Sunrise Spring 2017

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The Magazine of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, United Kingdom

Blessings of Jesus’ Resurrection Fulfilling Destiny

- Pastor E. A. Adeboye








ISSN NO:2042-6542 EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief: MODUPE AFOLABI Managing Editor: YINKA ODUWOLE Editor: ANDREA ONDUKU Photographer (RCCG Events): KUSH; FEMI Designed by: IFE SAMUEL & OLUMIDE OKE Published by: The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Central Office, United Kingdom All Correspondence to: Sunrise Magazine, RCCG Central Office, Redemption House, Station Road, Knebworth, SG3 6AT The views expressed by contributors to sunrise are not necessarily a reflection of the official doctrinal positions of RCCG.The publisher, editors, contributors and related parties are not responsible in any way for the actions or results taken by any person, organisation or parties on the basis of reading information, stories or contributions to be found in this publication.

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34 OUR PARISH 36 THE WILL OF GOD 38 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 40 THE PARACLETE; THE WOMAN 42 RELATIONSHIPS 44 MATTERS OF THE HEART 49 DRAMA ACADEMY 55 EMERGING LEADERS 56 RCCG EVENTS 80 DEDICATION OF NEW CENTRAL OFFICE 83 RCCG UK CALENDAR Plant the Word of God as a Seed in the Fertile Minds of our Young Ones The Toddler, Junior and Teen Zeal are Teaching Resources for Children and Youth

Limited Stock of 2016/17 Edition still Available at the RCCG Central Ofď€ ce OMC Stand

The RCCG UK Edition of the Zeal is published by The Redeemed Christian Church of God, United Kingdom.


Pastor E. A. Adeboye General Overseer, RCCG





estiny is the plan of God concerning your life and it has been settled before you were born. Psalm 115:3 says that our God is in heaven and He does as He pleases. In Romans 9:15-16, He stated clearly ‘I will be merciful unto whom I will be merciful, I will show compassion unto whom I will show compassion’. That’s why Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:9-10, ‘I am what I am by the grace of God’. Whatever you are today, it is by the Grace of God alone. Psalm 33:8-11 tells us that when God speaks, it is done and He makes the evil devices of people useless. In other words, no matter how your enemies may be trying to block your destiny, God has the power to reduce all their power to nothing. The counsel of the Lord stands forever therefore what He has decided to do is a matter that is settled forever. He is the Alpha and Omega (Revelation 1:8). Your destiny is decided by God, not by your parents or where you were born.

God usually gives a hint as to what your destiny is, He will give you a glimpse of His plan for your life so that when delays or diversions come, you will know. In the Bible, God gave Joseph a glimpse of his destiny. In Genesis 37:5-11, Joseph had two strange dreams where his family bowed down to him meaning that he would be a ruler. The enemy tried to make the dream to not come to pass by using Joseph’s brothers to first plot to kill him and later sell him to slave traders. However, their plan failed and Joseph became a ruler over Potiphar’s affairs. The enemy struck again, this time using Potiphar’s wife. Even in prison, Joseph excelled and in the end we read that indeed Joseph’s brothers came to bow down before him because he became a ruler over all of Egypt, second in command to Pharaoh. Moses is another example. Hundreds of years before Moses was born, God spoke to Abraham, ‘I know today you are still barren but out of you will come a Nation. This Nation will be in a foreign nation for four


hundred years then I will bring them out to serve Me and they won’t come out empty handed, that was the first hint (Genesis 15:13-14). The devil knew this and was counting the number of years, he knew that the Deliverer of Israel was going to be born and so he used Pharaoh to begin to kill all the Hebrew boys that were born in Egypt. Death was waiting for Moses but the Almighty God, the One who fulfils destiny, kept death away from him. The reason you are still alive today is because God has a purpose for your life and that purpose will be fulfilled in Jesus’ Name. We can also look at the case of David in 1 Samuel 16:1-13, the Almighty God spoke to Samuel to go to the house of Jesse to anoint one of his sons to be King. David was overlooked by his father but not by God. Anywhere you are, destiny will locate you. When David was being anointed king, he was just 17 years old, there was another king on the throne and David himself didn’t sit on the throne until thirteen years later. What was the reason then for

this anointing by Samuel? It was to give David a glimpse of what was coming. The devil really tried to kill David, he sent a lion and the lion died, he sent a bear and the bear died, he sent Goliath and Goliath died. Several times King Saul, as soon as he realized that David would succeed him, threw a javelin at David but each time the javelin missed. David did eventually take the throne and he reigned for forty years. In Galatians 1 13-17 Apostle Paul said that he had been chosen from his mother womb but yet in Acts 7:57-59, when they were killing Stephen he was the one supervising the operation. The devil wanted to divert him from his destiny but when He encountered God on the road to Damascus in Acts 9: 1-30, he changed direction and became mightily used by God. It is God who can fulfil destiny, He is the One who has the plan. He’s the Master builder but if He discovers what the person is trying to build is not yielding to Him after a lot of persuasion He may tear the plan.

It is my prayer that the plan of the second born. Within a few God for your life will not be de- years, according to Deuteronostroyed by your actions. my 33:17, the younger Ephraim had prospered 10 times more Judges 13:1-5 tells us about than the elder Manasseh. But Samson, the Lord sent an angel as soon as Ephraim prospered, to tell his mother and told her he began to ignore God. After that the son she was going to some time in Hosea 4:17, God have would be powerful and said ‘okay I have heard enough, filled with Holy Spirit even from Ephraim has joined himself to the womb. When Samson was idols, leave him alone. In Hosea born, the Spirit of God moved 5:9, God now said, I have writhim just like the Almighty God ten a new plan, Ephraim shall has planned but Samson be- be desolate. gan to live without God. Every law, every rule that the Al- God can also reverse your desmighty God said he must obey, tiny for good. In Genesis 49:1-7 he broke them all. Finally, God we read of Levi who had ofsaid enough is enough and fended his father. On his deathwithdrew and Samson died a bed Levi’s father pronounced young man. a curse and said Levi would amount to nothing and be scatKing Saul was an ordinary farm- tered throughout the land. er’s boy but God chose him to be In Exodus 32:25the first king of Is26 we read of the rael. He got a hint time that Moses that he was going had gone up the to be a king in 1 mountain to colSamuel 9:25-27; lect the Ten Comand very soon in mandments. While 1 Samuel 10:1-9, he was gone the he began to manchildren of Israel ifest all the signs thought perhaps that the Spirit of he was not coming the Almighty God was already back and persuaded Aaron to upon him. When he began to make a golden calf for them reign, he became very popular to worship. When Moses came among the people but then in back he was furious and asked an attempt to please the peo- those who were still on the ple rather than please God; his Lord’s side to cross over to his kingdom was taken away from side. Levi and all his children him (1 Samuel 15:1-29). crossed over to the side of Moses. As a result, God spoke Destiny can be truncated or to Moses in Numbers 3:11-13, destiny can be totally reversed. bring Levi near Me, I have choIn 1 Samuel 2:30, God said to sen Levi to become My first Eli that his plan concerning born. His obedience reversed him was that his children, great the earlier pronouncement of grandchildren and the genera- his father. tions to come would serve God as priests but because of the sin In Proverbs 8:17, He said I love of Eli’s sons, that plan was can- those who love Me, those who seek Me early shall find me. celled. Also James 4:7 states clearly Another man whose destiny that if you draw near God, He was reversed was Ephraim. will draw near to you. If you In Genesis 48:8-20, Joseph are on the side of the Lord, He brought his children to his fa- will be on your side also. ther Israel for blessing. Joseph had two sons in Egypt: the first HOW CAN YOU KNOW was Manasseh and the second WHAT IS IN YOUR DESTINY? born was Ephraim. He pro- God has spoken to many of us nounced the firstborn’s bless- in the past. He has spoken to ing on to Ephraim who was us in parables, He has spoken

in prophesies, but maybe we didn’t realize it. You must ask God to reveal your destiny to you. According to the word of God, there are certain things that I know are in your destiny:

Psalm 91:16, God said with long life, he will satisfy you. You are going to live long. How long you want to live is actually left to you.


In Psalm 91:15, God said I will honour you, that’s what God 1. HEALING 1 Peter 2:24, says by His stripes promised, it is there. you were healed. More than 9. JOY two thousand years ago your Psalm 16:11, says that in the healing was settled. presence of God there is fullness of joy. 2. DIVINE HEALTH Exodus 15:26 states clearly that if you will obey God you 10. PEACE will not even know sickness In John 14:27 Jesus said more at all. It is possible my broth- than two thousand years ago ers and sisters never to know that He will give you peace. sickness again till you see Jesus Christ, and that will be you 11. ABUNDANCE portion in Jesus’ Name. Deuteronomy 28:11-12 says God will so bless you so much 3. DELIVERANCE that you will be lending to naJohn 8: 32 tells us that the tions. truth shall make you free. If you know Jesus who is the 12. PROMOTION Truth and you have surren- In Deuteronomy 28:13, the dered your life to Him; every Almighty God said you shall force holding you captive be the head and not the tail, must let you go by force. above only and never beneath.

“It is God who can fulfil destiny, He is the One who has the plan.”


In Psalm 91:5-8, the Almighty God made a promise years ago and got David to write it down for you that a thousand may fall by your left, ten thousand may fall by your right it will not come near you.



John 15:5 tells us that if you abide in God and let His Word abide in you, you will bring forth much fruit.


In John 14:1-3, Jesus Christ said clearly that in His Father’s house there are many mansions and He would prepare a place for you there and come back for you.

Psalm 23:5, says ‘thou prepareth a table before me in the presence of my enemies’. In other words, the Almighty God decreed long ago that irrespective of how many en- Heaven is your ultimate destiemies you may have, your joy ny, don’t miss it. is in abundance.


The same Psalm 23:5, says ‘thou anointed my head with oil my cup runneth over’. Anointing is not just reserved for special people; it’s in your destiny also.


It is not in the plan of God for you to die young or to die before fulfilling your days. In


Website: Twitter: @PastorEAAdeboye Facebook:


Pleasant Surprises on the Road to Destiny By: Pastor Modupe Afolabi


ow surprising the times must have been for those residents of Jerusalem and its environs in the days following the death and resurrection of the anointed, young and charismatic Jewish Rabbi widely known then as Jesus of Nazareth. To begin with, nobody really had expected anything good to come out of Nazareth, given its relatively minor status compared to some of its larger and more prosperous neighbours. Yet, it pleased the Lord to place the Redeemer of the world in such lowly surroundings. You see, God’s ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts. What men disdain, God can celebrate. Which is why I pray for you reading this, my God will surprise you pleasantly in Jesus’ name. Still on the subject of Divine Surprises, particularly in this season of the observance of the sacrifice of our Saviour Jesus Christ and His spectacular bodily resurrection as our Lord, one recalls a picture from the graphic account painted by Luke of the sobering reflections of two travellers on the road to Emmaus, immediately following the death of Messiah. This cryptic record of Biblical history is to

found in Luke 24:12-32. As the men attempted to understand the events around the life and times of Jesus, the resurrected Saviour Himself appeared to them and joined the conversation. How awesome! Yet, they knew not that it was Jesus who, beginning at Moses and all the prophets, expounded to them all the scriptures and things concerning Himself. After partaking in the Holy Communion with them, their spiritual eyes opened and once they recognised the mystery traveller as the resurrected Jesus, He promptly vanished from their sight. Again, I pray for you reader, may you experience a divine visitation this season that will stand the test of time in Jesus’ name! If you thought their surprise was over, you could be forgiven. On the return of these two travellers to Jerusalem and in the midst of the excitement of sharing their encounter with Jesus on the road to Emmaus, the Master Himself suddenly appeared once more and stood in their midst, with the most reassuring of eternal messages: “Peace be unto you.” I pray for you reading this one more time: May you have a divine visitation that will usher in lasting peace into your life in Jesus’ name. One other person who had a divine encounter on the road to destiny was the zealous young man known as Saul of Tarsus. On the way to Damascus to continue his ill-informed persecution of Jewish converts to Christianity, he encounters the Risen Christ in quite dramatic circumstances. The story of Saul’s roadside conversion by Messiah Himself and his divine commissioning make for life-transforming reading. This is why I pray for you, dear friend, that you will encounter pleasant divine surprises on your road to destiny.



“What men disdain, God can celebrate”

-Pastor Modupe Afolabi is the Editor-in-Chief of Sunrise and Executive Administrator of RCCG UK Central Office. Twitter: @MoAfolabi


Growing in

Grace By: Andrea Onduku

T he Blessings of Spring

There are many blessings, that each new Spring brings you can see it bloom about and hear the song it sings.

With winters bleakness over, and brighter days ahead comes promises of new life Springtime loves to spread. As God unfolds the flowers, and their buds begin to show He gives to us the assurance grace in our hearts will grow. He sends us the robin’s song, with the promise to provide a shelter under His mighty wing where in His love we can abide. He melts the snowy covers, and sends the refreshing rain sprinkling us with His mercies to heal winter’s ache and pain.

God’s given to all His Son, to shed upon us a new light and the real blessing of Spring . . . is keeping Jesus in our sight!

