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W A palatial EEKEND

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015




Safeguarding cyber-attacks inside Gibraltar’s secret tunnels Page 37

A right Royal breakfast

Page 64

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Issue 07 Sept. 10 - 23, 2015

refugee camp A



DUKE from one of Spain’s wealthiest dynasties is putting up two families of Syrian refugees at the ancestral estate. The youngest son of the late Duchess of Alba, an eccentric aristocrat and Spain’s richest and most titled noble when she died last November, has described how he was doing his bit to help ease Europe’s crisis. Cayetano Martinez de Irujo y Fitz-James Stuart, the 4th Duke of Arjona and 13th Count of Salvatierra (pictured right), told Spanish broadcaster Cuatro that he felt the need to do something when he read about Salam, forced to sleep on the streets of Spain despite having a career as a urologist and being able to speak five languages.

Spanish aristocrat welcomes Syrian refugee families to live in his palace



Boozy celebrations at Munich’s Oktoberfest Page 85

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Cayetano Martínez said he was moved by Salam’s story of how his practice was bombed and many of the patients were killed. “I saw this headline that said ‘We would prefer to go back to dying amid bombs than to keep living in the street’ and just felt I had to do something’,” he said. Salam said he was shocked by the response to the article. “We got a call that there was someone very


One of the Syrian families

Cayetano Martinez de Irujo y Fitz-James Stuart

important who wanted to see us,” he told the TV channel. As a result, the duke’s family estate close to Seville has been home to two families from Syria for the past 18 months. Cayetano Martínez is one of six children of the Duchess of Alba, one of Spain’s most

loved characters and the world’s most titled aristocrat when she died last November. News of the Duke’s generosity comes as Spain - along with several other European countries - is under pressure to take more refugees.


ORRENTIAL rain caused massive flooding, closed roads and washed away vehicles across Spain’s southern coast region claiming four lives along the way Villages and towns along Spain’s southern coast have been battling severe flooding this week after torrential rain swept across the region resulting in a number of fatalities. A 61-year-old man became the first fatality of the floods after his car was washed away in Polopos-La Mamola on Monday. Later that afternoon the body of a man aged around 50 was discovered in Albuñol in Granada when flood water receded. Continued on page 4

Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015





OPE Francis has lent his moral authority to stem a humanitarian crisis in Europe, calling on every Catholic parish to take in one of the thousands of families coming to the region to flee conflict and poverty. “May every parish, every religious community, every monastery, every sanctuary in Europe host a family,” the pope told a crowd in St. Peter’s Square after reciting the traditional noon Angelus prayer. There are approximately 120,000 parishes in Europe, according to the Centre for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University. The pope added that the Vatican itself would shelter two families. Francis cited Mother Teresa, the European-born nun who cared for the poorest in India, in making his appeal in remarks to pilgrims and tourists in St. Peter’s Square. It’s not enough to say “Have courage, hang in there,” he added. The pope has made migration one of the major social causes of his pontificate. Only a few months after his election in 2013, he visited the southern Mediterranean island of Lampedusa, a major entry point for undocumented

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migrants to Europe, where he denounced rich nations’ indifference to the thousands who had died trying to cross the sea from North Africa. His latest appeal to Catholics to set an example of Christian mercy came as Germany and Austria received, via Hungary, one of the largest waves of displaced people since World War II: thousands of migrants, many of them fleeing Syria and other war-torn countries. Some 13,000 migrants had crossed Hungary’s border with Austria by Sunday afternoon. Most of them were already in Germany, which was working to distribute them across the country. The country appears to remain the destination of choice for many migrants, in particular Syrians, after it already took in thousands of new arrivals last week. “In the face of the tragedy of tens of thousands of refugees fleeing death in war or hunger, and who are on the road to hope of life, the Gospel calls us, asks us to be near, the littlest and the abandoned,” the pope said. Pope Francis said taking in such families would be a “concrete gesture in preparation for the Holy Year of Mercy,” which begins Dec. 8.


GYPTIAN billionaire Naguib Sawir (pictured right) is said he will send formal letters to Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi requesting to buy an island to house the outpouring of Syrian refugees and migrants. “I am serious with my intentions I want to feel good about having done something good. Provide me with the island and I will do the rest.” Sawiris, who heads up telecommunications company Orascom Telecom Media & Technology (OTMT), is Egypt’s third richest man with a net worth of $2.9 billion. He says he has the money and resources to move this plan forward, adding that he has developed land and has experience in logistics. Sawiris originally suggested buying an island for migrants in a tweet on September 3rd which went viral. He said he hasn’t yet been in contact with the Greek or Italian governments and his letters will be his first formal gesture. Europe is struggling to cope with the number of people trying to escape war and poverty.

Egyptian billionaire offers to buy an island for refugees

WRONG SIGNAL Some European countries have taken a hard line on migration and are refusing to accept any more refugees. They argue that welcoming them would send the wrong signal to people smugglers. Meanwhile, countries on the European Union’s external border such as Greece, Italy, and Hungary, are facing an influx of thousands. Sawiris said there’s a limit to how many people Europe can take in. He said there’s nothing either government can lose from accepting his proposal, which he believes will be reviewed by Greek and Italian leaders in the coming weeks. He has not yet identified an island. “The big-

ger the island the more people it can take,” Sawiris said. Western and Gulf countries aren’t doing enough to solve the humanitarian crisis, he added, for fear of letting in ISIS terrorists and because of their own domestic economic problems. This is why he’s suggesting a solution “to start from scratch.” He said he is willing to pay for an island and for safe boats to carry the migrants and refugees. He’ll also create a temporary port and marina, as well as provide food and temporary power. He said he will develop an infrastructure to house the migrants and hire the new

citizens as construction workers or farmers, creating a small city and community. The island will either remain in the domain of the country he buys it from or be an independent entity, which he said he’d name Aylan, after Aylan Kurdi, the 3-year old Syrian boy whose drowned body was washed up on a Turkish beach. The toddler’s photograph spurred Sawiris to tweet his proposal. “My conscience has been awakened by the picture of this child being taken in the sea,” Sawiris said. “God put the image of this child in front of us for a reason. He could have been swallowed by the ocean.”

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015




erman chancellor Angela Merkel said the Schengen zone, which allows people to move across 26 European countries without the need for passports checks, could not continue unless all nations take in a share of immigrants stating that the lack of passport checks within Europe was not helping the issue. Mrs Merkel said: “If we don’t arrive at a fair distribution then the issue of Schengen will arise - we do not want that. We stand before a huge national challenge. It will be a central challenge not only for days or months but for a long period of time.”

RESPONSIBILITY Germany is set to receive 800,000 asylum seekers during 2015, quadruple the amount in the year previous. Mrs Merkel said tackling the crisis was imperative for Europe’s future and urged other countries to take in more migrants to keep the union strong. She added: “Europe as a whole must move and its states must share the responsibility for refugees seeking asylum. Universal civil rights so far have been closely linked with Europe and its history - it was one of the founding motives of the European

COULD THE EU SCRAP FREE MOVEMENT IN WAKE OF MIGRANT CRISIS? EUROPEAN bosses are threatening to scrap free movement within its nations and bring back border controls as the migrant crisis deepens across the continent following the mass flow of refugees coming from Africa and the Middle East all summer Union. If Europe fails on the question of refugees, this close connection with universal civil rights will be destroyed and it won’t be

the Europe we want.” But some Schengen countries disagree and are already implementing their own meas-

THE LIST: 1. Ceuta & Melilla in north Africa 2. Greece - Turkey 3. Bulgaria – Turkey 4. France - Britain 5. Hungary - Serbia 6. Ukraine - Russia 7. Estonia – Russia Each number on the graphic represents a fence either built or being constructed in order to shore up borders.

ures to stop the onslaught of migrants. In recent years countries such as Bulgaria and Greece have attempted to stop migrants making it into the European Union from Turkey with the aid of giant fences, the Bulgarian government recently announced plans to extend its fence by 90 miles. In Africa, meanwhile, Morocco has built a 15-foot wall topped with razor wire on its border with Spanish enclave Melilla to halt waves off people trying to make it to Europe more recently Austria brought in new checks at its border with Hungary, which itself is building a steel fence to stop an influx of immigrants arriving from Serbia. Austria’s increased checks, which it denied violated the Schengen Agreement, had caused 15 miles of queues across Hungary. Konrad Kogler, director general for public security in Austria, said: “These are not border controls. It is about ensuring that people are safe, that they are not dying, on the one hand, and about traffic security, on the other.”


