Sunrise Summer 2017

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SUMMER 2017 £2.50 Where Sold

The Magazine of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, United Kingdom



Abba Father

-Pastor E. A. Adeboye

News from RCCG UK Regions













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ISSN NO:2042-6542 EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief: MODUPE AFOLABI Managing Editor: YINKA ODUWOLE Editor: ANDREA ONDUKU Photographer (RCCG Events): KUSH Designed by: IFE SAMUEL Published by: The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Central Office, United Kingdom All Correspondence to: Sunrise Magazine, RCCG Central Office, Redemption House, Station Road, Knebworth, SG3 6AT The views expressed by contributors to sunrise are not necessarily a reflection of the official doctrinal positions of RCCG.The publisher, editors, contributors and related parties are not responsible in any way for the actions or results taken by any person, organisation or parties on the basis of reading information, stories or contributions to be found in this publication.

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Abba FATHER By Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Him’? WHAT IS THE MEANING WHO IS MY DADDY? • Mathew 19:26, says that ‘what is im• Psalm 91:1 calls Him the Most High, the OF ABBA?


verybody can call God Father because that is a general name for Him - it is a general title. Even when Jesus Christ was teaching the disciples to pray, He said, ‘this is how you should pray: Our Father which art in heaven’. Indeed, the first person to utter the word ‘Abba’ was Jesus Himself. In Mark 14:36, He said, Abba Father, all things are possible with You. The word Abba is a name for Father that can only be use by someone very close. When I started calling God, Daddy in 1981, several people challenged me. They said I was being rude to God, they said God is Father, not Daddy! I said, ‘don’t let us quarrel, He is your Father but He is my Daddy’. There is a difference between the two. Are you close enough to God to call Him Daddy? Everyone that is born again is a child of God (1 John:1-3) and you must be close to Him and know who He is. Knowing who your Daddy is can make a lot of difference in your life. Daniel 11:32 says ‘they that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits’. Many of the things I have attempted in the name of my Daddy is because I know who He is; otherwise, it would have been madness to attempt any of them.

Almighty • Genesis 17:1 calls Him Jehovah El-Shaddai, the God who is more than enough, the Almighty. • Exodus 3:13-14 calls Him the I AM THAT I AM.


The Bible says, I am an heir of God, a joint heir with Christ (Romans 8:17) therefore I need to have a rough idea of what I can inherit.

possible with man is possible with God’.

WHAT HAS MY DADDY DONE BEFORE? • Exodus 14:21-28 says, He made a way where there was no way through the Red Sea. • Exodus 17:6 says He brought water out of the rock; my Father can produce something out of nothing.

WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT AS A SON? • Psalm 24:1 says that “the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof” This means that everything that is inside the earth belongs to my Daddy. • Haggai 2:8 says “The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of hosts”. • Psalm 50:10 tells me that the cattle upon a thousand hills belongs to my Daddy. • Psalm 62:11 says, “God has spoken once, twice have I heard it that power belongs to God” (not to witches and wizards). • 1 Chronicles 29:12 says that both riches and honour come from Him. WHAT CAN HE DO? • Luke 1:37 says that with God nothing shall be impossible. • Jeremiah 32:27 says ‘He is the God of all flesh, is there anything too hard for


What can you expect from the One who according to Ecclesiastes 5:8 is higher than the highest? • You can expect promotion. 1 Samuel 2:7-8 says my Father raises up one and pushes down another, He makes poor and makes rich, He makes low and He lifts up. • You can expect unusual promotion. Daniel was a slave, but according to Daniel 6:1-3, he became one of the three highest men in the nation, that is unusual promotion for a slave. • You can expect rapid promotion. According to 1 Samuel 16: 11-13, the Bible says, one night David slept as a shepherd boy and by the following day he was a king, which is rapid promotion.

“ The word

those who are supposed to be His children is in Malachi 3:8-11. God expects you as a son or daughter not to rob Him of His tithes and offering.

Abba is a name for Father that can only be use by someone very close

• You can expect continuous promotion. Imagine you are lifting up a tambourine, the height to which you can lift it is determined by how tall you are. If you want it to go higher, you can go on your tiptoes. However, after some time, your toes may begin to hurt and you will need to go down on your feet; this will mean that the tambourine will come down lower. After some time, your arm will hurt and you will bring it down lower still. When human beings promote you, they will bring you down but when my Daddy promotes you, your promotion will be continuous. The Bible says that His arms are everlasting arms. • You can expect permanent, irreversible promotion. Deuteronomy 28:13 says that you will be above only and not beneath; you will be the head and not the tail. This is permanent promotion. • You can expect victory without a fight. Our Daddy is the Lord of Hosts; He controls all the hosts in heaven, on the earth and underneath the earth (Psalm 24: 7-10). Philippians 2:9-11 says that at the mention of His name, all knees bow. In Daniel 3, we read that Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown into the fiery furnace. They could not fight but they landed in the fire and the only thing that got burnt was the ropes that bound them. • You can expect total security. Our Daddy is the helper of the helpless. He is an ever present help in time of trouble (Psalm 46:1). In Psalm 122:1-2, David said, ‘I will lift up my eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help, my help come from the Lord who made heaven and earth’. You can try to protect yourself when you are awake but can you protect yourself when you are at asleep? Psalm 121:6-7 tells us that we have no danger to worry about whether day or night. Psalm 121:8 says that whether you are going out or you are coming in, He will keep you. Psalm 91:5-10, says you have nothing to fear from danger or even unseen enemies. • You can expect Divine guidance. Isaiah 9:6 says that the name of my Father is not just wonderful but Counsellor. You need His guidance to know what to do; where to go; where to turn; which door to knock and so on. 1 Corinthians 10:23, says that while all things might be lawful, not all things are expedient. Proverbs 14:12 says, ‘there is a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof is the ways of death’. Therefore, you need Divine guidance if you are to go through the rest of life without making mistakes. Isaiah 30:21 says, “Your own

General Overseer

ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, “this is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left”. When He is guiding you, you won’t fall into a trap. • You can expect that wherever you go, He will be there with you. He is I AM THAT I AM - not I was; not I will be; but I AM (Exodus 3:13). When you consider the story of Joseph you will understand. When he was at home God was with him: he was the favourite of his father (Genesis 37:3). When He was Potiphar’s house as a slave, God was with him and he became the managing director (Genesis 39:16). When he was thrown into prison for an offence he did not commit, the Lord was with him there and the Jailer put everything in his charge (Genesis 39:2023). Next, he got a rapid promotion from prisoner to Prime Minister!

• God expects you to boast about Him. In Psalm 119:46 David said, “I will speak of thy testimonies also before kings, and will not be ashamed”. • God expects you to be actively involved in the Family business. He expects you to be building His kingdom along with Him. He expects you to be a Co-Labourer with Him (Zechariah 1:17). • God expects you to make your Father happy (Luke 15:10). Jesus gets up and dances before the angels every time a soul is saved. The Bible says, there is rejoicing before the angels. • He expects you to be holy. 1 Peter 1:15-16 says “But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy”. Don’t disgrace your Father; don’t steal from Him, instead honour Him; be partakers of the family business which is soul winning and building and establishing parishes. Let me assure you, my God is more than sufficient to meet all your needs. Anything you can ask for, His name is Jehovah El-Shaddai, the God who is more than enough.


• God expects you to honour Him. Malachi 1:6 says “A son honoureth his father, and a servant his master: if then I be a father, where is mine honour…”? 1 Samuel 2:30b says, “Them that honour me I will honour, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed”. The Bible says we should honour the Lord with our first fruits (Proverbs 3:9). One of the few places where God got so angry that He pronounced a curse on



Twitter: @PastorEAAdeboye



From the Central Office


7 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. 8 Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle. 9 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. 10 Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah. (Psalm 24:7-10)

If you are born again, the King of glory is your Lord


esus Christ is the King of glory. Yes, many of us know Him as the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Being the King of glory is a somewhat unique matter. Glory connotes splendour, beauty and wonder. Jesus Christ is not just a glorious King; He is the King of glory! What exactly does this mean? Well, one way to look at it is to imagine a luminous brilliance that leaves one awestruck. Jesus Christ, in His exalted state, is the King of all kings who is covered in glory and magnificence.

One ordinary day, while on the earth as the Saviour of humanity, three of His disciples – Peter, James and John – had the rare privilege of watching a spiritual spectacle unfold before their very eyes on a mountain in Israel. As Jesus prayed, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning, we are told in Luke 9:29. As if that was not enough, they also saw two men who had earlier ascended to Heaven – Moses and Elijah – who had Pastor Modupe Afolabi appeared in glorious splendour and is the Editor-in-Chief of Sunrise talked with Jesus. How amazing a and Executive Administrator scene! of RCCG Central Office. Twitter: @MoAfolabi Also, listen to the true and faithful testimony of Apostle John about his vision of Heaven and the glorious countenance of the Lord Jesus Christ. “I turned round to see the


voice that was speaking to me. And when I turned I saw seven golden lampstands, and among the lampstands was someone like a son of man, dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash round his chest. … His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.” (Revelation 1: 12-13, 16b). If you are born again, the King of glory is your Lord. Such a thought is awe-inspiring. He is your Redeemer, Helper, Provider and Defender. He is God in Heaven and on the Earth. All things were made by Him and for Him, and in Him, all things consist together. Why then are you downcast? Why is your soul disturbed within you? Put your hope in God, for you will yet praise Him, your Saviour and God. The King of glory is on your side. Fear not. Lift up your head! The Scripture we began this piece with is easily understood as the inspired account of Jesus Christ’s descent into the depths, to set free all those who had been held bound by Satan. When the King of glory approaches, ancient doors must be opened. When the King of glory is on fighting your battle, victory is assured for you because He is the Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. This season, not only will the King of glory step into your situation, He will recover all recover all your losses and ensure your head is lifted up once again.

Your faithfulness is unending, It does not pass, as the clouds scroll across the sky, It does not evaporate, as the dew upon the earth, Heaven and earth may pass away, But Your Word and Your faithfulness will never fade. You Lord, are too great for us to fully behold, Your beauty Lord, is far too great to ever be told. Your compassions and mercies are new every day, My Precious Lord, I love Your wonderful ways. Lord, may I diminish, that You may increase, The One True God, who’s praise shall never cease. May all my works and lips praise You, When all is done and said, For You are my glory, And the lifter of my head. Poem by: Krystal Hope Boyd



ince our last edition much has happened that has changed the landscape of the United Kingdom, politically, socially and economically. These changes have made many to be afraid of tomorrow. When a suicide bomber can target children and teenagers at a music concert or mow down pedestrians with a vehicle or a tower block can go up in flames within minutes then there is a sense that anything can happen. What should be the Christian’s response to all this? Our reaction must be one of compassion towards those who are suffering and we should do all that we can to show the love of Jesus. Our response however should not be one of fear.

Andrea Onduku Editor

Psalm 3:3 says: “But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head”. The New Living Translation puts it this way: “But you, O LORD, are a shield around me; you are my glory, the one who holds my head high”. He is the One who holds our head high! We cannot cower in fear, instead we must look to Him and He will give us the strength to face any circumstance.


Editorial Notes

It is our duty as Christians to pray for God’s will to be done and for His Kingdom to come. More than ever before, this nation needs us to rise up and pray. We must be proactive in prayer and we must be proactive in preaching the gospel. The hope of the gospel is the hope that this nation needs. 2 Chronicles 7:14 says “Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land”. Therefore, the answer to the problems we are seeing around us is humility, dependence on God, holiness and prayer. We also need to walk in faith. Our prayers must be prayed in faith, our actions must be clothed in faith and our words must speak faith. As always there are many inspiring articles and interviews in this edition of Sunrise that I pray will encourage and inspire you to greatness. As God told Joshua, let us be bold and courageous, let us go out and do exploits and let us bring hope to this nation.


n a bid to foster formidable relationships between the traditional churches and the churches that have been brought into the UK, we recognize that unity is a sign and precursor to revival. We thank God for the deepening bonds of friendship and relationship that continue to develop between the Church of England and the Redeemed Christian Church of God. This partnership has been further enhanced by our participation in an Ecumenical Prayer Initiative of the Church of England, led by the Archbishop of Canterbury – the Most Revd. Justin Welby titled ‘Thy Kingdom Come’. This global wave of prayer movement ran between the 25th of May and the 4th of June 2017. It featured Hundreds of thousands of Christians, from over 85 countries worldwide, committed to praying daily that their friends, families and neighbours, might come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. We were very privileged to have the presence of the Archbishop of Canterbury join us during one of our prayer meetings, and lead us in deep prayer & intercession for the soul of the nation.






e celebrate the grace of God upon our Mother in Israel, Pastor (Mrs) Folu Adeboye, who was recently honoured by the People of the State of Israel, with the Hadassah UK Gift of Life Award for her ongoing “contribution, support and love for Israel and mankind”.








he Holy Ghost Festival of Life (FOL) - a platform for revival - returns to Cardiff, Wales in July 2017, a land filled with exciting Church history, particularly the Welsh Revival of 1904 to 1905. Christian revivals are typically characterised by an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, mass conviction of sin, genuine repentance, churches filled to overflowing, social transformation and national rebirth. The Welsh Revival of 1904 was not any different. Historian of revivals J. Edwin Orr documents not only the extraordinary nature of the spiritual awakening that swept Wales at the beginning of the previous century, but also notes that its dramatic impact went far beyond the immediate theatre of mass conversion to faraway places including the United States, India and Africa. “The movement kept the churches of Wales filled for many years to come, seats being placed in the aisles in Mount Pleasant Baptist Church in Swansea for twenty years or so, for example. Meanwhile, the Awakening swept the rest of Britain, Scandinavia, parts of Europe, North America, the mission fields of India and the Orient, Africa and Latin America”, according to Orr cited in Wikipedia. Every revival enthusiast fervently looks to a return to those glorious days, not only in Wales but across the United Kingdom (UK). Which is why news of the FOL coming once more to Cardiff was received with


great excitement, as the festival has come to provide a platform for interdenominational Christian prayer and worship. Now in its 20th year, FOL is by the grace of God, shaking the spiritual foundations of the United Kingdom, much as it is doing elsewhere in the world. Surely, the vision of the initiator of FOL Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), is coming to fruition. Multitudes are gathering under the influence of the Holy Spirit, worship of the Lord is reaching the Heavens, many are being saved by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, lives are being transformed and society is being regenerated. Nothing would gladden the heart of the General Overseer than to witness a re-enactment of the Welsh Revival, which recorded no fewer than 100,000 people being converted locally, and as the fire spread to England and Scotland, estimates of up to a million people who gave their hearts to the Lord. One unique feature of the Welsh Revival was the prominent place of music and supernatural phenomena in stirring a whole nation to Jesus Christ. Thankfully, the anointed FOL Mass Choir will again lead worshippers into the presence of the Most High God through worship. As we gather, let us lift our hearts to God in prayer, bearing in mind J. Edwin Orr’s persuasion that every great Christian revival was preceded by fervent prayer. By Yinka Oduwole


van John Roberts was a leading figure of the 1904–1905 Welsh Revival. According to Wikpedia, he was ‘born in Loughor, Wales and was the younger of two sons born to Henry and Hannah Roberts. Raised in a Calvinistic Methodist home, he was a devout child who attended church regularly and memorized scripture at night. From the ages of 11 to 23, he worked in the coal mines with his father then as a blacksmith’s apprentice with his uncle. Roberts was widely known as a young man who spent many hours praying each week both personally and at group prayer meetings’. ‘He reported having experienced visitations from the Holy Spirit depicting “all Wales being lifted up to Heaven,” at one time asking his roommate (and later brother-in-law) if he believed that God could then “give us 100,000 souls.” Within a few months of October 1904 this was indeed the case. The numbers of conversions were chronicled daily in the Western Mail, the National newspaper of Wales’. In 1904, Roberts had began studying for the ministry at Newcastle Emlyn. In October of that same year, Roberts began speaking at a series of small meetings which soon attracted thousands of people and Evans began travelling from place to place and

could not continue with his studies. It was reported that there was great repentance and pubs became empty which was just one of the signs of changed lifestyles. Again according to Wikpedia, ‘Despite the success of the Welsh Rugby team in their most successful year so far, Evan became perhaps the most famous man in the world, at the time because of worldwide excitement about his preaching. Prayer meetings gathered huge crowds. Sporting events became less important’. Some years later Evans moved to England and lived in Brighton from 1921. According to Wikpedia, people longed for Roberts to return to Wales, but he became convinced that the work of intercession was vital. He gave himself to prayer and believed that he reached more this way. There are several accounts of how he continued the mission especially on his knees and with his publications that encouraged the missionary growth of the 20th century. William Thomas Stead was an English newspaper editor who was said to be a pioneer of investigative journalism. He attended three meetings held by Evans Roberts, sat beside him on the platform, and had dinner with him. Evans consented to an interview with William. Below is the text of that interview:



WELSH REVIVAL “The movement is not of me,” said Mr. Roberts— “it is of God. I would not dare to try to direct it. Obey the Spirit, that is our word in everything. It is the Spirit alone which is leading us in our meetings and in all that is done.” “YOU DO NOT PREACH, OR TEACH, OR CONTROL THE MEETINGS?” “Why should I teach when the Spirit is teaching? What need have these people to be told that they are sinners? What they need is salvation. Do they not know it? It is not knowledge that they lack, but decision—action. And why should I control the meetings? The meetings control themselves, or rather the Spirit that is in them controls them.”

