camp, Nigeria in July 2015.

Website: Twitter: @PastorEAAdeboye Facebook: PastorEAAdeboye




editating on the Scriptures can be a most satisfying experience, especially if your imagination is as colourful as mine. I confess to having a resourceful and creative mind, one which obviously helps me to meditate on the Word of God. Of recent, I have been in quiet contemplation about the thoughtful statement of King David in one of his numerous musical Psalms: “My times are in your hands;” (Psalm 31:15a), a reference to the King’s total reliance on God’s help. Having been the recipient of an uncommon act of divine favour which caused him to be selected to be King ahead of his apparently better qualified brothers, David was one fellow who had experienced the sovereignty of God in a very real and practical sense. His chequered journey to the throne of Israel could only have served to reinforce the young man’s complete dependence on God. Let’s face it: without divine assistance, it is not very likely David would have become crowned, or even if he did somehow manage the feat, his reign might have been short-lived. Not surprisingly, the Psalms resonate with his musical expressions of gratitude to God. The same can be said for his prayers, oftentimes unpretentious calls for timely divine intervention in view of his many foes.

“My times are in Your hands” (Psalm 31:15a) This is one of the character traits I find most fascinating about King David. Whenever trouble came calling, he would cast aside his ego and make himself vulnerable to God in prayer. In the good times, his exuberant disposition to praising God is well-documented and must have earned him divine credit. ‘My times are in your hands’, a King in need of deliverance reminds God. This deep contemplation has been variously translated in different versions of the Bible. “My future is in your hands”, offer the writers of the New Living Translation (NLT), an insight indicative of our vulnerability as humans who can only place ourselves in the hands of a benevolent and trustworthy Heavenly Father. The Contemporary English Version (CEV) renders King David’s heart-felt prayer this way: “My life is in your hands,”, an equally emotional reminder of our dependence on God in this journey called life. The Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) translates thus: “The course of my life is in Your power;”, while The Voice puts it this way: “I give the moments of my life over to you.” There is much to learn from the musings and prayers of deliverance of King David. When the going is good, pray. When the going gets rough, pray even more. “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well”, writes David in


Psalm 139:14. In the same breath, further along in Psalm 139:23, he calls on God to search his heart, deliver him from anxious thoughts and lead him in the way everlasting. This issue of sunrise is doubly special because it features a tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II as she marks her 90th birthday on the 21st of April 2016. We thank God for a very long and prosperous reign for our Monarch. Our prayer is for her continued good health, even as she continues to enjoy a peaceful and flourishing tenure. In addition, Festival of Life (FOL), the evangelistic platform for Christian revival birthed through our General Overseer Pastor E. A. Adeboye is 20 years old this April! Glory to God! Congratulations to all, even as we look up to God for more of His presence, glory and favour upon FOL and all festival attendees. God bless you.

• Pastor Modupe Afolabi is the Executive Administrator of RCCG Central Office and the Editor-in-Chief of sunrise.


The Queen by Roderick Hynds

Her Majesty the Queen has reigned supreme Our longest reigning monarch that’s ever been She has shared her love for our beloved country Always with such grace, passion and identity. Times may change and our life may alter Her Majesty has ruled without a falter With the calming influence of our lovely Queen We have weathered the storms the world has seen. With her steadfast husband his Highness Prince Philip Who has stood by her side with never a blip With his honesty and humour he brings the land alive With Her Majesty the Queen they help us survive. Congratulations Your Majesty from all your people Let the bells ring out from every church steeple For you Your Majesty we all will celebrate For all over the world this is a special date. All the world over just love our Queen We all give thanks for who you have been Long may you reign over us for many more years Yes Your Majesty we all of us love you so dear. When Roderick Hynds realised the Queen was becoming the longest reigning monarch, he was inspired to write this poem. The Queen has inspired many people over the years with her dignity, composure and kindness. This year she is turning 90 and again people are inspired to celebrate this amazing woman. The office of the Queen is an honourable position and Queen Elizabeth II has always acting honourably. It is a great testimony to be known as having lived an honourable life. Indeed, all Christians should have this testimony. Psalm 111:3 speaks of God and says “His work is honourable and glorious: and his righteousness endureth for ever”. God’s children must be honourable as He is honourable. We must be Holy as He is holy. Then those around us will be able to testify to the greatness of our God when they see His servants walking in integrity. I believe that you will enjoy reading our special feature celebrating the Queen’s 90th birthday in this edition of sunrise as we look specifically at her faith in God. This edition of sunrise is a celebratory edition all round as we also celebrate 20 years of The Festival of Life in London. The Festival of Life has been a blessing to thousands of people including myself. I remember that the first time I travelled from the North of England to London to attend Festival of Life, I was pregnant with my second child and my first child was just over a year old. I had never attended such an amazing event with so many varieties of speakers, musicians, drama artists, prayers and wonders. Now my first child is almost 9, my second child is 7 and my third child is just over 1 year old. The years have gone past and Festival of Life has been gaining momentum and has been attended by notable politicians including various Councillors, MPs, The Mayor of London, and last Year saw even the Prime Minister in attendance. This is just the beginning and we are expecting God to take the Festival of Life beyond what we could ever imagine. As usual there are many other features and articles in the magazine for you to enjoy and be encouraged and inspired. Please do remember that this is your magazine, we want to hear from you. If you have any contributions, please get in touch. God’s Blessings, Andrea Onduku Editor




Sunrise spoke to Pastor (Dr) Shola Adeaga, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Festival of Life (FOL) at the charity’s offices in London. He retraced the story of FOL and its vision with the Managing Editor of sunrise Yinka Oduwole.

∙ Pastor Shola Adeaga, CEO Festival of Life


Sunrise: Sir, thank you for speaking to sunrise Magazine. The Holy Ghost Festival of Life is 20 years old. We congratulate you on this landmark achievement. Could you, in a snapshot, tell us briefly, the genesis of the Festival of Life? Pastor Adeaga: I think it was in 1995 when the General Overseer gathered a number of us to share the vision of the Festival of Life. As most people have heard the story – the General Overseer has told the story himself a few times – he basically told us that he believed God was asking him to translate the Holy Ghost Service held in Nigeria to London so that the church in the UK could benefit from this blessing of the Holy Ghost Festival. So, that’s how a number of us gathered with a view to bringing the vision of the General Overseer to pass. It’s interesting that in trying to replicate what happened in Nigeria, the initial thought was to have monthly meetings like they did in Nigeria, but we realised it wasn’t likely to work in England as it would take too much effort. The compromise we came to was that we could do five meetings. That’s why in 1996 when the Festival of Life (FOL) started, we actually had five FOL programmes. Sunrise: The Festival of Life is today attended by tens of thousands of people. What’s responsible for the phenomenal growth of FOL? Pastor Adeaga: At the risk of sounding like a cliché, the Bible is very clear that except God builds the House, those who build it do so in vain. Any growth at all has just been the work of the Spirit of God. I also believe that RCCG has a peculiar covenant with God through Pa Josiah Akindayomi (the founder and then General Superintendent of RCCG) which has now been transferred to the General Overseer Pastor E. A. Adeboye. We see that covenant leading to the rapid growth of RCCG, which in itself is also responsible for the growth of the FOL.

they have received from God. Due to the covenant God had made with the General Overseer Pastor E. A. Adeboye to bless the people who gather for the Holy Ghost Services, people come to FOL to secure those blessings and they leave with testimonies. The second thing that has been happening increasingly is that the FOL has become a platform that speaks for Christians in the UK. People come to be a part of this phenomenon. Sunrise: The FOL has attracted influential persons from the spiritual and political firmaments of the UK. Why do you think they come to the festival? Pastor Adeaga: By God’s grace, the Festival of Life has become a phenomenon both within the Body of Christ and in the secular community. For a lot of people who are Christians, like I said, people feel that it’s something worthwhile being a part of a phenomenon like that – thousands of people coming together to worship God. We’ve had friends describe the atmosphere of worship and all that. But for the non-Christians and particularly the eminent figures you talked about, I think it’s also acknowledging the fact that such an occasion takes place and again wanting to identify with it for different reasons. I think it simply boils down to the recognition that there is something phenomenal going on. You can’t ignore 40,000 people; you can’t ignore the fastest-growing denomination in the country. And I guess also, whether Christians or non-Christians, people want to experience the phenomenon and I think that’s what we’ve had over the years.

Sunrise: What keeps the people coming back? Pastor Adeaga: There are clearly two distinct reasons. First, people come because they have correlated FOL with the blessings

∙ Boris Johnson, Mayor of London at the FOL


∙ Archbishop Justin Welby of the Church of England and wife Caroline pray with Pastor E. A. Adeboye and Pastor (Mrs) Folu Adeboye at the FOL

Sunrise: How did you feel when Prime Minister David Cameron described the FOL in April 2015 as a major cultural institution in the United Kingdom? Pastor Adeaga: Obviously quite flattered by it, in terms of the words. But I think more importantly for me, one learns to look at things from a spiritual perspective. Spiritually, I recognised it as the manifestation of what God has spoken concerning Him building His Kingdom and the Festival of Life being one of the vehicles that He will use. In a sense, even though speaking naturally, he (the Prime Minister) was attesting to this spiritual phenomenon of what God is doing. And remember we have always said that by God’s grace, Festival of Life will be a vehicle for revival. Like salt makes a difference, we see the Festival of Life as salt and light in the community. So, the Prime Minister’s comment, for me, was just a testament of the fact that this vehicle is indeed becoming salt and light to the nation.


Sunrise: Is your sense that the FOL is making an impact on the United Kingdom? Pastor Adeaga: Certainly. Without any shadow of doubt, I think, first of all, again from a spiritual point of view, due to the amount of prayer and worship that emanates from there, Festival of Life has become an Altar to God on behalf of the Kingdom. So, as a result of all the prayer that has been raised from that altar and all the worship, I’m certain that Heaven has paid attention to it and that it’s come up to Heaven as a memorial. As such, you can’t ignore the spiritual impact of the prayer for revival, you can’t ignore the effect. I know that there are thousands of saints praying for revival – indigenes and non-indigenes praying for revival - but if you add whatever it is that has happened in festival of Life to that, certainly it must be helping to fill the bucket in terms of Heaven’s threshold in responding to our cry. FOL definitely has impacted the n ation spiritually. Even in

the natural, I think it has impacted because by God’s grace, it’s something that people talk about, including along the corridors of power. It’s something that people recognise as a platform of influence; hence some may seek to come as a platform for reaching others. Sunrise: How do you fund such a mega project? Pastor Adeaga: It’s interesting. When the Festival of Life started, a lot of funding was by individuals, and largely externally because the church (RCCG) was still small and was growing. As the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) grew, a lot of the funding came from within the churches within the Redeemed Christian church of God who contributed faithfully towards the programme. But the interesting phenomenon is what we all now recognise as the FOL Partners’ Scheme. And it’s interesting that a lot of the money that funds threw FOL now comes from the Partners. And what makes it an amazing phenomenon is that Partners give £5 a month, £10 a month, £20 a month – seemingly little amounts – but the collectiveness of that, the aggregation of that, which has turned out into a major source of funding.

Sunrise: It’s been 20 years. Looking ahead, what’s next on the horizon for FOL? Pastor Adeaga: Certainly, a larger platform of the festival’s influence, but not just in terms of the physical numbers of people. So, we’re looking for the attendance to increase; it’s grown from just around 2,000 people twenty years ago to 40,000 people. By God’s grace, with the same kind of rate of increase, imagine in 20 years’ time, we could be talking about gathering 100,000 people. That’s certainly a significant and phenomenal amount of people gathering together. But corresponding to that must be the impact, the spiritual impact of the Festival of Life on the climate of the nation. I’m trusting God that long before then, revival would have come, so that Festival of Life would not just be to pray, but would be a gathering of hundreds of thousands of people to worship God. And then by virtue of its impact, it also becomes a platform to change a lot of what happens in the society, of moulding the kind of society we want the nation to become – a godly nation and all that. So, we look forward to greater impact, greater numbers, greater impact. Sunrise: Thank you, Pastor. Pastor Adeaga: Thank you.

∙ Pastor E. A. Adeboye and church leaders from across the UK at FOL


20 Years of Glorious Festival of Life Events, each with a Unique Theme (Held in London unless otherwise stated)

April 1996 - The New Anointing June 1996 - A Fresh Outpouring of the New Anointing August 1996 - A Release of Joy (by the New Anointing) October 1996 - The Revival is Coming December 1996 - Experience Life! (Bringing Change to the Spiritual Climate of our Nation) March 1997 - The Revival Anointing (Let the Rivers Flow) July 1997 - Experience the Fire of Revival December 1997- A New Beginning - A Child is Born April 1998 - The Power of His Resurrection July 1998 - Anointing for Victory November 1998 - Anointing for Restoration April 1999 - A Touch of the Supernatural October 1999 - The God of Elijah April 2000 - A New Beginning November 2000 - A New Song April 2001 - When the Heavens Open November 2001 - Divine Breakthroughs March 2002 - Divine Favour November 2002 - The Hand of God (Involvement of God) March 2003 - The Turning Point Nov 2003 - Preparing for Greatness March 2004 – A Double Portion November 2004 - Pillars of Greatness


March 2005 - Let there be Light November 2005 - Emmanuel March 2006 - The God of Wonders July 2006 (Ireland) - God of Miracles July 2006 (Manchester) - Behold the Lamb November 2006 - Divine Visitation April 2007 - All Will Be Well November 2007 - Divine Assistance March 2008 - Behold November 2008 - Our God Reigns March 2009 - In His Presence November 2009 - Let God Arise April 2010 (Scotland) - The Omnipotent God July 2010 - Lord of lords October 2010 (Wales) - Let the Wind Blow October 2010 - King of kings April 2011 - The King of Glory July 2011 (Manchester) - The God of All Flesh October 2011 - A New Anointing April 2012 - Arise and Shine July 2012 (Scotland) - A New Song October 2012 - A Second Touch April 2013 - The Sovereign God July 2013 (Manchester) - Immanuel October 2013 - Fresh Oil April 2014 - My Cup Runs Over July 2014 (Wales) - Jesus July 2014 (Scotland) - The Unchangeable Lord October 2014 - The Greatest Gift April 2015 - In Christ Alone July 2015 (Manchester) - Everlasting Father October 2015 - Prince of Peace April 2016 - The Right Hand of Power





he Queen’s sense of duty drives her and her Christian faith sustains her. Hence the title of a new book written as a tribute to Her Majesty on her 90th birthday.

The Servant Queen and the King She Serves has been jointly published by HOPE, The Bible Society and The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity (LICC) as a conversation starter. It is a gift for individuals and churches to give to friends, neighbours and colleagues. The book poses the question: ‘What’s the secret of the Queen’s remarkable consistency of character and extraordinary contribution to nation, Commonwealth and the global community?’ The answer is given in the Queen’s own words: “I know just how much I rely on my faith to guide me through the good times and the bad… I know that the only way to live my life is to try to do what is right, to take the long view, to give of my best in all that the day brings, and to put my trust in God … I draw strength from the message of hope in the Christian gospel.”


The Queen has written the foreword to The Servant Queen, which uses her own words to draw out the central role of her trust in Jesus Christ. In a strong statement of faith, she said in the foreword that she is ‘very grateful’ to the nation for its prayers for her, and that she has felt God’s ‘faithfulness’ during 64 years on the throne. She wrote: “In my first Christmas broadcast in 1952, I asked the people of the Commonwealth and Empire to pray for me as I prepared to dedicate myself to their service at my Coronation. I have been – and remain – very grateful to you for your prayers and to God for his steadfast love. I have indeed seen His faithfulness.” The Queen’s remarkable life of service to nation and Commonwealth has made her one of the most admired people in the world. But what is the source of her inspiration and strength? During her Christmas speech in 2002, Her Majesty gave away her secret: “I know just how much I rely on my faith to guide me through the good times and the bad. Each day is a new beginning. I know that

the servant QUEEN at 90

the only way to live my life is to try to do what is right, to take the long view, to give of my best in all that the day brings, and to put my trust in God … I draw strength from the message of hope in the Christian gospel.” In her 2014 Christmas broadcast the Queen described Jesus as the ‘anchor’ in her life: “For me, the life of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, whose birth we celebrate today, is an inspiration and an anchor in my life. A role-model of reconciliation and forgivenesshe stretched out his hands in love, acceptance and healing. Christ’s example has taught me to seek to respect and value all people of whatever faith or none.” In 2016 people around the county and throuvghout the Commonwealth will gather in their communities to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday. Her actual birthday on 21 April will be celebrated with the following official birthday events: • a service of thanksgiving at St Paul’s Cathedral on Friday 10 June; • the traditional trooping the colour ceremony - the Queen’s birthday parade - on Saturday 11 June in Horse Guards Parade • a massive street party for 10,000 people on The Mall on Sunday 12 June. The whole of the Commonwealth are also invited to join the celebrations in our own villages, towns or cities.

