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SUNRISE SUMMER 2010 £2.50 Where Sold

Your Christian Lifestyle Magazine



PASTOR (MRS) FOLU ADEBOYE Portrait Portraitof ofaaSelfless SelflessLeader Leader



Festivall of Life








contents 30










INTERVIEW: Richard de Lisser Called via Divine Intervention


PASTOR (MRS) FOLU ADEBOYE Portrait of a Selfless Leader

YOUTH: A double-edged Sword




EDITOR’S CHOICE Are you a Leader? Just ask


HISTORICAL FACT Leaders of Televangelism


BUSINESS PROFILE Nigerian buys Gatwick Airport

38 40 42 47 48 52 56 60


BUSINESS PROFILE Marcia Hutchinson MBE - The Hardworking Publisher

17 18

MoneyGram International

20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34

NEWS: The Gospel Music Awards

INTERVIEW Serving Southwark NEWS: The Global Day of Prayer - A Success WOMEN: Time Away with Jesus WOMEN: A Passion For Words COLUMNIST: Leading the Way MEN: Men of Courage Be Real! MEN: Striving To Excel YOUTH: First Black Cambridge University


PARENTS & CHILDREN: The Leadership Child RCCG Governance A – Z of RCCG Unreached Areas in the UK King Of Kings 2010 Festival of Life Scotland OMC RCCG Ordained Ministers’ Conference 2010 THREE CHURCHES … ONE CITY … UNITED FOR PENTECOST

61 64


66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80

RELATIONSHIPS: Singles get Connected

BOOK REVIEW Time To Give Our Teenagers A fighting chance RELATIONSHIPS: The Joy Factor HEALTH: The Beauty in Solidea FASHION: Give your summer an African makeover FEATURE: The Hillingdon Foodbank CUISINE: Fruisana Pancakes TECHNOLOGY EVENTS / ENTERTAINMENT Summit to look forward to

Student Union President

SUNRISE Magazine ISSN NO: 2042-6542 EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief: MODUPE AFOLABI, Managing Editor: YINKA ODUWOLE, Editor: BARBARA CAMPBELL, Sub-Editor: TIM ROBBINS Contributors: ABI ADEYANJU, MICHAEL SMITH, BELINDA RAYE, ANDREA ONDUKU, ESANA BROWN, AND JOSEPH AMAEZE ONWUCHEKWA, NINA ROCHE Photography (RCCG Events): KUSH, Columnists: LORNA CAMPBELL Designed by: XANDY DAEHNHARDT Printed by: WWW.CHURCH-PRINT.CO.UK Published by: The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), United Kingdom. All communications to: Sunrise Magazine, Suite 156, Rosden House, 372 Old Street, London, EC1V 9AU. Tel: 0044 (0) 20 8500 3429. Email: Web:



King! the

This is a year that should generate intense excitement and anticipation among those who believe in prophetic ministry. Of course, Pastor E.A. Adeboye, in his characteristic humility, will insist that he is not a prophet and is content to continue to serve the church and the body of Christ in a pastoral capacity. Yet, the discerning and those who have faithfully followed his ministry over the years know beyond any measure of doubt that the servant of God, by the grace of God, also functions as a prophet to the nations. As the first decade of the millennium approached, Pastor Adeboye quietly proclaimed it the “Year of the King”. Not a few interpreted this as a possible reference to increased and unarguable instances of divine sovereignty on the planet. This contribution amplifies that prophetic message.



By Pastor E.A. Adeboye


he Scriptures refer to God as the King of Kings. There are kings and there are kings. In every kingdom, there is a king. However, for one to be King of kings, He must control all kingdoms. In the animal kingdom, the lion is king. But our God is the Controller of lions, telling them when to eat, for instance. In Daniel 6:16-25, Daniel spent a whole night in the den of lions but they could not touch him because the King of kings told them not to; Daniel came out alive the following morning. After Daniel came out, those who put Daniel in the den were themselves put in the den and were finished off by the lions before they got to the bottom. This is because the King of kings told the lions they could have them instead of Daniel. In the kingdom of birds, the eagle is king; yet, our Lord is the Controller of kings. He declares to Israel in Exodus 19:4: “You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself”. Psalm 103:5 states that God can renew a man’s strength like that of an eagle. I prophesy that those wishing you evil things will wait in vain for their wishes to come true because God will

continue renewing your age like the eagle. In the kingdom of fishes, the whale is king; yet, our Lord is the Controller of kings. The whole of the first Chapter of the Book of Jonah shows how God commanded a whale to swallow the disobedient prophet Jonah in order to teach him a lesson, but instructed them not to digest him. As soon as Jonah had learnt his lesson, the Lord told the whale to vomit him, but to do so on the beach because Jonah could not swim. Some enemies might think they have swallowed you up, but in the name of the Most High, they will vomit you as you progress towards fulfilling your destiny. When the King of kings commands fish to jump, they ask: “how high?” In Luke 5:1-7, when God told fishes to jump into Peter’s net, they obeyed him. In the heavens, God is King. He declares through His prophet in Isaiah 66:1 that “Heaven is my throne.” No controversy, no contest. He controls Heaven, either opening it or shutting it. Malachi 3:10 confirms that He is the one who controls the opening of Heaven: “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it”. In Heaven, He is the King and on earth, He is in charge. On land, he is the Controller. Numbers 16:28-33 tells the story of what happened when some people rose against Moses, the servant of God. The King of kings simply ordered the earth to open its mouth and swallow them; the land did so and then closed its mouth as if nothing had happened. God controls the sea. In the Book of Exodus, He commanded the sea to open for the children of Israel to walk through on dry land and instructed the same sea to close on their enemies. That same God is still in control. On land, He is in control; at sea, He is in control. Even in the fire, He is in control. In Daniel 3:19-24, when King Nebuchadnezzar ordered that the three young Israelites be thrown into a fiery furnace as a form of public execution, God simply told the fire not to touch any of them, but to burn the ropes binding them and consume those who threw them into the furnace in the first place! Among human beings, God is the King of kings. In Dan 4:25, He confirmed that He moves in the affairs of men by pronouncing judgment over King Nebuchadnezzar as evidence that “the Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone he wishes”. In Proverbs 8:15, He declares that it is by Him that all kings rule. Psalm 115:3 confirms that He is the Original Majesty: “Our God is in heaven; he does whatever pleases him”. Psalm 33:8-10 states that whatever He speaks is done and nobody can change His Word: “Let all the earth fear the LORD; let all the people of the world revere him. For he spoke and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm”. He is the only one who can promote anyone from a dunghill to a palace. He is the King of kings in every kingdom – whether of animals, birds, fish. He is King - whether on land, sea, in the fire, among human beings and in Heaven. He is also the King of Glory. Psalm 24:7-10 confirms two aspects of Him as the King of Glory. First, He is the Lord who is both ‘strong and mighty’. In other words, He is a king who is also a warrior. Romans 8:31 emphasises this point when it states that “If God be for us, who can be against us?” Psalm 68:1-3 teaches us that when this King of Glory arises, His enemies scatter! In Deut. 28:7, we learn a crucial truth: if the King of Glory is on your side, your enemies will be smitten before you; they will come against you from one direction but will flee in seven different ways. As the King of Glory, He is the greatest of all allies and will fight our battles for us. The second aspect of being the King of Glory is that to Him, all doors are open. Whenever He is coming, all doors open on their own accord. Rev 3:7-8 says the King

of Glory has ‘the key of David’ – that is to say, what He opens, nobody can shut and whatever door He closes, no-one can open. To Him, the doors of success open; to Him, the doors of fruitfulness open; to Him, the doors of progress open; even the doors of destiny open to Him. There is no prison door that can keep Him out (Acts 12: 5-11. Acts 16: 16-26). He is also called the Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6 states he is the Prince of Peace. He is the stiller of storms. We see the winds and the sea obey him in Mark 4:41. So, if the storm facing you is one that can be referred to as a physical one, He can still it. In Mathew 8:1-3, the leper had a physical storm: he had an incurable ailment. Thankfully, God is the stiller of storms; all Jesus did was touch the man and immediately, he was cured of the disease. If there is a storm facing a family, He can still it. If there is a spiritual storm, He can still it. Whatever the storm is, the Prince of Peace can still it. To conclude, let us examine what it means to ‘Behold the King’ and ask the critical question: ‘how can I behold this King?’ To ‘behold’, can mean to ‘perceive’; to ‘know’ or to ‘see’. In John 1:29, when John the Baptist saw Jesus coming towards him, he said: “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” In Matthew 25:1-6, we are told the parable of the ten virgins who, while awaiting the

“...As you read this, be assured that the King of kings is nearer than you think and will come to you if you invite Him into your situation in prayer...” bridegroom, all fell asleep when suddenly, the cry came for them to ‘behold’ the bridegroom. These two instances and others suggest that one can behold the King in at least three situations: one, when He is near you; two, when He is coming straight to you; and three, when He is just passing by. In Genesis 18:1-14 when the King of kings, the King of Glory and the Prince of Peace came to the tent of Abraham, Abraham ran to invite Him in. When our Lord Almighty is nearby, He expects you to invite Him in. Genesis 19:1-3 states that when God came to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah for the sins of its inhabitants, He had it in mind to deliver Lot’s family. Thankfully, Lot perceived correctly, invited the angels in for a feast and escaped destruction. In 2nd Kings 4:8-17, Elisha was on one of his ministry travels when he met the Shunammite woman who took him home and fed him. He that gives to God will receive divine visitations. If you really want a visitation from God, consider giving sacrificially to God. This teaches us that one should call on God when He is near because it will be easier for Him to hear you than when He is further away. As you read this, be assured that the King of kings is nearer than you think and will come to you if you invite Him into your situation in prayer. The King of kings might even be coming straight to you; Rev 3:20 says He is waiting for you to let Him into your heart. In Mark 10: 46-52, we read that Jesus was passing by when Bartimaeus, the blind beggar heard about him, began to desperately cry out for mercy and received his sight.



PASTOR (MRS) FOLU ADEBOYE Portrait of a Selfless Leader

Pastor Mrs Adeboye worshipping at the Festival of Life in Scotland

resources she continues to invest in their wellbeing after so many decades. One such project is a holistic outreach that helps stranded teenage girls and rehabilitates women caught up in prostitution. Not many were surprised, therefore, when in 2009, she was conferred with a honorary professorship by Christ the Redeemer College in the United Kingdom for her sacrificial commitment to the cause of women and children internationally. As further testimony to her visionary and inspirational leadership qualities, she has birthed several ministry initiatives which have become a blessing to those within the RCCG and beyond. To the glory of God, her spiritual headship of the Women’s Ministries in the RCCG has been a source of great inspiration and motivation to women in the mission worldwide. She regularly travels across Africa and visits other continents to share with female members of the mission, truths from the Scriptures and insights from her many years of ministerial experience, particularly as a Pastor’s wife. Her

Pastor Mrs Adeboye ministering


Pastor Mrs Adeboye conferred with an honorary professorship by Christ The Redeemer College, UK



astor (Mrs) Folu Adeboye is the wife of the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) and is greatly loved for her selfless service to the church, the wider body of Christ and to society. Seen by many as an epitome of virtuous Christian womanhood, she is fondly referred to both within and outside the RCCG as ‘Mummy G.O'.’ (G.O. stands for ‘General Overseer’), validation of her motherly disposition and love for others. A gifted communicator who began her teaching career while still a spinster, Pastor (Mrs) Adeboye’s wealth of teaching experience and dedication to morally-sound instruction for children inevitably led her to establish Christ the Redeemers’ Nursery and Primary School, Ebute-Metta, Lagos, Nigeria, one of the RCCG mission’s educational initiatives. She has since established other nursery, primary and secondary schools, as well as encouraged the founding of Redeemer’s University of Nigeria (RUN) in Nigeria, a leading private university. Widely appreciated for her humility, patience and love for children, Pastor (Mrs) Adeboye’s generosity towards the young, particularly those found to be disadvantaged and vulnerable, is now legendary. Her commitment to the spiritual and physical welfare of vulnerable children is evidenced by the great sacrifices of time, talent and

speaking roles at such Christian meetings remain highpoints of the yearly Christian calendar for an increasing number of women. The Feast of Esther, another initiative of Pastor (Mrs) Adeboye brings together female leaders of churches and wives of leaders of churches and Christian ministries for a time of fellowship, encouragement, instruction and knowledge-sharing. This interdenominational programme enables these female leaders to have regular meetings where they share experiences and worship the Lord in one accord. Indeed, the Feast of Esther has begun to evolve as an international platform for much-needed ministry to senior female Christian leaders who might, otherwise, have found it challenging to scale denominational walls in the quest to worship the one true God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Perhaps one of the dearest ministry projects of Pastor (Mrs) Adeboye is known as Africa Missions, which she set up in 1996 to promote the spread of the gospel in Africa and around the world, encourage the introduction of sustainable holistic development programmes in Africa and around the world, as well as provide complimentary services aimed at improving the quality of life of children, youth and families across Africa. She was spurred to set up the mission-focused organisation following her first-hand experiences during field trips to various mission fields across Africa. Her findings brought her to one conclusion: Christian mission work across Africa required urgent assistance. From an initial focus on the West African sub-region via the charitable provision of basic infrastructure, the scope of the project has now been enlarged to encompass the continent. Africa Missions presently has formal chapters in the UK, Nigeria, North America, Europe, Canada, and Ireland. Pastor (Mrs) Adeboye remains devoted to assisting her husband, Pastor Enoch Adeboye in implementing the vision God has given him in providing the leadership required for the RCCG’s vision of world evangelisation. With churches now planted in no fewer than 124 countries, the RCCG is increasingly acknowledged to be one of the fastest-growing Pentecostal churches in the world.

Pastor E.A. Adeboye, Pastor (Mrs) Adeboye and Pastor Dare Adeboye

Pastor Mrs Adeboye at the Ordained Ministers Conference in the UK in April 2010

Pastor Mrs Folu Adeboye





Servant Leadership

Barbara Campbell Editor



here are diverse understandings of what leadership is or should be, not least how leaders should lead those that follow them. For starters, a cursory check on the online thesaurus provides these synonyms for the term ‘leadership’: management, control, guidance, headship and direction. What immediately seems clear from this brief investigation is that human models of leadership have a worrying tendency to be disproportionately focused on the leader doing something to or for his or her followers. Which, of course, stirs me to briefly share some thoughts with you about the sort of leadership style encouraged by Jesus: Servant Leadership? Without doubt, a leader must possess a clear vision and be able to effectively communicate this desired end to the led, as well as have the managerial competence and discernment to mobilise the followers until the idealised future is attained. Yet, Jesus, in spite of his excellent record in all of these areas, consistently emphasised the need for leaders to continually cultivate the heart of a servant. Put differently, it appears Jesus was trying to say leaders should always approach the awesome responsibility they have been given with humility and compassion. Leaders must have a heart planted on the foundation of stewardship. Nowhere is this, perhaps, better displayed than the moving scene captured in John’s Gospel (John 13: 1- 17) when Jesus, the King of kings and the Lord of Lords, albeit in His human incarnation, shattered all the flawed human conceptions of leadership by breaking with tradition and protocol, stripping to a towel around his waist and carrying out the humble task of washing the presumably tired and dusty feet of his disciples. One wonders what was going through the minds of the disciples as they sat in stunned silence watching the spectacle unfolding before their eyes; curiously, none of them uttered a word (perhaps because they were at a complete loss for words) until the energetic and spirited Simon Peter shouted his protest at this unconventional happening: “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?”, asked an astonished Peter, before Jesus goes ahead to explain the crucial significance of the symbolic ritual that was taking place (John 13: 6-9). “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me”, said Jesus, and in a moment of enlightenment, Peter’s initial protestations gave way to an equally exuberant plea for Jesus to wash “not just my feet but my hands and my head as well!” Yet, beneath the melodrama of the feetwashing incident, lies a humbling truth: Jesus’ seeming breach of protocol was informed by love for His followers. John lets us into this revelation of what had informed Jesus’ unconventional action: “It was just before the Passover Feast. Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love” (John 13:1). Eureka! There it is! By now, the answer should have jumped at you: developing the heart of a servant-leader springs from a God-given grace which enables the leader to love the follower fully, completely, comprehensively, and thoroughly. Therein lies the secret of Jesus’ success at living out the model of servant-leadership. The disciples were a motley



group of proletarians and professionals; yet, the Saviour loved them so. As leaders – whether as mothers, fathers, career professionals, political or technocratic leaders, or ministers of the gospel – we all have a role model to emulate: the Lord Jesus Christ. Little wonder He also said in His famous treatise on Shepherding (which really means ‘spiritual leadership’) that, “The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep” (John 10:11). We have themed this special edition of Sunrise ‘The Leadership Issue’, as we have felt led by the Lord to do. Most of what is served in this issue thus focuses on leadership and it is our hope that you will be inspired to move towards your goals and fulfil your God-ordained purpose as you read the stories of persons providing leadership to many in various areas of life. Our Cover Story offers an insight into the sacrificial work being carried out by our Mother-in-the-Lord in the RCCG and wife of the General Overseer, Pastor (Mrs) Folu Adeboye who we fondly refer to as ‘Mummy G.O.’. Indeed, she is a veritable personification of a virtuous woman and an inspiration for ministers of the gospel everywhere, particularly those who are female and some who have to balance the roles of mother, wife, professional and minister of the gospel. Another remarkable story in this issue is that of the success being recorded with the Hillingdon Foodbank, a charitable intervention spearheaded by Pastor Tunde Balogun, the Senior Pastor of RCCG Kingsborough Parish, London. Other stories of good business and ministry leadership are published for your delight. We hope you also enjoy feature articles about preparing to get connected to your marriage partner, if you are single, while for the married, there are tips from our regular columnist Andrea Onduku on ‘5 Tips to Keep Joy Alive in Your Marriage and Home’. Weight Watchers will find interesting the piece on a forthcoming product that markets itself as being able to deliver successful and harmless weight loss. Finally, this edition of Sunrise is significant because for the first time, it is being published along with the magazine of the Festival of Life (FOL), our partner charity. So, what you have in your hands is a bumper edition, a collectors’ item! Thank you for keeping faith with Sunrise over the years; we continue to appreciate your prayers and support because we are persuaded that as a ministry resource, it is a valuable medium in achieving the vision of world evangelisation. Moodupe Afollabi Admiinistrrator, RCCG Ceentral Offiice, UK

