Sunrise oct 2014

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SUNRISE AUTUMN 2014 £2.50 Where Sold

The Magazine of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, United Kingdom









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SUNRISE Magazine ISSN NO: 2042-6542 EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief: MODUPE AFOLABI, Managing Editor: YINKA ODUWOLE, Editor: ANDREA ONDUKU Contributors: KAREN ROACHE, DR. EBIDAPO AYO BAMGBOYE, PASTOR RAPHAEL OLUROTIMI,BUKOLA FATOKUN, BRYCE EDEM, BEBE CLEMENT Columnists: JOSEPH AMAEZE ONWUCHEKWA, DR. AKPO ONDUKU, WALE OLADIPO, HAPPINESS OLAYEMI ONASANY Photography (RCCG Events): KUSH Contributory Photographer FEMI ONATUGA Designed by: XANDY DAEHNHARDT Printed by: WWW.CHURCH-PRINT.CO.UK Published by: The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), United Kingdom. All communications to: Sunrise Magazine, RCCG Central Office, Redemption House, Station Road, Knebworth, SG3 6AT. Disclaimer: The ideas and opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher. The publisher, editors, contributors and related parties are not responsible in any way for the actions or results taken by any person, organisation or parties on the basis of reading information, stories or contributions to be found in this publication. Tel: + 44 (0) 208 171 1030 Email: Web:





Proverbs 10:22 tells us that “the blessing of the Lord; it makes rich and it added no sorrow with it”.


lessings and curses, particularly when we are talking about divine blessings and divine curses, they are the two most powerful forces on earth. Psalm 37:22 says “For such as be blessed of him shall inherit the earth; and they that be cursed of him shall be cut off”. Anything you want on earth you can have it if God blesses you. However if God curses someone that fellow shall be cut off. In other words, the one that is cursed of God, sooner than later shall become desolate. What is a curse? A curse is an invitation to all forces in heaven, on earth, underneath the earth to work against somebody until they finally destroy him. Genesis 31:31-32 says Jacob was running away from Laban after he took Laban’s live stock. Laban caught up with Jacob and accused him of taking his idols. Jacob told him that he didn’t take the idols but Laban didn’t believe him. To accentuate the point that he didn’t steal the idol, Jacob went ahead to pronounce a curse on whoever stole the idol. He



said that whoever stole it would die. Jacob didn’t know that Rachel had stolen the idol and was sitting on it to hide it. Genesis 35:16-19 tells us that during the delivery of Rachel’s next baby, she died. May the Almighty God cancel any curse that is on you in Jesus Name. When you go through the scriptures and you see those who have been cursed by God you will run from the curse of the Lord. In Mark 11:12-14, we read that Jesus cursed a fig tree because it pretended to have fruit when it didn’t, by the following day the tree was already completely overturned. When God curses; it works from the very root upwards. Every evil tree in your life, every evil tree in your village, every evil tree in your family, every evil tree in your place of work shall be cursed in Jesus name. When a man is blessed, what does it mean? A blessing is an invitation to all forces; forces in heaven, forces on earth, forces underneath the earth to co-operate with a man to help him to succeed. If you read Genesis 27:20-29 when Isaac was blessing Jacob, he said even the dew of heaven will help you. As a result of that blessing of Jacob, the Bible said in Genesis 30:43 that the man became exceedingly great. Esau just got a remnant blessing from his father in Genesis 27 v 38-40 yet in Genesis 32:36 the Bible records that this man who only got a remnant blessing ended up having 400 men as bodyguards. Genesis 1:28 tells us of the first blessing “Be fruitful, multiply, subdue the earth, have dominion”. When the Almighty God says be fruitful, that alone is enough; it means your effort will never be fruitless. One of the beauties of being blessed by God is that you will become completely immune to man’s curses. In Numbers 23:8 Balaam declared that He cannot curse who God has not cursed. God can change a curse to a blessing. In Deuteronomy 23:4-5 it is recorded that when the enemy wanted to place a curse on Israel God changed the curse to a blessing. If God loves you and somebody says I am going to curse you, when they open their mouth instead of curses coming out, blessings will be flowing out. In Genesis 49:5-7 the father of Levi was about to die when he said to Levi, you will be scattered. He finished the curse and then died. Then the Almighty God said, well your father said so, he had good reasons for saying so, but I am the Almighty God, so God said in Number 3:11-12, He said, Levi, you will be my first born. Your father says you will be scattered but I say you will be special to me; you will be the one serving me in my temple. But why would God did that? In Exodus 32:25–26 the children of Israel began to worship an idol that they made for themselves while they waited for Moses to come back from the mountain. He knew the people needed to be punished but first he said “Who is on the Lord side let Him come unto me” All the children of Levi gathered themselves unto Moses and said we are on the Lord side. Because they were on the Lord’s side they could not be cursed. God can change a curse to a blessing but at the same God can change a blessing to a curse; no man can change your blessings to a curse, no man can do it, even the one who blesses you can’t take it back. But God has the power to change a blessing to a curse if you dishonor Him. In 1 Samuel 2:30 God said to Eli, “Wherefore the Lord God of

Israel saith, I said indeed that thy house, and the house of thy father, should walk before me for ever: but now the Lord saith, Be it far from me; for them that honour me I will honour, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed”. God changed His mind, and He gave the reason, He said because those who honour Me I will honour. In Genesis 48:13-20, we read of Ephraim who was the younger son of Joseph and Manasseh was the elder. When Jacob was about to bless them; the right hand that was supposed to be on the head of the first born, he placed on the head of the younger one, and place the left hand on the head of the first born. Joseph pointed out the error but Jacob said he was being directed by God. He blessed Ephraim with a double portion of blessings and gave just one portion to Manasseh. In Deuteronomy 33:17 the Bible says within a short period of time, Ephraim became ten times more successful than his brother. After this, Ephraim forgot God and after much warning from various prophets, finally in Hosea 4:17 the Bible says and God said “Ephraim has joined himself to idols, leave him alone”. In Hosea 5:9 God said, Ephraim shall be desolate, I am the One who prospered him and now he has forgotten me. I will make him desolate. Lastly there are blessings that even God cannot reverse. Blessings that can never become a curse and you will find an illustration in Genesis 22:1- 18. God spoke to Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. Abraham obeyed and the Almighty God intervened and provided a lamb for the sacrifice to Himself. But then God said; “Abraham, because you have done this by Myself have I sworn, in blessing I will bless thee, in multiplying I will multiply your seed. God said “I swear” that the blessings I am about to pronounce on you can never be changed. God is sovereign, He does as He pleases, He can bless anybody He wants, He can bless the younger more than the elder, He is God. However, whatever He does, He does according to principles. Proverbs 26:2 says the curse without cause shall not come. In other words God will not curse you without a reason; there must be a reason before God pronounces a curse. In the same manner blessings without cause will not come. Deuteronomy 28:1-2 makes it clear; if you will hearken diligently to the voice of the Lord your God to observe to do all that He commands you; He said, then blessings will follow you, blessings will pursue you and overtake you. God works by principles. Deuteronomy 11:27-28 says if you obey God, you get blessing but if you disobey Him you get curses. Finally, God, will give you an opportunity to choose; do you want blessings or do you want curses? In Deuteronomy 30:19, God says I am calling heaven to record this day but I have placed before you life and death, blessings and curses. He said you can choose. Malachi 3:6-10 is a passage some people hate like nobody’s business, but God made it clear. He said Children of Israel, my beloved children you are wondering why you are struggling, why you are not making ends to meet, He said you are under a curse because you have robbed Me of tithes and offerings. The word of God is clear. The blessing of the Lord is in the house of the righteous and the cursed of the Lord is in the house of sinner. Make up your mind, which one do you want? Blessings or curses.




He Gave Gifts to Men By Modupe Afolabi


love gifts. There is something about a gift motivated by sincerity, appreciation and genuine love from the giver that words alone cannot fully convey. You feel deeply appreciated and excited all at once. You explore the gift with almost childlike wonder. An invigorating thought comes to mind: “Oh, you were thinking about me?”, whenever we receive a gift. My sense is that we were wired this way. God has apparently designed us to respond to gifts after this manner. When you think about it, the reason He has programmed us to receive good gifts with joyful delight is that God Himself is the Ultimate Giver. Nobody, whether in heaven above or earth below, gives like our God. The Scriptures reveal God’s generosity of Spirit to all of creation. Everything He gives is in abundance. When He made the Earth, we are told everything humankind would ever need for sustenance on this planet was given to us even before the first person Adam was manifested. The Trinity are generous givers. Ephesians 4:8 dwells on Jesus Christ’s completion of the work of salvation following His crucifixion and resurrection: “This is why it says: “When He ascended on high, He led captives in his train and gave gifts to men.” (emphasis mine). Likewise, the Holy Spirit is liberal. Isn’t that why we speak about the ‘gifts of the Holy Spirit’? Apostle Paul instructs us that there are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:4). Few Christians would dispute that the greatest gift is Jesus Christ, the source of our salvation. Throughout history, there has been no gift like Jesus. As the Apostle John put it so eloquently: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16, emphasis mine). Eternal life is God’s gift to everyone who believes in Jesus.



The fact is, God has given you a gift - eternal life through His Son Jesus Christ. If you have accepted this precious gift, congratulations! I implore you to guard it jealously because it is the key to your spending eternity with God. It is the most valuable gift you will ever receive. More than other precious gifts we get from friends and even sometimes from strangers, it should elicit the strongest emotions of joy, a feeling of appreciation and a deep conviction that we are truly loved. As gifts tell us the bearers were thinking about us even in our absence, God has been thinking of you. That is why He has given you the greatest gift - His Son Jesus Christ - even before you were born. You are appreciated, desired and loved! Hallelujah! What you could do this season to show your appreciation to God in return is to love Him more, give Him the gift of a consecrated life totally devoted to Jesus Christ and earnestly share this gift of eternal life with others yet to receive it. This edition of Sunrise in your hands is a gift, a souvenir from us at RCCG Central Office to you. We hope you receive it joyfully. Read it. Treasure it. Share it with others. And please continue to pray for the editorial team as we seek to use this medium to witness for our Lord Jesus and make disciples of all nations as He commanded.Why don’t you look around and choose to give someone the gift of God’s love? After all, freely you have received, freely give. Pastor Modupe Afolabi is Editor-in-Chief of Sunrise. : @MoAfolabi :

EDITORIAL NOTE I stand amazed in the presence Of Jesus the Nazarene, And wonder how He could love me, A sinner, condemned, unclean.

He took my sins and my sorrows, He made them His very own; He bore the burden to Calv’ry, And suffered and died alone

For me it was in the garden He prayed: “Not My will, but Thine.” He had no tears for His own griefs, But sweat drops of blood for mine.

Oh, how marvelous! Oh, how wonderful! And my song shall ever be: Oh, how marvelous! Oh, how wonderful! Is my Savior’s love for me!


his is one of my favourite hymns because it talks of how Jesus who is so mighty, who is the Son of God, suffered and died for me, a sinner! It causes me to be amazed and to sing forever more, How Marvellous! How Wonderful! Truly the Greatest Gift I have ever received is the outrageous love of God despite my unlovable state. Romans 5:8 says that “But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners”. 1 John 4:10 says “This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins”. When I think of the goodness of Jesus and all He has done for me, my very soul shall shout Hallelujah! Thank God for saving me! “At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away, it was there by faith I received my sight, and now I am happy all the day”! All else in life seems frivolous when compared with the joy of Salvation. No-matter what situations you are facing, I encourage you to meditate on the fact that Jesus died on that cross for you, if you had been the only one on earth, He would have done it for you! That is how much He loves you! Have hope today, let the joy of salvation permeate every area of your life.

This edition of Sunrise is once again packed with features that will encourage, inspire and challenge you to go higher in life. When you really understand the magnitude of what God has done for you, you cannot be discouraged. Be an enthusiastic go-getter, knowing that the death and resurrection of Jesus has secured victory for you. As you read through the magazine, I pray that you will be encouraged to take steps to fulfil the unique purpose that God has for you. Don’t waste any more precious time, don’t procrastinate, do what you can do today and don’t put it off for another day. You can achieve, you can succeed! As usual, if you wish to be part of the next edition of magazine or you can recommend someone who is doing great or inspirational work in their community, please do get in touch with suggestions and article submissions via or God Bless You, Andrea Onduku







By Joseph Amaeze

“The Greatest Gift” is a short story written by the author Philip Van Doren Stern which formed the basis for the 1946 film It’s a Wonderful Life. It happens to be one of my favourite films because it reveals to us the importance of the gift of life above all other earthly gifts. In the film, the protagonist George Bailey tries to commit suicide because he finds himself in an impossible financial situation through no fault of his. However, his guardian angel intervenes and shows him how different life in his community would have been if he had not been born. George comes to realise how relevant and valuable he is and gains a greater appreciation of life.


ven though It’s a Wonderful Life is one of my favourite films, I don’t believe that life, and by this I mean the physical life enjoyed by all human beings, is the greatest gift. To suggest that it was would be to imply that humanity is the supreme form of existence and that life on earth is all that matters. Life is the greatest earthly gift, but it is by no means the greatest. So when we think about the greatest gift what comes to mind? Many Christians, like me, would promptly and loudly proclaim that Jesus Christ is the greatest gift because of



what some pastor or reverend has taught or what we read in some book, but do we really know why He is the greatest gift of all? Are we truly convinced that Jesus is the greatest gift? When we are facing a crisis do we genuinely believe that the gift of Jesus Christ is greater than the solution to our crisis, whatever it may be? In considering the greatest gift I am inevitably led to the motive for giving gifts. Speaking for me, if I have high regard for the recipient my gift reflects this, but if the recipient is not that highly regarded, my gift becomes more of an

obligation, in which case, I tend not to break the bank. The calibre of the gift-giver also usually determines the quality of the gift. Unlike us, God has no limits either in terms of His wealth or His generosity. This should encourage us. In Matthew 7:9 –11, Jesus asks “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” On the basis of this scripture let me re-emphasise the point that nobody, no matter how wealthy or generous, can outgive God. The question though is what sort of gifts does God give? In Luke 11:13 the account in Matthew is varied slightly, for emphasis, and reads – “If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” The emphasis on the Holy Spirit in Luke’s version of Jesus’ teaching creates a distinction between material and spiritual gifts. Material gifts originate from the earth and are given by people to other people whilst spiritual gifts originate in the spiritual domain known as heaven and are given by God to people therefore spiritual gifts are superior to earthly gifts. What can we do to receive them? Well, the answer is simply by becoming spiritually reborn or by being born again, where a person’s dormant spirit is activated by the Holy Spirit. In John 3:3, Jesus clarifies that no one can see the kingdom of God except they become born again. But, you may ask - what does the kingdom of God have to do with receiving spiritual gifts? Well, simply put, because spiritual gifts are located there (Ephesians 1:3). People who aren’t living life through their spirits cannot receive spiritual gifts from God because they appear foolish to them, neither can such people understand their relevance because such gifts have to be spiritually discerned (1 Corinthians 2:14). The key to the mystery of spiritual gifts then, is Jesus Christ. Jesus, testifying about Himself, said that God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). The key words to note here are “loved”; “gave” and “son”. Who loved? God did; who gave? God did; what did He give? He gave His one and only son, whom we know is Jesus Christ. Underpinning God’s generosity is His love. In Romans 5: 8, Apostle Paul informs us that God demonstrated his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. God did not love us because we were loveable. God loved us because He chose to, not because He had to. Love was God’s primary motivation for giving us His greatest gift – Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was willingly crucified on a cross so that by His death and subsequent resurrection a great exchange could take place between him and humanity opening the way for many to become children of God. At this point, I could probably round-up this article, having made my point and supported it with scriptural validation, but I would be doing a disservice if I did not at least attempt to highlight some of the benefits inherent in

the person of Jesus Christ. The primary gift in that bundle is salvation. Salvation means that we are rescued from eternal damnation – separation from God and the exposure to sorrow and torment after we physically die. We have access to eternal life with Jesus Christ. In John 14:6 Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” In John 10:10, Jesus says that He came that we could have life and that we may have it more abundantly or fully. Abundant life is eternal life. Without receiving Jesus, therefore, no person can receive salvation and without salvation no person can become born again and without becoming born again a person cannot receive any other spiritual gift. The gift of salvation which flows from Jesus Christ opens the recipient to what is known as “the blessing.” The blessing is that which God gave to Abraham when He called him out of idolatry to leave his family and the familiar to become a father of many nations. The blessing is what made Abraham great and in the material sense is still blessing the nation of Israel up to this day. Every person who accepts Jesus as their saviour receives the blessing because Jesus Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us on the cross so that we, through Him, could have access to the blessing of Abraham. What does the blessing comprise? In Genesis 12:2-3, God told Abraham “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” This is the blessing that all those who have been redeemed from the curse are qualified to receive if they reach out for it by faith. The blessing opens doors, crushes opposition, grants promotion, generates increase, eliminates disease, gives victory and passes on generationally. This blessing has been sealed by an oath from God who because He could not swear by anyone greater (because there is no one) swore an oath in His own name promising to bless and multiply Abraham (Hebrews 6:13–14). In order to fully appreciate the blessing we need to know the curses we have been redeemed from. Deuteronomy 28:15-68 is loaded with curses for those who choose to reject God. The list of curses is frightening and includes sickness, incurable diseases, extreme poverty, lack of progress, debt, barrenness, famine, blindness, failure in business, constant warfare and civil strife, marital problems, slavery, daily sorrow and torment amongst others. It all makes for harrowing reading. We are redeemed from these curses through salvation. The blessing enables us to enjoy the same status as Adam and Eve had before their fall. With that change in status, comes a level of authority in spiritual and earthly matters that no man can give and access to the blessing of Abraham which transforms every earthly circumstance. It is for all these reasons that I strongly urge you to receive the greatest gift.