The Queen’s prayer request The Queen’s faith and her reliance on prayer has been the bedrock of her reign. It began early and was expressed with great sincerity in her 21st birthday speech, in her first Christmas broadcast, and in her Coronation vows. On her 21st birthday she said: “I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong. But I shall not have strength to carry out this resolution alone unless you join in it with me, as I now invite you to do: I know that your support will be unfailingly given. God help me to make good my vow, and God bless all of you who are willing to share in it.” After her father’s sudden death and her accession, she used her first Christmas broadcast in 1952 to ask for prayer for her reign: “Pray that God may give me wisdom and strength to carry out the solemn promises I shall be making, and that I may faithfully serve Him and you, all the days of my life.” In the weeks leading up to the Coronation she used a small book of devotional readings comprised of five weeks of Bible readings and prayers, specially prepared and printed for her by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Geoffrey Fisher. During her Coronation the promises she made included an oath to ‘maintain the Laws of God and


the true profession of the Gospel’ And, although the Coronation regalia included many of the world’s most valuable jewels, the Queen was presented with a Bible, described at the Coronation as ‘the most valuable thing that this world affords’. She underlined her request for prayer in 1991: “I feel the same obligation to you that I felt in 1952. With your prayers, and your help, and with the love and support of my family, I shall try to serve you in the years to come.” And just as the Queen appreciates other people’s prayers for her, so she prays for others, and for us. In 2011 she quoted the last verse of the carol, O Little Town of Bethlehem, which is a prayer: O Holy Child of Bethlehem, Descend to us we pray. Cast out our sin and enter in, be born in us today. She added: “It is my prayer that on this Christmas Day we might all find room in our lives for the message of the angels and for the love of God through Christ our Lord.”

The King she serves In recent years the Queen has been increasingly outspoken about her Christian faith. Royal biographer William Shawcross, says, ‘Two things stand out – the Queen’s constant sense of duty and her devotion to God. Of this she speaks humbly but openly, especially in her Christmas broadcasts.” She took the opportunity of the Millennium Christmas broadcast to summarize the Jesus story in her own words: “We are celebrating the fact that Jesus Christ was born two thousand years ago; this is the true Millennium anniversary,” she said. ‘The simple facts of Jesus’ life give us little clue as to the influence he was to have on the world. As a boy he learnt his father’s trade as a carpenter. He then became a preacher, recruiting twelve supporters to help him. But his ministry only lasted a few years and he himself never wrote anything down. In his early thirties he was arrested, tortured and crucified with two criminals. His death might have been the end of the story, but then came the resurrection and with it the foundation of the Christian faith. Even in our very material age the impact of Christ’s life is all around us. If you want to see an expression of Christian faith you have only to look at our awe-inspiring cathedrals and abbeys, listen to their music, or look at their stained glass windows, their books and their pictures. But the true measure of Christ’s influence is not only in the lives of the saints but also in the good works quietly done by millions of men and women day in and day out throughout the centuries. Many will have been inspired by Jesus’ simple but powerful teaching: love God and love thy neighbour as thyself


- in other words, treat others as you would like them to treat you. His great emphasis was to give spirituality a practical purpose. Whether we believe in God or not, I think most of us have a sense of the spiritual, that recognition of a deeper meaning and purpose in our lives, and I believe that this sense flourishes despite the pressures of our world.” She doesn’t flinch from referring to other religions respectfully, as she added: ‘This spirituality can be seen in the teachings of other great faiths. Of course religion can be divisive, but the Bible, the Koran and the sacred texts of the Jews and Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs, are all sources of divine inspiration and practical guidance passed down through the generations”. But neither does she draw back from testifying to her own Christian faith: ‘To many of us our beliefs are of fundamental importance. For me the teachings of Christ and my own personal accountability before God provide a framework in which I try to lead my life. I, like so many of you, have drawn great comfort in difficult times from Christ’s words and example. I believe that the Christian message, in the words of a familiar blessing, remains profoundly important to us all: ‘Go forth into the world in peace, be of good courage, hold fast that which is good, render to no man evil for evil, strengthen the faint-hearted, support the weak, help the afflicted, honour all men.’ It is a simple message of compassion... and yet as powerful as ever today, two thousand years after Christ’s birth.” The Queen is an amazing example of someone who talks honestly about her faith, but she doesn’t force Christianity on anyone. She is the head of the Church of England and attends weekly services, even when on holiday, but she never tells anyone to go to church. She shows respect to other faiths in her multi-cultural country and Commonwealth, but clearly states that she follows Jesus Christ. For royalists or republicans, Anglicans or atheists, she gives us all a fantastic illustration of a life well-lived in the service of others. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Christians around the country could learn to be so open and winsome in talking about Jesus, and so wholehearted in serving others?’

The Queen’s inspiration - the Bible The theme of service to others comes up regularly in the Queen’s speeches and she often returns to the same Bible story for inspiration. “The story of the Good Samaritan reminds us of our duty to our neighbour,” she said in 1985. “We should try to follow Christ’s clear instruction at the end of that story: “Go and do thou likewise”.”

In 1989 she put the story into her own words explaining how Jesus answered the question ‘Who is my neighbour?’ She explained: “His neighbour was the man who did stop, cared for him, and made sure he was being well looked after before he resumed his own journey. It’s not very difficult to apply that story to our own times and to work out that our neighbours are those of our friends, or complete strangers, who need a helping hand.” Out of the limelight, the Queen tries to put Jesus’ teaching into practise. When she heard that journalist John Harrison’s wife had gone into labour and that he would be unable to get home from covering the royal tour of Canada to be present at the birth, the Queen said, ‘‘That won’t do at all. Let him fly home with me on the royal flight.” He did, and successfully made it to the birth of his son. On another occasion, when one of the staff at Balmoral died suddenly, the Queen insisted on visiting the family in person and was very concerned about their future. Those involved said that it was typical of her faith in action. No fuss but a quiet focus on what was important.

munities together to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday with a service of thanksgiving in our churches for the Queen on Sunday 12 June and then a street party. We hope that Christians will follow the Queen’s example and talk about their Christian faith. To help start conversations, HOPE, Bible Society and the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity have published The Servant Queen and the King She Serves - a very special book focusing on the Queen’s Christian faith. This beautifully illustrated short book uses the Queen’s own words to draw out the central role of her trust in Jesus Christ, offering us all an inspiring, multi-faceted insight into a life well-lived for others. Copies are available in bulk at £10 for 10 copies (plus p&p), so churches can give them away to people in their communities. Visit the HOPE website to place an advance order. Also a 12-page schools version of The Servant Queen has been published by Scripture Union to give to school children. The packs of 10 include school assembly ideas and a lesson plan to link to the birthday booklet. In addition, HOPE’s partner CPO is providing posters, invitations and bunting all with the Queen’s 90th birthday theme. There is also a souvenir Order of Service and liturgy from the Church of England to mark this special milestone in the Queen’s life. Start planning your local events now. Work with other churches to bring your whole community together. Use this opportunity to start conversations about what it means to be a follower of Jesus, and join with the Queen in praying for our communities, as she said in 2012, “that his example and teaching will continue to bring people together to give the best of themselves in the service of others”.

She points to Jesus as her inspiration. In 1981 she said, “As human beings we generally know what is right and how we should act and speak. But we are also very aware of how difficult it is to have the courage of our convictions. Our Christian faith helps us to sustain those convictions. Christ not only revealed to us the truth in his teachings. He lived by what he believed and gave us the strength to try to do the same - and, finally, on the cross, he showed the supreme example of physical and moral courage. That sacrifice was the dawn of Christianity and this is why at Christmas time we are inspired by the example of Christ as we celebrate his birth.”

Get set to celebrate

Roy Crowne is HOPE’s Executive Director and Catherine Butcher is HOPE’s Communications Director.

At HOPE, our dream is that churches will bring com-


Hillingdon Foodbank Christmas Hampers



erving our communities is a foundational goal we aspire to wherever an RCCG church is planted. This stems from our belief that a truly fruitful ministry draws nourishment from God in order to touch the spiritual and social lives of people. In other words, the seeds of the gospel should bear good fruit spiritually and in terms of socially-transformed communities.

Christmas 2015 witnessed one of our social initiatives – the Hillingdon Foodbank – giving away 200 beautifully-packed hampers for people in need in the community. The hampers were given out through the Schools, churches, children’s homes, community agencies and people who work and live in the community.

“We were delighted that we were able to double our effort in 2014 when we gave out 100 Christmas hampers”, said Pastor Tunde Balogun whose church Kingsborough Family Church (a part of RCCG) facilitated the campaign to get the people of Hillingdon to make generous donations through a National Supermarket Collection Day, Harvest collections at local schools and churches, as well as donations from community residents. Pastor Balogun added: “We are grateful to our wonderful hard-working volunteers who work round the clock and all through the year to make the Hillingdon Foodbank relevant to the people who need the provisions to make their yuletide celebrations meaningful.” Manager of the Hillingdon Foodbank, Pastor Vine Daniels was particularly impressed with a lady who called the project out of the blue and asked how she could make a contribution. Shortly thereafter, a truck-load of food items from Sainsbury’s arrived at the project’s warehouse in Uxbridge with food worth £463! Glory to God! Hillingdon Foodbank Tel: 01895252224 (Ext. 3)


Nigerian Community in UK Honours Pastor Agu


he Senior Pastor of Jesus House London and a Special Assistant to Pastor E. A. Adeboye was named Man of the Year at a recent gathering of the Central Association of Nigerians in the United Kingdom (CANUK). Agu Irukwu is a law graduate of the University of Warwick, UK. A former investment banker and partner in a law firm, he is now the Senior Pastor of Jesus House for All Nations, London, one of the largest churches in the United Kingdom. He oversees over 700 parishes in his capacity as the Chairman of the Executive Council of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, UK. He is the Chairman of the Organising Committee of the Festival of Life, the largest prayer gathering of its kind in Europe with an attendance of over 45,000 people at each of its biannual programs. He is the founder of the Mandate Men’s Ministries, a charity which seeks to empower, equip, encourage and raise godly men. He is also a key member of the One People Commission of the Evangelical Alliance (EA), a body set up to integrate black majority churches more fully into the EA. He was voted Britain’s most inspirational Black Person of 2012 in a poll conducted by the Mayor of London’s Office and the London Metro newspaper. In addition to his responsibilities as a Pastor and a church leader, he also serves as a Non-Executive Director to several companies. He is passionate about strengthening the family structure, raising men and women to become godly leaders, and the role the church plays in society. He co-founded a children’s charity with his wife, Sola, called Bright Futures for African Children, which seeks to break the cycle of poverty by providing educational facilities and resources to children in poverty stricken communities in Africa. Pastors Agu and Sola Irukwu have three children.

·Pastor Agu Irukwu with Mrs Abike Dabiri-Erewa, Senior Special Assistant to the Nigerian President on Foreign Affairs and the Diaspora

(Culled from


Pastor Agu Irukwu receives the Alphege Award for Evangelism and Witness from The Archbishop of Canterbury CITATION ON PASTOR AGU IRUKWU AT THE ARCHBISHOP’S AWARDS “Awarded to Pastor Agu Irukwu for his contribution to the sustainable spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ in the United Kingdom and beyond Agu Irukwu (Pastor Agu, as he is popularly known) is married to Sola and they have three children. He holds a law degree from the University of Warwick and worked in Nigeria as an investment banker before starting a law firm. In the early 1990s Agu became part of a group of young, passionate, and visionary pastors at Freedom Hall, a parish of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Lagos. This parish planted Jesus House, London in 1994 and sent Agu to lead the budding Jesus House Church, a calling to which he has remained faithful to this day. From a prayer group of about twenty individuals in 1994, thousands of people now attend services in Jesus House every Sunday. Through well-tailored programmes, the church devotes attention to all strata of their membership – children, men and women – and so lives out their common saying: We are passionate about you! In addition to his role as Senior Pastor at Jesus House, Pastor Agu serves as Chairman of the Board of Trustees and Head of the Executive Council of the RCCG in the United Kingdom which acts in a supervisory capacity over more than 600 parishes in the United Kingdom. Pastor Agu is also the founder of the Mandate Men’s Ministries, dedicated to building men who would act with integrity as role models in families, churches and society at large.”

Archbishop of Canterbury, The Most Revd and Rt Hon Justin Welby and Pastor Agu Irukwu, Chairman, RCCG UK with his wife Pastor Sola Irukwu at the ceremony.


5th April 2016

The Special Assistant to the General Overseer and Chairman, Board of Trustees and Executive Council Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) United Kingdom Dear Pastor Agu Irukwu, CONGRATULATORY MESSAGE ON RECEIVING THE ALPHEGE AWARD FOR EVANGELISM AND WITNESS FROM THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY Greetings to you in Jesus’ holy name. On behalf of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) in the United Kingdom, we rejoice with you and give glory to God on your recent conferment with the Alphege Award for Evangelism and Witness by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Revd and Rt Hon Justin Welby at Lambeth Palace. The decision to confer this inaugural Alphege Award for Evangelism and Witness on you is indeed a testimony of the manifold and abundant grace of God upon your life, particularly in the area of Christian witness and soul-winning both within RCCG and inter-denominationally through various ecumenical platforms. Named in honour of St. Alphege, the Archbishop of Canterbury from 1006 to 1012 who was reputed for his simplicity, wise and holy counsel, as well as care for the poor, we believe that the recently-conferred Alphege Award for Evangelism and Witness would spur you on to greater heights of service to all. May God’s abundant grace continually be multiplied in your life in Jesus’ name. Yours-in-Christ Signed RCCG Central Office On Behalf of the RCCG UK Board of Trustees, Executive Council, Pastors, Parishes and Members Of RCCG UK




REMEMBER By Yinka Oduwole


am the sum-total of my memories. So are you. Memories, brain experts remind us, can also be good indicators of who we may turn out to be in the future. Why? What we remember from our past experiences, in a curious sense, plays into our how we approach the future and the choices we make. Memory is important. Which is perhaps why God continually draws attention to the need for us to remember, to reflect, and to act based on those factual, mental recollections. For instance in Exodus 20:8, Yahweh reminds the nation of Israel to remember the Sabbath and to keep it as a holy day. If it were not easy to forget, surely God would not have gone to the trouble of reminding Israel to remember. Israel’s troubles with backsliding while journeying in the wilderness to the Promised Land began with memories of a negative kind, of a time when they ate the fish of servitude in Egypt. “ We remember the fish we ate in Egypt at no cost – also the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic. but now we have lost our appetite; we never see anything but this manna!” (Numbers 11:5-6). Of course, we shake our heads now in disbelief at such ingratitude displayed to a God who saved the whole nation from over four centuries of slavery in a foreign land, but are we completely free of this charge of forgetfulness? Do we remember our lowly states when we first met the Lord and He saved our souls out of love for us? Can you still remember all that Jesus Christ saved you from? It appears we are more inclined to forget than to remember. This is why the Holy Scriptures are full of admonitions urging us to remember. I remember, for instance, my perennial bat-


tles with that tropical affliction known as Malaria; at a time, it became so bad I would come down with the fever every few months. The months of good health were a precious delight. Then, one ordinary day, in response to my cry of desperation for a divine touch, the Lord literally answered by fire, touched me and that was the end of Malaria or any other malaise for that matter. And that was 23 years ago, months after giving my heart to Jesus. What do you remember? Do you recall how the Lord’s faithfulness has got you to where you are today? I remember the good Christian gentleman whom the Lord used to disciple me immediately I became born-again who took me to a Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship Meeting in Abuja, Nigeria. I remember him telling me there was a Pastor who would fascinate me with his teaching and ministry. I remember being intrigued by it all. I remember being totally shaken to my foundations as the Guest Speaker (who turned out to be Pastor E. A. Adeboye, our General Overseer) turned the meeting upside down when he began to pray in tongues and the fire of God fell! I remember being fascinated and thinking, ‘What just happened?’ I remember being totally silent on my way home from that meeting. What exactly do you remember? The sinful pleasures of the world you left behind or the abundant mercies you have since had with a good God? “Remember Lot’s wife!”, exclaimed Jesus, as documented in Luke 17:32. Remember the joy you felt when you became born-again. Remember the love you had for Messiah. Remember.

Dr Oduwole is the Managing Editor of Sunrise and the Parish Pastor of The Risen Christ, Knebworth.