Are you a leader? Just ask

y goodness, the year is just flying by. Before long we’ll be unearthing the Christmas tree, but for now all the excitement is towards Festival of Life and all it has to offer, and I am in the mood to receive – in abundance. God is great. Despite all we go through we have to continue to give him praise because it could have been worse. He allows us to go through what we go through because He is sharpening us - He is sieving us because, ultimately, He is getting us ready for bigger and better things to come. Can I be real with you? Just between you and me? For those of you who have been reading Sunrise over the last three issues, you will know how far I have come as a person having gone through the ‘warfare’ of ill-health, which affected the running of my business. My testimony today is that I have been healed - from the crown of my head to the sole of my feet. However, the biggest issue for me was the weight I carried - mentally as well as physically. He has been working on both areas and I feel I needed to go through a period of quiet contemplation, during which I could do nothing but wait on Him. I am pleased to say they are both issues are now very much under control, and in overcoming the ‘weightier’ problem, I realised that He had been setting me up, and that His will was for me to use my weight-carrying experience to minister to others in the same or similar situation. I’ve been a big girl all my life and, after a year of praying (from 2008-2009), I finally received the seemingly elusive gift of a ‘paradigm shift’; something I had been pleading for. Then off course, came the realisation that God did not bless me just for me, but for me to be a blessing to others. People, some of them strangers, wanted to know “How did you lose six stones in six months?” I answer “by giving thanks and acknowledgement to the Lord”, as it was His work and not mine. Since then I have had many meetings with people who wish to join the subsequent weight-loss program I have written, and I use these occasions to minister to people and lead them to Christ. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” ( Luke 11: 9-10). I had asked but I did not expect to receive – only to give right back. However, deliberately tapping into words used by the writers of the Women’s section of Sunrise, “God has a way of using people. He unearths talents and abilities that they, at times, do not even realise they have and uses them for His glory.” Sunrise has spoken to these two women who sought for God’s purpose for their lives and who, ultimately, ended up using the creative gifts He blessed them with to bring others to the His kingdom. I think there are many ‘leaders’ in the Body of Christ who are not allowing God to use them. It’s time to simply ‘ask’. I so hope that you enjoy this issue of Sunrise. The content in this edition is very special to me. It’s like the writers were tapping into my spirit and ministering to me and I think you (the reader) will feel exactly the same way when reading some of these inspiring features. If you have any questions for me, I can be reached via:


Leaders Black churches during the colonial period and the Christianisation of slaves was erratic and generally ineffective until the 1740s, but with the advance of modern technology, particularly television, exposure for the black churches grew to an almost uncontainable level.


hristianity has always emphasised preaching December 2009, founded a multi-million-dollar the gospel to the whole world. Historically ministry and a university that still bears his name. this was achieved by sending missionaries Born into rural poverty in Pontotoc County, and the distribution of bibles and literature. Oklahoma, Roberts was the fifth and youngest child The rapid uptake of radio in the 1920s provided of a ‘sawdust trail’ preacher on the fringes of the a powerful new tool for this task, but then the era of Pentecostal movement. He received his own calling the television really took root. after overcoming tuberculosis at the age of seventeen, Televangelism - the word, coined by Time when his brother took him to a revival meeting where magazine as a portmanteau of television and a healing evangelist was praying for the sick. evangelism - was used to communicate the Christian Many churches, whether Pentecostal or faith to mass audiences, particularly after World War Charismatic in the UK and around the world, II. fashioned their style of preaching and evangelising on The first television preacher of note was Fulton J Oral Roberts after his ministry hit mainstream Sheen, a Roman Catholic archbishop who television in the early 1950s. successfully switched to television in 1951 He was a forerunner of the after two decades of popular radio controversial ‘prosperity gospel’ that has come to dominate televangelism. The broadcasts. Sheen would win numerous evangelists regarded poverty as, “The Emmy Awards for his programme that ran devil whose back needs to be broken” and from the early 1950s until the late 1960s. often used his ‘seed-faith’ theology, Other pioneers in television evangelism which meant that those who were Rex Humbard (1919 to 2007) and give to God will get things Oral Roberts – both devoted a in return. large portion of their ministry to television broadcasting By broadcasting Roberts, who survived his spirit-filled revivals two heart attacks in the on television to 1990s, a broken hip in hundreds of stations Pastor E.A. Adeboye operates a in the United States, 2006 and died in worldwide television ministry

Nicky Gumbel




Elder Lightfoot

Rex Humbard

Canada, Alaska and Hawaii, and by short-wave to listeners around the world, Roberts created a new frontier for religion. His favourite tele-blessing was, "May God bless you in your bodies, in your spirits and in your finances." By the 1960s and 1970s, televangelism was reaching millions around the world and many black churches caught the vision. The term black church refers to Christian churches that minister to predominantly African-American congregations in the United States. While some black churches such as African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Churches belong to predominantly African-American denominations, many black churches are members of predominantly white denominations, such as the United Church of Christ, which developed from the Congregational Church of New England. However, leading the way were African-American churches, long being the centres of communities. Elder Lightfoot Soloman Michaux, born in Newport News, Virginia and of French, Indian and black heritage, foresaw the possibilities of harnessing the power of television for evangelism in the 1940s and became the world’s first African-American televangelist. Michaux - whose preaching career started in Hopewell, Virginia in a small church called ‘Everybody’s Mission’, which he built with his on hands - was licensed and ordained at the age of thirty-five in the Church of Christ (Holiness). A man far ahead of his time, when he started his radio ministry in 1929, Michaux coined the slogan ‘Willingly Jesus Suffered for Victory’ by using the call letters of radio station WJSV. As his vision expanded, he moved to Newport News, Virginia where he erected a tent in 1919 at the corner of 19th and Jefferson Avenue. Michaux evangelised whilst his wife, Sister Michaux sang soul stirring hymns. Michaux made the ‘Word of God’ spectacular, utilising any means necessary to spread the gospel. He envisioned the media becoming a potential influence for reviving the spiritual life of the country and easily foresaw the possibilities of harnessing the power of television for evangelism. He also recognised that music was another medium that could capture the imaginations of the people and make the gospel come alive. He created a spirited choir and band called ‘Happy Am I’ to accompany his dynamic preaching, which was weekly, lasted twenty minutes and aired each Friday night on WTTG in Washington DC. The services ran from 1948 to 1949. The Elder’s vision caused him to desire to make the gospel big! Knowing that nothing was impossible with God and being an astute businessman who did not rely on the tithe or offerings of his congregation, he dreamed of ways to improve the lives of working men and women. In the April 1969 issue of Jet magazine he was reported to be, “The

God Channel

first black man to get a $3.5m US loan.” The value of his total project at one point was calculated to be more than $15m. The Elder died in October 1968. However, Dr Frederick J Eikerenkoetter II then came along, better known to the rest of us as Rev Ike. The Rev - who died in 2009 aged seventy-four - was unabashed about riches being a goal and he appealed to any - especially during the 1970s - who were tired of preachers whose message was for their congregations to suffer and wait for their reward in heaven. A rapid array of televangelists followed, including T. D. Jakes, Eddie Long, Jonathan Walton, Juanita Bynum and Creflo Dollar, who has embarked on a new journey in the realm of satellite churches. Dollar pastors a host of satellite locations, including World Changers Churches in Norcross, Carrolton, Houston, Los Angeles, Macon, Queens,

"Television is more than a communication medium; what we want to do is tell-a-vision - not only the vision of our ministry, but the vision of God's purpose to love every person on the face of earth," says Creflo Dollar. Brooklyn and a growing list of others. His goal is to establish 500 satellite locations worldwide. "Television is more than a communication medium; what we want to do is tell-a-vision - not only the vision of our ministry, but the vision of God's purpose to love every person on the face of earth," says Creflo Dollar. The programs reaches nearly one billion homes on six continents, airs on more than 100 stations and the ministry's media staff has received Emmy, Aurora and Telly awards’ recognition for its work. For UK-based viewers, Sky channels such as the God Channel has enabled many of the aforementioned names and British-based ones to become a part of many British Christian’s daily lives, including Matthew Ashimolowo of KICC, John Francis of Ruach, Bishop Wayne Malcolm, Andrew Adeleke from House of Praise, Shola Fola-Alade of Trinity Chapel, Sola Oludoyi of Royal Connections, Gary Clarke of Hillsong and Nicky Gumbel of Holy Trinity Brompton. There is no doubt that they have all made an impact on today’s generation. One thing is certain though - it's here to stay.

Oral Roberts

By Belinda Raye

Gary Clarke



BUSINESS PROFILE GIP is a $5.64bn fund. They work in partnership with the public sector and other stakeholders to improve infrastructure for the community by drawing on its global capability and applying industrial best practice to enhance operating efficiency. The sale of Gatwick to GIP for a cool £1.51bn, which is subject to approval by the European Union, is due to be completed by the end of the year. Knowledge of the deal could not be widely circulated to the public, so Bayo - as the Executive Vice Chairman prefers to be addressed could not spell out all of his plans but the fund, which already owns City Airport in the UK, wants “to significantly improve the travel experience” offered by Gatwick.

and economics at Oxford University, where he earned a bachelor's degree with honours. Later he was accepted by Harvard Law School as one of three foreign students in his class, even though the school did not usually admit students who had been born and educated outside the United States at the time. At Harvard, Bayo and W Randy Eaddy became the first two editors of African descent to serve together on the prestigious Harvard Law Review. Bayo also enrolled at the Harvard Business School as he simultaneously studied law, although he did not intend to pursue a business career. However, the courses in finance helped him overcome his fear of numbers and he finished his MBA programme in 1978 and earned his law degree magna cum laude in 1979. The young man achieved his own first by becoming the first nonAmerican ever to clerk at the nation's highest court when he served as a law clerk for US Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall from 1980. He remained there for three years and, in 1983, became an associate of the prestigious New York law firm Cravath, Swaine & Moore after having worked for the firm as an intern.

““In 2007, we could not justify the prices we were being asked to pay. Now we think the valuation has been much more rational. This year to date we’ve invested over $1.5bn and we expect that to increase”

Nigerian buys Gatwick Airport Adebayo Ogunlesi

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s Bayo and his eagle has landed!




ews that a black man was running for the American presidency could not be kept quiet - even if they wanted to. It was reported in every medium in the country, if not throughout the world. This is not the case when it comes to the news that the buyer of Gatwick Airport was a Nigerian businessman. The story, which has been circulating throughout the black community for several weeks, has lifted the spirit of black Londoners, and the person causing this jubilant uplifting is Adebayo Ogunlesi, Chairman and Managing Partner of Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP), an independent investment fund based in New York City with a worldwide stake in infrastructure assets. The Nigerian-born businessman previously served as Executive Vice Chairman and Chief Client Officer of Credit Suisse’s Investment Banking Division, with senior responsibility for Credit Suisse’s corporate and sovereign investment banking clients. From 2002 to 2004, he was Head of Credit Suisse’s Global Investment Banking Department, responsible for worldwide capital markets (debt and equity), mergers and acquisitions, corporate finance and advisory, industry, country and regional banking businesses. Prior to this, in 1994 he was Head of Global Power, Utilities and Project Finance and from 1997 to 2002 served as Head of the Global Energy Group (power, utilities, oil and gas, chemicals, mining and project finance).

In an exclusive interview on Sky television with anchorman Jeff Randall, Bayo highlighted the fact that in the three years since they have owned City Airport they have made it the most punctual airport in London. He promises the same for Gatwick, stating that they intend to “make sure that the experience for the passengers is a pleasant one,” but warned that “it will take time.” “What we can do,” said the New York resident, “is apply some of the lessons we have learnt running City Airport to a much bigger organisation such as Gatwick.” Reportedly, in 2007 GIP had about $100m of ‘loose change’ that they had been looking to spend and no acceptable potential on the table, but now they were back in the market in a big way. “Is that,” asked Randall, “because you see a widespread collapse in asset prices?” Nodding, Bayo agreed that prices had come down in recent months and that the economic climate could be the case, but added, “In 2007, we could not justify the prices we were being asked to pay. Now we think the valuation has been much more rational. We had a substantial amount of capital to invest, and this year to date we’ve invested over $1.5bn and we expect that to increase.” He also spoke of his love for England. “Britain is a wonderful place to invest. Gatwick will be our fourth investment in the UK. We like the fact that the regulatory frame is stable, the legal structure is stable and, of course, these are very attractive assets that we can manage.” Born in Nigeria in 1953, Bayo is the son of the first Nigerian-born professor of medicine to earn tenure at a medical school in his own country. He went to England in the 1970s to study philosophy, politics

He had been practicing law for only nine months, however, when he was called by First Boston, an investment bank. The bank was helping the Nigerian government finance a $6bn liquefied natural gas project. Its contact in Nigeria was a personal friend of Bayo. The bankers at First Boston asked Cravath, Swaine & Moore if they could borrow Bayo for three months to facilitate the deal. Since then, Bayo Ogunlesi has presided over a great number of sweet deals that made him the envy of his peers abroad, even if his forays into the brisk world of multi-billion-dollar deals are barely talked about in Nigeria, his home country. He says the acquisition of Gatwick is a landmark deal for GIP and adds another quality asset to his firm’s rapidly expanding portfolio. He added, “We see significant scope to apply both our strong operational focus and our knowledge of the airports sector to make Gatwick an airport of choice.” The airport is currently run by BAA, which posted a pre-tax loss of over £780m in the first nine months of the year, and the airport operator said it lost £225m on Gatwick after being forced to sell the airport by the Competition Commission. GIP will be investing through Ivy Bidco, a limited liability company registered in England and established for the purpose of making the acquisition. Bidco will pay cash consideration of £1.455m for the entire share capital of Gatwick Airport on a cash-free, debt-free basis. Meanwhile, for Bayo Ogunlesi the sky is indeed the limit.

By Belinda Raye




Marcia Hutchinson

Birthday Greetings to our dear Mummy


An innocent remark by a child led to the forma on of a bookpublishing business. Today it is one of the leading providers of high-quality, culturally inclusive resources. Its founder, recently awarded an MBE, speaks to Sunrise


hen her three-year-old daughter announced that she wanted to, “Have white skin, not brown skin,” Marcia Hutchinson knew she had to act. Bradford-born Marcia, who grew up on a council estate and attended a local comprehensive school, said it really made her think. “If she saw black skin as a ‘negative’ at such an early age, something had to be done to promote positive images of black children.” Her first port of call was to see what kind of images of black people were out there for children but, she says, “I couldn’t find really good books so I decided to create my own.” Marcia felt that is was important to create books of a very high quality, which would immediately catch people’s attention. A keen photographer, she decided to put together photographic books using real children and real-life situations. Making Music and Away From The City were her first continued on page 16



Mummy, Congratulations on your birthday. May you continuously be blessed in wisdom and love in Jesus' Name. We love you and will forever be grateful to you.

13TH OF JULY 2010

continued from page 14

books, aimed at three- to seven-year-olds - both are still in print today and are now also available in teaching-pack formats. “I decided to make a simple book using pictures of my daughter and her Asian friend,” says Marcia. The Oxford-educated lawyer started the process of looking for a publisher and eventually decided to publish it herself. She left a city law firm to set up Primary Colours in 1997, not knowing anything about the publishing industry, but she knew she could find people to help her. Of course there were learning curves. “Initially I aimed it at parents, but we decided to focus on schools because schools would buy books, teachers’ packs and CDs in bigger quantities,” says Marcia. “The most difficult part has been getting the marketing right. Anyone can publish books and end up with hundreds of them under the bed, so selling them is the real trick!” Fast forward twelve years and her company is a well-established social enterprise producing books and teachers’ learning packs. The packs are used in over 1,000 schools and over 2,000 teachers have attended its unique, fun-based courses. It soon became clear, however, that schools needed more support than this so, in addition to the books and resources, Primary Colours - which works with individual schools and local authorities all over England - began delivering theatre-in-education performances. The approach is creative and fun, using drama techniques such as role play, freeze frame and hot seating, as well as including the history of popular music.

One project, piloted at Spring Grove School, involves 300 youngsters across Yorkshire conducting interviews with people who have migrated to Britain . The youngsters also produce online images, maps and captions to accompany their audio interviews. It’s the combination of services that we offer that really makes an impact,” says Shazia Azhar, fellow director and assistant head-teacher at Spring Grove Primary School in Huddersfield . The study books include a series of one-page biographies on famous people such as US president Barack Obama, Nelson Mandela, Lewis Hamilton and Bollywood film stars. Another book now in preparation focuses on well-known footballers, some of whom were asylum seekers. Another series of posters for display on classroom walls features an A to Z of exotic foods, encouraging teachers and children to talk about them and where they come from. Marcia, whose mother was from Jamaica is proud to acknowledge her British roots, although she admits she’d always “thought of myself as Jamaican until I went to Jamaica and I realised I was British, because people laughed at my accent and said I walked too quickly to be Jamaican!” Marcia was recently honoured with an MBE (which stands for Member in The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) in the Queen's birthday list. It is an honour that recognise famous names and private deeds - Marcia fitted into the latter category. “When I was opening the envelope I just thought it was going to be a bill, but I when I saw what it was I burst into tears,” she says,

MoneyGram International is delighted to again be supporting the Festival of Life event at the Excel Centre. We hope all attendees have a wonderful evening and enjoy the occasion.


oneyGram has long been associated with events that support the African communities here in the UK. Earlier this year, we were the main sponsors of a dance in East London, marking Ghana’s 53rd Independence, an event that attracted over 3,000 people who were determined to celebrate in style and dance long into the night! 2010 promises to be a particularly special year as the 1st October marks the 50th anniversary of Nigeria’s independence from Britain. With a host of activities taking place across the UK to mark this unique occasion, MoneyGram will again be proud to support the community by sponsoring a number of celebrations. Look out in particular for Nigeria’s ‘Golden Jubilee’ Independence Anniversary party at Stratford Rex in London. It is anticipated that up to 3,000 people will be partying the night away and the event will feature top artists from Nigeria, with special guests performing from the UK and USA. MoneyGram is delighted to be the main sponsor of this event, so do come and visit our stand – you never know what goodies we have in store for you! Of course no mention of 2010 could be complete without mentioning Ghana’s football team and their performances out in South Africa – I am sure we all have our own memories of watching their sterling matches and how proud they made everyone feel to be associated with Africa. For many, including us at MoneyGram, the highlight of the tournament was following the progress of the Ghanaian team whose attacking approach and buoyant supporters brought real colour and flair to the occasion. MoneyGram International has long been associated with Africa. Richard Levy, marketing manager for MoneyGram, offers this view “I

“When you are working in the voluntary sector, you are just beavering away thinking nobody is noticing what you do, so this is wonderful.” The theatre-in-education side of the business has grown dramatically (no pun intended), with over 150,000 children having seen the shows. The actors are now being recruited to take the shows on the road all over the country. To date, Primary Colours has published over twenty books and two CD-ROMs on culturally diverse topics. The material focuses on cultural diversity but contributes to other areas of the curriculum, including geography, IT and literacy. Within the space of a month, the company’s busy diary of engagements saw Marcia or her team members visit Kent , Nottingham and Sunderland to win business with local education authorities or individual schools – all by way of word-of-mouth recommendation.



“When you are working in the voluntary sector, you are just beavering away thinking nobody is noticing what you do, so this is wonderful.” Cluny McPherson, regional director of the Arts Council Yorkshire says, “This is a brilliant and well-deserved accolade for Marcia. Primary Colours provides high-quality, culturally inclusive resources for teachers and pupils of all ages. Arts Council England supports this excellent work that teaches us about ourselves and the world around us.” Visit: for more information.

