Sunrise Spring 2023

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SPRING 2023 £2.50 Where Sold The Magazine of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, United Kingdom The Lord, My Strength, My Song - Pastor E. A. Adeboye FREGH - A VISION TO MOVE FORWARD AND FASTER - Pastor Leke Sanusi The Legacy of Smith Wigglesworth Lives On


Isaiah 40:31 (KJV)

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew [their] strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; [and] they shall walk, and not faint.

Most times we need a Renewed Strength.

The verse starts out with waiting on the Lord which has to be done patiently according to the Lord’s timetable.

Our physical, spiritual, mental and emotional strength need to be refreshed at all times in order to stand strong in the face of upcoming challenges.

Everybody will need a renewed strength in their life, no matter their position in society, whether a stay at home parent, an employee, an employer or in ministry.

So the question is who is the source of our strength? Is it the energy drink, enthusiasm from within, empowerment from without or an encounter with God?

I believe it is the latter! an encounter with God; an experience with the Holy

Spirit and an encouragement from within.

How can our Strength be Renewed?

Amongst many others, I would like to focus on two of them:

■ By waiting patiently on the Lord (Blossoming & Beautiful Flowers in springtime)

■ By mercy reaching out when we are utterly exhausted (Downtrodden and Abandoned grass)


The month of April symbolises a season where flowers begin to open up and grow into beauty after the gardeners have nurtured and tendered them. The seeds of these flowers have remained rooted and grounded in the soil until when nature dictates to them to blossom. As Christians we are to wait on the Lord inspite of trials, temptations and tribulations that may come our way until He dictates to us when and how to emerge as a victor like David in 1 Samuel 30:6b. (…and David encouraged himself in the Lord)

While we wait on the Lord, we are not looking at the clock

of our lives but we encourage ourselves in the Lord.


On the other hand, the grass is despised, downtrodden and decomposed. However, when spring arrives, mercy knocks! Suddenly the grass comes alive, we admire its beauty and it brings candescence though in greenness.

The man Elijah became weary, and worried for his life because of the threat by Jezebel. Although worn out, mercy knocked; and the rest is history.

1 Kings 17:2-16

I pray that in this month of April (this Springtime Season) and the rest of the year, you will enjoy a Renewed Strength in every area of your life in Jesus name, Amen.

3 | Sunrise Spring 2023 FROM THE CENTRAL OFFICE
• Pastor Modupe Afolabi Executive Director RCCG Central Office. Twitter: @MoAfolabi

ISSN NO:2042-6542


Editor-in-Chief: MODUPE AFOLABI


Communications: PRINCE EKPEMANDU

Photographer (RCCG Events): KUSH


Published by: The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Central Office, United Kingdom | |

All Correspondence to: Sunrise Magazine, RCCG Central Office, Redemption House, Gunnels Wood Park, Gunnels Wood Road

Stevenage SG1 2TA

The views expressed by contributors to sunrise are not necessarily a reflection of the official doctrinal positions of RCCG.The publisher, editors, contributors and related parties are not responsible in any way for the actions or results taken by any person, organisation or parties on the basis of reading information, stories or contributions to be found in this publication.

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Psalm 118:14

The Lord is my Strength and Song; and is become my salvation.


The Lord, described in Psalm 118:14 is someone who is noted for fighting and winning.

Psalm 24:7-10 says: “7 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. 8 Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. 9 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. 10 Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah”.

The Lord described here is the One who is noted for strength and might. By the end of the verse 10, He is called The Lord of hosts.

The word ‘is’, used several times in these verses means the one who is called the Ever-Present Help in trouble. He is talking of

now. We’re here today therefore, because there is someone who is reading this article that is in urgent need of victory and it is not going to wait till tomorrow in Jesus’ name! The writer of Psalm 24 didn’t say ‘the Lord will be’ but ‘the Lord is’, meaning right now, at this very moment! The Psalmist is also pointing our attention to the fact that the Lord can be very individual in His approach. When God is talking to a congregation, no matter how large he will still address himself to an individual.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever…” (John 3:16), in other words, the love is for everyone, but the love will manifest through an individual.

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock, if any man will hear my voice” (Revelation 3:20)

I am sure someone reading this is beginning to feel that God is talking to you. I can assure you by the grace of God you will not be disappointed in Jesus’ name.


What is strength?

Strength is the ability to get things done; including winning in competitions, examinations and battles. The Lord is our Strength, the one who gives us the ability to get things done.

Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. You can achieve anything. You can reach your goal because there is Somebody who is supplying strength; the Lord is your strength. In Judges 16:4-5, when the Philistines saw a single man killing a thousand soldiers, they said, “its not ordinary strength! We must find out the secret of his strength if we are ever to defeat him” I decree in the name that’s above every other name, the enemy will never find out the secret of your strength in Jesus’ name.

How do I get this strength from the One who Himself is the Lord, Strong and Mighty?

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1. You can get strength from His Joy.

Nehemiah 8:10, says “The joy of the Lord is your strength”.

The joy of the Lord gives you strength. How can you get the joy of the Lord? Fortunately, according to John 16:24, you can get the joy by asking. He said “up till now, you haven’t ask me for anything; ask till your joy be full” You know there is one word that expresses that you have the joy of the Lord. That word is called hallelujah!

I remember very clearly the day I had my first grandson, it was in London. My daughter-in-law had been taken to the hospital at about 2:00am because she was in labour and then around 7:00am I got a phone call that she had delivered a bouncing baby boy. From my house to the hospital, I smiled at everyone I met. I said, hallelujah I’ve got a grandson. Everyone was compelled to smile with me.

2. You can get strength from His Name.

In 1 Samuel 17:42-51, when Goliath was boasting about his strength and he saw little David coming with a sling in his hand, he must have felt embarrassed. ‘He’s coming to fight me? Can’t you see my size? Can’t you see my sword? Can’t you see my shield? So big that I needed somebody to help me carry it’. He said to David ‘you are finished! I’m going to sacrifice you to the birds of the air’! David allowed him to finish boasting. However here was David’s response: ‘I know you’ve come against me with all manners of weapons but I’m coming against you in the name of the Lord’.

Many people may not know it, but there may be enemies all around you, seeking to stop you from moving forward but in the name that is above every other name

they shall bow! Can you shout the name, Jesus?

3. You can derive my strength from His Love.

Romans 8:37 tells us one thing: “We are more than conquerors through him that loved us”. Just the fact that he loves you makes you more than a conqueror.

According to Isaiah 54: 15, they (the enemies) may gather together but for your sake they shall not succeed in their wicked plots. If I were you, I will say Amen loud and clear.

4. Your Strength can be Renewed by Prayer.

Isaiah 40:28-31, tells us that this Lord we are talking about is never tired, He doesn’t get weary, He doesn’t need to sleep! When He sees somebody whose strength is failing, He’s the one who will supply strength. They that wait upon this Lord shall renew their strength and then they will just discover that they moved from walking to running and then to flying. I have good news for you: I don’t know the next time we are going to meet, but by the next time we meet, your testimony will be ‘God has been moving me from glory to glory’!


God created man to sing. In the part of the world where I come from, we love to sing and we have a song for every situation. When you are dedicating a house, we have a song for that. You’ve just got a baby? we have a song for that. Even when somebody just dies, we could have a song before the burial and afterwards when the party begins, the song changes.

The same is true for a Christian. Sometimes, if you listen to the song

of a Christian, you can tell what situation they are passing through.

In Exodus 15:1-11, when the children of Israel had crossed the Red Sea, the Bible said they sang the song of Moses.

The Psalmist records in Psalms 40:2-3, “He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord”

Beginning from now on, no matter what you are going through God will always give you a song to sing in Jesus name, Amen.

If you want God to be your strength and your song, you must first of all make Him Lord and Saviour of your soul. You must determine to follow Him for the rest of your life.

As you make up your mind to be on the Lord’s side, the Lord Almighty will become your strength and your song for the rest of your life in Jesus name.

Let Somebody Shout Hallelujah!

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A fresh start, new beginnings too not just for today . . . but, all year through.

If you let Jesus, be your resolution He will bring to you a glorious restoration.

Putting behind the past, pressing into the goal believing in God with . . .

your whole heart and soul. Letting Him change you, from the inside out . . . pushing back your fears giving Him your doubt.

A fresh new start, is waiting for you . . . oh, the mighty things Jesus wants to do!

This edition of Sunrise marks a new beginning in many ways. Of course, it is the season of spring, a time known for new life and it is also coming just after Easter, a time of resurrection, restoration and renewal to all who leave their past life of sin behind (2 Corinthians 5:17). It is also the first edition post-pandemic and the first of this year. God has done great things in our midst, for a time, it seemed the world could not escape the claws of COVID-19 but as always, God has ensured our victory! Hallelujah!

At RCCG UK, we have a new vision, to follow and that is FREGH, the mandate given by God to our Chairman, Pastor Leke Sanusi. What we find in this vision is a Church where everyone has a place, everyone has a purpose and everyone has a role. FREGH is the Church we see – a Family Church, a Reproducing Church, a Church that is a place where Emerging Leaders have a voice, a Governing Church and a Healthy Church.

In this edition, you will find updates on not only what has been happening in RCCG UK, but also articles that speak to each of the FREGH aspects, that will guide, inspire and challenge as we move forward and faster! I also want to remind you that this is YOUR magazine. If you would like something to be included in the next edition or you want to contribute an article or ask a question, please do contact us at Central Office. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing your New Beginning!

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God had been doing amazing things with the ordained ministers conference right from 1993 moving us to Reaching Our Goal. In 2004 God made us know that He was interested in His ministers Finishing Strong. The aftermath of that encounter showed us that in 2005 God would reveal Himself as The Unchangeable God

2006 then became our Breakthrough year.

By 2007 ‘The Overcomer’ became our middle name. Dissatisfied with where we were in 2008, even though it looked admirable we pushed for The Next Level where God was waiting in 2009 to enjoy Divine Intimacy with us. The experience birthed in us a Transformation by 2010. The Holy Spirit came upon us in 2011 and moved us to A New Level of Ministry in 2012 with Signs & Wonders in 2013

As we Let The Rivers Flow in 2014 we became settled In Christ Alone by 2015. He made us Complete In Him in 2016, commissioned each one as an Agent of Restoration in 2017. Our prayer in 2018 was ‘Let The Fire Fall’ so that in 2019 each of could become a ‘Carrier of His Glory’

Inspite of the impact of the Pandemic between 2020 to 2022, the hand of the Lord has carried us through. To the glory of God the Ordained Ministers’ Conference is back, bigger and better. It is now called the Continental Ordained Ministers’ Conference, which is the first of its kind.

See what the Lord has done, what we waited for has come to pass. What the enemy meant for evil, God has turned around for our good.

Let Somebody Shout Hallelujah!

The Chairman and Regional Pastors on behalf of all Ministers in RCCG UK, Europe Continent and Republic of Ireland welcome all Ordained Ministers who are attending the Ordained Ministers Conference for the first time.

We praise God that we can come together again after the COVID-19 pandemic. God is ever faithful and His mercies endure forever.

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The Holy Scriptures reveal to us in 1 Thessalonians 5:12

“My friends, we ask you to be thoughtful of your leaders who work hard and tell you how to live for the Lord”.

It is in this light that we honour the tremendous work and sacrifice of our recent past Chairman RCCG UK, Pastor Agu Irukwu, who served in this capacity for over 25 years. During his tenure we saw and experienced exemplary leadership, a heart fervent in prayers and a strong desire to see revival in the United Kingdom. This legacy is still alive with us.

We celebrate him for being instrumental in moving the RCCG in the United Kingdom to gain grounds where it matters across the Nation.

We pray that the Lord will uphold him to the end in Jesus Mighty name, Amen.

We celebrate the current Chairman RCCG UK, who also doubles as the Deputy Continental Overseer RCCG Europe Continent, Pastor Leke Sanusi.

It is his passion to see the RCCG UK move forward and faster as a fulfilment of scriptures as instructed by Jesus in Luke 19:10:… Occupy Till I Come!

May the Lord greatly empower Pastor Leke Sanusi and cause the works of his hands to prosper in the United Kingdom of Great Britain in Jesus name, Amen.


It’s with great excitement and joy that I want to share with you a vision that has been burning within me.

Anyone around me knows that this vision has consumed me and I’m confident that it will excite and release passion in you as we collectively move RCCG UK forward and faster.

I want you to memorise and remember the word FREGH.

It is a name that will soon become a household terminology across our Nation.

You might want to ask what is FREGH?

It’s simply an acronym to express our vision.

The ‘F’ in FREGH stands for ‘Family’.

Galatians 6:10 (TPT)

“Take advantage of every opportunity to be a blessing to others, especially to our brothers and sisters in the family of faith!”

We want to envision a caring Church Family that will be known for Friendship, Respect, Empathy, Generosity and Harmony.

