Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
The newspaper TOP INTERNATIONAL BRANDS choose to advertise with
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
Gibraltar will never forgive opposition’s approach Page 41
Functions and fiestas up and down the coast Page 42
Financial news effecting Europe Page 44
HEALTH & BEAUTY You are NOT alone - men’s erectile dysfunctions Page 51
A gourmet voyage to heaven and back - To Dally Club Page 59
Fighting talk from Gibraltar as Spain proposes that it becomes its 20th Autonomous Region.
IBRALTAR Chief Minister Fabian Picardo has categorically declared that Gibraltar will not accept an offer of “co-sovereignty” from Spain in exchange for EU access after Brexit. Speaking at the United Nations 4th Committee, Spain’s ambassador to the UN, Román Oyarzun Marchesi, on behalf of Foreign Minister, José Manuel García-Margallo, outlined Spain’s proposal for joint sovereignty as a “solution to Brexit Britain” stating that both Gibraltar and La Linea, as a whole, would benefit from the continued free movement of labour and capita if goverened by Spain.
Page 66
Who’s next for England manager? Page 73
Picardo quickly dismissed the proposal reminding those in attendance that 96% of Gibraltarians had previously voted against an offer of joint sovereignty. In a further snub to José Manuel GarcíaMargallo, who has single-handedly waged a campaign of blackmail and intimation towards Gibraltar, Picardo declared that Spain would “never get its hands on our Rock.” Ambassador Román Oyarzun Marchesi suggested that Spain’s proposal “would solve a
Sanish Foreign Minister, José Manuel García-Margallo and Gibraltar Chief Minister Fabian Picardo
lot of problems, both existing and future, following the UK’s decision to leave the European Union” and that Gibraltar would ‘fit’ easily into Spain’s model of autonomous governments behind Andalusia, Aragon, Asturias, Balearic Islands, Basque Country, Canary Islands, Cantabria, Castile and León, Castile-La
Mancha, Catalonia, Extremadura, Galicia, La Rioja, Madrid, Melilla, Murcia, Navarre and Valencia. To bring an end to proceedings Picardo invited Spain to commence talks under the Trilateral Forum for Dialogue enabling each party to address matters of genuine mutual concern.
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Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
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Britain struggles to deal with Brexit
O “Brexit means Brexit” according to the UK’s new prime minister, who has repeated this rhetoric for the benefit of world leaders at the G20. But Theresa May’s government seems frozen like a rabbit in headlights, desperately seeking ways out of the mess created by a result that not even campaigners to leave the EU expected. The “taking back control” that Leave voters were promised is far from simple and the government appears clueless about how the details of extrication from the EU will work. Meanwhile, it is strategically focused on adjusting economic policy to mitigate risks linked to the referendum result, while cushioning its voter base from the ill effects of economic uncertainty. That the UK is in uncharted waters is widely recognised. No member state has ever left the European Union and the UK, a member for more than 40 years, has been deprived of trade negotiation skills through trade policy that has more recently been determined and negotiated mostly at EU level. The constitutional unknowns also now present lawyers and academics with a bone to chew over for months, if not years. Arguments over how and when to trigger Article 50, the law that governs leaving the EU, are not resolved. The latest cabinet meeting on Brexit suggests the government is inclined towards a speedy exit and backs the notion of prime ministerial privilege, meaning May can trigger the exit process without a vote in the House of Commons. Others argue a debate and vote in parliament is needed. The House of Lords and the Supreme Court may settle the argument, but surely our apparently sovereign parliament must be involved if a referendum that was merely “advisory” is to be interpreted as a decision.
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Government nervousness is understandable. EU treaties, which govern the legal relationship between states, make clear that there can be no formal negotiations until after a departing member state has triggered Article 50. The
European Commission and several member states have reiterated this view, undermining the prospects for even informal discussions, which Downing Street had hoped for. So the government must first decide what its bargaining position will be and what relationship it wants with the EU. Leave campaigners argue that the UK will forge a bespoke deal that reflects the UK’s unique position as a major global economy and a destination for 17% of EU exports, as if this alone gives the UK ultimate bargaining power. But the commission and member states are strongly opposed to compromise on freedom of movement, including labour. This is a sine qua non for single market access, as both Norway and Switzerland will attest. Both have a far higher number of EU immigrants per capita than the UK. Access to the single market also requires full acceptance of EU law, so there is no way Britain will be able to “take back control” in the way implied by the Leave campaign, unless of course it chooses to abandon the single market, by far the largest destination for UK exports in both goods and services. The US and Japan have warned that such a step risks serious consequences for UK trade, for their investment in Britain, and for the world economy. These challenges, coupled with ministerial and civil service lack of expertise in negotiating trade agreements, make a rapid triggering of Article 50 high risk. Within two years of doing so, the EU can simply expel the UK from the union, leaving it to sort out the mess, no matter whether any trade agreements have been agreed.
SIGNS OF STRATEGY The uncertainty for UK businesses, both in manufacturing and services, for the higher education sector, and for prospective inward foreign investment, will surely wreak havoc on domestic markets, on sterling, and on the cost of imported goods and services to UK consumers. The government’s strategic response is to mitigate the worst economic consequences of the referendum vote. Austerity
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
has been abandoned anda fiscal stimulus is on the cards, which should encourage a feel good factor in the economy. Indeed May’s predecessors were already moving in this direction prereferendum, conscious that austerity was not working. Egged on by the popular press, the government is talking up the economy and giving a boost to public expenditure, while the Bank of England engages in more quantitative easing, just as the Federal Reserve did in the United States in response to the 2008-09 financial crisis. By forging ahead with big infrastructural projects such as HS2 and Crossrail 2 railway projects, expanding London City Airport, committing to road improvements and energy generation projects, the government can stoke domestic optimism that will drive up personal borrowing, consumption and property prices. This may bring some better news on employment and economic growth before a general election. The prime minister could expect a credibility boost to help see off a weak opposition. So the strategy is damage limitation, benign economic data, and offending as few people as possible up to the next general election. The home front could be secure, but favourable international relations with Europe and beyond are much less certain. The response from the remaining 27 EU states will shape future relationships. Germany is prepared for a long game while others may be more impatient. The UK chose to abandon an EU struggling with multiple critical challenges for which its full engagement would have been welcome. It can expect few favours. Other EU crises may intervene but the impasse on Brexit is likely to continue for a while yet. The three ministers tasked with negotiating the terms of Brexit, dubbed the three Brexiteers, Boris Johnson, David Davis, and Liam Fox, will struggle to deliver on promises made during a spectacularly mendacious campaign. They might reflect on Shakespeare’s “didst thou never hear that things ill got had ever bad success?”. Originally published on The Conversation
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
THE SPEAKER, NOT THE ROOM, DEFINES THE SOUND Imagine a loudspeaker so intelligently conceptualized, so exquisitely crafted, and so finely tuned that it can deliver the ultimate sound experience no matter the circumstances. That is the new BeoLab 90 loudspeaker by Bang & Olufsen. It will change the future of sound.
EU hopes to move 30,000 refugees from Greece by end 2017 THE EU has announced it hops to relocate 30,000 refugees from Greece by the end of next year, insisting it was making “significant progress” on tackling the migrant crisis. A deal with Turkey to cut the flow of migrants to the Greek islands is also proving successful, said an assessment by the European Commission, the executive arm of the 28-nation bloc. But despite their hopes for refugees in Greece, European Union nations look set to fall well short of their overall plan agreed a year ago to share 160,000 migrants around the bloc. “We have come a long way,” Migration Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos said as he released reports on several key areas of the crisis. “We have made significant progress as a union but we have more work ahead of us.” Europe has faced its biggest migration crisis since World War II with well over one million refugees and migrants arriving on its shores in the past year as they flee war in Syria and the Middle East, and poverty in Africa. In September 2015 the EU agreed controversial mandatory quotas to relocate 160,000 people from overwhelmed Greece and Italy, the two countries most heavily affected by the crisis, to other countries. Hungary is having a referendum on whether to accept the quotas, which have angered several eastern and central European states, even as Germany has taken in a million asylum seekers. The European Commission insisted there had been “important progress” despite so far only 5,651 refugees having been moved from Greece and Italy during the past year. It said it was speeding up relocations with 1,202 in September alone, twice the previous biggest monthly total.
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“With the increased capacity of the Greek Asylum Service, and if member states step up their efforts, it should notably be possible to relocate the remaining relocation candidates present in Greece (around 30,000) within the next year,” the commission said in a report. Greece is accommodating over 60,000 refugees and migrants stuck in the country after a succession of Balkan and EU states shut their borders earlier this year. Only half would be eligible for relocation under the EU plan which caters for Syrians, Iraqis and Eritreans. The EU said the deal with Turkey signed earlier this year had “dramatically” reduced the flow of migrants over the Aegean Sea to Greece, despite the instability from a coup attempt in Turkey in July. “Despite challenging circumstances this summer, the settlement has continued to work and remains our number one priority,” Avramopoulos told a news conference in Brussels. Eighty-five people have been arriving a day on average in the Greek islands since June, compared to 1,700 per day in March and 7,000 per day in October 2015, the commission said. But Avramopoulos said Turkey had yet to fulfil the criteria to achieve its most sought after element of the deal: visa-free travel to the EU, although Brussels was working with Ankara to achieve it. Emergency border checks introduced in the EU’s supposedly passport-free Schengen Area by five countries amid the migration crisis are allowed to continue for now. But the EU will only decide on whether or not to approve a new six-month extension in November. The EU has said it plans to restore Schengen to full borderless status by the end of the year. “Our objective remains to lift all border controls,” Avramopoulos said.
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
Britain braces for ‘hard Brexit’ P
RIME Minister Theresa May’s government has spent several weeks consulting with businesses in order to work out its strategy in negotiating Britain’s departure from the EU. Downing Street has little to say as to how it will play the game once it triggers Article 50, the two-year formal mechanism for leaving the 28-country bloc. But the business leaders who took part in the first round of consultations came out with the firm impression that those backing an all-out exit from the EU and its related structures were in the ascendancy. “The political momentum is clearly moving towards a hard Brexit,” said Daniel Hodson, the executive committee chairman of the Financial Services Negotiation Forum lobby group. “There could be collateral damage” from an abrupt departure.
RETHINK OPERATIONS If Britain leaves the European customs union, it would not only have to renegotiate dozens of agreements but also strengthen its border controls, both for people and for the movement of goods. It would have to rethink the way its ports, airports and international rail terminals would operate. Some suggest that outside the EU, Britons
The prospect of a “hard Brexit”, or a total divorce between Britain and the European Union, is on the rise, posing complications for businesses and ordinary citizens alike. could be forced to get visas for holidays in member states, and queue to account for all goods in their luggage. As for the million Britons living in Europe, a hard Brexit could make their worst nightmares come true in terms of bureaucracy and finance. Retirees would be cut out of local healthcare systems, while workers might have to obtain residency and work permits. Meanwhile the three million EU citizens living in Britain would also be subject to the same uncertainties. Student exchange programmes could also be affected. MP Pat McFadden, of the Open Britain campaign, said Britain should not “sleepwalk to a hard Brexit”, ignorant of its economic implications. “The government has been slow to realise what would be involved in leaving the single market and customs union. Businesses are desperately briefing ministers on this but there is an urgent need
for a proper assessment which should be shared with the public,” he said.
HARD TALK INCREASES UNCERTAINTY John McFarlane, chairman of Barclays bank and TheCityUK lobby group, told the Financial Times newspaper: “The danger of hard talk now is that it increases uncertainty, reduces confidence and will result in businesses triggering their exit plans from the UK.” The prevailing vagueness since the June 23 referendum vote to leave the EU has irked business leaders, who fear for London’s place as an international finance hub -- and for the economic wellbeing of Britain and its citizens. “The City as a whole will be doing everything in our power to limit uncertainty coming from the Brexit vote and act swiftly
to reassure businesses and ensure continued investment in our country,” Mark Boleat, policy and resources chairman at the City of London Corporation, told AFP. Britain’s departure from the EU does not necessarily mean that it will leave the European single market, nor the customs union. But Brussels has warned several times that Britain cannot expect full access if it curtails the ability of EU workers to relocate freely to Britain -- cherished by businesses, but a key reason why many voted for Brexit.
Britain will need to strengthen its border controls
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
HE 62-year-old argues that Prime Minister Theresa May has no right to trigger Brexit talks without authorisation from the national parliament. “A lot of good comes out of European money and there is no guarantee this will continue,” McCord told AFP during a break in proceedings at the High Court in Belfast, a city filled with reminders of the three-decade conflict referred to as “The Troubles”.
His case is one of several going through British courts challenging May’s authority to lead the country out of the EU and calling for elected lawmakers to vote on the move, a potentially risky path for May as many MPs were in favour of staying in the EU. The government argues that invoking Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty -- the formal exit procedure -- can be done under “royal prerogative” which can be applied to aspects of Britain’s foreign and defence policies. May has said she would trigger Article 50 by the end of March.
EUROPE ‘LAST PORT OF CALL’ McCord is also concerned that Britain leaving the EU could
Northern Irish campaigner challenging Brexit in court Veteran Northern Irish victims’ rights campaigner Raymond McCord (pictured left) is among those taking the UK government to court over Brexit, warning that the loss of EU funds could undermine the hardwon peace process in his homeland. boost calls in the ruling Conservative Party for Britain to pull out of the European Convention of Human Rights, which he fears would undermine his personal crusade for justice for his murdered son. He said European Court of Human Rights -- which rules on alleged violations of the Convention -- would likely be his “last port of call” when it comes to finding out the truth behind his
BREXIT u-turn still possible says controversial Ryanair CEO THE head of Europe’s largest airline believes the UK could still make a Brexit U-turn once it realised it could not stay in Europe’s single market while leaving the EU. “I would be hopeful they’ll change their minds in the next two or three years and chose to remain in the European Union,” Ryanair CEO Michael O’Leary said at France’s Toulouse-Blagnac airport. The head of the low-cost carrier said the UK could still be persuaded “that staying in the single market is the sensible way forward and that they were misled by those people in the exit side who’ve said that you can vote to leave the European Union and stay in the single market. “I don’t think that’s correct and I think once the UK realise that’s not going to be correct I think there’ll be a change of mind. I hope so,” he said. He predicted the U-turn would happen “when they realise the only way to keep access to the single market is to allow the free movement of people and pay, which would be the Norway solution.” While Norway is not a member of and has no voice within the EU it has access to its single market because it is a member of the European Economic Area, which includes all EU member states, as well as Iceland and Liechtenstein. O’Leary said if Brexit did go ahead his company would “probably base more of our aircraft on the continent of Europe, in France, in Italy, in Spain, in Germany, and fly back to the UK, but I think that won’t be the final outcome.”
son’s killing at the hands of pro-British loyalist paramilitaries. In 2007, Northern Ireland’s police ombudsman upheld McCord’s complaint that police collusion with loyalist paramilitaries as part of its strategy to defeat Irish republican terrorism had caused “a number of failures with the murder investigation”. Despite this ruling, McCord said the British government had so far refused to conduct an inquest into the affair and to hand over documents relating to the case, citing national security concerns.
NORTHERN IRELAND ‘BEING IGNORED’ In court, McCord’s lawyers argued that Brexit contravenes the 1998 Good Friday Agreement, which ended the Troubles, in which more than 3,500 people were killed. “Under the Northern Ireland act and the Good Friday Agreement, the people of Northern Ireland are sovereign in relation to issues of constitutional change,” said McCord’s solicitor, Ciaran O’Hare. Northern Ireland voted 56 percent in favour of staying in the EU in the June 23 referendum, while on a national level the vote was 52 percent for leaving. “The vast majority of people voted to remain and they are being ignored,” McCord said. There were also majorities for staying in Scotland, London and the overseas British territory of Gibraltar, a tiny enclave on Spain’s southern tip. Northern Ireland has arguably more to lose than the others because of its strong trading links with the neighbouring Republic of Ireland, and officials are concerned about the return of a “hard border” dividing the island as it did in the past. McCord also contends that Brexit will undermine the peace process as cross-community initiatives designed to build reconciliation stand to lose out. Under the EU programme for peace and reconciliation in Northern Ireland, the province will receive a total of 229 million euros ($257 million) in funding by 2020 for initiatives designed to promote relations between the two main Protestant and Catholic communities. “The EU has pledged funding until at least 2020 but the British government has given no undertaking it will continue to fund projects to bring the two communities together,” he said. A cross-party group of Northern Ireland politicians has joined McCord in his legal challenge and his lawyers expect a ruling within weeks. Other cases are being heard later this month at the High Court in London and legal experts say the challenges may end up at the supreme court.
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
UK to start EU exit process before end of March
FARAGE RULES OUTLEADING UK INDEPENDENCE PARTY AGAIN NIGEL Farage has ruled out returning to head up Britain’s anti-EU UK Independence Party, after its newly nominated leader Diane James resigned suddenly just over two weeks into her new job. “Not at all. I’ve done my job,” Farage said when asked by Sky News about the possibility of returning. “It is time for somebody else to do the job,” said Farage, who remains the acting leader of
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The euro was trading at 0.84p. They were recommended to they could achieve in sterling. The sale went through in midApril. The euro had devalued to 0.82, but they still received £272,999 instead of £266,499. This put an extra £6,500 in the
PRIME Minister Theresa May has announced that Britain will start the formal process for leaving the European Union by the end of March 2017. Before now May has only said that Britain would not trigger Article 50 of the EU’s Lisbon Treaty -which sets a maximum two-year clock ticking until a country’s departure from the 28-member bloc -before the end of this year She said that once Article 50 had been triggered, it would be up to the rest of the EU to decide how the negotiation process goes ahead. “I hope, and I’ll be saying to them, that now that they know what our timing is going to be -- it’s not an exact date but it’s going to be in the first quarter of next year -- that we’ll be able to have some preparatory work so that once the trigger comes, we have a smoother process of negotiation,” she said of the coming months. She said the June 23 referendum vote to leave the EU contained a clear message that the British public wanted the movement of people from the rest of the EU to be controlled. “We will deliver on that,” she said. “What people want is to know that the government is able to decide who can come into and set the rules for who can come into the country. We will look at the various ways that we can bring in the control that the British people want and ensuring... that the brightest and best can come to the UK.” Earlier she announced a “Great Repeal Bill” to end the authority of EU law once Britain leaves the union. The legislation will overturn laws that make EU regulations supreme, enshrine all EU rules in domestic law and confirm the British parliament can amend them as it wants. “This marks the first stage in the UK becoming a sovereign and independent country once again,” May said. “It will return power and authority to the elected institutions of our country. It means that the authority of EU law in Britain will end.”
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Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
LOBAL technology colossus Apple have announced plans to create a London headquarters in the iconic and long-abandoned Battersea Power Station on the banks of the River Thames. “We are looking forward to opening Apple’s new London campus at The Battersea Power Station in 2021,” the world’s most valuable company said in a statement.
RELOCATE Around 1,400 staff from eight existing offices in London will relocate to the renovated landmark, whose distinctive chimneys have towered over the central neighbourhood of Battersea since the 1930s. The former power station lay derelict since it stopped generating electricity in 1983, but is undergoing a £9 billion ($11.7 billion, 10.4 billion euros) makeover to turn the 42-acre
Right: Pink Floyd’s 1977 album “Animals” and above: Philip Hammond, Funance Minister
(170,000 square metre) space into offices, apartments, shops and leisure facilities. The new “Apple complex” will take over 40 percent of the office space. The firm called it “a great opportunity to have our entire team working and collaborating in one location while supporting the renovation of a neighbourhood rich with history.” Finance minister Philip Hammond said the announcement “further strengthens London’s position as a global technology hub, and demonstrates how the UK is at the forefront of the next steps in the tech-revolution. The power station is one of the world’s largest brick structures, and is noted for its Art Deco interior fittings. It has frequently popped up in popular culture, featuring in The Beatles film “Help!” and on the cover on Pink Floyd’s 1977 album “Animals”.
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
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Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
HEY are some of the wealthiest landowners in Europe yet a damming report published by Greenpeace as part of its investigation into “misuse of funds” has revealed that Saudi Prince, Khalid Abdullah al-Saud, the Queen and the Duke of Westminster receive hundreds of thousands of pounds every year in farming subsidies from the European Union’s common agricultural policy (CAP). The report also revealed that 16 of the top 100 recipients where individuals or families who had featured on the 2016 Sunday Times rich list. Last year, Prince Khalid Abdullah al Saud,
owner of Juddmonte Farms (pictured below left) and champion racehorse Frankel, received £406,826 although describing his farming interest as a hobby. Sandringham Farms, the estate owned by the Queen, received £557,707, while Grosvenor Farms Limited, owned by the Duke of Westminster’s estate received £437,434 Greenpeace have branded the payments to billionaires “an outrage” citing “this is a broken system which sends public subsidies into billionaires’ bank accounts. The British Government needs to reshape our farming sector for the common good.” Subsidies for farming have been in place since the end of the Second World War, but eventually led to the overproduction of food. The current system is now based on the amount of land farmers own. Following Brexit the government has promised to maintain CAP subsidies until a domestic system is put in place which is expected in 2020.
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Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
RITAIN should have to pay for the medical bills of its expats living in Spain, the country’s foreign affairs minister has said. Speaking at an event in Alicante earlier this week, José Manuel GarcíaMargallo said one of Spain’s goals in the forthcoming Brexit negotiations which are set to commence next March when Prime Minister Theresa May triggers Article 50 should be who pays for the healthcare provision of Britons living abroad. “We have to reach an agreement where British expats living in Spain can access healthcare services, but be covered by the United Kingdom,” reported the EU news site Euractiv. Currently, British citizens in Spain are entitled to receive free emergency healthcare using their EHIC (European Health Insurance Card), but following the trigger of Article 50 this may not be acceptable unless Britain choses to accept freedom of movement and join the European Free Trade Association. What Spain is proposing is that healthcare will still be freely available to those residing in Spain as long as the British government guarantees to pay the bill – no discussion has been made with regards to tourists. Of the approx.4.5million Brits living abroad Spain has the largest proportion, with an estimated 300,000 UK –born people registered as living in Spain as of 2015 of these most are retirees so access to healthcare facilities is essential.