Revival “YOU FIND THE MINISTRY OF THE SINGING SISTERS USEFUL?” “Most useful. They go with me wherever I go. I never part from them without feeling that something is absent if they are not there. The singing is very important, but not everything. No. The public confession is also important—more so than the speaking. True, I talk to them a little. But the meetings go of themselves.” “DO YOU PROPOSE TO GO TO ENGLAND?” “No. To North Wales next. They say North Wales is stony cold, but I believe the Holy Spirit will work there also. Oh, yes, God will move North Wales also.” “CAN YOU TELL ME HOW YOU BEGAN TO TAKE TO THIS WORK?” “Oh, yes, that I will, if you wish to hear of it. For a long, long time I was much troubled in my soul and my heart by thinking over the failure of Christianity. Oh! it seemed such a failure—such a failure—and I prayed and prayed, but nothing seemed to give me any relief. But one night, after I had been in great distress praying about this, I went to sleep, and at one o’clock in the morning suddenly I was waked up out of my sleep, and I found myself with unspeakable joy and awe in the very presence of the Almighty God. And for the space of four hours I was privileged to speak face to face with Him as a man speaks face to face with a friend. At five o’clock it seemed to me as if I again returned to earth.” “WERE YOU NOT DREAMING?” “No, I was wide awake. And it was not only that morning, but every morning for three or four months. Always I enjoyed four hours of that wonderful communion with God. I cannot describe it. I felt it, and it seemed to change all my nature, and I saw things in a different light, and I knew that God was going to work in the land, and not this land only, but in all the world.” “EXCUSE ME, BUT, AS AN OLD INTERVIEWER, MAY I ASK IF, WHEN THE MYSTIC ECSTASY PASSED, YOU PUT ON PAPER ALL THAT YOU REMEMBERED OF THESE TIMES OF COMMUNION?” “No, I write nothing at all, It went on all the time until I had to go to Newcastle Emlyn to the college to prepare for the ministry. I dreaded to go for fear I should lose these four hours with God every morning. But I had to go, and it happened as I feared. For a whole month He came no more, and I was in darkness. And my heart became as a stone. Even the sight of the Cross

brought no tears to my eyes. So it continued until, to my great joy, He returned to me, and I had again the glorious communion. And He said I must go and speak to my people in my own village. But I did not go. I did not feel as if I could go to speak to my own people.” “MAY I ASK, IF HE OF WHOM YOU SPEAK APPEARED TO YOU AS JESUS CHRIST?” “No, not so; it was the personal God, not as Jesus.” “AS GOD THE FATHER ALMIGHTY?”. “Yes, and the Holy Spirit.”

“DID YOU FIND IT SO?” “I asked the young people to come together, for I wanted to talk to them. They came and I stood up to talk to them,’ and, behold, it was even as I had seen in the church at Newcastle Emlyn. The young people sat as I had seen them sitting all together in rows before me, and I was speaking to them even as it had been shown to me. At first they did not seem inclined to listen; but I went on, and at last the power of the Spirit came down and six came out for Jesus. But I was not satisfied. Oh, Lord,’ I said, ‘give me six more—I must have six more!’ And we prayed together. At last the seventh came, and then the eighth and the ninth together, and after a time the tenth, and then the eleventh, and last of all came the twelfth also. But no more. And they saw that the Lord had given me the second six, and they began to believe in the power of prayer.”

“It was reported that there was great repentance and pubs became empty which was just one of the signs of changed lifestyles.”

“PARDON ME, BUT I INTERRUPTED YOU. PRAY GO ON.” “I did not go to my people, but I was troubled and ill at ease. And one Sunday, as I sat in the chapel, I could not fix my mind upon the service, for always before my eyes I saw, as in a vision, the schoolroom in Lougher, where I live. And there, sitting in rows before me, I saw my old companions and all the young people, and I saw myself addressing them. I shook my head impatiently, and strove to drive away this vision, but it always came back. And I heard a voice in my inward ear as plain as anything saying, ‘Go and speak to these people.’ And for a long time I would not. But the pressure became greater and greater, and I could hear nothing of the sermon. Then at last I could resist no longer, and I said, ‘Well, Lord, if it is Thy will, I will go.’ Then instantly the vision vanished, and the whole chapel became filled with light so dazzling that I could faintly see the minister in the pulpit, and between him and me the glory as of the light of the sun in Heaven.”

“AND THEN YOU WENT HOME?” “No; I went to my tutor and told him all things, and asked him if he believed that it was of God or of the devil? And he said the devil does not put good thoughts into the mind. I must go and obey the heavenly vision. So I went back to Lougher, and I saw my own minister, and him also I told. And he said that I might try and see what


I could do, but that the ground was stony and the task would be hard.”

“THEN AFTER THAT YOU WENT ON?” “First I tried to speak to some other young people in another church, and asked them to come. But the news had gone out, and the old people said, ‘May we not come too?’ And I could not refuse them. So they came, and they kept on coming. Now here, now there all the time, and I have never had time to go back to college.” Not much chance, indeed, at present. Three meetings every day, lasting, with breaks for meals, from 10am-12am, and sometimes later, leave scant leisure for studying elsewhere than in the hearts and souls of men. If only his body will hold out and his nervous system not give way, he will have time to study hereafter. At present he has other work in hand.




n the land swept by a dramatic and extraordinary Christian spiritual awakening at the beginning of the last century, an interesting but understated spectacle is presently being staged. The year is 2017 and the theatre is the National Assembly for Wales, the devolved legislative chamber for the Welsh devolved administration. The unlikely protagonists of this minimalist drama are two 15-year-old schoolgirls - Rhiannon Shipton and Lily McAllister-Sutton. In a move that must surely have caught an unsuspecting national audience by surprise, the two Year 10 students, in May 2017, put forward a petition to Welsh lawmakers, asking the lawmakers to remove the obligation on schools to hold acts of religious worship. Petition P-05-757 made the following prayer: “We call on the National Assembly for Wales to urge the Welsh Government to pass a law that removes the obligation on schools to hold acts of religious worship.” It continued: “We are both Year 10 students at Ysgol Glantaf in Cardiff, and neither of us believe in God. As time went on, we became increasingly annoyed at being expected to say the Lord’s Prayer in the regular school assemblies. It didn’t seem right that we were expected to pray, and to say the words of the prayer, even though we are not Christian.” As their petition explains, the two teenagers took their concerns to the father of one of them, who explained that “the school was forced by law to hold religious assemblies and that there had to be acts of worship, which included praying.” He advised the youngsters to approach the National Assembly which has power to change the law and also organise an online petition to be submitted to the lawmakers. Rhiannon and Lily further make clear that their petition “is not an attack on any religion”, clarifying that whilst they are not opposed to teaching religion in schools, “learning about religion is different to being forced to pray or take part in an “act of worship”.” “Religious worship has nothing to do with education, and we think schools should no longer be forced to organise it. People can pray at home, if they want to, or in church. We believe that acts of religious worship in state schools like ours go against the idea of a secular education”, stated the petitioners.


Their remedy? A scrapping of the law as it stands, or in the alternative, young people should have the right to withdraw from “the religious worship part of assemblies”, thereby removing the current legal requirement for parental consent before children can be withdrawn. “It would also be possible to have a system where prayers, for those who want to say them, could take place either at the very beginning or the very end of assemblies, so those who wanted to opt out could do so without missing the rest. But we don’t think the current guidelines should continue”, the petitioners added. The legal basis of the petitioners’ claim, based on advice by an academic at Bangor University, Wales,

is that “forcing us to say a prayer against our will is a violation of our right to freedom of belief under Article 9 of the Human Rights Act 1998.” A counter-petition submitted by 13-year-old Cardiff student Iraj Irfan, however, contested the prayers of Rhiannon and Lily, asking the Welsh Assembly instead to keep the current guidelines for religious assemblies. Petition P-05-765 called on the National Assembly for Wales “to urge the Welsh Government to keep religious assemblies in state schools in Wales as ‘opt-out’ and ‘wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character’, while considering ways to ensure that they continue to be relevant to people of different faiths and no faith.”

Think on These Things Both petitions have now closed for signature collection. While Rhiannon and Lily’s petition garnered 1,333 signatures, Iraj’s alternative received 2,231 signatures. Both petitions are now under consideration. Support for the petition to stop daily prayers in schools has come from Humanists UK, previously known as the British Humanist Association, to whom the petitioners had turned for backing after they launched their online petition. In its May 2017 email newsletter, Humanists UK and its Welsh chapter – Wales Humanists – welcomed news that “a committee of Welsh Assembly Members had agreed to ask the Welsh Government to consider whether the collective worship requirement placed on schools breaches human right law.” Rhiannon and Lily reportedly received the information with delight. Iraj’s petition has also received encouragement from the President of the Free Church Council of Wales Rheinallt Thomas who is reported in SecEd’s online magazine to have taken the view that many Welsh people cherish the country’s “Christian tradition” and want it passed on to the next generation. In an online report by BBC News, a Church in Wales spokeswoman is also quoted justifying the rationale for collective worship in schools: “The law that requires a daily act of worship in schools is not a mandate to compel

pupils to recite the Lord’s Prayer, and be so inspired that they turn up at church the following Sunday. Rather, it is an invitation to experience what faith and commitment means, in a broadly Christian way, whilst understanding and appreciating other faith perspectives.” She reportedly added: “Often young people are put off collective worship in schools because it is not done particularly well. Collective worship should be a richly rewarding spiritual experience that is creative, interactive and informative.” Without doubt, these are in- idealised severance between sightful and discerning views. Church and State is nothing but a myth. If in doubt, go Chairman of the Welsh As- over the Coronation Oath for sembly Petitions Committee Kings and Queens in the UnitDavid Rowlands is quoted as ed Kingdom (UK) once more. saying that, following the ini- The UK’s culture, politics and tial response of Welsh Educa- mainstream norms expressed tion Secretary Kirsty Williams via the public education systhat rules relating to collec- tem, the courts, the business tive worship in schools were of Government and Parliain accordance with existing ment, and in society at large law, the committee will “write is necessarily influenced by to the Cabinet Secretary for the historical religious expeEducation to ask whether the riences and traditions of the Welsh Government will con- country. Let prayer continue sider reviewing the current in state schools. law and guidelines surrounding collective worship and if any consideration has been given to the compatibility of the current requirements with human right law as the first question.”

“Learning about religion is different to being forced to pray or take part in an act of worship”

What a fascinating legal drama being enacted before our very eyes in Wales, largely away from the attention of the public elsewhere! To pray or not to pray in public schools? As a Christian, my view is, of course, influenced Dr Yinka Oduwole by the belief that public is the Managing Editor of prayer or collective worship, Sunrise and Pastor of is vital to the wholesome ex- The Risen Christ, Knebworth. pression of our faith. There reTwitter: @YinkaOduwole ally is no such thing as an absolute separation of private or public acts of worship. The



Pastor Agu Irukwu

Chairman, Board of Trustees & Executive Council RCCG UK at a meeting with all pastors from RCCG Region 1 at Jesus House, London in June 2017


News from the Regions



RCCG RE Pastor Andrew Adeleke


Regional Pastor (Region 2)

reated as a region in early 2016, the region presently boasts 2prvinces, 2 Zones and 10 areas in all, covering a mixture of areas in the United Kingdom. (See the map of the region). Our word: Deuteronomy 1:8 “See I have set the land before you, go in and possess it” Since inception, the region has been growing from Grace to Grace and from Glory to Glory. OUR Plan & Strategy Develop: To provide the necessary tools and resources to build, equip and commission those who take on and partner with this mandate and their team (i.e. our pastors and partner organisations) into a functioning and running unit that is effectively impacting the local community and their city Multiply: Touching and changing the lives of the citizens of our cities, one by one and making disciples of them, ulti-

mately turning them into disciple makers as well. Lead: We may not be leaders in technology but we aim to raise men, women, young ones and youths that are recognized as innovative, change and impacting leaders in their chosen spheres of life, whether professional, career, vocational or even in the ministry Restore: Acting as the extension of God’s Hand to make His glory known and seen in the city by being the hands that heal, hearts that genuinely care and lives that bring hope to all we come in contact with. Learn: Through the different conferences, crusades, resources, programmes and event, projects and initiatives we would run and deliver, we would be creating an avenue for all to get empowered with the necessary knowledge they need to become the City Changer that God requires them to be. In furtherance of the above: In May 2016, the Regional Pastor,


Pastor Andrew Adeleke, organised a Pastors & Spouses Breakfast meeting, with the theme “City Changers”. This meeting was a call to action to encourage all Pastors to redouble their efforts to fulfil the mandate of the Redeemed Christian Church of God and the Great Commission. Pastors left with renewed zeal for the work. In September 2016, the Wales Good Women Retreat was held from the 15th to the 17th of September, themed: “Leading in His Fullness” . The retreat was very well attended, and all who came testified that they left encouraged to take on the ministry with new zeal, relying on the Holy Spirit and not on self. In March 24th – 25th 2017, a Regional conference themed “Restoring Power to the Church” saw Pastors, Spouses and al workers in the region coming together, to again renew the fire to go into their communities and be the hand feet , ears and eyes of the Lord Jesus Christ , and receive the knowledge needed so that each one could be empowered to fulfil their call in their different locations.

News from the Regions

EGION 2 10th of June 2017 was the date for the inaugural meeting of the Region 2 Wales called by his/her side (CBHHS) conference, hosted by our regional mother, Pastor Olayemi Adeleke. The conference is for spouses of pastors, both male and female. It was wonderful to see at least four spouses of female pastors in attendance. The programme was relaxing, informative, and encouraging all at once. It was a wonderful time out. Theme “Help, I married a Pastor”

pointed. She is Pastor Mrs Morola Hayden. She presently works on a voluntary basis, and is in the regional office one or two days a week. She however works remotely on all other days, and can be contacted on her mobile number at any time. God is doing a new thing in Region 2 Wales, and we are delighted to be a part of His plan for revival in Wales again. To God be the Glory. Pastor Morola Hayden

Also on the 10th of June, the regional “Momentum Workers rally” was held, in preparation for the Wales Festival of Life billed for the 21st of July. There were about 500 workers in attendance from across the region. It was glorious and ground breaking. Theme: “Mission Possible”.