People Power pressures the government of Spain to welcome in more refugees


UROPE’S refugee crisis has become a popular cause for Spain’s left-wing leaders, who are channelling public sentiment to pressure the government into a more generous stance. Despite lingering hardship from Spain’s economic crisis, many families have offered to receive refugees in their homes, and cities like Madrid are putting forward millions of euros to help. City halls, charities and impromptu Facebook groups are marshalling offers of aid and urging the government to open Spain up to refugees who are risking their lives to reach Europe from trouble spots such as Syria. “I am proud of the expressions and initiatives of solidarity by so many Spanish people in response to these tragedies,” wrote Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, responding to an open letter from Barcelona mayor Ada Colau. Accused by the left of dragging its feet as Europe faces its worst refugee crisis since World War II, the government on Tuesday agreed to take in however many the European Commission demands - a figure likely to be around 15,000.The apparent change in policy comes after months of action by city councils and concerned citizens, many organised by groups linked to Spain’s antiausterity “Indignado” movement. On August 29th, Colau called for the establishment of a “network of cities of refuge to give a home to thousands of civilians fleeing from war”. Since then, more than 100 cities have taken up the call, among them Madrid, Valencia and Zaragoza, the mayor said: “While states look for excuses, the cities

have got organised.” In Madrid, a huge white banner reading “Refugees welcome” was hung outside city hall this week, and Mayor Manuela Carmena has pledged €10 million ($11 million) to receive migrants in the city. European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker will on Wednesday unveil a plan for urgently resettling 120,000 migrants across EU member states, with Germany likely to take in more than 31,000, France some 24,000, and Spain almost 15,000, a source told AFP. Until Tuesday, Rajoy’s conservative government, which is to contest a general election in December, insisted it would only take in 2,739 refugees this year.In response, more than 245,000 people signed a petition on the website change.org calling on the Spanish government to “immediately open the doors to refugees”. In an apparent U-turn, Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaria on Tuesday said that “Spain will accept the number of refugees that the European Union asks us to take”. With a population of nearly 47 million, Spain accounts for 9.1 percent of the EU’s population, but last year it took in less than one percent of the bloc’s asylum applications, UN figures showed. In all, it granted refugee status to just 384 people. Monica Oltra Jarque, deputy leader of the Valencia region and a member of the left-wing party Compromis, said there was room in Spain for plenty more. “If each Spanish town took just one family, we could host 20,000 families,” she said.

Hungary has been criticised for its fence but its government spokesman Zoltan Kovacs said his country was protecting external EU borders, not just its own. He said: “If we do not succeed in restoring order and legality here, illegal migration including that of refugees, who are truly in need of protection - will become completely unmanageable.” He said the checks had been agreed by Germany and Hungary. Rather than stem immigration, Ukraine’s plans for a 1,200 mile fence with Russia has come in a bid to stop aggression from Vladimir Putin in the ongoing conflict between the nations and attempts by Moscow to back and support Ukraine rebels. Eastern bloc neighbour Estonia also wants to build a 70 mile barrier with Russia. Closer to home, Britain has pumped £7million into building a fence around the Channel Tunnel to protect the UK from being overrun with migrants in Calais. However, many migrants still manage to get to the UK by being smuggled in or sneaking into trucks. Europe’s leaders are set to meet on September 14 to look at ways of tackling the ongoing migrant crisis. Breaking up the Schengen Agreement would require major constitutional change and could pave the way for EU reforms which in turn would be a boost for David Cameron who this week continues his discussions with EU nations about bringing in more concessions for the UK.

Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015





HEN Princess Elizabeth was born to the Duke and Duchess of York, she was third in line to the throne. Her father was the younger brother of David, the Prince of Wales, and it was assumed that the heir to the throne would eventually have children himself, and “Lilibet”, as she was known, would not accede. No one had any idea then that she would go on to become the most enduring Queen in British history. Yesterday, September 9th saw Queen Elizabeth II or to quote her title in full: “Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith” make history and become the longest ever reigning monarch in British history breaking Queen

Continued from page 1

VICTIMS On Tuesday morning a third victim was discovered washed up on a beach in Castell de Ferro, on the coast south of Granada. The man in his sixties was thought to have been carried down to the beach by flood water. On Wednesday another victim was discovered washed up at the mouth of a river on nearby beach between Castell and Calahonda- The area had experienced 80 litres of rainfall per meter in just 40 minutes. More than 300 emergency calls were made across Malaga, Almeria and Jaén provinces on Monday afternoon alone when the first rains hit. Spain’s Civil Protection service had issued weather alerts for Valencia, Alicante, Granada and Almería along Spain’s south-eastern and southern coastline. One of the worst affected areas is the town of Adra, in Almería on Spain’s south-eastern coast. Spain’s national weather agency, Aemet, on Monday put much of south-eastern Spain at risk from storms, while there is an “important risk” in several areas along the countries southern coast, such as Malaga. Roads were closed around Malaga airport, which was one of the worst affected areas with several international flights diverted from Malaga to Seville due to the heavy rain.

Victoria’s record who reigned for 23,226 days, 16 hours and 23 minutes, taking into account 63 years, 15 leap days, additional months and days and the precise timings of her accession and death. When her beloved father George VI died on February 6th 1952, Princess Elizabeth ascended to the throne and at the tender age of just 21 made the people of the Commonwealth of Nations a solemn promise. ‘I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we belong.” None who heard her words could have known she would go on to become the longest-reigning monarch in British history.



N the year that Queen Elizabeth II makes history as the longest serving monarch in British History, it is also very poignant that we also mark the 75th anniversary of the ‘lightning war’ commonly known as the Blitz, the Nazi Germany’s eight-month wartime bombing campaign against Britain. Beginning in the autumn of 1940, German Luftwaffe pilots bombed London for 57 consecutive nights. It began on Sept. 7, when 348 German bombers and 617 Messerschmitt fighters appeared in the clear skies above the British capital and began to pound the area with explosives.


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In the months that followed, great numbers of aghast Londoners fled to the countryside. But many more stayed put, through air raids that flattened great swaths of the city and killed 20,000 residents. When the bomb shelters filled up, tens of thousands of Londoners filed into Underground stations, where they slept, packed like sardines, on the concrete platforms. In total around 43,000 people were killed and countless evacuated but in typical British fashion, the attitude at the time was very much ‘business as usual’. London was flattened but today the city stands proud.

From the top: A stricken London bus, heroic firemen tackling a blasted building, Londoners taking refuge in the Elephant & Castle Underground Station and the Queen Mother visiting bomb victims in the East End

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015



Giant ‘Superhenge’ ritual arena that dwarfs Stonehenge has been discovered


IDDEN remains of an extraordinary Neolithic monument have been found buried beneath the ground - a mile from Stonehenge. More than 4,500 years ago, at least 90 huge stone monoliths lined an impressive “arena” that may have been used for religious rites or solstice rituals. Now lying on their sides covered by three feet of earth, the monuments have remained undiscovered until archaeologists from the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute equipped with ground-penetrating radar probed the area around the famous stone circle on Salisbury Plain.


EARTHWORK The stones, some measuring nearly 15ft, were placed along the south-eastern edge of what later became the Durrington Walls “superhenge” - a circular enclosure ringed by a ditch and bank that at nearly a mile across is the largest earthwork of its kind in the UK. Experts believe the stones, which may have been thought to have magical properties, were not originally part of the Henge but were deliberately toppled before being incorporated into it. Professor Vince Gaffney, from the University of Bradford, one of the archaeologists leading the project, said: “We’re looking at one of the largest stone monuments in Europe and it has been under our noses for something like 4,000 years. Professor Gaffney also believes the stones may have been planted by the same people who built Stonehenge, but is sceptical about a direct link between the two monuments.