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Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
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Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
UK files show how double agent tricked Germans over D-Day S
ECRET files released in Britain have shed new light on how a Spaniard dubbed the greatest double agent of World War II tricked Germany with false intelligence about the D-Day Normandy landings. Juan Pujol, codenamed Garbo, was one of British intelligence service MI5’s most prized wartime assets, tricking Berlin with elaborate misinformation from a made-up network of sub-agents. The Hitler regime never discovered Pujol’s deception and even awarded him the Iron Cross for his services, while he was also honoured by Britain. In perhaps his biggest success, he helped mislead the Germans about the D-Day landings on June 6, 1944. Afterwards, he persuaded them that the Normandy landings were a diversion before a bigger operation in the Pas de Calais area of northern France, further along the coast. Pujol told them “that the present attack was a large scale diversionary operation for the purpose of establishing a strong bridgehead in order to draw the maximum of German reserves to the area of operations and to retain them there in order to be able to strike a second blow with ensured success,” his case officer Tomas Harris wrote in a secret memo dated June 13, 1944. “He gave reasons as to why the second assault was likely to come in the Pas de Calais area,” Harris added. Pujol -- apparently motivated by a hatred of fascism and communism rooted in his Spanish Civil War experiences -started his intelligence career feeding the Germans false information about Britain while living in Lisbon.
His information was based on sources like “a Blue Guide (tourist guide), a map of England, an out-of-date railway timetable,” according to an MI5 memo dated July 12, 1943. “Fortunately, he has a facile and lurid style, great ingenuity and a passionate and quixotic zeal for his task,” the memo added.
EVEN FOOLED HIS WIFE Despite an initial rejection by Britain, Pujol was eventually recruited to act as a double agent and smuggled to London in April 1942. However, his wife Araceli struggled to cope with their new life. One incident showed how her husband was even prepared to put his ingenuity to work on her to protect his position. On June 21, 1943, she telephoned Harris threatening to leave Pujol and go to
the Spanish embassy in London to disclose her husband’s work to the Franco regime unless she could go home. The couple had rowed after he refused to take her to a dinner where there would be embassy staff. The next day, after another call, an MI5 officer went to the family’s north London home and found her “sitting in the kitchen with all the gas taps turned on”. Describing Araceli as a “highly emotional and neurotic woman”, Harris described in a report six days later how Pujol hatched a plan to convince his wife that he had been arrested due to her behaviour. This was designed to calm her down and prevent similar actions in future. She was even taken to visit him in an interrogation camp before apologising two days later and vowing “never to perform any action which might compromise my husband’s work” again. “The extraordinary ingenuity with which he has conceived and carried through this plan has perhaps saved a situation which might otherwise have been intolerable,” Harris wrote. Pujol moved to Angola after the war, where his death was faked before he went on to build a new life in Venezuela. He died there in 1988. Leading British historian Christopher Andrew, MI5’s official biographer, described him as “the greatest double agent of the Second World War and possibly of the entire 20th century” in a new podcast released with the documents. The information came from classified MI5 files made public by Britain’s National Archives.
Five arrested in Europe on suspicion of forming IS cell
POLICE have arrested five suspected members of an Islamic State cell in Spain, Belgium and Germany that spread propaganda for the group online, the Spanish interior ministry has confirmed. Two suspects were arrested in Barcelona in northeastern Spain, one in Spain’s North African territory of Melilla, one in Brussels and another in Wuppertal, in Germany, it said in a statement. The suspects included one Moroccan national and four Spaniards. The group used social media, mainly a Facebook page called “Islam in Spanish” -- run by the suspects arrested in Belgium and Germany -- to promote Islamist extremism, the statement said. “Under the guise of disseminating religious context on this web page, radical messages were exchanged which praised jihadists, ‘martyr’ fighters, actions carried out by DAESH and the importance of individual jihad,” it said using the Arabic acronym for Islamic State. The Facebook page was followed by 32,500 people and was drawing 500 new followers per week, the ministry said. The five suspects are accused of inciting attacks and acting as go-betweens for Islamic State recruitment in Europe. “The cell which was dismantled represented a serious, concrete and continued threat to the security of Western societies,” the statement said. Spanish police have since 2015 taken part in the arrests of 143 suspected jihadists -- 113 in Spain and 30 in operations carried out in other countries, the ministry said.
CATALONIA LEADER PROMISES 2017 INDEPENDENCE REFERENDUM THE president of Spain’s Catalonia region has said he would call a Scotland-style independence referendum in September 2017, in a move likely to infuriate Madrid. “We will look for an agreement (with the central government) until the very end, we will at every moment work with the will to hold a referendum in agreement with the state,” Carles Puigdemont told regional lawmakers.
“But if we come to the end of our term in office and there has been no positive response, we will be ready to... call a referendum for the second half of September of next year.” Secessionist parties approved a plan to achieve independence in mid-2017 after winning a clear majority in regional elections last year, but have since become divided by ideological differences and little progress has been made.
The pro-independence coalition ruling Catalonia broke down in June when its most radical component -- the farleft CUP party -- refused to back the government budget for 2016, forcing Puigdemont to call a vote of confidence. The CUP had since said it would help bring the proindependence coalition back together and vote for Puigdemont, but only in exchange for a Scotland-style referendum next year.
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
PANISH lawmakers have approved a commission to probe allegations that acting interior minister Jorge Fernandez-Diaz (pictured left) used ministry resources as “political police” against rivals. The probe follows a conversation leaked in June between Fernandez-Diaz and the head of Catalonia’s anti-fraud office, in which they discussed investigating pro-independence politicians in the region. The lower house “approved the establishment of an investigation commission over the ‘partisan’ use of the interior ministry’s resources,” parliament announced. The probe represents yet another thorn in the side of the ruling Popular Party, which has failed to form a government after two inconclusive elections, due to a lack of support in large part down to corruption scandals sullying the party. Only last week, the trial of
one of the PP’s fallen stars began for alleged misuse of funds when he was a banking boss began. Former IMF chief and ex-economy minister Rodrigo Rato is being tried with 65 other former executives and board members at Caja Madrid and Bankia, whose near-collapse sparked an EU bailout of Spain’s financial sector.
POLITICAL POLICE Antonio Trevin, a lawmaker for the Socialist party which proposed forming the commission, said Tuesday they wanted “to clarify whether this government, and particularly its interior minister, have created a political police,” and whether “the prime minister knows about it”. Trevin said the Socialist party had long accused the interior ministry of using security
forces for political purposes such as trying to put obstacles in the way of corruption probes affecting the PP. Fernandez-Diaz’s leaked phone conversations sparked a furore when they emerged in June, prompting repeated calls for his resignation, including from police unions. But he remained in his post and the PP went on to win general elections, though without an absolute majority, which has forced them to try -- and so far fail -- to find allies to form a government. Fernandez-Diaz slammed the June leaks as a “conspiracy.” At the time, he acknowledged that the meeting, which dates back to 2014, had taken place. But “to claim that an interior minister is conspiring against members of Catalonia’s government is surreal,” he said.
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
Socialist bloodletting opens way for Spanish solution The drama within Spain’s opposition Socialist Party which saw the resignation of Pedro Sanchez (left) as leader could now finally unblock months of political paralysis, analysts predict.
ANCHEZ who quit last week after high-ranking party members staged a rebellion against him for his staunch refusal to back a government under Popular Party head Mariano Rajoy. Conservative Rajoy, who took office in 2011, has despite corruption allegations surrounding his party clung on at the head of a minority administration after two inconclusive elections in less than a year. Sanchez has been unyielding in his refusal to have his Socialists (PSOE) back Rajoy -- but that stance has divided his own party. The dam broke Saturday after Sanchez, who had insisted that “no means no” in his rejection of Rajoy, lost a vote on the contentious issue at a tense gathering of more than 250 members of the party’s federal hierarchy in Madrid. He announced the resignation of the PSOE’s federal executive committee as well as his own and promptly left the stage. An interim executive will now take over and could direct party lawmakers to abstain in a parliamentary vote of confidence on Rajoy staying as prime minister, rather than vote against as they did last month under Sanchez’s guidance.
BUST-UP The weekend contretemps has spilt blood on the Socialist carpet -- yet now they face metaphorically having to roll out another for the PP in an attempt to end a nine-month impasse. El Pais gave the Socialist bust-up front page treatment Sunday, depicting an exasperated, finger-wagging woman in angry exchanges with one party heavyweight. “Pedro Sanchez resigns and leaves behind a more divided and defeated PSOE,” read the El Pais headline. “Broken” and “devastated” were other choice media adjectives for the state of the party. December and June elections left the PP as the largest party but without a majority as two newcomers
to the political scene, the radical leftist Podemos and the liberal Ciudadanos, gnawed away chunks of the traditional parties’ votes.
‘YEARS OF HEGEMONY’ With the PP garnering 137 seats out of 350 they require the 85-strong PSOE contingent to abstain in order to form a vi-
able administration. If the deadlock persists beyond October 31 there will have to be yet another election in December. Sanchez had hoped to bring together sufficient support for a leftist-led government rather than bow to another term of PP rule characterised by austerity-led fiscal policy following the economic crisis which broke in 2008. Opponents of Sanchez took the line that the PSOE risked being seen as holding up matters and also losing votes to Podemos, who have emerged as a serious threat to the party. Given the evident deep split in the party, political analyst Pablo Simon of Madrid’s Carlos III University believes those risks reduce still further any chance PSOE might have of forming an alternative to the PP. “There remain only two choices -- abstain or else fresh elections,” said Simon. “And after the bloodletting we have seen I think the PSOE knows that to present itself once more at the polls would be suicidal. “Therefore, the hypothesis of abstention has hugely gained ground.” Abstention across the PSOE the parliamentary caucus, would leave Rajoy’s PP in a very strong position, not least as a substantial proportion of PSOE voters would likely abstain. “The year started without a government and will finish with the renaissance of Senor Rajoy,” predicts Ignacio Escolar, director of leftist online daily eldiario.es. The split in PSOE ranks “will mean years of hegemony by the Right,” one source close to Sanchez told AFP ahead of the weekend’s cataclysmic events for his party. To avoid another election the Socialists face having to back a tough budget after Brussels ordered more belttightening to reduce a soaring public sector deficit. In the meantime, Javier Fernandez Fernandez, who favours abstention, will be the PSOE’s interim leader with a meeting of the federal committee expected within days to decide on its position regarding the PP.
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
‘Psychotic’ nephew Spanish suspected in grisly murder court S sentences former Guantanamo inmate to jail PANISH police has suggested that the man who dismembered a Brazilian couple and also killed their young sons in a crime that shocked the country was the father’s “psychotic” nephew. The corpses of Marcos Campos Nogueira, his wife Janaina Santos Americo and their one-year-old and four-year-old sons were discovered last month in plastic bags in their home in Pioz not far from Madrid after a neighbour alerted authorities to a bad smell. The parents, who were both 30 and originated from Paraiba in Brazil’s northeast, had been dismembered and speculation was rife that the crime was a revenge killing. But this week police ruled out this theory, telling reporters in Guadalajara -- a city in the Castilla-La Mancha region where Pioz is located -- that they suspected Marcos Campos Nogueira’s nephew, who has since left the country for Brazil. Juan Jesus Reina of the Guardia Civil police force said that they had “a lot of reasonable evidence and clear proof” that he allegedly murdered this “normal, hard-working and unas-
COURT in Spain has sentenced a former Guantanamo Bay detainee to 11 years and six months in jail on after finding him guilty of leading a recruitment cell that sent jihadists to fight in Syria. The National Court sentenced Lahcen Ikassrien, a 48-year-old Moroccan, to 10 years in prison for leading a terrorist organisation and one year and six months for falsifying an official document. After being extradited to Spain from Guantanamo Bay in 2005, he was found to have led a cell from Madrid that dispatched recruits to Syria for the Islamic State and the Al-Nusra militant groups. The court also sentenced eight members of the cell -- six Moroccans, an Argentinian and a Bulgarian -- to eight years in jail for membership in a terrorist organisation. “The accused had full knowledge that the jihadist groups Jabhat al-Nusra and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant were jihadist structures under the umbrella of Al-Qaeda,” the court said in its ruling. Police arrested Ikassrien and the eight other members of the group were arrested in June 2014 in Madrid. Ikassrien, former gardener, cook and construction worker, had been arrested in Afghanistan in 2001 and held at the US prison in Guantanamo Bay. After being extradited to Spain, he was acquitted of allegedly having ties to an Al-Qaeda cell for lack of evidence a year later. US President Barack Obama urgently wants to shutter the Guantanamo facility before he leaves the White House at the start of next year but his efforts have been continually thwarted by Republican lawmakers. Roughly 780 men have passed through the facility since it was opened in the wake of the 9/11 attacks to hold terror suspects. The population now stands at 61, down from 242 when Obama took office in January 2009.
suming” family. Describing him as suffering from “psychosis”, “egotism” and “narcissism”, he added that the 19-year-old was now in Brazil, and an international warrant has been issued for his arrest. Police said the nephew had a plane ticket to return to Brazil in November, but had changed it to September 19, just 24 hours after the corpses of the family were discovered. They added he had been questioned by police in Brazil, who had since released him for reasons that remain unclear. The reasons behind his alleged killing spree also remain unclear, but police said the nephew had had bouts of violence in the past. He had for instance brutally assaulted a teacher back in Brazil. The nephew lived with the family for four months in Torrejon de Ardoz, also near Madrid, before the parents and their sons moved to Pioz. He remained in Torrejon de Ardoz, without a job. At the time of the grisly discovery, police had said there was no sign of forced entry in the house, which was in a quiet residential area.
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
With peace, Spanish cinema breaks taboo and talks ETA
S Spain prepares to mark five years since ETA quit violence on October 20, the armed group is more present than ever in the San Sebastian film festival in the Basque Country, with screenings of films and documentaries on the conflict. “Emotionally, peace has taken hold enough for the story to be told with honesty,” said British documentary-maker Justin Webster (right), director of “The End of ETA”, which was screened at the event to applause and a full house. “Now we can start writing the first draft of what really happened.”
FEW FILMS Films are scarce about the separatist organization, which is blamed for the deaths of 829 people in a four-decade campaign of bombings and shootings for an independent homeland in northern Spain and southwest-
Few issues marked Spain’s recent history as much as the violence of Basque separatist group ETA, but it was only when peace finally came that this bloody period made its way into films without taboo. ern France. It declared a permanent ceasefire in 2011. There were also some 150 anti-ETA killings blamed on militias close to the police and police abuse, according to a study by the Basque regional government. “Few films have been done bearing in mind how important it was in many people’s lives over four decades,” said Basque director Imanol Uribe. His first feature-length documentary, “The trial of Burgos” that came out in 1979, was about the last trial of ETA members during the dictatorship of Francisco Franco, which ended in 1975.
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His last film “Far from the Sea” depicts the relationship between the daughter of a victim of ETA and her father’s murderer. While this was screened in a normal manner, the same was not true in the 1980s and 1990s. His 1996 film “Numbered Days”, which gives a humane depiction of an ETA member, may have won the festival’s top Golden Shell prize and eight Oscar-equivalent Goya awards, but it is better remembered for the huge controversy it generated. “It seems easier to broach the theme now, it was more complicated at that time,” he said. Watch what you say! Director Julio Medem concurred. In 2003, he showcased his documentary “The Basque Pelota,” a call for dialogue as violence still raged by depicting the conflict from different perspectives, from victims of ETA to relatives of jailed group members. Now considered a reference on the violent period, the documentary caused trouble for Medem with attempts to censure it at the film festival and accusations of sympathising with the armed group. “I really copped it,” he said 13 years after the screening. “At that time, using the word ‘dialogue’ au-
tomatically put you on the side of ETA supporters. “Not everything is black and white, there are colours, there are many colours... But no one was interested in hearing about those colours.” ETA was a “definite taboo” in Spanish cinema, he said. On the one hand, any divergence from the official government position sparked a wave of criticism, and on the other hand the ETA entourage would warn people with a “watch what you say”, he added. War of stories But when the violence ended, a wide variety of works emerged, from documentaries to thrillers, dramas and even comedies. “ETA has stopped killing and it remains to be seen how history will be written,” said Santiago de Pablo, a historian at the Basque Country University who is about to publish a book on the theme. Perhaps one of the most controversial works to be screened was the documentary “Asier and me”, in which director Aitor Merino portrays his childhood friend who was jailed for eight years in France for being an ETA member. Through the documentary, which has humorous touches, Merino asks the viewer tough questions -- how can this gentle friend be a terrorist? Can you be friends with a terrorist? What brought him to join ETA? “We like cinema that makes people uncomfortable, that questions principles,” he said. And if ETA had still been wreaking violence, he would have screened it all the same, he added, “but with more context and without the humorous tone.”
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Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
ORMER Spanish Finance Minister Rodrigo Rato was hailed for kicking off a golden decade of growth in Spain’s economy from the late 1990s and later led the International Monetary Fund. Now the 67-year-old is on trial over alleged spending sprees on company credit cards by him and other ex-managers in the finance group Bankia, whose near-collapse sparked an EU bailout of Spain’s financial sector in 2012. He faces another probe into the Bankia’s failed stock market launch which left hundreds of thousands of retail investors nursing heavy losses. Rato has denied wrongdoing in both cases but for many Spaniards he is the face of Spain’s financial crisis and the alleged rule-bending that preceded the 2012 collapse of large parts of the Spanish banking market. In 2010 former Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar called Rato the “best economy minister” in Spain’s modern history. But when asked by reporters about him after the credit cards revelations first broke in 2014, acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy would not even pronounce Rato’s name. The allegations that Rato and dozens of others spent a total of more than 15 million euros, reportedly on luxuries
such as nightclubs and safaris, have embarrassed Rajoy’s conservative Popular Party (PP) and sparked a string of resignations. “It alarms and outrages us,” said the current leader of the party, Maria Dolores de Cospedal, who in 2014 had called prominent PP member Rato “the author of Spain’s economic miracle”.
NO POLITICAL FUTURE Rato was thought a natural successor to Aznar and was expected to run for prime minister in 2004, but mistimed his bid. Rajoy beat him to the candidacy but later lost the election. Rato promptly left Spain to become managing director of the International Monetary Fund, the global emergency lender that later played a key role in tackling the eurozone debt crisis. He left the IMF in 2007 for “personal reasons” and was later handed the job of managing Caja Madrid, one of the regional savings banks that fused to form Bankia in 2010. Rato oversaw the stock market listing of Bankia in 2011, seen as a triumph after the previous three years of financial turbulence. But the euphoria did not last.
Congo fever nurse discharged from Spanish hospital THE Spanish nurse who contracted Congo fever while caring for a man who died from the virus, in the first non-imported case reported in Western Europe, has finally been discharged from hospital officials confirm. The unidentified nurse was admitted to the intensive care unit of a Madrid hospital on August 31 where she was treated for the illness, also known as Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever, and placed in isolation. The regional government of Madrid said in a statement that she had been discharged and “would not need to be monitored and can lead a normal life”.
MONITOR It said health officials would monitor hospital staff who looked after the patient for 14 days after their last contact with her -- a period that corresponds with the typical incubation period of the virus. The nurse became infected while treating a 62-year-old man who died from the virus on August 25. He caught the virus after he was bitten by a tick while walking in the countryside in the north-western Spanish region of Castile and Leon. Spanish health authorities said this was the first time the
In May 2012 the government had to nationalise Bankia to save it from ruin. Spain then had to turn to the eurozone for a 41-billion-euro bailout to save its whole banking sector. Seven months after Bankia was rescued, Rato found himself walking into court for questioning. Furious customers who said the bank had lost their savings yelled at him: “Thief! Go to jail!”. The scene was repeated on Monday as he arrived at a courthouse at San Fernando de Henares just outside of Madrid for the start of his trial, accused of overseeing a “corrupt system” that helped him and other executives misuse funds with credit cards. Prosecutors are seeking a prison sentence of four-and-a-half years and a 2.6-million-euro fine. Rato at the end of 2014 suspended his membership of the PP, a previously “unthinkable” move, according to political consultant Antoni Gutierrez Rubi. “He has no political future,” said Rubi. “There is a feeling that Rato has destroyed his shining reputation. He had a halo of superiority and triumph everywhere he went. Now he has fallen.”
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Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
24/2/16 16:25
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
N July a judge ruled that irregularities in the Brazilian’s 2013 transfer to Barcelona were detected, but said it was an issue for a civil court, not a criminal court to settle. However, prosecutors successfully argued the player and his father were aware of potentially fraudulent dealings between Barcelona and his former club Santos to the detriment of DIS, a Brazilian investment company who owned 40 percent of the player’s sporting rights at the time of the transfer. Spain’s National Court “fully overturned” Judge Jose de la Mata’s decision two months ago, allowing the case to proceed. The decision is another blow to the image of the Spanish champions and Neymar, who had hoped to bring an end to the murky affair when the club agreed to pay a 5.5-million-euro ($6.2 million) fine in a deal with prosecutors in June to settle a separate case and ensure the club avoided trial on tax-evasion charges over the transfer. “FC Barcelona expresses its disagreement with the reasoning included in this decision,” the club said in a statement. “The investigating judge, who initially had agreed to dismiss the case against all those investigated, must now reopen the case and end up holding a trial. “In the trial FC Barcelona will maintain the version of events it has always defended throughout the process and prove the innocence of all those investigated.”
