Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Goverment website hacked and University to open soon Page 37
Are you addicted to your mobile phone? Page 70
Sun God Festival in Peru Page 91
ASS protests greeted a new Spanish public security law which effectively makes it harder for the public to rally. Nicknamed the ‘gag law’, the new legislation also puts restrictions on journalists reporting on police. Thousands rallied in the streets of Madrid and other cities on Tuesday evening against the Citizen Safety law coming into effect Wednesday morning. Greenpeace activists started the Tuesday protest by an action that would be difficult to pull under a new law: they placed a banner reading “Protesting is a Right” on a construction crane next to Spain’s lower house of Parliament. ”With the ‘gag law’ brought into force, the practice of journalism will be less free,” the Madrid Press Association said in a statement. The legislation was pushed through by the conservative Popular Party that has the majority of the parliament as a response to mass protests over austerity measures that were frequent in the country over the
UK sports stars leading the field Page 100
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
The controversial public security law came into force on Wednesday amid fears that it will limit freedom of speech and the right to peaceful protest ing down on protesters prevent law enforcers from doing their job and putting them at risk. The legislation allows fines for “unauthorized use of images” of police, including live and recorded video with critics claiming it would stifle journalists reporting on police abuses.
Greenpeace activists push a gagged lion sculpture
last few years. According to the new law, any “serious disturbance of citizen security” in front of Congress, the Senate or regional assemblies will be considered an offence with the fine of up to
This English language newspaper rivals any other newspaper on the coast in every way
Spain gags freedom of expression
€30,000 ($33,000). The wording of the legislation has been criticized by activists for being too vague. Unauthorized protests near key infrastructure, such as transportation hubs and nuclear power plants, may result in fine of up to €600,000 ($638,000). The government also believes that the images of police crack-
The police will also be able to sanction individuals who “obstruct any authority, public employee or official corporation in the exercise of administrative or judicial agreements or resolutions.” Disrespecting a police officer could also be punishable by a fine of €600.This point aims at the widespread practice of intervening to prevent home evictions. Many Spaniards have lost their homes being unable to pay rent and mortgages. The legislation was approved by the Parliament in March, even though it was met with discontent from opposition parties, human rights organizations and other public groups.
THE Olive Press newspaper sued for slander, libel and copywriter infringement after allegedly hacking into Mr Stan Israel’s, editor of the Weekend World Newspaper Facebook account. Last week the Olive Press printed a story in its rag of a newspaper stating that Simply Media Group’s new newspaper the Weekend World had published adverts from companies without their consent or permission companies such as “Specsavers, Sunborne & Helicopteros Sanitarios”. This is flagrant lie. Jon Clarke, editor of the Olive Press is well known for bending & misinterpreting the truth to read our side of the story turn to page 2. Banner reading “Protest is a right” hangs from a crane close to Spain’s Parliament
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
NEWS By Alison Clive
Scandalous Storytelling
HE Olive Press Newspaper has come out all guns blazing in retaliation to the release of The Weekend World. And as is the norm for the Olive Press, the article was packed full of lies, inconsistencies and fabrications but this is what we come to expect from the Olive Press, a newspaper that has been heavily criticised and lambasted in the past by FAPE, the Spanish equivalent of the Press Complaints Authority who state that “The Olive Press is an example of journalistic sensationalism its stories are simply used to paper. Lisa Brown, the Production Manager attract the attention of its reader. Its content was taken back by this statement. “I liaised is quackery and pure gossip”. with these clients and media agents perIn a so called expose of the Weekend World’s sonally. All the adverts within the newspaeditor, Mr Stanley Israel, the Olive Press has per were provided to us, how does the Olive published many false accusation and misPress think we got hold of them? And why leading comments even the title of the ardid they signal out clients such as Sunborne ticle was ambiguous and misleading capHotel, Specsavers & Helicopteros Sanitartioned Rogue Trader seemingly implying ios? Is it because after publishing 216 edithat Mr Israel rips clients off, “this is not the tions they still haven’t got them advertising case” said Mr Israel “ And I believe this statewithin their covers yet here we are showcasment to be defamatory, I go above and being them within our very 1st edition, and yond for my advertisers and on nearly every why? Because our brands stand for qualoccasions provide them with more than ity & professionalism” said Lisa. Comments they have paid for, why? It’s simple I want made by the publishthem to succeed, after ers of the Euro Weekly all if my clients succeed in response to the arso I will. I find it deplorticle also surprised us, “The Olive Press able that the Olive Press “wasn’t it only last year has labelled me as a hounded me and my that Stephen Eusden rogue trader when in family to the brink and his paper were vicfact if you where to where my fiancé’s tims of the Olive Press’s look at the number of storytelling? This just businesses here on the daughter tried to goes to show how coast that owe my busicommit suicide over quickly old rivalry’s our ness money, businesses untrue statements it mended when a new that refuse to pay their kid appears on the bills and in some cases published last year” block” said Lisa. have shut up shop only In a further example of to resurface again with the Olive Press’s lies we a new name you would contacted the owner of a well-known propbe shocked – I know other media compaerty newspaper, who the Olive Press claimed nies have suffered with this and maybe this made statements that Mr Israel had asked is something Jon Clarke editor of the Olive for an investment of €30,000 and that other Press should try and investigate instead of leading business owners were involved in trying to discredit me - his competition” said his business – when questioned, the owner Mr Israel. who wishes to remain anonymous, veheIndeed, the Olive Press have tried to discredit mently denied making such claims. He conthe Weekend World Newspaper it claimed firmed that the Olive Press did contact him that many of its big name advertisers were BUT he advised them the story was false. perplexed to find their adverts within the
Simply Media Group is one ofthe largest English media advertising and publication groups here is Spain. We aim to always give you original editorials and news from not just here in Spain but from around the world. As members of the British Press Association and EFE we aim to ensure that all our news is current, factual and more importantly interesting to you the reader. Editor in Chief: Mr Stan Israel Production Manager: Ms Lisa Brown Production Assistant: Rachael Wyer Design & Layout: Jackie McAngus Graphics: Sherelisa Bossi
Published by Simply Media Group SL CC Atenea Nº 18 – 19 CN 340 – KM 168.5, Estepona T: 951 127 200 info@simplymedia-group.com www.simplymedia-group.com The Weekend World reserves the right to make grammatical & spelling corrections as and when deemed necessary and to classify correctly and advertisement. Although ever care and attention is made to ensure the advertisement is correct at time of print, regrettably mistakes do sometime occur The Weekend World accepts no responsibility for the content of advertisements, nor for any claims made by advertisers Deposito Legal Nº: MA 298-2013
The Olive Press also went on to question the media pack presented by Perfect Homes Magazine, another publication of Mr Israel’s. When approached by the Olive Press Mr Israel advised them that they were referring to an old media pack from mid2014, “at that time the company had tried to embark upon a campaign within hotels and airports within the UK, but financially it was not viable. We amended our media pack and I informed the Olive Press of this” said Mr Israel. What is surprising though, are the claims made by the Olive Press regarding it circulation figures. On its website it states that the Olive Press fortnightly pa- Weekend World - “The People’s Newspaper” - will continue to bring you news per’s distribution is in a professional manner over 230,000 copies tions of racisms but at this time we are una(including 160,000 digital downloads) this ble to elaborate further, due to our impendwould imply they distribute 70,000 but in ing legal case. contradiction to this it then states 40,000 is“I have been overwhelmed by the number sues a fortnight are printed but then within of people who have contacted me in reits media pack it states: 35,000 issues a fortsponse to the article written by the Olive night are printed plus up to 80,000 copies Press – offering me kind words, and praising are downloaded. So which one is it? Unme for the new Weekend World Newspaper. named sources claim neither and at time It seems residents of the coast have come of going to print the Olive Press had not anto expect this type of unethical and unproswered our questions relating to this. fessional type of journalism but given that DISCREDIT Jon Clarke’s alleged favourite saying is “why let the truth ruin a good story” I can underIt seems that in an attempt to piece it’s so stand why! I mean what’s he going to come called story together the Olive Press has up with next - I’m the love child of Colonel done very little research apart from a Google Gadhafi?” said Mr Israel. search of Mr Israel’s activities – No investigative research was done but in what seemed to be an attempt to discredit the Weekend TO OUR READERS: World and its editor, the Olive Press has inThis will be our final comment on stead opened the floodgates to victims of this so called non-story; this is not their so called investigative journalism. the way the Weekend World news“The Olive Press hounded me and my fampaper wishes to publish news, airily to the brink where my fiancé’s daughter ing dirty linen. tried to commit suicide over untrue statePeople have already come to name ments it published last year” said Nigel our newspaper “The People’s Goldman. “Jon Clarke is the lowest of the Newspaper” and we will proceed to low gutter press hack” said Nigel. bring our readers proper news in a Other people have come forward with comstrong professional manner. plaints ranging from tax violations, hacking of Facebook & Paypal accounts and allega-
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
PAIN is among a host of Mediterranean countries listed as at HIGH RISK of a terror attack amidst fears of a copycat to the Tunisian terror
strike. Following the recent atrocities of Tunisia, France & Kuwait the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) has raised the threat levels of a number of locations along the Mediterranean Coast; France, Spain, Turkey, Tunisia, Algeria and Egypt have all been listed at high threat, while Italy, Greece, Cyprus and Morocco have been listed as a medium - general threat. Earlier this week the Spanish government announced it had increased its own threat level to a high rating following the attack in neighbouring France. The Tunisian attack took place on a resort which had two hotels, both operated by Spanish firm RIU so is it little wonder the Spanish authorities are being cautious. Interior Minister Jorge Fernandez Diaz said “the decision was made due to the proximity of our country to the places where some of these attacks took place”. He added: “I have adopted that decision. We are at war with barbarism against civilisation.” Other popular destinations have an underlying threat, meaning attacks are unlikely, these include Croatia, Bulgaria and Portugal.
SPAIN listed as a HIGH RISK to terrorist attacks l l SWEDEN
l l
ROWING Underground, a subterranean farm in old World War II tunnels under the Northern Line at Clapham, London has officially opened. The brainchild of renowned chef Michel Roux (pictured below), and backed by crowdfunding, the farm is expected to begin trading by mid-July this year after 18 months of research, development and growing trials. Growing Underground co-founder Steven
Dring said: “Phase one represents more than £750,000 investment in sustainable urban farming for London and we’re delighted to
be fulfilling our first orders within weeks.” The “farm” itself consists of table-height beds of hemp in which salads and herbs are being grown hydroponically. That means nutrientrich water floods the beds once a day before being slowly drained away, with no soil involved in the process. Above each bed are strips of special low energy LED lights.
CROPS Operating in stages, the first phase of the farm, which has been fitted with sophisticated irrigation and ventilation systems, is about to be executed for commercial supply. Phase one crops include pea shoots, radish, mustard, coriander, red amaranth, celery, parsley and rocket. Growing Underground’s first commercial client will be County Supplies London, supplying restaurants via Covent Garden market. But if you’re itching to try the subterranean crops, the wait shouldn’t be too long - after launching the first phase of the new venture, the urban farm will then supply to shoppers via the website: www.Farmdrop.co.uk
It’s definitely another use for London Underground’s derelict stations
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
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Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Don’t let the taxman take your loved one’s savings T HOUSANDS of widows and widowers could be missing out on a new tax break designed to keep the savings that their spouse built up out of the Revenue’s reach. The Chancellor announced in his Autumn statement on December 3rd that if Isa savers died, then from that day on bereaved spouses and civil partners would, for the first time, inherit an allowance equivalent to the value of their loved one’s tax-free pot. So, if a husband had £20,000 in an Isa when he died, his widow – rather than losing the tax-free status on the savings – could open a £20,000 inheritance Isa in her own name. This is the case even if the original funds were used to pay for funeral costs or passed on to a child. The widow would be able to open an inheritance Isa – officially called an ‘additional permitted subscription’ – and put in her own cash up to the same amount. The new rules apply to deaths from December 3rd, 2014. However, the legislation did not come in to force until April 6th this year with the thought that thousands of widows and widowers would have cashed in their partners’ Isa’s unaware of their right to this extra allowance. Of the 500,000 or so deaths in Britain each year, an estimated 150,000 are savers who are either married or in civil partnerships. But relatively few widows and widowers have so far come forward to claim the inherited Isa allowance, according to Nationwide Building Society. The Facts – Here’s what you need to know: 1. The ‘additional permitted subscription’ allowance is not given automatically. You must contact the Isa provider to register your partner’s death and confirm you were not separated at the time of death. If you were you cannot claim the allowance.
2. Once claimed the allowance is not transferable and can be used only by you. 3. You can open up an Isa to the value of the deceased’s Isa. Or, if you already have an Isa with the same provider, you can top that up. You can do this immediately, even if the administration of the estate is not complete. 4. For investment fund based Isa’s, you may be able to transfer your loved one’s Isa without selling the underlying investments. But more often than not they will need to be cashed in first. 5. The extra Isa allowance is equivalent to the value of your late partner’s Isa at the time of death, with the interest earned or value of the investments calculated on that date. 6. Even if the cash or investments in an Isa were left to someone else, or have been spent (for example on funeral costs) you are still entitled to the allowance, in which case you can put your own cash into the inheritance Isa. It does not have to originate from the original Isa. 7. Once it is set up, you can move an inheritance Isa to a new provider in the future.
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8. Take advantage of this tax break within three years of bereavement – or 180 days after the completion of the administration of the estate if that is later. Failure to do this means the extra Isa allowance is lost forever.
FOUR POINTS TO REMEMBER FOR ALL ISA SAVERS • You can save or invest up to £15,240 in this tax year into an Isa – in cash or shares. • If you complete a self-assessment tax return, you do not need to disclose any details about your Isa. • You need to be 16 or over to take out a cash-based Isa, and 18 or over to take out a shares-based Isa. • Those under 18 can take out a ‘Junior’ Isa – for which the annual allowance is £4,080.
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Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
ITH Greece once again dominating the headlines because of its weak economy, debt and possible EU Eviction, does Britain really need to be a member? So what are the pros and cons of leaving the EU? Perhaps the greatest uncertainty associated with leaving the EU is that no country has ever done it before, so no one can predict the exact result.
TRADE One of the biggest advantages of the EU is free trade between member nations, making it easier and cheaper for British companies to export their goods to Europe. Some business leaders think these savings outweigh the billions of pounds in membership fees Britain would save if it left the EU. The UK also risks losing some of its negotiation power internationally by leaving the trading bloc, but it would be free to establish trade agreements with non-EU countries. Ukip leader Nigel Farage believes Britain could follow the lead of Norway, which has access to the single market but is not bound by EU laws on areas such as agriculture, justice and home affairs. But others argue that an “amicable divorce” would not be possible. The Economist says Britain would still be subject to the politics and economics of Europe, but would no longer have a seat at the table to try to influence matters. A study by the think-tank Open Europe, which wants to see the EU radically reformed, found that
Britain is at a crossroads. At some point within the next two and a half years, the British people will have their say over whether their country should remain a member of the European Union. This will be one of the most important decisions voters will have to make, and for many, this will be very difficult. the worst-case “Brexit” scenario is that the UK economy loses 2.2 per cent of its total GDP by 2030. However, it says that GDP could rise by 1.6 per cent if the UK could negotiate a free trade deal with Europe and pursued “very ambitious deregulation”.
JOBS Free movement of people across the EU opens up job opportunities for UK workers willing to travel and makes it relatively easy for UK companies to employ workers from other EU countries limiting this freedom would deter the “brightest and the best” of the continent from coming to Britain, creating complex new immigration controls and reduce the pool of candidates employers can choose from.
RGULATIONS Eurosceptic argue that the vast majority of small and medium sized firms do not trade with the EU but are restricted by a huge regulatory burden imposed from abroad. However, others warn that millions of jobs could be lost if global manufacturers, such as car makers, move to lower-cost EU countries, while British farmers would lose billions in EU subsidies.
HOW DID THE EUROPEAN UNION COME ABOUT? After the Second World War, Winston Churchill proposed “a structure under which [Europe] can dwell in peace, in safety and in freedom... a kind of United States of Europe”. At the time, the proposal was broadly popular in Britain, but when the European Coal and Steel Community was founded in 1951 with the aim of making “war not only unthinkable but materially impossible”, Britain stood aside. Britain also declined to join the European Economic Community, when the six founding nations – Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and West Germany – signed the Treaty of Rome in 1957. Britain relented in 1961 and applied to join the EEC after watching France and Germany’s economies show signs of recovery. But its application was rejected not once but twice because the then French President Charles de Gaulle saw “deep-seated hostility” in the British attitude towards Europe. Ironically it was the Conservative Party that eventually led Britain into Europe in 1973, with the more sceptical Labour party promising a referendum on whether the country should stay in, leave or seek renegotiated terms. When the referendum was held in 1975, the main political parties and all national newspapers campaigned for a vote to stay in the EEC, a stance backed by 67 per cent of voters. Over the next two decades Britain’s relationship with Europe became more complex, with Margaret Thatcher expressing deep antipathy towards the project. In 1992, however, her successor John Major signed the Maastricht Treaty, which created the European Union and the single pan-European currency (though Britain later opted out of that). Extracted from Change, or Go, published by Business for Britain. A campaign group seeking radical changes in Britain’s relationship with the EU.
INFLUENCE Britain may lose some of its military influence – many believe that America would consider Britain to be a less useful ally if it was detached from Europe. On the plus side, The Economist says Britain would also be able to claim back its territorial fishing waters, scrap caps on limits to the number of hour’s people can work per week, free itself from the EU’s renewable energy drive and create a freer economic market. This would turn London into a “freewheeling hub for emerging-
market finance – a sort of Singapore on steroids”, it says. But it concludes that the most likely outcome is that Britain would find itself “as a scratchy outsider with somewhat limited access to the single market, almost no influence and few friends. And one certainty: that having once departed, it would be all but impossible to get back in again.”
IF A REFERENDUM WERE HELD TOMORROW, WHAT WOULD HAPPEN? One of the latest polls carried out by YouGov found that 45 per cent of people would vote for Britain to remain a member of the European Union, while 35 per cent said they would vote to leave. Another four per cent said they would not vote and 16 per cent were undecided.
