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The Magazine of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, United Kingdom




Adeboye at 70









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SUNRISE Magazine ISSN NO: 2042-6542 EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief: MODUPE AFOLABI, Managing Editor: YINKA ODUWOLE, Editor: ANDREA ONDUKU Contributors: JOSEPH AMAEZE ONWUCHEKWA, DR. AKPO ONDUKU, DR. FOYEKE C. TOLANI Columnists: ANDREA ONDUKU Photography (RCCG Events): KUSH Designed by: XANDY DAEHNHARDT Printed by: WWW.CHURCH-PRINT.CO.UK Published by: The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), United Kingdom. All communications to: Sunrise Magazine, Suite 156, Rosden House, 372 Old Street, London, EC1V 9AU. Tel: 0044 (0) 20 8500 3429. Email: Web:





When he came to Lehi, the Philistines shouted as they met him. And the Spirit of the LORD came upon him mightily so that the ropes that were on his arms were as flax that is burned with fire, and his bonds dropped from his hands. He found a fresh jawbone of a donkey, so he reached out and took it and killed a thousand men with it. (Judges 15 v 14-15) What happens when the fire of God falls? Yokes are destroyed. Isaiah 10:27 says the anointing destroys the yoke, when the fire of God fell on Samson, all the ropes binding him were burnt, they were not just cut but they were burnt by the fire of The Almighty God. Hebrews 12:29 says our God is a consuming fire, therefore when the fire of God comes down, yokes seen and unseen are destroyed. Whatever yokes may remain in your life, that are not letting your life prosper, that have been hindering your legs from making progress, they shall be consumed in Jesus Name. The one upon whom the fire falls becomes empowered so that whatever his hands touches begins to prosper. Samson found the jawbone of an ass and the jawbone of an ass suddenly became a weapon of war. When the fire of God falls, the one on whom it falls receive power. In Acts 1:8 the Bible says we shall receive power when the Holy Ghost is come upon us. Acts 3:1-8 describes that when fire had poured upon Peter, he took a lame man by the hand and because his hands had received power, he was able to transfer that power into the lame man, and the lame man began to walk. You can speak to your hands and say, ‘fire of

God, fall on these hands so that from now on whatever I touch will begin to prosper’ and you will surely prosper in Jesus Name. All external enemies are destroyed. Samson took the jawbone of an ass and suddenly all the enemies that didn’t run, lay down dead. The Bible says in Psalm 68:1-2 that when God arises his enemies will be scattered. Your enemies will be scattered in Jesus Name. Deuteronomy 28:1-7 says clearly that if you are obedient to God, you won’t have to fight. If the enemy comes against you in one way they will flee before you in seven ways. In the name that is above every other name, from now on, all the enemies that stand up against you will be smitten by the Almighty God himself. Household enemies will be disappointed. It was the relatives of Samson that bound him and handed him over to the external enemies. They wanted to get rid of who they thought was a trouble maker and they felt that Samson would never come back home, but God disappointed them. All the enemies in your father’s house, your mother’s house, your husband’s house or your wife’s house, they shall be disappointed in Jesus Name. All those who thought you would not reach your goals, and who wanted to kill your dreams just like the brothers of Joseph, after you have reached your goal they will come and bow before you in Jesus Name. David said in Psalm 23:5 “Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies”, I assure you that whether the enemies like it or not, it shall be well with you in Jesus Name. Destiny will be restored. When the relatives of Samson brought him bound to the enemy, they thought his destiny was over. The Almighty God had a purpose for the life of Samson and therefore God saw to it that the plan of the enemy to truncate the destiny of Samson was foiled. God sent you to this world for a purpose, when you were young you had some beautiful dreams, you had dreams of greatness but as time began to go on, it looked as if those dreams will never be fulfilled. I have good news for you, before the end of this year, you will have a testimony. Suddenly you will begin to have the last laugh. The Philistines were rejoicing; that they had got their enemy, thinking that he is bound and he is finished but not long after that, Samson was the one saying with the jaw bone of an ass, ‘I have wiped out my enemies’. You will laugh last in the Name of Jesus. In Daniel 6:1-24 the enemies saw the

way Daniel was rising so they plotted against him to put an end to him permanently. They threw him into the den of lions, rolled a big stone at the entrance and rejoiced that he was finished. However by the following morning, Daniel came out alive! The king sent for the enemies of Daniel and asked them to go into the den themselves. I assure you, that it is your turn to laugh at your enemies. In Exodus 12:31-36 when the fire of God fell in the land of Egypt, Pharaoh sent for Moses in a hurry. The one who had said “Who is your God? I don’t know him and I am not going to let you go”, now said, “go quickly, go and worship your God and bless me also”. I can see Moses saying, ‘I thought you said you don’t know my God but now you are asking my God to bless you’! All those who have been asking ‘where is your God’? You will laugh last over them in Jesus Name You will begin to sing a new song. Humanly speaking, if Samson had sang a song before the fire fell, he would have sang ‘it looks as if the end has come’, but after the fire fell, he began to sing a new song. You will begin to sing a new song in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Psalm 40:1-3 says ‘When I cried to the Almighty God, he brought me out of the miry clay and he put a new song in my mouth’. The Bible also says in Psalm 126:1-3 that “when the Lord turned the captivity of Zion, he said we were like them that dream, then was our mouth filled with laughter and our tongue with singing”. In the name that is above every other name, from this moment forward, you will be laughing for joy; you will be singing a new song. In 1 Samuel 2:1-10 when the Lord answered Hannah, she sang a new song. When the fire falls, what it does depends on whom it falls. When the fire falls it either turns what it fell upon to fire or turns it to ashes. If you put a piece of wood in fire; the good part of the wood, will also become fire but the bad part of the wood will become ashes. When the fire of God falls, if you are not a child of God, if you are not on the side of God, if you are living a life of sin, it is a dangerous thing to ask the fire of God to fall. If it falls on you and you are not one of his children, it will only destroy you. Be sure that you are child of God, live in holiness and your life will be transformed for better by the fire of God in Jesus Name. Pastor E. A. Adeboye




Spring Cleaning Welcome to the Spring 2012 Edition of Sunrise. We believe that this edition, like others before it, is rich in content that will bless, inspire and encourage you.


t was with great joy that we recently celebrated the 70th Birthday of our General Overseer, Pastor E. A. Adeboye. Happy Birthday Daddy GO, we love you! Truly, he is one of God’s Generals, a humble and inspiring leader and one whose commitment to the Almighty God has never faltered but instead has increased steadily. He is determined to make Heaven and encourages all of us to live in holiness that we too will be able to spend eternity with our Father in heaven. In line with this, Spring is a good time to do ‘spring cleaning’ in our spiritual lives. The term ‘spring cleaning’ is the practice of thoroughly cleaning a house from top to bottom which would take place in the first warm days of the year typically in spring, hence the name. The origin of spring cleaning can be traced to the ancient Jewish practice of thoroughly cleansing the home in anticipation of the spring-time memorial feast of Passover. The Bible encourages us to draw close to God and allow our hearts and bodies to be cleansed. This is the first step in our spring cleaning project. We can’t clean ourselves. Instead we must draw near to God and ask Him to do the cleansing. Spiritual cleansing requires deep cleaning — it is housekeeping that goes beyond what others see and hear. It’s a cleansing from within — inside and out. (Psalm 51:10, Hebrews 10:22) Also repent from hidden sin - clean out your spiritual closets. Hidden sin will destroy your life, your peace, and even your health. The Bible says to confess your sin - tell someone, and reach out for help. When your spiritual closets are clean, the heaviness from hidden sin will lift. (Psalm 32:3-5). Once you have finished this process remember that what God wants most from you is relationship friendship. He wants to be involved in the big and small



moments of your life. Open your life, let the light of God’s presence shine into every part, and you’ll experience daily, moment to moment refreshing of your spirit. It is then that the Fire of God will fall upon you and you will Arise & Shine! In this edition, our General Overseer outlines the wonderful and mighty things that the Fire of God can do in our lives, as you read I pray that you will not just read about the fire but that you will experience it in Jesus Name. This issue again coincides with the Holy Ghost Festival of Life (FOL), one of Europe’s largest Christian gatherings, holding this spring with the theme, “Arise & Shine”. It is our prayer that all those who attend in person or by participating in the television and online broadcasts will Arise & Shine and that this Light will impact their lives, families and ministries. The FOL feature article thus explains the criteria to Arise and Shine so that we can have a deeper understanding. We are also happy and excited to share with you in this issue many other interesting, informative and encouraging articles and features throughout the magazine that should inspire you to attain greater heights. The principle of shining for Jesus is something that is a running theme throughout this issue. We are called to be the Light of Christ in our communities and relationships so that we show forth the glory of God. God can and does use ordinary people like you and me to achieve His purposes if we allow Him to work through us.

Spring I

love the words of this poem,‘Spring is life, Spring is hope’! As someone who isn’t in love with cold weather, the spring brings hope of sunshine and warmth! My favourite line though is ‘Put Spring in your heart’. You see I believe that as the bible says “Hope deferred makes the heart sick..” (Prov. 13:6). We must have hope of a better tomorrow and this is not dependant on the storms around us but on the hope we carry in our heart. Our attitude to situations often determines the outcome. Spring refers to the springing forth of living things as in spring, plants and trees sprout new leaves, flowers appear and many animals emerge from hibernation. Isaiah 43:19 says: “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” This spring are you going to ‘spring forth’? It is the season to arise with hope in

Spring is life Spring is hope So is love and happiness. Spring renews.

your heart and shine for all the world to see! You are welcome to the spring edition of Sunrise. Within its pages you will find encouragement, insights and inspirationon many topics such as Let the Fire Fall, Arise and Shine, Winning with Purpose, Passion and Power, Staying on Course, Yes You Can!and much more. I believe that these articles will motivate you to make the most of this season of harvest. It is my prayer that you will seek out the nuggets of wisdom and treasures that lie within this magazine and that they will enrich your life so that you will be able to do great exploits for God. There are also many other interesting features such as our IT and science sections as well as inspirational interviews and coverage of great events that took place since the last issue. It has been a great privilege and joy for me to be part of the editing team. I am

Without spring, life is forlorn. Spring is nostalgia after bitter storm. Put spring in your heart Archie Greenidge

greatly excited as to what the future holds for this great vision. 1 Thess. 5:11 says “So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing”. So much of secular media presents the world as a negative place with little hope. We, the believers are to be a light in the midst of darkness and as such Sunrise aims to be just that, a shining beacon of hope. Will you the reader help me in this mission to continue producing a magazine that will encourage and inspire all those that read it? If the answer is yes, then please send in your contributions, be they poems, articles or inspirational stories and testimonies. Together, we can make a difference. Enjoy this issue and remember to search for those nuggets! God bless you, Andrea Onduku Editor

God Bless you and happy reading! Modupe Afolabi Editor-in-Chief




By Joseph Onwuchekwa

The words Arise! Shine! in Isaiah 60:1-3 are not requests; they are commands.These words summon every child of God to step up to a higher place in Him; a place of promotion; a place of deliverance; a place of exaltation and a place of deeper relationship. In other words no Christian is supposed to remain where they are. We are called to move to higher ground and upon arrival there, to step into the post reserved for us by the one who commanded us to go there in the first place.

ARISE! rise, means to rise up, ascend, getup, stand up etc. In other words the person to whom the instruction is given was most likely lyingdown, sitting, squatting, kneeling or functioning at a lower level at the time of the instruction. In the physical realm this means that the person in question may either be inactive or engaged in moderate activity not requiring any physical exertion. In the spiritual realm it may mean inactivity such as faithlessness combined with lack of prayer, fasting or bible study or it could also mean moderate activity such as weak faith combined with infrequent prayer, fasting and bible study. Whilst sitting or lying down is not to be equated with laziness, as there are many roles that require us to sit, kneel, squat or lie down, for our purposes, however, we should picture a person in a state of inertia who is immobile but has just been summoned to rise up to a place of proactivity. In everyday language we use the term “comfort zone” to refer to a place where a person is content to remain without the desire for change or progress. Such a place becomes




comfortable by virtue of the length of time spent there, the familiarity of the environment, the relationships available there and above all the security often found there (real or imagined). The person in their comfort zone usually has no immediate desire for promotion and is generally happy to paddle their own canoe in the sea of mediocrity or soak up the applause of an adulating crowd comprised of likeminded people. Such a person never steps up to the plate to grapple with challenges but tends to look to others to lead the way. In relation to employment, such a person believes in the utopian concept of a “job for life” and never strives for new opportunities because of a pathological fear of the “new” and all the adjustment that change brings. In matters of faith such people believe in moderation. In most cases, those who operate within their comfort zones are not incapable of accomplishing great feats beyond their zones, they are just reluctant and that reluctance is usually driven by passiveness, fear or doubt. Suchpassiveness, fear or doubt is usually not driven by any factual considerations