Region 2 Administrator

REGION 2 OFFICE RCCG House of Praise, Cardiff 265-273 penarth Road Cardiff CF11 8TT Wales

The regional office based in RCCG House of Praise Cardiff, at 265-273 Penarth Road Cardiff, CF11 8TT, is now open and in operation. A regional administrator has been ap-

(Beside Grange Town Station, opposite Halfords) Tel: (+44) 292 066 8955 Email:


RCCG Pastor Kola Bamigbade Regional Pastor (Region 3)


News from the Regions


Sis Bimbo Ajeneye Region 3 Administrator

At the All Scotland Holy Ghost Night in June 2017 at Glasgow

REGION 3 OFFICE Suite 44 Geddes House Kirkton North Livingston EH54 6GU Scotland Tel: (+44) 150 641 2700 Email:




Pastor Bioye Segun

Regional Pastor (Region 4)

n September 2016, the GWF Women in Ministry Retreat was organised and hosted by our Regional Mother, Pastor Biodun Segun from Friday 23rd- to Sunday 23rd in Leeds themed: “In His Fullness”. The retreat was attended by Heads of Departments and the wives of Heads of Departments as well as Female Ministers, Minister’s Wives, Female Pastors and Pastors Wives. It was very well attended and the ladies enjoyed a variety of activities such as Seminars, Breakout sessions, Discussion Forums, Prayer walk and relaxation time. On Saturday 18th of March Pastor’s spouses came together for Called by His/Her Side (CBHS), an event organised and led by our Regional mother, Pastor Biodun Segun. Pastor’s Spouses were encouraged that they have been called to significance and need to engage in personal development. In May, over two weeks, Minister’s and Worker’s Training was held across the two zones within the Region. The theme was Ministry Growth and Impact. Various topics were discussed including Developing the Leader in You, Why do Leaders Fail, Doctrines of the Church and how to support

your church. In June the Region held their first GWF Region 4 conference. Uniquely it was held in 3 locations across the Region in Leeds, Belfast and London. The theme was The King’s Mandate. Topics covered included Kingdom Mandate, Kingdom Mindset, Kingdom Treasurers, Kingdom Millenials, First Love, Your Health, your wealth, No more excuses and Utilizing the time. Those who attended commented on the fact that the conference had caused a shift in their perspective and lives. Also in June a delegation of Pastors from various cities in England flew to Northern Ireland for a weekend Mission Trip. Upon arrival on Friday evening, Pastors gathered to pray for N.Ireland. On Saturday, the Pastors met with the Regional Pastor to strategise on the way to expand the church in N.Ireland. Subsequently, the Pastors divided into two teams and each team visited two cities to prayer walk and evangelize. This meant that four different cities were visited. The pastors also visited new church plants to pray with the Pastors and evangelize in those areas. They also prayed in a venue where a church is due to be planted later in


July. On Sunday the Pastors visited the various churches to encourage the members before returning back to England on Sunday evening.

News from the Regions


Bro Soji Oluwole

Region 4 Administrator

REGION 4 OFFICE c/o Majesty Court of Praise, Alperton 451 Sunleigh Road Alperton HA0 4NF Tel: (+44) 208 903 0028 Mobile: (+44) 795 879 4349 Email: 27

Happy Fathers’ Day





asting is a practice found throughout Scripture from the Old Testament to the New Testament. Biblical fasting must be done with an attitude of seriousness and sincerity. When we fast, we willingly deprive the body of nourishment and the pleasurable taste of food. The body requires food for sustenance; therefore our hearts and minds must be totally focused and directed towards God so that He may be the full source of our strength during our period of fasting. Fasting must also be done in an attitude of humility.

Fasting had its place clearly in the life of the early churches. Fasting as a biblical practice was not confined to men and noble characters, for we also find the names of Hannah in the Old Testament and Anna in the New Testament in the ranks of the intercessors who fasted as well as prayed. Biblically, fasting is more effective when accompanied with prayers.

Biblical fasting is usually a willing abstinence or reduction from some or all food, drink, or both, for a set time for the purpose of devoting oneself to seeking God. There is the normal fast, the absolute fast and the partial fast. Knowing that eating is a normal part of human existence, abstaining from eating seems to imply a disruption in the very rhythm of life. An absolute fast (dry fasting) is normally referred to as abstinence from all food and liquid for a defined period. Acts 9:9 states that for three days Saul (Paul) neither ate nor drank.

The Holy Scriptures in Isaiah 58:6 says that “Is this not the fast that I have chosen ….” In outlining what constitutes a true fast, Isaiah the prophet identified such things as a life that honours God; an unselfish life; loving people; refraining from speaking vanity; having compassion on the hungry; keeping the Sabbath holy and speaking God’s word in all circumstances (Isaiah 58:5-8). Biblical fasting brings us into a closer union with God. It is a spiritual certainty that while our bodies are being deprived for the purpose of drawing near to God, He has promised in return to draw near to us. As we decrease, the Spirit increases. As individuals we are strengthened and renewed. 2 Corinthians 4:16 states that “...Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day”.

In his intriguing book on the subject of fasting, The God’s Chosen Fast: A Spiritual and Practical Guide to Fasting, Arthur Wallis (1968), brings to the fore the immense value and blessing of fasting. Among the great characters acknowledged in the Bible who fasted were Moses the lawgiver, David the king, Elijah the prophet, Esther the queen, Daniel the seer, and Jonah the ‘evangelist’. In the New Testament we have examples of our Lord as well as His apostles.

Furthermore, The psalmist declares in Psalm 35:13 that “But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth; I humbled myself with fasting; and my prayer would return to my own heart.” Therefore, the Bible presents fasting as something that is good, profitable, and beneficial. David devoted to fasting and prayer for mercy, healing and restoration. Also, David after Nathan the prophet came unto him following his encounter with Bathsheba fast-


ed (2 Samuel 12). A notable prayer of David is seen in Psalm 51:10-12, saying “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me by Your generous spirit.” David was basically asking for forgiveness and cleansing and a restoration of spiritual fervency or joy. It is also necessary to declare a fast when you perceive danger. For instance, Esther called for a fast to save the Jews in Esther 4:16. This was also the case for Paul and Daniel. Biblical fasting is a spiritual discipline which was encouraged by Jesus, Himself, while He was on earth. The Lord Jesus Christ expected His followers to fast. In fact, He gave specific instructions for how to fast. In Matthew 9:15, He said “The time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; then they will fast.” Jesus was indicating that fasting would become a necessity when, the bridegroom (Jesus) was taken away. In Matthew 6:16-18, it is stated that “when you fast, do not be like the hypocrites, with a sad countenance. For they disfigure their faces that they may appear to men to be fasting. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, 18 so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.” Jesus was teaching that after His departure, the entire dynamic would change and the desciples would need a different type of preparation and provision. Fasting

was to be a vital part of this new preparation.


Fasting is not a way to appear more spiritual than others. Fasting is to be done in a spirit of humility and a joyful attitude (Matthew 6:16-18). It enables the believer to turn from materialism, and sharpen his/her appetite for God. Fasting will help you nourish your spiritual life and satisfy your longings. After Jesus’ fast, the devil left Him and “angels came and attended to him” (Matthew 4:11). Luke 4:14 concludes the account of this testing time by saying, “Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit.” He had conquered temptation and was ready to embrace the purpose for which the Father had sent Him. He would not rely on His humanity to perform miracles, deliver the oppressed, or defeat death. Therefore, fasting is required for critical spiritual assignments. Fasting was a way to declare mastery over His human nature so that He would live every moment directed by the “power of the Spirit” (Luke 10:21). If the Son of God did not rely on His flesh to live in obedience to God, then we can’t either. He set the example for us who “are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit” (Romans 8:9).

Interestingly, fasting and prayer are often linked together (Luke 2:37; 5:33). Fasting provides a lot of spiritual energy and vigour. The purpose of fasting should be to focus completely on God and to see things in the eyes of God. The Bible says the just shall walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). Fasting is a way to demonstrate to God, and to ourselves, that we are serious about our relationship with Him. Fasting helps us gain a new perspective and a renewed reliance upon God.

“Paul and Barnabas appointed elders for them in each church and, with prayer and fasting, committed them to the Lord, in whom they had put their trust.” Therefore, fasting is necessary when you want to make critical decisions in ministry and other life choices. Corporately, for God’s perfect will and His whole plan to be accomplished for the life of the church, fasting and prayer are key. Also, when more power is desired and called for, fasting is required. For instance, in Mark 9:29, Jesus replied concerning a case of deliverance saying “This kind can come out only by prayer and fasting.” So, for more of God’s power, to be made manifest in a believers spiritual life, its expedient to engage in fasting and prayers. Carriers of God’s power are candidates of amazing testimonies of signs, miracles and wonders (Mark 16:17; Acts 10:38). In fact, Psalm 138:8 says: “The LORD will fulfil his purpose for me; your love, O LORD, endures forever--do not abandon the works of your hands.” Therefore, let this be your prayer, “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).

The book of Acts records believers fasting before they made important decisions (Acts 13:2; and 14:23). In these instances, the church fasted in order to hear from God. Acts 13:2-3 states “While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” After they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off.” In the case of Acts 14:23, the church fasted on behalf of their leaders and those in service.

Dr. Akpo Onduku Pastor, Chapel of Grace, Bradford Twitter: @AkpoOnduku




he theology and principles of Spiritual Warfare are predicated on the truth that there is a realm, unseen to us, but nonetheless alive and real. As a truth, that realm is the REAL realm, more real than what we mere mortals call reality. We also understand, according to the Holy Bible, that this unseen but real realm, actually determines what happens in our own realm. The Bible told us in the Book of Job, Chapter Two, how a conversation took place between the LORD and Satan. As a reminder, the LORD and Satan are spiritual Entities, and this conversation took place in the realm of spirits. During this conversation, the LORD gave Satan the permission to afflict Job with whatsoever ailment he wanted, but Job’s life could not be taken. So in the seventh verse of this chapter, we read: “So Satan went out from the presence of the LORD, and struck Job with painful boils from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head.” Conclusion: permission was given in the spiritual realm for Job to be afflicted and the result was that Job became afflicted in his (physical) body. Another way of looking at this is to say that, if someone would die or get sick today, an event must have taken place in the spiritual realm before that person would die or get


sick. As in the story of Job above, everything that took place in the life of Job afterwards did so, because Satan and his angels or demons (all spiritual beings) had gone into operation. You will recall that in verse nine of Job Chapter two, the Bible says, “Then his wife said to him, “Do you still hold fast to your integrity? Curse God and die!” Friends, if you do not critically understand what is going on here, you would think that Job’s wife was the problem here and she should be labelled as Job’s enemy. Anyone that does this will be wrong in doing so. The truth is that Satan is the arch-enemy of all God’s people. He and his demons are the ones working behind the scene all the time. Please, take a look at this scripture from the Gospel according to Saint Luke, chapter twenty-two verses three and four: “Then Satan entered Judas, surnamed Iscariot, who was numbered among the twelve. So he went his way and conferred with the chief priests and captains, how he might betray Him to them.” Again, we see here that it was after Satan had entered Judas that he went ahead to plot the betrayal of Jesus. After the betrayal had been done, Satan left him alone, and Judas became very sorrowful and guilty. He suddenly realised that he had done something horribly bad. In the Book of Matthew Chapter twenty-seven and verse four, he said, “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.” So Satan influenced someone who used to be a trusted friend, and turned him into a traitor.

Prayer Now, the point I am making is this: our so-called human enemies are NOT the true enemy. The real enemies are Satan and his demons. They only use human beings as their agents. In the Sermon on the Mount, which many Theologians believe that Christ used to introduce the Christian Faith to His Jewish audience, a new approach to the term “Enemy” was requested from believers. In the Book of Matthew Chapter Five, verse forty-three to forty-five, our Master Jesus Christ said, “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven…” Christ Himself told us never to seek the evil of our enemies. He even asked us to PRAY for them! Did you read that? He asked us to do good to them, because in doing so, we would be acting like our Heavenly Father, Who “sends rain on the just and on the unjust.” Of course, Christ is not talking about spiritual enemies (Satan and his demons) here. He is talking about those “human enemies” that are causing us pain and are persecuting us every day. These enemies are the likes of our difficult bosses, abusive spouses, backbiting friends, uncooperative colleagues and others, who are bent on making our lives miserable to the point of death sometimes. I believe the above forms the foundation of the teaching of Apostle Paul on the subject of Spiritual Warfare. He wrote in his letter to the Ephesian Christians, in Chapter Six and verse twelve: “We are not fighting against humans. We are fighting against forces and authorities and against rulers of darkness and powers in the spiritual world.” (CEV). The Expanded Bible Translation of the same passage puts it this way: “[For] Our fight [conflict; struggle] is not against people on earth [flesh and blood] but against the rulers and authorities and the powers [or cosmic powers/rulers] of this world’s darkness [darkness], against the spiritual powers of evil in the heavenly world [realm; places]. Dear Christian Believer, the REAL enemies that we are dealing with are not physical human beings that we see and interact with in our physical realm. In Spiritual Warfare, the Christian Believer and Soldier has been called into serious conflict with unseen spiritual entities. No wonder that even the weapons that we are asked to arm ourselves with are not physical. They are not weapons that you can see with your naked eyes nor touch with your bare hands. These weapons are unseen. They are spiritual, and they are deployed with spiritual tactics. Apostle Paul mentioned this in his second letter to the believers in Corinth, Chapter ten verses three and four: “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (or physical) but mighty in God…” (NKJ). Another Translations says, “We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do. We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons” (NLT).

Dear fellow member of the Church of Jesus Christ, if we veer away from what the scriptures say, we are in serious trouble. The Bible is clear that our enemy is Satan yet some have a mind-set that their enemies are human beings who they “feel” are responsible for the attack over their lives. They see the enemy in their Bosses, In-laws, Exes, Grandparents and other relatives who are bent on making their lives miserable. However, this kind of mind-set has no basis in the scriptures especially in the teachings of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. We must understand the truth that there are unseen forces working behind the scenes, and these are the real enemies that we have been called to wage our warfare against. As for the Human agents that the devil and his demons are using, Christ wants us to pray for them, bless them and do good to them.

Christ Himself told us never to seek the evil of our enemies.

So, dear Christian when you are led to pray for the destruction of your enemies, never direct those prayers to your human enemies. If you do, be aware that you are disobeying one of the most serious commandments of our Master, Jesus Christ. Do you remember that when the soldiers came to arrest Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane and one of the Apostles cut the ear of one of the soldiers, Jesus Christ actually rebuked that Apostle? In a way, He seemed to be saying that these soldiers are not the problem here but the spirits that were working behind the scene. Let’s address the real enemy which is Satan and his demons. The truth that you know will set you free.

Scriptures for meditation and prayer: “Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.” – (Romans 12:19). “For we know Him who said, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. And again, “The LORD will judge His people.” – (Hebrews 10:30). Akinola Soroye Pastor, RCCG Victory Centre, London 33

NEW COURSE DATES FOR THE SCHOOL OF PRAYER 2nd September 2017 7th October 2017 4th November 2017 2nd December 2017 6th January 2018 3rd February 2017

VENUES: Old Kent Road (RCCG Winners Temple) Enfield (RCCG Revival Christian Church) North London (Jesus House, Brent Cross) Kent (RCCG Stillwater’s Colchester) Chatham (RCCG Victorious Family Parish) Brighton (RCCG Kingdom Life Assembly) Cardiff (RCCG Garden of the Lord) Aberdeen (RCCG Fountain of Love) Glasgow Edinburg Dundee Bournemouth (RCCG New Beginning Chapel) Birmingham (RCCG 34 Covenant Restoration Assembly)




In what was a most pleasant surprise for many of the parishioners at RCCG Jesus House in London, Prime Minister Theresa May attended the main Sunday Worship Service on 28th May 2017. The Premier, a Vicar’s daughter who still regularly attends church, was delighted at the opportunity to worship God along with the congregation. On her Twitter account after the visit, she described Jesus House as “one of the most lively growing churches in the UK.”




LEARNING “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.� - Alvin Toffler


he quote above is one of my favourite quotes and has really motivated me for the past few years. As we know quality education is fundamental to the modern day development. It is therefore important that parents do everything possible to support their children towards attaining within, or above, their ability. Every child should have the drive towards pursuing the basic education standard. This includes at least an A level standard. It is true that not everyone will have the drive to go on to attain higher education but the truth is that basic education might end up being too basic. We are getting to the generation when attaining higher education might no more be a luxury but a necessity.


Education According to UCAS’ End of Cycle Report, a total of 532,300 people entered UK higher education in 2015, an underlying increase of 3.1% (16,100) on previous year and the highest number recorded. The rate at which young people are flooding into the universities is alarming and should be an impetus for parents to encourage their wards to seek quality and relevant education so as not be left behind in this informative and knowledgeable age. It is imperative to state that education creates an excellent platform for viable and lasting opportunities. Of course, there may be few exceptions to the rule. Young people and parents have sometimes argued that there are billionaires around the world that have never had higher education. While this may not be contestable, what is the percentage? How did they arrive there? Those are isolated cases. As reported Times Higher Education, there are examples of people who have made their millions without ever attending university, but research into the wealthiest people in the world has found that the majority hold at least a bachelor’s degree. In 2014, the census carried out by Wealth-X and UBS Billionaire showed that just 35 per cent of the world’s billionaires have no higher education qualification. Of those that do, 21 per cent have gone on to get an MBA, and 11 per cent hold a PhD. Young people should be encouraged by their parents to desire to work beyond their ability. While it is great to work within one’s ability, it is very possible to go the extra mile. In this age, the top is a place reserved for those who can push a little bit further than the rest. For emphasis sake, higher education allows the individuals to be more useful to the society and themselves. A research paper by the department of Business Innovation and Skills 146 (2013) indicated that, individuals with higher education are more likely to receive higher earnings, less exposure to

unemployment, increased employability and increased entrepreneurial activity and productivity compared to their counterparts with non-degrees. The document further stated that society benefits from individuals with higher education through increased tax revenues, faster economic growth, greater innovation and labour market flexibility, increased productivity and reduced burden on public finances.

were freely willing,” It is possible to exceed one’s ability in giving. That could be done by going beyond one’s natural ability to achieve a goal. Even though working in one’s ability is generally acceptable in a learning environment, this may not be enough. As a matter of fact, this informative and knowledgeable era requires more. Based on many observations, the present best does not necessarily translate to be the future best. Consequently, best, in this age, is a relative variable based on the condition and environment. The present definition of “best” requires more than working within one’s ability to be unsurpassable. And for the children of God, Grace is that ultimate factor needed to demonstrate a universal best.