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
UNCH with the Queen is a privilege not enjoyed by many of her subjects. But even those lucky enough to be graced with a gilded invitation confess that the experience can be a nervous one fraught with protocol pitfalls of which Formula 1 ace Lewis Hamilton who received a summons to dine at the Monarch’s side found out. The mineral water had barely been poured before Hamilton was chided by Her Majesty for his poor table manners. Speaking to the BBC’s Graham Norton, he said: “I got invited to a lunch and was sitting next to The Queen. I was excited and started to talk to her but she said, pointing to my left, ‘No, you speak that way first and I’ll speak this way and then I’ll come back to you.’ “She is a sweet woman and we talked about how she spends her weekends, houses and music. She is really cool,” Hamilton said on Graham Norton show last Friday.
CONVERSATION A spokesman for Debrett’s, the society etiquette experts, said: “The Queen would begin to speak to the person on her right, the guest of honour – for the duration of the first course.” It is not known who the guest of honour was at the lunch. Etiquette expert Major General James Cowan says this convention encourages flowing conversation. “The hostess will begin conversation with the guest seated on her right. The other women should follow suit. Halfway through dinner the hostess will direct her conversation to the guest on her left and the guests should do the same,” he said. Lewis Hamilton is not the first high-profile figure to fall short of the Queen’s high expectations. Michelle Obama, wife of the US President, fell afoul of strict Royal protocol during a state visit to Britain in 2009 when she hugged the Monarch during a photo call publicly breaking the unwritten ‘no touching’ rule. Ahead of the Queens state visit to Germany last week German officials were issued a four-page guide to royal protocol which including a new strict injunction against trying to take a ‘selfie’ with Her Majesty.
Queen tells Lewis Hamilton: ‘Mind your manners!’ The Queen has chided Formula 1 star Lewis Hamilton for failing to observe proper etiquette at a Royal luncheon party
Rules for proper dining at the Monarch’s side 1. The Queen is typically the hostess at most dining occasions. If you are seated to her right, you are the guest of honour and can expect to be engaged in conversation during the first course. If you are to her left you are not and should wait for the second course to be served for your opportunity. 2. Members of the Royal household are served their food in order of precedence, where practicable. Do not interfere with the Royal place setting in any way and do not inadvertently take the Royal bread plate. 3. If toasted by the Queen, do not respond in kind. During Barack Obama’s state visit to Britain, the US President spoke after Her Majesty’s toast but was drowned out by a band under orders to play as soon as she had retaken her seat.
4. Table etiquette should be rigorously observed, with teacups replaced in saucers after every sip and wine glasses held by the stem. 5. Guests may drink wine or liquors at a dinner even if the Queen has declined them. 6. Do not touch the Queen under any circumstances.
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Ézaro waterfall, a spectacular natural landmark
Let the water flow
P Where there’s muck there’s money! AS we move into the summer months there is often an increased police interest in the abuse of municipal rubbish bins. Many may be unaware of the strict legislation governing the use of bins in Spain and the fines that can be incurred for “habitual bin abuse”. Now that our new councils have taken office, new Mayors will want to be seen to be pro-active in cleaning up their municipalities for residents and tourist alike and are likely to take a hard line stance for those not adhering to rubbish legislation. Although there can be regional variations most municipal bins placed on the streets have a timetable which residents are urged to stick to when placing rubbish within them. The allocated time for depositing waste is normally around 21.00 to 23:00, thus preventing food and plant waste to fester in
the high daytime temperatures and allowing it to be cleared through the night. This keeps the risk to public health at a minimum by reducing the likelihood of attracting stray animals, insects and rodents into urbanised areas and reduces foul smells.
FINES You will often find no sign of the official timetables displayed and it is best to check with neighbours or the town hall if you are unsure to avoid getting fined, as not knowing about the laws is not seen as an excuse. Although the importance of enforcing rubbish legislation varies from area to area and between seasons fines can range from 60€ upwards and can be applied by police at will, this does result in fines issued every year especially throughout the summer season.
ROSECUTORS want a former water flow to allow fish populations to Galician government official to develop normally. serve a year and a half in prison Prosecutors find that the Galician govfor environmental crimes, after ernment official allowed the company to he allowed a company to dry up a unique reduce the water flow “in full knowledge waterfall – the only one in Europe that deof its illegal nature and without respectlivered its water directly into the sea. ing the most elemental administrative The firm, Ferroatlántica, (part of the Villar rules.” Mir Group), whose founder, Juan Miguel The written accusation states that the Villar Mir, was a treasfact that the last ury minister in the 1,200 meters of the Prosecutors have early days of Spanish Xallas’ course barely democracy has been had any water “has found that the slapped with a €8.52 produced significant alteration to the billion bond by the effects on the river water course “has judge investigating and its associated the case in Santiago ecosystems.” produced significant de Compostela. It In March 2011, preseffects on the river is alleged that besure from green and its associated tween 2004 and 2011 groups made the the company, which ecosystems” Galician governoperated a dam upment backtrack on stream from the Ézaits permission to dry ro cascade, on the Xallas River, interrupted up the waterfall and Ferroatlántica was the natural water flow to increase its own instructed to let 10 percent of the natural hydroelectricity resulting in the waterfall water flow through, resulting in the comdrying up. pany claiming €57.2 million in damages. The petition states that on March 22, This is not the first time that Ferroatlán2001, Pan-Montojo allowed Ferroatlántica tica has been involved in a natural disto suspend the natural flow of water and aster in the area of Xallas. In 2011, the replace it with a “touristic” flow of sorts, company admitted that its decision to a situation that is not contemplated in dry up a reservoir to maximize electricregional legislation. Galicia’s fishing laws ity production led to the death of 15,000 say that hydroelectricity dams must at all fish. times respect the necessary ecological No date has been set yet for the trial.
Despite the crisis there are 178,000 millionaires in Spain Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
British paraglider dies after chute collapses
A BRITISH woman, described as an experience paraglider, has died after her parachute collapsed shortly after take-off in the Sierra de Líjar area of southern Spain The 48-year-old, tumbled to the ground just a few meters after jumping off a hillside when her chute became tangled, witnesses told the rescue team. “She fell face down in an area that was extremely inaccessible, it seemed her chute just folded a few seconds into the flight,” an eye witness said. The alarm was raised at around 2.45 pm and a specialist rescue team of firefighters from the CBPC were dispatched to the scene, sadly because of the difficult access, the woman’s body was not retrieved until 7pm. The woman was a resident of La Línea de la Concepción, the town on the border with Gibraltar, and regularly went paragliding in the Algodonales region of Cadiz, Andalusia.
THE RICH JUST KEEP GETTING RICHER! THE latest World Wealth Report compiled by Capgemini and RBC Wealth Management concludes that at the end of 2014, there were 178,000 Dollar millionaires in Spain, 10% more than the year before and a 40% increase on the figure in 2008. The rate of increase in Spain last year outstripped the worldwide figure, which rose by 7% to 14.6 million (in the 23 countries which are included in the
report). Those qualifying for inclusion in the list all have fortunes of over 1 million US dollars, excluding their main place of residence and consumer goods, and over the last year their numbers are estimated to have swollen by a further 920,000.
ADDITIONS The total amount of fortunes included is spread roughly evenly between North America (16.2 billion dollars), Europe (15.8
billion), and the Asia Pacific ( 13 billion), but it is in the latter area where there are most millionaires and newest additions. The super – rich apparently keep 26% of their wealth in cash or current accounts, although this year that proportion has been exceeded by stock exchange investments (27%). Another 20% is invested into real estate, with 16% in fixed- rate deposits and 10% in alternative investments.
CASH REIGNS KING IN SPAIN S PANIARDS have a deep-rooted culture of using just cash, in part this is driven by the country’s huge hidden (black) economy, and this in turn makes people averse to using credit cards or even applying for credit cards, according to the head of a leading credit card company here in Spain. “Around 80% of private purchases made by Spaniards are made in cash, with only 20% going through electronic payment systems such as cards and bank transfers,” says Ovidio Egido, the
managing director of Mastercard’s Spanish operations These figures are a stark contrast with other EU countries such as; Sweden Denmark, Finland, Germany & the United Kingdom where the figure are in fact reversed with about 60% of payments made via electronic devices. Many could argue that during the crisis, the banks haven’t really helped themselves. To dig themselves’ out of trouble many banks began to charge non-customers a flat fee of €2.00 for using their ATM’s to withdraw cash
Junta de Andalucía orders closure of dog beaches T
HE 14 towns on the Costa del Sol at the start of this month received a circular from the Junta de Andalucía in which they warned, according to current legislation, you cannot create spaces on the beach for dogs. The legislation referred is Decree 194/1998 of October 13 which approved a regulation over monitoring sanitary hygiene in the waters where bathing is permitted and during the bathing time (June 1 to September 30) ‘it is prohibited to give pets access to bathing zones, with the exception for any activity approved by the competent health authority’. It’s implied in the legislation that at Easter when many are bathing, the same restriction would apply, although outside the period fixed in the decree. However in Málaga city and Rincón de la Victoria dog bathing can continue because in both cases the area of the coast has not been catalogued for the bathing of people. Málaga City Hall councillor for beaches, Teresa Porras, said ‘Our beaches are perfectly defined, and respect the decree, and so therefore no problem exists’. A poll in La Opinión de Málaga asked the public if they agreed with the ruling by the Junta, and a verdict resulted a yes vote of 13% and a no vote of 87%.
and monthly card usage rates also skyrocketed. Unsurprisingly, Mastercard along with other payment companies support greater use of cards, arguing that this is the direction in which the advanced economies of the world are moving towards. Denmark plans to end the use of cash completely. Here in Spain it is now possible to pay at parking meters with credit cards, as well as in taxis. A couple of years ago this would have been unthinkable. So it is clear that the banking world is making every effort to pay via cards easier. But also we must take into consideration the profits banks generate via these transactions. Between January and March of this year alone, Mastercard have processed 11 billion transactions making a profit for themselves of more than €2 billion for that period.
DANGER Egido, does warn that the growth of Apple, Google and Paypal represent a clear and present danger for the banking world and could “become the main suppliers of services, with banks relegated to second place. It would not be easy, but it is definitely possible,” he says. Egido says he supports the government’s recent measures to prevent cash payments of more than €3,000, as well as requiring explanation of the origin of payments and transfers of more than €10,000 into bank accounts. “In the rest of the European Union, €3,000 in cash is considered a large amount,” he says, pointing out that up to 25% of Spanish GDP is made up by “the hidden economy.” Egido also states that perhaps Spaniards are still fearful of creating a society where financial transactions take place through credit cards or transfers, because they see it as a way of Big Brother watching. “But if you look at countries like the United Kingdom, credit cards are even used to pay out social benefits.” Mastercard is now introducing payment via smartphone and contactless cards. “These are payment methods used by few people so far, but the two options are growing rapidly because they are comfortable, safe & easy to use” he says.
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Spanish village scraps anti-semitic name
THE tiny Spanish village of Castrillo Matajudios - which means “Camp Kill Jews” - has officially changed its name back to Castrillo Mota de Judios (“Jews’ Hill Camp”) following a referendum and regional government approval. The village, with about 50 inhabitants, voted to change the name back in 2014 after the mayor argued that the term was offensive and that the village should honour its Jewish origins. Documents show the villages’ original name was “Jews’ Hill Camp” and that the “Kill Jews” name dates from 1627, after a 1492 Spanish edict ordering Jews to become Catholics or flee the country. Those who remained faced the Spanish inquisition, with many burned at the stake. The name change was approved by the regional government of Castilla y Leon and published in the region’s official gazette. Although Jews were killed in the area, researchers believe the village got its recent name from Jewish residents who converted to Catholicism and wanted to reinforce their repudiation of Judaism to convince Spanish authorities of their loyalty. Others suspect the change may have come from a slip of the pen. Although there are no Jewish residents in the village today, many residents have ancient Jewish roots and the town’s official shield includes the Star of David.
DRIVER FINED FOR BITING FINGERNAILS A DRIVER in the Spanish city of Salamanca has been hit with an €80 fine for biting his fingernails whilst driving. Spanish traffic can get on the nerves of the most patient of drivers, so it is not surprising it causes some of us to bite our fingernails. But one Spanish driver was shocked to be hit with a fine for the seemingly innocuous bad habit. The driver was stopped by traffic police in the central Spanish city of Salamanca and fined on the spot for the sum of €80. The police report cites the reason for the fine was that the driver “was not maintaining the required freedom of movement” and for “driving while biting fingernails”. It seems that the over-zealous police department of Castilla y Leon are enforcing their own traffic rules as only last month a driver was fined for unwrapping a piece of chewing gum at the wheel.
Is solar energy storage worse than a nuclear spillage? THE SPANISH GOVERNMENT SEEMS TO THINK SO
TORING solar energy in a battery is more criminal than spilling radioactive waste. That’s the implied message written between the lines of a recently drafted law poised for fast-track approval by the government of Spain. The Spanish government wants to impose new fees on consumers that use batteries to store electric power produced by their own solar panels. In early June, the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism released a draft of proposed legislation designed to discourage the use of solar charged batteries by people who produce their own electricity.
PAYBACK Under the proposed legislation, the new “solar tax” will mean that consumers who own a small solar-plus-storage system would be forced to pay about €8.9 per kilowatt (kW) of installed capacity. In the residential sector, the fee would nearly double the payback period from 16 years to about 31 years for solar plus storage systems. Consumers that owned larger solar-plus-storage systems would be charged about €36 per kW. To add insult to injury, the proposed legislation is “retroactive” because if projects do not fit within the new parameters they will become illegal, even if already legally approved. Specifically, the new law requires that the owner and consumer must be the same person, and installations may no
longer exceed 100 kW. Infringements will be treated very seriously, resulting in fines of up to €60 million. To put this into perspective, this is double the amount for causing a leak of radioactive waste which is currently set at €30 million in Spain. The fee would not apply to off-grid solar plus storage systems or instantaneous consumption of power generated by solar equipment. Calling the new solar tax “discriminatory,”
UNEF (Union Espanola Fotovoltaico, points out that no other energy efficiency measure in Spain is required to pay this much tax. Gas, coal, and nuclear generators self-consume at least 8% of their energy, but are not subject to the tax at all, and self-consumption from cogeneration of electricity and heat is tax-exempt until 2020 and with only around 100 MW of PV self-consumption currently installed in Spain, UNEF notes that, even if this number doubled “the Government would only generate €6 million from the tax.” However, UNEF calculated that Spain could easily generate €230 million by applying the same penalty for self-consumption to traditional energy plants. Claims against the newly drafted solar tax law will be taken over the next few weeks. Then, heaping Spanish insult on top of solar market injury, this latest controversial law will be pushed through for approval in Spain’s State Council.
The countries encouraging self-production The Spanish government’s draft proposals to regulate self-production of electricity from solar or wind energy are in direct contrast to the policies pursued by far less sunnier nations such as Japan, Switzerland, Denmark and many parts of the US to promote renewables. In Portugal, households and small businesses are permitted to generate up to 1MW without having to pay any kind of tax to use the national grid, while the net balance is achieved by paying for surplus energy at 90 percent of the market price. Portugal does not impose any kind of restrictions on storing energy either.
Barcelona to ease fines for prostitutes BARCELONA’S activist mayor Ada Colau (pictured left) said last week that she wants to reduce sanctions against sex workers walking the streets as well as against skateboarding youths. Colau was sworn in as mayor of Spain’s second-largest city last week after her activism with protest group Indignados (Outraged) won her the most votes in the municipal election in May. In her speech at a press conference she said that fining sex workers for offering services on the street only worsens their already precarious situations, prostitutes are often coerced
by organized gangs and these sanctions are disproportionate. “We have to work to address the problem in a structural way, focusing our efforts on issues of organized crime, such as the fight against sexual slavery”. Prostitution in Spain exists in a legal limbo; while not illegal, it is not regulated in any way. In 2012, authorities in Barcelona sought to crack down on prostitution, introducing fines for clients and sex workers working on the street. The law forced prostitutes to carry out their work in more precarious conditions, and in some cases led them to abandon their only means of earning an income.
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
dation for every single homeless person in ECESSION hurts, no matter the whole of Europe. where in the world it occurs, it Living on the streets is not easy. On top of the has a very human toll. In Spain, shame and loss of identity, it is also extremea nation which has been offily dangerous. Jesús Ruiz, director of the Ascially in economic recession for the last two sis homeless shelter explains: “In Spain every years, that toll is even more shocking. Spain’s five days a homeless person dies and in 25% unemployment rate is at nearly a quarter of of cases it because of an assault.” the population. Even amongst those who More and more, homeless people are beare employed, 13% of them are classified as ing subjected to abuse working poor and still and violence simply live in poverty.Dependbecause they cannot ing on whom you ask afford a roof over their the number of homeIt is estimated that 47 heads. It is estimated less in Spain ranges beyears is the average that around 47% of tween 20,000 to 40,000 lifespan of a homeless homeless people have people. And no wonder: suffered an incident or during the first quarter person who sleeps a hate crime as a result of this year alone there rough. What a waste! of intolerance or prejuwere 18,869 evictions, dice towards their situthat’s 2.1% more than ation, and of this group, the equivalent period 81.3% have suffered on in 2014. Last year it was more than one occasion. This is according to estimated that almost 100 families per day the Hatento report, a report compiled by the were evicted from their homes and with limAssis homeless shelter. ited or no social housing available it is little “Unfortunately, assault on homeless indiwonder many end up on the streets. viduals is not an exception. There are many Since the recession took hold in 2007, it is young people who constantly feel the need estimated that there has been over 569,000 to end their nights-out by assaulting a homeforeclosures in Spain, which is staggering less person. There is an ‘educational’ element when you think there are over 3.4 million in many teenagers today, which makes them homes currently sitting vacant across the feel superior to the rest and they believe they country or (about 14% of the total housing have the right to assault, or even set fire to, a stock in Spain). To put his into perspective, homeless person, record it and distribute it. that is enough homes to provide accommo-
They believe this to be fun!” says Ruiz. The majority of the people responsible for such incidents or hate crimes were men while 57% were aged between 18 and 35 years, according to the data collected. In total, 28.4% of the events were perpetrated by youngsters who had been out drinking; 10.1% were related to the police services; and 7.3% of incidents involved far-right neoNazi groups.