but rather by imaginary considerations that in turn engender a sense of self preservation. They might chant “if it isn’t broken don’t fix it” as their excuse but the reality is that they have never taken the time to discover whether indeed “it” is broken and in need of fixing or whether the “it” has become obsolete even though it might look intact. Great heroes are ordinary people who rise up to the occasion at the doorstep of a challenge but quite often they might not recognise any greatness in themselves unless another shows them. Gideon was such a fellow (see Judges 6). At one of the lowest points in Israel’s history when the nation was overrun by the Midianites, he was hiding in a winepress threshing wheat so that the grain he was producing would not be seen by them. In the belief that God had abandoned his people, he employed human wisdom to avoid losing his harvest and was in the middle of his task when an angel turned up and addressed him as “mighty man of valour” or “mighty hero” before confirming that the Lord was with him. In typical fashion, relying on his five senses, Gideon began to point out all that was going wrong in the current environmentand then to insist that God had abandoned Israel. Notice that he never responded to his title “Mighty man of valour” neither did he accept that the Lord was with him even though the angel of the Lord had said so. Doesn’t this remind us a little bit about ourselves sometimes? How many of us really see greatness within us in times of strife? God realising that Gideon was gripped by a spirit of fear and doubt reinforced his message through the angel. The angel said “Go in this might (go with the strength you have) and save Israel from the hand of the Midianites, have I not sent you? (I am sending you!)” I have referred to the King James and New Living Translation© versions here for clarity. In this story, Gideon was effectively being asked to arise but gripped by fear and doubt, trusting more in what he could see than what God said, he began to supply the one who created him with all the reasons why he was not qualified for the job. Gideon said “Oh my Lord, wherewith shall I save Israel? (How can I save Israel?) behold, my family is poor in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father’s house (my clan is the weakest in the whole tribe of Manasseh, and I am the least in my entire family!)” However God ignored him and said “Surely I will be with thee and thou shalt smite the Midianites as one man (I will be with you. And you will destroy the Midianites as if you were fighting against one man).” This was a very bold claim but it was made by the only one qualified to make such bold claims, the Lord God Almighty. I declare that your circumstances shall not frustrate your destiny in the mighty name of Jesus. When God calls a man (or woman) to arise, He is not making a request; He is commanding the person to take up their position. Many times we might feel like Gideon, limited by circumstances and in awe of them but when God summons us He does not look at the circumstances because he knows that these are only a smokescreen or a veil that shields us from seeing our true potential. Gideon was in his comfort zone. Many might argue that he was forced to adopt that position because of the prevailing circumstances but in response I would argue that there is nothing in God’s word that permits a believer to cower in fear beneath the umbrella of affliction. God created us to be above and not beneath and at the time

of the biblical account, Israel was (and still is) God’s chosen nation in the earth. Because of a wrong mind-set Gideon was operating within a comfort zone but God called him to arise. SHINE! hat does it mean to shine? It means to give out or reflect light. It also means to glitter, to glisten, to sparkle, to glow, to radiate, to be outstanding, to be conspicuous, to excel and to stand out. These are all expressions or terms used in everyday language and they are words or statements of commendation. Other meanings of “shine” include, being skilled at doing something or having a gift for doing something. When God calls us to arise, He desires us to do all of the above. Our friend Gideon was called to Arise! Shine! by the angel of the Lord but due to his prevailing mind-set he almost missed his hour of visitation. The story of Gideon is found in the book of Judges which records a period in Israel’s history when the local people did whatever seemed right to them to do. In other words they were experiencing the kind of liberty that a 21st Century citizen would be familiar with. They had previously followed God under the consecutive leadership of Moses and Joshua but were now too undisciplined and dispassionateto serve God on their own. They were hard hearted, selfish and driven by a desire to satisfy their lustful appetites by any means possible. God was furthest from their minds and their appetites had become their god. However God’s grace was still in operation and His mercy was ever present. As part of God’s rescue plan He raised up judges to be used by Him to deliver Israel and it is in this book that we have men like Samson but


“Before you shine you must first arise, but unless you are in your purpose you cannot shine.” we also have men like Gideon, a man like us. God never calls any man to fill a post he was not born to fill. John the Baptist confirms this in John 3:27 when he says “A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven.” Hundreds of years before the birth of Christ, the Prophet Isaiah prophesied about John the Baptist as being the voice of one crying in the wilderness and John the Baptist fulfilled that prophesy. Therefore we can understand the encounter between God and Jeremiah when God tells Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1:5) “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” On the evidence of the word of God I declare that every man is born with a purpose and it is God who bestows each and every one of us with such a purpose. Before you shine you must first arise, but unless you are in your purpose you cannot shine. Gideon did not know his purpose that is why he was hiding in the winepress threshing wheat. How many of us are hiding in the winepresses of life



threshing wheat? Before we go on to explore the process of shining I must sound a note of caution: Please do not think that the call to Arise and Shine is a call to shine in someone else’s purpose or calling. Covetous desires will never yield God’s presence or favour and without God’s presence and favour we cannot truly shine. Today many of us believe that arising and shining is the same thing as hustling or fighting for recognition or promotion. If we do this, man may recognise and acknowledge us but God will never get involved in our activities. Eating by the sweat of your brow is not a blessing; it is a curse (Genesis 3:17-19). After commanding Gideon to arise, God required him to shine. The task that Gideon was born for, his purpose for being was to conquer the mighty Midianites and this is not something that Gideon could have imagined doing even in his wildest dreams. In preparation for this task, Gideon did what any of us would do (because this is how the mind of a man works); he laid out a strategy designed to meet force with force, fire with fire and might with might. Because he was facing a large army Gideon gathered a large army of about thirty two thousand troops and headed into battle (Judges 7:1-6) but whilst he was preparing to engage his adversary God encountered him and pointed out something that would panic anyone who functions by sight (five senses) and not by faith (trusting God and His word). God told Gideon that the army was too large for the job at hand but He also gave reasons for His position which we would be well advised to meditate on when examining our own lives. God said “The people that are with thee are too many for

“May we never think that God is calling us to shine by our own might and power because He has made it clear that he will not share His glory with any man. When we achieve victory through our own sweat we are less likely to offer Him genuine praise for the outcome.” me to give the Midianites into their hands…” Let us stop there a moment. God did not say “The people with thee are too many for you to overcome the Midianites with”, God said “The people that are with thee are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hands…” This means that if God must fight our battles, He will decide how many people He needs to do the job and on the evidence of the Bible I can confirm that God never uses great volume or large numbers to overcome our



adversaries. God gave His reason for why Gideon’s army was too large for the job. God said “The people that are with thee are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hands, lest Israel vaunt themselves against me saying, mine own hand hath saved me.” The New Living Translation © puts it this way: “You have too many warriors with you. If I let all of you fight the Midianites, the Israelites will boast to me that they saved themselves by their own strength.” God was saying to Gideon “I do not want to share my glory with anyone”. That is why God ultimately selected less than one per cent of the army (three hundred men) to fight the Midianites. God wanted Gideon to shine by relying on Him rather than the strength of his army. May we never think that God is calling us to shine by our own might and power because He has made it clear that he will not share His glory with any man. When we achieve victory through our own sweat we are less likely to offer Him genuine praise for the outcome. I will not give you a blow by blow account of the rest of the story suffice to say that Gideon overcame the Mighty Midianites with only three hundred men. By doing it God’s way Gideon shone on the battle field because greater was the one with him (God) than the one hanging out with his adversaries (satan). ARISE! SHINE! ou cannot arise and shine by your own strength and the bible is full of examples of ordinary people who relied solely on God to arise and shine such as Abraham, Sarah, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Samson, Ruth, Esther and David just to mention a few. All these had one thing in common, they had faith in God. All these arose and shone in their respective environments because they refused to remain within their comfort zones but took the risk to step out and confront their challenges. All these people are however not unique because today in Christ we all have the perfect opportunity to Arise and Shine. Why should we Arise and Shine? Because darkness in the form of sin and wickedness is covering the earth and the people who have no relationship with God through Jesus Christ are groping around in ignorance (see Isaiah 60:1-3).Isaiah clarifies that God shall arise upon us and His glory shall be seen upon us but we should always remember that it is His glory not ours. We merely radiate the glory of God in our lives so that we have no room to boast. Solomon puts it quite aptly when he says we should trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding but in all our ways we are called to acknowledge Him (put Him first) and He will direct our paths (Proverbs 3:5-6). We can only shine when we put Him first and obediently follow His lead. Gideon did just that and he shone, radiating the glory of God. When we Arise and Shine in accordance with God’s directions, Isaiah prophesies that unbelievers shall seek the light we radiate and rulers shall flock to the brightness of our rising (Isa 60:3). This means that in addition to fulfilling God’s plan for our lives and His kingdom we will also benefit in a variety of other ways as those who flock to our light show us their gratitude both spiritually and materially.

70 Cheers to a Friend of God


Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye General Overseer The Redeemed Christian Church of God

“The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, They will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; Planted in the house of the LORD, They will flourish in the courts of our God” (Psalm 92:12-13) Happy 70th Birthday! Signed RCCG Central Office On behalf of the Trustees, Executive Council, Ministers, Workers and Members of RCCG UK


The Redeemed Christian Church of God, United Kingdom Felicitates with

Pastor (Mrs) Folu Adeboye

Venue: De vere Venues, Latimer Place, Chesham, Buckinghamshire HP5 1UG

(Mummy G.O.) On the Occasion of Time:

Mothers' Day 2012 signed RCCG UK Central Office



Registration from 2pm-5pm Friday – Sunday 7am

Registration per delegate: £185 This includes: Accommodation, 5 meals, Conference Pack and other facilities like Internet Access, Swimming pool, Sauna, Gym and FREE parking Landline Tel: 020 8558 0058 Contact Details for Mobile: 07889 853 656 (Pastor Janet Adedipe) 07940 936 455 (Pastor OmoyeleAfolabi) Registration: 01494545500 (for directions only) Email: Web:

The program is strictly for Female Heads of Christian Ministries, women whose husbands are Heads of Christian Ministries, women whose husbands are Country co-ordinators of Christian Ministries and female Heads of Christian organisations. This retreat will help to develop excellent Ministry Skills in women who are called to impact the church of God for the promotion of heaven consciousness and nation building.




A Great Awakening

James Aladiran

When and how did Prayer Storm start? In 2007 June I went to a youth gathering in Alabama, USA called “The Ramp” and my life was radically impacted. I just wanted to spend my time seeking God for revival and live a lifestyle like that of John The Baptist (A Nazarite) preparing the way of the Lord. Also while in the states I went to “The Call” a prayer gathering with over 70 thousands young people in a Stadium in Nashville TN. While I was there God spoke to me and said “you will do this in England” at the time I was very shocked to hear Him say that. At the Ramp, one of the main things they teach is “go home and start a prayer



Hundreds of young people from across Manchester and beyond are gathering to pray for their city and the Nation. What sets this prayer movement apart is the passion with which these young people from all cultures are seeking the face of God. Prayer Storm is based in Manchester and it is a movement of radical worship and intercession, crying out to God for a great awakening in the UK. Sunrise caught up with the Founder of Prayer Storm, James Aladiran to find out more. meeting” So when I got back to Manchester that’s what I did. I started a prayer meeting that was focused on seeking God for a great awakening in Manchester. We met every week to seek God together. In 2009 I got connected with some other young people doing the same thing I also started encouraging people all over to start prayer groups. Well, eventually I just felt God wanted all these prayer groups to gather for a day of prayer for the city and Nation. That‘s where the prayer storm gatherings came from. We had our first Gathering in May 2009 and it was amazing

to see that the Lord was really in it. We just had our 7th gathering on the 10th of March. We’ve seen the Lord do amazing things! Your slogan is Awakening a Generation – what does this mean? The whole idea of awakening a generation implies that a generation is asleep. And the reality is you don’t know you’re asleep until you wake up. There are many in the church asleep spiritually living in compromise and complacency and not living on fire for God. We believe our calling is to seek God for an awakening in the Church which will result in an awakening of a generation. The word “revival” can be over used and misunderstood. The word “awakening” better explains what we are contending for in our society. We’re not just after having great meetings in churches that’s good but we are hungry for an outpouring of God’s spirit on the streets, schools, government, universities that results in a whole society being awakened to God. Like in the days of Evan Roberts, George Whitfield and John Wesley. In their time Society was changed! We believe God wants to do greater in our day!

What happens in a Prayer Storm Gathering? Generally our gatherings happen over a whole day and we have three sessions (11am-1pm, 2:30-5pm, 7-9:30pm). In the morning session our focus is on repentance and getting out hearts right with God. The afternoon and evening sessions tend to focus on praying into specific things we feel God wanting us to focus on. Things like Schools, Universities and the Government, Sex trafficking, Pornography in our churches and society etc... We encourage a culture of prayer that’s passionate, fervent, faith filled and consistent. Prophetic worship is a key part of our prayer meetings. What can churches do to nurture a culture of intercession among the congregation and particularly the youth who seem preoccupied with themselves? I think firstly church leaders should be examples to the young people by being people of intercession themselves.

outside of your prayer group.I get a lot of inspiration from people that I know are walking in real breakthrough in prayer. People like Lou Engle who leads The Call. So I think it’s good to also expose these people to resources and teachings that will keep them inspired. When speaking with you, what comes across is your passion for prayer and its capacity to change things. What is behind your passion and conviction? I’ve read about revivals and great moves of God and I realise they all began with prayer meetings and a people who were really hungry for God. All the great men and women of God in history and in the Bible were people of prayer. Leonard Ravenhill says “No man is greater than their prayer life”. I made up my mind a few years ago that for as long as I live I would be a man of “One thing” Psalm 27:4. So, I am more hungry for God than I am hungry for a revival. Because I realise it’s very easy to get

“We’re not just after having great meetings in churches, that’s good but we are hungry for an outpouring of God’s spirit on the streets, schools, government, universities that results in a whole society being awakened to God”. Secondly they should invest in mentoring/disciplining the young people, Thirdly Including them in the leading of prayer meetings in their local church. Fourthly, they should expose their young people to prayer movements going on around the world led by young people. Lastly and most importantly pray for them consistently! We hold all kinds of prayer events but see the same few people, how can we inspire them? One of the reasons we have our prayer storm gatherings is to encourage and inspire young people who already meet in small groups to pray on a regular basis. Sometimes you don’t realise they are many other people passionate about the same things and I think it’s really encouraging when you connect with like minded people

passionate about the move of God and not the God of the move. So the reason for my passion is I want More of Him. In being hungry for God and seeking Him I realised part of His calling on my life was to mobilise the youth of our Nation to a lifestyle of Intercession. In being obedient to God and pursuing this calling I also realised the foundation of intercession has to be intimacy with God otherwise we will burn out. You’ve said that Prayer Storm is not an event but a lifestyle – how can we live a lifestyle of prayer? We answer a call to be radical for God by giving ourselves to simple devotion. We live a lifestyle of prayer by making it our life priority to be intimate with God on a daily basis. Just as you don’t have to force a hungry person to eat, you don’t force a

desperate person to pray. What are the issues that we should be praying for concerning the UK? At the moment one of the major things we’ve being praying into is the government wanting to change the definition of marriage. This would have severe repercussions for freedom of belief and freedom of speech which can’t be underestimated. We need to be praying for our government and restraining this deception and false ideology through consistent fervent prayer. We need to be consistently praying for the youth of our nation. We believe God is going to release a great awakening and the youth will be at the forefront of this awakening. We need to be praying for our schools and universities! Could you share some testimonies of Prayer Storm with us? We always hear testimonies of young people coming to prayer storm and having their prayer lives awakened. Going home and starting prayer groups at their churches and schools/colleges. We have people getting healed at the meetings. Depression and chains of addictions being broken off! It’s amazing to see people catch a spirit of prayer. How is Prayer Storm funded? Is it supported by churches or individuals etc Prayer Storm is funded by churches, individuals and charitable organisations such as The Message Trust. At our meetings we take offerings to cover the cost of putting the event together. What is the future of Prayer Storm – is it going to go to other cities? God has been speaking to us about multiplication recently. We feel it’s time to see the heart for intercession multiply across the Nation. There will be prayer storm gatherings happening in various cities across the UK as the Lord leads. We are excited about this as the Lord has been speaking to us about equipping people to do same thing in their regions. How can people get involved? People can get involved by connecting with us online at sign up to receive our email updates and Join us at one of our gatherings. People can also connect with us on Facebook and twitter @prayerstormuk.