Pam Patsley, Chairman/CEO of MoneyGram International and Bisi Onasanya, GMD/CEO of First Bank-Nigeria Plc proudly displaying the signed agreement at the launch of First Bank in Nigeria. Looking on is Alex Otti-First Bank, Executive Director South Nigeria

Funmi Omitowoju, MoneyGram Regional Director, Anglophone West Africa and Tony Kemarvo Head of Money Transfer, Agricultural Development Bank unveiling plaque to launch Africultural Development Bank’s MoneyGram service in Ghana

know the importance of supporting the local communities, which is why we try and sponsor as many African events as we can, right across the UK. The real advantage customers have when they use MoneyGram to transfer their money back home is that not only is the fee very low (just £4.99 to send up to £100) and the time very quick (monies typically arrive within 10 minutes) but customers know that their money is safe. I know how important that is to everyone associated with Africa. The great news is that people can send money using MoneyGram across the UK from every UK Post Office, a number of independent businesses and from all participating Thomas Cook and Going Places stores”. However, it is not just in the UK that MoneyGram has an extensive network. All across Africa, there is sure to be a MoneyGram location near your relatives and friends back home. This means that people can collect the money that you send them from a location near where they live. The great news is that the monies will typically be available within ten minutes of it being sent. In Ghana, MoneyGram’s agents include SG-SSB, UBA, Ghana Commercial Bank Ltd, Merchant Bank, Intercontinental Bank, First Atlantic Merchant Bank, UniBank, Agricultural Development Bank, CAL Bank, Prudential Bank, Fidelity Bank, BSIC and Stanbic Bank In Nigeria, people can collect their monies from numerous trusted agents such as UBA, Union Bank, Fidelity Bank, AfriBank, Spring Bank, Bank PHB, Equitorial Trust Bank and First Bank. With so many agents across Nigeria and Ghana, there is sure to be a location near to your relatives and friends. Remember that when using MoneyGram, the monies typically arrive within just ten minutes and are safe and secure so it really is the convenient way to send your monies home.

INTERVIEW London and Mayor Situ is committed to his faith group community engagement. This requires him to attend various denomination churches in the UK.


Please describe your full role in the institution “My role’s divided into two key functions - a constitutional role and civic role. My constitutional role involves chairing Southwark Council assembly sessions (similar to the role of speaker of a house), and my civic role also requires me to attend functions and gatherings as the first citizen of Southwark.” What is your vision for this role? “To contribute as well as playing a leading role in Southwark’s sustained growth - both culturally and as a society - building on the historic and diverse values of the borough.” What drives or motivates you? “My values in community engagement and morals installed within me from my youth have and still remain the major factors in my constant pursuit of the development of my community and the wider world around me (an example of this was my early work in my home town, Iwo of house numbering and street naming).

From humble beginnings to being a councillor, Sunrise asks Tayo Situ how he balances life as a Christian with his personal life and his relatively new leadership role as His Worshipful The Mayor of Southwark.

How do you deal with stress particularly when faced with challenges? “I plan and I leave the rest to God because, as the bible says, promotion comes neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. The support of my wife always keeps me grounded at the loftier height as well as lifting me at my lowest points.”

The Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) member is the longest serving Councillor in Southwark.


is late father was a humble produce buyer dealing in cocoa and his mother a trader in goods, but it was their profession that inspired Councillor Tayo Situ to be determined to make a difference in life, be it through business - as he and his parents had chosen during his early career - or in politics, for which he had a passion. Thankfully for the people of Southwark, whilst holding on to the former, ultimately he chose the latter. Now mayor of the borough since May this year (2010) which is non-political, Mayor Situ - who originated from the Osun State, Nigeria - still takes a keen interest in what is happening politically in his community and in the world.

Councillor Tayo Situ and wife, Afusat, with colleague Peter John, Leader of Southwark Council.



Has your faith in any way helped shape your He is currently involved with marking the 50th anniversary of Nigeria's independence right here in London. “This year has added significance as it is the celebration of our golden jubilee as an independent nation," says Mayor Situ. "With all celebrations it is a time to be proud of reaching this historic landmark. However, we must also see this as a time to reflect on the difficult challenges we have faced as a country, as well as planning to tackle the challenges that may arise in the future." Mayor Situ finally resumed his education in 1973, attending a secondary modern school and furthered his education at Wesley College and the Polytechnic Ibadan. The former teacher of economics, who went on to own his own business in London, has been a councillor in Peckham since 2002 having migrated to the UK in 1985, then studying accountancy at South Bank University. Now a business consultant who specialises in business management, Mayor Situ admits he has a passion for small businesses as well as the voluntary sector. As a councillor, his priorities included seeing more jobs for local people and better services for the young and vulnerable. The devoted husband and father of five - not to mention grandfather - lives locally and is a trustee and elder of his church. His wife, Mrs Abike Situ (Mayoress Situ), is his consort for the year and, keeping it in the family, his son Michael is also a councillor. The family attends Christ Apostolic Church on Ilderton Road in

from left; Val Shawcross, Harriet Harman MP, Mayor and Mayoress Situ

outlook about what’s important in life? “As a Christian I have always believed in the message of love toward your neighbour, being of good courage and holding fast to that which is good. These core values of my faith have always played an integral part to my values.” For many, it is increasingly difficult to strike a balance between faith and secular life. How do you deal with this challenge? “This has never proved a problem as the core value of Christianity is to serve. I draw upon this core value in my life and extended it to politics.” Is servant leadership still a credible model of leadership? “Servant leadership is still a credible model and many of the most poignant leaders within my generation - from Chief Obafemi Awolowo to Nelson Mandela and Gandhi - began their careers as servants of their community.

“The support of my wife, Afusat, always keeps me grounded at the loftier height as well as lifting me at my lowest points”

Mayor of Southwark




Gospel Music Awards



Reverend Rex Chosen

It made an impact last year and there was no way the organisers of The Gospel Music Awards UK – reportedly the best gospel music award in town - could resist doing it again.


he event, organised by Reverend Rex Chosen who is senior pastor of the Father's House International Church, in Burnt Oak, London and their partners, Taste of Paradise, included an awards show, a concert and an after party, and was held at one of Europe's largest hotel and conference centres in London. “We discussed it for weeks but only decided at the last minute that we were serious about putting it on,” says Pastor Rex. “It’s a testament to the spirit of excellence and the tremendous gifts within the body of Christ, and it is my hope that one day, as we draw more support from organisations and corporate institutions both within and outside the body of Christ, that this event will become international.” The online voting process also allowed thousands of fans to vote for their favourite artists. Winners last year included Michaela (a poet) for Best Female, Victizzle for Best Newcomer, Blush UK for Best Group/Choir and double award-winning Muyiwa for both Best Gospel Radio Show and Best Contribution to Gospel Music. “It is not just a competition but an evening of appreciation and recognition of some of our best-talented and hard-working Christian musicians,” says Pastor Rex. “We aim to become a permanent fixture in the UK’s annual Christian events calendar, and I attributed this to the favour of God and the involvement of an excellent organising team.” The award show, which also provided a platform for the freshest upcoming gospel acts, attracted a good section of the media and, at the end of the night, the producers and organisers signed off with high expectancy for the return of the Gospel Music

Awards in the year 2010, which promises to be bigger and better. “The nominees include some of the crème de la crème of the Gospel industry,” says Pastor Rex. “Featured artists on the night include Desire to Worship God (DTWG), Simply Andy, Victizzle (MOBO award winner), Triple O, Commission, GP, Pressha J, Forever Christ, G-Force and many others who will also be performing.” Headliners for 2010 include the likes of Ron Kenoly, Terry Mac Almon and the best of the UK, African and Caribbean gospel acts. The Gospel Music Awards 2010 will be held on Saturday 20th November at the Hilton London Metropole. Tickets will be on sale from the end of July. For more info or to check the categories, visit:

Terry Mac Almon

Ron Kenoly





Pastor Jonathan Oloyede

A Success T

he Global Day of Prayer follows the three parts of the beginning of the Church - ten days of constant prayer leading to Pentecost, one day of prayer witnessed by the whole city and days of blessing that followed. For these reasons, the Global Day of Prayer has three parts. Up to 10,000 people were present at the Global Day of Prayer event held at West Ham Football Stadium in Upton Park, east London, where the Bishop of Barking, the Right Rev David Hawkins addressed the crowd. "We stand on turf consecrated to the beautiful game at the beginning of the World Cup and today, as Christians, we are celebrating the beautiful life through the power of the Holy Spirit," he said. London Mayor Boris Johnson, who also attended the occasion, said, "I congratulate all of you who have come here today because you could be watching the World Cup.” After his speech, the crowd stretched out their hands to pray for London's Mayor, and for all political leaders in London, to know wisdom to lead in such uncertain times. Between prayers, for a wide range of issues from government, youth and the persecuted church to gospel artists and worship, leaders including Beverley Trotman, Lara Martin, Noel Robinson, and Graham Kendrick led worship. To one side of the stage, dancers stood waving



Over seventy registered events took place across the British Isles during the recent 2010 Global Day of Prayer, which had thousands of Christians from across 220 nations taking part.

colourful flags from around the world. GDOP London Convener Jonathan Oloyede, who came up with the idea of gathering at the stadium for the national day of prayer, said, "This is a time to unite across denominations and cultures and different ages.” Mentioning his plan to repeat the day next year at Wembley Stadium, he added, “Wembley will be a watershed to tip the nation into her destiny. This nation belongs to Christ and can only be transformed by prayer, unity and evangelism.” GDOP London, which is a movement of daily prayer, is urging one million Christians to pray the Lord's prayer at noon every day. It is also encouraging all churches and networks to be part of 500 days of prayer for the UK starting Sunday 1st August 2010 until 31st December 2011.


Having trained as a teacher Valerie Elliot believed her future was mapped out. Until God stepped in and told her to change direction… It was her own fault… she asked to know her purpose.


ooking back Valerie admits that she had no idea what to expect when she started to seek the Lord seven years ago about His perfect will for her life. She was not expecting the response she got. He instructed her to pursue hairdressing. “It was not my personal preference,” says Lagos born Valerie who said she’d enjoyed styling hair as a hobby since aged nine, little knowing it would become such a big part of her life. “I obeyed anyway; focusing more on developing myself as a self-employed hairdresser instead of a secondary school teacher that I had qualified as.” Having committed her skills to Him to use to touch lives for His glory, Valerie had no clue that He was setting her up for what she would be doing today. Valerie oversees Time Away With Jesus… (TAWJ), an interdenominational para-church ministry which supports the ongoing work of ‘the church’, by creating a serene and refreshing environment for worship. Primarily for Christian women to get away from their hectic lifestyles and pause for a while and reflect on the goodness of the Lord, the weekend retreat focuses on encouraging a good maintenance of their intimacy with the Lord, as they serve Him and live out their God-given destinies. A woman with a heart for people and a passion for hair, Valerie soon realized that via her business she was coming into contact with a lot of women from different backgrounds, and at different stages of their lives. “I worked from home by appointments and spent time praying before each client came, sometimes the Lord would prepare me for them by giving me words of knowledge or wisdom on what they were going through and how I was to minister to them.” She confesses, “This was scary at first. I wondered how to bring it up, but as I did their hair I asked the Lord to orchestrate it all. He



either gave me the right question to ask or they just opened up and shared their hearts. This gave me the opportunity I sought to minister God's truth and power to them. “ This was the perfect training ground for Valerie, who she serves as a member of the counselling team in her church. She felt she needed to develop in the gifts and fruits of the spirit; apply the word of God; develop in hearing and obeying the voice of God; step out more confidently in faith and generally grow in confidence when it came to ministering to others. “I had always somehow found myself giving counsel to and praying for women of all ages, but ministering to complete strangers on a regular basis drew me out of my comfort zone and into God's bigger picture for my life. These steps of faith and obedience led to the salvation, healing, spiritual growth, and victory of quite a number of them. I even started to mentor some in their walk. It is always more than a hair session and I love every fulfilling minute of it!” A member of Praise Chapel, London, under the leadership of Pastors Kofi and Jayne Banful, Valerie birthed the retreat in 2008 after she received a mandate from the Lord to prepare an environment in which He would come and manifest Himself to His children in a very personal way. “The Lord told me that He had seen the need for His daughters to have a safe place to meet with Him. He asked me if I would create that environment for Him to meet with them by hosting retreats. I said Yes, and He told me He would let me know when it was time.” Some months later the Lord started to stir her heart about what He had said. He then told Valerie “it was time to step out and do what you had agreed to”. Married to Tobi, her very supportive soul-mate who she regards as “my dearest friend, who spent time praying it through with me”

Valerie prayed for the Lord to help her to embrace His will completely. By November 28th 2008 the vision was clear. “I put a little team together and we were good to go! The ministry was to be called ‘Time away with Jesus...’. It was to be founded mainly on these verses of Scripture: Luke 10:38-42 ‘Now while they were on their way, it occurred that Jesus entered a certain village, and a woman named Martha received and welcomed Him into her house. And she had a sister named Mary, who seated herself at the Lord's feet and was listening to His teaching. But Martha [overly occupied and too busy] was distracted with much serving; and she came up to Him and said, “Lord, is it nothing to You that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me [to lend a hand and do her part along with me]!” But the Lord replied to her by saying, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things; there is need of only one or but a few things. Mary has chosen the good portion [that which is to her advantage], which shall not be taken away from her”.” (Amplified Bible) Valerie set a date for the first retreat for April 2009 and spread the word. “Eighteen ladies attended and it was more awesome than I could have imagined. That was my first time ministering on that kind of platform, I was nervous but I let the Lord have His way and what a time away it was!” The ladies later testified of enjoying personal quality time with the Lord and left feeling refreshed and recharged! “Women in particular are great at multi-tasking, but this usually leaves us drained or burdened emotionally, physically and spiritually. Time Away With Jesus… events provide a much needed safe and conducive environment for women to get refreshed and have some personal quality time with the Lord.” An itinerant speaker, Valerie desires to see many more saved and come into a place of greater intimacy with the Lord. In such a way that

In Tune provides an environment that encourage teenagers and young adults in prayer, worship; discovering and developing their gifts. It provides an environment where they can shut out the world’s noise and connect with God by sharing their thoughts on particular issues, reflecting on God’s word in relation to issues raised, spend time in worship and prayer. A girlie time-out (13yrs – 25yrs) with great spiritual depth! SELAH!, a Hebrew word that can be interpreted as “pause and think about that” is a meeting that consists of ‘sitting at the Lord’s feet and listening to His voice as we spend time in worship, prayer, reflection on God’s word and enjoy a good meal together’. TAWJ Retreats are not only affordable but they’re set in an idyllic, restful and serenely present the perfect opportunity for ladies from various churches and backgrounds to spend some quality time with the Lord, while developing new relationships with each other. They enjoy times of fellowship, worship, reflection on God’s word and prayer together, for days away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, in a serene and refreshing environment. The next event is Martha's Time Out!, specially for ladies who serve in Church, team leaders or any woman in ministry. “It’s a time to sit at the Lord’s feet like Mary; to listen, worship, rest and enjoy candle light dinners! Let the Lord help you to relax, refocus and reconnect with His will in a new way, as He refreshes and recharges you for the journey ahead!,” says Valerie. With the theme ‘Recapturing God’s Heart For Service’, Martha’s Time Out is scheduled for Friday 10th - 12th September 2010 at De Vere, Gorse Hill, Hook Heath, Woking, Surrey, GU22 0QH (Stylish ensuite room per person, Full English/buffet breakfast, Buffet lunch and 3 course Table

“That was my first time ministering on that kind of platform, I was nervous but I let the Lord have His way and what a time away it was!” “His thoughts become their thoughts and His ways their ways”, and their only fulfillment in life comes from walking with Him and doing His will, thereby achieving their God-given destinies. “Women are great at multi-tasking,” says Valerie, “but this usually leaves them drained or burdened emotionally, physically and spiritually. Time Away With Jesus… events provide a safe and conducive environment for women to get refreshed and have some personal quality time with the Lord.” The Lord has since expanded the vision. Other events that fall under the banner of TAWJ includes Pressing On!, a free monthly informal catch up and prayer meeting that provides an opportunity to share our experiences, testimonies and challenges as we continue on our way to fulfilling our destiny in Christ. It aims to provide an environment of encouragement and prayer support for any Christian woman who needs such an environment. “Let's not allow church services, conferences or retreats to become just another quick fix for our next spiritual "high", let us maintain the pace and keep pressing on together,” says Valerie. Young people are not left out of Valerie’s mandate. Monthly event

d’hôte candle light dinners, free flowing cappuccinos, lattes and green tea stations throughout one’s stay. Cost: £170. Spaces are limited!! To register or for enquiries: 079511 139992 / /



Passion for



The issue of whether Jamaican patois is a legitimate language or not has raged for years with some sceptics (usually not West Indian) dismissing it as pidgin English, broken English or, worst still, “just a dialect”. However, it’s now been elevated after recently having a book in the Bible translated into patois.



God has a way of using people. He unearths talents that they, at times, do not even realise they have and uses them for His glory. Damilola Adenubi explains how she uses poetry to consolidate her faith and guide people to Christ. ach and every one of us has been blessed with different gifts, each of which is associated with a fundamental responsibility – to proclaim the glory of God. The parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30) shows the significance of this. I grew up in Lagos, Nigeria. Like many teenage girls, my transition into adulthood was detailed in a personal diary. Rather than an archetypal account of daily events, it was saturated with imaginative prose and exaggerated thoughts. Being shy and reserved, I resorted to journals to chronicle my mind. I’d write about everything and anything, from the boy I had a crush on to the Saturday evenings I frequently spent watching old movies with my grandmother. However, at some point in my teenage years, I really began writing but one needed to be sensible - how many people living in Nigeria can earn an adequate living from poetry? My parents fuelled my interest in therapeutics and the necessity to further my education, so I embarked on a Masters degree at Leicester School of Pharmacy. However, there was always that niggling feeling in my head that I was missing the mark somewhere. I was still writing at every opportunity and the yearning to share my art with others increased. Whilst attending RCCG City of Favour in Leicester, there was a vacancy for an editor in the publication team. I was offered this position by the editor-in-chief and pastor of the church, Olugbenga Taiwo. Everything began to fall into place - I was being given an invaluable opportunity to showcase my talent in the church’s weekly and monthly publications. After graduating from university and completing my internship, my first job as a pharmacy manager was rewarding to an extent, but I always felt that my career did not define my purpose. As a result, my passion for poetry became even more potent. I continued using words as an art form to reflect my relationship with God. I also use my poetry to minister to the reader, to tap into their very soul.