Neurologist and psychiatrist Joan Romeu explains that in the majority of these cases, teenagers who display “antisocial” behaviour are not suffering from a condition, but rather have “a moral framework that is lacking in values. Some teenagers believe that the homeless are on the bottom of the scale, that they are people who serve no purpose, that they are not productive, that they are wretched, useless.”
Activists from the Mortgage Victims Platform (PAH) protest in Barcelona, demanding the approval of a Parliament law that would redefine Housing eviction policies in Spain.
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Under the Sun
HE magical Villa Poniente in Nueva Andalucía managed and run by Francine and EUTSM was the venue for what has now been termed as ‘The party of the year’, showcasing ‘the best of Marbella’. Their strapline is ‘There really is nothing we cannot do’. This was certainly apparent on the night itself to the guests of the EUSTM team donating their time to showcase their talent. Two years ago, Everything Under The Sun Marbella was an epiphany, which has morphed into what was seen by many on Wednesday night by Francine and her team. Offering a one stop shop where people can find quite literally anything, EUTSM is an A-Z directory of professional and reliable people who provide all their clients on the strength of their good standing & competitive rates. Everything Under The Sun Marbella pride themselves on extensive local knowledge with reputable, trusted contacts at their fingertips. Whether you have recently moved here and are looking for a maintenance team, thinking of moving here & need an apartment or villa to rent or buy, need a night out & require a babysitter (all vetted & police checked), planning a party or function or just need a pampering session with our mobile beautician, they can provide all of this and so much more.
OPENING IN ZONE 1 Some of the EUSTM services were perfectly presented by the EUSTM team on Wednesday night (10th June 2015), to approximately five hundred people. Guests arrived along the red carpet into the regally decorated courtyard, where they received an Alice in Wonderland themed Royal Garden formal
Alice in Wonderland welcome
awe and amazement. The children were in their element and the Disney themed performances delighted both children and the adults who were clearly reliving their childhood. As guests languished on the manicured lawns with the setting of the evening sun and the stunning backdrop of Villa Poniente, the Chief entertainments Director EUTSM’s Dave Jones of My Party Perfect – Costa del Sol’s No1 mastermind of the event entertainment, production and creative vision burst onto the scene showcasing an array of renditions of 1970´s classic songs from the Abba tribute band, Voulez Vouz, Deborah Dee, Brooke Laura Newton and light opera.
Francine Winter and her supporting partner Adam Gale host a spectacular event to officially launch ‘Everything Under The Sun Marbella’ - The 360 Degree Concierge, Entertainment and Business Service welcome, whilst being treated to flutes of Cava and mouth-watering canapés, beautifully catered by Alicia Cardona and Gonzo Franco from the EUTSM catering team. This allowed them to see a glimpse through ‘the looking glass’ of some of the services that can be provided by EUTSM. Laura Ellen opened the entertainment with a hair raising rendition of Pia Jesu sang from a balcony above the entrance courtyard, roses showered the crowd from exploding cannons to announce the official launch of Everything Under The Sun Marbella. The Queen of Hearts gave a royal induction to Zone 2, cutting the ribbon and ushering everyone into the Villa. The EUSTM team were then introduced to the guests including Francine Winter – Founder/Owner of EUSTM, Adam Gale, Dave Jones from My Party Perfect, who were responsible for the overall production and the evening’s entertainment. In addition, introductions to Tim Maynard, Creative Director from PlusPro who heads the EUTSM digital department for the branding, website design, artwork and visual graphics, Annabel Milnes-Smith, Chief Public Relations and Guest Coordinator for the event, Joanne Stevenson owner at Corporate Angels who provided her exceptional team of bar staff and waitresses who to their credit efficiently served the large group, ensuring each individual was meticulously attended to with both food and drinks and Marc van Meeuwen, CEO EZ Solutions Group, Beach
Grooves Radio and Beach Grooves Life. He installed all the DJ Equipment. On entering the final Zone onto the lush expansive lawns of the villa, animated characters appeared in abundance, including Mickey & Minnie Mouse, Beauty & the beast, Alice in Wonderland, The White Rabbit, Queen of Hearts, Spiderman, Batman, The Incredible hulk, Captain America, Woody, Buzz Light Year, Superwoman, Prince charming, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Elsa, Princess Sofia, Sleeping beauty, Princess Yasmin, Olaf, Donald Duck, Pluto, Cat Woman and The Little Mermaid whilst the guests watched on, in
Additional performances for the adults included Amy Winehouse tribute singer, Lorraine King and Gaby Cantos, the aerialist. Dave Jones renowned for a multitude of surprises at events did not disappoint. Whilst the Abba tribute band was playing, Spiderman appeared on the roof top scaled down the building before launching himself spectacularly into the pool below the house. The stunt went just as planned leaving everyone aghast. Thereafter there was an international ballad sing off with Laura Ellen and Lorraine aka Ms. King. The major aim for the evening, through EUTSM, was to showcase the very best of the Costa Del Sol, endorsing the brand ‘Everything Under The Sun Marbella.’ There was no doubt that if there was a pulse EUTSM had a finger on it. The family sector followed with another huge line up of acts and some of the very best singers and entertainers. First Disney´s show telling the story that ´Dreams Really do come true´, with the full animated cast appearing from the windows and above, together with a magical Viennese Waltz to the music from Beauty and The Beast.
Cava and mouth-watering canapés, beautifully catered by Alicia Cardona and Gonzo Franco
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
LOCAL AND REST OF SPAIN NEWS younger members of the audience were The Avengers, Captain America with Miss America, Cat woman, the Incredible Hulk, Batman and the crowd delighting at the Hollywood style finale with songs from Disney princesses, Elsa, Cinderella and Princess Arial, all interacting with the children and encouraging them on to the stage to sing with their favorite characters. The dance floor became the party centerpiece when The Beach Grooves DJ took to the platform together with a bevy of dancing rock chicks, gyrating on the set with Legal Aliens and a playlist of a 7 piece reggae band and songs from decades spanning 30 years.
Local gymnast on display Holding poll position, were Patricia’s exceptional Rythmic gymnastics Marbella, comprising all of the local gymnasts, who hold Gold Medal Awards. The Show stopping performances were spell-binding and encapsulated the attention of the audience, both young and old. This awe-inspiring gymnastic team are now in need of sponsorship to be able to afford the journey to the Spanish nationals. If you wish to help with this fabulous cause, please look for further details on the EUTSM website. www.eutsm.com Other performances that entertained the
The evening ran from 6pm until the early hours, the food, including a flame-grilled barbeque, serving chicken wings, burgers, steak and Caribbean jerk pork, sizzled away into the warmth of the night, a sumptuous spread by Patricia from Red Cloud. The ProShakers bar, serving cocktails to order, including blow your mind mojitos – ensuring an exuberant time was had by all. The outstanding security team JVT headed by Jorge Vilardebo Tellez were on hand while the ECCO golf buggies ushered the guests to and from their cars through the villa doors into wonderland. At the end of the EUTSM event, no one could contradict Dave’s parting statement, when he said, “I really do make Dreams come true.” Onward and upward. To the second star on the left and straight on till morning, off, off to Neverland.
Disney´s show telling the story that ´Dreams Really do come true´ The launch extravaganza enabled the guests to have a glimpse into the world of EUTSM. The wow factor, the organizational & presentational skills showered the audience showing results of the creative vision of EUTSM think tank, showcasing the vast selection of unique acts that anyone can have for their functions, parties or weddings. By seeing all the details covered under the vast selection of EUTSM entertainment spectrum, they are able to cover every detail required to man-
age and host any scale event successfully. Francine had a vision when she started EUTSM. Her vision was to build a business where anyone could come to her for anything. Nothing too big or too small, to help, give back and promote businesses, so that any client residing in Marbella or holidaying here could get anything they needed by making one call. There really is nothing that EUTSM and ‘the dream team’ cannot do.
For further details or to unite your businesses with the team at EUTSM, contact info@eutsm.com, log onto www.eustm.com or visit their Facebook page ‘Everything Under The Sun Marbella’. Contact Francine on +34 633 742 946.
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SPA - Weekend world 1/4 page - v1.indd 1
17/06/2015 14:40
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
AVE you ever heard of Butterfly Skin? Or its medical name Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB)? It is a rare condition that only affects a small part of the population. 1 in 227 people are carriers, meaning that their children and even grandchildren could be born with the condition, unknowingly. The term Butterfly skin is used because the skin of those affected is as fragile as a butterfly’s wing. The skin is so delicate that it endlessly blisters, shears and scars. It is one of the most painful conditions known to the medical profession. In severe cases even the most, simplest of activities can cause pain - walking, eating and washing. In order to protect the skin the affected body part must be bandaged on a daily basis. Even the brush of a bed sheet can cause a blister.
Your help gives us wings Volunteering in one of our shops is a fun, sociable way to spend a few hours and a great way to meet people and feel part of a team and the local community. We are looking for people who are able to dedicate a morning or an afternoon out of their week to help us keep the shops in good working order and
open! If you can’t commit to volunteering then help us by becoming a micro volunteer - donate quality items such as clothes, shoes, home ware goods or children’s toys to one of the shops, buy quality items from one of the shops or support us by purchasing a car sticker or butterfly badge.
NO SUPPORT The Butterfly Children Charity, DEBRA Spain was founded 23 years ago by a couple from Marbella whose son was born with butterfly skin. They received no help or support from the public health system so they liaised with DEBRA UK which led to them setting up DEBRA Spain. Their aim was to provide emotional and practical help to other parents and families of butterfly children across Spain. Today, the Butterfly Children Charity has a team of specialists that provides care and support to nearly 250 families all over Spain. The Butterfly Children Charity raises funds and awareness by organising a variety of events and activities such as golf tourna-
Our ambassador, Claudia ments, gala dinners and theatre plays. Individuals can become charity ambassadors by organising their own activities within their community or workplace for example quiz nights, tin collections, charity birthday parties and dinners with friends. The possibilities are endless! Local businesses can also donate to the organisations fund raising mission. However, our main source of funds are from our charity shops. This is where you can help – become a Volunteer or a Micro-volunteer.
There are 4 Butterfly Children Charity Shops along the coast. 2 in Marbella (C/ Jacinto Benavente 12 and C/ Caballeros 9), 1 in San Pedro de Alcántara (Avenida Pablo Ruiz Picasso) and 1 in Málaga (C/ Heroe the Sostoa 80). - YOUR HELP GIVES US WINGS - www.butterflychildrencharity.com butterflychildren@debra.es 952 816 434
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Exceptional Properties Exclusive Locations
+34 951 319 994
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
EW legislation will protect thousands of homeowners across the Spanish Costas whose properties are threatened with demolition after falling foul of planning laws. Helen and Len Prior have yet to receive compensation, seven years after becoming the first British homeowners in Spain to have their property demolished over ‘planning irregularities’. But on Wednesday last week they won a victory that will ensure nothing similar will befall those other property owners who have fallen victim to administrative planning errors. The Priors, both now 71, witnessed a vote in Spain’s Senate to introduce legislation to halt all house demolitions until the owners of the properties have been paid compensation. In 2008 the Priors saw their €350,000 luxury villa in Vera Almeria, demolished after the regional government revoked a planning licence issued by their own town hall – This made their property and others on the development, illegal.
CULMINATION Sadly, the Senate vote represents a shallow victory for the Priors, as it has no bearing on their own case, they are still waiting for compensation, but it marked the culmination of a massive campaign for justice by not just the Priors but the hundreds of expat homeowners threatened with demolition across the region. “This is a great victory,” Maura Hillen president of pressure group AUAN, told reporters at a recent press conference. This is the second measure to be introduced this year Legislation passed by the Senate in March saw a suspension of the demolition of homes found to be built illegally by unscrupulous developers, until
Expat homeowners win victory over demolition owners have been compensated. That measure was extended on Wednesday to include homeowners that were under threat of demolition not because of criminal action but “administrative error”. “It means that not only will there be protection for those living in homes built illegally by rogue builders but also those who bought in good faith with all the papers in order only to see the licence revoked at a later date,” Hillen said. “That anomaly needed to be addressed and now it has been. Authorities cannot demolish a property unless responsibility is determined first and the owners paid compensation. It means there won’t be any more cases like Helen and Len Prior,” she explained. “We have achieved something hugely significant that many thought was impossible, my only sadness is that is has come too late to help the Priors who have been tangled up in a legal system for seven years and have yet to receive proper compensation.”said Hillen, who became a local councillor last month and is now in charge of Tourism and International Relations at the Albox town council.
Mass-migration AN exodus abroad reduces Spain’s population for a third year running as people look to secure a better future elsewhere. There were 46.4 million residents in the country as of the first of January 2015, a drop of 72,335, or 0.16 percent, from the same time last year, according to figures from the National Statistics Institute released last week. The number of births edged up by 0.1 percent last year to 426,303, ending a five-year decline which coincided with the nation’s economic downturn. Spain’s migratory balance meanwhile was negative last year once again, with 102,000 more people leaving the country than arriving. While 307,000 people moved to Spain last year, 409,000 left the country, mainly foreign residents. The British community remained Spain’s third-largest foreign group even though the number of British nationals living here fell by 2.02 percent to 303,776. Not only are foreigners returning home - many Spaniards are also leaving to look for work abroad. Nearly 79,000 Spanish nationals left Spain last year while just over 41,000 returned to the country. The Spanish economy, the Eurozone’s fourth largest, returned to growth last year with an expansion of 1.4 percent although the unemployment rate remains high at 24.8 percent, the highest in the European Union second to Greece’s.
DOWNPLAYING Associations representing people who have left Spain questioned the figures for the number of people who have left the country, accusing the conservative government of downplaying the figures. One group, Marea Granate, said it estimates that the number of Spaniards who left Spain was actually ten times higher than the figure provided by the statistics office. It said it had compiled figures for the number of Spaniards who registered with the social security system of just ten nations last year and the figure came to 89,209 -- higher than the statistics office’s figure for the total number of Spaniards who left last year. “The Popular Party government constantly minimises the real emigration figures,” it said in a statement.
The luxury villa belonging to Helen and Len Prior was demolished in 2008 - Photo SolarPix. Com
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Artist finds possible Picasso in the attic S COTTISH pop artist Dominic Currie may have discovered a Pablo Picasso rolled up in a suitcase given to his mother by his father, a Russian soldier, Nicolai Vladimirovich, over 55 years ago during the height of the cold war Mr Currie believes the painting, thought to be by the renowned Spanish artist, was given to his mum Annette after she fell pregnant with him while on holiday in Poland aged just 19. The couple knew they could never be together so Nicolai gave Annette the Picasso to sell so she could provide for herself and their child. However it seems the young Annette was unable to part with the painting so she hid it in a suitcase for nearly half a century. A similar 1955 Picasso painting – Les Femmes d’Alger – broke auction records when it sold at Christie’s last month for a staggering £115million.
SIGNATURE Mr Currie, 58, said: “While clearing out mums house I saw a roll of cloth and thought that was the actual painting then realised there was a canvas rolled up inside. My son and I slowly opened it up and I saw a juggle of cubes and squares and thought: “What the hell is this?” We had to tease it open because it had been curled up for decades”. To his amazement, a Picasso signature was revealed on the bottom right-hand corner of
Pablo Picasso handling Gary Cooper’s gun (1958).
the canvas. Mr Currie said: ‘I thought “No, this can’t be” then we looked at each other and burst out laughing. Then we started looking at it seriously and were absolutely dumbfounded. It was a bizarre, surreal moment.’ Following their son’s birth Mr Currie’s parents wrote regularly and occasionally reunited when she took trips to the other side of the Iron Curtain.It was during one of these trips that, according to Mrs Currie, Nikolai gave her a painting to sell, knowing she would struggle as a single parent. Mr Currie said: ‘I wouldn’t have thought that my mum was knowledgeable about art. She
HOLIDAY HOMES IN SPAIN NOW OUTNUMBER HOTEL BEDS THE number of beds listed privately and offered as rented holiday homes in Spain has overtaken the number offered by traditional hotels, according to a report published by the Spanish tourism association Exceltur. The report, carried out by audit firm EY for the association, says that online platforms listed 2.7 million beds at the end of 2014, compared to the 2.4 million offered by hotels and regulated lodgings. “The rental offer via online platforms between private individuals is an increasingly professionalised business and has become far more lucrative than traditional home renting,” the report says. Exceltur, whose members include major hotel chains and airlines, says that the growth in the private rental industry means Spain’s government should ensure that there is a level playing field in terms of taxation. It warned that the state could be losing up to €432 million per year in undeclared earnings from the private rental sector. Exceltur says that if the 10% rate of VAT that hotels pay were added to this currently VAT-free activity, a further €367 million could be recouped. Exceltur urged the government to regulate the P2P holiday rentals sector to safeguard safety and hygiene standards.
Could Dominic Currie be holding a genuine Picasso? Photo: via the Scotsman
never discussed art, as far as I know. The name Picasso wouldn’t have registered. The long-distance relationship fizzled out by the early 1960s, when Annette met and later married another man. Mr Currie said: ‘If my painting is genuine, my father obviously wanted to look after me and my mother well. It’s a wonderful gift. It’s like a message from both of them to me,” said Currie of the find. “That’s how it feels it’s like, Here son, we’re going to look after you. It’s taken a wee while but we’ve got there.”
Is this Picasso’s signature on the bottom right-hand corner of the canvas
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Norway denies Snowden entry to collect freedom prize
ORWAY’S government has refused to allow the NSA whistleblower Ed Snowden (pictured below) to cross over the border from Russia to collect a freedom of speech prize, warning that he may be at risk of arrest.
Thousands of dogs and cats slaughtered at Chinese festival H UNDREDS of traders gathered in China’s southern Guangxi province last week for the Yulin Festival an annual feast where cats and dogs are served with lychees to mark the summer solstice. Despite government promises to end the practise which has been condemned internationally on grounds of animal cruelty the event still went ahead. Last year, Yulin’s government announced plans to ban public slaughter and advertising using words “dog meat,” amid public outcry. However, business went ahead as usual for many vendors, although there were reports that the festival had been scaled back.
SLAUGTER In March, Li Jun Qing, head of Yulin’s Food And Drug Administration, reinstated that the government did not endorse the festival. The slaughter of cats and dogs for meat is not outlawed in China, but food safety regulators have increasingly spoken out about the health risks. Many of the “meat dogs” in the country are stolen pets and strays, according to an investigation published this month by Hong Kong-based charity Animals Asia. Officially, 10,000 dogs and 4,000 cats were killed in 2014 but DuoDuo (Animal Welfare Project) estimates the figure at around 40,000 dogs and 10,000 cats. Have your say #StopYulin2015.