We have a vision to see all our parishes and our members

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live out a Family value that will care and support each other in a tangible and noticeable way in the next one year.

We have a vision to identify, equip and release young Emerging Leaders into our communities and the nation.

We plan to raise emerging leaders across the Regions and plant at least 7 new generation model Churches in the next one year.

The ‘H’ is for ‘Healthy Church’.

Matthew 16:18

“And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.”

Our vision is to see vibrant and healthy Churches that maintain Biblical standards on salvation, discipleship and Christian living, while also in total compliance with the laws of the land.

Acts 12:24

“Meanwhile, the word of God continued to spread, and there were many new believers.”

Our vision is to see a Reproducing and multiplying Church that is fruitful in every area, particularly in Churchplanting and Church growth.

We have a vision to plant at least 100 new Churches with diverse expression in the next one year.

Daniel 2: 48-49

“Then the king promoted Daniel and gave him many great gifts; and he made him ruler over the whole province of Babylon, and chief administrator over all the wise men of Babylon. Also Daniel petitioned the king, and he set Shadrach, Meshach, and AbedNego over the affairs of the province of Babylon; but Daniel sat in the gate of the king.”

We have a vision of making Jesus known through the seven spheres of influence across our Christian social responsibility.

We will encourage and support at least 50% of our Church members in one area of key governance roles or the other across the Nation.

We shall aim to ensure each parish undergoes a health check based on key developmental variables yearly.

I am persuaded and convinced that these five strands of ‘FREGH vision’ will bear good fruit for God’s Kingdom and help establish the divine purpose of RCCG in the United Kingdom.

I invite you to join me on this exciting journey, as we run forward and faster together, to gain the prize of a revived Church and a transformed nation.

Be ready to be FREGH. moving forward and faster in Jesus’ name. God bless you

1 Timothy 4:12

“Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.”

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The ‘R’ represents ‘Reproducing’.
The ‘E’ is for ‘Emerging Leaders’.
The ‘G’ signifies a ‘Governing Church’.


The thought of home-schooling for many parents is not a concept they would usually have entertained. Parents were however thrust into this during the world COVID-19 pandemic and more recently during the Teacher Strikes. Some parents may have enjoyed the experience, wanting to continue with home-schooling although maybe slightly apprehensive about making a permanent decision. This article contains some tips to help parents in their decision to opt for homeschooling.

I feel the need to encourage parents to see this as a real opportunity to know and understand their child’s learning styles and education. It could also be considered as a time of ‘depositing into their lives’ for the years to come. Below are some tips that will help:


It takes time to adjust.

When home-schooling, you will have to take on the roles of teacher and tutor for your children, perhaps combining this new role with working at home at the same time.

So, my question to parents is, are you willing to make the necessary adjustments?

Studies show that it can take between 21-30 days to form a new habit. So in the first few weeks we will undoubtedly find it difficult. Please do not be too hard on yourself or on your children who often take the brunt of our frustrations.

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As you make the necessary adjustments, try to incorporate their usual activities, and tasks into the new routine. Please bear in mind that the children will also be making adjustments, not just in the work that they are having to do, but also in their minds.

I would encourage all parents to try to be patient, take a deep breath and support their children as well as yourselves in making those adjustments.

I would encourage all parents to try to be patient, take a deep breath and support their children as well as themselves in making those adjustments.

I know that as the days go by, it will definitely get easier.


Avoid feeling overwhelmed.

I know that many parents at this time are full of stress and anxiety. I completely sympathise with those who are nervous about being at home with their children and having to keep them busy and entertained as well as possibly having to work at the same time.

However, parents need to avoid feeling overwhelmed because this will only have a negative effect on the parent, the child, and the family as a whole.

The best way to prevent yourself from feeling overwhelmed is to plan ahead. Plan what you will do ahead of time. This depends on you and your children. Think of the resources you will use; look in your home, your cupboards, your garden, your kitchen, Youtube and the many resources being shared around.

Plan your ‘How’. How are you going to set out the day?

Will you adopt the school timetable as it was before when they were in school or will you make some

adjustments to it to meet your child’s individual needs?

Then write out your plans and set your plans out on paper! Your head will feel so much lighter when you know you have got all the basics covered.


After all every child is different!

You will have some good days and undoubtedly, you will also have some not-so-good days. Go with your child’s flow and remember, education is not just about academics. There are plenty of non-academic activities you can get your child to do such as reading, drawing, baking and exercise.

Our children are all different ages and are at different levels of skill and understanding.

One parent may spend most of their time with academic subjects; another on being more creative; and another, taking part in more sporty activities. That’s fine, all our children are different.

Do you know that helping your child in the area of their gifts, talents and passions makes them happy and can bring out the best in their academics?

It’s a proven fact that a happy child will achieve and become successful. This is a great time to discover what your child’s gifts and passions are and what they love and enjoy doing.

We, parents, need to realise that every child is different and each has been created with a unique personality, ability, skills and talents.



It is always important to take some time to reach out to your child; to find out how they are feeling about having to be educated at home. If your child is mature enough, this would be a great opportunity to encourage them and honestly tell them how you are feeling. You can share your anxieties and let them know that you’re also as pressured as they are. Also, come to a mutual agreement on what is expected of both parent and child in the weeks to come. Always check up on each other as the weeks go on.

In conclusion, understand your child’s ways of approaching problems and then help solve them together. Parents, this is a new opportunity and challenge for so many of us. We are all in the same boat, so let’s all take our time and learn about our children and learn from each other.

You can check out my book, “Parents Understand Your Child” where I emphasise more on ways to raise a successful and wellrounded and balanced child. Enjoy the gift of your children and take this opportunity to reconnect with them!

Shola Alabi is a Qualified Teacher, Education and Parenting Consultant in the private tuition business. She owns 2 successful tuition centres in Essex and London. She has authored 3 parenting books. Shola’s mission is to help children achieve and maximise their God-given potential.

19 | Sunrise Spring 2023
Shola Alabi


Since September 2020, Relationship Education has been compulsory in all primary schools in England and Relationships and Sex Education will be compulsory in all secondary schools. Health education will be compulsory in all state-funded schools. Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) will continue to be compulsory in independent schools.

The Department for Education (DfE,2019a) has published a ‘Statutory guidance for Relationship Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education in England’ and encourages schools to have implemented the new curriculum from September 2019. It outlines what “schools should do and sets out the legal duties with which schools must comply when teaching Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education (DfE, 2019b).”

All schools must have a written policy for Relationship Education and Relationship and Sex Education and refer to the DfE guidance, Sexual violence and sexual harassment between children in schools and colleges (DfE, 2018). This policy and the resources used to teach the children must be made available to parents to view at any time.

The statutory guidance clearly states that all schools in England that provide primary education are to provide Relationships Education and secondary schools are to include Sex Education. The phrase ‘all schools’ is to include all maintained schools, academies and independent schools. This also includes pupil referral units, maintained special schools, special academies, and non-maintained special schools.

The focus in primary schools concerning Relationships Education will be on the characteristics of positive relationships, regarding friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other children and adults.

Within Relationship Education, pupils will be taught about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender relationships ensuring that this is not a standalone subject but is part of the whole programme of study. The Department for Education states that:

“Pupils should be able to understand the world in which they are growing up, which means understanding that some people are LGBT, that this should be respected in British society, and that the law affords them and their relationships recognition and protections” DfE, (2019d)


Schools must present LGBT relationships and marriage as equally beneficial and as morally valid as between one man and one woman. As a result, it is safe to say that same-sex relationships will be normalised especially for children at primary schools.

While Sex education in primary school is not compulsory and primary schools that choose to teach sex education should tailor teaching to take account of the age, the physical maturity of its children, if they consider it appropriate and must have regard for the religious background of the pupils. The concern is still apparent, as there is no clear distinction between Sex Education and Relationship Education. Schools can decide to use resources that include explicit sexual content, knowing that the Parents cannot withdraw their children.

Therefore, if you are aware that your child’s school is including explicit sexual content in its Relationship Education, don’t stay silent. A polite and informed engagement with your child’s school is critical. Protect your child from teaching, which is inappropriate by raising your concerns to the Headteacher and its school governors. If you are still not satisfied, you can go to the Local Authority and ultimately the Department for Education and Social Care.

The aim of Relationships and Sex Education in secondary schools is to give young people the information needed to develop healthy, nurturing relationships of all kinds, understand human sexuality and to respect themselves and others. It encourages opportunities for pupils to learn about the laws surrounding sex, sexuality, sexual health and gender identity which should be delivered in an age-appropriate and inclusive way.

School’s compliance with The Equality Act 2010

The guidance that the DfE issued on the duty owed by schools,

make it clear that the school will have the flexibility to deliver the content in a way that is age and developmentally appropriate and sensitive to the needs and religious background of its pupils. Therefore, the school’s duty to comply with the 2010 Equality Act can be met in a manner consistent with upholding the rights of parents to raise their children in line with their own religious and moral values. Thus, there is no obligation under the Equality Act for schools to promote or affirm same-sex relationships and different family structures. It is clear to state that now, more than ever, we need strong Christian schools.

Do Parents and Carers have any say in how Relationship Education and Relationships and Sex Education should be taught in schools?

The Government’s guidance states that parents should be consulted when developing their policies and it should be made available.

Parents will have a legal right to withdraw their child from some or all of the sex education element of RSE, except under exceptional circumstances, up to and until three terms before the child turns 16 (2019e). Although, neither the statute nor the guidance defines what those circumstances may be and the guidance allows head teachers to refuse a withdrawal request if they feel there are exceptional reasons for doing so. The guidance states that the process of considering a request should also be made clear in the school’s policy and parents/carers have a legal right to withdraw their child from sex education and all sex education delivered as part of statutory RSE in secondary schools. This does not include Relationships of Health Education and also, if at the age of 16, a child wishes to receive sex education, the parent’s right is withdrawn.

The guidance states that as with all teaching, Relationship Education and Relationship and

Sex Education to SEND children must be age and developmentally appropriate, sensitive and tailored to the child’s needs. It also suggests that in special schools and for some SEND children in mainstream schools, parents can ask that the content be tailored to meet the specific needs of their child at different developmental stages. Hence, in cases where parents feel that their child is not developmentally ready to handle such information, they have the right to insist that the lesson be reviewed for their child. Given the ease of access to the internet, parents must be involved in what their children are going to learn, most especially for SEND children. If you are unable to be a part of the policy, request the policy so that discussions with your child’s school can be made as soon as possible and not left until the day of delivery of the lesson.

How can I help my child see relationships in line with how God views this?

Create opportunities for your child to speak to you and ask questions, without being ashamed or reprimanded, about the topics before they are taught. It is also a good way of creating an open door for your child to be able to approach you about questions about sex or sexuality which go beyond what is set for Relationship and Sex Education.

I am reminded of what the Bible has commanded us as parents and carers of children to do in Proverbs 22:6-8 and Deuteronomy 6:4-9. The training of our children should be a daily experience in the home, out in the street, as they go to bed and wake up. This pretty much covers all our activities for the day. Using various day-to-day opportunities and real-life experiences is one of the best ways to teach a child what God says about relationships.

21 | Sunrise Spring 2023
▷ Karen Abu


Love never fails, in other words, love always works. This is a Biblical truth from 1 Cor. 13:8. Now you might want to question that statement. Have you ever applied love to a situation, and it didn’t worked? It may have seemed that way. The reality is that you have sown a seed of love, but you may not have been around long enough to see how the seed grew and what fruit it produced.

Or it could be that the love shown was not Agape love. The Bible uses different Hebrew or Greek words that only have one English Equivalent but many different words or meanings in the original language. The word love in 1 Cor. 13:8 is Agape. Agape love is selfless, sacrificial, unconditional love. It is the highest of the four types of love in the Bible. This Greek word, agápē, and variations of it are frequently found throughout the New Testament. Agape perfectly describes the kind of love Jesus Christ has for his Father and for his followers.

1 Cor. 14:1 (KJV) says “Pursue love”, the NLT version says, “Let love be your highest goal…!” (MSG) “Go after a life of love as if your life depended on it—because it does”.

I pray that God will help us to grow in our understanding, pursuit, acquisition and practice of love in Jesus name.


Many people struggle with understanding the love of God because we have never experienced His kind of love before. It is a love that is overwhelming, that never gives up, that is full of mercy, that never lies. Even the highest level of human love we have received cannot compare to His love. That is why it takes people a long time to put their faith in God because they have always been

disappointed by love.

Many relationships are one sided, where we must give and give with nothing back. So, through experience, we start to reject relationships that we don’t get anything out of. People think that being a Christian means you must start obeying a lot of rules, giving away your time and money and what is the return? Many decide to give it a go but are waiting for when God will desert them or give up on them like others have. Proverbs 13:12 The Message (MSG) “Unrelenting disappointment leaves you heartsick”.