By Deborah Ann

I particularly love the particular stanza in this poem that says “As God unfolds the flowers, and their buds begin to show He gives to us the assurance grace in our hearts will grow”. I have heard people comparing themselves to others and saying that another person has more grace than themselves. This is usually mentioned when someone feels they cannot do something and perhaps the other person is encouraging them by giving a testimony of their own situation only to be met with the response ‘Well, your grace is different than mine, I don’t have the grace for that’. At times meeting others who seem to have ‘it all together’ can be discouraging. We have to remember though that we are all in different seasons. Perhaps you are not where you want to be in a particular area but as you look at the flowers becoming beautiful in this season, be encouraged that you too are becoming beautiful. You will not stay static but you will grow. Soon you will be the one testifying of being able to do what you couldn’t do before. This poem also conveys freshness and newness, the move into a brighter and warmer spring is seen as a relief from the darker, colder winter. I don’t know about you but for me, seeing the mornings and evenings becoming brighter has been a great relief. It seems to make one to be more productive and energetic. In fact, it is just a mindset and it shows how powerful the mind is.


The poem ends with the truth that God sent His son to die for us to bring new life and new light. If you are experiencing any darkness in your life, know that Jesus came to bring light to that situation. If you are experiencing any stagnancy in your life, know that Jesus came to breathe new life into your situation. Easter is a celebration of the death and Resurrection of Jesus but in reality every day should a celebration of this because His life and light should never cease from our lives once we become a new creation. Be encouraged in this season that symbolises hope and share the hope that comes through Jesus with those around you. Once again there are many encouraging articles in this edition of Sunrise to inspire you and give you wisdom and understanding concerning your life and family. It is my prayer that as you read through the magazine, you will find solutions to areas of need and you will be uplifted and motivated. As I always say, this is your magazine, please get in touch with your testimonies, news, articles and feedback. I look forward to hearing from you. God Bless you richly,

Andrea Onduku Editor



n pursuit of the commitment of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) to sustained prayer for nations, the Special Assistant to the General Overseer (SATGO) and chairman of RCCG UK, Pastor Agu Irukwu recently unveiled a vision for an unbroken chain prayer for the UK. Known for his unflagging commitment to praying for revival in the United Kingdom, Pastor Agu has mobilised all RCCG UK Parish Pastors to lead this latest prayer initiative.

to reign in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland, for the Kingdom of God to be established in the UK, to bind the strongman of immorality and other societal ills and for our leaders, beginning with Her Majesty the Queen, the Prime Minister, Theresa May, the cabinet and all levels of local government.

This ongoing prayer commitment to the nation also flows quite easily into the initiative championed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, The Most Reverend Justin Welby For each day of the year, at least - “Thy Kingdom Come”. Archbishone Parish has been given the as- op Welby’s call aims to encourage signment to offer prayers for the Christians of all denominations to UK. Prayers are focused on the #pledge2pray as part of the globspiritual growth of all churches in al prayer movement “Thy Kingthe country, for the Spirit of God dom Come”. In response to the


Archbishop’s clarion call, RCCG UK churches will observe a period of fasting and prayer themed “Thy Kingdom Come” between 24th May and 4th June 2017. Pastor Agu recently quoted the revered Christian Minister and writer on prayer, E. M. Bounds, “Prayer must diffuse all effort, impregnate all ventures, decide all issues”,





t is the sort of story that you hear during sermons which are aimed at strengthening one’s faith in God’s providence. How else can one explain a situation where a brilliant university undergraduate is forced to abandon his studies due to the outbreak of civil war in his country, only to return to the same educational institution fifty years later to receive a well-deserved honorary doctorate degree? Well, that is the inspiring testimony of RCCG General Overseer Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye. On the 24th of January 2017, Pastor Adeboye returned to the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) where he was conferred with a honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree for services to humanity. Half-a-century earlier, he had to leave his studies as the fracticidal conflict which engulfed the young Nigerian nation made it impossible for him to remain at the time. It is a classic case of the God of Restoration at work in the life of one of His children.

UNN where Pastor Adeboye was formally honoured, the university described him as a man of achievement, stating that he was deserving of the honour due to Pastor Adeboye’s initial desire to his many achievements. attend UNN was sparked during a student excursion to the university As a sign of his untiring in 1962. Impressed by the commitment to transforming institution and what he jocularly lives by sharing the gospel, Pastor describes as the good food the Adeboye remarkably spent the undergraduates had access to, moments after the conferment the young scholar prayed that speaking at a well-attended God would grant him admission campus crusade titled ‘Campus into the school, a request that was Holy Ghost Rally’ and themed answered before the war of 1967 “Divine Visitation”. As far as stories of God’s unfailing providence go, to 1970. this is definitely one account to be Undeterred by the turn of Affairs, remembered. Pastor Adeboye proceeded to the University of Ife, Ile Ife, Osun State (now Obafemi Awolowo University), where he obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree. A PhD in Applied Mathematics from the University of Lagos, Nigeria followed. After a period as a university lecturer, Pastor Adeboye became a full-time Minister of God at RCCG and is now widely acknowledged as an influential religious leader within and beyond Christendom Pastor Adeboye at the Nsukka worldwide. Campus Crusade Degree. That is why I feel elated. I am overwhelmed”, stated Pastor Adeboye following his receipt of the honour.

“I left UNN in 1966 without a Degree. Fifty years later, I have got a Degree from UNN, now not This piece was put together from various a first Degree, but a Doctorate At the 46th Convocation of online sources.

Photo credit: University of Nigeria, Nsukka website



A Beacon of Hope


ou may have wondered why Easter is not celebrated on the same date every year. The Resurrection of Jesus was celebrated ever since it happened but in the early church, it was celebrated on different days in different countries. In AD 325 the council of Nicaea ordered that Easter would be celebrated on the same date and the date chosen was the Sunday following the first full moon after the spring equinox. Accurately calculating Easter was important to early Christians but various systems have been used over the centuries that followed. The Grego-

rian calendar was adopted in Britain and Ireland in 1752 and Easter has been celebrated on the same day in the Western part of the Christian world ever since. The Eastern churches, however, did not adopt the same calendar and still celebrate Easter at a different time. Easter has become commercially associated with Easter Bunnies and Easter Eggs. The most obvious reason here is the hare’s fertility. Easter comes during spring and celebrates new life. The Christian meaning of new life through Christ and a general emphasis on new life are different, but the two gradually merged. Of course eggs are also a symbol of life. Of all Easter symbols, the lamb is probably the most strongly Christian. Other than the fact that lambs are young animals born in springtime, the lamb comes from the Jewish Passover, where each family killed a lamb as a sacrifice. When Christ became the Passover Lamb for everyone, the lamb became a symbol for His sacrifice.


Christians celebrate Easter as the resurrection of Christ on the third day after His crucifixion. It is the oldest Christian holiday and the most important day of the church year because of the significance of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the events upon which Christianity is based 1 Corinthians 15:14 says “And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty”. Romans 6:4 says “Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life”.

the tomb was empty.

Why don’t we use this period to tell people about Jesus, to invite people to church? Easter is a way of opening up discussion with people about Easter. Don’t just see Easter as a time to gather in church and praise God. We can do that every day, use it as a time to win souls.

Many people view Christianity as attending church, performing rituals, and/or not committing certain sins. Many will attend church at Easter for this reason but true Christianity is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The only way to be saved is to personally accept Jesus as your Saviour, trusting in His death as the payment for your sins and His resurrection as your guarantee of eternal life John 3:16.

This teaches us never to give up hope. Even when it looks like it is over, God will never fail. Many people will acknowledge Jesus Christ as a good man, a great teacher, or even a prophet of God. These things are definitely true of Jesus, but they do not fully define who He truly is. His resurrection cements the fact that He is the Son of God. The Bible tells us that Jesus is God in the flesh, God in human form (see John 1:1, 14). He came as our Saviour to give us hope. Why do we need a Saviour? The Bible tells us that we have all sinned and we deSome Christians become angry at the fact that East- serve God’s anger and judgment (Romans 3:10-18, er has become so commercialised and therefore Romans 6:23; Revelation 20:11-15). That is why we choose not to celebrate it, citing that we should cel- need a Saviour. ebrate Jesus every day. However, I believe that we should use every opportunity we have to tell the Jesus Christ came to earth and died in our place world about Jesus. Easter is already on our Calen- (2 Corinthians 5:21, Romans 5:8). Jesus paid the dar, it has been recognised as a National Holiday, price so that we would not have to. Jesus’ resurrecchildren have time off school and their parents have tion from the dead proved that His death was suffitime off work. cient to pay the penalty for our sins.

I see Easter as a symbol or beacon of hope. The disciples thought all hope was gone. The One who had performed miracles and said He was the Messiah Hope is guaranteed for the follower of Jesus Christ. was dead. He died a cruel death and was mocked Live in hope and share this hope with others this by those who said if He was the Son of God, why Easter. couldn’t He save Himself from death? Their leader, their mentor was a laughing stock and they as His Andrea Onduku followers were afraid. But it wasn’t over because on the third day, Jesus was raised from the dead and



The Beginning of the 1859 Revival in Ulster

In the spring of 1856 an English lady by the name of Mrs Colville came to Ballymena from Gateshead because she had ‘time and money to spend for God’. She began a programme of house to house visitation with a view to winning souls for Christ. In November she returned to England in low spirits thinking that God had not acknowledged her labours and feeling that her work had been unfruitful. However, she was wrong. Just a few days before she left she had visited a certain Miss Brown who lived in Mill Street, Ballymena. On calling at this house, she had found two other ladies present as well as a young man called James McQuilkin. McQuilkin came from the parish of Connor about five miles from Ballymena and he worked in a linen warehouse in the town. Miss Brown and her companions were involved in a discussion on the subjects of predestination and freewill. When she entered the house, the others asked Mrs Colville whether or not she was a Calvinist. She did not answer this question directly but rather spoke to the little group about the importance of seeking a personal interest in the Saviour and the need of the new birth. What she had to say concerning the Saviour left a profound impression spiritually upon James McQuilkin and a short time afterwards he came to a saving knowledge of Christ. An unusual, unknown, earnest Christian lady was used by God in the conversion of James McQuilkin who was to become one of the most significant figures in the 1859 revival in Ulster.

The Old Schoolhouse, Kells


James McQuilkin worked in Ballymena but he returned home to Kells every weekend. Prior to his conversion he was known in the village as the man who reared fighting cocks. Now, however, his outlook on life had changed. He came under the influence of Rev John Moore, the minister of Connor Presbyterian Church, who encouraged him to gather some of his converted friends together and to commence a Sabbath School at Tanneybrake near the village of Connor. McQuilkin and his three friends – Jeremiah McNeilly, John Wallace and Robert Carlisle – felt their own inadequacies and inexperience in the work and so in the autumn of 1857 they took an old schoolhouse near Kells where they could meet for prayer and seek God’s blessing upon the work of the Sabbath School which they had recently established.

converts had made to the conversion of the Campbells, he decided to hold a meeting in Ahoghill at which a number of the new converts from Connor would speak about their spiritual experiences. The meeting was arranged for 22 February, 1859 in the Ballymontena Schoolhouse. However, so many people turned up that it was decided to walk the short distance to Trinity Church. This meeting had a profound spiritual impact upon the Ahoghill district and many people began to pray earnestly that revival would come to their area.

“An unusual, unknown, earnest Christian lady was used by God in the conversion of James McQuilkin who was to become one of the most significant figures in the 1859 revival in Ulster.”

During the next few months some other believers joined with the new converts for prayer and, in a short time, in December 1857, they were encouraged by the conversion of a young man for whom they had been praying. Over the next few months several other people in the district came to saving faith in Christ, and soon conversions were taking place nearly every week. At the spring communion in Connor Church a special sense of God’s presence was enjoyed by those present and throughout the rest of 1858 conversions were taking place throughout the parish of Connor. By the end of that year some fifty met regularly for prayer at the Old Schoolhouse prayer meeting, women not joining with them but having a separate prayer meeting of their own.

On 9 December, 1858, Samuel Campbell came to know Christ in a personal, living relationship through the influence and prayers of the Connor prayer meeting. Mr Campbell worked in Kells but belonged to Ahoghill. He desired to share the good news of salvation with the rest of his family in Ahoghill and encouraged the other members of the Connor prayer meeting to pray for him as he made several journeys across to Ahoghill with the purpose of witnessing to his loved ones. His brother and sister, in response to his witnessing, sought the Saviour but his brother John remained hardened and uninterested. Campbell persisted in his witnessing and one day, on visiting Ahoghill, he boldly shared Christ with his brother whom he found out in the fields participating in a shooting match. ‘I have a message for you from the Lord Jesus’, he said. John Campbell immediately came under conviction of sin and there in the fields his body began to tremble. With some difficulty he reached the family home where for some weeks he remained in agony of soul before obtaining an assurance of sins forgiven.