Fruitful Make Me

MEDITATE ON Psalm 92:12-14 (KJV) The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing.

Make me Thine and let me be for Your pleasure because that is the reason You have created me – for Your pleasure. Make me spotless and clean, as white as snow. Make Your light shine in me and may numerous good works be manifested in me to the glory of Your name.

Colossians 1:10 (NKJV) That you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.

PROFESSION OF BELIEF For my God You are the author of fruitfulness and goodness; always full of mercy and compassion; faithful and good to all.


You turned Saul the persecutor into Paul the deliverer, soul-winner and father of many nations. You turned Peter from a fisherman into fisher of men. Make me fruitful and may I abound in every good work, in Jesus’ name.

MAKE ME FRUITFUL Make me a vessel of honour and not dishonour. Make me a joy to many nations. Make me a delight and not a shame so that everywhere I go, I will radiate light and not darkness or evil. Make me the head and not the tail, on top and not beneath. Make me obedient and not disobedient that I may please You and eat the good of the land. Make me fruitful and flourish like the palm tree. May all Your good blessings come upon me and overtake me.



FURTHER READING Psalm105:24; Psalm 107:8; 145:9; Acts 9:36; Ephesians 2:10; 2 Thessalonians 1:11 (NCV) Culled from Everyday Victorious Living, A Meditation and Prayer Guide. By Dr. Foyeke Christiana Tolani



Discovery Initiative On a dark evening, a young man walked into Discovery Initiative’s mentoring/training event which held every Saturday at Stratford with the aim of discovering, nurturing as well as finding ways to express his talent. Dwayne has always had a love for music but had never really thought of the possibility of making real the talent that was within him. After months of going through the mentoring programs, it was clear that Dwayne had a talent for rap and singing and wanted to pursue it. With help and encouragement Dwayne has been able to write songs for a 6 track CD,

Discovery Initiative is a project based in East London which started in August 2008. It is a project that helps young people of all races, cultures and backgrounds, discover, develop and deploy their talents and gifts, and by so doing making positive impact and adding value to their communities. Sunrise decided to find out more from the founder and co-ordinator of Discovery Initiative, Bayo Awe.

How long has the Discovery Initiative been running for? Discovery Initiative, DI, was conceived in June 2007 and we held our first event in Harlow in November of the same year.

engagement with the young people, we have come to see how beneficial mentoring is in the lives of young ones. Mentoring provides direction, support and guidance on how they can succeed in every area of their lives. The unfortunate thing is that there are not so many parents and other custodians of young people who make out time to mentor them.

Can you tell us what the project aims to achieve? Our aims & objectives are to: Promote education and learning, Address unemployment by training and building life skills in young people; Develop role models and Promote youth leadership thus creating jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities.

every young person to help them ‘discover’ and ‘develop’ their talents and afterwards help them take reasonable steps to work towards the ‘deploying’ of their talents.

You promise to help young people to discover their talents, skills and mission. How do you do this? Is there a template or system that you use? Yes, we help them discover, develop and deploy their talents. We do this by employing a number of programmes and workbooks, the first step being ‘Key to accomplishing your mission in life’. This particular workbook was coined from Dr Sola Fola-Alade’s book: 21 Ways To Mind Your Own Business. We go through these programmes with

From your experience, what are the main issues facing young people today? What can those in authority do to help? (Parents, Teachers, Community groups, Church Leaders) The ills of the society common to young people are: Absent role models and mentors; lack of direction; emotional, sexual and physical abuse; idleness; lack of confidence; crime; unemployment; drug related issues; rebellion and gang culture. Based on our weekly activities and



Can you tell us about the football training you do every Saturday, what is its purpose and how many young people are involved? Our goal in Discovery Initiative Sports (DI sports) is to empower and train our young people alongside our trained coaches to become mentors to other

young people and also to their colleagues who need direction. We hope that our players would go on to join major football teams - one already attends a football college. Through this, we hope to see a reduction of street crime, idleness, drug related issues, and gang culture among young people. We recently hired an external coach and are looking to hire another coach soon. We have an average of 15 young people turn up for our football sessions, our highest being 38 kids in one session. Discovery Initiative is involved in all kinds of mentoring projects – Fashion, Drama, Music, Business – tell us a bit about this. Once our young people discover their talents, we help them develop it and then try to showcase it. We do this by staging a fashion catwalk or runway for those interested in fashion, modelling, beauty make-up or design - while other team members help form a back door team. One of our boys owns a label that has been showcased in a number of fashion shows in London. We also mentor young people who want to go into music - in fact we are working on a CD - street rap for one of our youths. It has a good message to other young people about girls, drugs, good attitude and character. We developed products and business plans for entrepreneurs and have two promising editorial products (a book and a drama). We usually use specialised mentors for each of the project. Some of which are a writer, fashion designer, entrepreneur, music director and producer, and other mentors from different professional backgrounds including accountancy, project management, human resource, child care, medicine, just to mention a few. How does the Discovery Initiative help the community both in the Short-Term and Long-Term? The immediate impact of our community work involves the self-

Bayo Awe

“The immediate impact of our community work involves the selfdiscovery of participants’ potentials and purpose, hence finding their place and role in the society to make a positive impact in their communities.”

discovery of participants’ potentials and purpose, hence finding their place and role in the society to make a positive impact in their communities. We hope to help create jobs and opportunities with and for young people by harnessing their creative

skills and talents. Long-term, we hope to have an equipped and well kitted centre to run our weekly programmes instead of the once a week sessions we currently run. This will keep our young people engaged, focused and empowered. We hope to have an established open counselling and mentoring facility where young people can come to meet our trained coaches and counsellors to discuss and receive support on life issues. Is the project for Christian young people or can anybody be involved? We are open to all youths of any religious background because we aim to help young people become the best they are meant to be for the healing of our broken society. How is the project funded? So far, Trinity Chapel, Transform Newham and The Vine Media Communications have sponsored our activity and projects. We are currently looking for sponsorship from The Lottery Fund and really anyone who would like to give to our dream of influencing and supporting young people in making them active and inspiring members of the society. How can young people in Newham get involved, is there a referral process or is it drop in? It is mainly a drop in session, but we appreciate a call to inform us that they’d be visiting so that we can cater for them! How could other boroughs in London or cities run a similar project? They can contact us to help kick-start a project like ours. We have resources on ground to help set up and manage existing youth programmes. If you are interested in starting an initiative in your community, you can contact us via our details below: E: W:



Dear Andrea

Matters of the Heart

A problem is only a problem until you find the solution. Are you searching for a solution to a problem that has so far remained elusive? Maybe you need a second opinion or some advice concerning a situation you are facing? Whatever the need, here at Sunrise Magazine, we want to help, whether it be a problem, an irritant, a matter of the heart, a situation at work, dealing with children, youth issues, suicidal thoughts, finance, the stress of day-to-day living or any other issue. We believe at Sunrise Magazine

that God has called us to bear one another’s burdens. (Gal 6:2) With this in mind Sunrise has created this space for you, the reader, where you can write in with your questions or problems and receive honest and non-judgemental advice concerning your situation.

Dear Andrea Betrayal How can I have confidence to be married after betrayal in a previous engagement? Many marriages break down in divorce, will mine be any different? Anon

and are determined, you truly can break free from past destructive relationship patterns. Every aspect of life, including starting relationships, involves a certain degree of risk-taking. And while it can be incredibly hard to open your heart and make yourself vulnerable to a potential new relationship (especially if you have been hurt repeatedly in the past), please remember that life sometimes requires us to take a leap of faith so that we can continue to grow emotionally. Don’t let the past control your present and the future, let the present control the past and the future. As Paul said concerning not looking back but looking forward: “Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 3:12)

I can really understand the dilemma you are facing. After a betrayal, it is very difficult to trust anyone again especially if the betrayal was unexpected and traumatic. The great thing is though that we serve a God who can heal our wounds and repair our broken heart. Of course once you have had time to heal there is still trepidation about further relationships in case it happens again. I would recommend that you don’t make the assumption that this scenario will repeat itself. Each new person you meet has the right to be evaluated based on their own unique merits and flaws, (as opposed to being evaluated based on your past relationship experiences). It is likely that this experience would help you recognise the signs in a prospective suitor before you commit yourself to them. It is also important that you allow God to be a part of your decisions so that He will guide you and open your spiritual eyes to see the character of prospective suitors. He has a great spouse for you that will do you good and not harm so look out for His choice. Please try not to play the past over and over in your mind, it’s akin to playing a negative tape loop over and over again in your head, and it is definitely not conducive to creating happier, healthier relationship experiences. You need to let it go otherwise it could even affect your marriage as it would always be niggling you in the background. Remember that you actually have an enormous say in the creation of your own future. If you put your mind to it



Thank you to those who have already written in with your questions, the questions and answers are printed below, if you would like further input, feel free to get in touch.

Dear Andrea I need to make a decision I want to get married to a long time friend, we have been together for 6 years. I have met her mum. But the challenge is that at the moment, I don’t have a steady job and she is getting suitors. I am confused as much as she is. She is getting older. Emeka (28yrs) Friendship is a good basis for marriage so it is good that you have known each other as friends for so many years. Sometimes we look at marriage as a very practical ordinance and forget the romance side of it. Decisions can

be made because it is time to get married and we look around for someone that looks suitable or someone that will ‘do’. An essential question is do you love each other beyond friendship? Is there a connection between you that will last for life? Do you get ‘butterflies’ in your tummy when you see each other? There may be times in life that spouses do not even like each other because of their behaviour at that time but it is the unconditional love that they share that keeps them together. I’d also be interested in what God has said to you both concerning your decision which of course is the principle thing. Once God has spoken then you do not need to be threatened by the presence of other suitors and you will no longer be confused. You can both be secure in your decision and wait until the time is right to marry. You mention that you don’t yet have a steady job. I often say that in order to be ready for marriage each individual must be economically mature. This does not mean that you must have a lot of money before you marry rather that you need to have an understanding of money management, in the sense of the ability to save rather than to spend recklessly. You must also be ready to be accountable to another person concerning spending. Having a steady job is not necessarily criteria for marriage just as being rich is not. In fact money could develop wings and fly away so don’t base your decision on that. If the marriage is in line with His will, God will favour the marriage and you will not be in lack, indeed God can make a man rich in a day (Hag. 2:8). Marriage is about teamwork and therefore it is wise for you both to sit down and discuss the budget for the wedding as well as how you will fund an apartment and your life together after the wedding. Once there is a plan in place then both of you will feel more comfortable with proceeding and will know the timescale involved.

Dear Andrea Must everybody marry? There is so much pressure to get married, especially among African young people and their families. Those that are married are given much more respect and standing in the community than those that are not. Really, must everyone marry? Isn’t there dignity in being single? Anon There is absolutely dignity in being single!! I would encourage you not to let anyone look down on you or make you feel less than others because of your marital status. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says: “He has made everything beautiful in its time”. There is a time for everything and we must remember that every individual is running their own race at their own pace. If we try to run someone else’s race then

who will run ours? Some people judge us when we are only on Chapter 1 of our life, we may have 11 more chapters to write! The reality is that the pressure to marry will always be there based on the views of society. What matters is how you conduct yourself in the midst of this pressure. Hold your peace and God’s name will be glorified. As to the question, must everybody marry, I would say that there is special grace available to those that God has called to remain single. The important point here is that God must have spoken to you that you are to be single, not that this decision is merely made in the absence of a suitable spouse. We know that marriage is ordained by God even from the fact that God created Eve and brought her to Adam because in His words “It is not good for man to be alone” (Gen. 2:18). Verse 24 of the same chapter says “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh”. This debate of marriage versus singleness originates from 1 Cor. 7:7-8 where Paul says “But I wish everyone were single, just as I am. Yet each person has a special gift from God, of one kind or another. So I say to those who aren’t married and to widows—it’s better to stay unmarried, just as I am”. Notice that he says some have the gift of singleness and some the gift of marriage. Unless you have been specially given the grace to remain single then it is God’s will for you to be married and it will happen according to God’s timescale and not anyone else. It is this pressure that forces individuals into making wrong choices concerning marriage. Seek the face of God concerning this decision and He will give you the strength to wait on Him.