In this 21st century, the definition of basic education will definitely be different to the previous century. Greater social cohesion, trust and tolerance, less crime, political stability, greater social mobility, and greater social capital are part of the non-market benefits of higher education to individuals and society at large. It is likely that those who are well educated will be less likely to demonstrate insecurity in their community and field of endeavour. It is also possible that based on their scope of exposure and interaction, their level of tolerance will likely be higher than those without higher education to a bachelor degree or equivalent. In the last century, the developmental pace experienced through the advent of information technologies was not available. Beyond being able to read or write, society or institutional relevance was measured based on the quality of education attained. In this century, basic education should be the minimum of a first degree or its equivalent.

REFERENCES news/top-20-universities-for-producing-billionaires/2017097.article system/uploads/attachment_data/file/254101/ bis-13-1268-benefits-of-higher-education-participation-the-quadrants.pdf

Kunle Adekola PhD. Nanoscientist. RCCG Pastor. Teacher. Trainer. Mentor. Inspirational Speaker. Talent Coach. CEO Understanding Time. Twitter: @DrKunleAdekola1

2 Corinthians 8:3 says “For I bear witness that according to their ability, yes, and beyond their ability, they


The P Movem

Raising Young Ch How do we train, inspire and resource young people to live missionally? What does discipleship look like in the local Church?


ais began in 1992 as a ministry to help bridge the gap between schools and the local Church. Impassioned and commissioned by a group of local Church leaders in Manchester, Paul Gibbs sought to recruit and train a group of youth workers to create the first ‘Pais’ team. Pais is a Biblical word meaning ‘child servant,’ young people serving God by serving the Church as well as other young people. The first team impacted 10,000 young people in 17 high schools across the city but then someone on that first team enquired about planting the idea in East Manchester. In 1993 Pais branched out and created its second team in the UK. Now in 2017 Pais has teams in 13 nations on six continents. These teams are either focused on youth and schools ministry, missional business, or student ministry and Church planting.


Pais ment UK:

hristian Leaders Pais in the UK is committed to serving the local Church and exists to train young leaders in mission and ministry, raising up the next wave of leaders. To do this, we offer multiple resources including a free apprenticeship for 18-30 year olds in youth and schools ministry, individual masterclasses on Mission, Discipleship or Bible Study and Adopt the Mission, a program to help your leaders receive training and support in various streams of ministry. In the past year we have seen 1,040 young people say ‘yes’ to Jesus, taken over 1,000 young people on mission experiences in their community and have impacted over 36,000 young people in schools in the UK. We would love for you and your church to benefit from Pais. Please visit our website at where you can find out how to join our apprenticeship, get involved with Adopt the Mission or attend a masterclass as well as sign-up for our regular newsletter and invest in what God is doing through us. For more information about the Pais Movement in the UK, email: Pete Baker National Director, Pais UK 41

Dr Ola Orekunrin


Next time you are faced with a problem, be the solution



High Achiever




The story of West Africa’s First Air Ambulance

hen you see a problem, what do you do? Do you run away from it? Do you complain about it to anyone who will listen? Do you do something about it? Perhaps you’ve seen a problem that exists in the world, you want to do something about it but circumstances, resources or fear are limiting you? Dr Ola Orekunrin was such a person, she saw a problem but she didn’t just ignore it, complain about it or allow limitations to stop her, rather she tackled it straight on. Dr. Orekunrin was born and raised in England, by Caucasian foster parents. She passed her A-Levels and started her degree at the University of York at age 15 and wrote her final medical examinations at 21, thus emerging the youngest medical doctor in England. After graduation, she worked for ten years with the National Health Service, United Kingdom. Everything was going well, she had a good job and had political aspirations for the position of the president of the British Medical Association and a minister for the conservative party.

and out of hospitals but eventually died for lack of the availability of air ambulance. This prompted a massive life change for Dr. Orekunrin. She gave up her job and all her aspirations in the UK and relocated to Nigeria with the goal of setting up West Africa’s first Air Ambulance which later became known as ‘The Flying Doctors’. She had a fascination for helicopters and she became a helicopter pilot with specialised training in aviation medicine, trauma medicine, motor accident kinematics and pre-hospital medicine and so she felt that she had the skills and experience to make it work. It was not plain sailing however, her idea was rejected many times and she was even robbed of what little funds she had managed to raise. She persevered and eventually was able to raise the funds and get the

project off the ground literally. The flying doctors eventually started in 2013 and provides critical care transportation to both the private and public sector high standards of medical practice supported by the East Anglian Air Ambulance in the UK. In June 2015, Forbes Africa put her on their list of 30 of the most promising young African entrepreneurs under the age of 30. Her story buttresses the point that God has created us to be problem solvers and has given us the wisdom and skills to do so. Age should not be a barrier nor should any other limitation. Next time you are faced with a problem, be the solution. God has shown you that problem so that you can solve it! You have that passion because He has chosen you to go and do exploits! Go and shine!

Then something happened that changed everything. Her younger sister died of sickle cell anaemia while on holiday to visit relatives in Nigeria. She had always been in




or a young person, the majority if not all relationships apart from family are by choice. You can choose those you want to be friends with. Even at School, College and Uni, you can mostly choose who you spend most of your time with and who you do group activities with. However, in the workplace, you cannot choose who your work colleagues are. The workplace may be the first exposure you will have of dealing with all kinds of personalities day after day. What happens if you manage to secure your dream job after graduating but it becomes a nightmare because you lack the skills needed to deal with difficult colleagues? Your work hours could become intolerable and you may even lose your job. My suggestion is that as a young person, you should do some volunteering in your community and also do voluntary work experience. This way you will be contributing to the well-being of your community and at the same time learning skills. You will have a chance to observe how colleagues communicate with one another and work as a team. You can volunteer with your local church, community organisation or local charity. You could also contact employers in your field of interest and ask if they could offer you some work experience. You will usually be able to ‘shadow’ a member of staff and see how the job is done while helping with some tasks yourself. What can often happen is that two people graduate with the same degree

WHY with the same classification, even from the same university but one gets a job while another doesn’t. What makes the difference? Employers often ask for experience as well as qualifications. They know that someone who has had exposure in the workplace will have developed some of the skills necessary to be a helpful and useful employee. This can be frustrating for students because they feel they have done the right thing by focusing on their studies. Increasingly during interviews, employers will ask you to respond to a variety of possible scenarios that could occur in the workplace. Employers want you to know more than the theory you learnt at College or University, they want to know that you can practically apply that knowledge. Unless it’s an internship or Graduate program, they don’t want to pay you to learn on the job, they want to pay you to do the job. Volunteering will mean you are more equipped to do this.


es are, they’ll be willing since you’ve taken the time to volunteer. Contacts are useful - you never know when you might need them. You may even become so skilled at what you volunteer for, that someone might be willing to pay you to do it; you might even get opportunities to travel, apply to jobs you couldn’t before, and meet some amazing people along the way. The possibilities are endless.

“Employers often ask for experience Attitude is very As as well as important. you approach loorganisations qualifications” cal and employers

I am not suggesting that you take on lots of hours that would affect your studies but spending some time volunteering would definitely boost your CV and your confidence. Volunteering is also a powerful networking tool. Through volunteering, you are taking a step forward and opening yourself up to people who are on the lookout for candidates for jobs or other opportunities. These people will be very useful to know when you have finished your studies. You’ll meet people who can help you in the future and, chanc-


be humble, be a problem solver and be willing to learn. Don’t volunteer just for what you can get out of it in the end. Volunteer because it is good to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the community and in the world. Remember that everywhere you go, you should act as an ambassador of Jesus. Acts 20:35 says: “And I have been a constant example of how you can help those in need by working hard. You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ Colossians 3:23 says “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people”. Happy Volunteering!

By Andrea Onduku



he fire at Grenfell Tower in North Kensington, London, started in the early hours of the morning on the 14th of June 2017. Tragically many lives were lost in the incident, with survivors displaced from their homes. On the day of the blaze, The Redeemed Christian Church of God joined other churches located near the incident and community volunteers to help the victims. RCCG donated numerous items including groceries and toiletries. Our Grenfell Tower Response Team also volunteered at one of the nearby drop-off points at Tabernacle Christian Centre on Latimer Road. The following four days witnessed more RCCG workers volunteering through counselling of victims, sorting through and distributing donated items and encouraging families who had lost their homes and belongings. The church also donated food to hundreds of volunteers on a daily basis.


Tim Farron

HAVING FAITH IN POLITICS: The Resignation of Tim Farron

A politician predicted at the time to have great prospects not only for his party but for the polity, Tim Farron’s political fortunes began to unravel when sections of the press began to ask him to publicly clarify his views on whether same-sex intimacy was sinful. The UK Guardian’s Jessica Elgot notes that initially, Farron had sought to deflect the question by stating he was not a religious philosopher, before eventually saying he did not believe it was a sin.

‘Is politics in 2017 incompatible with the faithful practice of one’s personal Christian faith?’, is the disquieting but unvoiced question which inevitably resonates from the extraordinary resignation of erstwhile leader of the UK Liberal Democrats Tim Farron last June. Few political observers saw it coming. Of course, to be honest, the unease created by Mr Farron’s Christian faith was always there from the beginning, just as it did in the end.

Questions about his position on abortion were to follow, as critics pointed to a historical interview where he had described the practice as wrong, before again clarifying that he was “pro-choice” and believed that the time limit on abortion should be scientifically determined, adds Jessica Elgot in the same Guardian article cited above.


Public Life The seeming modifications of Farron’s earlier positions on the contentious issues did not, however, appear to pacify those opposed to his views. In the end, he was forced to make what journalists describe as a resignation statement he did not expect to, having somewhat survived the snap election called by Prime Minister Theresa May in June. “From the very first day of my leadership, I have faced questions about my Christian faith. I’ve tried to answer with grace and patience. Sometimes my answers could have been wiser”, stated Farron as he announced he was stepping down from the leadership of the Liberal Democrats. “Journalists have every right to ask what they see fit. The consequences of the focus on my faith is that I have found myself torn between living as a faithful Christian and serving as a political leader”, he continued. It is perhaps the following statement made by Farron that proved most worrisome for Christians: “To be a political leader – especially of a progressive, liberal party in 2017 – and to live as a committed Christian, to hold faithfully to the Bible’s teaching, has felt impossible for me.” He, thereafter, suggested that perhaps a better, wiser person may have been better able to navigate such complex matters. Selah.

Tim Farron’s resignation statement in full: “This last two years have seen the Liberal Democrats recover since the devastation of the 2015 election. That recovery was never inevitable but we have seen the doubling of our party membership, growth in council elections, our first parliamentary by-election win for more than a decade, and most recently our growth at the 2017 general election. Most importantly the Liberal Democrats have established ourselves with a significant and distinctive role – passionate about Europe, free trade, strong well-funded public services underpinned by a growing market


Even so, I seem to be the subject of suspicion because of what I believe No one else occupies that space. and who my faith is in. Against all the odds, the Liberal Democrats matter again. In which case we are kidding ourselves if we think we yet live in a tolWe can be proud of the progress we erant, liberal society. have made together, although there is much more we need to do. That’s why I have chosen to step down as leader of the Liberal Democrats. From the very first day of my leadership, I have faced questions about my I intend to serve until the parliaChristian faith. I’ve tried to answer mentary recess begins next month, at with grace and patience. Sometimes which point there will be a leadership my answers could have been wiser. election according to the party’s rules. At the start of this election, I found myself under scrutiny again – asked about matters to do with my faith. I felt guilty that this focus was distracting attention from our campaign, obscuring our message. Journalists have every right to ask what they see fit. The consequences of the focus on my faith is that I have found myself torn between living as a faithful Christian and serving as a political leader.

This is a historic time in British politics. What happens in the next months and years will shape our country for generations. My successor will inherit a party that is needed now more than ever before. Our future as an open, tolerant and united country is at stake.

The cause of British liberalism has never been needed more. People who will fight for a Britain that is confiA better, wiser person than me may dent, generous and compassionate have been able to deal with this more are needed more than ever before. successfully, to have remained faithful to Christ while leading a political That is the challenge our party and party in the current environment. my successor faces and the opportunity I am certain that they will rise To be a political leader – especially of to. a progressive, liberal party in 2017 – and to live as a committed Christian, I want to say one more thing: I joined to hold faithfully to the Bible’s teach- our party when I was 16, it is in my ing, has felt impossible for me. blood, I love our history, our people, I thoroughly love my party. I’m a liberal to my fingertips, and that liberalism means that I am pas- Imagine how proud I am to lead this sionate about defending the rights party. And then imagine what would and liberties of people who believe lead me to voluntarily relinquish that different things to me. honour. There are Christians in politics who take the view that they should impose the tenets of faith on society, but I have not taken that approach because I disagree with it – it’s not liberal and it is counterproductive when it comes to advancing the gospel.


In the words of Isaac Watts it would have to be something ‘so amazing, so divine, (it) demands my heart, my life, my all’.” (Source: The Guardian)

LEADERSHIP CRISIS Solutions and strategies Niyi Adebayo, Leadership Consultant and Trainer gives some insight into the challenges currently facing leaders and offers some practical suggestions.

Q. LOOKING AT THE OFTEN-UNSETTLING STO- tions for the rest of the team. To be and learn from it, or do it right and RIES WE HEAR IN GLOBAL NEWS DAILY, IS able to do this, they must possess gain the confidence to do it again LEADERSHIP IN CRISIS ACROSS THE WORLD? some important qualities such as with improvement. Leaders could Yes, I can say there is leadership crisis in the world today. Let’s look at it this way, leadership affects the 7 major streams of influence in society: family, business, faith, government, education, arts and the media. As a result, there is a desperate need for credible and effective leaders in these spheres but this is lacking. Effective leadership is the prerequisite for the success of any human activity. It influences thoughts, attitudes and behaviours of other people. It makes business organisations successful. It enables non-profit organisations to achieve their goals. It helps children grow up to become productive, highly motivated and responsible citizens. The overall effect of effectual leadership would be societal stability. Conversely, bad leadership or the absence of it will have a precarious effect on organisations, families and the entire society.

Q. WHAT EXACTLY ARE THE INGREDIENTS OF GOOD LEADERSHIP, ESPECIALLY THOSE VALUES THAT ARE ACROSS PUBLIC, PRIVATE AND NON-PROFIT LEADERSHIP? Great leaders generate initiative, inspire change and drive energies needed for the accomplishment of goals. They set clear goals and

Integrity, authenticity, communication, vision and empathy,

Q. Focusing on the Church - that is, the worldwide Body of Christ today, what would be your general assessment of the quality of leadership on offer? Like every other stream of influence, some parts of the church have suffered from leadership decadence on moral and ethical grounds which has made society to view the church with increasingly doubtful eyes. Ironically, the church has answers to the most pressing questions people are asking. To meet these challenges, the crying need of the hour for the church is healthy, effective, spiritual leaders who will be salt and light to the world.

Q. Can leadership be learnt? Or is great leadership simply down to our genes? This is the most frequently asked question about leadership. It is important to establish here that ‘all leaders are born’. I have never seen a leader who was not given birth to. On the other hand, great leaders are made through hard effort, learning and experience. Leadership qualities can be learnt and applied. A leader can try something, get it wrong,


become better by consciously learning those habits and qualities that would make them better. Therefore, great leadership is vastly more about learning to form better habits and behaviours than inherited genes.

