Sunrise July 2016

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ISSN NO:2042-6542 EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief: MODUPE AFOLABI Managing Editor: YINKA ODUWOLE Editor: ANDREA ONDUKU Photographer (RCCG Events): KUSH; FEMI Designed by: IFE SAMUEL Published by: The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Central Office, United Kingdom All Correspondence to: Sunrise Magazine, RCCG Central Office, Redemption House, Station Road, Knebworth, SG3 6AT The views expressed by contributors to sunrise are not necessarily a reflection of the official doctrinal positions of RCCG.The publisher, editors, contributors and related parties are not responsible in any way for the actions or results taken by any person, organisation or parties on the basis of reading information, stories or contributions to be found in this publication.

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THE WINNING SIDE By Pastor E. A. Adeboye


1. The winning side is the singing and dancing side. In 1 Samuel 18:6, when the children of Israel were returning from the defeat of the Philistines, they sang and they danced. In Psalm 59:16, David said, “I will sing of thy power, I will sing of thy mercy, because you have been my defence and refuge in the day of my trouble”. In 2 Samuel 6:14-22, the Bible says David danced exuberantly before the Ark of Covenant. His wife cautioned him by reminding him that he was a King and should exercise restraint. He replied her by saying ‘I am dancing before my God. I am dancing before the One who promoted me. I am dancing before the One who took the kingdom from your father and handed it over to me. I am dancing to the One who made me who I am’. David was definitely a winner. If you study Psalm 23 you will see that he is simply saying, ‘Because I acknowledge God as my Owner, I can even enjoy in the presence of my enemies. My victory is such that even if 44

the enemies are not dead, they are paralysed.’ Dancers will always be Victors. 2. The winning side is the shouting and clapping side. Psalm 47:1-3 says, “Clap your hands all ye people; shout unto God with voice of triumph. He will subdue the people under you and nations under your feet”. It took just one shout to bring down the wall of Jericho. Revelation 19:6 says, “I heard the voice of a great multitude, as the voice of many waters; as the voice of mighty thundering, saying, Alleluia, for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth”. Omnipotent means the One who has all powers. We shout because He gives us victory. We clap because we are full of joy. Isaiah 55:12 says, “O ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands”.

3. Winners are always bold. In 1 Samuel 17:48, the Bible says David ran towards the army to meet the Philistine. He did not shrink back; he was very bold. James 4:7 says you are to resist the devil - you are the one to attack the devil, not the other way around. Be bold, you are a conqueror! God is behind you, you cannot fail, you cannot lose.

6. Every winner is always grateful and they always pay their tithes. We read in Genesis 14:17-20 that the first thing Abraham did after winning a battle was to pay his tithe. Long before this Abraham paid his tithe out of gratitude to the God who gave him victory. Those who don’t pay their tithes live under a curse and somebody who is cursed cannot win. In Numbers 22:1-8, a king sent for a prophet and said, ‘Come and curse Israel for me. There are so many of them; if you curse them, I will be able to overcome them’. But the prophet said, ‘How can I curse someone that God has not cursed’? If you are robbing God of His tithe, according to Malachi Chapter 3:8-11, then you are living under the curse of God Himself. You cannot win when God is against you. If God be for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31). At the end of that verse there is a question mark. He didn’t write’ nobody can be against you’. Why? Because if God is for you, there is only one fellow who can be against you, and that is YOURSELF. That is why they left the question hanging - if God is for you, the devil cannot be against you; demons cannot be against you; witch doctors cannot be against you, but you can be against yourself.

4. Winners are always persistent till the end. Quitters don’t win, winners don’t quit. True winners never stop at ‘almost successful’. David had already killed Goliath with the stone but he wasn’t satisfied; he cut off his head. Winners don’t want just to be healed; they want to be whole. They don’t just want their debt paid; they want a situation where they will never owe again. In 2 Kings 4:1-7, the widow not only paid off her debt, she had more than enough for the rest of her life. Winners don’t want just to be fruitful; they want to be very fruitful. Hannah didn’t just get a child; after she gave that one to God, she got another five children. Winners are tenacious, they don’t want half a victory; they want total victory. They don’t take ‘No’ for an answer; they just keep on pressing forward until the victory comes. Winners keep on pressing forward, keep on praising, keep on shouting. Genesis 32:24-28 talks 7. Winners are always pure and holy. of Jacob who wrestled with an angel all night and In warfare you need an ally. If you want God to be said “I won’t let you go until you bless me”. your ally, you must walk in holiness. In Numbers 23:18-24, when the king asked Balaam to come and 5. Winners are always submissive and obedient. curse Israel, Balaam said, ‘I cannot curse them beIn 1 Samuel 17:45 David said, “I come to thee in the cause God said I have looked and there is no iniquity name of the Lord of hosts.” He knew that the battle in them’. Whereas, in Joshua 7:1-12, when sin came was the Lord’s. The Lord is the owner and He must into the camp of Israel, the God who had promised be obeyed. One of the greatest winners of all times them that nobody would be able to withstand them, was Elijah. He never lost a battle but you must know backed out. If you find you are fighting a losing batthat his catchphrase was ‘Yes, Lord’. The day that tle, examine yourself, and find out where sin is in you decide to do whatever God says, your defeat your life and get rid of it and you will be victorious will end that day. Deuteronomy 28:1 says, “If you in Jesus’ name. will hearken diligently to the voice of the Lord your God, to observe and to do all that He commands (From a message delivered you...” Verse 7 says, “The Lord shall cause thine eneby Pastor E. A. Adeboye at mies that rise up against thee to be smitten before RCCG Redemption Camp, Nigeria) thy face: they shall come out against thee one way, and flee before thee seven ways”. The moment you Website: learn to say ‘Yes, Lord’, to become absolutely obeTwitter: dient, you will overcome sickness (Exodus 15:26). @PastorEAAdeboye He will turn your reproach to triumph and shame to Facebook victory (John 2:1-11). When you are submissive to PastorEAAdeboye God and you are absolutely obedient to Him, your victory is certain.





here is much that has been said in the mainstream media about the rise of women into prominent political office in recent times. Such stories point to personalities like Nicola Sturgeon the current First Minister of Scotland and leader of the Scottish National Party, who, remarkably, is also the first woman to hold either position. Other commentators are quick to mention Christine Lagarde the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) since July 2011. Also on the list of keen observers is Angela Merkel who has been Chancellor of Germany since 2005 and leader of the Christian Democratic Union for the past 16 years. In July 2016, Theresa May, daughter of a Vicar and until recently Home Secretary steps into the picture as the second female to occupy the office of British Prime Minister. The list, of course, could continue if one wished to go on. From North to South, and from East to West, women appear to be breaking ground, contributing significantly to the socio-economic and political prosperity of their nations and the world. It is tempting, of course, to construct a narrative of a new generation of women who are arising globally to make a difference. As attractive as such accounts are, it may not represent the whole picture. The truth is that God has always used women for His purposes – great and small – over dispensations. In Biblical times, we remember Miriam, a prophetess, sister to Moses and active participant in the Exodus of Israel from bondage in Egypt; we remember Deborah the only female Judge mentioned in Ancient Israel who also happened to be a prophet, counsellor, warrior and wife; and we remember Queen Esther who practically laid down her life as a sacrificial lamb for the redemption of Israel from the hand of their enemies. And what more shall we say? We do not have space to tell about Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary of Magdala and many more. In His sovereignty, God chooses those He will use for His purposes. Of course, as He uses womenfolk for His divine purposes, so does He use the men. It appears all we can do to be positioned for selection as a vessel in His hands is to be righteous, be willing and available for divine use. As the Scriptures teach us, if men or women cleanse themselves from all impurity, they will be instruments for noble purposes, 66

THE WO(MAN) GOD USES By Pastor Modupe Afolabi

made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work. This is the challenge. My prayer is that the grace we need to be vessels of honour in God’s hands will be more than sufficient for us at all times in Jesus’ name. In a related sense, it is also apt to say a prayer for our new UK Prime Minister Theresa May: ‘May the Spirit of the Lord, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord rest upon her, and may she delight in the fear of the Lord in Jesus’ name (Isaiah 11:2) As you engage with this summer edition of Sunrise, we hope and pray that it will be a source of inspiration, joy and spiritual guidance in your journey towards Christian maturity and service to the Master, our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ. May God continue to use you for His glorious purposes in Jesus’ beautiful and precious name. Amen. • Pastor Modupe Afolabi is the Editor-in-Chief of Sunrise and Executive Administrator of RCCG Central Office. Twitter: @MoAfolabi



Don’t resist; Be flexible. Don’t be rigid; Be supple. Welcome change! Each change Is an illumining opportunity To knock at the door Of fulfilling progress sweet.


(By Sri Chinmoy)

he last few weeks in the UK have seen a lot of change in the political world, changes that have the potential to change how the UK relates with Europe and indeed the rest of the world. Some are excited by the change, seeing opportunity while others are a little more apprehensive about what the future holds. In Psalm 31:15 David was able to tell God ‘My times are in your hands’. We must be assured that every second that the clock moves is in the hands of God. This also got me thinking about change in general and how as human beings, we tend to be more comfortable with the status quo than change. As much as we profess the desire to change, the need to change, the ideal of change, we tend to avoid change. Well, that’s not exactly true. Actually, we don’t avoid change in others. In fact, we like having others change. It is change that affects us that we avoid. It is time to look at our lives critically and identify areas where we need to stop being dictated to by the status quo but ask the Holy Spirit how we should live our lives and likely that will lead to change.

der. We need to tap into the right emotion that is going to enable us to change. Our social community also plays a key part in our duel between the status quo and change. Friends, family, and co-workers participate. Some, for whatever reason, may hold us back. It could be intentional or unintentional. In many ways, it doesn’t matter. We need to ask ourselves whether or not our social interactions and relationships are really helping us or not. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you and also be practical in deciding what should change. Recognize what areas in your life are creating the most satisfaction and those that are not. Choose an area to adjust that can possibly make the greatest level of positive change or impact and go for it! You will be glad you did! This edition of Sunrise as always is packed with inspirational, encouraging and thought provoking material that will help you on your way to making those positive changes and being all that God has created you to be.

Enjoy the magazine and remember that it is your magazine. If you have any contributions, additions or queries, I Change takes hold more successfully if done from an will be happy to hear from you. emotional, social, and spiritual level. We will need to overcome some emotional and social obstacles in order Have an amazing summer! to follow through with change.

God Bless you.

Feelings play an important role in change. Our emotions can hold us in a status quo state. Even though we may be Your Sister in Christ, in an unhappy emotional condition, other emotions may Andrea Onduku hold a stronger grip on us. Fear is one. Comfort is anoth- Editor er. Our disposition to our various emotional states play a role in whether or not we discard the status quo and move in a new, better direction. We need to be emotionally committed to the desired change. It takes self-control. It takes getting our emotions in the right priority or-






t was the vote of a generation. Not that it centred upon the usual choice between individual candidates for high political office. Rather, it bordered on a seemingly simple question: “Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?” By the time the polls closed, those who voted to remain within the European Union (EU) were 16,141,241, compared to the 17,410,742 who chose to walk away from the EU.

By Yinka Oduwole

this piece, I bump into an old newspaper tearaway in an old file; an opinion article about Britain’s place in the EU published in The Independent on Sunday on 24th June 2007 by Glyn Morgan a Professor of Government at Harvard University, it was ominously headlined “We have nothing to fear from a referendum”. Really? Exactly nine years afterwards, Britain surprised many by exiting the EU.

The immediate consequence of Brexit (as the choice to leave the EU was widely framed) was akin to a political earthquake. Prime Minister David Cameron who had promised the EU Referendum in the hopes of securing a victory for the ‘Remain’ campaign resigned suddenly from office. Twenty days later, Britain had a new Prime Minister in Mrs Theresa May. Not many could have envisaged the seismic events of Britain’s midsummer political drama.

So, what would life outside the EU look like? A clear picture is only just emerging. The snappy switch from one Premier to the other should, no doubt, make the task of charting Britain’s strategic path somewhat easier, bearing in mind that a less than amicable transition would have complicated matters. In the days leading to the EU referendum, many Christians and Christian denominations within the country had prayed regarding the polls, not least because of the impassioned positions of those who desired to remain or leave the EU.

Indeed, the goings-on of recent times in the United Kingdom remind one that the Most High is Sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone He wishes. Call it serendipity, if you will, shortly before writing

Whatever the future holds, few will dismiss with a wave of the hand the fact that the United Kingdom is in need of a post-Brexit reconciliation. The nation needs to heal, even as the new government of Prime Minister


Theresa May settles down to the business of governance, especially with a view to renegotiating Britain’s place in the world outside of the formal structures of the EU. None of these would, of course, be easy. Which is why there is the need for prayers that the new Prime Minister and her team would be guided by God’s wisdom. Prime Minister Theresa May’s religious conviction may, perhaps, provide some reassurance for those who believe in the blessings that come from a personal faith. As most Christians believe, similar to several other major faith traditions, it is God who rules in the affairs of men. The Psalmist puts it eloquently: “For the kingdom is the LORD’s: and he is the governor among the nations.” (Psalm 22:28). Meanwhile, our Christian duty is quite clear, from the instruction of Paul the Apostle to his protégé Timothy: “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Saviour, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:1-4).