TESTIFY Neymar, 24, his father (also Neymar), Barcelona president Josep Maria Bartomeu and his predecessor Sandro Rosell were all called to testify in the case in February. Barcelona originally published the fee in the transfer as 57.1 million euros, with 40 million euros of that given to the player’s family. But Spanish authorities believe the true transfer figure was at least 83 million euros because of a series of extra agreements tied to the transfer between the two clubs.
Spanish court reopens Neymar fraud case Barcelona superstar Neymar’s troubles with the Spanish authorities continued when a fraud case against the player and his father was reopened following a successful appeal by Spanish prosecutors, a court filing showed. Santos received just 17.1 million, 6.8 million euros of which went to DIS. DIS has claimed it was cheated of its real share firstly because part of the transfer fee was concealed by Barcelona and Santos. Moreover, DIS also believes a pre-contract agreement between Neymar and Barca impeded other clubs from making offers for the player, affecting the value of the transfer fee. Neymar is far from the only Barca star to find himself embroiled in problems with the Spanish authorities. Five-time World Player of the Year Lionel Messi and his father were given 21-month jail sentences in July for tax fraud relating to the player’s image rights. Messi is appealing the verdict, but the prison sentences are likely to be suspended as is common in Spain for first offences for nonviolent crimes carrying a sentence of less than two years. “If there is one player used to dealing with different situations and one team used to dealing with different situations, it is Barcelona,” said Barca coach Luis Enrique. “All the players and their coach are used to dealing with things that have nothing to do with football.” Barca’s Argentine defender Javier Mascherano also agreed a one-year suspended sentence with authorities for tax fraud earlier this year. The off-field upheaval hasn’t affected Barca or Neymar with the signing an undoubted sporting success as he has formed one of the most fearsome strike partnerships of all-time with Messi and Luis Suarez. Barca have won backto-back Spanish league and Cup doubles with the trio and the Champions League in 2015.
Neymar signed a bumper new deal with the club to extend his contract until 2021 in July despite admitting last week he held talks with Paris Saint-Germain amidst interest from a host of top European clubs in luring him away. And he also handled the pressure of being Brazil’s poster boy for the Rio Olympics by delivering the hosts’ first ever football gold medal with a goal and winning penalty in the final against Germany last month.
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
New York Times Staff close the door on Paris
IKE most print publications, The New York Times is wrestle with how to offset falling circulation and declining print advertising dollars so last week in a move that was announced back in April, the doors to the editing and prepress print production were closed. The editorial production room of The New York Times has been a Parisian fixture for nearly 130 years. The publication has appeared under various titles over the course of its long history, most recently as the International Herald Tribune, which it dropped in 2013. Editing and pre-press print production of the paper will now be transferred to New York and Hong Kong. The Paris news bureau of the New York Times and an advertising department will remain in the French capital. Pascal Lebegue, a French union representative for the paper, said 69 of the 113 jobs in Paris have been lost. “It was the presence in Paris of the journalists who wrote it which made the newspaper what it was. Now they are based in New York,” Lebegue said. The International Herald Tribune, the only international newspaper in English produced in Paris, first appeared in 1887 as the Paris Herald aimed at American expatriates. When its first owners, the New York Herald, shut in 1966, the New York Times and the Washington Post took over part ownership and from 1991 they had a 5050 share in the newspaper. The New York Times eventually took full ownership in
2003 and in 2013 renamed it International New York Times. When the plan to shut the editorial offices in Paris was announced, editors said in a memo to staff: “Only by moving ahead with this proposal can we assure our ability to maintain our international print presence for the coming years and do so in a way that will best serve our international readers.” The closure of the editing and production operations in Paris follows the announcement that the company would invest more than $50 million over the next three years to support an ambitious plan to increase its global digital revenue and grow its international audience forming a new team called NYT Global to lead the effort.
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
N 1959, US army engineers began constructing a futuristic project in northwestern Greenland that might as well have been lifted from a Cold War spy movie. A network of tunnels under the snow contained everything from research facilities to a hospital, a cinema and a church -- all powered by a small, portable nuclear reactor. The pollutants left behind include PCBs used in building supplies, tanks of raw sewage and low-level radioactive coolant used in the nuclear reactor that once stood there. “When the waste was deposited there nobody thought it would get out again,” William Colgan, an assistant professor in the Lassonde School of Engineering at York University in Canada. But a study led by Colgan, published in August in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, found that higher temperatures could eventually result in toxic waste from the base being released into the environment. “Neither the US or Denmark has done anything wrong per se, but the world has changed,” he said. Accommodating up to 200 soldiers, “Camp Century” was officially built to provide a laboratory for Arctic research projects, but it was also home to a secret US effort to deploy nuclear missiles. Code-named “Project Iceworm”, that part of the operation was never mentioned in the treaty between the US and Denmark, once the colonial master of Greenland, a territory that is now largely self-governing. But the spectacular project -- which even included a test railway under the snow -- was never fully realised. Three years later scientists found that the glacier was shifting much faster than previously thought, threatening to crush the tunnels, and the base was abandoned in 1967.
WARMER CLIMES Assuming the site would remain frozen in perpetuity, the US army removed the nuclear reactor but allowed waste -- equivalent to the mass of 30 Airbus A320 airplanes -- to be entombed under the snow. Half a century later that decision is being questioned as temperatures in the Arctic rise at a higher pace than in the rest of the world. By 2090, the amount of ice melting may no longer be offset by snowfall, meaning the toxic chemicals could start leaking into the environment, the study found. Before then, fissures in the snow could lead to melt water seeping into the crushed tunnels, currently located around 35 metres (115 feet) below the surface.
A snow-covered former US army base in Greenland -- dubbed “a city under ice” -- could leak pollutants into the environment as the climate changes, raising difficult questions over who is responsible for a clean-up.
Since excavating the site would be hugely expensive, Colgan believes a clean-up operation would have to wait until the camp has been uncovered by the melting ice. Greenland Foreign Minister Vittus Qujaukitsoq said the study’s findings were “worrying” and that his government was working to ensure that it was established who would be responsible for cleaning up the site. The former government in the capital Nuuk had in 2014 requested a report from Copenhagen on possible contamination from Camp Century without receiving “any assessment of the extent or character of the waste” described in the study, he said in a statement. Danish Foreign Minister Kristian Jensen said in a statement that his government would
“now look closer at these aspects together with the relevant expertise... in close dialogue with Greenland.” After Colgan’s report was published, the US Department of Defense released a statement saying it “recognises the reality of climate change and the risks it poses. The Department is aware of the report but has not evaluated it.” The US would “continue to work with Danish authorities and Greenland home rule authorities to address mutual security concerns,” it said.
PLACING THE BLAME The logistics of decontaminating the site may not be the greater challenge, Colgan
MOROCCO ARRESTS ALLFEMALE ‘IS CELL’ MOROCCAN police have arrested 10 women who had allegedly pledged allegiance to the Islamic State jihadist group and planned to carry out suicide bombings across the country. The all-female cell had “tried to obtain the chemicals used to make explosive belts” and were planning to attack “vital installations”, the interior ministry said. The women had built “close relationships with several Moroccan terrorists also affiliated with Daesh (and) based on the Syrian-Iraqi border,” it said, using an Arabic acronym for IS. The cell was recruiting and training women in several parts of the country including the tourist hotspot of Tangiers and towns close to the capital Rabat, the ministry said.
Rabat says more than 150 “terrorist cells” have been uncovered since 2002, including dozens in the past three years with ties to jihadists in Iraq and Syria. A study by the US-based Soufan Group said last December that at least 1,200 Moroccans had travelled abroad to fight alongside IS in the previous 18 months. However, the kingdom, which espouses a moderate version of Islam, has largely been spared repeated jihadist violence that has in recent years swept other parts of the region. But a 2003 attack in the economic capital Casablanca left 45 dead, while a 2011 attack at a tourist site in Marrakesh killed 17 people.
said, noting that the US and Denmark have previously cleaned up a site where a B-52 bomber carrying four hydrogen bombs crashed in 1968 near the Thule air base, around 240 kilometres (150 miles) from Camp Century. “The environmental hazard is relatively small and far away and there are only a few native towns close by,” he said. Establishing which country is responsible for doing it would be trickier, but could help set a precedent for other conflicts arising from climate change, he predicted. “It hasn’t really been done before, there’s no blueprint. It’s not as easy as the engineering aspect of the challenge,” he said. Sara Olsvig, a Greenland opposition lawmaker who raised the issue in Nuuk’s parliament, admitted that “a lot of things” in the decadesold agreements between Copenhagen and Washington on several different military installations were “unclear”. “There’s not so much that Greenland can do in regards to the Danish-US relationship and what they will do concerning the final responsibility,” she said. In the end, the two countries would probably take joint responsibility for cleaning up the base, said Kristian Hvidtfelt Nielsen, an associate professor of science history at Aarhus University who has studied the Camp Century project. “From a moral standpoint, I think Denmark and the US have a common responsibility to clean up. The Americans put the base there and the Danes gave them permission to do it,” he said.
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
Swiss parliament votes to make women work longer F
OLLOWING the example of the upper house, the lower house of parliament overwhelmingly voted to require women to work up to the age of 65 before receiving a full retirement, instead of allowing them to bow out a year earlier than their male counterparts as they do today. A full 137 of the 200 parliamentarians supported the move, with only 57 voting against, a parliamentary spokeswoman said, adding that the Left opposed the measure. Like several other European countries, Switzerland is feeling the strain on its pension system as its population ages, with around one third of the country’s inhabitants expected to be above retirement age by 2050. Hiking the retirement age for women is aimed at saving Switzerland 1.2 billion Swiss francs ($1.2 billion, 1.1 billion eu-
Women in Switzerland will likely need to work for a year longer, after the lower house of parliament voted to extend their retirement age to 65. ros) in pension costs by 2030, Swiss Interior Minister Alain Berset told the house before the vote as he presented the government’s position in favour of the move. The vote was among a range of pension reform measures before the parliament.
UNFAIR? Socialist Party member Yvonne Feri warned during the debate that savings “should not be made on the backs of women”. With the measure set to take effect three years after it passes into law, women be-
tween 55 and 63 will be most affected, she said. She slammed the measure as unfair, pointing out that women were not retiring with the same pensions as men, due to unequal workplace pay, and the fact that so many women work part-time to be able to handle the unpaid work expected of them such as caring for children and the elderly. Her colleague Marina Carobbio meanwhile noted that, on average, women accumulate pensions that are 37 percent lower than those of their male counter-
parts. Sebastian Frehner, of the populist right Swiss People’s Party which backed the measure, insisted that “since women live longer, if we really wanted to be fair, they should work even longer.” To make the pill easier to swallow, Berset stressed that the Swiss government was taking a range of measures aimed at narrowing the gender pay gap. Wednesday’s vote is meanwhile just a step in Switzerland’s often long process towards a law change, with the two houses of parliament set to pass the draft text back and forth until they agree on the wording. And due to the controversy surrounding the issue, it will almost certainly then be put to a popular vote, as part of Switzerland’s famous direct democratic system, meaning an actual legislative change could be years down the line.
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Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
Embattled Merkel wants migrant deals with other countries
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel, under fire at home over her refugees policy, has called for Europe to secure deals with third countries to send back migrants who do not qualify for asylum.
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PEAKING after talks in Vienna with leaders along the Balkan migrants trail into Europe, Merkel said the continent must “stop illegal immigration while living up to our humanitarian responsibilities”. To this end “it is necessary to get agreements with third countries, especially in Africa but also Pakistan and Afghanistan... so that it becomes clear that those with no right to stay in Europe can go back to their home countries,” she told reporters. Last year hundreds of thousands of people, many fleeing the Syrian war, trekked up from Greece through the western Balkans to northern Europe, in the continent’s biggest migration crisis since 1945. Populist parties across Europe have stoked concerns about the influx, not least Alternative for Germany (AfD), which has stolen support from Merkel’s centre-right party in recent state elections after Merkel confirmed for the first time that the influx could have been better handled. In March, under pressure from Austria, Balkan countries closed their borders, and the flow has since slowed dramatically, although 100150 still make it to Austria every day, Vienna says. The same month the EU struck a deal with Turkey -- home to more than three million refugees -- under which Ankara promised to halt the inflow in return for billions in aid and other sweeteners. The pact may yet collapse, however, in the wake of the July 15 coup attempt in Turkey. Greece under strain As illustrated by a large fire at a refugee camp on the island of Lesbos on Monday, Greece meanwhile remains under severe strain, with more than 60,000 people stranded. An EU scheme to relocate them -- and others in Italy -- around the bloc has failed to live up to expectations, while extra administrative
assistance promised by the EU has been insufficient. Merkel on Saturday said that EU countries’ participation in the relocation scheme has been “too slow”, saying this could “increase the pressure” on Greece’s border with Bulgaria. “It is unacceptable that the countries that first receive (the migrants) bear the burden,” Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said in Vienna, according to ANA. “This is also a question that concerns destination countries.” Bulgaria, the EU’s poorest country, is home to around 10,000 stranded migrants although Brussels has promised Sofia extra support including help from a new EU border force from October 6.
‘CLOSED FOR GOOD’ EU President Donald Tusk, also in Vienna, said that it was necessary “to confirm, politically and in practice, that the western Balkan route of irregular migration is closed for good”. The difficulties of making it through to the Balkans is thought to be prompting increasing numbers to attempt treacherous sea crossings from Libya or Egypt to Italy instead. More than 300,000 migrants have crossed the Mediterranean this year, the UN said. Some 3,500 have perished in the attempt with more than 160 drowning off Egypt coast recently. Echoing Merkel, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said that this showed that the EU needed to send people back to Egypt, Libya and other countries. Orban, who has been scathing about Merkel’s “open-door” policy and has called immigration “poison”, has refused to take in a single migrant under the EU relocation scheme.
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Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
ERE are the main findings of the inquiry carried out by the Joint Investigation team (JIT), led by Dutch prosecutors with teams from Australia, Belgium, Malaysia and Ukraine.
The JIT said it has “irrefutable evidence to establish that on 17 July 2014, Flight MH17 was shot down by a BUK missile from the 9M38series.” Some 298 people were killed when the Malaysia Airlines plane on a routine “After the BUK missile had been fired, the flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was BUK-TELAR initially drove off under its own An international criminal inquiry into the 2014 blown out of the skies over eastern Ukraine. power. A short time later it was reloaded downing of Flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine revealed It made this determination by dismantling onto the Volvo truck and transported back has revealed that a BUK missile which brought down various types of BUK, a Russian-made groundto the Russian border. During the night, the based air defence system, and comparing them the plane was transported from Russia. convoy crossed the border into the territory to metal parts recovered from the crash site. of the Russian Federation,” the inquiry says. Investigators also ruled out alternative sceJuly 16, 2104 at 7:09 pm records one man, identified as narios that the disaster was caused by an THE PERPETRATORS Nikolayevich, saying he doesn’t know if “his men can hold” accident or a terror attack. And according to radar data, no and asking if he can “receive a BUK in the morning... that’d be other planes were in the area which could have shot it down. Investigators did not name any suspects, but revealed they good. If not things will go totally fucked up”. - Where did the missile come from? have identified about 100 people “who can be linked to the “If you need ... we’ll send it over to your area,” the other man, Using photos, videos and intercepted phone conversations, downing of MH17 or the transport of the BUK-TELAR.” called Sanych, replies. the investigators retraced the missile system’s route which It is also probing the chain of command, and has extended they say originated in Russia. the investigation to January 2018. THE LAUNCH SITE “The system was transported from Russian territory into east“Who gave the order to bring the BUK-TELAR into Ukraine ern Ukraine and was later transported on a white Volvo truck The final destination of the BUK-TELAR launch system was and who gave the order to shoot down flight MH17? Did the with a low-boy trailer. The truck was escorted by several other farmland near Pervomaiskyi. Investigators said that at the crew decide for themselves or did they execute a command vehicles and by armed men in uniform,” the inquiry concludes. time the field was in rebel-held territory. from their superiors? This is important when determining the An intercepted telephone conversation said to be between Witnesses told the investigators they had seen “a plume of offences committed by the alleged perpetrators,” the inquiry two Russian-speaking men fighting on the side of the sepasmoke, the BUK-TELAR at the launch site in Pervomaiskyi, and states in its report. ratists suggests the launcher crossed the border on the night the missile right after it had been launched.” The JIT team has put a number of intercepted phone converbetween July 16 and 17. Multiple witnesses had also photographed the condensation sations on its website www.jitmh17.com and is asking people The wiretapped conversation intercepted on Wednesday, trail of the missile and its movement. who recognise the voices to come forward with information.
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Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
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Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
NDIA has signed a series of key defence deals under Prime Minister Narendra Modi as part of a $100 billion upgrade of its Soviet-era military hardware, making it an attractive proposition for arms exporters. But a series of corruption scandals have made India a challenging environment, with huge delays and a tough negotiation process. After nearly a decade of discussions and setbacks India signed a deal Friday to acquire 36 Rafale fighter jets for 7.9 billion euros ($8.8 billion) as it seeks to bolster its military against an increasingly assertive China. Defence experts say the aircraft, manufactured by France’s Dassault, will provide a much needed boost to India’s air force. But the final windfall was much less than had been hoped for by the French. “The Indians always conduct very tough negotiations. They are known for it,” said Isabelle Saint-Mezard, a specialist in South Asian strategic issues at the University of Paris. “They have all the major weapons suppliers knocking at their door, so they are well positioned to do so.” Eric Trappier, CEO of Dassault Aviation, has gained experience of India’s bargaining tactics in recent years.
The less-than-supersonic sale of French Rafale fighter jets to India has highlighted the obstacles facing foreign arms firms seeking to do business with the world’s biggest weapons importer. “India is a school of patience,” he said. The country ranks 130 out of 189 on the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business index -- the worst of all G20 countries -- and regulations vary capriciously across its 29 states, where even the same law can be interpreted in bafflingly different ways.
FEAR OF CORRUPTION Allegations of corruption have scuppered Indian defence deals as far back as 1987, when then-prime minister Rajiv
African elephants ‘suffer worst decline in 25 years’ AFRICA’S elephant population has suffered its worst drop in 25 years, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) said, blaming the plummeting numbers on poaching. Based on 275 estimates from across the continent, a report by the conservation group put Africa’s total elephant population at around 415,000, a decline of around 111,000 over the past decade. It is the first time in 25 years that the group’s African Elephant Status Report has reported a continental decline in numbers, with the IUCN attributing the losses in large part to a sharp rise in poaching.
HABITAT LOSS “The surge in poaching for ivory that began approximately a decade ago –- the worst that Africa has experienced since the 1970s and 1980s –- has been the main driver of the decline,” said IUCN in a statement. Habitat loss is also increasingly threatening the species, the group said. IUCN chief Inger Andersen said the numbers showed “the truly alarming plight of the majestic elephant”. “It is shocking but not surprising that poaching has taken such a dramatic toll on this iconic species,” she said. The IUCN report was released at the world’s biggest conference on the international wildlife trade, taking place in Johannesburg.
Gandhi’s government collapsed over charges of kickbacks paid to Indian officials by the Swedish group Bofors to clinch a $1.3-billion artillery deal. Fears of further corruption meant that “the modernisation of the armed forces stalled,” said Gulshan Luthra of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses in New Delhi. To erect safeguards against graft India ramped up its army of bureaucrats dealing with weapons sales, with contracts becoming trapped in a paper maze. The smallest comment on an arms deal required from a government department can delay a case for several months. “In recent years, the authorities have tried to clamp down on graft. As a result, officials in charge of issuing contracts fear exposing themselves to suspicion of corruption and are reluctant to engage,” said St. Mezard. For a contract to succeed, “it usually takes strong political will at the highest level of the state,” she added. But all these precautions do not prevent old demons resurfacing. In 2013 the government scrapped a $748 million contract with AgustaWestland helicopters following allegations it was won through kickbacks.
Thousands of conservationists and government officials are seeking to thrash out international trade regulations aimed at protecting different species. A booming illegal wildlife trade has put huge pressure on an existing treaty signed by more than 180 countries -- the Convention on International Trade in E ndangered Species (CITES). The plight of Africa’s elephants, targeted for their tusks, will be one of the most debated topics at the meeting which will consider several proposals on whether to tighten or ease controls on the trade in ivory.
Deals are also complicated because India is determined to achieve its goal of being less dependent on foreign trade for its military equipment. Its tenders are accompanied by significant technology transfer requests. For example, one mooted deal was to have seen Dassault assemble 108 out of 126 fighter jets on Indian soil. But the French refused to assume responsibility for all the planes that were to be built in India. “The Indians insist on such deals, but without always having the means or the expertise to carry them out. As a result, suppliers are reluctant to embark on this sort of agreement,” said St. Mezard. Faced with an urgent need to modernise its military, Modi’s government finally opted for the direct sale of 36 ready-to-fly Rafale jets, which will be manufactured in France. But Dassault will be contractually bound to reinvest nearly half of the value of the deal in India, an obligation known as the offset clause. “The offset rules are very complicated and opaque,” said Rahul Bedi, a Jane’s Defence Weekly analyst. “We are talking hightech and the Indian industry does not have the sophistication to absorb such offsets.” India has signed several big-ticket deals since Hindu nationalist Modi took power in 2014. The increasing assertiveness of its giant neighbour China as well as its simmering rivalry with Pakistan have increased its need to upgrade its military. That signals many potential contracts for foreign arms suppliers -- despite the obstacles.