St Luke's Gospel Transllated Into Jamaican Patois

R Damilola Adenubi

Spirit awaken in a foreign realm where flesh is redundant and vision is the mirror of the soul; I gaze at a plethora of decay imprisoned by ignorance. Rays of realism pierce through my being; I bleed shame! Unto my knees... I fall! Before the throne of grace and power, I plead mercy! His voice pacifies my fears; spoken words: “I am the branch, you are the vine!” Some may argue that the journey to discover one’s purpose in life could be endless. Nonetheless, it is more rewarding to seek purpose from the giver of life. After all, the primary reason for our existence is to worship Him, and in doing so it is imperative that we know who he is and not just that he exists. Scripture dictates that we must worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). This means that our spirits and desires must be aligned with His in order to empower our service to the glory of God, and we must also acknowledge him as truth above everything else. This enables us to surrender our will to His divine purpose. When God becomes the epitome of truth in a person’s life, it allows the individual to trust him wholeheartedly and yearn to do His will. Even Jesus exerted His gift (the power and spirit of God) on Earth in order to save. This shows that when we live our lives in accordance to the will and glory of God, we will in turn have a positive impact in the world. This is an essential attribute of a good leader - one who sets good examples. This is particularly important because being Christ-like entails exhibiting leadership qualities. It is my hope that God’s favour and love for me is reflected in my art. Damilola Adenubi’s first collection of poetry, titled ‘Virgin Soul’, is an anthology that narrates a journey to discover the true meaning of love. Visit

ev Courtney Stewart, the General Secretary of the Bible Society of the West Indies, described the translation of Luke's gospel into the language spoken by five million people in Jamaica and across the world as, “history in the making”. “Jamaican patois has always been regarded as the language to communicate music and folklore, but it's never been used to translate anything serious,” says Stewart. “This is the first time that Jamaican patois has been used to translate anything serious, so it is of great significance.” The new translation of Luke's Gospel in audio was launched in the UK at Christian Life City Church in Hackney, East London. When the idea of putting the Bible into patois was first suggested, some traditionalists rejected it saying it distorts and dilutes the message, but Courtney Stewart disagrees. He says, “For the five million Jamaican patois speakers worldwide, this means we are validated. God has come

down to us.” He believes that having a portion of the Bible in patois in fact communicates the word of God at a much deeper level and gives Jamaicans a greater sense of self-worth. “He speaks to us in the language we think and feel in and that touches us at the deepest level,” asserts Stewart. “It is a quantum leap for our language. Patois has always been considered bad, broken English that's relegated to those from a poorer economic background.” Bishop Wayne Malcolm, Christian Life City Church commented, “It’s going to be exciting to see how the Patois New Testament impacts the Caribbean community.” Maybe in the future we’ll see the Bible translated into Yoruba or Welsh!

Daily Reflections from the Open Heavens Devotional written by Pastor E. A. AdeboyE, General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God



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Leading the Way Leadership is a ma er of personal convic on and believing strongly in a cause or aim. The launch of the Progressive People’s Movement is advoca ng collec ve leadership that will enable an en re race to create their own des ny. Clllr Lorna Caampbeell


ost people don't seek to be leaders but many are able to lead - in one way or another and in one situation or another - more than they realise. Sitting in a large auditorium in the Fairfield Halls in Croydon listening to speakers extol the need and virtue of black empowerment, I was suddenly gripped with the compelling urge to ACT in order to engender unity and the organisation of black people, and so began the concept of a ‘movement’. I had a vision of a movement where people of African heritage came together to address socio-economic dilemmas facing us. There was also a strong emphasis on this movement being spearheaded by women, as they are essentially the bedrock of the black family - the nurturers and healers of everyone from birth and so they are well equipped to lay foundations for the rebuilding of the nation. The fact that the world system puts more pressure on black men puts women in a slightly more advantageous position to take this forward initially. Therefore, the Progressive People’s Movement (PPM) is ready to be launched in the UK. Its mission is to promote unity among people of black African heritage - regardless of background and countries of origin through the establishment of a robust economic base, thereby ensuring a solid foundation on which future generations can build. Some of the principles that guide the movement are: decisions are



taken by the membership; it must not be reliant on public funds in order to be sustainable; it will work with existing groups and organisations whose aims and objectives are in line with PPM - to promote the unity and strength we need to mobilise as a people. The PPM has the potential to change the course of the lives of people of black African heritage, not only in the UK but globally. If we can conscientiously organise and understand fully the strength of true unity, who knows what can be achieved if there is a desire and a willingness to make the necessary effort? Many would say that black people have come a long way and that we have achieved some level of success, and they would be right – but at what cost and to what extent? These ‘successes’, whilst there is no intention to diminish progress, have no real impact on the black community as a whole, i.e. we are still the bottom of the pile, very few are truly independent and the focus is on individual gains. As a people we don’t own anything in the UK. We are consumers, e.g. what we wear, eat, where we live, cars we drive – everything is owned and controlled by ‘other people’. With determination and conviction we can establish and even re-create the equivalent of a black Wall Street, as proven by ex-slaves who came together in early 1900s Tulsa, Oklahoma. The community, having experienced discrimination, were ‘forced’ to create their own economy,

trade with each other and build their own community which consisted of schools, hospitals and even cinemas. By 1921 they had become wealthy because they traded dollars hand-to-hand. It is ironic that their dependency on one another was as a result of the Jim Crow laws. To emulate them we too can shift from the position of being dedicated consumers to owners and employers, with the financial resources needed to turn the great dreams and plans into living, breathing realities by way of investing in each other. This can be done via the PPM. This will enable us to address the many issues we constantly highlight in conferences, in the media and other forums. For years we have campaigned and lobbied for change in the way our children are being taught to no avail, and have had to supplement their education. Plus the growing issue of deaths of our young people due to knife and gun crime has soared. Whilst there have been ‘intervention’ and ‘preventative’ measures put in place by government, I believe the solution lies within the black community which is both victim and perpetrator. The sticking-plaster approach cannot work as the root cause has to be addressed, mindsets need to be changed and a sense of community has to be rebuilt. This is the essence of the PPM. There is no quick fix because it has taken us many generations to get into this condition – it need not take as long to approach recovery, as long as we recognise and acknowledge there is work to be done and collectively take action. It will take sacrifice, determination and courage – each one, teach one and bring one. It is time to end the cycle of dependency in the economic, educational, social, political, spiritual, creative and health and wellbeing areas that are central to our living a fulfilled life. The first collective action the movement will undertake is the

establishment of a strong financial base through the development of a credit union, to provide financial assistance and promote good money management in our communities. A credit union will instil the value of saving for what you want, investing to gain profit on savings and providing loans for business ventures and personal life needs. It’s a simple enough concept and a legacy to the ‘pardner’ or ‘su-su’ systems which were prevalent in the 1950s UK, so why not embrace it, strengthen and professionalise it to OUR collective benefit? The PPM is multi-faceted and can be used to build our economic empire, but will take strategic leadership. Are you up for the challenge? As was said by the renowned George Bernard Shaw, “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything”. The Progressive People’s Movement will be launched on Saturday 22nd August 2010 at The Bernie Grant Arts Centre, Town Hall Approach Road, Tottenham Green, London, N15 For more info, e-mail or call 07535 473 829. By Lorna Campbell

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Courage of



There’s something special about a group of men getting together… to share, to fellowship, to stand, to open up… to be real.


his is all Anthony-Lorenzo Brathwaite is asking for when he hosts The Real Man Conference… just be real.

In 2007, Brathwaite set up Men of Courage (MoC), an exciting and inspirational, ministerial initiative to bring men together and rediscover, unearth and accomplish their God-given purpose in life as men! A singer/songwriter who travels the world ministering to people in song - as well as being an aspiring author with a book in the pipeline based upon living one’s dream - Brathwaite is working towards setting up his own personal development company. “My objective,” he says, “is to engage, educate and empower men to live and fulfil their purpose, because without purpose there is no point!" Inspired by his own journey and prompting of God, MoC caters for an array of men from diverse backgrounds and walks of life. Since its debut, MoC has held meetings on a quarterly basis on pertinent subjects which have a direct correlation to men. Subject such as the male ego (Hego), excuses (What’s Your Excuse?) and more. They have also honoured previous guest speakers such as Action Jackson (a renowned motivational speaker), Pastor Hafis J Raji (Dynamic Faith Church) and Kunlé Oyedeji (author of



Relationship Matters). “The distinguishing feature about MoC is the ability to allow men to tackle issues in an unbiased, non-judgemental atmosphere where men can be open, honest and frank!” asserts Brathwaite, who attends Hope Assembly Ministries based in East London under the leadership of pastors Thomas and Eunice Alamu. “Men of Courage, being a Christ-centric initiative, holds firmly to biblical principles for successful living and encourages practical application of life principles into the different roles such as men, husband, father, entrepreneur, student, etc.” Another added bonus from MoC is the regular blogs, usually ‘hush hush’ subjects that provoke thought and discussion, such as Big Boys Don’t Cry! discussing the emotional release a man needs and Papa Was A Rolling Stone, raising the issue about absent fathers. The organisation has steadily been gaining momentum, particularly after they were featured on Premier Christian Radio for a ten-minute slot on men’s issues, and an invitation to the Houses of Parliament

where they gave a short, keynote speech. The boost came about through a fellow men’s organisation pushing for a ‘fathers for life’ campaign, and had key members of parliament such as David Lammy in attendance. The breaking news from MoC is the forthcoming and first, major conference called ‘Real Man’ based upon 1 Corinthians 13:11. "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child - but when I became a Real Man, I put away childish things."

relationships (on all levels) - the Real Man and his dream and also the Real Man and his kryptonite (weakness). The ethos behind MoC is the scripture that encourages us to “Stand firm in the faith, be strong, be men of courage" (1 Cor 16:13). “The conference promises to deliver much-needed wisdom and practical advice - coupled with powerful prayer - in order to reaffirm and solidify that it takes a man to do a man’s job,” says Brathwaite. Featuring speakers which include Pastor David Hope, Kunlé Oyedeji and Alex Gordon, Men of Courage – The Real Men

“My objective is to engage, educate and empower men to live and fulfil their purpose, because without purpose there is no point. It takes a man to do a man’s job.” The Real Man conference is a relevant and timely event, which has been specifically designed and geared towards raising the profile of men, which has been tarnished and somewhat distorted over the years due to societal norms and mis-education. The event stays true to the MoC’s purpose of engaging, educating and empowering men to not only know their roles in society, but to develop their understanding themed around the Real Man and his

Conference is open to men from any church or other men’s ministries/organisations, as they believe unity and networking is key. The event will be held on Saturday 14th August at Well Community Centre, 49 Vicarage Lane, East Ham, London, E6 6DQ. Info:

By Michael Smith


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ringing two churches together for a special service may not seem like a big deal on the surface, but it was a ground-breaking and audacious move by the organisers when you consider the story behind the event. In April this year (2010), a member of Micah Ministries based in New Cross was stabbed on his way to church one Sunday morning. The victim, a member of Micah’s youth church, ran into the main hall and collapsed, bleeding from the wound under his arm. The service ironically happened to be about the dangers faced by young people in the community. Thankfully the youth survived but, according to Patrick Regan of The eXceL Project (XLP), a registered charity at the cutting edge of urban youth work in the UK, “it was another reminder that all is not well in many of any of our communities.” XLP began as the result of a stabbing in a school playground in 1996. The school was at a loss as to how to deal with the increase in violence amongst its pupils before, and needed someone to come in and work with their students and teachers to help with difficult behavioural issues. Patrick, then a local church youth worker in Peckham, south London, answered the call. This was the beginning of XLP, a Christian charity which emphasises that they are faith-based but not faith-biased - they

work equally with young people of all faiths… and even none. Despite police claims in 2009 that gang crime has lessened overall, Regan knew of the ongoing postcode gang wars between rival gangs in the immediate vicinity. It had led to young people (whether in gangs or not) being attacked simply because they are visiting one side of town when they actually live in another. Even youths who live in a neighbourhood but are not known by the gangs are attacked simply for being there. With this knowledge, Regan has been on a mission to unite boroughs in south London. He conceived the idea of bringing communities together in an extraordinary, joint church service between Micah Ministries, New Cross and All Saints Church, Peckham, SE15 - to demonstrate their commitment to supporting young people in south London. Attendees of the ‘Church Swap’, held in June at All Saints, Peckham, included families and young people from across Southwark and Lewisham as a sign of solidarity and support to each others’ communities. They even had a combined band made up of musicians from each community “The Church Swap clearly demonstrated to young people that their communities care about them enough to join together across local boundaries,” says Regan who, during his moment on the podium, reminded the congregation of the old, African saying, “it takes a village to raise a child’. We wanted to show that together we are stronger as a community.” Tragically, just weeks after this victorious occasion, 15-year old Zachary Olumegbon from Tulse Hill in south London, was brutally killed outside Park Campus School in West Norwood, by a gang who went looking for him. A pupil at the school, Zac was chased by three or four boys who had been waiting for him in a car. He was stabbed several times in the chest. Locals said his murder was “a tragedy waiting to happen” because of the tension at the school between gangs from different areas. Met Detectives said “this was a planned attack” and that it followed an incident days earlier when a group of boys threatened

CASE STUDY teven did not do well at school. He admits he played around and therefore messed up. He was surrounded by brothers and other people whom he wanted to impress. “They were good people, known for the right reasons and I just thought to myself, “I wanna do that too, I wanna be known as much as them. I was never excluded or suspended but I did get into little problems and that – the serious things I did I never got caught,” he says. Life at home had its ups and downs but it was alright. “I live with my mum and sister and brother, but mum was always at work, brother was at college. I haven’t seen my dad since we left Nigeria when I was about eight. I’m not an emotional kind of person - if someone ain’t there for me I’m not gonna cry.” Outside school and at home he saw himself as an ‘outsider’ and acted “like I was bad and all of that and got sucked into the lifestyle,” he says. “Going out, late nights, doing things I weren’t supposed to do.

I just thought to myself I need to get noticed, so that if I go to a certain area I’m not gonna get touched... it was about feeling safe round where I live. The problem with that kind of lifestyle is you get sucked in, and can turn out to be someone that goes around road-robbing people.” What changed? “I met XLP and discovered what they were doing for people my age. I just thought to myself there are people out there who are actually trying to help. I was just a hyped-up kid - that’s what I thought to myself. If there was beef I would be there, but XLP taught me how to respect others and showed me there’s a better way. Now instead of me being on road, I’m meeting people and talking to them about how I changed my lifestyle.” He thinks that whatever one sees the most is what they are going to do. “Like, your friend gets stabbed,

Striving to

e ceL B

Patrick Regan

When Patrick Regan, a leading youth worker in the community, was called upon to help troubled youngsters in south London, he did not hesitate. Sunrise focuses on the work of the eXceL Project (XLP)


a pupil. It is incidents like these that cements Regan’s commitment to make a difference. ”We have come to understand that no single person or organisation addresses issues like these alone - only by coming together and standing with each other can we expect change.” Travelling to over thirty countries and working on behalf of some of the poorest communities has fuelled Regan’s passion to see children and

on the radio

young people from the most deprived and challenging backgrounds avoid making wrong choices, succeed in life and realise their potential. For the past fourteen years, he has been serving over 700 young people in inner London. To do this effectively he has engaged with politicians and gang members, victims and perpetrators, the police, councils, housing associations and, most importantly, with young people themselves and their families. “Their home life is often financially and emotionally challenging. Many find themselves academically low achievers and some struggle with English as a second language. Attitudes and behavioural needs alienate them from their own families and communities, and undermine their sense of self-worth,” observes Regan. “Many are either excluded or at risk of exclusion from school, and consequently often rediscover their identity through gang-related,

obviously you’re gonna think, “I’m gonna get that person back but the violence is brought on by stupid things - someone wanting to stab someone else because they stepped on his shoes... it is stupidness man, stupidness.” Steven, who has appeared in their arts’ programme, began volunteering at XLP helping out on the bus on the Abbey Wood estate, overseeing football and talking to kids. “I’m just paying back what was given to me, trying to make a difference.”


continue overleaf





YOUTH several challenges at university. How do you deal with stress? Being President can be very stressful and can involve working long hours under huge amounts of pressure while needing to stay calm, polite or articulate. I’m indebted to my fellow sabbatical officers, who work full-time alongside me and lead CUSU’s activities in different areas [as well as I as President, CUSU has five other full-time officers - Education, Welfare & Graduates, Coordinator, Access and Women’s Officers].

Exactly one year ago, Tom Chigbo began his term of office as the first black president of Cambridge University's Student Union (CUSU). Sunrise catches up with him to ask how he has managed his role and what he plans to do next.

First Black Cambridge University Student Union President T

here’s nothing like someone speaking positively into one’s life. During a conversation about potential Oxbridge candidates, one of his tutors at his secondary school looked at him and said, "You're going to be there, Tom." Years later, through God’s grace and will, he not only went there but took up a leadership role that broke the glass ceiling and influenced young people coming up behind him. Brought up in Camden, north London, Tom went to St Joseph's RC Primary School in Highgate. He describes his family background as financially modest. However, his family are Igbo - people who put great emphasis on education. There was always an expectation that Tom would work hard and go to university. As an outstanding pupil, he was encouraged to apply for a place at the London Oratory School by one of his teachers. However, the encouragement to apply to Cambridge specifically came from teachers at the Oratory, who gave him the confidence to aim high. At the Oratory, Tom flourished academically, socially and on the sports field. He is especially grateful to his geography teacher for inspiring him to think about studying the subject at university. He says teachers at both of his schools were tremendously supportive - they opened doors for him. His Nigerian parents came to the UK to study at university. When his father - a journalist and broadcaster - died when Tom was eleven, his mother worked as a freelance journalist to look after Tom and his siblings. Now, aged twenty-two, he has finished his dissertation and is looking forward to the summer holidays but, even more so, to begin studying for a Masters in London this autumn. Sunrise caught up with him as he is getting ready to move his life forward.



Arsenal is my team but I also pay close attention to what's going on abroad, particularly in the Spanish league.

What exactly does being the president mean? The CUSU President is the main representative of Cambridge students and their interests to the university, the community and the media. They are responsible for presenting CUSU policy and the opinions of the student body through campaigns, university committees and meetings with decision-makers. The President also helps influence the direction of CUSU and the University to ensure that both are best placed to support students. And your vision for this role? My vision for CUSU was, and still is, of an organisation that has a positive impact on the lives of students by understanding the varying needs of its diverse membership, and empowering all students to make the most their time at Cambridge. The President should be able to demonstrate this impact to students and wider society. As CUSU president you were determined to increase student awareness and involvement in the government of the university. How can student unions help? Students’ unions are amazing organisations that keep students on their courses, help them develop new skills, fight against discrimination and create a sense of community through the collective efforts of their members. I believe that student representation is essential to ensure that the university is the transformational experience it ought to be. What drives or motivates you? I suppose the thing that motivates me is knowing, from my own experience, just how fun and fulfilling university can be and realising that, for many students, the experience is not so positive. Whether it’s academic concerns, financial pressures, social or health problems, students face

For many it is increasingly difficult to strike a balance between faith and secular life. How do you deal with this challenge? For me there isn't such a huge conflict between faith and what you call ‘secular life’. I'd think the values of collectivism, equality and solidarity underpin both my work as President and my political outlook more broadly. Surely these lie at the heart of what it means to be a Christian as well - I'm talking about considering others before yourself, supporting the disadvantaged and sharing what you have with those who don't have it. How do you relax? When I get away from work, it's always good to catch up with friends and not talk about student politics! I enjoy sport, film and music. I'm a huge football fan and do my best to watch as many matches as I can.

"It was made very clear to me by my parents that education is essential if I want to achieve anything or fulfil my ambitions”

Which great leader(s) could you mention as having had a major impact on you? Why? Having grown up in London, the leader that most fascinates me is Ken Livingstone. I admire his focus on lives and experiences of the poor and vulnerable. In my lifetime, no individual has done more to improve London and the lives of Londoners than Ken. With all his great achievements - the congestion charge, anti-racism work, improvements to public transport and the priority given to tackling climate change - Ken was really bold and imaginative. At every stage of his political career he's been fiercely opposed and unfairly criticised. However, he tends to come out on top and, on the big issues, is proven right time and time again. When asked what his advice would be to younger people right now, Tom concludes, “Education has always been important in my family and I was motivated from a young age to do well in school. It was made very clear to me by my parents that education is essential if I want to achieve anything or fulfil my ambitions.”