The reality of course is that we discover that God never gives up, His love has no beginning and no ending. He loves us despite all our errors and wrongs. When we discover His love, it sets us free from fear (1 John 4:18). We can become real with God. I believe though that few people have the full understanding of all that God’s love is.

This is the God that you have. One who knows you better than you know yourself. He knows about every situation in your life. He has never abandoned anyone. He holds each of His precious creations in the palm of His hand (Psalm 139:1-4, 17, Isaiah 49:15-16, Romans 8:38-39, Jeremiah 29:11-13).

Pursuing God’s love means studying His character, knowing Him in a deeper way and spending a lot of personal alone time with Him.


Matthew 22:37 (TPT) Jesus answered him, “‘Love the Lord your God with every passion of your heart, with all the energy of your being, and with every thought that is within you”.

When was a time you were the most passionate about your relationship with God? What is your relationship with God like

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at present? Are you passionate or are you hardened? We can be coming to Church, serving, sacrificing, patiently enduring our life challenges, but an important question to ask ourselves is whether we still have passion and love for God. Doing all the “right” actions doesn’t always translate into real love. Identify what specific distractions, anxieties and priorities you place above God. Begin to trust God again by praying specifically through each of these and choose to give your worries over to God. Sin steals our passion and love for God (Matthew 24:12) Confess sins to God so you can renew your faith to change and have clarity to move forward.


Do we need to pursue love from others? We would probably say no to this question at first glance, but isn’t that what we find ourselves doing? How often do we try to please those around us so that they will love us? Why is this? It usually happens when we place our value in the hands of others. We may feel that we have no worth or value if we are not loved by people and especially those closest to us. We must understand that our value as Christians is to be found in Christ and no-one else. Even if the whole world turned its back on you, know that God loves you and He will turn it around for your good. Don’t make compromises because you are pursuing the love of man Don’t be enticed into sin or make bad decisions because you feel unwanted or unloved (Matthew 10:31, Isaiah 43:4).

Be careful not to pursue the love of man. Human beings will always disappoint but God will never

forsake us. When someone hurts you, rejects you and discards you, know that God is the one who will heal your broken heart. Psalm 147:3 “He heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds.” Don’t pursue love from others but don’t be afraid to receive it either, especially when it is love from God through someone towards you. The Bible says we should test spirits, ask God to help you discern if someone’s love is genuine (1 John 4:1). Be careful of building emotional walls that prevent you from receiving love even from those who have good intentions towards you.

some do that, they are incapable of loving because of the way they were brought up because we are now new creations. As a new creation, we are designed to love God and others in the same way that God loves (Romans 11:36).

We must pursue the love of others by looking out for ways to show love and be a blessing.


Matthew 22:37–39 says, “Jesus replied, “‘You must love the  Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ 38  This is the first and greatest commandment. 39  A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’

There’s a reason why Jesus said the second greatest commandment is like the first: if we love God with all our heart, we will love our neighbour as ourselves. If God is not the love of our life, there is no way that we will truly love our neighbour as ourselves. We are only able to love Him or anyone else because He first loved us (1 John 4:19). We are only able to give freely to others what we have received freely from Him.

As God’s image-bearers (Genesis 1:26) we cannot therefore say as

Today, everyone loves in the way that is right in their own eyes. Which of course means that everyone hates in the way that is right in their own eyes. They become supreme “lovers of self” (2 Timothy 3:2 – “for people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred”). It is not hard to understand why there is so much confusion and conflict and heartbreak and violence in the world. We live in an anarchy of love resulting in much of the horrifying things we hear in the news.

The apostle John puts it bluntly: “He who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen” (1 John 4:20). Our love for each other is an indicator of the place God is holding in our hearts. We have also been given a ministry of reconciliation. We must love sinners the way Jesus did and bring them back to God through the love we show and the truth we tell them. We can see then that our love for one another must have its foundation in our love for God. Let’s increase in our love walk today.

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My spouse confided in me that he acted in a harsh way regarding a work colleague. This has shown me another side to him, and I don’t like it. Even though he treats me and our children well, I am shocked that he could deal with someone in this way. If it was a friend who behaved that way, I would have ended the friendship. What should I do?

Thank you for this question. The first thing I notice from your question is that your husband ‘confided in you’. This is a good thing because it indicates that he trusts you enough to share his weaknesses with you. You mentioned that if this had been a friend, you would have ended the friendship but of course with a spouse, that is not an option. What is useful in a situation like this is to separate the action from the person. Your husband’s action does not define his identity. He is still the person you love who decided to act in a certain way in a certain situation.

Unconditional Positive Regard (UPR) is a term created by Carl Rogers and is used in person-centred counselling and family therapy. It means acceptance and support of a person regardless of what they do. It is another term for unconditional love which we know is the love that God has towards you and I. UPR means that we must separate identity from behaviour. We must find out why someone did what they did. In this situation, your disappointment could cause your husband not to open up to you next time. Of course I am not saying that you should approve and endorse ungodly behaviour but by allowing your spouse to see that even though you would not have made the same decision, you still love them and want to understand why they acted in that way. When you are understanding, then your spouse is more likely to listen to your suggestions of how they could make a different decision next time.

Ecclesiastes 4:10 (NLT) says, “If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble”.

Ephesians 4:32 (NLT) says, “Instead, be kind to each other, tender hearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you”.

People who don’t receive UCR develop negative beliefs about themselves. They may begin to believe that they are a ‘bad’ person. This means they have now also equated their behaviour with their identity. They can then begin to act in that negative way all the time believing that now, that is who they are. Conversely, they become incongruent which means they perform in a way they think you want them to in order to be loved and not rejected by you. However, this can lead to a breakdown due to pretending all the time instead of being free to make mistakes and learn from them in a loving environment.

Lastly, pray for your spouse and pray for your relationship with him. Ask God to help you to love him unconditionally and to have the wisdom to be a positive influence in his life.

Dear Andrea,

My daughter is 14 years old and I am worried that she does not seem to have any interests or hobbies. I want her to develop her talents, but it is difficult to get her interested in trying new things. What should I do?

Thank you for this question. The first step to developing talents is discovering talents. Intentional discovery requires time spent together as a family trying different things. Your daughter may not have the confidence to do things on her own but if all the family does it together, it may be easier and more fun. She may be reluctant at first but the more you persist in family activities, she will get involved. Doing all sorts of activities together will eventually identify areas that she enjoys or excels in.

You might also discover more about her interests by reading books together and discussing them, watching and discussing news, TV programs, movies and doing devotions together. An important point to note is that if family time is not scheduled, it will not happen. Set aside time and plan what you will do in it, otherwise you will spend the hour you have free trying to decide what to do. You could have an activity jar. Everyone writes on pieces of paper things they want to do or try. It can be a 15-minute activity, 30 mins or 1 hour. Put them all in a jar and when it is a scheduled activity time, you can pick one out and do it. The adults can pick activities too not only children.

Please also remember that if talents are discovered but not encouraged or praised and given the right atmosphere, they cannot grow. Teasing is a form of bullying. As you tease someone who is trying to develop in a particular area, you will crush their spirit and they will lose interest. Proverbs 18:14 (NLT) “The human spirit can endure a sick body, but who can bear a crushed spirit”?

Lastly, encourage everyone to see that without their input, the family unit will not work. Everything we do, we do it as a team. Ephesians 4:16 (NLT) says, “He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love”.

Send your problems or questions, which will be treated in the strictest confidence, to

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An Interview with his Great-Grandaughter

Lilian de Fin is the Great-granddaughter of Smith Wigglesworth, the “Apostle of Faith”, renowned for his total trust in God and His divine healing. Her parents were missionaries in Africa for many years, establishing ministries in Southern Africa including what is now Soweto Bible College and Acts Christian Church in Johannesburg. When they retired, Abe and Lil de Fin pastored the church for twenty years and have now handed the leadership over to their son, Pastor Peter de Fin and his wife Tammy. Pastors Abe and Lilian have been married for 51 years. They recently relocated to the UK, specifically Bradford to reopen Bowland Street Mission, Smith Wigglesworth’s old church that had been closed for 97 years.

Q: Thank you for speaking with Sunrise Pastor Lilian. Could you tell us a little about yourself?

It’s a pleasure to able to speak to Sunrise Magazine. As you’ve said, I was born in Africa because my parents were missionaries there. My great grandfather Smith Wigglesworth loved the mission field. He used to say, “If you want to take a photo of me, take it when I am writing a Cheque to missions because that’s when my face looks the happiest.” So many of Smith Wigglesworth family went to the mission field or into a ministry of some kind. I met my husband Alexander (Abe) de Fin in South Africa. We have three sons and nine grandchildren.

Q: When and how did your parents receive the call to Africa?

My dad Harold Berry was awakened at midnight. Jesus was standing behind him and speaking to him, “I will be round about you as a wall of

fire. I will not put a brick wall around you for the walls of Jericho fell with a mighty crash; I will not put mountains around you as they can be walked over; I will not put a literal fire around you because a fire can be quenched, but I will be the fire around you.”

That was how my dad received his call to the Congo as a young man. My mom’s call was not so dramatic. She just had a desire in her heart to serve the Lord. Her Uncle Jim Salter was the Home Secretary for the Congo Evangelistic Mission. The stories she heard inspired her to apply to be a missionary there. My mom and dad married in the Congo in 1939.

Q: You were born in the Belgian Congo (now known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo), can you share some of your childhood experiences of growing up in Africa and being the child of missionary parents?

We have many stories to tell but let me tell you the Lion Story.

My dad wanted to go to a village that had never heard about Jesus. When we arrived some of the children started screaming. They had never seen a white person before, and they thought that we were ghosts. It was late in the evening so dad asked if they could shelter us for the night. They pointed to a structure in the middle of the village and said we were welcome to sleep there. It was just four poles and a grass roof with no walls, but mom was happy to set up the camp beds and get the family to bed. It was a beautiful night.

Suddenly a big storm shattered the darkness. There was flashing lightning and deafening thunder. Dad and Mom started to pray and rebuke the storm. But

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it got worse and worse. Mom told us how she cried out to the Lord saying, “Lord how is it that when you rebuked the storm it obeyed you and there was peace?”

That tropical storm raged all night then as the sun came up it suddenly stopped.

The men of the village came out and called my dad. They said, “We want to serve your God.” My dad asked them how they knew who his God was. “Your God is the God who can save our children from the Lions,” they said. Then they explained that they had put our family in the lion’s den that night. Every night the lions would sleep in that shelter and if any of the children ran outside the lions would eat them.

GOD HEARD US CALLING! Sometimes we think that God is not hearing us when we cry out to Him. But He is our shepherd and is our shelter in the time of storm. God used that storm to bring a whole village to Jesus.

Q: Was there persecution that you had to face as a family?

A war broke out in Congo in 1960. It was the war of independence from the Belgium Government. One day my dad heard on the radio that the British government was calling all British citizens to return to Britain immediately. Dad decided to go and warn some missionaries who lived about fifty miles from us on a very remote mission station. He was suddenly stopped on the road and surrounded by the freedom fighters who were very unfriendly. As they surrounded the car, dad’s heart was filled with fear for his life when he suddenly heard the words that had been spoken to him twenty-two years before, “I will be around about you as a wall of fire.” Suddenly some of the Christians in the village ran up to the car shouting to the freedom fighters to let this missionary go. They pointed to a church that he had built right there just near the road and they told the soldiers that he was a preacher of the gospel. They let him ago. A few miles down the road he was caught again. Once again, he heard the words, “I will be round about you as a wall of fire.” Once again, he was set free. He arrived safely at his destination. The missionaries that he warned were not prepared to leave immediately as they wanted to pay wages and finalize a few things in the church. Dad returned safely in the early hours of the morning. Sadly, the missionaries that he went to warn were martyred before they could escape.

We were living in a mining town called Luena. The

news was reported that a trainload of soldiers would be arriving in the town shortly. All the expatriates were gathered together in a large house. Each person was given a gun. Dad went to the director of operations and gave back the gun. “These are my people and I love them,” he said. “I cannot take a gun, but if you will allow my wife and I to drive the first car out of town, my God will be a wall of fire around every one of us.” They all agreed to follow dad and mom. The whole group travelled 300 miles without a single incident and drove safely out of Congo into Zambia.

Q: Your parents later started a church in South Africa which you later Pastored with your husband and now your son and his wife are Pastoring the church. It must be rewarding to have been able to continue your parent’s work in South Africa?

When I was just ten years old. I was sitting in the back of the car and my dad was talking to my uncle about life in the Congo. We were on furlough in England. My dad was telling some of the Congo stories to his brother. How he was so ill with blackwater fever and how God healed him. How my oldest sister nearly died of malaria and how the Church gathered together and prayed until her fever broke. As I listened to the conversation in front of the car I started to pray in the back of the car.

