The Clinic Magazine

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ISSUE 2 | 2014 | e4.95 | £4.20


Is it really possible to stop the clock?


Look better, feel firmer, appear younger


With fat busting procedures

FOOD FOR THOUGHT A hard look at GM Foods

MALE MENOPAUSE Myth or Reality?




Re-Nutriv New. Ultimate Lift Age correcting collection Give your skin the Ultimate Renewed. Reborn. Re-Nutriv.











Healthy Living 08 Decoding Diets 10 The Power Of Green 17 6 Superseeds 21 Why You Should Go Nuts For Nuts 24 More Tea For Me! 26 5 Natural Detox Drink Recipes 28 The Rise of Frankensteim

35 HEALTHOUSE LAS DUNAS 42 SUPPLEMENT NEWS 46 Mother & Baby 46 Dummy Debate 50 And So To Sleep! 57 Health News 60 You & Your Health 60 Angry Me! 62 Combat Stress 66

Remodelling 66 Rhinoplasty - Understanding Nose Jobs 72 Nose Re-Shaping Woithout Surgery 74 Compression Garments 77 Creating Beautiful Natural Curves 80 Body Contouring Surgery - Liposuction 84 Get The Skinny Non-Surgical Fat Reduction 86 Tone & Tighten - Tummy Tuck 90 Suck Into Shape - Dr Zapata

94 LET’S FACE IT 94 Top Anti Ageing Procedures 98 Skin Through The Ages 104 SKIN DEEP 104 Stop The Clock 109 Damage Control 110 Growing Concerns 118 Tattoos - Easy Come, Not So Easy To Go! 126 WHiCH? TESTS SUN CREAMS 130 MEN’S HEALTH 130 Gout Cases Have Exploded 134 The Male Menopause - Fact Or Fiction 138 You’ve Got Male 141 Pecs Appeal 144 COSMETIC TOURISM 148 SPA WORLD 148 One & Only Hayman Island Resort 153 Champneys Spa Resorts 161 PRODUCT & TREATMENT NEWS




PUBLISHER Simply Media Group S.L. MANAGING DIRECTOR & EDITOR Stan Israel CREATIVE DIRECTOR Sherelisa Bossi sherelisa.production@ DESIGN & LAYOUT Jackie McAngus jackie.production@ ASS. EDITOR & PRODUCTION MANAGER Lisa Brown CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Dawn Gudgin Stephanie McGraw With special thanks to: Quiron Hospital Group, Zanet and Cirumed SOCIAL MEDIA Gonzalo G贸mez DISTRUBUTION John McAngus SALES Nic Day COVER SHOT COURTESY OF One & Only Hayman Island Resort SIMPLY MEDIA GROUP S.L. T: +34 951 127 200 DEPOSITO LEGAL NO MA 386-2014 6 THE CLINIC



Welcome to our feature packed editions of THE CLINIC MAGAZINE. The secret to staying younger has never been more apparent than in today’s world. Women spend a fortune on creams and cosmetic procedures all in the hope of regaining or maintaining their youth. Within this issue we delve into the advances of modern technology and look at the many different procedures and techniques all proclaiming to restore youth. With the arrival of summer we try to streamline the mass of information regarding diets and offer simple yet effective food advice. We also bring you the latest beauty updates, cosmetic news and health news

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f you’re thinking about changing the way you eat, choosing a method that’s best for you can be a lot like trying to pick out your favourite pair of shoes because there is an overwhelming amount of options and not much information. When dieting, maintaining a healthy balance is crucial. Here we untangle the mess of information with these popular diets decoded.



Intermittent Fasting – The 5:2 Breaking up the week’s eating into a 5:2 ratio is the foundation of the “fast diet”. The idea is that five days of the week you eat how you normally would, and treat yourself occasionally if you feel like it.

and drastically cutting the amount of carbohydrates consumed, the diet forces the body to adopt a fat-burning state. In this, fats are stored more efficiently and those stubborn pockets of fatty tissue are gradually broken down.

The other two days you organise your calorie intake to be roughly onequarter of the suggested daily allocation. Many people have had success with this method of dieting because it’s less restrictive and allows greater freedom of food choice.

While this diet, like many carb-cutting diets, has been shown to achieve effective results in weight loss, the high reliance on foods high in fat has received some criticism for its implications on wider health. Some researchers have concerns whether a long-term adoption of the Atkins diet could be associated with increased risk of heart disease, stroke or cancer, because of the replacement of carbohydrates with a high-fat intake.

Paleo The Paleo diet is built on the premise that humans existed for thousands of years without the artificial and processed foods so prevalent in the modernday diet. This approach strips the diet from any refined sugars, refined grains and processed foods to mimic the way our ancient ancestors ate thousands of years ago.

Alkaline Diet

It partners high amounts of protein and fat with low levels of carbohydrates, similar to the way Homo-Sapiens thrived in the Palaeolithic era, or Stone Age. This intake is supplemented with high levels of whole grains, fruits and vegetables in a ‘plant and animal’ derived design.

Dried fruit, potatoes, salad, green vegetables, nuts, olives and dairy products are some options available to those following the alkaline diet.

‘Seventy percent of today’s diet is made up of food that modern man has created, and this food is made up of the same ingredients: refined grains, refined sugars, processed vegetable oil, salt, artificial flavouring and perhaps some processed dairy product,’ the authors say. ‘These foods have displaced more healthful fruits, vegetables, lean meats and seafood in our diets and it’s hurting our health.’ They go on to explain the Paleo diet typically results in weight loss, because of the way naturally derived foods work harmoniously in the body. This diet is high in animal proteins, which deliver high concentrations of branched chain amino acids (BCAA) that help build and repair muscle. It is touted to prevent the blood from getting too acidic, which is a common by-product of eating too much processed foods. And it is said to boost the immune system by combining trace nutrients, such as antioxidant vitamins and minerals that come from fruits, vegetables and lean meats. The diet has received criticism for its practicality and the soundness of its background science. Critics have suggested the diet of our Palaeolithic ancestors relied much more heavily on starches, and therefore the premise is invalidated. Additionally, some scientists have pointed out that our ancestors simply did not live long enough to suffer the diseases of the modern day – questioning the reliability of the diet’s heralded health benefits.

Atkins diet One of the problems commonly associated with dieting is the tendency to stick with the food plan for a certain amount of time, before reverting back to old habits. The Atkins diet attempts to change these habits, establishing a long-lasting and relatively easy-to-maintain approach to eating. In fact, it combines this promise of longevity alongside a food plan that includes the unthinkable – real butter, cream cheese, eggs and bacon and extra avocado, in a seemingly win-win dietary regime. The aim of the Atkins diet is to break the carb and blood sugar cycle, where carbohydrates are used for energy, and excess carbohydrates are turned to insulin or fat in the body. Instead, by filling the diet with proteins, fibres and fats

The alkaline diet seeks to control your body’s PH levels through food. In order to achieve this, 50 to 80 per cent of the foods you consume need to be alkaline, and less than half should be acidic.

The alkaline diet can also serve as a natural sleep remedy, helping to reduce or cure insomnia. As a result of adopting this eating habit, people can expect to have more energy; be less anxious or irritable; and avoid issues associated with an acid/base imbalance, such as osteoporosis, kidney stones, stroke, certain cancers and asthma.

Gluten-Free As indicated by its name, this diet requires people to abstain from gluten. Avoiding this protein composite can be a challenge, as gluten makes an appearance in a wide range of foods. However, making a concentrated effort to abstain from this particular protein can improve digestion, increase heart health, reduce the risk of certain cancers and improve overall wellbeing. Some foods to avoid include grains such as wheat, rye, barley and oats, as well as pasta, cereals and fried takeaways. Luckily, there are many alternatives being produced due to this diet trend. Additionally, many fabulous foods are naturally gluten-free, such as beans, seeds, nuts, eggs, meat, fruit and vegetables.

Cleansing Juice Detox People choose to cleanse for a variety of reasons, especially after a period of decadent eating, such as holidays, weddings or birthdays. If you’re low on energy and having issues with gas or bloating, a detoxification might be in order. Doing so will help your body clear whatever is causing the discomfort and allow you to start fresh with wholesome, nutritious food. It’s important to do your research and talk to your doctor before taking part in a fresh-pressed juice cleanse. Also ask for advice about the best health supplements to support your immune and digestive systems while you cleanse. After getting the go-ahead from a professional, the best way to take part in a juice cleanse is to set aside a weekend to detox. Popular and effective juice blends for good nutritional health include those made from leafy greens, cucumber, grapefruit, celery and green apple. A juice cleanse can have the bonus effect of helping you shift away from bad eating habits. Before undertaking any diet, it’s absolutely essential that you consult your healthcare professional first.



The Power of Green F rom avocados to Brussels sprouts to green tea, a surprising number of green foods can help fight disease and protect your health. Everyone knows veggies are a must in any healthy diet — the phrase “eat your greens” has been drilled into us since childhood

but why? Because green foods are an extremely important part of a healthy diet – here we take a look at the benefits of going green!

l Source of Antioxidants Most green foods, such as spinach and broccoli, are considered super foods because they contain a high amount of antioxidants in them. Plenty of vitamin A, C and E can be found in most green foods, in addition to other important nutrients such as iron and zinc. Antioxidants play a major role in protecting your body from viruses so they’re important to health. Eating at least three servings of greens each and every day will provide your body with enough antioxidants to keep you protected.

l Low in Calories Green foods, especially dark leafy ones, contain a large amount of water which in turn leaves them extremely depleted of calories. This means that you can eat as many of them as you possibly can, and you don’t have to worry about gaining any weight. In fact, adding these foods to your favourite dishes like enchiladas, soups, casseroles and pastas can help bulk up the meal while keeping the calories under control, so you can eat more of your favourite foods without a jump in calorie intake.

l Great Source of Phytonutrients Phytonutrients are special chemicals in found in green foods


that have a good effect on the body after they are consumed. These properties help to boost your immune system, and they help protect you against cellular damage. In order to get a wide range of these nutrients, it’s important to switch up the foods you eat from day to day.

l Just about Carb Free Although there are a small amount of carbohydrates available in green foods, the carbs that are found in the food are important for your health. These particular carbs are complex, so they are packed with much needed fibre which helps to keep you full longer throughout the day. Fibre also helps to grab pollutants and other unnecessary things within the body and dispose of them before they are absorbed. The fibre also plays a vital role in regular bowel movements.

l Easy on Your Glucose Levels Many foods that are consumed in today’s world are processed, and therefore play a role in raising blood glucose levels extremely high before they come crashing back down again. This process can really wreak havoc on your system, and may even lead to diabetes. However, green foods are very low in sugars and because they’re packed with fiber and water, they actually help to regulate your blood sugar levels throughout the day.



TOP GREEN FOODS 1 Arugula Arugula (also known as rucola and rocket) is a cruciferous and leafy green vegetable with a peppery taste and is often used in salads. It is a good source of potassium, a mineral involved in managing blood pressure and preventing osteoporosis. Arugula may help boost memory due to phytochemicals — antioxidants found in all cruciferous vegetables. Like other salad greens, arugula is very low in calories, which makes it a great addition to any weight-loss plan.

2 Collard Greens Collard greens are a cruciferous and leafy green vegetable from the cabbage family, similar to kale. They are a good source of beta-carotene, an antioxidant precursor to vitamin A that can help prevent and manage arthritis, cataracts, and macular degeneration, as well as maintain healthy hair and skin. Collard greens are also a very good source of vitamin K, which may prevent bone fractures. In addition, collard greens contain lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that may prevent macular degeneration.

3 Endive Endive is a bitter leafy vegetable that is often used in salads or eaten as a side dish. There are multiple varieties of endive, including Belgian endive, escarole, and curly endive (frisée). Like other greens, endive is very low in calories, which makes it a great addition to any weight-loss plan. Endive is a good source of potassium, a mineral involved in managing blood pressure and preventing osteoporosis. It is also a potent source of vitamin K, which may prevent bone fractures.

4 Kale Kale is a cruciferous and leafy green vegetable from the cabbage family, similar to collard greens. Because it’s a high-quality carb and very low in calories, kale can help you manage type 2 diabetes and is a terrific addition to any weight-loss plan. It’s also packed with nutrients: It’s a good source of antioxidants, including vitamin C, beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which help maintain healthy eyes, hair, and skin. The calcium and potassium in kale help keep your bones and teeth strong and may prevent PMS symptoms. Kale is also high in the anti-inflammatory antioxidant quercetin, which protects against arthritis and memory loss, as well as riboflavin, a B vitamin that may protect against migraines. In addition, it is a very good source of vitamin K, which may prevent bone fractures.


6 Lettuce There are various types of lettuce, but all of them are leafy green vegetables and are low in calories, making them a terrific addition to any weight-loss plan. Some types of lettuce, such as romaine, green leaf, red leaf, bibb, and butterhead, are good sources of antioxidants, including beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and quercetin, which help prevent arthritis, cataracts, and macular degeneration, as well as maintain healthy hair and skin. Lettuce is also a good source of potassium, a mineral involved in managing blood pressure and preventing osteoporosis. In addition, all lettuce varieties contain vitamin K, which may prevent bone fractures.

5 Green Tea Reams of studies have deemed green tea — with its potent antioxidants — a health panacea; it’s been linked to a lower risk of heart disease, certain cancers, diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, and more.

7 Mustard Greens Mustard greens are a leafy green vegetable that come from the mustard plant and have a pungent, peppery flavor. They are a good source of antioxidants, including vitamin C, beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which help prevent arthritis and maintain healthy eyes, hair, and skin. Mustard greens also contain folate, a B vitamin that may help reduce the risk of heart disease, enhance memory, and improve mood, as well as vitamin K, which may prevent bone fractures.

8 Brussel Sprouts Another potent cruciferous veggie, Brussels sprouts have vitamins A and C as well as birth-defect fighting folate and blood pressure-balancing potassium.

9 Spinach Spinach is a dark leafy green vegetable and one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet! Because it’s high in fiber and very low in calories, spinach can help you manage type 2 diabetes and is a terrific addition to any weight loss plan. It’s also packed with nutrients — it’s a good source of antioxidants, including vitamin C, beta carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which help maintain healthy eyes, hair, and skin. Spinach contains very high amounts of potassium and vitamin K, two nutrients that may help preserve bone health. The iron and B vitamins in spinach help maintain strong, healthy hair and a healthy circulatory system.



10 Swiss Chard Swiss chard is a leafy green vegetable that tastes somewhat similar to spinach and can be prepared the same way. It is a good source of antioxidants, including vitamin E, beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which help prevent arthritis and maintain healthy eyes, hair, and skin. Swiss chard also contains magnesium and potassium, minerals involved in managing blood pressure and preventing osteoporosis. In addition, magnesium is also helpful for individuals who experience migraines or PMS. Vitamin K in Swiss chard may prevent bone fractures.

11 Turnip Greens Turnip greens are a leafy green vegetable that come from the tops of turnip bulbs and can be added to salads or sautéed and served as a side dish. They are a good source of antioxidants, including vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which help prevent arthritis and maintain healthy eyes, hair, and skin. Turnip greens also contain folate, a B vitamin that may help reduce the risk of heart disease, enhance memory, and improve mood.

12 Watercress Watercress is a leafy green vegetable with a peppery flavor and is often added to salads or used on top of sandwiches. It is a good source of beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that may prevent and manage arthritis, cataracts, and macular degeneration, as well as maintain healthy hair and skin. Watercress is also a good source of vitamin K, which may prevent bone fractures.

13 Avocados Avocados do contain a lot of fat (about 23 grams in a mediumsized fruit), but it’s the cholesterol-lowering monounsaturated kind that nutrition experts love. Avocados also contain lutein, an antioxidant that protects eye health, and they’re rich in vitamin E. Research shows that people who get the most vitamin E from their diet (not supplements) have a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Avocados are a wonderfully versatile addition to salads, tacos, soups, and sandwiches.

14 Edamame These soybeans are a long time Japanese diet staple. A complete plant-based protein, edamame is a good protein source for vegetarian and vegan diets. While some experts caution that you should avoid soy supplements and processed soy foods because soy’s estrogen-like effects may contribute to health problems, whole soy foods like edamame are a smart and healthy choice. When eaten in place of fatty meat, soy may lower cholesterol by reducing saturated fat intake.





6 Superseeds D You Should Be Eating

on’t judge food by its size: These tiny superseeds are packed with essential nutrients like protein, fiber, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Sunflower Seeds

Chia Seeds

Wheat Germ

These underrated superseeds are an excellent source of B vitamins, including folate (which helps prevent birth defects), and vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from damage, helps maintain healthy hair and skin, and may work to prevent cancer. They are also rich in protein and heart-healthy fats.

Ch-ch-chia! Chia seeds—particularly the Salba variety—are high in iron, folate, calcium, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids and soluble fiber. The superseed’s calcium and magnesium promote bone and dental health, while the omega-3s help your heart by lowering triglycerides, the bad fats in your blood that can cause heart disease. Their soluble fiber helps decrease cholesterol, stabilize blood sugar, and make you feel full longer.

The nutritional powerhouse of the wheat kernel, wheat germ is loaded with protein, iron, and B vitamins such as folate. The high fiber content of this superseed helps prevent constipation and keeps your appetite in check. And wheat germ is low on the glycemic index, so it doesn’t spike your blood sugar.

Eat them: Add to smoothies, yogurt, cereal, salads, or muffin batter. Always buy fresh from a market; never eat what came in a craft kit.

Eat it: Wheat germ makes a great addition to smoothies, hot cereals, baking and cooking recipes. Because its healthy polyunsaturated fats can quickly turn rancid, keep wheat germ in a tightly sealed container in the freezer for optimum freshness.

Flax Seeds

Hemp Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds

These little, brown, nutty-flavored superseeds are a great source of soluble fiber, which helps lower cholesterol, makes you feel fuller longer, and aids in stabilizing blood sugar levels. Flax seeds are packed with omega-3 fatty acid, which benefits eye and brain health, and can help lower triglycerides. High in lignans, a plant-like form of estrogen, they may also help prevent certain cancers.

Not just for hippies, these superseeds are a great source of complete protein and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They also contain phytosterols, plant-based compounds that help lower cholesterol levels. Note: While hemp and marijuana are both members of the cannabis family, hemp doesn’t contain THC, marijuana’s active ingredient. Eating hemp seeds will not give you the same effect as smoking marijuana.

Also known as pepitas, these superseeds are a source of B vitamins, iron, magnesium, zinc, and protein, and are particularly rich in the amino acid tryptophan, which may help lower anxiety. Pumpkin seeds also have high levels of essential fatty acids that help keep blood vessels healthy and lower bad cholesterol.

Eat them: Flax seed shells are hard, so grind them in a blender or coffee grinder first. Otherwise the seeds can pass through your body undigested, prohibiting the absorption of the seeds’ valuable omega-3 content. Add the coarse or finely ground superseeds to smoothies, shakes, yogurt, oatmeal, cereal, casseroles, and when baking. Note: Keep ground flax seeds in an airtight container in your refrigerator.

Eat them: Toss in salads, shakes, or smoothies, or sprinkle over cereal or yogurt. They also add texture to baked goods.

Eat them: Munch them by the handful, or add them to cookie or muffin recipes, salads, and stir-fries. Avoid salted versions, which often have high levels of sodium.

Eat them: Snack on them raw or roasted. Add to granola bars and trail mix recipes; or use to garnish soup. Pumpkin seed oil can boost salad dressings and dips (although cooking may destroy some of its nutritional properties).

Source: Jackie Middleton from Reader’s Digest Canada |



CHIA PUDDING Serves 6 Chia seeds soaked overnight turn into a simple pudding, similar in consistency to tapioca. Ingredients: 2/3 cup chia seeds 2 cups unsweetened soymilk, almondmilk or ricemilk 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract Fresh strawberries 2 tablespoons unsweetened coconut flakes Method: Put chia seeds, almond milk and vanilla in a 1-quart glass jar with a lid. Tighten the lid and shake well to thoroughly combine. Or, stir together seeds, almond milk and vanilla in a bowl. Refrigerate overnight. When ready to serve, stir well. Spoon into bowls and top with fruit and coconut. Nutritional Info: Per Serving:280 calories (70 from fat), 7g total fat, 1.5g saturated fat, 0mg cholesterol, 200mg sodium, 49g carbohydrate (7g dietary fiber, 7g sugar), 3g protein

PUMPKIN SEED PESTO Makes about 2 1/2 cups This thick and fragrant pumpkin seed pesto, featuring roasted pumpkin seeds, olive oil, cilantro and garlic, is a versatile sauce for your repertoire. Try this pesto as a spread on sandwiches, tossed with hot pasta or served over roasted or steamed vegetables. Ingredients: 2 cups unsalted hulled (green) pumpkin seeds 6 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided Salt and pepper to taste 1/4 cup water 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice, or to taste 3 cloves garlic 1 cup roughly chopped fresh cilantro Method: Preheat oven to 375°F. Toss pumpkin seeds with 2 tablespoons of the oil and salt then spread out in a single layer on a large baking sheet. Roast until seeds are puffed and fragrant, 10 to 15 minutes, then set aside to let cool. Combine seeds in a food processor with water, lemon juice, garlic, cilantro and remaining 4 tablespoons oil. Pulse until mixture forms a coarse paste then season with salt and pepper. Cover and chill until ready to use.


Nutritional Info: Per Serving:Serving size: about 2 Tablespoons, 140 calories (110 from fat), 13g total fat, 2g saturated fat, 0mg cholesterol, 60mg sodium, 2g carbohydrate (1g dietary fiber, 0g sugar), 4g protein

Get a delicious taste of spring with fresh asparagus. We’ve stirred in wheat germ for additional fiber and nutrients. Although best served immediately, this dish is also great heated up the next day. Ingredients: 1 pound large asparagus, cut into 1-inch pieces 2 tablespoons olive oil, divided Freshly ground black pepper, to taste 3 1/2 cups low-sodium vegetable broth 1 cup chopped shallots 2 teaspoons finely chopped garlic 1 cup arborio rice 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons white wine 1/4 cup toasted wheat germ 1/4 cup shredded Parmesan cheese Method: Preheat oven to 450° F. In large bowl, toss together asparagus, 1 tablespoon olive oil and pepper to taste. Transfer to baking sheet and roast 10 to 15 minutes, stirring after 10 minutes, until asparagus is softened and bright green. Remove from oven and set aside. While asparagus is roasting, bring vegetable stock to boil in medium pot over medium-high heat. Once boiling, reduce heat to low and simmer stock uncovered. In another medium pot, heat remaining 1 tablespoon olive oil over medium-high heat. Add shallots and garlic and saute 3 to 5 minutes, being careful not to burn garlic, until shallots are translucent. Add rice and saute 30 seconds. Add salt and 1/2 cup warm vegetable stock to pan and stir constantly until stock is completely absorbed. Repeat this process, adding 1/2 cup of stock each


time until the rice is tender and all the stock has been absorbed, 15 to 20 minutes. (If broth is absorbing too quickly and rice is not becoming tender, reduce heat to low when adding broth.) Stir in wine with final addition of vegetable stock. Once stock has been absorbed, gently stir in asparagus, wheat germ and Parmesan cheese. Serve immediately with more freshly ground black pepper. Nutritional Info: Per Serving: 390 calories (70 from fat), 11g total fat, 2.5g saturated fat, 5mg cholesterol, 550mg sodium, 61g carbohydrate (6g dietary fiber, 8g sugar), 14g protein

COCOA-ALMOND BAKED BREAKFAST QUINOA Serves 8 Nutrient-packed quinoa, hemp seeds and hemp milk add protein, fiber and essential fatty acids to your morning. Whip up over the weekend, and then enjoy for breakfast during the week. Ingredients: 1 cup quinoa 1 cup pitted dates (about 5 ounces) 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce 1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt

1 1/2 cup unsweetened hempmilk, soymilk or almondmilk 1/2 cup hulled hemp seeds 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 3/4 cup almond meal, divided

Method: Rinse quinoa in a fine sieve until water runs clear, drain and transfer to a medium pot. Add 2 cups water and bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat to medium-low and simmer until water is absorbed, 15 to 20 minutes. Set aside off the heat for 5 minutes; uncover and fluff with a fork. Preheat oven to 350°F. Line the bottom of an 8-inch square baking pan with parchment paper; set aside. In a blender, purée hempmilk, dates, seeds, applesauce, cocoa and salt. Transfer to a large bowl; stir in quinoa and 1/2 cup almond meal. Transfer to prepared pan, scatter remaining 1/4 cup almond meal over the top and bake until firmly set, about 1 hour. Set aside to let cool for 1 hour, and then carefully run a paring knife around the pan to loosen the edges. Turn out onto a flat surface, remove parchment paper, cut into squares and serve. To freeze, wrap individual squares tightly and store in the freezer. Thaw in the refrigerator or microwave. Nutritional Info: Per Serving:270 calories (90 from fat), 11g total fat, 1g saturated fat, 0mg cholesterol, 100mg sodium, 37g carbohydrate (6g dietary fiber, 17g sugar), 10g protein



These hearty scones are deliciously satisfying. Using a food processor to make the dough means quicker prep time and easy clean-up.

Chewy oats, rich coconut and crunchy sunflower seeds are an enticing combination in these cookies - a worthy treat for the lunch box or with afternoon tea.

Ingredients: 2 1/2 cups whole wheat flour 1 cup rolled oats 3 tablespoons flax seeds 1 tablespoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 5 tablespoons butter, cut into small pieces and well chilled 2/3 cup honey 3 tablespoons low-fat buttermilk, plus more for brushing 2 eggs 1/4 teaspoon almond extract (optional) 3/4 cup chopped dried apricots 1 tablespoon turbinado sugar (optional)

Ingredients: 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, softened 1/2 cup sugar 1 egg 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon sea salt 1/2 cup grated unsweetened coconut 1/2 cup sunflower seeds 1 1/4 cup rolled oats, either quick-cooking or regular (quick cooking will make a finer cookie) 1 cup whole wheat pastry flour 3/4 teaspoon baking powder

Method: Preheat oven to 350°F. Put flour, oats, flax seeds, baking powder and salt into a food processor and pulse until combined. Add butter and pulse again mixture resembles coarse breadcrumbs. In a small bowl, whisk together honey, buttermilk, eggs and almond extract then pour in a constant stream into food processor while pulsing just until mixture is blended. If very dry, add another tablespoon of buttermilk. Dough will be a little sticky. Transfer dough to a well-floured surface fold in apricot pieces to evenly distribute them. Form dough into a 9-inch circle. Using a floured knife, cut dough into 12 wedges and transfer to a large baking sheet, arranging the scones 1 to 2 inches apart. Brush scones with buttermilk and sprinkle them with sugar. Bake until cooked through and golden brown around the edges, about 25 minutes. Serve hot or at room temperature. Nutritional Info: Per Serving: Serving size: 1 scone, 240 calories (70 from fat), 7g total fat, 3.5g saturated fat, 50mg cholesterol, 200mg sodium, 41g carbohydrate (4g dietary fiber, 21g sugar), 6g protein

Method: Preheat oven to 375°F. Line two large baking sheets with parchment paper and set aside. Put butter and sugar into a bowl and beat with an electric mixer until fluffy. Add egg, vanilla and salt and beat again just until combined. Stir in coconut and sunflower seeds. In a separate bowl, combine oats, flour and baking powder, then add to butter mixture, stirring until thoroughly combined. Drop rounded tablespoons of dough onto prepared baking sheets, spacing them about 2 inches apart. Bake until lightly browned and cooked through, 10 to 12 minutes, then set aside to let cool. Serve immediately or store in an airtight container. Nutritional Info: Per Serving:Serving size: About 2 cookies, 210 calories (110 from fat), 13g total fat, 7g saturated fat, 35mg cholesterol, 170mg sodium, 21g carbohydrate (3g dietary fiber, 8g sugar), 4g protein

Source: All recipes from except Asparagus and Shallot Risotto with Wheat Germ from




8 Nuts that are crazy-good for your health

Why You Should Go Nuts for Nuts I

f nuts aren’t in your regular snack rotation, you’re missing out on major disease-fighting nutrients that protect your heart, boost brainpower, and more.

Nuts are underrated as nutritious snacks - particularly raw tree nuts, such as almonds, cashews, walnuts, and more, which have been linked to lower cholesterol, better heart health, weight control, and even a lower cancer risk. Unfortunately, too few of us eat nuts regularly: They account for less than eight percent of daily antioxidant intake. “That may be because people are afraid of the fat and calories in nuts, or they find plain nuts boring,” says Joy Bauer, Today Show nutritionist and bestselling author. “That’s a shame, because a small handful can pack your diet with filling protein, fiber, unsaturated fats, and important vitamins and minerals.” Here’s how your health benefits each time you nosh on a handful of nuts.