Who is Theresa May? A profile of UK’s new Prime Minister


Theresa May

he 59-year-old home secretary’s carefully cultivated image of political dependability and unflappability appears to have made her the right person at the right time as the fallout from the UK’s vote to leave the EU smashed possible rivals out of contention. Long known to have nurtured leadership hopes, Mrs May - whose friends recall her early ambition to be the UK’s first female PM - could have reasonably expected to have had to wait until at least 2018 to have a shot at Downing Street. But the EU referendum which David Cameron called and lost - the year after leading the party to its first election win in 23 years - turned political certainties on their head and, as other candidates fell by the wayside after the PM’s own resignation, Mrs May emerged as the “unity” candidate to succeed him.

By Gavin Stamp, Political Reporter, BBC News

a small number of women in the upper echelons of the Conservative Party for 17 years and has been prepared to tell her party some hard truths - famously informing activists at the 2002 conference that “you know what some people call us - the nasty party”. • Date of birth: 1 October 1956 (aged 59) • Job: MP for Maidenhead since 1997. Home Secretary since May 2010 • Education: Mainly state-educated at Wheatley Park Comprehensive School with a brief time at an independent school; St Hugh’s College, Oxford • Family: Married to Philip May • Hobbies: Cooking - she says she owns 100 recipe books. Occasional mountain walks. On BBC Radio 4’s Desert Island Discs in 2014, she chose Abba’s Dancing Queen and Walk Like A Man, from the musical Jersey Boys, among her picks, alongside Mozart and Elgar. • On her party’s future: “(It is) nothing less than the patriotic duty of our party to unite and to govern in the best interests of the whole country. We need a bold, new positive vision for the future of our country - a country that works not for a privileged few but for every one of us.” Says people want more than just a “Brexit PM” and has vowed to unify the Leave and Remain factions in the party.

That her party should rally round her at such a time of national uncertainty is testament not only to the respect in which she is held across the party but to the fact that, in a world where political reputations can be shredded in an instant, Mrs May is the ultiEven before entering Downing Street, she made hismate political survivor. tory by becoming the second longest serving home In the early days at Westminster she became known secretary in the past 100 years. for her exuberant choice of footwear - her kitten heels became famous in political circles in the noughties, The daughter of a Church of England vicar, Hubert, while she named a lifetime subscription to Vogue as who died from injuries sustained in a car crash when the luxury item she would take to a desert island. she was only 25, Theresa May’s middle class background has more in keeping with the last female ocBut it is her toughness which has become her polit- cupant of Downing Street, Margaret Thatcher, than ical hallmark. She has coped with being one of only her immediate predecessor. 12

Born in Sussex but raised largely in Oxfordshire, Mrs May - both of whose grandmothers are reported to have been in domestic service - attended a state primary, an independent convent school and then a grammar school in the village of Wheatley, which became the Wheatley Park Comprehensive School during her time there.

ade, rising to become deputy leader. However, she was soon setting her sights even higher. Mrs May, who has become a confidante as well as role model for aspiring female MPs - told prospective candidates before the 2015 election that “there is always a seat out there with your name on it”.

In her case - like that of Margaret Thatcher - it took a bit of time for her to find hers. She first dipped her toe in the water in 1992, where she stood in the safe Labour seat of North West Durham, coming a distant second to Hilary Armstrong, who went on to become Labour’s chief whip in the Blair governFriends recall a tall, fashion-conscious young wom- ment. Her fellow candidates in that contest also inan who from an early age spoke of her ambition to cluded a very youthful Tim Farron, who is now Lib be the first woman prime minister. Dem leader. The young Theresa Brasier, as she was then, threw herself into village life, taking part in a pantomime that was produced by her father and working in the bakery on Saturdays to earn pocket money.

Like Margaret Thatcher, she went to Oxford University to study and, like so many others of her generation, found that her personal and political lives soon became closely intertwined.

Two years later, she stood in Barking, east London, in a by-election where - with the Conservative government at the height of its unpopularity - she got fewer than 2,000 votes and saw her vote share dip more than 20%. But her luck was about to change.

In 1976, in her third year, she met her husband Philip, who was president of the Oxford Union, a well- The Conservatives’ electoral fortunes may have hit known breeding ground for future political leaders. a nadir in 1997, when Tony Blair came to power in a Labour landslide, but there was a silver lining for the party and for the aspiring politician when she won The story has it that they were introduced at a Con- the seat of Maidenhead in Berkshire. It’s a seat she servative Association disco by the subsequent Paki- has held ever since. stani prime minister Benazir Bhutto. They married in 1980. An early advocate of Conservative “modernisation” in the wilderness years that followed, Mrs May quickHer university friend Pat Frankland, speaking in 2011 ly joined the shadow cabinet in 1999 under William on a BBC Radio 4 profile of the then home secretary, Hague as shadow education secretary and in 2002 said: “I cannot remember a time when she did not she became the party’s first female chairman under Iain Duncan Smith. have political ambitions. “I well remember, at the time, that she did want to become the first woman prime minister and she was quite irritated when Margaret Thatcher got there first.”

She then held a range of senior posts under Michael Howard but was conspicuously not part of the “Notting Hill set” which grabbed control of the party after its third successive defeat in 2005 and laid David Cameron and George Osborne’s path to power.

There are no tales of drunken student revelry, but Pat Frankland and other friends say May was not the austere figure she would later come to be seen as, saying she had a sense of fun and a full social life.

This was perhaps reflected in the fact that she was initially given the rather underwhelming job of shadow leader of the House of Commons. But she gradually raised her standing and by 2009 had become shadow work and pensions secretary.

After graduating with a degree in Geography, May went to work in the City, initially starting work at the Bank of England and later rising to become head of the European Affairs Unit of the Association for Payment Clearing Services.

Nevertheless, her promotion to the job of home secretary when the Conservatives joined with the Lib Dems to form the first coalition government in 70 years was still something of a surprise - given that Chris Grayling had been shadowing the brief in opposition.

But it was already clear that she saw her future in politics. She was elected as a local councillor in Mer- While the Home Office turned out to be the political ton, south London, and served her ward for a dec- graveyard of many a secretary of state in previous 13

decades, Mrs May refused to let this happen - mastering her brief with what was said to be a microscopic attention to detail and no little willingness to enter into battles with fellow ministers when she thought it necessary.

ning the annual conference of the Police Federation in 2014 by telling them corruption problems were not just limited to “a few bad apples” and threatening to end the federation’s automatic right to enrol officers as its members.

While some in Downing Street worried that the Home Office was becoming her own personal fiefdom, she engendered loyalty among her ministers and was regarded as “unmovable” as her tough-talking style met with public approval even when the department’s record did not always seem so strong.

However, the Passport Office suffered a near meltdown while she has faced constant criticism over the government’s failure to meet its promise to get net migration down to below 100,000 a year.

Despite her liberal instincts in some policy areas, she frequently clashed with the then deputy prime minister and Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg, particularly over her plan to increase internet surveillance to combat terrorism, dubbed the “Snooper’s Charter” by the Lib Dems.

There was a bitter public row with cabinet colleague Michael Gove over the best way to combat Islamist extremism, which ended with Mr Gove having to apologise to the prime minister and Mrs May having to sack a long-serving special adviser - a turf war which is said to have led to a diminution in her admiration for the prime minister.

Labour MP Yvette Cooper, who went up against her in the Commons as shadow home secretary, told In his memoir of his time in office, former Lib Dem The Guardian: “I respect her style - it is steady and minister David Laws says: “She would frequently serious. She is authoritative in parliament - superficlash with George Osborne over immigration. She cial attacks on her bounce off. rarely got on anything but badly with Michael Gove. She and Cameron seemed to view each other with “The flip side is that she is not fleet of foot when crimutual suspicion. ses build, she digs in her heels (remember the Passport Agency crisis in 2014 when the backlog caused “I first met her in 2010. I was sitting in my Treasury hundreds to miss their holidays, and the Border office, overlooking St James’s Park, me in one arm- Force crisis in 2011 when border checks were axed). chair and the home secretary in the other, with no officials present. She looked nervous. “And she hides when things go wrong. No interviews, no quotes, nothing to reassure people or to “I felt she was surprised to find herself as home sec- remind people she even exists. It’s helped her surretary. Frankly, I didn’t expect her to last more than a vive as home secretary - but if you are prime miniscouple of years.” ter, eventually the buck has to stop.”

After one “difficult” meeting with Mr Clegg, he reportedly told David Laws: “You know, I’ve grown to rather like Theresa May... ‘She’s a bit of an Ice Maiden and has no small talk whatsoever - none. I have quite difficult meetings with her. Cameron once said, ‘She’s exactly like that with me too!’ “She is instinctively secretive and very rigid, but you can be tough with her and she’ll go away and think it all through again.”

Key policies:

Where she stands on Brexit: Theresa May has insisted “Brexit means Brexit” and there will be no second referendum on the issue. She says official talks on leaving, which will begin when the UK triggers the so-called Article 50, won’t begin until the end of 2016 at earliest. She has insisted the status of EU nationals in the UK won’t change until a new “legal agreement” is reached but has yet to give a guarantee on their status. She says the best deal is needed to trade with the EU in goods and services but more control is needed to lower immigration.

On the plus side crime levels fell, the UK avoided a mass terrorist attack and in 2013, she successfully deported radical cleric Abu Qatada - something she lists as one of her proudest achievements, along Other policies: Theresa May has pledged a shakewith preventing the extradition to America of com- up of boardroom ethics as part of which workers will puter hacker Gary McKinnon. be guaranteed representation on company boards while shareholders votes on executive pay deals will She was not afraid to take on vested interests, stun- be made binding every year. 14

but later said she would not pursue this as PM due to a lack of parliamentary support - an example of what many believe will be pragmatism in office. Her social attitudes are slightly harder to pin down. She backed same sex marriage. She expressed a personal view in 2012 that the legal limit on abortion should be lowered from 24 to 20 weeks. Along with most Conservative MPs she voted against an outright ban on foxhunting. What is undisputable is that at 59, Mrs May will be oldest leader to enter Downing Street since James Callaghan in 1976 and will be the first prime minisWhat the press say: “In a political party that strug- ter since Ted Heath who does not have children. gles to shake off its elitist, old Etonian, yah-boosucks reputation, May represents a different kind of One of Westminster’s shrewdest as well as toughest politician: a calm headmistress in a chamber full of operators, Mrs May’s decision to campaign for the over-excitable public schoolboys. She holds herself UK to remain in the EU but to do so in an understatat one remove... her obdurate stance has earned her ed way and to frame her argument in relatively narsome vociferous critics. There are those who claim row security terms reaped dividends after the divithat, while she takes care never to sully her own sive campaign. hands with the grubby business of political backstabbing, she will send out her team to issue fero- During what turned out to be a short-lived leadcious briefings against her rivals.” The Guardian. ership campaign, Mrs May played strongly on her weight of experience, judgement and reliability in a Former Conservative chancellor Ken Clarke also had time of crisis. run-ins with her and was recorded on camera ahead of an interview last week saying that Mrs May was While her wider political appeal is, as yet, untested, good at her job but a “bloody difficult woman” - be- Mrs May will not have to face a general election until fore adding as an aside, a bit like Mrs Thatcher. A ref- May 2020 unless she decides to seek a fresh manerence to be Conservative leader can hardly come date - something she has seemingly ruled out. better than that. While the early years of Mrs May’s time in Downing Mrs May has never been one of the most clubbable Street may be dominated by the process of divorcof politicians and is someone who prefers not hav- ing the UK from the EU and the deal she will be able ing to tour the tea rooms of the House of Commons to strike, she has also insisted she won’t be content - where tittle-tattle is freely exchanged. with the “safe pair of hands” tag that is often attached to her. She has rarely opened up about her private life although she revealed in 2013 that she had been di- Brexit, she has said, won’t be allowed purely to deagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and would require fine her time in office and she has promised a radical insulin injections twice a day for the rest of her life programme of social reform, underpinned by values - something she says she had come to terms with of One Nation Toryism, to promote social mobility and which would not affect her career. and opportunity for the more disadvantaged in society. Generally thought to be in the mainstream of Conservative thinking on most economic and law and But with a slender parliamentary majority of 17 and order issues, she has also challenged convention by a nation still riven by divisions over the EU referenattacking police stop and search powers and calling dum and anxiety over the future, she will face as for a probe into the application of Sharia Law in Brit- tough a task, some say even tougher, than any of her ish communities. recent predecessors in Downing Street. She also expressed a personal desire to withdraw Source: the European Convention on Human Rights tics-36660372 (Accessed 12th July 2016) 15





he wisest man who ever walked the earth summed up the key to a victorious life this way: “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” (Proverbs 4:7). His wise words still ring true, thousands of years afterwards. To succeed in the journey of life, wisdom is the principal thing. In other words, if you require just one thing to ensure that you would live a successful life, it is wisdom. I am persuaded that if you are reading this, you want to succeed or keep achieving greater levels of success. It is instructive to remind ourselves that the first step towards walking in wisdom is to cultivate a reverential fear of God in our hearts. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” (Proverbs 9:10). Wisdom begins with the fear of God. A man or woman who does not have a reverential fear of God can never walk in divine wisdom. In fact, a man or woman who refuses to surrender to the sovereignty of God expressed through His word can never be wise. This is because the Scriptures teach that God’s wisdom is revealed through His Spirit

By Yinka Oduwole

(I Corinthians 2: 6-16). So, it is possible to be saved but not position oneself to draw from the deep wells of wisdom in God’s word through His Spirit.

study, meditate upon, memorise and practice the word of God. Jesus is the Word of God and thereby the wisdom of God personified. It is wisdom to be in agreement with God’s word at all times, even if it I looked up synonyms for the is like foolishness to men that are word ‘wisdom’ and was somewhat perishing. surprised to find words such as ‘understanding’, ‘sense’, insight’, It is wisdom to live holy. It is wisdom ‘perception’, ‘astuteness’, ‘acumen’, to preach the gospel, in season ‘sagacity’, ‘prudence’, and ‘good and out of season. It is wisdom to judgment’. Put differently, a wise receive the gospel, in all of its simperson has ‘sense’, a level of ‘per- plicity. It is wisdom to get wisdom. ception’ that reveals ‘astuteness’, It is wisdom not to accept the addisplays ‘acumen’, shows ‘sagacity’, vice of the ungodly. It is wisdom not has evidence of ‘prudence’ and ev- to walk the path of sinful lifestyles. idences ‘good judgment’. The ques- It is wisdom not to sit in the seat of tion is, ‘Do I manifest the above in those who mock God and ridicule my dealings with myself and oth- spiritual things. It is wisdom to nevers? Am I walking in wisdom? Is er forsake divine wisdom. How can wisdom my principal thing? you tap into God’s wisdom? Like most things that have to do with A couple of years back, I remember God, it’s quite simple: Ask Him. coming across a CD of a sermon (James 1:5) preached by our General Overseer and Spiritual Father Pastor E. A. Adeboye titled “Wisdom is better than Strength”. It was a revelation that shifted my perspective so fundamentally, as I returned to the message time and time again to drink of the wells of wisdom in the teaching. It is wisdom to learn Dr Oduwole is the Managing Editor of Sunrise and from the wise. It is wisdom to read, the Parish Pastor of The Risen Christ, Knebworth 17

Theresa May:

The quiet Christian from the heart of Middle England.