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
BUYING SPREE Cash is also flowing into Hollywood, with the Beijing-based Wanda Group paying $3.5 billion earlier this year to acquire the film studio Legendary Pictures, the largest-ever cultural takeover by China. The buying spree is showing no signs of abating for the foreseeable future, experts say, despite tumult in China’s economy and mounting rhetoric during the US presidential campaign. “Chinese investment in the US -- and California in particular -- will almost certainly multiply in the coming years,” said Matt Sheehan, who consults and writes about Chinese investment in the Golden State and whose forthcoming book is entitled “Chinafornia.” While the political climate isn’t helping, cities across America are welcoming Chinese investments with open arms, drowning out the campaign rhetoric and anti-China sentiment in Congress. “If the domestic Chinese economy continues to boom, firms will have the loose cash to make strategic investments and vanity purchases abroad,” said Sheehan. “If the Chinese economy and RMB currency go into a nosedive, you’ll likely see a large capital flight disguised as overseas investment.” One sector increasingly on the Chinese shopping list in the US is real estate, with buyers snapping up expensive homes and high-end commercial properties at a record pace. Chinese investors pumped nearly $11 billion into US real estate in the first five months of 2016, outpacing last year’s total of $4.37 billion, according to a report by real estate firm Cushman & Wakefield.
CHANGING SKYLINE The West Coast has proven a major draw with Chinese investments literally changing the skylines of downtown Los Angeles and San Francisco. Of the four mega development projects currently underway in Los Angeles, three are by Chinese firms, including a $1 billion condominium and hotel development by Beijing-based Oceanwide Holdings and a similar project -- Metropolis -- by Shanghai-based Greenland Holding Group.
California dreamin’ for Chinese investors in US
From real estate, to high-tech firms to entertainment giants, Chinese investments in the United States, notably California, are moving at a dizzying pace and are on course to smash records again this year. Once completed in 2018, Metropolis will be the largest mixeduse complex on the West Coast. In San Francisco, Oceanwide has acquired land that will house the city’s second-tallest tower and several other Chinesebacked developments are on the books. Residential property is also part of the real estate buying frenzy, with sales more than doubling in the last three years. “In 2016, we had $27.3 billion in volume of sales to Chinese buyers compared to $7 to $13 billion up until 2013,” said Danielle Hale, an analyst with the National Association of Realtors. She said roughly one third of those buyers found their way to California, more than to any other US state. Increasingly, however, buyers are no longer purchasing homes purely as investments but rather as primary residences. “We have seen a shift from people buying vacation or investment type property to people buying more primary residence
type properties,” Hale said. She said Chinese buyers purchased $27.3 billion in US residential property in 2016, with roughly one third of those buyers finding their way to California. “The momentum is clearly in place for there to be a substantial number of Chinese buyers in the market going forward,” Hale said. “And their average purchase prices -- $936,000 -- are much higher than typical average purchase prices ($266,000) of domestic buyers.” Sheehan predicted the US agriculture and food sectors will be next on the shopping list for Chinese investors. “Years of food scandals in China have really frightened Chinese parents... and Chinese firms know they can charge much higher prices for American imports,” he said. “And this is another area where California is in a prime position.”
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HINESE companies shelled out a record $15 billion last year in the US and that figure could more than double in 2016, according to research firm Rhodium Group and the National Committee on US-China Relations. California, especially the San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles, has been at the forefront of China’s appetite to invest overseas, with billions of dollars going into the technology, renewable energy and entertainment sectors, and increasingly into real estate. China has pumped $8 billion into California businesses since 2000, more than in any other state, a recent Rhodium Group study said. It added that there were 452 Chinese-owned businesses that employed more than 9,500 people in the Golden State as of the end of last year, among them the online commerce giant Alibaba Group and the Internet company Tencent Holdings Ltd.
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
ARK Zuckerberg and his wife (pictured rioght) have pledged $3 billion over the next decade to help banish or manage all disease, pouring some of the Facebook founder’s fortune into innovative research. “This is a big goal,” Zuckerberg said at a San Francisco event announcing the effort of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative established by the couple. “But we spent the last few years speaking with experts who think it is possible, so we dug in.” Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, had their daughter Max late last year. Shortly after, they pledged to donate 99 percent of their Facebook holdings or some $45 billion to “advance human potential and promote equality.” At a recent event, Zuckerberg said their goal is to cure all disease, or at least turn catastrophic illnesses from terminal to manageable or preventable within their daughter’s lifetime. While the funding effort is for the next decade, Zuckerberg and his wife said they hope to achieve their objective of by the end of this century. Chan, fighting back tears at times, said that curing all disease within Max’s lifetime will not mean children won’t ever get sick, but it would happen less often and be less severe.
NEW TOOLS FOR RESEARCHERS The first investment being made as part of what the Zuckerbergs hoped would become a “collective” effort will be $600 million for
Zuckerberg fund pledges $3bn to banish disease
the creation of a Biohub in San Francisco where researchers, scientists and others will work to build tools to better study and understand diseases. “Throughout the history of science, most
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breakthroughs have been preceded by the invention of some new technology that lets you see things in new ways,” Zuckerberg said, mentioning the microscope and DNA sequencing as examples. “Tools also create breakthroughs in how we treat diseases.” The Biohub will bring together engineers and scientists from three prestigious California universities to help the effort. “We plan to invest billions of dollars over decades,” Zuckerberg said. “But, it will take years for these tools to be built and longer to put them into full use. This is hard and we need to be patient, but it’s important.” Renowned neuroscientist Cori Bargmann
of Rockefeller University and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute was brought on to lead the project. Zuckerberg took an engineering approach to the challenge, reasoning that there were a handful of big health culprits including cancer and neurological disease so it was “pretty easy” to imagine what types of tools are needed. He spoke of the potential to put artificial intelligence to work imaging brains or having machine learning tackling analysis of genomes. Zuckerberg and Chan also hoped that their project would power a movement to fund more medical research around the world. Taking part in the event on Wednesday was Microsoft billionaire turned global philanthropist Bill Gates, who has made improving health around the world a top goal at the foundation he created with his wife. Gates praised Zuckerberg and Chan for taking on a “very bold, very ambitious” challenge. “I have no doubt they will make progress,” Gates said. “Mark and Priscilla, they are inspiring a whole new generation of philanthropists who will do amazing things.” Priscilla Chan, a pediatrician, stood by her husband as she assured the gathering, which included prominent medical researchers and local politicians, that her “heart is full of hope” and that all involved were eager to get started.
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RUSSIA has sentenced an elderly decorated space engineer and university instructor to seven years in prison for state treason. Vladimir Lapygin was sentenced to seven years on charges of state treason, a spokesman for Moscow City Court has confirmed, without giving details. “The verdict was pronounced on September 6,” he said, adding that the entire case was “top secret.” Russian agencies said Lapygin taught at Moscow’s Bauman State Technical Institute. Information on the university’s page suggested he advised graduate students in the mechanical engineering department. Lapygin is also an employee of Tsniimash, the Central Research Institute of Machine Building, which develops rockets and is administered by the Roscosmos space agency.
In 2014 he received a medal for his contributions to Russia’s economy and defence capabilities. Russian media said Lapygin is in his late 70s and spent months under house arrest after his initial detention in May 2015. Lapygin was reportedly accused of giving Russian secrets to China. Lapygin is just the latest person convicted for state treason and espionage in a list of Russians and foreigners which has been growing rapidly since 2014 and has included an air traffic controller, a housewife and a former intelligence officer.
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
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Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
‘BLOOD DIAMOND’ SUSPECT DIES IN BELGIAN PRISON Demonstrators protest against a possible tightening of Poland’s abortion law on April 3, 2016.
Polish women strike against abortion ban
US-BELGIAN businessman Michel Desaedeleer, 65, accused of enslavement and diamond trafficking during Sierra Leone’s civil war has died in a Brussels prison, officials confirm. Desaedeleer was arrested in August 2015 at Malaga airport in southern Spain, attempting to reach the United States where he resided. He was soon transferred to Belgium and was scheduled to appear before a judge next week to request release on bail pending trial. Belgium sought his arrest following a complaint filed in Brussels in 2011 by five former diamond mine slaves. They detailed alleged crimes in Sierra Leone’s eastern district of Kono between 1999 and 2001.
AGREEMENT It said he signed an agreement in 1999 with brutal Sierra Leone rebels allowing him to exploit diamond mines and ship the gems abroad via Liberia. The gems were sold mainly in Antwerp, Belgium’s secondbiggest city and the heart of the global diamond trade for several centuries. “Sadly, the victims of slavery in the diamond mines in Sierra Leone’s Kono district ... will never fully achieve justice,” said Civitas Maxima, a Genevabased organisation that gives legal advice to victims of war crimes and has helped build a case against Desaedeleer. “Nevertheless, the arrest of Michel Desaedeleer, his imprisonment and the fact that his trial was scheduled to commence in a few months represent a victory for the victims who courageously filed a complaint against him,” it added. “Blood diamonds” helped finance civil wars across Africa in the 1990s and often funded military dictatorships in the continent. Around 120,000 people died in Sierra Leone’s 1991-2002 civil war.
HOUSANDS of black-clad women took to the streets of Poland to campaign against a proposed near-total abortion ban in the devoutly Catholic country, where the law is already among the most restrictive in Europe. Pro-choice activists used social media to launch the countrywide “Women strike” protest, urged women to stay away from work and school to attend street protests. Around 2,000 people rallied outside the Warsaw headquarters of the governing right-wing Law and Justice (PiS) party, forming a “wall of fury” human chain, an AFP journalist saw. PiS lawmakers in late September pushed ahead with a controversial bill that would allow terminations only if the mother’s life is at risk and increase the maximum jail term for practitioners from two years to five. The citizen’s initiative tabled in parliament by the Stop Abortion coalition would also make women who have terminations liable to prison terms, though judges could waive punishment in their case.
Poland’s influential Catholic Church gave the initiative its seal of approval earlier this year, though its bishops have since opposed jailing women. “I don’t like what the Polish government is doing to women,” protester Jolanta Bienicka said. “Unfortunately, we’re going in the direction of countries like Afghanistan and the worst countries in the world.” Protester Katazyna Goluch, a 17-year-old high school student, said that “no one has the right to decide what I am supposed to do with my uterus”. “If this law comes into effect and I’m raped and I get pregnant, I’ll have to give birth. It’s the same thing if the foetus is deformed, so we just have to say no.” Passed in 1993, the current law bans all terminations unless there was rape or incest, the pregnancy poses a health risk to the mother or the foetus is severely deformed. A poll published this week by the Newsweek Polska magazine showed that 74 percent of Poles want to keep the existing law.
SWEDEN TO REINTRODUCE MILITARY SERVICE SWEDEN has announced that it will reintroduce compulsory military service from 2018, eight years after it was abolished. The Scandinavian nation, which has not seen armed conflict on its territory in two centuries, ended conscription in 2010 after it was deemed an unsatisfactory way of meeting the needs of a modern army. “I hope that we are going to find a path to a more stable, robust and functional means of recruitment,” Defence Minister Peter Hultqvist told a news conference. The new policy will affect Swedes born after 1999, according to a report by a former member of parliament for the defence ministry. The measure is expected to be adopted by parliament, subject to agreement between the leftist government and the centre right opposition. Around 4,000 young Swedes, 18-year-olds of both sexes, are expected to be called up each year. The move was “an intelligent proposal given that we have seen for a number of years now that volunteers are not sufficient to supply either the quality or quantity of soldiers” needed, Johan Osterberg, a researcher from the School for Advanced Defence Studies, told news agency TT. Sweden is not a NATO member but has signed the body’s Partnership for Peace programme launched in 1994 to develop military cooperation between NATO and non-member countries.
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
HE US internet giant has been under pressure to explain how it sustained such a massive breach in 2014, which possibly affected 500 million accounts. Yahoo said the stolen information may have included email addresses and scrambled passwords, along with both encrypted or unencrypted security questions and answers that could help gain access to victims’ other online accounts. Sometimes the link between the target of a hack and a particular state may suggest itself easily. One of the highest-profile hacks came when North Korea is thought to have targeted entertainment titan Sony in 2014, apparently in revenge for producing the comedy film “The Interview” about a CIA plot to assassinate leader Kim Jong-Un. More recently, a mysterious group calling itself Fancy Bears hacked the medical records of athletes held by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). It is still dripping the information out.
Russia? China? Who hacked Yahoo, and why? Yahoo’s claim that it is the victim of a gigantic state-sponsored hack raises the question of whether it is the latest target for hackers with the backing of Russia, China or even North Korea, experts say.
COMMERCIAL MOTIVES Many experts believe that cyberattack was carried out by Russia after its track and field athletes were banned from the Olympics and its entire Paralympics team turfed out of their Games over evidence of state-sponsored doping. While motivation for those cyberattacks seems clear, it might initially appear less obvious why countries such as Russia, North Korea or even China would target a company like Yahoo. Chinese hackers have been accused of plundering industrial and corporate secrets and of orchestrating a breach of US government files on its employees that affected more than 21 million people and reportedly led to the hasty withdrawal of US intelligence operatives from China to protect their lives. But political motives can be as strong as commercial ones, analysts note. “Would, for example, Russian intelligence wish to conduct a large-scale hack on a major internet company like Yahoo? Absolutely they would,” Shashank Joshi, senior research fellow at the London-based Royal United Services Institute, told AFP. “It is an incredibly valuable commodity. The ability to access email addresses for US persons, perhaps a Russian dissident -- any intelligence agency worth its salt would want that sort of data, although it is very hard to use because of the encrypted passwords,” he said. Julien Nocetti, of the French Institute of In-
D E K C HA ternational Relations (IFRI), said the hack was too big for an independent group to carry out. “Given the scale of the revelations about Yahoo, it indicates that a lot of resources, technical equipment and coordination were required -- this definitely comes from a state,” he said. Given the tensions between Russia and the United States over the Syrian war “you could put forward the theory that this could be a Russian attempt to test the Americans’ cyber defences”, he said.
FINDING THE SOURCE Yahoo has so far given no evidence to support its claim that it has been targeted by a state. RUSI’s Joshi said finding the source “is the most fundamental problem when it comes to cyber-attacks”. “This completely bedevils even the most well-resourced people,” he said. However, he believes Yahoo would only have pointed the finger at state involvement if it had some evidence. “The way you identify responsibility for a hack is to look for signatures that correspond
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to earlier known facts and then see what you know about them,” he said. For example, in case of the hacking of Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails this year which exposed bias within the party
in favour of Hillary Clinton, cyber-security experts found evidence of a so-called Advanced Persistent Threat (APT). “That is a code word for state hackers who were clearly operating in a system and matched up with earlier such hacks” carried out by Russia’s state and military intelligence agencies, Joshi said. But in Russia, so often accused of state-sponsored hacking, one expert said it was naive to immediately blame a state and scoffed at the suggestion the hackers were sophisticated spies. “Anyone could have hacked a database of users like Yahoo because it’s a classic commercial server,” said Oleg Demidov, a consultant at the Moscow-based independent thinktank PIR Center. “At the moment, this looks like a traditional hack aimed at making money or carving out a reputation by selling a load of personal data,” he added.
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
PEAKING at a US-led refugee summit at the United Nations, Obama praised Germany and Canada among other countries for opening up their doors to those fleeing the war in Syria and other conflicts. “We are facing a crisis of epic proportion,” Obama said. “We cannot avert our eyes or turn our backs. To slam the door in the face of these families would betray our deepest values.” Some 50 world leaders took part in the summit, but their participation was conditional on making new commitments to address the world’s largest refugee crisis since World War II. “Collectively, our nations are roughly doubling the number of refugees that we admit to our countries to more than 360,000 this year,” Obama announced. In particular, seven countries -- Romania, Portugal, Spain, Czech Republic, Italy, France, Luxembourg -- committed to resettle or admit at least 10 times more refugees than in 2015, according to US officials. While the new pledges would allow more asylum-seekers to rebuild their lives, it represented a fraction of the 1.1 million refugees who are in need of resettlement in 2016, according to the UN refugee agency.
PLEDGE Countries also boosted financial contributions to UN appeals and international humanitarian organizations by about $4.5 billion over 2015 levels. The pledges included funds to ensure access to schools for one million refugee children and enabling one million refugees to work legally. The summit was held a day after the 193 UN member-states adopted a global plan to confront the refugee crisis. Rights groups dismissed the plan as falling far short of the needed international response. A record-breaking 65 million people are on the move worldwide, including 21 million refugees fleeing the war in Syria and other conflicts. Now in its sixth year, the war in Syria has displaced nine million people while more than four million have fled to neighbouring countries. Don’t build walls The Obama administration itself has said it
Obama draws pledges from 50 countries to take in 360,000 refugees US President Barack Obama has urged countries to “welcome the stranger in our midst” at a summit that drew pledges from 50 countries to take in 360,000 refugees. will raise the number of refugees entering the United States to 110,000 next year, up from 85,000 this year. In an apparent swipe at US presidential candidate Donald Trump, Obama said the refugee crisis was a “test of our common humanity, whether we give in to suspicion and fear and build walls.” Trump has controversially proposed building a wall on the US border with Mexico to keep out undocumented migrants. Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, whose country has taken in more than 30,000 Syrian refugees since December, said the refugee crisis posed a challenge but also “an opportunity,” vowing “there is more to come.” After admitting one million refugees last year, Germany pledged to continue welcoming those in search of refuge. “I believe
we cannot allow ourselves to stop here. We must finally get ahead in tackling this crisis,” German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s party suffered electoral setbacks this month in the face of a surge of anti-migrant parties. Obama pointedly noted in his address that “the politics can be hard” for leaders who open up to refugees and migrants. Only eight countries currently host more than half the world’s refugees: Turkey, Pakistan, Lebanon, Iran, Ethiopia, Jordan, Kenya and Uganda. Six of the world’s richest countries -- the United States, China, Japan, Britain, Germany and France -- hosted only 1.8 million refugees last year, just seven percent of the world total, according to research by the British charity Oxfam.
PORTUGAL TO KEEP MIRO COLLECTION THE Portuguese government have decided to keep 85 works by famed Spanish artist Joan Miro (below) in the country after an uproar over their proposed sale to foreign buyers. The paintings, estimated to be worth around 35 million euros, came under state ownership in 2008 when the government nationalised the failed bank BNP which had built up the Surrealist collection. The former centre-right government put them up for auction in London in 2014 to raise cash, but they were withdrawn after an outcry and a legal challenge from political opponents and activists. Centre-left Prime Minister Antonio Costa announced Tuesday that the government had “finally decided to keep the famous collection of Miro works in the city of Porto.” It is unclear if they will remain state-owned or be sold to private collectors, but a government official said any private buyer would have to accept keeping them in Porto. The paintings will go on display for the first time next Saturday at the city’s Serralves museum in an exhibition that runs until January 28.
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
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Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
T is clear to practically everyone that the Government have taken the initiative and have led from the front on this issue. It does not say much for the Opposition that they should once again seek to create uncertainty and sow division in our country on this serious matter as well. Gibraltar will never forgive them. It will be recalled that soon after the referendum result became known, the Government lost no time in meeting the key players in London. This included the Prime Minister Theresa May (on the day that she was appointed), Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, the Secretary of State for Exiting the EU David Davis and the Minister for Europe Alan Duncan. The Chief Minister Fabian Picardo and Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia also engaged with the First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon.
Gibraltar will never forgive Opposition’s divisive approach to “Brexit” The latest statement by the Opposition in relation to the Government’s approach to “Brexit” suggests that they are living on a different planet to the rest of us.
TAKEN ADVANTAGE Therefore in the short time since the referendum result, the Government has briefed major players in all political parties in the United Kingdom. This year special advantage has been taken of Gibraltar’s participation in the conferences of the main UK political parties in order to drive home Gibraltar’s concerns. The Chief Minister addressed members of the UK Cabinet directly during the Conservative Party conference and the Deputy Chief Minister was given special permission to ad-
Prime Minister Theresa May with Chief Minister Fabian Picardo and the Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia
dress the plenary at the Liberal Democrat conference. There have been weeks of intense consultation across all Gibraltar Government departments and agencies in relation to the impact of “Brexit” across every sphere of Govern-
ment activity. The private sector has also been closely involved in that same process which has been spearheaded by the Deputy Chief Minister and the Attorney General. This process is essential in order to determine the precise impact of “Brexit” with facts as figures as opposed to with the vague generalisations that the Opposition have us accustomed to. It is the conclusions of that Study that will chart the way forward with the United Kingdom. The Devolved Administrations, the Crown Dependencies and the Overseas Territories are engaged in the same process. Indeed, to proceed without the facts and figures would be to put the cart before the horse. It is absurd that the Opposition should be critical of the Government in the light of the
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intense activity that has already taken place. They are simply criticising the Government for the sake of it when, quite clearly, they have no alternative plan of their own and nothing else to offer. It is the Opposition that inspire no confidence on this and on every other issue that they touch. Moreover, the Opposition do not seem to be aware that even in the United Kingdom itself, the Select Committee on “Brexit” has yet to be established! In addition to all this, the Government has been quick to take Gibraltar’s position directly to other Member States of the European Union, and to key players in Brussels and elsewhere. Given the sensitivities involved, much of this work continues to be confidential for obvious reasons. In this context, what the Government will not do is to provide a blow-by-blow account of its activities when we believe that the disclosure of such information could damage the wider interests of Gibraltar. The Opposition should quite simply stop playing politics with “Brexit”.