They were placed along a steep slope, or scarp, cut into a natural dry valley to form a C-shaped feature. Part of Durrington Walls is aligned with the rising sun on the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, which may be significant. The discovery at Durrington Walls was unveiled at the British Science Festival, taking place this week at the University of Bradford. At the same event last year, the international team revealed a host of previously unknown archaeological features that had been hidden in the landscape around Stonehenge. They included a 108ft long burial mound containing a massive wooden building whose timber foundations lay under the soil.

The ongoing survey is using a suite of technologies to peer below the ground, including penetrating radar, electromagnetic induction, magnetometry, electrical resistance mapping, and lasers. Dr Nick Snashall, National Trust archaeologist for the Avebury and Stonehenge World Heritage Site, said: “The Stonehenge landscape has been studied by antiquaries and archaeologists for centuries. “But the work of the Hidden Landscapes team is revealing previously unsuspected twists in its age-old tale. “The presence of what appear to be stones, surrounding the site of one of the largest Neolithic settlements in Europe adds a whole new chapter to the Stonehenge story.”

AFTER the music stops at the Glastonbury Festival, thousands of abandoned pairs of Wellington boots can be found littering the fields of Worthy Farm. In the past many of the wellies have ended up buried in landfill sites. But since 2013 these leftover wellies have been donated to charities around the world. This year team member Liz Clegg had the idea of donating them to the migrants in Calais. “The boots were meticulously sized, paired and quality controlled by a group of volunteers and Liz recently transported more than 500 pairs to Calais, along with 2,000 unused rain ponchos and some first aid kits,” said a festival spokesman. Liz distributed them (and offered some first aid training) alongside Association Salam, a French charity which organises the distribution of food and clothing to the migrants. Earlier this month, the festival announced that it had been able to give £2m to charities in 2014. The largest recipients were Oxfam and Greenpeace (£500,000 each) and WaterAid (£250,000), with nearly 100 other organisations, many of them local, receiving money as well.

Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015


UK NEWS n Elizabeth II has a way to go, however, before she overtakes the record of the world’s longest serving monarch. King Sobhuza II ruled Swaziland for an incredible 82 years from 10.12.1899 to 21.08.1982 n Over the course of her reign, she has given regular Tuesday-evening audiences to 12 British Prime Ministers: Winston Churchill, 1951–55; Sir Anthony Eden, 1955–57; Harold Macmillan, 1957–63; Sir Alec DouglasHome, 1963–64; Harold Wilson, 1964–70 and 1974–76; Edward Heath, 1970–74; James Callaghan, 1976–79; Margaret Thatcher, 1979–90; John Major, 1990–97; Tony Blair, 1997–2007; Gordon Brown, 2007–2010; and David Cameron, 2010-present. There have been 12 U.S. Presidents during her reign. n In 2005, she claimed ownership of 88 cygnets (young swans) on the River Thames. They are looked after by a swan marker. The first royal swan keeper was appointed around the 12th century. n Technically, the Queen still owns the sturgeons, whales and dolphins in the waters around the U.K as detailed in a statute from 1324, during the reign of King Edward II. n The Queen joined Facebook in November 2010, with a page called the British Monarchy, which features royal news, photos, videos and speeches. However, it is not possible to poke the royal family. She joined Twitter in July 2009, with teams at Buckingham Palace tweeting daily updates. None of the royals themselves tweet. The page follows only one other Twitter account: Clarence House, the royal home of the Prince of Wales.

Some right Royal facts To celebrate this momentous achievement, here are some fascinating facts about the life and reign of Her Majesty n The Queen is the only person in Britain who can drive without a license or number plate on her state car.

n She once demoted a footman for giving her corgis whiskey. n She takes a keen interest in horses and racing. Her first pony, a Shetland called Peggy, was given to her by her grandfather King George V when she was 4 years old. Elizabeth continues to ride at Sandringham, Balmoral and Windsor. The Queen also takes interest in horse breeding. Horses bred at the royal studs over the past 200 years have won virtually every major race in Britain. Elizabeth has about 25 horses in training each season. n Her racing colours consist of a purple body with gold braiding, scarlet sleeves and a black velvet cap with gold fringe.

n Her real birthday is April 21, but it is celebrated officially in June. n There have been six Roman Catholic Popes during the Queen’s reign (Pius XII, John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II and Benedict XVI).

n During her reign, the Queen has received many unusual gifts, including a variety of live animals. The more unusual ones have been placed in the care of the London Zoo — among them jaguars and sloths from Brazil and two black beavers from Canada. There have also been gifts of pineapples, eggs, a box of snail shells, a grove of maple trees and 15 lb. (7 kg) of prawns.

n She has made a Christmas broadcast to the Commonwealth every year of her reign except 1969, when a repeat of the film Royal Family was shown and a written message from the Queen issued.

n For her wedding she collected clothing coupons for her wedding dress, true to the spirit of post-war austerity. Her wedding ring was made from a nugget of Welsh gold that came from the Clogau St. David’s mine near Dolgellau. Her official wedding cake was made by McVitie and Price Ltd., using ingredients given as a wedding gift by Australian Girl Guides. n The Queen has an extensive collection of jewellery, most of which are crown jewels, some inherited and some gifts, including the largest pink diamond in the world. Some of her well-known pieces include a brooch of diamonds forming a spray of wattle that was presented by the Australian government in 1954 and a necklace of large square-cut aquamarines and diamonds with earrings, given as a gift in her coronation year by the ambassador of Brazil, which Elizabeth wore on her French state visit in 2004.

n Elizabeth has owned more than 30 corgis during her reign, starting with Susan, who was a present for her 18th birthday in 1944. A good proportion of these have been direct descendants from Susan. Elizabeth currently has five corgis: Emma, Linnet, Monty, Holly and Willow. n Elizabeth introduced a new breed of dog known as the dorgi when one of her corgis was mated with a dachshund named Pipkin that belonged to Princess Margaret. Elizabeth currently has four dorgis: Cider, Berry, Candy and Vulcan. As well as corgis and dorgis, the Queen also breeds and trains Labradors and cocker spaniels at Sandringham House. A special Sandringham strain of black Labrador was founded in 1911.

n She is supposedly the only British monarch in history properly trained to change a spark plug & tyre, as she undertook a car-maintenance course during World War II.

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015

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Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015



‘I’ll give you €5,000 if you give my son a job’, says desperate father


ESPITE its strengthening economy, Spain retains one of the highest unemployment rates in the EU and one pensioner has taken drastic measures to get his son a job. The pensioner, a retired lawyer who has chosen to remain anonymous, posted a 25-word advert in regional newspaper El Heraldo de Aragón at the end of August offering €5,000 ($5,620) to any company that would employ his son. The ad read: “Pensioner offers €5,000 to a firm that will employ his unemployed son who is qualified, responsible, and hardworking and has a good professional record.”