So who is this un-flashy politician and quiet Christian, who is currently packing for the move from Berkshire to Downing Street? To what extent does her faith impact on her politics?

Born in 1956, May was the only child of Rev Hubert Brasier and his wife Zaidee. She was raised in rural Oxfordshire amid heavy demands on her vicar father. She attended a local grammar school and By James Macintyre – having already been drawn to the Conservative party around the age of 12 – won a place to study The incoming prime minister, Theresa May has been Geography at Oxford. While she was there, she met attending every Sunday, when she can, since before her husband Philip at a student Tory disco. She has becoming an MP in 1997. She tends not to stay be- described him to friends as her rock. hind for tea after the service, but there is no doubt about her commitment among fellow worshippers. St Andrews Church, Sonning Shirley Chard, a former PCC Secretary at the church, says May and her husband Philip “attend very regularly and are very supportive”. Chard tells Christian Today: “Mrs May attends every Sunday that she possibly can, apart from when she’s out of the country or on occasions such as Remembrance Sunday – we all understand about that. Both her and her husband are very good attenders. She attends socials and other events whenever she can. She has been very supportive of the new church hall that is being Although May enjoyed a comfortable, classicalbuilt. They attend all sorts of things throughout the ly middle class upbringing, she has experienced village, such as the September local show.” pain. In 1981, her father died in a car accident. The following year, her mother, who suffered with mulLocal parishioners are expecting May to attend the tiple sclerosis also died. After that, the Mays discovSunday service next week as usual, despite her be- ered that they could not have children. “It just didn’t ing appointed prime minister tomorrow in the af- happen,” she told The Daily Telegraph. “You look at termath of yet another wave of Westminster drama families all the time, and you see there is something that has followed the Brexit vote last month. there that you don’t have.” 18

Having worked in financial services, May won the who did nothing to restrain the morally and socially seat of Maidenhead during Tony Blair’s landslide liberal agenda of her colleagues.” general election victory for Labour in 1997. May does not “do God” in the sense of talking pubAlthough a traditionalist in style, Blair’s ‘modernis- licly on a regular basis about it. But in 2014 she told ing’ politics were formative for May. Around 2001, BBC Radio 4’s Desert Island Discs that her faith does she started attending private meetings at the fringe impact on her approach to issues, and chose two Tory leftist organisation the Tory Reform Group. And hymns for her songs including When I Survey The in 2002, as party chair under then leader Iain Dun- Wondrous Cross. But she added of faith: “It’s right can Smith, she surprised and angered some of her that we don’t flaunt these things here in British polown party activists at their annual party conference. itics.” “Our base is too narrow, and so, occasionally, are our sympathies,” she said. “You know what some people Of her upbringing, May told the same programme: call us: the nasty party.” “Obviously everything did revolve very much around the Church. Early memories of a father who And here lies the contradiction at the heart of May’s couldn’t always be there when you wanted him to agenda: she is at once moral conservative and so- be, but he was around quite a lot of the time and cial liberal. This contrast has been evident during other times when other parents weren’t normally. I her time as Home Secretary since 2010. A steady have one memory for example of being in the kitchhand at the notoriously turbulent Department, May en and looking up the path to the back door where was increasingly tough-talking on immigration. Yet a whole group, a family, that had come to complain she also did more than any other Home Secretary about an issue in the church and that’s it, just knock since Kenneth Clarke in attempting to reform the on the door and expected to see the vicar.” police, for years finding herself at loggerheads with the conservative Police Federation over police cor- Quintessentially English and somewhat shy and reruption and misuse of stop-and-search. Dismissed served, May is “cold” according to some, but she is as authoritarian and “illiberal” by the evangelical not incapable of expressing emotion. In April, some Christian Lib Dem leader Tim Farron this week, she MPs wept and she herself looked close to tears as has nonetheless gained the support of Tory heavy- she made a statement on justice for the victims of weight civil libertarian David Davis MP. the Hillsborough disaster of 1989. On conscience issues, May has been on what is known in Westminster as a ‘journey’. In 1998 she voted against lowering the age of consent and in 2002 against gay adoption, though she backed the introduction of civil partnerships in 2004. She has changed her mind over the years on gay adoption, and wrote in Pink News in June 2010 that there needs to be a “cultural change” in Britain to tackle homophobia. In 2008, May voted for the abortion time limit to be lowered from 24 to 20 weeks in the abortion amendments to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill (now Act), a position she is said privately at least to maintain. This mixed picture has left some leading conservatives unconvinced. Peter Hitchens, the Mail on Sunday columnist and a practising Christian, calls her a “Blairite”. And he tells Christian Today: “I see no sign that Theresa May supports socially conservative policies. This is the only way in which she resembles Margaret Thatcher, whose private religious and moral views appear to have been conservative, but 19

May has impressed faith groups, including the Jewish community. The Jewish Chronicle said that, “As the longest-serving Home Secretary for more than a century, Mrs May is perhaps better placed than any other politician to understand British Jews’ concerns on extremism and rising antisemitism” and the Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz has hailed her rise to Number Ten as “welcome news for the Jewish community”. St Andrews Church, Sonning

The JC points out that after the attack on a Jewish supermarket in Paris last year May attended a Board of Deputies meeting and held a “Je Suis Juif” sign before pledging to “wipe out” antisemitism in the UK. It said she was “very warmly received as the guest speaker at the Community Security Trust’s annual dinner” in March, and would be a “safe pair of hands and a continuity candidate in terms of communal relations”. On behalf of the Catholics, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, who has worked closely with May on human trafficking issues, wrote to her this morning to say: “I am personally delighted at your appointment. I know from the work we have done together that you have so many qualities to bring to the service of our countries at this time. I appreciate the maturity of judgement, the steely resolve, the sense of justice and the personal integrity and warmth you have always shown.”

troversial anti-radicalisation Prevent strategy, May was last year’s “Islamophobe of the year” according to the Islamic Human Rights Commission. But earlier this year, May pleased some Muslims with the announcement of a review into use of controversial Sharia law. Also controversial was May’s refusal last year to accept a mandatory EU refugee quota system in response to the Mediterranean migrant boat crisis. May had originally refused to accept any refugees under the proposed EU resettlement programme. Yet she outraged campaigners – including some Christians – by also ruling out Britain taking part in any future EU system to relocate asylum seekers who successfully make the journey across the Mediterranean. “It is shameful that the British Government seems eager to opt out of doing the right thing by some of the world’s most desperate people,” said Anna Musgrave of the Refugee Council at the time. And to this day, May is refusing to say that EU migrants will be allowed to stay in post-Brexit Britain.

Theresa May

But away from controversy and back in Sonning, there is at least as much good will for May as there is, for now at least, in the Conservative party. Those close to May know she faces her toughest challenge yet. Rev Jamie Taylor, the vicar at St Andrew’s and a friend of May, describes her as a “very supportive member” of the historic church and a “hard-working and respected MP”. Taylor adds: “We pray weekly for Her Majesty and those set in authority under her, and that prayer will take on a little more significance for us at St. Andrew’s in the years ahead...On behalf of all at St Andrew’s Church...I warmly congratulate [May] as she prepares to take up the daunting responsibilities before her.” Source: may.quiet.christian.from.the.heart.of.middle.england/90428.htm (Accessed 12 July 2016)

If Jews and Catholics are happy however, the Muslim reaction to her elevation may be more mixed. After facing criticism from Muslim groups over the new Counter Terrorism and Security Act and the con20


VICTORY AND THE VALUE OF PAYING THE PRICE “It’s not the will to win that matters - everyone has that. It is the will to prepare to win that matters.” — Paul Bryant, American Football’s Winning Coach.


our desired future has a price that must be paid in advance if you are to enter into it. There is no success, happiness or victory in life without a price. To go up to a greater height, you must be willing to give up something to a greater extent. A story of practice, training, education, discipline and sacrifice is always behind every great achievement. You must simply be willing to pay the price. The readiness to do what is required helps you to stand strong in the face of excruciating pains, challenges and set-backs.

Pain Is Only Temporary; the Benefits are Long-Lasting

In the 1976 summer Olympic games, Japan’s Shun Fujimoto pulled off a triple-somersault twist dismount to win the gold medal in team gymnastics. Bizarrely, Fujimoto had just performed a near-perfect routine with a stunning landing - on a broken right knee. Fujimoto later revealed to the press after the win that even though he had damaged his knee in the previous round, it became clear that the team gold medal would be decided by the next routine which happened to be his strongest event. Fujimoto said, “The pain shot through me like

a knife and brought tears to my eyes. But now I have a gold medal and the pain is gone.” What an extraordinary display of courage, resilience and commitment!

“Persevere in preparing, getting better and better while you keep your eyes on the stars”.

and composer, who is considered as one of the most versatile musicians in the world, said that, “If I miss a day of practice, I know it. If I miss two days, my manager knows it. If I miss three days, my audience knows it.” There is no greater secret to unprecedented mastery in your chosen endeavour than the willingness to pay the price daily, and with great endurance. Practice, practice, practice!

Resolve to Be an Artist at

The Price of Success Must Be Whatever You Do Paid in Advance Martin Luther King Jr. once offered According to USA today, “The average Olympian trains four hours a day at least 310 days a year for six years before succeeding.” May be your own dream is not about being an Olympics athlete, you can become world-class in whatever you do by deciding today to start putting in the required discipline and effort. To succeed at your chosen profession, craft, or trade, you will need more than enthusiasm and a pretty face. You must be willing to commit to daily personal growth in order to perform at the maximum level possible. To become world-class at whatever game of life you choose to play, you will have to be willing to pay the price in advance and in full. André George Previn, the German-American pianist, conductor,


one of the most powerful pearls of wisdom to those who aspire to greatness when he said that, “Be an artist at whatever you do. Even if you are a street sweeper, be the Michelangelo of street sweepers.” Of course, Michelangelo was well-known around the world for painting the famous fresco on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, which took him four years to finish. This grand fresco contains more than three hundred figures, spread around over five hundred square meters of ceiling. It took Michelangelo four years, lying on his back, to complete this masterful work. This huge masterpiece stands today in Rome as a testament to Michelangelo’s dedication to hard-work and excellence.

Referring to his incredible painting in the Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo later reveal the key ingredient for his achievements when he said that, “If people knew how hard I had to work to gain my mastery, it would not seem so wonderful at all.” He also said that, “Genius is eternal patience.” Sheer dedication and unwavering commitment to diligence is the minimum requirement if you are to excel significantly in life.

History is filled with great achievers who, against all odds, refused to givein to excuses in the face of discouragements, setbacks and failures. Thomas Edison, the great inventor once said that, “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up.” When you entertain giving excuses for your passivity or lack of perseverance, you will eventually develop a quitter’s mentality, a strong recipe for failure.

You Can Sculpture Your Own Mas- Consider the following remarkable terpiece stories of resilience and courage: Perhaps you want to turn your hobby to your career, start your own business, obtain an additional qualification or become financially independent. You can become a success doing what you love to do if you are willing to pay the price. You’ve got to be prepared to endure through the pains just like Michelangelo when he laid on his back for four years completing his master-piece. Your master-piece will not appear, until you are willing to lay on your back persevering in positive effort, until you achieve your goals. Persevere in preparing, getting better and better while you keep your eyes on the stars. Position yourself ready to make the most of any opportunity that comes your way.

Do Away With All Excuses and Get Stuck In Until the Job Is Done

Stephen King, the best-selling author of over 40 books, observed that, “Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separated the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard-work.” Part of paying the price is your resolution to get rid of your excuses and start doing what it takes to get the job done. Make up your mind that you are going to see your aspirations and dreams come true no matter what it takes, no matter how long it takes, no matter what life throws at you. You must take 100% responsibility for your results. A mediocre mind says “Others are responsible for my results.” A great mind says “I am responsible.” Small minds always see problems while great minds see possibilities.