Walnuts: ............................................................... Inflammation fighters

In addition to containing the most antioxidants of all nuts, which help protect your body from the cellular damage that contributes to heart disease, cancer, and premature aging, “walnuts are also the richest in omega-3 fatty acids, which fight inflammation,” says Bauer. They’re an especially great way to get these healthy unsaturated fats if you’re not a fan of fish, where these types of fats are predominantly found. A walnut snack may also turn around a bad day during that time of the month: The manganese they contain may reduce PMS symptoms. Serving info: About 14 walnut halves = 185 calories | 18 grams fat

ALMONDS: .............................................................. Good for your gut

Almonds contain the most fiber — about three grams per ounce — compared to other nuts, and are richest in vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant. Almonds may even help you slip into those skinny jeans: In one International Journal of Obesity study, when two groups of obese adults followed low-calorie diets for six months, those who included almonds in their weight loss plans lost more weight than those who ate more complex carbohydrates. Other research shows that almonds are especially healthy for people worried about their blood sugar: Those who ate about 20 percent of their calories from almonds for four months saw their bad LDL cholesterol drop and their insulin resistance decrease compared to a control group who didn’t eat them. Almonds may even safeguard your gut: A testtube study (funded by the Almond Board of California) found that the nuts raised levels of good bacteria that bolster the body’s immune system. Serving info: About 23 nuts = 170 calories | 15 grams fat

CASHEWS: ............................................................... Brain boosters

Cashews are particularly rich in iron and zinc. “Iron helps deliver oxygen to all of your cells, which can prevent anemia, and zinc is critical to immune health and healthy vision,” says Bauer. Cashews are also a good source of magnesium: One ounce provides almost 25 percent of your daily need. Magnesium may help improve memory and protect against age-related memory loss, according to a study in the journal Neuron. Serving info: About 18 nuts = 165 calories | 13 grams fat

PECANS: ................................................................. Artery defenders

Pecans aren’t just for making tasty pies, they can also help improve your heart health. “Pecans are among the most antioxidant-rich nuts,” says Bauer. “They may help prevent plaque formation in your arteries.” In fact, a Journal of Nutrition study (funded partly by the National Pecan Shellers Association) found that consuming pecans can help lower LDL cholesterol levels by as much as 33 percent. Pecans may also buffer your brain health, according to an animal study from the University of Massachusetts Lowell. The vitamin E found in the nuts could delay progression of degenerative neurological diseases like amyotropic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. Serving info: About 18 halves = 200 calories | 21 grams fat


........................................................... BRAZiL NUTs: Potent cancer protector

Just one Brazil nut packs more than 100 percent of the daily value for the mineral selenium, which may help prevent certain cancers, including bone, prostate, and breast cancer. A recent study in the Journal of Medicinal Food suggests that the selenium found in Brazil nuts, along with soy, may help fight prostate cancer by inhibiting the growth of cancerous cells. However, don’t overdo it on Brazil nuts: High levels of selenium can be harmful, so stick to a serving or less. Serving info: 5 to 6 nuts = 185 cals | 18 grams fat

................................................. Macadamia Nuts

The most MUFAs

Although ounce for ounce they’re one of the most caloriedense nuts, macadamia nuts contain the greatest amount of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat (MUFA) per serving. “This ‘good fat’ lowers LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol levels and blood pressure,” says Bauer. A Pennsylvania State University study (funded partly by the Hershey Company, which owns the Mauna Loa Macademia company) found that people who added macadamia nuts to their diets reduced their triglyceride levels, total cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol by nearly 10 percent. Serving info: About 10 nuts = 200 cals | 22 grams fat

............................................................ PISTACHIOs

The skinniest nut

Pistachios are the most slimming nuts, with less than four calories each. Their shells make them especially dieting-friendly: “Eating them in the shell automatically slows down your pace so the snack lasts longer and you eat less overall,” says Bauer. They may also help you breathe easier: University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center researchers found that eating two ounces of pistachios daily may reduce lung cancer risk. Pistachios are rich in the antioxidant gammatocopherol, a form of cancer-fighting vitamin E. Pistachios are also packed with potassium, a mineral essential for a healthy nervous system and muscles, and are a good source of vitamin B6, which can lift your mood, fortify your immune system, and more. Serving info: About 50 nuts = 160 cals | 14 grams fat

............................................................ hazelnuts

More than just a coffee flavouring

An all-around healthy nut, hazelnuts are notable for their high levels of monounsaturated fats, which can improve cardiovascular health and help to manage type 2 diabetes, according to Bauer. They’re also rich in the antioxidant vitamin E, which may prevent cataracts and macular degeneration, maintain healthy skin, and reduce risk of dementia. Serving info: About 21 nuts = 180 cals | 17 grams fat

Source: | Words by Rachel Grumman Bender



More Tea For Me!


eople around the world have been enjoying tea for thousands of years, but it’s only recently that the health benefits have been more deeply researched. If you’re not currently a tea drinker, read on to see what you’ve been missing.


Types of tea There are four basic types of tea: black, green, white and oolong. Contrary to popular assumption, all four teas come from the same plant, the Camellia sinensis. The difference between the teas’ flavors and health benefits are based on the way the plant’s leaves are cultivated and processed. You may be thinking, “Wait a minute, my favorite tea is Earl Grey. I know there are more types of tea than just those three.” Well, not really. Earl Grey, like many other popular teas, is actually just a flavor of tea, not a specific type. In fact, Earl Grey is a black tea infused with bergamot, which gives it a distinct, citrusy flavor. The making of tea Fresh tea leaves contain catechins and polyphenol oxidase enzymes. When tea is processed, the leaves may be rolled or broken, causing the polyphenol oxidase to join with the catechins. This process is known as oxidation or fermentation, and according to the Micronutrient Information Center, it can be stopped by steaming or firing the tea leaves. White and green teas both experience minimal oxidation, while oolong tea undergoes partial oxidation and black tea is considered a fullyoxidized tea. The main difference between the white and green tea varieties is that white tea is developed from young tea leaves and buds, while green tea is made from more mature leaves.

Tea’s benefits Given the fact that each type of tea comes from the same plant, you can expect the health benefits to be similar, but not identical. The level of oxidation a tea’s leaves undergo will affect the benefits incurred by consumption:

Green tea

Made with steamed tea leaves, it has a high concentration of EGCG and has been widely studied. Green tea’s antioxidants may interfere with the growth of bladder, breast, lung, stomach, pancreatic, and colorectal cancers; prevent clogging of the arteries, burn fat, counteract oxidative stress on the brain, reduce risk of neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, reduce risk of stroke, and improve cholesterol levels.

Black tea

Made with fermented tea leaves, black tea has the highest caffeine content and forms the basis for flavored teas like chai, along with some instant teas. Studies have shown that black tea may protect lungs from damage caused by exposure to cigarette smoke. It also may reduce the risk of stroke.

White tea

Uncured and unfermented, has the most potent anticancer properties compared to more processed teas.

Oolong tea

In an animal study, those given antioxidants from oolong tea were found to have lower bad cholesterol levels. One variety of oolong, Wuyi, is heavily marketed as a weight loss supplement; however, this has not been scientifically proven. If all these potential benefits have you itching to boil water and steep some leaves, make sure you’re not confusing herbal tea for green, white, oolong or black tea. Herbal tea is not made from the tea plant and cannot be associated with the same health benefits. The only thing that makes herbal teas “tea” is the fact that they use dried leaves and herbs to release flavour when soaked in hot water. For a fool proof cuppa reach for the PG Tips!!




Natural Detox Drink Recipes Cleanse your system with special detoxification beverages If you are looking to revive yourself from within while increasing your energy level and your overall well-being, a body detox may be in order. Detoxification is the process of eliminating toxic substances from your body. Before beginning any detox diet, it is always good to check with your doctor, especially if there are any health concerns. In their book 7-Day Detox Miracle, Sara Faye; Stephen Barrie, N.D.; and Peter Bennett, N.D., explain that detoxing with a whole body cleanse can enhance the body’s systems. According to the authors, detox drink recipes can assist in ridding your body of toxins and bringing it back into healthy balance.

Lemonade cleanse Lemon consists of ascorbic acid, assisting in the cleansing process. Known also as the staple beverage of Stanley Burroughs’ Master Cleanse, this detox drink is easy to make. Mix 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of pure maple syrup and one-tenth teaspoon of cayenne pepper in 8 ounces of purified water. Proponents of the Master Cleanse recommend you drink 6-8 glasses of this lemonade drink and eat nothing each day of your cleanse. Despite its popularity, nutritionists warn against the lack of essential nutrients in this drink.

Green detox drink This vegetable detox drink is made up primarily of green vegetables, providing an effective natural body cleanse of the digestive system. In her book The Raw Food Detox Diet: The Five-Step Plan for Vibrant Health and Maximum Weight Loss, certified clinical nutritionist Natalia Rose discusses the importance of vegetables at length. For this detox drink, you will need: 3 carrots 3 kale leaves 2 celery stalks 2 beets 1 turnip ½ bunch of spinach ½ cabbage ½ bunch of parsley ½ onion 2 garlic cloves Mix all ingredients with water and puree in a blender.


Detox dandelion tea According to classical homeopathic practitioner Sonya McLeod, B.A., D.C.H., dandelions are a great source of vitamin A, potassium, iron and calcium. According to McLeod, dandelion detox tea is a diuretic that will eliminate bodily toxins through your liver and kidneys. She recommends brewing 6 tablespoons of 1-year-old dried dandelion root and 12 tablespoons of fresh dandelion leaves in 4 cups of purified, boiling water. Other recipes call for simply adding 2 teaspoons of crushed dandelion leaves to a cup of boiling water and allowing it to brew for about 10 minutes.

Fresh cranberry juice According to Mayo Clinic, there is some evidence to suggest that drinking cranberry juice may help prevent urinary tract infections and ulcers in healthy individuals. Cranberry juice also contains vitamin C, manganese and antioxidants. Though not advocated by any authoritative body, cranberry juice has become a popular detox drink, and according to Mayo Clinic, two 16-oz. glasses of full-strength juice can be safely consumed on a daily basis by healthy adults. To make this detox drink, dilute one part cranberry juice in four parts water. Then, add 1 tablespoon each of apple pectin and psyllium fiber to stimulate gentle intestinal elimination.

Fruit detox drink Because fruit is high in fiber and packed with essential vitamins and minerals, it is a wonderful natural detox for the body. This recipe incorporates fruit, along with flax oil and lecithin, to provide essential fatty acids while you detox. In your blender, add: 8 oz. of orange juice 4 oz. of pure water ½ cup banana, strawberries or yogurt ½-inch slice of ginger 1 small garlic clove 1 tablespoon flax oil 1 tablespoon lecithin granules 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice if desired 1 tablespoon of protein powder or spirulina powder Source: | Words by E.C. LaMeaux



The rise of Frankenstein M

ost people have eaten genetically modified foods without knowing it, but WHAT are they and are they SAFE?

The topic of Genetically Modified foods and genetically engineered crops has been a controversial and heated topic for several decades, with it seems no likely end to the debate anytime soon, but what may surprise you is that over these last few years genetically modified food have quietly slipped into the food industry and it what may shook you to know just how many foods you are eating that you never knew contained a genetically modified ingredient. Experts believe at least 60% to 70% of processed foods on grocery shelves have genetically modified ingredients. The most common genetically modified foods are soybeans, maize, cotton, and rapeseed oil. That means foods containing field corn or high-fructose corn syrup, such as many breakfast cereals, snack foods, and sodas; foods made with soybeans (including some baby foods); and foods made with cottonseed and canola oils could likely have genetically modified ingredients.

But in layman’s terms what exactly are genetically modified food? And are they safe to eat? Genetically engineered food, also known as genetically modified (GM) food, comes from plants or animals that have had genes from other plants or animals inserted into them. Although humans have modified food plants and animals for many centuries by breeding, modern biotechnology allows the genetic make-up of living things to be altered directly, producing much quicker results. It also allows the transfer of genes between organisms that cannot breed with one another. The potential advantages include increased agricultural production, improved nutrition and better tasting foods. On the other hand, there are concerns about possible unexpected adverse health effects, environmental damage and commercial exploitation. Experts say this science, like any other, has no guarantees and risks include: • Introducing allergens and toxins to food • Accidental contamination between genetically modified and non-genetically modified foods • Antibiotic resistance • Adversely changing the nutrient content of a crop •

Creation of “super” weeds and other environmental risks

Benefits include: • Increased pest and disease resistance • Drought tolerance • Increased food supply




So what are the most common GM products? Soybeans are a commonly modified food. One type from Monsanto is resistant to herbicides. The herbicide resistant gene is removed from bacteria and then inserted into soybeans. Corn is another common GM food. It is engineered to be resistant to specific pesticides and tolerates amounts that would typically affect the crop. Surprisingly tomatoes are frequently genetically modified types of food, although the modification of tomatoes is somewhat different than some of the other crops. GM tomatoes will generally be engineered to maintain their quality for longer periods of time. A tomato will be modified so that it does not have a substance that would cause non-GM tomatoes to become rotten and degraded. In this way, the process of genetic modification improves the quality of tomatoes and allows them to remain on shelves for longer periods of time while still staying fresh and appealing. Other commonly modified types of food include potatoes and rapeseed. Sugar cane is another GM food that is resistant to some pesticides. Sweet corn is one of the GM foods that produce a toxin that kills insects, which serves to reduce problems with pests. Yet another commonly modified food is rice. Rice has been called ‘golden rice’ due to it being modified to contain high levels of vitamin A.

Understanding Genetically Modified Crops and Foods For some, the concept of a genetically modified food can seem very unusual, primarily because it is seen as meddling with nature. However, the uses are thought to be beneficial to humans for a number of reasons. By genetically modifying foods, technologists can insert the gene from one organism into another organism that does not normally carry that gene. The organism’s genes may be sourced from one or more other organisms, depending on the desired effects. One example is the use of bacteria. If a specific kind of bacteria had a protein that could eliminate the larvae from insects, the use of genes from this bacteria into a crop can mean that the crop has a natural resistance to that insect. In this way, farmers can reduce costs and improve crop yields by handling pests without having to use toxic pesticides and herbicides.

Getting A Sense Of The Controversy Behind Genetically Modified Food If you consider the struggles of growing crops each year, only to have all of the farmer’s hard work destroyed by uncontrollable pests or weather conditions, you can begin to appreciate how some people strongly support the use of genetically modified food. However, the process is not without controversy. As you read more about the process of genetic modification, you will begin to learn that the consequences are not always positive ones. When changes are made to an organism, the results are not always completely predictable, which in some cases could cause issues to human health or the health of the environment and delicate ecosystem. For instance, there is the potential for allergies to occur when foods are genetically modified. If you were severely allergic to peanuts and a gene from peanuts was inserted into an apple, you might eat the apple thinking that there is no allergy issue. Yet, you could suffer from a major immunological reaction as a result of the genetic modification. On the other side of the issue are those who cite global problems such as poverty. By improving the nutritional quality of a food – for instance, increasing a nutrient in a staple food for a specific country – the idea is that micro nutrient deficiencies can be alleviated. In that same light, others believe that instead of genetic modification, we should be focusing on ways to simply improve access to a broad range of nutritious foods. Additional issues relating to genetically modified food include the concern that this technology could negatively impact the environment. The bio diversity in the environment is a real issue that could be affected by the production of genetically modified foods.


Benefits Of GM Foods With all of the controversy around genetically modified (GM) foods, sorting through huge volumes of information can seem like a daunting task. There are different advantages and disadvantages of GM foods, although to what extent they can help or harm humans and the environment is a debatable aspect of this technology.

The pros 3 Better Pest and Disease Resistance Genetic modification of crops can produce varieties that are more resistant to pests and diseases, reducing losses and lessening the dependence on pesticides. For example, a gene that gives resistance to a fungal infection in a wild plant can be inserted into a food plant that lacks this protection. The crop is then less susceptible to this disease.

3 Improved Stress Tolerance Genes that give greater tolerance of stress, such as drought, low temperatures or salt in the soil, can also be inserted into crops. This can extend their range and open up new areas for food production.

3 Faster Growth Crops can be altered to make them grow faster, so that they can be cultivated and harvested in areas with shorter growing seasons. This again can extend the range of a food crop into new areas or perhaps allow two harvests in areas where only one is currently practical.

3 More Nutritious Crops Plants and animals can be engineered to produce larger amounts of essential vitamins and minerals, such as iron, helping to solve nutrition problems in some parts of the world. They can also be altered to change the amounts of protein, carbohydrates , and saturated and unsaturated fats that they contain. This could lead to the production of foods designed specifically for a healthy diet for all consumers.

3 Production of Medicines and Vaccines by Crops It may be possible to have plants and animals produce useful medicines and even vaccines, so that prevention and treatment of human diseases in some places can be achieved cheaply and efficiently through the diet.

3 Resistance to Herbicides Crops can be modified to be resistant to specific herbicides, making it much easier to control troublesome weeds. Farmers can simply apply the weed killer to a crop field, killing the unwanted plants and leaving the food crop unaffected. For example, GM oilseed rape — the source of canola oil — is resistant to one chemical that’s widely used to control weeds.

3 Better Tasting Foods Foods can be engineered to taste better, which could encourage people to eat more healthy foods that are currently not popular because of their taste, such as broccoli and spinach. It may be possible to insert genes that produce more or different flavours as well.


The CONS 7 Unexpected Side-Effects Some of the effects of genetically engineered food on human health may be unpredictable. The many chemical compounds present in foods behave in extremely complex ways in the human body. If the food contains something not normally present in the human diet, it is hard to tell what its effects may be over time. Although GM foods are rigorously tested, there may be some subtle, long-term effects that cannot be detected yet.

7 Problems with Labelling of GM Food It may not be clear to customers exactly what they are eating when they purchase GM foods. Not all countries have a requirement to label food, or ingredients, as genetically modified, and even where such foods are clearly labelled, people may not take the time to read the information. People with an allergy to a specific ingredient may be unexpectedly affected by a GM food that contains that substance. Vegetarians and vegans might unknowingly eat plantbased foods containing genes that originally came from animals.

7 Reduced Species Diversity Genes introduced to make crops toxic to specific insect pests may kill other, beneficial insects, with effects on animals further up the food chain. This could lead to a reduction in the diversity of wildlife in affected areas and possibly even to the extinction of vulnerable species.

7 Ecological Damage It is possible that genes for resistance to insect pests, diseases and herbicides might spread to native plants. Pollen from GM crops could be transferred by insects or wind to wild plants, fertilizing them and creating new, modified plants. This could lead to herbicide-resistant weeds and to the uncontrollable spread of plant species normally kept in check by natural predators and diseases. This might damage delicate ecosystems.

7 Effects on Non-GM Crops Pollen from genetically modified crops can also spread to fields containing non-GM crops. This can result in supposedly non-GM foods actually containing material from genetically engineered crops. This has happened in at least one well-documented case, leading to a lengthy legal wrangle between a farmer and a well-known GM company. Many complex legal issues involving compensation and ownership may arise. Another problem may be a blurring of the distinction between foods that have been modified and those that have not, creating problems for consumers.

7 Over-Use of Herbicides The planting of herbicide-resistant crops might encourage farmers to use weed killers more freely, since they could then be applied indiscriminately to crop fields. As a result, the excess could be carried away by rainfall to pollute rivers and other waterways. The chemicals may poison fish and other wild animals and plants, and could get into human drinking water as well.

7 The Benefits May Not Be Available to Everyone The potential to end poverty and malnutrition may not be realized if patent laws and intellectual property rights lead to genetically engineered food production being monopolized by a small number of private companies. The owners of the rights to produce GM foods may be reluctant to allow access to technology or genetic material, making countries in the developing world even more dependent on industrialized nations. Commercial interests may override worthy and potentially achievable goals, limiting the benefits to the world as a whole.



Cirumed Clinic offers now CoolSculptingŽ by Zeltiq (FDA approved), a non-surgical contouring treatment that freezes stubborn fat, which then is naturally eliminated from your body. No needles, no special diet, no supplements, no surgery. And most importantly, little to no downtime. It’s safe, medically-cleared and effective. 32 THE CLINIC

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ituated in front of the crystal clear blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea you’ll find the prestigious new Healthouse Las Dunas*****GL Health & Beach Spa just minutes from the chic marina of Puerto Banus and a fifteen minute drive to the beautiful old town of Marbella, this Mediterranean-inspired luxury dietetic centre will be arguably one of the most glamorous and exclusive nutritional and holistic care centres on the Costa del Sol.




Healthouse Las Dunas is the epitome of comfort, elegance and cutting-edge design. With 55 sumptuously appointed luxury suites, this idyllic sanctuary isn’t only bliss to the senses but a truly unique experience in one of Europe’s finest destinations. Healthouse and Naturhouse professionals have created a selection of specific and customized programs tailored to help assist in clients’ weight reduction needs, with a special focus on stress reduction, anti-ageing and detox. Clients will be constantly advised and monitored by a qualified and highly experienced medical and nutritional team.

Learning to eat correctly You will meet a team of professionals in the sector of health (medics, nutritionists, dietitians) during the process of losing or gaining weight until you reach a healthy weight. Our success lies in the re-education of the eating habits, using a healthy and balanced diet as well as fine dining. It is not a restrictive diet, but a process of learning to eat correctly. At Naturhouse we give advice, the monitoring of a dietitian, a personalized plan and emotional support to reach your weight and over all your health will help to keep you at the proper weight without harming your constitution.

The Healthouse Method The Healthouse method is based on Naturhouse food re-education, not about restrictive diets, but learning to eat correctly. Clients flock to the center by pre-appointment to be seen by an entitled medical team, who take time to achieve the planned weight reduction and control.



Welcome to the first Healthouse Health & Spa Center At the Healthouse Health & Spa Center we provide the latest in exclusive treatments designed to enhance your sense of well-being – leaving you feeling renewed and refreshed. We are the areas premier Healthouse medical spa designed to make you look and feel more beautiful and – more important: Healthy & Happy!

About our philosophy at the Naturhouse Spa The Naturhouse Spa is named after the Naturhouse Group and its concept of a healthy life style. It is a perfect retreat with a luxurious atmosphere, where modern therapies and luxury meet. The quality of the treatments, the spacious Spa on 3000 sqm and the indoor swimming-pool, salt cabin, snow cabin, caldarium and 18 treatment rooms – all designed to offer tranquillity and the rejuvenation of mind, body and soul. The Naturhouse Spa is the fusion of several elements: natural ingredients of excellent quality, known for their pureness and integrity, medical treatments which combine the best modern and ancestral therapeutical techniques and holistic treatments which produce unequalled results. The result is an unusual combination of spa-inspired products, treatments and services that harness the best of aromatherapy and hydrotherapy. Absorbing these elements, the Healthouse philosophy is focused upon enhancing an individual’s lifestyle in a way that both is holistic and versatile. Above all, the commitment is to use products and treatments that really work. Facilities Include: Swimming lane Sensation path Vitality pool with Jacuzzi, jets, massage way Warm cave Cold cave Salt cabin Caldarium Snow cabin Sauna


Steam bath 8 treatment rooms (dry) 4 cabins hydrotherapy treatments Flotarium 2 jet shower cabins reception Nutrition Consultation Consultation fitness trainer Endrocrino consultation DEXA Analysis

“We know that physical and mental well-being go handin-hand, which is why every treatment is performed by an extensively trained professional and supervised.”

Dr. José Luis Guijarro

Ekilum Spa – Wellness & Relax The luxury spa at Healthouse Las Dunas*****GL welcomes you to a paradise of well-being. Escape the hectic pace of modern life. Bathe in luxury and comfort in the most magnificent spa environment on 300 sqm. Jacuzzi, saunas, steam baths, ice shower… a plethora of spa treatments to pamper all your senses and to promote an overall feeling of relaxation and well-being… Indulge your senses with the ultimate in head-to-toe pampering. Raise your spirits with truly exquisite beauty and massage treatments. Replenish your soul in an enclave of pure harmony and perfect tranquility. Facilities include: Steam bath Sauna ThermIice fountain 6 sensation showers

Vertical tanning cabin Vichy shower 4 relaxing treatment rooms Relaxation room



Pure pleasure and a lasting healthy diet Delicious and light in its presentation – the Restaurant of Healthouse offers tantalizing delights.

Andoni Luis Aduriz The chef Andoni Luis Aduriz , creator of the Mugaritz restaurant, is the creator and head of the healthy menus and diets for our guests in the elegant ambience of the restaurant Healthouse Las Dunas*****GL . The concept of nutrition is based on a new way to combine gourmet and creative cuisine with nutritious and healthy food with regional products. The gastronomic concept at Healthouse is based on a sophisticated concept of new culinary techniques to achieve your personal goals and to enhance your well-being and quality of life. The joy of tasty, balanced and healthy food is part of our philosophy which we would like to share with success and on a high level with you. The Basque chef Andoni Luis Aduriz (2 Michelin stars) had already worked in this direction at the project of Senifood and with nutritionists of AZTI Tecnalia to create the nutritional profile for his menus at Mugaritz .

Aduriz was part of the El Bulli team in 1993 and 1994, being a dignified and descendant of Ferran Adrià. He has been multiawarded internationally and regognised by the major international gastromical medias. Before becoming a household culinary name in his own right, Andoni Luis Aduriz cooked with nearly all the Spanish greats. After studying at the Donostia School of Cuisine in San Sebastian, Spain, Aduriz worked for Ramón Roteta, Hilario Arbelaitz, Jean Louis Neichel, Juan Mari Arzak, Fermín Arrambide, and Pedro Subijana. In1993, he joined the team at El Bulli under Ferran Adrià, and in 1996, he moved to a chef position under Martín Berasategui at the chef’s restaurant outside San Sebastian. Two years later, Aduriz began working on his own at Mugaritz, the hyperseasonal, high-concept restaurant he has run since 1998. Once described by the international gastronomic press as “the most important gastronomic phenomenon on the world scene in recent times,” Aduriz and his restaurant have been regularly highlighted in the pages of French Gault & Millau, Saveur, Italian Gambero Rosso, and Japanese Cuisine Kingdom. But Aduriz isn’t content with innovation behind the line. Aduriz is the creator of Dialogos de Cocina, a biannual international meeting designed to promote the exchange of ideas between haute cuisine, high-end catering, and various consultants, thinkers, networks, and research groups. A prolific author of books, articles, and even a kid’s culinary magazine, Aduriz also sits on the board of Euro Toque, an international association of European chefs, and he’s a member of the Innobasque Board of Directors, an intraprofessional group uniting the Basque region’s top technological, business, scientific, and creative leaders. Aduriz was awarded the National Prize for Gastronomy, and the Spanish guide Lo Mejor de la Gastronomía named him “Chef of the Year” and “Patissier of the Year” in 2002. In 2003 the Basque Gastronomy Academy awarded him the “Euskadi Prize for Gastronomy to the Best Restaurateur,” and in 2005 the Michelin Guide awarded him a second star. In 2006 Mugaritz obtained the 10th place in the “The World’s 50 Best Restaurants” list awarded by Restaurant Magazine. Enjoy not only your specially designed dishes, but also the unique atmosphere of the restaurant and its terrace at Healthouse with its stunning views over the endless sea and the beautiful gardens.

Reservtions: Healthouse Las Dunas 5* GL | Urbanización la Boladilla Baja | Carretera Marbella a Estepona, km 163,500 | 29689 Estepona | Málaga Tel . +34 951 082 090 | www.healthouse-naturhouse .com


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CLINIC SUPPLEMENT NEWS 5 Beauty-Boosting Supplements

For firm, smooth skin Try: Imedeen Prime Renewal The idea that a biomarine-based complex can shore up aging skin may sound a little fishy, but the evidence is impressive. Postmenopausal women taking the supplement (which is recommended for those age 50 and up) saw significant improvement in skin firmness and smoothness in a 6-month study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition - and the results were seen on the face, d’colletage, and hands. Likewise, in a similar 12-week study on women taking a sister supplement (Imedeen Time Perfection, suggested for women 35 to 50), skin’s moisture content increased by 30%. Other changes include a visible reduction in fine lines, a fading of sunspots, and an overall brighter complexion. The contents of the Imedeen capsules which contain a proprietary protein derived from a deep-sea fish and high concentrations of antioxidants such as vitamin C and lycopene work in part by increasing production of collagen and elastin, as well as hyaluronic acid, the body’s natural moisturizer. Imedeen supplements cater to women ages from 30yrs – 60yrs + For more information visit:

For sun protection Try: Fern Extract Aside from daily use of a broad-spectrum SPF 30 sunscreen, boost your UV protection all year by taking an antioxidant supplement such as Heliocare. Research from the University Of Miami School Of Medicine shows that the fern extract in these pills significantly reduced UVArelated DNA damage that leads to wrinkling and brown spots. For best results, pop one each day starting a week before you plan on fun in the sun. This will allow the antioxidants to build up in your system for maximum protection. For further information visit:

To reverse skin damage Try: Idebenone It may be hard to pronounce, but idebenone (eh-DE-be-known) spells younger-looking skin. The antioxidant is small enough to penetrate deep into skin to repair damaged cells. Taken daily, Priori Idebenone Supplements defend your skin’s health from the inside out. For more information visit:


To halt hair loss Try: Iron & Vitamin C One cause of thinning hair is anemia. Hair loss occurs because iron deficiency lowers levels of red blood cells, which are crucial to the health of hair follicles. Save hair with iron supplements paired with vitamin C (which aids iron absorption), a cheap and effective method.

For Men:

Nourkrin® MAN, with the unique Marilex®, is a safe, drug - free and scientifically - proven male hair loss treatment for health conscious modern men, who want to maintain a normal Hair Growth Cycle, which helps promote normal healthy hair growth. When it comes to hair preservation you deserve factual information and honest advice. Men no longer accept the risk of harmful side effects, and there is no such thing as a “secret source to great hair” presented to you by a paid for “celebrity”. With Nourkrin® MAN you get what you deserve, namely real results based on proven research, analysis and factual scientific data.

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For Women: Wellwoman Tricologic. Having a healthy head of hair and a healthy scalp begins with the proper nutritional building blocks. The hair follicle is a highly active factory and metabolic requirements for oxygen, energy and protein synthesis must be met to maintain healthy hair. A reduction of nutrients in the diet or a reduction of blood supply to the scalp can threaten the delivery of adequate oxygen, glucose and essential nutrients which can have a negative impact on the body’s ability to assimilate nutrients required to maintain normal follicle metabolism and hair growth. Supplementation can therefore play an important role in safeguarding an individual’s nutritional intake. How does Wellwoman Tricologic® work? Wellwoman Tricologic® has been scientifically formulated to provide a complete spectrum of 26 nutrients, including biomarine collagen, L-Cystine and special plant derived nutrients, which play a role in scalp health and hair follicle metabolism. The bio-active nutrients of Wellwoman Tricologic® are delivered via the blood stream directly to the hair roots for maximum benefit to help counteract the effects of aging on the hair For more information visit:

To stop nail breakage Try: Biotin A daily 2.5 mg dose of the B vitamin biotin is good for swimmers or in the summer months when you’re in the water more often. This supplement helps prevent breakage from too much exposure to salt and chlorine. Research shows that a daily dose of the nutrient increases nail thickness by 25%, making nails less apt to split and tear. For more information visit:



The Body Doesn’t Lie I ntegrative medical practitioner to the stars and Goop contributor (Gwyneth Paltrow’s lifestyle blog), Vicky Vlachonis offers a ground-breaking program to eliminate pain and look and feel your best every day.