By Nina Roche

continued from page 33

anti-social behaviour.” Having started out working in one school, XLP now operates on monthly basis in over fifty schools and estates across Southwark, Lewisham, Greenwich, Tower Hamlets and Newham. In the early days they began by hosting a lunch-time club on school premises and teaching the kids about their own heroes, and in particular how those heroes behaved. Today they still provide the club but also teach PHSE/citizenship classes, drama, Religious

“We believe in hope; hope for people who have been put down by everyone else, hope for areas that are constantly in the press for the wrong reasons and hope for the future of London’s amazing young people.” Education, offer reading support, and discuss issues such as sex and relationships, drugs’ awareness, anger management and weapons, poverty and fair trade, prejudice and racism, image and identity. XLP also operates the XL-R8-converted, double-decker bus that they take on to estates as a mobile youth centre, which includes a ‘chill-out/drop-in’ space downstairs and computers upstairs for homework support.

“Often when a young person falls out of education, and if they have come from a poor area where their mum is working multiple jobs and there is no dad around, then the gang become an alternative family and they provide alternative income,” says Regan. “The staff and student volunteers - who all have enhanced CRB disclosures - constantly confront many of these issues including bullying and intimidation, boredom due to lack of organised activities, absence of parents and living in areas with high crime rates.” Often XLP’s Arts’ Showcase programme is used by young people to tell their collective stories. It encourage youngsters to express themselves through dance, drama, comedy, singing and rap. “Our team holds auditions in schools followed by rehearsals and vibrant shows, says Regan. “We have unearthed some incredible talent.” Those who work at XLP share a common passion to serve the community, and a heart to look out for those in their care. Their aim is to transform attitudes and behaviours of young people towards their families, peers and teachers to raise self-worth and increase educational achievement, which helps them confidentially and positively contribute to their community. “We believe in hope;” says Regan. “Hope for people who have been put down by everyone else, hope for areas that are constantly in the press for the wrong reasons and hope for the future of London’s amazing young people.

By Bellinda R aye



INTERVIEW the profile of the SDA church; issuing press notices; providing communication training for the 130 communication secretaries in the South England Conference; responding to issues that relate to the church in the press; updating our website; producing Christian programmes for our channel (Hope TV) and the internet; recording church services and producing church publications; overseeing our radio station (; writing for Christian publications (internal and external); writing resources; holding seminars and conferences on communication.”

Called via Divine


How have you found the work? “It’s challenging but rewarding!” What in particular has been challenging? “Responding to negative press as it relates to the church, as well as communicating bad news. The challenge is that communication is constantly changing and there is a need to respond to that change quickly, sensitively and sensibly. News never sleeps!” Mr & Mrs de Lisser

What are the highlights of your time as director of this department? “The highlight for me in the Communications Department is to finally see the Media Centre fully established! I think that another highlight is that we have come close to realising the dream of seeing British Adventist-produced programmes ready for broadcast on a major, British TV platform. It has now become a distinct possibility!”

When God has a calling on someone’s life, par cularly for leadership, He sees in that person what they may not see in themselves. However, living a purposeful life is not about us and we may well suffer the consequences if our decision is to ignore His plan for our life.

Can you describe your work on a daily basis? “Reading and responding to e-mails and letters answering and responding to phone calls; checking future appointments; preparing future publication; writing articles; meeting administration to respond to any issues relating to internal and external communication.”

How do you overcome challenge situations? “A strong, personal faith and belief in God has helped me through every time.”

How does it feel to know you have to make 20,000 happy? “I feel a great sense of responsibility when I perform my task knowing that what I do affects the whole church, and I want to keep them happy by doing my best.” Shall we be seeing the SEC telly-evangelising at any time? “With a worldwide membership of 16 million, and if we are to impact the 60 million people in Britain, we must be on TV. We have come close to realising the dream of seeing British Adventistproduced programmes ready for broadcast on a major British TV platform, and we are destined to reach it by God's grace very soon.”

Richard de Lisser


t was a dilemma for Richard de Lisser when He, God directed him to change the plans he had for his life. God wanted Richard to work for the church and he admits he was not keen. In his own words, “it was solely God that had wanted me too. I actually ran away from His call to ministry and nearly paid with my life.” So how did he overcome that reluctance? He says, “Having nearly died in a motorway crash running away from what God called me to do, I decided to live on God's terms and not my own, dedicating my life to Him in ministry. I am now doing what He has called me to do - until the day I die!” Born in England of Jamaican parentage, Dr de Lisser undertook his ministerial training at West Indies College (now Northern Caribbean University) and graduated in 1991 as senior class president with a BA in Religion, followed by an MA in 1993. For the past four years he has been Communications Director of the South England Conference (SEC) of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, which represents a total membership of approximately 20,000. The structure of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church is centred around local congregations. Each congregation is part of one of the eleven regional areas in the territory of the South England Conference. SEC is then responsible for the work in these areas and provides training and resources to them. In addition to supervising the work of the various congregations, the conference operates three primary schools in



Plymouth, Bracknell and Walthamstow, as well as the voluntaryaided John Loughborough School for secondary-aged children in Tottenham. As Communications Director, Pastor de Lisser oversees the development of all external communication (print, broadcast (radio and TV), direct and electronic mail, audio, CD, DVD and video production). He oversees the production of the communicator as well as the design, management and effectiveness of the SEC website. He is responsible for training and developing media personnel and communication secretaries in the local churches, and providing them with resource materials. Another of his roles involves the implementation of a comprehensive, publicity media plan for major church events such as camp meeting, SEC Sessions and conference days of fellowship. It is Pastor de Lisser that is responsible for the development of a media response team to deal with major crises in the SEC. With a high-powered role and being married (to Joanne) with a four-year-old son, Richard de Lisser is undoubtedly busy but equally dedicated to all areas of his life. Sunrise caught up with him long enough to find out what his hope and vision is for the future of the organisation he represents. You are Head of Communications - what exactly does that mean? “I am responsible for: internal and external communication; raising


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A double-edged



hilst growing up I experienced a lot of frustrations from being stereotyped as a teenager living in a rapidly changing world. It seems that not a lot has changed since then; it is common to see negative news stories demonising young people from all over the globe. Frustrations at such institutions and the general public, who view young people - not their social situations - as the social problem, has increased. Over the last five years, whilst doing various voluntary work with young people, I have seen first hand the negative effects this has had on them - from feelings of discouragement, hopelessness and a general lack of support to insecurity and their leaning towards negative influences, such as seeking advice from peers who are not well informed. Whenever I speak to someone from the older generation about my frustrations, one of the most common questions I am asked is, “Why are youths constantly being misunderstood?” My answer to this is that there is a large gap between both generations; society and the general way of life have changed, which are not similarly reciprocated by both parties. For example, things that were status symbols for adults have become more accessible to the younger generations such as designer clothes, fast cars, the latest gadgets and easy money. The ‘nanny state’ has also interfered with the then normal order of the way society used to police itself. Ten years ago, the old African saying ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ made it perfectly acceptable for any relative or stranger to discipline a child. However, today this is not case. Now if an adult reprimands a youngster they risk being arrested and prosecuted. It's a double-edged sword. From school to home, the table has turned and it’s not all the young people’s fault - they did not change or make the rules and the laws, they just tried to find their place in the society being cultivated around them. Mentoring young people from various backgrounds, I have seen the positive impact offering support and listening ears can have on the selfesteem of a young person and, inevitably, their way of life. The need for support and cohesion from the older generation - ranging from parents, teachers and government bodies to the church and social establishments - has never been



Mentoring young people from various backgrounds, twenty-fouryear-old Esana Brown has seen the changes in society. Here she gives Sunrise readers an insight into what it is like for a young adult living in Britain as we know it. greater. Therefore instead of demonising and labelling youth, I urge ‘grown-ups’ to take the time out to acknowledge that there are major differences between both generations and show a willingness to work together to bridge the gap. It is absolutely paramount to the future of our world/society. However, I believe that great care needs to been taken when nurturing and mentoring young people. It is simply not enough to encourage them to be successful in order to maintain prestigious status. Huge emphasis needs to be laid on maintaining good moral practise by being our brother’s keepers. There needs to be a balance; we do not need a world with more millionaires and successful people, but a society with successful people doing selfless deeds. Young people are a rich and vital resource that this world needs to harness and engage with instead of labelling them or putting them in a box. Nelson Mandela once stated in a speech to the people of South Africa, “Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that great generation.” It is time for us, as a society, to support and encourage our young people to become that great generation.

By Esana Brown, founder and editor of a young people’s magazine, Voice of Truth (VOT).





often wonder how a parent can successfully identify a child’s potential to be a leader. Could it be by exhibiting a character of conformity or that of difference of opinion? However in our minds, we all have our own ideas of what characteristics a leadership child should exhibit and continue to portray as he or she grows up. A cross-section of parents has shared their thoughts on what they believe a typical leadership child should be. A leadership child could be: Peju L: a confident child who is not easily influenced; a responsible child with high self-esteem. Uzo I:

a child who is defiant, stubborn and argumentative, yet compassionate and inclusive.

Rolli K: a bossy, wants-to-be-in-charge and very competitive youngster; ironically also well-behaved and not disruptive. Lisa O: outspoken, friendly and warm towards others. Tayo F: an extrovert but not unruly. All the characteristics identified by these parents can all be true in identifying a true leader in a child. However, it would depend highly on how a child is channelled in his/her thinking. Having these characteristics is just the beginning of walking the path of becoming a leader and, frankly speaking, remaining in this path for the long haul. With close observation we would come to the conclusion that most of the leaders we find today have a mixed bunch of characteristics in them. We have leaders who are resilient, persistent and stubborn in their ways which has helped them stay focused in their endeavours, hence resulting in success. We also have leaders whom, at all odds, will stand out due to their witty and gregarious character. Some exhibit over-confidence and boldness in every sense of the word because they believe in the strength they have within them (just



like Samson). Children who exhibit these characteristics are often seen as children who are difficult to control, which could result in them being repressed. Instead these strong characteristics should be channelled positively, so a child would grow to know how to manage these characters. In the world we live in today, strongwilled children are in a better position to make it through the struggles of life whilst pulling others along with them (leadership). On the flip side, we also have children who fit the description of what a leader should ideally be; they conform to the norm – well-behaved, warm, academically astute, subdued and softly spoken. These characteristics have a huge bearing on the leadership child, but also have to be channelled effectively in order to result in a strong personality worthy of being a leader. Personally I firmly believe that children are born with leadership skills. However, teaching a child how to manage and nurture these leadership skills is what is paramount. Whatever a child’s characteristics, in order to be a leader they have to be taught how to communicate effectively so as to be heard, understood and trusted by others. A good leader has to have good organisation skills such as managing time and leading others towards a goal. They should also be encouraged to make major decisions. Developing a child’s problem-solving skills by role playing difficult situations enhances their chances of being capable to handle difficult situations as they grow older. Developing a healthy self-esteem is very important for a child. Research has shown that showing a child appreciation and attention helps them remain comfortable in themselves, hence emerging a confident leader. Whatever leadership skill a child could posses, those skills have to be stretched by ways of teaching and enhancing in order to materialise. Finally, as John F Kennedy said, "Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other." By Abi Adeyanju

GOD IS EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK God is everywhere you look He is far as he is there to remind you to always do your best You feel His breath upon your cheek as you lay your head to rest He holds your hand when you are scared, frightened or afraid He claps and cheers for all the accomplishments you have made Sometimes, He is our only friend on days when we feel blue He whispers loving words to us to help us see it through God we love you very much With our lives are blessed You live inside our very souls Help us to do our best

THE PASTOR & THE EGGS The elderly pastor was searching his closet for his collar before church one Sunday morning. In the back of the closet he found a small box containing three eggs and 100 £1 coins. He called his wife into the closet to ask her about the box and its contents. Embarrassed she admitted having hidden the box there for their entire forty-five years of marriage. Disappointed and hurt, the pastor asked her, "WHY?" The wife replied that she hadn't wanted to hurt his feelings. He asked her how the box could have hurt his feelings. She said that every time during their marriage that he had delivered a poor sermon, she had placed an egg in the box. The pastor felt that three poor sermons in forty-five years was certainly nothing to feel bad about, so he asked her what the £100 was for. She replied, "Each time I got a dozen eggs, I sold them to the neighbours for £1."

Christ the Redeemer College, London is a British further and higher education institution based in south east London. We welcome local and international students. COURSES AVAILABLE: School of Theology Diploma in Counselling (CPCAB Accredited) Diploma in Chrisitan Ministry (OCN) BA Degrees in Ministerial Studies, Counselling, or Biblical Studies (Our theology degrees are validated by Middlesex University) Short Couses on Christian Counselling Children’s Ministry Music and Worship Church Planting There is a Local training centre near you

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GOVERNANCE No doubt, God places great premium on exemplary leadership and good governance. This explains why He always seeks out persons with the right heart to groom and sustain as leaders for his people at different epochs. The RCCG is led by commi ed, humble and gi ed leaders who strive to bring God's purpose for the Mission to pass. Below is a brief insight into how the RCCG is governed in the United Kingdom.

Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye

TRUSTEES Our trustees work to ensure that the charity carries out all its obligations effectively. They have ultimate responsibility for directing the RCCG’s affairs and provide strategic direction for the organisation. In this regard, the board is always guided by the need to uphold the core values of the RCCG as an international church organisation. The RCCG board is, therefore, committed to: safeguarding and promoting the values and mission of the charity; determining the strategy and structure of the RCCG; ensuring that the charity always operates in an effective, responsible and accountable manner.

PASTOR AGU IRUKWU Chairman of Board of Trustees, Chairman, Executive Council Zonal Coordinator Pastor Agu Irukwu provides leadership to the board of trustees of the RCCG in the UK as Chairman, and has been committed to the promotion of good governance for the charity. A graduate of the University of Warwick, Coventry, UK and a former investment banker, Pastor Agu oversees the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Britain’s fastestgrowing, black-majority Pentecostal denomination. In just ten years, over 300 parishes have been planted across the UK and Ireland serving 20,000 people. Pastor Agu is also the senior pastor of Jesus House for all the nations, London. Jesus House was established in April 1994 as a parish of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG). It is one of the fastest-growing, black-majority churches in England, with about 3,000 people attending its six services on Sundays. A very practical and down-toearth preacher, his ministry is characterised by a desire to see revival in this nation and help build men and women of faith who will achieve their God-given purposes in life. He has two children - Jemie and Nonye. Pastor Agu enjoys reading and has an avid interest in current affairs and football.

General Overseer, RCCG The leader of the RCCG is the General overseer, Pastor E A Adeboye, who oversees the mission from its world headquarters in Nigeria. In the UK, the RCCG is governed by a board of trustees and an executive council. The Central Office serves as the headquarters of the church in the UK.

Pastor Kola Bamigbade Trustee Executive Council Member Zonal Coordinator Pastor Kola Bamigbade sits on the board of the RCCG in the UK. Following a professional career in the industrial sector at management cadre, Pastor Kola later yielded to the Lord’s call to commit to full-time ecclesiastical service. He now oversees a flourishing ministry that serves as an inspiration to people from all walks of life, motivating many into a deeper walk with God and leading them into their divinely-ordained destinies. Pastor Kola is the senior pastor of RCCG Inspiration House and is also a seasoned church planter. Married to Pastor Bisi, they have three children.





Pastor Janet Adedipe Trustee Zonal Coordinator

Pastor Sola Adeaga, CEO, Festival of Life (FOL)

Pastor (Mrs) Janet Adedipe sits on the board of trustees of various charities, thus bringing her experience and expertise to the board of the RCCG. Apart from being on the management team of a number of organisations, Pastor Janet is a senior pastor in the Redeemed Christian Church of God.

The RCCG also organises the Festival of Life - Britain’s largest, regular prayer gathering. Held twice a year in London, it attracts over 40,000 people who come together to pray for revival in the country. The FOL now holds in various parts of the UK and internationally.

Her background was in accountancy, following which she studied for a BSc in IT and Human Resources Management. Pastor Janet later took a PgD in Theology. She took up the call to proclaim the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in 1999 when she became a full-time pastor in the RCCG. A prolific writer and a speaker at conferences and seminars all over the world, Pastor Janet has a God-given mandate to communicate relevant and practical, Biblical principles with simplicity. She has a passion to raise leaders and intercessors. She preaches the Word with prophetic authority, signs and wonders following her ministry. Pastor Janet is married and has two sons – John and Gabriel.

Pastor Leke Sanusi

It all began in 1986 when the general overseer of the RCCG, Pastor Enoch Adeboye asked the Lord for an uncommon birthday gift - a miracle for each member of the church. God then instructed him to invite everyone to a special meeting called the ‘Holy Ghost Service’. This subsequently birthed the beginning of monthly Holy Ghost Nights in Lagos, Nigeria. Ten years later, Pastor Adeboye was praying concerning one of the Holy Ghost services when he was given a vision to start simultaneous services in the UK. This was to serve as a forum to bring together people to pray and birth revival in the UK. Hence the London Holy Ghost Festival of Life was born and the inaugural meeting themed ‘The New Anointing’ was held at the London Arena, Docklands on 19th April 1996.

Trustee Zonal Coordinator A barrister and solicitor who successfully practiced law for many years, Pastor Leke Sanusi accepted the call of God to preach the gospel in 1997. His legal knowledge, experience and skills are of significant benefit to the work of the mission’s board of trustees. He is the pastor of Victory House, London - a part of the RCCG. Pastor Leke’s vision is to raise men and women who, through inspired and fervent prayer, will take communities, cities and nations for Christ. A committed student and teacher of spiritual warfare, his passion is to see people liberated from every form of oppression. He is also the author of the bestselling book, None Shall Be Barren, which is now a popular movie. Pastor Leke is happily married to Bolanle Eniola and God has blessed them with two miracle boys - Tobi and Tomi.

THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Pastor Agu Irukwu – Chairman, Executive Council Pastor Andrew Adeleke Pastor Kola Bamigbade

Pastor Andrew Adeleke Executive Council member Zonal coordinator Pastor Andrew Lloyd Adeleke is a member of the executive council of the RCCG in the UK. He is the senior pastor of the House of Praise, a part of the RCCG and is widely-acknowledged as a versatile church-planter, having set up many churches in the UK, Germany and Canada. Pastor Andrew’s prophetic ministry also impacts lives in Africa, America, Europe, Asia and Australia. His varied skills, experience and knowledge prove valuable in the discharge of the RCCG executive team’s duties. A seasoned motivational speaker and accomplished writer, Pastor Andrew is the author of several books including Overcoming Fear with Faith, Prosperity Capsules, Inspiration from the Miracles of Jesus, How to have a New Beginning, Faith Capsules, and Nothing shall be Impossible to mention a few. He is the host of the weekly television programme Moment of Vital Truth, which reaches over 100 million people in the world. He also owns a radio station - VOT on Sky channel 205. Using his own testimony and real-life lessons, Andrew brings financial freedom to people of all ages and passionately declares the word of God, emphasising destiny and success. He is married to Olayemi Adeleke, who is also a pastor at RCCG House of Praise, London. They are blessed with three children - Aaron, Philemon and Beulah-Rachel.