Andrea Onduku has been happily married for 7 years to Dr. Akpo Onduku and together they are the Parish Pastors of RCCG Chapel of Grace, a growing parish in Bradford, West Yorkshire. Andrea is also a devoted mother of two young children. She has a strong passion to see the hurting restored and relationships repaired, as well as a desire to encourage individuals to realise the destiny and purpose that God has created them for. Andrea has a degree in Counselling and Psychology in the UK and she studied Marriage and Family Therapy at the postgraduate level in the USA. She also holds several professional qualifications including a certificate in PAIRS (Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills) from the USA & OCN qualifications in Information, Advice and Guidance and Conflict Resolution and Management. Send your problems or questions, which will be treated in the strictest confidence, to and they will be forwarded on to Andrea at



MEN (purpose) in Luke 5:4. As Peter gave the purpose of God a chance and a place in his life, it was as if every fish in the lake tried to get into that net and he won. In the same way, to follow God’s original purpose is to see a new thing, new life, new plans and gain access to His eternal resources. Men need to understand that it is our choices that will determine our destiny and our destiny will always be shaped by our purpose.This is why we must align our choices towards God’s purpose and then will we be assured of fulfilling destiny. Every man should assess himself with these questions below,


With Purpose, Passion and Power It is a new year, a new dawn and a new beginning.We have high expectations and responsibilities for our life and family. As men, we are believing the Lord for the new and the best but the truth and question still remains, what do we have to do asthe family head, first sons or perhaps bread winners of our families and beyond to win in a time of recession, and crisis?



ow do we make a difference as men in the kingdom of God? What can we do to fulfil the call of God for our lives? How do we provide, protect, and fulfil all the expectations upon us as men. Is it enough to have big goals, ambitions and resolutions as usual? The truth is just having a plan is no assurance that you will win or succeed. Before you make a plan for your life, family and beyond, you must know and understand God’s purpose for creating you as a male. Proverbs 19:21 says“Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.” This verse teaches us that the first thing every man likes to do is to make many plans. How true this is but God on the other hand thinks according to purpose before plans. This means that if we are to win as men, we must know God’s original intention for our lives then we can plan. In Luke5, the man Peter had a plan to catch fish. This plan only enabled him to toil all night but he caught nothing. His plan was failing until Jesus showed up with a better plan


Where do I want to go? What do I want to achieve? Am I walking in God’s purpose for my life as a man? Is what I am doing leading me to my dreams? Have I been distracted from my original purpose in life? Have I got God at the centre of my choices or is it just me? Am I satisfied with what I am doing and choices I am making? These questions are key weapons to think and effect change where necessary if you want to win. We are still in a new year. It is a time to review the previous years, redefine your vision, and re-establish worthwhile goals. If we are to make a difference in our families as men in the kingdom of God and go forth and fulfil Gods purpose for our lives, the Holy Spirit must be constantly filling us and moving upon us until our whole being is on fire with the presence and power of God. As the world system crumbles, it is evident that we need the Super on our natural. If you desire to do the extraordinary as a man, look no further than to YIELD,

“Before you make a plan for your life, family and beyond, you must know and understand God’s purpose for creating you as a male”.

“Passion that comes from the Holy Ghost is the fuel that fires and energises you to have the will to win against all odds”. SUBMIT and OBEY the Holy Spirit. In Acts 9, Paul, a man like you and I was brought to a place of yielding and brokenness until he cried, “What will though have me do?”Acts 9:6 Paul’s choice to yield to the Lord led to his conversion before getting results in his entire life as a man in the kingdom of God and even beyond. Who is the man to take the place of Paul today? Men, God is calling on us to seek His power and passion for our lives in order to secure the victory expected of us. “For without me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). Author Richard Foster said, “ In our day, heaven and earth are on tiptoe waiting for the emergence of a SPIRIT LED, SPIRIT INTOXICATED, SPIRIT EMPOWERED people, who know in this life, the life and power of the Kingdom of God.”God will fill the man who is yearning to be addicted to the power and passion of the Holy Ghost. As we thirst and hunger for Him, we will overcome by His might. Passion that comes from the Holy Ghost is the fuel that fires and energises you to have the will to win against all odds. He keeps you going while others quit. He pushes you through tough seasons. We must be zealous. Psalm 69:9 says that “the passion of the Lord’s house burns in me.” If we as men have the inspiration to move forward in the right direction, nothing can stop us because we know we are called according to His purpose to shine, get results, be fruitful and win. My prayer for all men in the kingdom of God is that we will not fail our purpose because He who has created us cannot fail. May the passionate commitment of the Lord Almighty make things happen and remain faithful to us in the name of Jesus. By: Kofi Owusu Kofi Owusu is the author of “Alive for A Purpose”, a fastselling book that will help you to discover, re-discover and achieve your purpose in life. For more information visit:




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Language is a powerful tool of communica on. The scien fic study of language is referred to as linguis cs and those that specialise in this field are known as linguists. Globally, there are approximately 6000 languages. In this ar cle, we willbe looking closely at the significance of language in rela on to the Kingdom of God.


xperts say that language development usually starts as a recall of simple words without associated meaning, but as children grow, words acquire meaning, with connections between words being formed. As a person gets older, new meanings and new associations are created and vocabulary increases as more words are learned. This is the reason that as we develop as believers, it is expected that the words we used to use without understanding will now have greater significance. Many people talk what is known as ‘Christianese’. Phrases like ‘It is well’ and ‘I am Blessed and Highly Favoured’ are merely repeated by believers as they heard someone else say it. It is when these words are spoken with understanding that they have power. There are a few definitions of language that will help us further to understand the language of God. Language is most often thought of as a method of human communication, either spoken or written. In actual fact there are many languages beyond these such as body language and sign language. Language is a system of communication used by a particular country or community: For example, the widely accepted language in England is English while in Spain it is Spanish. There is a computer language i.e. computer programming involving codes and other kinds of artificially constructed communication systems. A language in this sense such as Fortran and Basic is a system of signs for encoding and decoding information.So also there is a way a ‘born-again’ Christian is expected to talk and exhibit.



Language can also be the phraseology and vocabulary of a particular profession or group. For example there is a language that is common to doctors and engineers involving technical terms that others may not use. There is offensive language, the language of war and the language of peace. The believer is of course to speak the language of peace. “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14). However, there are times we are expected to speak the language of spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:12; 1 Timothy 6:12). There are indeed many languages of God that the believer is encouraged to speak. Faith is a language of God; love is a language of God and holiness is also a language of God and indeed a master key to open doors (Hebrews 11:6; Matthew 22:37-40; Philippians 4:6; 1 Peter 1:16). Hannah in 1 Samuel 1:13 was still communicating with God without speaking forth a word from her lips. God heard, understood and granted her request (1 Samuel 1:17-20). Hope is also a language which is hearing the music of the future but faith is having the courage to dance to ittoday. Prayer is also a key language of God, one that Jesus Himself spoke regularly. The Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6: 913 depicts a unique style and expression of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is rich in vocabulary to communicate with His Father. It has within it basically the embodiments of adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication and lots more. The language of prayer here is effectively expressed within it in various stylistic forms.

Ephesians 6:18 admonishes us to “… pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests… be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.” If you’re too busy to pray then you’re busier than God wants you to be. There’s nothing beyond the reach of prayer except that which is outside the will of God. “If you abide in Me and My Words abide in you then you will ask whatever you want of Me and it shall be given to you” (John 15:7). It would be interesting therefore to know the position God occupies in our scale of preference. On your schedule of things, is God number one. What do you do or who do you communicate with first in the morning when you wake up? Where you place God in your life will determine how far you will go in life. Your dedication and commitment to God will determine how God will be dedicated and committed towards you. “O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people.” (Psalm 105:1) These are the words of David who was considered so dear to God. David knew the art of thanksgiving. He said to the Lord, “You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing” (Psalms 16:2). David recognized that the only good in him was the God in him. As genuine children of the Most High God, we must learn to humble ourselves before an almighty God. Every godly believer should be willing to step aside from their own need for ego building and self-confidence and humbly yield to the Maker of the whole world. Aside from the master key of holiness there is a language that God answers most. This is ‘praise and thanksgiving’. Psalm 67 talks about praising God for his Good News; and sharing the gospel believing for a bountiful harvest. David learnt and knew this language early in life and he is referred to as ‘a man after God’s own heart’(Acts 13:21-22; Ps. 89:20). The language of praise and thanksgiving is very powerful. In Daniel 4:34-37 we see a King Nebuchadnezzar who was so full of himself that he had to be humbled by the Almighty God. When He saw God’s glory, He wondered at the almightiness of God. In Luke 17:11-19, the Bible records that ten lepers were healed but only one came back to thank and glorify God and therefore that leper was made whole. In Joshua 6:20, Joshua also spoke the language of thanksgiving and the mighty wall of Jericho fell down flat. Jehoshaphat too employed this language as an unconventional weapon of warfare and God’s people had victory (2 Chronicles 20:1-30). When this language is spoken God acts powerfully. The Scriptures in Jeremiah 33:11 says that “the sounds of joy and laughter. The joyful voices of bridegrooms and brides will be heard again, along with the joyous songs of people bringing thanksgiving offerings to the Lord. They will sing, ‘Give thanks to the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, for the Lord is good.His faithful love endures forever!’ For I will restore the prosperity of this land to what it was in the past, says the Lord”(NLT). When God’s name is exalted, there is a guaranteed manifestation of His power

and glory. Interestingly, our gifts are part of our thanksgiving to God. Therefore, let your thanksgiving take a visible and sizeable shape. Psalm 29:2 says we should “give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name…” The Lord expects and approves of your thanksgiving offering after he has done something great for you. King Solomon was one who knew the importance of this art also. After God had allowed him to build a tabernacle, he gave God a special thanksgiving offering thereby provoking God to give him an opportunity to ask whatever he needed. Solomon asked for wisdom and thereby became the wisest and richest king ever lived on the face of the world (1 Samuel 3:4-13). Agreeably, the quality of your thanksgiving may really be stating the depth of your appreciation to God, the great I am that I am. Hence, David said in 2 Samuel 24:24 that he would not give God what would not cost himnothing. Whatever you sow into the Kingdom of God, you will surely reap (1 Corinthians 9:6). Your seed is never wasted or lost. It will return to you in greater form someday. If you are not sowing, you are only robbing yourself of your tomorrow. Five things to note about the language of thanksgiving: 1. Learn the language. Know the ABC of thanksgiving. You can learn this from Psalm 103:1-5. 2.

Have a good command of the language. 1 Sam. 2:2 “There is none holy as the LORD: for there is none beside thee: neither is there any rock like our God.”


Break the language barrier. Daniel 10:10-13. Don’t start any prayer without praise. The siren will guide your prayers to heaven. When you pray God can send angels to answer. Know that when you embark on praise, God arises personally to bless you.


Avoid sin: Matthew 5:23-24 “Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.” Also, Psalm 66:18 says if you regard iniquity in your heart the Lord will not even hear you talk less of accepting your praise and thanksgiving.


Don’t take His glory. Blessings are reserved for human beings but glory belongs to God. Rom. 11:36 says “For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.”

Dr. Akpo Onduku (Pastor, RCCG Chapel of Grace, Bradford)



EDUCATION Star performers: children from Bonner Primary in Tower Hamlets with rapper BREIS at the Half Moon theatre in Limehouse (From London Evening Standard 15/2/12)


“rapping and music, key elements of youth culture can be used to help improve learning of a language in a much more inclusive way” - David Boggis

Creative Approach to

is in Tower Hamlets where a group of 200 children took part in a poetry quest project where with the aid of BREIS they wrote and performed their own poems in a theatre. The project was an initiative run by the Charity ‘Prince’s Foundation for Children and the Arts’.Jeremy Newton, chief executive of the charity, said: “By inviting children to write and perform their own poems we have helped encourage thought, creativity, planning and communication. All of these abilities are an enormous advantage to children both in and outside the classroom.” When asked about his work with Student of Life Karl Nova said “As we know young people today listen to all kinds of music, most of it isn’t positive but as a Christian I have been able to shine light and get the young people to question what they listen to and appreciate the process of being creative. I have seen these young people discover their own creative gifts and feel inspired to be positive and make a difference”. Perhaps ‘youth culture’ and education need not be opposites but

It’s a rap – Karl Nova has been teaching Thomas Lord Audley School pupils to sing in German (From London Gazette 2/4/10)

rather work together to bring the best out of our children. It may be a good way forward for parents and teachers to use children’s interests to increase their learning. Want to try it out for yourself? Here’s an idea for your children for the Holidays from Student of Life. Get them to create a comic of their own. First they need to do some research, so maybe get them some appropriate comics. They can create their own characters (normal, superheroes) and draw them. Do a cover and then come up with a plot an adventure. Hopefully they like it enough to want to create a second edition. This will encourage them to increase their reading and writing skills. For more information about Student of Life visit or to contact Karl Nova visit

Literacy ccording to a recent study, a fifth of teenagers leave school so illiterate and innumerate they are incapable of dealing with the challenges of everyday life.The study was carried out by a group of researchers from Sheffield University including Greg Brookes, a professor of education, It stated that 22% of 16- to 19year-olds in England are functionally innumerate – meaning their maths skills are limited to little more than basic arithmetic. This means their numeracy levels are at or below an 11-year-old’s.This is a higher rate of innumeracy than many other industrialised countries. Also, according to the study 17% of 16- to 19-year-olds are functionally illiterate – meaning they cannot handle much more than straightforward questions and their reading standard is at or below an 11-year-old’s. The official literacy target in primary schools should be raised, according to the chief inspector of schools Sir Michael Wilshaw, who warns that the current benchmark is too low to ensure success at GCSE. The question arises, how can teachers and parents get children interested in reading, literacy and numeracy when they are more interested in music, television and video games? One organisation believes it can answer this question, they are called Student of Life and they use hip hop and rap music to engage school children and get them excited about learning. They aim to make learning fun and their mission is to build better lives by building




better minds. They deliver workshops, talks and performances in primary and secondary schools, colleges, libraries, youth centres, etc. The organisation was founded in 2009 by critically acclaimed Hip Hop MC and workshop facilitator, BREIS (breeze). The workshops are run by BREIS and Rapper & Spoken Word Poet Karl Nova. The workshops cover literacy and science. In literacy they look at identity, aspirations, how to be more imaginative in writing and the power of words. The Science students learn rap songs about Science and get to create their own. One teacher said“The workshops were inspirational and fun! Student of Life created an environment where the students were learning about science without even realising it and were able to express themselves freely”. So is this really the way forward for education? The workshops have been surprisingly successful and well received by both students and teachers. A school in Colchester invited Student of Life to their school to help year 9 students to learn German. With the help of Karl Nova, the students used the German words they had learned and used them as lyrics for their own rap songs. One student said “It brought the language to life.” David Boggis, the assistant head teacher said that it showed that “rapping and music, key elements of youth culture can be used to help improve learning of a language in a much more inclusive way” Another project that demonstrates the success of this approach