South Korean Prayer Mission 2014 The National Day of Prayer and Worship, in partnership with the South Korean World Prayer School announced earlier in the year there would be a Prayer Mission in September 2014. This would see the largest number of South Korean Christians come to the UK for a prayer visit in many years. Pastor Leke Sanusi (RCCG Victory House) speaking at the South Korean Prayer Mission Gathering in London



Hundreds of Christians pray together at the South Korean Prayer Mission Prayer Gathering in London


eams from South Korea began arriving in the UK on Monday 8th September 2014.The first part of the Prayer Mission was for South Korean teams to share in local church life in town and cities across the UK and then meeting for collective night prayer gatherings in Central London. Following a successful recruitment campaign across the UK Church, 30 towns and regions were selected to host South Korean groups. Teams were spread throughout England and Wales with a wide cross section of different denominations and networks. The aim of the Prayer Mission was for the Church in South Korea to repay and thank the British people for bringing the Gospel to their country by coming to pray for the nation. The Prayer Mission will build on a similar but smaller mission which took place at the same time last year. It saw 300 prayer intercessors visit 11 church communities across the British Isles. As part of their local visits to communities, South Korean teams met for whole night prayer meetings, brought Christians together for street and local missions, prayed for towns, villages and cities across the UK and visited and prayed at strategic geographical points across the Isles as well as join in worship and social action initiatives. Working in partnership with Urban Saints, South

Korean Christians also joined a prophetic prayer walk across the UK. On the last two days of the Prayer Mission, over 1000 Christians and Koreans gathered at the Emmanuel Centre, Westminster for two nights of explosive prayer and worship as a powerful climax to the South Korean Prayer Mission. The National Prayer Celebrations saw hundreds of Korean Missionaries cry out to God for the state of the UK, literally weeping tears of blessing on British soil. The Celebrations were facilitated by Dr Jonathan Oloyede, Convenor of the National Day of Prayer and Worship and Pastor Namjim Kim, Coordinator of the South Korean Prayer Mission 2014. There was also an address by Pastor David Choi from South Korea. Other Church Leaders involved in the London Prayer celebrations include the Revd Charlie Cleverly from St Aldates Oxford, Steve Clifford, General Director of the Evangelical Alliance and Pastor Leke Sanusi from the Redeemed Christian Church of God. It was an amazing display of the power of unity in the place of Prayer. May the Church in the British Isles arise with the mandate and mantle to proclaim the Gospel to the nations.

Dr. Akpo Onduku, Pastor of RCCG Chapel of Grace, Bradford with a team from the South Korean Prayer Mission during a Prayer Walk of the City

Prayer time at Pale Hill over looking 6 counties of England




RCCG Majesty Connections was recently shortlisted for the Lloyds Bank Community Fund Award 2014 for their Community Food bank in Basildon Sunrise talked with Pastor Vincent Oladele, to find out more about the Basildon Food bank and the funding award.

What does the Food bank do and how does it make a positive difference in your community RCCG Majesty Connections operates the Basildon Food bank which opened in August 2013 initially for 1 hour a week. The demand for the Food bank was such that by November we’d expanded the service to 4 hours, opening twice a week. In the first 12 months of operation the Food bank supplied three days of emergency food to over 600 men, women and children in crisis in Basildon. Additionally we have also donated over two tons of food to the Salvation Army and another Food bank operating in the borough and to a church operating a soup kitchen in Elephant and Castle, London. We believe that the Food bank restores hope and enables people to recover their dignity. Describe the award and how you got nominated for it? The Lloyds Bank Community Fund is aimed at providing support to local good causes across England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Channel Islands to enable them to continue to have a positive impact at the heart of their community. To qualify for the award there are many hoops to jump. First you have to be nominated by a Lloyds bank colleague, customer or a member of the public as an organisation that they believe is making a positive difference in their local community. If you meet the initial screening criteria you would then be invited by the Lloyds Bank Community Fund Team to complete an online application form for review and assessment in a short listing process which takes place during May and June, we got notified at the end of June that we we’ve been shortlisted as part of the final four organisations in our community to be put forward for public vote to receive the award. The final stage takes place in September – October where each of the shortlisted 4 organisations in each of the 352 communities across England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Channel Islands are put forward for public vote over a 6 weeks period to decide who get the first, second, third and fourth position.



How did you feel when you were nominated for the Award? Quite naturally I was very ecstatic and delighted - for many reasons. To start with we were just doing what we felt God has called us to do, it never crossed my mind that people were taking note of our efforts. As it turned out the person who nominated us was one of our volunteers who was on the verge of leaving the Food bank due to ill health, but the surprising thing about it was that he was not a Christian, so it was unexpected. When I asked why he nominated us, he said ‘Victor I know you, your passion, what drives you and your level of integrity, the least I could do seeing how much efforts you are putting into this is to nominate you, good luck with it’. John 5:16 says ‘let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven’. Pastor Agu Irukwu is fond of saying we must be light and salt wherever we are. It was pleasing that others could see our light and glorify God. Secondly, the Lloyds award team said they had reviewed and assessed nearly 4,500 very high standard applications from community groups and charities across the country. Making the final short-list validates the fact that our project was worthwhile and impactful in our community. My heartfelt appreciation goes to members of Majesty Connections and especially the planning team that worked tirelessly with my wife and I to get the project off the ground. We started the project at a particularly challenging time for the church but the members believed in the vision. What would the Community Fund Award deliver? Although we were able to serve over 600 people in crisis in the first 12 months of the project we are acutely aware that due to the large geographical spread of the Basildon borough our services are currently only accessible to a small section of the community and we are unable to expand in our current location due to space and financial constraints. The fund award would enable us to relocate the project to a larger space within the Basildon shopping complex. Operating from this larger and more central location would enable us to become more accessible to users and double the number of people we are able to serve. Within this new site we also aim to provide lifestyle and well-being advice to clients to encourage them to eat well for better health, be more active, stop smoking and reduce their alcohol consumption. What’s it been like running the Food bank? The Food bank started with real difficulty due to lack of funds, space to operate from and availability of volunteers, but believing in the power of prayer and that with God all things are possible, we were able to interest

a few members of the community in the project through which we secured the donation of a sizeable storage space in one of the self-storage companies locally in Basildon. Similarly we also secured £2000 from Cinnamon Network Micro-Grants which covered the franchise fee for the Food bank with Trussel Trust. Running the Food bank was fun but hard work. My wife and I, with our community volunteers are always present every Tuesday evening after work fetching, carrying, sorting and attending to people, while a second team opens every Friday afternoon. It’s very rewarding seeing smiles on people’s faces when you give them their food parcels. God has been faithful, people’s goodwill and generosity have been incredible, we receive food donations almost on daily basis from members of the public, schools (during harvest festival) other churches, and local businesses. However, the bulk of our supplies have been through partnership with Tesco which allows Trussel trust affiliated food banks to participate in national food collection events twice a year in their stores.

...if God has given you a vision, don’t let the size of your congregation or anything else stop you. Pray, work hard, form strategic alliances in the community and you’ll be amazed at how God will open doors for you. What are your vision/hopes for your community in the days ahead? The award couldn’t have come at a better time as the church has just been given a shop within the Basildon Shopping complex for the Food bank which requires a tidy sum of money for refurbishment and fitting before it could be put to use. The award grant would go a long way in making it a reality. We hope to be around for a long time impacting our community. What advice do you have for others interested in social action for their community? My advice to others is that if God has given you a vision, don’t let the size of your congregation or anything else stop you. Pray, work hard, form strategic alliances in the community and you’ll be amazed at how God will open doors for you.




celebrating positive contributions and achievements of children


ruLittle Hero Awards is an annual not-for-profit event that is dedicated to recognizing, celebrating and rewarding positive contributions and achievements of young people under the age of 13 years worldwide. The event was initiated in 2012 by Trutalk Limited a company that is committed to empowering children and young people to achieve excellence in the society through their creative resources.

There are 8 categories of awards: · TruLittle Samaritan Hero: A young person who has supported any community cause, helped in raising funds for a charity, or gone the extra mile to voluntarily serve in their community. · TruLittle Sport Hero: A young person who has represented their schools/clubs; or community in various sporting events and/or is demonstrating excellence in a particular type of sport. · TruLittle Artistic Hero: A young person who has represented their schools/community in drama or dance events or is thriving well in these forms of arts. · TruLittle Entrepreneur Hero: A young person who has or is running their own businesses or has supported their community with the proceeds from their business. · TruLittle Creative Hero: A young person who has or is developing/ designing new creative products such as paintings, photographs, games and toys. · TruLittle Academic Hero: A young person who is





achieving academic excellence and/ or has represented their schools/community in academic competitions. TruLittle Musician Hero: A young person who has represented their schools/community in singing or musical shows and/ or is thriving well in playing musical instruments. TruLittle Scribe Hero: A young person who has or is making remarkable contributions in writing articles, poems, comics, magazines, stories and book publishing. Who decides on the winners of the awards?

Sunrise caught up with the CEO of the company Trutalk Limited and pioneer of the TruLittle Hero Awards, Titi Omole to find out more. What was the inspiration for you to set up the company Trutalk Ltd. and then the awards? T.O: It all started with a vision to write story books and magazines for children that could help build self-confidence and reaffirm that it is okay be young and still be a Christian. I also pioneered a children’s conference for my local church RCCG Trinity Chapel where we focus on various interesting topics that are relevant to children and deals with issues they confront on a daily basis. These days young Christians can find it a bit tough or embarrassing to declare their faith amongst their mates as it seems not so cool. My aim is to make accessible to young children similar fun activities that exists in the secular world but with clean and clear messages

winners are announced at the award ceremony.

It all started with a vision to write story books and magazines for children that could help build self-confidence and reaffirm that it is okay be young and still be a Christian. TruLittle Hero Awards CEO Titi Omole

being communicated to the children. The TruLittle Hero Awards further came about when I realised that there are many children out there that are doing well in various talents/gifts but because of the competitiveness they are not getting picked and some are beginning to lose hope and confidence in their abilities.

The event is targeted at parents and children (up to age of 13years) worldwide and presently is advertised electronically through social media for people to nominate talented young people for any of the eight award categories. The entry is also to be accompanied with a summary in 250 words the reason why the young person has been nominated to be supported with references and evidences such as photographs, video clips, certificates e.t.c. The

When do the nominations close for this year’s ceremony? T.O: Nominations can be submitted to until 24th October 2014. Who decides on the winners? . T.O: The first leg of the selection process is determined by selected adults (based in various parts of the world) who do not know the nominees. All the achievements of the nominees are verified at this stage. Those who get through the first stage can then receive votes from their friends and family networks to determine the winners in each category. What can people expect on the night? T.O: The next award is on Saturday 22nd Nov 2014 at The Discovery Centre, Jenkins Lane, Barking IG11 0AD at 5pm. The event is free for children but adults pay £10. Limited spaces are available and admission is by registration. It is a formal evening and there will be red carpet photo shots for guests, light refreshments, lucky dip, entertainment by young artists, address by a young Councillor and business stalls for providers of children-related product/services. We also aim to use this event to encourage children to engage themselves in developing their potentials and make utilise their talents to make positive contributions to their communities. Therefore most of all the activities at the event are run by young people under minimal adult supervision in such roles like MC/Host, award presenters, help desks and ushers. What would you say are the main benefits of the TruLittle Hero Awards? More young people engage their time positively by engaging more in business, sports, arts and dance. TruLittle Hero Awards also provides a platform for young people to show case their talents and thereby build their confidence. Our “Samaritan Hero Award” category encourages service to the communities and the “Entrepreneur Hero Award” encourages business development amongst our children/young people at an early age. The “Creative Hero Award” category also encourages our young people to apply themselves to creativity and innovativeness at an early age. For more details, to submit nominations or to purchase tickets for the event, you can visit




God is The Master Planner TALES OF A MISSIONARY IN SOUTH AFRICA zoma Isichei, a Premier Gospel presenter always ends his show with these words; “Wherever God leads he feeds, wherever God guides he provides.”


I’ve always found these words quite encouraging, at home in the UK and now on my one year placement in South Africa. So far I’ve felt as if I’ve been walking around in circles, trying not get into a panic, trusting God with this part of my spiritual journey. I am reminded that God is the master planner, to keep still and let him calm the storm, that there is no need rushing ahead recreating what’s already created. I have changed my placement and I’m now volunteering with the YW – Cape Town (previously Young Women Christian Association). Here I’ve set up a listening space including mentoring, guidance and counselling. In my spare time I am doing research for the Restitution Foundation on the theological view of restitution in South Africa’s context. Through the YW, God has provided me with support and accommodation only a short walk from the City Centre. Wherever He calls you, He will guide, protect and provide I am slowly adjusting to South Africa but there is this need to preserve my identity not only in Christ but as a British and a Jamaican so as to avoid succumbing to the legacy left by apartheid, where people are still treated very differently based on the colour of their skin. I find myself having conversations with visitors from the UK on how England is a great place to live on this planet and having this urge to sing words of the hymn Jerusalem. And did those feet in ancient time, Walk upon England’s mountain green? And was the holy Lamb of God On England’s pleasant pastures seen? As well as shout out ‘God save the Queen!. J I really feel that God has guided me to the YW-Cape Town and provided me with a safe haven there. Isaiah 40: 31 (The Message version) states “But those who wait upon God get fresh strength. They spread their wings and soar like eagles, They run and don’t get tired, they walk and don’t lag behind.” Being at the YW is not only about giving but receiving as well through support and associating with the young ladies. I’m learning to be and to look after myself more as well as gaining guidance and direction for my life through the counsel I am giving to others. I truly believe that The Pastorate, Sheriff of Nottingham, Hope Nottingham Volunteers counselling is a two-way street and when you allow the



Holy Spirit to work in the counselling room, wisdom and counsel are available for both the counsellor and the counselee. There is no expert in the room or I should I say, one expert and that is the Holy Spirit. During my time here, this prayer has been a blessing - “The Four Fold Franciscan Blessing” May God bless you with discomfort. Discomfort at easy answers, half-truths, and superficial relationships, so that you may live deep within your heart. May God bless you with anger. Anger at injustice, oppression and exploitation of people, so that you may work for justice, freedom and peace. May God bless you with tears. Tears to shed for those who suffer from pain, rejection, starvation and war, so that you may reach out your hand to comfort them and turn their pain into joy. May God bless you with foolishness. Enough foolishness to believe that you can make a difference in this world, so that you can do what others claim cannot be done. Amen There have been a lot of discomfort especially in leaving my comfort zone for a new country with different customs and attitudes; the initial discomfort with finding accommodation coupled with the instability I experienced in moving around. There have been a lot of anger at rude people and lack of customer service. There have been a lot of tears; nothing could have prepared me for South Africa. Changing my original placement may seem foolish at the time but I had deep conviction that I could make a greater difference elsewhere and this I feel I am doing at the YW. “Even in the wildest storms the sky is not all dark; and so in the darkest dealings of God with His children, there are always some bright tokens for good.” (Robert Murray M’Cheyne) [Letter: 6 February 1839] Ralph Waldo Emerson states “Life is a journey, not a destination. My counselling slogan is “You don’t have to walk this journey alone” I am certainly not walking this journey alone and I’m thankful for all the people God has provided along the way to bless and discourage me as they have helped to thrust me on the path that God is leading. I am now living Psalm 71:1 “You will restore me to even greater honor and comfort me once again.” [New Living Translation] By: Karen Roach You can contact Karen via or

The RCCG UK Elders Forum The RCCG UK Elders Forum will like to invite you and the Elders in your Parish to take part in The Elders’ weekend for this year which is from Friday November 14th to Sunday November 16th.


n Friday the 14th, the Elders will have Fellowship, prayer meeting and Bible study in their respective parishes and then the Annual National Conference is on Saturday 15th November 2014 at RCCG Victory House, No 5, Congreve Street, off Old Kent Road (behind LIDL Store) London. SE17 1TJ from 11am to 4pm. This is an annual event where Elders of RCCG from up and down the country meet to pray, study the word and discuss important life issues affecting physical, spiritual and health. The program will feature invited guest ministers, powerful

prayer sessions and there will be refreshment for all attendees. On Sunday the 16th there will be thanksgiving service for the Elders in their respective Parishes The RCCG UK Elders Forum is committed to prayers, unity, growth and preservation of the Biblical and Church doctrines and also unique virtues that makes the Redeemed Christian Church of God “primus inter pares.” None of us shall die young in Jesus Name. Amen.