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Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
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n JOAQUÍN TORRES-GARCÍA: THE ARCADIAN MODERN, 11 October 2016 - 05 Feb. 2017 Like Pablo Picasso, Joaquín TorresGarcía (Uruguay, 1874-1949) had the courage to experiment constantly throughout his life, leaving behind a vast artistic output in a wide range of formats, including paintings, sculptures, drawings, books, toys, frescos, murals, and monuments. In this context, Museo Picasso Málaga brings a major retrospective in which 160 carefully-chosen works summarize the determination of a modern artist and his keen pursuit of Arcadia. The exhibition is organized by the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York, in collaboration with Museo Picasso Málaga and Fundación Telefónica, and curated by Luis Pérez-Oramas, Conservator of Latin American art at MoMA. n JAZZ AT THE PICASSO October- November 2016 MPM Auditorium vibrates again with the best jazz welcoming a new cycle of two concerts, in which the drums of Mark Giuliana Jazz Quartet (10.20) and the saxo of Steve Lehman Octet
saxophone (11.03), will create the innovative and creative sounds which have been praised by the critics. n 10th CHAMBER MUSIC SEASON October 2016 - May 2017 As a result of its undertaking to examine the various different facets of chamber music, for its 10th engagement with the genre the Orquesta Filarmónica de Málaga has broadened the scope of its programme to embrace less-explored styles and to include in its selection of composers contemporary musicians such as Duke Ellington, Elvis Costello, José Fernández Diaz and Kurt Weill, alongside great maestros of classical music such as Johann Sebastian Bach, Franz Schubert, Ludwig van Beethoven, Johannes Brahms and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. n 13TH ANNIVERSARY 27, 28 & 29. October Picasso Museum Malaga turns thirteenth years and celebrates with three days of activities around Picasso’s work in the Permanent collection and around the exhibition Joaquín TorresGarcía. The Arcadian modern.
Palacio de Buenavista C/ San Agustín, 8, 29015 Málaga, España General information: (+34) 952 127600 - info@museopicassomalaga.org
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
SPONSORED BY CITY FM MALAGA Broadcasting from Nerja to beyond Calahonda on 106.2FM and from Elviria to Gibraltar via 106.8FM
Celebrating a Brave New World Painting by American neoclassicist painter John Vanderlyn (1775-1852) depicting Christopher Columbus and members of his crew on a beach in the West Indies, newly landed from his flagship Santa Maria on October 12, 1492.
VER 500 years have passed since Christopher Columbus set sail on a journey that led him to discover the New World. On October 12, 1492, Columbus stepped foot in America, marking the moment of the first encounter between Europe and America. The Italianborn explorer had set sail two months earlier from the port of Palod de la Frontera in Spain, backed by the Spanish monarchs King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella with intentions to chart a western sea route to China, India and the fabled gold and spice Islands of Asia; instead, he landed upon the Caribbean Islands of the Bahamas which he named San Salvador, becoming the first European to explore the Americas since the Vikings set up colonies in Greenland and Newfoundland during the 10th century. Later that month, Columbus sighted Cuba believing he had discovered mainland China; and in December the expedition found Hispaniola, which he believed to be Japan. It was there, he established Spain’s first colony in the Americas with 39 of his men. In March 1493, the explorer returned to Spain triumphant bearing gold, spices and “Indian” captives. He went on to cross the Atlantic several more times before his death in 1506; it is believed that by his third journey, he realized that he hadn’t reached Asia as initially thought but instead had stumbled upon a continent previously unknown to Europeans.
Hispanic Day in Spain to celebrate the country’s association with Hispanidad. Hispanidad is a common community formed by countries of Hispanic origin. The day sees celebrations across the country which is marked with the rising of Spain’s National Flag by the king of Spain in Madrid. The flag raising ceremony is followed by a military parade which showcases the country’s weapons and artillery. An air show also takes place with the armed forces performing acrobatic manoeuvres. Oct. 12th is also the religious Feast Day of the Virgin of Pilar, and also the Festival of the Guardia Civil and the Feast Day of the Police and the Armed Forces Day (thus the big military parade in Madrid). The military parade itself is one of the most colourful pageants one will ever see in his lifetime. It starts in the morning about 10 am and showcases all types of military dress from the Spanish Foreign Legion in their dark green uniforms to the troops at Melilla who have long capes and wear a red fez on their heads. The men also bring along their mascot, which is usually a ram or a goat, who is also dressed for the occasion.
DID YOU KNOW? Contrary to popular belief, most educated Europeans in Columbus’ day understood that the world was round, but they did not yet know that the Pacific Ocean existed. As a result, Columbus and his contemporaries assumed that only the Atlantic lay between Europe and the riches of the East Indies. Today in recognising of Columbus’s achievement October 12th is celebrated as the National Day or Fiesta Nacional de Espana. It is also called the Hispanic Day or the Dia de la Hispanidad. Up until 1987, the day was celebrated as the
A traditional military parade celebrating National Day of Spain (October 12), which includes units of different forces (Air Force, Navy, Earth) and security forces such as the Civil Guard.
n CUDECA GOLDIES, Puente Romano Hotel, 15 October On 15th October from 7.30pm at the Puente Romano Hotel, the Cudeca Goldies have the pleasure of welcoming you to a very unique event held at a superb venue. “Almost Famous”, a performance by Mel Williams consists of a tribute to the life of the legend that is Mel, a three course meal, dancing music to follow with the amazing rock group and Beatles tribute band “Revival” and even Welcome Cava generously donated by De Vere Wealth Management. All of this for only €75, €20 of which goes to Cudeca Hospice. With more than a hundred tickets already sold, don’t hesitate to book your tickets at the Puente Romano Hotel on 952 820 900. Cudeca Hospice cares for over 1,100 people each year suffering from cancer or other advanced non-curable illnesses. Cudeca offers their “Special Care” to the patient and support to the family thanks to their professional team of doctors, physicians, psychologists, nurses and qualified volunteers. Since 1992, Cudeca has cared for more than 11,000 patients, coordinating from the Hospice Centre the following care programmes: Home Care Visits, In-Patient Unit, Day Care Centre and many other multi-disciplinary activities. All the support provided is completely free of charge.
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
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Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
United Kingdom - Financial Markets
Most Active Stocks
Spain’s CaixaBank sells stake to fund BPI takeover
Name s Lloyds Banking s Glencore s Vodafone Group PLC s Barclays s HSBC Holdings s BP s Tesco s Legal & General s Taylor Wimpey s RBS PLC
Last Prev. High Low Chg. % Vol. CAIXABANK, Spain’s third largest lender, has confirmed it 55.09 54.71 55.77 54.61 +0.69% 64.40M would sell nearly 10 percent of its shares for around 1.4 billion 219.80 214.95 220.62 216.12 +2.26% 24.24M euros to help finance its planned takeover of Portugal’s BPI. The Barcelona-based bank, which already has a stake in the 227.78 224.90 228.62 224.47 +1.28% 22.67M Portuguese lender, formally launched its takeover bid on 170.30 168.20 171.05 168.65 +1.25% 19.71M Wednesday 21st September after eyeing it up for months, 598.700 587.600 599.300 589.500 +1.89% 18.94M offering to buy the 55 percent it does not already own for 468.65 458.40 469.50 459.70 +2.24% 17.90M 1.134 euros a share. 186.00 185.30 186.85 184.10 +0.38% 10.31M In a statement, CaixaBank said the stake sale was “in view of the public offer to buy shares in BPI.” 219.925 216.600 220.500 216.600 +1.57% 9.06M 159.60 155.60 159.90 156.60 +2.57% 7.85M It added it would sell 585 million of its shares, or a 9.9-percent stake. 182.850 179.300 182.950 178.350 +1.98% 7.54M CaixaBank has for months had BPI in its sights, but it wanted shareholders in the Portuguese bank to agree to scrap a 20-percent cap on voting rights before launching a formal bid Top Gainers Top Losers -- which they did on Wednesday. Name Last Chg. Chg. % Name Last Chg. Chg. % s Provident Financial. 3,372.00 +260.00 +8.36% t Mediclinic Int 918.50 -5.50 -0.59% s Pearson 801.05 +38.00 +4.98% t EasyJet 1,003.500 -2.500 -0.25% s Intertek Group s SABMiller 3,700.00 +158.00 +4.46% 4,497.00 +2.00 +0.04% s CRH 2,679.00 +98.00 +3.80% s Land Securities 1,060.00 +2.00 +0.19% s Persimmon 1,890.00 +69.00 +3.79% s United Utilities 1,001.00 +1.00 +0.10%
Spain - Financial Markets
First drop in mortgages in two years
Loans and mortgage across Spain have dropped by 14.9% in July compared to the same period last year following the ruling set by the Supreme Court which has suspended the registration of some mortgages because inappropriate interest rate charges for late payment The new figures as released by the National Statistics Institute (INE). Brings an end to 25 consecutive month increases. However, the INE has also stated that that once the figures are corrected and the suspended mortgages are added the figures should reflect a further increase. The average amount borrowed for mortgage is recorded at Most Active Stocks 115,540 euros, 10.1% more than of the same month of 2015, Name Last Prev. High Low Chg. % Vol. while the borrowed capital fell by 6.3% year on year. s Santander 3.955 3.945 3.993 3.925 +0.25% 14.93M s Banco Popular 1.107 1.102 1.119 1.092 +0.45% 13.46M s Bankia 0.738 0.725 0.738 0.726 +1.79% 10.58M s BBVA 5.304 5.288 5.343 5.255 +0.30% 8.83M s Caixabank 2.254 2.236 2.278 2.227 +0.81% 7.93M t B. Sabadell 1.136 1.137 1.149 1.124 -0.09% 7.05M t Iberdrola 6.007 6.036 6.052 5.982 -0.48% 4.61M s Telefonica 9.119 9.090 9.190 9.092 +0.32% 3.96M s Mapfre 2.505 2.488 2.510 2.470 +0.68% 2.66M International tourists visiting Spain spent a whopping 53,296 million euros during the first eight months of the s IAG 4.554 4.552 4.579 4.489 +0.04% 2.33M year, according to the Egatur survey released by the National Statistics Institute (INE. Top Gainers Top Losers From January to August, the average expenditure per tourist stood at 1.016 euros, with the average daily expenditure Name Last Chg. Chg. % Name Last Chg. Chg. % amounted to 127 euros. These figures represent an increase s ArcelorMittal 5.572 +0.096 +1.75% t Red Electrica 18.953 -0.192 -1.00% of 7.1% compared to the same period of 2015, s Bankia 0.737 +0.012 +1.66% t Endesa 18.845 -0.175 -0.92% The biggest spenders were from the United Kingdom (21.1% s DIA 5.619 +0.084 +1.52% t Iberdrola 6.010 -0.026 -0.43% of the total), followed by Germany (14.1%) and then France s Acerinox 11.640 +0.160 +1.39% t Mediaset 10.615 -0.040 -0.38% (9.4%).Residents from Nordic countries appeared to reduce s Repsol 12.223 +0.178 +1.48% t Enagas 26.425 -0.085 -0.32% their spending (3.92%). By region, Catalonia was the most benefited with 11,909 million euros, 2.3% more than the previous year, followed Euro exchange rates by the Canary Islands with 9,789 million euros, the Balearic Islands with 9,723 million euros, with Andalucía ranked fourth 8.92 Norwegian Krone 7.44 Danish Krone 1.46 Australian Dollars with foreign visitors spending 7,785 million euros, Madrid was 9.60 Swedish Krona 8.67 Hong Kong Dollar 0.87 British Pounds placed in sixth position behind Valencia 4.10 UAE Dirham 114.42 Japanese Yen 1.47 Canadian Dollars 1.12 US Dollars 1.54 New Zealand Dollar 7.46 Chinese Yuan
Figures correct at 04.10.2016
Hey Big Spender!
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
TALY has slashed its growth forecasts for this year and next, nine weeks before a referendum shaping up as make-or-break vote on the centre-left government’s record that could send shockwaves across Europe. Speaking after a cabinet meeting on updated budget plans for 2017, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi said he was now making a “prudent” prediction of growth of 0.8 percent for this year and one percent for 2017. That compares with figures of 1.2 percent and 1.4 percent forecast by the government in April.
GLOOMY The downward revisions follow a gloomy summer in which it became clear that an economy that had been growing slowly ground to a virtual standstill in the first half of this year. The latest economic data, offered mixed signals with consumer confidence falling in September compared with the previous month, while companies were marginally more optimistic about the future, according
to the national statistics body Istat. Independent economists say Italy will struggle to hit even the revised targets given weak domestic demand, the crisis facing the country’s debt-laden banks and the fallout from Britain’s “Brexit” vote to leave the EU. Italy’s economy has barely grown since the country became a founding member of the eurozone in 1999. That stagnation has hammered the purchasing power of working and middle class voters.
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As salaries have trodden water, the cost of a pizza in Rome has trebled. The rise of energy prices has been sharper, hitting pensioners on fixed incomes particularly hard. That is the backdrop against which fed-up Italians will vote on December 4 on a package of constitutional reforms designed to make the country easier to govern. Renzi has gambled his personal future on the outcome of a vote on abolishing the second-chamber Senate and revising the
electoral system to ensure election winners of workable parliamentary majorities. The bullish premier’s stance has hugely raised the stakes involved in the vote because of the realistic possibility that fresh elections will bring the populist Five Star Movement to power on a mandate to organise a Brexitstyle referendum on Italy’s future within the euro single currency zone. The 41-year-old premier has admitted he made a mistake in making it all about him. Polls suggest the referendum outcome is too close to call. But even if Renzi carries it, Five Star could still triumph in elections in 2018 with the help of a new winner-takes-all electoral system. Renzi said Italy’s budget deficit would fall to 2.4 percent of GDP this year, from 2.6 percent in 2015, and a maximum of 2.0 percent next year. The latter figure is slightly above the 1.8 percent target Italy has been set by the European Commission, which is urging Rome to cut year-on-year spending faster to reduce a debt mountain equivalent to more than 132 percent of the entire economy.
Oxfam urges caution as World Bank enters capital markets
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OXFAM International has called for prudence following the World Bank’s announcement that it would tap capital markets for funds to support development work in the world’s poorest countries. The International Development Association, a World Bank arm which offers concessional loans and grants to support poverty alleviation in 77 countries, has received its first credit rating and will soon borrow on capital markets, according to a World Bank announcement. That would be a break from its traditional reliance only on funding from World Bank member countries. “The Bank also needs to walk with extreme caution if it is going to start using IDA funds to
back private sector investments which come with their own set of risks,” Nadia Daar, head of Oxfam International’s Washington office. “It must ensure that pro-poor development impacts are prioritized above financial returns as investment choices are made.” The IDA is currently negotiating its latest three-year package of donor cash contributions and World Bank officials say that issuing bonds could add as much as 50 percent to the resources available to support clean water and energy development as well as poverty alleviation. “We hope this financing model doesn’t result in donors being let off the hook for committing strong concessional financing towards IDA,” Daar said.
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016 BY ANNABEL MILNES-SMITH
E all know that this subject matter is powerful but it really is NOW VITAL for everybody, especially those residing in Spain, to know the key life changing facts. To this end at the luxurious office of Lexland Lawyers a large group of Expats descended to finally glean the answers to all their unanswered questions. Some left overjoyed, other left positively crestfallen. However, as the sayings go ‘Forewarned is forearmed’ but principally ‘knowledge is power’. On arrival guests mingled whilst enjoying a refreshing glass of wine before taking their seats for an initial presentation of Lexland lawyers by Danyyil Peronkov. Established in 2005 Lexland are one step ahead of many other law firms here and work side by side with Ian Scholes from de Vere , Spain.‘ Advising individuals and families on how to preserve and grow their assets and that is what we specialize in as well as providing the fiscal and tax expertise. ‘Says Pernokov. He highlighted that many family run businesses do not survive to the second generation because of lack of tax planning.
BREXIT SEMINAR Ian Scholes is an Associate Wealth Consultant at de Vere Spain (Marbella) and in association with Lexland Lawyers, they hosted a ground-breaking seminar on Brexit bringing the true facts to light. From left to right: Danyyil Peronkov, Daniel Nahmad, Milada Fitzgerald AND Ian Scholes
HEADS ABOVE What also sets Lexland heads above their fellow colleagues is that from their initial meeting with a client they will receive a follow up report within 24 hours. How refreshing when most of us mere mortals have to wait for months for a further meeting or even a telephone call! Now it was onto the next stage – the crucial subject of Brexit. Ian Scholes works for deVere Spain, the largest independent financial advisors with 109 offices worldwide 80,000 clients and $10 billion under administration. He enlightened all over the following topics and what the possible outcome may be. Firstly Brexit residency. UK citizens currently have freedom of movement. That may now change. Immigration laws may affect holiday makers and non-resident in Spain and some may require residency. Spanish residency cannot be retrospectively removed. Possible outcomes: Nothing Changes, Visa regime may be implemented and the Schengen zone rule (3months) Automatic Exchange of Information 2014/15’. If you stay for over 183 Days you have to prove you are not resident. Next topic was Income tax. In Spain you are liable for income tax returns to be submitted annually (Jan – Dec) submitted by July then there is the all-important Modelo 720 - declaration of Worldwide Assets. Many
people are unaware of this. They now have to declare on Property, Cash and Investments. There will be heavy Penalties for NON declaration but pensions are not included. Inheritance Tax Planning.UK Tax is on the estate. In Spain it is on the beneficiary.UK Allowance is £325,000 for husband and wife totaling £650,000.UK Citizens residing in Spain are liable for inheritance tax in the UK and Spain as a result of the double taxation legislation. Impacts on UK private & state pensions. This is another of de Vere’s outstanding services. What could happen after Brexit is that pensions will be frozen, no option will be given to transfer them, imposed death tax on pension of 50%,the removal of inflation proofing (RPI) scrap Double Taxation Agreement (as Denmark) massive UK deficit £958Bn and increasing Normal retirement age increases. The options that deVere Spain can give you. SIPP, encashment, private pension, QROPS. It will cost you nothing to take control. You can transfer it to Spain now through a deVeres overseas pension scheme due to the tax advantages on the pension
Seminar guests deVere Spain (Marbella) SL Edificio MS208 Parque Miramar 2nd Floor, 1a Avda Sanz de Tejada s/n, Mijas Costa Malaga, 29649 Spain. Contact Ian Scholes +34 952903205 Mob: 603 324 101 email: ian.scholes@devere-spain. es or log onto www.devere-spain.es. Danyyil Peronkov Lexland Lawyers: Avenida Ricardo Soriano 21, Marbella Tel: 902 555 299 email: danyyil@lexland.es or log onto www.lexland.es
draw-down and death benefits. Pensions funds left in the UK are heavily taxed and in some cases up to a staggering 45% for Expats. Tax Efficient Investments. deVere will ensure these are Inheritance and Government Protected, will oversee personal Risk Profiles,
select the investment solutions for your needs with deposits and access designed for you. With regards to the US dollar and sterling: The US and UK interest rates were expected to rise prior to Brexit. The interest rate then halved to 0.25. The borrowers are happy but the savers distraught. The rate is expected to drop again to 0.1%. The investor confidence is low and sterling remains fragile and a slight recovery was unsustainable. Negotiations are underway but there are no guarantees. However deVere on an hourly basis check the rates of exchange to safeguard your assets and ensure that you making the most out of your money. Finally the vital healthcare issue. Negotiations are underway – there are no guarantees post Brexit. Your Taxes and National Insurance payments provide you with health care support in the country where you make those contributions. If you reside in Spain and pay your taxes here then your healthcare will be unaffected but returning to the UK for healthcare alone might not be allowed. In a nutshell, the guests who departed from the seminar left armed with not only all the knowledge they needed following Brexit but helping them to create a sustainable financial future through a wide range of tailor-made market-leading saving products, international life and health Insurance cover, income growth through your investments as well as pensions and insurance investments. With deVere Spain and Lexland Lawyers working alongside and with all your questions having been answered over Brexit that now is the time to look ahead and not back. NOW is the time for action not in two years’ time when Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty will be invoked, if not before.
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05/06/2015 10:44
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World’s top five mergers SHAREHOLDERS of brewing giant AnheuserBusch InBev have approved the takeover of rival SABMiller, a blend that would create the biggest beer company in the world. The deal is worth $103 billion, which would make it the fourth biggest of all time. Below we list the top five mergers EVER
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Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
companies split again in 2009. 3. In 2013, Vodafone sold US telecoms giant Verizon a 45-percent stake in their joint venture Verizon Wireless for $130.1 billion. 4. The AB InBev purchase of SABMiller is valued at $103 billion.
1. The world’s biggest merger and acquisition deal remains British telecom company Vodafone’s purchase of Germany’s Mannesmann for $180 billion in February 2000.
5. US drug company Pfizer acquired rival Warner Lambert in February 2000 for $90 billion. The New York-based giant then become the world’s biggest pharmaceutical group.
2. In 2001, the AOL-Time Warner merger at $165 billion came to symbolise the excesses of the first dot-com boom. The tie-up turned out to be a flop and the
Meanwhile, a proposed merger of the US groups Dow Chemical and DuPont valued at $130 billion was unveiled in December 2015, but it has not yet been finalised.
DEUTSCHE BANK SAYS TO SELL UK INSURER ABBEY LIFE FOR 1.1 BN EUROS DEUTSCHE Bank has agreed to sell its British insurance company Abbey Life to life insurer Phoenix Group for 1.1 billion euros, the troubled German lender announced. Regulators must still approve the 935-million-pound ($1.2-billon) sale, the bank said. Deutsche Bank said in a statement that the sale would boost its core capital ratio -- the stock of funds regulators require banks to have on hand -- by 10 basis points, or 0.1 percent over its level on June 30. But it added that it would book a pre-tax loss of 800 million euros in a writedown of the value of its business and intangible assets. The announcement comes after shares in the bank hit a record low on Monday, dropping 7.54 percent to close at 10.55 euros ($11.80) amid growing fears over its capital cushion. Investors are nervous after it emerged earlier this month that the US Department of Justice is seeking a $14-billion fine from Deutsche over its role in the subprime mortgage crisis. Following the sale of Abbey Life, subsidiary Deutsche Asset Management “will continue to concentrate on its core business,” bank chief John Cryan said in a statement. “We are continuing to work on a Deutsche Bank that is safer and less complex,” he went on. Cryan launched a drastic restructuring programme at Deutsche after taking office 15 months ago, as Germany’s biggest lender continues to struggle with the fallout of the financial crisis.