The Pastors’ Welfare Scheme (PWS) provides assistance to pastors in challenging times

RCCG UK Pastors' Welfare Scheme




Great Minds Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) is a not-so-famous inventor and scientist who does not deserve the title,‘obscure’. Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, and Thomas Edison may be a lot more popular than Nikola Tesla but Tesla was without a doubt, outstanding in his time and should be highly popular today for his eminent achievements.


esla was born in our modern-day Croatia, and later became an American citizen; he proved that wireless transmission is possible, by demonstrating communication in a short range wirelessly. In fact Tesla demonstrated wireless energy transmission as early as 1891.No scientist could rival Nikola Tesla in his time, although it is worth noting that Thomas Edison opposed his use of AC (alternating current) in power transmission. Thomas Edison educated the masses in a bid to make them believe that DC (direct current) was better for transmitting electricity over long distances, but Edison was later proved wrong. It’s funny that with all the rivalry and fights, these two were once good friends. In my opinion Nikola Tesla is a legend! He transferred electricity wirelessly in his lab. Now, this is what we’ve been trying to do probably for the last 10 years, it’s just unbelievable. Today, because of the high demand of portable electronic devices all over the place, there is a need to constantly and effectively charge these devices. The world today is trying to provide wireless charging solutions to these gadgets. For instance, this would meanwhen you are in a building, your phone could be charging right inside your pocket as you go about your normal business. We can all see where things are headed, everything is going mobile and smaller too, thus the need to be sustained as they help us to do what they were made for. It was Nikola Tesla’s dream to transmit electricity wirelessly to homes! He worked hard to make this a reality, and the scary part of this dream is that it was all going to be free! What? Free? Yes, free. Initially Nikola Tesla got funding because anyone could tell



that his future was bright but conspiracy has it that his free wireless electricity project was terminated because then the government would not be able to charge for electricity. His dream and project eventually died because there was no funding for his projects. Unfortunately no-one understands electromagnetism like Tesla did! When you understand the A-Z of something then you can afford to improve on it. In those days,

“Tesla would visualize an invention in his mind with extreme precision, including all dimensions, before moving to the construction stage; a technique sometimes known as picture thinking. He typically did not make drawings by hand, instead just conceiving all ideas with his mind! All he did was use His brain – something that we can all do.”

scientists used their brains in a way that we do not anymore because gadgets do everything for us, from minute calculations to remembering an event. However, this has actually slowed down the progress of important inventions and innovations. For instance the iPhone’s app, ‘Siri’ talks back to you telling you what you ask it to remind you of. The Siri saves you the trouble of having to remember a lot of things. It also gives you definitions of words among many other tasks. But, if I recall right, the more you use your brain the more itbecomes better and sharper. Therefore if we are all not using our brains as much as people did in those days when we had no computers then it’s very arguable that the human brain today is actually becoming duller instead of sharper. It is frankly unbelievable that a young man in the 1800s could achieve so much and send electricity wirelessly! What brilliance! Albert Einstein was extremely intelligent but this guy Tesla is a genius! Pure intelligence I must say.Tesla would visualize an invention in his mind with extreme precision, including all dimensions, before moving to the construction stage; a technique sometimes known as picture thinking. He typically did not make drawings by hand, instead just conceiving all ideas with his mind! All he did was use His brain – something that we can all do! Here’s the thing, I believe that you are more powerful than you know and think you are. God created all of us for a reason and we are here to individually solve a problem(s). We all came to earth to unravel a mystery! There’s something you can do right now that no one else on the planet can! Discover it and go for it! Idorenyin Eno

Please Don’t Send Me To Africa Andrew Adeleke

God is a missionary God. God’s missionary method is his covenant people including you. Our mission takes place through the communities of light. We are the light of the World. John 17:14-19 I have given them thy word; and the world hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. 15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them from the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil one. 16 They are not of the world even as I am not of the world. 17 Sanctify them in the truth: thy word is truth. 18 As thou didst send me into the world, even so sent I them into the world. 19 And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they themselves also may be sanctified in truth. Mission is a characteristic of God. Our God is a sending God. He sent his Son to redeem the world. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:16). He also sent his spirit to renew the world. Jesus sends the believers to the world in the authority of the Almighty God. It starts and ends with God. Therefore when you have a heart for missions, you are being like your heavenly father the Almighty God. More like God All the acts of God in the Bible are big acts. Look at the calling of Samuel, his mother was barren, but when God overturned her bareness she committed Samuel to the Lord and he became a living sacrifice and church servant. God was mindful of his destiny and he became one of the greatest Prophets to ever live. Are you mindful of the poor? Those who are still in the darkness of the Gospel? Social outcasts? God is a doer. We often procrastinate We want to do missions, we want to be connected to the poor and help the helpless but we postpone our intentions , may be next time. One of the reasons for procrastination is a small dream and insignificant acts. Marcus Aurelius who rose to become Roman Emperor declared “ Dream big dreams; only big dreams have the power to move and change men’s souls” With your influence and resources, what will you do for God in Africa Missions?

On the Side Lines Jesus declared “ many are called but few are chosen”. (Matt. 22:14) Destiny changers are few. Mother Teresa was one. Mother in Israel Folu Adeboye is another. I believe your name is in the book of life. Then don’t be on the side lines. If you have life then you must give life to others. In the game of life, some will be fouled by hunger and disaster. Some will be called to lend to the nations. Some will be referees or directors but can I say this, in the game of life three types of people are involved. First are the spectators. These are the majority of people. They act as bystanders, watching life and miracles happening around them. They avoid trying to be commited for fear of not finishing, hurt, defeated or rejected. Running away from the burden of responsibility.

Winning for God There are superstars of the Almighty in every game of life. There are winners. They are few. They have the ability to believe God, dissolve doubts and dream big. They set and accomplish goals to help themselves and other people. You will be one of them. They look beyond the comfort of their churches and the vision of God is their priority. Will you be a winner for God?

More Active role in Africa Mission I know getting involved in Africa Missions will bring a burden of responsibility. Trying to be a good role model and setting good examples on the mission field. Making little but necessary efforts to meet the needs and change the lives of those who are voiceless. It costs , but God who cannot lie declared in Luke 6:38 “give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, shall they give into your bosom. For with what measure ye mete it shall be measured to you again.”

What we need from you. * Africa Missions needs people who will pray for souls and missionaries on the field Recently many Christians were killed in Libya, Congo and Ivory Coast. In the Northern part of Nigeria, to get to some places right now is a death sentence! * Africa Missions needs people who will go and visit to build, encourage and give medical and educational materials to people on the mission field. The great commission comes equipped with the great comforter and we are called to the same . * Africa Missions needs people who will give regularly on a monthly basis no matter how small * Africa Mission needs people who will volunteer in our UK office few days a month and also we need more people to be our Ambassadors. * We need more people on the Board ofAfrica Missions to execute our projects.

Another set of people in the game of life are the losers. They avoid commitment by all means. They spend their time criticising those who are active. How do you know them? Losers are easily spotted because they quickly and readily put themselves and others down. Cain in the bible was a loser. Judas in the company of Jesus was a loser. You will not be a loser. The Prophet declared that the eyes of the Lord is going to and fro throughout the earth looking for a man or a woman whose heart is perfect towards God and his plans. When God sees such a man or woman, he will send resources to him or her.

What Africa Missions can do for you * We can give you incredible opportunities to travel to the Nations. * First class access to minister directly to those in need * Opportunities to exercise your faith Training in the school of missions and spiritual warfare.

Please e mail, phone or visit us for more details Our mission office is at Africa Missions 262-274 Camberwell Road London SE50DP Tel. 02072774312 Contact: David Emmanuel.



Why you should



Yes You Can! How many times have you heard yourself say, ‘I can’t do this’.


hen I was pregnant with my third son I experienced a catastrophic breakdown and a severe identity crisis. My husband and I were not expecting any more children and were being responsible adults but God clearly had another plan! Being pregnant a third time with two children both under the age of 4, was an enormous trial and I remember standing by the kitchen sink one day crying and complaining to God letting him know unequivocally that this was by far one of the worst things that could happen to me right now and that I could not do this. God in his loving kindness reassured me that day that things could be much worse and reminded me that through Him I could do all things. If you were to pay close attention to your daily conversations you may find that you often say the words ‘I can’t do this’, even if you don’t verbalise it, when circumstances and challenges arise that are overwhelming and beyond our control we often communicate these words subconsciously by default. As a mother of five I often have to remind my children that they can do whatever they put their minds to and are prepared to work hard at, especially when they are trying to get out of doing something they know they have to do, like homework! Most of us have been programmed to think, speak and act negatively as an initial response. If you listen to those around you and even the conversations you have on a daily basis you will notice that people are quick to criticise, condemn and complain rather than compliment, commend and congratulate. Most people can easily point out what is wrong or went wrong but find it much more of a challenge to highlight what went well. This destructive mentality is often the result of things we have experienced in our past. We think we can’t simply because someone (or some experience) told us we can’t. We think we are unattractive because someone (or some experience) told us we were unattractive. We think we



are a failure because someone (or some experience) told us we were a failure. We tell ourselves, ‘I can’t start a business’, ‘I can’t ask for a promotion’, ‘I can’t lose weight’, ‘I can’t forgive’, ‘I can’t forget’, the list of things we can’t do, for many, goes on and on. I have a question for you, ‘Who told you that you can’t?’ The Bible says I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME.

“ I have a question for you, ‘Who told you that you can’t?’ The Bible says I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME.” So I have another question, ‘Who do you believe?’ One of the most mind blowing things about being a Christian is the fact that we are new creatures and God’s mercy is new EVERY morning. Each and every day we have been given another opportunity to start again. Whatever failures, mistakes or mishaps happened in the past is in the past. Every day we get to make a decision to look up and move forward. Your past does not determine your future. Your mistakes do not define you. Where you find yourself today is a direct result of the decisions you have made up until this point. Most people will blame others, the economy, luck or

Karen Allen

misfortune for their circumstances but as Christians we know the Bible says that we should not be conformed to the thinking of this world but that we should be transformed by the renewing of our minds. It is not rocket science TRANSFORMATION takes place when our minds are renewed, therefore if you find yourself in a situation that needs transformation, whether in a relationship, finances, business, or work, all transformation begins in the mind. Many people get stuck because when they face situations that appear overwhelming they convince themselves that they ‘can’t’ see or find a way out. Whenever you say you can’t you cut off all possibilities, you limit your chances of finding a solution. If you think you can’t then YOU need to change your thinking. If you think you are a failure then YOU need to change your actions. The person who is in control of your thoughts, words and actions is YOU. That day at the kitchen sink when I did my best to convince God that I did not have what it took to be a mother of three (as you will note I since went on to have two more!!) I had to make a decision. Would I allow what appeared to me to be a setback, make me abdicate my goals and dreams and settle for a mediocre and average life? Would I permit my disappointment to defer or even deny me of my God given destiny? As challenging as the situation was I made a decision to believe God and embrace his word, I told myself ‘I CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens me’. And so can you. Karen Allen Karen Allen is a highly acclaimed Author, a Conference host, inspirational speaker, youth campaigner, personal development coach and a trainer in lifestyle transformation. You can contact her via &


SUNRISE Magazine

To reach a direct audience of a minimum 100,000 readers (4 readers to 1 copy). To reach an audience in literally every locale of the United Kingdom and in major towns in Europe where the RCCG has parishes, increasing the reach and spread of the popularity of your product, service or activity. RCCG members are multiracial, multicultural 1st, 2nd and 3rd generational immigrants who have very deep roots with their various communities here in the United Kingdom and Europe. They also have equally deep roots with their various communities in Africa and the United States of America. The advertisement of your product, service or activity will be received literally by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. The website,, will also contain the full electronic version of the magazine, making your advert accessible to millions of RCCG members and others worldwide.

PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Size: A4 (i.e. 291 x 210mm portrait). Frequency: Quarterly (Dec, March, June and Sept). Pagination: Minimum 68 pages. Finishing: Perfect bound . Paper: Text on 100gsm gloss art and Covers on 350gsm gloss art (outer covers gloss varnished). Coloration: Full process colour throughout. Quantity: Minimum 25,000 copies per edition. Contents: Positive, interesting, enlightening, peoplecentric, lifestyle magazine. DISTRIBUTION Core: 450 parishes of the RCCG in the UK and Europe. Others: Events, Surgeries, salons, restaurants etc as delivered. All other information can be obtained from FIRST CALL DESIGN AND PUBLISHING LTD, the publishing consultants for the publishers of Sunrise Magazine, the Redeemed Christian church of God (RCCG), United Kingdom. CONTACT DETAILS Add: Suite 156, Rosden House, 372 Old Street, London Ec1V 9AU. Tel: +44 (20) 8500 3429. Email: Web:


Autism & Me Bebe Clement had noticed for some time that her son was displaying characteristics such as disturbed sleeping and eating patterns, delayed development, disconnection from the world around him and gaze avoidance. Although he was a very placid and happy child, these characteristics were of concern. After reading a newspaper article, Bebe realised that her son was displaying characteristics of autism and decided to confide in her husband who to her surprise had also been noticing similar behaviour. She remembers the night that they finally talked about it and the process that occurred afterward, she shares her experience with Sunrise in the hope that her experience will help others who are having a similar experience.