RCCG UK NATIONAL DIRECTORATE OF PRAYERS Pray.......Pray.....Pray........Pray.........and Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17) Praying for RCCG and United Kingdom - Covering England – Wales – Scotland – Northern Ireland in Prayer. GOD ANSWERS PRAYER Praying for Festival of Life London PASTOR AGU IRUKWU




Email:; rccgukprayers



Changing Expectations to Manifestations, Impacting society HOUR OF WONDERS Prayers every night from 10:00pm to 11:00pm with Pastor Francis Oladimeji (SFOE) Simply: Dial: +44 02037135011 Access code: 195850341 Audio Pin: 194. You can also join us on your Desktop, Laptop, or Macbook https// RCCG - LIBERTY CHRISTIAN CONNECTIONS Liberty House, Clarks Road, Ilford Essex. IG1 1UT Tel: 02085140145, Fax: 02085532912 E-mail: Web-site: Facebook:



Because There Is Only One You

a desk in front of a computer. The demand for meals to fit around our schedules means that fast food and processed foods are on the increase. The One You campaign takes into account these environmental pressures and will provides suggestions and help with making changes that suit each individual’s particular lifestyle and environment. It will help adults to move Here are a couple of facts that Public Health England more, eat well, drink less and be smoke free. One You will also provide information on how people can rehighlighted in their report: duce their stress levels and sleep better. • Living healthily in midlife can double your chances Public Health England have partnered with Asda, of being healthy at 70 and beyond. Slimming World, BBC Get Inspired and the Ministry • Around 40% of all deaths in England are related to of Defence to make this a reality. behaviour. The first step of One You is to take an online health • The NHS spends more than £11bn a year on treating quiz called ‘How Are You’. This will provide personillnesses caused by the effects of diet, inactivity, smok- alised recommendations based on your results and direct you to tools and advice to help you take action ing and drinking alcohol. where it’s most needed. • Latest figures show that life expectancy at older ages is at record levels, yet many are spending their retire- The Public Health Report said that “Over half (56%) of 40 to 60 year olds taking the ‘How Are You’ quiz said ment living in ill health. they were likely to change their lifestyle to improve • Currently 15 million Britons are living with a long- their health because of the feedback it gave them. term health condition. The One You website encourages participants to ‘Start Over the years, the way we live our lives has changed. the fight back to a healthier you’. Mothers are now balancing career with family, fa- You can get more information and take the quiz today thers are working longer hours and many jobs involve by visiting making long commutes and sitting for long hours at n March this year, Public Health England launched a new campaign called ‘One You’. The focus of the campaign is to highlight that many of the diseases that older people are suffering in this country can be prevented by making lifestyle changes earlier in life.





You can pick up a copy from your nearest Christian Bookshop




I KNOW I C AN! The importance of a child’s perception of their academic ability


Effort + Ability = Results

very pertinent question that both educators and parents need to ask is: can a child’s perception of their academic ability affect their academic performance? In education, children are sometimes labelled as being of high, average or low ability and are taught in associated ability groups. Educators group pupils by ability based on factors such as how fast a child understands concepts, their ability to tackle high level or complex concepts with a certain degree of ease and by performance in tests. Ability groupings allow teachers to adjust their teaching to meet the needs of individuals to ensure that every child participates in lessons. One down side of ability groupings can be that pupils hold on to the group label, which in turn can affect their belief in being able to perform as well as their counterparts in high ability groups, or conversely they can feel anxiety at the possibility of losing their high ability ‘status’. Children have different abilities, some are fast learners and some are slower learners. Being a slower learner should not hinder academic performance. Have you come across a child who is said to have one special educational need or

another, who can sing all of their favourite songs? I have taught several students who, although in a low ability class, were able to memorise lines for their drama exams. “What do you do to know your lines?”, I usually ask such students. The answer usually is ‘’I go over it several times Miss’’. Is this surprising? Not at all, children will spend more time learning or doing the activities they love best and will do better at them. It is disheartening that parents also become frustrated when their children don’t grasp things immediately. With patience and parental support and encouragement, a child can learn any concept. It is paramount for parents to understand that ability or intelligence can be improved by putting in more effort. Effort+Ability = Results. Effort is a culmination of practice, persistence and having effective study habits. Colossians 2:10 says “And ye are complete in Him’’ – God has created your child to be complete - lacking nothing. When you are assured within you about this, you will not only patiently support your child through their studies and any other endeavours but you will also speak encouraging words, that will foster your child’s self-belief about their ability. ‘’As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he’’ The mind is the seat of all belief systems: a child’s beliefs about themselves, how things around them work and their


ideas about the world. Beliefs such as ‘I’m brainy’; ‘I can’t do science’; ‘I hate school’;’ I’m stupid’; ‘It’s impossible’, etc, shape the way children think about their studies and their ability to achieve. In the course of my teaching career, students who complained about science being hard, or who said they can’t do science, never did well in tests. The way in which a person thinks about themselves, or what they believe about themselves, will affect their ability to succeed or fail in life. Thoughts, belief systems or mindset affect a person’s actions, behaviour and how they respond to situations around them. When a child believes that they can do well in school or they can succeed at anything they do, this belief gets stored in their subconscious mind. This belief will affect the child’s attitude to their studies, the amount of effort they are willing to put in to get top marks in tests and even if they don’t get the mark they hoped for, their positive attitude gets them to reflect on the reasons for this underperformance and how they can do better in future. On the other hand, a child who believes they can’t do well in a particular subject or sport, will not put in much energy or effort in preparing for the test; they may also spend time worrying about how badly they will perform in the test.

How do children develop beliefs about their academic ability? Every time a parent speaks negative, disempowering or belittling words to their child, it gets stored in the subconscious mind and forms their belief systems. Do you recall when your young child poured water on the floor and you called him “stupid thing”, do you recall when your child struggled to recite their times tables correctly and you said to them “what’s wrong with your head” or when your child didn’t get top marks in a test and you call them “dull thing’’, I can go on and on. Sadly, a lot of parent’s words have caused great damage to their children’s self-esteem. A child’s beliefs about their academic ability can come from failure and mistakes. A lot of children believe that is bad to fail or make mistakes. They perceive this from the manner in which parents, teachers and peers react to situations where children have failed or made mistakes. Some responses can cause a child to lose belief in themselves or their ability. Negative and degrading comparisons of your child to their peers, can seriously affect their belief in their ability to do well in school or any other thing they get involved in. Disempowering words from teachers, especially when children fail to perform well in tests, fail to think and answer questions as fast as the rest of the class, or when they do not complete work as fast as others. This negativity has the potential to be detrimental upon a child’s belief in their ability to do well in that subject or in school in general.

How can a child’s beliefs be changed? A child can’t accomplish great things with little faith, therefore it is necessary to help your child to ditch limiting beliefs and embrace empowering, ‘no limits’ beliefs about themselves and their abilities in all areas of life. In Mathew 9: 27-29, Jesus asked the two blind men who called out to him ”do you believe I am able to do this?’’ and they replied “yes”, Jesus touched their eyes and said to them ‘’according to your faith, let it be done to you’’ and their sight was restored. You can change your child’s ed-

ucational outcome by helping them to change their beliefs about their ability to do well in school. The starting point is listen out for disempowering self-talk and limiting beliefs from your child that prevent them from manifesting their full educational capacity. Help your child to understand how learning works and encourage them to not be discouraged when they don’t understand things the first time it is taught in school. Children who understand how to learn are persistent and put in the effort required to grasp concepts. Such children do not easily give up or get frustrated with learning, especially when they understand the importance of education. Help your child to understand that no one becomes successful by doing the bare minimum and that God blesses our effort and rewards us with success when we work hard, are determined and persistent. It is vital for children to understand that it is OK to fail and make mistakes. Mistakes and failure provide opportunities for us to do things correctly or differently, in future. Most importantly, don’t let your child be defined by their mistake or failure and you can do this by not dwelling on the mistake but rather discussing with them why the failed and what they can do differently. You can help your child to replace disempowering and limiting beliefs by using positive statements by mentioning positive alternatives each time. For example: ‘’I can’t do maths, it’s too hard’’ can be replaced with ‘’I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’’, ‘’I’m good enough’’, ‘’I’m more than sufficient’’. The Lord grants you wisdom and quick thinking, so you can give the correct response to your child when necessary. Praise your child’s efforts (small steps) and achievement. Children learn and progress at different rates, it’s therefore important to praise little efforts and avoid comparing your child with others. Some parents have been frustrated when someone else’s child they know seems to learn faster than theirs and have lashed out at their child with ‘’why


can you not do this when John can do it?’’ Be patient with your child, be positive and full of encouragement – this will go a long way to help them acquire a new belief system. When your child uses disempowering words, you can encourage them to think about what they can do to help them overcome the specific limitation. When a child is beaten down by failure and is allowing themselves to be defined by it, one powerful strategy to help them out of this, is to remind them of their previous successes. Lead them in a discussion to get them thinking about the things they did, or the strategies they implemented that led to that success and how they can apply the same methods to help them do well in their maths test for example. God has endowed your child with unique gifts, talents and abilities – there are treasures in them, let no one speak limitation into your child’s life. I have w,itnessed a lot of wasted potential in education, children going through school and leaving without getting the grades they need to study courses of their choice at University. Encourage your child to have confidence in their ability and support them all along the way and you will be glad you did when you see what they turn out to be in the near future. Remember, you are your child’s most important cheer leader.

•Pauline Limen Pauline Limen is a Speaker and academic achievement strategist with a mission to break the cycle of pupil underachievement in the State school system. She teaches parents practical strategies they can implement to support their children’s studies. She is the Author of ‘Surpass Every Expectation’, a proven system for raising high achieving children. Copies of the book are available on Amazon.




he month of April happens to be a special month for those who reside in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, Barbados and ten other independent countries in which HRH Queen Elizabeth II serves as Queen and head of the commonwealth. From April, Great Britain will commence the celebration of the Queen’s 90th birthday. The Queen was born on the 21st of April 1926 to Prince Albert (later King George VI) and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. She was married at the age of 21 and assumed the responsibilities of the ruling monarch at age 26 after the death of her father. So, what stands out about this resilient yet charming, soft spoken monarch who has managed to preserve the image of the crown throughout a period of great change in over 60 years? How has she been able to adapt to all the daily responsibilities of being the head of the Common Wealth as well as maintaining her role as a wife, mother, grandmother, mother-in-law, great grandmother etc. How do you raise a child born as a potential monarch and achieve some of the desirable outcomes we observe in Queen Elizabeth II today? What values and habits, were instilled in her and when did her parents start instilling theses values? My curiosity has led me to the Queen’s life as a child which I will explore briefly and utilise as a ‘yard stick’ for parents today. It is widely recorded that the queen’s parents were very fond of her and her sister Margaret. They spent a lot of time together even though her father was the King, his family was very high on his priority list. Elizabeth learnt the value of being true and faithful to her family from a very tender age. Most importantly, Queen Elizabeth II was brought up in a Christian home. God was an important factor and still ap-


pears to be in her advanced years; as she quoted in a book to be released ahead of her birthday, calling CHRIST ‘ THE KING SHE SERVES’ according to a Christian publication ‘The Gospel Truth’ Her experience as a child and young lady, gives us a glimpse into the values and habits the young Queen had to develop; how to address people; how to act when she is around staff of her household and colleagues she worked with from a young age, the importance of learning and working hard; the impact her actions had on others, being resilient, being compassionate, being accountable, being respectful and so on…….. Today, we find that she and the generations after her are still performing royal duties due to her their upbringing. What habits do we need to nurture in our own children? Habits are a settled or regular tendency or practice a person develops with time. Positive or negative habits transform us as human beings.

As Christians, we must also recognise that our children are of the Most-High father, our children are descendants of a King that is greater than all kings; children born with royal diadems.

during her famous radio broadcast addressed to children who were caught up in the war; sending them messages of hope. As she grew older she went on royal tours with her parents visiting war survivors. So also, we must help our children develop habits and practices of empathy and compassion; This can be accomplished by thinking of others who are less privileged or vulnerable; visiting hospitals, helping in soup kitchens, homeless shelters, being outspoken against bullying in school, being a buddy to new students in school; giving old clothes to the needy etc. Of course there are many other positive values, practices and habits we can encourage our children to develop, which would result in them living a balanced, happy, peaceful life. These however are just a handful I have observed in Queen Elizabeth II. This is not to say she never made mistakes, offended others or fell short of our praise but she has been able to hold on to her royal crown and as the bible instructed her parents and us all; it is apparent that she has not departed from the way of the lord in which she was trained.

By: Abigail Adeyanju This means that our children should be more influential in the world we live, and their positive influence should stem from the habits and practices they develop from childhood;

RELATIONSHIPS - As parents, our duty is to nur-

ture our children positively and show them the same love God shows us without reservation. We should provide sweet memories in our spoken words and actions towards them when their behaviour deserves reward or reproach. We should create a bond that causes them to confide and not conceal their true feelings; a bond that they desire to pass to their own children. This loving relationship will transform our children, transcending to other people they come across thereby developing the attitude and habit of caring for others.

HARD WORK - Just as young Princess Elizabeth

was given the opportunity to learn a trade in the armed forces, parents should never be complacent in developing the habit of hard work. These values are often known as the one thing that differentiates the successful from the non-successful. The Bible also warns us in Proverbs 6 V 10-11 – “A little sleep, A little slumber, A little folding of the hands to rest- and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man” (NIV).

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CHRISTIAN VALUES - As aforementioned, Chris-

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tian values are practices and habits we develop that reflect on us positively as well as other people. Young Princess Elizabeth showed compassion and empathy



Photograph By: BPM Media

Meet the Girl who got into College at 10 to study Maths!


sther Okade was astonishingly entered for the GCSE examination at just age 6 by Ounsdale High School in Wolverhampton after watching a TV program two years ago in which an 11-year old girl excelled in Mathematics at GCSE. The 4-year old, on seeing her Mum’s excitement at the news story, decided to take on the challenge, declaring that she would attempt hers at 6 years old. Her Dad and Mum Mr. Paul & Mrs. Efe Okade had observed that their princess had an unusual knack for numbers. She made headway at her Times Tables very quickly and was able to handle numbers in such a way that a child of her age became a wonder to many. Her Mum then taught her the structure of mathematics, moving on to algebra and quadratic equations. Esther practiced on past question papers and took the examination in a secondary school, monitored by three examiners and her mother.

She enrolled in February 2015 and was already top of the class, scoring 100 per cent on a recent test 3 weeks after enrolment. Esther, from Walsall in the West Midlands, isn't the only member of her family with a talent for numbers; her six-yearold brother Isaiah also took an A-level in maths.

she really loves: “It's real Maths - theories, complex numbers, all that type of stuff. It is super easy. My mum taught me in a nice way. She concludes with these words: "I want to complete my course in two years. Then I'm going to do my PhD in Financial Maths when I'm 13. I want to have my own bank by the time I'm 15 because I like numbers, and I like people, and bankEsther’s mother Efe said: "From the age ing is a great way to help people.” of seven Esther had wanted to go to university. But I was afraid it was too early Esther’s unique story has reportedly been for her. She would ask, ‘Mum, when am told by over 400 news media and agencies. She is truly a wonder to her generation. (Additional information for this story was culled from CNN’s African Voices).

I starting?’. "After three years she told me, 'Mum I think it is about time I started university now.’ Isaiah, Esther’s brother is following in his sister's footsteps. He is already doing calculus and advanced alThis “special child” is now a universi- gebra”, their Mum added. ty undergraduate after starting a degree at the age of ten. Esther is studying for a So far, Esther has found her course interMaths degree with the Open University. esting. She indicates the type of Maths



Christ The Redeemer College London Moves to Exciting New Premises







By: Ekpen Olayemi Onasanya

here are ancient landmarks of spiritual truths and standards that were established by our fathers for the church. The ancient landmarks according to the scriptures are the precepts that guided the people of God in their walk with God.

We thank God for the drama ministry arm of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), UK which is popularly known as The Ancient Landmark. If we observe their drama ministrations carefully over the years, we will discover that they are biblical stories that are dramatized to drive home salient messages to us in the body of Christ. In the book of Proverbs 22:28, it is written


The story is told of a six year old girl whose father used to work in the Army. There was this particular day that she walked out of her house and got lost. As she was wondering around, a group of Soldiers saw her from a far and they came close to her, she started crying pro-


fusely and they bombarded her with questions: “Who is your father? What is his name? Where do you live? Is it in the barracks or the Officers quarters?” when one of them tried to calm her down, all she could mutter was the ‘Iroko’ tree which was a massive tree just five minutes’ walk from her house. Then one of them asked her “is your house close to the ‘Iroko’ tree”? She nodded, “If we take you to where the tree is, will you be able to take us to your house”? She nodded again. Two of the Soldiers held her by the hand and as they walked about 25 minutes, they approached the ‘Iroko’ tree and immediately she led them to her house. The ‘Iroko’ tree was a landmark, it was a pointer and a guide and that was why she just couldn’t miss her house from where the tree was located. In Deuteronomy 19:14, Moses was instructing the people of God not to remove the ancient landmarks which were set by the men of old with regards to their inheritance in the Promised Land. In Genesis 7:12, God had already spoken to Abraham that He would give his descendants the land of Canaan as an inheritance in his fourth generation (Genesis 15:16). The Children of Israel were the fourth generation that possessed the land of Canaan and the inheritance was named after them according to the word of God. The twelve children of Israel became the twelve tribes representing the nation of Israel. The landmarks which were set at the time of laying out and allotting the land to the twelve tribes of Israel were significant for proper identification of their inheritance as the inheritance passed from one generation to another. The rightful inheritance of each of the twelve tribes of

Israel could only be identified by the landmarks that were put in place, the landmarks were part of their identity. In the same vein, there are ancient landmarks of spiritual truths and standards that were established by our fathers for the church. The ancient landmarks according to the scriptures are the precepts that guided the people of God in their walk with God. Let’s take a look at a few of these ancient landmarks:

Ancient Landmark of Faith. The Christian race is a

journey of faith. Faith is so crucial that without it we cannot please God (Hebrews 11:6). Faith is believing and trusting God and it entails waiting on Him to do whatever we are asking of Him. It is not helping God to bring His promises to fulfilment, it is not living a life of compromise and looking for short cuts for self-gratification. It is not looking for alternatives when there is a delay. It is waiting on the Lord to do it at His own appointed time so that His name can be glorified. Jesus was speaking to His disciples and He asked a fundamental question in Luke 18:8b “Nevertheless when the Son of Man shall come, will He really find faith on earth?” Jesus posed this question when he was speaking on the parable that men always ought to pray and not lose heart. Faith is expressed by what we do and that is why faith and work are inseparable, faith alone without work is an exercise in futility. We don’t give up in the place of prayer until He intervenes. We grow in faith, God takes us from one level of faith to another.