Think On These Things By Yinka Oduwole

True Religion “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” (James 1:27)


here are several aspects of the writing of James the Apostle that are captivating - its authority, its simplicity, its forthrightness, its succinctness and the profound themes it grapples with, which still resonate with people within and outside the Church almost 2,000 years after. It was James for instance, generally believed in Church history to be the brother of Jesus Christ, who penned many of those famous Biblical truths we love to use. Some examples: Count it “pure joy” when you go through trials as a Christian; be wary of just listening to the Word of God without doing it; favouritism is forbidden in the Church; faith without works is dead; no man can tame the tongue; there are two kinds of wisdom - one, unspiritual, the other godly; God opposes the proud; boast not about tomorrow; and swear not, but rather let your “yes” be yes, and your “No”, no! The admonition of this Early Church Father that I would like to focus on in this piece is that which concerns ‘listening and doing.’ In contemporary management practice, it is referred to as the “Knowing-Doing Gap”. Put simply, the knowing-doing gap argues that in spite of the enormous resources corporations and organisations put into improving their performance, there is almost always a clear gap between what they know should be done and what is actually done. In truth, it is a dilemma applicable to individuals, families, churches, governments, etc. It certainly appeared to be what drove the Apostle Paul to despair regarding his struggles with sin when he once exclaimed: “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do, I do not do, but what I hate, I do.” Thanks be to God, however, through Jesus Christ our Lord who gives us power over sin! Just as it is for individual Christians, so it is with churches and the Body of Christ. Biblical teaching makes it clear that God’s heart is not only with spiritual matters, but also the



existential issues. Yet, the knowing-doing gap persists in the Church today, even as many denominations are taking purposeful action. Jesus Christ put it succinctly thus: “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you invited me in. I needed clothes and you clothed me. I was sick and you looked after me. I was in prison and you came to visit me.” (Matthew 5:35-36). As far as Jesus was concerned, when we offer such help to those in need, “you did it for me.” (Matthew 5:40). The parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37 further paints a graphic picture of how Jesus expects the Church to engage with society, particularly when He closes the tale with this instruction to the Jewish Teacher who had approached him: “Go and do likewise.” As we contend for the souls of people, Christians must be intentional about engaging with society as taught by our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ. Acts of kindness and mercy were what distinguished the Church in the days of the global expansion of Christianity. It cannot be different today, irrespective of whether we live in welfare states or not. There is a space for social action that the Church can fill. We may call it social action or it some other nice label, but that is what the Saviour expects us to do. We must bridge the knowing-doing gap in order to cement the Church’s link with society. Dr Yinka Oduwole is the Managing Editor of Sunrise


The Chauffer Driven Life In 2002, Rick Warren wrote a book called The Purpose Driven Life. That book enjoyed one of the longest stays at the top of the New York Times best seller list and brought the author instant fame and fortune. It has gone down in history as one of the most influential books of all time.


adly, rather than being purpose driven, most people I meet live chauffer driven lives– they are sitting in the passenger seat, (some the back seat) of their own lives. They let other people make important decisions for their lives, roam aimlessly from day to day and are pushed from pillar to post by the circumstances of life. If you are living that way, you are likely to fail and will probably end up with nothing but a handful of regrets at the end of your journey. But you can change all that. Right here, right now. It doesn’t matter how old you are or how many mistakes you’ve made. Make a decision today to get in the driver’s seat of your own life, take control and steer it in the direction you want it to go.

Here are 5 tips to help you get started. 1. Take full responsibility for your life Don’t play the victim and don’t blame anyone or anything else for where you find yourself today. Not your parents, not your spouse, nor the circumstances of your birth or background, or things that have happened in your past. You are where you are today as a result of the choices you made yesterday. Make a decision today to make better choices, so you can have a better tomorrow. 2. Learn from your mistakes Statistics show that 50% of first marriages in the US end in divorce and 67% of second marriages go the same way. One of the main reasons given for the high failure rate of second marriages is that people do not take responsibility for the mistakes they made first time around. If you don’t learn from your mistakes, you are doomed to repeat them. It’s as simple as that.

3. Let someone hold your mirror for you Les Brown says “it’s difficult to see the picture when you’re standing in the frame”. In other words, introspection does not come easily to us, so we may need some help from somebody who genuinely loves and wants the best for us, to point out some issues in our life that we need to address. The bottom line is you cannot correct what you refuse to confront. 4. Anticipation vs reaction Most people are fire fighters in their own lives. They wait for something to happen to them and then they expend time and energy reacting to that circumstance. Successful people are not like that at all. The key to driving those huge 8 wheel trailers you see on the road is the ability to anticipate changes in the weather and the state of the road ahead. If there is a really sharp bend up ahead, they have to prepare to steer that trailer way before they see the bend. If they wait until they come upon it, it’s too late. It’s no different in life. Learn to be forward thinking. 5. Take control You cannot stop certain circumstances from entering your life, but you can control how you let them affect you. Divorce, a health problem, a job loss or a disabled child can very much become a comma in your life, but the decision as to whether they become the full stop of your life, is entirely yours.

Drive safely and enjoy the journey! Bebe Clement Bebe Clement is a professional speaker, trainer and business consultant and is president of Black Businesses, (a business group for black professionals). She can be contacted at




Is Your Life on Hold? Many married people complain they miss their unmarried days as they had more time for social activities and had more freedom and independence. On the other hand, are too many single people planning too much for the future, losing out on living now and not making the most of this season of their lives?


re there things that you would like to do now but feel that you can’t because you are not married? Maybe you are waiting so that you can share those things with your spouse or you feel that what you want to do is not for unmarried people? I have heard some say ‘I know God is calling me to the ministry but don’t I need to be married first?’ Or ‘I can afford to buy a house but shouldn’t I wait until I get married?’ I have also seen people base decisions on a spouse that they have not even met yet such as ‘I can’t take up that job, it is in a different country and how will I meet my spouse there?’ When someone puts everything on hold while waiting for a spouse, it makes their life to lose value. Everything is pinned on a relationship that does not yet exist. Such a person becomes preoccupied with finding a spouse and they begin to focus on what they don’t have instead of what they do have. Every day that goes past without marriage seems to them to be another day wasted and so month after month goes past with no fruitful activity being accomplished. This is a tragedy that should be avoided. You cannot and should not wish your life away. Make the most of every day you have. Do you know whether Jesus may return tomorrow and ask you what you did with the talents He gave you? According to Luke 19:13, we are to occupy until He comes. There is an assignment that God has for you to fulfil now before you are married. If you know that God is calling you into ministry, don’t put it off for another day. Seek counsel and pray about where God wants you to start from and how, ministry does not have to mean being a Pastor, although that should not be discounted. There are also many facets of ministry that you can devote all your time to. It is in the process of being preoccupied with God’s affairs that He will order your steps in every area of your life including marriage. Follow the guidance of The Holy Spirit as to what steps you should take or not take on your journey of life. If some steps need to wait until you are married, let God be the one to tell you, don’t discount yourself and don’t let others discount you either. There is a striking testimonial of go-getters in Numbers 27:1-11. Here we read of five daughters of Zelophehad who did not allow their circumstances to hold them back. Their father had died and because he had no son, their father’s inheritance



was to go to his brothers. The ladies went to Moses to ask that the inheritance of their father be given to them and not their father’s brothers even though that was the usual and accepted practice. Moses had to ask God for an answer as this had never happened before. God told Moses that the ladies were right and that the inheritance should be given to them. Their courage to ask for what was theirs and refuse to be limited by circumstances changed the lives of generations to come as God decreed that inheritance should always go to daughters when there is no son. You may notice that the Bible passage does not mention the husbands of these five daughters. They could have decided to wait, manage what they had and let their husbands take care of them when they got married. They could have waited until they were married before going to ask for their inheritance so that their husbands could speak for them. They didn’t wait, instead they went ahead to claim their rights by themselves. You could contrast this with the daughters of Lot in Genesis 19:30-38. Their father was hiding in a cave in the mountains because he was afraid of the people of Zoar. His daughters began to wonder how they would ever get married or have children as there was no men in the mountains. Rather than waiting for their circumstances to change or perhaps talking to their father to persuade him to leave the cave or making the most of their circumstances, they came up with the idea of getting their father drunk so they could be impregnated by him! Of course this kind of idea could only have come from the devil. This action affected generations as their children became the ancestors of the Moabites and Ammonites who were often in conflict with Israel. One set of daughters were desperate to get married and put their own lives and dignity on hold in order to take a short cut to having children by another means, while another set of daughters refused to be limited by their circumstances and took a wise decision by asking the Man of God for counsel. It is good to desire marriage and it is good to plan for married life, however it is not good to put life on hold in the process. Enjoy this season of your life, make the most of every moment and allow God to order your steps. By: Andrea Onduku (RCCG Chapel of Grace, Bradford) You can contact Andrea via


Pastor Adeboye, General Overseer of RCCG meets with the RCCG Living Faith Connections choir


ward winning Gospel group Living Faith Connec ons Choir are flying the flag for a new wave of Gospel music in the UK. Having already been nominated at the frica Gospel Music wards for ‘Group/Choir of the Year’ they reached the finals of the BBC Gospel Choir of the Year featured on BBC Songs of Praise. The London based choir have now been nominated for ‘Best Gospel Act’, at the pres gious MOBO wards. Living Faith Connec ons Choir released their debut album in March 2013 tled Beyond the Norm’, collabora ng with award winning songwriter Evans Ogboi to create what has widely been regarded as one of the best modern Gospel albums to come out of the UK and frica in recent mes. The album’s lead single “Nobody but You” went on to win ‘Song Of The Year’ at 2013’s Africa Gospel Music Awards. The album is packed with a blend of energe c praise songs including funk, reggae, frican rock and soul s rring ballads. Since its launch, the album has received great reviews from industry professionals (including radio play) from different parts of the world. A er the album launch, a vision was ‘birthed’ that all proceeds received from sales of this album would go towards acquiring a new church building for RCCG Living

Faith Connec ons. To the glory of God, a building was acquired in October 2013 and funds are s ll being raised to permanently secure it. It will be used for a wide range of ministry and community ac vi es as well as missionary work such as suppor ng ‘The frican Children in Need’ charity. On the 20th April 2014, a single tled “Y HWEH” was also launched by the Living Faith Connec ons Choir. The song which is a blend of several West frican languages is a classic and the music video for Yahweh won the “Best Choir Video of the Year 2014” at the Jump Music Video wards. In September 2014, the choir was nominated for the Pres gious MOBO wards under the “Best Gospel Act” Category! Copies of the album can be purchased on mazon, CD Baby, ITunes, EMusic, Spo fy and all major music stores. For more informa on on the Living Faith Connec ons Choir, please visit: Website: h p:// Facebook: h p:// Twi er: h p://www.twi Youtube: h p://




Dr. Akpo Onduku (Pastor, RCCG Chapel of Grace Bradford)

It is often said that life is a school. In this school of life, we are required to learn from our experiences and be grateful for the challenging experiences that God rescued us from. Wisdom expects us not to go through the same painful experience twice. To think outside the box is to look beyond the obvious things. It involves adopting a different approach to a life situation especially one that is beyond the norm.




ore succinctly metaphorically, thinking out of the box means to think unconventionally or from a new perspective. This phrase often refers to creative thinking. Creative thinking acknowledges and rejects the accepted paradigm to come up with new ideas. The origins of the phrase are obscure but it was popularized in part in a nine-dot puzzle which John Adair introduced in 1969. The puzzle proposed an intellectual challenge—to connect the dots by drawing four straight, continuous lines that pass through each of the nine dots, and never lifting the pencil from the paper. The conundrum is easily resolved, but only by drawing the lines outside the confines of the square area defined by the nine dots themselves. Thinking outside the box then, is a well-known management strategy which we can apply to succeed in our every-day lives. The Bible is replete with instances of extraordinary exploits of men and women who chose to think outside the box. One of such instances was the story of the healing of the palsied man by Our Lord Jesus Christ. This story is recorded in Mark 2:4-11. The Bible records that the house where he was staying was so packed with visitors that there was no more room, even outside the door. While he was preaching God’s word to them, four men arrived carrying a paralyzed man on a mat. They couldn’t bring him to Jesus because of the crowd, so they dug a hole through the roof above his head. Then they lowered the man on his mat, right down in front of Jesus. On seeing their faith, Jesus Christ said to the paralyzed man, “My child, your sins are forgiven (Mark 2:2-5).

The four friends of the paralyzed man chose to think outside the box, they thought beyond the conventional and got healing for their sick friend. The question we are to ask ourselves is - why should we think outside the box? Simply, the following reasons can be deduced from the act of the four friends of the palsied man: 1. There is more than one way to solve a problem. In life, there is more than just one way to doing something. All we need is to ask God for creative ideas. It is said that ideas rule the world. One single God given idea is often considered as enough to change one’s life status or circumstance. Are you stuck in life, ask God for a way out. James 1:5 says “if any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” The Bible records that King Solomon sought wisdom to enable him govern God’s people. In 1 Kings 3:9, the Bible says that Solomon requested to be granted a discerning heart to govern the people of God. The idea of going through the roof top was a God given thought. The four friends acted on it and that became the life game changer. 2. God may choose to do it in a brand new way. There is no rule that says God cannot do something in a totally new way. Don’t always expect God to do the same thing in the same way. If He did something in the years past in a particular way, He can still achieve the same results but by doing it in a brand new way. So therefore, let our hearts be open to God. Our God is sovereign and the All Powerful One. Isaiah 43:19 says that “For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” These four friends of the palsied man did something different. 3. He can break all protocols to intervene in your life. The word protocol means the system of rules and acceptable behaviour used at official ceremonies and occasions. Yes, we had said that thinking out of the box means to do things in an unconventional way or manner. God can orchestrate a situation to allow people to take risks for you. The four men took a great risk for their friend by climbing the roof top and thereafter bringing him down to the feet of Jesus. Even though theological history reminds us that the houses were flat-roofed (verse 4), it still involves some risk-taking adventure to climb with and lower someone on a sick mat. To be able to think outside the box, you must be ready to break protocols. This was the same kind of feat that was demonstrated by the woman with the issue of blood for twelve years who pressed through the crowd to receive her healing (Mark 5:25-34). 4. It is said that the most dangerous phrase in life is always to say that “we’ve have always done it this way”. There are times in life that you are required to try something new. Variety it is said, is the spice of life. It is said that it is foolishness to do the same thing the same way and expect a different result. On knowing that they could not go through the door of the house to get to Jesus, they opted for the roof. If you are to attain a different result, then your

approach to that challenging life situation must be different. Every pressing life circumstance should be evaluated, diagnosed and confronted based on the current prevailing factors considering all other conditions. Have you ever failed at a life venture before? I encourage you not to give up but to try again using a different approach. Failure is a postponed success and a single failure should not stop you. Success is ahead of you. Most of the people you consider as great failed severally while on their journey to the top. 5. To think outside the box connotes a demonstration of faith. Mark 2:5 states that “Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the paralyzed man, “My child, your sins are forgiven.” Simply, this means that Jesus considered their risk-taking as an expression of faith. Faith is an act of risk that takes the first step on a stair case while not knowing how many steps that are on the way to the top. The Bible urges us to have faith in God. In life, it is said that when you really need something you would pay any price for it. To get their sick friend healed, they paid the price of climbing the roof top and God honoured their faith. Heaven and earth is interested about your act of faith. If you can get yourself to God’s presence, then your joy will be full. Once we are in His presence at the feet of Jesus, our job is to believe that God will do His job.