hat night we decided we would both spend a week researching autism and then compare notes. We assured ourselves that there was obviously no way that he had autism, but we would do it all the same. All I can say is “thank God for the internet” that gave us all the information we needed. Our doctor referred us to a paediatrician who thankfully was very versed in autism, (there are not a lot of them sadly). He was also up to date on and open to trying many of the interventions new research was showing could greatly help these children, such as ‘Applied Behaviour Analysis’, (otherwise known as Lovaas therapy), bio medical and diet intervention, etc. We began to put strategies in place to help our son. I had read somewhere that it is vital to keep talking to children with autism, so they have less opportunity to disappear into their own little world. I would talk to our son all day long, taking him with me all around the house. He was not to be left on his own for more than 30 minutes in a day. We vocalised everything. “We are going up the stairs” as we plonked up the stairs together. “Cup, This is a cup” (I would show him the cup and have him touch it). We got a speech therapist who gave us strategies to make him talk. She explained the importance of non verbal communication, such as eye contact, so when talking to him we would put our finger under his chin to make sure he looks at us first. “Look at me” became the most used phrase in our household. She advised us to break language down to the barest minimum, no long sentences, clear direct speech, “sit down”, rather than “can you go and sit over there please?” We had an Occupational therapist who helped with coordination etc. We were told it was important to make interacting with people fun. There were lots of tickling games, over the top praise. We started an intensive therapy programme called Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA). This is where tasks are broken down into bite size pieces and once one part is mastered, they go to the next stage. We also changed his diet. There is a lot of debate about what causes autism, some say it is genetic, others that it is caused by vaccination etc, but there is an autistic school of thought that says it is caused by a faulty digestive system, (often referred to as ‘leaky gut syndrome’) . This is where because the gut is faulty, digestion is not going on the way it should do, peptides cause the gut to begin to leak and food that should be



digested begins to enter the blood stream and carries it to the brain which interferes with brain function. I personally believe there is a genetic disposition towards autism and I am not sure if ‘leaky gut’ is a cause or rather a symptom of autism, but identify totally with the theory, as it is characterised by constipation and other characteristics that were all present in our son’s infancy. In order to rebuild the gut, certain bio medical interventions had to be employed. I learnt a new language of enzymes, amino acid, fatty acid, IQ ( a brand of fish oil), zinc etc and learnt the essence of these on brain function and child development. Our friends were fantastic. They began to research on the topic and would send us any information they could find (and still do). I read Lyn Hamilton’s book, ‘Facing autism’. It was an eye opener and very informative, as well as Catherine Maurice’s excellent book, “Let me hear your voice”, which gave me hope and introduced me to ABA. Catherine had 2 children on the autistic spectrum that both ‘recovered’ and have gone on to be indistinguishable from their neuro -typical, “(normal)” peers. I also read ‘Sonrise’, a book by Barry Kaufmann whose son also ‘recovered’ from autism through a similar programme.. Today our son is a very happy, affectionate, handsome 10 year old boy. He attends a special school for 3 days a week and still continues his ABA programme at home for 2 days a week and it is to the principles of this programme that I attribute the majority of his progress. Although he is now verbal, his speech is much delayed, but his vocabulary is broadening all the time. His self-help skills are also improving. What does the future hold? Only God knows. In the early days of his diagnosis I nearly drove myself insane by dwelling on questions like that. Thankfully we have come to a place where we can use our time concentrating on the things that are within our power to affect and are productive for our son. First of all we love him unconditionally and ensure that we enjoy every moment that we can with him. We have made a choice decision to concentrate on the wonderful things about him. We will do our best to teach him independence skills, the rest is in God’s hands and what better hands for him to be in”? Bebe Clement is a professional speaker, trainer and business consultant and is president of Black Businesses, (a business group for black professionals). She can be contacted at

christ redeemer college graduation


he General Overseer of the Redeemed Chris an Church of God is pictured here with the 2011 Graduates of The Christ Redeemers College. Christ the Redeemer College (CRC) is an interna onal centre for Chris an life and study. The college is dedicated to the training of church and non-church based leaders to serve God and humanity with excellence and honour. All the theology degree programmes are validated by Middlesex University, while most of the Informa on Technology courses are professional courses from interna onally recognised ins tu ons.







he Covenant Partners dinner was held on the 19th October 2011 at Jesus house London. It was a ended by those who have honoured God by partnering with The Redeemed Chris an Church of God in prayers and ďŹ nancially. As such they were given the unique opportunity to have a dinner with the General Overseer, Pastor E. A Adeboye.





fol workers rally october 2011


he Pre Fes val of Life Workers Rally was held on the 25th of October 2011 at the Excel Centre London. At the Workers’ Rally, all who serve in one way or the other in RCCG churches from across the United Kingdom come together for a me of praise, prayer and personal revival. Workers search the Holy Scriptures with the RCCG General Overseer, Pastor Enoch Adeboye.





God's General

Pastor E. A. Adeyboye turns 70


HE General Overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) worldwide, Pastor Enoch AdejareAdeboye, clocked 70 years in March 2012, with the occasion coinciding with the March Special Holy Ghost Service in Nigeria. In 1986 Pastor Adeboye was at his desk one day when God asked him a question. “My son, what gift would you want for your birthday?” Pastor Adeboye answered the Lord that he wanted each and every one in his congregation to experience at least a miracle from the Lord to mark his birthday. The Lord gave him the instruction to conduct a miracle service where the people would have an indelible encounter with Him. At each and every one of these events,

miracles, signs and wonders have become commonplace as the power of God moves freely to set free, heal, anoint, deliver, bless and empower.As the years went by, this gathering became monthly with millions in attendance. It has also become international with Holy Ghost services holding across the world. This year’s Special Holy Ghost Service in Nigeria as seen in these photos was one to be remembered as our beloved General Overseer turned 70 years. Tributes poured in from across the world for God’s General Pastor E. Adeboye who is a truly inspirational leader that was voted as one of the 50 most Influential Leaders in the World by America’s Newsweek magazine in 2008.Daddy GO, we love you!







he General Overseer of The Redeemed Chris an Church of God admonishes and prays for new ordinands in October 2011.





School of Disciples Graduation'





A – Z of RCCG Unreached Areas in the UK To the Glory of God, the RCCG continues to extend its presence in the United Kingdom by planting new churches in areas previously unreached by the mission. Please find below a list of yet-to-be-reached locations by the church in the UK. Through God’s guidance, these territories will soon be thriving mission fields. Please pray along with us.

RCCG UK Annual General Meeting

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.



Carlisle Falkirk Guernsey Harrogate Hebrides Isle of Man Jersey, Channel Isles

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Kilmarnock, Ayrshire Llandrindod Wells, Powys Llandudno, Gwynedd Newport, Gwent Shrewsbury Galashiels, Selkirkshire Torquay

15. 16.

Truro, Cornwall Lerwick, Shetland

Compiled by the Parish Liaison Department, Central Office. April 2012.




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National Day of Prayer

Queen’s Diamond Jubilee 4/6/2012. I Peter 2:17 – ‘Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the King.’ Action Points: ‘You can organise a Street Party, a Fun Day, a Prayer Meeting or light a Church Beacon along with other churches across the UK as a means of giving thanks for her reign; Send a message to The Queen; Find an event near you’., ,


RCCG Place of Victory Belfast


xpo-Na ons is an ini a ve of The Place of Victory for All Na ons, Belfast- a mul -na onal church in the heart of the city of Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Expo-Na ons, now in it's 4th year, brings together people from the various na ons, cultures and communi es represented in Northern Ireland and encourages them to engage and learn more about each other to help foster peace and community cohesion. The event is both

educa onal and entertaining and is an avenue through which the church can demonstrate the love of God for all races and na onali es in a way that benefits and enriches it local community. Expo-Na ons 2011 had many na onali es represented amongst the a endants and amongst the dignitaries in a endance were The Lord Mayor of Belfast, official delegates from the consulates and embassies of various countries and Pastors from other RCCG parishes.

London 2012 Olympics National Day of Prayer & Worship being organised by Global Day of Prayer (GDoP) Matt. 6:10 – “your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” ‘Action Point’ : ‘Prepare and encourage others to attend the National Day of Prayer & Worship at Wembley Stadium, London on September 29, 2012.”

National Parenting Initiative (NPI) Proverbs 22:6 – “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Action Point : ‘Attend a training session to enable you deliver parenting courses in your community this year’.



I John 4:7 – ‘Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.’ Action Point: Pray for success of Games, for peace throughout the period and for the love of God to be manifest among all; use the games to build community and do mission work’.

Hope UK

I Corinthians 13:13 - ‘And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.’ Action Point: Visit the Hope website to get inspiration, ideas and resources to get started.



YOUTH building is this much dreaded virtue called DISCIPLINE. I have realised that sometimes even after you know the reasons or the purpose for something; there is more required of you. Though, by the grace of God I know what my destiny is, I often don’t do what will take me there even knowing what I need to do. Another statement was brought to my attention recently “Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t.” To fulfil our destiny and to fulfil it well, it will take discipline and constant instruction, especially in the early training years when no-one is watching, when we are hidden and inconspicuous and very likely forgettable. We need to learn discipline. Jesus commanded his disciples that the discipline of reading the word and of remaining in the word would prove them as his disciples indeed.

Staying on Course n a friend’s Facebook page, these words were posted… “You put in what you want to get out”, clearly emphasized with them was that this statement is applicable in every area of life, whether work or play. I desire to live a fruitful life and so I must put in the effort to succeed, but what is the key to this desired success? There began the search. Through my Spiritual Leaders, the Holy Spirit led me to a place of mindful despair where I realised that without discipline this life I live would soon become nothing more than a list of coincidences; and that is no way for a Christ carrier to live. The first statement I came across was that we cannot be disciples without discipline. John 8:31 states that if we are Jesus’ disciples indeed, we would remain in the word, then we would know the truth and the truth will set us free. The word ‘discipline’ has many definitions, for example ‘training to act in accordance with rules’ or ‘a branch of learning behaviour in agreement with rules of conduct’. In many cases of course, it is defined as punishment. That reminds me of the story of little Jane Eyre who was always punished for never doing anything. I am certain that having read such descriptions we can find ourselves frowning at any reference to us needing discipline. When our experience of




discipline was that of pain, of course we would rather not suffer pain. But as a provoked man once said; ‘What is life if not pain’. There is pain in all areas of life, the difference is in whether the pain is resulting in a better life or useless anguish and greater pain?... that is our choice to make. In this season: to ARISE, I could not help but ponder on the significance of arising. After arising where do you go, what do you do? I reckon that arising is just the first step. I could wake up in the morning, arise from my bed and out of my blankets but what do I do next? What propels me to act? What makes me kneel and pray: giving thanks to God for another morning, for new mercies and greater grace? What makes me brush my teeth and prepare for the day ahead, what makes me look forward to what is to come or even dread it and still find myself doing it because it is necessary to do? What makes life worthwhile? What makes destiny a reachable promise rather than a misty and forgotten one? What makes me more like Christ: seeing the promise in his word become life and breath in my life? What makes me see Heaven on Earth? The answers to these questions for many people will hopefully begin with God. Nevertheless I believe hidden beneath it all, just under the surface like the foundation of a

“We are like computers if there is no software: no written commands of the way the system is meant to act it simply will not act or rather if the software given is wrong then the system would do what it is being told to do, even if it is wrong. What we feed on affects who we become. The process of feeding is what makes the difference”. This is the life we too are called to, the moment we receive Christ as our Lord and personal Saviour this is the life we must adopt. Galatians 2:20, says ‘it is no longer I but Christ who lives in me both to will and to do of the Lord’s good pleasure’. When this sinks into our spirits, then and only then we begin to live. However this life we are living is not our own and that is why instruction is necessary. When we choose to remain in the word of God, we receive instruction in the way that we should live. The scripture says also that we have the mind of Christ: the mind to be able to contemplate and do as Christ did, nevertheless instruction is still necessary. We are like computers if there is no software: no written commands of the way the system is meant to act it simply will not act or rather if the software given is wrong then the system would do what it is being told to do, even if it is wrong. What we feed on affects who we become. The process of feeding is

what makes the difference. Many people are disciplined in eating the wrong things. The instruction they receive comes solely from television programs: they can never miss one show or another, ‘they would just die’. Or when listening to music: they would buy each and every album released by an artist. Yet the same hunger for the Word of God is often not demonstrated. We are all, to some extent disciplined, it is the degree of discipline and to what that matters. Many young boys are disciplined to sleep their lives away, however as they begin to read the life manual: the Bible, they begin to learn that the sluggard, the lazy one is destined for poverty. Therefore they begin to wake up early to prepare to go out and fulfil their destinies. The Word of God should be our instruction, we should receive discipline though the word. Jeremiah 15:16 states, “Thy words were found, and I did eat them: and thy word was unto me, the joy and rejoicing of mine heart; for I am called by thy name O Lord God of hosts.” The psalmist said “How shall a young man cleanse his ways, by taking heed, thereto, according to thy Word” Psalm 119:9. According to Proverbs 1:3, the Word of God comes that we may receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, judgement and equity. This is the instruction that breeds discipline. The Word of God makes us disciples, it makes us disciplined: the irony however is that it requires discipline to remain in the word. Borrowing the master’s phrase, “Though your faith be small as a mustard seed…” (Matt. 17:20) in the same way, though your discipline be small as a mustard seed… it doesn’t matter how you start, it only matters that you do and how you end. The end of a matter is better than the beginning thereof. So my friends I encourage you to start. If you are not a Christian begin by accepting Jesus. Then begin to live a disciplined life. The life you live will become a testimony of Christ who is living in you. Jesus was a disciplined man. Imagine if Jesus wasn’t disciplined: he might have never prayed. In the years before his ministry, he might not have learnt anything, he might have become a nuisance to the people of his land, not to talk of his family, his testimony might have been affected. Rather I believe that he was an upstanding member of society and I sincerely believe that it had less to do with his deity and more to do with the disciplined life he led from a tender age “… I am about my father’s business…” (Luke 2:49) he said at twelve. Moreover he constantly gave thanks and deference to His Father in Heaven… “… if it were possible take this cup from me but nevertheless, not my will but yours be done…” (Luke 22:42). He was disciplined even unto death on the cross. Discipline will keep you in the path to destiny and in the long run the path to eternal life, for many are the tests and temptations that will come our away. We should be disciplined enough to persevere to the end; for “the trying of our faith worketh patience, but let patience have her perfect work that we may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing (James 1:3-4). Life is like a series of tests, we will pass them all in Jesus name. I wish you the best in this journey called life. One day we shall all meet and celebrate with God, we shall all go home to the place of glory. I hope to see you there. Sindile Moyo



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20th of July 2012


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Maintaining a Peaceful Home The truth is that the absence of war is not necessarily peace. There are times when the very atmosphere in our homes can tell a visitor that there is an absence of peace. There may be no signs of obvious conflict, families are living together in a nervous and unstable environment not knowing when the current ceasefire will be over.


oes this describe your home? How can we cultivate an atmosphere of peace in our homes and families? Firstly each individual must ensure that they are at peace with themselves. Inner peace is a sense of wholeness, of well-being, that comes through a right relationship with God. When we trust him, when we obey Him, when we let Him have control of our lives, we receive an inner peace.