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French ‘rogue trader’ Kerviel must pay €1m to bank FRENCH “rogue trader” Jerome Kerviel (right)has been ordered to pay 1.0 million euros ($1.12 million) to his former employer Societe Generale, which lost 4.9 billion euros through his trades. The appeals court in Versailles, outside Paris, said Kerviel, 39, was “partially responsible for the loss” which brought the French banking giant to the brink of bankruptcy in 2008. Jean Veil, a lawyer for Societe Generale, said the ruling was “completely satisfactory”. The court could have ordered Kerviel to pay the entire 4.9 billion euros or not a single centime -- which would have been a humiliating defeat for the bank. Kerviel, who was convicted of breach of trust, forgery and entering false data for the trades, was sentenced to five years in prison, two of which were suspended. In total he actually spent only 150 days in prison.
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
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Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
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Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Men especially, find it difficult to talk to a doctor and even more so when it comes to their sexual prowess or in some cases lack of it. MEN Solutions, a new medical clinic working within the world class Hospital Ceram specializes in solving the problems of male sexual dysfunction of any kind. With more than 20 years of experience providing solutions Men ‘Solution have successfully treated thousands of men. There is no need to suffer in silence any longer because they will help find the cause and specify a treatment for you, without any embarrassment, judgement or complications.
DID YOU KNOW? Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is much more common than you would think. Recent studies suggest that approx. 52% of men between the ages of 40 – 70 years have at some time in their life suffered with ED.
SO WHAT IS ED? Erectile dysfunction is classified as the inability to get and keep an erection firm enough for sex. Having erection trouble from time to time isn’t necessarily a cause for concern, but if erectile dysfunction is an ongoing issue it can cause stress, affect your self-confidence and contribute to relationship problems it could also be a sign of further underlying health condition that needs treatment and a risk factor for heart disease down the road. Some people believe that ED is just a part of getting older – it’s not. It’s caused by a physical or psychological problem that can be treated. And because it’s such a personal issue, many feel awkward about seeking help but don’t worry: ED is very, very common and is very treatable.
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BUT WHAT CAUSES ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION? A number of factors can increase your risk of ED. Attaining an erection involves the brain, hormones, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels. A problem with any of these components can block the normal functioning of the penis. Some common causes of ED include: ●● heart disease
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Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
Three glasses of champagne can help prevent Alzheimer’s disease! A STUDY undertaken by Scientists has revealed that drinking champagne can help to prevent the onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s. Conducted at Reading University, Scientist found that drinking three glasses of champagne per week can protect your brain from dementia and prevent memory loss. The study, which was conducted on rodents, found that phenolic compounds in champagne improved spatial memory, which records information about the environment and then stores the information for future needs. This phenolic compound is found in the two grape types used to produce the alcohol, pinot noir and pinot meunier, the black grapes used to make the fizz. Red wine has also been shown to have similar brain boosting benefits but those are thought to come from flavonoids in the wine. Those who conducted the study now hope to move on to trials involving pensioners. Meanwhile a spokesman for the Alzheimer’s Society described the results as “interesting,” and cautioned the need for a responsible approach to alcohol consumption. We await more news with a glass in hand...
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Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
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Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
Join the Sober Revolution! Tens of thousands of people around the world will be ditching their happy hour cocktails, cheeky lunchtime pints and weekend binges next month in the name of charity. Go Sober for October ran by MacMillan Cancer Support, is asking everyone to go booze-free for 31 days as part of a fund-raising drive. Last year the cause raised £2.6 million for Macmillan Cancer Support – money that went towards paying for cancer support phone services, Macmillan nurses, mobile information centres, funding towards transport for cancer sufferers and many other things. So far more than 35,000 people – or ‘Soberheroes’ – have signed up to take part and that number is increasing every day. To become a ‘ Soberhero’ all you need to do is enter your email address on the Go then start aSober for October website, and and Go Sober thisfundraising. October to make a
Be SOBERHERO massive difference to the lives of people affected by cancer.
Be a SOBERHERO and Go Sober this October to make a massive difference to the lives of people affected by cancer.
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Macmillan Cancer Support, registered charity in England and Wales (261017), Scotland (SC039907) and the Isle of Man (604). A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales company number 2400969. Isle of Man company number 4694F. Registered office: 89 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7UQ.
Macmillan Cancer Support, registered charity in England and Wales (261017), Scotland (SC039907) and the Isle of Man (604). A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales company number 2400969. Isle of Man company number 4694F. Registered office: 89 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7UQ.
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Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
HOW DOES IT WORK? The outer surface of the skin is lowered to nearly 1.5°C for 2-3 minutes by way of a -140°C Nitrogen mist. When you expose your body to these temperatures for short periods, it goes into fight or flight mode and self-healing mechanisms are triggered. As the skin cools, the body regulates all vital processes, sends oxygen rich blood to vital organs, releases endorphins and constricts blood vessels. Then when the body emerges from the cold, those vessels dilate, improving blood circulation and the delivery of oxygen and nutrients, decreasing histamine (inflammation) markers, helping to mend damaged muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments. Two decades of research into pain management and athletic performance has shown that WBC can effectively improve physical performance and help to speed recovery time. HOW DOES IT COMPARE TO AN ICE BATH? The concept is the same, cooling down the body to reduce inflammation and pain, but this is a dry technique using nitrogen gasses to drop the air temperature within the chamber to below -140°C. As the temperature is so much colder, shorter exposure will have even better results, so you can spend just 2 minutes in the cryotherapy chamber, compared to 20 minutes in an ice bath. Recovery from the treatment is much faster than an ice bath, which can freeze tissues, therefore it can be done daily before or after a workout. WHO USES IT AND WHY? More and more sports teams have adopted the technology, with Liam Hennessy,
Sports, fitness and Cryotheraphy Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC) was first used in Japan around 1978 to treat inflammation associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Then Polish scientists took the technology forward and created the Whole Body Cryosauna, using it in the Olympic Rehabilitation Centre from 2000 to aid athletes with repair and recovery. Since then it has been shown to be an effective treatment for reducing pain and inflammation in a range of chronic conditions, as well as speeding up surgical recovery and is popular with many leading sports people looking for peak performance, injury reduction and management. as director of fitness for the Irish Rugby Football Union using Spala’s cryotherapy chamber in 2001 and starting the trend. He ran a research program into cryotherapy, taking serum and blood tests to monitor enzymes related to muscle damage. “What we saw is that they returned to normal when players took part in cryotherapy compared to when they didn’t. It improved the inflammatory response, which led to a better recovery. We’ve also seen heart rate variability -- which is a marker of stress -- returned to the baseline quicker if the athlete is exposed to cryotherapy”,
Hennessy claims. In a four-year study of 156 rugby players, 95% said cryotherapy had a positive effect on their recovery after training. Sports people from all disciplines are finding cryotherapy boosts their training and aids recovery. Advocates of cryotherapy include; NBA superstars such as Kobe Bryant and LeBron James, boxer Floyd Mayweather, Cristiano Ronaldo, golfer Padraig Harrington, the Irish and British Lions Rugby teams. Jamie Vardy and the whole Leicester City football team use cryotherapy regularly at the club’s
own facility and Vardy believes that it has kept him in the game this season despite a hip injury. F1 driver Mark Webber used it as part of his recovery from a broken leg to return to the sport and Mo Farah regularly uses cryotherapy commenting; ‘it’s important to recover as quick as you can and Cryo certainly helps me to do that’. WHERE CAN I TRY IT? Cryotherapy Marbella opened this summer in the Dynamic Gym and is Marbella’s first Whole Body Cryotherapy chamber. Find out more www.cryotherapymarbella.com
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
MASAJE QUIROGOLF · 60’ Descubra una experiencia de lujo 100% golf. Natura Bissé le mima con un masaje exclusivo y exquisito realizado con bolas de golf. Incorpora técnicas basadas en cuatro pilares que actúan sinérgicamente: la relajación, la preparación muscular, el masaje terapéutico y la flexibilidad del cuerpo. QUIROGOLF MASSAGE · 60’ Discover a lavish experience that’s 100% golf. Natura Bissé indulges you with an exclusive and stylish golf-ball massage. Deep-tissue relaxation to give you focus, muscle warm-up and flexibility to improve your game.
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
*åáß>ßÚÓ=Ö²µiß ¾ßñÁåÖßÚ¹ µi| There is a common misconception that dental care is limited purely to the care and treatment of our teeth. Most of us forget that our gums which are the solid foundation needed to achieve and maintain excellent oral health and a beautiful smile need attention too. We all know are teeth are precious, and the thought of losing them can be quite distressing but as we age our gums recede and the everyday wear and tear can start to take a toll and it’s not unlikely that a significant number of people will experience sore or bleeding gums due to over brushing or ill care. Whilst this is common if symptoms such as these persist then it could be evidence of something a little more severe and if the first signs of gum irritation and inflammation are ignored and left untreated, it can, in some extreme cases, lead to tooth loss. Here at, DENTIST – SOTOGRANDE many clients often ask ‘How can I stop this?’ and the answer is simple – oral hygiene. Take care to brush, floss and use mouthwash. At the first sign of swollen red gums and blood, it is recommended that you visit your dentist. They can begin treatment for minor gum abrasions, however for the treatment and prevention of further infection, periodontal care is required. Although very common, many patients wonder ‘What is Periodontist?. Periodontist is one of the three main types of gum disease, the others of which are gingivitis and the more severe version of the latter - acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis (ANUG), at DENTIST – SOTOGRANDE we specialise in periodontal (gum) problems, treating gum inflammation, infection and the build-up of plaque and tartar. The prevention, diagnosis and treatment of periodontal issues is a specialist subject, and you can be confident in the excellent services provided by our highly skilled team. Delivering quality periodontal care to patients, treating the onset of gum disease before it further develops, is our main priority. In general, treatment is quick and easy we provide a cleaning regime and use cutting edge laser periodontal therapy to remove the plaque and calculus pockets from around the teeth whilst smoothing the gum tissue to make brushing teeth easier and more effective. In extreme cases we offer aesthetic periodontal treatment whereby cosmetic dentistry is used to reconstruct damaged gums, prior to the insertion of dental implants.
DENTIST – SOTOGRANDE helps you ensure long term gum and teeth health
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
Winter, Spring, Summer or Autumn - within each issue we will look at what fruits and vegetables are in season THE humble Pumpkin is often overlooked as an ingredient, it appears in the shops for Halloween and then disappears, but did you know that the Pumpkin is the most famous of all the winter squashes. Inside the hard orange or yellow skin, the bright orange flesh is sweet and honeyed and teetering on the edge of superfood brilliance
Pumpkin soup with pumpkin seed pesto A sophisticated soup for autumn that turns pumpkin into a grown-up treat at Halloween. 3. Meanwhile, make the pesto. Heat a dry, heavy-based frying pan over a high heat. Add the pumpkin seeds and shake them around until lightly toasted. Cool, reserving 1 teaspoon of seeds to garnish. Put the rest of the seeds into a food processor with the coriander, chilli, garlic and oil. Blend to a paste. Transfer to a bowl and stir in the Parmesan, seasoning to taste.
INGREDIENTS 1.25kg kabocha squash or pumpkin Sunflower oil 40g butter 1 medium onion, chopped 1.2 litres hot vegetable stock 4 tbsp crème fraîche Fresh flatleaf parsley sprigs, to garnish For the pumpkin seed pesto 30g shelled, unsalted pumpkin seeds 40g fresh coriander leaves 1/2 green chilli, deseeded and finely chopped 1 fat garlic clove, crushed 65ml olive oil 25g vegetarian Parmesan, finely grated METHOD 1. Preheat the oven to 180°C/fan160°C/gas 4. Cut the squash or pumpkin into chunky wedges and scoop away all the fibres and seeds, leaving the skin on. Rub the squash pieces with sunflower oil and season well with salt and pepper. Put them into a small
roasting tin, skin-side down. Roast for about 40 minutes or until tender. Remove the squash from the oven and transfer onto a plate. When cool enough to handle, slice away and discard the skin and cut the flesh into small chunks. 2. Melt the butter in a large pan, add the onion and cook gently for about 10 minutes until the onion is very soft but not browned. Add the roasted squash, any juices from the plate and the stock. Season, then cover and simmer for 20 minutes.
Pumpkin and peanut curry
peeled, deseeded and roughly diced 400ml can coconut milk
This rich and cream pumpkin curry recipe is a perfect winter warmer. If you can’t find pumpkin you can use butternut squash instead.
INGREDIENTS 2 tbsp crunchy peanut butter 1 tsp tomato purée Zest and juice of 1 lime 1 tbsp soy sauce or Thai fish sauce 1 tsp sugar Small handful fresh coriander, with roots (if possible) 2 red chillies, halved and deseeded 4 garlic cloves 1cm piece fresh ginger 2 tbsp vegetable oil 2 red onions, cut into thin wedges 800g pumpkin or butternut squash,
1. Stir the peanut butter into a jug containing 200ml hot water, until it dissolves. Stir in the purée, lime zest and juice, soy or fish sauce and sugar. Set aside. 2. Remove the leaves from the coriander and set aside. Chop the stalks and roots as finely as you can, along with the chilli, garlic and ginger. 3. Heat the oil in a wok or good-sized pan and fry the onions quite briskly for a few minutes, so that they catch slightly. As soon as this starts to happen, add the pumpkin and stir-fry for a few minutes. Stir in the chilli mixture for 1 minute, then add the coconut milk. Stir, then add the peanut
4. Leave the soup to cool slightly, then liquidise in batches until smooth. Return to a clean pan and bring back to a gentle simmer. Stir in 4 tablespoons of the pesto and adjust the seasoning. Ladle into warmed bowls and garnish each with a spoonful of crème fraîche, the reserved toasted pumpkin seeds and a sprig of flatleaf parsley. TIP: This soup looks really impressive served in hollowed-out mini squashes. Simply scoop out the seeds, pop the lids back on and roast for 35-45 minutes alongside the wedges.
Spiced pumpkin muffins with cream cheese frosting Use the pumpkin flesh from your Halloween lantern to rustle up these moist and moreish muffins. INGREDIENTS 225g self-raising flour 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda 1 tsp ground ginger 150ml sunflower oil 150ml soured cream 225g caster sugar 2 large eggs 125g piece pumpkin or butternut squash, coarsely grated 75g walnut pieces, chopped For the frosting: 50g butter, softened, 200g cream cheese, 50g icing sugar, ¼ tsp vanilla extract, Pinch of ground cinnamon For the decorations: Tangerine food colouring, 150g marzipan, Tube of black icing METHOD 1. Preheat the oven to 200°C/fan180°C/gas 6. Line a 12-hole muffin tin with paper cases.
butter mix. Cook at a brisk simmer for 1520 minutes, until the sauce has thickened slightly and the pumpkin is tender. Season to taste or add more soy or fish sauce, as you like. Garnish with coriander leaves and serve with cooked rice.
2. Put the flour, bicarbonate of soda and ginger in a bowl. Pour the oil into a jug and add the soured cream, sugar and eggs and beat with a fork until well blended. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry, then add the pumpkin and walnuts and stir well. 3. Spoon into the paper cases and bake for 15-20 minutes, until well risen and firm. Leave to cool. 4. For the frosting, beat together the butter and cream cheese until softened and combined. Stir in the icing sugar, vanilla and cinnamon until smooth. Spread over the tops of the cooled muffins. 5. For the decorations, add a few drops of the food colouring to the marzipan and knead until you have a deep pumpkin colour. Break off walnut-sized pieces of the coloured marzipan and roll into balls. Mark lines with the back of a knife. Decorate with the black icing and position on top of the muffins.
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
A GOURMET VOYAGE TO HEAVEN AND BACK At the exquisite Belgian restaurant ‘To Dally Club, music bar & lounge terrace’ nestled in the heart of Nueva Andalucia. BY ANNABEL MILNES-SMITH
EING a journalist I am always on the hunt for the up and coming new establishments especially those of the dining fraternity so I was delighted when I discovered ‘To Dally Club’ recently opened by the Dutch owner Monique van Moergestel and her Belgium partner Christiaan Hoste (pictured below).
Even though it is now October, the sun shone on yet another glorious balmy day here on the Costa del Sol and what better way to spend a Friday afternoon following a rather hectic week than enjoying a lavish lunch at what can only be described as the very latest gastronomic jewel in the crown here on the Costa del Sol. I was once again with my dear friend Lynda Woodin who is renowned as ‘The Culinary Queen’ here in Marbella and owner of the online magazine The Culture Clique. On arrival we were warmly greeted by Monique and swiftly guided outside to their glorious terrace where we enjoyed a glass or two of their Pinot Grigio Veneze rose blush whilst perusing ‘To Dally Club’s’ extensive menu and being enlightened by Monique over the concept of their Belgium Restaurant in Marbella.
FAMILY DYNASTY Says Monique “It is called ‘To Dally Club’ after my mother-in-law whose first name is Dally and is the third generation of ‘HORECA’ (a professional within the Hotel, Restaurant and Café businesses) in Belgium. It was and continues to be a family dynasty as Christiaan my partner is a 4th generation ‘HORECA’ and his two children now the fifth generation. The reason we chose Marbella is having fallen in love in 2014, we wanted to find a home together and following a friend of ours recommendation we decided that the Costa del Sol was picture perfect for their new venture”.
Since opening Monique and Christiaan have strived to offer a plethora of different menus, events including fashion shows, an International Expat Club’s Club, wine tastings etc. The list is endless. Included in this is their vision on serving the best Belgian and international cuisine on the coast at an affordable price. They now have a 15 Euro 3 course lunch menu and a 28 Euro 3 course dinner menu.
Also every Wednesday they serve a signature Belgian main course just in the evening and if you make a reservation, you receive a complimentary Belgian beer. In the past couple of weeks they have had Vol Au Vent as one and pork cheeks as another. We also have a range of salads, sandwiches made with bread from Belgium and spaghettis for 9 Euros”. The way the Belgian’s cook is they combine
various dishes from France, Holland and Belgium and prepare dishes with butter not with olive oil and of course their famous Belgian chocolate puddings. They also have a large selection of tapas from 3-6 Euros for people who just want a light bite. “They are very nice to have as a lunch because they are more substantial than your average tapas”. Right on cue Christiaan arrives with precisely that, not just one but three. First there was superb gazpacho with wafer thin croutons, followed by tuna salad and thirdly Iberico pork with potato salad and these were all before we sat down for lunch!!!!
RELAX Clients can eat at ‘To Dally Club’ at every hour of the day because they always have one chef available. Needless to say they are inundated with golfers who eat at 4pm or 5pm whereas many restaurants do not serve at that time. That is another reason explains Monique why
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
they call it a Club, “It is not a typical restaurant. Sometimes they relax on the opulent sofas whilst eating or in the restaurant or at the bar throughout out the day or night. People feel comfortable and relaxed here because they know there are no time restrictions. You can pop in for a drink, come for some tapas or just a salad if you are in a hurry but you can also have dinner by candlelight in our beautiful dining room. It is very romantic. There is a good vibe here. It is intimate and cosy with a club like atmosphere. So much so that our clientele have now started using it as a backgammon Club”. Now back to the all-important menu choices. The specials of that day were plentiful. There was tuna tartar, grilled tuna raw tuna with soya sauce naked steak! (Entrecote and bread), Vol Au Vent and stewed pork cheeks – a favourite delicacy in Spain. However we decided to dive straight into their ‘A La Carte’ menu. Now Lynda being a lifetime connoisseur of carpaccio that had to be our choice of starter. Premium roasted beef, pine apple seeds rocket and balsamic. Says Linda,
“The carpaccio here was brilliant. Number one you get a lot of meat which is quite unusual. The taste and flavour were superb. I give it nine and a half out of ten and I am a specialist on this dish.” Having known Lynda for many years and shared copious plates of carpaccio with her, this is indeed a rare accolade! Much to her delight she gleaned that every starter can be prepared in a larger portion and served as a main dish. One guess as to what she will be having on her next visit? For our main courses we chose, to share, ‘Ravioli Vegetarian’ - fresh ravioli stuffed with porcini mushrooms with white truffle butter and tomato cream sauce and ‘Sea Catch of the Day’ – salmon, merluza, lubia, tuna, shrimps, shellfish, spring vegetables accompanied by saffron, cream and champagne sauce. The fish complimented by the champagne sauce was simply melt in the mouth. This platter could easily be enjoyed by two people and with another bottle of Rose blush Lynda and myself were in gourmet heaven and this was before we tucked into the ravioli.
PRIASE INDEED Said Lynda “Annabel was so overcome with her fish she forgot about her ravioli but as we opted for the starter size, it was all the more for me. It was home-made and had a lovely sweetish tomato sauce with extra delicious truffle butter with freshly grated high quality parmesan. If you are into home-made pastas – you cannot fault it. Absolutely perfect.” My word, praise indeed from the culinary Queen. We were then offered the naughty pudding. Of course although they have a large selection on their menu, we had to indulge in their Belgian chocolate mousse with equally naughty liqueurs. I opted for my favourite Limoncello and Lynda – Baileys Irish cream. Well to say the chocolate mousse was quite literally mouth-watering, we were both salivating when it was presented. Being the
Clockwise from top left: A selection of tapas, catch of the day, authentic pasta dish, Belgian chocolate mousse, a starter of Carpacchio and tasty sauces
equivalent to Lynda with her carpaccio, I am an aficionado of chocolate mousse and with my hand on my heart it was the best I have ever had”.