AFRICA MISSIONS UK OUR VISION To promote the spread of the gospel in Africa and around the world. To promote the development of sustainable holistic programs in Africa and around the world. To provide services that will improve the quality of life of children, youth and families in Africa and around the world. AIMS 1. To mobilize brethren who can reach out to the missions. 2. To sponsor the annual training of missionaries at the school of missions located at Ede, Nigeria. 3. To encourage all missions to sustain themselves through business venture. How can you help? 1. You can pray for the work of missions in Africa. 2. You can support the work of missions in Africa financially either through a pledge, donation or regular monthly contribution. 3. You can support a missionary or a pastor's training specifically for the work that is to be done in Africa. 4. You can choose to visit a mission when you are on holidays. They would be delighted to have you and we will be glad you did. 5. You can communicate with the missions, by regular correspondence with the missionaries on the field. Pastor Andrew Adeleke, Chairman, Africa Missions, UK.

HABITATION OF HOPE OUR MISSION To rescue depressed and destitute boys from the street, transform and empower them and give them the opportunity to develop into self reliance and responsible citizens. OUR VISION » To reconcile these Street Children back to Christ. » To improve the quality of life of the lost boys/ Street boys in Lagos Nigeria. » To provide accommodation, healthcare and education to children and young people of ages 7-18 years in need especially the deprived, destitute and the homeless. » To provide a holistic support including tuition, housing, healthcare, counselling and a range of vocational training skills such as shoe making, carpentry, painting, decoration, block making, sewing etc to build self confidence in the boys. » To totally remove the street children from the nation of Nigeria by reconciling these children back to their family and helping them to settle down in their homes. Pastor Sina Akinseye, Uk Coordinator.



RCCG UK Directorates • Directorate of Education and Training (Christ the Redeemer College, School of Disciples, National Sunday School Ministry). • Directorate of Missions • Directorate for Prayer • Directorate for Children • Directorate for Teenagers Pastor (Elder) • Directorate for Youths Babatunde Isiaka, • Elders' Ministry Coordinator, National Elders Ministry

Pastor Daniel Akhazemea, Principal, Christ the Redeemer College and Head, Directorate of Education and Training

Pastor Raphael Olurotimi, Coordinator, National Sunday School Ministry, Directorate of Education and Training

Pastor Mary McCauley, National Director, Directorate for Teenagers



Pastor David Olumuyide, National Director, Directorate of Missions

Pastor Mrs Bisi Bamigbade, President Good Women Fellowship

Pastor Bajo Akisanya, National Director, Directorate for Youth

A – Z of RCCG Unreached Areas in the UK

Pastor Sola Oludoyi, National Director, Directorate of Prayer

Pastor Denrele Runsewe, National Director, Directorate for Children

Pastor Felix Makanjuola, School of Disciples, Directorate of Education and Training

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Blackburn Bromley Carlisle Crewe Derby Darlington Dorchester Falkirk Guernsey Harrogate Hebrides Isle of Man

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

Jersey, Channel Isles Kilmarnock, Ayrshire Kirkcaldy, Fife Lancaster Llandrindod Wells, Powys Llandudno, Gwynedd Newport, Gwent Stockport, Cheshire Shrewsbury Taunton, Somerset Galashiels, Selkirkshire Telford, Salop

25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Torquay Truro, Cornwall Warrington Worcester York Lerwick, Shetland

By the Parish Liaison Department July 2010



It is My Father’s desire that you receive My Kingdom in its fulness.


ll hail King Jesus, all hail Emmanuel, king of kings, lord of lords, bright morning star and throughout eternity I’ll sing your praises, and I’ll reign with you throughout eternity.” For those who recognise the words above, you’ll know that they are the lyrics to a popular, Christian worship song which usually stirs the hearts and minds of many believers during their weekly or bi-weekly fellowship. Even now I am sure that some of you reading this will be humming the tune to yourselves and slipping into worship mode. It really is a catchy song but there is a danger that we can sing or hum the tune mindlessly and get carried away with how it makes us feel, rather than appreciating and meditating on the subject matter of the song. For me it is one of the most potent worship songs because it captures the essence of who Jesus Christ is to us, as Christians, in this present age. He is not the semi-nude figure nailed to a cross or crucifix, neither is he the blond-haired, blue-eyed image with a halo around his head as depicted in many portraits. He is the king of kings and he is the lord of lords, but without a proper understanding of what those titles mean we will struggle to give Him the true and acceptable reverence that He demands from us through our thoughts and our lifestyles. As one cannot be a king without a kingdom, the first of my primary questions to you would be…

“A Is Jesus our king of kings? Does His kingdom s ll exist? How do we communicate with His kingdom? These fundamental ques ons are being explored by Joseph Amaeze Onwuchekwa who also asks, “So why is He the king of kings?”

Is Jesus a king? I am sure that many of us will answer a resounding “Yes!!!” to the question, in which case my follow-up question would be “How do you know?” In response,



some may probably answer “because He has a kingdom!” and that’s a very good answer, but my follow-up question will be “How many of us know His kingdom?” I am sure many will predictably answer either “It is the kingdom of heaven” or “the kingdom of God.” Naturally my next question would be “Have you ever seen it?” or “Have you ever been there?” At this point I know that those who have read the bible and/or listened to a preacher explain the nature of the ‘kingdom’ will answer along the lines of “The Kingdom is spiritual not physical!” Clever answer but you still haven’t answered the question. You see, herein lies the dilemma - if the kingdom is spiritual it means that it is also invisible to the five senses, and if it is invisible to the five senses then how are we ever going to satisfy potential believers or baby Christians that such a kingdom exists? We know Jesus is a king because the Bible tells us that He is, and it also explains that he has a kingdom. There are many scriptures that underscore this point, but probably the most poignant is the bible account in John 18:36, where Jesus says emphatically (in response to a question from Pontius Pilate, the Roman ruler), “My kingdom is not of this world…” thus clearly establishing that He was a king and that He had a kingdom. He clearly makes the point that His kingdom is not of this world. However, he does not say that His kingdom is not in the earth. The reference to ‘world’ is a reference to the ‘world system’ but not to the earth. In other words, the kingdom is not of this world system but it is in the earth. How do I know? I know because Jesus tells us it is. In Matthew 4:17, Jesus began to preach early in His ministry, saying “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” or, to put it another way, “Repent because the kingdom of heaven is close by.” This indicates that there is a dimension in the earth where the kingdom that Jesus refers to exists. This is the dimension we know as the spiritual realm. It is not visible to the five senses but it is more real than anything that the five senses can relate to. The most vivid revelation of Jesus in His full, kingly status is found in the book of Revelation at chapter 19: 11-16, where he is described

in fearful terms as being the rider of a white horse and as being a judge and a warrior. His eyes are fiery and on His head are many crowns (representing His sphere of authority) and a sword protrudes from His mouth (which is the word of God or sword of the spirit) to subdue nations. He carries the wrath of God against sin and His name is king of kings and lord of lords. This is a far different description from the bruised and battered man who hung on a cross at Calvary and shed His blood in the sight of His tormentors – the Roman Army and the high priests. Yet even then, Pontius Pilate caused an inscription to be hung over the cross of Christ which described Him as “…Jesus, the king of the Jews.” Jesus was crucified for being the king of the Jews - that was His offence - yet there was nothing in His disfigured appearance to signify that He was royalty and, like many of us today, those gazing upon His disfigured body on the cross took Him for granted. The good news for us is that He is no longer on the cross but seated at the right hand of God.

DOES HIS KINGDOM STILL EXIST? A king without a kingdom is a king in exile. The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 (also known as the Russian Revolution) destroyed the tsarist autocracy and replaced it with a provisional government, which resulted in the birth of the Soviet Union. At the time of the uprising, the army leadership felt they did not have the means to suppress the revolution and Tsar Nicholas II of Russia - the last Tsar of Russia - abdicated, effectively leaving the provisional government in power. The tsars were monarchs and royals who were supreme rulers but, after the revolution, this monarchy became a memory that only existed in exile. There have been many occasions in history where monarchs have been deposed and new systems of government set up in their place. This is the historical pattern of monarchy that the world is used to, where kingdoms come and go. However, the Bible makes it clear that God’s kingdom has no end because it is from everlasting to everlasting, i.e. it is eternal. We know that Jesus is seated at the right hand of God, the father and that God is a spirit (see John 4) meaning that Christ in his resurrected form is also a spirit. Therefore, it stands to reason that the kingdom of our God (His way of doing things) and the kingdom of heaven (the location where God reigns) are located in the spirit realm. Whilst it is indisputable that the spirit realm is invisible to the five senses, Paul goes further to clarify that the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal (2 Cor 4:18). Therefore, the natural conclusion is that King Jesus dwells in an eternal kingdom that is invisible to the five senses. Yet bizarrely (at least for the natural mind) we are told by Jesus in Matthew 6 to seek this kingdom. How can we seek a kingdom that cannot be located with the five senses? The simple answer is that we seek the kingdom through our spirits, which were rejuvenated and rebooted when we accepted Jesus as Lord and saviour, because only a spiritual being can locate a spiritual kingdom. The Bible is clear that no eye has seen, nor has any ear heard or any heart perceived (i.e. the natural senses) what God has prepared for those whom he loves, but He reveals it to us by His spirit – His Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit’s navigation we will never locate His kingdom.

What are the characteristics of His kingdom? Again the simple answer is that a spiritual kingdom only exhibits spiritual characteristics. We know from the bible that the population in the kingdom of Heaven is made up of spiritual beings including



numerous angels, the twenty-four elders and the four beasts mentioned in the book of Revelation. Like any earthly kingdom, the kingdom displays all the characteristics of the reigning monarch. A poor example would be the British monarchy (the House of Windsor), which is no more than a ceremonial figurehead with very little, real influence. A good example would be the monarchy in the Principality of Monaco, which is a constitutional monarchy with Prince Albert II of the House of Grimaldi as its head of state. Prince Albert wields a big stick in the affairs of Monaco. In the kingdom of heaven, God is sovereign head and Jesus is designated a King. There is no democracy, only a theocracy where the King’s word is final and all subjects within the kingdom submit to his commands.

As the monarchy in the kingdom of heaven is described in the Bible as being righteous and holy, it therefore stands to reason that the characteristics of the kingdom demonstrate righteousness and holiness. In Jesus Christ we became righteous and holy, not by virtue of our works but as a result of His grace and mercy. The spiritual characteristics of the kingdom are demonstrated in us when we learn to operate in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-restraint (see Galatians 5:22-23). Those who go seeking carnal (corruptible or perishable) things from His kingdom therefore often end up very disappointed to find that the wealth of His Kingdom is incorruptible, unlike the wealth of this world system (see Jesus’ explanation in Matthew 6: 19-20). The citizen of the kingdom of heaven (who still resides upon the earth) learns in time to first seek the will of His kingdom, with the confidence that the carnal things (secondary benefits which are perishable) will then be added in abundance.

How do we communicate with His kingdom? The answer is through the medium of prayer. If our requests do not arrive in the kingdom they will not be answered by the King. However, it is not just any sort of prayer that receives answers but rather the prayer of faith. The Bible makes it clear that without faith it is impossible to please God. Those that come to God must believe that He exists and rewards those who diligently seek after Him (Hebrews 11:6). Therefore, the role of faith becomes very important in our dealings with the king in his kingdom, because faith has to under girth all our prayers before they can be answered. To pray without faith is to risk becoming frustrated and despondent. Is faith some mythical concept? No, it is simply a matter of believing that what one is praying



about shall come to pass, irrespective of what the five senses are communicating. There is a certainty about the outcome, even though the person has not yet made physical contact with what he/she is requesting. True faith demonstrates itself through works – acting in obedience to the instruction of God as relayed through His word, whether spoken (rhema) or written (logos). In short, the prayer of faith is always founded on the revealed word of God.

So why is He the King of Kings? I was once led to believe that Jesus is the king of kings because He was greater than all the kings on the face of the earth, but this is wrong. I now realise that the greater majority of the kings upon the face of the earth are neither righteous nor holy, and have no relationship with God. It was then explained to me that He is king of kings because He is greater than all the dark spiritual forces who reign in the atmosphere above the earth - i.e. principalities, powers and rulers of darkness but I have also discovered that this is not correct because the Bible makes it clear that Jesus spoiled the principalities and powers and made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them (Colossians 2:15). So why is He called the king of kings? The answer is simply that He is the king of kings because He is the first of the newborn and the head of the body (which is the church), which is a holy and righteous institution washed in the redemptive blood of Jesus – a royal priesthood made up of kings and queens – us (1 Peter 2:9). Yes, that’s right, Jesus is the king at the hierarchy of other kings that have similar nature and characteristics to Him. We are kings just as He is a king but He is the king of kings because He is our head and sovereign lord. Jesus was born a king but we became kings when we accepted Him as lord and saviour. We have been raised up to the heavenly places together with Jesus (Ephesians 2:6) and have also become joint heirs with Him, a king and priest. We have been made kings and priests unto God (Revelations 1:5 -6). If we are kings and queens (the masculine also denotes the feminine), what then is our problem? Why do we allow ourselves to be harassed by that defeated cherub who lies to us daily through our circumstances? Our identity is not in our circumstances but in who we are in Christ. It is only in Christ that we discover who we really are, and then begin to conform to the new image of ourselves that God gives us. It does not matter what hardship the whole world is going through right now. If we are in Christ, we have access to supernatural provision in every area of life, provided we adhere strictly to His word. Please remember that you are a king (royalty) just as your redeemer is a king, and that He is the king of all kings. You can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens you, even when you do not feel particularly potent. He has given us authority to trample on all the scorpions and serpents of life situations and over all of the enemy’s power, and assured us that we shall come to no harm. Therefore, let us rise up and reassert ourselves as kings and refuse to think less highly of ourselves than we really are.

"Please remember that you are a king (royalty) just as your redeemer is a king, and that he is the king of all kings"

Invitation for constructive contributions On October 1 this year, Nigeria will celebrate 50 years of political independence from Britain. The story of Nigeria’s chequered career as a nationstate is well-known and needs not be retold here. However, regardless of political persuasion, any keen observer of the Nigerian State will concede that God has been gracious to this nation. Everyone agrees that the key to unlocking the country’s immense potentials is the provision of good governance inspired by visionary leadership. As we turn 50, Nigeria needs leadership at all levels of governance that will inspire the people to selfbelief and achievement. It is this quest for visionary leadership and good governance that has now led some concerned Nigerians in the Diaspora to set up The primary objective of this movement is to create a platform for the harnessing of ideas and strategies to support visionary leaders and thus promote good governance and accountability in Nigeria. We believe that Nigerian President, Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan (GCFR) given his antecedents, possesses the qualities to take the Nation forward. The situation in Nigeria is wrapped in so much drama because everybody seems to know what has gone wrong but nobody wants to dare. The Goodluck4nigeria website does not only want to dare, but is willing to get on board and partner with all patriotic Nigerians in order to take Nigeria to the next level in our collective pursuit of greatness.

His Excellency Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan GCFR , President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

We appreciate your collaboration in this project. All comments, suggestions, contributions or inquiries should be sent to: Please visit for further information. God bless our dear country.

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2010 Festival of Life Scotland

Pastor Folu Adeboye

The ďŹ rst ever Fes val of Life in Scotland took place in Edinburgh on the 23rd of April, 2010. The General Overseer, RCCG, Pastor E.A. Adeboye, was the chief host, and he was ably supported by renowned men and women of God within and outside the Redeemed Chris an Church of God. A ended by thousands despite the volcanic ash travel problems, it was a memorable event ďŹ lled with the presence of the Holy Spirit.



Pastor E. Adeboye







The 2010 Ordained Ministers Conference (OMC) took place between the 15th and the 17th of April at the Hilton Hotel in Birmingham. Hosted by the General Overseer, RCCG Worldwide, Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the OMC is the annual gathering of deacons, deaconesses and pastors of the Redeemed Chris an Church of God. The event was very well a ended.

Pastor Agu Irukwu



Pastor Kola Bamigbade

Pastor Andrew Adeleke



Pastor Oladunjoye



Pastor Akindele




FORTHCOMING CHRISTIAN EVENTS RCCG’S HOLY GHOST CONGRESS, REPUBLIC OF IRELAND 30th July, City West Hotel and Grounds, Saggart, Co.Dublin. MORRIS CERRULO 29th July to 2nd August, Earls Court, London. RCCG CONVENTION Aug 9-15, Redemption Camp, Lagos.

Over five thousand Chris ans from three London churches came together on Friday, the 21st of May for an historic night of worship and prayer at the HMV Hammersmith Apollo, London. This event was organised by the leaders of the Holy Trinity Brompton, Hillsong and Jesus House, coming together to pray for the City of London and the United Kingdom.

INTERNATIONAL GATHERING OF CHAMPIONS, (IGOC) 25-29th August, London Excel. RCCG UK SPORTS DAY Sunday, August 29th. RCCG FESTIVAL OF LIFE, LOS ANGELES 3rd September, Los Angeles Convention Centre, Concourse Hall. MUYIWA AND RIVERSONGZ - WHAT IF WORSHIP SEMINAR 4th September. Southbank University. RCCG SUNDAY SCHOOL NATIONAL CONFERENCE 11th September HILLSONG EUROPE CONFERENCE 7-9 October, The O2 Arena, United Kingdom.

Worship was led by Tim Hughes (HTB), Reuben Morgan (Hillsong), Pete Wilson (Hillsong) and the Jesus House Choir, with speakers including Nicky Gumbel (HTB), Gary Clarke (Hillsong) and Pastor Agu Irukwu (Jesus House).