• A publisher turned down the legendary novel of George Orwell, Animal Farm, with the words “It is impossible to sell animal stories in the USA.” How wrong was He! Animal Farm went n to sell millions of copies and was chosen as one of the Modern Library List of Best 20th-Century Novels. • J.K Rowling was rejected by dozens, including Harper Collins, until a small publisher in London took a chance on Harry Potter. • Walt Disney was fired from the Kansas City Star in 1919 because he “lacked” imagination and had no good ideas.” • Oprah Winfrey was sacked as an evening news reporter of Baltimore’s WJZ-TV because she couldn’t separate her emotions from her stories. • Steve Jobs was thrown out of the company he started, Apple, but was brought back in desperation in 1997 to save it. Apple is now the most valuable company in the world. • Stephen King, his first book, Carrie, was rejected thirty times. He nearly threw the book out when his wife saved it from the trash and encouraged him to keep trying. • Abraham Lincoln was demoted from Captain to Private during war. He failed as a businessman, and lost several times as a political candidate before becoming President. Every sign of the people mentioned above could have capitalised on several excuses and quit. But they did not. They kept on pressing and advancing, no matter how little their forward steps might be. They chose to be action-driven and refuse to contract the “escusitis,” a disease of failure.


In the End, the Benefits are Really Worth It Successful people understand that if you work hard to pay the price in the beginning and never give up, you can enjoy the benefits for the rest of your life. The best analogy for this principle is a rocket. When a NASA rocket takes off, it burns a huge amount of energy and consumes a large portion of its total fuel just to overcome the gravitational force of the earth. Once it has taken off successfully, it can simply coast through the space for the remainder of the journey.

In the same way, in any profession, enterprise or endeavour, once you have paid the price to establish yourself as a competent expert that delivers high-quality results on time, and become a person of integrity, you will get to reap the benefits for the rest of your life. Success is built one step at a time through perseverance and tenacity not to give up until the price has been fully paid. Perhaps, you are on the verge of giving up on your vision. Don’t give up. Keep on going. Whatever you are involved in, keep putting in countless of hours. Do not worry if you are not recognised or being paid what you are worth. You may work for months with no real income or appreciation, but eventually the multiplier effect of your never-quit attitude will take effect, and your desired future will become a reality.

• Wale Oladipo

Wale Oladipo is a Life Coach, Motivational Speaker, Counsellor and Psychotherapist with an intense passion to help others achieve their maximum potential and live life to the full physically, emotionally, socially and psychologically. You can contact him via w w w. wa l e o l a d i p o. c o m




ver since the fall of Man, according to the Holy Bible, things have never been the same again with the Human Race. The Bible says, “When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam’s sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned.” (Romans 5:2-NLT). The result of the entrance of sin into our world was that Death was unleashed upon the Human Race. Indeed, death means separation from God, but it also means the introduction of a “sting” into every fabric of Man. Henceforth, this “sting” would inject the fatal poison whose ultimate goal is to slowly, but steadily snuff life out of the Man. The Bible teaches us that Man, being made in the image of a Triune God, is a tripartite being. Essentially, Man is a Spirit living inside a Body and having a Soul. The body is the physical container of Man’s spirit and soul. It is the visible part of Man with which he interacts with the physical world. If the Body gets damaged to the extent that it is no longer able to interact with the physical world, then the spirit of the Man takes leave of him, together with his soul. Apart from physical trauma, the major event that leads to the damage of the Man’s Body is ill-health, brought about by diseases. So, Physical Health is an indication of the well-being of a person’s Body. 1. WHAT IS MENTAL HEALTH ALL ABOUT? Now, let us take a look at the Man’s Soul. This is the seat of the Mind, Intellect and Emotions. It is the part of the Man that defines his or her Personality. Just as a Man’s Body or his physical aspect can be affected by traumas, sicknesses and diseases, his Soul can also be so affected. Mental health attempts to determine the well-being of a person’s Soul (Mind, Emotion and Intellectual Capacity). Someone


who is “mentally healthy” should be able to cope well with all the demands of daily living and social interactions. According the World Health Organisation (WHO), “Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.” The United States’ Department of Health and Human Services describes Mental Health to include “… our Emotional, Psychological, and Social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices.” It went on to mention that the issue of Mental Health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. We can safely say that someone who is mentally healthy, would have the right capacity to handle stress (sound Mind), relate well to others (right Emotions), and make the right choices (capable Intellect). If there is any deficiency or inability to exhibit these three functions of the Human Soul, then we say that the individual is “Mentally unwell” or “Mentally ill.” 2. MENTAL HEALTH VERSUS PHYSICAL HEALTH From our discourse above, we now have the understanding that Man’s Physical Health points to the well-being of His Body. If the Body is able to perform all its expected functions and activities without problem, then we say the Man is physically healthy. However, if for one reason or another the Body is not able to perform these functions and

activities, we then conclude to say the Man is physically unwell. The unfortunate thing is that many people make the mistake of thinking that it is only when someone is ill physically, that she or he is unwell. Many believe that someone is in totally perfect health as long as his or her body is in good shape and without any disease or disease agent. We forget that Man still has two other parts of Him (Soul and Spirit) that can also become affected by the same traumas, diseases or disease agents that render the Body unwell, and may eventually lead to Death if left unattended! Now, here is a revelation for all of us: the Brain of a Man is the physical representation or the seat of his or her Soul! Now, let us think about these things. Someone’s body parts can get damaged by any of the following: injury, wounding, abrasion, bruise, lacerations, contusion or lesion. The damage can also be in the form of Cancers and Tumours brought about by various changes in the physiology of the affected parts. If there is damage, then the body is not in a state of wholeness. The physical health of such a person would be damaged. The person is then sent to a Physician who would look at the damage that has occurred and proceed on a course of repair, which should hopefully lead to recovery after healing has taken place. So if the Brain is the physical representation of Man’s Soul, which in turn is the seat of his Mind, Emotions and Intellect, if anything goes wrong with it then the Man’s Mental Health would definitely be in jeopardy! 3. MENTAL HEALTH AND THE SPIRITUAL REALM The Bible teaches us that the source of all human problems and life-challenges are directly and indirectly traceable to the arch enemy of the Human Race: the Devil. These problems and life-challenges include disasters, calamities, destructions, sicknesses, diseases and ultimately, Death. The ready insight into this is given by the story of Job in the Bible. We understood that all that befell the righteous Job was a direct result of Satanic attack unleashed against him from the Spiritual Realm. Satan was given permission to attack Job, but with the proviso that his life must not be taken. In other words, Job’s body and soul could be attacked, but not to the extent that he would have to depart this world altogether. And Satan went to work immediately, unleashing upon Job a barrage of calamities, disaster and destruction of all that he held dear. His body was ravaged with all kinds of diseases that made him unsightly. His Soul was not spared too. He eventually became suicidal, and cursed the day he was conceived and the he was born. Of course, after the expiry of the mandate that Satan had over Job, he was healed and restored to a more glorious estate than he had before. His health, both physical and mental, was restored and he became sane and sound again. Therefore, we can safely conclude that many, if not all ill-health encountered by Man daily, are either directly or indirectly linked to forces of darkness.


Mental Health problems present themselves in the following conditions, among others: anxieties, depression, suicidal tendencies, eating disorders, split personalities, obsessions, hallucinations, despair and many others like these. When the Soul of Man is attacked by Satan and his cohorts, the manifestation is in the changes that occur within the Human Brain. These changes can either be physical or chemical. An example of a physical change is a tumour or a cancer, while that of chemical is the changes in the chemistry of the brain leading to mild or severe malfunctioning of this vital organ of the body. As it is usually done with physical health, the mental health physician proceeds to bring repair and restoration through a combination of surgical procedures and medications. 4. HOW SHOULD THE CHURCH RESPOND TO MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES? The Church has enormous role to play with regards to Mental Health Issues. Research has showed that the first place that majority of people seek for help when Mental Health issues arise is the Church, or some other places of Faith. The Church must therefore arise and respond positively to this great requirement. People would always seek the help of God when their health, either the physical or the mental one fails. So if we are quick to care for people who are dealing with physical health conditions, why should we not also show care and concern for people dealing with Mental Health conditions? The Church should set up various Support Groups for people living with Mental Health issues, and offer prayers and appropriate physical and emotional help and assistance. The Church should also work hard to remove the stigma and the negative labels that people put on persons living with Mental Health issues. The Church should open her door to everyone going through one life challenge or another, and let the Compassion of Christ be manifested through her.

Pastor Akinola Soroye RCCG Victory Centre, Plumstead




he story of Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane is one of the most important parts of the bible and depicts the crossroad of fulfilling one’s purpose. I have always imagined what life will be like if Jesus did not utter the words ‘nevertheless not as I will but as thou will’. It was these words that gave God the Father the mandate to follow through with the sacrifice of Jesus and the shedding of His blood for mankind.

In 2010 I began to ask myself the question; is there power in the blood that flows through my vein as a child of God? This question was triggered by the fact that I was employed by NHS – Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) whose remit includes the provision of a reliable and efficient supply of blood to the NHS in England. On a daily basis I witnessed people donate blood which was used to save lives in hospitals across the country. I quickly came to the conclusion that my blood should “save” the lives of others and I prayerfully gave my first pint of blood The blood of Jesus Christ has given eternal life and and joined the organ donor register. without it man will still be separated from God. I can now come into God’s presence and be near As a child of God, I believe it is my duty to donate Him, according to Hebrews 10:19 and Ephesians blood to save the live of another. Jesus Christ did 2:13. What a privilege! It is through the blood of the same thing on the cross because God loved us Jesus Christ that sins are forgiven (Ephesians 1:7, (John 3:16). Jesus’ greatest commandment is found Hebrews 9:14) and the accuser of the brethren is in John 15:12-13 when He said “My command is conquered (Revelation 12:11). Therefore we can this: Love each other as I have loved you...Greater conclude that “There’s Power in the Blood” as de- love has no one than this that he lay down his life scribed by that old church hymn written by Lewis for his friends.” The donation of blood in my opinion E. Jones in 1899. is the donation of one’s “life”. After all, the bible dec26

lares that life is in the blood.

In truth, there are very few things that are preventing an otherwise healthy person from donating his With this conviction I founded Blood for Life, a non- or her precious blood to save another life. government organisation, to raise awareness for more African blood donors and to support blood There is a call to the African community to step-fortransfusion in Africa. Why the African communi- ward as the next generation of blood donors in a ty? It is evident that we are under represented as drive to boost life-saving supplies. Each time you a community. Statistics shows that less than 2,500 donate blood, it is split into component parts and Africans are registered to the blood donor pool (this could be received by up to 3 adults or 7 babies; represents 0.2% of the donor pool in England). there is no doubt that one blood donation goes a long way to save the lives of so many, just like what There are some facts that need to be considered Jesus did for us. The ironic thing is that every time by our community. It is a fact that some rare blood you donate blood approximately 10% is removed to types (B+, Ro) are more common within the black save lives. As a child of God when you donate you community. It is a fact that a number of serious are simply tithing part of yourself so another can blood disorders, such as sickle cell anaemia, are live and fulfil purpose. more common among the black population and patients benefit from receiving blood from people To know more about blood; or with a similar ethnic background (13,000-15,000 NHSBT s donor line - 0300 123 23 23 (available 24 people in the UK have sickle cell disease). It is a hours a day, seven days a week with all calls charged fact that 2,000 units of red cells are requested each at the standard local rate, even from mobile phones) month in England to meet the needs of sickle cell patients, yet less than half of those orders (45%) are fulfilled using red cells which fully match the blood groups of patients. When patients receive blood transfusion that is not a proper match this results to having more antigens and antibodies introduced into the body thus making it more difficult to get a ‘standard’ match. The conclusion is that there is a disadvantage faced by Africans in need of potentially life-changing transfusion due to lack of African donors. It is estimated that the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic population will reach 20% of the total UK population by 2050 and while the 21st century has ushered in a remarkable diversity in the UK, this is not reflected in the blood donor pool. Every day hundreds of people roll up their sleeves to give their life-saving gift to save another. So what holds us back from giving blood to the community? Often myths and fear prevent us from donating blood and this can be from lack of trust in state systems, to being scared of needles or the misconception that our blood is not needed. While we cannot ignore these fears and myths, my thought goes back to the question I posed at the beginning of this article; what will my life be like if Jesus did not donate his “life”. What would my life be like if He allowed fear to grip him and did not go to the cross? 27

• Dapo Odumeru Dr Dapo Odumeru was recently awarded an MBE by Her Majesty the Queen for his voluntary services to society through the Blood for Life Foundation. He obtained his PhD in Pharmacology from University College Dublin, Ireland in 1995. He has gained many years of experience in the field of blood and the pharmaceutical industry. He is the Founder of Blood for Life UK an award winning non-government organisation. He has worked on various projects in partnership with government agencies, institutions and non-government organisations in Africa and Caribbean and published his research work in international scientific journals.

New Heights

The Team All Set To Go

Pastors Chris and Angela Ifonlaja, of Place of It currently opens two evenings a week and proVictory, Belfast and the team of PVN Homeless Drop in Centre recently held a sponsored abseil over the Europa Hotel in Belfast, N. Ireland to raise money for the work of the Centre, with several of the volunteers confronting their fear of heights!

vides a warm meal, recreation and a listening ear for service users of different backgrounds and ages. The Centre also provides clothing, shoes, toiletries and bedding to those who need it. It is run with the help of a dedicated team of volunteers, trained to deal with vulnerable adults. The Centre Supervisor is also experienced in the field of homelessness and is able to provide advice, assistance and referrals to appropriate agencies. The Centre enjoys the support and sponsorship of local businesses who donate food and other items. Each Christmas, the Centre runs a Shoe Box appeal to enable us to give a gift to people experiencing homelessness, both on the streets and in hostels.