In The Body Doesn’t Lie: The Three-Step Program to End Chronic Pain and Become Positively Radiant, Vicky Vlachonis focuses on pain release instead of on pain relief. Back problems, nightly headaches, tight shoulders, achy feet-all it seems all of us have nagging, daily pains that seem to get worse when our lives get busier. While the immediate reaction to pain is to take short-term measures to make it go away, this does nothing to address the underlying cause. Vicky Vlachonis shows us how to locate the source of our pain, understand its origin and manifestation in the body, and then let it go for good, using a holistic approach that includes easy-to-implement approaches to diet, exercise, and emotional well-being. Vicky Vlachonis’ proven and successful pain eradication program was developed over years working with a wide range of clients, from celebrities and CEOs to overworked ballerinas and working moms.

The book includes a detailed meal plan with recipes, body maps to identify areas of pain and healing touch points, and step-by-step remedies for specific issues including fatigue, digestive problems, and depression. This ground-breaking approach uses pain as a tool - not the undefeatable enemy - to help you look and feel better immediately, and release your body from physical and emotional pain for good. Learn more about the author on her website,

From the Foreword

“As an osteopath, Vicky understands that a pain in the back is rarely just a pain in the back - it may also be a dysfunction in the ovary or the gut, the thyroid or the liver.When I’m in a session with her, I’ll tell her about the week’s events. As I recount an upsetting phone call, or a memory of my dad that’s making me sad, she’ll press a point on my neck or my back or my foot, and I can feel both the ache and the sadness start to melt away. As an osteopath, she understands that a pain in the back is rarely just a pain in the back - it may also be a dysfunction in the ovary or the gut, the thyroid or the liver. And, perhaps more important, she understands that the pain almost always connects to the heart. She’s taught me that fear can kick into your muscles and body, and that those are the moments when you need musculoskeletal support, the ice and the strapping most along with a cleansing cry on the table, followed by a good belly laugh.” Gwyneth Paltrow pictures with the author and Cameron Diaz




The Great DUMMY Debate


ummies have existed in some form for centuries, but should you offer them to your child? We look at the pros and cons.

The idea of giving a baby a dummy can be a controversial one, as so many people disagree about whether the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. Deciding whether to introduce a dummy into your baby’s life is a very personal decision and one that should be made by you alone. Young children can find enormous relief and comfort in using a dummy, but it can be very difficult for parents to wean them off them. There are good arguments for either side of the debate so if you’re thinking about introducing a dummy, here are the main things to consider.


The pros

The cons

A dummy can help soothe a baby to sleep because the urge to suck (the sucking reflex) releases chemicals that reduce 3 stress. This helps send your child to sleep, and resettles him


If a dummy is introduced too early, it can prevent your baby from sucking well during breastfeeding. It can also make it harder to build up a good breast milk supply, which can sometimes lead to feeding problems. Experts often recommend waiting until six weeks of age to bring in a dummy.


Although some parents worry that dummy usage can lead to dental issues, research says it’s not anything to be worried about. If your child is still using a dummy once his adult teeth start coming through, however, it could be a problem. In addition, you should also never dip a dummy in sugar or sweet things, as doing so can cause decay, cavities and receding gums.


Some people believe that using a dummy for long periods without a break can cause middle ear infections, or make your baby more prone to yeast infections in the mouth as a result of fungal build-up. There’s no conclusive evidence to support these ideas. If you’re worried, however, keep in mind that ear infections are more common in babies over six months – cutting back on dummy use before this age may make your baby less susceptible to them.


Weaning a child off a dummy becomes more difficult as a child gets older; the longer he uses a dummy, the more he’ll become attached to it, and the harder it will be to break the habit.


Some babies can disturb their parents when they wake up and need their dummy to get back to sleep but can’t find it. By the age of around eight months, you can start to teach your child how to find the dummy.

after waking in the night. It’s the main way babies soothe themselves until they’re old enough to do it in other ways. Because it can be a comfort object, a dummy can help your baby calm down when he’s upset or scared. It can also 3 counteract pain caused by illness or immunisations for the same reason. on a dummy produces saliva, which helps reduce 3 aSucking plaque build-up when your baby starts growing teeth. Using dummy could also ease teething pain.


Some research indicates that babies who suck dummies at night may have a lowered risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) . It’s not known how this works exactly, but some experts think it’s because dummies could keep the airways open during sleep. It could also be because babies sleep less deeply when they’re sucking, making it more likely they’ll stir when having breathing difficulties. But remember that using a dummy should never be a substitute for other SIDS precautions, such as putting your baby to sleep on his back, not exposing him to cigarette smoke, and keeping out of the cot anything that could cover his face.

If your child was born with a penchant for sucking his 3 instead. thumb, fingers or fist, you might prefer to offer a dummy It’s generally easier to eventually wean a child off a dummy than thumb-sucking, as you can supervise and control access to a dummy.

Things to keep in mind If you decide to offer your child a dummy you should try to stick to the following guidelines so as to take advantage of the benefits a soother has to offer and minimise the disadvantages. • Only offer a dummy when baby lies down for a nap or sleep or when they are in discomfort from colic. • Use only specially formed orthodontic dummies. • Regularly sterilise your babies dummies and dispose of them if they become worn or cracked. • Never dip the dummy in something sweet to encourage its use. • Never force baby to take a dummy, some just don’t enjoy it. • Avoid introducing a dummy until your baby is a month old if you plan to breastfeed. • Start to wean your baby from the dummy when they reach 6 months as this is when the risk of SIDS drops naturally. • Dummies come with a silicon or rubber teat, and are also available in latex. They can come in a cherry shape or a flatter orthodontic style, so it can take some trial and error to find the kind that seems to soothe him best. • Throw away damaged dummies that have cracked, and try and use a new dummy once every few weeks. • A dummy should never be forced upon a baby for the sake of preventing SIDS or to help them stop crying. • Don’t give a dummy to a crying baby without checking if he needs to be fed, changed, burped, put down to sleep, made more comfortable or checked for illness. Parents shouldn’t overlook their baby’s needs for the sake of calming their baby down.




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And so to sleep! ZZZZzzz


s a new mum, your body has experienced many changes and all it seems to crave is a good night’s sleep. But with a new-born this is not as easy as it sounds, apart from the obvious waking to feed, change and soothe your baby there is also an anxiety of ensuring your baby is safe that prevents many new mothers from getting a good night’s sleep. It’s a fact: New-borns simply can’t sleep through the night – so sadly neither can you, the good news is that by 3 to 6 months many babies develop regular sleep patterns and can slumber until dawn. As your baby’s brain matures over these first few months, you’ll probably see a sleep pattern start to emerge - though it may not be the pattern you want. So as soon as you can try and establish good sleep habits. You may run into a few problems along the way, but stick to the basics and you’ll be well on the way to a good night’s sleep for the whole family.


How should I encourage good sleep habits?

Is it important to have a routine from the beginning?

Your baby can develop good sleep habits from as early as six weeks. Here are a few tactics you can use to help your baby to settle.

Newborn babies will sleep on and off throughout the day and night. It can be helpful to have a pattern, but you can always change the routine to suit your needs. For example, you could try waking your baby for a feed just before you go to bed in the hope that you’ll get a long sleep before they wake up again.

For the first six weeks to eight weeks, your baby probably won’t be able to stay up for more than two hours at a time. If you wait much longer than that to put them down, they will become overtired and won’t nod off easily. During your baby’s first three months, learn the signs that your baby’s sleepy, such as: • rubs its eyes • flicks its ear with his hand • develops faint, dark circles under his eyes • whines and cries at the slightest provocation • stares blankly into space • yawns and stretches a lo • becomes quiet and still • Your baby may also turn his/ her face away from moving objects or people, or bury its face in your chest.

Establishing a bedtime routine You may feel ready to introduce a bedtime routine when your baby is around three months old. Getting them into a simple, soothing bedtime routine can be helpful for everyone and can help prevent sleeping problems later on. It’s also great one-to-one with your baby. The routine could consist of: • having a bath • changing into night clothes and a fresh nappy • brushing their teeth (if they have any!)

If you spot these or any other signs of sleepiness, try putting your baby down in their cot or Moses basket immediately, you’ll soon develop a sixth sense about your baby’s daily rhythms and patterns, and know instinctively when they’re ready for a nap.

• putting to bed

Where should my baby sleep?

• singing a lullaby or having a wind-up musical mobile that you can turn on when you’ve put your baby to bed

For the first six months your baby should be in the same room as you when they’re asleep, both day and night. Particularly in the early weeks, you may find that your baby only falls asleep in your or your partner’s arms, or when you’re standing by the cot.

Leave the room while your baby is still awake, happy and relaxed and they will learn how to fall asleep on their own in their cot. Try to avoid getting them to sleep by rocking or cuddling them in your arms. If they get used to falling asleep in your arms, they may need nursing back to sleep if they wake up again.

You can start getting your baby used to going to sleep without you comforting them by putting them down before they fall asleep or when they’ve just finished a feed. It may be easier to do this once your baby starts to stay alert more frequently or for longer.

• reading a bedtime story • dimming the lights in the room to create a calm atmosphere • giving a goodnight kiss and cuddle

As your child gets older, it can be helpful to keep to a similar bedtime routine. Too much excitement and stimulation just before bedtime can wake your child up again. Spend some time winding down and doing some calmer activities, like reading.



How can I get my baby used to night and day being different? It’s a good idea to teach your baby that night time is different to daytime from the start. During the day, open curtains, play games and don’t worry too much about everyday noises when they sleep. At night, you might find it helpful to: • keep the lights down low

• Six to 12 months: at this age, night feeds should no longer be necessary, and some babies will sleep for up to 12 hours at night. Teething discomfort or hunger may wake some babies during the night. • 12 months: babies will sleep for around 12-15 hours in total. • Two years: most two-year-olds will sleep for 11-12 hours at night, with one or two naps in the daytime. • Three to four years: most will need about 12 hours sleep, but this can range from 8 hours up to 14. Some young children will still need a nap during the day.

• not talk much and keep your voice quiet • put your baby down as soon as they’ve been fed and changed • not change your baby unless they need it • not play with your baby Soon, your baby will learn that night time is for sleeping.

Avoid bedtime feasts Leave a little time between your baby’s feed and bedtime. If you feed your baby to sleep, feeding and going to sleep will become linked in your baby’s mind. When they wake in the night, they’ll want a feed to help them go back to sleep.

How much sleep is enough? Just as with adults, babies’ and children’s sleep patterns vary. From birth, some babies need more sleep or less sleep than others. This list shows the average amount of sleep that babies and children need during a 24-hour period, including daytime naps. • Birth to three months: most new-born babies are asleep more than they are awake. Their total daily sleep varies, but can be from eight hours, up to 16-18 hours. Babies will wake during the night because they need to be fed. Being too hot or too cold can also disturb their sleep. • Three to six months: as your baby grows, they’ll need fewer night feeds and be able to sleep for longer. Some babies will sleep for eight hours or longer at night, but not all. By four months, they may be spending around twice as long sleeping at night as they do during the day.


Coping with disturbed nights Resist the urge to rush in if your baby murmurs in the night. Leave them for a few minutes and see if they settle on their own. Having said that, new-born babies invariably wake up repeatedly in the night for the first few months and disturbed nights can be very hard to cope with. If you have a partner, ask them to help. If you’re formula feeding, encourage your partner to share the feeds. If you’re breastfeeding, ask your partner to take over the early morning changing and dressing so that you can go back to sleep. Once you’re into a good breastfeeding routine, your partner could occasionally give a bottle of expressed breast milk during the night. If you’re on your own, you could ask a friend or relative to stay for a few days so that you can sleep.

Sleep problems All new babies change their patterns. Just when you think you have it sorted and you’ve all had a good night’s sleep, the next night you might be up every two hours. Be prepared to change routines as your baby grows and enters different stages. And remember, growth spurts, teething and illnesses can all affect how your baby sleeps. If your baby is having problems sleeping or you need more advice about getting into a routine, speak to your GP, midwife or health visitor.

Reducing the risk of cot death (sudden infant death syndrome) It’s not known why some babies die suddenly and for no apparent reason from what’s known as cot death or sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Experts do know that placing a baby to sleep on their back reduces the risk and that exposing a baby to cigarette smoke or overheating a baby increases the risk. Cot death is rare, so don’t let worrying about it stop you enjoying your baby’s first few months. To reduce the risk of cot death: • Place your baby on their back to sleep, in a cot in the room with you. • Don’t smoke during pregnancy or let anyone smoke in the same room as your baby. • Don’t share a bed with your baby if you’ve been drinking alcohol, if you take drugs or if you’re a smoker. • Don’t let your baby get too hot. • Keep your baby’s head uncovered. Their blanket should be tucked in no higher than their shoulders. • Place your baby in the ‘feet to foot’ position (with their feet at the end of the cot or pram). • The safest place for your baby to sleep is on their back in a cot in a room with you for the first six months. • Place your baby on their back to sleep from the very beginning, for both day and night sleeps. This will reduce the risk of cot death. It’s not as safe for babies to sleep on their sides as on their backs. Healthy babies placed on their backs are not more likely to choke. • When the baby is old enough to roll over, don’t prevent them from doing so.

Co-Sleeping We all want to snuggle into our babies and breathe in their scent but if your baby is six months or younger, it’s safest for them to sleep in a cot next to your bed, rather than in your bed. This will reduce the chances of your baby getting too hot under your bedding. Overheating increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). There may be times when it’s easier to bring your baby into your bed to comfort or feed them. But there are circumstances in which you should never co-sleep, because of the increased risk of SIDS. Never co-sleep if: • You or your partner smoke. • Your baby was premature, or had a low birth weight. • You or your partner have been drinking alcohol, or have taken medication or drugs. This may affect your memory, and you could forget that your baby is in your bed and roll on to them.

risk is highest when your baby is between three months and 10 months. • Keep the bedding light and minimal • Don’t use a duvet if you are co-sleeping. If your baby is less than a year old, use lightweight covers, and use them sparingly, to prevent overheating or suffocation. This risk is highest during the first three months of his life. Check every now and then to make sure he hasn’t wriggled down and covered his head. • Never sleep on a sofa with your baby • Your baby could become wedged in the cracks between sofa cushions or between you and the back of the sofa. Don’t co-sleep on a waterbed as these are too soft and may have deep crevices around the frame where your baby could get trapped. • Keep your baby warm, not hot

• Make sure your mattress is firm

• Dress your baby lightly for sleep. Contact with your body will raise his skin temperature. As a rule of thumb, if you’re a comfortable temperature, then your baby probably is, too. But note that babies don’t need hot rooms. All-night heating is rarely necessary. Keep the room at a temperature that’s comfortable for you at night. About 18°C (65°F) is comfortable. Even in winter, most babies who are unwell or feverish don’t need extra clothes.

• Your baby could suffocate or overheat on a soft mattress. If your bed has a frame, a headboard, or is against a wall, make sure the mattress fits snugly. You don’t want any gaps your baby could fall into. This

• Babies lose excess heat through their heads, so make sure their heads can’t be covered by bedclothes during sleep periods as this will cause overheating.

• You are extremely tired, or have a sleep disorder, such as sleep apnoea. You may be in such a deep sleep that you don’t wake up if you roll onto your baby. Is it possible to make co-sleeping safe?

All content here, including advice from doctors and other health professionals, should be considered as opinion only. Always seek the direct advice of your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others.









Public Smoking ban leads to healthier kids Smoking bans have been linked with falls in childhood asthma attacks and premature births, according to the biggest analysis yet of the impact of public smoking bans on child health. The finding should dispel fears that such laws could have the opposite effect because they may lead people to smoke more at home. Several countries and some US states have tightened laws on smoking in public places over the last few years. Meanwhile, some countries, such as the Netherlands and Germany, still allow smoking in pubs and restaurants or do not strictly enforce their laws. Opponents have often claimed that bans could result in people smoking more at home, which would be worse for children’s health, citing Asthma as one of the main concerns as second-hand smoke harms children’s airways in several ways – by making them hypersensitive to allergens in the air, for example. Researchers led by Jasper Been at Maastricht University Medical Centre in the Netherlands reviewed 11 studies that examined how hospital admissions for childhood asthma and preterm births changed after smoking bans came in – pregnant women who smoke are more likely to have premature babies. The studies involved more than 2.5 million births, and nearly 250,000 hospital admissions for asthma. Three studies related to the UK ban introduced between 2006 and 2007, with the rest looking at other parts of Europe or the US. Both asthma admissions and preterm birth rates fell by about 10 per cent within a year after smoking restrictions were implemented. This was independent of any gradual changes in rates that might have been occurring anyway.

Now you can measure everything under the sun A wristband that monitors exposure to UV rays allows users to soak up the light needed to make vitamin D without getting burned, and without the need for sunscreen. “Vitamin D deficiency is pandemic around the world,” says Karin Edgett, co-founder of UVA+B SunFriend. The vitamin is important for managing calcium levels in the body and maintaining healthy bones. In recent years it has also been implicated in reducing the risk of diabetes, arthritis and cancers such as

breast cancer. The UVA+B SunFriend is aimed to help people overcome this problem. Users input their skin sensitivity – estimated on a scale from 1 to 11 – and LED lights illuminate as their UV exposure increases. The lights begin to flash when it is time to get out of the sun. Although sunscreens protect from the harmful effects of the sun’s rays – including skin cancer – they also stop the skin absorbing UVB

rays, needed to make vitamin D. According to Cancer Research UK, skin cancer is the fifth most common cause of the disease in the UK, with 1 in 10 affected in 2010. SunFriend has also announced that future models of the activity monitor will contain Bluetooth so that it can link with your smartphone to monitor your UV exposure digitally.





Are E- Cig’s a gateway to smoking real cigarettes? The largest study of electronic cigarette use in Europe may help alleviate fears that the devices are a gateway to smoking real cigarettes. One of the biggest concerns around the use of e-cigarettes, or “vaping”, is that they tempt people who don’t already smoke, getting them hooked on nicotine. Although they are generally considered safer than smoking, the jury is still out on the long-term health effects of vaping. Some people also worry that e-cigarettes could normalise smoking, and offer a gateway to smoking real cigarettes – especially among young people. Stanton Glantz at the University of California in San Francisco is convinced that e-cigarettes lead young people to smoke real cigarettes. Research he published earlier this year found that the use of e-cigarettes in US middle and high school students – aged 12 to 18 years old – was associated with a higher likelihood of also smoking real cigarettes.

But his study doesn’t show whether those people already smoked before they tried e-cigarettes, which makes it impossible to say whether vaping really is a gateway to smoking. The latest study tries to address this. Constantine Vardavas at the Harvard School of Public Health and his colleagues analysed survey data collected from over 26,500 people across 27 countries in Europe in 2012. Extrapolating from this, they estimate that 29 million Europeans have used an e-cigarette, and that users are likely to be heavy smokers, and to have tried to kick the habit over the past year. E-cigarette use was highest in smokers aged 15 to 24. But it found scant evidence that e-cigarettes are encouraging those who don’t smoke to pick up the habit. 20% of smokers had tried e-cigarettes at least once, 4% of ex-smokers had – and just 1.1% of nonsmokers had.

Smokers who had attempted to quit smoking in the past 12 months were twice as likely to have tried vaping as other smokers, and e-cigarette use was more common among those smoking at least six cigarettes a day than in those whose daily intake is five or fewer.

Upping your daily intake

Forget five a day – you should be aiming for seven or more portions of fruit and veg. So say the authors of a large study, which found that people who ate seven or more portions of fruit and vegetables a day had a lower risk of dying during the seven-year study period than those who ate just five. We have long known that people who eat more fruit and vegetables tend to live longer. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), people should aim for 400 grams a day, which the UK government translates into five 80-gram portions.

Oyinlola Oyebode of University College London and colleagues looked at data from more than 65,000 adults who had taken part in a large public health survey

in England, and linked this to national death records. People were divided into five groups, depending on how many portions of fruit and vegetables the survey showed they had eaten on the day prior to taking the survey. In line with other research, those who reported eating more fruit and vegetables were less likely to die of any cause by the end of the study, after an average period of 7.5 years. Those who ate the most fruit and vegetables – seven or more portions a day – had a 42 per cent lower risk of death than those who ate less than one portion. Those who ate between five and seven portions had a 36 per cent lower risk. Based on the findings, Oyebode says there is a need for more initiatives improving access to affordable fruit and veg, so people increase their intake. But Catherine Collins, a dietician at St George’s Hospital in London, says the results may have been biased by the fact that people who eat more fruit and vegetables tend to be more financially well off and have healthier lifestyles in other ways. “I don’t think they can totally exclude [such biases] from their data. So it isn’t necessarily a causal relationship,” she cautions. Australia already recommends seven portions a day , and breaks that down into two portions of fruit and five of vegetables. In the US the advice is that about half of your plate of food should consist of fruit and vegetables. The study also showed that vegetables carried more health benefits than fruit. So, should the WHO raise recommendations from five to seven?


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Angry Me! W

e all know what anger is, and we’ve all felt it: whether as a fleeting annoyance or as full-fledged rage. Anger is a completely normal, usually healthy, human emotion. But when it gets out of control and turns destructive, it can lead to problems—problems at work, in your personal relationships, and in the overall quality of your life. Recent statics show that one in every 10 person within the UK suffer with anger management issues and statics are becoming more and more common across the rest of the world as we all try to balance; work, family, money and stress. A recent study by Harvard University found that in the two hours after an outburst the risks of a heart attack or stroke become significantly higher brought on by an increase in heart rate, and blood pressure. Although it can be tough sometimes, recognising the different types of anger is a key factor in determining what to do and how to counteract it.

Behavioural aggression describes anger that is expressed in physical behaviours towards people or destruction of property. Aggressive behaviours, like domestic violence, fist fights, aggressive driving, and road rage are relatively infrequent for most people. However, they can have frightening, harmful, or deadly consequences.


Verbal abuse includes temper tantrums, verbal

rage reactions, bullying, intimidation, and brow beating. These are much more common. By contrast, people who are too afraid to assert themselves may repress angry feelings rather than think realistically about what they need to do for themselves. The repressed anger can build up and erupt against others or themselves at a later time. Anger turned against the self is a defensive strategy in which one punishes himself with anger. Some may do this to avoid getting angry at someone else. Depression is a likely outcome in any case. They may also act out by harming themselves in some way.

Resentment is anger on a low boil. It can lead to

blaming, loathing, ill-will and chronic hostility. Chronic resentment primes the way for passive aggressive behaviour, acting-out, and rage reactions. It also consumes one’s psyche and damages health.

Passive-aggressive behaviour includes a pattern of sarcasm and deliberate emotional neglect or coldness towards loved ones. Individuals who employ a passive-aggressive interpersonal coping strategy may avoid direct confrontations. Passive aggressive behaviours are covert and active forms of hostility. These “accidental” or stealthy forms of verbal or even physical abuse inflict harm in such a way as to provide deniability or protective cover for the aggressor. “Passive-aggressive character disorder” (or personality disorder) is not a formal psychological diagnosis. It refers to people who characteristically relate in this covertly hostile style towards at least some significant people in their life.

Judgmental anger consists of criticizing others at the expense of the person who is being disparaged. The goal may be to make one self-feel better, or to control or damage others. The harsh criticism of righteous anger can mask malicious intentions towards the person who is being blamed while holding oneself blameless. Retaliatory anger is a very common anger dynamic, especially in families and other close relationships. Retaliatory or payback anger is an angry reaction or response towards a person who is perceived as directing something hurtful towards one self. It is as if the target of our anger had poured something toxic into our bucket (for no valid reason that we can see). To feel better, we must “get even.” So we pour the toxic feeling back into their bucket. Retaliatory anger may be automatic and or intentional. In either case, it tends to lead to a reciprocal payback cycle that keeps the problem going. Escalation can make the dynamics of reciprocal anger much worse and create an emotional vendetta. Obsessive anger can include paranoid fears, jealousy, envy, as well as

maladaptive fears of betrayal, rejection, or humiliation. Angry obsessions can destroy one’s sense of self-worth and emotional security. Seething

obsessive anger creates a churning, ruminative hostility. Seething anger can set the stage for episodic, angry outbursts, rage reactions, or health problems.

Rage is the full, uncontrolled, physical and psychological expression of the classic fight-or-flight response. Rage anger is extreme but not common for most people. It hijacks the mind and body. Rage reactions (or rage attacks) may include a sense of relief or even joy in the release of pent-up, painful feelings. When raging, control of one’s social perception, judgment, speech, and motor behaviour in seriously weakened. Rage attacks may followed by selective or partial amnesia for the facts of the event. Rampage anger is a rare, extreme case of rage anger. Mini rages are less severe but happen more often, especially in intimate and family relationships.

Manipulative or instrumental anger is the intentional use of angry feelings or aggression in order to get one’s way or to control a person or situation. Manipulative anger is dysfunctional when it is used as an emotional weapon or tool for resolving conflicts with family members, peers, and others. Ultimately, manipulative or instrumental anger is selfdefeating as a long-term strategy. Overwhelmed or flooded anger can occur when overwhelming fear, or a number of external demands or internal stressors overwhelm a person’s coping ability. The overwhelmed or flooded anger reaction often resembles a temper tantrum. Do not be too alarmed if you experience one or more of the above types of anger behaviours. Anger problems are a matter of their degree, duration, and consequences. In any case, it is much easier to address a current or potential anger issue when we can identify and describe it clearly.

Address your anger type You’ve established your anger type so finding solutions to prevent a flair up is key to a positive and healthy lifestyle


Take a timeout Counting to 10 isn’t just for kids. Before reacting to a tense situation, take a few moments to breathe deeply and count to 10. Slowing down can help defuse your temper. If necessary, take a break from the person or situation until your frustration subsides a bit.

mad, work on resolving the issue at hand. Does your child’s messy room drive you crazy? Close the door. Is your partner late for dinner every night? Schedule meals later in the evening — or agree to eat on your own a few times a week. Remind yourself that anger won’t fix anything, and might only make it worse.



Once you’re calm, express your anger As soon as you’re thinking clearly, express your frustration in an assertive but non- confrontational way. State your concerns and needs clearly and directly, without hurting others or trying to control them.


Get some exercise Physical activity can provide an outlet for your emotions, especially if you’re about to erupt. If you feel your anger escalating, go for a brisk walk or run, or spend some time doing other favourite physical activities. Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that can leave you feeling happier and more relaxed than you were before you worked out.


Think before you speak In the heat of the moment, it’s easy to say something you’ll later regret. Take a few moments to collect your thoughts before saying anything — and allow others involved in the situation to do the same.


Identify possible solutions Instead of focusing on what made you

Stick with ‘I’ statements To avoid criticizing or placing blame — which might only increase tension — use “I” statements to describe the problem. Be respectful and specific. For example, say, “I’m upset that you left the table without offering to help with the dishes,” instead of, “You never do any housework.”


Don’t hold a grudge Forgiveness is a powerful tool. If you allow anger and other negative feelings to crowd out positive feelings, you might find yourself swallowed up by your own bitterness or sense of injustice. But if you can forgive someone who angered you, you might both learn from the situation. It’s unrealistic to expect everyone to behave exactly as you want at all times.


Use humour to release tension Lightening up can help diffuse tension. Don’t use sarcasm, though — it can hurt feelings and make things worse.


Practice relaxation skills When your temper flares, put relaxation skills to work. Practice deep-breathing exercises, imagine a relaxing scene, or repeat a calming word or phrase, such as, “Take it easy.” You might also listen to music, write in a journal or do a few yoga poses — whatever it takes to encourage relaxation.


Know when to seek help Learning to control anger is a challenge for everyone at times. Consider seeking help for anger issues if your anger seems out of control, causes you to do things you regret or hurts those around you. You might explore local anger management classes or anger management counselling. With professional help, you can: • Learn what anger is • Identify what triggers your anger • Recognize signs that you’re becoming angry • Learn to respond to frustration and anger in a controlled, healthy way • Explore underlying feelings, such as sadness or depression Anger management classes and counselling can be done individually, with your partner or other family members, or in a group. Request a referral from your doctor to a counsellor specializing in anger management, or ask family members, friends or other contacts for recommendations.



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St John’s Wort Capsules More popular in areas of antidepression it is believed to improve mood and emotions by enhancing levels of neurotransmitters, including serotonin.

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Understanding nose jobs and how to ensure the sweet smell of success


here’s more to rhinoplasty that meets the eye often thought of as just a way of improving the shape or size of the nose the procedure also addresses breathing issues and can help towards the aesthetic appearance of your face to help fight against ageing.

The nose is a vital, complicated organ and the gateway to the upper respiratory tract, it also occupies the centre of the face and is one of the most commonly noticed parts of the face because of this Rhinoplasty is the most complex and challenging operation in all of plastic surgery. In layman’s terms Rhinoplasty is the surgical repair or reshaping of the nose, and is one of the most common cosmetic surgical procedures in the world. Rhinoplasty can change the nose’s shape, length, width, profile, tip, nostrils, and its overall symmetry. A common name for cosmetic rhinoplasty is a “nose job.” In addition to altering the physical appearance of the nose rhinoplasty can sometimes be recommend for medical reasons, to treat certain medical conditions that affect the nose or your ability to breathe including: n Congenital abnormalities, such as a cleft lip and palate n Deviated septum, the displacement of the cartilage wall separating your nostrils, which can be present at birth or occur as a result of an injury to the nose n Injury or trauma to the nose, such as getting hit with a ball or trauma from a car accident n Skin cancer, which can cause skin lesions on the nose that, when removed, change the shape of the nose




How is rhinoplasty performed? Your surgeon will perform rhinoplasty by making an incision just outside your nose or inside the nostrils to reshape your nose cartilage and bone. To surgically reshape your nose, your surgeon will likely remove parts of cartilage in the nose and replace it with other cartilage from inside your nose or rarely, from your ear or rib. Surgeons perform rhinoplasty in the surgeon’s office or in a hospital or outpatient surgical clinic. Surgical approaches to rhinoplasty can be performed using one of the following approaches: n Minimally invasive surgery is performed by inserting special instruments through small incisions in the nostrils. Minimally invasive surgery generally involves a faster recovery and less pain than open surgery. This is because it causes less trauma to tissues. Your surgeon will make small incisions instead of a larger one used in open surgery. He or she can then thread surgical tools around cartilage and bone, instead of cutting through or displacing them as in open surgery. n Open surgery is performed by making an incision in the columella, the strip of tissue between the nostrils and above the upper lip. An

open surgery incision allows your surgeon to more directly view and access the surgical area. Open surgery generally involves a longer recovery and more pain than minimally invasive surgery. This is because it causes more trauma to tissues. Open surgery requires a larger incision and more cutting and displacement of tissues than minimally invasive surgery. Despite this, open surgery may be a safer or more effective method for certain patients. In some cases, your surgeon may combine a minimally invasive procedure with an open surgery. In addition, your surgeon may decide after beginning a minimally invasive procedure that you require an open surgery to safely and most effectively complete your surgery. Rhinoplasty is usually an outpatient procedure. Your surgeon will determine which type of rhinoplasty is best for you and if you need to stay in the hospital based on certain factors. These include your diagnosis, age, medical history, general health, and possibly your personal preference. Learn about the different rhinoplasty procedures and ask why your doctor will use a particular type of procedure for you.