“Now God, I’m only ten years old but I want to make a deal with you. I want to serve you all my life, but please Lord don’t ask me to marry a missionary. And if possible, please don’t ask me to marry a Pastor. I want to marry a plumber like my great grandfather Smith Wigglesworth, or a mechanic or an electrician. Just an ordinary man who goes to work in the morning and comes home at night.”

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Smith Wigglesworth

Years later my dad was pastoring a church in South Africa. A very handsome young man walked into our youth meeting. He had blond wavey hair and he was wearing a blue sports jacket. I heard that he was studying to be an electrical engineer and he appeared to be far too shy to preach, and he was a successful sportsman, so I said to myself, ‘He is perfect.’ A few weeks later Abe was Baptised in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of new tongues and that’s when everything changed. A new boldness came upon his life.

We married three years later, and the Lord called us into ministry. It was while we were in Bible school that I realized why I had prayed that prayer in the back of the car when I was ten years old. The problem was that I had no faith for finances. I always relied on my dad’s faith. One morning the lecturer walked into the class and pointed at me, but while addressing the whole class, he quoted Philippians 4:19 “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus”.

He continued to say, “it’s not your church that will supply your needs, it’s not your missions board that will supply your needs, it’s not your family that will supply your needs, but my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in the glory”. That day the truth of that scripture dropped from my head into my heart. I suddenly understood that I came from a family of great faith and all along I thought I would never be able to trust God as they do. But when you get the truth, the truth sets you free. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. As my great grandfather, Smith Wigglesworth always said, “God said it, I believe it, that settles it.”

When dad and mom retired, Abe and I were privileged to be able to take over the ministry. Twenty years later we handed the reins over to our son and daughter in law and God has richly blessed them and allowed them to take the ministry to a whole new level.

Q: Interestingly just like your parents left the UK to become missionaries in Africa, you have recently left Africa to become a Missionary in the UK. Can you tell us how this came about? How did the call from God come?

I never imagined that we would be called to pastor a Church in England. I was perfectly happy in South Africa. We were privileged to be invited to many countries in the world to speak at conferences and

life was challenging and exciting. Then in 2019, I had a dream. I dreamt that I was given a laughing, happy baby. In the dream, I was told that I would be given new responsibilities. In October 2019 we received a call from the pastor of the Bowland street church to say that he was not well and had terminated his lease with the owner of the building. We then heard that the building would become a business unless a relative of Smith Wigglesworth came to take over the lease. The Pastor graciously invited us to come to England to discuss the matter. Abe and I both felt this was an invitation from the Lord for such a time as this. I remembered the dream of the laughing, happy baby and realized that the baby represented a new ministry with new responsibilities.

Q: The church that you are now Pastoring in Bradford, UK (Acts Christian Church) meets in Bowland Street Mission, which is the church where your Great Grandfather, the great revivalist Smith Wigglesworth ministered. The church had been closed for many years and even sold outside of the body of Christ. Can you share with us how this church was miraculously brought back into the Kingdom and the Wigglesworth family?

The church was closed for ninety-seven years. I was privileged to be invited to reopen the church in 2017. The Pastor had found favour with the owner of the building and we were delighted that once again the gospel would be preached there. The building does not belong to the Wigglesworth family. Somebody once asked me, “why are you spending money to repair a building that belongs to someone else?” I replied we are not putting money into a building we are building the Kingdom of God.” The building needs a lot of repairs, but we believe our God deserves the best.

Q: What has the Lord been saying to you concerning revival in the UK in this time?

This is what the Lord said to me. ‘I will open the wells, of revival.  I will open the wells of signs and wonders. Not to build a monument to a man or the name Smith Wigglesworth. No, I will open the wells because the people are thirsty’.

We are not lifting the name of a man, nor the name of a city, but the name of a KINGDOM and the Kings name is JESUS. He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

I believe we are about to be a part of the greatest revival this world has ever seen. Get ready, get ready, get ready!

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One of the greatest glories in life is not in never failing or falling, but in rising up every time you fall. By determination and resilience, you can rise from any situation and achieve your goals. Never let your past failures stop you from moving forward in life. Your yesterday is history, your tomorrow is a mystery, your today is all you’ve got. The Lord Jesus said in John 9:4 that “I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work.” Your night can come anytime. Your tomorrow is in the hands of God, your creator. The Psalmist says in Psalm 118:24, “This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Therefore, take full charge of your today. Maximise your today for your present is the architect of your tomorrow. Your today is also a gift from God, which is why we call it the present. Rise from your current failures and challenges. God has a lot more for you. The entire world is eagerly waiting for the manifestation of the fullness of God in your life (Romans 1:19). May you rise again in Jesus name.

Psalm 91:1 says “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” The secret place brings you to the presence of God and in it is the fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11). That is why the number one reason the devil is after your life is to steal your joy. Nehemiah 8:10b says, “... Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Maintain your joy.

Endeavour to abide in God’s presence for it brings along His presents. When you come to His presence you will be privileged to hear the voice of God Almighty. I love the account of Samuel in 1 Samuel 3:1-15. The child Samuel ministered unto the Lord before Eli. Samuel laid close to the ark of God which represents the presence of God while Eli was afar. While in that proximity, God called out to him. May we draw near to God because therein, He will draw near to us (James 4:8).

It is often said that as long as there is life, there is hope and there is potential. As long as there is a potential, you possess the requisite ingredients to succeed in life. Therefore, persevere like a seed which when buried in the soil will rise to flourish and bear forth fruits. May your rising story inspire many others to never give up or give in due to temporary setbacks in Jesus name.

Life is a compendium of many failures, defeats, rejection, successes, victories and acceptances. Simply, to rise means to move from a lower

hardships and diverse challenges that come our way in the journey of life. 1 Corinthians 15:57 says, “…Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Apostle Paul is projecting his mind into the future of humanity. The Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers puts it even more succinctly - the future is so certain that the Apostle speaks of it as a subject for present thanksgiving; the victory is one which God gives now through Jesus Christ.

What are we then to consider to enable us to rise again?

1. Know that God is still faithful. Psalm 102:13 declares that “You will arise and have mercy on Zion; For the time to favour her, Yes, the set time, has come.” Life is full of ups and downs. Do not spend all your precious time in lamentation over a single misfortune. As long as you are on this side of eternity, circumstances can change anytime with God on your side. Know that it is not over until God says it is over. Only He has the final say. 1 John 5:4 says, “for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.”

position to a higher one; to come or go up. It means an increase in number, size, amount, or degree. With God as our strength and our guiding light, we can overcome and rise above

We serve a faithful God and the just shall live by faith (Romans 1:17). On several occasions, we have seen God turning things and situations around. In Psalm 126:1-3 the Bible says, “When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.” The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.” The Almighty God

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Proverbs 24:16 says, “For a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again…”
“ “

remains dependable, reliable and trustworthy. Psalm 37:3-5 says “Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness ... Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.” God Almighty is true to Himself as a faithful God that cannot forsake you.

2. There is a God in heaven that is still the lifter of men. Psalm 145:8 says “The Lord is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and great in mercy.” Our God is the lifter of humankind. In Isaiah 3:10, it says “Say to the righteous that it shall be well with them, For they shall eat the fruit of their doings.” You must know that God’s promises are yea and amen. Amos 9:11-12 (MSG) says, “But also on that Judgment Day I will restore David’s house that has fallen to pieces. I’ll repair the holes in the roof, replace the broken windows, fix it up like new. David’s people will be strong again and seize what’s left of enemy Edom, plus everyone else under my sovereign judgment.” God’s Decree. He will do this.” Therefore, do not perceive failure as the end of life. The only hope for humanity is found in the Lord Jesus Christ through His death, burial, and resurrection.

The account of the raising of Lazarus from the dead easily comes to mind and it has so many lessons for each of us. It is a message of hope in a hopeless circumstance. It is a message of victory in the time of defeat. It is a message of eternal life instead of eternal death. Hallelujah! This story of Lazarus in John 11:23-44 involving Jesus Christ with the main characters (Martha, Mary, Lazarus, and the Jews that were with the family) represent us, and what their condition was during this great miracle. In John 11:24-25, Martha said to Jesus, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.” Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live.” The story ended with her dead brother rising again. For all of humanity, this story reveals the hopelessness of death and the pain and sorrow of his family

until Jesus came upon the scene and turned hopelessness and despair into victory and power. That is the desire of God Almighty for sending His only begotten son to save us and turn our sorrows into joy (John 3:16).

3. Arise and shine. Isaiah 60:1-3 says “Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you... The Gentiles shall come to your light, And kings to the brightness of your rising.” May your life become a reflection of God’s glory. Be bold to approach life with new vigour. I decree that that trouble will not rise a second time (Nahum 1:9).

We are familiar with the Biblical dry bones rising again. Ezekiel 37:7-10 states, “So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and suddenly a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to bone ....” You too can rise again! Earlier in Ezekiel 33:11, the watchman was instructed: “Say to them: ‘As I live,’ says the Lord God, ‘I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways! For why should you die, O house of Israel?’”

It is God’s desire for you to rise from obscurity to prominence in Jesus name!

▷ Dr. Akpo Onduku

Pastor, Chapel of Grace Bradford. Twitter: @AkpoOndku Facebook: @AkpoOnduku

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Ebony Ambassadors is a charitable organisation with a mission to empower the community through vocational skills acquisition. Sunrise caught up with its founder Irene Eribo-Ani Thank you, Irene, for taking the time to talk with Sunrise.

Can you tell us a little about yourself? How did you decide to be a charity founder, is it something you always wanted to do or was it unexpected?

From a very young age, I’ve always had an interest and flair for hair braiding. I have nurtured this interest and passion and years further down the line, my creative skills and flair led me to tutor hair braiding and sewing at a local charity in North London. I also have a Diploma in Public Administration, a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc Hons) degree in Health and Social Care and a Master’s in Human Rights and International Relations.

I started Ebony Ambassadors because it is what I have always wanted to do. I love skills empowerment and I am involved in a lot of community work. Registering Ebony Ambassadors as a charity was a wise decision as this enabled me to get support from local authorities which has helped me to reach out to a wider cross-section of the community as I could only do little on my own.

Many of our readers may have a great idea of setting up a charitable organisation but don’t know where to start. What advice could you give? Was it difficult? I mean where do you start? I assume there is a lot involved in registering a charity. Where can they get help and advice?

For anyone interested in setting up a charitable organisation, I would advise them to begin by reading about different types of charitable organisations to know which one suits their work. Alternatively, they can use an agent that specialises in company registration. In my case, I used an agent which made it easier as well as

reducing the time frame of the registration. The process involves a lot of paperwork which can be exhausting so I recommend using an agent.

Your website states that your vision is to see everyone in the community have a skill through vocational training. What is the importance of everyone having vocational skills?

My breakthrough today has been because of the skills I acquired. I believe that acquiring vocational skills acquisition helps

■ To promote creativity skills

■ To enhance entrepreneurial skills

■ To develop team working skills

■ To reduce crime

■ To build confidence & promote social Inclusion

■ To improve emotional well being

■ To put a stop to NEET

■ To enable individuals to be their own boss

Interestingly your empowerment and skills training are not just for adults but for children and young people including your latest project. Do you think children are empowered enough today or too much as some people suggest?

I would say they are less empowered in terms of vocational skills. Growing up in Nigeria, I realised that vocational skills acquisition was embedded in the community. Most children in Nigeria grow up picking up a skill. However, it appears not to be so in the United Kingdom; most things are taught in schools and it is optional.

You have recently received several large grants for your empowerment training projects. What was the process you went through to secure the funding?

It was application upon application. The process was long because one of my applications was turned down 6 times, but I was determined to keep pressing until I received a yes. Anytime the funding was refused, I worked on the reason for the refusal which led to the funding being awarded.

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You are very community-minded, often working hard to secure grants to host free fun days for the community with games, BBQ and a free raffle. What is your motivation for this?

Putting smiles on people’s faces makes me happy and I love community work. There is a lot of funding out there to organize events like mine.

One of your biggest projects is E.B.O.N.Y Ambassador. Competitors learn a skill and then the winner is crowned and gets to travel to their country of origin and do various charitable projects which are all funded by your charity. What is involved in this? How did you come up with such a unique idea?

Miss E.B.O.N.Y Ambassador beauty and creativity pageant is for African ladies in the United Kingdom between the age of 18 to 30 years of age, willing to learn new skills and have the heart to give back to the community.

The idea to start this initiative came into being 7 years ago after my master’s degree in Human Rights and International Relations. As I was waiting for a job with an international NGO that never came, I realised I could do something unique. I have a background in pageantry, so I did my research and found out that there is nothing like a beauty and creativity contest. I decided to go for it with the name Miss E.B.O.N.Y Ambassador UK Pageant. E.B.O.N.Y stands for Elegant, Bold, Originality, Noble and Youth contest.

Can you share some of what has been achieved through past winners?