Pastor Angela Ifonlaj Ready to Abseil Over The Europa Hotel

The PVN Homeless Drop in Centre is a social action initiative of Place of Victory for All Nations, Belfast.

We continue to pray for a permanent turn around in the lives of the service users and greater effectiveness and community impact in the work of the Centre.

It opened in May 2014 and since then has been providing a relaxing and safe environment for people experiencing homelessness in Belfast.

Pastor Chris Ifonlaj Ready to Abseil Over The Europa Hotel

Pastors Chris and Angela Ifonlaj after they completed the sponsored abseil




he Bible tells us in Galatians 3:13 that Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”), Redemption is rightly bound up with the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. In Scripture, it is clear every person stands in need of redemption. Why? Because every person has sinned (Romans 3:23). Hebrews 9:15 says that Jesus “is the mediator of a new covenant since a death has occurred that redeems them from the transgressions committed under the first covenant.” Redemption provides several benefits for the believer: eternal life (Revelation 5:9-10), forgiveness of sin (Ephesians 1:7), a right relationship with God (Romans 5:17), peace with God (Colossians 1:18- 20), the Holy Spirit to live within (1 Corinthians 6:19-20), and adoption into God’s family (Galatians 4:5). Titus 2:13-14 says Jesus “gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession.” When we are

redeemed, we become different people. When God redeemed Israel from slavery in Egypt, He made them a new nation and gave them a new land. Likewise, the Christian has a new identity in Christ. No longer is the Christian a captive to sin and death. Instead, he has become a citizen of God’s kingdom. Christians now live in anticipation of our eternal home with our heavenly Father. This should give us great joy in who we are as believers. God wants us to see Him as the One who redeems (Isaiah 43:14; 44:6, 24; 49:7). Additionally, in relation with who we are as a church, BELOVED, we believe that you know that it is the Almighty God Himself who named this church, “The Redeemed Christian Church of God” through a revelation He gave to the founder, the late Rev. Josiah O. Akindayomi. This fact alone, we are sure, makes this Church a rather unique establishment of the Most High.


this church etc. Moreover, by the special grace of God, our beloved Church is growing very fast and we believe God that it will continue to do so. The RCCG was, therefore, set up on the basis of this covenant between God and man: as long as the members of the RCCG remain obedient to God’s Word, the Lord has promised to always miraculously meet the needs of the Church. This should give us great pride in who we are as a church. But always remember, we make our boast in the Lord (Jeremiah 9:23.) It’s not just the name of this denomination but a true reflection of who we are in Christ. This alone should cause us to live, act, talk and walk as Redeemed people of God.

This should also cause us to change the way we think and treat each other. Redeemed is our identity in Christ and as a church! So now that we know who we are, let’s celebrate our church herSecondly, concerning this itage and heritage in Christ!!! Let Church, the Almighty made a the Redeemed of the Lord say so! series of promises among which (Psalm 107:2) are: (i)That He will meet this Church on His return (ii)That this church will become a model to the whole world (iii)That other By: Daniella Lowe churches from all over the world will come to learn and worship in 29


Maintaining Positive Emotional Well-Being in Children and Young People


new report from the Centre for Mental Health has highlighted issues concerning children and young people. According to the report, the delay between children and young people first showing signs of mental illness and receiving treatment is 10 years on average and as many as a quarter never received any treatment at all. This is despite the fact that 1 in 10 young people suffer from mental health problems. The report also states that ‘A third of young people not in education, training or employment have suffered from depression and nine out of 10 young people in custody, and between four and nine out of 10 homeless young people have, at least one mental health problem’. The Mental Health Foundation states that 70% of children who experience a mental health problem have not had appropriate treatment at an early enough age.

58% were placed on a waiting list. Among children with life-threatening conditions such as suicidal thoughts, self-harm, anorexia and psychosis, 14% were turned away and 15% were placed on a waiting list. They would therefore recommend that ‘more research and development was needed in programmes to reduce self-harm, eating disorders and bullying, greater research into mental health problems among BME young people and to educate more on how to maintain mental health wellness and prevent problems.

There is good news in that the government has agreed to invest another £1bn in mental health services by the end of the decade after the much-anticipated mental health taskforce published its final report in February this year painting a stark picture of health inequalities around the country. The report, chaired by Paul Farmer, chief executive of Mind, recommended that, in the context of a tough Spending Review, an extra £1bn be invested by 2020-21 to enThe Centre for Mental health report follows recent sure mental health forms part of the government’s findings from the Children’s Commissioner which view for a seven-day NHS. He stated that People facrevealed that 28% of young people referred to child ing crisis should have access to mental health care and adolescent mental health services were turned every day, 24 hours a day, in the same way that they away. A survey of 48 NHS trusts found an average can access urgent physical healthcare, the taskforce of 28% of children referred to child and adolescent said. mental health services being turned away, while 30

That being said, there is much that parents, educators, youth workers and churches can do to help. Mental health is just as important as physical health. Immediately a child or young person is physically sick they are taken to a doctor by their parents but emotional or mental health problems are often dismissed as part of ‘growing up’ or adolescence. Caregivers of young people must be on the look-out for signs that something is wrong and insist on getting help.

• being hopeful and optimistic • being able to learn and having opportunities to succeed • accepting who they are and recognising what they are good at • having a sense of belonging in their family, school and community • feeling they have some control over their own life • having the strength to cope when something is wrong (resilience) and the ability to solve problems.

Mental health is defined by The World Health Organisation as “a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community”.

There are factors that cause young people to be more at risk of developing mental health problems. According to The Mental Health Foundation, these are:

You can see by this definition that at some point or other, the majority of people struggle to be in this state of well-being. As is the case with physical health, it is better to maintain wellness than treating sickness, thus the phrase ‘prevention is better than cure’. It is better to educate children and young people how to care for their mental health and emotional wellbeing than wait until the situation gets to crisis point, needing the intervention of mental health services which are failing our young people.

According to the Mental Health Foundation here are some things that can help keep children and young people mentally well: • being in good physical health, eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise • having time and the freedom to play, indoors and outdoors • being part of a family that gets along well most of the time • going to a school that looks after the wellbeing of all its pupils • taking part in local activities for young people. • feeling loved, trusted, understood, valued and safe • being interested in life and having opportunities to enjoy themselves 31

• having a long-term physical illness • having a parent who has had mental health problems, problems with alcohol or has been in trouble with the law • experiencing the death of someone close to them • having parents who separate or divorce • having been severely bullied or physically or sexually abused • living in poverty or being homeless • experiencing discrimination, perhaps because of their race, sexuality or religion • acting as a carer for a relative, taking on adult responsibilities • having long-standing educational difficulties. One of the most important ways to help when problems arise is to listen to them and take their feelings seriously. They may want a hug, they may want you to help them change something or they may want practical help. If their negative feelings are stopping them from getting on with their lives, if their distress is disrupting family life or if they are repeatedly behaving in ways you would not expect at their age then seek professional help from your GP or health visitor.


Bible Trivia By Titi Omole

Relationships are very important in our lives and we must handle them carefully.The Bible also holds records of various stories about relationships in the bible. Try and match the correct relationship type with the names in the boxes.

Adam and Eve David and Jonathan Esther and Modecai Jesus and John the Baptist Moses and Aaron Isaac and Rebecca Esau and Jacob Mary and Elizabeth Elisha and Elijah David and Solomon

Master and Worker

Extended family - Cousin Niece, Nephew, Aunty, Uncle e.t.c



Parent and child

Husband and wife

Name:…………………………………..……………...... Age:…….....…………………………………. The first most creative seven entries will win gifts to be presented at the TruLittle Hero Awards 2016 on the 26th November 2016. So send your entries to


PRAYERS FOR CHILDREN Acts 19:20 I thank you Father that Your Word prevails over our children. Isaiah 54:13 That they are taught of the Lord and continue to be Proverbs 13:1 The fruit of godly instruction and correction. Isaiah 54:13 Great is their peace and undisturbed composure. Proverbs 2:6 Father, give us counsel and wisdom in bringing up our children. 1 Peter 1:14 I say they are obedient, not conforming to the things of the flesh 1 Peter 1:15 but holy, in all conduct. 1 Peter 2:2 desiring the pure milk of the Word that they may grow thereby. James 1:19 That they are swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath. Hebrews 13:5 Their conduct is without covetousness, Hebrews 13:5 and they are content with what they have. Hebrews 13:16 They do not forget to do what is right and to share. 2 Peter 3:18 I pray that they grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord, 1Thessalonians 4:1 and abound more and more in how they should walk and please You. 1 Peter 5:5 That they submit to their elders, and to one another, 1 Peter 5:5 being clothed with humility. 1 Peter5:7 That they cast their cares upon You, Father, for You care for them. James 1:22 I thank You that they are doers of the Word, and not hearers only, Philemon 1:6 effectively sharing their faith. 2 Timothy 1:7 not having a spirit of fear, but of pow33

er, love, and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:9 Father, You have saved them and called them with a holy calling. 2 Timothy 1:9 not according to works, but according to Your own purpose. 2 Timothy 4:18 Deliver them from every evil work and preserve them. John 10:5 They will by no means follow strangers, not knowing their voices. 2 Timothy 2:22 They abide with others who call on the Lord out of a pure heart, James 3:10 and cursing comes not out of their mouth. 1 John 5:18 Because Jesus keeps them safe, the wicked one does not touch them. Psalm 91:11 Give Your angels special charge to accompany, defend, preserve Psalm 4:8 and provide safety for them, day and night. 1 John. 2:5 Because they keep Your Word, Your love is being perfected in them. 1 John 2:15 They do not love the world or the things in the world, 3 John 1:11 and they do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. 1 John 1:7 They walk in the light as You are in the Light, James 4:8 cleansing their hands and purifying their hearts, 2 Timothy 2:22 They follow after righteousness, faith, love, and peace. Hebrews 13:18 They have a good conscience and desire to live honourably, Proverbs 3:4 Having favour and high esteem with God and man.




Empowering Local Churches to Deliver Assemblies in Local Schools

school assembly is a gathering of all or part of a school in order to communicate information and important announcements. But do you know that schools in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland are required to provide daily acts of collective worship and religious observance is required in Scotland?

lective worship (assembly) and daily collective worship must be wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character but only 51 per cent need be identifiably ‘Christian’ with the remaining 49 per cent reflecting other faiths or ‘interests’ over the course of a year.

It is imperative then than Christians in their communities help schools to have a Christian Meanwhile some schools choose to teach pu- focus in their assemblies by providing help and pils about community and society, rather than resources. specifically religion. There are many Christians organisations that Under the government guidelines, the head organise teams to go into schools and deliver teacher is responsible for arranging daily col- assemblies. 34

One such organisation empowers members of tion is not shared with any other organisation. local churches to be the ones to engage with children in their local schools. Testimonials ‘I didn’t understand any of the Bible until Open the Book came to our school. I’m so happy they came back. The stories are not boring, you never want to go to sleep or doze off, it’s always really good. The people that come are really kind, nice and fun. I think every school needs someone like Open the Book who shows them stories about the Bible.’ Now members of local churches go into schools Sadie, aged 10 and tell stories in a 10-15 minute presentation. This can be incorporated into a wider school as- ‘Open the Book brings the stories to life. Sometimes sembly, or stand alone. when you read a book, you go off it because there are too many words. What’s really good about Children love stories – especially Bible stories Open the Book is that everyone has a chance to when they’re interactive, engaging and fun. join in. I had never heard these stories before. My Today, so many children could miss out on the favourite story was when Jesus finds a paralysed great classic stories from the Bible – Noah, Dan- man and heals him. Jesus did a good thing.’ Alfie, iel and the life of Jesus could be closed chapters aged 9 if they don’t get an opportunity to engage with the Bible. ‘I liked the story of Jonah and the whale… I remember Jonah was stuck in the whale and was Open the Book is a three-year rolling pro- shouting for help. It’s funner and more interesting gramme of themed and dramatized storytelling to watch than just having people read the stories. at no charge to primary schools. Teams of vol- You get more of a picture in your head, and it helps unteers from churches throughout the country you understand the story Grace, aged 8 use drama, mime, props and costumes to present the Bible stories in lively and informative How you can help ways every week. Identify a co-ordinator within your church and Year 1 gives the children an overview of the Bi- form a team from within your church that will go ble – The Big Story – starting with the story of into local schools and dramatize Bible stories for Creation at the beginning of September and fin- the children during assembly or collective worishing with Ascension at the end of July. These ship time. You don’t need previous experience 33 stories are told in chronological order and because Open the Book will provide all neceslink to the academic school year. Years 2 and 3 sary promotional material, training, help and recontain modules of themed stories from both sources – you just need to be able to commit to the Old and New Testament. around one hour a week during term time Open the Book began in Bedford in 1999, when a group of Christians started presenting Bible stories in school assemblies. It was so popular it grew and grew, becoming a national charity. In 2013 Open the Book became part of Bible Society.