Make Jesus your Lord and then go ahead and start manifesting your faith in Him. In all, the spirit realm is always interested in who you are because who you are will always produce what you need. Think outside the box and demonstrate who you are in Christ. It’s only our lifestyle that can stand between divinity and humanity. Christ did many miracles. In the ministry of Jesus, many devils were cast out. Mark 1:34 states that “Then He healed many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons; and He did not allow the demons to speak, because they knew Him.” In Acts 19:14 the seven sons of Sceva were questioned by the evil spirit, that “Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?” God is interested in who you are in His kingdom. In Exodus 3:14 “God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.” Has God told you who you are in Him? John 1:12 says “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.” Make Jesus your Lord and then go ahead and start manifesting your faith in Him. May God honour your expression of faith this season in Jesus’ name. Shalom, Dr. Akpo Onduku (Pastor, RCCG Chapel of Grace Bradford)




Bear The Stretcher:

Early on the morning of the 2012 Armed Forces Day, I took a virtual tour of the National Arboretum – a 150-acre wooded parkland in Staffordshire. It is artistically and beautifully designed with memorials that remember UK servicemen, past and present. A few days before then, I had basked in the euphoria of witnessing the Olympic Torch pass through our city. London had been agog with unbridled excitement. All of the UK was wrapped in a frenzy - buzzing and getting ready to host perhaps the greatest sporting activity on earth. But the electric ecstasy of those days decelerated into humdrum sombre on that Armed Forces Day. As I pondered, my mind raced down memory lane. Then I came across something even more sobering. It was Prince Harry’s speech three months earlier while receiving the award for distinguished humanitarian leadership: 24


“So many of our Servicemen and women have made the ultimate sacrifice; so many lives have been lost and so many changed forever by the wounds that they have suffered in the course of their duties. For these selfless people, it is after the guns have fallen silent, the din of battle quietened, that the real fight begins – a fight that may last for the rest of their lives.”

Life is a fight; a long, unending fight. We enlist for that fight at birth. We only lay down our weapons at death. Every breath we take is a call to arms. Every move we make is an invasion of the enemy’s camp. We are susceptible to attacks. We are bound to be wounded. We are prone to become a casualty. Prince Harry’s words struck me real hard: in life’s battles, wounds are inevitable. Esprit de corps! That’s a core philosophy in the military which describes such values as honour and commitment in the service. It epitomizes pride for, and devotion and loyalty to, other members of the service with which the soldiers fight and serve. That’s why it’s a grave offence in the military to attack, or to pass up a wounded colleague. I find the absence of espirit de corps in ‘The Army of the Lord’ appalling. Only in this army, it seems, is it commonplace to see soldiers fighting one another or who don’t care for their bleeding and dying colleagues. Many times we see battleweary Christians stagger and fall with their courage almost or already gone. It is your sacred duty as a fellow soldier to bear the stretcher, to bandage their wounds and nurse them back to health and recovery. It is against esprit de corps to break a bruised reed, or to put out a flickering candle. The demand on you is to tend it, trim it, give it fresh oil, and cause it to burn more brightly again. When you do so, you practice the service philosophy of esprit de corps. Here are five compelling reasons why you should help a wounded Christian: (1) You show value for their lives. Irrespective of tribe, race, nationality, socio-economic status, or accomplishment, all humans intrinsically dance to a kind of music. There’s a cord that binds us together - the cord of a shared humanity. When you help a wounded Christian, you demonstrate your belief in our shared humanity and your high value for human life. I think the humanity of those who deliberately wound people who are already wounded, or who pass-up people who are wounded, should be re-examined; they may not be humans. They may be outright robots, or robots in human casing! (2) You believe their wounds shall heal. When you help a wounded Christian, your act of love makes a loud, epochal statement. The gesture says: “You shall battle back, bounce back, and get back to form.” Your magnanimity screams, “We all fall, but we get back up. A winner is a failure who got up.” That’s the greatest pain killer that soothes their pain. That’s the most effective antiseptic that prevents their wound from getting worse. That’s the most potent medicine that speedily clots the blood. And that’s the most protective bandage that covers their wounds. I have read about athletes who came back from severe injuries to win medals because their coaches, teammates, or families defiantly believed their wounds shall heal and went further to help them recuperate. What a comfort! What a blessed assurance!

(3) You store up healing for your wounds. When you help a wounded Christian, you store up healing for wounds you’ve not yet sustained, which could come either from the enemy’s gunfire, or from the cruel weapons of life. You pre-secure balm for yourself at a time in the future when you would need it the most. You accrue good deeds into an invisible trust fund. None of those good deeds is put in a row marked ‘Wasted.’ The Trustee – the shrewdest businessman guards and secures these investments, and posts every act of kindness to an invisible account you can draw from at a needy time in the future. (4) You service the covenant of Brotherhood. The phrase “one another” or “each other” is used over fifty times in the New Testament. In Christian brotherhood, you are bound by a covenant that is sealed with the blood of Jesus. By this covenant, you vow – before God, before the hosts of heaven, and before the Saints on earth – to love, to hold, to cherish, to nourish, and to care for your brother and sister, even at your own loss, at your own inconvenience, and to your own detriment. By this covenant, you pledge your total allegiance - not only to the King - but also to the King’s subjects: The Brotherhood. The covenant of ‘Brotherhood’ compels you to help a brother who is wounded in battle. Duty demands it. You can’t do otherwise. If you do otherwise, you trample the treaty you signed under your feet. That’s a grave offence. And our Defence Headquarters will respond appropriately. (5) You work ‘Relational Accountability.’ I call ‘bearing the stretcher’ ‘relational accountability.’ Your disposition to reviving a wounded or a fallen Christian is an expression of your Christian maturity. It is ‘relational accountability’ that prevents you from forming a gossip clique and making a fallen Christian a big item on your agenda in your cliques. It is ‘relational accountability’ that disallows you from blurting out in brazen callousness in your ‘prayer’ meeting, ‘‘I knew s/he would fall.’’ ‘Relational accountability’ will cause your heart to break at the immediate effect of fellow Christians fall here and now, as well as the ultimate, remote cost of their eternal rewards should they die without being restored. Oh God, break our callous hearts! The story of the ‘‘Good Samaritan’’ shows two ways we treat the wounded and the fallen: (1) We pass them by (2) We help them up. It takes love, courage, empathy, and sacrifice to help the wounded. Never pass up a wounded Christian. Never. Be the ‘‘Good Samaritan.’’ Do likewise! Reading this article will not do any good if you do not act on all you have read. Here’s what you should do right now: Write down at least 3 practical things you’ll do weekly to restore wounded or fallen Christians that you know and start doing them right away.

By: Bryce Edem Bryce Edem is a writer, blogger, editor, freelance journalist and prolific Bible teacher. You can contact him via: or





UNIQUE In the book of Genesis 1:27, we are made to understand that we were created in God’s own image. If we read further down, God looked at everything He created and made a declaration that indeed they were very good. In other words there was no mistake in His creation, everything was perfect. or every man or woman God created, there is a purpose and that purpose is unique to everyone. Within the two classifications of the male and female gender, there are variations. God in His infinite wisdom has created us as unique individuals for a unique purpose to fulfil. Our part is to discover the purpose and fit into that purpose to fulfil it. Ultimately, there are no two individuals that are the same in all respects. The human fingerprint is a proof to authenticate the above fact because every human being has a unique fingerprint. So far, according to research findings, no identical twins in the world possess the same fingerprint. The human fingerprint is one of the demonstrations of the awesomeness of God’s wisdom in creation. Little wonder fingerprint testing has become a sophisticated identification tool in many societies of the world. This brings us to a recent sad story reported in one of our local newspapers. The story was told of a lady aged 21, an acid victim, who was attacked on her way home from work. After much investigation, it was discovered that her childhood friend also aged 21 was the attacker. In relating her story, she said her childhood friend had spent 10 years trying to copy her looks. In her own words she said “If I wore a certain top, or styled or cut my hair in a certain way, she would do it. If I bought a scarf, within hours she had one in




the same colour. If I wrote texts, spoke, laughed, walked in a certain way, she’d do that. And she’d say ‘I look just like you, don’t I?’’ Her friend wore a Niqāb (a head covering that reveals only the eyes) as a disguise, trailed her from her place of work and threw sulphuric Acid at her face and left her scarred for life. Thank God that the lady is still alive and with the help of cosmetic surgery her face is taking a new shape. It is so glaring that having tried to look like someone else for 10 years, the attacker must have been so frustrated. She could not help her obsession and out of failure, her only consolation was to destroy her friend’s face. We live in a highly competitive world where the ‘best’ is highly sought for and the eligibility criteria are usually spelt out. In our attempt at meeting these criteria, we should be careful not to lose our identity in the process. The consciousness of your identity as a person, knowing who you are including your strengths and weaknesses and your identity as an ambassador for Christ wherever you are, are very crucial in guiding your decisions and actions when meeting eligibility criteria. We should not be caught up in the rat race of becoming someone else or look like someone else in order to impress but on the contrary, we should press on in maintaining a value system where character takes precedence over career. Just be yourself, be real and whatever is meant for you, God knows how to bring it your way.

The following are some areas God created us as unique individuals: Your calling/ministry: The word ‘calling’ and ‘ministry’ are sometimes used interchangeably, which simply means the assignment God has appointed for you to do, that is, your area of service in God’s kingdom on earth. God’s calling is according to His divine purpose for our lives. If you look at the five-fold ministry in Ephesians 4:11, God called some to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. It is very important that we discover our calling and be sure of what God calls us to do for Him. When you are certain about what God calls you to do, you won’t run after someone else’s vision. You’ll have to stay within your own ministry and fulfil it. God is your source of fulfilment. You don’t have to copy others in fulfilling your ministry because your calling is unique to you as an individual. It is possible for two people to have the same calling and the same gifts but the pattern of administration differs. An individual’s background, education, skills and other factors invariably come to play in administration because of the differences in individuality. Roberts Liardon in his book titled ‘God’s Generals’ wrote about William Braham who was called into the prophetic ministry with an incredible healing gift and was a great blessing but he later ventured into teaching ministry which led so many astray. It appears that he was not called into the teaching ministry, he just wanted to teach like other servants of God in his day, God had to quickly call him home. It is also possible that one excels in more than one of the five-fold ministries if God gives the grace and enablement. Your Gifting/Talent: When you receive the call of God, He equips you with spiritual gifts to be able to function in the ministry and fulfil it. In 1 Corinthians 12:4-10, the scripture outlines nine gifts of the Spirit. Verse 11 of that scripture made a point of emphasis; ‘the Spirit distributing to each one individually as He wills’. God will only give you what is needful for the fulfilment of your ministry. There are some spiritual gifts that we see in other people and we want to be like them but God knows us individually and He knows what we are capable of handling. He will not give you what will lead to your untimely demise. In the parable of the talents in Matthew 25, the man called his servants and gave them talents according to their ability. He gave one five, another two and the last one he gave just one talent. When we understand the principle behind the gifts and talents that God gives to His children, there will be no basis for comparison, we’ll be able to appreciate one another and there will be less strife in the body of Christ. Your Physical Appearance: Our God is a God of variety. The world would have been a boring place if we were all created in the same shape, size and colour. God has created you as a unique entity for a divine purpose. We have heard of some people who had surgery to alter

their looks which led to complications with lethal consequences. In our different communities, there is a great awareness on the health implications of being on the ‘big’ side and there are options available to keep fit through weight reduction. However, some of these options sometimes may not yield the desired results and discouragement is bound to set in with the minimal or no effect. We cannot rule out the fact that our body frame has a genetic composition and there is little or nothing we can do about it. We’ll do all that are good: regular exercises, eating well and regular health checkups but as the Psalmist noted in Psalm 127:1 “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain who builds it…………” We cannot preserve our own lives except the Lord preserves us. Overwhelmed with the beauty of art in God’s creation, the Psalmist in another scripture in Psalm 139:14 exclaimed “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvellous are Your works … “. Appreciate God for who you are and what He has made you to be because you are a peculiar treasure in the hands of God.

Uniqueness attracts, your uniqueness brings you out of the crowd and it defines your greatness

In 1 Corinthians 1:1, Paul was admonishing the people of Corinth to imitate him as he also imitated Christ. For clarity, copying or imitating cannot be totally discarded with regards to the business of the kingdom. There are some Christian virtues we see in other people: disciplines, faithfulness, commitment and dedication among others which we can bring on board in our own lives and ministry to enhance our fulfilment in God. As long as what you’re copying fits into the scope of God’s calling or vision for your life, it is considered good, but once you start deviating and trying to be like another by all means can only lead to frustration and destruction. Uniqueness attracts, your uniqueness brings you out of the crowd and it defines your greatness. We are the light of the world; it is our prayer that we’ll continue to shine in our uniqueness as light in the midst of an ailing world. Amen! Happiness Olayemi Onasanya




Father’s Love T

he parable relayed by Jesus to the Pharisees in Luke 15:11-32 is described as the ‘Parable of the Prodigal Son’, it is also a parable of a Father’s love. It tells us about a father who was approached by his younger son requesting for his inheritance and the father responded by dividing his livelihood between both his sons. The younger son then left to a far country and squandered his inheritance on prodigal living until he squandered everything and was so in need that he began to feed pigs. It was at this point that he came to his senses and returned to his father who accepted him and restored him lavishly. The older son meanwhile who stayed with the father was very angry that the father was happy to restore the ‘prodigal’ to the family. There are two main definitions for prodigal, one is considered to be negative and the other more positive: 1. Spending money or using resources freely and recklessly; wastefully extravagant 2. Having or giving something on a lavish scale; generous, unsparing, bountiful. We can see that the father was unsparing with his love for the two sons and gave it out on a lavish scale to the two sons who were somewhat undeserving of this love. We can see the heart of our Father God here especially as we celebrate this year of the overflow and our cup running over. He was lavish in a positive way, whereas his son was lavish in a reckless and negative way. As Christians we should have the heart of our Father, a heart full of love with lavish expression. We should not be reckless and wasteful like this



prodigal son was. There are many characteristics that we see in the two children of this Father that we should not allow in our lives.

OLDER SON The older son was the first born and as such was entitled to a double portion according to Jewish tradition. Luke 15:29 tells us that he served his father faithfully and was obedient yet he seemed ignorant of his entitlements. V31 tells us that the father said “son you are always with me and all that I have is yours” implying that the son did not know this. Ignorance is a terrible disease and the older son suffered with this as a result of not having a true relationship with the father. Hosea 4:6 describes how God’s people are destroyed by a lack of knowledge. Isaiah 5:13 also describes God’s people going into captivity because they have no knowledge. Ignorance produces two fruits:1. The inability to enter into God’s providence. 2. Empowerment of the enemy to cause problems and limitation. These 2 fruits manifested in the older son. Firstly he did not realise the enormity of the grace and prosperity he had with the father and that these were all within his reach. Secondly the enemy was already making a headway in his life. Luke 15:28 tells us that he was angry and refused to go into the father’s house. The word angry there is translated from a Greek word “orgizo“ which describes a passion that is furious and raging

with a desire for revenge. It is so intense a passion that it will terminate by attempting to kill. It is the same word used in Rev 12:17 where the dragon was enraged against the woman. The anger in the older son was already leading to a killing of his relationship with the father and led his refusing to go into the father’s house. This is an attitude which is found commonly amongst children of God today. There is an initial disappointment and anger at being let down by people or life which usually first leads to absence from fellowship or forsaking fellowshipping together. This then leads to a disconnection with The Father and can lead to backsliding. We see the older son felt rejected. He described his brother to his father as “this son of yours “. He could not bring himself to call him “my brother “. Resentment and bitterness had crept in. There are lots of things faithful Christians lack today because they are still waiting for God to do it or they feel they do not deserve it. But these things are already there for us for the taking though we may not merit or deserve it. The older son wasted what he was entitled to and already delivered to him by not receiving or accepting it through ignorance. Jesus relayed this parable to the Pharisees and we can see that the loveless attitude of the older brother portrays the Pharisees ‘ claim to self-righteousness, their doctrine of salvation by achievement and their uncharitable attitude toward repenting sinners. Just as the older brother had no true relationship with his father, so the Pharisees had no real relationship with God. As Christians we have to be careful not to fall into this trap.