DESPERATE “My son is desperate,” the man told El Heraldo de Aragón, “as a father I cannot watch him in pain and stand by and do nothing,” he added. “Perhaps publishing this kind of advert seems improper but over time I have lost any shame,” he said. The pensioner, originally from Huesca in north-eastern Spain, said his son, who has a five-year-old child, had had a series of tem-

The advert appeared in newspaper, El Heraldo de Aragón

porary contracts, the last of which expired in September last year has since struggled to find work had not consulted his son before placing the ad and advised that when his son found out “he was very angry with me and was afraid that someone in Zaragoza would realise who he was. He said it was shameful. But after a long chat he told me I was the best father in the world.” The story is just one example of the situation in which many Spaniards have found themselves since the beginning of the crisis, which saw the country’s unemployment levels soar. The latest figures released by Spain’s employment ministry show the current unemploy-


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ment level is at 22.4 percent, the second highest in the European Union after Greece equating to about five million people out of work. With figures for September expected to add to the woe because of the 333,107 people whose temporary contracts – mainly in the tourism and other service sectors – expired on the last day of August. T The pensioner is keen to point out that he was not offering the €5,000 as some kind of bribe but more as an “economic partnership” to help his son “form his own business in the future or join an existing one”. He said he has to date received around 20 calls from interested companies however “What surprised me was that the majority did not even mention the money, which is obviously the most striking part of the advert,” he said

Ex-Madrid premiers to lose golden retirement package THE regional government of Madrid, headed by Cristina Cifuentes (pictured below) of the Popular Party (PP), has approved a bill aiming to eliminate the lifetime €5,500-a-month

salaries given to its former premiers. 11 ex-premiers, nine with ties to the PP and two to the Socialists – who meet around once a week at headquarters on the capital’s main Gran Vía thoroughfare, where they issue reports, now stand to lose their gross salary of €8,500 a month, or €5,500 net in a move that will save the regional coffers €2.3 million, mostly in personnel expenses. There are 28 government workers in total on the roll which include personal assistants and drivers. The regional premier said a new Legal Advisory Committee will now perform the work currently undertaken by the ex-premiers via the government’s legal department.

Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015



Spain continues Young girl dies as weekend horror rally crash death to be a world leader in toll RISES to seven transplants and now carries T out 6% of the worldwide number


N 2014 a total of 118,127 solid organ transplants were performed in the world, representing a 3% increase over the previous year with 4,360 performed in Spain alone, according to the World Transplant Registry. In the past 5 years, the total number of transplants around the world has increased by 13.5% (2010-2014), with an average annual growth rate of 2.7%. The World Transplant Registry which is managed by the National Transplant Organisation (NTO) & the World Health Organisation considers that of the 118,117 transplants carried out last year ‘only’ represents 12% of those in need of a transplant. Of these donations Europe donated 17% of this 6% was donated by Spain. In the last five years alone the number of worldwide transplants has increased by 13.5% (20102014) with an average annual growth of 2.7% according to the data collected from 112 countries and published in the official publication if the European Council Transplants Commission (Transplant Newsletter 2015). Director of the NTO, Rafael Metesanz, stated that Spain continues to lead the field in organ transplantation. 2014 saw record figures and this year we expect to see figures rise to between 38 and 40 donors per million people, which would mean an extra 300 transplant operations. Already this year donation figures are 10% higher. Spain has the highest rate of donations, with 36 donors per million people (pmp) thanks to the 1,682 recorded in 2014, well above the European average (19.6) and the US (26.6). In fact, despite representing only 0.7% of the world population, Spain carried out 17% of organ donations across Europe and 6% in the world. In total 2,678 kidney transplants, 1,068 liver, 265 heart, 262 lung, 81 pancreas and intestine 6 were made. In Europe the figures on organ donation and transplantation are stable compared to the previous year. In 2014, the rate of donation of the 28 countries that form the European Union increased slightly to 19.6 donors per million people, with a total of 10,033 donations (9,637 in 2013). Meanwhile, the total number of transplants increased by 2.3%, with a total of 31,881, slightly higher than the previous year at 31,165 in 2013.

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HE girl, 11 has died in hospital following the weekend’s rally tragedy in bringing the death toll to seven. The youngster, named locally as Uxia, aged 11 had been in a critical condition with severe head injuries since the Saturday’s crash in the small town of Carral, in Galicia, in the north west of the country. Sadly she died in intensive care at 10.30pm on Monday evening bring the total number of deaths to seven in what has been described as Spain’s worst rally accident. Another fatality Ana Cayazzo a heavily pregnant woman who was due to give birth and her partner Miguel Caridad, both in their 20s, died instantly when TRAGIC: The car careered into a group of around 20 fans in Spain they were struck by one of the race another child – are said to be in a “serious” condition in hoscars as it lost control on a bend. Miguel had recently posted pital while five more remain in hospital. Ten others have been photos on his Facebook page showing him tenderly touchreleased from hospital following treatment. ing his girlfriend’s bump.Miguel, a keen motor racing fan, is The crash happened just before 8pm on Saturday when drivunderstood to have persuaded her to watch the rally a short er Sergio Tabeayo Sande lost control of his Peugeot 206 XS on drive from their home. a bend and smashed into a crowd of around 20 spectators. TREATMENT The competition was suspended immediately after. Carral mayor Jose Luis Fernandez Mourino said the driver was “absoSix people including a girl of 13 were killed instantly while 16 lutely devastated”, adding: “What he wants to do is disappear.” others were injured. Three of the dead were named as MarThe driver and his co-pilot, named as Luis Miguel Prado Santos, cos Prego, Sandra Maria Ares and her 13-year-old daughter were unhurt but are being counselled by experts. They are exAroa, another pregnant woman was reportedly among the pected to be interviewed by investigators later this week. dead but has not be named. Two more people – an adult and



N Italian woman has opened a civil lawsuit against dozens of naturist websites which used a naked photo of her as promotional material. Stefania, a 38-year-old commercial artist from Vicenza in northern Italy, was photographed while spending the day at a nudist resort while on holiday in the Canary Islands in August 2013, Il Giornale di Vicenzareported. But she was unaware that she had been snapped naked and was horrified when a male friend recently sent her a link to an image he found on a nudist website. “When I saw that photo I nearly died,” she said, “It’s one thing deciding to spend the day with no clothes on at a nudist beach but it’s another when everybody can see you as naked as the day you were born.” After seeing the photo, Stefania called the offending website to have the image taken down, but it was already too late – by now the photo was being used by dozens of different naturist websites to promote nudism. She has now opened a civil lawsuit in Spain against the websites, which she believes have damaged her image and invaded her privacy. None of the websites were named in the news report. But the publication of Stefania’s image could prove costly for them - in total, she is asking for nearly €500,000 in damages. A legal expert has stated that the success of the lawsuit would depend on how EU privacy laws are interpreted. “Nudist beaches are public spaces, but she will argue that she went there with the right to and expectation of privacy,” the expert said.

©Photograph: Ernest H. Brooks II, « Blue in Profile », Edition Fifty Fathoms 2008

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015



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Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015


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Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015



Is it make or break time for Catalonia?


EPTEMBER will be a make-or-break month for Spain’s richest region, Catalonia. Tomorrow, Friday 11th September, the streets of its capital, Barcelona, will once again broil with uncountable crowds of local people solemnly marking the Diada, a national day for a nation that doesn’t officially exist. As in previous years, the region’s powerful independence movement will mark Catalan national day with a mass rally calling for the creation of an independent state. This time around organisers hope hundreds of thousands of supporters will fill one of the main avenues into Barcelona all the way to the doors of the regional parliament in Ciutadella Park. The flag-waving crowds will look similar to those that crammed the city’s streets last year, and that formed a 480km human chain across the region in 2013.

UNIFIED However, the political backdrop this year is different. Two weeks later, on September 27, the region will hold its most important elections since Spain’s late dictator Francisco Franco passed away 40 years ago. Crucially, and for the first time, the main pro-independence parties have agreed to run in the election on a single unified list. The idea is to turn the vote into a referendum on independence and to secure a popular mandate for a break with Spain. If the proindependence parties win a majority of seats (68 out of 135) in Catalonia’s parliament, they will unilaterally declare independence from Spain. For Artur Mas, the Catalan president and leader of the centre-right Convergència Democràtica de Catalunya party, September 27 marks the high point of a protracted political battle. Support for independence has risen markedly in recent years, fuelled by

frustration with the region’s current status in Spain. Many Catalans say they want greater autonomy, and to keep more of the taxes that are raised within the prosperous region. Recent polls show that between 30-40 per cent of Catalans say they want to live in an independent state. But just like in Scotland opinions are divided not just between pro-independence Catalans and nationalist Spaniards, but between Catalans themselves with the separatists and unionists closely matched in terms of numbers, with roughly two million people on either side.