Open the Book has been favourably received by For more information visit: https://www.biblesociOFSTED and SIAMS and helps primary schools in meeting their statutory Collective Worship obligations under the 1998 Schools Standards & Framework Act. Open the Book is available to primary schools in England and Wales, where volunteers operate, at no cost, and with no other commitment beyond the time it takes a team to present a 10-minute Bible story once a week. Open the Book is part of Bible Society – informa35


“What is love” was the most searched phrase on Google in 2012, according to the company.

oped a relationship with (someone) through meeting and spending time with them”.

The Bible says that true love is God because God is love. And God demonstrated His love by sacrifice, indeed 1 Corinthians 13 begins to define love by saying Love suffers long.

From this scripture, where does love come from? Love comes from God. Have you ever heard someone say, I just don’t know how to love? Maybe you have said it yourself? Maybe you feel that you never experienced love as a child and now don’t know how to give love? Maybe you laugh it off and say “All that lovey dovey stuff is just not for me”. Well this verse says that love comes from God so even if you never saw love practised in your home, you can look at God and know what love is and how it should be expressed. The Bible is telling us that anyone who does not love does not know God. Let’s turn that around, anyone who does not know God does not or cannot love. Therefore if you don’t know how to love then you need to know more of God so that you will know how to love. The dictionary defines knowing someone as “Having devel-


1 John 4:7-8 says: “Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love”.

Therefore, as you spend time with God and God is love then you will know how to love and how to show love.

Know that the love you get from another human being will always be flawed. In John 3 we read about a man who clearly wanted to know God better and who became more studied than most in the things of God. His name was Nicodemus. Jesus patiently explained to Nicodemus how he must be born again (verses 3-15). In order to know God better. Jesus is indeed the Word of God made flesh (John 1:14). Jesus revealed God through His words and works. He even said that no one comes to the Father but by Him (John 14:6). If you want to know who God is, look at Jesus. We must start with faith. The first step in knowing God better is to know Jesus Christ, who was sent from God (John 6:38). Once we are born again by the power of the Holy Spirit, we can truly begin to learn about God, His character, and His will. Romans 10:17 says, “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the Word of Christ.” It cannot be emphasized enough how the study of God’s Word, the Bible, is paramount to knowing God better. Prayer is also an important part of knowing God better. As we pray, we praise God for His character and for what He has done.

Now of course there are those who don’t know God yet they love, but is their love real? We often hear of the story of David and Jonathan and how much Jonathan loved David but was this love real? As you study their relationship deeply we can see that Jonathan was holding back and he also had a hidden agenda. At times someone can be in a relationship where we think the other person loves us but it is just lies. Young men and women, be very careful of those who come to you with professions of love with hidden agendas. You need discernment from the Holy Spirit at all times. Someone may be professing love and besottment to you but is making excuses as to why they cannot marry you yet, meanwhile they have several people they are stringing along in the same manner. Once they are tired and want to settle down, you will be surprised that they will go and marry someone they knew in school and not any of those they have been having fun with and professing love to. Be careful! Let’s look at the case of David and Jonathan in1 Samuel 8:14 “After David had finished talking with Saul, he met Jonathan, the king’s son. There was an immediate bond between them, for Jonathan loved David. From that day on Saul kept David with him and wouldn’t let him return home. And Jonathan made a solemn pact with David, because he loved him as he loved himself. Jonathan sealed the pact by taking off his robe and giving it to David, together with his tunic, sword, bow, and belt. Jonathan professed love to David, he gave him his robe, bow and arrow but look closely, something is missing - the shoes. In those days contracts were signed with the shoes. His agenda was, ‘I will look like I have given everything but I can get everything back because the contract is not signed and sealed without the shoes’. You can see confirmation of this in Ruth 4:7 “Now this was the custom in former times in Israel concerning redeeming and exchanging, to confirm anything: one man took off his sandal and gave it to the other, and this was a confirmation in Israel”. Also in those days, only sons wore shoes, servants did not wear shoes. So Jonathan was saying we are friends but don’t forget who you are- you are beloved but a beloved friend not son. Jonathan as Saul’s heir had a right to the throne and knew that David was likely to be King. He loved him but he was also holding back.


God wants to call you son not servant Then also embedded in Jonathan’s love was a hidden agenda 1 Sam. 20:13-16, 42 says 13 But if he is angry and wants you killed, may the Lord strike me and even kill me if I don’t warn you so you can escape and live. May the Lord be with you as he used to be with my father. 14 And may you treat me with the faithful love of the Lord as long as I live. But if I die, 15 treat my family with this faithful love, even when the Lord destroys all your enemies from the face of the earth.” 16 So Jonathan made a solemn pact with David, saying, “May the Lord destroy all your enemies!”

Also consider that one can get to know God better by fellowshipping with other believers. The Christian life was not meant to be lived alone. We learn more about God through the preaching of God’s Word and the godly counsel of those who walk with Him. So I have outlined that to know the love that God has for you and to be able to show His love to others, you must know Him.

Divine love is unchangable because God is love and God is unchangable. Agenda 1 Jonathan entered a covenant with David when he realised David would be King that his family would not be wiped out. Hs love was not completely one sided, he wanted something in return. Agenda 2 1 Sam. 23:17 says 2Don’t be afraid,” Jonathan reassured him. “My father will never find you! You are going to be the king of Israel, and I will be next to you, as my father, Saul, is well aware.” This was Jonathan saying, Sir you are going to be King, please make me your assistant. Beloved, always find out what the agenda is when someone says I love you. The relationship between Jonathan and David was a beautiful and good one. Jonathan had no evil intention towards David but nevertheless we see the frailty of human love. Know that the love you get from another human being will always be flawed. That is why you must put God first in your life. God’s love is a love that gives all, it does not hold back (John 3:16). Divine love is unchangable because God is love and God is unchangeable (Heb. 13:8, Mal. 3:6). He loves to the end (John 13:1) I don’t know how many times you have been disappointed and let down by friends and even family. Frustrated to the point that maybe you don’t believe in love anymore? I want you to realise from today that true love comes from God. Self-centred love with hidden agendas is not from God. Why not put your trust more and more in God whose love never fails?

Andrea Onduku



elationships are so important in the Kingdom of God. We have been created as Relational beings. When you have healthy relationships and feel loved and accepted for who you are, you are much more likely to be a healthy, happy person. In connection, we find comfort, safety and nurturing that allows us to develop as a whole person. Your relationships can even affect your biochemistry, which affects your physical body. It isn’t any surprise then, that Satan would try to affect our ability to be healthy and whole in relationships, or to choose the wrong individuals with which to have relationship. It is essential then, that we fight for our relationships to be positive and beneficial. One relationship is above all others and that is our relationship with God. When we talk of victory, we only experience victory through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Our first victory begins with that one thing – relationship. Everything that we need comes down to our relationship with Him.

What is victory? Victory is the success or triumph over an enemy in battle. It refers to a suc-

UNDENIABLE VICTORY THROUGH RELATIONSHIP By: Andrea Onduku What is undeniable victory? There are some victories that are deemed by unbelievers to simply be coincidences. They try to explain them away as ‘good luck’ or ‘fate’. This is why Christians need to have faith for big things, testimonies that will astound the world. Who or what are we so triumph Victories that have no explanation other than God. They need to be over? Who or what are we so triumph undeniable! Undeniable means unable to be denied or disputed. over? Victory can be over sin, over a long When those around you have no standing fear, an addiction or a option but to acknowledge that this problem. Unfortunately, at times can only be God because they have as Christians we ignore Ephesians no explanation. 6:12 that tells us that our fight is not with other human beings but “Instead of their shame my people will rather with the devil and his de- receive a double portion, and instead of mons. Victory in our relationships disgrace they will rejoice in their inherdoes not mean winning all the ar- itance; and so they will inherit a double guments or dominating those we portion in their land, and everlasting joy are in relationships with. Victory will be theirs.” (Isaiah 61:7, NIV). in relationships means triumphing over the schemes of the devil to What are the results of Victokill, steal and destroy peace in our ry? When you begin to have victory, you relationships (John 10:10). cessful outcome of a struggle. Victory suggests the decisive defeat of an opponent in a contest of any kind. Another word for victory is conquest and it implies the taking over of control by the victor, and the obedience of the conquered.

“Undeniable means unable to be denied or disputed. When those around you have no option but to acknowledge that this can only be God because they have no explanation”. 38

will find that it brings multiplication. One victory will give birth to another and another and so on. You begin to receive things that you did not even ask for. This is when the verse below starts to come true in the life of an individual.

“But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.” (Matthew 6:33 TAB)

bear on my body the [brand] marks of the Lord Jesus [the wounds, scars, and other outward evidence of persecutions–these testify to His ownership of me]!” (Galatians 6:17, TAB)

was undefeatable. It was obvious to all those around him, including enemy countries that God was with him.

1. God delights (is pleased with) such an individual (Psalm 18:19) and this results in enlargement, deliverance, guidance and direction. 2. They enjoy the favour of God (Exodus 12:36, 1 Samuel 2:26, Esther 2:17, Luke 1:28). 3. God always fights such people’s battles (1 Samuel 17:47, 2 Chronicles 20:17, Exodus 14:13). 4. Such people take ownership of their faults (2 Samuel 24:10, 1 John 1:10) 5. They are not taken off guard because they have strong faith.

The hallmark of any man or King David in the Bible got to a point woman that is enjoying victowhere he had victory on every side. He ries everywhere are:

At a time he had to ask God what he has done to deserve these kind of victories (1 Chronicles 17:7-18) “And David the king went in and sat before the Lord and said, Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my house and family, that You have brought me up to this? And yet this was a small thing in Your eyes, O God; for You have spoken of Your servant’s house for a great while to come, and have regarded me according to the estate of a man of high degree, O Lord God!” Victories Everywhere speaks of “effortless triumph and endless favour.”

In Luke 24:1-12 we read about the resurrection of Jesus Christ and this tells of the undeniable victory of Christ. He could not be overcome, even by death itself; He would not be denied victory. And His victory continues on.

spair that day before they discovered the empty tomb. How many needless burdens do we carry around each day? How much grief and despair do we bear on our shoulders? How many times are we confused by it – caught off guard and it all happens because we haven’t listened to the voice of our Saviour, or at least haven’t believed the words He has spoken, assuring us of His undeniable victory over all things. You know it is a wonderful thing to hear and believe in this Undeniable Victory of Jesus in His Resurrection. He lives! This world has never heard news greater than this: Jesus lives!

How can you have victories everywhere? • Be a Kingdom Seeker (Matthew 6:33) because the law of progress in the kingdom is different from that of the world • Give God Kingdom Worship (John 4:23-24) because our source of strength in the kingdom is different from that of the world • Speak Kingdom Word (Psalm 27:1-3) because our source of power in the kingdom is different from that of the world (Acts 1:8).

“Your victories are certain everywhere because there is a mark upon your life that will only attract victories. When This means you will have victory wher- you live a life of sacrifice and • Give the Kingdom Way (2 Corinthians ever you find yourself. Geographical obedience, you will walk in to- 9:7) because the law of success in the location is not a limitation. Your vic- tal victory”. kingdom is different from that of the “And it shall be that before they call I will answer; and while they are yet speaking I will hear.” (Isaiah 65:24, TAB)

tories are certain everywhere because there is a mark upon your life that will only attract victories. When you live a life of sacrifice and obedience, you will walk in total victory. Apostle Paul knew that he carried the brand marks of Jesus. When someone looked at Paul, they saw Jesus. This brought persecution but ultimately victory.

“From now on let no person trouble me [by making it necessary for me to vindicate my apostolic authority and the divine truth of my Gospel], for I

world (Luke 6:38)

The empty tomb caught the early followers of the Lord Jesus off guard. They had come to finish the preparation of Jesus’ body for burial. When they saw the empty tomb they were confused. They shouldn’t have been confused because Jesus had told them well in advance about His undeniable victory over the grave. But it seems they hadn’t listened, or at least hadn’t believed the words Jesus had spoken. As a result, they carried around such a needless burden of grief and de-


• Live the Kingdom Way (1 Peter 1:1516) because the law of rewards in the kingdom is different from that of the world (Matthew 19:29). Be careful not to settle for less than God wants for you. This happens by settling for partial victory rather than total victory. God will give you total victory today in Jesus name.


Dear An

Q1. Please can you explain strongholds? I feel like I am going around in circles, I have been prayed for many times but I keep repeating the same behaviours and it is affecting my marriage.