RISKS AND COMPLICATIONS What are the risks and potential complications of rhinoplasty? As with all surgeries, rhinoplasty involves risks and potential complications. Complications may become serious and life threatening in some cases. Complications can develop during the procedure or throughout your recovery.

General risks of surgery The general risks of surgical procedures include: n Anaesthesia reaction, such as an allergic reaction and problems with breathing n Bleeding, which can lead to shock n Blood clot, in particular a deep vein thrombosis that develops in the leg or pelvis. A blood clot can travel to your lungs, heart or brain and cause a pulmonary embolism, heart attack, or stroke. n Infection and septicaemia, which is the spread of a local infection to the blood

Potential complications of rhinoplasty The vast majority of rhinoplasty procedures are successful. However, complications of rhinoplasty can occur and become serious. Potential complications include:


n Burst blood vessels on the surface of the skin of the nose, which are permanent n Emerging sutures that need to be manually removed (instead of dissolving on their own) n Hole in the septum (also called a nasal septal perforation) n Irregularities in skin contour or colouring n Nose asymmetry n Nose numbness n Scarring

Reducing your risk of complications You can reduce the risk of certain complications by following your treatment plan and: n Following activity, dietary and lifestyle restrictions and recommendations before surgery and during recovery n Informing your doctor if you are nursing or there is any possibility that you may be pregnant n Notifying your doctor immediately of any concerns, such as bleeding, fever, increase in pain, or wound redness, swelling or drainage n Taking your medications exactly as directed n Telling all members of your care team if you have any allergies

How do I prepare for my rhinoplasty? You are an important member of your own healthcare team. The steps you take before surgery can significantly improve your outcome after the procedure. You can prepare for rhinoplasty by: n Answering all questions about your medical history and medications you take. This includes prescriptions, over-the-counter drugs, herbal treatments, and vitamins. It is a good idea to carry a current list of your medical conditions, medications, and allergies at all times. n Getting preoperative testing as directed. Testing will vary depending on your age, health, and specific procedure. Preoperative testing may include a chest X-ray, EKG (electrocardiogram), blood tests, and other tests as needed. n Losing weight before surgery through a healthy diet and exercise plan n Not eating or drinking just prior to surgery as directed. Your doctor may cancel your surgery if you eat or drink too close to the start of the procedure because you can choke on stomach contents during general anaesthesia. n Stopping smoking as soon as possible. Even quitting for just a few days can be beneficial and help the healing process. n Taking or stopping medications exactly as directed. This may include not taking aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), and blood thinners.

Questions to ask your doctor Facing surgery can be stressful. It is common for patients to forget some of their questions during a doctor’s office visit. You may also think of other questions after your appointment. Contact your doctor with questions or concerns before surgery and between appointments. It is also a good idea to bring a list of questions to your preoperative appointment. Questions can include: n I am a good candidate for rhinoplasty? Are there any other options for treating my condition? n What type of rhinoplasty procedure will I need? n How long will the procedure take? When can I go home? n What restrictions will I have after the surgery? When can I return to work and other activities? n When can I shower after rhinoplasty and how should I care for my incisions? n How will I look after the surgery? n What kind of assistance will I need at home? n What medications will I need before and after the surgery? How do I take my usual medications? n How will you manage my pain? n When should follow up with you? n How should I contact you? Ask for numbers to call during and after regular office hours.



What can I expect after my rhinoplasty? Knowing what to expect can help make your road to recovery after rhinoplasty as smooth as possible.

How long will it take to recover? Most people stay in the surgeon’s office, surgical centre, or hospital for an hour or two after a rhinoplasty. Your care team will discharge you when you are alert, breathing normally, and your vital signs, such as blood pressure and pulse, are stable. You may have a sore throat if a tube was placed in your windpipe during surgery, this is usually temporary, but tell your care team if you are uncomfortable. You may still be drowsy from sedation or anaesthesia so you will need a friend or family member to give you a ride home from your surgery. When you awake from your rhinoplasty, you will most likely have a plastic or metal splint taped to the outside of your nose. The splint will help temporarily stabilize and maintain the new nose shape. You may also have nasal packs or soft splints inside your nose to stabilize the bones and cartilage and to absorb bleeding. Your surgeon will remove your splints and nasal packs about three to seven days after rhinoplasty. You will mostly likely have swelling and bruising on your nose and face after the rhinoplasty. The bruises should lessen within a few weeks. Recovery after surgery is a gradual process. Recovery time varies depending on the specific type of rhinoplasty, your general health, age, and other factors. Full recovery may take weeks to months. It may take up to a year for nose swelling to completely go away and to show your permanent nose shape.

Will I feel pain? Pain control is important for healing and a smooth recovery. There will be discomfort after your procedure. Your doctor and care team will manage your pain so you are comfortable and can get the rest you need. Contact your doctor if your pain gets worse or changes because it may be a sign of a complication.


When should I call my doctor? It is important to keep your follow-up appointments after rhinoplasty. Call your doctor if you have questions or concerns between appointments. Call your doctor right away or seek immediate medical care if you have: n Bleeding n Breathing problems, such as shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, laboured breathing, or wheezing n Change in alertness, such as passing out, unresponsiveness, or confusion n Chest pain, chest tightness, chest pressure, or palpitations n Fever. A low-grade fever (lower than 101 degrees Fahrenheit) is common for a couple of days after surgery. It is not necessarily a sign of a surgical infection. However, you should follow your doctor’s specific instructions about when to call for a fever. n Inability to urinate, pass gas, or have a bowel movement n Leg pain, redness or swelling, especially in the calf, which may indicate a blood clot n Pain that is not controlled by your pain medication or pain that changes or gets worse n Unexpected drainage, pus, redness or swelling from your nose or incision

How might rhinoplasty affect my everyday life? If you have a rhinoplasty for a medical disease, disorder or condition, the rhinoplasty may cure your condition or reduce your breathing problems. If you have a rhinoplasty for cosmetic reasons, the new appearance of your nose may give you increased satisfaction with your appearance and increase your self-confidence. Many surgeons caution to be realistic about how much a rhinoplasty may improve your self-image, so be aware of what a cosmetic rhinoplasty can and cannot do for your overall appearance and self-image.



Nose re-shaping without surgery


he nose is one of the most central parts of our face. If seemingly out of place or too large or an odd shape it may detract from our natural beauty and for many it’s something that they would love to correct.

However whilst plastic surgery is a popular option there is now a way to have a nose job without surgery. Technology has evolved that now allows a safe, painless local anaesthetic procedure to be carried out at our clinic with quick recovery and minimal time off work or downtime.

What is a Non-Surgical Nose Job?

- BOTOX Cosmetic, Restylane, Radiesse, or Silicones to shape the nose. Unlike a surgical procedure, these fillers allow patients to obtain quick results with little or no healing time.

A non-surgical nose job is a safe, non-invasive alternative to traditional rhinoplasty providing excellent cosmetic results with little or no pain and recovery time. It is also commonly called the “15-minute nose job”, because of its fast and no downtime procedure. A non-surgical nose job does not actually alter the structure of the nose itself. This is done through the injection of a facial filler. The type of filler that is used will be determined by your medical condition or the kind of nose job you need. Just as fillers are used to pump out wrinkles, they can fill out areas of the nose to correct minor deformities.

What Are The Benefits Of A Non-Surgical Procedure? Rhinoplasty or Nose Job is one of the most desired cosmetic procedures, but many patients are put off by the potential complications and the risks of unfavourable cosmetic results, not to mention the cost of the surgery itself. Although not as permanent, this procedure is for people who want the nose reshaping benefits of rhinoplasty quickly and safely, without undergoing extensive rhinoplasty. Moreover, the cost of non-surgical rhinoplasty is much cheaper than the traditional surgery, normally starting at a tenth of the price.

How Does the Procedure Work? There is no need for general anaesthesia for non-surgical nose reshaping. A local anaesthetic, called topical anaesthetic is applied on and around the nose 15 to 30 minutes prior to the procedure to ensure you don’t feel any discomfort. The patient remains awake for the entire treatment and is given a mirror to oversee the procedure, and thereby be in control. A filler is injected in small amounts to various precise locations on the nose which controls the contours and eventually the overall shape of the nose. It involves using dermal injectable such as


What Types Of Fillers Are Used For A Non-Surgical Nose Job? There are two commonly used fillers for non-surgical nose jobs. Whichever one is used for your procedure will be determined by the type of outcome you are hoping for: n Radiesse: Using this calcium based filler will give a result that lasts for a year, or possibly more. It’s therefore a very cost effective filler as there will be no regular trips to the clinic for adjusting or refilling. Radiesse works by providing structure to the nose, resulting in an immediate correction. It also stimulates the cells in your skin to grow more collagen, which will further enhance the natural shape of your nose. n Hyaluronic Acid: A substance already found in the body, this gives the skin a more youthful appearance as well as increasing elasticity and volume. Used to make sterile gel fillers such as Restylane and Juvederm, it is the only type of filler that is actually reversible, hence the results are easily tweaked to achieve the overall desired effect. The use of Hyaluronic Acid fillers can also be useful when ‘trying out’ different looks to determine which works best for you.

How Effective is the NonSurgical Nose Job? For people who want a smaller nose, a thinner bridge, a large bump removed, or a more narrow tip, this procedure will not accomplish the goals. In addition, non-surgical rhinoplasty cannot improve breathing problems or correct internal defects such as a deviated septum. Nor can it (or any other procedure) give you a “perfect” nose. As always, the goal of cosmetic surgery is correction or enhancement, not perfection.



Who Is Suitable For A Non-Surgical Nose Job? Humps, bumps, bridges and other slight imperfections can easily be remedied with a non-surgical procedure. However, a non-surgical procedure cannot be performed to reduce the overall size and shape of the nose. A typical candidate would have one, or more, of the following:

n A nose in need of height, or just better definition.

n A small nose that would benefit from building up, to better suit the face.

n A need to correct the symmetry of the nose, or address irregularities in the contours.

n A nose that appears hook-like and requires straightening. n A nose with bumps and droops, from mild to fairly moderate.

n A nose that requires some slight refinement following a surgical procedure.

n A particularly rounded tip, where reshaping would enhance the facial features.

n A dip or trough to the nose.

Non-Surgical Vs Traditional Nose Job Surgery Effects Cosmetic results

Risks Traditional nose jobs require the use of anaesthesia therefore it carries certain risks like anaesthesia complications, infections, scarring, long recovery and lay-off from work, unwanted or unexpected cosmetic surgery results. Whereas, non-surgical nose jobs do not need anaesthesia and avoid the risks of surgery since it involves only injection into the skin. The procedure is much more precise than surgical rhinoplasty, so more detailed adjustments to nasal contour can be made. The non-surgical nose job procedure does not cause nosebleeds or persistent swelling. The procedure is temporary and there are no long term scarring complications.

The results of traditional rhinoplasty are generally good, but, whether good or bad, they are always permanent. Surgical Rhinoplasty can result in over or under-correction, with possibility of poor cosmetic outcomes. Whereas, with the non-surgical procedure, the injectable is injected in small amounts and in precise locations so that there is total control over the shape and contours created by the procedure. The results are immediate and last from eight months to two years, depending on the type of filler that is used. Because the results are relatively temporary, adjustments can be made as your face changes over time.

Recovery Basic recovery from traditional rhinoplasty typically lasts about two weeks and normal activities can be resumed after several weeks. The final results take up to a year to be visible. Bruising around the eyes and the majority of swelling typically resolves in only about two weeks. Eyeglasses have to be secured in a manner that prevents them from resting on the nose, for six to seven weeks. Strong pain medication are also typically required during recovery. Whereas, with non-surgical nose job, most patients return to work on the same day as the procedure.The results are immediate and there is no significant swelling or pain. However, it is advisable to avoid sunglasses or heavy eyeglasses for two weeks after the procedure, as the filler material becomes integrated into the skin of the nose.

The Pros And Cons Of Non-Surgical Nose Jobs One of the most obvious and valuable benefits of non-surgical rhinoplasty is that, it is quick to perform and that there is no downtime afterwards. Since the results are relatively temporary you are always able to make minor adjustments gradually and because there is no healing period your face will always look natural. As your face changes naturally with age, you will be able to make alternative adjustments over time with this treatment easily. And the best part is that it can be much more affordable than full plastic surgery of the nose. However, non-surgical nose job are not without its limitations. The main limitation of the treatment is that the procedure is not permanent, lasting about 6 months with Restylane and about 2 years with Radiesse. It also may not be able to correct major deformities, and cannot help patients seeking a smaller nose. There are also minor side-effects associated with both fillers, including bruising, swelling, redness and irritation. Besides, this procedure is not exactly a quick fix, as the end result is only achieved after a series of several treatments, with at least 4-6 weeks in between sessions. This gradual approach is necessary because of the way these fillers work: After injection, your body’s defenses begin working to “wall off� each microdroplet of the filler material, forming a capsule of tissue that holds it in position. Over a period of time, the natural tissue built up

around the filler creates more volume in the area, so the result cannot be accurately judged at the end of each injection session. Only after the prescribed amount of time is it possible for the doctor and patient to judge if and where more injections are needed, as well as how much is needed. Although non-surgical rhinoplasty does not require general anaesthesia or IV sedation, local anaesthetic is used, sometimes in conjunction with an oral sedative to relax the patient. Because of this and the fact that there is no actual cutting involved, this method carries less risk than a surgical nose job. There are, however, some other risks, which include: Hyper-sensitivity reactions, infection, asymmetrical, or otherwise unsatisfactory aesthetic results, and nasal skin damage. There are also risks associated specifically with silicone injections, such as migration (movement of the silicone to another part of the face or body), and the formation of granulomas. However, these problems have historically been mostly associated with the injection of larger quantities of silicone by unqualified injectors. It is believed that the microdroplet method significantly reduces the risk of these complications. Furthermore, because the nose is a virtually static (having limited movement) area of the face, the possibility of silicone migration is much less.



Compression Garments & Post-surgery Recovery Q. What are compression garments? A. Compression garments are specially-

designed elastic apparel worn after surgical procedures and throughout recovery. They provide additional support by contouring to the body or body part. Plastic surgeons generally recommend use of compression garments following tummy tucks (abdominoplasty), liposuction, arm lifts (brachioplasty), face lifts (rhytidectomy), facial procedures, gastric bypass procedures, male mastopexy (gynecomastia treatment), breast augmentation , breast reduction, and many other types of surgical sculpture procedures. Dermatologists also may recommend compression wear for patients with lymphoma, burns, and varicose veins to help improve quality of life.

Q. What are the benefits of compression garments? A. Compression garments have several medical benefits such as reducing swelling from a surgical procedure and decreasing the risk of a blood clot. By speeding up the blood flow, compression garments also assist in flushing harmful fluids out of the body during post-surgical recovery. They also help control sudden uncomfortable movements (i.e. cough or sneeze), which is especially important during the immediate post-operative stage. Q. How can use of compression wear help my body heal faster following cosmetic surgery? A. When applied correctly, compression wear can increase blood circulation around surgical areas to accelerate healing, diminish swelling, and flush out harmful fluids. In the event of sudden movements such as sneezing or coughing, the garments help protect and stabilize the surgical site, minimizing discomfort. The result is not only a shorter recovery time, but a cleaner surgical area with minimal scarring. Q. What are the different types of compression garments? A. When choosing a post-operative compression garment, it is important to that the garment is appropriate for your particular 74 THE CLINIC


osmetic and reconstructive surgeries have positive, farreaching effects when healing is initiated early, and one of the most important secrets to successful results is consistent use of quality compression and post-surgical garments. surgery, and that the size is correct. Choosing incorrect post-surgical compression garments can do more harm than good. Always seek your surgeon’s or patient recovery specialist’s advice when making this decision. Features of compression garments include; no seams at key surgical areas, labels that are placed on the outside of the garments to avoid irritation and help make you more comfortable during the recovery process. For additional comfort, many of the medical garments have an open-crotch design so that the garment does not need to be removed at any time. They are made of a latex-free, strong, breathable and lightweight compression fabric that feels good next to the skin, dries quickly, and is the best material for post-operative compression.

Q. What type of compression garment

do I need to wear?

A. Depending on your doctor, you may need to wear compression garments during both Stage One (initial 1-2 weeks of post-op) and Stage Two (2-8 weeks post-op) of recovery. Q. What is a First Stage Compression Garment? A. A first stage compression garment is worn after the surgery and continuously for 1-2 weeks of post-op. During this period you will wear this garment constantly (even while sleeping) and only remove it when you need to go to the bathroom or to shower. Q. What is a Second Stage Compression Garment? A. A second stage compression garment is worn during 2-8 weeks post-op. Second stage garments are sized smaller, are more fashionable, and have a less bulky appearance than first stage garments.

Q. Why can’t I just wear a girdle, bra or athletic bike pants instead of buying compression garments? A. Post-operative compression garments are a vital part of the recovery process from cosmetic surgery. Choosing the right garment can have a significant impact on your healing. Wearing a non-medical garment from your local store that is not specifically made for a cosmetic or medical procedure (such as off-the shelf girdles, athletic shorts and bras) can unnecessarily prolong your recovery time, slow down your healing, worsen your swelling and other symptoms, and increase the discomfort.

Q. I have not had plastic surgery, but recently read that compression garments can help improve my appearance. Is this true? A. Yes. A popular trend with compression garments is non-medical use by people for body sculpting, shaping and slimming. Many consider compression garments an effective tool for contouring the body without having plastic or cosmetic surgery. While compression garments are not an alternative to losing weight or improving health, they can have a slimming effect by subtly smoothing and sculpting the appearance of the body beneath clothing. Often, people considering compression garments for non-surgical use have recently lost a great deal of weight, and may have excessive body tissue folds or conditions such as gynecomastia (male breast enlargement). Compression garments offer a safe, non-surgical alternative to stabilizing and compressing excess body tissue and skin folds.











Creating Beautiful Natural Curves M

any women dream of exuding confidence with a shapely, curvaceous figure. Breasts define our womanly shape, but for some women either because of their natural body shape, childbirth or age their breasts do not have the desired size, volume or fullness.

Breast augmentation is the world’s second most popular cosmetic procedure (second only to Liposuction) why? Because breast augmentation can help create the appearance of a more youthful, fuller shape balancing the figure thus resulting in a shapelier silhouette. One of the most critical decisions to be made when considering breast augmentation is not just the cup size but also the fullness and shape. A major concern for many patients undertaking breast augmentation is whether or not the end result will look “natural� following the surgery and the key to achieving this is to ensure the proportions of the body as well as skin thickness and breast tissue composition are taken into consideration.



Your options Implant Shapes Implants come in different shapes, like round or teardrop Round implants, which are circular but flat, stick out from the body farther, making the breasts project more. Round implants are also good for those who want more fullness in the upper part of the breast. Round implants are usually placed under the muscle and can give more fullness to the upper portion of the breast. Since round implants don’t move much, they almost always keep their round shape. Smooth round implants are the overwhelming choice of most surgeons because they tend not to wrinkle as much as textured implants. Plus, if they happen to rotate, the breast does not look abnormal. Teardrop implants (sometimes called contoured or anatomical), slope downward just like natural breasts, which makes them look more natural. Teardrop implants also have a textured shell if the implant happens to rotate while in the breast, the breasts can become distorted. Teardrop implants tend not to be as full as a round implant. However, because of their shape, teardrop implants may provide better projection and a more natural look for some patients. They can potentially rotate, which may cause an unnatural distortion.

Implant Filler There have never been more choices for breast augmentation. The following options are available, depending on your medical history, body shape and aesthetic goals. Saline-filled breast implants are filled with sterile salt water. They may be prefilled at a predetermined size or filled at the time of surgery to allow for minor modifications in implant size. Silicone-filled breast implants are filled with soft, elastic gel and are available in a variety of shapes. All silicone breast implants are pre-filled and may require a longer incision for implant placement. Cohesive gel silicone implants, also known as “gummy bear” or “form stable” implants, are filled with a cohesive gel, made of cross-linked molecules of silicone, which makes them a bit thicker and firmer than traditional silicone implants. This enables them to hold their shape better. Autologous fat transfer removes fat through liposuction from an area of your body in which there are abundant fat cells, such as your thighs, abdomen and hips. After a process of preparation and refinement, the fat cells are injected into your breast. This is a less common method than breast implant augmentation and is still undergoing clinical studies and research for safety and effectiveness.

Choosing Your Size Breast implants are measured in cubic centimetres or cc3 the higher the number, the larger the implant. Most implants can hold at least 400 ccs of filler (sometimes more), and about every 150 to 200 ccs equates to an increase of approximately one to one-and-a-half cup sizes. To determine the ideal implant size for you, the width of your breast needs to be taken into consideration. It’s important to take into consideration the implant size that your breasts are physically able to withstand. Choosing oversized large implants runs the risk of long-term problems, such as: • Tissue, fat and muscle thinning

• Rippling, wrinkling and ridges

chests; don’t create excessive width on the side.

• Stretchmark’s

The disadvantage: Can ripple and put pressure on the breast tissue.

In choosing the size of implants, you should consider how you want your profile to look. Moderate-profile: Implants with Minimal Projection These implants give a small amount of projection and don’t stick out from the chest as much. Advantage: Good for wide chests. Disadvantage: Minimal projection. Moderate-profile Plus: Universally Flattering Implants

• Pressure atrophy

Project more than moderate implants but not as much as high-profile implants, and are slightly tapered.

• Bottoming out

The advantage: Good for naturally small, narrow

• Reoperation


High-profile: Implants for Maximum Projection These give ample projection and fullness. Highprofile implants are narrow with a small base so they project more. Advantage: Give good cleavage and some lift; believed to ripple less. Disadvantage: Can give too much fullness at the top of the breast, causing a fake look – also known as the so called Wonderbra look . With so many different types of implants available, it’s important to know the right terminology when it comes to discussing shape and size with your doctor.


Implant Incision


An incision can be made in one of three places: 1. In the crease of the breast (inframammary): Most plastic surgeons agree that an incision placed in the crease Inframammary of the breast is the best method for providing symmetry. Also, if you ever need revision surgery in the future, your doctor can use your existing scar instead of having to make a new one. However, your scar may be more visible. This is the most commonly used incision because it’s the easiest way to get the implant placed. 2. Around the nipple (periareolar): Many surgeons and patients prefer this incision since it heals the best and the incisions are small. And once you are all healed, your scar should be virtually undetectable.Yet some women, especially those with very small areola, may not be appropriate candidates for this incision. There may also be scarring of some of the breast ducts, which could interfere with breastfeeding, although most patients can adequately breast feed after undergoing surgery with this incision. 3. Through the armpit (axillary): This option is best if you’re looking to be virtually scar-free on and around the breast, but placing an implant through the armpit can be difficult since it’s hard to squeeze it in. If revision surgery is needed, your surgeon will need to make a secondary incision in order to remove or replace your implant.

Implant Placement Multiple factors, including your anatomy and your surgeon’s recommendations, will determine how your breast implant is inserted and positioned. The implant is placed in a pocket either:

thin. And in a mammogram, your doctor cannot see as much breast tissue due to the placement of the implant.

1. Over the muscle (subglandular): Placing the implant over the muscle can also give the breasts a slightly lifted look. Since the implant is placed over the pectoral muscle and below the breast tissue, recovery time is usually shorter because there is less trauma to the underlying tissues

2. Under the muscle (submuscular): Positioning the implant below both the pectoral muscle and the breast tissue allows for the implant to be less visible and acting as an internal bra, keeping the implant in place. The implant is also only partially covered by muscle, so it’s less likely to cause problems with mammograms.

Yet, implants placed over the muscle sit closer to the surface of the skin, making them more detectable through touch and more visible if your skin is

But it’s a more painful recovery because the internal anatomy of the tissue behind the breast is changed more.

So what makes a beautiful breast? Obviously this is dependent upon choice but a well augmented breast should have a natural fullness, with gentle slopping of the chest wall. There should be natural cleavage without signs of webbing between the breasts and only a certain amount of perkiness.



Body Contouring Surgery Liposuction


ince its introduction over 30 years ago, Liposuction also known as suctionassisted lipectomy or lipoplasty has continued to rise in popularity becoming the number one cosmetic produces performed by cosmetic surgeons across the globe.


The benefits of instant fat removal is extremely gratifying, many patients experience an immediate improvement in their selfesteem and overall confidence when having liposuction and this is why liposuction has been rated as the cosmetic procedure with the highest rate of patient satisfactory. By all means liposuction is not a way of losing weight it is a surgical procedure that removes deposit of subcutaneous fat from specific areas of the body such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, upper arms, neck and chin to reshape the area, however, it may be a viable option for men and women who want to reduce bulges of fat that has resisted dieting and exercise efforts. The basic liposuction procedure involves the insertion of a small tube called a cannula into the layer of the subcutaneous fat via a tiny incision. The Cannula is commonly connected to a clear plastic hose which leads to a suction source. There are two layers of subcutaneous fat: Superficial & Deep. Liposuction procedures are usually focused on the deep layers as this is considered safer, primarily because the superficial layer is closer to the blood vessels and nerve endings.

There are two different liposuction techniques:

Who is a Good Candidate for Liposuction?

Tumescent liposuction. With this technique, the surgeon will inject a solution into your fatty areas before the fat is removed. It is made up of a saline solution, a mild painkiller, and epinephrine - a drug that contracts your blood vessels. The solution helps the surgeon remove the fat more easily, helps reduce blood loss, and eases pain during and after surgery.

A good candidate for liposuction should have realistic expectations about the results of the procedure. In addition, he or she should:

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction. With ultrasound-assisted liposuction, ultrasonic energy is used to liquefy the fat, which is then removed from your body.

• Have concentrated pockets of fat that do not respond well to diet and exercise

• Be of average or only slightly above-average weight • Have firm, elastic skin • Be in good overall health

• People with cellulite are not good candidates for liposuction because they may develop skin irregularities in the treated area. • Age is generally not a major consideration when discussing liposuction. Older adults, though, often have less elasticity in their skin and thus may not get the same results that a younger person with tighter skin might get. • Liposuction is not a cure for obesity It is important to remember that - Results of liposuction surgery are technically permanent because fat cells have been removed. However, your body shape and contours might be affected by weight gain, aging, pregnancy, family genes and lifestyle factors. It is crucial to maintain healthy habits and a stable weight to maintain liposuction results. Following liposuction, if you continue to eat excess calories, fat will no longer be stored in the cells that have been removed, but will be stored in other body areas. There is no way to predict where your body will store new fat. What’s more, your surgeon will not remove all of the fat cells from your target area, so you could still increase the size of remaining fat cells in that area.




ANIT has a workforce made up of more than 680 professionals, 250 of whom are doctors and experts recognised on a national and international level. These professionals are able to offer patients the most up-to-date diagnostic and therapeutic advancements. Furthermore, Xanit is an International Hospital. More than 40% of the patients are foreigners originating from 90 different countries. In order to care for the individual needs of these patients, there is an International Services Department where our professionals speak a total of 16 different languages, working closely with all areas of the hospital in order to offer patients and their families high-quality personalised care and excellent medical attention.

Xanit International Hospital is situated in the town of Benalmádena (Malaga), and is a private hospital of reference on the Costa del Sol

The Hospital constantly strives to improve quality issues, and is currently immersed in the process of receiving an accreditation by The Joint Commission. This organisation is recognised worldwide as a reference for quality in healthcare, and works to improve and protocolise standards. Xanit Hospital Internacional offers a wide and comprehensive directory of services with more than 40 medical and surgical specialities, with two particular areas of reference: The Xanit Oncological Institute and The Heart Unit. The Xanit Oncological Institute brings together all of the necessary components for the treatment of cancer. Xanit’s successful work structure is a replica of the best international oncological hospitals. The hospital has created five distinct departments to treat all pathologies. The Heart Unit is able to offer treatment for all types of cardiovascular illnesses with the most experienced professionals, and most relevant techniques and treatments. Amongst the other most important specialities are gynaecology, as well as births and paediatrics. The hospital is led by Mercedes Mengibar. With a wealth of experience in Change Management in hospitals, she began her managerial career in 1993 as Director of General Services in The Virgen del Roció Hospital in Seville. Five years later she was appointed as General Manager


of Antequera Hospital (Málaga), where she implemented a new strategic orientation Project, and introduced a new organisational culture. In 2003 she assumed the role of General Manager of The USP Hospital in Marbella, implementing a new managerial system in organisational change. This resulted in revenue multiplying by ninefold and the EBIDTA coming out 6.7 times greater over a period of 7 years. Her managerial leadership resulted in her being

awarded ‘Businesswoman of the year’ in 2009, an accolade organised by The Center for Tourism Initiatives in Marbella. Mercedes Mengibar is a specialist in The Management of Healthcare Companies. She studied Organisational Psychology, and is an expert in Human Resources Management as well as in Healthcare economics, and the management of Healthcare Organisations.