UNIFIED With one side dreaming of independence, the other worries about splitting from Spain with thoughts of economic chaos, social division, and expulsion from the European Union. However unlike Scotland, the independence process in Catalonia has been banned from taking place. Madrid has rebuffed Mr Mas and

What would you do if your bank account was credited with €60k? A Spanish man has been arrested after failing to report when his bank account was credited €60,000 in error and instead withdrawing funds. It is a moral dilemma that many of us have pondered: if you found a significant amount of money - or it was deposited accidentally in your bank account - would you report the fact to the police or keep your mouth shut and enjoy your newfound riches? You would like to think you would be honest enough to give it back… but would you really? One Spanish man, from Burgos, northern Spain, has been arrested after keeping sch-

his allies repeated demands for a formal in/ out referendum, with Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy stating that Spain’s constitution allows neither secession nor a regional right to self-

determination, insisting that the September 27 elections are simply to pick a new Catalan government. Mr Mas himself has suggested that winning an absolute majority of seats in the regional parliament — 68 out of 135 seats — would count as a win for the independence campaign. Yet some argue that if the Pro Independence Campaign does win by a landslide the result will always be open to interpretation. The continued economic consequences of the Spanish – Catalan divide is already being felt. Thousands of Catalan companies have upped sticks and relocated to Madrid or other Spanish cities. What’s more, there are signs that the growing tensions between Madrid and Catalonia, combined with rising political uncertainty, are spoiling investor appetite. How long either side can continue to lock horns is anyone’s guess but as the Financial Times warns, without negotiations between the two parties there can be no resolution to the current standoff.

tum about €60,000 (£44,000) that was accidentally deposited into his bank account. Not only did he not report the mysterious money, but by the time police arrested him he had already withdrawn €28,000. The 50-year-old man, who has not been named, transferred almost half of the sum into his wife’s bank account. The €60,000 sum had been accidentally credited to the man’s account instead of another customer at the same bank. The man was arrested by officers from Spain’s National Police for misappropriation of funds.

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Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015




REEZING into town trying to project the appearance of a traveller, driving an old car and asking for directions, no one would look twice at this man - until of course he opens his mouth. Having done his homework on Owners Direct and Airbnb, two home-rental websites, the man is well informed and has the list of a hundred houses that were being rented out to holidaymakers to prove it. His conversation is limited to who is working part-time for cash as cleaners, gardeners or handymen, who is claiming unemployment - yes you’ve got it he is the taxman. Spain’s economy has been improving there is no denying that, creating 411,000 new jobs in the second quarter according to figures released on July 23rd by the national statistics agency.

Crack down on black-market workers

AGONISING But while unemployment fell 1.4 percentage points, it is still an agonising 22.4%, having remained above 20% for five years. As elsewhere in southern Europe, this prolonged stagnation has encouraged workers and businesses to dodge taxes by shifting to the black market. While northern European countries now promote electronic transactions, shopkeepers and housecleaners in Spain are happy to accept cash in order to dodge value-added tax of 21%. The grey economy is estimated to make up between a fifth and a quarter of

Princess Cristina, Lionel Messi and Rodrigo Rato are all under investigation

Spain’s GDP. The government’s tax crackdown has netted almost €35 billion ($38.5 billion) extra for the state’s coffers in the past three years. But the

tax agency (or Agencia Tributaria) sees scope to improve that take. It plans to step up surveillance of social media and e-commerce sites, as well as of businesses such as hotels

Spain resists EU pressure to take in more asylum seekers


HE Spanish government is alleging that the pressure from illegal immigration has “saturated” the country’s ability to accept more newcomers, and is unable to take in 5,849 refugees as part of a European effort to deal with the thousands of people fleeing Syria and other conflict zones. Instead, the Mariano Rajoy administration has told Brussels that it will only accept 2,749, the same figure discussed by Interior Minister Jorge Fernández Díaz on July 20, before the humanitarian crisis had reached its current proportions.

BACKTRACK But the Socialists and left-wing parties in Spain are asking Rajoy, of the conservative Popular Party (PP), to backtrack and accept the quota suggested by the EU. Socialist leader Pedro Sánchez said that what is happening in Europe is “not just a humanitarian crisis, it is a crisis of solidarity.” At a joint press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Rajoy said that Spain is “willing to discuss the situation again,” but noted that the European Com-

mission needs to do three important things. - First, it must ask Italy and Greece to build reception centres, otherwise none of the measures we agree to can be implemented. - Second, we must create a true European asylum policy. - Third, we also need to launch a global immigration policy. “What we are doing right now is good, but

this is not the kind of policy that the EU needs in the long run. We need to develop asylum and immigration policies, otherwise we will go through similar situations again in future,” added Rajoy. Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría said that Spain was “very saturated” and unable to accept many more refugees because of “the number of undocumented migrants” in the country. She stated that Spain, unlike other EU countries, was making “a very big effort” to take in immigrants who reach Spanish coasts after leaving their countries for economic reasons, rather than fleeing conflict areas. Last year, Spain received 1,600 asylum requests, representing 0.0034 percent of the Spanish population. Between January and May 2015, the number of requests had grown to 3,800. Since then, however, the humanitarian crisis has ballooned. There are now approximately 300,000 asylum seekers piling up in Greece, the Balkans and Hungary in a bid to reach countries such as Germany, Austria and Sweden. The United Nations has described this exodus as “the most significant humanitarian crisis in Europe since World War II.”

and restaurants which it suspects of keeping two sets of accounts to under-report income. Members of the public are encouraged to blow the whistle, and to report any payments of €2,500 or more in cash. And just like traffic wardens - tax inspectors are offered financial incentives to meet ambitious targets. Already many celebrities and members of the elite are under investigation or facing charges for tax fraud. These include Princess Cristina (King Felipe VI’s sister), Barcelona football star Lionel Messi, and Rodrigo Rato the Spanish politician who once headed the IMF. Prize-winning authors and popular singers have been caught up in the tax sweep as well. But so have the poor and the long-term unemployed. Many of those still unable to find full-time work, seven years after the start of the financial crisis, have little choice but to fall back on their families, charity, or the grey economy. Among 16- to 24-year-olds, the unemployment rate is nearly 50%. Members of this generation are referred to as ni-ni (“neithernor”), because they neither work nor study. The falling unemployment figures have yet to make a dent on political attitudes, especially among those still jobless or under-employed. In May voters voiced their frustration in regional elections with a swing towards two anti-establishment groups, the left-wing Podemos movement and the centrist Cuidadanos party.

TRADITIONAL The conservative Popular Party (PP) and the Socialists (PSOE), the traditional parties who have traded power for the past 40 years, lost their majorities at local level across much of Spain. Ms Benito, the former executive, voted for Manuela Carmena, the Podemos candidate who was elected mayor of Madrid and is now trying to prevent banks from repossessing impoverished residents’ homes. The government’s push on taxes may be hurting its own political standing, by helping to uncover a relentless stream of scandals that have whipped up popular anger against Spain’s traditional political establishment. And unemployment may need to fall much further before popular confidence improves. Many Spaniards describe a sense of a broken social contract: they resent paying taxes to a government that is delivering fewer social services. Nonetheless, the tax inspector’s visits will continue in a bid to replenish the government’s coffers.

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015


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Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015



Spain hands over American-Belgian man arrested over blood diamonds S

PANISH authorities have arrested an AmericanBelgian businessman for suspected involvement in enslavement and pillaging of blood diamonds during Sierra Leone’s civil war. Michael Desaedeleer (pictured left), a joint American and Belgian national, was detained at Malaga airport as he was about to board a flight to the US. He is accused of forcing Sierra Leoneans to work, effectively as slaves, in the country’s diamond mines, and of trafficking diamonds to neighbouring Liberia so he could profit from the illicit trade of ‘Blood Diamonds’ between 1991 and 2002. The arrest of Mr Desaedeleer was greeted with delight by those who have campaigned to bring financiers alleged to be involved in the blood diamond trade to justice. The warrant for Desaedeleer’s arrest was based on testimony gathered by a Swiss-based NGO, Civitas Maxima from witnesses who were in Kono between 1999 and 2001. According to a statement from Spanish police, the allegation is that Desaedeleer “was one of the supervisors in charge of overseeing the extraction works on site”. While the warrant specifies only a short period in which Mr Desaedeleer is alleged to have run mines where enslaved Sierra Leoneans worked in the eastern Kono district, he is also alleged to have trafficked blood diamonds out of Sierra Leone. Alain Werner, director of Civitas Maxima, a Geneva-based group that works with the victims of war crimes, said: “This is a landmark case and it will help to raise awareness of the pivotal role played by financial actors in the trade of mineral resources that fuel armed conflicts in Africa and elsewhere.” Mr Desaedeleer has previously denied any wrongdoing, telling Newsweek in 2000 that he had a legitimate contract for exclusive mining and development of diamonds in RUF-controlled areas of Sierra Leone and saying all his actions were above board.