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ne man who knows more than most about the country’s gang epidemic is Patrick Regan, founder of youth charity XLP. However, unlike so many others, Patrick is determined to do something about the problem, determined to give these children a second chance and show them a better choice. In his book, Fighting Chance, Patrick tells of his work with gangs and what he believes needs to be done. He says, “Many of today’s young people feel disenfranchised and long for a sense of belonging and the often find this within the gang. From writing the book Fighting Chance it was obvious that gang members are getting younger and younger. For some of them they don’t see any alternative.” The CEO of the urban youth and community project XLP explores the challenges of gang culture that affect so many lives, having a devastating impact on communities. Fighting Chance unearths the real situation in our inner cities, tells some of the harrowing and tragic stories of the past few years and looks to understand the complex root causes, drivers and motivations involved with gang membership such as family breakdown, educational failure, poverty and addiction. He has spoken to kids who wear bulletproof vests under their school uniforms, is aware of kids who use broken CDs as weapons because they are not illegal to carry, and know of those who emulate the deadly Bloods and Crips gangs from LA. He warns that if Britain carries along this path, “We face ending up with a situation similar to that in Jamaica or the west coast of America where street battles are the norm.” During his work with charity XLP, he attended a school to run a lunchtime club only to find the school had been evacuated under the threat of an attack from a gang. At times, some schools are environments in which organised fights can be arranged in a matter of minutes due to more sophisticated technology meaning that some gang members are changing mobiles every few weeks so can’t be traced. Whereas gangs were once made up of ‘elders’ and ‘youngers’, Patrick says there is now a growing trend for ‘tinies’ to join gangs – children as young as seven or eight; because of their age they are far less likely to be stopped



GANGS, guns, knives, postcode wars and teenage murders - all have become depressingly familiar, domina ng headlines and inner-city estates, ruining lives and filling our prisons

by police and can run drugs. Girls are also increasingly involved in gangs, used as decoys for sex, as handlers of drugs and as lookouts. Patrick reveals a disturbing picture about the way rape is used in gangs, forcing girls to take place in ‘line-ups’ where one girl performs sex act on the ‘brethren’ in turn. In some cases, initiation into a gang involves raping someone first. Commenting on the launch of the book, Patrick Regan said, “There’s an old African saying that it takes a village to raise a child and we need to see that adopted here in the UK. Experts in other countries are warning that we have a fighting chance of not ending up with ghettos like LA in the 1980s, or no-go areas like Jamaica if we can pull together and steer our teenagers to making the right choices. We have to pull together to put in the right options to our young people to ensure they have the best life chances in the future.” Fighting Chance details a shocking situation but, more importantly, the work that is being done to change it and give our young people a way out. Fighting Chance, published by Hodder, is out now. Info:


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Get Connected When talking of connecting to our future spouse, the first questions that need to be asked are: Why do I want to be connected? Am I ready to be connected? How do I connect? “Marriage is a lifelong union of a man and a woman before God” (Gen 2: 1825). With a whole lifetime to enjoy marriage, there is no need to rush into it. Rather it is better to wait until you are ready and remember that your readiness does not depend on what your family or society tells you; it is dependent on what God and you say about it. This time in your life is a time of preparation for you to build the character and temperament that will help you to be the wife or husband that God has created you to be. Many, however, find it difficult to wait for marriage as they believe some of the myths circulated by magazines, movies and peers. Some of these myths and their counter-arguments are listed below. Myth 1 - I can’t be single and happy. This time should not be a lonely time but a time that you enjoy your own space. Marriage requires a lot of sacrifice; this is the time that you can eat when you want, sleep when you want and generally enjoy yourself. Once married you will need to consider another person’s feelings in all your decisions. Also remember that true happiness is not based on our relationship with any human being. “We can only experience true joy through our relationship with God - in His presence alone is fullness of joy” (Psa. 16:11). Myth 2 - When I marry, my life will begin. Of the more than 500 references to life in the Bible, none puts marriage as a prerequisite – your life has already started. God has a purpose for you to fulfil right now and He needs you to fulfil it even before you are married. There are certain assignments that He has for you that would be difficult for you to complete once married because of your responsibilities in the home. Myth 3 - Marriage will meet my deepest needs. “Only God can satisfy our deepest longings - we should be complete in Him” (Psa. 107:9). God’s algebraic equation for marriage is 1+1=1,



not ½+½=1. In other words you need to already be complete and whole in Christ before marrying. We need to have an understanding of God’s peace. Peace at its Hebrew core means 'nothing broken, nothing missing', so when we have the peace of God we are complete. Myth 4 - The older I become, the less likely it is that I will find someone. God is not limited by time; He is not subject to time as He is the creator of time! He knows the day that you will marry and all that we have to do is allow Him to guide and direct us towards it. God also has the authority to foreshorten time - this means at His word what would normally take several months or years can happen upon the instant. Whatever is within the time limit is subject to change. As the Psalmist sings, “Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning” (Psa. 30:5). When we are impatient, an evening seems to us a thousand years but rest assured, joy will come and you will see your wedding day come to pass in Jesus’ name. Now that we have dispelled some myths and are hopefully seeing a little clearer, how can we know if we are ready for marriage? What criteria can we use? Some criteria are listed below but it is not an exhaustive list. However, the list attempts to group the criteria together into five important areas.

1. Physical Maturity You should be of marriageable age – sixteen years old is the minimum legal age in the UK with parental consent, or eighteen years old without parental consent. However, as Christians we know that regardless of our physical age, it is wise to have our parental consent before marrying. 2. Personal Maturity You need to be ready to give up a single, ‘please-yourself’ life and be able to consider the needs of another person, as a successful marriage requires a lot of compromise and sacrifice. 3. Economic Maturity You need to have an understanding of money management, in the sense of having the ability to save rather than to spend recklessly. You also must be ready to be accountable to another person concerning your spending. Another important point is that if you have any debt. This does not have to stop you from marrying but you have to be upfront with your spouse about it. 4. Emotional Maturity In order to have a happy and successful marriage, you will need to be able

to resolve conflict in an adult manner without resorting to childish or adolescent behaviours. A child will act in a way that says, “You have things I want and I will find a way to get them from you.” An adult who is behaving as an emotional child will pout, whine or placate to get their way. An adolescent on the other hand will say, “Stop telling me what to do!” An adult who is behaving as an emotional adolescent will see everything the other person does as a method of control and feel they are being treated like a child. The best scenario is to act towards each other as emotional adults, who have the capacity for mutual concern and do not resort to childish games to get their own way. Spouses will need to face situations together in unity. Therefore you will need to develop yourself emotionally so that you can handle challenges when they come. You will also need to be able to communicate in an adult way. There are many communication tools online and in literature that can help you to develop these skills before marriage. 5. Spiritual Maturity There are various aspects of spiritual maturity that ideally should be well developed before marriage, so as to have a good foundation for the marriage. Spend time developing yourself spiritually and building your relationship with God, as this will benefit your marriage immensely. God needs to be the centre of your marriage from day one, as a threefold cord is not quickly broken (Eccl. 4:12). Develop a strong prayer life – the best thing you can do for your spouse is to pray for them daily. Learn everything that God has to say about marriage from His word God is the one that created marriage, therefore He has all the answers. You need to learn how to hear God’s voice, to know His leading so that you will know when He is leading you in your choices - before and during marriage. God’s design is for the man to be the spiritual head of the home, so men need to be spiritually mature enough to lead the entire family (spouse and children).

Our focus should be Christ. However, God can bring your spouse right before your eyes, just like He brought Eve before Adam. If your eyes are closed you will not be able to exclaim as Adam did, “At last! This one is bone from my bone, and flesh from my flesh!”

WAIT Once you see that which is good, do not jump to conclusions. Instead go back into your closet to pray specific prayers (Mark 11:24) with fasting. LISTEN (How to receive God’s choice) You can hear from God through various means: Inner witness or still small voice (1 Kgs 19:12-14; Prov. 20:27) Audible voice (1 Sam. 3:1-4; 11-14)

Thus far you will have been able to ascertain why you want to be connected and whether you are ready. If you now believe that your motivations for looking for a spouse are not based on the myths of singleness, and that you are indeed ready for marriage (well as much as you can be as we are all work-in-progress!), then it is time to ask, “How do I position myself to be connected?” The answer is found in three words seek, wait and listen.

Word of knowledge (comes up sometimes during sermons, Bible teachings and as you study the word of God, Ps. 119:105-106) Dreams (however, be careful - know the source of the dream. Is it just wishful thinking or was it from God?) Vision or Revelation (Acts 10:1-6)

SEEK (Matt. 7:7; Deut. 4:29) Seeking demands time, energy, wisdom, discretion, consideration, strain and patience. You also need to have an open mind and don’t be too rigid in your criteria. Try to look through spiritual eyes and let God have His way (Prov. 19:21; 21:2). When seeking, pray that you will find a spouse that will take you to heaven, as this is the most important goal of our earthly life. During this process, become busy serving in the Lord’s vineyard. Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight thyself also in the Lord and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” Also make sure to fellowship regularly with God’s people (Heb. 10:25) and, when in these gatherings, don’t walk around with your eyes closed! It is not that you should attend meetings with the sole objective of meeting a spouse - of course this is not good.

Godly counsel (Prov. 12-15 - it is wise that you go to see your pastor so that He can be praying along with you and give you guidance.) Prophecy Luke 1:17 (Beware of false prophets – Matt. 7:15; Jn. 4:1). Throughout this article we have looked at various aspects of connecting to a future spouse. However, let’s not forget that connecting to and remaining connected to Jesus Christ is the most important aspect. Once we are connected to Jesus, all other things will fall into place in His time. As Matthew 6:11 says, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” Therefore maintain your relationship with God and walk in holiness, and every other thing will “be given you besides” (Matt. 6:11b AMP). By Andrea Onduku Get Connected is an annual event for singles hosted by the Ignite Young Adults ministry of RCCG Chapel of Grace, Bradford and pastored by Dr Akpo and Andrea Onduku. For more information on this and other relationship events as well as resources, please visit:




JOY Factor The


Tips To Keep Joy Alive in Your Marriage and Home

By applying the principles in this ar cle, the joy that was once in your home will come alive again in Jesus’ name. If, on the other hand, there is s ll joy in your home, thank God but it is not me to be complacent keeping joy alive is an ac ve and daily responsibility. 68



here is a song that we used to sing, “Give me joy in my heart, keep it burning, give me joy in my heart I pray, give me joy in my heart, keep it burning, keep it burning ‘til the break of day.” There are so many opportunities placed in front of us every day to lose our joy and a simple song like this one is a good prayer that the joy in us will not die. In many marriages, joy is either dying or has died a long time ago. Couples find themselves going through the motions of marriage out of duty but without the joy that God intended. The homes of these couples now become places where no-one wants to be. The children find excuses to be away from the home, either at friend’s houses, at numerous, after-school activities or, worse still, hanging around on the streets. Husbands and wives immerse themselves in working long hours, social activities and church

meetings. If the family happen to be home together, there is either silence or forced and polite conversation. This is not the picture that God wants to see - He created marriage to make our lives better and fulfilled - neither is it the picture that these couples envisioned on the joyous day when they said, “I do.” Does this describe your home? If so, today is the day that your sorrow and suffering will end in Jesus’ name. There are some practical steps that we can take to ensure that the joy in our homes is revived or kept alive: Fight for it! If you have lost it, reclaim it and if you have it, keep hold of it! Many of us are too passive when it comes to our Christian walk. When things are going wrong in our home, it is wise not to look at only the physical causes but to realise


that the spiritual realm controls the physical. There is likely to be a spiritual battle behind the situation you are facing. John 10:10 says, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” The devil constantly seeks to steal our joy because his main desire is to break our fellowship with God. When we have no joy, we feel empty, listless and find it almost impossible to praise God and fellowship with Him which was why we were created. Not only does the enemy want to steal your joy but that of your spouse, children and extended family. Nehemiah 4:14 says, “Do not be afraid of them, remember the Lord, great and awesome and fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives and your house.” How do we fight? In Genesis 6, Noah built an ark to protect his family - we too need to build an ark for our family. We need to fill our homes with prayer, the word of God and love, which are three of the greatest weapons we have. For example, Proverbs 31 tells us about the spiritual life of the virtuous woman. Verse 18b states that, “Her candle goeth not out by night.” In other words, spiritually she never rests - she is always vigilant. The Amplified Bible says, “Her lamp goes not out but it burns on continually through the night (of trouble, privation or sorrow, warning away fear, doubt and distrust).” This scripture was not only referring to a physical night but a spiritual night where serious prayer was needed to banish every sorrow from the home. We too should pray this kind of prayer and we should decree everlasting joy in the place of sorrow (Isa. 35:10). We should also take time every morning to cover every member of the family with the blood of Jesus and ask for a hedge of protection around them. By doing this, the eyes of the enemy will be blinded towards them so that no sorrow will be brought to our homes through accidents or ill heath. We also need to stand on the word of God and find scriptures concerning the situation that is stealing our joy, and speak them over our lives and families in faith. Lastly we should walk in love at all costs. Love is a mighty weapon of warfare as it covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8). If you love each other with the unconditional love of God, you will be likely to overlook a lot of things that could steal your joy.

Choose to Find Happiness in Simple Things. You may feel that the problems you are facing need big solutions before you can experience joy again. However, your joy is dependent on your reaction to situations, not situations themselves. To rediscover joy or to keep it alive, learn to appreciate the simple things in life while you work on sorting out the bigger issues - go for a walk at midnight with your spouse to admire the moon together, share a tub of ice-cream, play games with your children or watch them play in the park. Appreciate and enjoy the moments as every minute with your spouse and children is a moment that God gave you, so be thankful for it and never take it for granted.

3 4 5

Keep the Presence of God in Your Home. In God’s presence there is fullness of joy (Psa. 16:11), therefore to experience joy we need to remain in His presence. Once we step out of Him we step out of joy! We can read in 2 Samuel 6: 11-12 about the story of Obed-Edom. The Ark of the Covenant (the presence of God) stayed in his house for three months and the whole household was so blessed that David went back to retrieve the Ark for himself! The presence of God will only feel welcome in our homes when we are living in an atmosphere of love and peace. To maintain peace we need to kick out strife. The majority of conflicts arise from misunderstanding or miscommunication, therefore to communicate effectively with each other in a way that will glorify God - even in the midst of disagreements - we should also make our homes a tabernacle of praise. This can take the form of singing praises or even just


talking positively about the life that God has given us instead of complaining. It is also a good idea to always play Christian music in the home, either on CD, radio or online. It is more difficult to exchange insults during an argument if worship music is playing in the background!

Express Your Love For Each Other Daily. Life can become a routine where we go about our business without really letting each other know how we much we appreciate being married. Do you make your spouse and children feel like they are in your way, or do you show them that you are happy to be a spouse and parent? Imagine the joy in a home where everyone is walking in love and complimenting each other. Some might say, “We know that we love each other so why must I say it all the time?” or “We know we love each other so why do I have to prove it all the time?” As human beings we all like demonstrations of love and it brings us joy, therefore we should sow this seed into our family remembering that if you want to reap love, you need to sow love! Always Try To See the Funny Side. At times we don’t feel like smiling, never mind laughing. However, laughter really is the best medicine. There is almost always a humorous side to a situation if you choose to see it. Be careful not to make a joke out of everything but if you can both laugh over it, why not? Often in the middle of a tense situation, one spouse can do something that they know will make the other smile and this will diffuse the situation.

Nehemiah 8:10 tells us that the joy of the Lord is our strength. Notice that it says the ‘joy of the Lord’, not simply ‘joy’. There is a difference between earthly joy (based on material goods and situations we face) and heavenly joy (based on our relationship with God and enjoying the gifts He has given us). If we look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, His joy will be the strength that will hold our families together. Let us guard this joy, treasure it, cultivate it and it will never stop burning in our homes again!

By Andrea Onduku



Beauty Solidea



Solidea in

About to launch in the UK is a product that tackles three prominent but avoidable medical conditions, but the bi-product is successful and harmless weight loss. The products were tried out by the editor of Sunrise, who lost six stones in six months.


uite a few people suffer from deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Quite a few die from it. DVT is a blood clot (thrombus/ thrombosis) that develops in a deep vein, usually in the leg. This can happen if the vein is damaged or if the flow of blood slows down or stops. About one in 2,000 people in the UK develops DVT each year. Those most likely to suffer this condition are business people or holiday-makers who travel frequently on aeroplanes. A ‘not-so-serious’ DVT below the knee is unlikely to cause complications and may only need to be monitored. However, there are two types of veins in the legs - deep and superficial. The deep veins pass through the centre of the leg surrounded by the muscles. It is here that DVTs most often develop. Symptoms include warmth and redness of the leg, swelling of the leg and pain that is noticeable or worse when standing or walking When a clot forms, it can either partially or totally block the blood flow in that vein. It causes pain in the leg and Babs: before can lead to complications if losing weight



it breaks off and travels in the bloodstream, up the vein to block a blood vessel in the lung. This is called a pulmonary embolism (PE). Depending on the size of the clot, it can be a lifethreatening condition. Another form of swelling sometimes occurs in the ankles of pregnant women who tend to retain water. Although swollen ankles can be a sign of preeclampsia, it is usually just one of the many lesser discomforts of pregnancy. Most likely, they simply have swollen ankles. The medical and scientific name for it is ‘oedema’. It usually appears more if one has been on their feet for a long time or if it’s a hot day. Usually women do not notice it coming on until they sit down at the end of the day, put their feet up and see these Nora Batty ankles staring back at them! Calzificio Pinelli, a company based in northern Italy, is at the top level in the market of therapeutic and preventive stockings that treat all the aforementioned conditions – DVT and oedema, as well as sports-injury conditions. Established in 1976 by legwear designer Enzo Pinelli, the company is renowned for its hosiery. However, investments in leading-edge plants, precise and attentive knowledge of the product and the raw materials have allowed innovative and superior quality articles to be designed and manufactured to great public demand. Pinelli’s vision was simple - create a line of leg-wear and shapewear that combine elegant feminine features, coupled with health and beauty benefits, that go beyond than what meets the eye. They created Solidea, a brand of garments that tackled water

Who gets DVT? Certain factors makee DVT more likely to occur. They are more common in people aged over fortty and in people who are obese, or who have already had DVT. Several inherited conditions make the blood more likely to clot than usual, increasing the risk.

retention and cellulite - the expression used to describe pockets of fat which are trapped and cause dimpling in the skin. This dimpling is irregular and patchy and has been identified with orange peel. Initially the editor of Sunrise opted to try the garments to treat her cellulite and a circulatory problem that prohibited her from physical exercise due to a stiff knee. However, she found that by wearing the exclusive line of stockings and tights with special performance characteristics that meet specific requirements, it aided weight loss. “It drains the lymphatic glands, which holds the water that can help to create cellulite,” says Barbara. “Due to the compression of the leggings, which pumped blood around my body more efficiently, my circulation improved and I was able to exercise, including squatting - which I could not manage previously - within a month!”

“They created Solidea, a brand of garments that tackled DVT, water retention and cellulite, and found it also helped with weight loss”

What is Oeddema?? This is a swelling due to excess fluid building up, causing the ankles or legs (usually) to appear as if they have been inflated. It can be only a minor swelling or seem to look very bad. It affects as many as three-quarters of all pregnant women at some point during pregnancy (and sometimes for a brief time after the birth, especially if you have needed surgery requiring you to stay in bed). What is ceellulitee? Up to 90% of post-adolescent women go on to develop cellulite at some time during their life, although it is very hardly ever seen in men. The thighs, buttocks and the abdomen are the most common areas for a woman to develop cellulite. Although it is often mistaken for obesity, cellulite is not actually obesity related because it can also take place in thin lean women.