Avda. de los Argonautas s/n Avda. Ramón y Cajal, Edificio Beroe, Calle La Era, 6 Avda. Andalucia, 4-6 (1a Planta) Avda. de los Argonautas Avda. s/n de losAvda. Argonautas de los s/n Argonautas Avda. de los s/n Argonautas s/n Avda. Andalucía, Avda. 4-6 Andalucía, 4-6 Andalucía, 4-6 Calle Era, 6 Avda. Calle LaCalle Era, 6Cajal LaAvda. Era, 6Andalucía, Calle LaAndalucía, Era, 64-6 y Cajal Avda. Ramón yAvda. Cajal y Cajal Ramón yLa Avda. Avda. de los deAvda. Argonautas losRamón Argonautas s/n s/n Avda. Avda. Andalucía, 4-6 Avda. Calle La Era, Era, 6Calle64-6 Avda. Avda. Ramón Ramón yLaCajal yRamón Cajal Benalmádena, Málaga Málaga Málaga El Corte (1ª Inglés, Benalmádena Benalmádena Benalmádena Benalmádena (1ª Planta) Planta) (1ª Planta) Planta)Málaga Málaga Málaga Málaga (1ª (1ª Málaga Edificio Beroe Fuengirola, Edificio Beroe Edificio BeroeEdificio Beroe Benalmádena Benalmádena Planta) (1ª Planta) Málaga Málaga Edificio Edificio Beroe Beroe Málaga Málaga Málaga Málaga El Corte Inglés. Málaga El Corte Inglés. Málaga El Corte Inglés. El Málaga Corte Málaga 952 229 227 952 229 227 952 229 227 952 229 227 Fuengirola (Málaga) Fuengirola (Málaga) Fuengirola (Málaga) Fuengirola (Málaga) Málaga Málaga Corte El Corte Inglés. Inglés. Málaga Málaga 952 Inglés. 952 229 952 227 229 227229El227 Fuengirola (Málaga) (Málaga) 952 367 190 952Fuengirola 477 310 952 071 826 952 367 190

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Get the Skinny on nonsurgical fat reduction


ith summer just around the corner, most of you may be breaking out into a sweat at the thought of having to expose some skin. However help is at hand, along with the standard cosmetic fat removal procedure; liposuction there are also number of non-invasive body contouring treatments that claim to help you lose inches and tone up, all without hitting the gym. Here we take look at the most popular procedures available.

ZERONA WHAT IS IT? This spider-shaped machine claims to stimulate fat cells through four painless lasers. Makers say it works by creating a small opening in the fat cell’s membrane through which the fatty material exits, allowing the cell to collapse to a smaller size. They say it can reduce spot fat by 9cm in two weeks. WHAT HAPPENS? A physician / technician places the low- level lasers over the desired area of the body for 20 minutes to stimulate the fat cells. During the procedure most patients feel nothing.

This type of procedure does require a minimum course of at least 6 so it’s not an instant quick fix or cheap.


3D-LIPO WHAT IS IT? 3D-Lipo claims to use a mix of technologies to reduce fat and cellulite, and tighten skin. WHAT HAPPENS? First stage: low-frequency ultrasound applied with a massage instrument, which makers say breaks apart fat cells.

Ultrasound Cavitation is used to create a pressure wave which the fat cells are not able to withstand, resulting in the cell membrane rupturing and causing the cell to turn into liquid which is then processed away by the body naturally. End result is natural fat loss. 6 to 8 treatments recommended, at weekly intervals. You will see significant results after each session. Second stage: radio-frequency skin tightening supposed to contract collagen fibers and stimulates new collagen and elastin. Radio Frequency treatment generates energy that penetrates the skin layers to selectively heat the skin tissue. The heating caused by the RF waves result in an immediate contraction of collagen fibers. At the same time, new collagen is produced, resulting in a tighter, firmer appearance of the skin Final stage: a vacuum therapy to tighten skin. 3D Dermology Vacuum suction and rollers are used to drain the depleted fat cells through the lymphatic system.

COOLSCULPTING WHAT IS IT? Coolsculpting claims to work by freezing fat cells, which are crystallized then metabolized by the immune system. With targeted cooling, fat is safely chilled to damage the fat cells without harming surrounding skin or tissue. No needles, no special diet, no supplements, no surgery and more importantly no recover time is required. The process, also known as cryolipolysis, was discovered when Harvard scientists saw children who ate ice lollies had dimpling in their cheeks from loss of fat. The hour-long treatment is for small bulges of fat “stubborn fat” so is primarily aimed at slim people who can’t shift fat pinches on the upper arms, stomach, love handles, back and inner thighs. It is claimed that during the weeks following your procedure, your body will naturally eliminate the damaged fat cells, leaving you looking slimmer.

WHAT HAPPENS? The machine which looks like a smallish fridge on wheels, has a

wand, which is attached to the body of the machine that looks a bit like a hoover extension. A gel sheet is placed over the fat deposit, the hoover extension is then placed over the area to be treated and as the machine is switched on, a strong vacuum effect then pulls your wobbly bits into the machine chilling then.

Sadly the vacuum can only suck up an area roughly the size of a pack of butter at any one time, so most procedures require numerous visits.

MED CONTOUR WHAT IT IS? Med Contour uses low-frequency ultrasound and claims the sound waves warm and break down connective tissue so it is redistributed throughout the body. Toxins and fluids are then drained through the lymphatic system. WHAT HAPPENS? Two beams of ultrasound energy warm and treat fatty

tissue beneath the skin. This promotes fat cell mobility and encourages the body to metabolize, drain or reabsorb excess fluids. Ultrasound therapy is delivered using a special concave hand-piece. The physician follows the contour of the patient’s body, targeting fatty tissue at a specific depth beneath the skin. By moving the handpiece over a patient’s body, a physician can treat the tissue layer that is 1 to 5 cm below the surface of the skin. Heat produced by, the ultrasound energy creates a “micromassage” effect on the fat cells. By warming the connective tissue, redistributing fat and encouraging blood circulation, Med-Contour temporarily reduces the appearance of cellulite to slim and smooth your body shape. Zonal massage stimulates the lymphatic system to drain away excess toxins and fats used in conjunction with the ultrasound therapy, zonal massage can help your body drain and metabolize unwanted fluids from targeted problem areas. Zonal Massages is recommended for all Med-Contour patients immediately following ultrasound treatments as end results have found to be even better when both therapies are combined.



Tone & Tighten thAT Tummy with a Tummy Tuck No matter what beauty trends might come and go, one thing remains the same: a tight and toned tummy is one of the most desirable areas of the body. It’s why so many people devote hours of sweat at the gym, cut down on their portions, and perform hundreds of crunches, all in the hope of achieving sleek contoured abs. Sadly, despite the healthiest of diets and rigid exercise regimens, not everyone finds it easy to lose stomach fat. Genetics can make it difficult for many individuals to cut down on their stomach fat; age and sedentary work habits can also contribute to tummy pooches or excessive weight loss or childbirth. With so many factors to consider, it’s no wonder why so many people often turn to surgical solutions in the form of a tummy tuck. A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a highly effective surgery to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen, creating a flat belly and tightening the muscle and fascia of the abdominal wall. It can also be used for spot reduction of excess fat where loosening of the skin is not present, though it is not a recommended weight-loss procedure. The best candidates for abdominoplasty are healthy individuals who have a problem area that cannot be reduced through diet and exercise alone, and who will not become pregnant anytime in the future. 86 THE CLINIC

The inside scoop... In fact, the insides are scooped – or liposuctioned – in the majority of tummy tuck procedures. But there is more to the process than just this. Depending on the type and the scope of the tummy tuck you are receiving, the procedure will go something like this: 1. General anaesthesia is administered. 2. An incision is made above the pubic area. 3. The navel is removed for relocation later in the process. 4. The skin is detached from the abdominal wall and often the muscle fascia is tightened with sutures. 5. Excess fat is removed. 6. Excess skin is removed. 7. The belly button is recreated. 8. The wound is closed and dressed. There are actually three main forms of tummy tuck surgery: • The Mini Tummy Tuck • The Standard Tummy Tuck • The Extended Tummy Tuck. So how do you know which type of tummy tuck is right for you? What are the real differences between these body contouring procedures?

The Mini Tummy Tuck The baby of the bunch is the mini tummy tuck, sometimes known as the “scarless tummy tuck”. As mentioned above, the mini tummy tuck is called the mini because it removes a smaller portion of skin, and because the incision is smaller in general. The mini tummy tuck is best for individuals with a “mini” amount of stubborn belly flab that won’t be reduced by diet and exercise. In other words, mini tummy tucks is great for generally healthy, fit patients who want to be rid of that “pouch” of skin hampering their otherwise slender physique. Mini tummy tuck surgeons will make an incision in the lower abdominal wall that reaches to the navel. Because this surgery is on a smaller scale than traditional tummy tucks, the navel itself usually doesn’t have to be repositioned during the procedure. Once the incision is made, the surgeon will remove minor excess skin, tighten the abdominal muscles, and then pull the remaining skin taut to close the incision. Recovery times for the mini tummy tuck will vary from patient to patient, but with use of over-the-counter painkillers and avoidance of intense physical activity, patients should be able to resume daily activities in less than a week.

The Traditional or Standard Tummy Tuck

The Extended Tummy Tuck

The traditional tummy tuck is ideal for men and women who are in good physical health, and who have a sizable portion of loose skin to remove from their midsection. Oftentimes, traditional tummy tuck patients have recently lost a great deal of weight, or are women who have excess flab and/or weak abdominal muscles post pregnancy. Again, this procedure is for patients who couldn’t reduce their tummy troubles through diet and exercise alone.

For patients with a greater amount of loose, sagging skin on their abdomen, as well as on their hips and on the sides of their lower back, the extended tummy tuck is the most appropriate procedure choice. Extended tummy tuck patients also usually have excess fat in these body regions that need to be removed along with the extra skin.

For the traditional tummy tuck, the surgical incision is slightly larger, usually running in a straight line between the hip bones. Again, minor liposuction may be used to assist with any fat removal before the surgeon tightens the abdominal muscles and closes the incision. Because the standard tummy tuck involves a larger portion of skin being removed, the belly button must be correctly repositioned as one of the last steps. Since this procedure is a bit more intensive than the mini, traditional tummy tuck patients may require a brief hospital stay during initial recovery. The average recovery time for traditional tummy tucks is 2-4 weeks, during which time pain medication is prescribed to prevent unnecessary pain or discomfort.

In extended tummy tuck surgery, a long incision is made in the abdominal area that reaches around the hips to the lower back. Extended tummy tucks almost always require liposuction to remove excess fat cells and drain extra fluids. The plastic surgeon then tightens muscles in the abdomen and around the hips, and removes any unnecessary loose skin before suturing the incision. Like with the traditional tummy tuck, the belly button must be repositioned to correspond with the patient’s newly transformed body shape. The recovery period for extended tummy tuck surgery begins in the hospital, where patients usually stay for 1-2 days depending on their status. Daily activities that don’t require much physical exertion may often be resumed within a month of surgery. Swelling may persist a little longer.

More Tummy Tuck Options and Alternatives While the three tummy tuck techniques listed above are the most popular and prevalent among cosmetic surgery patients, other possibilities exist. The most minimal tummy tuck option to date is the endoscopic tummy tuck, which makes the smallest incision, removes the least amount of skin, and leaves very minute scarring. On the other end of the spectrum, circumferential tummy tucks involve a surgical incision that extends completely around the waistline. Yet another surgical procedure similar to the tummy tuck is the panniculectomy, or “fat apron removal” surgery. It’s important to note that tummy tuck surgery is not mainly intended as a weight loss solution, and there are specific health requirements patients must meet to be a tummy tuck candidate.



T O M Á S D A R Í O Z A PATA curugía plástica - estética y reparadora

“Beauty is universal and an integral part of being human. We all have the right to improve our appearance and therefore our mood” Dr. Tomás Darío Zapata

MADRID | Calle General Yagüe, 12 | Esc. A - 10º 3 | 28020 Madrid | T: +34 915 559 225 MARBELLA | Calle Alcalá - Villa G5 | Urbanización Golf Las Brisas | Nueva Andalucía | 29660 Marbella | T +34 952 814 961




DR Tomas Dario Zapata

As a member of the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (SECPRE) and the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery (SBCP) Dr. Zapata has a large international presence offering over 30 years of expertise.


For Dr. Zapata, plastic surgery is a medical speciality that is very close to art. He believes that the essence of plastic surgery is based upon providing an individual, regardless of their religion, race or social class, harmony and peace within their own skin.

Given the current understanding of aesthetic trends, liposuction or liposculpture, is one of the most requested surgeries


iposuction is a way to mould the patient’s body shape, and to a lesser extent to reduce weight. It also allows the possibility of repositioning the rendered fat, that is, use the same patient’s fat, washed and decanted then infiltrate it to other body sites to give better volume and shape for aesthetic purposes, in other words it becomes a graft. Part of this fat is re-absorbed, but some remain in the grafted area, giving the ability to “sculpt” the patient’s body according to their needs. This surgery, when it is conducted appropriately with a professional diagnosis which depends entirely on each patient’s circumstances, should always be done by a plastic surgeon. Liposuction is not meant for all, there are cases where it is not suitable and can be harmful and even life threatening. Plastic surgeons are the only specialists with the proper training to diagnose, intervene or propose any other surgical solutions. This technique dates from 1977, but over the years it has undergone numerous


modifications that have made this surgery an excellent solution for removing unwanted fat. Usually liposuction is performed in the abdomen, waist, hips and thighs, but can also be done in places like arms, knees, ankles, chin and face. The technique is to remove excess fat in the required areas, through a cannula.

long term side-effects and even death. These cases are feeding news throughout the world giving bad press to a procedure that under a controlled environment with a professional plastic surgeon has less odds of going wrong and can give a solution to many people who need help in feeling better within their own body.

We always perform this procedure under local anesthetic and in medium or large cases it includes general sedation. This surgery should always be performed under rigorous scrutiny of any other surgery, in other words, in a proper hospital with an operating room and with all the usual monitoring systems used in any major intervention.

There are other non-surgical, seemingly less aggressive techniques that have hit the market recently as a cheap alternative to liposuction. These procedures have been put on hold by countries like France, as they are causing serious complications in patients. Following this decree, the European Union is on the verge of preparing rules to regulate the practice of aesthetic medicine, as it recognizes the large regulatory gap that is costing people’s lives and affecting negatively the industry of plastic surgery.

This surgical technique should only be performed by plastic surgeons, no other practitioners-even those related to dermatologists, gynecologists or any other fields should be executing operations as they lack adequate surgical training. This malpractice is putting people’s life into jeopardy, to the extent of causing

The correct protocol to perform this surgery, includes choosing the correct plastic surgeon, who in term should belong to the Spanish Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (SECPRE).

Liposuction is not a treatment for obesity, but is intended to correct those regions of the body where fat accumulation persists and rebels to diet and exercise

T O M Á S D A R Í O Z A PATA curugía plástica - estética y reparadora

MADRID | Calle General Yagüe, 12 | Esc. A - 10º 3 | 28020 Madrid | T: +34 915 559 225 MARBELLA | Calle Alcalá - Villa G5 | Urbanización Golf Las Brisas 29660 | Nueva Andalucía | Marbella (Málaga) T +34 952 814 961 | |









ur face is the first indicator of our age and excesses. Here we look at 10 of the most popular cosmetic procedures used to STOP the signs of ageing.


A facelift is a surgical method that removes excess facial skin to make the face appear younger. However, the ageing face not only loses skin elasticity and develops looser skin, but also loses fat and muscle tone. A traditional facelift procedure is performed through an incision starting in the hair or hairline above and in front of the ear (the temporal region). The incision is extended downward in front of the ear, comes under the ear and then upward behind the ear ending in the hair or hairline behind the ear. The skin and fatty tissues are then lifted off the underlying muscle and fascia (connective tissue) as far forward as is necessary to correct the loose skin problem. The underlying muscle and fascia can be tightened with sutures if the surgeon feels it is necessary. The skin is pulled back and upward and the excess skin removed. The wound is then closed with sutures and skin staples. Some surgeons leave a drain in the wounds to remove excess blood. Bandages are then applied. There are surgical techniques which go into deeper tissues rather than under the skin and fat. The results are similar. Additional procedures that may be necessary to achieve the best results include: necklift, blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), liposuction, autologous fat injection, removal of buccal (cheek) fat pad, forehead lift, browlift, chemical or laser peel, and malar (cheek), submalar or chin implants.


A Brow lift is a reposition of the muscle in the forehead. This procedure corrects sagging in the skin of the forehead, upper eyelids, and eyebrows. There are two methods to lift your forehead and eyebrow areas: n Classic lift n Endoscopic lift The classic lift involves one continuous cut beginning at the level of your ears and going up around your hair line. Depending on where your hair line is, the surgeon will work to avoid a visible scar.


For the endoscopic lift, the surgeon makes a few shorter cuts in your scalp. He or she will insert a scope ( a small camera on the end of a thin tube) into one of the cuts and use another device inserted in another cut to make the necessary changes. In the endoscopic lift, the surgeon uses small anchors to secure the tissue. Because the cuts are smaller, this procedure is less invasive than the classic lift. You will have minimal scarring and a shorter recovery time.

EYE lift Eyelid surgery (called Blepharoplasty or Eyelid Lift Blepharoplasty) removes excess skin, fat and muscle from around your eyes to improve the appearance of the upper and / or lower eyelid area to give a more refreshed appearance. For surgery on the upper eyelids, your surgeon will make cuts into the natural lines and creases in the lid and into the laughter lines at the corner of your eye. On the lower eyelids, the cut will usually be just below your eyelashes. This means the scars run along the eye’s natural folds, concealing them as much as possible. If only fat is being removed and no excess skin, the cut may be made inside the lower eyelid, leaving no visible scar. Blepharoplasty takes around one or two hours, or less if you’re having just the upper or lower eyelid done. It may be performed as a day-case, but an overnight stay in hospital is sometimes required. The operation can be performed under general anaesthetic, which means you will be asleep during the procedure, or under local anaesthetic where the area around your eyes will be numb but you will be awake. You will need to plan some time off work to rest and recover.

neck lift Usually performed in conjunction with a facelift a neck lift is designed to correct excess skin and fatty tissue of the neck also known as Turkey Wattle The type of surgical techniques used for a neck lift procedure depends on several factors, such as the degree of skin excess and laxity and the presence of fatty tissues. Liposuction of the chin and / or neck area may also be required to remove the excess fatty tissue to help define the chin and jaw line.


Sun exposure, acne or just getting older can leave your skin tone uneven, wrinkled, spotted or scarred. In this treatment a chemical peel, which uses a chemical solution is applied to the skin, which makes it “blister” and eventually peel off. The new skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin. A chemical peel, also called chemexfoliation or derma peeling, is one of the least invasive ways to improve the appearance of your skin. Although chemical peels are used mostly on the face, they can also be used to improve the skin on your neck and hands.




Laser skin resurfacing, also known as a laser peel, laser vaporization and lasabrasion, can reduce facial wrinkles, scars and blemishes. Laser Resurfacing is all about using beams of light. Your surgeon uses the laser to send short, concentrated pulsating beams of light at irregular skin. This removes unwanted, damaged skin in a very precise manner one layer at a time. Laser skin resurfacing’s targeted approach means there are fewer problems with hypopigmentation, or a lightening of skin for procedures such as laser acne scar removal.

Laser skin resurfacing can improve minor facial flaws, such as: n Fine lines or wrinkles around or under your eyes, forehead or mouth n Scars from acne or chickenpox n Non-responsive skin after a facelift n Aged or sun-damaged skin n Liver spots n Improve your complexion if you have yellowish or greyish skin tones n Warts n Birthmarks such as linear epidermal nevi n Enlarged oil glands on the nose The laser beam used in laser resurfacing will remove your outer layer of skin, called the epidermis. It simultaneously heats the underlying skin, called the dermis. This action works to stimulate growth of new collagen fibres. As the treated area heals, the new skin that forms is smoother and firmer.




Dermabrasion is a technique that uses a wire brush or a diamond wheel with rough edges (called a burr or fraise) to remove the upper layers of the skin. The brush or burr rotates rapidly, taking off and levelling (abrading or planning) the top layers of the skin. This process injures or wounds the skin and causes it to bleed. As the wound heals, new skin grows to replace the damaged skin that was removed during dermabrasion. Things that affect the depth of the resurfacing include how coarse the burr or brush is, how quickly it rotates, how much pressure is applied and for how long, and the condition and features of your skin.

nose (rhinophyma) caused by rosacea, an inflammatory skin condition. The areas to be treated are cleaned and marked. A local anaesthetic (such as lidocaine) is usually used to numb the skin before treatment, and ice packs are applied to the skin for up to 30 minutes. A freezing (cryogenic) spray may sometimes be used to harden the skin for deeper abrasions if the anaesthetic and ice packs do not make the skin firm enough. For deep abrasions, or if the entire face is going to be treated, you may need stronger anaesthesia, pain killers, sedation, or general anaesthesia.

The face is the most common site for treatment, but other areas of the skin can be treated this way. Dermabrasion is used most often to improve the appearance of acne scars and fine lines around the mouth. It also may be used to treat an enlarged

One small area at a time is treated. The freezing spray (if needed) is applied for a few seconds and then the rotating burr or brush is used to take off the top layers of skin. Gauze is used to stop any bleeding, and the area is covered with a clean dressing or ointment.

A thread lift is a type of face lift that is often referred to as the “lunch hour lift”. This is down to its simplicity and the time it takes to carry out the procedure. A tiny notch will be made behind the ear or behind the hairline and then fine threads are then advanced along pre-marked contours. These threads have fine filaments that become fixed to the tissue and are then gently smoothed down. Your body then starts to produce new bundles of collagen which surround each filament and this in turn creates a subtle yet effective lift.

recovery times are a lot less than those associated with traditional surgery.

The results differ for each person, but look very natural giving a rejuvenated and refreshed look. There is no scarring and

The great thing about a thread lift is that it offers quick recovery together with excellent results. This procedure requires a minimum amount of invasive surgery and leaves no scarring. Local anaesthetic is all that is required and there is no hospital stay required. Another good factor about the thread lift is that it is much more affordable than a regular face lift and the results are long lasting. If you are looking for a quick and effective solution to a range of aging problems then a thread lift is the perfect solution.

Injectable wrinkle fillers can give you a more youthful look for a fraction of what a traditional face lift costs. Most will fill lines and wrinkles in less than 30 minutes with results that can last from four months to more than a year. Injectable wrinkle fillers, unlike Botox injections that relax the muscle under a wrinkle, fill the line or crease with one of several different substances. As a result, the line or crease seems to have nearly disappeared. Wrinkle fillers can also be used as “volumizers,” plumping and lifting cheeks, filling out thin lips, and plumping sagging hands. The treatment is fast and easy. But all wrinkle fillers have a downside, including the risk of allergic reaction and the formation of tiny bumps under the skin. In some cases, those bumps may be permanent. A bluish skin discolouration known as the Tyndall effect is also possible. The colour change can last for several months, but there are treatments available. In very rare cases, skin cells may die if the wrinkle fillers are not used properly. Typically, the wrinkle fillers with longer-lasting effects are the ones more likely to cause side effects. Not every wrinkle is right for every type of wrinkle filler. The least risks and best results come from using the right wrinkle filler correctly. That’s one reason why you should only have wrinkle fillers injected by a boardcertified dermatologist or plastic surgeon. Currently there are several wrinkle fillers available:

n Hyaluronic Acid Wrinkle Fillers The most popular category of wrinkle fillers is hyaluronic acid. Each type of hyaluronic acid wrinkle filler works in a slightly different way with varying results. Side effects are rare, but they can include redness, swelling, and bruising at the injection site. The filler may also be seen beneath the skin as tiny bumps. This is a problem that often improves over time.

muscle relaxants

How long the results last varies from several months to over a year. Some research shows that repeated injections may help stimulate the body’s own natural production of collagen. That will help reduce the number of lines and wrinkles. There is also some evidence that less filler is needed over time to achieve the same look.


n Synthetic Wrinkle Fillers This smaller category of wrinkle fillers includes lab-made substances that are not related to anything found naturally in the skin. All the fillers in this group have similar side effects. Redness, swelling, or bruising at the site of the injection is one of the most common. Other possible side effects include nodules or bumps under the skin that can be seen and felt and that, in rare instances, may require surgical removal. The benefits of this category include a longer-lasting effect. And at least one filler offers permanent filling of lines and creases. Products with longer-lasting effects are more likely to cause side effects. When not used correctly, however, synthetic wrinkle fillers may cause permanent disfigurement.

n Collagen Wrinkle Fillers One of the first wrinkle fillers developed was made from a purified form of collagen extracted mostly from cows. Although it worked well and offered a natural looking line and crease fill, the results didn’t last long. Most collagen injections began to break down as soon as one month after treatment. Because these wrinkle fillers were made from an animal source, they also had a higher rate of allergic reaction and required allergy testing before treatment. New ways of processing the collagen have helped reduce risks. In addition, new forms of synthetic collagens are making these injections safer and more useful for a wider


range of people. Although the results are generally shorter lived than other wrinkle fillers, many believe the results are better and look more natural. Side effects of collagen injections include some risk of allergic reaction (mostly for those still using bovine sources) as well as bruising and redness at the site of the injection.

n Autologous Wrinkle Fillers This category includes wrinkle fillers made from substances, usually fat, taken from your own body. The fat is normally taken from the thighs, buttocks, or stomach. They are most often used for fine lines and creases on the face. Though these aren’t commonly used, they can be an option for some people. Risks for these injections are similar to other wrinkle fillers, including bruising, redness, and swelling at the site of the injection. You need, though, to have two procedures (one to remove the fat and one to inject it). Both, though, can be done in one visit. Additional purification steps taken in the lab can be costly and time consuming. Results can be permanent, although you may need a series of injections. Because the fillers come from your body, these injections do not require FDA approval.

Botulism toxin injections (also called muscle relaxants and twinkle injections) work by relaxing wrinkle-causing muscles, which softens existing facial lines and can also prevent the formation of new ones. Small qualities of Botulism toxins are injected into several locations on the face such as the forehead and crow’s feet area at the corner of the eyes, reducing nerve stimulation and therefore etched facial lines. Results can be seen immediately, although they may take up to four days to develop – effects usually last between four – six months.



Skin care through the ages


ow to have naturally beautiful skin, from adolescents to retirement and everything in between. Although we all age differently, thanks to genetics, lifestyle and environmental factors. There are certain age related changes common to us all. It would be easy to have a simplistic view of how our skin ages with younger skin desirable, older skin not so. But the truth is there are advantages to every stage at every age. There is no denying that our faces change over time and so does the best way to look after them. Here’s our guide to giving your skin the natural help it needs for every age.



At this age, skin renews itself fast about every 28 days in fact. Your complexion will be plump and toned, resilient and elastic. On the downside, your hormones are going haywire which can lead to blackheads, whiteheads, acne and excessive shine.

By now your skin should have found its balance and settled down, the downside skin renewal is slowing and you may become drier than before.

Advice: Cleanse thoroughly morning and night ensuring that

Advice: Continue to moisturise and use sun

Use a light moisturiser. Always wear sunscreen – your appreciate this when your older! This is probably the best thing that you can add to your skin to help it to stay looking young for longer.

Products: Try Australian Organics minty smelling Exfoliating Facial Scrub for normal and combination skin (from bigreensmile. com). Origin’s bestselling High Potency NightA-Mins ( gives skin a vitamin boost as well as moisture. Aveda’s Balancing Infusion for Oily Skin/Acne (from is great for fending off eruptions.

you rinse off all residue afterwards with a damp cloth or toner. Don’t be tempted to remove grease by over cleansing with harsh detergents – this will just make your skin over compensate so it will get even greasier.

Products: Tea tree, witch hazel and lavender oil are all great for blemishridden skin. The Body Shop does a broad range of tea tree products (from Body Shop stores or from Green People has developed a fab range of products for young skin called Oy! (from Kimberley Sayer’s citrussy Ultra-Light Moisturiser doubles up as a sunscreen, SPF 25 (from


screen. Now is the time to start exfoliating and use a night cream. You may still need a bit of help from ‘balancing products’ – see above.



Thirties Now, is the time when skin starts to show signs of ageing. Your skin needs much more moisture and it will be losing some elasticity. On the other hand, you may well have fewer blemishes than before. This is the decade when many women’s careers take off and kids may arrive on the scene. So stress may show on the skin.

Advice: As well as moisturiser, sun screen and exfoliate, use eye cream and a weekly face mask. Drink plenty of water to hydrate your skin – sip at it throughout the day. Ensure you make time to relax.

Products: Choose a face mask that suits your skin type. Sundried Rhassoul Clay Pack removes deep down dirt and renews – good for normal and combination skin (from Liz Earle’s Intensive Nourishing Treatment Mask (from or branches of John Lewis) suits dry or stressed skin. Suki’s Eye Tissue Repair Balm provides intense overnight nourishment (from La Clarée Oliv Eye and Lip Contour Treatment (from is a lighter gel, good for day use.

Forties In your mid-forties, your body is likely to start gearing up for the menopause. This change in oestrogen levels will affect your skin, perhaps leading to break outs and hot flushes. But with the right care your skin can still be glowing and gorgeous.

Advice: In brief, vitamin boosting serums do work. Plus you’ll need to keep up the use of

the sun screen, exfoliate, moisturise, use a mask and eye cream. Facial oils are great too but they must be thoroughly removed with a damp cloth or cotton wool.

Products: There is a huge number of products to choose from that fit into the anti-ageing category. We’ve recently discovered Beyond Organic’s Regenerating Night Cream (from Beyondskincare. which is full of natural goodies. Natural Empathy’s range is bursting with anti-oxidants ( We also love Africology’s Anti-oxidant Serum (from

Fifty plus The menopause is likely to have left you with drier skin. It will be thinner and more delicate plus you may have age spots caused by sun exposure. Lips begin to appear thinner and eyes may also be drier. On the other hand, older women often have a velvety, peachy texture to their skin


Moisture is of course the key here. And exercise can plump up the skin at any age and so is an invaluable tool now. Wear soft make up colours with no hard lines, and don’t use dark colour on the lips as it will make them look narrower. Use a rich hand cream as it is often here that skin shows the signs of ageing most. Pure, natural ingredients that have been credited with youth-giving properties for generations include honey and frankincense.

Products: Pure and True multi vitamin age defying serum is an advanced but natural vitamin packed product (from, Aveda Nourishment Sheer Mineral Lipstick plumps and hydrates (from The multi-talented MSM Organic Beauty Cream soothes and repairs mature skin (from






The first 24 hour moisturiser for skin protection in high definition




STOP THE CLOCK R egeneration medicine is revolutionising the world of anti-ageing and aesthetics, promoting younger looking skin.