YOUNGER SON The younger son was not ignorant, he knew his entitlement. He said in Luke 15:12 “ Father give me the portion of goods that falls to me “. The father then divided his whole livelihood to them both and not just to one son. V13 tells us that, not many days after, the younger son gathered all together and journeyed to a far country – He disconnected from his source. This son though not ignorant, was foolish. We should never allow what God has prospered us with draw us away to a far place disconnected from God. He is the source, once we disconnect, the pipe runs dry. Oftentimes we can be blessed with a job, spouse, child, business, healing or some kind of restoration and this blessing now gets in the way of us and God. God has given to us His livelihood, but he does not expect us to gather it all together and go away far from Him. Today, just like this prodigal son, you may be in need of peace, joy, hope, comfort, money, love, food, healing, or relationships amongst other things. This is a position the devil likes a person to be in because they can be easily lured to take foolish decisions. Psalm 23:1 says “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want”. This younger son was in want and he took a foolish decision, v 15 tells us that he went and joined himself to a citizen of that land and he sent him to the fields to feed swine. This was considered one of the most degrading employments, not only by Jews but other nations. The Egyptians cut off those who looked after the swine completely from society. They could not worship the gods or marry even the lowest of people. Jesus made use of this fact to show the depth of misery to which joining with a citizen of the land and ruinous living brought the younger prodigal son.

The citizens of the land are only mentioned again once more in Luke in another parable by Jesus in Luke 19:11-27 and in both narratives we see they have certain characteristics they hate God’s servants and resist any change for good. They are against prosperity and run contrary to God’s Kingdom principles. They will enslave and push into abominable acts, push you into destitution, they promote rejection, turn you into an outcast and make you take leave of your senses, bringing misery. Phil. 3:20 says our citizenship is in heaven. Citizens of the land represent places or things outside God where people seek for help or look for means of filling in of a void when they are in want. For the younger son the citizen of the land sent him to feed pigs which was an abominable thing. Nowadays the citizen of the land sends people into drugs, alcohol, illicit sex and alternative therapies rooted in the occult and false religions.

We also have a Father in heaven who longs for us to turn to him so He can run to us and pour out an overflow of His love so that our cup can run over.

Turn to Him today. We learn in the parable that the prodigal son repented of his ways and came home. True Repentance is what God requires from us to allow him do His work and let our cup run over with His love and compassion. True repentance is sorrow for sin, confession that offence has been committed against a Holy God and a change of heart that manifests itself in change of action. Luke 15:20 tells us that the father ran and met the younger son even when he was a great way off and had compassion. No matter how far away we are from God, He is always on the lookout for us. We have a Father who is rich in love, once we turn to Him, He immediately runs towards us with open arms. The father’s reception shows that genuine repentance brings not only pardon but complete restoration. Interestingly, the love of the father extends not only to the younger son but also to the older son. Both sons were restored through the compassion of a loving father who was extravagant and lavish with his love. We also have a Father in heaven who longs for us to turn to him so He can run to us and pour out an overflow of His love so that our cup can run over. Turn to Him today. Dr. Ebidapo Ayo Bamgboye Pastor, RCCG Abundant Grace Tabernacle, Barnsley



We congratulate and rejoice with our Chairman, Board of Trustees and Executive Council,


on his appointment into the following oďŹƒces: 1. Special Assistant to the General Overseer (SATGO) 2. Member of the RCCG World Advisory Council 3. Regional Pastor of England and Chairman, Regional Board, United Kingdom Signed: RCCG Central OďŹƒce on behalf of the members and parishes of The Redeemed Christian Church of God, United Kingdom

We congratulate and rejoice with

PASTOR KOLA BAMIGBADE on his appointment as the Regional Pastor, Scotland

Signed: RCCG Central OďŹƒce on behalf of the members and parishes of The Redeemed Christian Church of God, United Kingdom

We congratulate and rejoice with

PASTOR ANDREW ADELEKE on his appointment as the Regional Pastor, Wales Signed: RCCG Central OďŹƒce on behalf of the members and parishes of The Redeemed Christian Church of God, United Kingdom

We congratulate and rejoice with

PASTOR BIOYE SEGUN on his appointment as the Regional Pastor, Northern Ireland

We congratulate and rejoice with

PASTOR LEKE SANUSI on his appointment as the Regional/Country Pastor of Europe 2 (Headquarters – Barcelona, Spain)

We congratulate and rejoice with

PASTOR SOLA OLUDOYI on his appointment as the Regional/Country Pastor of Europe 3 (Headquarters – Stockholm, Sweden)

Signed: RCCG Central Office on behalf of the members and parishes of The Redeemed Christian Church of God, United Kingdom

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Calling All Believers, Intercessors, Church Workers, Church Leaders and All Who Love to Pray! The Wonders of Prayer Day is a time set aside for Christians to pray for the nation and our communities. This year, the event will be a Special Prayer Breakfast.




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Dear Andrea

Matters of the Heart

A problem is only a problem until you find the solution. Are you searching for a solution to a problem that has so far remained elusive? Maybe you need a second opinion or some advice concerning a situation you are facing? Whatever the need, here at Sunrise Magazine, we want to help, whether it be a problem, an irritant, a matter of the heart, a situation at work, dealing with children, youth issues, suicidal thoughts, finance, the stress of dayto-day living or any other issue. We believe at Sunrise Magazine

that God has called us to bear one another’s burdens.(Gal 6:2) With this in mind Sunrise has created an Agony Aunt Problem page. This is a space for you, the reader, where you can write in with your questions or problems and receive honest and non-judgemental advice concerning your situation. Thank you to those who have already written in with your questions, the questions and answers are printed below, if you would like further input, feel free to get in touch.

Q1. My spouse and I argue a lot about money. I like to live for the moment but she always wants to plan for the future. We are just newly married and don’t yet have children. Can’t we just enjoy our money for now? I understand where you are coming from, in that you feel that the future is still ahead and you want to focus on the now but what we often find is that the future comes to us quicker than what we think. How many times have we sat down to think about life and realised that 10 years have gone past in a flash. It sounds like your wife wants to make sure that the future that comes so quickly to our door is secure. This doesn’t mean that you can never enjoy what you have now. There needs to be balance between saving for the future and living in the present. You do however need to work out this balance with your wife, perhaps suggesting taking steps like having two take-aways a week rather than every night for example or doing one thing a month as a couple that you have saved up for rather than spending a huge amount on excursions or evenings out every week. As Christians, we need to apply God’s wisdom to managing our finances. We must know the difference between our seed and our harvest. Most of what comes into our hands is seed to sow and so we must be careful not to eat the seed. We must plan long-term and not just short-term. In all this remember your tithes, offerings and what you can help with in the Kingdom for example missions, church projects and so on. Then remember that money is good, God wants you to prosper so you can be a blessing to others but be careful not to let it become an idol. Man cannot serve two masters. Is earning money more important than marriage? You cannot work 24/7 acquiring money at the expense of your marriage. Isn’t eating beans on toast better when done together as a couple than eating a gourmet meal alone?

Perhaps they are strong and aloof in work and loving at home. They project to the world what they would like the world to see. Shakespeare wrote that all the world is a stage and all the men and women players (upon it). Those on the stage hide their real identities for the sake of entertainment. Yet we all know that behind our masks we often we will find fear and confusion. Fear of being judged or fear that our weaknesses are going to be exposed and perhaps even being rejected. Without their shield of our masks we expose the real us and that is going to hurt. We find ourselves desperate to be understood, yet scared to be genuine enough to let others see who we are. We give them glimpses and hope that they can build the whole picture, get behind the mask and understand us. Yet ultimately it becomes a prison, for we dare not remove the mask for fear of not being understood. The best place to start is to let The Holy Spirit direct you to who would be best for you to open up to. If in the past, you have been misjudged, don’t allow that to inhibit you from opening up again. This time may be different. Love is unconditional and your Pastors are there to help without judgement and to be part of your testimony. They have probably heard a ton of stuff much worse than whatever it is you think will horrify them. Even so, it is human to want others to think the best of us. It takes a lot of trust to tell it all and to believe that the awful thing you are about to reveal will be treated with kindness. Yet to get unstuck from your problem that is precisely what is needed. Encourage your spouse to come with you to your Pastor and openly talk about what is facing you. Often times we feel isolated, that no-one else is going through the same thing we are. Talking will really help you to get perspective and see a way out.

Here are some do’s and don’ts of budgeting Plan your budget together, there should be agreement and cooperation. Define financial goals. Have a clear purpose for why you have the budget Before creating a budget, have a clear idea of your income and expenditure before you do it. When creating a budget, don’t use wishful thinking. You can review it on a monthly basis so be realistic based on your current circumstances. Try not carrying your debit card, withdraw cash that you will use that week. Use automatic deduction for savings (standing order into saving scheme by the bank) Don’t cheat the budget, stick to it. Q.2 I am having some problems in my marriage and I don’t know who to talk to. I really want my husband and I to have counselling in church but what if the Pastor doesn’t look at me or my husband the same way after hearing what goes on in our marriage? Fear of judgement inhibits many people from seeking counsel. Clowns paint masks on their faces to show if they are happy or sad. Many people live their lives wearing a ‘mask’ acting the person they think that the world wants to see, showing only those things that they think of as acceptable to others. They may have different masks for different people.



Q.3 My relationship was initially built on physical attraction but I have become tired of doing the wrong thing. I feel so guilty and so does my fiancé. We are both Christians and want to get married. How do we put an end to the physical side of the relationship without ending the relationship and introduce Christ into it. From your question, you acknowledge that what you and your fiancé have been doing is wrong and you desire to make a change. This is commendable and a decision that I pray you will not go back on. If you did not pray about marriage from the onset of your relationship but got together because of physical attraction, you can turn this around by deciding together to repent, stop what you have been doing and have a set period of time to pray on it and seek the face of God as to whether this is truly your spouse to be. This will take courage as God may tell you this is not the person and you may need to deal with the rejection if the relationship ends. Physical intimacy bonds a couple together prematurely before you have passed through an adequate time of courtship. The foundation of your relationship has been wrong as you got into it because of lust rather than seeking God’s will. You need to fix the foundation by putting distance between yourselves, you need time of consecration and to get your own relationship with God right. After some months and after you have prayed and sought counsel from your Pastor and God speaks that this is your spouse then you can start courtship and continue in righteousness making sure all boundaries are in place and you attend Pre-Marital classes. Starting afresh will mean setting a new foundation. Lastly both of you need to be committed to this decision as if one of you is not, there is a danger that they will pull the other one back.

RCCG and Compassion UK: A Fruitful Partnership By Yinka Oduwole In September 2014, I visited Kenya with a group of fellow pastors. I already knew that a good number of RCCG churches were in partnership with Compassion UK but didn’t fully appreciate what this meant. Choosing to sponsor a child really does help take them out of poverty and give them hope of a better tomorrow. These children often come from generations of extreme poverty but sponsorship gives them optimism that their situation will change for the better. The children know that through education, the cycle of poverty can be broken and they can become empowered intellectually, with income-earning skills.


hile in Kenya, it became obvious that in addition to educating the children, Compassion UK adds the moral instruction borne out of a firm commitment to the Christian faith and beliefs. As such, Jackson (my sponsored child in Kenya) and the many other children they work with across the world receive not just a sound education, but also good health care, nutritious food and a wholesome spiritual life. Compassion started working in 1952 - the same year RCCG was founded - and currently they work with nearly 7,000 churches in 26 of the poorest countries in the world, supporting over 1.5m children. It is wonderful to know that RCCG is playing its part in fulfilling this wonderful vision, with over 180 thriving partnerships with Compassion UK, enabling us to jointly transform the lives of more than 2,200 children in Jesus’ name.



In Kenya we witnessed how the support that sponsors provide is transforming the lives of not just the children in our projects, but their families and communities. It was a remarkable experience for everyone and we all believe we’ll never be the same again. I also know that poverty will not be my sponsored child Jackson’s future! What comfort that brings! As pastors, we all came away from that trip fully persuaded of how much can be achieved when we yield ourselves to God’s grace and reach out to those in need with the little we have. Indeed, it is a welcome surprise to see these church leaders transformed into committed heralds of Compassion’s message of changing children’s lives. Yinka Oduwole is with the RCCG UK Central Office and is Parish Pastor of The Risen Christ, Knebworth


UNITY or Uniformity? At the creation of man and woman, unity for them in marriage was not given as hope; it was a command! “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). This means that as spouses we must walk in unity. Many couples, however are confused about what this means. Does it mean we have to agree on everything, should we talk the same, act the same and look the same? Should there be uniformity or unity?


niformity is the state of being uniform. Something is uniform when it remains in the same state at all times. For example, a passer-by might notice the uniformity of the bricks. Uniformity can also refer to objects that have similar character. For example, a company’s culture might have a uniformity of demeanour. When things are uniform, they are not necessarily joined together, such as when light posts are set up at uniform distances. When there’s unity, on the other hand, the objects can be similar or can be very different. For example, a society could be full of diverse people with multiple opinions, but the group could still be considered to have unity. Unity is when two things are joined together as a whole. Unity is often used in the context of marriage for this reason because the two have been joined together as one. The Oxford Pocket Dictionary also states that unity can refer to harmony among groups, such as when a leader calls for two fighting groups to join together in unity. If the fighting groups are disagreeing, they likely do not have uniformity. But they can eventually resolve their disagreements and achieve unity. I believe that some of the problems that arise in marriage is due to the fact that couples expect uniformity rather than unity. In courtship, couples are often carried away with love or excitement to a degree that they don’t see the differences in one another. Instead they focus on common interests and enjoying each other’s company. After the wedding bells have sounded and the honeymoon has been enjoyed, real life begins. As a couple live together and have to make decisions together, they begin to see that there are multiple differences between them. For many



this is a shock and many couples advocate for uniformity, meaning that one person will have to change to be like the other person. Now begins a struggle where each spouse will attempt to change the other to be like themselves. However from our definitions above, we can see that unity can mean that each person is different but there is harmony between them. Harmony is defined as the quality of forming a pleasing and consistent whole, or the state of being in agreement or concord. When an artistic work such as a painting or story has unity, the different parts of the artistic work are said to come together in a way that is aesthetically pleasing. But a piece of art with uniformity throughout could be seen as dull and repetitive, especially if the art piece tells a story. Likewise, when multiple parts come together and form a very complex whole, they are said to have unity. But these parts will not necessarily have uniformity, especially if each part has a very specific role and function. Uniformity requires always having the same form, manner, or degree. Uniformity allows no tolerances, no variances, and no variables. In uniformity there is no room for choice. There is no room for personal opinion at all. The slightest deviation destroys the uniformity. Married couples may want to present uniformity to those around them, showing that they have exactly the same viewpoint on certain issues but this will in fact make such a couple to be very boring company. Unity is togetherness of a different breed altogether. It has to do with concord, harmony, and accord: being of the same mind and having one heart. That is the beauty of a Christian marriage, spouses may not agree on many issues but if they keep God at the centre, then this is

something that they can both agree on. This way they will be of the same mind and the same heart. When both spouses have the mind of Christ then both can recognise that their spouse has no evil intention when they have opinions that the other cannot understand. When our spouse’s viewpoint is different to ourselves for example on issues such as politics, education, parenting styles, finance and where to squeeze the toothpaste tube does not mean that they do not have the mind of Christ. Keeping this in mind will help couples to resolve disagreements. There are some issues that couples will never be able to agree on and will just have to agree to disagree and enjoy debating on it every so often and in the meantime just accept that each person does it differently and not allow themselves to get wound up about it (like the toothpaste example). There are other issues where a couple will need to check the Word of God to see what God’s viewpoint on the matter is and

When two people marry they don’t lose their individual identities, but they gain a new identity as a couple. God has brought both spouses together because He needs the gifts and qualities that are in both parties in order to complete the assignment that He has for you.

action what is found or revealed. Then there are issues where there is no clear answer in the Word, in which case the couple will have to reach a compromise and allows each person’s expression to be demonstrated whichever action is taken. In Genesis, as God completed His creation, He created mankind to take care of it, and recognising it’s a big task, He created woman to work with man, and tells them “the two shall become one flesh.” He calls them to unity. When two people marry they don’t lose their individual identities, but they gain a new identity as a couple. God has brought both spouses together because He needs the gifts and qualities that are in both parties in order to complete the assignment that He has for you. This means that we should celebrate our differences and even endeavour to bring them out. Encourage your spouse to bring out what is uniquely placed in them. In today’s individualistic society, the idea that a husband or wife’s purpose should be not self-fulfilment, but loving the other into the fullness that God wants for them. To live this way

demands that we act responsibly, bringing life to each other, and that we nurture intimacy, gently revealing ourselves in vulnerability and trust to each other. Realise that you are not in competition with your spouse. When in gatherings, don’t try to outwit your spouse and portray that you have more knowledge and understanding in your spouse. I am not saying that you should put yourself down but you should celebrate your strengths and that of your spouse. Brad and Heidi Mitchell have some great tips on this topic listed on their website, ‘Build Your Marriage’. They give 4 Four Keys to help you to fight for unity in your marriage. They are: 1) Surrender Surrender daily to the Lordship of Jesus Christ over your life and your marriage. When Jesus is at the centre of your relationship and at the head of your marriage, you seek to please Him first and foremost. All too often place ourselves on the throne of our lives instead of Jesus 2) Ask Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you any place of weakness and vulnerability in your life and in your marriage. Confess what needs to be made right with God and your spouse. Stay on guard in those areas and cover them with prayer and scripture. 3) Resist Resist the enemy out loud at any point of temptation or division. Declare in the Name of Jesus that Satan will not have a foothold in your life or in your marriage! 4) Blanket Blanket your marriage with Scripture, worship music, and the Name of Jesus. He is the Rock upon which your marriage will stand strong! Jesus spoke of unity and how we will have our natures changed to make it possible. He taught it clearly in the prayer He gave in His last meeting with His Apostles before His death. “That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me” (John 17:18–21). In those few words He made clear how the gospel of Jesus Christ can allow hearts to be made one. You remember the Saviour prayed, “For their sakes”—speaking of the Apostles—“I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth” (John 17:19). The Holy Ghost is a sanctifier. Where people have that Spirit with them, we may expect harmony. The Spirit puts the testimony of truth in our hearts, which unifies those who share that testimony. The Spirit of God never generates contention. It never generates the feelings of distinctions between people which lead to strife. To have true Unity that can only come from God, we must then look to Jesus and keep Him the centre. I call this ‘keeping the main thing, the main thing’. No matter how much we may disagree with our spouse on an issue, let us keep Jesus at the centre and remember that we are all created unique but we are bound together in unity through the Spirit of God. By: Andrea Onduku (RCCG Chapel of Grace, Bradford) You can contact Andrea via or email info@mattersofheart.