Thank you for getting in touch with me. The word strongholds is defined in the dictionary as “a place where a particular cause or belief is strongly defended or upheld”. The word is used by Paul in a description of the Christian’s spiritual battle in 2 Corinthians 10:4 “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds”. The Amplified version uses the word fortress instead of stronghold. What are these strongholds or fortresses? Interestingly The New Living Translation translates this verse like this: “We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments”. I’ve said all this so that you can see that the battle needs to be fought in our minds. Apostle Paul continues to talk in this chapter about how we must destroy obstacles that keep people from knowing God and take rebellious thoughts captive. Strongholds are built when we accept and receive error and begin to meditate on them. You mentioned that you keep repeating the same behaviours despite receiving prayer several times. You need to know that behaviour is propelled by thoughts first. This is referred to in psychology as Cognitive Behavioural theory where we must deal with incorrect thoughts and beliefs (cognition) in order to change our behaviour. Your mind sends messages to your brain which then sends messages to your body and that is when you take action. That is why a lot of work needs to be done on our mind in order to stop negative behaviour patterns. Indeed, Romans 12:2 says: “Don’t copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect”. John 8:34-36 says “Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave of sin. A slave is not a permanent member of the family, but a son is part of the family forever. So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free”. As a child of God, you have been set free from every oppression of the devil, men and women of God have also agreed with you in prayer and you have been set free. Now you need to continue the fight by renewing your mind through the Word of God. You need to put on the full armour of God (Ephesians 6:14-17) and use the weapons that God has given you such as faith, the word and prayer to maintain your victory. You need to be practical about it. If being around certain people, places or activities feeds those negative thoughts and behaviour patterns then stay away from them. Immerse yourself in building your relationship with God and serving in the Kingdom. Refuse to be distracted, running from place to place but stand firm, walking in your victory. As 1 Corinthians 16:13 says “Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong”. 40

Q2. How do you balance having young children and being active in the ministry? How can you prevent lack of sleep from affecting your ability to be patient with the children? Thank you for the question. Anything that requires balance requires effort because balance is not easy. It really takes the grace of God to keep everything going at once and it is very necessary to listen to the Holy Spirit at all times as to which issue you should be handling at every point in time. You don’t want to be facing a ministry issue and miss out on a critical moment with your child that could affect the rest of their life and neither do you want to be having fun with the children at a moment when God has an important spiritual assignment for you to take care of. Faith, grace and hard work are all necessary. Practically speaking, being organised is a must as disorganisation leads to chaos in the home. Getting up to find there is no breakfast and having to make a last minute dash to the shop could derail everyone’s day or realising you forgot to sign the permission slip for your child and they will miss the trip. These are some of the things that happen if you don’t have a system for shopping, laundry and school related information. I also find that creating a team spirit in the home is also essential. Encourage the children to see maintaining the home as a joint activity as this will help as they grow to be able to take on more responsibilities. Also help them to see ministry as what the whole family is called to do. Ministry requires a lot of sacrifice from the whole family and so it helps if it is a team effort and you explain to the children why sacrifices are made and the blessings attached to serving in God’s Kingdom. Let them help with simple things when they are young and as they grow, they will begin to see the part that God has for them to play alongside you. In terms of lack of sleep, well that is a challenge indeed but again I rely on the Holy Spirit for supernatural strength and resilience. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us! Andrea Onduku has been happily married for 11 years to Dr. Akpo

Onduku and together they are the Parish Pastors of RCCG Chapel of Grace, a growing parish in Bradford, West Yorkshire. Andrea is also a devoted mother of three young children. She has a strong passion to see the hurting restored and relationships repaired, as well as a desire to encourage individuals to realise the destiny and purpose that God has created them for. Andrea has a degree in Counselling and Psychology in the UK and she studied Marriage and Family Therapy at the postgraduate level in the USA. She also holds several professional qualifications including a certificate in PAIRS (Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills) from the USA & OCN qualifications in Information, Advice and Guidance and Conflict Resolution and Management.

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Love – a choice or a feeling?


few years ago, I think I would have given ing of affection isn’t there? Could it still be said my right foot out just to argue that love that we no longer love? indeed is a feeling. How could anything as great as love be a choice? Oh, feelings are important definitely, but they should not be used as a basis or yard stick to By the time I had that one lecture where the make our decisions. lecturer someway, somehow said it again – love is a choice and not a feeling – I had heard Here’s what the Bible has to say: enough of the statement to motivate me to learn more about what it meant for love to be “Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous or a choice. conceited or proud; love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable; love does not keep a record There are very many definitions of what the of wrongs; love is not happy with evil, but is word love could mean: happy with the truth. Love never gives up; and its faith, hope and patience never fail. Love is – A strong feeling of affection and sexual at- eternal…” (1Corinthians 13:4-8, GNB). traction for someone; – A feeling of warm personal attachment or Every time I read this verse, I laugh and I’m deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend; reminded that I haven’t gone half way in this – A feeling of strong or constant regard for and love journey. For starters, I don’t wake up every dedication to someone. morning with the “feeling” of been patient or kind. I definitely do not want or “feel” like lookAll these of course could describe what love ing past the wrongs of other people; I mean I’m is but could they really be said to define what not the one with the problem, others are! And love is? What happens when that strong feel- yet, Love is not selfish. 46

With this, I’ve come to realize that those who admit that love is a choice are right in describing it as such, rather than a mere feeling which is liable to change at any given opportunity.

them write what love is from 1 Corinthians 13:48 for each day. Write a short verse that reminds you of what the love virtue of the day is. Then behind, write down the definition of that virtue.

So to love is a choice. A choice to be patient, and never give up; A choice to be kind and care for others more than self; A choice to not be jealous, conceited, proud or ill-mannered; A choice to not have a swelled head or force oneself on others; A choice to always put others first and not “me first”; A choice to not fly off the handle or keep the score of the sins of others; A choice not to revel when others grovel; A choice to take pleasure in the flowering of truth; A choice to put up with anything; A choice to trust God always; A choice to always look for the best in others and never look back; A choice to keep going to the end

This will help you stay sure of what it means to be kind or what it means to be patient.

(See 1Corinthians 13:4-7, MSG) Like every other thing in our lives, love is not just a decision we make today and then go to sleep thinking that it will just “work out”. It’s a decision we must make every day and it needs our effort for it to thrive. If we are willing to make this love journey a success, then we should also be willing to put in every bit of ourselves in order to see something beautiful stem from it.

Every aspect of what love is, goes hand in hand. So when you are on day 3 and practicing what it is to be unselfish, do not also forget to be patient and kind as well to those you meet. Of course, this walk is not one we can do on our own or without help, so here’s a little prayer to start us off: Dear Jesus, I’m thankful that You’ve opened my eyes to see that unlike You, I can’t love those You’ve brought my way without any conditions. Thank You for bringing me to this point where I have to depend on You to love unconditionally. For each day I choose to love and embark on this journey, help me to look to You only, the author and finisher of my faith. I know it will not be an easy walk, but You haven’t called me to choose the easy way. You have called me to be set apart. Help me to love as You love and help me to be ……………………… (put in what your love challenge is for that day) to/with all those whom I may come in contact with today. Holy Spirit, I need You. Help me. Amen.

Remember though that love isn’t something One more thing! Remember, it is not about our set aside only for that “special someone”, or feelings, but a faith that all things will work toelse how about those who don’t have a “special gether for our good. someone”? “For our life is a matter of faith, not of sight [or Love is for your father, your mother, your sister, of feelings]” – (2Corinthians 5:7, GNB) your brother, your pet, the security guard, the neighbours, your colleagues at work…love is “And we know that in all things God works for for the beggar, the depressed, the lonely, the the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” (Romans helpless, the sick. Love is for you. 8:28, NIV) Here’s a bit of a challenge you could do. Cut out By Ruth Omle and make small paper cards, and on each of 47




he past few months have been a time of reflection for me. I have been learning a lot about myself and my relationship with people. One major thing I have realized in the past month though is the attitude I put up when I face challenges. Once I face a challenge, I run, far, far away. I cut communication with people until I eventually begin to implode. Sometimes, I’d talk to God about it but some other times; I would just chill and depend on my own strength till I am ‘okay’. Somehow though, God taught me that opening up is a lot better. ‘A problem shared is a problem half solved’ people would say. If one is in a relationship for example, running and cutting off communication would only leave your partner confused and that is how it is with God. I would like to link this to the challenges we face with sin. When you fall short of the glory of God, do you run? And if you do. Why? Let’s look at the story of Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve sinned by eating the forbidden fruit. Once they realized they were naked, they made clothing for themselves and decided to hide themselves from God’s presence.

But I wonder why though? I guess it was because they had sinned and were scared. But the thing is, God is omnipresent, so he knew where they were hiding anyway. The ‘Where are you?’ question he asked was more of a rhetorical question because God al-

ready knew.

So, when you sin do not run from God as that is exactly what the devil wants you to do and the exact position he wants you to be in. He wants to widen the gap between us and God because he wants to draw us more and more to his side and away from God.

cause one has to be careful. The heart of man is desperately wicked (Jer. 17:9) but at the same time there is wisdom in a multitude of counsellors (Prov. 11:14).

• Depend on your own strength which weighs you down. The latter part of John 15:5 says ‘For apart from me you can do nothing’. Without God on our side, we are pretty much alone.

The first time I approached someone to help me was when I was facing difficulty with the empirical review chapter of my dissertation. I think I had developed a proud nature regarding seeking help from people while at university. So I always dealt with issues by myself. But that chapter of my dissertation was very difficult for me and I realized I couldn’t handle it alone so I approached someone who helped me to understand things better.

• Depend on man. Isaiah 2:22 talks about how we should not depend on man because man is not dependable, rather, we are as frail as breath.

• Talk to God about it. He already knows how you feel so just express yourself. He is your Father and He is also your friend.

Once you run from God, you start to:

• Depend on the devil (Knowingly or unknowingly). Trust me the devil doesn’t have to appear to you before you know that you are in his snares already. If you sin run to God, don’t run away from Him. Go to Him and repent which means to turn from sin. He is always ready to receive us with loving arms. And just like the prodigal son’s father, God is delighted when we come back to him. Do not give the devil a chance to rejoice over you.

When you are faced with challenges: • Speak to people who you believe will genuinely help you. Seeking God’s direction in this is very important be-


God is everywhere, He is very powerful and mighty to save. Let us never forget that.

By: Ibukun Oyegbesan


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Orthodox-Pentecostal Leaders’ Meeting

ECUMENISM in ACTION DIFFERENT BY DESIGN And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and everything that creeps upon the earth after his kind; and God saw that it was good (Genesis 1:25, KJV). It has often been said that variety is the spice of life; in other words, differences (variety) bring a great dynamism and goodness to life. The sovereign God in his unsearchable wisdom created different species of living things; and different individual organisms within species; and he saw that it was good. This is a call for us to value and cherish, rather than despise, the differences between people whether in terms of race, complexion, status, outlook and general approaches to life. By so doing we are more likely to derive the benefits of synergy instead of the losses from division. During a Festival of Life event in London, Roy Crowne (Co-ordinator for HOPE, a Christian Chaity) spoke about the ‘wonderful differences’ inherent within the Church of Jesus Christ and the need to translate these differences into a va50

riety of approaches for propagating the gospel in different ways to different people. In order for this to happen as it ought, individual Christians must be proud and grateful to God for whom he has made them to be – fearfully and wonderfully made (Psm 139:14). The notion of different by design also partly explains why any two people (husband and wife, for instance) can walk away from a conversation with completely different understandings of what was discussed; neither of them is crazy – they are just different!

ECUMENISM IN ACTION Deriving from the above, it can be said that one of the reasons, among many others, for the existence of different churches and denominations is the fact that there will necessarily be different expressions of the same faith by people who are created differently by God. Ecumenism refers to efforts by Christians of different church traditions to develop closer relationships and better understandings. It is also often used about efforts towards the visible and organic unity of different Christian churches in some form. This is in keeping with the teachings of the Bible which emphasise the value of unity among Christians since a house divided against

itself cannot stand. In John 17:21, Jesus Christ, the head of the church, prayed specifically that his people (the church), should be one, as follows: ‘That they may be one; as thou, Father, art in me and I in thee, that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that thou has sent me’ (KJV). It is instructive that the desire of the Lord Jesus was for his church to be one (unity of purpose) and not the same (uniformity or identical). This then implies that the various churches and denominations of the Christian faith should work together and strengthen areas of common purpose and agreement, while recognising and respecting areas of differences without allowing such differences to pose a threat to Christian unity. 51

In this regard, the RCCG has been engaged in deliberate and active ecumenism; both in obedience to the injunctions of the scriptures and also in recognition of the fact that Christian unity would expedite the revival that is much needed in the land. As the various churches pray, watch and act together in unity of purpose, we present a formidable front that will impact our nation in significantly positive ways. Some of the many ecumenical endeavours involving the RCCG include the following: • Membership of Churches Together in England (CTE) • Pioneer Connexion-RCCG Joint Working group (focus on Methodist Church) • Strong partnership working between Church of England and the RCCG • National church Leaders’ Forum (Voice for Black majority churches) • Participation in the first ever Orthodox-Pentecostal Leaders Ecumenical Meeting • Pastor Agu Irukwu, Chairman of RCCG UK Executive Council honoured with the Alphege Award for Evangelism and Witness by the Archbishop of Canterbury, The Rt Hon Justin Welby This is therefore praying for better understanding and unity in our homes, churches and communities; our differences notwithstanding.

• Pastor (Dr) Marcus Chilaka Pastor Marcus Chilaka is an Assistant Provincial Pastor in RCCG UK and Special Assistant on Ecumenical Relations to the Chairman RCCG UK Executive Council, Pastor Agu Irukwu.