• • • •

What can rob us of this inner peace? Not listening to God (Isaiah 48:17-18) Not being in right relationship with others (Heb. 12:14) When we are fearful, anxious or troubled we can lose our peace We can allow worry to damage our health. It can cause the object of our worries to consume our thoughts (Phil. 4:6-8, John 14:27). At times we can feel overwhelmed by all the responsibilities that we have. We don’t feel confident in our abilities to fulfil them. We need to put our confidence in God rather than ourselves (Phil 4:13).

When this turmoil is going on inside one or more family member, it upsets the balance of the household as inevitably this inner conflict will eventually spill over into the home. Teenagers in particular are often struggling with their identity and worried about many issues. This often brings an atmosphere of tension which can fuel conflict. It is important then to sit down regularly every day if possible as husband and wife and also with the children to discuss worries, fears and to emphasise God’s sovereignty in every situation. An honest and



open dialogue can go a long way towards preventing an atmosphere of tension in the home. This will prevent us from walking on ‘egg shells’ wondering what mood our spouse or children will be in today. A useful tool for doing this is The Daily Temperature Reading. This can be used at the end of every day between spouses especially and even with the whole family maybe once a week where everyone will take a turn to go through the process and the others listen. The stages are: • Appreciations (Appreciate each other for the good actions, words and attitudes expressed that day or week. • New Information (This is a chance to share something new that has happened to us or that we have learnt that day or week). • Puzzles (This is a chance to ask questions about issues that we need more understanding about, perhaps certain behaviours that we want to question or personal concerns we have) • Complaints with Request for Change (This is where each individual will respectfully state a complaint and request how they would have preferred the issue to be have been handled. This is not a time to start conflict but rather to have a reasonable and calm discussion. If there are signs that the conversation will be too volatile, set a time when you will discuss this issue specifically. Good listening is absolutely essential during this stage so that conflicts to not arise). • Wishes, Hopes & Dreams (This is a chance to discuss future goals). The rewards of doing this exercise will be equal to the amount of effort put in.

Matthew 5:9 says God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God. Colossians 3:15 says “ And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful”. The interaction between Jacob and Rachel is an example that we can learn from. Jacob and Rachel were greatly in love but when there was an obstacle that they needed to overcome, peace left the home. Genesis 30:1-3 says “When Rachel saw that she wasn’t having any children for Jacob, she became jealous of her sister. She pleaded with Jacob, “Give me children, or I’ll die!” Then Jacob became furious with Rachel. “Am I God?” he asked. “He’s the one who has kept you from having children!” Then Rachel told him, “Take my maid, Bilhah, and sleep with her. She will bear children for me,[a] and through her I can have a family, too.” In this example, bareness was the problem, however as is often the case instead of attacking the problem, couples begin to attack each other. Rachel demanded that Jacob give her children as if to say that he was somehow withholding them from her which led him to be furious. The lesson here is that couples should work as a team to seek the face of God over such issues and work to maintain their individual and collective peace rather than fighting each other. Part of the issue here was the language that they used. It was very accusatory and aggressive. Rachel said ‘Give me children or I die’! and Jacob said angrily ‘Am I God’? The words that we use are very important in cultivating a peaceful home. The words ‘please’ and ‘thank-you’ seem to have been

replaced with ‘give me now’ and ‘I want, I want’. When talking to one another here are some helpful tips: • Be direct and avoid dropping hints. Say what you mean! The other person may not have a clue what you are talking about, yet you are angry at not being understood. • Be clear and describe things well. • Be specific when airing a complaint ore issue. Don’t be vague, instead get to the point! • Be honest and avoid exaggeration. Try not to use statement like ‘You never…’ or ‘You always…’ These statements can foster conflict and resentment. For example ‘You never do anything around the house’. This may not be completely true. What you could say is: ‘Thank you that you sometimes tidy up. I’d really like it if you could help a bit more often as this would help me to be productive in some other areas’. • Be tactful and think about the listener’s feelings, remembering that words can hurt Financial pressure is also one of the largest sources of tension in the home. An uneasiness about where finance is going to come from and a lack of dialogue about it in the home can brew conflict. So here are some practical tips to help: • First, get a biblical perspective, (Luke 12:15). No amount of money will make life meaningful. Life's meaning is found in our relationships—first with God, then with our spouse and family, and finally with others. • Consider the following plan: Give 10 percent of your income to the causes of Christ. Save 10 percent for future needs. Use the remaining 80 percent to pay for housing, food, clothing, recreation. • Work out a monthly budget together. • Anything outside the budget should be agreed by both spouses. • Both should know when cheques are being issued to avoid bouncing cheques. • Consider creative ways to increase your income (business) (Prov. 31:16, 24). • Provision should be made for couples to have an allowance for themselves. This should be equal and depends on the budget that has been decided upon. This could be just £5 a week or more as your budget will allow. This money can be spent at the individual’s discretion (for gifts or personal items). • Ensure that the children are aware of the financial situation to avoid unreasonable demands and resentment from them. Lastly a mismanagement of family

discipline can also remove peace from the home. Where there inconsistencies between parents about methods of discipline, the children can begin to hold amnosity towards the parent that they deem to be’ unfair’. Additionally one spouse may feel unsupported in their discipline efforts. If this remains unspoken, it can again create an absence of peace. Children actually need boundaries and consequences in order to not

“The lesson here is that couples should work as a team to seek the face of God over such issues and work to maintain their individual and collective peace rather than fighting each other.” be confused about what is expected of them. Here are some tips: • Christian parents should administer discipline by allowing God to be their starting point rather than an afterthought. • Each parent must first examine their own character as children learn by example and by observing godly attitudes in their parents' lives. • Consistency in behaviour is the first step towards successful results. If a child is reluctant to perform their chores, they may not comprehend the concept of servant hood in their family. Is serving taught in a home where the father defers all household chores to the mother? Or is rudeness or disrespect modelled in a mother's phone conversations and "innocent" gossip? • The purpose of any discipline is to leave an impression. "I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. I tell you the truth, no servant is great than his master, nor is a

messenger greater than the one who sent him" (John 13:15-16). Christian discipline is not sporadic, depending on convenience or circumstances. Whether in public, at grandma's, or at home, the process should be consistent. Correction and instruction will then be opportunities for God to work through parents in any situation. Consequently, the discipline process requires significant time and commitment. Ask yourself how does the lesson I am teaching coincide with the Lord's plan for my child? Christians use discipline to encourage their child's spiritual nature, not the child's natural instincts. Learn as many ways of responding to your child as you can, while always speaking and acting in love. Then, as children mature, they will reflect the character of Jesus Christ. "And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men" (Luke 2:52). There is a difference between a punishment being given in anger and disciplining in love. The root word of discipline is disciple (= a student, a learner). When God disciplines us, He is making disciples of His children. When you discipline your children, you are making disciples. Discipline is defined as training that develops self-control. Discipline in the Biblical sense includes three levels, instruction, training and correction. Always check the motive behind the discipline – annoyance, embarrassment, anger or a desire to develop godly character in your child. Finally it is very important in a two parent home that both parents agree on the style of discipline so that there will be consistency between them in their approach.

As we put all of these principles into action the Bible says in Psalm 37:37b “a wonderful future awaits those who love peace”. Andrea Onduku Andrea Onduku pastors RCCG Chapel of Grace, Bradford along with her husband, Dr. Akpo Onduku. She has appeared alongside her husband in several forums speaking on marital and other relationship issues. She has a strong passion to see the hurting restored and relationships repaired through the freedom that only Jesus Christ can give. Visit to read further similar articles on various issues affecting relationships.




Principles for Healthy

Friendships I

n the last edition, in this column we discoveredthat friendship is a topic that is important to God with the word friend being mentioned 99 times in the King James Version of the Bible and 218 in The New Living Translation. We used the example of David and Jonathan to illustrate a depth of friendship that is often not seen today. In the continuation of this series, we will use the example of Naomi and Ruth in the book of Ruth in the Bible and draw some key principles out that we can use to enrich our friendships. Naomi had two sons who were married. Her sons died and Ruth now a widow decided to go with her mother-inlaw to a foreign land rather than to stay with her own people in the land of Moab. She demonstrated what it means to be a great friend and we shall learn some key principles from her example. TIME True friendship takes consistent investments of time. Ruth was willing to sacrifice her entire life agenda for the sake of her friendship with Naomi. She had just lost her husband but instead of spending time to gather her thoughts and sort out her life, she invested time into Naomi, to support her in her hour of need. We live in a “quick-fix” world that often fails to understand or address the truth that it takes time to build a friendship. It is so easy to fill every time slot of every day with activity, leaving little or no room for



friends. Are you so busy that your social life consists of sending emails to people you never have time to see in person? Does the thought of just spending time and relaxing with friends make you feel guilty that you’re wasting you day and you should be doing something else? Keeping our friendships and relationships alive requires effort and commitment. We tend to spend time instead of investing it. The depth of the friendship depends upon the investment of time we can make or the investment of

“Keeping our friendships and relationships alive requires effort and commitment” time we are willing to make RISK Thereis an element of risk involved in friendship if it is to grow and mature, reaching its full potential. Ruth was willing to risk her future happiness and settlement for the sake of her friendship with Naomi. John 15:13 says “Greater love has no one than this; that one lay down his life for his friends.” When we choose

to lay down our life for another, we automatically take a chance on being hurt, rejected, betrayed or misunderstood.“This is where we must use wisdom to discern where to put our trust. Proverbs 3:5 says “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding”. TRANSPARENCY In Ruth 1:16, Ruth offers an amazing display of transparency. “Where you go I will go. Where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God, my God.” Her intentions were made completely clear. Openness and honesty nourishes friendship. We are naturally drawn to transparent people because transparency produces authenticity. In fact, Jesus was so transparent to his disciples,He didn’t remain aloof from them. He lived among them, sharing every part of their lives. He ate with them, prayed with them, ministered with them, cried with them and laughed with them. Jesus repeatedly opened Himself up to the disciples. John 15:15 says “I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me”. CORRECTION Naomi told Ruth to return to her home land, but Ruth refused to go. Instead, she confronted and corrected her mother-inlaw. The results were dramatic. “When

Naomi realized that Ruth was determined to go with her, she stopped urging her”. (Ruth 1:18) Godly friendships have the element of correction. Correction brings authenticity and health to every relationship in life – especially friendships. A true friend puts your good above the risk of anger or rejection. “Faithful are the wounds of a friend” (Proverbs 27:6). Silence is agreement and just as dangerous as holding a friend’s hand as he or she walks toward the edge of a cliff. When a warning bell goes off in your mind, when you have a question in your spirit about any part of a friend’s life, you are called to confront that friend in love. Failure to do so may result in their destruction. FORGIVENESS Naomi was Ruth’s mother-in-law and after a close examination of their circumstances, you can imagine the potential for conflict in their relationship. Naomi was a godly woman whose son had married Ruth, a woman who did notworship God. Yet, they loved each other and this eventually led Ruth to worship Jehovah, the true God. Forgiveness has to be part of every friendship. The first step taken in the process of forgiveness is always our responsibility while the outcome and the healing are God’s responsibility. Colossians 3:13 says “Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others”. In other words, we are to put up with any complaints we have with each other without retaliation or revenge. We often make the mistake of thinking forgiveness depends upon feelings, rights, justification or a variety of other manmade excuses. Forgiveness is a deliberate choice, a chosen attitude and a discipline of the heart and will. In fact, forgiveness is a choice that leads to an action that may or may not result in a feeling. FREEDOM Healthy friendships are relationships where each person gives the other room to grow and change. Instead of possessing their friends, they encourage them to grow and change. Paul says it simply and clearly, “Love is not possessive” (I Corinthians 13:4). The friendship of Ruth and Naomi certainly demonstrates this kind of freedom. Naomi was willing to let Ruth start a whole new life that did not

even include her. Naomi gave Ruth the gift of freedom and, as a result, gained a friendship beyond measure. If friendship falters when one friend changes, the relationship is likely built upon the wrong foundation. Has a friend of yours made some positive changes in their life but now you miss the ‘old’ them? Perhaps they have decided to cut back on spending so there are no more shopping trips or lunches out? You need to give

“The best friendships are created by layers of kind actions.” them the freedom to improve their life. One person getting married while the other remains single also changes the dynamics of a marriage but both parties need to give freedom for change but keep the friendship alive. Without the freedom to change and grow, friendship becomes a prime target for jealousy. Jealousy can ruin and has ruined many friendships LOYALTY One of the most important friendship keys is loyalty. Ruth was loyal to Naomi. God honored that loyalty and used it to attract her future husband, Boaz. “Boaz replied, “I’ve been told all about what you have done for your mother-in-law since the death of your husband—how you left your father and mother and your homeland and came to live with a people you did not know before” (Ruth 2:11). Boaz was struck by the loyalty of Ruth, realizing that she was the kind of woman he wanted to marry. True friends are loyal and committed to each other. To be loyal is giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution. (Oxford Dictionary) The keyword here is constant, loyalty sticks through the good and the bad. Here are some ways to build loyalty into friendship. Don’t criticize friends to other people. Cheer at the successes of your friends. Encourage the strengths of your friends. Never use a friend’s weaknesses to your advantage.