Dog meat for sale in market
Last week Norway’s justice minister Anders Anundsen sent a letter to The Norwegian Academy of Literature and Freedom of Expression, in which he refused a request to waive passport requirements for Snowden, who was last month awarded the academy’s Bjornson prize. He also confirmed that Snowden risked being arrested if the US, which is seeking to prosecute him for espionage, requested it. The Academy wrote to Anundsen and the Prime Minister Erna Solberg last month, requesting that they take the necessary actions to allow Snowden to come to Norway and collect the prize in September. But in a letter the academy received on last week, Anundsen argued that that the passport requirement would only be waived for matters of national interest or security. He also warned the academy that if Snowden was wanted by another country, he risked being extradited. “If the courts have concluded that the conditions for extradition are fulfilled, the ministry will decide that the request for extradition will be granted,” Anundsen wrote. He noted that the Extradition Act allowed the Norwegian authorities to seize a foreign national before it had even received a formal extradition request, if the “competent authority of a foreign state requests it.”
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Marbella apartMent with Spectacular ViewS
central 3 bed apartment just a 5 minute walk from Marbella Old town This second-floor apartment in the La Zambomba development enjoys a southwest orientation and spectacular sea views. Located in the center of Marbella, above La Bajadilla beach, close to all amenities. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a fully equipped kitchen, a dining living room with large French windows, underground garage and a store room, plus originally designed communal pool.
price: 539,000€
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Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht
Rare and “highly significant relics” from the Spanish Armada have been unearthed off the west coast of Ireland thanks to strong storms
HE two 16th century cannons are said to be in “extraordinarily good condition” and are thought to come from the wreckage of the merchant vessel La Juliana, which sank in storms off Stredagh, Co Sligo on Ireland’s west coast in September 1588 along with two other vessels La Lavia and Santa Maria de Vision. The decision to retrieve the cannons and
German woman fakes death to end affair A GERMAN woman tried to end an affair she was having by faking her own death using tomato ketchup as blood and sending the images to her ex-lover. The couple who met online were both married. But when the woman from Buckenburg in Germany tried to end the relationship, her internet lover reportedly refused to accept the rejection and bombarded her and her husband with explicit images, according to local media. In response she and her partner decided to stage her death, creating a presumably grisly scene using tomato ketchup as blood and sending the photographs to her ex. The plan was unsuccessful, however, as the man called the police to report the ‘fatal accident’. Police investigating quickly realised the images were fake.
other artefacts was taken by the Minister for Arts, Heritage & Gaeltacht, Heather Humphreys after storms exposed material earlier this year. The recovery was led by the Underwater Archaeology Unit attached to the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and was assisted by skipper Anthony Irwin on his boat Dúlra na Mara. “The divers prepared the seabed area and then we used airbags and chain blocks to winch the cannons on to the deck,” said Mr Irwin. One of the cannons bears a dedication to and depiction of St Matrona, venerated by the people of Catalonia and Barcelona. The cannon also bears the date 1570, the year La Juliana was constructed, putting the identity of the ship beyond doubt, said Ms Humphreys.
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COMMANDEERED La Juliana was a large vessel, weighing 860 tons, it carried 32 guns, 325 soldiers and had a crew of 70. The ship traded between Spain and Italy and was commandeered by Philip II of Spain and led a fleet of 130 ships which was deployed to invade England, but after an aborted attack on Francis Drake’s fleet at Plymouth the Spanish attempted to regroup and withdraw north. This withdrawal was disrupted by severe storms in the North Atlantic and a third of the Spanish fleet was wrecked. Between it and the other two vessels wrecked at Streedagh, an estimated 1,000 soldiers and mariners lost their lives.
Get in touch +34 952 906 581 costadelsol@currenciesdirect.com currenciesdirect.com *Based on a bank exchange rate comparison as at 16/06/15
SPA - Weekend world 1/4 page - v1.indd 1
17/06/2015 14:40
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
CNN mistakes sex toy flag for ISIS flag at London Gay Pride
HE cable news network aired an “exclusive” report after one of its international reporters claimed she saw terrorist propaganda at London’s gay-pride parade which took place last Saturday, when in fact the flag was a celebration of sex toys. She reported that a man dressed in black and white “was waving what appeared to be a very bad mimicry but what appeared to be a very clear attempt to mimic the ISIS flag, the black-and-white flag with the distinctive lettering.”
FEDERAL judge in Tierra del Fuego, Lilian Herraez, has ordered authorities to seize the assets of five companies drilling for oil in the Falklands worth $156 m. The measure was ordered following a request of a prosecutor from the Office of Economic Crime and Money Laundering (PROCELAC). According to the prosecution, the order to seize assets was issued for “illegal activities of exploration, search and eventual extraction of hydrocarbons in proximity to the Falkland Islands” because the companies in question failed to obtain permits issued by “the competent authority in Argentina.” According to a legal brief, the order involves halting the activities of the semi-submersible “Eirik Raude” rig and the floating dock“Noble Frontier”. Herraez also ordered the seizure of all vessels. The five companies mentioned are: Premier Oil Plc, Rockhopper Exploration Plc, Falkland Oil and Gas Ltd, Noble Energy Inc and Edison International Spa. Three of them are UK based, one is American and the fifth is French-owned, based in Italy. It remains unclear how these companies’ assets are supposed to be appropriated from territory officially under the jurisdiction and sovereignty of the United Kingdom. The companies in question do not generally hold any assets in Argentina or use Argentine waters, a source told Reuters.
ASSETS CNN Anchor Suzanne Malveaux
CNN editor Lucy Pawle and her CNN colleagues, including anchor Suzanne Malveaux, don’t seem to notice that the flag actually contained images of dildos and butt plugs, rendered in the style of ISIS.
GOBBLEDYGOOK Even Pawle noted the writing on the flag wasn’t in Arabic, adding “It looks like it could be gobbledygook. But it’s very distinctive, the ISIS flag.”
“The ISIS flag amongst a sea of rainbow colours was spotted by a CNN international assignment editor,” said the show’s anchor
CNN also brought in national security analyst Peter Bergen for its “exclusive” report. Bergen seemed puzzled by the sight, saying that it’s unclear who was waving the flag or what his motivations were and repeatedly noting that a gay-pride parade is a strange place to wave an ISIS flag given the group’s anti-gay views. Malveaux at one point wonders out loud if the flag could be a warning of a London attack: “This is our next location, this is our next attack,” she suggests. Internet commentators quickly pointed out the gaffe.
However, the Argentine prosecutor’s office said it “had identified the assets of the foreign companies and discovered that one of them, the US firm Noble Energy, has a local office registered in Argentina.” Authorities will move to freeze those assets, it said. British firms discover oil and gas off Falklands, Argentina threatens legal action “The foreign ministry will be notified of the court order so that by diplomatic means and in compliance with international treaties it can be carried out,” the prosecutor’s office said in a statement. Britain and Argentina fought a short war in 1982, after the then Argentine military dictatorship briefly seized the islands, and tensions have escalated again in recent years with the discovery of oil deposits. In April, a group of British exploration companies found oil and gas in an area north of the Falkland Islands. The oil was discovered by the Eirik Raude floating drilling rig
Argentina has ordered the seizure of assets belonging to foreign drilling companies operating in the vicinity of Falkland’s lands, saying they have failed to obtain the necessary permissions from Buenos Aires to conduct exploration
Argentine court orders seizure of Falklands ‘illegal’ oil drillers’ assets as part of an eight month exploration campaign. Argentina has predictably not been happy about the exploration activity, which is bound to further inflame tensions over the island’s disputed ownership. Argentina claims sovereignty over the South Atlantic islands which it calls the Malvinas, located about 435 miles (700 km) off the coast of Tierra del Fuego and occupied by around 3,000 people who mostly say they wish them to remain a British overseas territory.
Spiritual Leader addresses festival-goers THE Dalai Lama has used a historic appearance at Glastonbury to describe the violence in Syria and Iraq as “unthinkable”. In a speech before hundreds of rain-soaked campers on Sunday morning, the Tibetan spiritual leader stressed the importance of the “oneness” of the planet’s 7bn people – and made a rare comment on the escalating conflict in the Middle East. The Dalai Lama,
80, told an audience of hundreds: “In Syria and Iraq and some other places they’re killing other human beings. Unthinkable. The worst thing about the conflict is the killing of others in the name of faith. Unthinkable.” He said all major religions carry a message of “love and tolerance and fairness” but said those values were now being used by some to create division.
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
HEN you’re hunting for a property, it’s easy to get swept away by the sweet smell of wine and serrano ham, or the charms of the local towns and villages. However, at some point, practical considerations will creep in – like how you’re going to transfer your hard-earned money to Spain to seal the deal on your dream home. The world of foreign currency can be a strange and confusing place. If you’re making overseas transfers for the first time, it’s easy to get a bad deal or lose a lot of money without realising it until it’s too late. You might not know that, if you use your local or high street bank, you could lose thousands in transfer fees and unfavourable exchange rates. We could save you up to 5% compared to your bank.
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Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
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SPA - Weekend world 1/4 page - v1.indd 1
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
focuses on
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Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
AVING reached the half way point of 2015 the Sotogrande property market seems to be moving in the right direction forecasting a positive predication for the rest of the year according to experts. Being one of the main sources of economic growth in the area, the property market it buoyed by its recent acquisition and new investment from Ceberus Y Orion, with influential factors such as local infrastructure, the new installation of fibre optic broadband, and regeneration of the harbour are all helping to catch the attention of investors. Presently the main areas of interest from potential clients have been apartments in the Port of Sotogrande, and La Marina were properties range from €700,000 and properties in the area around Real Club de Golf Sotogrande. Over the last 2 – 3 years the volume of sales has steadily grown but there hasn’t as yet been a significant jump. The first part of this
and modern styles in housing than the traditional housing the area has to offer. Prices are not expected to fall any further, remaining stable with trends suggesting they will start to rise except in some isolated cases.
Beautiful Sotogrande property being marketed by Holmes Sotogrande
year has seen a number of sales in the area including a few over the 3 million euros mark. One of the more noticeable trends has been to buy a house and knock it down and build another one or carry out some extensive renovation works at the very least. This may be due to clients wanting more contemporary
Gentleman’s Relish THE traditional gentleman’s barbers, Trafalgar have recently opened their doors in Sotogrande, located within the Sotovilla commercial centre their approach is very simple. Trafalgar provides a service to the everyday man whereby he can escape, relax and enjoy some proper male grooming services reminiscent of old traditional London. Here at Trafalgar, we want to restore some good old traditional values and quality service back to the male community. We believe sophistication comes from one’s desire and ability to look good, dress well and present oneself correctly to project that impression of style. It also provides you with that ‘feel good’ factor when you create the right impression. Whether you are going to a business meeting, a party, or even down
Sotogrande dresses up
to the gym, it is important you look the very best at all times in order to carry yourself properly. A well-groomed man projects good self-respect and a high self-esteem. Here at our Barber shop, you will find all the right attributes that reflect this code of conduct. Whether it’s getting a razor sharp haircut, a facial treatment, a hot towel shave or purchasing some fine cologne – you will be able to do this all in absolute style and in the smartest of environments. We aim to give you a quality service where you can escape, relax and enjoy proper male grooming services at an affordable price.
Urb. Sotogrande, Carretera Nacional 340, KM 132, Salida E-15, 11300 – San Roque (Cadiz) T: 0034 956 695 371 / 0034 636 427 051
With its upmarket, sophisticated image a mixture of all nationalities are showing an interest in the area including Spaniards, British (due to the strong pound) with emerging interest from the Swiss and Nordic markets also. The area that has shown the most growth is the rental market, with people wanting to experience the area before purchasing. Analysts predict the value and outside image of the area will grow rapidly over the next few years’ thanks in part to the investment from Ceberus Y Orion who since taking over from Sotogrande S.A last month has managed to reshape confidence in the area and investors.
On the 4th July, the Sotogrande riding school will host its second regional and promotional tournament “I Andalusia Classic Dressage Cup”. Following the success of the first competition which took place in April, numerous pairings from the area and participating riding clubs are expected to attend. Sponsored by P&P Inversiones Patrimoniales 2011, the event will be livened up with a cocktail and aperitif.
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
1:09 PM
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
focuses on
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Spain’s ‘behaviour is unreasonable’ – says Gibraltar MEP GIBRALTAR MEP Ashly Fox pictured right) has hit out at Spain’s “unreasonable behaviour” after it questioned why Gibraltar had been excluded from a new EU blacklist of tax havens around the world. “This is once again unreasonable behaviour. Gibraltar is not a tax haven it complies with all the standards of transparency the EU Commission require. This is yet another example of Spain’s difficulty with Gibraltar stemming from its refusal to except the democratic will of Gibraltarians”, said Mr Fox.
CONTROVERSIAL Mr Fox’s comments come after Spain’s treasure minister Cristobal Montoro was quoted as saying “Spain has more than sufficient reason, to view Gibraltar as a tax haven and we will address the EU Commission to clarify these issues”. This controversial list, as part of the EU’s clampdown on money laundering and tax avoidance, names and shames the top 30 tax havens around the world. Each country upon the list has been suggested by up to 10 other EU member states of the 28 members, only nine – among theme Spain - viewed Gibraltar as problematic.
GOVERNMENT WEBSITE DEFACED BY PROPALESTINE HACKERS A group claiming to be the “voice of Palestine” hacked the Gibraltar Governments website last weekend. The group calling itself AnonGhost defaced the official government home page with a message that proclaimed: “We are here to punish you!” AnonGhost is an active group that hacks websites with pro-Palestine messages. The site was down for several hours while IT personnel worked to resolve the issue. But all the indications are that this was a cosmetic attack and that the hackers did not penetrate government computer systems. “I can confirm that no sensitive data was accessed,” a spokesman for the Gibraltar Government said. This is the 23rd hacking attack the Gibraltar Governments website has had to deal with this month alone.
The countries listed: Andorra Liechtenstein Guernsey Monaco Mauritius Liberia Seychelles Brunei Hong Kong Maldives Cook Islands Nauru Niue Marshall Islands Vanuatu Anguilla
Antigua & Barbuda Bahamas Barbados Belize Bermuda British Virgin Islands Cayman Islands Grenada Montserrat Panama St Vincent and the Grenadines St Kitts and Nevis Turks and Caicos US Virgin Islands
Could Gibraltar queues finally be reduced? A NEW 668-place car park has opened in La Línea strategically located next to the Gibraltar border. The new Santa Barbara car park has been brought about thanks to almost two and a half million euros of private capital investment and includes a new roundabout and access lanes for the high volume of vehicles heading towards the Gibraltar and Los Manolos beach every day.
Of the 668 new spaces that the car park has created, forty per cent are covered.
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
OST people have heard of the Lost City of Atlantis, proposed to have existed over 11,000 years ago. A land that was populated by powerful, noble people who benefited from great wealth thanks to the island’s rich natural resources they lived virtuous and simple lives for many generations, but slowly greed and power corrupted them. So angered were the gods by these misdeeds they caused violent earthquakes and floods to submerge the island under the sea losing it forever. This is the story told by Plato about 360 BC in his dialogues Timaeus and Critias and ever since, people, including scientists, have poured over Plato’s account searching for clues as to whether Atlantis really did exist and, if so, where is it.
IN SEARCH OF A LEGEND The Lost City of Atlantis is one of the most enduring mysteries of history. The supposedly technologically advanced city that disappeared into the sea remains a mystery to this day.
EVIDENCE Prof Jacques Collina-Girard of the University of Provence, Aix en Provence, claims that it lay before the Pillars of Hercules, what is now the Strait of Gibraltar and is in fact an island called Spartel, a submerged mud shoal just west of the Straits of Gibraltar. Collina-Girard draws heavily on scientific evidence of global climate change. When the last Ice Age ended about 11,000 years ago, melt water flowed into the sea whose level rose by 130 metres, flooding many islands and mainland coastal regions. Contour maps reveal seven submerged islands in the Straits of Gibraltar and the largest of these, Spartel
Island, matches the writings of Plato in 360 BC. The only jarring note is that Plato said Atlantis was “bigger than Libya and Asia together”, whereas Spartel Island is only 14km by 5km. It may well be that the story of Atlantis is fiction and was simply made up by Plato to suit his dialogues plus there is currently no ar-
PLANS FOR NEW UNIVERSITY AT a recent press conference Her Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar formally launched plans for the establishment of the University of Gibraltar. The Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo QC, and the Minister for Education, Gilbert Licudi QC, gave details of the University and confirmed that the University is set to open for business on 1st September 2015.
FACULTIES The former St Christopher’s School site at Europa Point will be the core hub of the University, and will include a number of iconic buildings which lend themselves perfectly for use as a university. There will be four faculties at the University as follows: • Health Studies and Sports Science • Business which will include specialisms in Accounting and Finance, Law as well as ICT • Life and Earth Sciences and Gibraltar/Mediterranean Studies • Tourism and Hospitality The four faculties will provide a series of undergraduate and post-graduate programmes in collaboration with internationally recognized universities as well as locally developed courses including courses for qualifications in Gibraltar Tax and in Gibraltar Law.