Ancient Landmark of Obedience. Obedience to the

word of God is paramount in our walk with Him. God demands obedience at all costs, whether it is convenient or not. We cannot fully demonstrate our faith in God without obeying Him. When God told Abraham to leave his country and go to a place that He will show him, he simply obeyed without rationalizing it. The promises of God are ’yea’ and ‘amen’ but we have to play our own part of fulfilling the conditions attached. In Isaiah 1:19, the scripture says “If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land;” There is a willingness that comes from the heart to obeying or following instructions, you don’t just obey because you must do it, it has to come from the heart so that we can derive maximum benefits from the blessings therein. God also demands total and not partial obedience to His words. Partial obedience portrays a lack of faith in God and does not yield good results. As we grow in the Lord, we learn to obey Him, obedience is a learning process. (Hebrews 5:8)

Ancient Landmark of Love. God’s love is expressed

to mankind when He gave his only begotten Son to die on the cross for the remission of our sins. We reciprocate His love for us by keeping his commandments. Our Lord Jesus was speaking in John 14:15 “If you love Me, keep my commandments”. We cannot say we love God and be living in disobedience. We are admonished to love one another as Christ loved us (John 15:12). How did Christ demonstrate His love for us? He loved us unconditionally,

our love for the brethren ought to be likewise. The early church in Acts chapter two grew on a daily basis because of the love among brethren. The love was so attractive that many were propelled to join the early church and be part of the family of God. The body of Christ must be united in love as a weapon against the enemy to bring lost souls to the kingdom. Love is expressed in giving. Everyone has got something to give in selfless service to God and humanity so that we can continue to be a light in the midst of a dark world. In Hosea 5:10 God was furious against those that remove the bounds, the word ‘bound’ is synonymous to landmark. There is only one gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and its doctrines are set out in the scriptures. Ministers of the gospel are expected to teach sound doctrines in the light of the word of God irrespective of the geographical location. The bounds and standards should be clearly set out and maintained consistently over time. The diverse cultures of nations with their belief systems and the social structures in different societies tend to justify the philosophy of relativism but the word of God and its doctrines cannot be compromised. Where the culture or structures put in place by the traditions of men contradicts the gospel, the word of God must take precedence. The standard of God as spelt out in the scriptures should not be lowered in order to accommodate variation in socio-cultural differences but different methods or strategies that are feasible could be employed in reaching out to people of diverse cultures within the bound of love. This calls for the need to foster unity in doctrines within the body of Christ in these end times as we launch out to rescue souls for Christ. Why is God so passionate about preserving these ancient landmarks? The ancient landmarks are a part of our identity in Christ Jesus, removing them therefore implies that there is no significant difference between us and the people of the world. In another scripture in Genesis 18:19, God was speaking confidently concerning Abraham that he would command his children and his entire household to follow after his example to keep the way of the Lord. The jet age with its numerous technological advancements has simplified access to the word of God so that we can become more acquainted with it and well equipped. God is expecting so much from us to be role models to our children, our entire household, our community and the society at large. We cannot give what we don’t have, these ancient landmarks must be seen and demonstrated in all that we do, we must teach our children in whichever medium available to convey them in a language that they can understand. We’ll have to leave behind a legacy of faith in Christ Jesus so that our children can pass it on to the next generation. It is in preserving these ancient landmarks in our walk with God that we can also lay hold tenaciously to our inheritance which is reigning with Christ in eternity. It is our prayer that the Lord will find us worthy co-labourers in His vineyard. Amen!


Mum of 3 makes her business dream a reality


enny Inglis - Is a mother of

three, who is an inspiration to mothers who dream big. Despite the busyness of motherhood, she has found time to create a monthly science magazine called ‘Whizz, Pop, Bang’ that helps young children to engage with science. She didn’t just have an idea and dream that one day in an ideal world, it would happen, she rolled up her sleeves and made it happen now. sunrise caught up with Jenny to discover how she made her vision a reality. Jenny thank you for talking with sunrise,

Where did you get the inspiration from to start a monthly science magazine for children?

I’ve had a thing about getting more kids into science for a very long time – well before I had children of my own. As a child, I absolutely loved solving puzzles and it seemed to me that science was full of puzzles and unanswered questions and I found that really exciting, so I fell in love with science at an early age. I went on to study physics at Birmingham University and, as a female, found myself very much in the minority. After I was awarded my degree, I wanted to reach out to children in some way – and in particular to girls – and encourage more of them to take up science. So, I got into children’s science publishing, producing educational books, magazines and software and I even spent some time appearing as a regular science expert on BBC1’s Blue Peter, doing experiments live on air, which was thrilling, if fairly nerve-wracking! Since having children, I have mostly been a stay-at-home mum. I wanted to be around for my kids and make the

most of their precious early years. But as my youngest approached school age last year, I felt ready for a new challenge. Like many parents, I despaired at the magazine aisle in the supermarket. The vast majority of children’s magazines are split into a sea of pink princesses, pets and crafts for the girls and action heroes and football for the boys. Almost all the magazines have cheap plastic toys on the front, but sadly, the toy often breaks soon after purchase and the magazine content is thin on the ground and full of advertising. With my passion for science I began to think about starting a new kids’ science magazine – one that was gender-neutral, free from advertising and rich in engaging content that would help families to discover the fun of science.

What was the process that you went through from first having the idea to making it a reality?

I think my breakthrough moment was when I read about – it’s a funding platform that allows people to pledge to pre-purchase products before the products are made. This enables new businesses to raise the funding they need to kickstart their venture. So, I began to mock up some magazine pages myself, teaching myself Adobe Illustrator and InDesign and then I set up a website. I needed some professional help with the design and illustrations, so I tracked down a couple of talented freelancers, and finally I got my Kickstarter project underway. I set my funding target at £10,000, and then embarked on trying to spread the word. It takes TONS of energy to run a successful Kickstarter project. You need to promote your project non-stop. If I didn’t reach my goal within the 30day deadline, then noone’s pledges would be fulfilled and the


project would be dead in the water. With the help of lots of friends and lots of complete strangers spreading the word and pledging their support I managed to raise £12,000 and Whizz Pop Bang was born!

What advice would you give to other mothers out there who may have a dream to do something similar to you but don’t know where to start?

Just go for it! Put aside your fears and self-doubts. You only live once, so make the most of it and act on your dreams. Just start somewhere, anywhere. Perhaps teach yourself some new skills – maybe set up a website – it’s so easy to do these days. With each little success, you’ll grow in confidence and get better and better at ignoring your fears and doubts.

How do you balance motherhood with career? What tips can you share?

Launching my magazine coincided with my husband changing his career too, which was daunting, as neither of us was earning any money! But thankfully it actually worked out really well as it meant that Joe could be around more and do a lot more of the school runs and household chores. I couldn’t have done what I’ve done without his help. I have also had to get better at delegating. To start with I was very precious about wanting to do every aspect of the business myself, but I’ve come to realise that it’s just not possible. I was regularly working until 1 or 2am each night and that’s just not sustainable in the long run. I think that feeling guilty is part of motherhood and I have had to come to terms

with it. I felt guilty for being a stay-athome mum – not earning any money, not sending my children to nursery to ‘socialise’, was I being true to myself, was I being a suitable role model for my daughters? But I feel equally guilty about working – do they resent the fact that I’m directing so much energy elsewhere, am I missing out on their childhood? I try to strike a balance. I work from home, so I’m always around for them if they need me. Whenever I can, I try to stop working for a few hours when they come home from school before starting up again in the evening. For those that may be thinking ‘Science? What can my child do with science’? What is the usefulness of science and what careers are available to those who pursue science academically? Oh wow, there is no end of answers to this question! People often imagine scientists as fuddy-duddy professors in lab coats, staring at their science experiments all day, and it’s true that some scientists do work in labs, but they’re not all ancient, bearded men – anyone can be a scientist. But also, most scientists don’t actually work in labs. With science qualifications, you’re not restricted to academia; the world’s your oyster! We try hard to get this message across in Whizz Pop Bang with interviews with all sorts of different scientists. So far we’ve had a chocolate scientist (that was actually my sister, who works for Cadbury’s doing things like the theoretical modelling of molten chocolate!), an orangutan conservationist working in tropical rainforests, a robotics scientist designing micro robots and we even managed an exclusive interview with British ESA astronaut, Tim Peake so, there really is a whole world of science out there and kids can use science qualifications as a springboard to all sorts of amazing careers.

The magazines you have created are aimed at 6-11 yr olds, why it is important that children learn about science early in life?

Children are at their most inquisitive when they’re young. They’ve got so much to discover and learn and they ask brilliantly insightful questions. I think it’s really important that we encourage and nurture this enthusiasm so that they have the confidence to continue with science as they grow older.

Do you think that schools are doing enough to get children interested and passionate about science? I think it can be really difficult for primary schools in this country to engage children with science. A large proportion of them don’t have a single teacher with a science background and most primary schools don’t have the resources, time or funding to be able to properly champion science. The government recommends that primary school children spend at least two hours per week on science, but a recent survey found that most schools weren’t even managing that; the government focuses so strongly on literacy, numeracy and testing, that other subjects have had to be put on the back burner. I believe that the government should try to encourage science much more proactively in primary schools. We have a real shortage of scientists and engineers in this country and I believe that if we can get children hooked on science from an early age, they are much more likely to carry that passion through as they grow up.

Your magazines are accessible for both boys and girls but you do have an emphasis that science is not just for boys. Why do you think that science is more popular among boys and how can this be corrected?

Sadly, by the time they get to A-level, lots of girls choose not to study science, despite performing just as well and sometimes better at boys in scientific subjects. I believe that a lot of the trouble stems from our long-held perception that science and engineering are predominantly male career options. This is a stereotype that we are all guilty of perpetuating to some degree. Right from the day they are born, girls are given clothes and toys adorned with princesses and cup cakes and boys are given vehicles and cranes. There aren’t many parents who would buy a science set as a present to take to a girl’s birthday party, whereas it’s a common gift for a boy. So, as parents, I think we need to change our behaviours and make a real effort to let children make their own choices, rather than foisting our prejudices onto our kids. I also believe that it’s really important for both girls and boys to be able to see female scientist role models so that both sexes grow up in the knowl-


edge that science is for everyone. Hopefully that will lead to a much more inclusive, fair and balanced environment for the next generation of scientists.

What’s next for Whizz Pop Bang, are you planning to make the magazines available in shops?

Whizz Pop Bang is only available by subscription – or by purchasing individual magazines online. I will probably keep it that way because it’s such a harsh world out there on the newsstand shelves – it’s so difficult to compete with the sea of plastic toys that parents and children are faced with. Instead, I’m planning on continuing to grow organically – largely by word of mouth, which has been amazingly effective so far – we have over 7000 super-happy and engaged subscribers already, and we’re growing every day! Over the coming year I plan to focus on continuing to improve the magazine to make it as engaging, fun and informative as possible and then, who knows, perhaps I’ll launch another magazine a little further down the line – once I’ve caught up on some sleep! Thank you for talking with us Jenny, we wish you all the best in your future endeavours.

You can subscribe to Whizz Pop Bang at Jenny has set up the coupon code sunrise so that readers of this article can receive an extra magazine for free when they sign up using the coupon code at the check out.


10-Year old Ify Ufele wows Fashion World with her African-Inspired Designs Egypt “Ify” Ufele is a young girl doing great things. She is just 10 years old but she has already launched a clothing label featuring an African-inspired collection packed with bold hues, tribal prints, and shapes that accommodate women, men, girls and boys of all sizes called ChubiiLine and debuted her fashion line at the New York Fashion week in February.

and one of my other favourite designers is Betsy Johnson. You use African print in your designs, indeed your website says your designs are about “bringing Africa to American, one design at a time.” What inspired you to use African designs and materials? My dad is Nigerian, so I like African prints and, I get my materials imported from Africa.

Ify Ufele thank you for agreeing to talk with us here at sunrise Magazine. Indeed Ify has been to various parts of Africa several

times with her mother Dr. Reba Perry who says “Ify has

Congratulations on the debut of your fashion line at traveled to many parts of Africa several times with me New York Fashion Week in February this year. It will surprise readers to know that you are only 10 years old and already you have your own fashion line. How old were you when you began to have an interest in fashion? I was 3 years old when I started finding interest in designing but I realized that I could design at age 5 years old when I started designing clothes for my dolls.

doing peace missions. She has visited really rural areas with no running water, no fridge, no stove, and witnessed kids and adults with no shoes or even clothes. We have been in areas with just running cold water and no electricity. There are children Ify’s age, who care for their sibling because the single mom has to go to work. To succeed, she has to adapt to different cultures”. Perhaps this is what has given Ify such a broad view of

Do you sew the clothes yourself? life as she seems to be very mature for her age. I sew the clothes using my grandma’s sewing machine and for more detailed items I have my grandma help Ify, there is a big difference from sitting at home dreamme. ing of being a designer and debuting your fashion line at The New York Fashion week. How did you make your Where do you get your inspiration from? dream a reality, what was the process and what challengI get my inspiration from my senior sister Sade Perry es did you have to overcome? from Misperri Fashions. She is also a fashion designer I was being bullied at school about my weight and with the help of my mum and grandma, I decided to use fashion as a way to open a platform for models of sizes to be included in the fashion industry. My mum had some contacts as she


has her own talk show and I was able to get a spot in the New York Fashion Week. What advice could you give to young people about how to translate your ideas into reality? You have to follow a vison board and be very disciplined. You have to give up a lot of your personal time if you want to be successful.

Ify is extrememly displined, in fact her schedule could not be kept by many adults and she is only 10 years old! She wakes up at 5: 30 a.m. for prayer, 5: 45 asthma treatment nebulizer machine, 6 a.m.-730 a.m. pattern making, 7:30 a.m. breakfast, 7:45 school, 2:30 p.m. homework, 3:30 sewing, 5 p.m. guest appearance or reading a book, and 9 p.m. bed. Weekends are booked shows or guest appearance. Two times a month she has down time to be with peers. Ify when you have time, apart from fashion, what are your other interests and passions? I love drawing and roller skating

Bullychasers is my anti-bullying company. We provide services for children that were bullied and provide educational resources. I go to schools to talk about the effects of bullying on people’s mental states. What has happened since the New York Fashion week debut, what kind of feedback have you received? The feedback has been great, since NYFW I have been featured in several magazines such as Black Enterprise, CNN, Huffington Post, Popsugar, Positively Black etc. I have also received a Black Girl Magic award, Believe in a Black Girl award and a Danny Glover Achievement Award and others. What is next for Chubbi Line, will the clothes be available for sale soon? The designs are in mass production now and are available in in 4 chain stores in the US and online via Thank you for talking with us at sunrise, we wish you all the best in all your endeavours.

Your fashion line is called Chubbii Line, where did the inspiration for this name come from? Chubiiline is an exaggerated version of chubby but in a positive way. I make clothes that fit all body shapes and sizes. Many people go through bullying at school and become depressed, what helped you to rise above it? My family is a God fearing family. We spend a lot of time together and it helped me transition my anger in a positive way. One of your slogans is Bully Chasers, what does this mean?