We have crowned 7 Queens and all of them have been able to do some charitable work in the UK and Africa. Their charity work involves giving out clothes, shoes and stationery to the less privileged in Africa, giving motivational talks to local schools, visits to maternity wards and much more. The feedback from all our

beneficiaries has been overwhelming. In all, it could only be possible with God.

Can you give our readers any fundraising tips that you have found useful? How do you gain sponsors and funding?

A useful tip is to stick to the funding requirements. Make sure you fulfil them on your application form. It is good to attend the funding application meetings which usually take place before the deadline Also seek advice from people who have previously received the funding that you want to apply for. If your application is refused, ask for feedback to re-apply. Don’t settle for a no.

Sponsors and funders often start to fund your project only after they have seen your work so start doing something, no matter how small and publicise it well, noting down the impact that was made. As I grow, I attract sponsors and funders. I do search for funding, but others approach me asking to be involved in what I am doing. Sponsors and funders like to attach themselves to a growing and trending business or initiative. For example, because the Miss E.B.O.N.Y Ambassador pageant is the first of its kind in the United Kingdom and is known for promoting skills empowerment, it is an initiative that everyone will want to associate with. Staying put in whatever you are

doing will attract sponsors and funders

Thank you very much Irene for taking the time to talk to us. I know that our readers will have been inspired by what you are doing and caught some tips that will help them to start their own initiatives. All the best in your future endeavours.

You can contact Irene via: Facebook: Ebony Ambassadors Instagram/Twitter: Miss_ebonyuk

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Irene Eribo-Ani
Irene Eribo-Ani with the Mayor of Barnet
34 | Sunrise Spring 2023 VISIT NOW:
The Ofcial RCCG Sunday School Manual for Children & Teens


The RCCG UK School of Prayer for all Nations is a non-profit biblical training organisation aimed at equipping Christians in the art of prayer.


To teach, equip and empower an army of Intercessors.


(Luke 11:1)

Now it came to pass, as He was praying in a certain place, when He ceased, that one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.”


In responding to the cry and yarning of the UK and the world at large, the Redeemed Christian Church of God UK decided to open a School of Prayer for all Nations, to teach people how to bring down the power of God and establish God’s will on earth as is it in heaven according to Matthew 6:10.

Our primary aim is to teach, equip and empower Christian’s in the art of prayer.

Firstly, we believe that we can win this Nation back to Christ and see revival in the United Kingdom.

Secondly, we believe that we can impact the world through the alumni and alumnae of the School of Prayer.


Our classes are both theoretical and practical, structured such that you don’t just receive the lectures but you also get a chance to practice the art of prayer. In other words, during all sessions, a seasoned Intercessor will be guiding you and leading you to put into practice what you have just learnt.

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Adult Classes

Date: Saturday 4th

Time: 10am - 11:30am

Topic: The fundamentals [principles] of prayer

Date: Saturday 11th

Time: 10am - 11:30am

Topic: Advancing in Prayer [consecration]


Children/Teens classes

Date: 11th Saturday

Time: 10am - 11am

Topic: How to pray God’s Will.



Prayer Conference

Date: 1st Saturday April

Time: 10am - 11:30am

Topic: Prayer Revival


TEENS 13 - 19 years old

Date: 20th Saturday May

Time: 10am - 11:30am

Topic: Who is God? Part 1

TEENS 13- 19years old

Date: 27th Saturday May

Time: 10am - 11:30am

Topic: Who is God? Part 2




At the Central Office and on zoom for both speakers and attendees.

Date: Saturday 19th August 2023

Time: 10am - 1pm

Topic: Living a Life of Prayer


Adult Classes

Date: 9th Saturday

Time: 10am - 12noon

Topic: Prayer & Consecration

Date: 30th Saturday

Time: 10am - 12noon

Topic: Governance Prayer [making litigations & legislations].




Special Prayers for Needs

Date: Saturday 4th

Time: 10am - 11:30am

Topic: With God All things are Possible.


1. Understanding Prayer.

2. The Different Forms of Prayer.

3. The Keys to Answered Prayers.

4. The Importance of Intercessory Prayers.

5. The Character and Lifestyle of an Intercessor.

6. Fasting and Prayer.

7. Weapons of Warfare.

8. The Holy Spirit and Prayer.

9. How Sin affects Effective Prayers.

10. Governance Prayer.

11. The Priest and the Alter.

12. Intimacy with God.


The School of Prayer is for everyone with a genuine desire to know how to pray and pray aright. Everyone that wants to learn how to pray effectively in the name of Jesus Christ is welcomed.


1. Call us on 020 8171 1030

2. Visit our website at:

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The Redeemed Drama Academy (RDA UK) was established in 2015 by the RCCG as a drama school aimed at providing professional drama classes and workshops to help people develop their improvisation, devising, script-writing, movement, and acting skills. The goal is to use drama to express, illustrate, and illuminate the gospel in enlightening, exciting, and edifying ways.

The RDA UK is unique in its focus on training professionals to use drama as a means of evangelism, teaching, and establishing

the faith. The school provides rigorous training in all aspects of drama, and encourages students to explore the different ways in which drama can be used to communicate the gospel.

At the heart of the RDA UK’s mission is the belief that drama can be a powerful tool for bringing people closer to God. The school is committed to providing a supportive and nurturing environment where creativity can flourish, and welcomes anyone who shares its passion for drama and its power to communicate the gospel message.

For more information, please send an email to or call 020 8171 1030

The RDA UK is run by a National Coordinator and a Consultant, who are passionate about drama and its power to communicate the gospel message. They are always looking for new talent and fresh perspectives, and welcome anyone who is interested in using drama to share their faith with others.

If you are interested in learning more about the RDA UK, or in getting involved in the school’s activities, you can visit the school’s website or reach out to the National Coordinator or Consultant. Whether you are an experienced performer or a complete beginner, the RDA UK offers a welcoming and supportive environment where you can develop your skills and use them to bring others closer to God.

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Evangelical Christian School of Mission (RECSOM) started in 2014. The first event was a Youth meeting anchored alongside Youth with a mission (YWAM). Formal lectures started in 2015 and by 2016 the first Graduation was done. Since then, there have been 4 graduations. By 2023, more than 200 students were graduated using the mobile campuses model.

The initial reach had been within Europe but we later responded to some requests outside Europe. Our reach thus far include:

United Kingdom, Poland, Spain, Germany, Romania, Belarus, Ukraine, Suriname (Central America), India, Nigeria etc.

Why Mission and Why Missionary Training— God’s scattering of man from Babel to curb mutiny created languages and cultures. These in turn developed vivid distances in the communication plane of mankind. To bridge these gaps for the sake of the Kingdom enlargement, the gospel has to be communicated in a way that the recipients will understand in their language and within their cultural milieu. This is the purview of Mission and adequate training is needed to be able to bridge these gaps in gospel dissemination.

1. RECSOM Programmes— has two sets of Programmes:

a. Certificate in Tentmaking – 6 Months (6 units) at £350, $350 or 350 Euros running at 12 hours per course.

b. Top up to Diploma – 4

Months in addition to the Tentmaking Units (4 more units) 1 per month £250, $250 or 250 Euros (Total tuition £600, $600 or 600 Euros)

2. RECSOM Young Missionaries Summer School (YMSS) was set up in partnership with Youth-with-a-Mission (YWAM) to prepare our young people to extend the work of the Church mission to their schools, colleges and workplaces. The vision is to equip the younger generation, sandwiched between two or more cultures, to reach out in the language that is peculiar to their wider networks of friends and associates. RECSOM YMSS 2023: 31st July - 5th August 2023. Venue: Camp at YMSS Base, Highfield Oval Harpenden. Cost: £200.00. Contact: 07576735240.

3. Evangelism In Multi-Faith Space (EIMS) — This is a programme packaged to enable the body of Christ respond intelligently to the challenges of other religions and cultures right at our doorsteps. It is packaged

in 4 four-hour sessions. Sessions could include exposition on Atheism, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism etc.

4. RECSOM Mission Partners Committee — This committee raises financial resources towards the advancement of the Redeemed Christian School of Missions. You too can be a Mission Partner by sponsoring a missionary student. Account details: RECSOM Partners Committee, Account number: 66774260 Sort code: 30-92-93. Lloyds Bank. Contact: 07760880426.

5. New School Calendar Starts on July 1st 2023

The classes are online and holds on Saturdays from 11.00am to 3.00pm GMT. Please write an email or text to the contacts below.


Email: and

Telephone: 07828747121 and 07833388588


2023/24 SESSION


Christian Adversary

E q u i p y o u r s e l f w i t h n e c e s s a r y t o o l s f o r a t h r i v i n g C h r i s t i a n l i f e

Discover Your Identity in Christ

D i s c o v e r y o u r i d e n t i t y t h a t w i l l h e l p y o u t h r i v e a s a C h r i s t i a n

Finding Your Purpose

J e s u s c o m m a n d e d u s t o g o i n t o t h e w o r l d a n d m a k e d i s c i p l e s o f a l l n a t i o n s

Weapons of Warfare

K n o w h o w t o w a l k i n t h e p o w e r a n d a u t h o r i t y v e s t e d i n e v e r y b e l i e v e r .


L e a d l i k e J e s u s - h e i s t h e g r e a t e s t l e a d e r o f a l l t i m e




In March 2023, Pastor (Mrs.) Folu Adeboye, the wife of the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor Enoch Adeboye, was awarded the Woman of Distinction Award as an Outstanding Global Peace Ambassador for Change by the United Nations Global Women Foundation.

From all of her children here in RCCG United Kingdom, it is our prayer that our Mother-In-Israel, Pastor (Mrs) Folu Adeboye, will continue to be a shining light to the whole world in Jesus’ name. Indeed, her children arise and call her blessed.

Let Somebody Shout Hallelujah!



The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye was conferred with the honorary doctorate degree of the Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, United States of America at the last Holy Ghost Congress in 2022 held at the Redemption City, Nigeria.

The award, which was announced at the University in May 2022, was brought to the Redemption City and personally presented to Pastor Adeboye by the University’s President.

Dr William M. Wilson.

He described Pastor Adeboye, who leads what he called one of the biggest Christian denominations globally as ‘a man worthy of emulation and a man who ORU is exceedingly proud to associate with’.

From all of us, Pastors, leaders & Workers in RCCG Europe Continent, we want to greatly celebrate our Father in the Lord, Pastor E. A. Adeboye for exuding such an exemplary leadership worthy of emulation. May the Lord continually keep him and strengthen him in Jesus name, Amen.

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‘Magen David Adom’, meaning Red Shield or Red Star of David, is a foundation stone of Israeli society, having been founded by volunteers in the 1930s.

Since then Magen David Adom (MDA) has been Israel’s national medical emergency, disaster, ambulance and blood service. MDA was officially recognised by the International Committee of the Red Cross as the National Aid Society of Israel in 2006.

MDA UK was established primarily to assist MDA in Israel, however they also give aid to other organisations around the world.

The CEO, Daniel Burger, and MDA UK’s Africa coordinator, Tobi Lovv, had the honour of presenting

at the last Redeemed Christian Church of God’s 70th Anniversary Perfect Jubilee Convention in Lagos, Nigeria.

For more than 20 years, Pastor E. A. Adeboye has led delegations to Israel, donated ambulances to MDA, and created a business forum for Nigerian and Israeli businesses to further their collaboration.

At the a dinner held recently in the UK, the General Overseer RCCG, Pastor E.A Adeboye was recognised with an award for his inclusion in the Israel Allies Foundation’s Israel’s Top 50 Christian Allies 2022 List.

The award was graciously received on his behalf by Pastor Leke Sanusi, Chairman RCCG UK.

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Shockingly 14 million people in the UK are living in poverty (CAP UK). Christians Against Poverty (CAP) has been advocating for and supporting people experiencing debt and poverty since 1996. In 2021 alone, CAP supported 13,452 adults and children on the journey out of debt and saw 1,877 individuals become debt free. 787 CAP Money Courses were run and 542 CAP services were delivered in local communities.

14 million people in the UK are living in poverty

The impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic and rising energy prices has led to a ‘cost of living crisis’ in the UK. The Joint Public Issues Team of the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church (JPIT) produced a detailed briefing back in May 2022, pointing out the context of the problem is ten years of austerity followed by a pandemic.

The statistics are sobering: 42% of UK adults had to borrow money in 2022 in the face of rising costs; 54% of UK adults have reported feeling either anxious, depressed, filled with dread or unable to cope due to concerns about their finances. [Source: The Money Charity, January 2023] Churches across the country are doing their best to respond, with practical support – food banks, energy and debt advice, warm spaces – and with advocacy for government action. They are also, of course, praying.

On Wednesday 8th February, Christians against

Poverty (CAP), partnered with more than 20 organisations and denominations to organise a ‘call to prayer’ event to pray, to lament, and to intercede concerning the cost of living crisis.