Ahoghill Rev Frederick Buick of Trinity Church, Ahoghill, was greatly encouraged by what the Lord had done for the Campbell family. Recognising the contribution that the Connor

On 14 March, 1859 at the thanksgiving service at the close of the spring communion in First Presbyterian Church, Ahoghill, there was a significant outpouring of God’s Spirit and many came to a saving faith in Christ. The minister of First Presbyterian Church was Rev David Adams who had prayed much for revival among his people since coming to the congregation in 1841. In 1858 a large new building had been erected capable of seating 1200 people. However, on the night of 14 March 1859 about three thousand people were present at the service which was conducted by Mr Adams. During the service one of the Connor converts, Mr James Bankhead, rose to pray. Interestingly, Bankhead also tried to address the gathering declaring that a revelation had been committed to him and that he spoke by the command of a power superior to any ministerial authority! Mr Adams, the minister, was less than happy with the way things were developing and, being particularly concerned that, amidst the crowding and commotion, the galleries would not carry the weight of the people, he called upon them to clear the building. Outside, in the village square, James Bankhead and other converts addressed the crowd from the steps of a house. Although the streets were muddy and it was pouring with rain, people listened for hours, with many falling down in the street and crying unto the Lord for mercy. This marvellous work of God’s Spirit – the work of revival – was beginning to spread throughout North Antrim. It is difficult for us living in the day of the internet and the mobile phone to imagine how slow communications were in 1859 and it is almost breath-taking for us to realise that the awakening which had begun in Connor in 1858 and had spread to Ahoghill in 1859 was still largely unknown in Ballymena, the major town in the county. But that was all about to change. This movement of God’s Spirit was destined to affect not just a small corner of North Antrim, but very soon Ballymena and beyond would witness remarkable scenes – scenes of amazing spiritual blessing which still stir us in our own souls today.

Rev Gareth Burke is Minister of the Stranmillis, Belfast, congregation of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Northern Ireland. This article is taken, with permission, from the Evangelical Presbyterian January-February 2009.





A series of unplanned events has somehow led to solicitor, Housing Management professional and pastor Kemi Cindy Abidogun standing as the parliamentary candidate for the Christian People’s Alliance (CPA) in the Manchester Gordon constituency election coming up in May 2017. The community champion may soon find herself sitting in the hallowed chambers of the UK House of Commons, if she wins the election in her constituency. Without doubt, contesting a parliamentary seat and winning

IS KEMI CINDY ABIDOGUN constitute a huge leap of faith for one who is not a professional politician.


to the parliamentary candidate recently in an effort to find out more about her backstory, why she’s running for public office Abidogun says she is in politics and what change she hopes to to make a difference in her bring about for people in her Manchester Gordon constituency, constituency and the UK at large, comprising the following if elected. wards: Longsight, Levenshulm, Fallowfield, Rusholme, Gordon Tell us about yourself. Why are South, Gordon North and Whalley you in politics? Range. In a political system My name is Kemi Abidogun. largely dominated by a few big I’m an ordained minister of parties, an electoral victory for God. I’m a trained solicitor from her would be a novelty. Nigeria. I also have a postSunrise Managing Editor Yinka graduate qualification in Housing Oduwole posed some questions Management


R NEXT MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT? I worked for Newham Local Authority for over 15 years in various roles including Homelessness, Housing Advice, Equalities and Diversity and Community cohesion. I also worked in the Independent Housing Sector for 5 years I’m also pastoring two churchesin Manchester and Bolton with my husband Dr Kenny Abidogun In addition, I’m running The Vine Sanctuary – which is our Church in the Community. There we give motivational talks based on the Bible to local people, operate a foodbank, a counselling project

I’m married with 3 children – first is a medical doctor, second is in University studying law and the third is in College.

From the pulpit to partisan politics. How did this transition take place? By divine intervention. Through a series of events that is too divine to comprehend. It started when the late Mr Peter Kaufman the then MP for Manchester Gorton constituency died.

Why Politics? I went into politics because I want to make a difference in the community. I will be approaching politics from a Christian and biblical perspective and with the benefit of my background as well

I attended our regular Senior Pastors prayer meeting called the Upper Room about 4 weeks ago, there we received the leader of Christian Peoples Alliance and during the prayer meeting there was a powerful outpouring of the

and a training programme called “Back to work” to help unemployed people get back to work.


Holy Spirit, that confirmed that the hand of the Lord was upon the CPA.

The Christian Peoples Alliance, is one of the only 2 Christian political parties in the UK.

I would say not realising that the hand of the Lord was also upon me, I felt compelled in my spirit to commit to pray for Sid Cordle – the leader of the CPA. So, when the call was made that God has appointed two people to pray for him over 3 days I stepped forward with another woman whose name is Pastor Irene.

The CPA is a Christian Democratic party, it was founded in 2000. We actively promote Christian social teaching and draw our principles from the Bible, especially the life and teaching of Jesus Christ.

However, over the next couple of days, God began to move in mysterious ways, the CPA intended candidate suddenly withdrew, CPA put out an email advert for new applicants to

come forward; and the Lord prompted me to put myself forward. To my delight, I was nominated by the party. Infact the CPA leader said I was more than qualified. I was delighted because I know that Father God is at work. And this confirms several revelations I have received in the past. So here I am today. The CPA candidate for Manchester Gorton Constituency by election.

It seeks, through political service, to demonstrate God’s love. Our faith and principles are drawn from the Bible, especially the life and teaching of Jesus, as well as from Christian political insights through the centuries. The CPA has adopted the six Principles of Christian

Democracy. These are, Active Compassion, Respect for Life, Social Justice, Wise Stewardship, Empowerment, and Reconciliation. We believe that Christianity gives a vision for the whole of politics - through principles, policies, peacemaking, economic policy, and ethics. The Bible as God’s revelation, including Jesus’ words and life, are our central guide.

Could you tell us about the Christian Peoples Alliance? Why Their policies are not have you chosen to pitch your burdensome, they are in line with tent with this party? biblical principles.


Their manifesto fit perfectly within the biblical teaching that I have been following as a Christian and a Servant of God. Is the Christian Peoples Alliance in it to win, or is it merely seeking to be a moral voice in contemporary debates about public policy? Well as people of faith, the CPA and I are in this election to win, even though the CPA is not a major political party in UK, we believe that with God – all things are possible. We – the ministers of God in Manchester have been praying for the move of God in Manchester for many years. We

have been praying for Father to bring revival to the city and for Christians to take their place in the corridor of power and within the major pillars of the society. We have no doubt that is part of the move of God and strongly believe that with Father on our side and with all Christians in Manchester Gorton voting for us, we will surely win Would it have been easier if you had joined a mainstream political party such as the Tories, Labour or the Liberal Democrats? The UK Parliament

is historically difficult for smaller parties to access, even UKIP just lost its only MP recently I am not a politician, I am a Servant of God and I would not have found my place in a mainstream party without having to compromise on the fundamental teachings of Christ or my fundamental beliefs as a Christian and as a Servant of God.

What contributions could you make towards resolving these issues? My contributions are to reverse the growing trend of radicalisation. I will be A VOICE that will call for the rediscovery of this nations Christian heritage.

But in addition, I now have the Christian ethos and Imp round of the Christian principles of spreading love, joy and peace of God to everyone.

Expectedly, you would have started sharing your political vision with people in your To see UK once more become a constituency, has your message proud Christian nation that does been well received? not discriminate, demonstrate Of course, I have been respect for all people of religion, encouraged and positively I would never have considered race, and greed but does not lose received by many people joining any party other than its own identity as a Christian including leaders of Churches CPA. I find in CPA what the other nation. in the Upper Room and pastors mainstream political parties within the Redeemed Church of lack – reliance on God and divine The UK, some would argue is God in Manchester direction. With them anything now to all intents and purposes goes if the people want it. I rely a post Christian society. Isn’t it What are the key issues on the Word of God in Zechariah a bit idealistic to imagine that you have identified in your 4:10 that says “we should voters will elect a candidate Constituency and how do you not despise the days of small simply because of their faith or intend to approach them if you beginnings for the Lord rejoices religious values? Could a faith win this election? to see the work begin…” based platform and identity be 3 issues that people have been a disadvantage? talking to me about when I’m in I strongly desire that Christians all Not at all. You know the Bible Gorton constituency are: over UK would join me to pitch says in Psalm 30:5 -” weeping may • Poverty level is high their tent with CPA. The strength endure for a night, but a shout • Too much litters around making of any political party depends of joy comes in the morning”. I the area dirty on the number of its followers. I think voters have cried enough • Their concern about Brexit – believe if every voting Christian in this country and that their joy over 60% voted not to leave EU in UK joins CPA, the party would is coming now because Father become a “positive force” in the God is moving in this nation. Tackling poverty and supporting political arena. Who would have expected that families I recognised there is a high rate Theresa May, a Christian would When you look at the state be elected as the Prime Minister of poverty and social deprivation in certain parts of the county of affairs in the nation, what of Great Britain? Who would including Gorton Constituency. specific issues won’t let you have thought the people of UK sleep at night, if one can use would vote to leave EU? I believe My plan if I win is to: that phrase? the unexpected is happening The growing problem of because Father is opening people Enlist businesses within Gorton Constituency to contribute radicalisation and violence that eyes to see and desire the truth. to their local community by can be traced only to one religion providing funding, mentorship, – Islam. That keeps me awake at Besides, I am not seeking training and internship to those night pondering about the future election simply on the basis of within the community. This of this country and the whole being a Christian, I believe that would help those who need world. I have the education, training support in business and those and employment background who wish to get employment. Obviously if I am appointed as and have worked actively MP – I will speak. It is a sensitive with the local communities to I need to tackle poverty and and serious problem that needs understand and be able to offer to be dealt with; with wisdom, workable solutions to the nation’s deprivation at grass root level too. This I hope to do this by: Holy Spirit inspired actions and problems. prayers.


Giving support to charities and agencies that are already providing support to the local people who are out of employment. My goal is to ensure families who are facing financial hardship due to lack of employment do not break up. I want to keep the family together.

affected positively or negatively by Brexit…. it’s a waiting game right now…. Has your ethnicity or gender ever posed a challenge in your foray into politics thus far?

part of UK. In fact we should be the predominant group in any decision making committees or parastatals in UK.

In two years’ time, UK will be having a general election, it will be great to see a Christian Not at all, Far from it. I have been standing on the CPA party receiving great support from platform contesting to be local Keeping Gorton clean everyone, people from different councillors and MPs. This means Littering is a big issue in Gorton race, ethnicity and nationality, Church leaders have adequate constituency and its costing male and female. time to prepare God’s children to tax payers a lot of money. take their rightful places in this Although cleaning the area is Obviously, you are running great nation. within the remit of the local for office on the platform of authority, I am interested in a Christian political party working with them to introduce and Christian values. What is a “clean up” campaign which your message to the public, will involve residents to ensure including those who identify as they can maintain a new level of Christians. cleanliness. It is time for Christians to stand I’m going to engage the help of up and identify themselves in the the Police to persecute those who political arena as Christians. It is litter the streets time we use our God given skills, talents and abilities to propel this Embracing Brexit nation forward. There is a lot to Its post Brexit now and there be done, and I’m encouraging KEMI CINDY ABIDOGUN is no going back since Article Christians to actively pursue 50 has been triggered. My role careers within the seven pillars Candidate for Manchester Gorton now is to work closely with the of societal influence. We should W: Government in order to support have many Christians on E: local companies, industries educational boards, NHS boards, T: 020 8855 8027 and the citizens of Gorton social media, different decision (CPA) manifesto available at: Constituency including those making committees, as local who are foreigners – who may be Councillors, and MPs in every



I struggle to find anyone who thinks or acts differently.

A CHRISTIAN’S RESPONSE TO BREXIT I can just remember that long summer evening when I walked with my mum to my primary school, converted for the day into a polling station, so she could cast her vote for the United Kingdom to join the European Economic Community (EEC).

given to the kind of society we seek once departure has occurred. The language on both sides is about getting the best deal. But this obsession with the exit door, rather than what lies beyond it, is like taking a badly-made suit back to the shop, ensuring we get a full refund, yet giving no thought to what we are actually going to wear at the event it was originally bought for. The choice on the ballot paper was a simple one – should Britain remain part of a particular political structure. The result was simply too close for any of the accompanying narratives to claim any ascendancy, yet few seem prepared to challenge the assumption that the British people are anti-immigration, driven by self-interest and indifferent to anyone’s economic wellbeing but their own.

Since then, this partnership of nations has undergone a number of re-inventions to become what we now know as the EU. For more than a generation it has been a defining element in our political We are also repeatedly told that and national landscape. the EU referendum has left us a While the Prime Minister’s decision divided nation, where Remainers to trigger Article 50 is clearly and Leavers are so outraged with deeply significant, what’s perhaps one another that our very coless obvious is what its true existence is under threat. I think consequences will be. In the cold this is nonsense and I don’t see light of day, ‘Brexit means Brexit’ is any serious evidence of this in a phrase whose meaninglessness everyday life. The referendum simply underlines the uncertainty was the first opportunity for my grown-up kids to exercise their that prevails. Yet statements like this have right to vote; they voted differently helped make the actual process from one another, but have long of Brexit become all-important. since moved on and found plenty Much less thought seems to be of other things to argue about.