ACTION Ruth demonstrated her love for Naomi by her actions. She went with her to Bethlehem and worked in the field for her. “Let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action” (1 John 3:18). The best friendships are created by layers of kind actions. 1. Regularity is one important ingredient in a healthy friendship. It may be a weekly lunch date, annual shopping trip or dinner and a movie once a month. The best friendships are rich with memories accumulated over time. 2. Gifts are a symbol of time and energy spent for a friend. It is not the cost or size of the gift, but the thought behind it that says, “they thought of me.” It is a tangible reminder of the relationship. Funny cards, a favourite snack or magazine, phone calls for no reason etc. 3. Words of a friend are filled with acceptance and approval. In friendships, we need to be cautious with criticism and liberal with praise. Paul writes, “So encourage each other to build each other up.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11). People become what we encourage them to be. A true friend trains his heart and mind to pass over faults in search of strong points. Choose to draw the strong qualities of friends into the spotlight and be their support. Friends look for reasons to praise God in each other. 4. Listening James says we should be “quick to listen and slow to speak” (James 1:19). Talking is sharing but listening is caring. Sometimes the best gift a friend can offer is a listening ear. Finally read the ABC’s of friendship below and make a plan to put each one into action this week. Allow people to get close. Friendship requires taking a risk. Read Proverbs 18:24 (NLT) “There are friends who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother.” Become a great friend. Which way do you run in times of trouble? Read Proverbs 17:17a (NIV) “A friend loves at all times …” Celebrate your friends. Who do you need to celebrate this week? How will you celebrate their friendship? Read Philippians 1:3 (NLT) “Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.” Andrea Onduku



INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY spiritual ideas, we will miss one of the greatest opportunities for the Great Commission. In order to stay on top of current events, and participate effectively in the social web environment, certain tools that will help you stay organised need to be in place. You can find some listed below and many others available and often free. Here is your guide to some of the tools available at your fingertips:

The Gospel Vehicle There seems to be a growing power shift in the online marketplace of spiritual ideas and religious content. The term Web 2.0 is used to describe a second generation of the World Wide Web (www) that is focused on the ability for people to collaborate and share information online.

ne of the components of Web 2.0 is the social web which consists of a number of online tools and platforms where people share their perspectives, opinions, thoughts and experiences. This technology has changed the way people communicate and its impact can be seen today in various professions including business, politics, entertainment, journalism, activism, education etc. Web 2.0 has provided teachers with new ways to engage students through the use of blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web tools for classrooms.It has also opened up new possibilities for peer-to-peer charities, which allow individuals to donate funds to charitable projects. Virtual relationships are now real relationships. Through online networks, individuals can express authenticity, earn trust, and achieve credible voices on all sorts of topics. Interestingly, internet experts believe web 3.0 may unfold in the next decade; an era when technology will allow its users to sit back and let the internet do all of the work for them. Having understood the power of Web 2.0, should Christians participate in such collaborations? It is quite obvious that the




social media is a revolutionary communication vehicle for the gospel. Spiritual confusion is now online and available for the world to see. By joining the communities and engaging in the dialogue, Christians will be creating a new, authentic and transforming voice for the church. Christians can make a difference and affect lives by joining social networking sites such as Facebook, Google+, MySpace, Bebo, LinkedIn, Netlogetc.; social news e.g. Reddit, Digg; video channels such as YouTube, Viddle, or Vimeo;instant messaging such as AIM, Yahoo, live etc.; e-mail e.g. Google Mail, Google Apps Mail, Yahoo! Mail, Hotmail, AOL Mail etc.; blogging e.g. blogger, Wordpress and so on. And once we are followed as a meaningful voice in spiritual matters, we can quickly influence the discussion with the gospel through micro blogging tools such as Twitter or Plurk. Each of these tools can be linked, shared, and embedded in the others, making Web 2.0 scenarios virtually limitless.Whether we like it or not, social networks and other media tools will play a crucial role in the delivery of spiritual information (both truth and deception). Hence if we are not engaged in the online marketplace of

Google Google can be your best ‘friend’! It is a corporate organisation whose mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.Google is primarily known around the world as an internet search engine, its various products can make your life and career pursuit so easy. For example if you need to know how to use a new washing machine you just bought, you can go to Google search. Type‘how to use a washing machine’ and the link will redirect you to a YouTube video where you can follow a tutorial. You don’t need to cram web addresses, whenever people call to ask you simple questions, I refer them to Google. In-fact type your name on Google search and you may be surprised the result you will see! This is why no link is provided to any resources in the article, type your word into Google Search and follow the relevant link. Some of the Google products that you will find significant may include: Google search tool: these tools include Google search, Google scholar, Google news, etc. Google Operating Systems: Chrome, Android and Google TV. Google Applications and publishing tools: these includes Blogger, Bookmarks, Calendar, Docs, Earth, Map, Reader, Talk, Gmail, Google+, iGoogle, YouTube Aggregators Aggregators are RSS or Atom feed (news, images, audios, videos) readers that allow you to read news and updates from various blogs and sources in a single view (browser-based, desktop-based/stand-alone e.g. FeedDemon, web-based such as Google reader as well as mobile-based). These tools can simplify your spiritual and career networking activities.

such as iPad, iPhones or Android; the following applications can enable you use these techs for God: The most popular Christian app, by far, is the YouVersion Bible app, developed by a multiple-site-campus church known as The free app offers several translations and allows users easily to post verses directly onto Facebook and Twitter. It has audio reading and daily devotional support. Others include: Title: Bible, Publisher:, Cost: Free, Platform: iOS& Android The most read book of all time is also one of the most popular apps for both platforms. This app has so much to offer. You can get the Bible in over 150 translations including different English (NIV, KJV, etc.) and Spanish language versions. You can also listen to audio versions of the Bible, and there is a multitude of reading plans to keep you on track. Title: Our Daily Bread, Publisher: RBC Ministries, Cost: $0.99, Platform: iOS& Android The Our Daily Bread app allows you to download a full month of devotionals at a time. The daily Bible passage is linked to, so one click will bring up the passage (when internet is available). Title: K-LOVE Positive & Encouraging, Publisher: jacAPPS, Cost: Free, Platform: iOS& Android The K-LOVE app is a simple option to get commercial-free Contemporary Christian music streamed right to your phone or tablet. The app also has an alarm clock feature as well as options to purchase songs and visit the K-LOVE website all from within the app. Internet access is required to use this app. Title: Kindle, Publisher: Amazon, Cost: Free, Platform: iOS& Android EBooks purchased on Amazon can generally be shared on up to 6 devices with the Kindle app for no additional cost. So the whole family can all be reading the same book at once, which can lead to some really enriching family conversations. I hope Web 2.0 will lead you to a stronger and more fulfilling walk with the Lord. Haruna Isah

Bookmark Managers Bookmark managers make it easy to build a personal directory where one can tap into sites and materials that have been saved online and share them with others. It is a great tool for collaboration. Common and free bookmarks besides the browsers’ built-in, Diigo, Furl, Yahoo Bookmarks, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. These tools are well supported in mobile environments. Smart Phones Applications Just like computers have word processing applications like Microsoft Word or internet browsing applications like Mozilla Firefox, tablets have their own apps specifically made for them. But the great thing about apps is that most of them are either free or extremely low cost. Depending on your smartphone platform (iOS by Apple and Android by Google) and products




Current trends on Immigration policy

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Of recent, there have been several changes to Immigration Rules. In this piece, I highlight some of the changes. n any application concerning family & children, the are complex rules regarding changing courses, best interest and safety of the children is a extensions, etc. compulsory consideration under Section 55 of Borders Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009 Introduction of new routes for a small group of There is no longer a right of appeal in respect of entry professionals, artists, entertainers and sportspersons clearance decisions except in the following categories: (visitors) to undertake short–term permitted fee paid family visits, race discrimination and decisions in breach engagements for up to one month of human rights. In all cases where there is no right of From October 2011, where an applicant has appeal, there is an option to challenge the decision by outstanding debt owed to NHS, their application may be way of administrative review refused There is now a general ban on those who have From 29th February 2012, all applicants in the UK will overstayed their leave in the UK for more than 28 days need to obtain a biometric residence permit if they are and those who may have breached the conditions of applying to stay in the UK for more than 6 months their leave. Ban ranges from 12 months to 5 years or 10 including ILR (Indefinite Leave) with the exception of years. Please note that general ban does not apply to EEA Applications the following categories: those joining family members in Appeals can now be lodged on-line and in most limited circumstances, those in breach when they were cases there is a fee payable to lodge appeals except in under 18 years of age and victims of human trafficking asylum, EEA removal decisions or where the applicant When deciding an application, the UKBA is no longer is represented under the legal aid scheme bound to consider a person’s age, the length of Failure to disclose relevant information of previous residence in the UK (including their family connection, convictions in an application to enter or remain in the UK work, personal circumstances, compassionate may be treated as deception and fall under general circumstances, e.t.c.) as previously stipulated under the grounds of refusal which may attract a ban. Please see old Paragraph 395C of the Rules. That obligation is now table below on when a sentence becomes spent. on the applicant/migrant to put before the UKBA such facts supported by credible SENTENCE TIME SPENT evidence under the new paragraph 353B. Police caution Spent immediately Fine 12 months from the date of conviction Tier 1 Post Study and Highly Skilled Up to 6 months imprisonment 24 months from completion of sentence Schemes have been abolished. These have been replaced with Tier Up to 30months imprisonment 48 months from completion of sentence 1 High Value Scheme with high Up to 48 months imprisonment Seven years from completion of sentence income threshold of different types. More than 48 months Cannot be spent


Tier 2 leave holders can no longer remain in the UK for more than 6 years and this category cannot lead to Indefinite Leave to Remain. A minimum pay of £35,000 has been introduced for Tier 2 General and there are concessions for PHD holders and those within the shortage occupations Tier 4 (students) must now score 40 points amongst other requirements to qualify for leave. The number of hours a student is permitted to work ranges from 10 to 20 hours depending on the course of study and the sponsor’s rating. There



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Conclusion: Please note that the above list is not exhaustive and we advise that applicant should obtain independent legal advice where necessary. Olukayode Okenla Partner, Simon Bethel Solicitors, 58/60 Lewisham High Street, London, SE13 5JH Tel : 02082977933 02033841389 email : info@simonbethel



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Called by

nthebeginning, therewasno CBHS.Pastorsspousestrudgedalongasbestastheycould.Mistakes were made, tensions rose, tempers flared but God’s work still went on somehow. Many pastors spouses were at a loss.They had never done ‘this’ before and certainly had not bargained for‘this’ when they married.They had woken up one day only to find themselves married to pastors.


Called by His/Her side (CBHS) is a Central Office initiative and was born out of a need to respond to the cry of some pastors spouses. New Parish Pastors had their PIC (Pastors Induction Course); senior Pastors had theirLCM (Leadership Council Meetings) andvolunteerChurch workershadtheirWorkers inTrainingtoequipthem.Therewasnothingforthe PastorsSpouse.In2008theCentralOfficesought out a avenue to respond to their cry, hence CBHS was born. We pray that the Lord would use this medium to reach out to every Pastors Spouse that might need a shoulder to lean on.

I wish I had CBHS thirteen years ago. I made all the mistakes a Pastor’s Wife could ever make. The worst I can remember was when I actually walked out a female choir member out of my house because I felt she was giving ‘Pastor’ too much attention. She was always going to ask him unnecessary questions that anyone could answer, asking for lifts, asking for help. She would bend her knees to greet‘Pastor’nicely with a smile but walk past me unseeingly. I shouldn’t have walked her out, but I did. On the bright side, I went and reported myself to a senior pastor and apologised to her the next day. If only I had CBHS to prepare me better. Sis H Daniel. We need CBHS to help us better understand our roles as Pastors Spouses.When my husband started pastoring a parish, I found myself being too rigid and hard with the church workers. I had never been trained for the position and started off very badly.Through the years, things have greatly improved. I would have saved myself many a tear if I had CBHS to resource me. Pastor Peju

CBHS 2012


Matters Arising As a spouse, am I automatically the Pastors assistant?

Can’t we alternate the preaching assignments on Sunday?

Am I being treated as second best?

Must I sit next to Pastor in Church?

Why is Pastors counselling queue always longer than mine?

Hmmmm, Pastor is tagged as Mr Nice and I’m Mrs Nasty.

...but I want to be appreciated too.

I just want to thank God for the Mission and for the thoughtfulness of the Central Office for CHBS. God bless you all. What can I say to people who feel that ”Called By His Side” is a programme for settling quarrels between pastors and their wives or pastors’ wives facing challenges with their husbands? You have got it wrong. The types of discussion are totally different from that of a female conference. This programme is a great support and encouragement to all pastors’ spouses. My experience is that until a pastor’s spouse has the knowledge that her/his call as a pastor’s spouse is a ministry, he or she may not be able to make progress or make a positive influence in the church they are called to pastor. As a pastor’s spouse we need to be aware that we cannot receive the same treatment as the pastor. Confidentiality and trust are also issues for the pastor’s wife. She needs to know whom she can trust. Above all we need to be renewed in our mind. Once again, well bless God for such an innovative conference. More grease to your elbows Pastors Spouses! Pastor Yemisi Lawal ,Salvation Theatre Birmingham For me, CBHS has helped me realise my place as a Support to my wife. It has challenged me to develop myself more spiritually. I am also able to willingly expend myself for the work of the Lord. It does not matter to me who bears the title, as long as Gods work continues. Deacon F Kenubia, Winners Praise, Sittingbourne I still remember when my husband was told he was to be ordained pastor, we were both thrilled at the prospect of working in His vineyard, but apprehensive too, not knowing where to start. It was all go from there, he had to attend a series of meetings in London, I was told these were "pastors in training meetings" I remember asking him "what about me" I wasn't too pleased with the answer "you are not a pastor" I kept thinking I know I'm not a pastor, but I need to know a bit about what he knows in order to support him better in ministry. It was almost a year later that I received an invitation to the first Called By His Side meeting to be held in London. I couldn't help shouting "at last" so you can imagine I didn't think twice about jumping on a plane from Glasgow, it was all I imagined it would be and more. Firstly there's the comfort of knowing that other pastors spouses are going through the same things you are experiencing. You also hear about other peoples challenges and learn pitfalls of ministry to avoid. I have gained the most from the experiences of our mummies in the Lord, who have gone before us. I will never forget nuggets of information like how to protect your spouse the pastor(e.g from excessive phone calls), attitudes of parish members to pastors spouses, the importance of personal spiritual development for the pastors spouse and many many more. I thinks its a great step forward and would like to personally say thank you to the organisers and the support from the Executive Council in facilitating this programme. God will reward your labour of love. I would encourage anyone who is a pastors spouse to attend, especially the new ones, there's lots to learn. Dele Makun, Fountain Of Love Glasgow

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