Q. You are known to be a leadership consultant and trainer. How did you get into this line of work and ministry? It all goes back to over 10 years ago when we were in a parish of the Redeemed Christian Church of God in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. I had the burden to learn more about leadership when I saw the difference this would make in the church. The Lord opened a door for me to go through the EQUIP Volume One Million Leaders Mandate curriculum from 2004-2006 through a pastor friend in Nigeria. We had Associate Trainers who were coming to Nigeria twice in a year for 3 years. I began to train church workers and leaders when I became a certified Trainer in 2006. After my relocation to the UK `in 2008, I completed the Volume Two and Three of the curriculum from 2009-2013. Presently, I am a Global Partner with EQUIP and the National Transformation Coordinator (Scotland) for the Salt & Light Global Initiative of EQUIP.

Interview In addition, I am a Consultant with Total Perspectives UK, a consulting and leadership development company. We provide coaching, training and development to help organisations and individuals hone and develop their leadership capabilities and potential. To achieve the above, we facilitate leadership conferences and workshops, coaching, team building exercises, executive leadership development programmes and leadership consultancy.

tional volume one curriculum. This is done through ELIP (Equipping Leaders for Impact Project), a registered charity in the UK.

With the strategic partnership with ‘Leadercast USA’, Total Perspectives have hosted the world’s largest leadership conference in Aberdeen consecutively for 3 years since 2015. The 2017 event had 182 delegates (mostly unchurched) across different streams of the society in attendance.

Q. Who are your living leadership role Q. So, is it fair to describe EQUIP as a models - one person each for the publeadership programme distilled from lic, corporate and spiritual sectors, Biblical principles of leadership? This is the cutting-edge of this initia- and why these people?

Q. Can the Church worldwide benefit from this EQUIP leadership training programmes? Yes, we have seen different denominations benefit from this training. Already the global EQUIP initiative has trained over 10 million leaders all over the world in over 180 countries.

tive. It has various lessons which covers the spiritual, skill and strategic formations of a leader, all embedded in Biblical examples.

Q. Tell us about the EQUIP Leadership project. What does it aim to achieve, Q. How would you identify, grow and what is its scoresheet thus far, and assign leaders in the Body of Christ, if where is it headed in the days ahead? you had the opportunity? The EQUIP Million Leaders Mandate (MLM) is a global initiative by Dr. John C. Maxwell(Founder) since 2003, to provide leadership training to millions of international Christian leaders. The EQUIP Leadership project started in 2010 in Aberdeen, Scotland. This was possible through the support given to the initiative by Pastors Chris Gbenle and Mark Igiehon. The aim is to raise Christian leaders among members and leaders in our parishes. Leaders from other denominations have also benefitted from this project. So far, over 800 leaders have completed either volume one, two or three of the curriculum. The 108 leadership lessons spread across the three volumes covers the spiritual, skill and strategic formations of a leader. Looking ahead, we plan to continue to offer the EQUIP training contents to churches within and outside the UK. Moreover, since 2014, we have embarked on a project to train, raise and empower new crops of young leaders from institutions of higher learning in Africa using the founda-

It is to start by giving everybody the unique opportunity to discover who they really are by making leadership training available to them. Everyone needs to hear ‘we have all being given the mandate to lead by God’. This would come through intentional training and empowering people to find their niche.

Q. Give us an expert’s forecast on the state of leadership in the coming years around the world, particularly what this means for how the Church should position itself. One of the challenging aspects of the future is fluidity. As a result, leaders of the future must be flexible and adaptable in their styles of leadership. This would help deal with issues as they occur. Organisations of the future including the churches must place high value on their members and volunteers. Leaders must make sure that these people know they are important to the church. They must build a foundation of trust by connecting with people before lead-


ing them. Effective communication is vital for the church of the future. Further, the church must strategically position itself within communities through service. Intense focus is critical in the years ahead. A great question to ask is, ‘what can we take off our plates to focus more on the core’? To meet constant change, the environment must be conducive for creativity. Therefore, there is need for leaders who can manage a creative culture.

Dr Nelson Mandela for his personal principles and convictions, Dr John C Maxwell for being able to add value to people within the church and market place with his vast knowledge on leadership and Pastor E. A. Adeboye for his prayer life, humility and as a spiritual leader.

Q. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with Sunrise. Do you have a last word for our readers? Changes in the world in the last few years have been so dramatic and radical. It is even fairer to add that that the world is out of control. For this reason, any person who has the great privilege to lead must learn how to do it well. They must know their weaknesses and work on the, while also deploying their strengths. They must know what they want and how to communicate it. They must know how to achieve their goals. The key to full self-expression is to understand one’s self and the world, and the key to understanding is learning from one’s own life and experience.

Niyi Adebayo can be contacted via: Twitter @naleadership | @TPL_UK | @leadercastabn


Data Protection


t times it is easy to hear Data Protection and immediately assume ‘it has nothing to do with me or what I do in my role’, or ‘it’s just a phone number or and email of someone that I have passed on to someone else’. While this may be perceived as trivial, such attitude serves the little ‘sparks’ that could lead to various breaches in data protection principles and have serious consequences. To guide an organisation’s attitude to Data Protection, a policy should be adopted and closely monitored to ensure that it is implemented. RCCG has a sample data protection policy available online at Parishes are to consider their own position and adapt it as it best fits their own circumstances. What is Data? Data means information which – (a) is being processed using equipment operating automatically in response to instructions given for that purpose

such as health records, educational records and public record that consists of information held by a local authority for housing or social services purposes. (e) is recorded information held by a public authority and does not fall within any of paragraphs (a) to (d). Personal Data Any data which relates to a living individual who can be identified from the data, or from other information which is in the possession of, or is likely to come into the possession of the data controller. For example, a manager’s assessment or opinion of an employee’s performance during their initial probationary period will, if held as data, be personal data about that individual.

(c) is recorded as part of a relevant filing system or with the intention that it should form part of a relevant filing system,

Sensitive Personal Data Sensitive personal data means personal data consisting of information as to the racial or ethnic origin of an individual, his/her political opinions, his/her religious beliefs or other beliefs of a similar nature, his/her physical or mental health or condition, his/her sexual life, the commission or alleged commission by him of any offence, or any proceedings for any offence committed or alleged to have been committed by him, the disposal of such proceedings or the sentence of any court in such proceedings.

(d) does not fall within paragraph (a), (b) or (c) but forms part of accessible records

Who is a Data Controler? The Data Controller is a person who ei-

(b) is recorded with the intention that it should be processed by means of such equipment


ther alone, or jointly or in common with other persons determines the purposes for which, and the manner in which, any personal data are, or are to be processed. In other words, any organisation which “controls.” the data it holds. Most churches and charities would be considered to be data controllers and have to comply with all the rules of data protection laws in the UK. Who are Data Subjects? Data subjects are the individuals whose data is collected by Parishes. Parishes must inform all those individuals in writing about why the Parish is holding their data and what they intend to do with it. What rights do data subjects have with regards to their personal data? Individuals have a number of rights such as: • to ask for a copy of all the information that the Parish holds on them which includes all internal emails – this right is often exercised but there are special rules which apply to supplying that information. • to object to an organisation holding their data if it is causing them damage or distress. • to object to being directly marketed by an organisation. • to get the Parish to correct or destroy any inaccurate personal data.


“ Most churches and charities would be considered to be data controllers and have to comply with all the rules of data protection laws in the UK

How Should Data be stored and processed? The Data Protection Act says that Personal data shall be processed fairly and lawfully. “Processing” means anything that is done to personal data such as holding it, amending it or anything else which an organisation might do with the data It means that the organisation must: • have a legitimate grounds for collecting and using the personal data; • not use the data in ways that have unjustified adverse effects on the individuals concerned; • be transparent about how they intend to use the data, and give individuals appropriate privacy notices when collecting their personal data; • handle people’s personal data only in ways they would reasonably expect; • make sure they do not do anything unlawful with the data. What responsibility do Parishes have for the security of the personal data they process? The responsibility on Parishes as Data Controllers is high. Security is one of the most serious issues under Data Protection Laws. Each Parish needs to have robust measures in place to avoid fines for a breach of Data Protection. What are the appropriate technical and organisational measures that should be taken? Technical measures apply to IT security. For example, if individuals in a Parish have personal data about members on personal portable devices (e.g. smart-

phones and tablets) and lose those devices then there would be a significant risk of breach of the rules. Organisational measures related to security within an organisation must be followed such as shutting doors, locking buildings, etc. When data is no longer relevant, a Parish should delete it securely. What is not acceptable is to throw computers out and have members of the general public use them and locate personal data about church members. The Information Commissioner’s Office has imposed very heavy fines when data has been exposed in that kind of way. What’s New? A new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will become effective from 25th May 2018. Here are highlights of 12 steps to be taken now, in preparation for when the GDPR will apply:

[1] Awareness: Ensure that the decision

makers and key people in the organisation are aware that the law is changing to the GDPR. They need to appreciate the impact this is likely to have. [2] Information held: What personal data the organisation holds should be documented; where it came from and who it is shared with. An information audit may be required. [3] Communicating privacy information: A review of current privacy notices is required, and a plan should be in place for making any necessary changes in time for GDPR implementation. [4] Individuals’ rights: The organisation is to check its procedures to ensure they cover all the rights individuals have, including how it would delete personal data or provide data electronically and in a commonly used format. [5] Subject access requests: update procedures and plan how to handle requests within the new timescales and provide any additional information. [6] Lawful basis for processing personal data: identify the lawful basis for the processing activity in the GDPR, document it and update privacy notice to explain it. [7] Consent: review how the organisation seeks, records and manages consent and whether there is need to make any changes. Refresh existing consents now if they don’t meet the GDPR standard.


[8] Data Breaches: make sure the right

procedures are in place to detect, report and investigate a personal data breach. [9] Children: start thinking now about whether systems need to be put in place to verify individuals’ ages and to obtain parental or guardian consent for any data processing activity. [10] Data Protection by Design and Data Protection Impact Assessments: become familiar with the ICO’s code of practice on Privacy Impact Assessments as well as the latest guidance from the Article 29 Working Party, and work out how and when to implement them in your organisation. [11] Data Protection Officers: a named individual within the organisation is to take responsibility for data protection compliance and assess where this role will sit within your organisation’s structure and governance arrangements.

“RCCG has a sample data protection policy available online at” [12] International: If the organisation operates in more than one EU member state (i.e. carries out cross-border processing), determine the lead data protection supervisory authority.

Conclusion: Compliance with data protection legislation is not just a matter of best practice; the penalties for non-compliance are serious and are about to become more severe. Currently, fines of up to £500,000 for serious breaches can be issued, in addition to prosecution, undertakings and enforcement notices. Although the recommended practice is to have a named individual responsible for data protection, data protection in the office is a joint responsibility. It is important that any data to be stored or destroyed must be done properly. More details available online at media/for-organisations/documents/1624219/ preparing-for-the-gdpr-12-steps.pdf last accessed 26th June 2017



any parents have seen themselves in situations where they have to make difficult choices. One such difficult choice concerns childcare. Perhaps a

parent has to dash out to visit a relative in serious condition in hospital and no children are allowed. Or perhaps a parent has to go to work and is either unable to pay for childcare or has not been able to find anyone. In these situations a parent may decide to leave their children at home alone but they may feel uneasy


about it even for short periods. They may also feel unsure as to whether this is allowed by law or not but circumstances push them to do it anyway. There is no law that states an age at which children can be left alone.

Parenting However, a parent can be prosecuted if it is felt that they are guilty of putting a child in danger or of neglect. The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) has given guidelines to help parents decide when is the right time for their children to be at home alone. They state that the decision to leave a child at home alone should be based upon their maturity to be able to handle an emergency should one arise. Below are their guidelines: • Babies, toddlers and very young children should never be left alone • Children under the age of 12 are rarely mature enough to cope in an emergency and should not be left at home alone for a long period of time • Children under the age of 16 should not be left alone overnight • A child should never be left at home alone if they do not feel comfortable with this, regardless of their age

they follow instructions at home and/or at school? Would they panic in an emergency or be able to stay calm and think of a solution? Would they be able to fix themselves something to eat and drink and would you be happy with them using the cooker or microwave? Would they know how to contact you or another family member or friend if they needed to? Do they have these contact numbers to hand? You could ask them what decisions they would take in various situations. For example: what would they do if they suddenly felt faint, or if they injured themselves, what would they do if a broken tap floods the bathroom or if there was a power cut? What would they do if they felt scared or if someone was banging on the front door? You would also need to consider if your child can make good decisions concerning how they will spend their time. What will they be watching on TV? Will they have friends over? Would they go out of the house by themselves and so on.

“A parent can be prosecuted if it is felt that they are guilty of putting a child in danger”

• If a child has additional needs, these should be considered when leaving them at home alone or with an older sibling • When leaving a younger child with an older sibling think about what may happen if they were to have a falling out - would they both be safe? How can a parent know their child’s level of maturity? One way is to think about how they behave in a variety of circumstances. Do

You could also talk with your child about how they would feel if they were at home alone. If you do decide to go ahead, discuss with them after the first time how they felt. Bear in mind that they may not want to disappoint you and so they may say that they were fine when they were not. Ask a variety of questions so that you can


ascertain how comfortable they are with it. Lastly you must consider all aspects of safety. NSPCC suggests the following: • Are the fire alarms, locks and windows working? • Is there a spare set of keys? • Is there anything stopping your child from getting food or using the bathroom? • Is there anything around that could injure or hurt your child? • Does your child have a way of contacting you? • Is there anyone who lives nearby who they trust and could contact for help? • What can you do to reduce any risks? (Think about where things like sharp knives, alcohol and medicine are kept.) • Make sure that they have a way to contact you or another trusted person and call them from time to time to make sure that everything is ok. If all things have been considered and you feel that your children should not stay home alone, it is better that you find an alternative arrangement even though this is difficult. The wellbeing of our children must be paramount. Don’t be afraid to reach out to friends, neighbours and those in your church. You may be surprised that people are willing to help out. For more guidance and advice about leaving your children at home visit the NSPCC website at



ecently some negative things happened to more than one family that I know and these events got me thinking that ‘how would I cope if that happened in my family’. Lots of negative ‘what if’ questions started running through my mind. These questions wanted to take me down a path of negativity that I didn’t like. You see the Bible says in Philippians 4:8: “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things”. I needed to get off these negative thoughts and mediate on what is good. It is wrong to meditate on negative thoughts because the Bible says we should mediate on the Word of God day and night (Joshua 1:8). Do you know that meditating on negative thoughts can breed fear? As Christians we are not to walk in fear because “God has not given us a Spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind”. Having a sound mind means ‘aptly acting out God’s will by doing what He calls sound reasoning’.

the Lord.” It hit me that it doesn’t matter what I see going on around me, someone else’s life is not my life. I shouted at the top of my voice: ‘As for ME and MY house’!!

I decided to do just that. I decided to engage sound reasoning and meditate on the Word of God. I got into the place of worship, acknowledging the fact that God is bigger than any situation I see around me. I rejected fear and as I worshipped, I felt faith grow. In this process, God spoke, Hallelujah! He led me to Joshua 24:15 where Joshua said “…But as for me and my house, we will serve

We cannot be afraid that our circumstances will be like that of others. We must continually confess ‘as for ME and MY house, WE shall serve the Lord’!!

Beloved whatever is going on around you today, determine that those circumstances will not affect your marriage and your home. Let the world know, let circumstances know, let the devil know: ‘As for ME and MY house’!! When you look at other people’s circumstances, you don’t know what God’s plan is for their lives. You cannot see the bigger picture of what God’s plan is for them. Everyone’s race is different so you cannot appropriate one person’s story to your own life. I remember some years ago when a couple I had been mentored by as a youth later divorced, I was relatively newly married and for a moment I was afraid. I was perplexed and discouraged. I had believed that they were a solid couple living by faith. How could this have happened, I asked? Back then I had to say, ‘well, that was them and this is me, by faith my marriage will wax stronger and stronger in Jesus name.