The entire dining experience was for both of us ‘quite simply die for’. I could not recommend ‘To Dally Club’ more highly. Monique and Christiaan in this exceedingly
competitive industry, have unreservedly achieved a winning formula. Thank you for the most glorious day and I hope, with my waistline permitting, many more to come.
‘To Dally Club’ Avenida del Prado, 1st FLOOR, Above Conrad’s Restaurant (with plenty of parking in front of the Restaurant) - Next to MOSH & Bar Six, Nueva Andalucía., 29660 Marbella, Spain. Telephone: 952 818 133 Email: ajollygoodcompany@icloud.com. Facebook page: To Dally Club Marbella/Belgian Restaurant – Music Bar – Lounge Terrace
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
The Three C’s you can’t live without
IF YOU love ice Cream, Coffee and Chocolate, then this is the feast for you. Yes it’s “Coffee in a Cone” Created by South African barista Dayne Levinrad – this latest food craze is sweeping the internet. While Levinrad claims to be the innovator behind the concept other coffee shops around the world have jumped on the cone concoction as well. Zia Valentina, Nespresso Boutique, and Alfred in the Alley in Los Angeles also serve coffee in a variety of cone flavours. Regardless of who first developed the concept, it looks delicious and I for one can’t wait for it to hit our Spanish shores.
New Gastronomy Trend MOSAIC SUSHI Local 11, El Zoco, Calahonda, Mijas Costa T: 663 922 244 • luigifiordigiglio@hotmail.com
NOTHING you can wake up the appetite better than the smell of delicious food and artfully designed food... which is what has inspired the latest trend in food “Mosaic Sushi” The concept couldn’t be simpler. Put some pieces of fish, rice and vegetables together in a square and voila, beautiful colourful contrasting tiles Like all other things in our lives, food has become an art form, with which you can express yourself. So come on get decorating!!!
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
Located just off the A7 near La Cala, The Captain’s Bar is
A HIDDEN GEM Sunday Roast Served 12pm ~ 9pm - Full Menu also available rses
2 cou
10€ ONLhYis advert
Run by Gary and Claire, along with partner Lesley, the bar offers a lovely friendly atmosphere making it popular with locals and holiday makers alike. It offers plenty of parking outside and has large indoor and outdoor areas. The Bar itself has been completely refurbished in a lovely ‘beach-house’ style and offers something for everyone with two large terraces, one sunny, one shaded, a kid’s play area, pool table, large bar area and an enclosed terrace for dining. A brand new menu with daily specials, pie, mash & liquor, a grill section including homemade gourmet burgers and their famous fish & chips is now available every day and on Sunday, you can enjoy a superb roast which has a deservedly high reputation in the local area. There is also a range of tapas available during the day.
2€ supp
Las Adelfas, No 11, Calle Walter Bayer, Mijas Costa Tel 952 93 66 77 From Fuengirola, take Exit 202 before La Cala De Mijas & turn right. From Marbella, turn off at La Cala De Mijas and drive through the village, turn left at the last roundabout, turn right at the Mercadona roundabout, then right at the crossroads halfway up the hill.
Indian Restaurant Serving innovative and creative Indian cuisine Dine in or Carry out OPEN EVERY DAY 17:00 TO 24.00
Calle Torremolinos nº 3, La Cala de Mijas 29649, Malaga
Tel: 951 254 401 Mobile: 600 098 369 www.saiindianrestaurant.es
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
To Club To Dally Dally Club
E x q u i s i t e R e s t a u r a n t | M u s i c B a r | L o u n g e Te r r a c e
Exquisite Restaurant | Music Bar | Lounge Terrace
Situated in Nueva Andalucia, The Dally Club is a hidden gem. Here you will find a beautiful, cosy and romantic restaurant. The owners, Monique and Christiaan, love to share their superb Dutch and Flanders hospitality. The food is personally prepared by Christiaan himself. After leaving their previous successful restaurant in Belgium, Christiaan and Monique decided to open the To Dally Club to share there love for food and hospitality. Delicious trendy & light cuisine including tapas and pastas.
Stylish restaurant - cosy bar area - lounge terrace - a place you will adore First floor above Conrad’s Ristorante - plenty of private parking available Avenida Del Prado s/n Local 1, 29660 Marbella, Målaga T: 952 81 81 33 | E: ajollygoodcompany@icloud.com
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
MATCHA The Green Gold! The DIFFERENT Italian Place
“MATCHA Syrup – The Green Gold” is ideal for the creation of high-quality, exceptionally tasty drinks and Matcha Foods such as cakes, salad dressings, pasta, Ice cream or desserts of all kinds. Matcha (Jap. ground tea) is a fine powder of shadowed green Tea (Tencha) and the oldest and most premium variety of green tea in Japan. An extraordinary energy, health and anti-aging drink containing a mix of ingredients that make Matcha to one of the finest and healthiest green teas in the tea world. For over 2000 years, Zen Buddhist monks have been using Matcha green tea as a meditational drink. With its stimulating and ergogenic effect Matcha is an ideal substitute for coffee, which animates mind and body but at the same time relaxes it. The numerous antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins and minerals give the body strength and energy
for the whole the day and a long and healthy life. People looking to maintain their figure also swear by it as the tea contains catechins, which helps to lose fat and regulate hunger. Last but not least Matcha also contains a high amount of L-Theanine a unique set of natural amino acids which are known to reduce stress and anxiety — This unique property of L-Theanine, when combined with tea caffeine, will slowly release in the body for sustained energy of 3 to 6 hours without any caffeine crash and other side effects. Whether as a hot drink, foamed with hot milk or cold drink, Matcha lifts the mood, makes tired spirits perk, pampers the body and gives him what he needs for a great skin, healthy hair and a radiant appearance. To find out information about stockists or to purchase online visit: www.thematchahouse.com
Enjoy fantastic food in elegant surroundings prepared by award-winning Michelin star chef Renee Conrad
Renée Conrad and his team look for to welcoming you Avda. del Prado s/n. Edificio Sport Café, 29660 Nueva Andalucía (Málaga)
Tel: 951 319 554 • Mobile: 628 593 409 OPENING HOURS: Lunchtime 14.00 to 16.00 (kitchen) and dinner from 20.00 to 23.00. Saturday from 20.00. Sunday and Monday closed. We recommend you reserve in advance info@conrads-ristorante.com • www.conrads-ristorante.com
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
W TEASERS... SUDOKU Sudoku is one of the most popular puzzle games of all time. The goal of Sudoku is to fill a 9×9 grid with numbers so that each row, column and 3×3 section contain all of the digits between 1 and 9. As a logic puzzle, Sudoku is also an excellent brain game. If you play Sudoku regularly, you will soon start to see improvements in your concentration and overall brain power.
WORD SEARCH ACROSS 1 Made a mistake 6 Take a __ at; attempt 10 Crawling bugs 14 Rent long-term 15 Racing sled 16 Bucket 17 Makes bootees 18 Flows back 19 Explorer Marco 20 Soft drinks 22 Longest river entirely in England 24 Diplomacy 25 Lamebrained 26 “__ or leave it” 29 Ruby or topaz 30 “What’s the __?”; cry of despair 31 Counter an argument 33 Bursting at the __; too full 37 Touches lightly
39 Cup-shaped flower 41 Let fall 42 Up to the time that 44 Wood for a hope chest 46 Prefix for cycle or angle 47 Hardbacks and paperbacks 49 Decrease 51 Clothes makers 54 Skillful 55 Conclusion 56 Women’s group on campus 60 Related; similar 61 “Nay” voter 63 Numerical comparison 64 Wooden shoe 65 Tack 66 Penny-pincher 67 Skirt edges
Solution to puzzle from issue 23
68 Nimble 69 Entrap DOWN 1 Forest animals 2 Former Atty. Gen. Janet __ 3 Bug spray 4 Manor and the land around it 5 Hopelessness 6 Slumbered 7 Bathers’ spots 8 Initials for the phone inventor 9 __ upon; give to, as a gift 10 Horrified 11 Singer Judd 12 Flooring pieces 13 Walk in water 21 Group of eight 23 Garden tools 25 Smelly 26 Nobel-winning African bishop
27 28 29 32 34 35 36 38 40 43 45 48 50 51 52 53 54 56 57 58 59 62
As wise __ owl Didn’t get rid of Novelist Verne Dollars __ and crafts Oliver’s request Twirl Close relatives Not as colorful Crazy as a __ Turns over a new leaf Liver and heart Overexert Instruct Joint most often sprained Phrase Lacy little mat Mix in a bowl “__ boy!”; new parents’ cry Bleachers level Days of __; olden times Afternoon rest
Find and circle the Phonetic Alphabet words that are hidden in the grid. The remaining letters spell an additional word from the Phonetic Alphabet.
Solution to puzzle from issue 23
The hidden message is: SUMMER VACATION
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
ance of an explicit film on a major thoroughfare has raised quite a few questions. How did it get there? Was it intentional? Or could it have been an accident, when someone was watching the video and streamed it unintentionally?
Drivers were confronted with graphic porn on a gigantic billboard as they drove through Jakarta. Porn is illegal in Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim country, so the appear-
CODEWORD Codewords are like crossword puzzles - but have no clues! Instead, every letter of the alphabet has been replaced by a number, the same number representing the same letter throughout the puzzle. All you have to do is decide which letter is represented by which number! To start you off, we reveal the codes for two or three letters. 13 16 4 15 5 2 18 14 25 17 8 20 2
26 25 19 7 4 26 20 2
20 17 7 19 7 23 6 8 14 16 23
16 11 16 6 7 9 16 26 21 19
15 16 26 19 10 4 4 7
20 3 8 20 23 23 19 26
8 7 25 4 4 13 25 19 26 19 15 17
20 6 1 22 19 8 7
20 4 19 6 25
12 20 26 2 4 6 1 22 19 8 7 20 4 6 6 25 22 6 19 22 16 10 20 2 20 4 6 16 21 4
15 20 3 18
16 21
9 20 6 9 19 26 25
18 26
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 14
2 15
3 16
4 17
5 18
At least 11 cows have died after they wandered onto railway tracks and were struck by a Great Northern train travelling southbound near Peterborough. The incident caused chaos for passengers, with all services passing through the area delayed or cancelled as a result of the crash. One of the delayed services was carrying a group of Arsenal supporters to the club’s Premier League game at Burnley, with many football fans missing the game as a result of the crash. A spokesman said: ‘I can confirm that a train struck some cows between Huntington and Peterborough and sadly 11 were confirmed dead. There was some damage to the train but the driver and passengers were all fine. The train in question had to be evacuated and then moved away to be repaired.
safely yesterday with no reported injuries to those inside. It is not clear exactly what species of bird was involved, but its hooked talons and wide wing suggest it was a large bird of prey, possibly a black hawk eagle which is found throughout South America. Bird strikes are not uncommon and the Civil Aviation Authority, which oversees aviation in the UK, dealt with more than 1,535 reports of birds in plane engines in 2013. This can be dangerous, particularly if the bird is caught up in the rotor blades. One of the most notorious bird strikes in recent history was when heroic Captain Sullenberger landed a US Airways plane on the Hudson River after it hit a flock of Canada geese. He managed to save everyone on board.
Solution to Wordblock puzzzle from issue 23 extremism - remixes - exerts - exsert - mixers sexier - exert - exist - exits - mixer - mixes remex - remix - exes - exit - sext Solution to CODEWORD from issue 23 4 8 11 15 3 26 4
7 25 8 25 3 25 21
S L E U T H S M I L I T I A 14 5 16 19 16 15 11 2
K N O P O U E B 25 5 20 16 10 5 25 3 16
5 22 21 20 2 20 16 3
The main theory is that hackers took over the 24 square metre LED billboard near the South Jakarta mayor’s office. It took five minutes before the city administration shut off power to the billboard, switching off the video. Not before dozens of drivers in heavy traffic sat through the unexpected trailer. According to the Jakarta Post, police are treating it as intentional. Adrian Wiedarta, manager of the billboard, told Kompas (in Indonesian) that the system had been hacked due to a virus. He claimed staff were locked out when the hacker changed the access password. People on social media found the incident hilarious, with people discussing whether it could have been an accident or was done by hackers. Pete Cronin, the USAID Education Foreign Service Officer working in Indonesia, wrote: ‘Oh Jakarta, you never cease to amaze me.’
6 19
WORD BLOCK From the 9-letter grid, find words of 4 letters or more. Words must contain the middle letter, and there is at least one nine-letter word. Target: 27 words
9 22
10 23
11 24
A plane landed with a dead bird embedded in its nose like a grim figurehead at the prow yesterday. The bird struck as the plane flew near Caracas-Simón Bolívar International Airport in in Venezuela. It died on impact, leaving its wing dangling from the plane’s nose and a claw poking out behind the carcass. Despite the clear damage to the front of the Cessna 650 aircraft, its pilot was able to land
24 26 21 10 5 2 19 4
J H A G N B P S 15 5 25 3 2 16 8 4 26 11 18 25 4 7
U N I T B O L S H E V I S M 7 8 13 3 26 12 21
M L Q T H R A 19 8 21 13 15 11
20 16 5 24 15 10 21 8
P L A Q U E C O N J U G A L 9 21 9 3 21 15
D A D T A U 19 8 21 6 12 16 16 7
16 20 3 21 18 16
P L A Y R O O M O C T A V O 12 21 20 21 14 12 6
R A C A K R Y 11 1 3 25 5 10 15 25 4 26
2 21 4 4
E X T I N G U I S H B A S S 17 23 3 7 4 13 5 3
F W T M S Q N T 21 8 25 2 25
1 3 25 13 15 11 3 3 11
A L I B I E T I Q U E T T E 20 20 5 5 22 25 11 12
C C N N Z I E R 11 8 11 7 11 5 3
11 1 19 12 11 4 4
Solution to SUDOKU puzzles from issue 23
7 15 7 7 6
d on y e m o b fro t rja and .8FM e N M 06 1 F m ro 06.2 via f r g 1 tin on alta s ca nda ibr d oa aho to G r B al ia C vir El
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
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Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
MOTORS Providing QUALITY CARS at BARGAIN prices SINCE 2009 Save time, money and stress! Call our sales department now on 952 794 102 info@bargaincars.es Nº1 CARS for all your luxury car needs. Services & Repairs, Painting, ITV, Diagnostic & testing All makes models, cars, motorbikes Poligono Industrial La Ermita, 45 Calle Uranio, 29600 Marbella Call 952 926 544 / 952 898 603 or Mobile : 675 530 409 www.no1carsmarbella.com
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Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
Heartbreaking Heartworm disease Perfect Christmas presents for dogs and their owners Ruff and Tumble’s gorgeous, practical yet stylish dog drying coats are made from soft double-thickness cotton towelling. A unique Christmas present for all dog owners who will love the added bonus they offer in keeping their home and car free from wet dog mess! These gorgeous coats will dry off wet dogs in record time and keep them cosy and warm in those wet winter months. Personalisation available for that extra special present. Available in five stunning colours. Prices start from £25. Also available are Drying Mitts designed for drying off legs and paws or for just a quick rub down. Much neater and more effective than that old towel flapping around and tripping up the dog! The Drying Mitts make a great stocking filler at just £18 a pair. Contact alison@ruffandtumbledogcoats. com - Tel 0044 333 207 9960
What is Heartworm Disease? Heartworm disease is caused by the parasite Dirofilaria immitis, a type of roundworm that lives inside the heart and blood vessels of the lungs. Heartworm disease is transmitted by mosquitoes. It is a serious disease that primarily affects the heart and lungs but can also affect the liver, kidney, eye, and central nervous system, and if untreated, can cause death. Symptoms The symptoms of heartworm disease are subtle and can be easy to miss. As the number of heartworms increases, the symptoms of coughing, lethargy, exercise intolerance, lack of appetite and weight loss become more apparent. However it is best not to wait until symptoms develop since irreversible damage may have already occurred by then. Who is at risk? While most people know that heartworm disease affects dogs, many are unaware that it can also affect cats. It was once believed that cats were resistant to heartworm infections but recent studies have shown this is not the case. Cats, just like dogs, can get heartworm disease. The fact is any animal can be bitten by a mosquito and therefore become infected with the parasite. Speak with your veterinarian about your particular pet’s risks and how to protect them. How is it diagnosed? Heartworm disease is most commonly diagnosed using blood tests that detect the presence of heartworms. Many veterinarians run these fast, simple tests in the clinic and can give you results within minutes. Depending on the test results and the animal’s symptoms additional laboratory tests, radiographs and a cardiac ultrasound may also be recommended to determine infection and severity. How is it treated? The goal of treatment is to kill the heartworms without harming the patient. Fortunately, the treatment options have improved but they still have potential risks. Infected animals usually receive a series of intramuscular injections, hospitalization and then strict confinement to limit exercise for weeks. The fact is, treatment is expensive, time consuming and not without risks. For these reasons the goal should always be prevention rather than treatment of this horrible disease. Prevention The best way to treat heartworm disease is to prevent it in the first place. Fortunately, there are numerous safe and effective preventative medications available. Heartworm preventative medications are available from your veterinarian in many forms: oral, topical, and injectable. In addition to protecting your pets from heartworm disease, many of the heartworm preventatives also protect your pet against other internal parasites. This is important because it helps prevent
Dr. Ruth MacPete give you the facts on heartworm disease. For more from Dr. MacPete, find her on Facebook or at www.drruthpetvet.com!
the spread of parasites. So not only are you getting heartworm protection for your pet but also peace of mind that your pet has not picked up parasites like roundworms that can be transmitted to other pets and even humans. Finally, before starting preventative medications on pets over 6 months of age, have your veterinarian test them for heartworm infection because serious complica-
tions can develop if an infected animal is started on certain preventatives. If you have any questions or concerns, you should always visit or call your veterinarian – they are your best resource to ensure the health and well-being of your pets. Original article appears on www.pethealthnetwork.com
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Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
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Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
China set sights on hosting 2030 World Cup A top Chinese football official has urged FIFA to realise the “dream” of China’s fans by bringing the World Cup to the giant Asian nation in 2030 -- or even sooner.
HINESE Football Association vice-president Zhang Jian (right) said FIFA’s rotation policy probably ruled out a return to Asia in 2026, after Qatar hosts the World Cup in 2022. Zhang said that “it’s not very easy” for China to hold the World Cup in 2026. But he said the final decision was up to world body FIFA. “Every Chinese football fan has a dream -- to host a World Cup in China,” Zhang said in an interview in Goa, where an Asian Football Confederation (AFC) extraordinary congress was aborted. “According to their charter it’s not very easy for us to get 2026... I of course hope it can be here sooner, but FIFA has their charter and we follow their decisions,” added Zhang. Russia will host the next World Cup in 2018, before Qatar in 2022, with China, the world’s most populous nation and second biggest economy, keen to follow soon after. With President Xi Jinping eager to host and even win football’s biggest tournament, conjecture is centring on when rather than if the World Cup will go to China. Hosting the World Cup looks far more realistic than winning the competition, as China’s sole appearance in 2002 ended without a single point or even a goal. China’s national team are currently ranked 78th, sandwiched between St Kitts and Nevis and Guatemala, although they re-
main in the running to reach Russia 2018. - Powerful voice Zhang could be in line for a powerful voice in FIFA as he is standing for a seat on the body’s new council, which has replaced the scandal-prone executive committee. The AFC aborted elections to the council in protest at FIFA’s decision to bar a Qatari candidate. A reorganised poll is expected early next year. Chinese football has made huge strides in recent years owing to the rise of its domestic league, whose lavishly financed clubs are attracting top players and managers. Chinese Super League clubs have spent just over 400 million euros ($447 million) on players this year, luring stars like Liverpool target Alex Teixeira. Zhang said the Chinese Super League now wanted to reach the level of the top divisions of Europe, which remain the world’s leading football competitions. “We have attracted a lot of players to the Chinese Super League and companies have invested so much money,” said Zhang. “It’s a good thing for us but we should be professional and try to be a better league and catch up with the higher levels of European leagues,” he added. Zhang was also confident that China’s growing legion of foreign players would help the national team, rather than hinder the development of home-grown talent. “China’s national team is a problem. Obviously we haven’t been very good over the past few years,” said Zhang. “But the Super League is a very important base for the national team and you can notice we’re trying to build our national team better,” he added.
German clubs top the European supporters league IT may have vast wealth and an enviable array of talent but England’s Premier League plays second fiddle to Germany’s Bundesliga when it comes to drawing the crowds, figures compiled by Deloitte show. The Bundesliga attracted an average of 42,685 fans per game in the 2014-2015 season, according to the multinational consulting firm, placing it well ahead of the Premier League with 36,163 fans per match over the same season. The Bundesliga actually topped the European table of fan support with the Premier League next, followed by Spain’s La Liga a distant third with an average gate of 25,734. In France and Italy fans are staying away in droves, with an
alarming drop in support for the game, notably in France, a World Cup winner in 1998 and host of Euro 2016. Billions in broadcasting revenue has flooded the coffers of English Premier League clubs allowing the likes of Manchester United and others to splash out in total a record 1.165 billion pounds ($1.54 billion/1.39 billion euros) to attract big names ahead of this season. In overall terms, the Premier League is still number one in Europe with 13.7 million fans attending matches against 13 million for the German league. But the Premier League has 20 clubs playing 380 matches a season against 306 for the Bundesliga, with its 18 clubs. The disparity translates into significantly higher attendance per match in Germany.