The event was held at Westminster Chapel which is very close to the Houses of Parliament. Over 100 people took part in a choreographed sequence of different kinds of prayer. There was time for individual contemplation, with sensitive musical accompaniment; small-group prayer, enabling the exchange of personal stories and highly-charged collective prayer, which at one stage involved the whole congregation turning towards Parliament and praying with raised hands for our leaders.

Among other speakers such as Bishop Mike Royal, General Secretary, Churches Together in England and Paul Williams, CEO of Bible Society of various Christian faiths, our Chairman RCCG UK, Pastor Leke Sanusi was privileged to speak to the gathering on the topic ‘A Governing Church: Raising your Voice to See Change in a Time of Crisi’s. He also lead in a session of fervent prayers. He called on each of us to be a Christian voice in the places we live and work, to influence for change and to make Jesus known. Perhaps his most powerful voice was that of hope, drawing on Romans 8.28: ‘And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose’.

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Pastor Leke Sanusi at the Call to Prayer event hosted by CAP
45 | Sunrise Spring 2023 GOVERNING CHURCH


Any evangelistic ministry is the work of the Holy Spirit, and historically, the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) in the United Kingdom has depended on having good working relationships with local churches of all denominations and key organizations like BGEA.

The collaboration of ministry between the BGEA UK Team and RCCG in the UK has been very important Kingdom Work.  In the past few years, we have worked together to help individuals struggling to survive the challenges of this world to know that they can have victory through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

The BGEA are grateful, blessed and encouraged to participate with RCCG in both current and past Ordained Ministers Conferences (OMC), Friday ‘Hello Pastors’ meetings on Zoom and the Festival of Life.

As Rev. Franklin Graham recently said:

“We value and appreciate RCCG and are thankful for your ministry and for serving with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, particularly in the UK.”

The relationship between RCCG UK and BGEA UK, continues to grow and we are so delighted this year that they will be present at the OMC and at The Festival of Life, and to share about the God Loves You Tour happening at ExCel London on the 26th and 27th August.

We are also in talks with the BGEA Team to train up RCCG Evangelists and to train and equip RCCG

Trainers to share BGEA’s Christian Life and Witness course with their congregations. They also have a version of the course for young people called Pursuit. The young are hungry and receptive to the Gospel. Last July at the God Loves You Tour in London, 41% of the 748 people who responded to the Gospel were under the age of 25.

Also, BGEA recently extended a hand of fellowship with a promise to provide us with 20 free coaches to enable RCCG Pastors and their congregations to travel to the God Loves You Tour event this 26 & 27 August. RCCG Pastors and their congregations based outside of the M25 and within 2-4 hours driving time of ExCel London qualify for a free coach. The other criteria is that a Pastor can commit to filling half the coach with believers, and the other half with their nonbelieving friends. Thus, the coach journey becomes a mission field in its own right.

One of their Directors said in a meeting at the Central Office that “It is our privilege at the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association to have this opportunity to serve with the Redeemed Christian Church of God, and by God’s Grace, with Pastor Leke Sanusi, the Head of RCCG UK Mission, to extend the Gospel to those who yet to have their eyes opened to the saving Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

We are trusting God for a great harvest of souls at the ‘God Loves You Tour’ event and through this partnership.

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RCCG Pastor recently appointed as Treasurer & Member of the Board of Trustees for Churches Together in England (CTE).

Effective 1st April 2023, Pastor Rasaq Ibrahim became a member of the Board of Trustees and Treasurer for Churches Together England (CTE). He took over from James Laing who has been on the role in the last 5years.

Churches Together in England is the national ecumenical instrument supporting and encouraging churches from a wide range of traditions to work together in unity.

Rasaq is a trained, qualified Accountant by background. He is an RCCG Pastor in Birmingham and an Area Pastor within RCCG UK. He has been with the mission for many decades but started pastoring about 15years ago. He loves the Lord and his heart beat is to see many come to Jesus to be saved, discipled and living an exemplary Christ focus life centred on Holiness, Righteousness and Sanctification.

Because of his passion for evangelism and soul-winning, he serves with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and is one of their

Trainers in the United Kingdom.

Rasaq is also on Board of Council of Reference for the huge and exciting ‘Eternal Wall of Answered Prayers’ in Birmingham.

He has attended various courses within and outside the country, including Senior Management programme at Lagos Business School and Harvard Kenedy School Executive Education on Strategic frameworks for non-profit organisations.

He is married and blessed with two sons, both of whom are married and are still serving in RCCG parishes in UK along with their spouses.

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▷ Pastor Rasaq Ibrahim


It has always been my passion to understand business and teach others how to maximise their business skills and have a thriving business. As a Business Growth Consultant and Owner of a successful IT company with Glencore, Littlewoods and AOL as just a few of our clients, I am even more hungry now to know all that the Word says on finance and business than ever before. I did not always start in business this way. I was just another Physicist who was in high demand on an employer’s list, happy and content with life. As time went on and the demands of motherhood and ministry began to grow, I realised I can do more as a businesswoman than an employee.

However, many Christians in business that I knew were barely making it through the month. I certainly didn’t want to struggle financially after leaving a good job and starting a business with young children to care for as well. I began to ask myself the question, “what does the Bible say about business?”. I was desperate to know and I soon realised that the multinational, fortune 500 companies are following the biblical principles that are available to us from the Bible. Using these principles, I set up a software development company and it is funding the advancement of Gospel all over the world.

Imagine if you knew what the Bible said concerning growing your business. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, David and Solomon were businessmen and applied biblical wisdom strategies to grow their wealth.

God gave us an incredible blueprint for business growth in the book of Genesis. Four power-packed action steps are causing all the growth that you see in the market place. Apple, Google, MacDonald’s, KFC, Costa, Microsoft and all the giant businesses that you know are following those exact principles that God gave us all in the book of Genesis.

Gen. 1:26-28 says that God Jehovah made us in His image and likeness and instructed us to do these precise four action steps to business growth that I am about to share with you.

26  Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”  27  So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.  28  Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

1. BE FRUITFUL – This simply means you should start producing something or offering a product or service that is tasty, useful and beneficial to others. A fruit that is not palatable to anyone is not wanted in the market place. We need to produce something that others want to consume and not just what we like to do or produce. It’s all about serving another human’s need.

2. MULTIPLY – This simply means you should start re-producing that which you have produced. It could be a small product or a simple service. It needs to be made again and again (multiplied - remember it’s not added!). There are key strategies on how to do that in the Word of God that we don’t have scope to cover within this article.

3. REPLENISH - Fill the Earth, which simply means to restock that which you have already multiplied. Now restock it all over the earth. God Jehovah is interested in filling the earth with His Glory, His Word and His Presence so His instruction to us is to fill the earth. Restock it all over the world. Well, we all have to start somewhere, start locally till you can sustain multiplication. A one-person business (which I call the dancing bear because as soon as the bear stops dancing money stops coming) cannot restock or distribute globally. It would take a team to do this.

4. SUBDUE – This simply means Consolidate and Dominate or in other words Amalgamate and this

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“ “
As time went on and the demands of motherhood and ministry began to grow, I realised I can do more as a businesswoman than an employee.

is where the rich get richer. An example is John D Rockefeller who bought out many small companies and included them in his own and reached a larger demographic. At this stage, heavy government regulations may come into play but this is the only way to remain as market leaders in any industry.

Let me now explain this with a few examples. Microsoft produced an operating system called Windows that would make the big heavy IBM computers work faster and better. They were fruitful in their idea to make a system that is more efficient and faster to work with, which would also reduce the sizes of clumsy large machines. Once they had a product, they reproduced it and distributed it to every computer in the world. They constantly replenish their stock by newer versions. Microsoft then started acquiring smaller companies and amalgamating to remain the dominant force in the market. They IMPLEMENTED these biblical strategies effectively. In other words, they took risks to apply these biblical principles. Likewise, McDonald’s made burgers that are fast, convenient to buy and yet affordable for an average busy family. Their product is not better than a homemade burger, I am sure you can make a better burger than them, but they turned an average product by the power of branding and awareness into a global product. They mastered on distributing globally and amalgamated smaller companies

that made similar products to retain market leadership. I can give you many more examples but the bottom line is every fortune 500 company is following these exact biblical principles. The owner of Louise Vuitton fashion brand also owns multiple other famous brands so that he can maintain Louis Vuitton as an exclusive product range. I believe it’s time for believers to take DOMINION (which is to Consolidate or Amalgamate) to remain as market leaders.

What stops us from taking these steps given to us from the beginning? What is a major hindrance to business growth? Why won’t most people even get on the first steps towards business success? Most people think it is a lack of finances or opportunity to do the business. That is not true. The real reason that stops us from going forward is fear! Fear of losing money, fear of market behaviour, fear of not knowing enough, fear of failure, fear of man, fear of technology, fear of the unknown. These types of fears are the reason for the excuses we have. Somebody once said and I think it’s true that excuses are well-planned lies. Most people are convinced that their excuses are as real as they sound. Here are some of them, “I am too old”, “I am too young”, “I am not smart enough”, “I don’t have the money to start the business”, “I don’t have the time”, “I have a young family” and the list goes on and on. I think by now you can relate to some of

these if you are honest or perhaps you may have other excuses that are not mentioned here. Excuses give voice to the fear and reflect the underlying fears. To get growth in your business, you have to face your fears and address them effectively. If it is the fear of not knowing enough, then you must acquire knowledge to eliminate that fear or outsource that area of work to others and work on your strength. There are many ways to overcome excuses and you must have an overcomers mind-set to overcome all sorts of fears and excuses.

Why is it so important to address fears and excuses? Fear stops you from implementing. Any great idea not implemented goes to the grave with us and is not useful to humanity. This fact remains, “Faith is Action (acting on the Word) and Wisdom is Application (applying the Word)”. Without faith, it is impossible to please God and without applying His truth to our daily life we cannot see a consistent growth pattern. I am encouraging you today to take a step forward and implement at least one part of the four action steps to business growth

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God gave us an incredible blueprint for business growth in the book of Genesis. Four power-packed action steps are causing all the growth that you see in the market place.
Pastor Reeba Samuel


In Matthew 8:5-13, we read how the Lord Jesus commended a Roman Centurion for his faith. In the early church and throughout the centuries, many military personnel have put their trust in Christ, while continuing to serve in uniform. In the Acts of the Apostles, the Centurion Cornelius is considered to be the first Gentile to convert to Christ. Although in some circumstances, Christians may choose not to serve in the military, in other contexts believers have felt a clear call to witness for Christ within the Armed Forces. Nowhere does the Bible condemn those in military service; in Luke 3:14, Christ advises Roman soldiers to act professionally and to be content with their pay. A well-trained and wellgoverned Armed Forces has the potential to be a force for good, defending against threats to the nation and making a valuable contribution to both domestic and international security.

As part of its outreach to many areas of British society, RCCG is developing relationships with Christians serving in the UK Armed Forces. Key to this relationship has been Pastor Bimbo Oluwasona, who leads the RCCG Conqueror Assembly congregation in Cheltenham. For the past 16 years, he has served in the British Army as a logistics specialist, rising to the rank of Warrant Officer. Pastor Bimbo is also the Engagement lead for the Defence Christian Network, an ecumenical employee network for all Christians serving in Defence. This has allowed him to act as a cultural bridge by helping build connections between RCCG and the Ministry of Defence. The value of his work was recently recognised by King Charles III: for his outstanding contribution to the British Army and the Defence Christian community, Pastor Bimbo was awarded the MBE on the New Year’s Honours list in January 2023.

Reflecting on his experiences in the military, Pastor Bimbo said, “As a Christian joining the British Army, I

could see that biblical principles continue to influence its values and standards, making it possible for me to be both a Christian and a Soldier. Throughout my career, I have been able to worship and fellowship with other military Christians, including on operations in Afghanistan. As an RCCG Pastor, it has been a privilege to help connect my church organisation with Christians serving in the Armed Forces.”

Over the past two years, there have been numerous positive engagements between RCCG UK and the Defence Christian community. For example, the Army invited Professor Edwin Egede to sit on a discussion panel during Black History Month and Major General (Retired) Tim Cross CBE delivered a seminar on leadership to all RCCG Pastors. For the past two years, senior RCCG Pastors have been invited to attend the annual Service of Prayer and Remembrance for the Armed Forces, which is hosted at the Defence Academy in Shrivenham each November. In 2022, Chairman Pastor Leke Sanusi and other senior Pastors were invited to visit Army Headquarters at Andover, where they held opening discussions with the Army Chaplain General. These relationships continue to grow and we look forward to identifying further opportunities for collaboration in the coming years.

It has been encouraging to discover the presence of a unified and growing community of Christians within Defence. Its members are drawn from a broad range of denominations and cultures, including representation from the Afro-Caribbean, Fijian and Nepalese (Gurkha) communities. Across Defence, Christians are employed in a wide range of professional roles within the Royal Navy, Army, RAF and MOD Civil Service. Regardless of their background or profession, both ordained Chaplains and lay Christians are able to play their part in contributing to our nation’s Defence, whilst acting as ambassadors for Jesus Christ in the workplace. Christian Chaplains are found in the majority

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of military units and further support is available from a number of Military Christian Organisations, such the Armed Forces Christian Union (AFCU) and the Naval and Military Bible Society (NMBS).