But I wonder whether this narrative of division risks not only becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy, but also exaggerating the impact of terminating our EU membership. Yes, the EU has become very different from the EEC. It would have been naïve to expect anything different. The world has moved on in 40 years – even the borders of Europe have changed in that time. Just as being in the EU has changed significantly, so in the next 40 years or so we can expect being ‘out’ to change and develop too. So the future wellbeing of the United Kingdom does not simply hinge on whether or not we are in the EU. Leavers have sought to convince us that it is a cure-all, while Remainers have insisted that we have condemned ourselves to disaster. I believe that neither is right and as long as we allow ourselves to be defined by this increasingly obsolete and divisive rhetoric, we risk avoiding the real issues. From a Christian perspective, what roles and responsibilities might we have as a faith community in the months and years ahead? As I reflect on Britain’s current situation, I am reminded of the early narratives of the Old Testament, where God’s people make the journey from a life of slavery in Egypt to full nationhood in what is described as the ‘Promised Land’. Some may be quick to seize on the parallels with a transition from oppression by a political super-power to becoming an independent state – but this is not my point. Embedded within the historical narratives of these events are the law codes, which made it clear to God’s people that

their nationhood depended on more than simply inhabiting a new landscape. They also had to embed the principles of justice and righteousness that books like Leviticus and Deuteronomy expounded. Success did not depend on being ‘in’ or ‘out’ of Egypt, but on embracing justice and holiness in every aspect of the society they then formed.

are concerned to know that there will be a similar commitment from a UK Government in any future settlement.

So this is a time not only for the Church to be reminded of the principles on which God calls us to build society, but to consider our prophetic role in standing up and speaking out for righteousness and justice as the pillars of a good This is a principle that echoes and wholesome national and throughout Old Testament society international order. and into the New. The Psalms repeatedly assert that justice and Perhaps this is a time to assert righteousness are the foundation that ‘Brexit only means Brexit’. It of God’s throne and implore doesn’t just mean we will pull out earthly rulers to reflect this in of Europe no matter what, but their own domain. Jesus himself, that this is all we have decided speaking of the economics of to do. Brexit does not mean that ‘mammon’, declares that we Britain’s interests (whatever that should ‘seek first the Kingdom of means) need to be pursued at the expense of everyone else’s. God’. Brexit does not mean that we Europe has played a key role in have become anti-immigration holding our nation to account on xenophobes. Brexit does not this front. Many are the times when mean anything other than that a individuals and organisations small majority of British citizens have appealed to the European chose to leave a specific political courts when they feel that our arrangement. own systems of justice have let them down. If these accountability We have yet to discover the full structures are to be dismantled, implications of that decision, but if something of equal effectiveness there is one message that echoes needs to take their place. Many, throughout our Scriptures, it is particularly in our northern that the wellbeing of any nation communities, have pointed out does not ultimately depend upon that EU funding has helped re- the political alliances it chooses to balance some of the economic make or withdraw from. inequalities in our nations, and

The words of Proverbs that ‘righteousness exalts a nation’ reflect an important principle. The writer of Deuteronomy spells it out with simplicity in its early chapters. If you want to impress other nations, if you want to stand out on the world stage, then follow these laws. Win the respect of others by the way in which you are committed to social justice in every stratum of society. Let them judge you by the way in which the least and most vulnerable are treated in your communities; by the way in which you welcome the ‘alien and stranger’ (which in today’s language might more aptly be translated ‘refugee and asylum-seeker’.) These themes need to be declared again as post-Brexit Britain begins to take shape. Whether we are entering a promised land or about to descend into the abyss has as much to do with the society we intentionally seek to build and the values that we and our leaders embrace, as with the process that has now been initiated.

Rev Phil Jump is part of the Joint Public Issues Team of the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Methodist Church, the Church of Scotland and the United Reformed Church. JPIT has produced resources for helping churches think through the implications of Brexit.




Give Me this By Yinka Oduwole

There is an instructive story recorded in the Book of Joshua 14:5-15 about an 85-year-old soldier who, undeterred by age, made an impassioned plea that Israel’s then leader Joshua fulfil a promise made to him 45 years earlier. One of the few spies that brought back positive words ahead of the mission to occupy Canaan, Caleb the Kenezite was rewarded with a promise by the Lord’s servant Moses that he would get an inheritance in the Promised Land.

Briefly put, it is the conviction held by some in the Body of Christ that sustained godly change will only come to the nations when the Church consciously reaches out to each country’s seven spheres or mountains. The seven mountains are metaphors for the following spheres of societal influence: Religion, Family, Education, Government, Arts and Entertainment, Media and Business. Developed in 1975 by Bill Bright and Loren Cunningham who were the founders of Campus Crusade and Youth with a Mission (YWAM) respectively, the seven mountain mandate is a clarion call to the Church to intentionally engage with the culture and contend vigorously for our Lord Jesus Christ.

Somehow, as the new nation settled into the Land of Promise, the promise to Caleb appeared to have been forgotten or at best delayed. The seasoned soldier of God took his case to Moses’ successor, reminding the younger military general Joshua of the promise made by his predecessor. His action paid off. He was Of course, the seven mountain promptly allotted Hebron for an mandate is not without its critics, who argue that it is pursuing a inheritance. self-imposed burden because Hebron, of course, is significant the Bible makes clear that in the in several ways, not least that last days, society will Joshua conquered it decisively become more ungodly, as as told in Joshua 10:36-37, but prophesied in 2 Timothy had also driven out the warlike 3:1 and 2 Peter 3:3. Anakim before handing it to Yet, if one were to take Calewb (Joshua 14:14-15). such a narrow view of Hebron was later given to the things, then there would Lord’s servant King David as he obviously be no need for Certainly, became King of Judah (2 Samuel evangelism! 2:1). It was in Hebron that all the this cannot be a correct tribes eventually assembled to reading of the situation. unanimously anoint David to be King over all of Israel (2 Samuel This, therefore, brings one 5:1-3). back to the Why is the above important? r e l e v a n c e There are mountains for you and of such a I to climb, and possess, in order framework for to enjoy the purposes of God for approaching our lives. In this regard, there is the Church’s a well-known metaphor that is engagement useful in driving home the point: with culture. the ‘Seven Mountain Mandate’. W i t h o u t


doubt, culture is important. Arguably, all social life is mediated by culture. Religion is not an exception. Not even Christianity can dissociate completely from the particular cultural context in which it is being practised. Few mature Christians will argue that the primary role of the Church of Jesus Christ is to share the gospel with every creature, making disciples of all nations. The Church must, therefore, ensure that evangelism continues to take pride of place in all its doings. In the RCCG, we say it this way: we want every member to make it to Heaven, and to take as many others with ourselves as possible. This is our global mandate. It is our divine assignment. The mountains of Family Life and Education have

Mountain! undoubtedly witnessed some of the greatest shocks from a contemporary culture that is increasingly resistant to the things of God, particularly a Biblical worldview about the family and the place of children in society. The redefinition of family life is one such instance. The sphere of Arts and Entertainment comprising influential industries such as music, filmmaking, television and the performing arts is undeniably a site of vigorous contestation. The mountain of Media which involves newspapers, magazines, radio, television, the internet and social media have an obvious power to mould people’s opinions, with far-reaching consequences. Look at the impact of this new phenomenon of fake news, for instance. Those who contend

that people are not cultural dupes and are savvy enough to filter what they want from the media do not take into cognisance that there is power in sustained influence. That is the power the media possesses.

“We have the power to permeate every mountain. Which mountain or mountains are you poised to take?” All of this is made more complex in the age of user-generated content and the capability to share such information globally through internet technologies and social media. At times, it seems the most shocking traits in people now find a ready, unfiltered outlet to the world through new media. The mountain of business is vital, given its connection with wealth creation, distribution and the consequent control of vital levers of society. Those called into the marketplace must continue to receive the prophetic empowerment they need to excel and prosper amongst their peers.

generosity. The seventh mountain is that of government. Here, some include the military, since the two are inextricably connected. Hence, we are really talking about the bureaucracy of government and those who work to keep us safe from aggression. The righteousness required to exalt a nation must always be sounded loud and clear by the Church in this respect. Like the prophets of old, the Church must stand ready to call out unrighteousness when this is required. Looking ahead, the Church should prayerfully reflect on its God-given mandate to be the salt and light in the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Heaven has invested heavily in each follower of Christ. We have eternal salvation already through Jesus Christ. We have the Holy Spirit within us. We have the protection of God’s holy angels. We have the infallible word of God. We have the most powerful name of Jesus. We have the power to permeate every mountain. Which mountain or mountains are you poised to take?

The Church must, however, remain an agent of holiness, holding our members accountable to the godly virtues of honesty, integrity, fairness, justice and

Dr Yinka Oduwole is Managing Editor of Sunrise and Pastor of The Risen Christ, Knebworth. Twitter: @YinkaOduwole





Big Companies That Are Intensely Religious By Kim Bhasin and Melanie Hicken

Many big brands are intensely religious, even though consumers may not realize it. Most of the time, it comes from a devout founder passing his or her values on down the line.

FOREVER 21 When you make a purchase from Forever 21, you may notice John 3:16 printed on your shopping bag.

Some companies put their religion right out in the open, and are proud of their identities. Chick-fil-A is infamous for closing on Sundays, and In-N-Out puts Bible verses on its packaging. Interstate Batteries’ mission statement states up front that it exists “to glorify God” while selling its products. Still, it’s risky for brands to affiliate themselves with a religion directly. Since it’s just a polarizing subject, it often opens companies up to controversy. TYSON FOODS Many customers may not realize it, but Tyson Foods is a very religious company that embraces spirituality in the workplace. Founder John Tyson speaks openly about his Christian beliefs, and the company’s core values say that it “strive(s) to honor God” and “be a faith-friendly company.” Since 2000, the company has employed approximately 120 office chaplains who are there to provide “compassionate pastoral care” to employees, according to Tyson’s website. MARY KAY In a 1997 interview Mary Kay Ash, founder of the cosmetics behemoth of the same name, attributed her company’s success to the choice to “take God as our partner.” She expounded on these views in her biography, “Mary Kay: You Can Have it All,” where she stated, “God has blessed us because our motivation is right. He knows I want women to be the beautiful creatures he created.’’

Printed on the bottom of each of the store’s bags, the biblical reference is perhaps the most obvious reference to the religious beliefs promoted by the store’s owners, the Chang Family, who are born-again Christians. Mrs. Chang told Business Week last year that the store had religious roots, citing that “God told her she should open a store and that she would be successful.” The store provoked criticism last summer when it released a slew of religious-themed tees emblazoned with slogans such as “Jesus ♥ You” and “Holy.” CHICK-FIL-A Founded by devout Southern Baptist Truett Cathy in 1946 in Hapeville, Georgia, Chick-fil-A has since expanded to become a major American fast-food chain, with more than 1,500 locations in 39 states. Throughout its success, the company has stuck to its founder’s religiously-motivated decision to be closed on Sundays. “(Cathy) believes that all franchised Chick-fil-A Operators and their Restaurant employees should have an opportunity to rest, spend time with family and friends, and worship if they choose to do so,” according to the restaurant’s website. “That’s why all Chick-fil-A Restaurants are closed on Sundays. It’s part of our recipe for success.” IN-N-OUT BURGER In-N-Out, the California-based burger chain is beloved for its commitment to fresh ingredients and its secretive “special menu.”

The religious bent has caused controversy from some of the company’s salespeople, who have said it promotes a It is also well known for the citation of Bible passages printed on the chain’s cardboard cups, containers and cult-like environment. wrappers. The company does not address religion or the passages on their website. Company spokesman Carl Van Fleet told USA Today in 2005 that the founders’ son Richard Snyder instituted the practice. “He told me, ‘It’s just something I want to do.’”


TIMBERLAND Timberland CEO Jeff Swartz is well-known for his commitment to promoting corporate social responsibility. For example, Swartz moved to sever the company’s ties with a Chinese factory where human rights violations were allegedly occuring despite the fact that it took a hit to the shoemaking company’s bottom line. Swartz attributed his motivation to his own personal Jewish faith in a 2008 Fast Company profile. “I can’t show you the scripture that relates to the rights of a worker, but I can show you text that insists upon treating others with dignity,” he said. “It says in the Hebrew Bible one time that you should love your neighbor as yourself, but it says dozens of times that you shall treat the stranger with dignity.” TOM’S OF MAINE Tom’s of Maine, a natural products retailer best known for its toothpaste, is not that outwardly religious. But its founder Tom Chappell is an active Episcopalian, who graduated from Harvard Divinity School. Chappell discusses his path from divinity school to business CEO in his book, “The Soul of a Business: Managing for Profit and the Common Good.” While at the school, a professor recommended that he treat his business like a ministry, so that’s what he did. It has worked its way into Tom’s mission statement, which says it exists, in part, “To help create a better world by exchanging our faith, experience, and hope.” INTERSTATE BATTERIES Interstate batteries speaks to its own religious identity in its mission statement. According to the company’s website, the mission is “to glorify God as we supply our customers worldwide with top quality, value-priced batteries, related electrical power-source products, and distribution services.” Former Company President Norm Miller was recognized last year by Dallas Baptist University for “his strong Christian leadership at Interstate Batteries as well as in the community.”