Minister for Education, Gilbert Licudi QC
The University will also be a centre for research in key areas associated with Gibraltar’s culture, environment and heritage The new website has been launched www. unigib.edu.gi and perspective student are encouraged to go online to see for themselves what the university has to offer.
chaeological records that such a civilisation existed and little evidence that such sophisticated civilisations existed around 9,000 BC anywhere in the world. Nevertheless, the story of the utopian society that thrived in Atlantis continues to fascinate and inspire archaeological expeditions and if the Straits of Gibraltar are home to this
mythical legend it would seem somewhat ironic given that today Gibraltar is indeed a land that is populated by powerful people who benefit from great wealth thanks in part to the tax free status and the island’s riches mostly generated from online gaming and slot machines profiteering from games called “Atlantis Treasure”
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
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Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
music, magic and fun fight for a place on the stage.
n 35th Annual Guitar Festival, Cordoba - 1st to 12th July
The festival is a cultural and recreational landmark of the Cordovan summer. The two distinct areas of the festival are the so called training programme, which offers complimentary courses on all things guitar related from guitar building to guitar composition courses and even flamenco dancing. And the programme of concerts and shows that take place across many venues from small bars and clubs to town squares to big arenas that will host the likes of Sting and Bob Dylan as part of the festivities. There will also be a large number of film screenings, exhibitions and conferences to complete the offering. For more information www. guitarracordoba.org.
n ADANA Benefit concert, Gran Hotel Benahavis - Saturday 18th July
Tickets are now available for an evening with David Lenker and Madeline Bell. American, Madeline Bell became a wellknown soul singer whilst performing the UK during the 1960’s and can be seen alongside David on Saturday 18th July at the Gran Hotel Benahavis from 9.30pm. Tickets are priced 21.50€ and can be purchased online from www.adana.es or from the ADANA shop located on Calle Camino Padre Cure14, Estapona
Auditorio Municipal Miguel González Berral, Paseo de la Muralla, s/n, Mijas, Málaga, 29650
SPONSORED BY THE INTERNATIONAL EXPATS CLUB Made any plans for June? The Weekend World has rounded up a list of some of the best events in Spain, from a wine throwing battle in La Rioja to a high speed air race in Lleida.
DANCE n The Benahavis Sunny Dance Competition - Saturday July 4th
Annual dance competition which is expected to attract at least 500 dancers from all over Spain. The event will begin with master classes starting in the morning and running for seven hours. Great professional dancers like Rafa Méndez, Gsus Villau, Yalta Pons, Laura Carrizales, Kuny Muñoz and Juan Diego will show the latest trends in their dance styles. The urban dance competition will take place in the evening, with categories for groups, couples and individuals. A must for all lovers of urban dance event.
WHO was Louise Bourgeois? Why was her work so important? What did it have in common with Picasso? The answers to these and many other questions can be found at the Malaga Picasso Museum summer workshops organized for children throughout the month of July. Children who participate in the workshops will come to understand what inspired Louise Bourgeois, what where are the different approaches that Pablo Picasso and Louise Bourgeois used. The workshops are organized for children and young people between 4 and 15 years and each of them will last for one week. They start at 10.00 and end at 14.00. Over five days.
Observation, imagination, technique and fine motor skills are some of the capabilities that are working in these workshops, where the values of respect and individual and team work also inculcate. SUMMER WORKSHOPS Workshop 1: 6 to 10 July Workshop 2: July 13 to 17 Workshop 3: 20 to 24 July From 10.00 to 14.00 From 4 to 15 years The registration period opens Tuesday, June 23 morning.
n Modern and Contemporary Art Show Palacio de Congresos - 30th July until 3rd August
VILLA DE MIJAS THEATRE FESTIVAL This year, Mijas is hosting its 29th Theatre Festival: three days packed with shows to make the audience shake with laughter. n 10 July - Comedy Club Nights, starring Miguel Lago, Pedro Llamas and Tomas García, both long-standing stand-up comedians. Miguel is a popular TV comedian, whereas Pedro is an expert in improvised theatre. n 11 July - Carte Blanche, a theatre show by Alfonso Sánchez and Alberto López. n 12 July - Peter Pan - The Final Battle, by Saga Producciones – a show where
First major international art fair in the Costa del Sol, Spain. An event that allows collectors, artists, curators and art lovers to appreciate, enjoy, educate themselves, and acquire art works of exceptional quality. The event will bring together 50 prestigious international art galleries. For more information visit: www.marbellafair. com
PERFORMING ARTS n Performing Arts Festival, Casares 10th and 11th July
Casares performing arts festival will include an arts crafts market in the streets connecting the two main squares, Paseo de la Carrera and the Plaza de Espana. For the duration of the two days the town centre will host various performances of dance acrobatics and theatre and will also include living statues and parades.
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
VO Cinema Showings Please check with the cinema for any last minute time changes.
Leisure Cinemas King’s Bastion, Line Wall Road Gibraltar +350 200 72272 Minions 2D (U) 16.15 The LongestRide (12A) 16.30 Jurassic World (12A) 19.00 Entourage (15) 21.15 Slow West (15) 22.00 _______________________ Cine Teatro Goya Carrer de Av. Julio Iglesias s/n, Marbella 951 196 665 / 951 196 666 Child 44 (15) 16.00 Jurassic World (12A) 16.00 18.00 22.00 San Andreas (12A) 15.45 18.00 20.15 22.30 _______________________ Cine Pixel CC La Trocha, Ctra Malaga 951 315 039 Jurassic World (12A) 18.15 20.30 Tomorrow Land (12A) 19.30 Suite Francaise (15) 18.00
HE running of the bulls can be found on many an adrenaline junkies bucket list, but nothing can prepare you for the real thing. Having attended this amazing festival last year I witnessed the amazing explosion of colour, sound and chaotic adrenaline so palpable you could cut it with a knife. The running of the bulls festival is held in many towns across Spain, but the San Fermin festival which runs in Pamplona is without a doubt the largest, with what is said to be over 1,000,000 people attending the event every year. Originally celebrated as a saint’s feast day, the festival now runs for nine days, from July 6th through 14th and with such a large amount of people streaming into a small town, accommodation can be a bit of a The San Fermin festival kicks off with a messy party in the Pamplona town square struggle so it essentially that you book early. The running of the bulls takes place at 8am each morning and, unless you’re lucky pants and shirts, with red bandanas tied around their necks and enough to know someone living in a strategic street in town, is best waists. Two legends explain the red-and-white uniform: One says it’s (and probably safer) to view from the arena “Plaza del Toros” where to honour San Fermín, a saint (white) who was martyred (red); the various screens have been erected. other says that the runners dress like the butchers who began this BENEDICTION tradition. As the traditional music playing in the arena draws to a close, the The bulls are first introduced by name and weight, and a benedictension reaches breaking point and a rocket is fired, signalling the tion is then sung by the runners in Spanish and Basque and repeated beginning of the craziness. Like a freak wave pummelling a beach, three times. The fearless (or foolish) runners — called mozos — thrust the bulls rush through the narrow streets. It’s a red-and-white caulthemselves into the path of six furious bulls trying to outpace them. dron of desperation. Big eyes, scrambling bodies and the feel of the Mozos, like Spanish bullfighting aficionados, respect the bull. Ernest ground quaking as the bulls charge, and mozos scramble to stay out Hemingway, who first came to the festival in 1923, understood this. in front of the thundering herd, diving out of the way at the last posHe wrote that he enjoyed watching two wild animals run together — sible moment. one on two legs, the other on four. The actual running lasts for just a few minutes, 131 seconds to be Although they can wear anything, mozos traditionally dress in white precise but that doesn’t take away from any of the excitement. It amazing to see such madness and then in the blink of an eye normality, the bulls are gone, people pick themselves up, boarded-up shops open, and the timber fences are taken down and stacked in preparation for the next day’s events.
SPECTACLE As is the ritual, we follow other revellers into the local bars and taverns and immediately begin to watch the re-runs of the entire spectacle on TV and although each year, dozens of people are gored, trampled, or otherwise injured during the event the experience is truly surreal and while 15 runners have been killed by bulls over the last century, far more festivalgoers have been impaired from overconsumption of alcohol, because this festival really does mean party time.
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
focuses on
Sponsored by
www.ibexinsure.com & 952 887 125
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Home Integration, Design & Technology by
EZ Home Solutions
ERE at EZ Home Solutions we design and install bespoke and easy to use systems to control your media, light, security, temperature and much more. EZ Home Solutions are experts with over 25 years experience in all aspects of home control including home cinemas, home entertainment, lighting design and security control. We will be on hand to create the most reliable and easy to use system that will take the
stress out of controlling your home. Home control is a simple expression used to describe a myriad of hi-tech solutions that make your life easier and more comfortable. Do you want simple control of all the media in your home to get rid of those unsightly boxes and multiple controllers? Do you want to control your sprinklers so your garden is only watered when needed? Do you want to be able to monitor your home for water leaks and security issues from abroad? Do you want to save energy and reduce fuel bills
by making sure no lights or electrical appliances are left on when you leave the house? EZ Home Solutions can do all that using your imagination. EZ Home Solutions will integrate everything into one central system which can be accessed easily through remote control, smart phones or tablet. Our expert designers and engineers will create a bespoke system which effortlessly controls the areas you have identified and integrates all the technology into one simple, user-friendly control system. Our aim is to make complex technology easy to use, by integrating many different components into a system that is reliable and easy to use for the whole family.
Automation is our specialty! Our team can assist you at any stage with all your needs in home automation. We dedicate ourselves to provide the best quality installation from start to end. With years of experience using Crestron Automation products, we have completed many projects in La Zagaleta, Sierra Blanca, La Quinta and Sotogrande. We have also completed larger projects to provide community automation systems in Malibu, Puerto Banus and in Meisho hills, Sierra Blanca. Please feel free to visit our showroom for more information and a demonstration.
Omar Hayat | Sales & Marketing T: +34 952 799 344 | info@e-z-home-solutions.com | www.e-z-home-solutions.com
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Le Cirque
New outdoor living collection from Touched Interiors LUXURY furniture retailer Touched Interiors has launched its latest iconic piece from their garden furniture range – the Le Cirque luxury circle seat. The Le Cirque is the ultimate in opulent and unique outdoor furnishings. This outdoor sofa blends iconic design with comfort and all weather durability. Finished in wood, this piece is available in a variety of fabrics and leather choices, beige or black frame and in any bespoke size. With its extravagant yet contemporary style, and bold design fit to match its whimsical namesake, this sofa is truly a standout piece for any garden this spring and summer. For more information visit: www.touchedinteriors.co.uk
Make the plants a bold feature but allow the hard landscape features to tie the whole design together
GARDEN is an extension of the home, however maintaining a garden can be very time consuming and laborious. For those who don’t have the time or patience there is another option a minimalistic garden. A minimalistic garden is perfect for a person who is looking for a clean, smart, low maintenance garden. Ideal for young urban professionals, minimalist house enthusiasts, people who travel frequently, the weeding phobic etc. are likely to find this type of garden ideal. It should feature sculptures, architectural planting, and great vistas. All this adds up to an area you can both entertain and relax in. A well designed minimalist garden can effectively provide you with an extra room. The key elements to a minimalistic garden is that it should feature sculptures, architectural planting, lighting, water if possible and great vistas. The need for plants should be minimal as youraim is to create a structure as much as garden that said plants within a minimimal garden create a splash of colour. When using plants ensure they add to the landscape and not overwhelm it. Lightening plays an important part in creating a minimalistic garden, not only does it illuminate areas which would otherwise be kept hidden it also creates shadows and allows you to alter the gardens mood during the twilight hours enabling you to enjoy your garden during the day and night. Another element critical to creating the perfect minimalist garden is water. Water creates serenity. The soft trickling of water brings harmony to a garden and the reflectivity qualities of water can be used to your advantage in the design process with the use of chrome, glass or aluminium.
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Another element critical to creating the perfect minimalist garden is water. Water creates serenity. The soft trickling of water brings harmony to a garden and the reflectivity qualities of water can be used to your advantage in the design process with the use of chrome, glass or aluminium. It is important when creating a minimalistic garden you seek professional advise. A minimalistic garden may be easy to maintain but takes vision, and a keen eye to create. Steel, glass and concrete are all materials heavily featured in many minimalist gardens and combining these industrial elements if done incorrectly can create a stark barren landscape. The ultimate goal when designing a minimalistic garden is to create clean lines, pure form and a strong sense of space within an architectural environment.
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Use industrial elements to create a minimalist tidiness
Issue 02 July ADVERTORIAL 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
BEX Insurance Services Limited is an international insurance broker established in 2000 and has grown to be one of the largest providers of insurance to the expatriate community in the Iberian Peninsula. However, Ibex does not only operate in the expatriate market, Ibex also looks after the insurance needs of many Gibraltarians and a growing number of Portuguese nationals. In 2008 Kiln, the international insurance and reinsurance group acquired a minority shareholding in Ibex. Kiln later became part of the Tokio Marine Group, one of the world’s largest insurance groups, and in 2014 Kiln and Tokio Marine Europe joined forces to form Tokio Marine Kiln.
A wide range of insurance products Ibex started life as a car, motorbike and home insurance provider but over the years the product range has grown and Ibex can now also insure boats, pets, travel, health, static homes, businesses, golf, communities, legal protection, professional indemnity, directors & officers & public liability. Many Ibex policies are underwritten at Lloyd’s of London, offering clients the strength and security of the world’s leading insurance market. However, Ibex does not work exclusively with Lloyd’s and offers insurance products underwritten by many leading international insurers. Ibex sold insurance products on behalf of over 30 different companies in 2014, making Ibex the true broker of choice in the market place.
Working across the Iberian peninsula & islands Ibex operates in Gibraltar, Portugal & Spain and employs over 70 staff. The head office is in Gibraltar where it is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Commission and Ibex has branch operations in Portugal & Spain where it is licensed to operate as an insurance broker. Ibex has 9 insurance shops in Spain, 2 in Portugal and 1 in Gibraltar and an unrivalled network of over 200 agents and brokers lo-
Angela, Fuengirola office
Shauna, Fuengirola office
Sam, Estepona office
Fi, Estepona office
Donna, Estepona office
Rachelle, Gibraltar office
Lynette, Gibraltar office
Lorrain, Gibraltar office
Michelle, Gibraltar office
cated in expatriate communities throughout Portugal & Spain. All are highly trained professionals who can provide quotes, issue new policies, renew existing policies and help clients with a claim. You can rest assured that they will offer you the right insurance and help you throughout the term of your policy. They are directly supported by a team of Business Development Managers. Clients can also use the Ibex Call Centre to transact business if that is more convenient and some products can be bought directly on-line at www.ibexinsure.com
Claims Ibex has a dedicated in house Claims Department with multi-lingual staff. It has developed a trusted network of independent surveyors, loss adjusters and lawyers enabling them to provide an efficient claims service.
Supporting local communities Ibex is always keen to give a little back to the communities in which it operates and gets involved with many local groups, events and charities. Ibex employees live in these communities and are regular attendees and participants. If you want to read more about the associations Ibex supports please visit the Ibex Facebook page www.facebook.com/ pages/Ibex-Insurance
Taking out an insurance policy with the cover you need is important so leave it to the experts and give Donna, Fi or Sam a call on 952 887 125 or Angela & Shauna on 952 581 561 or Rachelle, Lynette, Lorrain & Michelle on 200 44628. As your local insurance broker Ibex can find the policy to meet your needs.
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Transform with the touch of a button H
AVE you ever wondered what your home would look like if it was inspired by Pablo Picasso? Well we think we have the answer, BOXETTI / MO collection, created by the Latvian designer Rolands Landsbergs creates a stunning series of furniture includes sofas, coffee table, wall mounted television stand and entertainment console that transforms with the touch of a button. Combining elegance, minimalist aesthetic, dramatic forms and brilliant functionality, each of these pieces also looks like a modern sculptural work. BOXETTI / MO collection relies on clean, straight lines and polished finish. Multifunctional and premium, BOXETTI / MO series sofa has a compartment that grows when needed. A series of LED lights fixed in this panel provide sufficient lighting, while the second side panel opens to reveal space for favourite books and gadgets. BOXETTI / MO wall TV stand looks really spectacular. Beautiful wooden panels open to reveal the magic and TV which is cleverly concealed. And all this happens by simply pressing a button! This latest series also includes a TV stand that comes with shelves that shape entertain-
ment center, coffee table that has enough space for those old magazines, and even the carpet in the same style, so that it fits with the furniture. Artistic, exquisite and exciting, BOXETTI / MO collection offers insight into the future of modern furniture. For more information visit: www.Boxetti.com
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
A profile of today’s property buyer
WEEKEND WORLD - 61 ACCORDING to the survey, their potential customers are people who believe that it’s a good time to buy, who have a reliable household income, live in their own home, and have children living at home. They are mainly families who already own a home, and have decided to trade up the property ladder.
Within families, the survey uncovered a big difference in objectives between men and women; the latter are primarily concerned with a home to live in, whilst men tend to see property as a good investment. Bargain prices and low interest rates give men a strong argument to buy in the current climate.
A new survey of Spanish property buyers by Aliseda, the real estate servicing company of Banco Popular, reveals that of today’s Spanish buyers men are investors and women are house hunters
Almost 78 per cent of the Spaniards interviewed said they would buy bank repossessions, especially if offered with mortgage financing. 48 per cent said price was the most important factor in their purchase decision, 23 per cent said location, and 11 per cent said quality. On the question of price, 64 per cent said that homes in Spain today are still too expensive. The average 90m2 home costs €147,000, but respondents said they would pay €121,000 at the most.
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
focuses on
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Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Are Spanish house prices on the up?
Spanish house prices have risen 1.5 per cent in the last year, according to the latest figures from the INE. But how accurate are these figures?
HE Official House Price Index (OHPI) published by the National Institute of Statistics shows that prices of new build homes climbed 4 per cent year-on-year, while existing home values rose 1.1 per cent, averaging out at 1.5 per cent. The index has now recorded positive growth for four quarters in a row. According to the index, annual house price growth fell in nine communities, while prices increased in other areas, led by the Balearics (up 2.8 per cent) and Navarre (up 3.3 per cent). However, the consistent growth is slightly at odds with a mixed range of house price reports over the past year: much like the UK, Spain’s property prices are monitored by difference indices, which all use their own methodology to track values. According to valuation firm Tinsa, house prices fell 3.6 per cent year-on-year in May 2015, with falls led by large cities and regional capitals. The Spanish Ministry of Development’s figures, meanwhile, show that house prices fell 0.11 per cent in the first quarter of 2015 to ₏1,458 per square metre. While values have dropped for the past 26 quarters in a row, this is the smallest dip since the housing crisis, which indicates a positive step towards the market bottoming out.
According to the Ministry, seven autonomous regions saw prices rise annually, led by the Canaries (up 3.56 per cent), Aragon (1.9 per cent), Madrid (1.67 per cent) and the Valencian Community (0.69 per cent). The Balearics also saw values rise 0.1 per cent. One thing that the indices do have in common, though, is a gradually improving picture, with a particularly positive outlook for the Balearics. House prices rose on both the Balearic and Canary islands by 2.1 per cent, according to Tinsa.