Lieutenant Colonel Simon Maggs, the Chair of the Defence Christian Network says, ‘More than ever before in my 27 years of Army service, I am encouraged by

both the unity of purpose across our Defence Christian family and the opportunities to share our faith within our organisation. With the support of our military Chaplains, our increasingly multi-cultural and multi-denominational community continues to grow in faith as we seek to serve our country, support our colleagues and pray for God’s blessing on our Armed Forces.”

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We celebrate our Pastor who is in Armed Forces


Alot of notable things have happened over the years at the City of Favour too many to list, and we continue counting our blessings giving thanks to our Father, The King of kings whose face we seek and favour we enjoy.

City of Favour is 20years old in October 2022 and we give God all the glory for sustaining and looking after us throughout the years. We are located in the centre of the city easily accessible by public transport and within a comfortable walking distance to two of the three universities within the county, namely Leicester and De Montfort University; we are also practically next door to the main campus of Leicester College. The demography within a mile’s circumference is made up of over 10 different nationalities: African (northern, southern, eastern and western), Asian, Persian, European, West Indies, English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh and more, each with its own national peculiarities and perspective on God and fellowship.

Such a physical placement and social variety affords a

huge opportunity to reach nations at our doorstep and we are very mindful to capitalise on these ensuring the gospel we preach is heard, seen and experienced as God gives us strength and direction.

City of Favour is blessed with Pastor Taiwo and Pastor Omobola Olugbenga, whom God used to birth the vision and is using to drive the mission. Unrelenting in this assignment, their ceaseless prayers for the mission and people, and admirable diligence has seen a growth in physical numbers but most importantly measurable spiritual growth in those under their leadership and mentorship. Their passion to see Christ formed in everyone within their spere is evident, preaching, teaching, counselling, loving, applying discipline and caring to ensure each person is growing with a balanced diet of the gospel.

Here is a tiny glimpse of what God is doing through the City of Favour:

■ Pastor Taiwo leads the Leicester Pastors Felowship, an ecumenical group made of Pastors and church leaders

within the city and county

■ In recognition of his work in and around the City of Leicester, in January 2023, Pastor Taiwo Enoch Olugbenga was presented with The Honoured Citizen Award by the Lord Mayor of Leicester. This ceremony was attended predominantly by those in leadership within the various socio-political spheres across the City.

■ Pastor Omobola Olugbenga set up and leads a domestic abuse partnership tagged ‘Living with Abuse’ partnering with the Leicester Constabulary to help identify and support victims of such especially within the Afro-Carribean community, ensuring a safe space.

■ Five members of the City of Favour currently serve as magistrates within the judiciary. This serves to enable more representation within this sphere.

■ Within the political sphere, we have Councillor Ashiedu Joel leading the Troon Ward of Leicester

■ The church hosts a yearly community sports event where all within the

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community regardless of race or place are invited to take part in healthy playful competition to win prizes and foster community cohesion. One of such being the annual football tournament organised and hosted by the African Network Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (ANLLR).

■ There is a vibrant youth church led by Deconness Mercy Adenle, an alumni of one of the universities. The Spirit of God is undoubtedly present as university and college students flock herein given the space to freely express themselves in worship, praise and

exposure to the undiluted Word of God!

■ Finally, City of Favour acquired a former Church of England cathedral building and we are currently refurbishing.


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▷ Ayodeji Eyitayo RCCG City of Favour Leicester Pastor Taiwo E Olugbenga receiving the Honorary Citizens Award from the Lord Mayor of Leicester Councillor Ashiedu Joel Pastor Omobola Olugbenga being sworn in as a Magistrate


2 Timothy 1:7 says “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind”.

We must realise from this scripture that fear is a Spirit. We are told in Romans 8:14 that as children of God we should be led by the Spirit of God and not any other Spirit. Romans 8:9 takes it further than just being ‘led’ by the Spirit by stating “you are controlled by the Spirit if you have the Spirit of God living in you”.

What does this mean? The Spirit that God has given us (The Holy Spirit) is not One of fear but rather of power, of love and of sound mind.

As young people, you may be afraid of many things, the big questions of life – ‘will I succeed?’, ‘will I be able get a job?’, ‘will I get married?’, ‘am I good enough?’ and so on.

The good news is that you can overcome fear with power, with love and with a sound mind. Let’s look at each of these:

Power is defined as the ability to control, to have strength, to have the legal right to do something, to have authority.

This tells us:

1a. You can choose your response to situations, worries and questions that you may have. You can control your response to be one of faith and not fear. You can choose to trust God’s Word in Romans 8:28 that says, “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them”.

1b. You can do all that is always required of you through God’s strength. Philippians 4:13 in

the Amplified Version says: “I can do all things [which He has called me to do] through Him who strengthens and empowers me [to fulfill His purpose—I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace.”]

1c. You have the legal right and authority to overcome anything that the devil would want to to do in your body, family, marriage, career, finances or business. Luke 10:19 (AMP) says “Listen carefully: I have given you authority [that you now possess] to tread on serpents and scorpions, and [the ability to exercise authority] over all the power of the enemy (Satan); and nothing will [in any way] harm you”.

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Love overcomes fear. 1 John 4:18 says, “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love”. The perfect love of God drives out fear!

2a. Ask God for a revelation of His love towards you. God is love. When you know Him, your fears will be cast out. 1 John 4:8 says, “He who does not love does not know God, for God is love”.

2b. We should be carriers of love to others. Choose to encourage others, support others, love others and to point others to Jesus.


Sound mind involves having sound judgement, having God’s knowledge and wisdom and the ability to think clearly and reason in a disciplined way.

John 14:16-17 (CEV) says, “Then I will ask the Father to send you the Holy Spirit who will help you and always be with you. The Spirit will show you what is true. The people of this world cannot accept the Spirit, because they don’t see or know him. But you know the Spirit, who is with you and will keep on living in you”.

3a. You need to be able discern to what is true in order to overcome fear. James 1:5 says, “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking”. Why don’t you ask Him for wisdom today?

3b. Sound mind also means to be self-disciplined. There is a need to be disciplined in our thought life. Philippians 4:8 (AMP) says, “Finally, believers, whatever is true, whatever is honourable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things [centre your mind on them, and implant them in your heart]”.

Remember you can overcome fear! Isaiah 41:10 (NLT) says: “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand”.

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Due SeaSon

Anew season signifies what is to come and in a general sense, it is synonymous with time. The year is commonly divided into four seasons that bring different kinds of weather systems: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. We could also describe our lives as being made up of many different seasons, each with its different emotions and responsibilities. The Lord created different seasons in our lives to shape us to be what He intended us to be. He uses seasons to show us that He is good, He is sovereign, He is the Almighty and can make everything beautiful in its own time. Seasons whether good or bad are ways in which God captures our hearts to draw us closer to Himself. One major characteristic of a season is that it will come to pass but it is not expected to linger forever. We have to hold on to the word of God that is our infallible anchor.

The psalmist in Psalm 145:15 declared, “The eyes of all look expectantly to You, and You give them their food in due season”. What is a due season? A due season is God’s season, His appointed time which is never too late or too early. It is the set time of God’s favour (Ps. 102:13), it is the time of God’s visitation. In Ecclesiastes 3:1, the scripture says that for “everything there is a season and a time for

every purpose on earth”. God has a plan for us and has set out His divine timetable to accomplish all that pertains to us to bring us to a place of fulfilment in Him. Everyone has a unique purpose in life and it’s only with the help of God that we can grasp the fullness of God’s purpose in our lives and live it. This means that there is no basis for comparison because our times and seasons differ from one another. If we look through the scriptures, some people keyed into their due season and were blessed but some missed out and were not able to partake of the fullness of what God has in store for them. Joseph was a man that keyed into his due season. The Psalmist in Psalm 105:19 states, “Until the time that His word came to pass, the word of the Lord tested him”. He experienced different seasons of life and at the due season, he got to the throne. God was speaking to Abram in Genesis 15:13 that his descendants (Israelites) would go into captivity for 400 years. They were expected to be out of bondage after 400 years but they overstayed by an additional 30 years (Exodus 12: 40-41). They did not recognise their time of visitation; they missed their due season of deliverance.

The challenge for us as believers is to be able to decipher when the due season comes so we can take full advantage and receive all that heavens

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The steps of faith we take are pointers to the fact that we are expectant and ready to enter into a new season of life. Some people have missed their due season of blessing because they were not prepared for it.

have earmarked for us. God has called us into partnership as we walk with Him so that we will not be ignorant of the due season of His visitation in all aspects of life. Below are a few nuggets to put into consideration as we partner with God to key into our due seasons:

Sensitivity/Alertness: We have to be sensitive to the Spirit as we watch and pray. We have to allow the Holy Spirit to have a free course in our lives so He can lead us in all things. Every believer should desire a discerning spirit to escape the deceits and gimmicks of the devil that are prevalent in our day. The Bible speaks about the men of Issachar that they understood the times and knew what Israel ought to do (1 Chronicles 12:22). When we are perplexed not knowing what to do next, we can recline into our closet and be quiet in our spirit to allow the light of His word to penetrate our spirit man. This brings illumination to the dark areas of our lives. When the light comes, we are directed and led to take steps in line with His plans for our lives. God still reveals secrets that could strategically position us for our due seasons (Daniel 2:22).

Faithfulness: As we desire to get into God’s due season, we should be found faithful in the season that we are in. Faithfulness stems from our relationship with our Maker and His expectations of us, our relationship with other people in the light of the word of God and making the most of every season we find ourselves. Bachelorhood/ Spinsterhood is a season of life and the way we live our lives in this season will go a long way in preparing us when the due season of marriage arrives and how we succeed in it. Scarcity is a season of life, we ‘ll need to handle the limited resources at our disposal wisely so that we don’t become selfish and concerned about ourselves alone without leaving room for

an opportunity to be a blessing to others in giving. When we are not faithful in giving, we may miss the due season of abundance. If the widow of Zarephath had refused to give her last meal she wouldn’t have entered into her season of abundance. (1 Kings 17:9-16)

Don’t be complacent, be expectant: To be complacent means that you are content with where you are, there is no motivation or drive to achieve better results or attain greater heights. The Israelites missed their due season of deliverance because they became complacent about their situation in Egypt. They got used to slavery as a way of life, they accepted their status quo until they cried out to God for deliverance. Our actions and confessions are clues to how expectant we are when seeking the Lord. The steps of faith we take are pointers to the fact that we are expectant and ready to enter into a new season of life. Some people have missed their due season of blessing because they were not prepared for it. Some are running after shadows instead of the substance. They are carried away with things that don’t count, they major on the minor, and their focus is shifted from the paths that lead to the fulfilment of purpose.

Studying the word and reading other Christian Literature: Take some time out to study the word of God as if you are studying to write an exam. When you are studying, you read wide and carry out a lot of research within the context of your field of study so you can be confident in yourself that you’re fully prepared to ace the exams. This could also apply to the study of the Word of God (2 Timothy 2:15). Read different versions of the Bible for a better understanding of the Scriptures. Daniel understood through books he had read the number of years specified for the captivity of his

people and he subjected himself to fasting and prayer so that the people of God would not miss their due season of deliverance (Daniel 2:9). We should develop an insatiable thirst to dig deep into His Word to know the will of God for our lives so we are not tossed here and there by every wind of doctrine. God can speak to you from the abundance of His word that is dwelling in you so you will not believe in a lie. We should also invest in books that are written by Christian authors; people of faith who have gone ahead of us so we can receive insight from their walk with God.

Some people are role models of faithful servants of the Lord, they are always at their duty post, ready to give their very best in the service of the Lord. They may be looking forward to a due season of reward and are already asking God questions in their hearts. In Galatians 6:9, Apostle Paul was admonishing the church in Galatia “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart”. Our God is a rewarder who will never owe any man. He operates a reward system and that is why our labour of love for Him will not go unrewarded. We can redeem our times and seasons and every opportunity that is lost because God is the one that controls times and seasons (Daniel 2:21). Is there a goal that you think it’s too late to achieve now because your contemporaries have gone far ahead? If you acquaint yourself with the Lord and throw your weight behind it, it is achievable! You’ll redeem your missed seasons and the Lord will still make all things beautiful in its time.

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▷ Ekpen Happiness Onasanya


One very important area to be intentional about and to add value, is in the area of health. It is true that as believers, we enjoy the privilege of divine health. However, on the other hand, we are encouraged to praise God with our body to the highest degree possible (1Cor 6:19-20). God wants you healthy.