RCCG Workers’ Rally April 2014


eld at ExCeL London, the Workers’ Rally provided a forum for all workers in RCCG to be encouraged and exhorted by Pastor E. A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of The Redeemed Chris an Church of God.



Festival of Life, London April 2014


he Festival of Life attended and viewed by tens of thousands of people is a free event hosted by Pastor E. A. Adeboye, General Overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God. The evening was glorious with praise, worship, music of different genres, drama, various speakers and ministration by Pastor Adeboye.


Festival of Life, cardiff july 2014 Fes val of Life is an event hosted that aims to bring together people from across the country with the hope of bringing about a change in our churches and communi es through prayer, the Word and encouragement. Ministering was Pastor E.A Adeboye (the General Overseer, Redeemed Chris an Church of God(RCCG), Rev. Elfed Godding (Na onal Director, Evangelical Alliance, Wales), Pastor Paul Francis (Glenwood Church, Cardi) and other Pastors.



Festival of Life, Scotland july 2014 Festival of Life is an evening of extra-ordinary gospel music, drama, prayers and life transforming messages. Ministering was Pastor E.A Adeboye (the General Overseer, Redeemed Christian Church of God(RCCG) and various other speakers.



Good Women Conference April 2014 The theme was Women basking in the Overflow covering various topics such as Overflowing manifestations, Taking the Kingdom to an overflow, Overflowing storehouse, Basking in overflow of parenthood, Overflowing grace for all seasons. The Conference Keynote Speaker: Pastor (Mrs) Folu Adeboye








he 2014 RCCG UK Sports Day was held on Saturday 2nd August at Crystal Palace, London. Compe tors from all 10 provinces in the UK competed for a range of medals and trophies. The day was greatly enjoyed by all who par cipated.

Pastor Modupe Afolabi and Pastor Tayo Ayodele

Track & Field Event Winners 1st: South East 1 2nd: London 2 3rd: Scotland 4th: West & East Midlands 5th: North West England 6th: Wales & South West England 7th: North East England 8th: South East 2 9th: London 3 10th: London 1

Football: 1st: (Cup winners & Gold medalists): West & East Midlands 2nd: (Sliver medalists): South East 2 3rd: (Bronze medalists): North West England. Pastor Yemi Adeleke





National Christian Teachers’ Conference


he Annual Na onal Chris an Teachers Conference facilitated by the RCCG UK Sunday School ministry came up on September 6th 2014. The venue was RCCG Living Faith Connec ons located at 24-26 Thames road, Barking IG11 0HZ. The guest speaker was Pastor Ezekiel Odeyemi; the Special Assistant to the G.O. (SATGO, Training) and Director, RCCG Centre for Pastoral Leadership and Management Training. It was another glorious me of refreshing in the presence of the Lord with very insigh ul and in-depth lectures on the teaching ministry. The theme of the conference was the Overflowing Teaching Ministry. The Conference featured three talks as follows:

Pastor Ezeikiel Odeyemi worshipping the Lord during the session

Talk 1 – the overflowing teacher Talk 2 – Transforma onal leadership and training Talk 3 – The laws of Biblical teaching The Lord used our Father in the Lord; Pastor Odeyemi to train all categories of pastors, ministers, teachers and leaders from all across the RCCG and beyond in the quali es of an overflowing teacher, how to transform our hearers and prac cal laws to observe when teaching from the Bible. The conference was a ended by delegates from all the regions in the UK and European countries such as Switzerland. A endance was well over 1200 delegates and every space in the hall was filled to the overflowing to the glory of God. The atmosphere was jubilant as the par cipants experienced a refreshing encounter in His divine presence, brethren le the premise encouraged and equipped for the next level of ministry. We crave your con nued prayers for the ministry and progress of this Ministry here in the UK. Pictures Below are some pictures from the na onal Teachers conference which took place in September 2014.

Pastor Raphael Oluro mi Na onal Director RCCG Sunday School UK

Cross-section of participants at the programme



The Sunday School UK Spearhead Team with the guest ministers


The Jehoshaphats of GOD 2 Chronicles 20: 1 – 30


o God be the glory for the successful praying and fasting programme in the RCCG UK between 1st – 14th October 2014. What a blessing to have godly leaders who will mobilise God’s people to raise altars of praying, praising and fasting. It’s a great spiritual exercise that is fast disappearing in many Christian circles. May God raise many God fearing brethren who will take hold of God at His Word. There are several lessons to learn from the account found in 2 Chronicles 20: 1- 30, but the focus of this write up is the person of Jehoshaphat himself. The story is definitely true and authentic; every person, situation and incident there is authentic- the problem, the evil confederacy against Judah, the praying, fasting, miraculous interventions, victory and abundance of wealth that followed.

Today, Jehoshaphat is long gone, The Moabites, The Amonites and the Edomites are no more, and even Judah in its purest form has ceased to exist. But as God found a Jehoshaphat for His purpose then, He is still looking to reproduce many Jehoshaphat’s in our time as He has done in past generations. As a matter of fact, the Holy Spirit allowed the story in the Bible because of us after all: “whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the scriptures, we might have hope” Romans 15:4 (ESV) The national fasting and praying exercise has gone, (and some have breathed a sigh of relief) but the eternal lessons are still there for us to learn. One of such major lessons is that as a New Testament believer, you have the ability in Christ to claim what is promised and become what Christ has ordained you to become. You will need boldness, faith and courage in your place of assignment as Paul did 1 (Corinthians 15: 9 -10) Indeed, in the life of all the apostles, we can see spiritual stalwart, bold courage and strength in the Lord. They

have fiercely resisted the enemy, pushed back and restrained the enemy’s aggression while advancing the eternal plan and purpose of God. They have partnered with the Almighty to shape destiny and history like their predecessors. They had spiritual power to subdue kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtain promises, quench the violence of fire, wax valiant in spiritual fights and did great exploits for the Master. Likewise we must do the same. Jehoshaphat was a man of the Word. He had passion to see the people of God understand the whole counsel of God. He was the first to sow teachers to teach the whole nation the law of God. He gave priority to the word and wanted the nation governed by it and the people lives ruled by it. He took Him by His word. He pleaded His promises, staked his life, throne and the destiny of the whole nation on the authority of the Word. When the word of prophecy came he discerned it to be the truth, he followed it through and it didn’t seem to make sense but rather suicidal. To copy Jehoshaphat’s prayer pattern and get answers, one must become another Jehoshaphat for your generation is a better blessing. God is as interested in our praying as much as the person behind the praying. God is more interested in you having anointing to heal and set the captives free than you just being healed. Jehoshaphat was a man of discernment and spiritual maturity. He wasn’t gullible about prophecies. Several prophets gave the same prophecy, yet he exercised discernment. I pray that we as believers will become like Jehoshaphat and as Jesus said in Luke 19:13, we must occupy until He comes. Pastor Raphael Olurotimi, Pastor, RCCG Living Spring Centre and National Director, RCCG Sunday School, UK.



RCCG’S VISION IS FOR CHURCHES IN EVERY COMMUNITY. PRAY WITH US AS WE FOCUS ON THESE PARTIALLYREACHED AND UNREACHED AREAS IN THE UK. AVON Bradley Stoke Clevedon Keynsham Nailsea Portishead Thornbury Yate BEDFORDSHIRE Ampthill Biggleswade Flitwick Kempston Potton Sandy Woburn BERKSHIRE Crowthorne Hungerford Newbury Sandhurst Thatcham Wokingham BORDERS Coldstream Duns Eyemouth Galashiels Hawick Innerleithen Jedburgh Kelso Melrose BUCKINGHAMSHIRE Beaconsfield Buckingham Chesham Marlow Newport Pagnell Olney Princes Risborough Wendover Winslow CAMBRIDGESHIRE Chatteris Ely Godmanchester March Soham Wisbech CENTRAL Alloa Bridge of Allan Callander Dunblane Grangemouth Tillicoultry CHESHIRE Alsager Bollington Congleton Frodsham Knutsford Macclesfield Middlewich Nantwich


Neston Northwich Runcorn Sale Sandbach Widnes Winsford CLEVELAND Redcar Yarm CLWYD Buckley Colwyn Bay Denbigh Flint Hawarden Holywell Llangollen Mold Prestatyn Rhuddlan Rhyl Ruthin CORNWALL Bodmin Bude Camborne Camelford Falmouth Fowey Hayle Helston Launceston Liskeard Looe Lostwithiel Newquay Padstow Penryn Penzance Redruth Saltash Torpoint Truro Wadebridge COUNTY ANTRIM Ballycastle Ballyclare Ballymena Ballymoney Bushmills Carrickfergus Crumlin Larne Lisburn Newtownabbey Portrush Randalstown COUNTY ARMAGH Armagh Craigavon Lurgan Markethill Newry Portadown


COUNTY DOWN Ballynahinch Banbridge Bangor Castlewellan Comber Donaghadee Downpatrick Kilkeel Killyleagh Newtownards Portaferry Rostrevor Saintfield Warrenpoint COUNTY FERMANAGH Enniskillen Lisnaskea COUNTY LONDONDERRY Coleraine Limavady Londonderry Magherafelt Portstewart COUNTY TYRONE Castlederg Clogher Coalisland Cookstown Dungannon Fintona Fivemiletown Omagh Strabane CUMBRIA Alston Appleby in Westmorland Barrow in Furness Carlisle Cockermouth Grange over Sands Kendal Keswick Kirkby Lonsdale Maryport Penrith Staveley Ulverston Whitehaven Windermere Workington DERBYSHIRE Ashbourne Bakewell Belper Bolsover Buxton Dronfield Glossop Heanor Ilkeston Long Eaton Matlock New Mills Ripley

Swadlincote Whaley Bridge DEVON Ashburton Axminster Barnstaple Bideford Bradninch Brixham Buckfastleigh Budleigh Salterton Crediton Cullompton Dartmouth Dawlish Exmouth Heathfield Holsworthy Honiton Ilfracombe Ivybridge Kingsbridge Lynton Moretonhampstead Newton Abbot Okehampton Paignton Salcombe Seaton Sidmouth South Molton Tavistock Teignmouth Tiverton Torquay Totnes DORSET Blandford Forum Bridport Christchurch Dorchester Ferndown Gillingham Lyme Regis Poole Sherborne Swanage Verwood Wareham Weymouth DUMFRIES AND GALLOWAY Annan Castle Douglas Dalbeattie Dumfries Kirkcudbright Langholm Lockerbie Moffat Newton Stewart Stranraer Wigtown DURHAM Barnard Castle Bishop Auckland Chester le Street Newton Aycliffe

DYFED Aberaeron Ammanford Burry Port Cardigan Carmarthen Fishguard Haverfordwest Lampeter Laugharne Llandeilo Llandovery Llanelli Milford Haven Narberth Newcastle Emlyn Pembroke Tenby Tregaron EAST SUSSEX Battle Bexhill on Sea Crowborough Hailsham Hastings Heathfield Hove Lewes Newhaven Polegate Rye Seaford Uckfield Wadhurst ESSEX Brightlingsea Burnham on Crouch Clacton on Sea Coggeshall Hadleigh Halstead Harwich Maldon Manningtree Rayleigh Rochford Saffron Walden South Woodham Ferrers Thaxted Waltham Abbey Walton on the Naze Auchtermuchty Burntisland Cowdenbeath Cupar Inverkeithing Kinghorn Kirkcaldy Ladybank Leven Markinch Newport on Tay Pittenweem GLOUCESTERSHIRE Chipping Campden Chipping Sodbury Cinderford Cirencester Dursley

Fairford Lydney Moreton in Marsh Nailsworth Newent Painswick Stroud Tetbury Tewkesbury Wotton under Edge GRAMPIAN Ballater Banff Buckie Cullen Dufftown Forres Keith Kintore Laurencekirk Lossiemouth Oldmeldrum Peterhead GREATER MANCHESTER Ashton in Makerfield Droylsden Dukinfield Farnworth Horwich Hyde Westhoughton GWENT Abergavenny Abertillery Brynmawr Caldicot Cwmbran Ebbw Vale Monmouth Newport Newport Tredegar Usk GWYNEDD COUNTY Abergele Amlwch Bala Bangor Barmouth Beaumaris Betws y Coed Blaenau Ffestiniog Caernarfon Conwy Criccieth Dolgellau Holyhead Llandudno Llanrwst Penmaenmawr Porthmadog Pwllheli Tywyn HAMPSHIRE Aldershot Alton Andover

Fareham Farnborough Fordingbridge Gosport Havant New Milton Petersfield Ringwood Romsey Tadley Totton Whitchurch Winchester Yateley HEREFORDSHIRE Bromyard Hatfield = not the one in Hertfordshire Hereford Kington Ledbury Leominster Ross on Wye HERTFORDSHIRE Berkhamsted Buntingford Hertford Hoddesdon Royston Sawbridgeworth Tring Ware HIGHLANDS AND ISLANDS Cromarty Dingwall Dornoch Grantown on Spey Kingussie Kirkwall Lerwick Nairn Tain HUMBERSIDE Barton upon Humber Beverley Bridlington Brigg Cleethorpes Driffield Goole Hessle Hornsea Howden Market Weighton Pocklington Scunthorpe Withernsea ISLE OF WIGHT Brading Cowes Newport Ryde Sandown Shanklin Ventnor KENT Broadstairs Deal Dover Edenbridge Faversham Herne Bay Hythe Lydd Ramsgate Sandwich Southborough

Tenterden Westerham Whitstable LANCASHIRE Accrington Adlington Bacup Barnoldswick Burnley Carnforth Clitheroe Colne Darwen Failsworth Fleetwood Kirkham Leyland Longridge Morecambe Ormskirk Poulton le Fylde Skelmersdale Whitworth LEICESTERSHIRE Ashby de la Zouch Coalville Hinckley Lutterworth Melton Mowbray Wigston LINCOLNSHIRE Alford Boston Bourne Caistor Gainsborough Grantham Horncastle Louth Mablethorpe Market Deeping Market Rasen Skegness Sleaford Spalding Spilsby Stamford LOTHIAN Bathgate Dalkeith Dunbar Haddington Linlithgow Loanhead Musselburgh North Berwick Penicuik MERSEYSIDE Bebington Birkenhead Bootle Heswall Hoylake Kirkby Newton le Willows Prescot Southport Wallasey MID GLAMORGAN Aberdare Bridgend Caerphilly Llantrisant Maesteg Merthyr Tydfil Pontypridd Porth Porthcawl