Afternoon Tea Worthy of a Queen!


n Sunday, 12 June 2016, the nation will celebrate Queen Elizabeth’s 90th birthday with the Patron’s Lunch. This will be a street party on The Mall in front of Buckingham Palace in London and 10,000 guests are invited to a picnic lunch whilst watching street performers and circus acts. The Queen’s grandson, Peter Philipps, is organising the event. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh are expected to welcome thousands of members from more than 600 charities and organisations, each of whom are proud to have Her Majesty as their patron. Why not replicate the event with a street party in your own neighbourhood? Below our some recipes to create a truly spectacular afternoon tea worthy of a Queen! CORONATION CHICKEN SANDWICHES

Originally called “Chicken Elizabeth”, this recipe was invented by Constance Spry and Rosemary Hume, the principals of the Cordon Bleu Cookery School, and was developed for Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation in 1953. With tender chunks of chicken coated in a mildly spiced sauce with mayonnaise, the dish was deemed to have the appropriate combination of luxury and austerity at a time when the country was still experiencing post-war rationing. INGREDIENTS For the rolls ½ tsp dried yeast Pinch of sugar 150g strong wholemeal flour 50g strong plain flour 15g unsalted butter, cubed Good pinch of salt For the coronation chicken 1 tsp curry powder 4 tbsp mayonnaise 1 tsp crème fraîche 1½ tbsp mango chutney 100g roast chicken, shredded Sprigs of watercress METHOD • Put the yeast in a bowl with the sugar. Add 1 tbsp warm water and set aside to allow the yeast to activate. • Sift the flours into a bowl and rub in the


butter and salt with your fingertips. • Make a well in the middle and pour in the yeast mixture, along with 125-150ml warm water. Mix well then knead on a board to make a soft, sticky dough. Place in a clean bowl, cover and allow to rise for 30 minutes in a warm place. • Divide the dough into six and shape each one into a finger roll. • Put on a baking sheet lined with baking parchment and leave to prove for 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 375F/190C/ Gas 5. Bake the rolls for 15-20 minutes until golden and the base sounds hollow when tapped. Cool on a wire rack. • Put the curry powder in a pan and heat for a minute or two until you can smell the aroma of the spices. Tip into a bowl and add the mayonnaise, crème fraîche, chutney and plenty of seasoning. Stir in the chicken. If the mixture is very thick, stir in 1-2 tsp water. • Slice the rolls in half. Spoon a little coronation chicken on to the bottom of each, top with watercress then rest the roll on top and serve. Recipe from Tea Fit For a Queen in association with Historic Royal Palaces (Ebury)


In 2006 Prince Charles hosted a surprise celebration for his mother’s 80th birthday at which guests enjoyed a simple English menu followed by a sumptuous slice of chocolate sponge layered with a Highgrove fruit filling. SERVES 16 INGREDIENTS 100g Belgian milk chocolate A little unsalted butter, to grease 225g self-raising flour 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda 25g cocoa powder 125ml sunflower oil 125g light soft brown sugar 2 medium eggs, at room temperature For the filling and decoration 150g Belgian dark chocolate (minimum 70 per cent cocoa solids) 50ml milk 125mI double cream 2-3 tbsp raspberry jam 150g mixed summer fruit (strawberries, raspberries and blueberries)

• Divide the mixture evenly between the tins and bake for 20‑25 minutes until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Remove the cakes from the tins and cool on a wire rack.

100ml buttermilk 50-75ml milk, plus extra for brushing To serve Clotted cream Jam

• Make a chocolate ganache icing by melting the dark chocolate in a heatproof bowl, as before. Stir in the milk then set aside to cool.


• Whip the cream in a separate bowl until thick and moussey. Use a large metal spoon to fold in one large spoonful of the cream to the chocolate mixture. Continue to gently fold in the remaining cream until smooth. • Put one cake half on a cake stand and cover the top with jam. Place the other cake half on top. Spoon about half the ganache on top of the cake and slowly start to work it down the sides to cover the cake, adding spoonfuls of ganache to the sides until it is all covered. Put the remaining ganache on top and swirl into a pleasing pattern. Pile the fruit into the middle of the cake, slice and serve. Recipe from Chocolate Fit for a Queen in association with Historic Royal Palaces (Ebury Press)


METHOD • Break the chocolate into pieces and melt slowly in a heat-proof bowl set over a pan of just‑simmering water, making sure the base of the bowl doesn’t touch the water. Once melted, set aside to cool for 10 minutes. • Preheat the oven to 360F/180C/Gas 4. Grease and line two 20cm round cake tins with greaseproof paper. • Sift the flour, bicarbonate of soda and cocoa powder into a large bowl and make a well in the middle. Stir the oil, 75ml water and sugar into the melted chocolate, then whisk in the eggs. Pour half the mixture into the well and fold in, then mix in the remaining chocolate mixture.

These delightful fruity scones are the ones you will find served for afternoon tea at The Orangery at Kensington Palace. The recipe pays tribute to Queen Anne, who built the magnificent glass structure to house her collection of citrus trees. MAKES 8 INGREDIENTS 225g self-raising flour 50g chilled unsalted butter, cubed 2 tbsp golden caster sugar Grated zest of 1 orange 50g currants


• Preheat the oven to 430F/220C/Gas 7. Line a baking sheet with baking parchment. • Sift the flour into a large bowl. Rub the butter into the flour using your fingertips until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Stir in the sugar, zest and currants. • Make a well in the centre and pour in the buttermilk and milk. Use a round-bladed knife to stir everything together to make a rough dough. Bring it together with your hands then tip it gently on to a board and knead it lightly and quickly until smooth. • Pat down and shape into a round about 2.5cm thick. Cut out rounds using a 6cm cutter, then place on the prepared baking sheet. Brush with a little milk and bake for 15 minutes, until just golden, then transfer to a wire rack to cool. Serve with clotted cream and jam. Store in an airtight container for up to three days. Recipe from Tea Fit For a Queen in association with Historic Royal Palaces (Ebury)



n February this year Senamiso Mathobela, 35, became the first female Power System Control Engineer in National Grid. She monitors the Northern England and Wales part of the Grid, which caters for about 12milliion electricity consumers sunrise caught up with her to find out more.... SENAMISO THANK YOU FOR TALKING WITH SUNRISE. FIRSTLY WHAT IS A POWER SYSTEM CONTROL ENGINEER AND WHAT DOES YOUR JOB ENTAIL? The job involves monitoring the power system for faults and any abnormal occurrences essentially ensuring the smooth transfer of electricity from the generation sites to the consumer. WERE YOU SURPRISED WHEN YOU GOT TO KNOW THAT YOU ARE THE FIRST FEMALE TO BE A POWER SYSTEM CONTROL ENGINEER IN THE UK? It wasn’t a surprise as I knew when I applied for the job that I would be the only woman to have done the job so far. It was an achievement to get the job after competitive interviews and then to pass the authorisation after an 8 month training period. WHY HAS THIS BEEN A MALE DOMINATED ROLE? There are very few women in the engineering field to start with which makes engineering a male dominated field in general. The PSCE role is quite challenging and most women find the 24hr shift

working pattern not suitable for them I think. HOW DO YOU THINK MORE WOMEN CAN GAIN EMPLOYMENT IN PREVIOUSLY MALE DOMINATED ROLES? I think education and encouragement needs to start at lower levels such as secondary schools. Girls need to be encouraged to take up STEM subjects so as to gain access to fields such as engineering. Breaking the stereotypes of science and physics being viewed as boys’ subjects is the first step towards getting women into male dominated fields. YOU ARE ORIGINALLY FROM ZIMBABWE, WERE YOU DOING THE SAME JOB IN ZIMBABWE? Yes I was. I worked as a Junior Dispatch Engineer at the National Control Centre in Harare WAS IT ALSO A MALE DOMINATED ROLE IN ZIMBABWE OR WERE THERE OTHER WOMEN DOING THE SAME JOB? It was, I was the only woman working in the Transmission Control Room HOW DID YOU COME TO WORK IN THE POWER INDUSTRY IN THE UK? DID YOU APPLY WHILE STILL IN ZIMBABWE? Yes, I applied online on the National Grid website whilst still working in Zimbabwe. I got the job and then relocated to the UK. YOU ARE MARRIED WITH YOUNG CHILDREN, HOW DO YOU BALANCE WORK WITH FAMILY LIFE? Balancing family life and work is my


biggest challenge. It takes a lot of forward planning to coordinate shifts with school events and family events. I am blessed to have a supportive husband and between the two of us we manage to keep our challenging jobs and a happy family WITH THE EXPERIENCE GAINED IN THE UK, WHAT IMPROVEMENTS COULD BE MADE TO THE POWER SYSTEM IN ZIMBABWE AND OTHER AFRICAN COUNTRIES? In my view, the power system in Zimbabwe( or the SAPP region) needs investment in power stations. Electricity has become the backbone of any developed or developing economy. Southern Africa needs more generation capacity to sustain development in industry and Agriculture. WHAT’S NEXT FOR SENAMISO? I am not sure yet, at the moment I am just settling into the new role. The future is anyone’s guess. I have gained a lot of confidence since attaining this position. From now on I feel like I can do anything I set mind to do. I hope to do more to encourage women everywhere especially in Zimbabwe to pursue their dreams without giving up despite the challenges faced. THANKS SO MUCH FOR TALKING WITH US. I HOPE LADIES READING THIS INTERVIEW WILL BE INSPIRED TO FOLLOW IN YOUR FOOTSTEPS AND BE RECORD BREAKERS TOO.



ave you received a prophecy or a revelation? The first thing to do is to weigh and test it because the Bible says in 1 John 4:1 “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world”. Once it has been established and confirmed that the prophecy is indeed from God and is God’s will for your life, what is the next step? The purpose of prophecy is to guide you through the assignments that God has for you, direct your prayers and help you to reach your full potential. Many just continue with their lives expecting that a prophecy will manifest without any effort. Such people do not move beyond receiving revelation to outworking it. This leads to the prophecy not manifesting and the person wondering what happened, losing their faith or looking for another prophecy. God has a time for everything and the timing for that assignment or prophecy may have passed without its manifestation. This needs to change in the Body of Christ! Prophecy always demands both response and partnership. Your early response must be faith and prayer. Mary said “May it be done to me as You have said” and then she worshiped (Luke 1:28). That’s a response and a good start. But in addition she had to carry the baby and then physically give birth to it? What ‘babies’ are you carrying right now that need to be birthed and

BRINGING PROPHECIES INTO MANIFESTATION brought to life? Our prayers need to move into the proactive and strategic, pulling on the Lord for more. God loves it when we come to Him and interact with Him with hearts of faith and a desire to fulfil what He’s saying. Paul’s response on the road to Damascus is a perfect example of a proactive strategic person. Paul said “Who are you?” (Acts 9:6). Good question! We always need to discern who is speaking to us, the origin of the spirit behind what is said, as well as what is said. He also asked: “What should I do? “Paul knew that when God spoke He required some kind of action. Faith without works is dead (James 2:26). We have established that our first responses should be faith and prayer. What are the next steps? We can use the practical, intellectual and financial resources we already have. Looking at what is already in your hand that can be put to work. Definitely since God’s initiated it He needs to be involved supernaturally in it and He also expects us to use what He’s given us. We see this in Jesus’ teaching about the talents. Even in supernatural manifestation Moses was asked. ‘What do you have in your hand?” (Ex 4:2). God used who Moses was and what he had with him. What do you have that God can use, anoint, multiply? Therefore, if we want to outwork our prophetic words there are some things we need to ask ourselves and activate. 1. Establish that the word is from God. 2. Respond with faith and obedience. If


the Lord gives instructions, do them! 3. Ask Him ‘What do you want me to do?’ 4. Think and research. What resources are needed to fulfil this word? Remember the Lord is really practical. He gave clear outlines for the building of the Temple in 1 Kings 6, and brought in expert craftsmen to accomplish it. 5. What do I need to learn, or become, to fulfil this word? 6. Where can you get the knowledge, training to fulfil it? 7. What resources do you already have? What have you got in your hand? If it’s nothing what can you pray for? 8. What’s the next step? Let the Holy Spirit guide you in the journey. There will be a process along the way, and some testing. You will no doubt take many unexpected roads and paths, which will shape and train you and prepare you to carry the promise that you have. Keep your focus clear. The Lord will keep confirming His true word, as He did with Abraham. Whatever you do, do something! Don’t let another prophecy sit in a drawer or in your journal gathering dust. Rise up, pray, believe God and TAKE SOME ACTION! Let’s see what our King will do on behalf of those who believe Him and seek to outwork what He has said!

By: Sarah Rowlinson Sarah Rowlinson is a senior life coach who is passionate about people and organisations becoming all they are meant to be. She can be contacted via


Stella Fasusi-Olomu A Woman at the Frontline of Community Building Stella Fasusi-Olomu is a 24 year old woman who is passionate, very active and inspired to make a difference in her community in Croydon. Most recently she held an event titled ‘SUPERWOMAN 2015’ on Thursday 22nd October at the Croydon Conference Centre, bringing people together to celebrate black womanhood and to have an interactive discussion about Black British experience in the UK. With an exciting panel of inspiring women, dynamic performances and a Speaker’s Corner, Superwoman 2015 empowered women to embrace who they are and be the best that they can be in their career and personal lives. She also won the Youth Leader of the Year award at the BEFFTA 2015. sunrise had a chat with Stella to find out more about what motivates her to be so involved in her community, what make a woman ‘superwoman’, the process to success and much more.

Stella, thank you for talking with sunrise. It is great to have the chance to talk with someone who is so passionate about making their community better.

What was the process to getting it organised and what activities did you do?

You studied law at the University of Kent, Canterbury where you were an elected Ethnic Minorities officer for the student union and you co-ordinated the university's first Black History Month campaign. Was the University supportive concerning the Black History month Campaign?

I started organising it after exams in the term before, so that would have been around June, just before we broke up for the summer. I created a plan from the vision I had for it and shared it with the activities officer at my university briefly before reaching out to the president of the African Caribbean Society, to share my ideas and discuss how we can bring them to the life with the help of his team. I worked through the summer to coordinate speakers for these events, also thinking of thought-provoking topics for the discussion forums, getting posters designed and reaching out to artists who could perform. The opening event was a presentation from ‘Black History Walks’ historian Tony Warner, who did a talk on ‘Black British Civil Rights History’. We hosted The Great Debate Tour (Elevation Networks national tour) here at Kent for the first time. Then rounded up the series of events with a showcase (drama, dance, art, poetry and a fashion show) – this was probably the hardest to organise. I had never directed or written a stage show before, but I had great support.

Yes! Absolutely, they were. It was quite exciting for the Student Union actually, because I think prior to that, there may have been only one event here or there for black history but never a month-long campaign.

Many students decide to focus on their studies alone at University, what motivated you to campaign for the Ethnic Minorities Officer position? I originally wanted to run for the sabbatical

You are involved in several initiatives in Croydon which we will talk about in a moment but firstly what is your biggest inspiration for all that you do? Thank you for having me! My biggest inspiration, and it may sound quite broad and cliché but I’d say it’s my desire for unity among people, mutual understanding and respect. All the initiatives that I’ve been involved with reflect this I think. We are all one and should respect and help one another and everyone has a part to play, wherever they are.


student welfare officer role that year (which I ran for the year after) but upon hearing about the ethnic minorities officer role, and hearing that not a lot had been done in this remit for BME students at Kent, I thought, ‘I should do it.’ I’ve always been passionate about the experiences of POC and women, and being at university where we’re not greatly represented encouraged me to drive this representation and to go for it. How would you advise students to balance their studies with voluntary activities? Always prioritise your studies. There were times where my balance was completely off and my studies would suffer but I had to learn to quickly correct this because at the end of the day, you’re still at university to study and to get your degree, everything else is secondary. It all comes down to good time management, knowing when to say no and knowing how to use your free time. It appears that the University appreciated all your work while you were with them as you were awarded the National Union of Students Black Students’ Award for Campaign of the Year 2011. And Kent Union also, named you Campaigner of the Year in 2011 and awarded you the honour of Life Member of Kent Union in 2012. Congratulations! Any tips for readers who want to be a successful campaigner?