Regenerative medicine is a relatively new, exciting and fast moving research field. By kick starting the body’s natural processes and energising cellular activity regenerative medicine works to REPAIR, HEAL and REVERSE the signs of ageing from within. It uses specialised cells, genes or other biological building blocks to RESTORE, REPLACE and REPAIR damaged or aged tissues.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) In recent years this new technology has come to the fore and shows great promise, it was made especially popular recently when Kim Kardashian posted a photo of herself on a social media site while undertaking a procedure. Along with the benefit of using your own tissue therefore eliminating allergies there is the added intrigue of mobilising your own stem cells for your benefit. The benefits to you are that platelet rich plasma can rejuvenate your skin improving texture and lines with a gradual natural change. Platelet Rich Plasma, or PRP for short, was begun to improve wound healing. Laying a coating of this over an open wound will rapidly induce healing of the wound reducing time to clear. In recent years it has begun to be applied very successfully in speeding injury repair. So good is it that some countries have asked the International Olympic Committee to ban it as they feel it gives an unfair advantage to the athletes of those countries using it.

What is it? Platelet Rich Plasma, or PRP, is a fraction of your own blood drawn off and spun down and then


Regenerative medicine has potential in reversing and preventing damage to vital organs, growing new organs in patients with organ failure and countering the effects of neuro-degenerative diseases such as dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson‘s disease. Its success in the medical arena has extended to impact the world of aesthetics, where platelet rich plasma, stem cell and certain light therapies are used to optimise results in cosmetic enhancement.

reapplied or injected to create improved tissue health. Platelets are very small cells in your blood that are involved in the clotting process. As they are organised in the clot they release a number of enzymes to promote healing and tissue responses including attracting stem cells to repair the damaged area. When used in injured or sun- and time-damaged tissue they can induce a remodelling of the tissue to a healthier and younger state.

What can it be used for? Platelet Rich Plasma - PRP - can be used in speeding healing of open wounds, in tendon and other musculoskeletal injuries and in problems like arthritis. But Platelet Rich Plasma - PRP - can be used also to improve skin texture, lines and wrinkles. By placing it into the deeper skin layer fibroblasts and other cells can be stimulated to a more youthful function. Areas like crêpe areas under eyes and in necks can show dramatic improvement. Lines like about upper lips can also improve. And the general texture and turgor of the skin will improve.

Stem Cells The buzzword in skincare and cosmetic regeneration, Stem Cells regeneration signifies the cutting edge of rejuvenation science. Stem cells have become a hot topic of conversation in the field of medicine. Stem cells are characterized by the ability to renew themselves through mitotic cell division and differentiating into a diverse range of specialized cell types. (i.e. the ability to divide and create another cell like itself)

What does it all mean to you? Recent developments in stem cell research have allowed stem cells to be grown and transformed into specialized cells with characteristics consistent with cells of various tissues such as muscles, nerves, and even fat. Adult stem cell treatments have been used to treat leukaemia through bone barrow transplants for some time. Advances in veterinary medicine have allowed researchers to reconstruct nerves and tendons that have been injured due to trauma. And still on the forefront are studies looking at stem cell therapy that can be used to treat a wider variety of diseases including cancer, Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord injuries, ALS, multiple sclerosis, and muscle damage. Stem Cell rejuvenation within the cosmetic industry is thought to REPLENISH and RESTORE the aged cells and tissues within the skin helping to create a younger, more vibrant looking appearance.

Stem Cells in Skincare The use of Stem Cells within skincare products is a competitive and ever-evolving field. Plant cells are commonly used and are said to automatically renew into different types of cells stimulating the activity of fibroblasts, which generate collagen in the dermis and deliver phytonutrients and proteins to improve skin resilience and structure. Plant derived Stem Cells in anti-ageing lotions are touted to reactivate the adult stem cell already present within the skin’s deeper layers. These adult stem cells are responsible for skin homeostasis, skin repair and hair regeneration.

Stem Cell Types within the body ■ Embryonic Stem Cells ES cells are collected from an embryo from fertilization of an egg to formation of a fetus (5 to 6 days after fertilization). Because of their ability to grow into any type of cells in the body, ES cells are also called pluripotent stem cells.

■ Adult Stem Cells Adult stem cells collected from human tissues are in an undifferentiated state. Found in the bone marrow, blood, cornea and retina in the eyes, liver, and skin; adult stem cells are master cells that form individual tissues. There are bone marrow stem cells, hematopoietic stem cells, and mesenchymal stem cells. Adult stem cells are much less likely to induce rejection than ES cells collected from another person’s fertilized egg.

■ Mesencymal Stem Cells Among the adult stem cell groups, the Mesenchymal stem cells, or MSCs, are multipotent adult stem cells that can differentiate into a variety of cell types, including: bone cells, cartilage cells, fat cells, muscle and tendons. MSCs encompass multipotent cells derived from bone marrow, umbilical cord blood, and adipose tissue. We use in our practice either adipose tissue stem cells or bone marrow. We feel that adipose tissue has shown to be an excellent source of stem cells, is simple and less painful to obtain and the number of MSCs seems to be consistently higher than in bone marrow, and less affected by age.



Light Therapy Low level light therapy can be used to treat many cosmetic conditions as well as improve skin tissue and muscle tone. Treatments are designed to penetrate deep into the tissues by utilizing different wavelengths of light. The system works by stimulating a natural cellular regeneration and repair process resulting in treatments that are quick, painless with immediate outstanding results. Regeneration using light at different wavelengths has been shown to accelerate wound healing, stimulate hair growth, treat active acne and deliver pleasing results as a non-invasive procedure.

What results can I expect? ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Skin surface becomes toned and youthful Delivers a healthy glow resulting from total skin rejuvenation Increased inner skin firmness Promotes anti-stress and overall feeling of wellness Accelerates skin repair Healthier circulation Increased oxygenation Increased moisture

What are the benefits of Light Therapy Treatments? Increased circulation Promotes collagen production leading to a more youthful skin Restoration of skin’s natural cellular activity Encourages a natural chemical reaction within the skin, uniting hydrogen and oxygen to create moisture ■ Greater use of nutritional elements existing within the skin ■ ■ ■ ■

Fat Transfer Fat transfer is an aesthetic procedure that takes fat from one area of your body and relocates it to another area of your body to restore lost or uneven volume and contours. The fat is used as a natural injectable to treat areas such as the face, breast, buttocks, and hands. Fat transfer is harvested through liposuction from areas such as the stomach, love handles, thighs, or wherever excess fat is located. The harvested fat is then condensed, filtered, and injected into the desired treatment area. On the face, fat injection can be used to plump areas such as hollow checks and around the eyes-restoring lost volume. On the body, fat injection can be used to treat areas such as the hands, breasts, and buttocks to restore natural contours for a fuller, youthful look.






un damage is by far the biggest cause of premature ageing. Here we examine the different types of sun damage related pigmentation.

Types of Pigmentation: Melasma / Chloasma Melasma is a skin condition presented as brown patches on the face of adults. Both sides of the face are usually affected. The most common sites of involvement are the cheeks, bridge of nose, forehead, and upper lip. Melasma usually occurs in women and women who take birth control pills often develop this type of pigmentation. Only 10% of those affected are men. The symptoms of Melasma are dark, irregular patches commonly found on the upper cheek, nose, lips, upper lip, and forehead. These patches often develop gradually over time. Melasma does not cause any other symptoms beyond the cosmetic discoloration. Some pregnant women overproduce melanin and develop a condition called Chloasma or the “mask of pregnancy”, on their faces or abdomens. This can cover a relatively large area and may worsen after sun exposure. Age spots / Liver Spots / Solar Lentigines These usually occur as a result of damage to the skin, from the sun’s rays. The small, dark spots are found generally on the hands and face, but any area exposed to the sun, can be affected. Exposure to the sun’s rays and a daily onslaught of environmental elements such as air pollution and the toxins in our food, all wreak havoc on our skin, damaging cell walls and connective tissue, this results in the visible signs of aging we see in our skin. Skin can look dull and lack lustre, pigmentation and age spots start

to appear and wrinkles become more prevalent. The way our skin responds to UVA and UVB damage, is partly due to our genetic make-up but is also greatly influenced by the way we have treated our skin over the years. Excessive sunbathing or sunbed use can have a dramatic effect on the way we age. Freckles Freckles are small flat brown marks arising on the face and other sun exposed areas. Freckles are inherited characteristics and are mostly found fair skinned people, especially those with red hair, they can however affects darker skin types as well. The medical term for this type of freckle is ephilis (plural ephilides). The colour is due to pigment accumulating in the skin cells (keratinocytes). Skin pigment (melanin) is made by cells called melanocytes. They don’t produce much melanin during the winter months, but produce more when exposed to the sun. The melanin is diffused into the surrounding skin cells, called keratinocytes. The colour of ephilides is due to localised accumulation of melanin in keratinocytes. Obviously Ephilides are more prominent in summer but fade considerably or disappear in winter as the keratinocytes are replaced by new cells. As a person ages this type of freckle generally become less noticeable. Apart from sun protection, no particular treatment is necessary.

Treatment options Although skin pigmentation is in most cases harmless, many people seek treatment for cosmetic reasons however in most cases wearing a broad spectrum sunscreen is the most important factor in preventing skin pigmentation. • Topical skincare and prescription products such as hydroquinone, tretinoin and retin – A • Chemical Peel • Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing • Laser / IPL Resurfacing • Laser / IPL Rejuvenation for Vascular and Pigmented Legions • Dermal Rollering






esthetic practitioners are at the front line when it comes to seeing patients with ageing sun damaged skin, so sun advice, mole checking and skin cancer are issues no aesthetic clinic can afford to ignore. Skin cancer incidence have increased worldwide and worryingly enough melanoma is rising faster than any other type of deadly cancer today mainly because of societies obsession to have golden tanned skin. (According to a WHO report, about 48,000 melanoma-related deaths occur worldwide per year) Most people associate having a tan with being healthy but what a large majority of people still don’t realise is that a tan means that the skin has been damaged and is only making more melanin in order to protect itself. Sun exposure is a cumulative process and each exposure adds to, and builds on, the previous one, exasperating the damage which can in a worst case scenario develop into skin cancer.

How Your Skin Works Your skin works as a barrier to protect your body against things like water loss, bacteria, and other harmful contaminants. The outermost layer, the epidermis, is the layer in constant contact with the environment. While it sheds skin cells regularly, it can sustain damage from the sun, infection, or cuts and scrapes. The epidermis is made up of several different types of cells. Cancer occurs when normal cells undergo a transformation and grow and multiply without normal controls. Here are the cancer basics: • As the cells multiply, they form a mass called a tumour. • Tumours are cancerous only if they are malignant. This means that they encroach on and invade neighbouring tissues


(especially lymph nodes) because of their uncontrolled growth. • Tumours may also travel to remote organs via the bloodstream. This process of invading and spreading to other organs is called metastasis. • Tumours overwhelm surrounding tissues by invading their space and taking the oxygen and nutrients they need to survive and function. There are three major types of skin cancers: basal cell carcinoma (BCC),squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and melanoma. The first two skin cancers are grouped together as nonmelanoma skin cancers. Other unusual types of skin cancer include Merkel cell tumours and dermatofibrosarcoma protruberans.

Types of Skin Cancer: Basal Cell Carcinoma This is the most common type of skin cancer. Basal cells make up the lowest layer of the epidermis, the basal layer. Cancer inside this area is known as basal cell carcinoma, and it comprises about 80 percent of all cases of skin cancer. Most common in the head and neck, basal cell carcinoma is a slow-growing cancer that rarely spreads to other parts of the body. It usually shows on skin as raised, waxy pink bumps. Infiltrative basal cell carcinoma can appear translucent with blood vessels near the skin’s surface.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma This is the most common type of skin cancer. Basal cells make up the lowest layer of the epidermis, the basal layer. Cancer inside this area is known as basal cell carcinoma, and it comprises about 80 percent of all cases of skin cancer. Most common in the head and neck, basal cell carcinoma is a slow-growing cancer that rarely spreads to other parts of the body. It usually shows on skin as raised, waxy pink bumps. Infiltrative basal cell carcinoma can appear translucent with blood vessels near the skin’s surface.

Melanoma Melanoma is by far the most dangerous, causing about 75 percent of all skin cancer-related deaths. It occurs in the skin cells that create pigment, and it creates moles or lesions that follow an ABCDE pattern in their irregularities: • asymmetrical shape • border irregularities • colour • diameter • evolution of the lesion The Four Major Types of Melanoma 1. Superficial spreading melanoma - The most common type; lesions are usually flat, irregular in shape, and contain varying shades of black and brown. It can occur at any age. 2. Lentigo maligna melanoma - Usually affects the elderly; involves large, flat, brownish lesions 3. Nodular melanoma - Can be dark blue, black, or reddish-blue, but may have no colour at all. It usually starts as a raised patch. 4. Acral lentiginous melanoma - The least common type; typically affects the palms, soles of the feet, or under finger and toenails.

This is a very common type of skin cancer. It often appears on skin that got lots of sun, such as an ear, face, bald scalp, neck, or arm. But it can appear elsewhere — even inside the mouth, on the lip, or on the genitals. Too much sun is often the cause, but it is not the only cause. SCC can appear on skin that was badly burned, had lots of radiation (such as x-rays), or was exposed to strong chemicals. SCC often has a reddish colour. Without treatment, it can grow deeply. If this happens, the cancer can spread to other parts of the body. This can be deadly. SCC often looks like a: • Hard (scaly or crusty) reddish bump, patch, or pearl-shaped growth • Open sore that itches and bleeds; it can heal and return





• Scaly patch on the lip; skin on the lip can get thick

Skin Cancer Causes Ultraviolet (UV) light exposure, most commonly from sunlight, is overwhelmingly the most frequent cause of skin cancer. Other important causes of skin cancer include the following: • Use of tanning booths • Immunosuppression, or impairment of the immune system, which protects the body from germs or substances that cause an allergic reaction • Exposure to unusually high levels of radiation, such as from X-rays • Contact with certain chemicals, such as arsenic (miners, sheep shearers, and farmers) and hydrocarbons in tar, oils, and soot (which may cause squamous cell carcinoma)



Skin Cancer Symptoms Skin cancer symptoms depend on the type of skin cancer that has developed. A basal cell carcinoma (BCC) usually looks like a raised, smooth, pearly bump on the sun-exposed skin of the head, neck, or shoulders. Others signs include: • Small blood vessels may be visible within the tumour. • A central depression with crusting and bleeding (ulceration) frequently develops. • A BCC often appears as a sore that does not heal. A squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is commonly a well-defined, red, scaling, thickened bump on sun-exposed skin. It may ulcerate and bleed, and left untreated, may develop into a large mass. The majority of malignant or cancerous melanomas are brown-to-black pigmented lesions. Other signs of a cancerous melanoma include: • A change in size, shape, colour, or elevation of a mole • The appearance of a new mole during adulthood, or new pain, itching, ulceration, or bleeding of an existing mole

Treating Skin Cancer There are many treatments for skin cancer your dermatologist will select a treatment after considering the following: • Type of skin cancer. • Where the skin cancer appears on the body. • Whether the skin cancer is aggressive. • Stage of the cancer (how deeply the skin cancer has grown and whether it has spread). • Patient’s health. After considering the above, your dermatologist will choose 1 or more of the following treatments for skin cancer. Surgical treatment: When treating skin cancer, the goal is to remove all of the cancer. When the cancer has not spread, this is often possible. To remove skin cancer, the following surgical treatment may be used: • Excision: To perform this, the dermatologist numbs the skin and then surgically cuts out the skin cancer and a small amount of normal-looking skin. This normal-looking skin is called a margin. There are different types of excision. Most excisions can be performed in a dermatologist’s office. • Mohs surgery: Mohs surgery begins with the surgeon removing the visible part of the skin cancer. Because cancer cells are not visible to the naked eye, the surgeon also removes some skin that looks normal but may contain cancer cells. This part of the surgery is performed one layer at a time. After removing a layer of skin, it is prepared so that the surgeon can examine it under a microscope and look for cancer cells. If the surgeon sees cancer cells, the surgeon removes another layer of skin. This layer-by-layer approach continues until the surgeon no longer finds cancer cells. In most cases, Mohs surgery can be completed within a day or less. The cure rate for skin cancer is high when Mohs surgery is used. • Curettage and electrodesiccation: This surgical procedure may be used to treat small basal cell and squamous cell skin cancers.


It involves scraping the tumour with a curette (a surgical instrument shaped like a long spoon) and then using an electric needle to gently cauterize (burn) the remaining cancer cells and some normal-looking tissue. This scraping and cauterizing process is typically repeated 3 times. The wound tends to heal without stitches. (Sometimes, curettage is used alone). Other treatments: Surgical treatment is not right for every case of skin cancer. Some patients cannot undergo surgery. Sometimes, surgery cannot remove all of the cancer, and more treatment is used to help get rid of the cancer. If the skin cancer is caught very early, surgery may not be necessary. Other treatments for skin cancer are: • Immunotherapy: This treatment uses the patient’s own immune system to fight the cancer. The patient applies a cream (generic name is imiquimod) to the skin as directed by the dermatologist. • Cryosurgery: The dermatologist freezes the skin cancer. Freezing destroys the treated area, causing the skin and cancer cells to slough off. • Chemotherapy applied to the skin: The generic name for the medicine used in this treatment is 5-fluorouracil or 5-FU. The patient applies 5-FU to the skin cancer. It destroys the damaged skin cells. When the skin heals, new skin appears. • Chemotherapy: If the cancer spreads beyond the skin, chemotherapy may kill the cancer cells. When a patient gets chemotherapy, the patient takes medicine. This medicine may be swallowed, injected (shots), or infused (given with an IV). The medicine travels throughout the body and kills the cancer cells. The medicine also destroys some normal cells. This can cause side effects, such as vomiting and hair loss. When chemotherapy stops, the side effects usually disappear. • Photodynamic therapy: This treatment consists of 2 phases. First, a chemical is applied to the skin cancer. This chemical sits on the skin cancer for several hours. During the second phase, the skin cancer is exposed to a special light. This light destroys the cancer cells. • Radiation therapy: Radiation may be used to treat older adults who have a large skin cancer, skin cancers that cover a large area, or a skin cancer that is difficult to surgically remove. Radiation therapy gradually destroys the cancer cells through repeat exposure to radiation. A patient may receive 15 to 30 treatments. This treatment is often only recommended for older adults.

SKIN TYPES AND SUN PROTECTION There are six different skin types - with each one requiring a different level of sun protection. Here’s our guide to identifying them...


Type I skin types have pale skin, coupled with blonde or red hair and freckles. They may burn very easily and rarely tan. They are most at risk of developing skin cancer so need to take particular care in the sun, seek shade, wear a minimum SPF of 30 and reapply their sunscreen frequently.


Type IV’s have brown eyes and dark hair, with skin that tans easily and only burns with very lengthy sun exposure. They are at moderate risk of skin cancer so need to wear plenty of sunscreen and take breaks from the sun.


People with light hair, blue or brown eyes and very fair skin are Type II. Their skin usually burns but may gradually tan. They are at high risk of developing skin cancer so should avoid sunbathing and opt for a minimum SPF 20 when out in the sunshine.


Type V’s have naturally brown skin with brown eyes and dark hair. They burn only with excessive exposure to the sun and their skin darkens easily. They are at low risk of skin cancer but should still take care to apply SPF to reduce their risk of skin cancer and accelerated ageing.


Type III’s will burn after long exposure to the sun but generally tan quite easily. They probably have light olive skin with dark hair and brown or green eyes. They are at significant risk of skin cancer, so need to wear an SPF 15 and avoid lengthy spells in the sun.


Type VI’s have black skin with dark brown eyes and black hair. They burn only with extreme exposure to the sun and are at low risk of skin cancer but should wear sunscreen to protect themselves from the ageing effects of the sun.




Peel back the layers to expose fresh, radiant skin


s we age the skins renewal process slows down, wrinkles, fine lines and colour pigmentation appear making our skin look sallow and dull. To refresh the skins appearance chemical peels can be used to exfoliate the differing layers of skin to promote skin-cell renewal and reduce these appearances. About Chemical Peels: Chemical peels provide great non-invasive skin exfoliation and skin rejuvenation with results that texturize, smooth and brighten the skin. Rough or dry patches can be resurfaced, and uneven pigmentation spots can be reduced. The look of fine lines and wrinkles can be improved as cell turnover is increased and damaged skin cells are shed. Various concentrations and combinations of peel solutions also prove to be effective for the improvement of mild acne by stripping away plugs of keratin, oil, and dirt that often lead to outbreaks! The types of chemical peels differ based on how deeply the chemical penetrates and what type of chemical solution is used. Things that may affect the depth of a peel include the acid concentration in the peeling agent, the number of coats that are applied, and the amount of time allowed before the acid is neutralized. Deeper peels result in more dramatic effects as well as higher risks, increased pain, and longer healing time. There are three basic types of peels: n Superficial peels are the mildest type of chemical peel and can be used on all skin types. Superficial peels usually use liquid containing a mild (dilute) acid, most often glycolic acid. Dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) is sometimes used. n Medium peels penetrate the skin more deeply than superficial peels and cause a seconddegree burn of the skin. Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) is the main peeling agent used for medium peels, though the peel may also be done in several steps using a different chemical solution followed by TCA.


n Deep peels penetrate several layers of skin and cause a second-degree burn of the skin. They are used only on the face. A chemical called phenol is usually used for a deep peel. Deep peels may not be used on darker skin types, because they tend to bleach the skin (hypopigmentation). Even in lighter-skinned people, phenol peels — or any type of deep resurfacing — may bleach the skin. A deep peel can be done only once in most cases. Mesopeel by Mesoestetic offers a range of chemical peels designed to refresh and revitalise the skins completion.

mesoestetic | product range ÂŽ

Enhancing the skins complexion Mesopeel Lactic: Lactic acid - from sour milk or yoghurt has high hydration power and is a basic component in natural skin protection. Mesoestetic Lactic Peel combines all the properties of this acid into an anti-aging peel which softens contours, reduces solar damage, improves texture, skin tone/aspect and generally activates collagen and elastin formation likewise other dermis substances. Particularly suited to flaky skins and/or those displaying early signs of wrinkles and skin aging.

Mesopeel Glycolic: Mesoestetic Glycolic Peel is an Alphahydroxyacid from sugar cane with excellent anti-aging properties. An organic acid rich in vitamins, minerals, vegetable hormones and sugar Glycolic acid stimulates the creation of collagen, encouraging skin cell regeneration. Mesoestetic Glycolic Peel also helps with the elimination of toxins from the skin helping oxygenate and energise whilst keeping the skin fresh and preventing premature skin aging. Ideally suited as an anti-aging treatment aimed to reduce wrinkles, expression lines or sun-damage.

Mesopeel Azelan: This treatment is specifically formulated for oily skins or those with acneic tendancy. Used for treating acne in its different manifestations and elimination of epidermis hyperpigmentations.

Improving Skin Texture & Pigmentation

Reducing the signs of ageing

Modified Mesopeel Jessner:

Mesopeel TCA SOFT and mesopeel TCA are both highly efficient treatments against slight to moderate photo-aging, wrinkles, actinic and sebhorreic keratosis, pigmentary dischromia, acne and acneic scars, lack of facial luminosity and recovery of skin texture and general skin tone.

This treatment is ideal for dull, slightly wrinkled, sensitive and dark skins, treating chronological aging, actinic acne, superficial scarring and slight hyperpigmentation’s. It is a broad-spectrum peel designed to achieve effective and holistic skin rejuvenation. Three acids Lactic, Salicylc and Citric combine together to achieve recovery of lost skin tone, texture and luminosity

Mesopeel Saliclic: Ideal for combating whiteheads this peel is best for blemish-prone skin that is excessively oily. The salicylic acid formula mixes freely with existing oils on the epidermis as well as sebaceous material within the follicle. Salicylic acid is a sebo-regulator, containing antiseptic, bacteriostatic and fungicidal properties.

Mesopeel Mandelic:

Mesopeel TCA:

The active ingredients target a wide range of age-related skin conditions resulting w skin ii firmer and more elastic skin.

Mesopeel Piruvex: This treatment is designed for the treatment of skin with aging signs like fine and deep wrinkles or hyperpigmentation. It is also useful for treating acne, actinic and fine seborrheic keratosis. After Piruvex peel application skin tonicity, luminosity and smoothness increases. This peel acts deeply within the skins surface to improve the appearance and luminosity of tired aged skin.

Mandelic acid is obtained from hydrolysis of bitter almond extract and is known to cause minimal irritation to skin. Specifically formulated to combat imperfections in skin with acneic tendancy, which may also combine photoaging and/or hyperpigmentation, a non-irritating treatment that helps even out skin-tone and improve texture. The main ingredient Mandelic Acid presents antiseborrheic keratolitic properties in addition to important antibacterial activity on micro-organisms involved in skin with acneic tendency. The whitening and lightening properties of mandelic acid unify skin tone acting on skin hyperpigmentation caused by exposure to the sun.

Melanostop Peel: Specifically formulated to treat melasma and other melanic hyperpigmentations, Melanostop peels effectiveness is due to the synergistic action of the three ingredients which act as depigmentants, chelants and keratolytics.

For further information visit:




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etting a tattoo often seems like a great idea at the time especially when you are young and in love, however, in later years the tattoo may not seem to be such a good idea. A tattoo that “made a statement” in one’s youth can become an embarrassment as one matures, becomes employed or gets married. While it seems like everybody has a tattoo (or two), according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), the number of people undergoing laser tattoo removal has increased 43%, and some of the UK’s top skin specialists say they are carrying out more laser tattoo removals than ever before with tattoo regret plaguing nearly one-third of people, confirms a recent survey by The British Association of Dermatologists.

Tattoo Market Characteristics Tattoos transcend all demographics and defy all stereotypes. They have become main-stream in today’s society, with celebrities, athletes, and even politicians getting inked.

Who has tattoos? As an average: 36% 18 – 25 year olds 40% 26-40 year olds 24% Other

Tattoo Removal Market Characteristics The tattoo removal industry is rapidly growing to keep up with the demand for the procedure. Year after year, the market continues to grow as people embrace laser tattoo removal as an effective solution to regain control over skin appearance. As the evidence shows, the average tattoo removal patients are young and female, and they have small, easy-to-remove black tattoos. There is a large crossover between tattoo removal patients and consumers of other aesthetic procedures.

Medical Solutions Dermatologists can offer a number of methods of tattoo removal. The choice of method depends on such factors as (1) the location of the tattoo on the face or body, (2) the depth


of tattoo pigment in the skin and the extent to which it has migrated from the site of deposition, (3) the cost of the procedure, and (4) the outcome desired by the patient. Professionally applied tattoos are usually easier to remove than those done by an amateur because the tattoo pigment tends to be more evenly distributed under the skin. Tattoos by amateurs are frequently done by depositing India ink under the skin with a needle, at varying depths under the skin and at varying concentrations. Black and blue tattoos are the easiest to remove; green and yellow are the hardest. The older the tattoo, the more likely it is that pigment will have migrated widely and deeply under the skin. Thus, some “old” tattoos may not be completely removable by any means other than wide and deep surgical excision. If surgery is agreed upon as the best treatment, patient and physician should discuss the probable extent of the surgical scar and how the scar can be minimized.

Laser Removal Today, lasers are the most common method of tattoo removal. They work by targeting the ink with pulses of highly concentrated light that break the ink into tiny fragments, which are then cleared away the your own immune system. However, this isn’t all done with just one treatment. The more treatments you have, the more the laser can penetrate to destroy the ink. But, the more treatments you have, the more damage you do to your skin, causing painful blisters and scabs that can eventually lead to scarring. Experts in removal therapy say that technology has advanced to the point where scarring is minimal, sometimes non-existent, but this can vary depending on the situation. On top of being physically painful (it has been described as feeling like being splattered with hot grease), laser removal can be painful to your wallet as well. Depending on your tattoo, you may need anywhere from 1-10 sessions, each costing in the range of €250€850 per session. A large, professional tattoo in colour could cost thousands of dollars to remove, and the effectiveness of the removal still isn’t guaranteed.


WHO GETS REMOVAL? AVERAGE PATIENT AGE = 29 Average size of tattoo


4” x 4”

30% MEN

Intense Pulsed Light Therapy Intense Pulsed Light Therapy, or IPL, is a dermal enhancer currently being used in some spas. Instead of laser light, it uses high intensity light in pretty much the same manner. A gel is applied to the skin and then a wand is used to emit pulses of light onto the skin area being treated. This method is said to be less painful and more effective than traditional laser therapy, but there are many tattoo removal experts who do not recommend IPL. Even if it does work a little better, the bad news is that it also carries a heftier price tag – with clinics offering a price per pulse. Depending on how many pulses per session your tattoo requires, this could add up to a significant amount of money.

Other Medical Methods There are many other methods of tattoo removal, but most of them are so painful and ineffective that laser removal replaced them as soon as it became available. These other methods include dermabrasion, which would actually “sand” away the top layer of skin through abrasive friction. Another method is excision, where the tattoo would be cut away and the skin sewn back together. These methods have proved to cause extensive damage to the skin and result in severe scarring, and are only used today in extreme cases where laser surgery is not an option.

Fading with Saline Some tattoo artists can fade a tattoo by “tattooing”(not injecting) saline solution into the area where the old ink resides. This is most effective with older tattoos, and is not a reliable method for tattoo removal. However, sometimes this can be done to fade a tattoo and make it easier to cover it up

with a new tattoo. There is some controversy among tattoo artists as to the effectiveness of this technique, but it poses no harm to the client and is worth a try for someone wanting to lighten an existing tattoo. Finding an artist that does this, however, may be difficult.

Cover-up - An Alternative to Removal If you have a tattoo you just don’t like, there is an alternative to having it removed - and it’s much less painful and a lot less expensive. It’s called a cover-up, and that’s exactly what it is. A cover-up is simply having an old tattoo covered up with a new tattoo. Many tattoo artists are becoming quite skilled in doing cover-up jobs, and can help you come up with a design that you will be much happier to live with. The price is usually just the price of a regular tattoo, and when done correctly your old tattoo will be completely invisible, reduced to a memory. There are limits to cover-ups. You can’t cover something black with something yellow. A very dark tattoo will need to be covered with something dark. Areas with ink on them obviously need to be covered, so a design with too many spaces and blank areas may not work. But, with a talented cover-up artist, you can end up with a cover-up tattoo that looks even better than you hoped. If you’re looking to get a tattoo covered up, it’s important that you find a tattoo artist who has experience in doing them and can prove it with examples in his/her portfolio. Once a tattoo has been covered up, it’s very difficult - if not nearly impossible - to cover it up again if it’s not done right.