NORFOLK Aylsham Cromer Dereham Diss Downham Market Fakenham Hunstanton North Walsham Sheringham Thetford Wells next the Sea Wymondham NORTH YORKSHIRE Bedale Easingwold Filey Harrogate Knaresborough Malton Middleham Northallerton Pickering Richmond – not the one South London Ripon Scarborough Selby Settle Skipton Tadcaster Thirsk Whitby NORTHAMPTONSHIRE Brackley Burton Latimer Daventry Higham Ferrers Irthlingborough Oundle Rushden Thrapston Towcester NORTHUMBERLAND Alnwick Ashington Bedlington Berwick upon Tweed Blyth Corbridge Cramlington Haltwhistle Hexham Morpeth Prudhoe Rothbury NOTTINGHAMSHIRE Bingham Eastwood Hucknall Mansfield Retford Southwell Sutton in Ashfield Worksop OXFORDSHIRE Bicester Burford Carterton Charlbury Chipping Norton Dorchester Faringdon Henley on Thames Thame Wallingford Wantage Witney Woodstock

POWYS Brecon Builth Wells Crickhowell Hay on Wye Knighton Llandrindod Wells Llanfyllin Llanidloes Llanwrtyd Wells Machynlleth Montgomery Newtown Presteigne Rhayader Talgarth Welshpool RUTLAND Oakham Uppingham SHROPSHIRE Bridgnorth Church Stretton Ludlow Market Drayton Newport Oswestry Wem Whitchurch SOMERSET Bridgwater Burnham on Sea Chard Crewkerne Frome Glastonbury Ilminster Midsomer Norton Minehead Shepton Mallet Somerton Taunton Wellington Wells Wincanton Winsford Yeovil SOUTH GLAMORGAN Barry Cowbridge Llantwit Major Penarth SOUTH YORKSHIRE Bawtry Dinnington Hatfield Mexborough Penistone Rotherham Wombwell STAFFORDSHIRE Alton Biddulph Burntwood Cannock Leek Lichfield Rugeley Stone Tamworth Uttoxeter STRATHCLYDE Airdrie Barrhead Bearsden Bellshill Biggar Campbeltown

Carluke Coatbridge Cumbernauld Dumbarton Dunoon East Kilbride Gourock Greenock Helensburgh Inveraray Irvine Johnstone Kilbarchan Kilmarnock Kilwinning Largs Lochgilphead Maybole Oban Prestwick Rothesay Rutherglen Saltcoats Tobermory

Nuneaton Shipston on Stour Southam Stratford upon Avon Warwick Whitnash WEST GLAMORGAN Gorseinon Neath Port Talbot WEST MIDLANDS Bilston Blackheath Bloxwich Halesowen Oldbury Rowley Regis Smethwick Sutton Coldfield Tipton Wednesbury Wednesfield Willenhall

SUFFOLK Aldeburgh Beccles Bungay Eye Felixstowe Framlingham Halesworth Haverhill Kesgrave Leiston Lowestoft Needham Market Otley Saxmundham Southwold Stowmarket Sudbury Woodbridge

WEST SUSSEX Arundel Burgess Hill Chichester Cuckfield East Grinstead Haywards Heath Littlehampton Midhurst Petworth Selsey Shoreham by Sea WEST YORKSHIRE Batley Brighouse Castleford Cleckheaton Dewsbury Hebden Bridge Holmfirth Ilkley Keighley Morley Normanton Ossett Otley Pontefract Pudsey Todmorden Wetherby Yeadon

SURREY Camberley Egham Esher Farnham Godalming Haslemere Horley Leatherhead Reigate Walton on Thames Weybridge TAYSIDE Aberfeldy Arbroath Brechin Carnoustie Crieff Dundee Forfar Kinross Kirriemuir Monifieth Montrose Perth Pitlochry

WILTSHIRE Amesbury Bradford on Avon Calne Devizes Highworth Malmesbury Marlborough Melksham Salisbury Trowbridge Warminster Westbury Wootton Bassett

TYNE AND WEAR Houghton le Spring Jarrow Whitley Bay WARWICKSHIRE Alcester Atherstone Bedworth Coleshill Kenilworth

WORCESTERSHIRE Bewdley Bromsgrove Evesham Kidderminster Malvern Pershore Redditch




8 Ways to Release Your Brain-Power for

Creative Thinking “Your mind is like goldmine, if you dig deep you will discover astonishing treasures.”


rain-Power or your ability to engage effectively in good thinking is critical to your mental health and accomplishment in life. Positive thinking can create your psychological well-being, but it is the creative thinking, combined with a positive mind-set, that opens the floodgates of opportunities, possibilities and abundance into your life. Do you desire to become a better creative thinker?

Try these tips to unlock the creative power of your mind: 1. Flood Your Mind with Creative Materials Exceptional thinkers are exceptional learners. The creative power of your mind becomes activated in an atmosphere of constant exposures to quality and stimulating learning. Do not just immerse your mind into unhelpful readings that have no connection whatsoever with your goals. Rather, flood your mind with books, audios, videos and other materials of your most cherished and respected creative people in your field or world of passion. The genius of your mind requires heroes to emulate and constantly learn from, before its own uniqueness can emerge, position and be fully energized for maximum productivity.



2. Hang Out With Creative People. It is absolutely true that birds of a feather flock together. If I know who you hang around with all day long, I can predict the quality of your thinking. Your creative thinking brain is extremely adaptive. It, after some time, downgrades or upgrades itself to the level of your closest friends’ thinking. Your quality of thinking will always be the average of the five of your closest friends. Association is a powerful atmosphere, carrying positive or negative energy. That is why great thinkers hang out with each other. They harness the positive energy of the atmosphere they create to further dig deeper into their thinking mind for uncommon creativity. Look for those who are smarter than you in many areas, and submerge yourself in their company. Join a mastermind group, where great and like-minded people bounce great ideas off each other. 3. Schedule Quality Time for Creative Thinking. Your creative mind requires uninterrupted and undisturbed time of completely focus and to position itself for action. Silence is the environment where the creative power of the mind comes out to play and for self-expression. Create time for yourself where you can sit quietly and relax your mind

and think. Turn off all your electronic distractions (TV, iPhone, iPad, etc.). I have never met an achiever who does not know the incredible importance of solitude. In order to take your creativity to a new different level, focused thinking is a skill that has to be developed with great discipline. But its benefits are enormous. 4. Only Permit Positive Thoughts. Nothing kills creativity faster than a neurotic state of mind. Habitual Negative thinking simply destroys your mind’s ability to function at its best. Your creative thinking future will be largely dependent on your ability to guard your mind from slumping into a weakening state of negative mind-set. When negative thoughts flood into your mind to overtake you, turn them all to positives and walk away from them as if you don’t really care at all. Of course, you should not care at all for unhelpful intruding thoughts! Take the weight out of them and render that negativity unimportant, irrelevant and meaningless, then refocus your energy for positivity. By so doing, you snatch back your creative mind-power from the paralysis of negative thinking. 5. Be Ruthless With Self-Doubt. Self-doubt is the number one creativity assassin. When self-doubt steps in, self-belief steps out. Both cannot coexist. Creative agility of your mind only responds in the atmosphere of confidence and high self-esteem. Therefore, do all you can to keep your self-confidence up and your self-image intact. Avoid aggressively, whatever promises to make you feel small. Whoever or whatever diminishes or reduces your self-confidence will also diminish your creative thinking. Constantly evaluate your self-image. If you find yourself lacking in self-esteem at any level, focus to pump it back up. The best way to do this is to read a book or listen to tapes on self-esteem and confidence. You need somebody else’s voice or writing to help remind you again of the positive values you once believed about yourself. 6. Get Rid of Fear and Anxiety. Perhaps you could still remember a time in your life, maybe at school, when you were so fearful and anxious about a test, or an exam, or about speaking out in front of some people that your mind went completely blank. Even though you had spent hours planning what you would write or say, you failed to pull it off, because you were engulfed in fear – leading to anxiety attacks. Fear freezes creativity. Anxiety chokes and suffocates creative intelligence and blocks great ideas and insights from sprouting. You cannot live in fear and anxiety and expect to maximize your full potential in life. You must be willing to do all it takes to defeat your anxiety and fear. Men do not fail for lack of creative ability, they fail for lack of ability to overcome their fear and anxiety. Creative ability requires creative expression. But you cannot express yourself creatively if your mind is filled with fear and anxiety.

7. Take Action on Your Creative Thoughts. This is crucial! For the growth of your creative mind and for your motivation, taking positive action is extremely important. Quality action is a key to progression. If you only think creatively, and never turn those thinking into tangible products or things that can be seen, touched or measured, your brilliance in creative thinking won’t last. Your mind requires a track record of successes, no matter how small, to sustain its strength and keep progressing. Therefore, become an active agent of your own creative thinking. Bring them to life. Transform your ideas from the realm of invisibility to the physical realm of visibility and you will keep your creative thinking alive. 8. Engage In Creative Thinking and Action Consistently. We are all creatures of rituals and habits and so is the mind – it likes rituals and adapts to habits. The mind’s energy and vitality are nourished, expanded and maintained, through constant exposures to creative thinking and acting. What does that mean? It means that you must think and act daily. It does not have to take 10 hours every day. If it is only 10 minutes you’ve got, use it wisely. Unless you engage in creative thinking daily and take positive actions required, you cannot develop an uncommon creative mind. Your creative mind needs feeding daily in order to grow and develop to a world-class level.

Your creative thinking future will be largely dependent on your ability to guard your mind from slumping into a weakening state of negative mind-set A great future requires daily habits of greatness. Study the lives of great achievers in arts, philosophy, psychology, science, entertainment, sports, business, and spirituality, and you will see how they have dedicated every single day of their lives to personal growth and positive actions. In my opinion, everyone is born with enough unique creativity ability for unprecedented accomplishments in life. One reason many have not achieved their potential in this area is lack of success-disciplines that release their creative mindpower. I hope the above tips are helpful to you. By: Wale Oladipo Wale Oladipo is a Life Coach, Motivational Speaker, Counsellor and Psychotherapist with an intense passion to help others achieve their maximum potential and live life to the full physically, emotionally, socially and psychologically. You can contact him via



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The 1859 Revival The 1859 Revival was one that affected virtually the whole of the UK, and in terms of the actual numbers converted¹ was probably the greatest revival we have ever had in this country, and Liverpool was one of the centres of this revival. The amazing thing is that whilst most people will be fully aware of the Methodist Revival, the 1904 Welsh Revival, and the 1949 Hebrides Revival, very few people will be even aware that there was such a revival in this country at that time. It is sometimes referred to as “the forgotten revival.” It is also sometimes referred to as “the layman’s revival.”


or the origins of this revival, we need to go back to 1857 in the USA. Although there had been a moving of the Holy Spirit in Canada before this time, the event that appears to have been the catalyst for the spread of this revival was a prayer meeting commenced by a Jeremiah Lanphier, a layman with the Dutch Reformed Church in New York. Noticing that the businessmen in that city were looking downcast at the economic state of the country at that time, he decided to hold a midday prayer meeting on the 3rd floor of the church in Fulton Street for one hour, each Wednesday. At first he was the only person present, but after ½ hour a further five men joined him. The second week twenty businessmen turned up and then forty the following week. They then agreed to meet every day, and on the first day, 100 men turned up, many of whom were not Christians. After 3 months every room of that church was filled with men praying, with others on the outside kneeling together praying because they couldn’t get in the church. A further church nearby was opened for prayer, but that also became filled. A theatre was then hired for this purpose, and on the first day, half an hour before the announced time, it was packed to capacity, again with men on the outside praying because they couldn’t get in. Within six months there were 150 prayer meetings like this going on somewhere in New York City, with 50,000 gathered for prayer. This also became a means of outreach and appeals were made for people to receive Christ, and no less that 25,000 businessmen were converted. It was not uncommon to see a hundred people come down the aisle of a church at invitation time confessing their sins openly, and receiving Christ into their life. Soon a common mid-day sign on business premises read “We will re-open at the close of the prayer



Jeremiah Lanphier

meeting.” As time went on the movement spread to the whole of the USA and Canada. The Revival hits the UK News of the revival soon hit these shores, and the first place to be affected was Ulster (Northern Ireland), and a mighty revival hit that place in 1859 with somewhere around 100,000 people converted which as a percentage of the people in that country was quite staggering. About the same time and quite independently Wales also was affected and a revival brought again around 100,000 people to Christ. The

POEM revival arrived in Scotland in the north of the country and as time went on it spread down south, until it arrived in England. Around 300,000 people were converted in Scotland. The revival in Ulster, Wales and Scotland, however, was somewhat different in character to that of most of England. In the former the revival was more spontaneous, and most of the conversions occurred during the year of 1859. In England, however, the initial move was not quite as dramatic as in the former two parts of the country, but within two years something different happened which resulted in large numbers of people coming to Christ. God raised up a large number of evangelists who travelled the length and breadth of the land preaching the gospel, and many thousands of people were brought into the kingdom by this means. By 1864 no less than 600,000 people were converted in England, bringing the total in the UK to over one million people. Even parts of Southern Ireland were affected by the revival, including Dublin, Cork, and Kerry. The latter place was most blessed and the move there was known as “The Kerry Revival.” Even ships travelling from Dublin to Holyhead were influenced by the move, with revival services being held on board, and many people being converted. The Revival arrives in Liverpool Rev. J White a minister in Ulster was greatly used in the revival in Carrickfergus, and his brother Rev.Dr. Verner M. White, the minister of the Presbyterian Church in Islington, Liverpool, came back from visiting him to describe his experiences over there. In the summer of 1859 he held a gathering in the Common Hall, Hackins Hey, at the request of the Liverpool YMCA, to give an account of the revival. This became the origin of a great awakening in Liverpool. Many people were stirred up to earnest prayer at this time. By September 1859 special revival services were being held with interdenominational co-operation. Meetings multiplied, both prayer gatherings and meetings for spreading information, and towards the end of the year a weekly revival prayer meeting was decided upon by a united gathering of ministers. Richard Weaver, with interdenominational backing began to hold evangelistic services at which numbers of people were converted. In 1860 great congregational prayer meetings began in all denominations, as well as united gatherings. The Adelphi Theatre, for example, was opened for united evangelistic services. Attached to a chapel where revival services were being held was a school of two to three hundred

children from the surrounding neighbourhood. During the first week, while the revival services were being held in the chapel a few children of the day school were seen earnestly seeking mercy. The next morning, the teacher of the school, rose at the early hour, and, while pleading for the rapid spread of the revival, and particularly that the work that had commenced among the children might go on, she had the assurance that God was going to work mightily. That morning, before the usual school duties were commenced, she taught the children the text “Now is the accepted time, behold today is the day of salvation.” She then requested the children to remain silent for a few moments, and reflect upon the word “now.” She broke the solemn silence by praying audibly; when she heard stifled sobs all around her, and on rising from prayer she found herself surrounded by a large number of deeply convicted children. Some cried out, “Oh, teacher, pray for us,” whilst others, leaning upon her shoulder, sobbed out, “Oh, teacher, we will give our hearts to Jesus.” She then asked all that had fully resolved to come to Jesus to follow her from the schoolroom to the chapel vestry. The vestry was immediately filled, and some, unable to get in, were kneeling outside the vestry door.

Some cried out, “Oh, teacher, pray for us,” whilst others, leaning upon her shoulder, sobbed out, “Oh, teacher, we will give our hearts to Jesus.”