Thank you! Those were incredible moments. Tips: 1.Always follow through with your passion. That’s something no-one can take from you. When you have a vision, your passion, plus hard work is what will see it through. 2.Don’t be afraid to share your ideas with others, especially those that have the skills to help take your campaign to the next level. Sometimes we can be a bit precious about our ideas and don’t want to share them, but as the saying goes (and as cheesy as it sounds) “team work makes the dream work!” Others will buy into your vision because of your passion. 3.Time management is everything. 4.Don’t be afraid to fail. If it doesn’t work ‘oh, well’ you’ve gained experience. 5.Share it EVERYWHERE! What good is a campaign if no-one sees it? You’re raising awareness about something so make sure you (strategically) share on as many relevant platforms as you can. Stella organised the Superwoman 2015 event during Black History Month. The theme for the month in Croydon was "women in leadership" and on October 22, Stella brought together activists, entrepreneurs and artists for a panel discussion. I love the idea of a ‘Superwoman’ event. What does it take to be a superwoman in your opinion? ‘Superwoman’ for me defines the modern woman. We do a lot. We organise our homes, we are entrepreneurs, community workers, artists, students, leaders, activists, friends, sisters, daughters, and mothers. Not necessarily all of these things at once (although some people are), whether we’re at home or at work, we as women exhibit strength, whether we feel it all the time or not. In addition to all of this, in the case of women of colour (WOC) we also bear the burden of further discrimination in our society, all while still striving to achieve. ‘Superwoman’ is about recognising our strengths and celebrating each other. Where did you get the idea for the event and what was the process for making it a reality? I had the idea a few years ago but the name came literally weeks before the event. Croydon’s theme for black history month was ‘women in leadership’ so I felt I HAD to do some something, being that this is one of my greatest passions – celebrating black women and sharing our experiences as black women in this country. I contacted Croydon Conference Centre to host the event there, they were very accommodating. I reached out to women who I found inspiring and I contacted friends who were

photographers, videographers, graphic designers and promoted it as hard as I could. The theme was Women in Leadership, what are 5 qualities of a leader that will propel them to the top of their field? Humility, diligence, understanding, resilience and passion. There are also so many books and blogs out there that are full of encouragement and support for women. One the books I would recommend is ‘7 Traits of Highly Successful Women on Boards’ by Dr Yvonne Thompson and two blogs I would also recommend: and (latter is not exclusively for women but inspiring for all.) Which female leader would you say is a positive role model for young women in the UK today? This is a tough one. There are actually so many. Can I name three? Justina Mutale, gender equality activist, Gina of Just Geen (qualified trainer and caterer, promotes health, fitness and positive body image) and Eliza Rebeiro, founder of Lives Not Knives (an awareness campaign to prevent knife crime). You work for Croydon Commitment, a charity which helps businesses to give back to the community. How does Croydon Commitment create links between local businesses, charities and voluntary groups? Croydon Commitment utilises the skills and resources of the business community and matches it with the needs of the voluntary sector. Croydon Commitment also organises a variety of corporate social responsibility initiatives for its business members - these include, business mentoring opportunities and skills training for voluntary groups, employability skills workshops and work taster opportunities for unemployed people, career advice and confidence building for young people and/or the long-term unemployed, entrepreneurial challenges with local schools, team-building environmental & clearing projects or redecoration and refurbishment projects for community halls or children’s centres and more. Croydon Commitment also has a small Grassroots trust fund which is awarded every year to small projects and initiatives that help to make life better for people in Croydon. What is the most fulfilling part of your job? It’s often the reaction at the end of a project


or the positive impact on an individual or group. When people come back to me and say ‘thank you so much for organising this, it’s helped ... xyz…’ You are also a commissioner for the Opportunity and Fairness Commission. What does that involve? Yes, there were 13 commissioners in total, chaired by the Jonathan Clark, the Bishop of Croydon. All of us were volunteers and during the course of one year, set out to see how we as a community can make Croydon a better place to live and to work. Through, research, public meetings, appealing for written submissions, we spoke with community groups, residents, businesses. Using an assets-based approach, we looked at how we can use our (very awesome) assets and resources that we have as a borough, as solutions to the problems as well as promote the great work that already takes place in Croydon. We engaged with over 3000 people through our work (which is more than any other fairness commission) and in February we launched our final report with our recommendations. We received a positive reception at the launch of the report which had nearly 200 local people in attendance. Wow! You really are a busy lady! How do you balance everything that you do and still have a social life? What time management advice could you give to our readers? Ha! Sometimes, I really don’t know! I really enjoy meeting people and making connections, hearing about other people’s interests and what their passionate about. In terms of time management, the biggest thing I would say is to prioritise. We don’t have to do everything at the same time – this is the biggest lesson I learnt in time management. It’s easy to burn out when you want to do so much but it’s important to remember that we’re only human and we’re most effective when we tackle a small number of tasks at a time. Also, making time for others and socialising is very important. We all need each other and it’s important to take time out to breathe, have fun and be around those whose energy lifts you up. Thank you for talking to sunrise Stella, we are very inspired to do more in our communities through talking to you. God bless you. Thank you very for speaking to me, I appreciate it!


Spiritual Awakening


y heart is filled with hope for another great spiritual awakening in the United Kingdom. A few months ago while in prayer I saw a vision of millions of people across the United Kingdom turning to the Lord. With this vision came the Scripture

Seymour in 1909 that in about 100 years from then, there would be a move of God released to the earth that would far surpass what happened in Azuza and this move of God will happen all over the world. The Azusa Street Revival was a historic Pentecostal revival meeting that took place in Los Angeles, California. It was led by William J. Seymour, an African American preacher. It began with a meeting on “Ask of Me, and I will give You The nations for April 9, 1906, and continued until roughly 1915. ToYour inheritance…” Psalm 2:8 day, the revival is considered by historians to be the primary catalyst for the spread of Pentecostalism in I felt faith arise in my heart for a great harvest of the 20th century. This year is the 110th anniversary souls. of The Azusa Street Revival. A similar prophecy was released by Charles Parham who was on the oppoThere have been many prophetic words spoken site side of the country round about the same time.. over the United Kingdom of great moves of the Spirit resulting in many turning to the Lord. We are yet to see the manifestation of these words. Howev- In 1947 Smith Wigglesworth also prophesied, “I see er, I have a sense that we could be entering a sea- the last day revival that’s going to usher in the preson when like a woman in labour, the church needs cious fruit of the earth. It will be the greatest revival to PUSH to see the birthing of these promises that this world has ever seen! It’s going to be a wave of have been spoken of. the gifts of the Spirit. The ministry gifts will be flowing on this planet earth. I see hospitals being empDuring the Azuza Street Revival of 1906 in Los Ange- tied out, and they will bring the sick to the churches les there was a prophetic word released by William where they allow the Holy Ghost to move.” 50

Daniel 9:2-3 says “I, Daniel, understood from the Scriptures, according to the word of the Lord given to Jeremiah the prophet, that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy years. So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes.”

In these dark days we need to see His glory arise upon us, His people (Isa 60:1-2). I’m believing God for a prayer and fasting revolution across the body of Christ that results in the greatest harvest of souls we have ever seen.

Notice that 2017 will mark the 70th year since Smith Wigglesworth’s prophecy. Daniel responded to the prophetic word of Jeremiah with fasting and prayer. This led to the fulfillment of that prophetic word. It was John Wesley that said “God will do nothing on earth except in answer to believing prayer”.

In Joel 2:28 there is a prophecy of the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit the Nations of the earth have ever seen. However, the fullness of the fulfillment of this promise is connected to the people of God responding en masse in fasting and prayer (Joel 2:12, 15, 16).

I believe we are in a significant time in history and these prophetic words speak of a move of God on the horizon that far surpasses anything we can imagine. Believing this is not just about mental assent, it actually demands a response in our lifestyles. Today many Christians are not focused on Gods purposes for the Nation or the Nations. We are mostly just wanting God to bless us (which He wants to do as our heavenly father) but the question is: Does God exist for us or do we exist for Him? Many of us seek His hands not His face.

I believe we are yet to see the fullness of the fulfillment of the prophecy of Joel 2:28. What happened on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2 was just the beginning. “For the Glory of the latter house is going to be greater than the former” Haggai 2:9 Again and again we see through history that God releases sovereign visitations to His Church when they seek Him by uniting in fasting and prayer. What would happen if the Body of Christ across the United Kingdom give themselves in united fasting and prayer in order to see the release of the great harvest? I believe we are on the verge of something very significant. There are moments in history when a door for massive change opens. Great revolutions for good or for evil occur in the vacuum created in these openings. It is in these times that key men and women, and even entire generations, risk everything to become the hinge of history- the pivotal point that determines which way the door will swing. – Lou Engle

By: James Aladiran James Aladiran is the founder of Prayer Storm which is a movement of worship, prayer and fasting crying Just like Daniel responded to the prophetic word of out to God for a great awakening in our Nation. For Jeremiah with a life of prayer and fasting, we as the more details visit church need to begin to respond to God’s prophetic word over the UK and His promise of a great awakening with a life of prayer and fasting, seeking His face and interceding for the nation. 51



People will not respond to you as a leader if they don’t understand why you are asking them to do a task. People don’t want to only know the how but they want to know the why.

Great leaders don’t just share their vision, they do so in a way which also speaks to the emotions and aspirations of the listener.


eople often confuse the terms ‘manager’ and ‘leader’; they are not the same thing although it is possible and even necessary to be both at different times but know that a leader cannot only be a manager without the qualities that make up a leader. A leader has a vision, or is creating visions. Managers, on the other hand, plan. Leadership is about asking the questions, ‘what’ and ‘why’ and empowering people by giving them the responsibility to do things right. Leaders therefore work with people and their emotions. Managers ask, ‘how’ and work mainly with processes, models and systems – things. You can see how both are necessary but you do need to make sure that if you are a leader, you don’t just manage but you inspire those you lead with your vision. God has called all of us to be leaders and all of us are therefore to have vision. Vision is about knowing your purpose, which direction you are going and why. Next we need to communicate that vision to those we are leading whether professionally, socially and at home in family settings whether you are a spouse or a parent. People will not respond to you as a leader if they don’t understand why you are asking them to do a task. People don’t want to only know the how but they want to know the why. Warren Bennis, a professor at the University of Southern California created this table to highlight the differences between leaders and managers. Because leaders work with people and their emotions, it is simply impossible to become a great leader without being a great communicator. You will need to communicate your vision and empower those who are following you.


Please know that you can talk a lot but fail to be understood which means you have not communicated. Communicating is to succeed in conveying one’s ideas or in evoking understanding in others: From our earliest days in the classroom we are trained to focus on enunciation, vocabulary, presence, delivery, grammar, syntax and the like. In other words, we are taught to focus on ourselves but communication is also about communicating in a way that is relevant to the hearer. Great leaders don’t just share their vision, they do so in a way which also speaks to the emotions and aspirations of the listener. They realize if their message doesn’t take deep root with the audience then it likely won’t be understood, much less championed. Here are some keys that will help you to communicate more effectively as a leader in your home and work place.

1. Learn to first communicate with God:

When leaders lean too much on their own understanding it often leads to trouble. -- Trusting in God brings good direction and success. (Proverbs 3:5-6; 14:12) When leaders rely on their own abilities or strength it often leads to burnout. -- Depending on God brings renewal and the ability to soar. (Isa. 40:28-31; Phil. 4:13)

2. Earn the trust of those you lead:

As the Bible says let your yes be yes and your no be no. If your words are empty, meaning they cannot be taken seriously because you don’t action them, then no-one will bother to listen to you. They will think you are just blowing off steam. In most cases, people just won’t open up to those they don’t trust. When people have a sense that a leader is worthy of their trust they will invest time and take risks in ways they never would if their leader had a reputation built upon poor character or lack of integrity

3. Get personal:

Avoid too much of texting, emails and memos. Communicating face to face is always the best. The more personal and engaging the conversation is the more effective it will be. There is great truth in the following statement: “people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” If you don’t develop meaningful relationships with people you’ll never know what’s really on their mind until it’s too late to do anything about it. Text messages and emails can be misinterpreted or read as rude when that was not your intention. Know how those you are leading receive information as individuals. Everyone is different and what one perceives as polite, another perceives as rude. What one person perceives as too much information, another thinks it is too little.

4. Plan ahead:

Don’t always react spontaneously rather take time to think about how to present what you want to say. To facilitate this, use the following two-way communication primer: » Prepare how you’ll communicate • Clarify the goal of the communication. • Plan carefully before sending it or meeting in person. • Anticipate the receiver’s viewpoint and feelings. » Deliver the message • Express your meaning with conviction. • Relate the message to your larger goals. • Identify the action to be taken. • Confirm the other person understands. » Receive the message • Keep an open mind. • Identify key points in the message. • Value constructive feedback and use it to grow. • Confirm your understanding. » Evaluate the effectiveness of the communication afterwards » Take corrective action as necessary

than complicated and confusing.

6. Listen:

James 1:19 says “Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry”. You need to communicate that you have listened. Respond quickly to communication, even if you receive a message that does not require a response, just appreciate the email or text. Engage in active listening rather than passive. Listening is not something that just happens (that is hearing), listening is an active process in which a conscious decision is made to listen to and understand the messages of the speaker. Listeners should remain neutral and non-judgmental, this means trying not to take sides or form opinions, especially early in the conversation. Active listening is also about patience - pauses and short periods of silence should be accepted. Listeners should not be tempted to jump in with questions or comments every time there are a few seconds of silence. Active listening involves giving the other person time to explore their thoughts and feelings, they should, therefore, be given adequate time for that. Reflective listening is where you summarise what you heard back to the talker to be sure you understood correctly.

7. Remember non-verbals:

Watch your tone. It doesn’t matter what you say if your tone is abrupt, bored or impatient. As a leader, you are no doubt very busy but if you don’t have time to give someone your full attention, fix an appointment for another time without making them feel worthless or less important.

8. Conversation Starters:

Be up-to-date with current affairs so that you have conversation starters in networking situations. Try to know one or two interesting facts about various countries so that no matter who you talk to or where they are from, you will have something to say.

9. Read between the lines:

You need to have the ability to understand what is not said, witnessed, or heard.

10. Be prepared to change the message if needed:

Be perceptive and aware of whether your message is going down well or not. If need be, change tack, rather than plough ahead when no-one is on the same page. Use great questions, humour, stories, analogies, relevant data, and where needed, bold statements to help connect and engender the confidence and trust that it takes for people to want to engage. If you have seen some areas where you need to improve in your communication as a leader, get help to improve. Don’t make the mistake of thinking, “Well, that’s just me. I can’t change how I speak or behave – that’s my personality.” You can improve your communication style and approach, and make them more effective, successful and empowered. There is so much material online and courses you can do that will help you to communicate better in all your relationships both at home and work. With the Grace of God, all things are possible. You can contact Andrea via

5. Get specific:

Communicate with clarity. Simple and concise is always better




In the first part of this article (see sunrise, Autumn 2015), we mentioned the need for both parties in marriage to be deliberate in ensuring that they enjoy marital bliss in line with the Manufacturer’s desire. We also stated that: “ important and potent as it is; prayer alone doesn’t sustain the love relationship. Hence, you might have seen or heard people say that they prayed and fasted but their marriage still collapsed.” We then discussed some of the things that can serve as barriers to marital bliss – lack of love, money; and in-laws etc. In this second and concluding part, we would like to discuss some other things that are capable of making it difficult to achieve marital bliss, and how, in our own opinion, they should be handled. • CONFLICT MANAGEMENT It is a fact of life and part of social interaction that conflicts will arise. The Bible states in Luke 17:1 (NKJV) that offenses are sure to come; and it has nothing to do with the absence or presence of love. While, we are not advocating that spouses should use this as an excuse to be unreasonable or difficult in their relationships; it is important for them to be conscious of this fact so as to prepare to be good conflict/crisis managers. The human mind seems to be more at ease with recalling/storing negatives than positives, so beware not to keep records of wrong doing. Doing so, would be like stuffing your hard

disk with viruses, it wouldn’t yield any good outcomes. Train yourselves in the skill of discussing conflict areas (Matthew 18:15). It is important to be humble and admit your faults with apology. Furthermore, be willing and generous to forgive whenever you are wronged. Someone was quoted to have said: “Great marriages are not made by great givers of love but by great forgivers.” • CULTURAL BELIEFS The barrier referred to as “cultural beliefs” has torn some spouses apart; and it is still at work in preventing marital bliss. We have always stated that we believe that the best way to enjoy any product is to follow the manual as provided by the manufacturer. In the same vein, for married couples to enjoy real marital bliss, they should adhere to the principles as outlined in the manual of Love (Holy Bible). For instance, we are of the opinion that any cultural belief that considers/treats a party in marriage to be inferior should not be followed. For in the manual, they are no longer two but one – Matthew 19:6. The originator of love relationships frowns at the practice of placing cultural beliefs above His principles as could be seen in the discussion recorded in Matthew 15:1-9. It is wisdom therefore that anyone who sincerely wants to enjoy marital bliss should be careful to maintain Biblical principles and throw away every cultural belief and practice that contradicts it. An author advised 54

married couples that the manual expects you to “treat your wife like a queen, treat your husband like a king.” • SIN (Success In Nothing) Disobedience to God’s instruction (see 1John 3:4), which is called sin and referred to as success in nothing is to be avoided like a plague to enjoy marital bliss. The manual of love (Holy Bible) states in Proverbs 21:16 (KJV) that: “The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the dead.” That is because grace will no longer abound when someone continues to violate God’s commandment. Let everyone that aspires for marital bliss depart from iniquity – 2Timothy 2:19. Stay away from all forms of perversion, no matter how popular or widespread it may be. Obey God and follow His principles even if it seems not in vogue. Friends, let Jesus be the Lord of your marriage as a good and enriching life is in Christ Jesus alone. (For more on this subject matter, you may read our book “Enemies on Rampage – Fire Back!” Also available on Amazon Kindle)

Bayo and Funmi Eesuola are Pastors @ RCCG Love Assembly in London; they also run ‘HELPS Counsellors’ (a Christian charitable organisation).