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Spa Treatments & Medical Science Merge to create Radiant Skin


The T HydraFacial:

he HydraFacial™ or Hydradermabrasion treatment as it’s technically known, is a relatively new procedure in aesthetic technology.

It is evolved from its older cousin Microdermabrasion which is a nonsurgical process of removing the face’s outer layer of dead or damaged skin using a stream of microcrystals blasted onto the surface of the skin.

A Gentle, Efficient Treatment for Your Skin Five Step Plan:

However the primary difference between microdermabrasion is that with the HydraFacial there is a lack of any crystals used to assist in the exfoliation process, and uses instead a specially shaped spiral tip which exfoliates and removes impurities along with applying various serums that cleanse, hydrate and provide antioxidant infusion during the treatment process. This is therefore less harsh than the microdermabrasion yet even more efficient. Taking its name from the root word Hydrate; the HydraFacial incorporates a series of highly specialised treatments to purify and beautify the skin. Cleansing and exfoliation removes dead skin cells, an acid peel dislodges grime from the pores and a vortex suction extraction system unclogs the pores completely this is then followed with an infusion of a highly active hydrating serum to nourish and protect the skin.

1 2 345


Dead skin cells are removed to reveal a healthy new skin





This gentle peel helps loosen dirt and debris from pores without irritation

Automated extractions use vortex suction to clean pores

Antioxidants and hyaluronic acid are vortex fused to nourish and protect the skin

The HydraFacial daily essential skincare products help maintain and protect results



HydraFacial™ Treatment FAQs Is it clinically proven to work? Yes. A number of clinical trials into the use of hydradermabrasion and the associated application of antioxidant serums, both as a stand-alone treatment and in conjunction with other non-surgical skin rejuvenation procedures, such as Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), have been carried out by American physicians Dr. Patrick Bitter and Dr. Bruce Freedman. A study by Dr. Freedman involved 20 volunteers being split into two groups, one group had six hydradermabrasion treatments using the mechanically applied antioxidant serum, spaced 7 - 10 days apart, and the other group simply had the serum applied manually, again for six treatments spaced 7 - 10 days apart. Results gathered two weeks after the final treatment showed that the group treated with hydradermabrasion demonstrated increased thickness in the skin layers, with the deposition of new collagen fibres and increased levels of antioxidants in the skin. Fine lines, pore size and hyperpigmentation were also decreased following treatment. The other group showed no change in skin structure, clinical attributes (such as wrinkling, hyperpigmentation etc.) or antioxidant levels. It was therefore concluded the HydraFacial™ treatment effectively improved skin quality and increased the antioxidant levels present in the skin, whilst the lack of an abrasion element and a manual application of antioxidants did not result in detectable skin changes.

Why would HydraFacial™ be good for my skin? Hydration is the foundation of any healthy, radiant skin. Irritation and dehydration of the skin has been proven to increase signs of aging. The HydraFacial™ is a hydrating and non-irritating treatment.

In simple terms what does the HydraFacial™ achieve? The HydraFacial™ treatment removes dead skin cells and extracts impurities within the skin, while simultaneously bathing the new skin with cleansing, hydrating and moisturizing serums. HydraFacial™ effectively and safely improves skin quality by increasing its thickness, repairing the dermal matrix and delivering beneficial antioxidants. Clinical improvements include better facial tone and texture, less skin colour patchiness and fewer fine lines. The procedure is ideally suited for those desiring non-invasive facial rejuvenation with minimal recovery.

What types of Serums are used with the HydraFacial™ Device? The serums used within the HydraFacial™ MD™ range, and which are delivered direct to the skin’s surface via the Hydropeel™ Tip, contain amongst other products, glucosamine, lactic acid, and active botanicals for cleansing and hydrating all skin types. Some serums also contain mild concentrations of salicyclic acid, used for cleansing and hydrating oily and acne prone skin. Our antiox-6™, antioxidant treatment serum for all skin types containing hyaluronic acid, vitamins A and E and white tea extract is designed to combat the damage created by free radicals within the environment, and deeply moisturise the skin. The HydraFacial™ device can also be used to apply the TNS® (Tissue Nutrient Solution) Serum which contains NouriCel MD™, a proprietary mix of human growth factors, cytokines, soluble collagen, antioxidants and matrix proteins, discovered through more than a decade of wound-healing research. Growth factors and cytokines are proteins that the body produces for regular growth and repair of tissue. The proteins are believed to work in concert with each other to produce the desired effects of reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and sun damage. A home use kit is often recommended following the HydraFacial™ TNS® Serum treatment to enhance and maintain the results.

How long does the treatment take? 124 THE CLINIC

The HydraFacial™ treatment is a fast, efficient treatment that takes between 15 - 30 minutes,

depending on the additional options used during treatment, e.g., LED light etc . Most patients find that they can return to work and normal activities immediately after treatment since there is no downtime.

What results may be expected and how many treatments are needed to see results? The results will depend on the condition of your skin. Many people report seeing visible skin refinement and an even, radiant skin tone after just one treatment with the results and skin hydration lasting between 5 and 7 days, and sometimes longer, making it an ideal one off treatment for a special occasion or a ‘freshen-up’. Others with more marked skin texture changes, may however require a second or even third session to see a noticeable improvements. In general, for improving the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, acne and oily skin or areas of colour patchiness, we usually advise a series of six treatments, with ongoing maintenance treatments every 2 to 8 weeks. A treatment programme incorporating the various serums, growth factors, peel products and LED light will of course be customised on a per patient basis, depending on the individual skin requirements.

What should you do after treatment? Use any post-treatment skincare products provided by your practitioner which should include a sunscreen to protect the skin from the sun. Additionally, when you leave a clinic after a HydraFacial™ treatment you are likely to suffer from varying degrees of redness for a short period of time depending on the depth of the abrasion and use of peel products, which may not be the most attractive face that you wish to present to the public as you walk down the street. There is however a solution. Lycogel® are the first truly breathable, completely safe camouflage and concealer products that oxygenate skin at the cellular level, and are suitable for immediate use after cosmetic procedures such as microdermabrasion. Doctors, skin specialists, aestheticians and beauty therapists use Lycogel® Camouflage & Concealer, because it is the only foundation that has the ability to promote the healing of damaged or post procedural skin and can be used on the skin immediately following treatment, allowing you to face the world without a red face.

How long do the results last? The smooth results and hydration may last 5 to 7 days or even longer. A series of 6 treatments are usually recommened for improving the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, acne and oily skin on a weekly basis. After your first series of treatments, you may want to maintain your results with a HydraFacial™ treatment every month.

Sounds great! Is it a miracle cure then? The short answer is no. Hydradermabrasion using the HydraFacial™ device is generally a mild treatment causing minimal damage to the surface of the skin. Although results do indeed improve your complexion and skin texture, they are however more subtle than the more invasive treatments such as laser resurfacing. Of course neither is it associated with the side effects and recovery of the more invasive lasers. We will therefore endeavour to set your expectations accordingly. HydraFacial™ treatment is normally indicated for the improvement in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, congested and enlarged pores (e.g., blackheads), oily or acne-prone skin and hyperpigmentation (i.e. dark areas of the skin, such as brown age spots). Hydradermabrasion in the main is not suitable for deep lines, wrinkles and scars, or deep hyperpigmentation problems and broken veins in the skin. These conditions often require more invasive techniques such as laser or deep chemical ablation or even surgery. The HydraFacial™ procedure however can be used in combination or in conjunction with these above treatments as well to compliment the results. For more information:

For a radiantly beautiful and youthfully fresh complexion







With the onset of summer Which? a UK consumer champion whose sole objective is to make our lives fairer, by providing unbiased advice to consumers, tested 15 well-known sun creams, including some from international brands such as Nivea and Hawaiian Tropic as well as cheaper own UK brands from shops such as Boots, M&S and Superdrug Out of the 15 products tested 7 sun creams worked extremely well but 3 sun creams failed. Below Which? investigates


We tested the sun creams to strict British standards to see whether they provide adequate protection against two types of UV radiation (UVA and UVB). UVB is the main cause of sunburn, while UVA has been connected to premature ageing of the skin. Both have been linked to skin cancer.

Sun Protection Factor (SPF) gives an indication of the amount of protection sunscreens offer against UVB. We tested whether each sun cream provides the level of SPF it claims on the label (SPF30). A second test is required to see how

much protection sun creams offer against UVA. We tested whether each sun cream met the EU recommendation for UVA protection. Our third test involved asking a panel of testers to rate how each sun cream felt when applied - they rated how easy the sun cream was to get out of the bottle, as well as how each one felt, looked and smelled on the skin.

In the table below, you can find out whether these 15 sun creams passed our tests. If you want to know more about the testing, find out

Brand and model


Price per 100ml

Size (ml)

Application rating



Overall pass?

Best Buy / Don’t Buy

Avon Sun Clear Spray SPF30









Boots Soltan Dry Touch Suncare Lotion SPF 30









Calypso Sun Lotion SPF30









Garnier Ambre Solaire Dry Mist SPF30









M&S Formula Sun Care Lotion









Nivea Sun Moisturising Sun Lotion SPF30









Superdrug Solait Moisturising Sun Lotion SPF30









Aldi Lacura Suncare Moisturising Sun Lotion SPF30









ASDA Protect Sun Lotion SPF30








Garnier Ambre Solaire Moisturising Milk SPF30¹









Morrisons Protect & Nourish Sun Lotion SPF30









Sainsbury’s Sun Protect Lotion 5* UVA SPF30








Hawaiian Tropic Satin Protection Lotion SPF30









Malibu Protective Lotion SPF30









Piz Buin Ultra Light Dry Touch Sun Fluid SPF30












DON’T BUY All of the products we tested had a claimed SPF of 30, but our tests found that three sun creams didn’t meet their claim. We don’t think you can rely on these sun creams to provide the level of protection you’d expect, so we’ve made these products Don’t Buys. Any sun cream that doesn’t offer the protection it claims could expose you to a greater risk of developing sunburn than one that meets its claim, as you’ll be

getting less protection than you think. In addition, many of us aren’t applying enough sunscreen, which further reduces the level of protection we’re receiving. According to the World Health Organisation, applying a smaller quantity of any sun cream leads to a disproportionate reduction in protection - if the quantity applied is reduced by half, protection may fail by as much as two thirds.

Hawaiian Tropic Satin Protection Ultra Radiance Sun Lotion SPF30 (200ml) Piz Buin Ultra Light Dry Touch Sun Fluid SPF30 (150ml) Both of these products failed to provide their claimed SPF of 30 in our tests. We retested a second batch of both sun creams but these didn’t pass our tests either. If you use these products they may not provide the level of protection they should. Our results suggest that paying more doesn’t guarantee greater protection - Piz Buin Ultra Light Dry Touch Sun Fluid SPF30 200ml and Hawaiian Tropic Satin Protection Ultra Radiance Sun Lotion SPF30 200ml are two of the most expensive products we tested. We alerted the makers of these two products to our findings. Hawaiian Tropic told us all of its products, including the one we tested, are rigorously tested at independent laboratories and meet EU regulatory requirements. It is confident about the results from its own testing. Piz Buin said all of its products are assessed for safety and efficacy in compliance with EU regulations. The SPF labelling of its products is based on a package of information that considers formulation as well as rigorous testing. It is confident that Piz Buin Ultra Light Dry Touch Sun Fluid provides SPF 30 protection and noted that variability in test results between laboratories is associated with the SPF test.

Malibu Protective Lotion SPF30 (200ml) In our tests, this product not only twice failed to provide the SPF30 it claims to offer, but it also failed our UVA protection test. The EU recommendation is for sun creams to offer a UVA Protection Factor (UVAPF) that is a third of their SPF in order to be considered to provide effective protection against UVA. In our test, Malibu Protective Lotion SPF30 (200ml) had a UVAPF lower than 10 - so did not achieve this. All of the other sun creams we tested passed our UVA test. Malibu told us that it is confident in the performance of its sun cream which it tested at an independent laboratory in 2002. It added the level of complaint about the product has been exceptionally low, with zero complaints in 2013.




“A modern skincare revolution”



MEN’S HEALTH James Gillray, 1756-1815, The Gout -

Across the UK Gout cases have exploded C ases of gout in the UK have “soared” since the beginning of the 21st century, and doctors have said, amid warnings that a condition traditionally labelled “the disease of kings” now afflict one in every 40 people – with the most incidences among the poor.

The British love of alcohol and reliance on junk food has turned Britain into the worst affected country by gout in Europe. A new study, published in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, suggests 21st century diets are fuelling a surge in cases, with the UK ahead of Germany and Italy. The condition, a severe kind of joint pain which causes swelling and redness, usually in the big toe, increased in prevalence by two thirds between 1997 and 2012 – or by around four per cent every year. Men were around three times as likely to be diagnosed, and the highest numbers of sufferers were in the North East of England and Wales.




But why?

So what is Gout?

Gout is associated with being overweight, having high blood pressure, drinking too much beer or spirits and eating a diet rich in purines, compounds which are found in some foods, particularly in liver and sardines, as well as other red meats.

Gout is a form of inflammatory arthritis, with sudden onset of acute pain, redness and swelling in peripheral joints, most commonly the joint in the big toe.

Because of its association with previously expensive foodstuffs and alcohol, it was traditionally known as a disease of the rich and King Henry VIII is believed to have suffered from it. But writing in a study published in the British Medical Journal, experts from the University of Nottingham and Keele University said that while gout “historically was considered a disease of affluence, the converse may now be true.” The authors ascribe the geographical variations in gout prevalence to “differences in socioeconomic status, lifestyle and nutrition”.

Why does uric acid build up?

Dr Weiya Zhang, from Nottingham’s School of Medicine, stated that “Widespread consumption of alcohol, seafood and red meats – a purine rich diet –is highly likely to increase new cases of gout. Our diets have changed quite a lot in the past 20 years.”

It is caused by a chemical in the blood called uric acid (urate). Uric acid is usually harmless and is made in the body. Most is passed out with the urine and some from

Normally, there is a fine balance between the amount of uric acid (urate) that you make and the amount that you pass out in the urine and faeces. This keeps the level of uric acid in the blood in check. However, in most people with gout, their kidneys do not pass out enough uric acid and the blood level may rise. They are said to be under-excreters of uric acid. Their kidneys usually work otherwise normally.

the gut with the stools (faeces). In people with gout the amount of uric acid in the blood builds up. From time to time the level may become too high and tiny grit-like crystals of uric acid may form. The crystals typically collect in a joint. The crystals irritate the tissues in the joint to cause inflammation, swelling and pain - a gout attack.

a normal balanced diet should not have much effect on the uric acid level. • Some medicines may raise the level of uric acid. For example, ‘water’ tablets (diuretics) such as bendroflumethiazide, aspirin (at full painkiller dose - not low-dose aspirin used to prevent blood clots), and some chemotherapy medicines.

In some people, the build-up of uric acid may due to other factors. For example:

• More uric acid is made than usual in illnesses where the cells of the body have a rapid turnover. For example, severe psoriasis and some blood disorders.

• Drinking too much alcohol can cause uric acid to build up.

People with certain other conditions have an increased risk of developing gout. These include:

• If you do not have enough vitamin C in your diet.

• Obesity.

• If you drink sugar-sweetened soft drinks high in fructose it can cause uric acid to build up. A recent research study found that having two drinks a day of a sugar-sweetened soft drink increased the risk of developing gout by 85%. (Drinks labelled as ‘diet’ or drinks containing artificial sweeteners were not found to increase the risk). Fructose-rich fruits and fruit juices may also increase the risk.

• High blood pressure.

• Certain foods may ‘tip the balance’ to raise your uric acid higher than normal. In particular, eating a lot of heart, herring, sardines, yeast extracts, or mussels may increase the level of uric acid. However, eating

• Kidney damage. • Diabetes mellitus. • Bone marrow disorders. • Lipid disorders (especially hypertriglyceridaemia). • Vascular disease • Enzyme defects such as hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRT) deficiency and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency.

Despite the increase in prevalence, the authors said that treatment for gout was as poor today as it was in the late 1990s. Only a third of people were being treated with urate lowering drugs and fewer than one in five people were prescribed them within six months of their diagnosis – a pattern that had not changed since 1997.



How common is gout and who gets it? Today’s figure show that Gout affects about 1 in 40 adults. Men are more commonly affected than women. A first attack of gout typically develops in middle age but it sometimes occurs in younger people. It tends to run in some families, as there is a family history of gout in about 1 in 5 cases. It may be that the genetic make-up that you inherit from your family may be a factor in becoming an underexcreter of uric acid (urate). The condition used to be rare among young people, but research suggests it is becoming more common with the obese getting it a decade earlier than healthy weight people. Despite being the commonest inflammatory arthritis the management of gout continues unchanged and new patients are still not being treated in a timely fashion. The data on gout prevalence and incidence was drawn from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink, formerly known as the General Practice Research Database – one

of the largest databases of long-term care records in the world, with health data on around 12 million people in the UK. The study found wide variation in both the number of existing and new cases with the most occurring in Wales and the North East of England. Analysis of primary care records from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) between 1997 and 2012 found among more than 4.5 million eligible people almost 116,000 already had gout. This is a prevalence of 2.5 per cent, almost twice as high as previous estimates and topping Germany (1.4 per cent) and Italy (around one per cent). • Men were significantly more likely to have been diagnosed than women, mostly between the ages of 35 and 39 at a ratio of 11 to two.

• More than 7,000 new cases were identified giving an overall incidence of 2.26 per 1,000 person years, rising to 3.5 among men. They were highest for both sexes among those aged 80 to 84. • During the study period the prevalence of gout rose by 64 per cent, increasing by around 4 per cent every year. Rates were around four times higher in men. • The number of new cases rose by 30 per cent during this time, increasing by around 1.5 per cent each year. • New cases were highest in Wales and the North East of England, and lowest in the East of England and Northern Ireland. • Only a third of people with gout were getting urate-lowering drugs, a proportion that remained constant over 15 years, says a report online in Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.

What is the treatment for a gout attack? Anti-inflammatory painkillers A short course of an anti-inflammatory painkiller will quickly ease most gout attacks (within 12-24 hours). There are several types and brands, such asdiclofenac, indometacin and naproxen. Your doctor will prescribe one. Many people with gout like to have a supply of tablets on standby in the home just in case an attack occurs. They are usually needed only for a few days until the inflammation and pain go. Most people can take short courses of antiinflammatory painkillers without any problem, although side-effects occur in some people: • Bleeding from the stomach is the most serious possible side-effect. This is more of a risk if you are aged over 65, or have had a duodenal or stomach ulcer. Stop the tablets and see a doctor if you develop indigestion, have upper tummy (abdominal) pain, pass black stools (black faeces), or if you are sick (vomit) or pass blood. Read the leaflet that comes with the tablets for a list of other possible side-effects. • Some people with asthma, high blood pressure, certain kidney problems and heart failure may not be able to take anti-inflammatory painkillers. • Some people taking certain other medicines should not take anti-inflammatory painkillers. This is because of a possible risk of the two medicines interacting. Therefore, check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking other medication, before taking anti-inflammatory painkillers.


Other treatments • Also, don’t take more than one anti-inflammatory painkiller at a time unless specified by a doctor. For example, some people take low-dose aspirin every day (which is classed as an anti-inflammatory medicine) to prevent blood clots. Aspirin plus another anti-inflammatory medicine increases the risk of bleeding from the stomach. • Therefore, if you are already taking aspirin and develop gout, you need to discuss the options with your doctor. For example, your doctor may advise that you take another medicine to ‘protect the stomach’ if you need to take aspirin and another anti-inflammatory medicine. Remember - some painkillers that you can buy from pharmacies contain aspirin.

Colchicine is an alternative medicine that eases gout attacks. It is usually only used if you have problems or side-effects with antiinflammatory painkillers. Steroid tablets or injections can also reduce the pain and inflammation. They are another alternative if there are problems or side-effects with anti-inflammatory painkillers and colchicine. Canakinumab is another option that has recently been introduced.

Lifestyle suggestions • If you are overweight, try to lose some weight. This can help to lower the uric acid (urate) level. However, do not use diets that increase uric acid levels, such as high-protein diets or starvation diets. • Eat sensibly. A high uric acid level may be lowered a bit by avoiding a high protein intake and foods rich in purines, such as liver, kidneys and seafood. Also avoid eating foods high in yeast extracts, such as Marmite®. • If you drink a lot of alcohol then it may help if you reduced the amount that you drink. You do not need to stop drinking alcohol altogether but cutting down may help if you drink a lot. In particular, avoid binge drinking. Keep to within the recommended levels of alcohol - these are 21 units per week for men and 14 units per week for women.

• If you drink a lot of sugar-sweetened soft drinks, especially those containing fructose, it may help to reduce the number or cut them out altogether. • If you are taking any medicines, check whether they are a cause of gout (see above). An alternative medicine may be available. Your doctor will advise. • Avoid lack of fluid in the body (dehydration) by drinking plenty of water (up to two litres per day unless there is a medical reason why not to). • Have your blood pressure checked at least once a year. High blood pressure is more common in people with gout.

Take preventative steps to avoid further episodes: Allopurinol - is a commonly used medicine to prevent gout attacks. Allopurinol does not have any effect during a gout attack and it is not a painkiller. It works by lowering the level of uric acid in the blood. It takes 2-3 months to become fully effective. You need to take it every day to keep the uric acid level normal to prevent gout attacks. Febuxostat - is effective in preventing gout attacks by keeping uric acid levels low but it has side-effects and is reserved for people who have problems with allopurinol. Other options include probenecid, sulfinpyrazone, benzbromarone, low-dose steroids, colchicine and anti-inflammatory medicines. Vitamin C supplements - A study published in 2009 showed that vitamin C can reduce the risk of developing gout. With the help of lifestyle changes, many people only have an attack of gout every now and then. All you may need is to have some antiinflammatory painkillers on standby to treat each attack.






The Male Menopause Fact or Fiction?


s the male menopause myth or reality? When men reach their late forties to early fifties, something happens some men go of the deep end and try and regain their youth, and some may experience a different reaction; a reduction in libido (sex drive), erectile dysfunction, weight gain, fatigue, depression, and other emotional symptoms which bear some similarities to the female menopause.

Granted, the female menopause is completely different. In a woman the menopause marks the time when her menstrual periods stop and she is no longer able to become pregnant. Her levels of female hormones - oestrogen and progesterone decline considerably. The male menopause is much less abrupt. The signs and symptoms emerge more gradually and subtly, and the decrease in male hormone (testosterone) levels is nowhere near as steep as it is for women. The idea of a male menopause was noted as early as 1944, when two researchers compared the symptoms of what they called “male climacteric” with those of menopause, and did a controlled study showing the effectiveness of testosterone replacement. Since

then, researchers have studied the phenomenon with contradictory findings; many studies have suggested that the effects of testosterone supplementation in men have mixed effectiveness, and some question the existence of “male menopause” altogether. Also known as Androgen Deficiency of Aging Men (ADAM), andropause is characterized by a decrease in androgen—a group of male sex hormones, including testosterone—as well as other hormones. Starting in their 40s, men experience a gradual decline in the amount of testosterone their bodies produce and as a result, most men may not even notice the change. But since the decline in testosterone may be magnified by other age-related health changes, some men experience considerable discomfort.

What are the causes of male menopause? After the age of 30 years a man’s testosterone levels start to drop, about 1% each year. Most men in their seventies have at least 40% less testosterone in their system than they did when they were 30. However, the normal decline of testosterone levels that comes with age is not believed to be the cause of male menopause. If it were, every man would experience it, and this is not the case. According to the British Association of Urological Surgeon3 (BAUS), who refer to the male menopause as Androgen Deficiency in the Ageing Male (ADAM), “The overall picture associated with ADAM is, therefore, very complex.”


Although male menopause occurs in older men whose testosterone levels have declined, it tends to affect older males with heart disease, obesity, hypertension (high blood pressure) and/or type 2 diabetes. In other words, unlike the female menopause, several factors together contribute to the development of male menopause. Some underlying health problems, lack of exercise, smoking, alcohol consumption, stress, anxiety, and sleep deprivation could also be key factors. Psychologists suggest the male “midlife crisis”, when men are supposed to wonder what they have accomplished so far professionally and personally, can be a cause of depression and might possibly trigger a cascade of factors that lead to symptoms associated with male menopause.

What are the signs and symptoms of male menopause? Research teams, experts and health authorities appear to have different views when identifying the signs and symptoms of male menopause. According to the National Health Service, UK, the following are the most common signs and symptoms of male menopause: • • • • • • • • •

Hot flashes (UK: flushes) Moodiness and irritability Fat redistribution Loss of muscle mass Dry skin Thin skin Hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating Reduced concentration span Loss of enthusiasm

A European study led by researchers at The University of Manchester, Imperial College London, and University College London identified the most common symptoms of male menopause, the study was published in NEJM (New England Journal of Medicine): • Decreased frequency of morning erection • Erectile dysfunction - impotence, problems in getting or maintaining an erection • Decreased sex drive The same study also identified the following symptoms as (weakly) related to male menopause: • Inability to walk more than 1 kilometer (0.62 miles) • Inability to engage in vigorous activity, such as running or lifting heavy objects • Inability to bend, kneel or stoop • Loss of energy • Sadness • Fatigue Some studies also suggest a link between andropause and osteoporosis, heart disease, insulin resistance, and Alzheimer’s disease.



Male menopause is a term used by lay people, and represents a set of symptoms which may be due to low testosterone, some underlying diseases, mental issues, obesity, and several lifestyle factors

Diagnosing male menopause? The doctor is not going to say “You are going through the male menopause and the treatments for this are....” Male menopause is a term used by lay people, and represents a set of symptoms (which experts seem unable to agree on) which may be due to low testosterone (and consequently low oestrogen), some underlying diseases, mental issues, obesity, and several lifestyle factors. The doctor will ask the patient about symptoms, lifestyle and check his medical history. If the doctor suspects there may be signs of depression or anxiety, he or she may recommend that the patient sees a psychologist or psychiatrist. The patient may be advised to have a thorough check up that may include blood tests and diagnostic tests to check for cardiovascular disease.

What are the treatment options for male menopause? Treatment for male menopause depends on what is causing it. • Depression or anxiety - the patient may benefit from behavioural therapy, antidepressant medications, or both. • Obesity - the patient will be advised to lose weight, become more physically active and eat a well balanced and healthy diet. • Heart and cardiovascular disease - the disease will have to be treated. • Diabetes type 2 - as with heart disease, it will require proper treatment. Patients with good glucose control tend to have fewer problems and complications. • Low testosterone - the doctor may recommend testosterone therapy. An article published in Drug Therapeutics Bulletin questions whether testosterone therapy is effective in treating male menopause. Testosterone therapy also raises the risk of blockage of the urinary tract and prostate cancer. It may also aggravate ischemic heart disease, epilepsy, and sleep apnea. In addition to standard medical options a variety of natural herbs and supplements may also help increase testosterone and other hormones, and combat the effects of andropause. Studies are mixed, but many of the remedies have been traditionally used for thousands of years. Even so, some have side effects, so always check with your health care provider before using. Some to try: • Tongkat ali, also called long jack, is a traditional herb used to treat sexual function and improve libido. Studies suggest it can increase testosterone levels and improve sexual performance. • DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) is an adrenal hormone that acts


as a precursor for other hormones, including testosterone. Some suggest that DHEA may boost testosterone. Other studies point to its ability to reduce visceral fat, increase muscle mass, lower insulin, and decrease infl ammation. • Zinc. A deficiency in this important mineral is linked to lower testosterone levels as well as volume of seminal fl uid, and studies suggest that zinc supplementation can lead to a significant increase in testosterone levels. Other studies have suggested that zinc supplementation enhances sexual performance. • Tribulus terrestris, a common herb for treating erectile dysfunction (ED) and infertility, may help increase testosterone, though studies are mixed. Other studies have found that taking tribulus during athletic training increases strength and reduces fat. • Horny goat weed, also called epimedium, has been used for thousands of years to treat male sexual problems, especially ED. It’s thought to work by dilating the blood vessels that supply the sex organs, and may also raise testosterone levels. Horny goat weed also dilates blood vessels that supply the brain, which can boost cognitive abilities. Because daily use can lead to adverse effects, some natural practitioners recommend taking it for one or two weeks, then skipping one or two weeks, before repeating the cycle. • Yohimbe is a traditional treatment for ED; the active constituent, yohimbine, increases blood fl ow to the penis, and it’s also thought to help boost testosterone levels and increase nitrous oxide (NO), important for producing and maintaining an erection. Because yohimbe can have severe side effects, it should be used only in formulas or under the care of a skilled herbalist; never take it if you have high blood pressure.

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hen it comes to skincare, beauty products and grooming, it may surprise you to learn that more men are taking an extreme interest in the way they look. With the likes of George Clooney, Brad Pitt & Javier Bardem carrying the mantel for ageing men it seems that today’s man is definitely ageing better than its female counterpart. Ruggedness and character are both qualities that the male face should covet something the female gender tries to eradicate. Wrinkles help characterise a man’s face so facial treatments and procedures should preserve the male features while still offering an anti-ageing effect. The male skin is very different to that of a female’s, it is usually more damaged primarily due to men spending more time outdoors with males are less likely to have adopted a skincare regime of protect themselves from sun damage. Another factor to consider is most men’s facial regime would usually consist of using just soap or shower gel.

So why are today’s men ageing so well? Simply put – Hidden beauty products. Shower gels, soaps, shaving foams and shaving lotions all contain moisturising lotions, SPF protection with some brands containing rejuvenating and plumping serums. Alongside these new hidden skincare solutions there are also several surgical and non-surgical procedures for facial rejuvenations that are tailored to the male face for those metrosexual men.