Joshua Crawford said, “No one wants you to be healthier than God does.” When I came across this quote, I asked myself if I believe that statement. After a few minutes of rehearsing it in my head and speaking it out, I got convinced that indeed God wants me healthier than anybody does.

I am a promoter of living healthy as we exercise our faith and I have seen that many of us involve God in so many other areas of our lives except in our health and lifestyle. We cannot enjoy the best of our health without understanding God’s desire for us. We gain this understanding by diving into God’s word and standing on His promises towards us. If one does

not grasp an understanding of the truth of God’s word in the area of health, trying to maintain a healthy journey in life on human power will be futile.

The first step to enjoying this promise is to develop the desire to live and be healthy. As God has promised to give us the desires of our heart (in accordance to His will), I know that He will honour His covenant to see you prosper in good health. The Holy Spirit is on hand to teach you all truth as you embrace the journey of healthy living according to God’s design. As you follow His leading, I trust God that you will effectively fulfil the purpose for which you have been created.

In general, a healthy lifestyle is the single best step you can take toward naturally keeping your immune system strong and healthy. Every system in your body, including the immune system, functions better when following balanced and healthy strategies such as these:

• Eating a whole food diet with

plenty of fruit and veg

• Exercising regularly

• Staying hydrated

• Maintaining a healthy weight

• Getting enough sleep

• Reducing stress

• Drinking alcohol in moderation

• Not smoking


There is some evidence that various micronutrient deficiencies (think vitamins and minerals) could alter immune responses. Make sure you eat a varied diet with ample amounts of fruit and vegetables or support yourself with a good quality multivitamin.

See below some immunity boosting fruit and vegetables and how to incorporate them in your diet.)

Vitamins, Minerals & Antioxidants for Your Immune System

Vitamin D:

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Research shows that vitamin D supplementation may reduce the risk for viral infections, including respiratory tract infections, by reducing the production of proinflammatory compounds in the body.

Vitamins C and E:

Vitamins C and E are antioxidants that help to destroy free radicals

and support the body’s natural immune response.

Vitamin C Sources:

• red bell peppers

• oranges

• strawberries

• broccoli

• lemons

Vitamin E sources:

• almonds

• spinach

• avocado

• olives

Here are sample healthy recipes to enjoy with your family:

▷ Oge Akinola is an author, a Family Health Practitioner, a certified Sports and Exercise Nutritionist and Pre and Post Natal Fitness Specialist. She is the founder of Bump n Chic, a well-being and consultancy firm founded in 2016 to support women before, during and

after pregnancy and their families through achieving total wellness in spirit, soul and body. She is the cofounder of Body Praise Ltd a company that produces Holy Spirit Inspired workout videos.

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In February 2020, Pastor Joan Dada of RCCG Open Heavens Accrington received a message from a Lancashire Telegraph journalist who wanted to feature her and the church she Pastors in their newspaper. She was surprised to say the least! The focus of the article was that Pastor Joan is a female Pastor, overcoming challenges to empower others.

The article notes, “Pastor Dada encounters criticism despite her positive messages, on why a woman should not be in her position”, to which she responded, “Some people do not believe that women should do it and I have had one lady call me out and say that she could not listen to me because I am a woman. Women can do this, but we are always going to have opinions from some people.”

Pastor Dada also told of how when she started the church, someone said to her “you are great, but the reason people may not follow is because you are black, and the church is situated in a predominately Caucasian community”.

The article concluded that despite all this, Pastor Dada is resolved and determined in her work and that the church is open to anyone, regardless of background and culture.

Sunrise caught up with Pastor Joan to discover what led to the article and what has resulted from it.

Pastor Joan, thank you for talking to us, when was Open Heavens Accrington planted?

Open Heaven Accrington was planted in July 2017 when my pastor whom I served under sent me there. I prayed about it too and then obeyed and made the move.

How has the church been received in the town?

The reception the church got wasn’t so great. I had to have an open day where I invited the community over so I could tell them our mission, vision and mandate. But even

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after that, we didn’t get a good response so we had to do more.

What steps/ projects do you take/do to promote the Church?

We do dance outreaches and door to door evangelism in town, visits to a homeless shelter and reach out with food to the people in need.

How did the article in the Lancashire Telegraph come about?

I got a DM on Instagram from a journalist who introduced herself to me and said she stumbled on my handle, listened to clips of my messages and liked what she saw. She wanted to do a story on me, and asked me to ring her.

I did, and said to her, there was no story to write, but she kept asking me questions which I answered, and she said, “that’s the story”. She called me the following day and said her editor liked it and is inspired and that’s how I got featured in the Lancashire Telegraph.

What has been the results from the article?

Well, the result has been encouraging for me, because if at this small and growing stage of the ministry, we could be found out and featured, it only shows what the future holds if we are consistent, diligent, persistent and faithful.

Would you recommend other churches get the local media involved in what they are doing?

Yes, I would say that if Pastors are led to get the media involved in what they are doing, then by all means go for it. It would bring good publicity to the church and get out there what you are trying to achieve.

Any other advice for new Church plants?

My advice for newCchurch plants, is to create enough awareness in the community where the church is going to be planted first through doing events, like gospel concerts etc.

To the young ministers, I’ll just say, keep doing what you are doing with all of your heart and might, because even though it seems no one’s watching or noticing you, they are!

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Gone from our sight, but never from our hearts.

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Bolajoko Ekundayo Gilberline Mbah Wara Becky Babatola Tobi Ijisakin Ibilola Aladejana Oluwole Adeniran Bodunrin Durosinmi Etti Titilayo Shodimu Gbugbemi Doherty Folasade Ikuseru Temilade Ladokun
Thessalonians 4:13 “But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus”.


Habitation of hope is a UK registered Charity passionate about working with abandoned, deprived and homeless children in Nigeria, helping them achieve better life outcomes. We believe in the power of education to help end poverty. Therefore, our core activity as a Charity is to make quality education at Primary and secondary school level available to children experiencing homelessness and deprivation.

We work in Africa, Nigeria and Ogun state to be precise. Our main passion is to eliminate the causes of poverty, striving to achieve equality, dignity and freedom for all, regardless of culture, faith or gender.

We focus on deprived areas in Nigeria where the need

is evident. Presently, our project is predominantly in Ogun State (South West of Nigeria). Habitation of Hope UK was established to lift up the hand of our Mother in Israel, Pastor Folu Adeboye, amongst the many projects she is doing to alleviate poverty and ensure another human being created by God is not deprived of a good life due to poverty and lack of funds. Through the help of our Partners we have been able to achieve the following. Please find below pictures of what we have achieved over the years with your help and help of Philantropists. If you are a partner and you have never received information about our work or newsletter, please send your whatsap number to this number , +447930955380






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■ Primary School built for the younger boys in the home ■ Block moulding machine to facilitate training on construction and building

■ Secondary school with well-equipped classrooms

Made donation towards the completion of additional hostel which provided shelter for over 150 street boys

A state of the art secondary school for the children with

■ Mini sport centre comprising basketball. Volley ball, football pitch, badminton….

■ Performing art studio

■ State of the art music recording studio

■ Fully equipped science laboratories, Catering lab, Carpentry workshop

OUR NEXT PROJECT: A state of the art Vocational Training Centre, with accredited courses and made available to people from low income family……

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RCCG joined all good citizens of the United Kingdom to honour God in the life of Queen Elizabeth II (Late) as she celebrated 70 years of ascension to the throne. Her Majesty became queen on 6 February 1952 when she was 25 years old. There were 4 days of National Celebrations in honour of her life of service.

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The RCCG joined millions around the world to mourning the passing of our beloved Queen at the age of 96 years in September 2022. Her Majesty was a source of inspiration for many in the United Kingdom and beyond for decades. The Queen’s abiding faith in the Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ was an anchor for a life of service. Her noble and extensive charitable works, reflecting diverse interests, were a blessing to the people.

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After the passing of our beloved Queen, Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, on Thursday 8 September, His Majesty King Charles III  immediately succeeded to the Throne.

The Coronation of His Majesty The King will take place on Saturday 6 th  May, 2023 at Westminster Abbey, London, and will be conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

The Ceremony will see His Majesty King Charles III crowned alongside The Queen Consort.

The Coronation will reflect the monarch’s role today and look towards the future, while being rooted in longstanding traditions and pageantry.

As a church, we look forward to what God will do in the nation through the leadership of the King. We pray that the mighty hand of God will be upon our King. May he be filled with wisdom and strength to discharge his duties in Jesus name.

Long Live the King!


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The East London, Essex Area Group of Churches played host to the General Overseer Pastor E. A. Adeboye in the powerpacked event with healing, salvation and deliverance to the Glory of God.
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The National Elders Weekend was a wonderful programme where Elders from around the nation gather onsite and online to give glory to God for preservation of life.

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The vision of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) shown by God to Pa Josiah Olufemi Akindayomi in 1952, celebrated its 70th Anniversary in August 2022. The theme was Perfect Jubilee.

It has been 70 years of Divine Covenant with God to redeem the world and prepare a people for the return of Jesus Christ.

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‘The Love of God is Shed Abroad in Our Hearts’

It was a gathering of Africa Mission Leaders from all over the globe in London, United Kingdom. This 18th Edition of the Summit was the first physical gathering after the pandemic.

The Host, Pastor (Mrs) Folu Adeboye encouraged delegates to be more driven by love and no task would be too difficult to do and no mountain would be too difficult to climb.

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The Reception hosted by the General Overseer Pastor E. A. Adeboye and our Mother-InIsrael Pastor (Mrs) Folu Adeboye was the first physical gathering of its kind after the Pandemic. It was a beautiful time to reminisce on the goodness of God in the past years. The testimonies that came from some of the delegates were mind-blowing.

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This event was held in October 2022 for all Schools in the RCCG UK.
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The Ordination Service was a glorious gathering to witness over 800 people being ordained into spiritual positions of the church to extend the frontiers of the Mission work.

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‘LIGHT-UP YORKSHIRE’ was a free to attend Christian revival conference, held at the prestigious York Barbican Centre on 16th October 2022. The event featured Spiritled worship by ‘Vinesong’ an amazing group of musical missionaries who travel the world bringing spiritual inspiration to many, they were ably supported by our brilliant Yorkshire Mass Choir - a contingent of choirs from the over 40 RCCG churches in the Yorkshire region of the United Kingdom.

The climax of the phenomenal event was the powerful but timely message delivered by our father-in-the Lord

the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor E.A. Adeboye titled ‘Let There Be Light’. The message was received with openness of heart by the over 2000 participants who graced the event. 70 people gave their lives to Christ for the first time, and amazing miracles, signs and wonders were recorded.

We’re extremely grateful to Daddy and Mummy G.O. as we fondly call them for coming to visit us in York and for the tremendous blessing, they’ve been to us in the wider Yorkshire region.

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This was a gathering of all the Pastors in RCCG UK. It was a time of reflection on the journey so far and believing God for greater days ahead.


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At the Multisite Workers’ Rally this year, workers from all our churches assembled at various viewing centres for an evening of Worship, Bible Study, Prayer and the Holy Communion under the leadership of the General Overseer, Pastor E. A. Adeboye with the theme ‘The Unchanging Changer’.

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The Festival of Life London, one of Europe’s largest gatherings of Christians returned back to London Excel after 2 years due to COVID-19. Hosted by Pastor E.A. Adeboye the Festival of Life is a night of fellowship, praise, prayers, drama, testimonies and life changing Word, featuring a variety of guest ministers from within RCCG and from the wider body of Christ. More than 40,000 are in attendance annually and thousands more watch online from around the world.

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Flame is the Festival of Life equivalent for the younger generation. This year’s event was held on Saturday 22nd October 2022 at ExCeL Centre London and was hosted by Pastor E A. Adeboye. Guests included Dunsin Oyekan, Phil Thompson, Philippa Hanna, Becca Folkes, Emmanuel Smith, Triple O, DJ Shunz and hosted by Faith Child and Lady T!

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Sights and Scenes of Light Up Hertfordshire showing great joy in the hearts of all that attended. Our General Overseer Pastor E. A. Adeboye spoke words of life and hope into the city of Hertfordshire.

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It was a wonderful gathering of all our Pastors in the UK to kickstart the year 2023. Our chairman Pastor Leke Sansusi gave a timely presentation about ‘Changing Lenses’ as we propose a way forward with establishing life-transforming Churches.

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Best-Selling R edemption Store





▶ To make Heaven.

▶ To take as many people as possible with us.

▶ To have a member of the Redeemed Christian Church of God in every family of all nations.

▶ To accomplish no. 1 above, holiness will be our lifestyle.

▶ To accomplish nos. 2 & 3 above, we will plant churches within five minutes walking distance in every city and town of developing countries and within five minutes driving distance in every city and town of developed countries.

▶ We will pursue these objectives until every nation in the world is reached for Jesus Christ our Lord.

Hebrews 13:8

“Jesus the Same Yesterday, and Today, and Forever”

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