ALASKA AIR Fly aboard Alaskan Air and you’re likely to get some bible passages along with your in-flight breakfast. Each breakfast tray comes with an inspirational notecard printed with a passage from the Old Testament, a company tradition dating back several decades. Salon columnist Patrick Smith took issue with the notecard, and received this message in response from the Seattle-based company: “The quotes have application across many JudeoChristian beliefs and are shared as a gesture of thanks which reflect the beliefs of this country’s founding as in the Declaration of Independence, the Gettysburg Address, Pledge of Allegiance and every U.S. coin and dollar you handle. Alaska Airlines is an international carrier with very diverse customers, and we have no intentions of offending anyone or their beliefs. An overwhelming majority of our customers have indicated they appreciate the gesture, and those who don’t are not forced to read it.” JET BLUE JetBlue’s so-called “homesourcing”— the relocation of its phone reservation system to 700 stay-at-home workers based in Salt Lake City — provides a hint to its CEO’s religious roots. Founder and CEO David Neelman, a devout Mormon father-of-nine, once travelled to Brazil as a Mormon missionary, according to a 2002 USA Today profile. And it’s a big reason Neelman prioritizes customer service. “My missionary experience obliterated class distinction for me,” he said to author Jeff Benedict in “The Mormon Way of Doing Business.” “I learned to treat everyone the same. If anything, I have a disdain for the upper class and people who think they are better than others.” TRIJON Weapons-sight maker Trijicon made waves in 2010 when an ABC Nightline investigation found that the company had inscribed coded biblical references on high-powered rifle sights used by the U.S. military. Military officials told ABC they were unaware of the inscriptions, which violated U.S. military rules banning the proselytizing of any religion in Iraq or Afghanistan. The Michigan-based company at the time acknowledged the codes and told ABC that the practice started under its founder, Glyn Bindon, a devout Christian who was killed in a 2003 plane crash.


HOBBY LOBBY Hobby Lobby, a national chain of roughly 500 arts-andcraft stores in 41 states makes the company’s religious beliefs quite clear. The company’s first mission statement is “Honoring the Lord in all we do by operating the company in a manner consistent with biblical principles,” according to its website, and ends with, “We believe that it is by God’s grace and provision that Hobby Lobby has endured. He has been faithful in the past, we trust Him for our future.” Since 1997, the company has run full-page religious ads in every newspaper in which they advertise for holidays including Easter and Christmas. SERVICEMASTER ServiceMaster may not be a household name, but several of its brands — which include Merry Maids, Terminix and American Home Shield — are.

H.E.B H.E.B., a grocery-store chain with hundreds of stores in Texas and Mexico, grew from a single-family owned store opened by Florence Butt in Kerrville, Texas in 1905. Company Vice Chairman Howard E. Butt Jr. is also a self-described “spiritual reformer,” who joined with Rev. Billy Graham in the 1950s to create “spiritual programs for business professionals.” He also oversees the administration of “Laity Lodge,” a Christian retreat centre in Texas.

H.E.B. stores used to be closed on Sundays and prohibit the sale of alcohol until 1976, when a new president changed the rules. Former Minor League Baseball player Marion E. CURVES Wade founded the company in 1929 and worked to Curves gyms are nationally known for creating a menincorporate his “strong personal faith and a desire to free environment where women of all shapes and sizes honor God in all he did,” according to the Service Master can work out. website. It’s lesser known that the company’s founder Gary This translated into the company’s “foundational Heavin, is a born-again Christian who has garnered commitment” to “Honor God in all we do.” criticism for conservative political views and donating to anti-abortion causes, according to a 2004 Houston GEORGE FOREMAN COOKING After leaving behind a successful boxing career, George Chronicle profile. Foreman gained new-found fame as the boisterous hawker of low-fat cooking grills. Foreman discussed his own religious reawakening in an interview with Success Magazine, and said that his personal integrity guides his business decisions. For example, he won’t invest in products or sellers that promote alcohol consumption.

Heavin acknowledged there has been some business “fallout” from his views, which prompted some members to cancel memberships.




The Lord’s House takes Steps of Faith


he Lord’s House, Luton is a Parish of the RCCG Located in Luton, pastored by Philip and Bolanle Oladejo. Its inaugural service held on the 7th of June, 2015.The Parish was inaugurated by the Living Spring Centre under the leadership of Pastors Raphael and Susan Olurotimi on the 21st June.

God has been so faithful and truly being our source of strength.

The Parish, which started with a step of faith by 2 adults - Philip & ‘Bolanle Oladejo and our 2 wonThe Lord’s House is committed derful children - has begun to to three visions: namely Prayers, grow and produce fruits. Weekly Family and Community Outreach. Services hold at The Lord’s House As God’s chosen people, we are on Wednesdays and Sundays. determined to prayerfully stand in the gap to raise Godly generations who will be a voice in the community as we lift up the name of Jesus Christ. Since the ministry commenced, we have experienced tremendous transformation of lives, with families rising to a place of true fulfilment.


Other events at TLH are 7 Sundays of Prayer Rain, LutonGospelFest; a yearly Gospel Festival, Children’s Summer Party, amidst others. Our Wednesday Service is called Discovery Evening , a time of Discovery and Exploration of God’s word and the raising of disciples through the searching and study of Scriptures. Concurrently, children also enjoy a session of Discovery Night Study, Movie Night and Learning of God’s word. On Sundays, we hold our Celebratory Service between 9am-11am, and 3rd Sundays are dedicated to celebrating the Marriage Institution, called ‘Staying Knitted Sunday’. In addition, our community outreach via Feed-A-Friend Charity, is conducted every other month, providing Free Glucose & blood pressure checks to members of the Luton community plus a dose of prayer and lots of smiles! TLH has a total of about 50 members in regular attendance which includes the children. Church is fun, vibrant and Services are dynamic, as we move on the wings of the Spirit. Together with the leadership team and committed workers, the church of God is marching on, ALL GLORY TO HIM ALONE!! - Philip & ‘Bolanle Oladejo



The Will of GOD

t is possible for believers to live a God pleasing life. You can speak a word of kindness to someone or act lovingly towards someone as this pleases God. Jesus said in John 6:38 that “For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.” He was clearly identifying His own will with that of the Father. In fact, He said in John 5:30 that “I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me.” He knows, with a divine knowledge, what is the infinite love of the Father, and He has Himself come down from heaven to fulfil heaven’s will in love to man.

We are glad as a people that peace and order is restored in the United Kingdom after recent tragic events and our prayer is that this will be lasting and sustainable in Jesus name. When things happen in a certain way, we ask questions like; how can this be part of God’s plan? What is God’s will in all of this? It is great to know the will of God for your personal life, a family, community, an organization or a country. Many people are grieving while seeking to understand God’s purpose for their pain. In all this, let our prayers be anchored on Isaiah 60:18 that says “Violence shall

no longer be heard in your land, neither wasting nor destruction within your borders; But you shall call your walls Salvation, and your gates Praise.” This we claim for families, our cities and nation as a whole in Jesus name. In the Bible, when Jesus restored sight to a man, blind from birth, in John 9:1-41, His disciples asked Him why the man had been born blind. Was it the man’s or the parents’ sin that had caused it? The Israelites viewed physical affliction as being caused by sin. Jesus said that the man was born blind so that God’s dynamic works could be later demonstrated in the man. Some may say, it was a “Will of God thing.” Christians still wonder why bad things happen to good people. Sometimes, the only answer offered by other Christians is that it is a “Will of God thing.” Of course, that’s not a very satisfying answer.

God gave us the Bible as a guide for life, so that we can understand about such things as faith and His Will. The fullness of the Will of God is contained in the Bible. The will of God is the wisdom of God and Proverbs 4:7 reminds us that “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.” Knowing the will of God makes us to appreciate who The


Almighty God is and gives the understanding to overwhelming circumstances in the journey of life. The Apostle Paul says in Romans 12:1-2 that “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Understanding the will of God in the journey of life is crucial. Start early in life to discover God’s will for your life, and live it. In continuing, he said in Ephesians 5:17 that “Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” Knowing the perfect will of God for your life is key in fulfilling life goals. The Lord Jesus Christ says in Matthew 6:10 that “Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” His desire was to live in its entirety the purpose of God for His life. This brings me to the understanding that there are three categories of people on the face of the earth. Those living in the imperfect will of God; those living in God’s permissive will and

Secondly, are those set of people who are living in God’s permissive will. These are people that have been persistent in what they desire for their own selfish purpose and God allowed it. For instance, 1 Corinthians 1:18 says “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” This is what God will accept, given our choices, good or bad, in particular circumstances, so as to not limit the free will He has given us. He accepts that some will be lost. It is noteworthy here that the people in this category may seem to have

gotten what they desire in life but it was simply because of their own strong personal desire with a motive known best to them. Sometimes they compel others to give approval to their desires. For instance, is the case of Samson’s choice of a wife from amongst the Philistines. Judges 14:1-3 says “Now Samson went down to Timnah, and saw a woman in Timnah of the daughters of the Philistines. 2 So he went up and told his father and mother, saying, “I have seen a woman in Timnah of the daughters of the Philistines; now therefore, get her for me as a wife.” 3 Then his father and mother said to him, “Is there no woman among the daughters of your brethren, or among all my people, that you must go and get a wife from the uncircumcised Philistines?” And Samson said to his father, “Get her for me, for she pleases me well.” Of course, the story goes on to say that Samson got her as a wife as he desired. Again, in this scenario, it may not be the best of options but somehow, God will allow it happen for the fact that He has given the power of freewill to man. Thirdly, are the set of people living in God’s perfect will. These people are living in God’s ultimate will. Paul said in Philippians 1:21 that “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” This is living a life in absolute obedience and dependence on God. This is how God achieves His ends, given man’s choices, be they good or bad. He works all things together for the good of those He called, who love Him (Romans 8:28). There are many examples in the Bible. Jesus wanted the total will of God to manifest hence He prayed the prayer in Matthew 6:10 that “Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” The most joyful man on the face


of the earth is the man that is right on the centre of the perfect will of God for his life. Jesus said, not my will but let God’s will be done onto Him (Luke 22:42). As God’s children, our desire should be to always please God. All that Jesus wanted was to please The Father Almighty. My prayer for you is that God will teach and grant you more and more grace to do His will with all your heart in Jesus name. Shalom

Therefore do



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understand what the will

those living in the perfect will of God. Let’s look at these briefly: Firstly, are the people living outside the will of God or those living in the imperfect will of God. These people are those that are on their own. God expects them to live life in a certain way but they have chosen the opposite and completely out of what God wants. The Bible talks of Ephraim in Hosea 4:17 that “Ephraim is joined to idols; leave him alone.” We may say God was tired of the life choices of Ephraim and allowed Ephraim to live life the way He want it. In Matthew 18:14, we read that “Even so it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.” We can see that God’s intentional will for all is that none should perish. That is the desire of God’s heart for us, His ideal plan, flowing out of His goodness, such as that none should be lost. May we not, like Ephraim, live in the imperfect will of God in Jesus name. May God not give up on you in Jesus name. May He not leave you to live at your own peril in Jesus name. If you are in this category, I pray that the God that is rich in mercy, show you mercy in Jesus name (Ephesians 2:4).

of the Lord is.

- Dr. Akpo Onduku Twitter: @AkpoOnduku


A Call To Church Leaders!


few years ago I counselled a lady one Sunday after service who was in great distress. I prayed with her but I

later discovered that she was in a psychiatric hospital. After visiting her in hospital, and speaking with her family, I began to understand that this had happened because of domestic abuse at the hands of her husband.


Anyone call fall victim of abuse, indeed it’s rate of increase is alarming. Currently, according to statistics, 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men experience it in their lifetime.

victims adequately. A church leader is many times the first point of contact for victims of domestic abuse. How the church leader handles the case determines the victim’s pathway in surviving the ordeal. How would you feel as a church leader; when you see your church member being ushered by the police into jail? As you teach your congregation about sex, love and loyalty; you also need to teach them about the issues of Domestic abuse so that someone does not go to jail and another is prevented from an early grave. A perpetrator of Domestic Violence whether physical or emotional may end up with a criminal record and this will affect their career prospects. Those who are abused can die in the hands of their abuser often leaving young children. This is the reality. If all Church leaders stand against domestic abuse and actively educate their members on what it is and how to avoid it, the rate of domestic violence in Christian communities would reduce. Remember that as a Church leader, your members depend on you. You will not fail man and you will not fail God in Jesus name. Three important things to note for Church Leaders A) Church leaders must speak freely about domestic violence. B) All church leaders must be educated on this issue C) Every Church must have a structure to support victims.

It’s not particular to a certain gender, culture, race or religion.It’s not even about love or friendship. A man or woman can profess to love their spouse and still abuse them. Church leaders must be able to identify the difference between marital issues and domestic abuse and they must be able to detect those at high risk. It is imperative for church leaders to understand the issues of domestic violence in order to support

-By Liz Kingsley Executive Pastor, RCCG City of David, Dartford. Director, Safe Arms (


The Paraclete; theWoman


hroughout biblical and secular histories, the significant and often glaring roles played by women cannot be overemphasized. From the matriarchs of faith to the rulers who jolted the cause of events, it becomes increasingly clear that the woman not only complements humanity, but she also influences her immediate world. As it is with most natural phenomena, influence can be positive or negative. Some Biblical references indicating the variations of feminine influence include, but are not limited Sarah’s prodding of Abraham (Genesis 16:2 and Genesis 21: 9 - 13), Rebecca’s successful ploy (Genesis 27), Jezebel’s hold on Ahab and his kingdom (1 Kings 16 – 22), Esther’s boldness to save her people (Esther 4 – 7) and Mary’s conception of the Messiah (Luke 1: 26 – 38). Great feats and daring ventures have been orchestrated jointly by men and women of renown who crossed borders and boundaries deemed impenetrable and unreachable by others.