Dr. Akpo Onduku


ebrews 11:1 tells us that “faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen”. Therefore faith is tangible, it is a substance. The main sense of the word ‘faith’ in the New Testament is that of trust or reliance. The Greek word for ‘faith’ is ‘pistis’ meaning persuasion, a moral conviction of truth. It means a relying on God; an abstract constancy. It is truth in itself; an assurance or belief. The Bible says in Hebrews 10:38 (NKJV) that “… the just shall live by faith; But if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him.” More succinctly, The Message Translation says “It’s still a sure thing! But you need to stick it out, staying with God’s plan so you’ll be there for the promised completion. It won’t be long now, He’s on the way; He’ll show up most any minute. But anyone who is right with me thrives on loyal trust; if he cuts and runs, I won’t be very happy. But we’re not quitters who lose out. Oh, no! We’ll stay with it and survive, trusting all the way.” In all, faith is trusting in God (Hebrews 11:6). Lack of faith is doubting God. So faith, which is a universal currency is tangible; a substance, it is touchable and a reality. The dictionary defines substance as “the real physical matter of which a person or thing consists and which has a tangible, solid presence”. Substance is something in which qualities or attributes exist. It is further defined as “The most important or essential part of something; the real or essential meaning”. The substance of something then is its principal part. It is that which makes anything what it is. Therefore, your faith is the principal part of what your hope is built on. Some people feel that hopes and dreams are unattainable and wishful thinking, however, for the believer, it is not so as our hope is built on our faith. 52

Substance is the ‘gist’. In contemporary terms, it is the ‘tweet’, which is an entire thought compressed into few words but still makes sense. Substance is the ‘subject matter’; the body; the main material. Our text further says faith is the evidence of things not seen. Evidence is defined as “the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid”. Evidence is that which makes anything a reality. Evidence is a means of proving an unknown or disputed fact. It is the support. It is what you can rest on. It is the under-guard. It is the indication of the occurrence of an incidence. In law, evidence is the information drawn from personal testimony, a document, or a material object, used to establish facts in a legal investigation or admissible as testimony in a law court. Without evidence, the prosecutor can’t bring a charge against an accused. So, evidence is the information in a law case. Nowadays, sometimes when you put up a status update on social media, someone may say, show me the evidence, that is by way of a ‘photo’ or a ‘video clip’. The facts may appear to be conflicting but your faith supports your belief and helps you to decide which report to believe. Your faith can be informed and encouraged by your testimony but should primarily be based on the reality of Jesus Christ and what is written in His Word. In 1 Samuel 17:36-37, David testified before King Saul, that he has killed both lion and bear. Therefore, Goliath, whom he referred to as an ‘uncircumcised Philistine’ will be like one of them, seeing he has defied the armies of the living God.” Continuing, David said, “The Lord, who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.” Then Saul said to David, “Go, and the Lord be with you!”

Know that faith is a product of the Word and be re- of the woman with the issue of blood for twelve years minded that God honours His Word even more than (Luke 8:43-48). She reached out to Jesus and got her His name (Psalm 138:2). healing. So what can faith achieve for us?

i. Jesus honours our faith however small (Luke 17:6) ii. Jesus is approachable in every circumstance through faith (Hebrews 4:16; Ephesians 3:12). iii. Jesus has compassion upon those who come to Him in faith (Mark 10:46-52) iv. Faith secures and seals our breakthroughs (Mark 5:34) v. Faith overcomes difficult and desperate situations (Mark 2:4) vi. Faith gives you boldness to receive beyond what rightfully belongs to you (Matthew 15:27). vii. Faith speaks to others about victory through Christ (John 4:28-29) Three Dimensions of Faith:

III. Resting faith. This kind of faith is at peace and is not moved by storms. Storms raged around Jesus yet He slept. The Bible says, He was in the stern, asleep on a pillow. And they awoke Him and said to Him, “Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?” Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm (Mark 4:38-39). 2 Thessalonians 2:2 tells us “Don’t be so easily shaken or alarmed.” Ephesians 4:14 tells us not to be ‘tossed to and fro.’ Philippians 4:7 assures of perfect peace. This is perfect faith. In 2 Kings 4:8-37, all that was said by the Shunammite woman when her child died in her arms was “It is well, it is well”. In 1 Kings 17:17-24 where Elijah raises the Widow’s son, in verses 23-24, Elijah took the child and brought him down from the upper chamber into the house and delivered him to his mother. And Elijah said, “See, your son lives.” 24 And the woman said to Elijah, “Now I know that you are a man of God, and that the word of the Lord in your mouth is truth.” No matter the challenge, you must have confidence and trust on the Lord Almighty. Job said, I will wait patiently until my change comes (Job 14:14). In the Message Translation of Job 19:23-27, he said, “If only my words were written in a book, better yet, chiselled in stone! Still, I know that God lives—the One who gives me

I. Struggling Faith. Jesus often referred to this in the Gospels as ‘little faith’ (Matthew 8:26). Such people have little faith but struggle to believe fully. The father of a demon possessed boy in Mark 9:24 cried out “I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!” He did not say he had no faith, rather he said he believed but his unbelief was struggling to overpower the little faith that he had (Romans 12:3). The remedy to struggling faith is to build your faith through meditating on the Word. Fill yourself to the brim with His word and your faith will begin to overpower your unbelief instead of the other way around (Romans 10:17, Luke back my life and eventually he’ll take his stand on 6:45). earth. And I’ll see him even though I get skinned alive! see God myself, with my very own eyes. Oh, how I II. Reaching Faith. This kind of faith reaches out to long for that day! obtain what rightfully belongs to the owner. It is not In all, know that the more we surrender to Jesus the common. We know this because when Jesus saw this more our faith grows in Him. If you believe Jesus as kind of faith in Matthew 8:10, the Bible records that the author and finisher of your faith and you surrenHe was amazed and said “I tell you the truth, I haven’t der absolutely to Him, then your faith will certainseen faith like this in all Israel”. What did the Centurion ly grow in Him. It is mandatory that every believer do that amazed Jesus? All he did was to take Jesus should grow continuously in faith. We are expected at His word. He knew that if Jesus would just speak to manifest an ever-increasing faith. Know that Jesus a word of healing, that the word would accomplish is our example, we are to be like Him (Ephesians 5:1) what it was sent to do. Brethren that is what we must and therefore we must maintain our peace no matter do. Reach out to the Word. Take God at His Word, no what we see around us remembering that, faith is the arguments, no rationalising (Isaiah 55:11). Another substance of things hoped for and evidence of things phrase for reaching faith can be, great faith, radical not seen. May your faith be strengthened in Jesus faith or rugged faith. The four friends of the paralyzed name. man demonstrated this in Mark 2:1-12. They reached out to Jesus when they could not come near Him be- Shalom, cause of the crowd, they uncovered the roof where He was. So when they had broken through, they let down Dr. Akpo Onduku the bed on which the paralytic was lying. When Jesus Website: saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins Twitter: @AkpoOnduku are forgiven you.” And thereafter, He said, rise up, take Facebook: your bed, walk and go to thine house. Also was that 53

The Professor and The Student Professor: You are a Christian, aren’t you, son? Student: Yes, sir. Professor: So, you believe in GOD? Student: Absolutely, sir. Professor: Is GOD good? Student: Sure. Professor: Is GOD all powerful? Student: Yes. Professor: My brother died of cancer even though he prayed to GOD to heal him. Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill. But GOD didn’t. How is this GOD good then? Hmm? (Student was silent) Professor: You can’t answer, can you? Let’s start again, young fella. Is GOD good? Student: Yes. Professor: Is satan good? Student: No. Professor: Where does satan come from? Student: From … GOD … Professor: That’s right. Tell me son, is there evil in this world? Student: Yes. Professor: Evil is everywhere, isn’t it? And GOD did make everything. Correct? Student: Yes. Professor: So who created evil? (Student did not answer) Professor: Is there sickness? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness? All these terrible things exist in the world, don’t they? Student: Yes, sir. Professor: So, who created them? (Student had no answer) Professor: Science says you have 5 Senses you use to identify and observe the world around you. Tell me, son, have you ever seen GOD? Student: No, sir. Professor: Tell us if you have ever heard your GOD? Student: No, sir. Professor: Have you ever felt your GOD, tasted your GOD, smelt your GOD? Have you ever had any sensory perception of GOD for that matter? Student: No, sir. I’m afraid I haven’t. Professor: Yet you still believe in Him? Student: Yes. Professor: According to Empirical, Testable, Demonstrable Protocol, Science says your GOD doesn’t exist. What do you say to that, son? Student: Nothing. I only have my faith. Professor: Yes, faith. And that is the problem Science has. Student: Professor, is there such a thing as heat? Professor: Yes. Student: And is there such a thing as cold? 54

Professor: Yes. Student: No, sir. There isn’t. (The lecture theatre became very quiet with this turn of events) Student: Sir, you can have lots of heat, even more heat, superheat, mega heat, white heat, a little heat or no heat. But we don’t have anything called cold. We can hit 458 degrees below zero which is no heat, but we can’t go any further after that. There is no such thing as cold. Cold is only a word we use to describe the absence of heat. We cannot measure cold. Heat is energy. Cold is not the opposite of heat, sir, just the absence of it. (There was pin-drop silence in the lecture theatre. Student: What about darkness, Professor? Is there such a thing as darkness? Professor: Yes. What is night if there isn’t darkness? Student: You’re wrong again, sir. Darkness is the absence of something. You can have low light, normal light, bright light, flashing light. But if you have no light constantly, you have nothing and its called darkness, isn’t it? In reality, darkness isn’t. If it is, well you would be able to make darkness darker, wouldn’t you? Professor: So what is the point you are making, young man? Student: Sir, my point is your philosophical premise is flawed. Professor: Flawed? Can you explain how? Student: Sir, you are working on the premise of duality. You argue there is life and then there is death, a good GOD and a bad GOD. You are viewing the concept of GOD as something finite, something we can measure. Sir, Science can’t even explain a thought. It uses electricity and magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either one. To view death as the opposite of life is to be ignorant of the fact that death cannot exist as a substantive thing. Death is not the opposite of life: just the absence of it. Now tell me, Professor, do you teach your students that they evolved from a monkey? Professor: If you are referring to the natural evolutionary process, yes, of course, I do. Student: Have you ever observed evolution with your own eyes, sir? (The Professor shook his head with a smile, beginning to realize where the argument was going) Student: Since no one has ever observed the process of evolution at work and cannot even prove that this process is an on-going endeavour. Are you not teaching your opinion, sir? Are you not a scientist but a preacher? (The class was in uproar) Student: Is there anyone in the class who has ever seen the Professor’s brain? (The class broke out into laughter) Student: Is there anyone here who has ever heard the Professor’s brain, felt it, touched or smelt it? No one appears to have done so. So, according to the established Rules of Empirical, Stable, Demonstrable Protocol, Science says that you have no brain, sir. With all due respect, sir, how do we then trust your lectures, sir? (The room was silent. The Professor stared at the student, his face unfathomable) Professor: I guess you’ll have to take them on faith, son. Student: That is it sir … Exactly! The link between man & GOD is FAITH. That is all that keeps things alive and moving.


El-shaddai is my divine surname, this I truly know And in His fullness He fills my cup till it overflows Within the camp of goodness and mercy I grow In His marvellous light His glorious praise I show

A massive no I say to the junk ‘cos He is the finest Oh it is Him I hunger for, Bread of life, He’s the best It is Him I thirst for, the living water, He’s the purest I’ll rather be high with the New Wine of the Highest Of His immeasurable love my heart lavishly drinks And drowns into the wonder of my Saviour & King Certainly intoxication comes after excessive drinking I’m lost in the infinite grace of the Lord of everything My Winter turns into Spring in His abundant fullness My desert, an oasis of more in His great faithfulness My wilderness becomes a fruitful land of wholeness In His providence I have all things for my nothingness! Complete in the fullness of the Godhead from sin I flee I am saved by the precious blood, washed and set free One day the fullness of His Person face to face I’ll see And then in awe before His throne I will bow my knees Nothing else matters in the royalty of His Almightiness Nonetheless, He pours into humble vessels greatness Healing is on the menu so sickness is served wellness In His presence surrendered lives are filled to fullness Oh Lord empty me of self your presence calls my name The fullness of Your power puts out the flame of shame Please restore our glory; bring to naught the devil’s game Awake revival in men, fill the earth with Your glory & fame ©Bukola Fatokun Author, “Transformed! In the embrace of wisdom” 55





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Good Women Fellowship (UK) held its Annual conference in London last April. Hosted by RCCG Mother - in Israel Pastor (Mrs) Folu Adeboye, it was a time of refreshing and empowerment by the Spirit of the Lord.






t the RCCG Workers’ Rally, thousands of Pastors, Ministers and Workers from RCCG Parishes across the UK gathered for an evening of praise, worship, descipleship and spiritual mentorship under the Leadership of the General Overseer Pastor E. A. Adeboye.






he Festival of Life (FOL), held in April 2016 in London, London, was wasonce oncemore morea platform platform for worship, soul-winning and intercessory prayers for revival in Great Britain. The FOL was hosted by the General Overseer Pastor E.A. Adeboye who was assisted by ministers from within and beyond RCCG.







he Pastors’ (PIC) is the training programme designed for those the Redeemed Pastors’Induction InductionCourse Course (PIC) is the training programme designed for in those in the ReChristian Church of Church God (RCCG) in the United (UK) who are (UK) aboutwho to take responsibildeemed Christian of God (RCCG) inKingdom the United Kingdom are on about to take ities as heads of local churches. The PIC aims to equip new parish pastors with the vital knowledge on responsibilities as heads of local churches. The PIC aims to equip new parish pastors with and skills they will find their as leaders charge of RCCG the vital knowledge anduseful skillsin they willday-to-day find usefulministry in their activities day-to-day ministryinactivities aslocal leaders in churches. charge of local RCCG churches.






he inaugural RCCG Christian Education Fair (EduFair 2016) brought together Christians from various denomination in London for three days of lectures, seminars and discussions relating to RCCG’s several educational initiatives. The participating schools were Christ Redeemer College (CRC), School of Disciples (SOD), School of Prayer, School of Music, School of Leadership, RCCG Drama Academy (RDA) and the Redeemed School of Mission (RESCOM).






eachers in RCCG UK’s Children, Teenage and Youth (CTY) ministries gathered for their annual training conference in London. The meeting was another opportunity for the teachers to be equipped for their ministries.




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