MATTERS OF THE heart rea d

Dear An

A problem is only a problem until you find the solution. Are you searching for a solution to a problem that has so far remained elusive? Maybe you need a second opinion or some advice concerning a situation you are facing? Whatever the need, here at sunrise Magazine, we want to help, whether it be a problem, an irritant, a matter of the heart, a situation at work, dealing with children, youth issues, suicidal thoughts, finance, the stress of day-to-day living or any other issue. We believe at sunrise Magazine that God has called us to bear one another’s burdens. (Galatians 6:2) With this in mind sunrise has created this space for you, the reader, where you can write in with your questions or problems and receive honest and non-judgemental advice concerning your situation. Thank you to those who have already written got in touch with your questions, the questions and answers are printed below, if you would like further input, feel free to get in touch. If you introduced someone to drugs because you were once a drug addict but later you went to seek help and were delivered from that addiction but the person you introduced to drugs continued using drugs and later died, are you guilty of the person’s death? Firstly, I believe that everyone is a product of their own choices. There is a known phrase that you can take a horse to the water but you can’t make him drink. Introducing someone to a bad habit you were engaged in `while an unbeliever, is of course not a good thing to do but once you have repented of that sin, you are not responsible for the choices they go on to make. Ezekiel 18:20 says “The person who sins is the one who will die. The child will not be punished for the parent’s sins, and the parent will not be punished for the child’s sins. Righteous people will be rewarded for their own righteous behaviour, and wicked people will be punished for their own wickedness”. I want to assure you that once you have asked for forgiveness from God, you are forgiven. You cannot continue to carry around the guilt of your sin. 1 John 1:9 says “But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness”. There are some things you could do if led by the Holy Spirit in terms of restitution. You could ask God what he would want you to do such as helping to care for the family of the deceased etc. We have thus far talked of what you may have done as an unbeliever, going forward as a believer you need to be aware that the Bible does says that we should not do anything to cause our neighbour to stumble. Romans 14:13 says “So let’s stop condemning each other. Decide instead to live in such a way that you will not cause another believer to stumble and fall”. 1 Corinthians 8:13 says “So if what I eat causes another believer to sin, I will never eat meat again as long as I live—for I don’t want to cause another believer to stumble”. Matthew 18:6 says “But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea”. Once we are in the light we are expected to act like it and we will be held accountable. I trust that this has been of help.

Could a Christian meet a spouse through social media or dating sites and would it be right? Social media and dating sites are a symptom of a changing technological world which some cannot comprehend as in ‘our day’ it was not so. However, these days, it is common to interact with friends, friends of friends and even people that you don’t know on Social Media. I would not say it is wrong at all because technology has made the world to be a global village and you can link up with amazing people online that can enrich your life and you may even meet someone who could be your future spouse. I would however caution that you MUST be led by the Spirit at all times. The danger is that you cannot know if someone is being genuine when you meet them online. All you have to go on is the public profile that they have uploaded. Counterfeits are all around both in and out of the church and so a discerning Spirit is needed. These counterfeits are like wolves waiting to tear sheep apart. The media itself has talked much about the dangers of revealing personal information on these sites to people that in most instances you have never met. People have been deceived, robbed, defrauded, molested, raped and even murdered through people they met online. People put fake photos up, lie about their age, marital status and all kinds of things. You need discernment to pick the truthful one out of the myriad of liars. A child of God, then on Facebook or other sites should be also be wise about what they share and discerning about who they meet. Don’t visit dating sites out of desperation to find a spouse as you will see only what you want to see. Please also never meet someone for the first few times alone. Take someone with you and only meet in a public place. Another point to note in terms of choosing a spouse is that if you live in different cities or even countries than the person you have met online, you cannot observe how they conduct their daily lives so be careful and prayerful. Once you have established regular contact with someone, seek counsel from your Pastors and begin premarital counselling quickly. If the other party is demanding that you keep the relationship a secret, then be careful, why do they not want anyone to know? Be wise and listen to the Holy Spirit. Finding a spouse can seem like a minefield but remember that with God there is a peace that passes human understanding.

Andrea Onduku has been happily married for 11

years to Dr. Akpo Onduku and together they are the Parish Pastors of RCCG Chapel of Grace, a growing parish in Bradford, West Yorkshire. Andrea is also a devoted mother of three young children. She has a strong passion to see the hurting restored and relationships repaired, as well as a desire to encourage individuals to realise the destiny and purpose that God has created them for. Andrea has a degree in Counselling and Psychology in the UK and she studied Marriage and Family Therapy at the postgraduate level in the USA. She also holds several professional qualifications including a certificate in PAIRS (Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills) from the USA & OCN qualifications in Information, Advice and Guidance and Conflict Resolution and Management. Send your problems or questions, which will be treated in the strictest confidence, to






t first it may seem that that statement isn’t quite right and you may not believe it. After all aren’t only “super Christians” used by God?” You may be thinking, “I’m just an ordinary person, what can God do with me?” This is exactly what Satan wants you to think. You may think, “I’m totally unworthy to be used by God.” People discount themselves from being used by God for so many reasons. Some look at their flaws, some look at their past, some look at their failures, some look at their brokenness and some look at their marital status. Do you know that all you need to look at is Jesus who is to be the author and finisher of your faith?

a prerequisite for being used by God. Many of the men and women used by God to do wonders in the Bible were still unmarried. Indeed Jeremiah was not married when God used him as a prophet. I want to tell you today that God also wants to use YOU, don’t count yourself out, and don’t waste another day waiting for the future. The future will come, marriage will come but don’t delay to do what God wants you to do right now in the present. In Jeremiah 51:20-21 Jeremiah prophesied “You are my battle-ax and sword,” says the Lord. “With you I will shatter nations and destroy many kingdoms. With you I will shatter armies- destroying the horse and rider, the chariot and charioteer. Who was Jeremiah talking to? Who was the battle axe that God chose?


Are you d i s counting yourself from being used by God because you are not yet married? Are you waiting until you get married before you walk in God’s plan for your life? I assure you that being married is not

G o d needed a battle axe to take revenge on Babylon. Jeremiah 51:24 says “I will repay Babylon and the people of Babylonia for all the wrong they have done to my people in Jerusalem,” says the Lord. In this case the battle axe was Cyrus, whom God


used to conquer Babylon. The walls of Jerusalem had been destroyed at the orders of the King of Babylon. This is recorded in 2 Kings 25:10. The people were taken into exile. The book of Ezra tells of how the people returned to Jerusalem from exile. Babylon had been overthrown by Persia and the Cyrus, King of Persia decided to allow the people of Judah where Jerusalem was situated to return home after 70 years in exile. Surprisingly it was the King of Persia who instructed that they should rebuild the temple when they got back. He even gave them protection, money and the temple articles that had been taken by Nebuchadnezzar. God therefore even used an unbeliever to be His battle axe. How much more, can God use you who is His child?

WHY DOES GOD NEED A BATTLE AXE? Exodus 15:3 says God is a warrior; the Man of war is His name. Every warrior goes to battle with weapons of warfare trusted, effective and reliable. No warrior ever goes to battle without his weapons, no matter what it is; there must be something with which the warrior hopes to fight.

To be God’s battle axe means you are His weapon of warfare. He intends to fight battles through you. A battle axe is anything in the hand of the warrior that is capable of bringing down the enemy. So God is saying with you in His hands, He can bring down any enemy. Think about Moses when he was to go to Egypt to bring up the children of God. God told him, ‘I have made you a god unto Pharaoh…’ Exodus 7:1 This would mean that whatever God would have done by Himself to Pharaoh, He would do through Moses. Pharaoh did not see God but he saw God’s power working through Moses. People should see the power of God in you as a child of God. The world is a battle-field and it is a place of darkness. Many Christians have died untimely and some are in hell now because they refused to be the battle-axe of God. Today, beloved, you have the opportunity of making the choice of becoming God’s battle – axe or not. A good axe must be swift, sharp, strong and powerful. God expects every Christian to be His battle-axe, which He will use in destroying the kingdom of darkness. Unfortunately some Christians choose to be tools and toys in the hands of the devil; instead of battle-axes in the hands of God.




1. You must be SHARP What sharpens you as a child of God is the word of God. When the word of God is rich in you, you will be a sharp axe in His hands. The word of God can cut into pieces anything it lands upon. With the word of God you can bring into captivity everything that exalts itself above the knowledge of God. Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God

is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart”. Matthew 21:44 “And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder”. The stone in the passage talks about the word of God. 2. You must be RUST FREE An axe must not get rusted; otherwise, it becomes blunt and will not be able to chop anything. Rust in the life of a Christian could be in many forms. Any atom of worldliness leads to impurity and hinders people from prospering in the things of God. Some of the impurities include: Sin: Disobedience against the words of God, either spoken or written would make the axe head to be blunt. Pride: When you allow what you have to get into your heads, you can run yourself blunt as God’s battle axe. Impure love for the opposite sex: Many people started on the right track with God but fell out because of this sin. Solomon was lured away from God by women and he sinned against God. Samson was prophesied into being and he was a special child dedicated unto God. He was powerful but gave himself up to a woman who betrayed him and died with his enemies. 3. Must pass through FIRE An axe is made from metal; for it to get its shape, the metal-smith puts the metal in fire and hits hard on it, to shape-shift it, So also are human beings in the hands of God. If you must become God’s battle-axe, passing through fire becomes non-negotiable. Passing through fire might not be pleasant but in the end, it makes a person a better vessel. Passing through fire could be trials, temp-


tations, hardship etc. Sometimes, a person passes through fire without knowing why, until God promotes them.

WHY DOES GOD WANT YOU TO BE A BATTLE AXE? • To destroy the kingdom of darkness Jeremiah 1:10 – “Today I appoint you to stand up against nations and kingdoms. Some you must uproot and tear down, destroy and overthrow. Others you must build up and plant”. • To destroy demonic agents - 2 Corinthians 10:4 – “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds”. • To destroy satanic principles and practices - 2 Corinthians 10:5 – “Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ”. Except you are a battle-axe in the hands of God, you cannot do the above mentioned things. Being God’s battle-axe, takes more than church attendance. You have to start from the starting point, which is an encounter with the Lord, before you can grow and groom yourself into being useful and useable in His hands. Keep yourself sharp at all times. Remember: Ecclesiastes 10:10 “Using a dull ax requires great strength, so sharpen the blade. That’s the value of wisdom; it helps you succeed”.






he Bible says the just shall live by faith (Romans 1:17). In other words, as a believer of Christ if we do not live by faith, we are as good as being dead spiritually which is dangerous concerning our eternity and the fact that the spiritual realm controls the physical realm. As a believer one of our obligations in pleasing our creator is by exhibiting our belief in Him. Indeed, the Bible says that without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). However, most believers are operating below the expected level of faith or no faith at all. Folks I would like to share briefly with you some practical steps in building your faith in God which I have applied in my circumstances and challenges and they have worked for me. If you intend to fulfil your destiny in life you’ve got to have unshakable faith and the Bible recalls in John 10:10 that the devil came to steal, kill and destroy and for him to achieve this he will do everything to kill your faith. The Bible says “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). Faith is a substance, this means that faith is a material, it’s an ingredient that we need in order to get what we desire to fulfil our destiny. Faith is also a vehicle, a channel, a pathway, a road, it is a means to an end, hence when we utilise our faith it becomes a road for us to get what we are believing God for. Hebrews 11:3-39 tells the story of the saints of old and what they accomplished by faith. By faith the world was formed, by faith Abel gave a more excellent offering, by faith Enoch was taken up, by faith Noah built the ark, by faith Abraham was willing to offer Isaac as a sacrifice, by faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau, by faith Joseph prophesied, by faith Moses was hidden from the King, by faith Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt, by faith the walls of Jericho came down, by faith Rehab saved her family and so on. Everything happens by faith. You too can achieve your purpose in life by faith. To do great exploits by faith, we need to be active. James 2: 20 tells us that faith without works is dead therefore faith is a tool, it’s productive. In Mark 11, Jesus taught his disciples to lay emphasis on


having faith IN GOD rather than themselves. Whatever you focus on is what you believe in. Jesus illustrated in the story about the fig tree that it is better not to focus on the impossible situation but rather focus on God who is in control of the impossible situation. We should also know that faith has the ability calls those things which do not exist as though they did and they shall become exactly what we say. Faith therefore is the bridge between where we are and where we are going. God focused will faith will produce faith filled words and we have whatever we say. The question is how do we get this kind of faith? From research I have realised that most people are operating below God’s expected level faith for us or have no faith at all. According to Matthew 14:31, we all have an element of faith that we have been given but you need to grow your faith to what is expected of you by God so that you will please Him and do exploits for Him. To grow your faith, follow these SIX practical steps. 1. Admit that you need to increase your faith (Mark 9:24) 2. Ask the Lord to increase your faith since He is the originator of faith (Luke 17:5) 3. Add virtue to your faith (2 Peter 1:5) 4. Build up your faith by praying in the Holy Spirit (Jude:20) 5. Look unto Jesus who is the author and the finisher of your faith (Hebrews 12:2) 6. Ask Jesus to intercede for you, that your faith will not fail you on your days of trials, challenges and temptations (Luke 22:32)

By: Emmanuel Folarin PIC RCCG His Dwelling place Bilston

How to Achieve Better Results in Less Time Seven Key Steps to Effective Time Management “If you do not use your time well, you are wast- a large extent, a man is a product of what he spends most of his time on. ing time and waste of time is waste of life”. 4.Be diligent: Proverbs 21:5 says “The thoughts of the Ecclesiastes 3:1 says “To everything there is a season, diligent tend only to plenteousness; but of every one and a time to every purpose under the heaven”. This that is hasty only to want”. There is reward in being means that if an individual is doing the right thing diligent, if a man be diligent in his work, he will sit at the wrong or inappropriate time, the individual with kings. is wrong and indeed, wasting time and therefore re- 5. Acquire more knowledge and wisdom: Proverbs sources. Also, it is clear that nothing on earth will 6:6-8 says “Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her exist forever and so we must make the most of the ways, and be wise: Which having no guide, overseer, time we have. Time is limited and is different from or ruler, Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest”. Acquire more knowleternity, which is everlasting. Good time management increases effectiveness, effi- edge and wisdom to be more effective. ciency and productivity. It involves using less time in 6. Avoid procrastination: Proverbs 6:4 says “Give not sleep to thine eyes, nor slumber to thine eyelids” and getting better results. Ecclesiastes 11:4 says “He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall 7 USEFUL TIME MANAGEMENT KEYS not reap”. Therefore, do not postpone what you could 1. Define your objective: In order for an individual, do today until tomorrow, for tomorrow will have its family, organisation or institution to manage time ef- own challenges. fectively, there is need to set SMART targets, that are 7. Delegate tasks effectively: Exodus 18:17-22 tells us specific, measurable, achievable or attainable, relevant of when Moses took the wise advice of his Father-inor realistic and time bound. James 1:8 says “A double Law and delegated his tasks to 70 elders. minded man is unstable in all his ways”. 2. Plan your time: Luke 14:28 says “For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it”? In planning, you need to set your priorities right. Most important and urgent matters or tasks should be attended to first. Planning your time will help you to be more focused. Furthermore, be sure you are realistic with your plan. Too many activities within a very limited time, will put you under pressure and that may affect your results adversely. 3 Be wise in the use of time: Ephesians 5:15-17 admonishes us to be wise; to be careful how we live, and to make the best use of our time because the times are evil. Therefore, time should be used judiciously. If you do not use your time well, you are wasting time and waste of time is waste of life. A man that is twenty-four years old and has slept for eight hours on a daily basis has already slept for eight years. So, what do you spend most of your time on? To

No matter how hard you are or how strong you are, you cannot do everything for yourself by yourself. One of the most important ways to stay on point is to effectively delegate tasks that can be done by others. Before we conclude, here are some quotes on time management: “Be careful to make a good improvement of precious time.” David Brainerd “Time is your most precious gift, because you only have a set amount of it.” Rick Warren “Short as life is, we make it still shorter by the careless waste of time.” – Victor Hugo Save the excuses. It’s not about “having” time. It’s about making time. If it matters, you will make time. Unknown author Finally, while you manage time here on earth, be heavenly focussed. Time is limited but eternity is forever more. Deacon Isaac Otabor RCCG Chapel of Grace, Bradford

By: Isaac Otabor 61








chips away at our sense of self-worth and gives us a distorted picture of who we really are. If unchecked it can damage us drastically and we begin to compromise in our expectations of life. We become unable to draw our self-esteem from our heavenly father. We cannot see ourselves as the wonderful, gifted people that God has made us. We begin to take our self-esteem from the wrong things. We think we are the clothes we wear, the car we drive, even our postcode! We think we are the title we are given or position we hold in church.

I was very fortunate to have a father who helped to instil a very healthy self-esteem in me. There is one conversation in particular that always stays with me. One day my dad sat me down and began to extol all my virtues (as he saw them.) “Bebe, you are pretty, you can cook, you are intelligent, you are funny…” on & on he went. Finally he said “So when it comes time to get married, don’t let any man make you think that he is doing you a favour by putting a ring on your finger, because he’s not. Rather YOU are doing HIM a favour because you will be an asset to any man that marries you!”

ome of us are trapped in jobs and relationships that when we are honest with ourselves, we know are hurting us and making us unhappy, but we stick with them purely because we are secretly asking the question, “CAN I?”, “CAN I leave this job that I hate to go and start that business;” Well, armed with that kind of self image, it was impossible for me to marry just any man that came Most people I meet are capable, educated and great along. I made sure that I waited for a man that I beat what they do, so why does this question arise for lieved was worthy of me. Thankfully, he has proved them in the first place? One major reason is poor to be exactly that! self-image. Sadly some people end up marrying someone they When we are told we are not good enough in some should not have even had dinner with because they way by those that matter in our lives, such as a par- think (based on their poor self image), that that’s ent, a teacher or a friend, it does something to us. It the best they can achieve or the most they deserve. 64

So here’s some tips on how to move from bitually makes the second statement is more positive about the situation and as a result their brain is ‘Can I?’ to ‘I will’. 1.