What is a Thread Lift? A thread lift is a type of face lift that is often referred to as the “lunch hour lift”. This is down to its simplicity and the time it takes to carry out the procedure. A tiny notch will be made behind the ear or behind the hairline and then fine threads are then advanced along pre-marked contours. These threads have fine filaments that become fixed to the tissue and are then gently smoothed down. Your body then starts to produce new bundles of collagen which surround each filament and this in turn creates a subtle yet effective lift. The results differ for each person, but look very natural giving a rejuvenated and refreshed look. There is no scarring and recovery times are a lot less than those associated with traditional surgery. What areas can be treated with a Thread Lift? The thread lift can be used to enhance and improve the appearance of a sagging neck, sagging cheeks and jowls and droopy eyebrows. You can personalise your surgery to suit your exact needs and your doctor will also make recommendations for improvements. The procedure can be tailored to suit your exact needs to ensure you are totally happy with the results. What are the advantages of a Thread Lift? The great thing about a thread lift is that it offers quick recovery together with excellent results. This procedure requires a minimum amount of invasive surgery and leaves no scarring. Local anaesthetic is all that is required and there is no hospital stay required. Another good


factor about the thread lift is that it is much more affordable than a regular face lift and the results are long lasting. If you are looking for a quick and effective solution to a range of aging problems then a thread lift is the perfect solution. Who is a Thread Lift suited for? A thread lift is more suited to men between the ages of 40 and 60. The procedure is most effective on skin that has minimal sagging and offers the best results for cheeks, jowls, brows and the neck area. How long does a thread lift take? A typical thread lift takes as little as one hour to perform, but the length will depend on the number of filaments your doctor uses and the areas being treated. How long do the results last?

Ageing often deteriorate volume generating a tired, gaunt appearance, while women would usually opt for a face lift to counter this process, men are often reluctant to undergo a full face lift not wishing to look tight or overdone. Johnny Depp is rumoured to have had a thread lift procedure.

A thread lift’s lasting power depends on the age of the patient at the time of procedure and how much sagging the thread lift has corrected. It should be noted that sagging will return over time, but many doctors report that the results last for anything between 3 and 4 years. To extend the results it is possible to have additional filaments inserted and your doctor can advise you when this is required.

Worry Lines Glabellar Lines

Periorbital Lines Tear Trough Cheek Augmentation / Facial Contouring

Nasolabial Folds Periroal Lines Smile Lines Lip Enhancement Oral Commisures Chin Augmentation

The Male Liquid Facelift The “liquid facelift” is a term that applies to a combination of injectables (fillers and Botox) that are used to create a more youthful appearance. This procedure is particularly attractive for men because of the “no down time” feature. The liquid facelift consists of using Botox in the forehead, frown lines, crows’ feet and platysma bands, and specific types of fillers in different facial layers in order to improve select areas of the face. Men naturally have heavier brows, more prominent noses, stronger jaws and more defined chins. Ageing brings a reduction of skin tonicity, which results in facial sagging. The bones themselves can be subject to shrinkage, exacerbating the problem. Long lasting dermal fillers are perfect for men because maintenance is not an issue and can:

• fill in hollows in the temples that give a gaunt appearance • light dose anti-wrinkle injections between the brows to soften lines and create a relaxed appearance • lift the upper eyelids and open up the eyes to subtly increase the contour of the brow bone create firmer looking, more sculptured cheeks to enhance the line of the cheekbone • improve the definition of the jaw for a more masculine, less jowly appearance • enhance the square-ness and profile of the chin • correct nasal irregularities for a more regular, handsome effect

Light Therapies One of the most subtle but visible signs of ageing in males is the appearance of age spots and fine wrinkles. Skin treatments such as intense pulsed light (IPL), which uses broad-spectrum light that filters out unwanted wavelengths as a means of treating a host of skin conditions and abnormalities such as • Age spots • Liver spots • Facial flushing • Redness • Broken capillaries • Telangiectasias (purple or blue veins on the face, also called spider veins) • Hemangiomas (red, purple, or blue birthmarks formed by blood vessels) • Freckles • Minor sun damage • Hypopigmentation (pale spots) • Large pores




Pecs Appeal These days, women aren’t the only ones concerned with the size and appearance of their chests. Pectoral implants cosmetic procedures for men are ideal for patients who want to add shape and size to their chest area when other methods of exercise, weightlifting or diet have not produced the results desired. Pectoral Implants also known as pectoral augmentation or pec implants are one of the most frequently requested cosmetic surgeries by men today. With today’s pressures to balance work and lifestyle, it isn’t easy to develop the muscle contour one desires, even after frequent exercise. Even with dedication and hard work men sometimes find that they are still unable to achieve the chest development that they strive for. Pectoral implants shape, enlarge, and firm the chest muscles, helping one attain the look they want while still allowing a natural appearance when the pectoral muscles are either flexed or relaxed. Having a male chest enlargement (male chest implants) can give men a more masculine look. It is also popular for men who are unable to develop chest muscles due to certain muscular disorders.

When to Consider Pectoral Implants • If your under-developed pectoral muscles make you feel self-conscious • If you are athletic and wish to improve your chest contour • If your chest is asymmetrical or otherwise deformed from birth or by an accident

About the pectoral implants (chest implants) procedure Chest implants are inserted through small incisions along the armpit crease, and a pocket is created in the fascia of the upper pectoral muscle. Once the implant pocket is created, a soft, solid silicone implant is sculpted to the exact size and most aesthetic appearance. Usually, this sculpting requires vast knowledge from having placed many pectoral implants before, to know specifically how the final implant will look after healing. Once sculpted, the silicone implant is inserted into the pocket and it is secured with a few small self-dissolving sutures. The external incision is closed, and a very small dressing is placed under the arms to promote rapid healing. The patient can typically see the change to the pectoral area immediately after surgery. The operation is performed under general anaesthetic, which means you will be asleep during the procedure. It is usually performed as a day case, though sometimes you may need to stay in hospital overnight after your operation. You will need to plan one to two weeks off work to recover, and should avoid exercise for up to six weeks following the operation. As with any cosmetic procedure, it is important that you review your expectations thoroughly before you decide to proceed. Your surgeon will explain the results you can expect after pectoral implant surgery, and will discuss the associated risks and alternatives to the procedure before going ahead.

Types of pectoral implants There is a misconception that the silicone used in pec implants is like those used in female patients. It is not. The silicone used in male patients is a soft, yet solid material that is similar to athletic mouth guards or cardiac pacemakers. The main types of implant for men are a durable silicone. The implant is flexible, soft, smooth, and hard to the touch, just as a man’s chest muscles should be. Unlike silicone or saline implants for women, there is no danger of rupturing. It is important to remember that pectoral implants will not increase muscle definition in the region. However, they can be a very effective method for increasing mass and improving the shape of your chest.





BODY COMPLEX SOOTHING, SMOOTHING AND PROTECTIVE BENEFITS Hydrates, smoothes and softens p Forms antioxidant-rich protective barrier Helps soothe contact dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis Produces both rapid and long-term results THE CLINIC


The world of healthcare has grown exponentially over the last decade


edical tourism isn’t a new thing; people have been doing it for decades. However, a study on the numbers of people going from their home country to another country to receive medical healthcare, including cancer treatment and cosmetic surgery, shows that our patterns of behaviour have changed considerably. These changes have, inevitably, changed the world of medical tourism, turning it into a viable commercial industry.

Whilst people have been travelling abroad for medical healthcare for decades, historically medical tourists were individuals from poorer countries seeking higher quality medical healthcare in more wealthy countries. This pattern has shifted; travel is relatively low cost, and we now witness a rise in high quality healthcare facilities in the developing world where medical professionals are paid lower salaries thus resulting in a lower procedure price. As a result, more and more people are travelling to receive outstanding levels of healthcare at a much lower cost than that available in their home country all for a fraction of the cost Elective procedures, such as cosmetic surgery, and alternative procedures like alternative

cancer treatment are not covered by insurance, so these elements make up a large proportion of the rapidly growing medical tourism market we see emerging today. Cities like London and Paris are famous for their extensive directories of private specialists, attracting affluent people from around the world. However, some Central and Eastern European countries like Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic are identifying a growing medical tourism sector. Countries that recently joined the EU are becoming popular destinations due to world-class medical schools and the substantial financial support they receive when they join.

Central and Eastern European countries like Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic are identifying a growing medical tourism sector

In a recent report it was noted that whilst cosmetic tourism continues to grow the countries we favour is limited to our home nation statistics show that many Europeans choose between city centre clinics in leading European capitals, such as Prague in the Czech Republic, Warsaw in Poland, or the sunshine resort of Marbella in Spain, which has become something of a cosmetic surgery hotspot and Rabat Morocco. The Japanese and Chinese favour South Korea and the Americans, although the USA has more plastic surgeons than any other country pro-rata, now favour Latin America and Brazil for procedures. The ability to get cheaper treatments, including a holiday is the main draw of people opting to


have dentures, boob jobs, bottom lifts and fertility treatment abroad. For example, Thailand has proven a hotspot for dentures, with demand soaring by 320%in the past year. On average a full set of dentures costs £184 in Bangkok, which is £256 cheaper than in the UK. Hungary is also quickly becoming a renowned hot spot for cosmetic dentistry and a preferred choice for those who don’t fancy flying to the other side of the world in search of the perfect smile. The country has seen a 172 % increase in demand for dental implants, while lingual braces are up by almost a fifth in the past year alone. Dental implants in the UK will set you back £1,928 but in Hungary the same procedure costs a quarter of the price at approx. £500.

Emerging Cosmetic Tourism Hotspots

• • •

• Dentures & Veneers - Thailand • Bottom lift & Hair transplant - Turkey • Root canals - Bulgaria • Egg donor - Greece • Dental implants & Lingual braces - Hungary • Breast implants - Poland • Rhinoplasty & IVF - Czech Republic • Gastric balloon - Belgium • Breast Implants - Spain • Gastric Band - Ireland • Tummy tuck - Morocco

Typical prices for cosmetic surgery abroad Destination


Rhinoplasty (nose job)

Breast enhancement

Tummy tuck

Liposuction (abdomical)













Czech Republic
























In spite of these findings, the increased accessibility of information online and availability of affordable healthcare abroad could be a good thing. For those who need medical attention and don’t have time available to wait on a list, travelling abroad might be the only viable option for them, although questions about safety and liability do naturally come to mind.

Despite the lure of foreign climes, the pitfalls of surgery abroad must not be ignored and all precautions should be taken; is the surgeon a registered practitioner, what is the aftercare program, what happens if something goes wrong. These are all questions one must research before boarding that plane and flying off into the sunset.






spa world

One&Only To Open First Luxury Resort in Australia 148 THE CLINIC


ne&Only Hayman Island, in the heart of the Great Barrier Reef presents astonishing natural beauty, restorative peace, indulgence and adventure. Australia’s iconic private island resort opening in July 2014 is located off the coast of Queensland, nestled at the northernmost point of the Whitsunday archipelago, beyond verdant cliffs reaching into endless sky.

Spa Hayman Spa Hayman presents a peaceful, relaxed setting for indoor and outdoor treatments. The spa facility offers 13 individual treatment rooms, including a romantic couple’s room, beachfront ocean view massage pavilions, two separate relaxation lounges, a Hydrotherapy area plus vichy, sauna steam rooms and change rooms, a state of the art hair salon incorporating special occasion make-up and a retail area presenting an array of Pevonia Botanica products. Within this private island resort, stylish elegance reflects the harmony of nature with beautifully appointed accommodation set against the backdrop of the Coral Sea. Relish in spectacular dining experiences, surrender to a signature Ocean Massage, explore private beaches and immerse yourself in captivating underwater adventures. One&Only Hayman Island is a unique destination of discovery set in one of the seven wonders of the natural world – Australia’s Great Barrier Reef.

THE RESORT With the introduction of the new Qantas route from Sydney to Hamilton Island, Hayman Island is easier to reach than ever before. Located northernmost of the Whitsunday Islands in the heart of the Great Barrier Reef and covering 726 acres the resort will offer enhanced accommodation of 160 rooms, new culinary options and the signature One&Only service. The resort will also house an indulgent One&Only Spa incorporating the credible environment by utilising elements that are represented in the surrounding botanical gardens.

With direct access to the Great Barrier Reef and world-famous Whitehaven Beach, exhilarating helicopter and seaplane tours, diving, snorkelling and fishing adventures are the gateway to the natural riches of the reef. Marvel at the shades of a thousand different shimmering fish – like the yellow tailed fusiliers that brush close enough to touch your eyelids. Water sports include water-skiing, kayaking, catamaran sailing, windsurfing and paddle skiing.

TREATMENTS AVAILABLE Aromatherapy Body Treatments Facials Hydrotherapy Massage Classes Aerobics Fitness Studio Meditation Muscle Tone Personal Training

Pilates Stretching Wellness Yoga Additional Features Hair Removal/Waxing Locker Rooms Relaxation Lounge Salon Services Vichy Shower



Accommodation: Hayman Wing Located on the tranquil eastern side of the resort, all rooms and suites in the Hayman Wing will be newly refurbished with a chic sophistication. Generously spacious and set within a lush landscape, accommodation features either a view of the ocean or the verdant grounds — all within steps of Hayman Beach and the Coral Sea.

Pool Wing Overlooking the iconic pool with breath-taking views of the Coral Sea, the Pool Wing offers all-suite accommodation in one-bedroom or twobedroom configuration. All suites provide separate living and dining areas plus spacious decks for relaxing. The pool-level one-bedroom suites also offer swim-out access to the pool directly from the terrace.

Beach Wing A spectacular collection of Kerry Hill-designed Beach Villas are perched along the sandy bay providing direct access to Hayman Beach and Coral Sea. Beach Villas each feature a private pool and can be combined with Retreat Rooms to provide a second room for families. A private Beach House is also available for those seeking ultimate privacy, with a pool and secluded outdoor leisure space.

Hayman Penthouses Located on the top floor of the Hayman Wing, these one, two and three-bedroom Penthouses are breath-taking, including one designed by the world-renowned fashion designer, Diane von Furstenberg. All Penthouses feature sweeping views of Hayman Beach, the Coral Sea and the Whitsundays, with personalised service from a team of dedicated hosts. Restaurants and bars have rare character, with imaginative cuisines and fantastic vintages from the region and around the world. Worldclass chefs create the perfect ambiance with mouth-watering flavours, from a tasting menu surrounded by the rainforest grove to laidback grills beside the pool.

Restaurants & Bars As with all One&Only resorts the restaurants and bars have rare character, with imaginative cuisines and fantastic vintages from the region and around the world. World-class chefs create the perfect ambiance with mouth-watering flavours, from a tasting menu surrounded by the rainforest grove to laidback grills beside the pool. Prices start from approx. ÂŁ395 | e480 | $665 per room per night For more information visit:




The Obagi Nu-Derm速 System For skin that looks and acts younger and healthier 152 THE CLINIC



nner calm, outer beauty – Champneys is the place to soothe away the stresses of modern day living, the place to hide yourself away and reap the benefits of taking time out, all in complete comfort, with the finest spa treatments around.

Synonymous with quality and luxury, our heritage ensures exceptionally high standards of both service and care. Whether you want to change the way you feel, the way you look or the way you live we have the know-how, plus four gorgeous country retreats to help you improve the way you look and feel, as well as enhance your lifestyle and wellbeing. Luxurious accommodation, elegant surrounds, water therapies, delicious cuisine and the latest fitness trends are all a part of Champneys spa life – there’s plenty to refresh your mind and body and no better way to de-stress. With our friendly approach we’ll show you how. Dorothy and Stephen Purdew Owners of Champneys Health Resorts



Wellbeing Many people visit Champneys to detoxify their mind and body. An overload of toxins can take their toll on the body, preventing it from absorbing essential nutrients, which can lead to conditions ranging from skin problems to fatigue. Steam and sauna treatments, Thalossotherapy, exercise, massage and healthy food are great ways to ‘Spring Clean’ your body as well as improve your energy levels. Exercise is a vital ingredient in creating a healthy mind and body. It reduces stress, improves sleep, strengthens immunity and makes you feel happy and energised. Our fitness facilities are second to none, with a vast range of activities on offer and something to suit everyone. One of the many delights of Champneys is the delicious gourmet cuisine, beautifully presented and a highlight of every stay. Our head chefs select only the freshest ingredients and our menus are carefully planned, relying on the principle of moderation, balance and variety but definitely not starvation.


Beauty At Champneys we believe that true beauty can only come through health and wellbeing. Our spa therapists are trained to world-class standards and are on hand to give a personalised approach. Using the finest products from prestige beauty brands, as well as Champneys’ own exclusive range, you’ll discover the most indulgent spa therapies along with solutions to address everyday skin care concerns. For complete relaxation a blissful body massage not only relieves stress but leaves your skin glowing. It’s also a good opportunity to pep up circulation, tackle cellulite, soothe aching muscles and alleviate stress all at once. Champneys also provide a wide range of facials to suit every skin type, plus a range of body treatments from exfoliation and body wraps to shift unwanted toxins. For essential beauty maintenance, waxing, pedicures, manicures and make-up classes are all available – even a visit to our hair salon can be arranged.





This isn’t just a place, it’s a vision.

“In the middle of a beautiful royal forest by a lake there stood an ancient hunting lodge…”

A vision of beauty, without a doubt – a romantic stately home in Hertfordshire, once owned by the Rothschild family, set in 170 acres of rolling parkland.

If this isn’t the start of a fairy tale, it’s as close as you’ll get.

It’s also the vision of one man, Stanley Lief, who over 85 years ago pioneered the concept of holistic wellbeing, creating a place where people could escape the world’s cares and re-emerge revitalised. We make sure his dream lives on. Our finest traditions of health, fitness and wellbeing are at your command, backed up by cutting-edge science and sports medicine. And of course, lashings and lashings of spa pampering… We offer you over 100 different types of treatments, from the traditional to the exotic, like Reiki and Indian Head Massage. Whether you’re seeking luxury pampering, detox, relaxation, activity, spiritual escape, extreme sport, indulgence or boot camp, you can pursue your own vision of magnificent health. Champneys Tring Wiggington, Tring, Hertfordshire HP236HY


Our secluded lakeside spa is an award-winning spa retreat, for anyone who craves those true luxuries, peace and privacy. In the enchanting grounds, you’ll find the latest spa facilities and an Alternative Health Clinic, where you can experience healing therapies like Reiki. Or bathe in the UK’s first Thalassotherapy pool, or rejuvenate with mud treatments in the Twilight Rasul Chamber. If this is all too exciting, just relax in the swimming pool, the steam room or the whirlpool. Our therapists, trained to Champneys’ world-leading standards, will work their magic with the finest products and over 90 treatments from the likes of Elemis and Decléor and, of course, our own exclusive Champneys Spa Collection..

Champneys Forest Mere Liphook, Hampshire GU30 7JQ



Henlow has been a refuge for centuries.

Springs is our contemporary take on the c ountry spa.

Once a Cistercian monastery stood here. Now, Henlow Grange is the ideal country escape and pampering health retreat in Bedfordshire, for those seeking the true luxuries of space and peace.

In a tranquil setting in Leicestershire, surrounded by water walkways and beautiful open parklands, we’ve created a cocoon of calm that grows around you, melting away your stress and leaving you feeling fabulous.

Set in 150 acres of beautiful parkland, the spectacular weir the monks built still stands on the river that flows past. The sound of water has always aided contemplation…

Springs spa hotel is home to the finest Champneys traditions of health, fitness and wellbeing, as well as a full size FIFA football pitch, all delivered with a touch of luxury in the heart of the Midlands.

Our resort spa is built around an opulent Georgian manor, with handpainted walls and Venetian-style mirrors. You’ll experience the finest Champneys traditions of health, fitness and wellbeing, as well as the latest spa facilities, including our state of the art Thalassotherapy pool.

You can enjoy over 80 spa therapies at our health resort, from the classic to the more exotic, including exclusive treatments such as Cupping and Russian Honey Massage, Lomi Lomi (Hawaiian Massage) and Personally Blended Aromatherapy. Afterwards, the pleasures of gym, swim, whirlpool and steam await. We’ll also make you feel better simply by being friendly and thoughtful - our highly trained staff will get to know you and understand what makes you tick.

There are more than 80 luxury therapies, from the traditional to the exotic, including our signature treatments: Paraffin Wax Bath, Physiotherm and Chinese body therapy. Whether you need pampering, detox, relaxation, activity, spiritual escape, extreme sport, indulgence or boot camp, at Henlow spa hotel you can refresh yourself in your own way. Champneys Henlow Henlow, Bedfordshire SG16 6DB

Springs is the ideal place to restore your wellbeing and rejuvenate friendships. Or simply have some blissful, precious time to yourself. Champneys Springs Ashby de la Zouch, Leicestershire LE65 1TG






ew Year is traditionally the time when we start new rituals and look for ways to live beautifully and with vitality. The expert spa therapists at Champneys have put together a face and body care guide to help you make 2014 the year when you get your skincare regime sorted. Follow the Champneys experts’ tips to refresh and rejuvenate your skin top to toe without breaking the bank






Jo Parker, Spa Director at Champneys says: “My top tip to start your new skincare regime is daily dry body brushing as it’s a great way to stimulate circulation, improve skin texture and banish cellulite. Use the Luxury Body Brush (£10.00) daily on dry skin before your morning shower. Begin at the ankles in upwards movements towards the heart - the lymphatic fluid flows through the body towards the heart, so it’s important that you brush in the same direction and always use clockwise circular brushing movements before finishing with a shower.

Over 400 highly trained therapists give face and body treatments at Champneys Spa Resorts and Day Spas and they try, test and approve every product to ensure it’s perfect to use at our spas and at home. The professional spa formula for the wide range of Champneys face and body skincare products means that you can create your own treatments at home and get great results. Jo Parker continue: “For a deep and thorough cleanse, massage the Spa Skin Gentle Facial Polish (£7.00) into damp skin. A renewing blend of Bilberry, Citrus and Natural Sugars combined with fine Jojoba Beads will leave skin smooth, soft and glowing - and the formula is gentle enough to use daily.

Follow this with the Luxury Body Polisher (£3.00) to thoroughly cleanse and massage the body using the Mineral Detox Shower Gel (£6.00). Enriched with energising Seaweed Extract, it helps to detoxify your skin through the removal of surface impurities. Move around the palm of your hand in vigorous circles to create luxuriously creamy foam leaving the skin cleansed and stimulated.

Enhance your at-home spa experience using the Spa Accessories Facial Brush (£6.00). Dip the brush in hot water and create circular motions on your skin. Concentrate on congested areas such as the jaw line, chin and around the nose. Always clean your brush with an anti- bacterial soap and let it dry, to prevent build-up of bacteria.

If cellulite is an issue for you, and let’s face it who doesn’t have the odd lump or bump to deal with, then help tone and firm with the Body Massager (£8.00). Apply the Mineral Detox Firming Hip & Thigh Gel (£10.00) to problem areas, then use the Body Massager to tone, firm and enhance the application. Enriched with Seaweed Extract and Caffeine, this energising gel is formulated to help skin appear firmer and more toned. Create deep circular motions on the hips and thighs to encourage the removal of toxins.

For an intense weekly deep cleanse, incorporate the Super Rich Cleansing Balm (£13.00) into your evening routine. This luxurious balm enriched with Avocado, Jojoba and Natural Floral Oils renews your skin by deeply cleansing, toning and exfoliating in one indulgent treatment. Warm the balm in your hands until it feels smooth, inhale the therapeutic aromas and massage in your face and neck using small circular movements. Soak the muslin cloth in warm water, squeeze out any excess and hold over your face and neck for a few seconds before lightly polishing off and rinse with cold water.

TOP TIP For a great morning boost to further invigorate the skin and stimulate blood circulation, try alternating your shower temperature from hot to cold, to keep circulation stimulated: it will make you feel great too. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water to keep the skin hydrated and flush through toxins as well.”

Use the Skin Resurfacing Mask (£15.00) to smooth and restore radiance to your complexion. Boost your skin once per week using the gentle exfoliating mask to re vitalise and renew tired looking skin. The natural fruit acids of Bilberry and Sugar Cane will help your skin appear radiant and renewed whilst the intense blend of Salicylic Acid and Vitamin E will leave fine lines appearing visibly smoother.”

Available exclusively at Champneys Spas, online at, Boots stores nationwide and



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Clinic Magazine highlights the latest professional spa products, treatments and therapies

PRODUCT & TREATMENT NEWS Aveda’s new fix for signs of stress Responding to global demand for stress-relieving products, Aveda has launched a new addition to its Stress-Fix bodycare line. Stress-Fix Body Crème is an intense, all-over moisturiser formulated with organic shea butter and organic sunflower oil to nourish and protect dehydrated skin. Aveda Stress-Fix Body Crème has been developed using aromaology, which is said to capture the power of pure essential oils to relieve tension and endorse a positive mindset. Renowned clinical aromaologist Pierre Franchomme and the Aveda Botanical Aroma Lab have blended essences of calming, certified-organic French Lavender; blues-chasing Clary Sage; and relaxing, mood-enhancing Lavindin for a potent, aromatic experience.

Elemis unveils antiageing super-hero Promising smoother, more radiant and moisturised skin, Elemis has introduced the Pro-Collagen Super System, an advanced skincare system to tackle fine lines and wrinkles.

Darphin is emerald pretty

The kit combines anti-ageing Pro-Collagen products with the latest addition to the range, Pro-Collagen Super Serum. This new serum harnesses the proven power of padina pavonica with matrixyl peptide, hyaluronic acid and camelina oil for powerful anti-ageing results. In addition to providing a youthful look, it targets the skin’s top layer by ‘filling in’ existing wrinkles and protecting the lipid barrier. Independent trials confirmed an anti-wrinkle and smoothing effect on the skin with visible results after 30 days.

Darphin has completely re-formulated its Stimulskin Plus line to combine sensory pleasure with visible improvements to the texture and tone of the skin. The skincare specialist has introduced sea emerald, sourced from waters around the Philippines, which helps to support the anchorage of proteins in the dermo-epidermal junction. This mechanical support system is vital to skin contour, which has a tendency to sag with age. Lifting and firming, the products are boosted with hyaluronic acid to provide supreme hydration. The line features three highly targeted products; the Reshaping Divine Serum; and two Multi-Corrective Divine Creams, one for normal-to-dry and one for very dry skin.



Carita’s new energy-boosting serums Inspired by the latest developments in mitochondrial research, Carita has developed Innergy, a new technology to boost the energy potential of skin. Central to the formulation of three new Carita serums, Innergy features kombu extract to protect mitochondrial DNA from environmental damage and boost cellular oxygenation. It also harnesses the power of sweet orange flavonoid to protect cells from harmful free radicals, leaving the complexion protected and more radiant. Designed to address individual skin conditions, the serums include Ideal Hydratation, which works to boost hydration levels in the skin; Ideal Douceur, which soothes sensitive skin types; and Ideal Controle which helps purify and rebalance oily-to-combination skin types.

Pevonia gets clinical

Thalgo’s super slim silhouette Harnessing the power of marine extracts and active ingredients, Thalgo has launched its Silhouette Shape and Correct range. Designed to complement its existing integrated slimming offerings, the new line contains four new products that firm, tone and tackle cellulite. Marian Green, Thalgo’s managing director, explains the importance of the launch: “The new slimming range is an exciting one for Thalgo. In terms of body products, after moisturisers this is the second largest market and our new range includes some innovative active ingredients which ensure highly effective results.”

Pevonia has developed a new cosmeceutical for the spa market that is designed to introduce the power of retinol to a new audience. The new launch includes a professional spa treatment which combines a deep cleansing, potent, yet gentle peel and micro-retinol treatment to recapture smoother, denser, younger looking skin. Pevonia Spa Clinica is supported by a four-step collection of at-home retail products to continue the benefits. These feature an infusion of vitamins C and E, which work in synergy to stabilise and optimise the micro-retinol delivery, maintaining the potency of the formula for optimum benefits and visible results.


Everything’s coming up roses for Aromatherapy Associates Aromatherapy Associates has expanded its Renewing collection with the addition of a Renewing Rose Hand Cream. Designed to moisturize and reduce the signs of ageing, the uplifting and fragrant Renewing Rose formula contains sea daffodil to reduce the signs of age spots. Omega-rich kukui deeply nourishes the skin to help protect hands, leaving them silky smooth, and the cream is enhanced with rose and geranium to boost circulation and promote healthy looking skin.


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New Timexpert serum from Germaine de Capuccini Formulated to counteract, correct and prevent cell damage in the skin, Germaine de Capuccini has launched Timexpert White Powerlight Serum.

Sothys summer skin cocktaiL

Designed to add radiance, luminosity and clarity to the skin, the serum helps to delay cellular ageing while working to smooth and lighten skin tone and texture. The hero ingredient, Triple Light Action, detoxifies cells and smoothes the skin, adding luminescence and regulating hyperpigmentation. This is combined with the benefits of VC-IP, a derivative of vitamin C that works to regenerate collagen and improve antioxidant levels.

Total rejuvenation with [comfortzone] [comfort zone] has added two new targeted body products to its Skin Regimen line. Juvenate Body Scrub and Juvenate Body Cream work in partnership to slim, tone, firm and detoxify the skin. Juvenate Body Scrub contains chia seeds and pure silica particles to exfoliate and detoxify, while nasturtium extract aids oxygenation of the skin. Juvenate Body Cream features matcha tea for slimming; caffeine for draining; and palmitoyl-tripeptide 5 for its toning effects. The new products combine to improve skin tone, texture, hydration and elasticity.

Detoxifying and oxygenating, the new seasonal facial from Sothys utilises the antioxidant properties of raspberry and lychee to boost the skin and meet its changing needs. Raspberry extract works as an astringent and softener, boosting the skin’s radiance, while lychee protects the skin from damage by the elements. The four new professional treatment products include a Modelling Cream enhanced with shea butter and a Peel-off Mask with raspberry extract. A 2-in-1 Mask Exfoliant and OxyMineral treatment, featuring a multifunction anti-toxin complex, are also recommended for at-home facial care.

Decleor’s mandarin delight Uncovering the power of mandarin essential oil, Decleor has created the anti-ageing, sensorial skincare line Aroma Lisse. A collection of four targeted products designed to prevent and correct the first signs of ageing, the specific properties of mandarin essential oil were discovered after extensive research and development. D-Limonene, which makes up 80% of mandarin essential oil, tackles ageing of the skin by protecting and detoxifying cells from damage caused by free radicals. In addition, it also repairs DNA damaged by UV radiation. Targeting fine lines and wrinkles while working to hydrate, tone and brighten skin luminosity, the range includes 2-in-1 Dark Circle & Eye Wrinkle Eraser; Aromessence Mandarin Serum; Energising Smoothing Cream SPF 15; and Aromessence Mandarin Night Balm.


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