According to some estimates, the diamond industry in Sierra Leone was worth $125m (£81.2m) in 2000, much of which is believed to have been used to finance the rebellion led by the then Liberian President, Charles Taylor who in 2012 was jailed for 50years by the International Criminal Court in The Netherlands for his role in the conflict. Mr Desaedeleer is now to be extradited to Belgium to face trial.

Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015




22-YEAR-OLD Spanish IT entrepreneur says he has cracked the D-Day code found on a dead carrier pigeon believed to have been sent from Nazi-occupied France and which was discovered in a chimney in Surrey three years ago. Back in 2012, a man in the South of England was apparently renovating his chimney when he came across the skeleton of a pigeon. One leg bone had a capsule attached, which turned out to contain what looked very much like a coded message dating back to World War 2.

Spaniard cracks Dead Pigeon code left them reliant on pigeons. A spokesperson for GCHQ said it had been contacted by Mr Sánchez to discuss his claim to have cracked the D-Day code, but would not comment further.

MESSAGES The British made extensive use of homing pigeons during the war as a way to get messages back from Nazi-occupied Europe to England. With 70 years having passed, and little more to go on than “likely place of release - 1940s France”, even the UK’s codebreaking boffins at Bletchley Park warned that the message would probably never be cracked yet Didac Sánchez has claimed that following a three-year effort at a cost of €1.5 million (£1.1m) he has deciphered the Second World War message. The young entrepreneur said that after reading about D-DAY messages he became obsessed with wanting to understand the code. He began to read extensively on the subject of wartime encryption in his free time before deciding that he would need to assemble a team of “top computer scientists” to beat the code by using advanced IT tools. “I put out ad-


The remains of a WW2 carrier pigeon and the secret message

vertisements on the internet, asking for certain mathematical and IT skills to get the best people for the job. The selection process took four or five months as a lot of people turned up claiming to know a lot and then when it came down to it, they were useless. I thought about throwing in the towel at one point.” Until now, experts have been unable to break

the military code found in a red capsule attached to the homing pigeon’s leg, written in what to modern eyes is an unfamiliar system. The message, comprising groups of five letters with a few numbers at the end, is believed to have been dispatched by British forces during the D-Day invasion to relay secret messages across the Channel, after a radio blackout

Mr Sánchez said during his quest he realised that a system no one understood anymore “offers wonderful commercial opportunities”. He now plans to market new security software via his corporate group, Legisdalia, based on the code, a system he has christened 4YEO (For Your Eyes Only) and which will allow any text, document, WhatsApp, Messenger, SMS or Skype conversation to be encrypted, as well as telephone calls. The Barcelona entrepreneur is so confident that his new encryption system is impossible to crack that he is offering €25,000 to anyone who figure out the code’s structure by the end of this year.

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Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015



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Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015




This tasty hotdog could soon be part pine

Adding a bit more crunch! A NORWEGIAN biorefinery company which turns waste wood fibre into a cream-like fat substitute claims it can be used to make ice cream, mayonnaise and even hot dogs. Borregaard has already opened a plant in Wisconsin, USA, producing the revolutionary new substance, which it calls Sense-Fi, and plans to open a second factory in Sarpsborg, Norway, in 2016. “We are rolling it out primarily in the US, where it has been approved. Sales are just about underway, and there is

a lot of focus on fighting obesity,” says business director Harald Rønneberg Borregaard to Norway’s Dagbladet newspaper. Researchers at the Paper and Fibre Institute in Trondheim worked tirelessly for ten years and spent millions of dollars in their quest to find a way to use fibre from trees into our food. The new fibre apparently tastes, feels and fill you up like fat, but as it is in fact indigestible fibre, it does not pile on the pounds or provide extra energy.

TWO five-year-old Russian boys dug under the fence of their Russian kindergarten playground and set off on a mission to buy a Jaguar sports car. Having used their sand spades over several days to dig their ‘tunnel’, the lads escaped from under their teacher’s nose during a supervised walk in the grounds of the kindergarten in the city of Magnitogorsk in the Urals region. After reaching freedom, the boys then made their way to a Jaguar car showroom several miles away. A female driver noticed them and asked what they were doing. They told her they had come from their kindergarten to buy a Jaguar because they wanted ‘a proper car’ She put them in her car and drove them to a police station. Staff only noticed the children were missing after half an hour. Their frantic parents did not file a complaint when they realised the children were unharmed. But the kindergarten teacher in charge of the boys was fired, and the head was reprimanded. Olga Denisenko, acting head of pre-school education in the city, said: ‘This is a very serious breach of rules. The head of the group that allowed this to happen was fired.

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Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015




FFICIALS have ordered a task force in New South Wales, Australia, to examine the proposals of compulsory chemical castration for paedophiles deemed to be high risk for reoffending. Currently chemical castrations, is only offered voluntarily, but the NSW government is seeking to establish if it should be mandatory for all sex offenders from the moment they are tried and sentenced to prison. Meaning that the chemical castrations would be a judicial sentencing option, so they would be a part of the punishment like jail time and probation. Chemical castration is already mandatory for convicted paedophiles in nine US states and other countries including Poland, Macedonia, South Korea, Moldova and Russia, and has been implemented successfully, on a voluntary basis, in several European countries including Sweden, Denmark and Britain.

WHAT EXACTLY IS CHEMICAL CASTRATION? In many ways, the term chemical castration is no longer as correct as it once was. When the treatment was first used, it involved changing the hormonal balance by injecting female hormones into the individual. In cases like Alan Turing, the famed mathematician who was charged for being gay, this had massive effects that many believe led him to commit suicide. These days, chemical castration is just a term that the public finds easy to understand. As Professor Don Grubin, from the University of

Paedophiles to face forced chemical castration Paedophiles could be forced to face chemical castration under new plans being considered in Australia Newcastle notes, there are a wider range of drugs that can be used in situations like this, some of which mimic castration, and some of which target other areas of sexual arousal such as Anti-androgen medications, which lowers the level of testosterone.

WHY SHOULD IT HAPPEN? Children should be protected in any society. In our society, it seems there are a growing number of children being victimised by indi-

viduals who are motivated either by deviant sexual leanings, or by illusions of power best acted out on those who cannot resist. In either case, it needs to be stopped now. The reasons for mandatory chemical castration are quite clear to those involved. Most persuasive is that investigations into child sex offenders recently uncovered that more than 15% of all child sex offenders surveyed were likely to reoffend in the two years following their release. This number is much too high, and even if these treatments protect just one child from abuse, it is enough. Chemical castrations allow the courts to make the final decision on whether or not criminals will feel a biological need to abuse other children. The drugs work to lower the libido substantially, taking away a major motivation for wanting to perpetrate a sexual crime against a child. Although the treatment is currently offered on a voluntary basis, making it compulsory and a part of a criminal sentence would ensure that it is undertaken by those who need it most, lowering the number of innocents at risk.