OPPORTUNITIES Foreign demand is also climbing, attracted to both the upward trajectory recorded in certain areas and the falling prices on the Mediterranean coast, which create opportunities for holiday home bargains. For foreign buyers, the local market conditions are the priority rather than the overall national market: affordability and demand are more important than unsold inventory. The Property Register shows that sales jumped 9 per cent in April 2015 year-on-year, reaching the highest monthly sales figure in several years. Sales increased the most in areas including the Costal del Sol, Barcelona and the Balearics.
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Spain’s migrant workers send €9 billion home Migrant workers in Spain sent approx. €8.6 billion back to their families in their home countries last year, according to a new report published last week.
PAIN was listed as one of the top countries in Europe for the amount of money that migrant workers sent back home in remittances, according to a report by the International Fund for Agricultural Development.(IFAD) The report states that this money usually covers “basic goods, such as food, clothing, shelter, medicine and education”. The money sent back by migrant workers often makes up 50% of a family’s income - at the least,” Pedro de Vasconcelos, head of the IFAD remittances programme claims. Russian migrant workers top the list for the most money sent outside the country by migrant workers, at €18.2 billion, followed by the United Kingdom €15.1 billion, Germany €12.5 billion, France €9.3billion and Italy €9.2 billion. “In the case of Spain, the story has changed a little bit with the crisis. We’ve seen a reduction in flows because after the crisis migrants didn’t have money to send back to their families,” said De Vasconcelos. The largest portion of payments from Spain during 2014 went to Latin America and the Caribbean at €3.5 billion, followed by Africa with €2.5 billion. Morocco received the greatest amount from Spanish migrant
workers compared to any other country at €1.5 billion while China took in €1.05 billion. In Ecuador, 38% of remittance payments came from Spanish workers, making it the country most reliant upon Spain, followed by Gambia. The report also states that though the amount of money sent by migrant workers to families outside of the country might seem high, these payments did not result in a “significant outflow of wealth”.
SUPPORT In Spain, nearly €8.6 billion sent by migrants accounted for just 0.7 percent of the country’s GDP (gross domestic product). In total, European migrant workers sent back to their countries of origin a figure of €96.9 billion, which helped to support more than 150 million people across the globe, the report said. One-third of this money went to countries within Europe, especially to Ukraine, Poland and Romania. The report also showed that of this €96.9 billion, €2.2 billion was deducted in transfer fees alone. Calls for efforts to lower theses costs migrants face in transferring funds to loved ones have been raised.
Countries Remittances (€ million) Morocco 1,529 China 947 Ecuador 849 Romania 704 Nigeria 628 Colombia 556 Dominican Republic
Peru 313 Bolivia 238 Senegal 215 Other 2,153 TOTAL 8,550 Source: International Fund for Agricultural Development.
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Are You a Nomophobe? You know that panicked feeling you get when you go to reach for your cell phone and can’t find it anywhere? Then you just might have nomophobia: the fear of being away from your cell phone.
OINED as a part of a 2010 study on cell phone addiction, the word is a faux-Greek mashup of the phrase “no-mobile-phone phobia.” That study found that over 50% of all people surveyed felt anxiety when separated from their cell phones—and that their anxiety was on par with going to the dentist, moving into a new home, or even pre-wedding jitters. Some argue that nomophobia isn’t a real clinical phobia. And, like other modern afflictions such as internet addiction, it’s easy to laugh off the issue. But just because it’s not yet in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), doesn’t mean there’s no cause for concern. It wasn’t too long ago that people actually survived day-to-day without any kind of mobile devices. But since the rise of cell phones, smartphones, and apps, we’ve come to rely on our phones for more than just talking. We now use our phones for banking, checking the weather, getting directions, reading the news, shopping, and more. Then there’s the entertainment factor: There’s no longer any need to suffer silences or listen to your own thoughts when you can always listen to music or play a game on your phone. With all they’re capable of, it’s really no wonder that we feel a bit of anxiety when we’re separated from our phones. But if you’re constantly using your phone, it may be worth examining that reliance and how it’s affecting you’re mental, emotional, and physical health.
Possible health concerns due to the use of smart device
What can you do about it?
• 84% of women feel panicked, while 63% of men feel panicked when they misplace their phones
• Don’t check your phone an hour before you go to bed or for an hour after you wake up.
• A survey by the Vision Council found that 70% of users squint and strain their eyes by looking at the small font and bright screens of smartphones. • This has the potential to develop into computer vision syndrome, a condition that can lead to dry eyes, difficulty focusing, and double vision. • E. coli is found on 1 in 6 cell phones, due to close to 75% of people bringing their cell phones with them to the bathroom. This can lead to diarrhoea, urinary tract infections, and even kidney failure. • “Text neck” is becoming common, it is a condition that arises from the stress and pressure that can be triggered by texting and browsing on your phone.
Here are some tips to distract you from your phone.
• Read a traditional, paper book at night instead of a book on a smart device to get to sleep faster. • Keep your phone in your pocket or in your purse while you are in the car. • You will be less likely to grab it out of habit if it is tucked away and out of site. • Institute a time each night you and your partner will turn your phone on silent (or off ). • Give your children a maximum amount of time they are allowed to spend on devices each day so it is regulated. • Consider instituting a “no device” policy at mealtimes and other family functions.
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015 Smartphones & adolescents
In the car
At Home • 3 out of 5 smartphone users don’t go more than an hour without checking their gadgets.
According to medscape.com, in a recent survey given to 200 youths, those addicted to their smartphone devices had a high risk of severe the psychopathologies.
• 3 out of 4 people report having their cell phone within five feet of them at all times. • 12% of smartphone users use their phones while showering and 39% while on the toilet.
• These include somatic symptoms, attentional deficits, and aggression.
• 12% of respondents of a recent survey said their smartphone gets in the way of their relationship.
Distracted driving is any activity that could divert a person’s attention away from the primary task of driving. These distractions include using your navigation system, texting, watching a video, adjusting a radio, CD player or MP3 player and using your phone. • 10% of all drivers under the age of 20 involved in fatal crashes were reported as distracted at the time of the crash. • This age group has the largest proportion of drivers who were distracted. • Five seconds is the average time your eyes are off the road while texting. • When traveling at 55 mph, that’s enough time to cover the length of a football field blindfolded. • About 25% of all car crashes involve cell phone use, including hands-free features, such as an earpiece, dashboard system, or speakerphone.
• The younger they are, the more vulnerable they are to developing the tendencies.
• 21% of these crashes occur when people are having a conversation on the phone, and 4% occur as a result of text messaging. • Your field of view narrows by 50% when talking on any kind of mobile phone. • Your brain is only able to process half of what you see when you are distracted.
• 20% of Americans between the ages of 18-34 use their cell phone during sex (!) • According to a recent study 54% of respondents said they check their phones while in bed (before going to sleep, in the middle of the night and when they wake up in the morning).
You don’t need to quit using your smartphone cold turkey, or throw it in the trash. Instead, try just cutting back a bit: Leave it at home when you take a walk, or turn it off overnight. You might be surprised at just how easy it is to live without it.
S the nights get warmer the bed sheets start to cling, pyjamas become heavy, and cool air is notable only by its absence. Simply put… Sleeping becomes impossible. Most people’s first reaction is to turn on the air con, if you have it. But often one can’t justify the expense of having it run all night, so you decide to turn it off again. So, is it possible to sleep coolly in the Spanish summer without air conditioning? Tradition says yes, after all the Ancient Egyptians and our ancestors seemed to manage. Here are a few suggestions. 1. BE CREATIVE. Come up with methods to stop hot air from entering the room. For instance, point a fan toward the windows, or place a bowl full of ice or very cold water in front of the fan to cool the air further. A damp sheet placed over the window also helps.
IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT The mercury is rising and getting to sleep can be a problem….
2. WEAR LIGHT PYJAMAS. That’s the advice from the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), though you can also sleep naked if you like. It’s a question of preference. According to a study by the Association of American Cotton Producers Cotton USA carried out in the UK, 57 percent of people who sleep naked are happier in their relationship with their partner. 3. APPLY COMPRESSES dipped in lukewarm water on parts of the body most sensitive to heat, such as the neck, elbows, ankles and the backs of the knees. The contact with cool water has a refrigerating effect that triggers a narrowing of the blood vessels, heating up the skin. In turn, the heat cools you down as a result of the difference in the surrounding temperature, explains the CDC.
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
4. SLEEP ALONE. It’s the best thing to stay cool. Sleeping alongside someone else increases your body temperature and makes the bedclothes cling, explains dormir.org.es, a website devoted to sleep problems. What’s more, doing so at floor level will make you even cooler as hot air tends to rise. 5. SHOWER IN WARM WATER to reduce your
body temperature. This is a good tip for feeling fresh and clean. Many people say that, even though the shock of a cold shower produces an instant feeling of coolness, it reactivates your body and energy consumption, which makes you feel the heat more quickly afterwards than if you had showed in warm water, explains the Biological Health Institute. Also, be sure to keep your feet cool as
heat enters the body here. Washing them before you turn in for the night or sleeping with them outside the bed are two good tips. 6. EAT SALAD FOR DINNER. Avoid big meals and hot dishes such as stews, soups and roast chicken. These force the body to produce more heat in order to digest them. A yoghurt, salad or that Spanish summer favourite, cold gazpacho, are perfect for summer nights. And don’t forget to drink plenty of water. 7. TURN OFF ALL LIGHTS and electronic gadgets completely. Putting them on standby is not enough: they go on using energy and giving off heat, according to the International Energy Agency – between five and 10 percent of what they would use when switched on. Also: replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent ones, which produce the same amount of light but use a fifth of the energy and give off less heat, according to the emergencies centre in Arlington, Virginia. Lastly, if you are able to sleep out in the open air, do so. Set up a camp on the roof or head out into the country to sleep close to a place next to water (the moisture in the air has a cooling effect), turning a night of stifling heat into one of adventure.
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
HEIR commitment to improving the lives of their patients is based upon two fundamental philosophies; one to provide a highly qualified team of professionals and technical staff and two to ensure the facilities are not just warm and welcoming but also provide the most advanced medical equipment & treatments. The facility itself looks more like a 5* star hotel than that of a hospital, there are 20 individual rooms each equipped with every facility imaginable with private bathrooms, terraces offering spectacular sea & mountain views a children’s play area, VIP parking and a cafeteria.
The only private hospital in Andalucía with a water birth unit 20 years ago, Hospital Ceram a specialist fertility services opened its doors in Marbella with the sole aim of helping women and couples to conceive.
More like a 5* star hotel room than a hospital
This year the hospital unveiled a brand new water birth service, Ceram is the only private hospital within Andalucia to offer rooms with birthing pools. These intimate and welcoming environments help reduce the trauma of birth for both mother & baby. Water births have become increasingly popular across Europe. During water immersion in labor, women get into a tub or pool of warm water during the first stage of labour, before the baby is born, the mother will remain in the water during the pushing phase and actual birth of the baby. The baby is then brought to the surface of the water after it is born.
IMMERSION Giving birth in water allows spontaneous movement of the mother so she can move her body freely to the position that her baby dictates. The effect of buoyance that warm water immersion provides also helps to reduce pain. The birthing pools are Ceram also contain a chromotherapy systems (colour system) which help further the mothers feeling of relaxation. As in any birth the parents receive the best care and advise from a team of qualified midwifes, gynaecologists and
paediatricians. This unique service has earned Hospital Ceram recognitions from Centro Mi Matrona as a key collaborating hospital, the institute said
“Both the women and couple are the center of attention during the delivery. Hospital Ceram provides a calm and relaxed atmosphere with a dedicated team for each family. Hospital Ceram brings an innovation that will definately make a difference when talking about deliveries”
INTERNATIONAL Apart from this exclusive and specialised service, the hospital has a 24-hour emergencies for adults and children, 4 operating theatres, a recovery unit, X-rays and a well known Fertility unit. All specialities are covered, and an international patient programme team have granted Hospital Ceram with a worldwide award on excellent patient care for five consecutive years. Hospital Ceram, with all its specialist, innovative technologies is a hospital that continues to surprise doctors and patients who visit it, Marbella is very lucky to have such an institute on its doorstep.
Hospital Ceram, Calle Maestra Doña Carola, 8, Marbella | 0034 629 394 934 | www.hospitalceram.com | hospital@hospitalceram.com
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Love red wine? THEN YOU’LL LOVE THIS How to lose weight: Red wine and berries help to burn excess fat, say scientists
EW research has suggested that the best way to lose weight is to drink plenty of red wine.The research, from Washington State University, showed that an ingredient found in grapes, berries and
red wine called ‘resveratrol’ can help turn your flab into calorie-burning ‘brown’ fat. Researchers have been divided about whether red wine can actually be considered healthy, but what is the truth? We round up the positives and negatives.
THE EVIDENCE FOR 1. Stop weight gain As well as the recent study from Washington State University, in 2012 researchers in Korea found that another compound found in red grapes called ‘piceatannol’ has the ability to block the processes that cause fat cells to grow. 2. Prevent cancer Scientists have revealed that ‘resveratrol’ may also help to prevent head and neck cancer. Researchers found that the compound has the potential to kill the damaged cells that can lead to certain cancers. 3. Stop bug bites If you have a bed bug problem, drinking a glass of red wine before bed could be the solution. Research from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, found that bed bugs prefer blood that isn’t tainted by alcohol. 4. Prevent memory loss Using rats, researchers at the Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine found that reseveratrol helped prevent age-related memory decline. Once the rats who had been treated with resveratrol were two years old, they had improved learning, memory and mood function. 5. Help you live longer Scientists have found that resveratrol suppresses molecules that cause inflammation and compounds in the blood which interfere with the production of insulin, thus helping us to live longer and healthier lives. The researchers, from the University of Buffalo, also found resveratrol reduced the development of type 2 diabetes and strokes.
THE EVIDENCE AGAINST 1. Hamper muscle healing Though resveratrol does help to slow down the ageing process, if taken in high doses it can have the opposite effect. Researchers at the Manchester Metropolitan University said: “We analysed if resveratrol was able to promote the repair of muscle and reduce oxidative stress where free radicals - destructive molecules - speed up the ageing process. “At low doses, resveratrol did help the regeneration. However, if the dose is higher, it doesn’t mitigate ageing from oxidative stress and even hampers the repair cycle.” 2. Increase the chance of certain cancers Despite some research suggest drinking red wine could prevent cancers, a study published in Alcohol and Alcoholism found that drinking wine could increase the risk for breast cancer. 3. Lead to alcoholism Scientists have warned that to experience the potential health benefits of resveratrol, you would need to drink an entire case of red wine each day, which could lead to alcoholism. The study was published in the International Journal of Obesity.
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
focuses on
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Game, Set & Match
TRAWBERRIES, the traditional summer treat associated with Wimbledon could be serving up some unexpected health benefits. Whether fresh or frozen, there’s no denying that strawberries are a popular fruit and if you’re not already a fan then you should be. Not only are they juicy, summery and delicious, they’re a bona fide super-food, too. Nutrient-rich and packed with antioxidants (like vitamin C), strawberries offer a wide range of health benefits, from wrinkle prevention, to help fight cancer. Not limited to just desserts and shakes, strawberries can add a taste of summer to any dish here we offer some tasty alternatives:
Chicken and Strawberry Salad
Strawberries don’t have to be dessert—you can work them into a main dish, too. Our Chicken and Strawberry Salad is a wonderful no-cook dish that’s a snap to make, combining sweet strawberries, tangy vinaigrette, moist chicken, and rich blue cheese.
DRESSING: 1 tablespoon sugar 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar 1 tablespoon water 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil SALAD: 4 cups torn romaine lettuce 4 cups arugula 2 cups quartered strawberries 1/3 cup vertically sliced red onion 12 ounces skinless, boneless rotisserie chicken breast, sliced 2 tablespoons unsalted cashews, halved 1/2 cup (2 ounces) crumbled blue cheese 1. To prepare dressing, combine first 5 ingredients in a small bowl. Gradually drizzle in oil, stirring constantly with a whisk. 2. To prepare salad, combine romaine and next 4 ingredients (through chicken) in a bowl; toss gently. Place about 2 cups chicken mixture on each of 4 plates. Top each serving with 1 1/2 teaspoons cashews and 2 tablespoons cheese. Drizzle about 4 teaspoons dressing over each serving
Strawberry, Pistachio, and Goat Cheese Pizza This dish is a refreshing departure from traditional pizza. Substitute your favourite soft cheese or greens. 1 (12-ounce) prebaked pizza crust (such as Mama Mary’s) 1/3 cup (3 ounces) crumbled goat cheese 1 cup sliced strawberries 1 cup trimmed watercress 1/2 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil 1/2 teaspoon fresh lemon juice Dash of salt Dash of freshly ground black pepper 1/4 cup (1 ounce) shaved fresh ParmigianoReggiano cheese 3 tablespoons shelled dry-roasted pistachios, chopped 1. Preheat oven to 425°. 2. Place crust on a baking sheet. Bake at 425° for 8 minutes. Remove from oven; arrange goat cheese evenly over crust. 3. Combine strawberries, watercress, olive oil, juice, salt, and black pepper; toss gently to coat. Arrange strawberry mixture evenly over goat cheese. Sprinkle pizza with Parmigiano-Reggiano and nuts. Cut into 12 wedges. Serve immediately.
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Strawberry-Avocado Salsa Serve this sweet and savoury salsa with roast chicken, sautéed fish, or grilled pork tenderloin. You can also enjoy it as a snack with baked tortilla chips.
1 cup finely chopped strawberries 1/4 cup finely chopped peeled avocado 2 tablespoons finely chopped red onion 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro 1/2 teaspoon grated lime rind 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice 2 teaspoons finely chopped seeded jalapeño pepper 1/4 teaspoon sugar 1. Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl; toss gently. Serve immediately
Strawberries and Cream COME rain or come shine, it’s one of the signs that the English summer has arrived -- and Wimbledon would not be Wimbledon without strawberries and cream.
The tradition of serving strawberry began in 1953, the cream was later added in 1970. Served in a portion of 10 and costing approx. € 3.20 28,000 kg of these succulent and delicious berries are eaten every year over the course of the two week event.