In Joshua 14, Joshua was addressing the people of Israel and recounting all the great things that God had done for them. He was challenging them that they should not worship


the gods that their fathers had worshipped in Egypt but serve the One true God. He told them that whatever they decided, he and his house would be serving Jehovah, the true God. Imagine the courage it would have taken to face the people and declare to them that, no matter what you all do, I am making a personal decision about what my family and I will be doing. This is the kind of stand we need to take today. We must be so convinced that God’s way is the only way. When we are fully persuaded, we will have the courage to stand out, to be different and to make personal choices. As Joshua made that declaration, think for a moment of how his wife and children would have felt? Do you think they said ‘Hang on a minute, why are you speaking for all of us’? They might have felt like that. Joshua didn’t just say ‘as for ME, I will serve the Lord’. No, he spoke for his whole house. Perhaps you have seen many examples of children who have gone astray or marriages where one spouse backslides and you are worried about your family? Show strong leadership like Joshua. Whatever has happened to other families does not have to happen to yours! However, you cannot just take that fact for granted. You must be proactive. Joshua meditated on the Word of God day and night, it was continually in his mouth. No wonder he could speak such words of faith instead of fear. Do you know whether among his children, one of them was already planning to marry someone who


was worshipping these other gods that Joshua was talking about? Joshua was not addressing these issues because in the Spirit, he had forbidden such to happen. He had boldly declared ‘as for ME and MY house, WE shall serve the Lord’!!

be it from us that we should forsake the Lord to serve other gods”! Joshua’s courage and boldness had won over an entire nation! Joshua continued to tell them that they must be sure because if they say they will serve God and continue to serve foreign gods they would be destroyed. They insisted that they would serve Jehovah and so Joshua and the people made a covenant before God that they would serve only God. Hallelujah!

“Do you know that meditating on negative thoughts can breed fear” It doesn’t matter what the news says, it doesn’t matter what the statistics says, it doesn’t matter what other people around you say, it doesn’t matter what situations around you look like, make a bold and personal declaration of faith concerning your family and God will honour your faith. The Bible says in Isaiah 55:11 “So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it”. As long as you speak the Word of God in faith and in line with the will of God, it must surely come to pass. Do you know what happened when Joshua made this bold statement? The Israelites with one voice said “Far

Incidentally in the next few verses we read that Joshua died when he was 101. We don’t know how long passed between when the covenant was made and when he died but look at how he was able to secure a future for his children before he departed. We must ensure that our children are on the right path. They must know how committed we are to serving God. We cannot tell them one thing but do another. We cannot show them half-hearted Christianity. The battle is fierce, there is no time for complacency. We must be bold like Joshua to declare that even if no-one else will serve this God, ‘as for ME and MY house, WE shall serve the


Lord’!! If you and your family were the only Christians left in the world, would you still take a stand like Joshua? Learn to be a thermostat and not a thermometer. Set the temperature, don’t be regulated by it! You see all kinds of things going on around you. Don’t be afraid, don’t meditate on fear, don’t panic! The Bible says in Proverbs 28:1 that the righteous are bold as a lion. Joshua would have been a laughing stock if he was making this kind of bold declaration and someone had come to reveal that he was secretly doing the same thing that he was admonishing the people about. Can your spouse and family members attest to the fact that you are a living example of Jesus for them? They will only follow you if you are leading them in the right direction. If you need to reorder your steps, do so and then boldly declare ‘as for ME and MY house, WE shall serve the Lord’! By Andrea Onduku

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Dear Andrea I need your advice please. I have been dating a guy for a couple of years. I am of marriageable age but he does not seem interested in proposing marriage. By God’s grace there has been no immorality involved and we have had no issues in the relationship. He has even told me that I am free to get married to anyone. I even tell him when others propose to me and his response is always that I am free to get married. I feel like I have wasted years of my life. Why he would date without having plans for marriage? Anon Thank you for getting in touch with me. The first question I would like to ask is whether the gentleman in question is a born again believer? God tells us that we should only consider marriage with someone that is a Christian. Not only is this God’s will but it also helps your marriage to be with someone who is on the same page as you spiritually. Then you can pray together and believe for answers to those prayers by faith together. If he is a born again believer and you are in a relationship together, then prayer should be a part the relationship. I would advise that you pray separately and together as to whether this relationship has a future in marriage or not. Once you seek God, he will surely answer. At the moment it appears that you both view your relationship differently and are at different stages. You see a marital future with him but he doesn’t see it the same way at this time. The gentleman enjoys your company and most likely wants to avoid the ‘single’ label. He wants to have someone he can take with him to functions rather than be alone. It sounds like he has not pressured you for sex which is good and therefore this doesn’t seem to be a case of him using you physically. However men do tend to underestimate how a woman feels emotionally and it is not good for you to be constantly emotionally disappointed. He likely doesn’t have an understanding of this. He feels that things are fine the way they are, maybe because he feels he is not ready for marriage. He enjoys hanging out with you but he is not at the point of choosing a spouse. It is not unusual for guys to date with no thought towards marriage. They are living in the moment and not thinking of the future. This is not the best approach though because of the emotional attachments that a woman forms and also because God always desires that we live our life in line with His plans for our present and our future. They can spend a long time not being ready for marriage and just having a girlfriend but once they are ready, they will move fast and choose much quicker than expected. The question you need to ask yourself is, can you afford to take the gamble of waiting for him to be ready? What if he is never ready or what if when he is ready, he chooses another person? This would be very distressing for you. Therefore I believe that this situation cannot continue as it is. You need some assurance if you are to stay in this relationship. I do not believe that you wasted years because every experience is part of our journey but it needs to be decision time. If you can talk frankly with him, I would suggest that you raise it with him directly and if you can, suggest a period of time to pray about God’s will concerning your relationship. If he does not want to join you in the prayers then take it as a personal prayer point that God will direct your steps to the one that is for you. If we choose a spouse based on what we see, what we see now may change later. It is better to allow God to direct us and choose based on His will. For this you need to know His voice so spend more time in His Word and prayer. Let your friend know that you are going to be less available as you are taking time out to focus on God and what he wants for your future. As you do that, things will become clearer and you will know what God wants you to do.


Dear Andrea Please I need your advice. I am just newly married and I find myself not attracted to my husband because I am getting easily irritated by his habits. I have told him and we sometimes quarrel about it but his habits seem here to stay. What can I do? Thank you for getting in touch with me. Firstly, I want to reassure you that what you have described is a very common scenario. It does not mean that you don’t love each other or are not meant to be with each other and it does not mean that you can’t be happy together. People often expect that the first year in marriage will be like a honeymoon but bringing two people together from different perspectives can cause tension. The process of becoming one flesh takes time and it is not always easy. It requires sacrifice on both sides. The first step is to keep God at the centre of everything. Why did He bring you together? What was his purpose for your union? Praying concerning this will give you more clarity. It is important that you maintain unity between you so that your prayers will be effectual. The next step is to remember the positive things that you love about each other. Keep these things at the forefront. Maximise your strengths. This will help you to minimise the weaknesses. Next is to focus on communication. You have to be able to communicate your preferences without making your spouse to feel that he is in the wrong. This comes by the approach we take and the words we use. You can tell him from the heart, ‘I really appreciate you for abc and I love the way you do xyz for me. I know that you are used to doing (whatever it is you don’t like) a certain way and there is nothing wrong with it in the scheme of life but I would really prefer it if you did it this other way. Doing it the other way would make me (happy, less fearful etc.) Coming from that angle makes him to see that you’re not criticizing him but that he is doing something that makes you unhappy. He will not want to make you unhappy. At the moment he may think you are making a fuss about nothing because he doesn’t see the importance of it. If you let him know how what he does makes you feel, he will want to make you happy. Beyond that, the best way to solve these things is teamwork and being practical. Have a good talk and both of you can list preferences. Not that you both accuse each other but you are simply letting each other know ‘This is what I prefer’. All this being said there are some things that we need to tolerate. Your spouse may not be able to completely change overnight. You will need to ask for grace from God to tolerate things that are very irritating. After many years of marriage there are still things that spouses may not like about one another but we can either accept that part of them or we can be miserable. It is better to choose to overlook those things and focus on the things they are great at. Just as one spouse is not perfect, neither is the other and so we have to make allowances for each other. Not feeling connected may be because of these irritants that are getting in the way of emotional intimacy. Try to let go and just have fun together. Don’t stop dating one another because you are married. Take time out together and do things that you both love doing. Prayer will also bond you together and there is nothing that prayer cannot change.

Andrea Onduku Send your problems or questions, which will be treated in the strictest confidence, to





“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things”; was one of the major quotes of Saint Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997).

t is so potent and loaded with benefits, yet many couples do not make a conscious effort to operate in unity. Many still allow petty things like “squeezing the toothpaste tube in the wrong place” or “failing to put shoes away correctly” etc. to cause division in their marriages. We hope and pray that reading this will spur you to be more determined to enjoy the blessings of marriage to the fullest. • What it is: Wikipedia states that unity is the state of being undivided or unbroken. The Online Dictionary defines unity to be (1.) The state or quality of being one; singleness. (2.) The state or quality of being in accord; harmony. The manual of marriage (Holy Bible) puts unity between two spouses to mean being joined inseparably or firmly united thereby becoming “one flesh”. “And said, for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and shall be united firmly (joined inseparably) to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh” (Matthew 19:5 Amp) Unity involves moving from “what I want for me” to “what we want for us”. Leaving and cleaving (i.e. being

united) must be total without reservations. Thus, being united means being firmly welded together –money, in-laws, or out-laws, prophets, etc. must not separate you. • Getting There: We want to state at this point that operating in unity doesn’t just fall on one’s lap; it requires determined efforts on the part of both people. Both spouses need to take the admonition in Philippians 2:12 to heart in this regard. One of the ways to achieving unity is by interacting or communicating; there must be proper flow of reasoning together without bullying or intimidating one another. It should also be with the consciousness of the fact that wisdom is not an exclusive possession of anyone. Being good at conflict resolution also helps in building unity. We must bear in mind that it is a given that spouses will offend each other, but the expectation from the Author of marriage is that His children will be generous in forgiving as He has commanded them to be (Ephesians 4:3032). Walking with Jesus is another way to help couples to operate in unity. Walking with Him affords one the opportunity to tap into the unity part of Him (John 10:30) and draw


grace to operate in unity as it is in Him that we can do all things (John 15:5). • It’s worth the effort: Psalms 133 makes it known that God’s blessings will flow in the atmosphere of unity, longevity is even in“One of cluded in that packthe ways age. Matthew 18:19 states another ben- to achievefit of unity, which is answer to prayers. ing unity Another big one is is by inthat when there is unity, impossibili- teracting ties will not be exor comperienced. The Bible says: “Look!” he said. municat“The people are uniting” ed, … nothing they set out to do will be impossible for them!” (Genesis 11:6 NLT). Friends, be determined to make your love relationship (marriage) a successful one, operate in marital harmony and have abundant joy in Christ Jesus! Bayo and Funmi Eesuola are Pastors @ RCCG Love Assembly in London; they also run ‘HELPS Counsellors’ (a Christian charitable organisation).



ack in the days, there was this recurring moment in churches when a pastor, in an inspired moment, would request worshippers to lift their Bibles and make some proclamations meant to reinforce the centrality of the Scriptures in their Christian walk and witness. Well, those days are largely gone. Today, it is often a moment for light-hearted chuckles when pastors ask congregants to thrust their Bibles up in the air; up go an array of smart mobile phones! “No, I meant your ‘real’ Bibles printed on paper’, is the usual protest from the overwhelmed preacher. This humorous anecdote papers over a more serious concern in the Church these days: not many appear to be reading their Bibles, not to talk of studying, meditating or memorising the Scriptures as the Word of God instructs us to do. It is perhaps a fall-out of the digital revolution, but it is an interesting outcome. In the absence of empirical figures, it may be safe to hazard a guess

that regular, daily readership of the Holy Bible is declining, particularly amongst millennials. Research commissioned by the Church of England, Evangelical Alliance and HOPE about perceptions of Jesus, Christians and evangelism in England in 2016 found among many other thought-provoking findings that one-in-four 18 to 34-year-olds thinks Jesus was a mythical or fictional character. More worrisome, perhaps, was the finding that 40% of people in England do not realise Jesus was a real person who actually lived. That is quite close to half of the population. As someone wondered in exasperation recently, how much of this trend is down to the falling rates of readership of the Scriptures, for as the Bible reminds us, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” (Joshua 1:8). Prosperity – spiritual and material – flows from knowledge of, belief in, and faithful practice of the disciplines in the God’s Word. The Bible Quiz Competition planned


to be an Annual event was initiated by RCCG UK Central Office and is being delivered in partnership with the Sunday School Directorate following the approval of the Special Assistant to the General Overseer, Pastor Agu Irukwu. The RCCG UK Mission, mobilised by our chairman Pastor Agu Irukwu, has prayerfully resolved to make the promotion of Biblical literacy a cornerstone of its missional programmes. The first step in this effort is the launch of a Mission-wide Bible Quiz Competition with the aim of providing a platform for the deepening of the spirituality of our members, with emphasis on the younger generation. To commence in July, the finals will hold in London this September. The maiden edition will commence this year in the age categories 13 - 19 years and 20 years and above. Younger age groups will participate as from 2018. We solicit the prayers and support of every RCCG UK member in ensuring the success of this inspired, innovative and timely Kingdom-building exercise. Please ensure that this eternal word is always near you. By Yinka Oduwole






rust Me. You do not see Me, yet you love Me. Faith is not seeing, it is believing that I AM even when you do not feel it. I am with you always. I will never leave you nor forsake you.

Do not worry or dwell constantly on the physical representations of My Presence. I may be silent or you may not see them but it does not mean that I do not see you. I know you.

Can a nursing mother forget her baby at her breast and have no comRemember I know you; I know your passion on the child? Even though name; you are Mine. My plan is not she forgets, I will never forget you. to leave you. My plan is to love you unconditionally without barriers… See! I have inscribed and written nothing can ever separate you from your name on My palm. Everything My love, so do not be afraid. about you is continually before Me. I know you. Do not give one thought to fear. Because try as he may, I will never let Stand firm! Trust in My Mightiness him in your life. Remember how I and My unfailing love for you. I am said, I have not given you the spirit of God. I make, who can unmake? fear? But I have given you the spirit of love and a sound mind? Yes, I have It does not depend on your feelings not given you over to fear. You are or what you see. It is not feelings or Mine. sight which pleases Me. It is your faith because without it, it is impossible to Doubt seems to rob you of your joy please Me. Stand firm in the faith! Do and your peace. But know this, I do not be like the man who doubts and not hate you. I am not mad at you. I becomes like a wave of the sea drivlove you. I sent my only Son to earth en and tossed by the wind. Do not be to die for you and set you free! He is double-minded and unstable. Stand righteous in My sight and so are you. firm! When I look at you, I see a child set free by the blood of the Lamb. So A walk with Me requires obedience stop going from faith to doubt but and testing. Your faith is been tested. keep pressing from faith to faith. Stand firm! Remember My words: If I sent My Son to die for you, would I “No temptation has overtaken you not freely give you all things? You are except such as is common to man.” Mine. (1 Corinthians 10:13)


Poem But I am faithful! I will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able. But with the temptation, I will also make the way of escape so that you may be able to bear it. So be of good courage, take heart, and be of good cheer! I AM has overcome the world! Stand firm! Hold tightly to the hope and the faith that you confess, because even I who promised, I am faithful. I will reward you openly, yes, but your eternal reward is in Heaven with Me. For I have said, I go to prepare a place for you and if it were not so, I would have told you. Be steadfast, stand firm. Observe all of My commands. Not some, but all of it. Not half-heartedly, but whole-heartedly. It must all be balanced: Love, faith, kindness, holiness, perseverance, longsuffering, joy, peace, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. All of it must be seen in the way you live. I have not forgotten you. No. You are Mine. The Apple of My Eye. My Chosen One. My Beloved. You are precious in My sight, and even so, you are honoured. I am for you, not against you. And if I be for you, then shall no one be against you. You are Mine. Steady your heart; for My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest. Steady your heart; I have not left you without hope. Steady you heart; I give you My Peace, not as the world gives, but as I the Prince of Peace gives. Let not your heart be troubled. Be not dismayed. I am with you until the end of the ages. Your Heavenly Father, God. By: Ruth Omle



Books You Just MUST READ


Interview with Pastor Angela

Q. CONGRATULATIONS ON THE LAUNCH OF YOUR NEW ALBUM. WHAT WAS THE INSPIRATION FOR “LIGHT OF THE WORLD/THE RISING”? Thank you so much! Light of the World is one of the songs on the album and it was inspired during a time of meditation on John chapter 1, which introduces Jesus as the Word, pre-existing before time and the Light which lights up all men. I suppose the song is what you’d call my ‘selah’ moment, where I ponder on the many ramifications of those words and respond in the best way I know how. The album is entitled ‘The Rising’, referring to what happens when God’s people respond to His call to arise and shine (Isaiah 60) and not only to shine, but to shine so brightly that the world will see and give glory to God (Matthew 5). It signifies revival amongst God’s people, the awakening of the sleeper, the rising of dry bones that then come together to make a mighty army to effect the agenda of the Lord on the earth. An army of God’s people taking back what was lost, reclaiming lost grounds for His glory and causing revival in the nations. Q. ARE THE SONGS IN THIS NEW ALBUM A MIRROR OF YOUR SPIRITUAL JOURNEY AT THIS TIME? Yes you could say that. The songs were all received, rather than written, in that I didn’t sit and decide to write a song about a particular topic. Rather they were received in my quiet times, so they do reflect my spiritual journey. ‘Change’ is the first song I released from the album in December 2016 and it came from a place of deep longing for more of