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There are two big things to consider in arguing against chemical castration for child sex offenders. The first thing is ethics. Is it really ethical to make medical decisions on behalf of a criminal that could seriously change the way that they live their lives? The idea of chemically castrating someone, lowering their libido and changing the hormone level in their bodies, could have farreaching effects. These effects may even go

as far as conflicting with one of the main ethical frameworks of medicine: First, do no harm. Another strong side of this is that, even among those who heartily champion for chemical castration, there is an agreement that the treatments are more effective among those who volunteer to undergo them. The second thing to consider is the complexities of sex offenders. Many of the experts against the radical plan to make chemical castration compulsory have argued that there’s more to it than just sex. Yes, many child sex offenders are looking for sexual gratification in perpetrating their crimes, and lowering the libido should put a stop to that. But just as many are playing out their own fantasies it is the illusion of control on their victims that excites them, castration will therefore have absolutely no effect on whether that happens or not. Many sex offenders are motivated by opportunity and aggression, instead of the kinds of sexual deviation that these drugs can cure. So, it might be a lot of effort for no result.

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Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015


Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015



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Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015



Is this the world’s oldest secret T code?

Datura genus


MYSTERIOUS wooden statue dated back to some 11,000 years ago, may hold the first ever form of writing known to man. Covered in a code that no-one can decipher, the mysterious Shigir Idol was recently dated by German scientists as being 1,500 years older than previously believed. If these findings are true, that means the wooden wonder is the oldest wooden sculpture in the world - and more than twice the age of the Egyptian pyramids, three times older than the ancient city of Babylon, and five times as old as Al Khazneh, the most famous of the ruins in the ancient city of Petra.

Standing at 2.8 metres in height, but originally 5.3 metres tall, the statue would also be 6,000 years older than Stonehenge. The baffling statue was first discovered 125 years ago, perfectly preserved some 13.5 feet below the ground in a bog in Siberia, Russia.

FRAGMENTS The first attempt to date the Idol was made in 1997, or 107 years after its discovery, and predicted that it was 9,500 years old. It was found in numerous fragments, but when pieced back together again, researchers discovered it was covered in some sort of Mesolithic codes and symbols - including squiggly lines, hatching and even chevrons. While scientists have never been able to crack the mysterious patterns, some believe it could be the oldest form of code on the planet. If translated, it could unlock ground-breaking information about the early points of civilisation and how man once understood the world. Professor Mikhail Zhilin, leading researcher and professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Archaeology, said: “This is a masterpiece, carrying gigantic emotional value and force. It is a unique sculpture; there is nothing else in the world like this... The ornament is covered with nothing but encrypted information. People were passing on knowledge with the help of the Idol.” According to The Siberian Times, the research on the wooden piece was conducted in Mannheim, Germany, in one of “the world’s most advanced laboratories” using a process known as Accelerated Mass Spectrometry on seven wooden samples.

‘Zombie’ drug used in Paris muggings

WO women of Chinese nationality were arrested near the capital’s 10th arrondissement after allegedly using a substance with similar effects to Colombia’s infamous Devil’s Breath ‘zombie drug’ to rob elderly Parisians. A search of their apartment revealed Chinese herbs, a set of scales, gloves and filters, a police source told the paper. The substance used in the Paris attacks is yet to be determined but evidence the women had recently travelled to Mexico has given rise to suspicions that the women were using something

like the ‘Devil’s Breath’ drug found in Colombia. That substance contains scolopamine, a toxin found in plants of the Datura genus found in the South American country. Scolopamine is odourless and tasteless and is used in small quantities to treat travel sickness and post-surgical nausea and vomiting. In larger quantities, however, it can bring on drowsiness and hallucinations.

MYTHICAL It is also an active ingredient in Devil’s Breath, a drug which has a mythical reputation in Colombia where it is said

to be able to turn people into ‘zombies’ leaving them without free will. Stories abound of people handing over their life savings while in a drug-induced daze, or being repeatedly raped after being administered the substance. Scolopamine, also a powerful antidepressant, was tested as a truth serum in the early 20th century but side effects were found to be too severe. The verdict is out in terms of how much Devil’s Breath actually strips people of their free will. Many argue instead that the substance strips people of their inhibitions and makes them behave in ways they later regret.

Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015




‘Rainbow Grandpa’ saving a Taiwan village with art

UANG Yung-fu greets visitors to his village in central Taiwan with paint-stained hands and shoes spattered with flecks of colour, a sign of the daily artistic labour that has seen him single-handedly stave off the developers’ bulldozers. At 93 years old, the former soldier still gets up at 3am every day to spend four hours daubing the walls of the small settlement with colourful figures, from birds and animals to celebrity singers and sportsmen.

FLATTENED Known as ‘Rainbow Grandpa’, Huang’s artwork has kept the village safe as the surrounding area has been flattened. He walks with a slight limp and rolls up his trouser leg to reveal a bandaged knee -bruised from spending too much time kneeling on the ground to paint, he says. But Huang is determined to continue adding to the vibrant murals that decorate the walls and pathways of the military dependents’ village as a way to ensure its survival. “We had a letter five years ago saying the government wanted to knock it down to build something new. They said we could take some money or move to a different house,” said Huang, dapper in a navy flat cap and gold Chinese-style high-collared shirt. “But I didn’t want to move. This is the only real home I’ve ever known in Taiwan.” The settlement in the Nantun district of Taichung City once comprised 1,200 homes for veterans and their families. But as the decades-old accommodation became run-

93-year-old artist Huang Yung-fu posing for a photo next to his artwork in the Rainbow Village

down, developers snapped up the land and residents were offered Tw$2 million ($61,000) compensation or new housing.

Huang has lived there for 37 years, staying even after his neighbours abandoned their homes and only 11 houses remained. That’s when he decided to paint. “I was the only person left in the village and I was bored,” he said. “My father taught me how to paint when I was five years old, but I hadn’t done it since I was a child. The first thing I painted was a bird inside my house.” Huang decorated the interior of his two-bedroom bungalow, then the outer walls and the

neighbouring homes which were standing empty. The ever-expanding artwork became a parade of dogs, cats, planes and his favourite celebrities, including kung fu legend Bruce Lee. When local university students discovered Huang’s work they launched a campaign to save the village and four years ago the authorities agreed it should be preserved. Now it is one of the area’s leading tourist attractions, pulling in more than a million visitors annually, mostly from Asia. “The government has promised me they will keep this house and this village,” said Huang. “I was so happy and thankful.” Officials say they are seeking to make the “Rainbow Village” a designated cultural area. “Tourism is one of the reasons to keep it, but the main reason is that veterans’ villages are very special to Taiwan,” says Huang MingHeng, chief secretary of Taichung’s cultural affairs bureau. “Unfortunately most of them have been knocked down, so it’s important to keep this historical memory.” Veteran Villages were created as temporary housing for hundreds of dedicated military personnel in 1949 following the civil war. The Ministry of National Defence says many of the villages have been knocked down simply because residents wanted better living conditions. The defence ministry has now pledged to preserve the last 13 villages as cultural areas.

Record breaking Chris the sheep gets shorn

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A LOST, overgrown sheep found in Australian scrubland was shorn for perhaps the first time last week, yielding 89 pounds of wool - the equivalent of 30 sweaters - and shedding almost half his body weight. The merino ram dubbed ‘Chris’ was found near Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary outside Canberra by bushwalkers who feared it would not survive the approaching southern summer. It was found miles away from the nearest sheep farm. A bushwalker named him Chris after the sheep in television comedy series “Father Ted.”

Chris was shorn under anaesthetic because it was stressed by human company and because of the potential pain from the heavy fleece tearing skin as it fell away. Ms Ven Dange, Chief executive of the Canberra RSPCA said he had suffered skin burns from urine trapped in his fleece and could have died within weeks if left in the wild. Champion shearer Ian Elkins, who was called in especially to trim Chris, said the sheep appeared to be in good condition after being separated from its huge fleece under anaesthetic.