This clearly suggests that the world as we know it today, sits on building blocks and stepping stones laid jointly by men and women. While secular history is also not lacking in lending credence to the fact that the woman influences as much as she complements humanity, it is more appropriate to focus on Biblical history which touches on our faith. Humanity had a wonderful relationship with God before the great fall (Genesis 3:8). At a time before the fall when all seemed pristine and utterly right, God knew without a ‘helpmeet’, the man in the Garden would be alone (Genesis 2:18). This brings to bear a very strong resonance of the fact that even in the fullness of God, it is possible to experience lonesomeness. To address this lacuna, God gave the man a ‘helper’ in the person of a woman. Though there may be variances in perspectives, from a Biblical viewpoint this was the first ‘comforter’ man ever received from God (Genesis 2: 22 – 23). However, the woman was also lacking in completeness just like man. Little wonder, she gave in to the enticement of the subtle one (Genesis 3: 1 – 6). This is another justification of the truth that all are in need of God’s will in life’s dealings. No doubt, many generations and events have spanned from the fall in the Garden. All these acts and chronicles point to the restoration and reconciliation the Creator continuously seeks with His creation. In other words, God has been in the constant business of consolidating His relationship with man from the beginning. From the vested love in Abraham and his lineage to the call of the early patriarchs of faith and the installation of Judges, Prophets and Kings, God’s prevalent way of ruling in the affairs of men has been through the oracles of His word.


A mother’s words to her son many years B.C. are still valid today as they were when firstly recorded.

This is to say that the authority of God can be exemplified in the vicissitudes of events orchestrated by his unchanging word. The advent of the Messiah also reflects this truth in the pedigree and person of our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ. He exemplified the fullness of God’s Spirit (the Paraclete) and He also had the very nature of man (Isaiah 11: 1 – 6 and John 1: 1 – 17). During His sojourn here on earth, humanity had a testimony: ‘Emmanuel’ – God with us (Matthew 1: 23). Today, God’s nature resides in every true believer’s heart as freely promised and given in the form of another Comforter (John 14; John 20:22 and Acts 1). The striking parallelism between the comforting and influencing roles the Paraclete and the woman play will always transcend beyond the limited words an article or a book may convey. Without overly laying emphasis on the differences between divinity and humanity or the celestial and terrestrial, it must be understood that the altar of our hearts is the place where divinity meets with humanity (Isaiah 66: 1 – 2). In so doing, it

becomes possible to stay clear of ideologies and precepts that redefine us outside of God’s original intents. There will always be more to each of us than we may ever be able to perceive personally. We all need attachments: comforters. As life’s billows continue to roll, we are often left in the need of an advocate who can touch us and touch God at the same time (Job 9: 33). We have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous (1 John 2: 1). Through the eyes of faith, we must trust the Comforter and the grace of God to lead and teach us at every point in time (Titus 2: 11 – 14). God’s word is very intentional about all and sundry including the Paraclete and the woman (Psalm 119: 89 and 2 Timothy 3:16). A mother’s words to her son many years B.C. are still valid today as they were when firstly recorded (Proverbs 31: 10 – 31). While nobility may be given or inherited, it takes discipline and decision to be virtuous. Today, the attributes of our tripartite God are clearly revealed through the manifestation of His Spirit (the Paraclete). As we keep to daily move, and live, and have our being in


Him, we must not overlook the parallelism between the defining significance of the woman’s hold of our humanity and the Paraclete’s hold of our blessed divinity: In the beginning, she’s the helpmeet at the very best; From inception, He’s the helper at the very truest; By nature, she spreads her warmth of influence across life’s good frame; Divinely, He instils the consciousness of God’s matchless name. Again, she nourishes and nurtures as the mother to the child; Over and over, He comforts and consoles as a cavern in the wild; Again, she loves and strengthens as the wife to the man; Over and over, He resides in true hearts as part of God’s plan.

-Mobayode O. Akinsolu


Unravelling Defense Mechanisms

“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Trust in the LORD always, for the LORD GOD is the eternal Rock.” Isaiah 26: 3-4 NLT This scripture assures us that if we trust in God always knowing that He is our eternal Rock, He will keep us in perfect peace. We are advised that if we are to trust in God, we must keep our thoughts fixed on Him. There are so many things in life that are competing for our attention but we must focus our attention on the author and finisher of our faith, Jesus Christ (Hebrews 12:2).

psychological term that is used to define the mental processes that we all use in everyday life to cope with issues that are anxiety-provoking to us. The overall effect is to alter the reality of the situation, so as to avoid the anxiety associated with it. We tend to use them because they help us to maintain an apparently healthy appearance. However, they can become damaging to us and our relationships.

Many of us tend to adopt these processes to cover our personal deficiencies in relationships and the only way to resolve them is to identify and acknowledge that what we are doing and find healthier ways to deal with anxiety and relationship Whenever we have a challenge, we issues. should go to God but often times we try to be our own problem solvers Some common examples of defence and look for ways to help ourselves. mechanisms: The world tells us that ‘help comes to those who help themselves’. God’s REPRESSION Word however tells us that He is our This is where someone deals with helper and our defender (Psalm 54:4). threat and stress by blocking If only we could rely on Him to be our unpleasant emotional experiences defender but instead we develop our that might bring up anxiety, distress own defence mechanisms. and vulnerability. Repression means that individuals distance and isolate Defence mechanism is a from others when they are stressed.


They may refuse to answer phone calls, avoid social media and social gatherings. They don’t want to be in these situations because they want to avoid talking about and rehashing unpleasant experiences as this adds to their stress. They become inaccessible to others, are conflict avoidant and often deny that there is a problem when confronted. The problem is that they may not realise how much their distancing bothers others and instead of turning to those around for help, they are cutting themselves off from them which leads to isolation and can make things worse. Often such a person can feel and express anger. Anger rises to the surface because it is the strongest emotion but underneath can often be fear, anxiety, hurt and disappointment that has not been acknowledged.


This is where a person gets excessively upset with a personality trait or behaviour in someone else that they wishes to deny in themselves. They are actually seeing something about themselves that they don’t like in the

actions of the other person. Rather than getting angry at themselves they project their anger unto another person. They suppress the knowledge that they have the same trait and externalize blame on the other person. If you are preoccupied with others’ behaviour, be careful that you are not avoiding dealing with parts of yourself that you are not happy with. This is where a person gets excessively upset with a personality trait or behaviour in someone else that they wishes to deny in themselves. They are actually seeing something about themselves that they don’t like in the actions of the other person. Rather than getting angry at themselves they project their anger unto another person. They suppress the knowledge that they have the same trait and externalize blame on the other person. If you are preoccupied with others’ behaviour, be careful that you are not avoiding dealing with parts of yourself that you are not happy with.


This is where we put up walls around our emotions to avoid letting our spouse or other loved ones get too close. We use this defence mechanism to avoid getting hurt. However, this is problematic because it means that you won’t ever let your spouse or loved ones in to see your true emotional self and as a result you won’t ever be able to be truly close to them.


This is essentially any way in which we ignore a problem or issue in our relationship, in order to avoid dealing with it. We often find it easier to pretend that nothing is wrong instead of dealing with the situation, which could potentially be hurtful. The danger with this is that eventually the situation will erupt because feelings cannot be denied forever.


This is where someone will take out their anger towards a particular

person on another person. Unfortunately, we tend to take our loved ones for granted and this means that when we have a difficult day at work, there is a tendency to come home and take out our anger on those closest to us. We cannot expect our loved ones to put up with being our punch bag forever.

faced with an anxious situation, look at yourself, and your reaction rather than only the reaction of your loved ones or others. Examine your own response to a situation, and try to identify why it is that you are sensitive, what about you feels threatened in the situation? What is making you feel uncomfortable? Ask yourself what kind of support do you feel that you could provide yourself to better RATIONALISATION handle the negative feelings brought This is where we make excuses up in an uncomfortable situation? for our behaviour, defending our unacceptable actions or attitudes by The final step is to listen to yourself. giving explanations or reasons that Become more self-aware, allow are more socially acceptable such yourself to experience anxiety and as; I’m only human, I’m a man, it’s my your true feelings without fear. culture, my upbringing and so on. Approach the situation in a way that All of these defence mechanisms is less protected and less attached to hinder our ability to relate to others the defence mechanisms you have intimately and directly. They are been using previously. counterproductive in that they serve as a protective shield but Try your best to put these three steps also constrain and restrict us in our together every time you are faced interactions with others, especially with a confrontation or negative loved ones. Also holding up these situation. With time and effort, you’ll inner defences requires a lot of work notice a difference in your reactions. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to react and energy to maintain. appropriately in every circumstance. So what should we do? Remember that The Holy Spirit is Psychotherapists Jett Psaris & your counsellor. He is eager and Marlena S. Lyons in their book, ready to heal us, often the defence Undefended Love (2000) suggest the mechanisms that we have been using are protecting the wounds we “Stop, Look, Listen” method. have received from further harm, but The first step is to stop and recognise at the same time, serving as a wall or the defence mechanisms in blockage which prevents the light of operation in our lives and then act Christ from penetrating and healing in a manner opposite of what you the wound. Defence mechanisms would normally do. For example, stop us from allowing even The Holy if you have a tendency to withdraw Spirit to penetrate the barrier we yourself in certain situations, try to have put around us. stay engaged and in-the-moment. Romans 12:2b says, “... but be If you tend to close your heart transformed by the renewing of your to protect yourself from pain or mind ....” This means that our old rejection, attempt to be open and thinking needs to be replaced with welcoming. Of course it will feel God’s thinking. You can only do this unnatural to you because you have by meditating on the Word of God. become accustomed to reacting in And accepting it by faith. a certain way. Often recognising that We need to take our thoughts captive you are doing something that up to and bringing them into obedience to that point was unconscious can be the Word of God (2 Corinthians 10:5). enough to help you to change your When there is a debate between what your feelings and thoughts say behaviour. and what Scripture says, Scripture The next step is to look. This stage wins. is about identifying why you are - By Andrea Onduku reacting the way you are. When


MATTERS OF THE a e Andr Dear

Hi Andrea when we pray to the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness, why do some people feel like they haven’t been forgiven? Also do people have to confess their sins to others for the Lord to forgive us? Anon Thank you for asking this question. It is actually a common concern for many people as to whether they have been forgiven by God. As a Christian, all our instructions and belief system is based on what is written in the Bible. 2 Timothy 3:16 says “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right”. The Holy Spirit helps us to understand the Bible and guides us about what we should do on a daily basis. The Holy Spirit will not give you any instruction that is against what is in the Bible and so it is our guide book. John 16:13-15 says “However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you”. If we look at what the Bible says about forgiveness, we discover that as soon as we repent we are forgiven. 1 John 1:9 says “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness”. Isaiah 43:25 says “I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more” Acts 3:19 says “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord”. Repentance means to have godly sorrow over that sin, ask for forgiveness and then turn away from it. We may still feel guilty because often it is hard for us to forgive ourselves but God forgives instantly and we have to trust Him and believe that we are forgiven. The Christian Walk is so much based on faith, faith often means believing what you don’t see or don’t feel. Hebrews 11:1 says “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see”. Therefore being forgiven is not dependent on whether you feel forgiven or not. We must believe we are forgiven when we ask because that is what God’s Word tells us. If we wait to feel forgiven then the devil can convince us that we are not forgiven. The Bible calls the Devil the accuser of the Brethren. Revelation 12:10 says “Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down”. Every time you try to move forward in serving God, particularly in the area of evangelism, the Devil will remind you of what you have done in the past. You have to hold on to scripture and remind the devil that you have been forgiven. In terms of whom we confess our sins to, the scriptures we have looked at so far have told us to confess our sins to God


and He will forgive us. You can share your struggles with sin with others so they can pray with you to be able to turn around from sin but it’s only God that can forgive sin. James 5:16 encourages us to confess our sins to others for the purpose of healing and prayer, not forgiveness. “Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results”. I’ve never felt good enough or loved and this has affected me a lot to the point of being depressed. I know it’s only God’s love that matters but it’s been hard for me to love others as I’ve been so rejected so many times even by people in church. Anon Thank you for sharing this with me. It sounds like you have experienced a lot of rejection that has been traumatic for you and it has turned inwards and made you to feel that it is somehow yourself that has caused the rejection. This is common and leads to feelings of worthlessness and low self esteem. Having had a similar experience, I have come to learn though, that usually it’s nothing to do with me, most times, people that disappoint us or behave in a hurtful manner have their own issues they are dealing with and that is why they hurt us. At times individuals project how they feel about themselves unto others, not realising how much they are hurting the other person. Only God will never hurt or disappoint us. Hebrews 13:5b-6 says ““I will never leave you nor forsake you.”So we may boldly say: “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me”? I advise you to pray that the Spirit of rejection would not be able to control your life. Only the Spirit of God must have control of your body and mind. Going back to God for a refilling of His Spirit is so important to have the spiritual energy to continue to do His work when it is thankless by man (Ephesians 5:18, Acts 1:8). It’s sad how we hurt each other in the church as you mentioned but we are all imperfect trying to fight our way through the maze of life. We must pray for our fellow believers that we will learn how to walk in love and unity (Psalm 133). I would also advise you to meditate on the Scripture constantly (Joshua 1:8). The Word of God is the truth while all else is lies (John 17:17). Constantly staying in the Word and prayer is essential. As soon as our intimacy with God slips, then the old thoughts come right back. Keeping our thought life on Christ is a matter of life and death. The devil knows it and so will try to get our mind off Christ. The devil wants us to believe we are alone and rejected but the God of the whole universe rejoices over us daily with songs (Zephaniah 3:17)! Not only that but there are some people that God has placed around us will be there for us if they know how we feel but we keep our feelings hidden because of past rejection and hurt. You have the victory in Christ Jesus!!