Him and to be everything that God ever wanted me to be, rather than settle for anything less. It was my heart’s cry, but I sensed that it was also the heart cry of many and that the words of the song would help some people articulate in prayer what they felt deep inside. I felt it was the right thing to release it as a free download and the response was amazing! Many people contacted me to tell me how much it had touched them, that it had become their anthem, their testimony and that they were listening to it first thing every morning. There are other songs on the album which declare the awesome power of God and the love and sacrifice of Jesus, all of which I have come to experience and appreciate in my walk with Him. One of the songs, ‘Heal Our Land’, is a corporate prayer based on 1 Chronicles 7:14. It’s our prayer in Northern Ireland where I live, where, like many other nations, we are desperate for healing of a land that has soaked up the blood of the innocent and where many families and communities are still traumatized by the loss of loved ones through campaigns of violence against one another. It’s sung in English, Spanish and Yoruba (my native language), emphasising the fact that it is a prayer that believers in all nations of the world should raise before God. Q. DO THE SONGS IN “THE RISING” REFLECT A MUCH MORE SPIRITUALLY AWARE ANGELA? I’d say they reflect an Angela that is increasingly more conscious of the urgent need for believers to be more passionate, more vocal, more courageous and more bold about our faith. It provokes



deep worship that opens our eyes more and more to the greatness of the God that we serve, a revelation that in turn emboldens us to take a stand for Him, knowing that He is the answer and that it is our responsibility to let the world know that. The songs are my “battle cry”, my prayers, and my expression of a desire for change, revival and transformation, first in me and in individuals, families, communities and the nations. The title ‘The Rising’ is a prophetic declaration of what I believe we will see in The Kingdom. There is an increasing awareness of the need for collaboration within the Body of Christ in order to achieve greater things together. Collaborations will aid the transformative movement that we all desire. I’ve had the privilege and pleasure of collaborating with some wonderful people on the album, including Noel Robinson, Faith Child, Ian Hannah, Tomilola Allen-Taylor and the NXGN Choir. Q. WHAT MUSIC GENRES ARE YOU MOST COMFORTABLE WITH? I have quite an eclectic taste in music and I think this is reflected in the album. So there are tracks that you’d sing in your church and your congregation would pick them up very easily. There are those with an edgy funk/soul feel that you’d bounce to in your car and which would remind you of summer months on the beach or at a picnic. There are ballad type songs as well as one with a classical feel to it. Finally if you want some good old African praise, you’ll find it there too, complete with talking drum! Lol!

Music Q. HOW WOULD YOU ASSESS THE STATE OF GOSPEL MUSIC IN THE UNITED KINGDOM PRESENTLY? I guess the state of gospel music in the UK reflects the state of the gospel generally in the U.K. We need a sustained state of revival, triggered by unity in the Body of Christ, the lowering of barriers and investment in the next generation that will ‘keep her lit’ as we say in Northern Ireland. Practically speaking, We have some very gifted people in UK gospel music but unfortunately they don’t receive as much support from the Christian community in the UK as their American counterparts. The result is that they lack the resources to take their work to the next level and we have a situation where people feel that they have to move to the US to really make headway. Q. WHAT COULD BE DONE MUCH BETTER WITH REGARDS TO IMPROVING THE CHRISTIAN MUSIC MINISTRY? We really need to support our own and that’s not just about liking, commenting and sharing on Facebook, but actually investing in them by buying their material if it blesses you. That way they can re-invest in that ministry and it can continue to be a blessing. Somebody said anointing without resources is annoyance! The last thing we want is a bunch of irate musicians with microphones so please let’s support. Lol! Q. ARE YOUNGER TALENTS BEING IDENTIFIED AND HEARD EARLY ENOUGH THESE DAYS, WHEN ONE THINKS OF HOW EARLY THE GREAT GOSPEL ARTISTES OF OLD WERE DISCOVERED? The accessibility of Youtube and smartphones has done a lot for young people who have something to offer because you can potentially reach a wide audience at very little cost and without having to jump through hoops to get your music heard. There does need to be a more deliberate attempt to disciple and mentor young talented people from

a very young age so that they remain grounded, Word-centred and that they don’t forget that the music is secondary: It’s simply a vehicle used to deliver the message. If their relationship with God is casual, you can’t expect their lyrics to be anything else but casual about God.

ly, I wouldn’t say that my music is influenced by anyone in particular but I am blessed and inspired by a wide variety of people and styles and I’m very proud to say that several of them are within the RCCG global family. RCCG really has got talent!!

Q. WHAT WOULD YOU REALLY LIKE TO SEE HAPPEN, WITH REGARD TO YOUR NEW ALBUM? I’d like it to be heard all over the world, crossing community and cultural lines. I’d like the songs on the album to become anthems in churches across all denominations. I’d like it to provoke deep worship and a passionate response in

Q. A LOT HAS BEEN SAID ABOUT THE RELATIVE LACK OF DEEP SPIRITUALITY IN MANY OF THE SONGS BEING WRITTEN AND RELEASED BY CHRISTIAN ARTISTES THESE DAYS. HOW COULD THIS TREND BE REVERSED? It’s simply a matter of back to basics. Why do we sing and make music? If it’s firstly for the love of music then the focus will always be on producing great music that gets people moving or emotionally charged and the lyrical content will be secondary. I read the lyrics of popular Christian songs sung in churches today and some of them read like beautifully crafted poems, flowing with metaphors and similes, but I sometimes struggle to see the scriptural basis. They appeal to the emotions ,and whilst certainly our emotions should be involved in our worship we must remember that to worship Him in truth means that we must worship Him in the truth of Who He is. If a musician is more about the music than the Word, His revelation and experience of that truth is likely to be shallow and the result will be songs that reflect that.

the listener that causes him or her to rise up and say as a line in one of the songs declares: ‘my light will never be hidden, I will shine for You’. I’d like to see transformative change everywhere it’s being played. Q. THE GREATEST ARTISTIC INFLUENCES ON YOUR MUSIC? The London Community Gospel Choir was a great influence on me during my late teens to early twenties when I was a member of the Choir. What I learned then remains with me to this day and I’m very grateful for the opportunity to have been part of such a prestigious group. People like Cece Winans, Commissioned, Donnie McClurklin, Fred Hammond and Yolanda Adams were massive influences on me when growing up and I listened to their albums on repeat. More recent-


There is power in the Word and when that is combined with the powerful vehicle that music is, the results can be explosive. As mentioned earlier, what young musicians need is discipleship from a very early stage to help them understand their calling and keep them grounded and growing in the Word. Q. ANGELA, THANK YOU FOR GRANTING US THIS INTERVIEW. WE PRAY FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUCCESS AS A SONGWRITER AND PERFORMING ARTISTE. It’s been my pleasure, thank you so much.

Starting Your Kingdom Business READY | STEADY | GO


f you want to go from a dreamer to business owner you need a road map for business success. In today’s world we are shifting from a managerial society to an entrepreneurial one. You need a twelve-month planning system as ‘your personal GPS’ and indeed it can keep you from getting lost. It provides a systematic plan for developing a business model and building a dream. The Bible in Luke 14:28-30 refers us to the importance of planning “For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish.’

Your planning system will mean spending at least a year preparing to be an entrepreneur before you start down the entrepreneurship path. This article will walk you through a summary of items to which you as an entrepreneur should attend to before beginning operations. I encourage you to think carefully about timing your decision to quit your job. You’re doing yourself no favour’s by leaving your job prematurely. This twelve-month planning system is a plan for long term success. When you are about to start-up business, two things can quickly take down your business: lack of planning and lack of experience. You need to be aware of the common mistakes that can trap a start-up entrepreneur. Becoming your own boss means


more than sacrifice. It means long, hard, consistent work, often with little reward up front. That’s why you need a life plan before you commit to your own business. You need to evaluate what you want out of life. Consider the following questions: • What kind of lifestyle do you want to have as an entrepreneur? • How big do you want your business to get in terms of profits and staff? • Will you have employees? • How many hours a week will you work? • Do you need to meet the school bus every day or take off every Friday? • Are you willing to work seven days a week? • Do you work well under stress? • Will you need a partner and could you handle working with one? • How will you fund your household while you start your business? • Are you fit to work from home?

Kingdom Business GET READY – MONTHS 10 TO 12 BEFORE YOU START. Get Your Life Plan Together - You need to start a business that aligns with your personal and professional goals. Becoming your own boss means more than sacrifice. It means long, hard, consistent work, often with little reward up front. That’s why you need a life plan before you commit to your own business. You need to evaluate what you want out of life. Carry out a research of your business idea. You may have a great business idea, but you must decide if it’s a good business for you and your family. Once you have that vision, consider what it will mean to you and to those you love for that day to become a reality. Make sure your business startup idea is viable before investing too much time and money. Choose a Business Name. The name of your business is very important. It’s worthwhile dedicating sufficient time to this task. When you have a shortlist of proposed business names, do an online check against the register of companies at Companies House. Even if you start off as a sole trader you might decide to register the business as a Limited Company in future. Choose a Legal Structure. There are many options available but will recommend that you either register with HMRC as self-employed or Limited company with Companies House. Sole traders are self-employed individuals who have personal liability for all business debts. You will have to register with HMRC and pay Income Tax and National Insurance on your earnings at the end of every tax year. You will be responsible for preparing a Self-Assessment tax return to report your annual income and tax liability. Limited companies must be incorporated at Companies House. They can be owned and operated by one per-

son or multiple people. There is more ownership flexibility with this type of business structure. Construct a financial plan. You must give serious thought to how you will finance your business. This includes start-up costs and expenses, as well as running costs and personal income management. You will need a sales forecast, expense budget, income projection and a realistic cash flow. You must focus on numbers and measurement. If you don’t spend every day thinking about your business making money, then you’ll probably have an expensive hobby. Make sure you have the financial, emotional, and family staying power to endure the inevitable delays, disappointments, and surprises a startup business brings. Construct a detailed business plan. God instructed the Prophet Habakuk in Habakkuk 2:2 “Write the vision and make it plain” Your business paln must be very detailed and realistic. GET SET – 9 MONTHS DOWN TO MONTH 1 Look critically at Marketing - A marketing plan may be the key to success. If you don’t market your startup business, no one will know you are there. You have to introduce yourself to the world by telling them you exist. Give them a reason to care. Marketing is a continuous process, even when your business is established and successful. Get your finances together - Once you have set up your business, you will need to register with HMRC for certain taxes. This may include Corporation Tax, VAT, PAYE and Self-Assessment. It depends what legal structure you choose. This is when the joyous tasks of bookkeeping and accounting come into play. Develop Your No 1 Sales Tool: Your Website Take a look at competitors’ websites for inspiration. Are they visually pleasing, easy to use, respon-


sive, informative? Based on your findings, you can think about how you would like your website to look and behave. If your website is unappealing or difficult to use, people will leave Become a Social Media Ninja . . Social media is a really important consideration, too. It is one of the most effective and affordable ways to promote your business and connect with your target market. For some people, your business doesn’t exist if you don’t have a social media presence! Keep your accounts up to date. Post relevant and interesting content on a regular basis. Engage with customers to build trust, confidence and strong relationships. Build Your Team - If you plan to employ other people to work for your start-up business, you will have a number of obligations and responsibilities: Register with HMRC as an employer and operate payroll. Taking Stock: Is Everything in Place? this is the final stage before you are ready to GO. To achieve success, you must know your customer, manage your brand online, keep in contact with existing customers, and do something to generate business every day. Invest in training and coaching to figure out what you do not know about running a business. Most entrepreneurs have a “can do” attitude. In a sense the Christians can have an unfair advantage over unbelieving entrepreneur. Phil 4:1 says I can do all things through God that strengthens me. Finally before you take the plunge into starting your Kingdom Business you must have an unshakeable inner sense that God has called you into business. Your business must be aimed at advancing the Kingdom of Christ. By Tunji Ogedengbe Specialist Charity Accountant





t the RCCG Workers’ Rally in April 2017, Workers from all RCCG parishes from across the country assembled for an evening of Worship, Christian Drama, Bible Study, Prayer and the Holy Communion under the leadership of the General Overseer, Pastor E. A. Adeboye at the Excel Centre, London with the theme Agents of Restoration.





rdained Ministers’ Conference took place from Thursday 13th to Friday 14th April 2017 at Bournemouth International Centre (BIC). The theme of OMC 2017 was “Agent of Restoration.” The host of the conference was the General Overseer of RCCG, Pastor E. A. Adeboye. The conference was held in order to empower and equip Ordained ministers in the Mission.




2017 Conference


he Excellent Men Conference 2017 was held at The Pavillion Theatre, Bournemouth on the 15th April 2017 with the theme ‘The King’s Business. The vision of the fellowship is to equip men to discover, develop and maximise their God-given mandate and abilities.





2017 Conference

he Good Women Fellowship (GWF) Conference 2017 was held in The Bournemouth International Centre on the 15th April 2017 with the theme ‘The King’s Business. It is the vision of GWF to encourage women to discover, develop and maximise their God-given abilities. At the GWF Annual Conference presided over by Pastor (Mrs) Folu Adeboye, women in the RCCG are empowered to become vessels of honour in their ministries and personal lives.





he Pastors’ Seed Family (PSF) Conference took place at the The Bournemouth International Centre on the 14th and 15th April 2017 and brought together the children of RCCG Pastors and Ministers for a time of soul-stirring Worship, Bible Study, Prayer, Christian Drama and Interactive Sessions on the theme ‘Blessing My Generation’.





he Christian Education Fair was held on the 20th May 2017 in RCCG Victory House in London. It was free to attend and open to the general public. It was an opportunity to experience the vision and mission of several educational initiatives of RCCG UK including Christ The Redeemer College (CRC), School of Disciples (SOD), School of Prayer for All Nations (SoP), Redeemed School of Mission (RECSOM), Redeemed Drama Academy (RDA), School of Worship (SoW) and School of Leadership (SoL) who have all been commissioned to help individuals to grow into maturity as disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ.




Conference 2017


he National Elders Conference took place on the 24th June 2017 at Jesus House London. The theme of the conference was ‘At Thy Word’. It was a time of great fellowship and empowerment for all that attended.