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
ROSÉ REVOLUTION: Rosé wine has now rehabilitated
What used to be considered a sickeningly sweet, grocery store wine is now finding its way on to some of the fanciest and most expensive wine lists with many regarding it as a serious summer essential.
HE gender stereotyping that once marked pink wine as a drink for girls and big girls’ blouses is now long gone. Rosé is everywhere. In France, sales have exceeded those of white wine for several years now, in the US, retails
sales of premium imported rosé wines has increased 39% on volume and 48% on value, marking nine straight years of double digit growth. The story is the same across the UK, today, rosé accounts for almost 13% of the off-trade with sales going through the roof every time the sun shines. Rosé’s rise in popularity has grown because red wine drinkers who don’t want a heavy wine for lunch will order a rosé. White wine drinkers enjoy rosé because it is dry and crisp. Better production techniques are also attributed to its meteoric rise. Made from blends of Cabernet Sauvignon, Grenache, Syrah and other red varietals, rosé is no longer a light by-product of red wine production. Rosés are primary press wines with cold maceration to allow longer skin contact while extracting less colour (think of a tea bag in cold vs hot water). The result is a more complex wine with skin tannins that give structure while leaving a beautiful salmon colour. And although many years ago men would not have been seen dead drinking pink wine the colour has now added to its appeal, a glass of rosé or crowd of bottles glowing different hues of pink is attractive, creating a look that of femininity in both men & women.
SWEET On the heels of this upsurge champagnes, liqueurs and spirits have added rose into their mix Courvoisier Rosé, anyone! Rosé is now considered a status symbol – an expensive, aspirational, incredibly desirable drink that comes in ego-boosting sizes, not just magnums but also jeroboams, imperials and sixlitre methuselahs. No matter what your palate prefers, it’s clear rosé is here to stay - and that it’s no longer confined to only wines. As Shakespeare once said, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” and this ever-growing, surprising spectrum of rosés is sure to enhance the sweet life as well. Right: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s Miraval Rosé has received rave reviews from leading wine critics
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Foo Fighters to headline Glastonbury 2016 F Florence and the Machine on stage at Glastonbury
ANS of the Foo Fighters will be pleased to hear that the band have already been booked to headline Glastonbury Festival 2016. The news comes after the band were forced to pull out of this year’s event at the last minute on doctors’ orders after front man Dave Grohl broke his leg in a freak onstage fall in Sweden earlier this month. It reported Grohl now has 6 pins in his leg after falling form the stage but refusing immediate hospital treatment, instead having his leg temporarily set backstage and then returning to finish the concert sat on a chair. Florence and The Machine filled the bands headline slot. The absence of the Foo Fighters is not the only headline act causing controversy after an online petition has been started to cancel Kayne Wests spot in favour of a rock band. But Grohl and other stars have shown their support for West and are now expecting his set to be even more amazing speculating that the petition will in fact only serve to fuel his fire.
Dave Grohl broke continued on stage after his freak accident
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
DETHRONED! Beyonce and Ajay Z lose highest – paid celebrity couple title to Taylor Swift & Calvin Harris
BEYONCE and Jay Z have been living the fabulous life as Forbes highest-earning couple since 2013, but Queen Bey and her sweetie have officially been knocked off their pedestal by one entertainments’ newest and sweetest romantic duos – Taylor Swift and her boyfriend Calvin Harris! According to the magazine’s newest Celebrity 100 list and thanks to Swifts endorsement deals with Diet Coke and Sony as well as Harris’ deals with companies like Giorgio Armani and Sol Republic headphones, the pair have surpassed Bey and Jay’s joint earning with a grand total of $146 million between them. But for those of you who may be worried. Fret not Bey and Jay still managed to earn a combined total of $ 110.5 million… Not bad!!
Never one to shy away from controversy
Rihanna at the 2015 BET Awards in Los Angeles
RIHANNA’S latest venture is causing some controversy before it is even launched. The 27-year-old singers company Roraj Trade LLC has filed an application with the US Patent and Trademarks Office for a new fashion line to be named “$CHOOL kIlls” with a target audience of preteens and young adults the rang will include bags, purses and later on fashion. Whilst having previously been quoted as saying “I can’t really say I’m a role model. I’m not perfect. I’m not trying to sell that.” Critics have quickly taken issue with many believing the name to be inappropriate for easily influenced youngsters. Rihanna has been heavily involved in the fashion industry for some time; she is a creative director at Puma, the face of Dior and collaborated on a 120 piece collection with high street retailer River Island. In July 2013 she won a legal battle with Topshop after they used an image of her on one of their tshirts without permission.
Czech Film Festival to honour actor Richard Gere THE international film festival at the Czech spa of Karlovy Vary will honor U.S. actor Richard Gere (above) for his outstanding contribution to world cinema. Gere will present his movie “Time out of Mind” to kick off the festival together with director Oren Moverman and actress Jena Malone. Organizers said Monday that actor Harvey Keitel, who was honored in 2004, returns with Paolo Sorrentino’s new movie, “Youth.”
Actor Jamie Dornan (below) and director Sean Ellis will also be among those attending to introduce their project “Anthropoid.” The 50th edition of the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival opens July 3 and runs through July 11. The festival’s grand jury, which includes U.S. cinema operator and distributor Tim League, will consider 13 movies this year for the top prize, the Crystal Globe.
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
OR years it has been medically documented that companion animals, like dogs, cats, rabbits and birds, help people live longer and healthier lives. Being responsible for caring for an animal often gives new meaning to someone who is living alone or who is far from loved ones. Pets can help elderly people keep an active lifestyle and may help fill a void left by living alone. For working families taking on a rescue pet should take into consideration that they have time for the new family pet. Children should be encouraged to help and go to dog training classes which are educational, social and really a lot of fun. Seniors may want to consider adopting an older adult animal instead of a puppy or kitten or rambunctious “teenage” pet. Older pets are more likely to be calm, already house trained and less susceptible to unpredictable behaviour. Animal shelter staff can help potential adopters find the most suitable animal for their lifestyle. Seniors should not be encouraged to take on a large dog, many seniors take on a dog far too powerful for them, which become unmanageable. Obviously if you live in an apartment then you have a small dog. Dog’s lives evolve around odor; I always recommend bathing a rescue pet as soon as possible. By doing this you wash away the old identity and allow the dog to get his new identity. Most dogs will roll in the ground to get their new identity. Take your new pet for a walk around the area of your street near your home as soon as you are able. This allows your new pet to learn the new smells of the area.
Rescue Dogs
CATS Attack Scratching Post is a self assembled, super-cool, cat scratching post designed to look like a cityscape. So when your kitty climbs and scratches, the scene quickly becomes a Giant Outer Space Cats Attack movie! So grab your video camera and start filming your way to online video infamy, cause if we’ve learned anything, it’s that cat videos rule the internet! Cats Attack Scratching Post comes in five cardboard pieces which slot together to form the scratch post. If one side gets scuffed, just turn it around and use the other side... this cat scratcher can last and last too and it isn’t an eyesore. Available from www.perpetualkid.com
Kennel Cough KENNEL cough is not serious, but some dogs can become seriously ill from kennel cough infection (especially very young and very old ). Whenever a dog is coughing, a visit to the vet is highly recommended to sort out possible diagnoses and treatment options. Common signs Kennel Cough · Cough, usually a dry hacking cough (sometimes described as a goose honk cough). The severity and type of cough can be variable however. · Retching and gagging (as if something stuck in throat) · and expulsion of white foamy fluid More serious signs · Nasal discharge · Lethargy · Loss of appetite While a coughing dog should see a vet for evaluation, if lethargy or loss of appetite accompany the cough, see your vet immediately as this may indicate serious complications such as pneumonia. The symptoms usually appear about 5-10 days after exposure to an infected dog or cat, and can last for up to 3 weeks, though symptoms may improve considerably within a few days. It is thought that dogs can remain contagious for several weeks after symptoms clear up.
TREATMENT Pet companionship can be healthy benefit to all
Group or private training KING KONG KITTY
ONCE you have chosen your method of training, you then have to decide if you want to attend group classes or if you want to train your dog in private. I recommend group classes to enable your pet to socialize with other people and dogs. Group training usually consists of a group of dogs, all roughly the same age, all learning the same basic commands at the same time. Make sure the class you choose is appropriate for your puppy’s skill level, as well as his age.
KNOWLEDGE A good group class will have no more than 10 dogs in it; an instructor familiar with all breeds of dogs; teach more than just the basic commands knowledge of behavioural issues is extremely important; and the class must be structured in such a way that it is fun for you and your puppy. If there are children in your home, having them attend the classes is also important. If there are no classes in your area, or none that you find suitable, private training is another option. It is individualised to suit your needs. Private training is also good for dogs that have behavioural issues aggression towards strangers or other dogs. However your trainer will want you to attend a training club which has dog socialisation.
Your vet will recommend treatment based on the severity of illness in your dog. Many dogs recover without treatment, so your dog may simply require monitoring to ensure the symptoms are not worsening. For dogs with severe coughs, a cough suppressant may be prescribed, and in some cases, antibiotics may be prescribed to combat bacterial infections. If your dog has symptoms such as fever, lethargy and loss of appetite, more intensive treatment will be recommended. Pressure from a collar can exacerbate kennel cough symptoms, so switching to a harness is recommended for the duration of the illness.
Whether you are looking for private training or group classes, ensure the trainer teaches you how to teach your dog. Another sign of a good trainer is that he/she has the ability to acknowledge that some situations are beyond his/her knowledge, and tells you as such. Inappropriately training techniques can lead to bigger problems. Unfortunately there are a number of people who call themselves trainers who really are fakes. Do not be impressed by trainers that tell you they are members of this or that it all means nothing. Safest bet is to go to a Veterinary Clinic thry will know of a s school that has been established and known for years.
Both injectable and intranasal (administered in the nose) vaccines are available to protect against kennel cough. Your veterinarian can recommend an appropriate vaccination schedule based on your dog’s situation and risk factors for kennel cough. Vaccinations should be given at least a week or two in advance of situations where your dog is at risk for contracting kennel cough to be most effective. Most kennels require vaccination against kennel cough (along with the routine annual vaccinations). Ensure that all doors, gates etc to the home are secure and that you have apart from a microchip a tab on the collar with your telephone number. Emotionally you will feel very sorry for the little fellow and often new owners can overdo the attention. Best not to smother the dog and keep in mind that now is the time to set the rules of your home. Within 24 hours you will feel that you bothy know each other for years! Yes that quick.
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
focuses on
T mixed all-action appearances by oldtime heroes such as Nascar’s Richard Petty and drag racing’s godfather, Don Garlits, with cameos by global stars of the modern era such as Ford’s Ken Block and his incredible 845bhp Mustang ‘Hoonicorn’, grabbing every eye in a spectacular, tyresmoking gymkhana display. The most extraordinary debut of all was surely that of multiple motorcycle world champion Valentino Rossi, who appeared without warning on stage at Goodwood’s traditional gala ball on Saturday night, its crowd already rocking to the Kaiser Chiefs.
DEBUT Rossi, often regarded as a festival regular, was in fact making his debut at the South Downs’ most famous annual event, having jetted in direct from a storming race win in the latest MotoGP round at Assen in the Netherlands. Never one to disappoint Rossi rode his MotoGP Yamaha directly into Goodwood House he then turned his hand to driving the most famous Mazda racing car of all, the Le Mans-winning 787B, and later a Lancia Delta S4 Group B rally car.
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
FLAT-OUT & FEARLESS It’s one of the biggest weekends of the year in the British motorsport diary and this year celebrities and thousands of motorsport fans indulged their love of motors at the “Flat-out and Fearless: Racing on the Edge” themed Goodwood of Festival of Speed in Chichester
The event debuted the Ford Focus RS and the Ferrari 488 GTB as well as the Honda Civic Type R and the Mazda MX-5 in action. Lotus unveiled the 3-Eleven track car and some lunatic drove a Nissan Juke up the hill on two wheels.
Honda’s central display
Which is the star? The car, the statue or the house?
Valentino Rossi & Nico Rosberg enjoy the day
The F1 teams attended as usual, although no one could ran a 2015 car, because the new grand prix’s regulation would have considered it extra testing. Mercedes’ Nico Rosberg chose Goodwood as the setting for his 30th birthday celebrations and caused quite a noise comparing the difference between the 2013 2.4-litre V8 Merc now and todays V8 engine. Jenson Button was on hand to demonstrate Ayrton Senna’s championshipwinning 3.5-litre McLaren Honda V12 from 1991, which set the traditionalists grinning with delight. As ever, Goodwood rose to the occasion and a great time seemed to be had by all.
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
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Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
focuses on
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Foreign Office warns of fake Turkish visas Warning issued after tourists were scammed into purchasing fake Turkish e-visas online AS many as 100 holidaymakers travelling to Turkey were forced to buy visas on the spot on arrival after it was discovered that the e-visas they had purchased were fake. ABTA, the Association of British Travel Agents, the Foreign Office (FO) and Get Safe Online - a Government awareness campaigning body - have issued a warning to tourists advising that they only buy Turkish visas from the official website, at a cost of $20 (£12.70). A visa is needed to enter the country, except for cruise ship passengers on day trips. Currently, those found with invalid visas on arrival are able to buy a valid one (for £20), though at a higher cost than online. However, this service is due to be phased out, which could leave those who purchase a fake e-visa in future unable to enter the country.
BONA FIDE Nikki White, ABTA’s head of destinations and sustainability, said fraudulent websites targeting visa applications and other tourism services, such as passport renewals, were an issue across the industry. “The problem of fraudulent e-visas to Turkey is particularly concerning as many of these sites look bona fide,” she said. “If you are unsure, check with your ABTA travel company or visit the FCO’s travel advice online to obtain the official website address.” The officialTurkish e-visa site is https:// www.evisa.gov.tr/en/ The Foreign Office also warns against using unauthorised sites as they issue a valid e-visa, but charge an additional fee, sometimes increasing the price to as much as £65. Stephen Sharp, of Get Safe Online, a Government service to encourage to vigilance online, said people must not rely on search engine results when purchasing visas but must visit the official site.
Berlin soars up ‘best city’ rankings
HILE Hamburg and Munich slipped back one place each to 21 and 9 respectively, Berlin once again rocketed up the charts and was classed as the 3rd most liveable city in the world. Monocle’s annual Quality of Life survey ranks cities around the globe according to factors including climate, architecture, crime rate, environmental issues, food and drink, business and design. While some of the data is scientific, other measures are more subjective and the magazine’s editor in chief Tyler Brûlé stated that judges employed a change in the way they registered their votes for 2015, taking into consideration how much influence the state had over everyday life in different countries. “We’ve given extra marks to cities that limit their ‘nannying’ and we’ve tried to give value to places where there’s something else we know is vital: freedom, grit, independence, a joy with life,” he said. “We’re frustrated with city councils that are too quick to say no, places where parents never let their children run free and capitals that seem opposed to the odd late night out.”
BALANCE Hamburg was praised by the magazine as having a “nice streak of naughtiness in contrast to ample parks, strolling streets and the sometimes snobby appeal.”
In a recent study by elite magazine Monocle’s three of Germany’s cities; Hamburg, Munich & Berlin have been listed within the top 25 most liveable cities on the planet. Munich was praised for its work-life balance. “Munich’s motto could be work hard and play outside - ample annual leave allows residents respite you would be hard pushed to find in other cities.” Despite all its advantages, though, Munich has fallen a long way from its 2010 first place ranking.
PRAISE But the greatest praise was saved for Berlin. “It’s simply at last transitioning into a postpoor but still sexy era.” Of all the cities to live - Tokyo topped the global rankings while Vienna was the highest rated European city, scoring well for its cheapness of public transport and restaurants and for offering its citizens 160 international flight routes and 39 public libraries. Meanwhile Italians & Brits were reeling after being left out of the rankings altogether, and Scandinavians were also left bitterly disappointed after Copenhagen fell from 1st position to tenth and Stockholm also fell down the rankings.
Full Listing: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
Tokyo, Japan Vienna, Austria Berlin, Germany Melbourne, Australia Sydney, Australia Stockholm, Germany Vancouver, Canada Helsinki, Finland Munich, Germany Copenhagen, Denmark Zurich, Switzerland Fukuoka, Japan Singapore Kyoto, Japan Paris, France Madrid, Spain Auckland, New Zealand Lisbon, Portugal Hong-Kong, China Amsterdam, Netherlands Hamburg, Germany Geneva, Switzerland Oslo, Norway Barcelona, Spain Portland, Oregon USA
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
SOLSTICE celebration of ancient Incan origin, the festival of Inti Raymi survived colonial Spain’s attempt to stifle it in the 16th century to become the grandest traditional display of Inca culture that still flourishes in living colour today. Before the arrival of Spaniards in Cusco, the Incas worshipped the sun as their main deity and source of life; the Incas, they believed, were the children of the Sun God. Each June 22 (the shortest day of the year in the southern hemisphere), the Incas would summon the Sun God through a festival that came to be called Inti Raymi. On this day of the winter solstice – when the sun is at its furthest distance from the equator – the Incas invoked the sun deity, pleading for him to come closer again lest he lose himself in the deep dark
Each year, hundreds of thousands of people – locals and foreigners alike – flock to Cusco, Peru, for Inti Raymi, one of the biggest annual festivals in South America. universe. They prayed for a good harvest and protection against famine and hunger. In 1572, Viceroy Toledo banned Inti Raymi celebrations as pagan and contrary to the Catholic faith. Following the edict, the ceremonies went underground. Today, this celebration is the second largest festival in South America. Hundreds of thousands of people converge on Cuzco from other parts of the nation, South America and
the world for a week-long celebration marking the beginning of a new year -The Inti Raymi, The Festival of the Sun. Every day has its events, from daytime expositions, street fairs, and people milling and dancing in the streets. In the evenings, live music from the best of Peruvian musical groups draws the crowds to the Plaza de Armas for free concerts. During the preceding year hundreds of ac-
tors are chosen to represent historical figures and being selected to portray the Sapa Inca or his wife, Mama Occla, is a great honor.
BLESSINGS The centrepiece of the festival is the all-day celebrations which take place on June 24th, the actual day of Inti Raymi. On this day, the ceremonial events begin with an invocation by the Sapa Inca in the Qorikancha, also spelled Koricancha square in front of the Santo Domingo church, built over the ancient Temple of the Sun. Here, the Sapa Inca calls on the blessings from the sun. Following the oration, Sapa Inca is carried on a golden throne, a replica of the original which weighed about 60 kilos, in a procession to the ancient fortress of Sacsayhuamán, in the hills above Cuzco.