Andrea Onduku

Send your problems or questions, which will be treated in the strictest confidence, to



Christ the Redeemer College Repositioning for Greater Glory Introduction Christ the Redeemer College is dedicated to the training of leaders. Men and women of all races and ethnicities are trained to serve people with quality and distinction within ministry and the market place. It has trained over 3000 ministers since its establishment in 1998. It has flexible programmes that reflect a healthy blend of contextualised theology and practical ministerial engagement. Exciting Times Christ the Redeemer College is repositioning itself to meet the challenges of training believers st for the opportunities in ministry for the 21 century and beyond. Embedded in this strategic move is the validation of its programme by the University of Roehampton and the acquisition of model facilities that can host this next move. In view of its vision to become a University college in 5 - 10 years, the college has invested a considerable sum in the restructuring and remodelling of its new facility at Rayners Lane, Harrow, London. The new premises provides ample room for expansion and repositioning for the next phase of development and growth of the college.

College Programme Structure

CRC's course offerings are structured under the following departments and schools: 1. School of Theology (with online programme) 2. School of Pastoral & Practical Ministry 3. School of Supernatural Ministry 4. School of Business, IT & Management 5. School of Life Skills and Counselling Studies 6. School of Advanced Studies - RCCG NABET (Ministry, Youth and Children) All parish pastors, directors and unit heads should please know that there are suitable training opportunities for every member of RCCG UK .We covet your prayers, financial support and programme publicity for a wider reach. May His heavenly blessings rest on us all.

The Building The building was a former hotel and pub built in 1937 of high architectural quality to the design of Eedle & Meyers, a notable architectural practice from the 1880's to 1946.The building is situated on a large expanse of land with good parking facilities. It is a three-floor property with an upper floor and basement. The internal space is about 15,000 square feet. This is more than three times the size of our previous premises in Kennington that was less than 5000 square feet. We are excited about the opportunities this befitting premises provides for the training needs of the RCCG UK.This facility has ample provision for the various training arms to have the space they can use centrally, while providing a platform to meet our aspiration to become a University College.

Christ The Redeemer College The Rayners 23 Village East Way Harrow HA2 7LX Tel: 020 8429 4356 Emai: Web:





Drama School Steps Back 400 Years to Share Good News


oday, we frequently use expressions such as “Tower of strength,” “Tell the truth and shame the devil”, “The world’s my oyster” but not many people realise that these phrases and many more were made popular by William Shakespeare.

Shakespeare really understood the human race. He pictures and writes about men and women as they really are. Lady Macbeth for example is smart, ambitious, ruthless and bold. She is however ruined because of her ambition and her sheer ruthlessness.

Recently, RDA UK students acted in a small theatre production in London westend - calledShakespeare’s Ladies – a series of Shakespeare’s monologues. All the 65 seats in the Lounge at Leicester Square Theatre were sold out thus latecomers were turned away. Some may ask, why Shakespeare? But why not? His contribution to drama is absolutely immense and he continues to influence the theatre and our vocabulary today, 400 years after his death. Furthermore we identify with his characters’ strength aspirations and failings. There is evidence to suggest that William Shakespeare’s work was influenced by the King James version of the Bible. His plays are full of biblical references and moral dilemmas which impact his audience. After seeing his play you walk away with a deepened sense of what’s right and wrong.

William Shakespeare was a gifted, passionate and talented writer who inspired many years ago and continues to inspire today. Some people argue that his intention was purely to entertain and that he was not a man of faith however he names Christ as his Saviour. 
 What inspires the movies in cinemas and the plays we see in the theatre today? What message do they leave us with? How many of them will be re-


membered in another 50 years? 

We need more writers like William Shakespeare who draw their inspiration from the bible - essentially God - and whose work will have a profound impact on the audience. Finally, Shakespeare’s work appeals to people of all faith (and no faith); thus many unbelievers would expectantly be interested in seeing Shakespeare’s Ladies. The monologues are preceded by a prologue and concluded by an epilogue which point to God. Ultimately, the production gives a platform to speak to the audience about God. The RCCG Drama Academy UK has a part time professional acting course which runs from September to August. Classes are held twice month. Our Vision at RDA UK is ultimately to advance the kingdom through creative arts and drama ministry. - Lola Arigbabu For further information please contact us on or visit us on


Plant the Word of God as a Seed in the Fertile Minds of our Young Ones The Toddler, Junior and Teen Zeal are Teaching Resources for Children and Youth

Limited Stock of 2016/17 Edition still Available at the RCCG Central Ofď€ ce OMC Stand

The RCCG UK Edition of the Zeal is published by The Redeemed Christian Church of God, United Kingdom.



Nigeria’s Vice President Commends New Book on Pastor Adeboye at 75 This book of some of the testimonies of one of the greatest servants of God in this generation is worth reading and learning from. I recommend it very highly.” Professor Yemi Osinbajo Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

About the Book Pastor E. A. Adeboye, a man revered by millions across the world as a true man of God, is a great believer in the power of testimony. He himself is a living testimony of the power of God. His sermons always contain stories about how people have experienced the power of Our Lord Jesus Christ in their lives. This book is a collection of those testimonies, which reads like his biography right from his birth to the present moment. The subjects covered include: The RCCG, Testimonies on Faith, Salvation, Miracles, Marriage, Fruit of the Womb and Overcoming Temptation. Mixed in with them is the fascinating story of Pastor Adeboye himself and how, having been born again, he rose from early challenges to become the famous and much-loved leader of The Redeemed Christian Church of God, which has massive presence in 196 countries. A must-read account of an amazing man and his lifelong devotion to spreading the Word of God! For RCCG members and others outside Nigeria, the book has been published on Amazon Kindle: In response to readers who have written to demand the book in full colour, it has been published by CentreSpace, a division of Amazon: Also vailable on and Amazon Europe.

About the Author

A graduate of University of Ghana, Bisi Daniels started work as a trained teacher and switched later to journalism. He was the Business Editor of two of Nigeria’s most influential newspapers, The Guardian and THISDAY between 1993 and 1996. For sometime within this period, he worked briefly as a Speech Writer in Aso Rock to the Head of State. He joined Elf Petroleum Nigeria Limited in 1996 as Media Relations Manager. A year later, he moved to Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria as Corporate Communications Manager. His job included media relations and speech writing. After some 12 years in the oil industry, he returned to journalism. Until recently he was the Chairman of the Editorial Board of THISDAY Newspapers and was also the Executive Editor, Business Desk. He has written over 20 books, including 5 children books; seven novels; a textbook on economics for secondary schools; inspirational books, and plays. Three of his novels were published in London, and one of his inspirational books in the United States. In the last two years, he has written eight literacy story books on finance, road safety, and the oil industry for schools. He is also a columnist in THISDAY and THE SUN Newspapers in Nigeria.





ext to the passion to help ignite a spiritual revival in the United Kingdom, an unwavering commitment of RCCG UK Chairman Pastor Agu Irukwu is to develop a new generation of leaders who will become flag bearers for the Kingdom of God and game-changers in British society. This explains his zeal to identify, equip, mentor and inspire this cadre of emerging leaders. To kick off his leadership development programme for 2017, the Special Assistant to the General Overseer began by hosting a sensitisation event dubbed ‘Ignite to Emerge’, promoted amongst the young people using the hashtag #IG2E. The online campaign for RCCG’s youths to attend the London event turned out successful, settled no the stage for a time of inspirational storytelling by Pastor Agu at the programme. Sharing an authentic account of his journey through teenage-hood and young adulthood, he impressed on the young persons in attendance that they were the incoming set of leaders and had to prepare for this onerous role. A strategic outcome of this leadership initiative is the continued planting of new RCCG churches in the U.K., with more of these being led by young persons between 18 and 35. Going by the commitments made by participants at the programme, a new generation of church planters and leaders in various other spheres of society are emerging under the guidance of mature and encouraging spiritual leaders within the mission. #IG2E was soon followed up in March 2017 with a training event for ‘Emerging Leaders’ hosted by Pastor Agu, who was again supported by Pastors who head RCCG’s Teenage and Youth Ministries. The ongoing initiatives are being complemented by the fostering of campus fellowships by RCCG churches nationwide, working in tandem with other youth ministries.

Pastor Agu Irukwu

Chairman RCCG UK and Special Assistant to the General Overseer





he Covenant Partners’ Reception is held annually to appreciate those who have made a decision to partner with the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG). At the Reception hosted by the General Overseer, Covenant Partners are given updates about the results of their good works and collectively thank the Lord for these accomplishments. They also receive further encouragement from the General Overseer to remain faithful to their partnership decision. Prayers are also said for Partners, asking the

Lord’s blessings upon them, their families and endeavours in the firm belief that God is a rewarder of all those who seek Him and work for His coming Kingdom.






he 19 graduation and awards ceremony of Christ The Redeemer College London took place at House of Praise London on Saturday 15th October. The special guests of honour were Pastor E. A. Adeboye, Pastor (Mrs) Folu Adeboye and Prof. Folashade Aboaba.






he RCCG Ordination Ceremony took place at Jesus House, London. It was hosted by the General Overseer, Pastor E. A. Adeboye where individuals were ordained as Deacons, Deaconesses, Assistant Pastors and Pastors.




Annual General Meeting (AGM) T

he Annual General Meeting (AGM) is attended by RCCG Parish Pastors and Ordained Ministers ONLY. The AGM is chaired by the General Overseer, Pastor E. A. Adeboye.






t the RCCG Workers’ Rally, Workers from all RCCG parishes from across the country assembled for an evening of Worship, Christian Drama, Bible Study, Prayer and the Holy Communion under the leadership of the General Overseer, Pastor E. A. Adeboye at the Excel Centre, London.






he Festival of Life attended and viewed by tens of thousands of people is a free event hosted by Pastor E. A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God at the Excel Centre London. The evening was glorious with praise and worship led by the FOL choir and other guests including. There was also drama, various speakers and ministration by Pastor Adeboye. Notably this Festival of Life marked 20 years of Festival of Life.








he Pastor’s retreat was held at the Hilton Metropole, Brighton on Thursday 19th- Saturday 21st January. The event was hosted by Pastor Agu Irukwu and in attendance were Parish Pastors, their spouses and National Directors.






his leadership training conference was for those between 21 and 35 years and aimed to equip the next generation of young leaders to help fulfil the Great Commission given to all Christians by our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ. At this training, young people in our churches were inspired and equipped with the practical leadership skills required to contribute to the building of healthy and thriving churches that will transform communities. It was held at Jesus House London and hosted by Pastor Agu Irukwu.






he Pastors’ Induction Course (PIC) is the training programme designed for those in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) in the United Kingdom (UK) who are about to take on responsibilities as heads of local churches. Parish Pastors who assumed their positions within the past three years but are yet to attend the PIC are also encouraged to do so. There is no fee to attend the course. The PIC aims to equip new parish pastors with the vital knowledge and skills they will find useful in their day-to-day ministry activities as leaders in charge of local RCCG churches.





n celebration of the 75th birthday of our General Overseer, Pastor E. A. Adeboye, RCCG held 75 HOURS OF NON-STOP PRAISE TO THE SOVEREIGN GOD!

The 75 hours of praise was shared among Nigeria, UAE, Mainland Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa.and the UK. The UK slot took place in Jesus House London on Tuesday 28th February 2017 at 7pm - 9pm







he Emerging Leaders Conference was presented by the Youth Ministry of RCCG UK amd hosted by the Chairman of RCCG UK, Pastor Agu Irukwu. It took place in RCCG Royal Connections, London on the 25th March 2017. The conference focused on Careers, Ministry, Spirituality and Entrepreneurship.



DEDICATION The General Overseer Pastor E. A. Adeboye performed the dedication of the new RCCG UK Central Office on 10th April 2017 . The building, located in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, will be open to the public in due course. We give God all the glory.