JULY - SEPTEMBER 2016 ROYAL CITY EAST GRINSTEAD Eastcourt Mansion College Lane East Grinstead RH19 3LT

JUBILEE HOUSE BEDFORD Park Inn Hotel 2 St Mary’s Street Bedford Bedfordshire MK42 0AR

WINNERS HARVEST MAIDSTONE St. Luke’s Church 14 St. Lukes Road MAidstone Kent ME14 5AW

LIVING PRAISE HARTLEPOOL Centre For Independent Living 1 Havelock Street Hartlepool Durham TS24 7LT

THE LIGHT HOUSE CONNECTIONS BLETCHLY Windmill Hill Golf Centre Tattenhoe Lane Bletchly MK3 7RB

HOLY GHOST ZONE NUNEATON Chess Centre 460 Cedar Road Camphill Nuneaton CV10 9DN

ROYAL CHRISTIAN CENTRE WALSALL Manor Farm Community Association King George Crescent Rushall Walsall KINGDOM LIFE ARENA READING Youth & Community Centre 252 Northumberland Reading RG2 7QA SALVATION THEATRE SHELDON The Meadway Community Centre Sheldon Birmingham B33 8ND HIS LIFE BILLERICAY Langham Hall Langham Crescent South Green CM12 9RD

HOUSE OF THE LORD BROXBURN Woodlands Edge Broxburn Drive South Ockendon Ockendon RM15 5QZ JOY COMETH CHRISTIAN CONNECTIONS HARWICH 203 main Road Dovercourt Harwich Essex CO12 3PH INSPIRATION HOUSE SYDENHAM Bampton Road Sydenham London SE23 2AX



VICTORY HOUSE ISLE OF SHEPPEY Thistle Hill Community Centre 2 Laurel Road Minster ME12 3FG

WORLD CHANGERS YOUTH CHURCH RUGBY Harris C of Academy Harris Drive Overslade Lane Rugby CV22 6EA


PROVIDENCE CENTRE DORKING Dorking Christian Centre Dorking RH4 1DW

LIGHT HOUSE WITNEY 19 Corn Market Exchange Witney OX28 6AB

RESTORATION CENTRE WHITE CHAPEL Osmani Centre 58 Underground Road E1 5AW

THE POTTER’S HOUSE LUTON Ashingdon & East Hawkwell Memorial Hall Ashingdon Road Rochford SS4 3HF

APRIL 2017 THE THRONE OF GLORY MANCHESTER The Rampant Lion Complex 17 Anson Road Victoria Park Manchester M14 5BZ WINNERS WAY ROCHESTER The Olive Olace Unit 1 Tannery Court Rochester ME2 2JH CITY OF DAVID ROYSTON Coombes Community Centre Burns Road Royston Hertfordshire SG8 5PT PLACE OF HELP FARNBOROUGH 8th Farnborough Air Scouts Roberts Hall Priory Street Farnborough GU14 7HX LIVING FOUNTAIN OF WATERS CHICHESTER Westgate Leisure Centre Chichester West Sussex PO19 1RJ SAINTS IN LIGHT ASSEMBLY SUNDERLAND 56 Tatham Street Rainham Road South SR1 2QB NEW COVENANT HOUSE ELY 22 Anchor Court Littleport Ely Cambridgeshire CB6 1NL LIVING FAITH JARROW Former Simonside Baptist Church Off Moffat Avenue NE32 4HW

MAY - JUNE 2017 THE KINGDOM CHAPEL DUDLEY 341 The Imperium House Dudley Port Tipton Birmingham DY4 7PP

EXCEL IN GLORY SEAFORD The Clinton Centre Seaford East Sussex Seadford BN25 1NP HIS ROYAL HOUSE LAKESIDE ESSEX Vue Cinema Lakeside West Thurrock RM20 2ZW GOOD HOPE COMMUNITY CHURCH LUTTERWORTH Lutterworth College Bitteswell Road Lutterworth LE17 4EW POWER HOUSE MIDSOMER NORTON Town Hall Approach The Island Midsomer Norton BA3 2HQ CHRIST ASSEMBLY KINGSWOOD Kingswood Community Centre BS15 4AB OPEN HEAVEN ACCRINGTON St. James Old School Building Canon Street Accrington BB5 2ER EVERLASTING FATHER’S ABODE WAKEFIELD Wakefield College Radcliffe Building Wakefield Leeds WF1 2DH OASIS OF LIFE WINCHESTER Wykeham Room Guildhall Winchester The Broadway Winchester SO23 9GH Fountain of Revival, Forest Gate TRUE WORSHIPPERS ASSEMBLY FARINGDON The Pump House Market Place Faringdon Swindon SN7 7HL


RCCG’S VISION IS FOR CHURCHES IN EVERY COMMUNITY. PRAY WITH US AS WE FOCUS ON THESE PARTIALLY REACHED AND UNREACHED AREAS IN THE UK. Avon Bath Bradley Stoke Bristol Clevedon Keynsham Nailsea Portishead Thornbury Weston super Mare Yate Bedfordshire Ampthill Bedford Biggleswade Dunstable Flitwick Kempston Leighton Buzzard Luton Potton Sandy Woburn Berkshire Bracknell Crowthorne Hungerford Maidenhead Newbury Reading Sandhurst Slough Thatcham Wokingham Borders Coldstream Duns Eyemouth Galashiels Hawick Innerleithen Jedburgh Kelso Melrose Peebles Selkirk Buckinghashire Aylesbury Beaconsfield Bletchley Buckingham Chesham High Wycombe Marlow Milton Keynes Newport Pagnell Olney Princes Risborough Wendover Winslow Cambridgeshire Cambridge Chatteris Ely Godmanchester Huntingdon March Peterborough Soham Wisbech Central Alloa Bridge of Allan Callander Dunblane Falkirk 03/07/2014 Grangemouth Stirling Tillicoultry Cheshire Alsager Bollington Chester Congleton Crewe Ellesmere Port

Frodsham Knutsford Macclesfield Middlewich Nantwich Neston Northwich Runcorn Sale Sandbach Warrington Widnes Winsford Cleveland Hartlepool Middlesbrough Redcar Stockton on Tees Yarm Clwyd Buckley Colwyn Bay Denbigh Flint Hawarden Holywell Llangollen Mold Prestatyn Rhuddlan Rhyl Ruthin Wrexham Cornwall Bodmin Bude Camborne Camelford Falmouth Fowey Hayle Helston Launceston Liskeard Looe Lostwithiel Newquay Padstow Penryn Penzance Redruth Saltash Torpoint Truro Wadebridge County Antrim Antrim Ballycastle Ballyclare Ballymena Ballymoney Bushmills Carrickfergus Crumlin Larne Lisburn Newtownabbey Portrush Randalstown County Armagh Armagh Craigavon Lurgan Markethill Newry Portadown County Down Ballynahinch Banbridge Bangor Castlewellan Comber Donaghadee Downpatrick Kilkeel Killyleagh Newcastle Newtownards

Portaferry Rostrevor Saintfield Warrenpoint County Fermanagh Enniskillen Lisnaskea County Londonderry Coleraine Limavady Londonderry Magherafelt Portstewart County Tyrone Castlederg Clogher Coalisland Cookstown Dungannon Fintona Fivemiletown Omagh Strabane Cumbria Alston Appleby in Westmorland Barrow in Furness Carlisle Cockermouth Grange over Sands Kendal Keswick Kirkby Lonsdale Maryport Penrith Staveley Ulverston Whitehaven Windermere Workington Derbyshire Alfreton Ashbourne Bakewell Belper Bolsover Buxton Chesterfield Derby Dronfield Glossop Heanor Ilkeston Long Eaton Matlock New Mills Ripley Swadlincote Whaley Bridge Devon Ashburton Axminster Barnstaple Bideford Bradninch Brixham Buckfastleigh Budleigh Salterton Crediton Cullompton Dartmouth Dawlish Exeter Exmouth Heathfield Holsworthy Honiton Ilfracombe Ivybridge Kingsbridge Lynton Moretonhampstead Newton Abbot Okehampton Paignton

Plymouth Salcombe Seaton Sidmouth South Molton Tavistock Teignmouth Tiverton Torquay Totnes Dorset Blandford Forum Bournemouth Bridport Christchurch Dorchester Ferndown Gillingham Lyme Regis Poole Shaftesbury Sherborne Swanage Verwood Wareham Weymouth Dumfries and Galloway Annan Castle Douglas Dalbeattie Dumfries Kirkcudbright Langholm Lockerbie Moffat Newton Stewart Stranraer Wigtown Durham Barnard Castle Bishop Auckland Chester le Street Darlington Newton Aycliffe Dyfed Aberaeron Aberystwyth Ammanford Burry Port Cardigan Carmarthen Fishguard Haverfordwest Lampeter Laugharne Llandeilo Llandovery Llanelli Milford Haven Narberth Newcastle Emlyn Pembroke Tenby Tregaron East Sussex Battle Bexhill on Sea Brighton Crowborough Eastbourne Hailsham Hastings Heathfield Hove Lewes Newhaven Polegate Rye Seaford Uckfield Wadhurst Essex Basildon Billericay Braintree Brentwood Brightlingsea


Burnham on Crouch Chelmsford Clacton on Sea Coggeshall Colchester Epping Grays Hadleigh Halstead Harlow Harwich Ilford Loughton Maldon Manningtree Rayleigh Rochford Romford Saffron Walden South Woodham Ferrers Southend on Sea Thaxted Tilbury Waltham Abbey Walton on the Naze Wickford Witham Fife Auchtermuchty Burntisland Cowdenbeath Cupar Dunfermline Falkland Inverkeithing Kinghorn Kirkcaldy Ladybank Leven Markinch Newport on Tay Pittenweem Gloucestershire Cheltenham Chipping Campden Chipping Sodbury Cinderford Cirencester Dursley Fairford Gloucester Lydney Moreton in Marsh Nailsworth Newent Painswick Stroud Tetbury Tewkesbury Wotton under Edge Grampian Aberdeen Ballater Banchory Banff Buckie Cullen Dufftown Elgin Forres Fraserburgh Huntly Inverurie Keith Kintore Laurencekirk Lossiemouth Oldmeldrum Peterhead Greater Manchester Ashton in Makerfield Bolton Bury Denton Droylsden Dukinfield

Farnworth Horwich Hyde Manchester Oldham Rochdale Salford Stockport Westhoughton Wigan Gwent Abergavenny Abertillery Brynmawr Caldicot Chepstow Cwmbran Ebbw Vale Monmouth Newport Newport Tredegar Usk Gwynedd County Abergele Amlwch Bala Bangor Barmouth Beaumaris Betws y Coed Blaenau Ffestiniog Caernarfon Conwy Criccieth Dolgellau Holyhead Llandudno Llanrwst Penmaenmawr Porthmadog Pwllheli Tywyn Hampshire Aldershot Alton Andover Basingstoke Eastleigh Fareham Farnborough Fleet Fordingbridge Gosport Havant Hythe Lymington New Milton Petersfield Portsmouth Ringwood Romsey Southampton Southsea Tadley Totton Whitchurch Winchester Yateley Herefordshire Bromyard Hatfield = not the one in Hertfordshire Hereford Kington Ledbury Leominster Ross on Wye Hertfordshire Barnet Berkhamsted Borehamwood Buntingford Cheshunt Harpenden J Hatfield Hemel Hempstead

Hertford Hitchin Hoddesdon Letchworth Potters Bar Rickmansworth Royston Sawbridgeworth Stevenage Tring Waltham Cross Ware Watford Welwyn Garden City Highlands and Islands Cromarty Dingwall Dornoch Fort William Grantown on Spey Inverness Kingussie Kirkwall Lerwick Nairn Tain Thurso Wick Humberside Barton upon Humber Beverley Bridlington Brigg Cleethorpes Driffield Goole Grimsby Hessle Hornsea Howden Market Weighton Pocklington Scunthorpe Withernsea Isle of Wight Brading Cowes Newport Ryde Sandown Shanklin Ventnor Yarmouth Kent Ashford Broadstairs Canterbury Jan 2016 Chatham Crayford Dartford Deal Dover Edenbridge Erith Faversham Folkestone Gillingham Gravesend Herne Bay Hythe Lydd Maidstone Margate Orpington Ramsgate Rochester Sandwich Sevenoaks Sheerness Sittingbourne Southborough Strood Swanley Tenterden Tonbridge Tunbridge Wells 08/07/14 Westerham Whitstable Lancashire Accrington Adlington Bacup

Barnoldswick Blackburn Blackpool Burnley Carnforth Chorley Clitheroe Colne Darwen Failsworth Fleetwood Kirkham Lancaster Leyland Longridge Morecambe Ormskirk Poulton le Fylde Preston Skelmersdale Whitworth Leicestershire Ashby de la Zouch Coalville Hinckley Leicester Loughborough Lutterworth Market Harborough Melton Mowbray Shepshed ??? Wigston Lincolnshire Alford Boston Bourne Caistor Gainsborough Grantham Horncastle Lincoln Louth Mablethorpe Market Deeping Market Rasen Skegness Sleaford Spalding Spilsby Stamford Lothian Bathgate Dalkeith Dunbar Edinburgh Haddington Linlithgow Loanhead Musselburgh North Berwick Penicuik Merseyside Bebington Birkenhead Bootle Heswall Hoylake Kirkby Liverpool Newton le Willows Prescot Southport Wallasey

Sheringham Thetford Wells next the Sea Wymondham North Yorkshire Bedale Easingwold Filey Harrogate Knaresborough Malton Middleham Northallerton Pickering Richmond – not the one South London Ripon Scarborough Selby Settle Skipton Tadcaster Thirsk Whitby York Northamptonshire Brackley Burton Latimer Corby Daventry Higham Ferrers Irthlingborough Kettering Northampton Oundle Rushden Thrapston Towcester Wellingborough Northumberland Alnwick Ashington Bedlington Berwick upon Tweed Blyth Corbridge Cramlington Haltwhistle Hexham Morpeth Prudhoe Rothbury Nottinghamshire Beeston Bingham Eastwood Hucknall Mansfield Nottingham Retford Southwell Sutton in Ashfield Worksop

Mid Glamorgan Aberdare Bridgend Caerphilly Llantrisant Maesteg Merthyr Tydfil Pontypridd Porth Porthcawl

Oxfordshire Abingdon Banbury Bicester Burford Carterton Charlbury Chipping Norton Didcot Dorchester Faringdon Henley on Thames Oxford Thame Wallingford Wantage Witney Woodstock

Norfolk Aylsham Cromer Dereham Diss Downham Market Fakenham Great Yarmouth Hunstanton North Walsham Norwich

Powys Brecon Builth Wells Crickhowell Hay on Wye Knighton Llandrindod Wells Llanfyllin Llanidloes Llanwrtyd Wells Machynlleth

Montgomery Newtown Presteigne Rhayader Talgarth Welshpool Rutland Oakham Uppingham Shropshire Bridgnorth Church Stretton Ellesmere Ludlow Market Drayton Newport Oswestry Shrewsbury Telford Wem Whitchurch Somerset Bridgwater Burnham on Sea Chard Crewkerne Frome Glastonbury Ilminster Midsomer Norton Minehead Shepton Mallet Somerton Taunton Wellington Wells Wincanton Winsford Yeovil South Glamorgan Barry Cardiff Cowbridge Llantwit Major Penarth South Yorkshire Barnsley Bawtry Dinnington Doncaster Hatfield Mexborough Penistone Rotherham Sheffield Wombwell Staffordshire Alton Biddulph Burntwood Cannock Leek Lichfield Rugeley Stafford Stoke on Trent Stone Tamworth Uttoxeter Strathclyde Airdrie Ayr Barrhead Bearsden Bellshill Biggar Campbeltown Carluke Clydebank Coatbridge Cumbernauld Dumbarton Dunoon East Kilbride Glasgow Gourock Greenock Hamilton Helensburgh Inveraray Irvine Johnstone Kilbarchan


Kilmarnock Kilwinning Lanark Largs Lochgilphead Maybole Milngavie Motherwell Oban Paisley Prestwick Rothesay Rutherglen Saltcoats Tobermory Troon

West Glamorgan Gorseinon Neath Port Talbot Swansea

Suffolk Aldeburgh Beccles Bungay Eye Felixstowe Framlingham Halesworth Haverhill Ipswich Kesgrave Leiston Lowestoft Needham Market Newmarket Otley Saxmundham Southwold Stowmarket Sudbury Woodbridge Surrey Ashford Camberley Dorking Egham Epsom Esher Farnham Godalming Guildford Haslemere Horley Leatherhead Redhill Reigate Staines Walton on Thames Weybridge Woking Tayside Aberfeldy Arbroath Brechin Carnoustie Crieff Dundee Forfar Kinross Kirriemuir Monifieth Montrose Perth Pitlochry Tyne and Wear Gateshead Houghton le Spring Jarrow Newcastle upon Tyne South Shields Sunderland Washington Whitley Bay Warwickshire Alcester Atherstone Bedworth Coleshill Kenilworth Leamington Spa Nuneaton Rugby Shipston on Stour Southam Stratford upon Avon Warwick Whitnash

West Midlands Aldridge Bilston Birmingham Blackheath Bloxwich Coventry Dudley Halesowen Oldbury Rowley Regis Smethwick Solihull Sutton Coldfield Tipton Walsall Wednesbury Wednesfield West Bromwich Willenhall Wolverhampton West Sussex Arundel Bognor Regis Burgess Hill Chichester Crawley Cuckfield East Grinstead Haywards Heath Horsham Littlehampton Midhurst Petworth Selsey Shoreham by Sea Worthing West Yorkshire Batley Bradford Brighouse Castleford Cleckheaton Dewsbury Halifax Hebden Bridge Holmfirth Huddersfield Ilkley Keighley Leeds Morley Normanton Ossett Otley Pontefract Pudsey Todmorden Wakefield Wetherby Yeadon Wiltshire Amesbury Bradford on Avon Calne Chippenham Devizes Highworth Malmesbury Marlborough Melksham Salisbury Swindon Trowbridge Warminster Westbury Wootton Bassett Worcestershire Bewdley Bromsgrove Evesham Kidderminster Malvern Pershore Redditch Worcester



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