P Team P W D L F A GD Pts 1 Man City 7 6 0 1 18 7 11 18 2 Tottenham 7 5 2 0 12 3 9 17 3 Arsenal 7 5 1 1 16 7 9 16 4 Liverpool 7 5 1 1 18 10 8 16 5 Everton 7 4 2 1 11 5 6 14 6 Man Utd 7 4 1 2 13 8 5 13 7 Chelsea 7 4 1 2 12 9 3 13 8 Crystal Palace 7 3 2 2 11 8 3 11 9 West Brom 7 2 3 2 8 7 1 9 10 Southampton 7 2 3 2 7 6 1 9 11 Watford 7 2 2 3 12 13 -1 8 12 Leicester 7 2 2 3 8 11 -3 8 13 Bournemouth 7 2 2 3 6 11 -5 8 14 Burnley 7 2 1 4 5 9 -4 7 15 Hull 7 2 1 4 7 14 -7 7 16 Midbrough 7 1 3 3 7 10 -3 6 17 Swansea 7 1 1 5 6 12 -6 4 18 West Ham 7 1 1 5 8 17 -9 4 19 Stoke 7 0 3 4 5 16 -11 3 20 Sunderland 7 0 2 5 6 13 -7 2
Sky Bet Championship Table P Team P W D L F A GD Pts 1 Huddersfield 11 8 1 2 14 8 6 25 2 Norwich 11 7 2 2 21 15 6 23 3 Newcastle 11 7 1 3 22 10 12 22 4 Brighton 11 6 3 2 14 7 7 21 5 Bristol City 11 6 2 3 19 12 7 20 6 Birmingham 11 5 5 1 14 9 5 20 7 Brentford 11 5 3 3 18 9 9 18 8 Reading 11 5 3 3 12 15 -3 18 9 Sheff Wed 11 5 2 4 13 14 -1 17 10 Barnsley 11 5 1 5 21 16 5 16 11 Leeds 11 5 1 5 12 13 -1 16 12 Wolves 11 4 3 4 15 14 1 15 13 QPR 11 4 3 4 14 17 -3 15 14 Fulham 11 3 5 3 10 13 -3 14 15 Burton 11 3 4 4 16 16 0 13 16 Ipswich 11 3 4 4 8 9 -1 13 17 Preston 11 4 1 6 12 14 -2 13 18 Nottm Forest 11 3 3 5 19 22 -3 12 19 Aston Villa 11 1 7 3 10 12 -2 10 20 Derby 11 2 4 5 6 10 -4 10 21 Wigan 11 2 3 6 12 14 -2 9 22 Blackburn 11 2 2 7 12 20 -8 8 23 Cardiff 11 2 2 7 8 19 -11 8 24 Rotherham 11 1 3 7 11 25 -14 6
Spanish BBVA La Liga Table P Team P W D L F A GD Pts 1 Atl Madrid 7 4 3 0 14 2 12 15 2 Real Madrid 7 4 3 0 16 7 9 15 3 Sevilla 7 4 2 1 13 10 3 14 4 Barcelona 7 4 1 2 22 10 12 13 5 Villarreal 7 3 4 0 9 4 5 13 6 Ath Bilbao 7 4 0 3 10 8 2 12 7 Las Palmas 7 3 2 2 16 13 3 11 8 Eibar 7 3 2 2 9 7 2 11 9 Real Sociedad 7 3 1 3 9 9 0 10 10 Celta Vigo 7 3 1 3 9 11 -2 10 11 Leganés 7 3 1 3 7 10 -3 10 12 Alavés 7 2 3 2 8 7 1 9 13 Dep. Coruña 7 2 2 3 5 6 -1 8 14 Malaga 7 2 2 3 7 9 -2 8 15 Real Betis 7 2 2 3 8 12 -4 8 16 Sporting Gijón 7 2 1 4 6 16 -10 7 17 Espanyol 7 1 3 3 9 14 -5 6 18 Valencia 7 2 0 5 9 14 -5 6 19 Osasuna 7 0 3 4 7 15 -8 3 20 Granada 7 0 2 5 7 16 -9 2
All results as at 04.10.2016
WEEKEND WORLD - 73 Barclays Premier League Table
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
EVANS ANGUISH AFTER OPPONENT TOWELL DIES WELSH boxer Dale Evans admits he feels responsible for Mike Towell’s shocking death following their welterweight bout. Towell died in hospital after being stretchered from the ring in Glasgow. The 25-year-old Scot had been beaten by Evans in the fifth round of a British welterweight title eliminator St Andrew’s Sporting Club event in Glasgow. He was taken to Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, diagnosed with severe bleeding and swelling to his brain, and died 12 hours after being taken off life support. “I feel like I am responsible. I can’t stop thinking about Mike and his poor family. All my thoughts are with
them,” Evans told BBC Wales Sport. “It has been awful. All I can think of is his two-year-old kid and his girlfriend and family who won’t have him around any more. “I feel like I am responsible because we are the ones punching each other - and this is something I have to live with now.” Towell had been unbeaten prior to the fight, with 11 wins and one draw on his professional record. Chloe Ross, the mother of Towell’s son, Rocco, said he had been “complaining of headaches for the last few weeks”. But a spokesman for St Andrews said nobody in Towell’s management team was aware of any headache problems prior to the fight.
After Allardyce implosion, who next for England? W
ITH England about to resume their 2018 World Cup qualifying campaign, Gareth Southgate has been put in caretaker charge but it is by no means certain that he will get the job on a full-time basis. Below WEEKEND WORLD Sport looks at some of the contenders to take on the job.
1. GARETH SOUTHGATE The man in possession, the former England international could yet become the team’s next permanent manager. A former Middlesbrough manager, Southgate, 46, was brought into the England set-up to coach the under-21s in the hope he might ascend to the top job. Experienced disappointment at last year’s European Under-21 Championship but guided the team to victory at the prestigious Toulon tournament this year. He now takes charge for England’s next four matches, against Malta, Slovenia, Scotland and Spain, as the Football Association seeks a permanent successor. A safe pair of hands.
2. RALF RANGNICK The 58-year-old sporting director of RB Leipzig he has guided his team to promotion in the Bundesliga was initially approached in the summer after Roy Hodgson’s exit. Following ‘Big Sam’s departure his name is once again in the frame. In an interview with Die Welt in 2013, Rangnick stated his preferred playing style was “Aggressive forward defending and pressing.” Something sadly lacking within the England team so far but if appointed would represent a
under Alex Ferguson at Old Trafford -- quit his post at Hull. Currently out of work and a leading contender. A solid choice.
England find themselves looking for a new manager again after Sam Allardyce’s mere 67 days in charge came to a stunning end following controversial comments he made to undercover reporters. definite change in pace for the players. 3. JURGEN KLINSMANN Klinsmann is once again one of the frontrunners with bookmakers - The USA manager of five years who has turned his international team into a strong force has a track record in international football, having also spent three years in charge of Germany. The charismatic German has a wealth of international experience and appears to be the bookies favourite. 4. STEVE BRUCE The former Manchester United defender, 55, was among those interviewed by the Football Association before they decided to appoint Allardyce as Roy Hodgson’s successor after England’s embarrassing exit from the European Championships at the hands of Iceland. Following his talks, Bruce -- who played
5. GLENN HODDLE No England manager has ever been appointed to the job a second time on a permanent basis so Hoddle’s chances of succeeding Allardyce would appear to be slim. One of the best English midfielders of his generation, Hoddle -- in charge of the national side at the 1998 World Cup -- was sacked in 1999 after suggesting that people with disabilities were being punished for their behaviour in a previous lifetime. The 58-year-old is still well regarded as a football tactician but the FA, reeling from one public relations disaster, may fear having to deal with another if they bring Hoddle back. An outside chance. 6. ARSENE WENGER Now in his 20th year as Arsenal manager, the Frenchman’s success with the north London club paved the way for the influx of overseas coaches at top Premier League teams. Has long been spoken of as a possible England manager, although foreign coaches who’ve held the role, such as SvenGoran Eriksson and Fabio Capello, have been no more able to lead the side to a first major trophy since the 1966 World Cup than their homegrown counterparts. Well thought of at the FA, Wenger, 66, is out of contract with Arsenal at the end of the season and unlike most of the leading English candidates to replace Allardyce, he has experience of Champions League football. A popular choice.
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
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Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
It’s been a great ride to 300! MCLAREN’S Jenson Button has admitted he thinks it “unbelievable” that he has become only the third member of an exclusive club following his 300th grand prix in Sepang, Malaysia. The 36-year-old now joins Michael Schumacher and Rubens Barrichello in the 300 club. Button has actually been involved in 303 Formula One races but in 2005 he was disqualified in San Marino and failed to start in the USA -- the same fate befalling the Englishman in Bahrain last year.
SOUTH African tennis player Joshua Chetty has been banned for life from the game after being found guilty of match-fixing charges, the Tennis Integrity Unit (TIU) announced. The 21-year-old, ranked at 1,857 in the world, admitted offering another player $2,000 (1,800 euros) to under-perform in a singles match, and $600 in a doubles match, during a third-tier Futures event in Stellenbosch, South Africa, in November 2015.
UNBELIEVABLE “I remember when Rubens got to 300, it was unbelievable he’d reached 300 grand prix,” Button said. “I was like, ‘I’m never going to race for that long’. And here I am at 36 and I’ve just competed in my my 300th grand prix. It definitely sucks you in, Formula One. It doesn’t let go for a long time, as long as you are performing.” Button started as a 20-year-old rookie back in 2000 with Williams and has won 15 grand prix and one World Championship title in 2009 with Brawn. Barrichello leads the all-time list with 326 GP starts while Schumacher had 306. Button will get to 305 by the end of this season. Button announced earlier this year that he intends to take next year off but has an option to return in 2018 when he could equal Barrichello’s record if the season, like this year, comprises 21 races. “I’ve had lots of ups and downs, as every
South African handed life ban for match-fixing
career, but the important thing is that you stay on top of those bad times and you enjoy the good times as much as you can, because you never know how long they are going to last.” nd yo be om o t fr rja nd 8FM Ne M a 06. 1 F m ro 6.2 ia g f 10 r v tin on alta s a a ibr dc nd oa ho o G Br ala ia t C vir El
“The player approached by Chetty, whose identity will remain confidential in accordance with the provisions of the Tennis Anti-Corruption Program (TACP), rejected the corrupt offers and reported the matter to the Tennis Integrity Unit (TIU),” said the statement. Chetty reached a career-high of 1,370 in June 2015. “The lifetime ban from all professional tennis applies with immediate effect and means the player is not allowed to compete in, or attend, any tournament or event organised or sanctioned by the governing bodies of the sport,” added the TIU.
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
ROUBLED world heavyweight champion Tyson Fury has admitted taking cocaine, saying “I hope someone kills me before I kill myself,” in an interview published in the Rolling Stone magazine. Fury’s latest remarks comes after the 28-year-old made an abrupt U-turn on his retirement decision on earlier in the week, tweeting: “I’m here to stay.” The British fighter had recently cancelled an October bout with Wladimir Klitschko to defend his World Boxing Association and World Boxing Organization heavyweight belts. Fury had been scheduled to earn the biggest purse of his career in a rematch with Klitschko at the Manchester Arena after shocking the Ukrainian last November to become world champion. However, Fury withdrew from that date as his camp claimed he had been “declared mentally unfit to fight”. In another tweet on Monday, Fury said he was “getting the right help” and would “be back even stronger than before”.
POSITIVE ESPN reported Fury tested positive after providing a urine sample to the Las Vegas-based Voluntary AntiDoping Association (VADA) in Lancaster, England on September 22. Cocaine, while an illegal drug, is not banned in boxing if taken out of competition. Fury’s camp made no comment on the reports of cocaine use but the boxer himself confirmed them in an interview that Rolling Stone said was conducted on Monday, before the champion’s retirement U-turn. “Listen, I’ve done a lot of things in my life. I’ve done lots of cocaine. Lots of it,” Fury told Rolling Stone. “Why shouldn’t I take cocaine? It’s my life, isn’t it? I can do what I want. Yeah, I have done cocaine. Plenty of people have done cocaine as well.” Fury, explaining why his re-match with Klitschko had been called off for a second time, said: “I’ve not been in a gym for months.
“I’ve not been training. I’ve been going through depression. I just don’t want to live any more, if you know what I’m saying. I’ve had total enough of it. witch-hunt “So cocaine is a little minor thing compared to not wanting to live any more.” He added: “I don’t know if I’m going to see the year out, to be honest...I just hope someone kills me before I kill myself.” Fury, in comments that appeared to suggest he had failed a drugs test, also said: “I never took other drugs, ever, in my life. I only started to take cocaine in the last few months.” A member of the travelling community, Fury said he had been a victim of prejudice. “It’s been a witch-hunt ever since I won that world title,” Fury added. “Ever since I got a bit of fame for doing good there’s been a witch-hunt on me because of my background, because of who I am and what I do.” Fury, the self-styled ‘Gypsy King’, also won the IBF belt in his fight against Klitschko, but had to forfeit it after failing to fulfil a mandatory bout against Vyacheslav Glazkov. A previously scheduled rematch with Klitschko, set for July 9, was scrapped after Fury sustained an ankle injury. Following the cancellation of that fight, it emerged that UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) had charged Fury and his cousin, Hughie, with a doping offence. They deny wrongdoing. The sample, taken nine months prior to Fury’s sensational victory over Klitschko, contained traces of the banned substance nandrolone. Fury was provisionally suspended, but his ban has since been lifted and his legal team have threatened action against UKAD. He is due to face a hearing in November and could be stripped of his titles if found guilty.
FORMULA ONE: 21 RACES PLANNED FOR 2017 F1 HAS announced the 2017 calendar with Twenty-one races scheduled for next year’s Formula One world championship, although Canada, Brazil and Germany are still to be confirmed, the World Council of the sport’s governing body said. The 2017 season will start in Melbourne on March 26 and finish in Abu Dhabi nine months later. Singapore, in the last year of its current deal, has switched slots with Malaysia for next season. The completed 2017 calendar will be confirmed at the next meeting of the World Council in Vienna on November 30. 2017 F1 world championship schedule so far: March 26:
Australia (Melbourne)
April 9:
China (Shanghai)
April 16:
Bahrain (Sakhir)
April 30:
Russia (Sochi)
May 14:
Spain (Barcelona)
May 28:
June 11:
Canada (Montreal)
June 18:
Europe (Baku, Azerbaijan)
July 2:
Austria (Red Bull Ring, Spielberg)
July 9:
Great Britain (Silverstone)
July 23:
Hungary (Hungaroring, Budapest)
July 30:
Germany (Hockenheim)
August 27:
Belgium (Spa-Francorchamps)
September 3:
Italy (Monza)
September 17:
Malaysia (Sepang, Kuala Lumpur)
October 1:
October 8:
Japan (Suzuka)
October 22:
United States (Austin)
November 5:
November 12:
Brazil (Interlagos, Sao Paolo)
November 26:
Abu Dhabi (UAE)
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ONliNe gAMbliNg iS PROhibiTed iN PARTS Of euROPe - CheCk yOuR iP PROvideR
World champion Fury admits cocaine use, wants ‘someone to kill me’
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
Sharapova targets April return after doping ban reduced Russian tennis star Maria Sharapova hailed the reduction of her two-year doping ban as one of the “happiest days” of her life, immediately targeting a return to action in April 2017.
HE Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) cut Sharapova’s ban to 15 months saying she was not an “intentional doper”, after the 29-yearold tested positive for the banned medication meldonium during January’s Australian Open -- throwing her glittering, money-spinning career into serious jeopardy. “I’ve gone from one of the toughest days of my career last March, when I learned about my suspension, to now, one of my happiest days, as I found out I can return to tennis in April,” said Sharapova, who has racked up 35 WTA singles titles and more than $36 million in career earnings. An April return -- the ban is backdated to the positive test in January this year -- means she would in theory be able to compete at the French Open in May-June next year. Sharapova, whose ferocity on court, business acumen and glamorous looks have all combined to make her a marketing juggernaut, was hit with a two-year ban by an independent tribunal appointed by the International Tennis Federation (ITF). Reducing the ban after she appealed, the Lausannebased CAS “found that Ms Sharapova committed an anti-doping rule violation and that while it was with
‘no significant fault’, she bore some degree of fault, for which a sanction of 15 months is appropriate”. In the panel’s more detailed, formal decision, it said significantly: “Under no circumstances... can the player be considered to be an ‘intentional doper’.” Sharapova openly admitted she had been taking meldonium for 10 years to help treat illnesses, a heart issue and a magnesium deficiency. She always maintained that it had entirely escaped her attention that the product had been added to the banned substance list published by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) on January 1, just before the Australian Open.
REPOSNSIBILITY “I have taken responsibility from the very beginning for not knowing that the over-the-counter supplement I had been taking for the last 10 years was no longer allowed,” Sharapova said in her Facebook post Tuesday, before going on to hit out at the ITF. “But I also learned how much better other (sports) Federations were at notifying their athletes of the rule change, especially in Eastern Europe, where Mildronate (the trade name of meldonium) is commonly taken by millions of people.” Sharapova added: “Now that this process is over, I hope the
facts about MELDONIUM
Meldonium is the substance at the origin of Maria Sharapova’s doping ban, which the Court of Arbitration for Sport cut from two years to 15 months on Tuesday: 1 Meldonium is also known as mildronate or mildronats 2 It is used to treat heart problems and diabetes 3 It was only added to the WADA banned list at the start of 2016 4 The drug is manufactured in Latvia and exported to Russia. It is not approved for use in the United States 5 Meldonium can increase an individual’s capacity for physical exertion and, according to WADA, it was outlawed in sport “because of evidence of its use by athletes with the intention of enhancing performance”
ITF and other relevant tennis anti-doping authorities will study what these other Federations did so that no other tennis player will have to go through what I went through.” Sharapova, who off the court has enjoyed successful ventures such as her “Sugarpova” line of candy and whose sponsors include Nike, helping her amass a fortune estimated at $200 million, said she was itching to get back on court.
COUNTING THE DAYS “I’m coming back soon and I can’t wait!” she said. “In so many ways, I feel like something I love was taken away from me and it will feel really good to have it back. “Tennis is my passion and I have missed it. I am counting the days until I can return to the court.” Russian Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko told TASS news agency: “I’m very happy for Maria, although I think that CAS should have fully lifted her suspension for a drug like meldonium.” Sharapova was intially prescribed meldonium a year after winning Wimbledon as a 17-year-old by a Russian doctor in Moscow to boost her immune system. She burst onto the tennis scene by stealing hearts and winning that title at Wimbledon in 2004 before going on to clinch the US Open in 2006, the Australian Open in 2008 and the French Open in 2012 and 2014. Nike, which had initially suspended its relationship with the Russian, has said it would stick by Sharapova and her tennis racquet manufacturer and another sponsor, Head, congratulated her on Tuesday. “We are very proud to have stood by Maria for the right reasons throughout these difficult and testing times,” said Head chairman Johan Eliasch. Alexander Zhukov, president of Russia’s Olympic Committee, said that he hopes Sharapova will be able to compete at the Tokyo Olympics in 2020, after missing out on the August Rio Games due to her suspension.
Issue 24 October 06 - 19, 2016
I’m tired of all these questions! W
AYNE Rooney has promised to accept whatever role England manager Gareth Southgate wants him to play after admitting he is tired of the debate about his best position. Rooney has spent the best days of his glittering career as a striker, but he was deployed in midfield by then England boss Roy Hodgson at Euro 2016 after finishing last season with Manchester United in the same position.Jose Mourinho’s arrival at United to replace Louis van Gaal has seen Rooney shifted back to a more attacking berth. However, the England captain often positioned himself in a deep-lying role in last month’s World Cup qualifier against Slovakia. That was the only match for England manager Sam Allardyce before his shock departure last week and, with interim boss Southgate preparing to name his side for Saturday’s qualifier against Malta, Rooney has been quizzed about his preferred role once again. “I don’t know, it’s a question for Gareth,” a visibly annoyed Rooney told reporters. “The question of where I’m going to play... it’s getting a bit tired the question of whether I’m going to play as a striker, in midfield or as a number 10. I’ve answered that question many times and it’s the same answer: I’ll play wherever the manager wants me to play.” Rooney’s desire for team success at both club and international level will see Southgate surely leaning on him to lead during this unstable period. Understandably pleased to have been kept on as captain by his former international team-mate, Rooney now hopes to repay the manager with strong performances against Malta and Slovenia over the next week. “Of course we have to come here and be prepared to do our job,” Rooney said. “We have to concentrate on the football, which I’m sure we will have no problem doing.”
‘SHARAPOVA DESERVED TO BE BANNED’ SAYS EX-BOYFRIEND MARIA Sharapova’s ex-boyfriend Grigor Dimitrov has suggested she deserved her ban from tennis for a doping offence, an incident that has sent shockwaves through the sport. “I think tennis misses her,” the Bulgarian world number 20 said of the fivetime Grand Slam champion, adding that he had “zero doubts” she would make a successful return. “As a competitor she’s just going to come back and she’s going to be so hungry to play
and excited and motivated,” said Dimitrov, who dated the Russian superstar for two years until they split in July 2015. But he added: “If you do something, I mean obviously there are circumstances. And whoever does something deserves what he / she gets for sure.” Dimitrov was responding to a question about an interview in which Sharapova accused the International Tennis Federation (ITF) of trying to make an example of her by giving
her a 24-month ban for testing positive for meldonium he also cited the case of world number 1,857th Joshua Chetty, who was banned from tennis for life in September for match-fixing offences. “I think throughout the years, these kind of things should have been dealt with and made of example earlier.” Dimitrov is currently in Beijing for the China Open, where he booked his place in the second round by beating American Steve Johnson 7-5, 6-7 (7/9) 6-4.