RCCG’S VISION IS FOR CHURCHES IN EVERY COMMUNITY. PRAY WITH US AS WE FOCUS ON THESE PARTIALLY REACHED AND UNREACHED AREAS IN THE UK. Avon Bath Bradley Stoke Bristol Clevedon Keynsham Nailsea Portishead Thornbury Weston super Mare Yate Bedfordshire Ampthill Bedford Biggleswade Dunstable Flitwick Kempston Leighton Buzzard Luton Potton Sandy Woburn Berkshire Bracknell Crowthorne Hungerford Maidenhead Newbury Reading Sandhurst Slough Thatcham Wokingham Borders Coldstream Duns Eyemouth Galashiels Hawick Innerleithen Jedburgh Kelso Melrose Peebles Selkirk Buckinghashire Aylesbury Beaconsfield Bletchley Buckingham Chesham High Wycombe Marlow Milton Keynes Newport Pagnell Olney Princes Risborough Wendover Winslow Cambridgeshire Cambridge Chatteris Ely Godmanchester Huntingdon March Peterborough Soham Wisbech Central Alloa Bridge of Allan Callander Dunblane Falkirk 03/07/2014 Grangemouth Stirling Tillicoultry Cheshire Alsager Bollington Chester Congleton Crewe Ellesmere Port

Frodsham Knutsford Macclesfield Middlewich Nantwich Neston Northwich Runcorn Sale Sandbach Warrington Widnes Winsford Cleveland Hartlepool Middlesbrough Redcar Stockton on Tees Yarm Clwyd Buckley Colwyn Bay Denbigh Flint Hawarden Holywell Llangollen Mold Prestatyn Rhuddlan Rhyl Ruthin Wrexham Cornwall Bodmin Bude Camborne Camelford Falmouth Fowey Hayle Helston Launceston Liskeard Looe Lostwithiel Newquay Padstow Penryn Penzance Redruth Saltash Torpoint Truro Wadebridge County Antrim Antrim Ballycastle Ballyclare Ballymena Ballymoney Bushmills Carrickfergus Crumlin Larne Lisburn Newtownabbey Portrush Randalstown County Armagh Armagh Craigavon Lurgan Markethill Newry Portadown County Down Ballynahinch Banbridge Bangor Castlewellan Comber Donaghadee Downpatrick Kilkeel Killyleagh Newcastle Newtownards

Portaferry Rostrevor Saintfield Warrenpoint County Fermanagh Enniskillen Lisnaskea County Londonderry Coleraine Limavady Londonderry Magherafelt Portstewart County Tyrone Castlederg Clogher Coalisland Cookstown Dungannon Fintona Fivemiletown Omagh Strabane Cumbria Alston Appleby in Westmorland Barrow in Furness Carlisle Cockermouth Grange over Sands Kendal Keswick Kirkby Lonsdale Maryport Penrith Staveley Ulverston Whitehaven Windermere Workington Derbyshire Alfreton Ashbourne Bakewell Belper Bolsover Buxton Chesterfield Derby Dronfield Glossop Heanor Ilkeston Long Eaton Matlock New Mills Ripley Swadlincote Whaley Bridge Devon Ashburton Axminster Barnstaple Bideford Bradninch Brixham Buckfastleigh Budleigh Salterton Crediton Cullompton Dartmouth Dawlish Exeter Exmouth Heathfield Holsworthy Honiton Ilfracombe Ivybridge Kingsbridge Lynton Moretonhampstead Newton Abbot Okehampton Paignton

Plymouth Salcombe Seaton Sidmouth South Molton Tavistock Teignmouth Tiverton Torquay Totnes Dorset Blandford Forum Bournemouth Bridport Christchurch Dorchester Ferndown Gillingham Lyme Regis Poole Shaftesbury Sherborne Swanage Verwood Wareham Weymouth Dumfries and Galloway Annan Castle Douglas Dalbeattie Dumfries Kirkcudbright Langholm Lockerbie Moffat Newton Stewart Stranraer Wigtown Durham Barnard Castle Bishop Auckland Chester le Street Darlington Newton Aycliffe Dyfed Aberaeron Aberystwyth Ammanford Burry Port Cardigan Carmarthen Fishguard Haverfordwest Lampeter Laugharne Llandeilo Llandovery Llanelli Milford Haven Narberth Newcastle Emlyn Pembroke Tenby Tregaron East Sussex Battle Bexhill on Sea Brighton Crowborough Eastbourne Hailsham Hastings Heathfield Hove Lewes Newhaven Polegate Rye Seaford Uckfield Wadhurst Essex Basildon Billericay Braintree Brentwood Brightlingsea


Burnham on Crouch Chelmsford Clacton on Sea Coggeshall Colchester Epping Grays Hadleigh Halstead Harlow Harwich Ilford Loughton Maldon Manningtree Rayleigh Rochford Romford Saffron Walden South Woodham Ferrers Southend on Sea Thaxted Tilbury Waltham Abbey Walton on the Naze Wickford Witham Fife Auchtermuchty Burntisland Cowdenbeath Cupar Dunfermline Falkland Inverkeithing Kinghorn Kirkcaldy Ladybank Leven Markinch Newport on Tay Pittenweem Gloucestershire Cheltenham Chipping Campden Chipping Sodbury Cinderford Cirencester Dursley Fairford Gloucester Lydney Moreton in Marsh Nailsworth Newent Painswick Stroud Tetbury Tewkesbury Wotton under Edge Grampian Aberdeen Ballater Banchory Banff Buckie Cullen Dufftown Elgin Forres Fraserburgh Huntly Inverurie Keith Kintore Laurencekirk Lossiemouth Oldmeldrum Peterhead Greater Manchester Ashton in Makerfield Bolton Bury Denton Droylsden Dukinfield

Farnworth Horwich Hyde Manchester Oldham Rochdale Salford Stockport Westhoughton Wigan Gwent Abergavenny Abertillery Brynmawr Caldicot Chepstow Cwmbran Ebbw Vale Monmouth Newport Newport Tredegar Usk Gwynedd County Abergele Amlwch Bala Bangor Barmouth Beaumaris Betws y Coed Blaenau Ffestiniog Caernarfon Conwy Criccieth Dolgellau Holyhead Llandudno Llanrwst Penmaenmawr Porthmadog Pwllheli Tywyn Hampshire Aldershot Alton Andover Basingstoke Eastleigh Fareham Farnborough Fleet Fordingbridge Gosport Havant Hythe Lymington New Milton Petersfield Portsmouth Ringwood Romsey Southampton Southsea Tadley Totton Whitchurch Winchester Yateley Herefordshire Bromyard Hatfield = not the one in Hertfordshire Hereford Kington Ledbury Leominster Ross on Wye Hertfordshire Barnet Berkhamsted Borehamwood Buntingford Cheshunt Harpenden J Hatfield Hemel Hempstead

Hertford Hitchin Hoddesdon Letchworth Potters Bar Rickmansworth Royston Sawbridgeworth Stevenage Tring Waltham Cross Ware Watford Welwyn Garden City Highlands and Islands Cromarty Dingwall Dornoch Fort William Grantown on Spey Inverness Kingussie Kirkwall Lerwick Nairn Tain Thurso Wick Humberside Barton upon Humber Beverley Bridlington Brigg Cleethorpes Driffield Goole Grimsby Hessle Hornsea Howden Market Weighton Pocklington Scunthorpe Withernsea Isle of Wight Brading Cowes Newport Ryde Sandown Shanklin Ventnor Yarmouth Kent Ashford Broadstairs Canterbury Jan 2016 Chatham Crayford Dartford Deal Dover Edenbridge Erith Faversham Folkestone Gillingham Gravesend Herne Bay Hythe Lydd Maidstone Margate Orpington Ramsgate Rochester Sandwich Sevenoaks Sheerness Sittingbourne Southborough Strood Swanley Tenterden Tonbridge Tunbridge Wells 08/07/14 Westerham Whitstable Lancashire Accrington Adlington Bacup

Barnoldswick Blackburn Blackpool Burnley Carnforth Chorley Clitheroe Colne Darwen Failsworth Fleetwood Kirkham Lancaster Leyland Longridge Morecambe Ormskirk Poulton le Fylde Preston Skelmersdale Whitworth Leicestershire Ashby de la Zouch Coalville Hinckley Leicester Loughborough Lutterworth Market Harborough Melton Mowbray Shepshed ??? Wigston Lincolnshire Alford Boston Bourne Caistor Gainsborough Grantham Horncastle Lincoln Louth Mablethorpe Market Deeping Market Rasen Skegness Sleaford Spalding Spilsby Stamford Lothian Bathgate Dalkeith Dunbar Edinburgh Haddington Linlithgow Loanhead Musselburgh North Berwick Penicuik Merseyside Bebington Birkenhead Bootle Heswall Hoylake Kirkby Liverpool Newton le Willows Prescot Southport Wallasey

Sheringham Thetford Wells next the Sea Wymondham North Yorkshire Bedale Easingwold Filey Harrogate Knaresborough Malton Middleham Northallerton Pickering Richmond – not the one South London Ripon Scarborough Selby Settle Skipton Tadcaster Thirsk Whitby York Northamptonshire Brackley Burton Latimer Corby Daventry Higham Ferrers Irthlingborough Kettering Northampton Oundle Rushden Thrapston Towcester Wellingborough Northumberland Alnwick Ashington Bedlington Berwick upon Tweed Blyth Corbridge Cramlington Haltwhistle Hexham Morpeth Prudhoe Rothbury Nottinghamshire Beeston Bingham Eastwood Hucknall Mansfield Nottingham Retford Southwell Sutton in Ashfield Worksop

Mid Glamorgan Aberdare Bridgend Caerphilly Llantrisant Maesteg Merthyr Tydfil Pontypridd Porth Porthcawl

Oxfordshire Abingdon Banbury Bicester Burford Carterton Charlbury Chipping Norton Didcot Dorchester Faringdon Henley on Thames Oxford Thame Wallingford Wantage Witney Woodstock

Norfolk Aylsham Cromer Dereham Diss Downham Market Fakenham Great Yarmouth Hunstanton North Walsham Norwich

Powys Brecon Builth Wells Crickhowell Hay on Wye Knighton Llandrindod Wells Llanfyllin Llanidloes Llanwrtyd Wells Machynlleth

Montgomery Newtown Presteigne Rhayader Talgarth Welshpool Rutland Oakham Uppingham Shropshire Bridgnorth Church Stretton Ellesmere Ludlow Market Drayton Newport Oswestry Shrewsbury Telford Wem Whitchurch Somerset Bridgwater Burnham on Sea Chard Crewkerne Frome Glastonbury Ilminster Midsomer Norton Minehead Shepton Mallet Somerton Taunton Wellington Wells Wincanton Winsford Yeovil South Glamorgan Barry Cardiff Cowbridge Llantwit Major Penarth South Yorkshire Barnsley Bawtry Dinnington Doncaster Hatfield Mexborough Penistone Rotherham Sheffield Wombwell Staffordshire Alton Biddulph Burntwood Cannock Leek Lichfield Rugeley Stafford Stoke on Trent Stone Tamworth Uttoxeter Strathclyde Airdrie Ayr Barrhead Bearsden Bellshill Biggar Campbeltown Carluke Clydebank Coatbridge Cumbernauld Dumbarton Dunoon East Kilbride Glasgow Gourock Greenock Hamilton Helensburgh Inveraray Irvine Johnstone Kilbarchan


West Glamorgan Gorseinon Neath Port Talbot Swansea

Kilmarnock Kilwinning Lanark Largs Lochgilphead Maybole Milngavie Motherwell Oban Paisley Prestwick Rothesay Rutherglen Saltcoats Tobermory Troon Suffolk Aldeburgh Beccles Bungay Eye Felixstowe Framlingham Halesworth Haverhill Ipswich Kesgrave Leiston Lowestoft Needham Market Newmarket Otley Saxmundham Southwold Stowmarket Sudbury Woodbridge Surrey Ashford Camberley Dorking Egham Epsom Esher Farnham Godalming Guildford Haslemere Horley Leatherhead Redhill Reigate Staines Walton on Thames Weybridge Woking Tayside Aberfeldy Arbroath Brechin Carnoustie Crieff Dundee Forfar Kinross Kirriemuir Monifieth Montrose Perth Pitlochry Tyne and Wear Gateshead Houghton le Spring Jarrow Newcastle upon Tyne South Shields Sunderland Washington Whitley Bay Warwickshire Alcester Atherstone Bedworth Coleshill Kenilworth Leamington Spa Nuneaton Rugby Shipston on Stour Southam Stratford upon Avon Warwick Whitnash

West Midlands Aldridge Bilston Birmingham Blackheath Bloxwich Coventry Dudley Halesowen Oldbury Rowley Regis Smethwick Solihull Sutton Coldfield Tipton Walsall Wednesbury Wednesfield West Bromwich Willenhall Wolverhampton West Sussex Arundel Bognor Regis Burgess Hill Chichester Crawley Cuckfield East Grinstead Haywards Heath Horsham Littlehampton Midhurst Petworth Selsey Shoreham by Sea Worthing West Yorkshire Batley Bradford Brighouse Castleford Cleckheaton Dewsbury Halifax Hebden Bridge Holmfirth Huddersfield Ilkley Keighley Leeds Morley Normanton Ossett Otley Pontefract Pudsey Todmorden Wakefield Wetherby Yeadon Wiltshire Amesbury Bradford on Avon Calne Chippenham Devizes Highworth Malmesbury Marlborough Melksham Salisbury Swindon Trowbridge Warminster Westbury Wootton Bassett Worcestershire Bewdley Bromsgrove Evesham Kidderminster Malvern Pershore Redditch Worcester




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