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
With the Sapa Inca come the high priests, garbed in ceremonial robes, then officials of the court, nobles and others, all elaborately costumed according to their rank, with silver and gold ornaments. They walk along flower-bedecked streets, to music and prayers and dancing. Women sweep the streets to clear them of evil spirits. At Sacsayhuamán , where huge crowds await the arrival of the procession, Sapa Inca climbs to the sacred altar where all can see him.
SACRIFICE Once all the celebrants are in place in the grand square of the fortress, there are speeches by Sapa Inca, the priests and representatives of the Suyos: the Snake for the world below, the Puma for life on earth, and the Condor for the upper world of the gods. A white llama is sacrificed (now in a very realistic stage act) and the high priest holds aloft the bloody heart in honour of Pachamama. This is done to ensure the fertility of the earth which in combination with light and warmth from the sun provides a bountiful crop. As the sun begins to set, stacks of straw are set on fire and the celebrants dance around them to honor Tawantinsuty or the Empire of the Four Wind Directions. The ceremony of Inti Raymi ends with a procession back to Cuzco. Sapa Inca and Mama Occla are carried on their thrones, the high priests and representatives of the Supas pronounce blessings on the people. Once again, a new year has begun. For more information visit: http://www.peru. travel.com
Plaza de Armas, Cusco
Right about now, millions of Scandinavians are forcing their freezing bodies into the sea – where the water temperature is just 16°C. We have the buyers! We are Sweden’s leading real estate agency in Spain. And we’re growing fast, from Barcelona to Gran Canaria. We know the market and have a register full of frozen Scandinavians who dream of a life in the sun. Let us prove ourselves! If we don’t manage to sell your home, you don’t pay anything. But since we sell more than one home every day, that’s probably not going to happen...
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
W TEASERS... SPOT THE DIFFERENCE Can you spot the 6 subtle difference between the 2 pictures?
WORD BLOCK From the 9-letter grid, find words of 4 letters or more. Words must contain the middle letter, and there is at least one nine-letter word. Target: 26 words
ACROSS 1 Collie or chow 4 __ Ababa, Ethiopia 9 Drinks slowly 13 Curry & others 15 Neutral color 16 Hula __; fad toy of the ‘50s 17 Slangy affirmative 18 One who talks loudly & wildly 19 “__ Long Way to Tipperary” 20 Stir up; arouse 22 Dines 23 Takes a snooze 24 Org. for Bruins & Blackhawks 26 Even though 29 Horrible 34 Be a pack rat 35 Makes dirty 36 __ flash; instantly 37 Diminishes 38 Spicy; flavorful 39 Thin cut 40 Mary Todd’s man 41 Horse homes 42 Davis or Midler 43 Learning
disability 45 __ than; instead of 46 Drink like Fido 47 Dory or dinghy 48 Like water __ duck’s back 51 On and on, like a boring talker 56 Instrument for Ringo 57 Bread ingredient 58 12/24 & 12/31 60 Comic Carvey 61 Cream of the crop 62 Window ledge 63 Soap lather 64 Angers 65 Sow’s home DOWN 1 24 hours 2 Do __ civic duty; vote 3 Small fly 4 Sudden 5 Great buys 6 Prima donna 7 “__ Around”; Beach Boys hit 8 In a calm way 9 Protect
10 Smidgen 11 Emily or Markie 12 Mineral springs 14 Black eyes 21 Cleaning lady 25 “Morning __ Broken” 26 __ of time; early 27 Hotel foyer 28 “__ in Toyland” 29 Reed or Fargo 30 Big __; semis 31 Dirtiness 32 Come together 33 In a while 35 Indian garment 38 1040 filer
39 41 42 44
Small sofas Star of “Maude” Flock cries Peruvian pack animals 45 Mailmen’s beats 47 Sew lightly 48 Likelihood 49 German wife 50 Provide money for 52 Place to buy salami and rye 53 Tack 54 Hertz rival 55 Become liquid 59 Devious
Solution to puzzle from issue 1
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
A woman was admitted to Chenguang Nongchang Hospital in labour only to discover she had already given birth. After her arrival by motorcycle doctors quickly noticed blood running down her leg with a broken umbilical cord but no baby. Astonishingly besides some minor bruising the baby was found safe and sound 3 kilometres from the hospital after doctors and the baby’s father retraced the couples route to the hospital to find three men standing around the newborn in the middle of the road.
A Chinese man has allegedly suffered “spiritual harm” after one of the country’s most famous stars, Zhao Wei (below), stared at him too intensely through his TV screen.
he wanted to eat a guinea pig that was his prerogative.
A 74-year-old woman is on trial in France after a scam selling “magic cheese” raked in over 14million euros. Gilberte van Erpe or Madame Gile as she is known in France ran Fermex Chile a company that sold kits for 350€ containing filters and a powder that would ferment milk and create a “magic cheese” that she promised could be sold to the cosmetics industry for huge profit. The scam targeted thousands of Chileans with many mortgaging their houses, cashing in savings and selling their properties to invest more after victims were paid for their first batches of cheese. While potential customers were led to believe that the cheese was in high demand from companies such as L’Oreal for cosmetic products in France, It actually transpired the cheese never left the country after tonnes of it were found rotting in a warehouse.
the animal probably felt threatened as when frightened even the sweetest natured pet can become aggressive.
Officers that were called to attend reports of a man cooking a squirrel arrived to find he was actually eating a guinea pig from a wooden skewer.
Zhao who stars in the prime-time TV show Tiger Mom is being sued by the man after changes to laws that make it easier to file lawsuits. However there has been concern over frivolous cases such as this one and a number have already been thrown out.
I man from Stamford USA has reported his cat to the police for attacking him. Mohamed Lokman resorted to calling emergency services after he and his wife were unable to enter their house for 4 hours because their 8 pound cat was being too aggressive. After attempting to enter the property earlier in the evening the cat scratched and bit Lockman and after repeatedly attacking him they were unable to remain in their home. The call handler confirmed that the couple required police attendance and eventually with their help they were able to re-enter the property. They were advised to stay away from the animal for the rest of the night. An officer with Stamford Animal Control said
Sudoku is one of the most popular puzzle games of all time. The goal of Sudoku is to fill a 9×9 grid with numbers so that each row, column and 3×3 section contain all of the digits between 1 and 9. As a logic puzzle, Sudoku is also an excellent brain game. If you play Sudoku regluarly, you will soon start to see improvements in your concentration and overall brain power.
Camels in southern Israel are being outfitted with high visibility bands to reduce accidents with night time drivers that have been increasing in recent years. The man was reportedly from Ecuador where guinea pig is a delicacy and he was allowed to keep cooking his meal as he was in the parks designated BBQ area. The attending officer explained that as long as he wasn’t holding an animal down and torturing it if
3 2
9 9
Two boys that donned balaclavas and sunglasses then stormed their classroom with a replica handgun and a knife to steal the teachers answer book have been arrested. Police said it appeared the 7th graders had agreed to grab the book for a friend whose grades had been poor recently. They were charged with violent behaviour, jeopardizing public safety and destruction and damage of property.
An exhausted pigeon has been airlifted to hospital by helicopter after crash landing on a North Sea oil platform 160km offshore. The pigeon, named Pedro by the workers aboard the Talisman Sinopec’s Clyde platform,was first flown to Aberdeen ad was then taken to the Scottish SPCA’s National Wildlife Rescue Centre, where he was said to be making a good recovery.
9 5
Solution to puzzle from issue 1 8
4 4 8
With over 6000 camels at large they have proved a deadly foe for night time drivers with one regional council chief petitioning to be able to shoot camels on sight. Each animal is fitted with three bands one on each leg and one around their neck. It has been hailed as a cheap and easily executable solution although both the Bedouin Camel owners and road safety campaigners say more must be done.
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
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Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
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Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
“I’m happy at Madrid it’s the best club in the world”
NGLAND coach Mark Sampson celebrated joining a special club as his women’s side made history by reaching the World Cup semi-
CRISTIANO Ronaldo (pictured above), the Real Madrid star has spoken out to rebut “utterly false stories” that he sad and unsettled at Madrid Cristiano Ronaldo, who has said nothing to the Spanish press since the 4-0 thrashing at the hands of Atleti in the Calderón on 7th February, made an exception to his ‘my lips are sealed’ rule to speak to Portuguese newspaper A Bola. “I’ve not talked to anyone from the press for some time; but I’m making an exception now for A BOLA to reassert that stories that have been published are absolutely false and are aimed solely at creating conflicts between Real Madrid and myself. I’m very happy at the club and very focused and have faith in a new season full of success. I repeat again that I’m at the best club in the world and at the best club in the word I want to get back to winning”, said Ronaldo.
finals. Sampson, 32-year-old was overjoyed to see his Lionesses become the first England team of either gender to reach a World Cup semifinal since Sir Bobby Robson’s side reached the last four at Italia 90. Goals from Jodie Taylor and Lucy Bronze saw England knock out hosts Canada with a 2-1 defeat, the team will now face holders Japan in the early hours of Thursday morning.
CIRCUIT “I’m really proud of my team and women’s football, it was an unbelievable occasion in front of a sell-out crowd and I’m so proud of my all my players. To get a result in that atmosphere was an incredible performance and result,” said Sampson. “I’ve never been in a stadium as loud and passionate for their team. The England win has sparked joyous reaction for sporting heroes and royalty. The Duke of Cambridge, the FA president, said in a statement: “I know a lot of people have been following the team’s progress and I’m sure many more will now seize the chance to support this great moment for English football. The Lionesses are doing their country proud.” England men’s captain Wayne Rooney tweeted: “England women doing the country proud. Huge congratulations on reaching
Celebrating early goals from Jodie Taylor and Lucy Bronze
the semi-finals.” And former England captain David Beckham wrote on Instagram: “Girls what a performance. We are so proud of what you have achieved and the passion you have shown gives us so much.”
A proud and jubilant Mark Sampson
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Who will be left in the Shade?
HE Coral-Eclipse Stakes at Sandown Park on Saturday could see a historic meeting between the Derby winners from England and France after both Golden Horn and New Bay, who took the Classics at Epsom and Chantilly respectively, were declared to be on course for this Group One event by their trainers. The Eclipse, which is staged over 10 furlongs, is the first major all-aged Group One of the season and has a rich history which dates back to 1886. It was the most valuable race of the season in its early years and has often attracted a Derby winner to take on older horses for the first time. Yet, if both Golden Horn and New Bay go to post, it will be a rare occasion that the English and French Derby winners have faced each other on British turf in their Classic season, though it did happen in 1977. The last French-trained runner to win the Eclipse was Javelot in 1960, while it is also one of the few major races
in the calendar to have eluded André Fabre, the trainer of New Bay. Fabre reports New Bay, owned by Khalid Abdullah, to be in fine shape since his victory over Highland Reel in the French Derby at Chantilly at the end of May. “The horse is in good form and the plan is to run in the Eclipse. It will be interesting to take on the Epsom Derby winner,” he said. “Our horse won the Prix du Jockey Club well and the winner of the English Derby was quite impressive as well. They are two nice colts. Golden Horn’s trainer John Gosden announced “Golden Horn is in good form and has pleased us since his win in the Investec Derby. The target has always been the Coral-Eclipse at Sandown and we look forward to running him there.”
Frankie Dettori’s Investec Derby win on Golden Horn and (inset) John Gosden, trainer
NO TO A WINTER WORLD CUP! THE Spanish football league is challenging FIFA’s decision to switch the 2022 World Cup in Qatar to NovemberDecember. The Court of Arbitration for Sport says the Spanish league (LFP) has filed an appeal against the FIFA decision, which avoids the Qatari summer heat. The court has not set a hearing date. A November-December tournament would shut down top European leagues for eight peak weeks and require more summer fixtures. It is the first formal legal challenge to moving the World Cup in Qatar from the traditional June-July slot. FIFA’s executive committee approved the change in March, 18 months after requesting a global consultation. The Spanish league is a member of the European Professional Football Leagues group, which was consulted. FIFA rejected a European clubs and leagues proposal to play in May-June. Spanish sports newspaper As quoted LFP President Javier Tebas as saying he had filed
Al Wakrah stadium near Doha in being confirmed as one of 10 new venues being built for the tournament in eight years’ time. Qatar Stadium World Cup 2022
the lawsuit “in defense of the interests of the clubs that are contributing to the international teams.” According to As, Tebas submitted three independent expert reports to CAS which concluded that the LFP would lose 65 million euros ($71.6 million) by moving the World Cup to the winter.
Malaga sign Pérez and Espinho MALAGA have announced the signing of former Real Madrid Castilla left winger Juan Carlos Perez, on a season-long loan with the Andalusians having the option to make the move permanent next summer. Their second signing of the season in Fábio Ricardo Gomes Fonseca ‘Espinho’, (pictured) who is joining the club on a oneyear deal from PFK Ludogorets Razgrad, where he helped the Bulgarian side to the League, Cup and Supercup titles in the 2013-14 season and played in the Champions League last season.
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
“There’s still space for more trophies” FERNANDO Alonso (below) has officially opened his museum and karting campus in his native Asturias, declaring the display cabinets have been built with room to add more silverware. The sports icon was accompanied by his family, friends and several notable figures from the world of Formula 1 and motor racing. These included the head of the Spanish Automobile Federation, Carlos Gracia; McLaren racing director Éric Boullier, and Alonso’s former boss at Renault and manager, Flavio Briatore.
Through the Fernando Alonso Foundation, the double world champion has donated over 300 unique items to the Foundation for the Promotion of Motoring in Asturias, and the collection features all the cars – including all five Ferraris - he has driven in a career that started at the age of three. Visitors can also see some of Alonso’s helmets and overalls, as well as those of his rivals among the many displays which despite being in the middle of a miserable season with McLaren showcases an impressive collection of silverware. “There’s space for more trophies and I hope I’ll be the one to put them in the cabinet”, he said.
CIRCUIT But, the real headline stealer is found outside the museum complex, as Alonso also presented a brand new karting circuit, featuring a layout he designed himself to feature some of his favourite corners, including the ‘S’ of Suzuka, the last corner at Valencia, the Parma chicane and the first corner of the Jarama circuit. The circuit has been designed to offer 29 different layouts with lengths varying between 1400 and 1800 metres. The main course can be divided into three sub-courses to facilitate training and is certified for hosting international competitions in accordance with FIA International Karting Commission standards. The circuit also features a dedicated course for driving education, a paddock area, pits, changing rooms and medical centre. “For me having a karting track where kids can pursue the same dream as me without worrying about making a living from it or travelling around the world, makes me very happy. I’ve never raced on a track like this so I have no hesitation in saying it’s the best in the world”, Fernando said, highlighting the kids’ education programme planned for the summer. “We have to offer the best to the best, so they have fewer obstacles to overcome. Whenever a great talent comes along, one that is outstanding, we need to help them on their way, not hold them back. Facilities like these make people happy. I never thought about getting into F1, I was just happy every time I got into a kart, even though it was in a car park that was the main motivation for doing it”.
ECCLESTONE SHOULD STEP DOWN, SAYS BBC PUNDIT E DDIE Jordan, 57, who owned the Jordan Grand Prix racing team between 1991 and 2006, believes the 84-year-old, who has been in charge since 1978, should allow “somebody radical” to take over. “I think he’s done a remarkable job but time has played its role and he should go,” Jordan told BBC Radio 5 live. “We need to leave it for the next generation in a better state.” Ecclestone’s position at the head of F1’s commercial arm has come under scrutiny in the past year - he fought bribery charges in Germany while there have been concerns that the sport has begun to lose its appeal. While acknowledging how Ecclestone had grown F1, Jordan welcomed the possibility of new people running a sport
which is “going through a bit of a dip”. He added: “The man is a legend. He has taken the sport from absolutely nowhere but, at the end of the day, he’s not immortal. He may think he is but he’s not. “There are times when you have to say ‘look, I’ve done everything that I can do. It does need somebody radical in there who is going to really shake it all about and go back to basics.” F1 owners CVC Capital Partners are in talks with RSE Ventures, headed by Stephen Ross, the owner of NFL franchise Miami Dolphins and Qatar Sports Investments owners of the Paris St-Germain football club for a takeover bid for the CVC Capital Partners’ 35.5% controlling stake in the holding company that owns F1 in a deal that could be worth up to $8bn.
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
Issue 02 July 02 - 15, 2015
The path to Wimbledon glory begins
DAVID Ferrer has become the first casualty of the 17 Spanish players that automatically qualified for Wimbledon’s main draw, being ruled out through injury. The 33-year-old, who was seeded eighth in SW19, has been unable to shake off a niggling problem in his right elbow, specifically tendinitis.
Ferrer, who was in the same section of the draw as Rafael Nadal, whom he could have met in the round of 16, has been replaced by Italian lucky loser Luca Vanni. The Alicante-born ace was disappointed, yet philosophical, about the setback: “Unfortunately I won’t be able to play at Wimbledon because of an elbow injury. Now I will focus on trying to recover as soon as possible”, he noted.
IMPACT The number of matches he has played, not to mention his industrious style, may have had an impact in finally side-lining the veteran and ending his streak of appearing at 50 straight Grand Slams. Ferrer is expected to return to the courts on 20th July at the clay-court tournament in Bastad, Sweden.
Britain’s Andy Murray heads to Wimbledon in confident mood after claiming three titles in just two months
F the last two months are anything to go by then one would assume that former Wimbledon champion, Andy Murray, is on course to winning his second Wimbledon title. But to lift this coveted trophy he has two main obstacles in his way before he even reaches the finals Andy Murray, who in 2013 became the first British man since 1936 to win the tournament, is grouped together with Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer at the bottom half of the
WORLD men’s bracket. The one silver lining is that he cannot meet favourite Novak Djokovic until the final. The Olympic Gold medallist kicked off the campaign in glorious fashion with a straight set win against world number 58 Mikhail Kukushkin on Tuesday. In the blistering summer sun Murray, 28, won 6-4 7-6 (7-3) 6-4 in a sweltering two hours and 13 minutes. The Scot seeded third, now faces Dutchman Robin Haase or Colombian Alejandro Falla.