At one meeting where there were many people saved the secretary taking the names of those converted asked one man if he had any relatives there, to which he replied that he was unaware of any being present there. The secretary then said that only a few minutes previously she had taken the name of a female with the same name. When she gave him the name and address, he replied, “that is my wife.” It was soon found that both man and wife had been converted; she having unknown to him, come seeking mercy. It was a great joy when they met, both now new creatures in Christ. Source:




Just Before Courtship

Just Before Courtship (JB Courtship) is a charity organisation, dedicated to raising genotype awareness. Our objectives are To emphasize the importance of genotype screening before engaging in fully developed relationships and the possible implications for child bearing; To reduce lack of awareness of the condition; To dispel of myths surrounding the condition; and To provide a platform for further discussion and general knowledge. We aim to target different forums of large youth gathering to raise awareness, provide information on means of getting tested, and provide support for people living with sickle cell anaemia and their families.



ickle cell disease is a family of inherited blood disorder of haemoglobin (oxygen carrying iron- rich protein in red blood). This abnormal haemoglobin can distort red cells from its flexible disc shape to an inflexible, rigid, sickle-like or crescent shape cell under certain conditions. This leads to what is commonly known as sickle cell crisis 60


and is associated to reduced life span of red blood cells, hence decreased amount of Red blood cells (anaemia). It is common in people with African, Mediterranean (Greece, Turkey, and Italy), Arabian Peninsula, Indian, South and Central American and Caribbean ancestry. These areas are also known as the malaria belt hence the school of thought that it confers a survival advantage against malaria1. _cell_anemia%20.html

amongst friends, acquaintances and the general public about sickle cell anaemia. A JB4 AMBASSADOR who will run with the vision and take it into schools, colleges, universities, and other strategic venues where large numbers of unmarried persons can be found. A JB4 ASSESSOR who will periodically inform the charity about how well JB4 is faring and suggest areas of improvement

If the HbS gene is inherited from one parent, the child will be a carrier (heterozygous) and will be capable of producing both normal (HbA) and sickle haemoglobin (HbS); hence the genotype commonly known as ‘AS’. They rarely get symptoms but can pass on the gene to their offspring. If both parents are carriers, the child could inherit sickle gene from both parents (homozygous) which will results in the You can partner with us today by doing the following production of predominantly sickle Haemoglobin Get tested, ‘KNOW YOUR GENOTYPE’ spread the (HbSS), commonly known as ‘SS’ genotype. Every word to your family and friends. child born to parents who are both carriers will have Invite us to your school forum, faith meetings, a 25% (1 in 4) chance of inheriting the sickle gene social and cultural gatherings. from both parents; hence have a genotype ‘SS’. Become a member of JB4 courtship, ‘LIKE’ us on According to the ‘National institute of Clinical Facebook, and follow us on TWITTER. Excellence’ as at Nov 2013, approximately 12,500Send your experience as a carrier, sufferer or 15000 are currently living with sickle cell disease and general opinion. 2 240,000 genetic carriers in the United Kingdom . Sponsor our Worldwide Campaign Trips, Seminars, Workshop, Conferences and Street In the UK, pregnant women are routinely screened Walk Campaigns today for Sickle cell trait and all babies are tested for sickle cell anaemia. It is important to note that Contact Information although sickle cell is common among people of JB4 Courtship team afro-Caribbean descent, it can affect any ethnic 169-171 Haydons Road, group because it is genetically inherited3. A test is South Wimbledon, carried out by taking blood sample from the vein. SW19 8TB This can be done at local GP practices, in hospital, Sickle cell and Thalassaemia centres across the U.K. Tel No: 0208 542 1166, Crisis can be managed at home or hospital 0786 129 7442, depending of its severity. The main focus of 0795 619 4928 treatment is to give pain-killers, hydrate, give oxygen and treat any potential triggers of the crisis and E-mail: manage any pre-existing or ensuing complications. Other management strategies to Website: improve quality of life or reduce frequency of (currently under reconstruction) crisis include, regular monitoring by blood specialist (Haematologists), daily intake of Folic acid and Twitter account: @JB4Courtship penicillin. Others include medication such as carboxyurea, flu vaccination, regular blood transfusions, blood exchange therapy and bone Ana Ferreira et al. Sickle Haemoglobin confers tolerance to Plasmodium Infection. Cell vol 145, issue 3, April 2011, pages 398-409 marrow transplantation. www.nice new draft standard for sickle cell management 19/11/2013 1



How to Partner with us Anyone can be involved!!! You can be A JB4 ANNOUNCER who will make use of the various social media and other communication platforms to create much-needed awareness

www.nice new draft standard for sickle cell management 19/11/2013




Feeling bloated most days for three weeks or more is the focus of a new Be Clear on Cancer campaign launched by Public Health England. he campaign has been specifically designed to increase awareness of the symptoms of ovarian cancer and encourage women to see their doctor if they spot any signs. Ovarian cancer is the biggest gynaecological killer of UK women, with UK survival rates amongst the worst in Europe. Three quarters of women are diagnosed once the cancer has already spread, making treatment more difficult. That is why awareness is so important, to drive forward improvements in detection, treatment and ultimately survival. Ovarian cancer is the fourth most common form of cancer death in women, after breast, lung and bowel cancer. However, the average GP will see only one case of ovarian cancer every five years. Each year in the UK there are approximately 7,000 cases of ovarian cancer1. This is roughly 135 women each week 4,300 deaths from ovarian cancer2 The possible symptoms include: unexplained bloating; feeling full quickly or loss of appetite; pelvic or stomach pain; needing to pee urgently or more frequently than normal; changes in bowel habit; feeling very tired or extreme fatigue; and unexplained weight loss. Currently, women have low awareness of ovarian cancer symptoms. New survey data shows that almost all (97 per cent) don’t link feeling bloated most days for three weeks or more with ovarian cancer. Finding ovarian cancer early makes it more treatable. More than 90 per cent of women diagnosed with the earliest stage of ovarian cancer survive for at least five years. This figure drops sharply to around five per cent for women diagnosed at the most advanced stage. Around 500 lives could




be saved in England each year if women were diagnosed earlier. Dr. Adeola Olaitan, Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist said: “Ovarian cancer is completely curable if it is detected early, yet the majority of women in this country are not diagnosed until the cancer has spread beyond their ovaries, consequently it is much more difficult to treat”. It is incredibly important therefore for women to be aware of the symptoms that may suggest ovarian cancer so that the disease can be diagnosed early, improving the chances of survival. The message to women is clear – if you feel bloated, most days, for three weeks or more, tell your doctor.

“Ovarian cancer is completely curable if it is detected early, yet the majority of women in this country are not diagnosed until the cancer has spread beyond their ovaries, consequently it is much more difficult to treat”.



Longer than time, older than history Closer than a brother, this is mystery The King of glory Who changed my story Gave me dominion and won me victory

The greatest Gift and Song that is never-ending The beautiful Rose of Sharon, that’s never-dying Wonderful, His holy name is Satan-conquering Everlasting God, His splendour is never-fading

Greater than grave, loftier than fame Jesus, mighty to save, no other name With His touch, I was never the same He is my Hope, no vacancy for shame

Yes, Jesus is the bomb that scatters darkness His name is Amen, the Faithful &True Witness His stripes whipped diseases and sicknesses To oblivion and brought them to nothingness

Purer than diamond, my strong Tower Second to none, incomparable in power Ever sure to deliver, forever my Keeper For all my needs, Jesus is the Answer

The Balm of Gilead for the world writhing in pain With love, the Lamb of God gave all to our gain He was born, lived, died, rose & is coming again Here is salvation, Lion of Judah broke the chain

Stronger than death, He’s better than life He paid all I owed with His precious life To some, the reason for war and strife But to me, the only Door to eternal life

So, no drifting from Jesus, He alone is the Light See, at the mention His name, mountains shift Jesus Christ is death proof; the resurrected Gift How we thank God for this inexpressible Gift!

Alpha, ahead of me; Omega, right behind me The Centre of all I do, the Pillar inside of me He’s the reason why I live, forever beside me Jesus - the Living Water flowing through me

©Bukola Fatokun, 2014




Easy Pasta Recipes Busy week? These easy pasta recipes are all on the table in less than 30 minutes.

SPAGHETTI ALLA CARBONARA INGREDIENTS 400g/14oz dried spaghetti 175g/6¼oz piece smoked pancetta, rind removed 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 3 garlic cloves, finely chopped Handful flatleaf parsley leaves, finely chopped 3 large free-range eggs, beaten 50g/1¾oz pecorino sardo maturo (mature Sardinian pecorino), finely grated Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste PREPARATION METHOD Bring 4.5 litres/8 pints water to the boil in a large saucepan with eight teaspoons salt. Add the spaghetti and cook for nine minutes, or until al dente. Meanwhile, cut the pancetta into lardons (short little strips), about 6mm/1¼in wide. Heat a large, deep frying pan over a medium-high heat,

add the oil and the pancetta and fry until lightly golden. Add the garlic and parsley and cook for a few seconds, then remove from the heat and set aside. Drain the spaghetti well, tip into the frying pan with the pancetta, garlic and parsley, add the beaten eggs and half the grated pecorino cheese and toss together well. Season to taste with a little salt and black pepper. The heat from the spaghetti will be sufficient to partly cook the egg, but still leave it moist and creamy. Take to the table and serve in warmed pasta bowls, sprinkled with the rest of the cheese.


INGREDIENTS For the pasta 250g/9oz cherry tomatoes, on the vine 1 tbsp olive oil 1 red onion, peeled, finely chopped 2 garlic cloves, peeled, finely chopped 1 red chilli, finely chopped 250g/9oz halloumi cheese, cut into 1cm/½in cubes 400g/14oz canned cherry tomatoes 1 tbsp chopped fresh oregano leaves salt and freshly ground black pepper 400g/14oz fresh penne, cooked according to packet instructions



CHICKEN PUTTANESCA WITH LINGUINE INGREDIENTS 8 boneless chicken thighs, skin on 1 tbsp Italian seasoning (a mixture of basil, oregano and parsley) salt and freshly ground black pepper 4 tbsp olive oil small onion, peeled, finely chopped 1 x 400g/14oz can Italian cherry tomatoes 6 anchovy fillets, in oil 2 garlic cloves, peeled, crushed ½ tsp dried chilli flakes 300g/10½oz linguine 1 tbsp baby capers handful fresh basil leaves, plus extra to garnish PREPARATION METHOD Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4. Place each chicken thigh skin-side down on a chopping board and sprinkle each with a little Italian seasoning and salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste. Using cooking string, carefully fold over the edges of each thigh into the centre, then tie tightly to create neat round parcels (the skin should be on the outside). Heat two tablespoons of olive oil in a large frying pan over a medium to high heat. Add the chicken parcels, in batches if necessary, and cook for 3-4 minutes on each side, or until browned all over. Transfer the chicken

For the salad 1 tsp Dijon mustard 1 tbsp white wine vinegar 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil salt and freshly ground black pepper 75g/3oz rocket leaves 1 head Little Gem lettuce, cut in half lengthways, leaves separated, washed 75g/3oz lamb’s lettuce 3 tbsp freshly grated parmesan (or alternative vegetarian hard cheese) PREPARATION METHOD For the pasta, heat a frying pan until hot over a medium heat, add the fresh cherry tomatoes and fry for 4-5 minutes, or until just softened. Remove from the pan and set aside. Add the olive oil, red onion, garlic and chilli to the pan

parcels to an ovenproof dish and set aside. Add a further two tablespoons of olive oil to the same frying pan. Add the onion and fry for 3-4 minutes, or until softened. Add the cherry tomatoes, anchovy fillets, garlic and chilli flakes and continue to cook for 4-5 minutes, stirring well. Pour the mixture over the chicken parcels, drizzle over a little more olive oil, then bake in the oven for 18-20 minutes, or until the chicken has cooked through and the sauce has thickened. Meanwhile, bring a large pan of salted water to the boil and cook the linguine according to the packet instructions. Drain well, return to the pan and toss with a dash of olive oil. When the chicken puttanesca has cooked, carefully remove the chicken parcels from the sauce and discard the string. Stir the capers and basil leaves into the sauce and season, to taste, with salt and freshly ground black pepper. To serve, place a twist of linguine into the centre of each plate. Place two chicken thighs on top of each mound of pasta and spoon over the puttanesca sauce. Garnish with a few sprigs of fresh basil. Source:

the tomatoes were cooked in and fry for 2-3 minutes. Add the halloumi cheese and cook for 1-2 minutes on each side, or until pale golden-brown on both sides. Add the canned cherry tomatoes and bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 2-3 minutes. Add the fresh cherry tomatoes and oregano and cook for a further minute. Season, to taste, with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Add the cooked pasta to the pan and mix gently until well combined. For the salad, whisk the mustard and vinegar together in a bowl, then whisk in the olive oil. Season, to taste, with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Place all the salad leaves into a bowl and pour over the dressing. Stir until well combined. To serve, spoon the pasta onto four serving plates and sprinkle over the grated parmesan. Spoon the dressed salad alongside.






here have been notable changes in the Immigration regime in the UK since the Immigration Act 2014 received the Royal approval on 14th May 2014. The implementation of the Act is in various stages and some have commenced and some would be implemented in the future. The new act contains 77 clauses and fundamentally removes many incentives to remain in the UK and some of the provision include; Simplifying the process of removal of immigrants in the UK. Introduction of levies to prevent free access to NHS under sections 38 and 39 for all non British and EEA Nationals and those permanently settled in the UK Rights of Appeal on Immigration decisions have been abolished in most cases and reducing immigration appeals from 17 to 4. It means appeals will no longer exist for fundamental errors such as where decision maker has relied on wrong law, applied wrong rules or ignored part of evidence etc. Option for immigrants is now to apply for internal administrative review and if the Home Office does not change its decision, the last option is filing judicial review in the Upper Tribunal which is costly and burdensome and it must be filed within 90 days of the decision. Article 8 which is Right of family and private life has been qualified with a higher threshold to be met by applicants seeking to rely on such claim as basis to remain in the UK. Persons without leave to remain in the UK are now disqualified from entering into any form of tenancy. Pilot scheme for this rule will commence from December 1st 2014 in Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Dudley, Walsall and Sandwell Areas. Banks and financial institutions must carry out status checks to open accounts and the DVLA has been empowered to prevent persons who do not meet the residence requirements obtaining a driving licence and revoke licences issued previously to immigrants who do not meet the residence requirement. Preliminary checks are now compulsory for all people relying to remain on the basis of marriage and 28 days notice must be given to the Registrar of Marriages. All notices of marriages involving a non EEA national must be refer to the Home Office under the new scheme Positive changes to acquire citizenship through natural father not married to the mother to cure effects of illegitimacy of children outside marriage Section 66 of the new Act allows the Secretary of State to deprive a person who has acquired citizenship by Naturalisation if the Secretary of State is satisfied that the deprivation is conducive to public good and the person has conducted himself in a manner prejudicial to the vital interests of the UK Introduction of checks and stamping passports when exiting the UK has now been introduced under Section 67. Restrictions on removal and detention of children and placing a maximum limit of days and hours families with children could be held under pre-departure detention. In every family returns, a family panel will now need to be constituted to



advice where children are to be removed outside the UK Powers of Immigration officers have been enlarged and increased to include searches, enter, retain and search third parties and use reasonable force to detain persons suspected to breach immigration law. Bail on Immigration has been significantly reformed placing restrictions on the powers to detain children and a new power now vested in the Secretary of State that consent is required for release if the Immigration Tribunal releases a person where removal directions are in force. All foreign nationals applying for visas and leave to remain must provide fingerprints and biometric data. Applications would be refused for failure to provide Biometric Data. The new policy still preserves several existing immigration routes within the Immigration rules including private life if applicant does not fall for refusal under Appendix FM of immigration rules such as listed below. If a person has lived continuously in the UK for at least 20 years Is under the age of 18 years and has lived continuously in the UK for at least 7 years and it would not be reasonable to expect the applicant to leave the UK Is aged 18 years or above and under 25 years and has spent at least half of his life living continuously in the UK Aged over 18 years or above but has lived continuously in the UK for less than 20 years but there would be very significant obstacles to the applicant integration into the country to which he would have to go if required to leave the UK Section 71 states that the UKBA must safeguard and promote the welfare of the children and the best interests of the child shall still be a primary consideration. It is also important to state for clarity that the Court of Appeal ruled in favour of the Home Office that the UKBA was right to set the spouse minimum income requirement to ÂŁ18,600 if you are applying as a spouse of a British citizen. The EEA routes to remain in the UK are still much in existence such as family members of an EEA Nationals exercising treaty rights, primary carer of an EEA child and non EEA family members retaining residence in the UK if the EEA national leaves the UK or the relevant marriage is terminated. It is necessary to obtain legal advice from suitable qualified advisers on your circumstances and we are willing to offer advice and assistance in any way possible. Olukayode Okenla Partner, Simon Bethel Solicitors 58/60 Lewisham High Street, London SE13 5JH Tel: 02082977933, 02033841389, 07903914320, 07810716130

58 – 60 Lewisham High Street, London, SE13 5JH Tel: 0208 297 7933 / 0203 384 1389 M: 078 107 16130 or 079 039 14320 E:

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