The garments, which come in separate pieces for the legs, abdominal area, arms and feet, are made with a special ‘bacteriostatic’ yarn with silver ions that micro-massage the body. “It literally feels ‘alive’ as it works to tone the wearer’s skin, drains your lymphatic glands and works your muscles via your daily, natural body movements. I lost 1.5 inches from my arms in a week.” The garments have special micro-massage waves that exert a delicate skin massage (a slight contraction that you do not even notice whilst working out) with natural body movements. This massage stimulates subcutaneous microcirculation and lymph drainage and consequently improves the appearance of the skin and the zones suffering from cellulite. It also improves muscle tone and combats venous reflux, the most common cause of varicose veins, so one can look great and feel great at the same time. Barbara says, “Combined with healthy eating (no starvation) and embracing a ‘lifestyle change’, she lost six stones in six months, coming down from dress size 28 to 16”. Rumour is that Calzificio Pinelli first created this ultimately for physical health purposes and the desire to make stockings being used on patients prettier. To then discover the opportunities in the weight and beauty department was an added bonus. “Solidea is not a magic garment that you put on and lose two dress sizes; it’s about helping women and men to lose weight without having to buy extra special drinks or creams and potions to do so. It’s not a short-term fix; it’s a lifetime option,” says Barbara. “Health and glamour in one fell swoop. Terrific!” To find outt moree about Solidea or to see a sample of the product, visiit ww



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FEATURE Lt Kieran is now taking an Alpha course and planning to go further and study Theology. Other examples of those helped through the Hillingdon Foodbank are;

Mayor opens Foodbank’

Local Help, for Local People Restoring Dignity, Reviving Hope!


he Mayor of the London Borough of Hillingdon, Councillor David Yarrow has selected ‘The Hillingdon Foodbank’ as a Mayoral charity for the year 2010-

2011. The Hillingdon Foodbank, an initiative of RCCG Kingsborough Family Church was the first foodbank to open in London. It was launched officially in Sept 2009, to provide short term emergency food and support to families in the borough going through difficult times and crises. The initiative is about providing a breathing space, supporting individuals and families going through tough times via a referral system from frontline professionals. Since it started, the Hillingdon Foodbank has helped over one hundred and fifty people in the Borough, through it’s distribution centres, the third distribution centre opened in June 2010. It has also supported the setting up of other food banks in the London area. The group of people who went to the Mayor’s Parlour at the Borough’s Civic Centre Offices to receive this accolade included; Pastor Tunde Balogun (senior Pastor and CEO of Kingsborough), Pastor Toyin Balogun (Pastor and COO), Deaconess Christine Bamigbola (Community Projects Manager), Christopher Ihueze (Administrator) and Andy Adenegan (Trussell Trust London Network Manager) - pictures attached. The Mayor also paid a visit to the Kingsborough offices and the Foodbank operational base on the 7th June 2010, where he



Kingsborough has for health, marriages and other aspects of life. The Mayor spoke of how Kingsborough’s works was touching and practical to make a difference in people’s lives. After his tour of the site, he viewed the archive of Kingsborough’s pictures, met foodbank partners, volunteers and also met a recent client of the foodbank, Lieutenant Kiera McCrystal. Lieutenant Kieran McCrystal had gone 48 hours without food before the foodbank helped him just a few days prior to the Mayors visit. The soldier was so thrilled about the help he received that he decided to meet the Mayor and tell his story to a room full of guests, he emphasized that he just wanted the Hillingdon Foodbank to receive more awareness so that more people can be helped. Foodbank publicised his story in the local press as he was also about to be homeless again. Within days of his story making headlines in the local press, he was given a flat from a local housing organisation. This meant he could live with his partner and his four month old baby again. They had previously split due strain caused by his post war illness – PTSD, debt and financial worries. See his detailed story - Uxbridge gazette frontpage 16th June2010, link attached.

listened intently to Pastor Tunde as he presented the vision of Kingsborough Family Church, explaining how the Foodbank started and it’s plans to have centres across the borough. Pastor Tunde also touched on other areas where the church, Kingsborough Family Church is making impact in the borough, through it’s Nursery , ‘Coat of Many Colours’, an 80 place OFSTED approved nursery for children aged 3months to preschool age being among the best and most affordable nurseries in the borough. He mentioned the impact also made through the children’s tuition and summer school programe (JET), it’s youth programe (HELP) and various other support groups that

Lieutenant Kieran also received several other offers for accomodation, counselling and possible job openings. Miraculously, these were the three things he had emphasized as top priorities, when he was first came to the foodbank centre with his partner and baby. Furthermore, he also applied to the Foodbank as a volunteer within a short period. He had the honour of giving out the first bags of food to a family of four (single mum with three children) at the new foodbank distribution centre which opened this week in Hayes, Hillindgon.

A project manager, who was laid off because his staff committed suicide and suddenly had nothing, was encouraged after receiving counseling and food bags. A 60 year old, British national who emigrated to live in the US for 40 years and was deported with nothing after his partner died, was helped with food and clothes. He later said how he would have had to beg as he had nothing at all. A returnee soldier from Afghanistan and his family (stor y detailed above.) A special needs teacher who was in between jobs A family, whose sole breadwinner was diagnosed with a terminal illness a family who lost their home in a fire and needed emergency food a family who lost their business, due to the economic situation several people going through relationship and family problems individu als going through an adjustment period due to bereavement several people waiting for, or turned down for crisis loans and about to go hungr y several professionals made redundant and tr ying to get new jobs several single mums who were choosing between paying bills and feeding the children families struggling on one income when it used to be two incomes young people in various situations where there is no other support people deep in debt and almost giving up

We are thrilled to have been able to affect these lives in a positive way, as we continue to live out the vision of Kingsborough Family Church, ‘ADDING VALUE TO LIVES’, fulfilling the vision of the Redeemed Christian Church of God to affect people all around us with the gospel of Jesus. Being a Mayoral charity means that there will be continuous awareness generated for the foodbank whereever the Mayor goes, there will be support that will help the expansion of the foodbank across the borough so as to meet those in need in their area. Hillingdon Foodbank is also part of a network of UK Foodbanks in the Trussell Trust who helped over 40,000 people across the UK last year and 26000 people the previous year. Every borough should have a foodbank, let’s meet the needs in our communities. Contact: Kingsborough Family Church and Hillingdon Foodbank on 01895 252 224, W:, E:




Fruisana Pancakes - for all seasons Do you know just how delicious and versa le pancakes can be? You don’t need to wait for the UK’s official ‘pancake day’, it’s a great breakfast alterna ve, but can also be used as a snack or desserts. When the oil is hot add about 5 tbsp of the batter mixture into the pan. 4. Allow to cook on the first side until golden and bubbles appear on the top surface. Turn over and cook until And by using Fruisana Fruit Sugar in your recipe, rather than golden. ordinary sugar, you will find that the flavours of this dish are highlighted – particularly with the plum and cinnamon 5. Turn onto greaseproof paper, layering greaseproof paper between each pancake and cover with a clean tea towel suggestion for a filling. What’s more, Fruisana is low GI (just keep warm until required. 19), and suitable for all the family, including type 2 diabetics. You can eat it with jam, cream or syrup – although it can get messy if you use too much.

RECIPE 115g plain flour, sieved pinch of salt 1 medium egg 300ml (½ pint) milk or milk and water mixed in equal quantities To serve: Fruisana Fruit Sugar 1. Place the flour and salt in a large mixing bowl, make a well in the centre. Beat the egg and stir into the flour. Gradually add the liquid until all the flour is combined. Add any remaining liquid. 2. Beat well until the batter has the consistency of single cream. Place in the fridge to allow the flour particles to thicken mixture. Beat well before using. 3. Heat a small amount of cooking oil in a small frying pan.



IDEAS FOR SERVING • Sprinkle with Fruisana and lemon juice, roll up and serve. Or try sprinkling Fruisana & cinnamon. • Peel and chop 2 cooking apples and in a small saucepan gently cook until soft. Then stir in 4 tbsp of Fruisana and a pinch of nutmeg. Place in the centre of each pancake, roll up and serve, or make a small stack, American-style. • Cut 375g plums remove the stones, chop and cook in a saucepan with 75g Fruisana, beat to a purée. Stir in 1 tsp cinnamon. Whip 150ml (¼ pint) double cream until stiff, stir 1 tsp cinnamon. Place the plums and cream in the centre of each pancake and roll up.

For more recipes and selection of recipe booklets visit:

TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY iPod… iPad… iPed Let’s change the name and just call them ‘I’ Sleek and portable, a speedy processor, and with battery power that can go for ten hours while playing your favourite tunes, this awesome device can easily contain over 200,000 apps.


t is hard to overstate how much fun the new iPad is. As a piece of computing consumer genius, it is difficult to think of another device in recent history that comes close and this assessment includes the iPhone. The Apple iPad was launched in the UK on May 28th and while the WiFi-only iPad starts out at £429 for the 16GB version, and up to £499 for the 32GB, it retails at £599 for the 64GB. It is a revolution in the concept of a tablet computer. The use of the iPhone OS and its clever data-entry scheme - virtual keyboard, multitouch gestures and all - turns the iPad into a device better than any Windows-based tablet PC ever produced. As this is Apple, the connection between the lovely hardware and the software is snug. The iPad runs the iPhone OS 3.2 — basically a tweaked version of the iPhone operating system. You link up the iPad with your computer using the 30-pin connector, synch up with your iTunes and off you go. Pages load quickly and smoothly and the colours are vibrant. The user interface falls away and you are left to tap, swipe, pinch and stroke your way through the apps. Because it is here the applications really are at home. There is browsing but most of your activities and fun comes from the pre-loaded apps and the iPad App Store. The one application that you should download straight away is the iBook app. A lot of people will be buying the iPad to read books on it. The download experience (and payment) could not be simpler and the processing behind the simple swipe to turn the page is impressive. The second big use for the iPad will be gaming. There are more games apps sold for the iPhone than any other category and the extra room on the iPad should ensure more of the same. That is the real power and revolutionary significance of the iPad: it opens up a future of interacting with computers that is compelling and potentially profitable.



The Pros: It has almost the same Interface as the iPhone/iPod Touch. The App Store is the iPad’s strongest asset. 140,000 or so of those App Store programmes will be able to be loaded up right away on the upcoming iPad. 10-inch large screen. 10-hour battery life. Ability to read books, newspapers and magazines in a simple format. Built-in speaker and microphone The Cons: No multitasking. No flash. Flash is a major part of the web. This is a major problem with a massive number of websites. No removable battery. When it dies completely, so does the iPad. It’s too big to easily carry in one hand. 1.5 pounds is no lightweight. Questionable endurance. How long can a device that only weighs 1.5 pounds take abuse? One of its selling points is that kids could use this for their textbooks in school. I don’t think I am going to allow Little Bobby Butterfingers near this $500 piece of technology. No HDMI port, no camera, no built in phone. Screen does not use 16:9 aspect ratio (as many videos now are) resulting in a black box on each side when they are played. Competition: The Samsung Galaxy Tape indicates the quality of new tablets to come. It has a smaller screen compared to the Apple iPad’s 9.7 inch display and it’s Android OS would be able to run apps, browse the internet, play games, access media and more importantly, has Flash support. According to Google, the OS would later have support for HTML5 as well, which means that the Galaxy Tape will have support for both formats. The device also sports a small front facing camera which allows the user to access video chatting features. The Samsung Galaxy Tape allows users to make and receive phone calls. iPED A basic iPad model can be bought for £340 while the iPed is retailing at £100. The iPed is on sale in the Chinese city of Shenzhen, which is the location of the largest Foxconn plant, where the iPad is manufactured. Owned by Orphan Electronics, it uses a version of Google's Android operating system rather than Apple’s competing iPhone OS.

Five gadgets coming to your car Some people are absolutely obsessed by gadgets, no matter how pointless. Car makers are aware of this, so as well as working away making our cars cheaper to run and kinder to the environment (generally speaking), they also have teams of people dedicated to inventing things that make our lives easier. Some of them are, if we're honest, pretty useless (like the new Toyota Verso's extra 'child monitor' mirror) and more are just plain bizarre. Who doesn't need a bottle opener perfectly integrated between the cup holders, eh Volkswagen? Anyway, here are five gadgets you'll be seeing soon in your cars. Have a read and decide whether you'll love them or hate them... Ford MyKey Ford's MyKey system, due to be added as a standard feature on some American Fords from this year, limits the speed of the car via a computer chip in the key. So parents will soon be able to give their children responsibility of the family wheels, safe in the knowledge that they can only be driven up to a preset speed. Over-zealous folks can set an annoying chime to sound every six seconds if the car exceeds that limit. It can also inhibit the stereo volume. MyKey will debut on the brand new Focus unveiled in Detroit recently. We'd have called the system Ford KillJoy, but we can see its merits. Dual-view satnav

Dual-view satnav is already available on Range Rovers, Jaguars and upper-end Mercs, but we're including it here as relatively few people will have seen it and the technology is bound to filter down to more regular cars over the next couple of years. As the name suggests, it allows driver and passenger to view different things on the same screen. There's something a little weird about seeing your passenger engrossed in the same little screen that's giving you directions to Ikea, because they're watching a brilliant DVD from the opposite side of the car, but it's a great idea.

Full-colour HUD The head-up display (HUD) never fails to impress us, even though its use to date has been limited to monochrome numbers and arrows. The tech is remarkable because it works so well in terms of limiting the distraction of looking down at a satnav screen. The next generation, being developed by BMW, is capable of displaying more detailed info in glorious colour. Now if you're thinking that sounds distracting, you'd be right - it's something BMW is very carefully considering before bringing it to market, probably in the 7 Series coming next. The more information you can have right in our line of vision - negating the need to look away from the road - the better, but it's a fine balance. Race 'yourself' on a games console The FT-86 Concept on display at the 2010 Tokyo Salon features a remarkable satnav system that measures your lap times on a track - no great shakes there. However, you can then take the system out of the car, plug it into your PlayStation 3 and, provided you have a copy of Gran Turismo, race your real self on a virtual version of the same track. That's incredible and terrifying in equal measure - watching your real-life lap on a screen is wonderful from a technical standpoint. However, do you really want to see how bad your racing lines are and how sloppy your car control is on a big plasma screen? We're not sure. MINI Music Map The boffins at MINI have come up with a unique way of letting you browse your ever-swelling library of iPod tunes. MINI Music Map clusters music loosely into genres and displays them in differently coloured 'islands', each with it's own 'capital city' - that being the most prominent artist on there. Madonna is the pop music island's epicentre, for example, and Marillion is the death metal's. Erm, it's still in development. The collection of islands (the map) can be zoomed into using a dial on the centre console, exposing more artists whose individual tracks are then listed when they're clicked upon. In 'shuffle' mode the user sees his or her journey, so to speak, through the islands and can, if they wish, set up camp on a particular island or artist to hear specific tracks. It's much easier to use than it is to explain, like all the best technology.




Summit to look forward to

The Lord can call anyone from whatever age to pick up the mantle of leadership, and the vision he gave to fifteen-year-old Seth Pinnock is now one of the fastestgrowing youth events nationwide ust like Paul and Silas (Acts 16: 25-26), I had to wake up and worship through my own wounds, not only to fulfil the assignment on my life, but to equip others with tools and place them in an conducive atmosphere where they can too...” These are telling words from a young man whom, as a teenager, decided he would do what he could to unite the youths in his community in Birmingham. Dubbed the ‘National Kingdom Youth Revival’, the Midnight Oil Summit provokes all who attend to become the greatest they can be for the greatest that there is in every sphere of their lives, be it their community, church or corporate exploits. Launched in 2005, this extraordinary weekend continues to unite young people from across the country, and historically crosses all social barriers, racial and denominational. It is unprecedented in that teams of teenagers from every major city within the United Kingdom are involved in some way; be it a steward, promoter or musician, the Midnight Oil Summit continues to foster relationships between an emerging generation and current leaders within the Christian community. The event provides platforms of ministry for the nation’s finest artists and speakers, as well as undiscovered gems found within the local church. Speakers and performers include Bishop Wayne Malcolm, Jahaziel, Noek Robinson, Rev David Shosanya, Pebecca Linton & NEWJ, Pastor Mark Libird and The Good News Choir, a new gospel choir launching at this year’s Midnight Oil Summit! All ages from twelve to twenty-eight are welcome! ”This ethos of making the atmosphere of heaven relevant in our present environment is relayed throughout the summit experience,” says Seth, now twenty-one. “From compelling testimonies to teachings on business, orchestras to contemporary dance, morning devotions to marching band processions, this year’s summit promises to be a powerful and inspiring time.” With over 1,000 in attendance each year, it is astounding that the




event continues to be upheld solely through the donations of the general public and organisations throughout the world. It stands as a moving tribute to the hidden potential of a once socially dismissed generation. Upon entering this new decade, the organisation has presented an initiative unique to all previous summits - the ‘War For Oil’ youth prayer march in partnership with Street Pastors, the Council of Black-Led Churches and other community bodies. Over 100 young people will take to the streets of Handsworth with music, banners, poetry and prayer, reproving the culture of hate and re-sounding the message of hope to our neighbouring brothers and sisters. The Friday evening entitled ‘Tabernacles & Testaments’ (6pm to midnight) will feature a theatrical opening ceremony followed by a night of electric prayer, praise and worship fused with stirring life stories and teachings. The Saturday morning will open with a ‘Morning Devotion: Prayer Breakfast’ followed by a series of interactive workshops on themes such as ‘Healing’, ‘Enterprise’, ‘Music’, ‘Spiritual Gifts’ and ‘Leadership’, all guaranteed to enrich delegates with the knowledge necessary for their future. A special ‘Opportunities Fair’ expo will be hosted, offering career advice, gap-year mission trips, apprenticeships, jobs, bible college sign-ups and much more. The ‘Take It By Force Rally’ will summon a generation to a moment of passionate prayer and praise. The finale will be a celebration service for all the family to mark the baton being passed from one generation to another. Seth says, “Support, donate, get involved, join a team and spread the word… the national kingdom youth revival is back and the best is yet to come…” The Midnight Oil Summit runs from Friday 6th to 7th August at the New Testament Church of God Handsw worth, 240-244 Lozells Rd, Birminggham,, B1 19 1NPP. Adm: £10 adv, £15 door. Info: 0121 643 9235 / 07875 481 1 977.


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To reach a direct audience of a minimum 100,000 readers (4 readers to 1 copy). To reach an audience in literally every locale of the United Kingdom and in major towns in Europe where the RCCG has parishes, increasing the reach and spread of the popularity of your product, service or activity. RCCG members are multiracial, multicultural 1st, 2nd and 3rd generational immigrants who have very deep roots with their various communities here in the United Kingdom and Europe. They also have equally deep roots with their various communities in Africa and the United States of America. The advertisement of your product, service or activity will be received literally by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. The website,, will also contain the full electronic version of the magazine, making your advert accessible to millions of RCCG members and others worldwide.

PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Size: A4 (i.e. 291 x 210mm portrait). Frequency: Quarterly (Dec, March, June and Sept). Pagination: Minimum 68 pages. Finishing: Perfect bound . Paper: Text on 100gsm gloss art and Covers on 350gsm gloss art (outer covers gloss varnished). Coloration: Full process colour throughout. Quantity: Minimum 25,000 copies per edition. Contents: Positive, interesting, enlightening, peoplecentric, lifestyle magazine. DISTRIBUTION Core: 450 parishes of the RCCG in the UK and Europe. Others: Events, Surgeries, salons, restaurants etc as delivered. All other information can be obtained from FIRST CALL DESIGN AND PUBLISHING LTD, the publishing consultants for the publishers of Sunrise Magazine, the Redeemed Christian church of God (RCCG), United Kingdom. CONTACT DETAILS Add: Suite 156, Rosden House, 372 Old Street, London Ec1V 9AU. Tel: +44 (20) 8500 3429. Email: Web:

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