Learn how to handle failure

more likely to go into gear, determinedly seeking a way out of the problem … and as a result will most likely find it.

Failure is a part of life. It is a part of my life and it will 3. Age be a part of your life. GET OVER IT! Failure can do either of 2 things, PARALYSE or PRO- Often, when we reach a certain age, we begin to PEL and YOU get to decide which of these roles it accept our fate in life. We stop dreaming and stop believing that that we can be anything more than will play in your life. we are. Don’t let your age stop you from pursuing People who we hold up as being ‘successful’, were the life you really want to live. not successful at everything they laid their hands to do; not every deal they made made money. (Ask Richard Branson)! That actress made quite a few flops before she got to wave that Oscar! Those with great marriages will tell you that not every day was a honeymoon!

So supposing the thing standing between you and getting that dream job is a university degree, but you are thinking, “I’m 42, if I go back to university, that’ll be another 3 years and I’ll be 45 before I graduate. It’s too long. I can’t do it”. But ask yourself, if you DON’T do the degree, how old will you be in 3 Mary Kay Ash of Mary Kay cosmetics said we ‘fail years’ time? You’ll still be 45, minus a degree! So GO forward to success’. In other words, eventual suc- FOR IT!!! cess is a culmination of a series of failing, getting up, dusting yourself off and trying again. So learn the What do you REALLY want? lessons and keep reaching for the stars! So you want to move from ‘Can I’ to ‘I will’. I will WHAT? You must define what success looks like to you, oth2. Watch your inner conversations. erwise you may spend your life chasing something, Your inner conversations will almost certainly dic- only to find that when you get it, it wasn’t what you tate where you end up in life. The Bible says “As a wanted and that the price that you paid to get it was man thinketh in his heart….so is he” Someone else too high! put it like this: ‘If a man says HE CAN or he says HE Once you identify what you want, your passion, CAN’T, both times, he’s right’! your purpose, your heartbeat, pursue it with every As a trainer in the area of entrepreneurship and iota of your being. You must not compromise. There wealth creation, I get to hear first-hand how some is no honour in living a life that is less than the one people’s inner conversations about money keep we are capable of living; a mediocre, middle of the road, settler’s life. THERE IS NO HONOUR IN THAT! them in poverty. Consider these 2 statements: You CAN have a better life & if you fight for it, you WILL. “I am broke”. “I am overcoming a cash flow problem” In reality they mean the same thing; but they portray two different inner conversations;



The first one is a ‘dead end ‘statement. It’s a statement full of resignation and acceptance of the situation. A person who is likely to make this kind of statement habitually, is unlikely to ever be wealthy. The second one is also a statement of fact, but it is a ‘solution minded’ statement. The person who ha65



By: Akpo Onduku

he Bible in Exodus 3:14 declares that “And ferent from all other God said to Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and existence. “I am, and he said, Thus shall you say to the children there is none beside of Israel, I AM has sent me to you.” It is a me” (Isaiah 45:6). Sectruism that God Almighty is unarguably ondly, I AM is an existThe Great I Am. The Hebrew word for ‘I Am’ is Eheyeh ence out of time, with meaning, the Self-existent One; the One who always which time has nothwill be (Psalm 90:2). So ‘I Am’ means the Ever-presing to do (Revelations ent and Living One. That is to say, Jehovah God is 4:8). This God is the the Eternal and the Forever One. In other words, ‘I limitless One. Revelation 1:8 says “I am the Alpha am that (who or what) I am,’ refers to the fact that and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says God is who or what He says He is. the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” Elsewhere, in Isaiah 40:28, the Bible At the encounter of Moses with God at the Burning says “Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Bush while he was tending the flock of Jethro his Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends father-in-law, the priest of Midian. He led the flock of the earth, He will not grow tired or weary and his to the back of the desert, and came to Horeb, the understanding no one can fathom.” Thirdly, I AM is mountain of God. There the Angel of the Lord ap- an existence that is real, all other being shadowy. peared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a For instance, Jeremiah 10:10 says “But the LORD is bush. There he observed that the bush was burning the true God; he is the living God, the eternal King. with fire, but the bush was not consumed. Moses When he is angry, the earth trembles; the nations said, “I will now turn aside and see this great sight, cannot endure his wrath”. Fourthly, I AM symbolwhy the bush does not burn” (Exodus 3:3). Then a ises an independent and unconditioned existence, conversation ensued and Moses was instructed to from which all other is derived, and on which it is go and lead God’s people out of slavery and cap- dependent. Colossians 1:17 says “And He is before tivity to a Promised Land, Canaan, which is flowing all things, and in Him all things consist.” with milk and honey. He had asked God what he should say if the people asked who sent him. God Prior to the “I AM” declaration, God told Moses in Exreplied, “This is what you are to say to the Israelites: odus 3:6, that “I am the God of your father—the God ‘I AM has sent me to you’. of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look Simply, in the NIV version of the above Scripture upon God.” In verse 7 -8, God said, I have surely seen “God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what the affliction of my people which are in Egypt; I have you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me heard their cry; and I know their sorrows. Therefore, to you.” That is to say, I AM is literally assumed as I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of a name. Firstly, this name implies an existence dif- the Egyptians; I will bring them to a good land; and I 66

will bring them to a land flowing with milk and honey. Therefore, to a considerable extent it can easily be assuaged that God’s covenant name with Israel is “I Am”. “. On this claim, ‘The Great I Am’ revealed Himself mightily in the life of the Israelites throughout their sojourn to the Promised Land. Years later, the same “I AM” is being proclaimed by Jesus in His declarations. In John’s gospel, Jesus was nearly killed for blasphemy when He identified Himself with this “I AM” God who had made Himself known to Moses. In John 8:58-59, He said, “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.” Then they took up stones to throw at Him ….” A journey through John’s gospel reveals that, Jesus made several profound “I am” statements. Jesus identified himself also as the “I AM.” These we hope to dwell on in this piece.

4. I Am the Good Shepherd. This symbolises

security (John 10:1-21). In verse 11, the He said, “I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.” You are secured in Him in this Christian life which is often compared to a journey. 5. I Am the Door. That means He is the gateway or doorway or the access key to God the father (John 10:9) “I am the door, if anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out, and find pasture.” This “I am” proclamation points to His unique divine identity. Jesus is “the door,” not “a door.” Jesus is not only our Shepherd who leads us into the “sheepfold,” but He is the only door by which we may enter and be saved. Jesus is the only means we have of receiving eternal life (John 3:16). There is no other way. He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). He is the only way to the true God.

6. I Am the Resurrection and Life. This points us 1. I Am He. The ‘He’ here symbolises salvation to eternity (John 11:1-27). He said, “I am the resur(John 4:26). I AM the existing Being, the Messiah. I AM HE WHO IS, and WHO WILL BE. That is, I am He that enjoys an essential, independent, immutable, and necessary existence, He that IS, and WAS, and IS TO COME. It explains His name Jehovah, and signifies first, that He is self-existent: He has His being of Himself, and has no dependence on any other. And being self-existent, He cannot but be self-sufficient, and therefore all-sufficient, and the inexhaustible fountain of being able to quench all thirst. Secondly, that he is eternal and unchangeable: the same yesterday, today, and for ever (Hebrew 13:8). The idea expressed by the name is that He is that real, perfect, unconditioned, independent existence.

2. I Am the Bread of Life. This is a symbolism of

rection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live” (John 11:25). In Jesus is life forevermore. Paul said, “for to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21)

7. I Am the True Vine. This is a symbolism for

divine purpose (John 15:1-8). He said, “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. 2 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit” (John 15:1-2). Ultimately, He wants us to be committed soul winners for this is a wise thing to do. His last command is “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen (Matthew 28:19-20).

survival (John 6:25-51). Jesus said, “I am the Bread of life, he who comes to Me shall never hunger and he who believes in Me shall never thirst” (John 6:35). Things may go terribly wrong with our world, and things could go downhill fast but there is hope of May The Great I AM, bless, keep and reward our efsurvival, for Christ in you is the hope of glory (Colos- fort in Jesus name. sians 1:27). Shalom, 3. I Am the Light. This is a symbolism of direction (John 8:12-30). In John 8:12, He said, “I am the light Dr. Akpo Onduku of the world; he who follows me shall not walk in Pastor, RCCG Chapel of Grace, Bradford darkness, but shall have the light of life.” If you trust Twitter @AkpoOnduku and submit to Him in all your ways, He will make your paths straight. His word is a lamp to guide our feet and a light to our path to direct us (Psalm 119:105).










he Festival of Life (FOL), held in October 2015 in London, was once more a platform for worship, soul-winning and intercessory prayers for revival in Great Britain. The FOL was hosted by the General Overseer Pastor E.A. Adeboye who was assisted by ministers from within and beyond RCCG.






t the 2015 Ordination Service, ministers were ordained as Deacons, Deaconesses, Assistant Pastors and Full Pastors. The Ordination Service, held in London, was presided over by the General Overseer Pastor E.A. Adeboye, assisted by RCCG’s Mother-in-Israel Pastor (Mrs) Folu Adeboye and the Special Assistant to the General Overseer Pastor Agu Irukwu.





The Pastors' Retreat was an opportunity for RCCG Pastors from all over the UK to come together and be refreshed as they dealt with the topic 'The New Church'. The retreat was held on the 14th-16th January 2016 at the ACC Liverpool.




The Messiah Marathon Praise worship event, organised by the Youth Ministry of RCCG, was an initiative begun in 2012 when Pastor E. A. Ade­boye the General Overseer of RCCG turned 70 years old. Each year of his life was celebrated with an hour’s praise to God. This year's edition, the 5th in the sequence of what has now become the world’s longest non-stop musical praise concert, commemorated the 74th birthday anniversary of the General Overseer with 74 hours of record-breaking praise to God. Tagged 'Praise without Borders', it took place internationally with multi-site events in Nigeria, London (United Kingdom) and Johannesburg (South Africa). The event kicked off at 1pm on Monday 29th of February and ended on the 3rd of March 2016.



RCCG LEADERSHIP COUNCIL MEETING The Leadership Council meeting is a gathering of all leaders in RCCG from Assistant Area Pastors upwards. It is a time to share ideas and receive instructions to ensure that God's will is done in His church.



Leadership Training h t i w Pastor Agu Irukwu This leadership meeting is one of many planned for RCCG UK Pastors this year at the Central Office and is part of a drive to best position ourselves for Holy Spirit-led church growth. This first session was a whole day of fellowship, teaching, coaching, mentoring, and prayers with pastors by Pastor Agu Irukwu, Chairman of the RCCG UK Executive Council.


RCCG’S VISION IS FOR CHURCHES IN EVERY COMMUNITY. PRAY WITH US AS WE FOCUS ON THESE PARTIALLY REACHED AND UNREACHED AREAS IN THE UK. Avon Bradley Stoke Clevedon Keynsham Nailsea Portishead Thornbury Yate Bedfordshire Ampthill Biggleswade Flitwick Kempston Potton Sandy Woburn Berkshire Crowthorne Hungerford Sandhurst Thatcham Wokingham Borders Coldstream Duns Eyemouth Galashiels Hawick Innerleithen Jedburgh Kelso Melrose Buckinghamshire Beaconsfield Chesham Marlow Olney Princes Risborough Wendover Winslow Cambridgeshire Chatteris Ely Godmanchester March Soham Wisbech Central Alloa Bridge of Allan Callander Dunblane Grangemouth Tillicoultry Cheshire Alsager Bollington Congleton Frodsham Knutsford Macclesfield Middlewich Nantwich Neston Northwich Runcorn Sale Sandbach Widnes Winsford Cleveland Redcar Yarm Clwyd Buckley

Colwyn Bay Denbigh Flint Hawarden Holywell Llangollen Mold Prestatyn Rhuddlan Rhyl Ruthin Cornwall Bodmin Bude Camborne Camelford Falmouth Fowey Hayle Helston Launceston Liskeard Looe Lostwithiel Newquay Padstow Penryn Penzance Redruth Saltash Torpoint Truro Wadebridge County Antrim Ballycastle Ballyclare Ballymena Ballymoney Bushmills Carrickfergus Crumlin Larne Lisburn Newtownabbey Portrush Randalstown County Armagh Armagh Craigavon Lurgan Markethill Newry Portadown County Down Ballynahinch Banbridge Bangor Castlewellan Comber Donaghadee Downpatrick Kilkeel Killyleagh Newtownards Portaferry Rostrevor Saintfield Warrenpoint County Fermanagh Enniskillen Lisnaskea County Londonderry Coleraine Limavady Londonderry Magherafelt Portstewart

County Tyrone Castlederg Clogher Coalisland Cookstown Dungannon Fintona Fivemiletown Omagh Strabane Cumbria Alston Appleby in Westmorland Barrow in Furness Carlisle Cockermouth Grange over Sands Kendal Keswick Kirkby Lonsdale Maryport Penrith Staveley Ulverston Whitehaven Windermere Workington Derbyshire Ashbourne Bakewell Belper Bolsover Buxton Dronfield Glossop Heanor Ilkeston Long Eaton Matlock New Mills Ripley Swadlincote Whaley Bridge Devon Ashburton Axminster Barnstaple Bideford Bradninch Brixham Buckfastleigh Budleigh Salterton Crediton Cullompton Dartmouth Dawlish Exmouth Heathfield Holsworthy Honiton Ilfracombe Ivybridge Kingsbridge Lynton Moretonhampstead Newton Abbot Okehampton Paignton Salcombe Seaton Sidmouth South Molton Tavistock Teignmouth Tiverton Totnes Dorset Blandford Forum Bridport

Christchurch Dorchester Ferndown Gillingham Lyme Regis Poole Sherborne Swanage Verwood Wareham Weymouth Dumfries and Galloway Annan Castle Douglas Dalbeattie Dumfries Kirkcudbright Langholm Lockerbie Moffat Newton Stewart Stranraer Wigtown Durham Barnard Castle Bishop Auckland Chester le Street Newton Aycliffe Dyfed Aberaeron Ammanford Burry Port Cardigan Carmarthen Fishguard Haverfordwest Lampeter Laugharne Llandeilo Llandovery Llanelli Milford Haven Narberth Newcastle Emlyn Pembroke Tenby Tregaron East Sussex Battle Bexhill on Sea Crowborough Hailsham Hastings Heathfield Hove Lewes Newhaven Polegate Rye Seaford Uckfield Wadhurst Essex Brightlingsea Burnham on Crouch Coggeshall Hadleigh Harwich Maldon Manningtree Rochford Saffron Walden South Woodham Ferrers Thaxted Walton on the Naze Auchtermuchty Burntisland


Cowdenbeath Cupar Inverkeithing Kinghorn Kirkcaldy Ladybank Leven Markinch Newport on Tay Pittenweem Gloucestershire Chipping Campden Chipping Sodbury Cinderford Dursley Fairford Lydney Moreton in Marsh Nailsworth Newent Painswick Stroud Tetbury Tewkesbury Wotton under Edge Grampian Ballater Banff Buckie Cullen Dufftown Forres Keith Kintore Laurencekirk Lossiemouth Oldmeldrum Peterhead Greater Manchester Ashton in Makerfield Droylsden Dukinfield Farnworth Horwich Hyde Westhoughton Gwent Abergavenny Abertillery Brynmawr Caldicot Cwmbran Ebbw Vale Monmouth Newport Newport Tredegar Usk Gwynedd County Abergele Amlwch Bala Bangor Barmouth Beaumaris Betws y Coed Blaenau Ffestiniog Caernarfon Conwy Criccieth Dolgellau Holyhead Llandudno Llanrwst Penmaenmawr Porthmadog Pwllheli Tywyn

Hampshire Aldershot Alton Andover Fareham Farnborough Fordingbridge Gosport Havant New Milton Petersfield Ringwood Romsey Tadley Totton Whitchurch Winchester Yateley Herefordshire Bromyard Hatfield = not the one in Hertfordshire Hereford Kington Ledbury Leominster Ross on Wye Hertfordshire Buntingford Hoddesdon Royston Sawbridgeworth Tring Ware Highlands and Islands Cromarty Dingwall Dornoch Grantown on Spey Kingussie Kirkwall Lerwick Nairn Tain Humberside Barton upon Humber Beverley Bridlington Brigg Cleethorpes Driffield Goole Hessle Hornsea Howden Market Weighton Pocklington Withernsea Withernsea Isle of Wight Brading Cowes Newport Ryde Sandown Shanklin Ventnor kent Broadstairs Edenbridge Faversham Herne Bay Hythe Lydd Ramsgate Sandwich Southborough



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