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015





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Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015

Unlike most Polo club Santa Maria Polo Club has had the foresight to establish a program that can be enjoyed throughout the year The new 2015-2016 seasons calendar offers those wishing to participate in the “sport of kings” a section of packages that the whole family can enjoy offering not just the tradi-

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Andalucía Championship Handicap 2-6 Río Sotogrande fields

9th to 11th October

Epiphany Tournament Handicap 0-6 Puente de Hierro fields

3th & 4th January

Danish Tournament Handicap 2-4 Puente de Hierro fields

10th & 11th January

European Tournament Handicap 4-6

26th to 6th March

Guards Polo Tournament Handicap tbc

11th to 13th March.

Last but not least, Santa María Polo Club provides an excellent training program for beginners right through to advance. The Polo

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tional tournaments held every year, but a number of new tournaments that will increase the calendar and level of competition. New this year is the Polo Family Packages (Family Package) and Polo School, it brings together a number of tournaments from September through to the summer season of 2016.

School is open all year with Santiago Torreguitar, Polo Manager of Santa María Polo Club, as head coach.

FUN IN THE LAST OF THE SUN AS the summer season draws to a close in Sotogrande and the extensive and hugely successful programme of activities held at the Mercado de Levante peters out, there’s still time for the little ones to enjoy the kids area. Remaining open until 20 September let them go wild on the giant bouncy castle, outdoor play area or trampolines; explore their artistic side on the huge chalk wall, or get their adrenaline going on the karting track and finish it off with a more sedate ride on the train taking in the sights of the marina whilst sampling some ice cream from the ice cream truck – all this and more in a place designed just for them. Open daily in Sotogrande Marina until Sunday 20th September.

Smugglers smoked out GUARDIA Civil officers have intercepted 4,500 packets of cigarettes during a routine public safety stop and check exercise on the A7 close to Sotogrande. The driver was randomly stopped so that the officers could check the drivers ID and in-

spect the vehicle when the cigarettes, which did not bear the stamps that would have indicated they were imported legally, were found on the rear seats and in the boot. The driver, a resident of Los Barrios, was arrested on suspicion of smuggling.

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015



Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015


South facing and private



outh-facing 3 storey townhouse in El Casar Zarza with southerly aspect and private access to the communal pool. The groundfloor comprises of an entrance hall, 1 bedroom with a shower room, storeroom, fitted kitchen with service patio and living-dining room with access to the porch, garden and communal pool. The 1st floor comprises of the master bedroom ensuite with terrace and 2 further bedroom that share 1 bathroom. On the 2nd floor there is the 5th bedroom with a shower room, terrace and balcony. Includes double glazing, central heating by radiators and air conditioning.

Plot: 210 m² | Built: 202m² | Terrace: 70m² Bedrooms: 5 | Bathrooms: 4 Price: €360.000 | Ref: CAS-1508



lovely 2 storey unfurnished townhouse in excellent conditions and offering super views to the country (future golf course) and the sea. The accommodation offers, on the ground floor, an entrance hall, a guest toilet, a large living/dining room leading to covered terrace and 113m2 of garden, a fitted kitchen with adjoining laundry. On the first floor is the spacious master suite with terrace which takes full advantage of the views to the sea and a further en-suite double bedroom. There is a communal pool and 24 hours security gate house.

Plot: 113m² | Built: 192m² | Terrace: 34m² Bedrooms: 2 | Bathrooms: 2 Price: €475.000 | Ref: CLR-1380 Holmes Property Sales, S.L. Tel: +34 956 79 53 40 Galerias Paniagua | Local 21 | Avenida Paniagua s/n | 11310 Sotogrande | San Roque | Cádiz | España email: info@holmesotogrande.com


Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015




outh-facing semi-detached villa peacefully located on a cul-de-sac in the popular development of Sotogolf with communal pool and paddle tennis court. With lovely golf views over the adjoining green zone, the ground floor comprises of an entrance hall, living/dining room with fireplace and covered terrace, fitted kitchen, guest toilet and service patio. The first floor comprises of the master bedroom ensuite, 2 further bedrooms, 1 bathroom and an open terrace. On the top floor there is the 4th bedroom and 1 bathroom. It has a garage on the lower ground floor and includes central heating by radiators, air conditioning and double glazing.

Plot: 1.052m² | Built: 221m² | Terrace: 72m² Bedrooms: 4 | Bathrooms: 3 Price: €520.000 | Ref: HSG-1507



n attractive townhouse conveniently located, adjacent to and with lovely views of the 9th fairway of the Alcornocales section of the Almenara golf course and inland to the hills. Within walking distance of the Hotel and Spa, the accommodation built over three levels offers 3 large bedroom suites, 2 of which have terraces, a well fitted kitchen with service patio, a spacious living/dining room with fireplace and patio doors leading to covered and open terraces, private garden of 60 m², communal gardens and pool. The property has underfloor heating and individual air conditioning units and a private garage for 1 car.

Built: 184m² | Terrace: 58m² Bedrooms: 3 | Bathrooms: 3 Price: €495.000 | Ref: THC-1299 Holmes Property Sales, S.L. Tel: +34 956 79 53 40 Galerias Paniagua | Local 21 | Avenida Paniagua s/n | 11310 Sotogrande | San Roque | Cádiz | España email: info@holmesotogrande.com



Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015





focuses on


We are looking for a sponsor for the Gibraltar section INTERESTED? Then call 0034 951 127 200

Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015



‘Evacuation of the Gibraltarians’ £15 Silver Coin AS part of the Gibraltar National Day celebrations and to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Evacuation of the Gibraltarians during World War II, the Government has announced the issue of a new £15 fine silver coin. The new £15 coin, legal tender in Gibraltar will be available to collectors as from Monday 14th September from the Treasury at 206/210 Main Street.

David Cameron must address Spain bullying over Gibraltar


ONSERVATIVE politician, Andrew Rosindell (pictured left) is urging David Cameron to take Spain to task over Gibraltar during next week’s visit to Madrid, where the Prime Minister will be discussing European Union reform. It follows a high-level meeting between Whitehall and Madrid in which the Foreign Office claimed it had been given “reassurances” that Spain would not repeat last week’s incident where a customs vessel opened fire on a pleasure craft in British waters. However, an official statement by Spain mentioned no such reassurances and spoke only of closer cooperation in anti-smuggling operations. Spanish customs officers fired four shots and threw bricks at a Gibraltar-registered pleasure craft sailing in British sovereign waters last weekend, the third confrontation in as many weeks. According to the Foreign Office, the incident prompted reassurances from Spain “that safety of lives at sea is a top priority for all concerned and their law enforcement agencies will operate with the utmost respect for this principle in order that this is fully upheld

in the future”, however Mr Rosindell, chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on British Overseas Territories, said: “History has shown Madrid to be duplicitous on this issue; they are bullies, they have no respect for democracy and no interest in actually solving this problem. The Foreign Office knows this and it is quite possible that claiming they had received assurances which Spain itself has failed to confirm is the Foreign Office papering over the cracks. He added: “I call on David Cameron to discuss Gibraltar during his visit to Madrid. There can be no dealing with Madrid while this shameful situation is continuing. It is his absolute duty to raise this matter forcefully with the Spanish Prime Minister and to make it clear that Spanish antics are completely unacceptable within the confines of the EU or Nato. If Madrid expects to have any form of relationship with the UK, this bullying must stop.” Fellow Tory MP Gerald Howarth said EU reform was “absolutely critical” but added: “We cannot ignore the ongoing provocation which another EU country, and NATO ally, inflicts on sovereign British territory.

Criminal hands himself in A “MOST WANTED” London man allegedly connected to an attempted murder at a south London pub has handed himself in to police in Gibraltar. Robert Mortby, 28, was wanted by Metropolitan Police on suspicion of attempted murder following a shooting outside a London pub in 2012, and last week the National Crime Agency said he turned himself over to a police station in Gibraltar. He had been the target of a joint investigation, called Operation Captura, between the force and the charity Crimestoppers. His surrender comes after a 13 ft high digital screen broadcasting the faces of 18 of Britain’s Most Wanted fugitives was toured around British ex-pat hot spots in Spain as part of Operation Captura, on which Mortby appeared. The digital screen, attached to the back of a van, toured the nearby Spanish Costa parking outside nightclubs, bars, British supermarkets and restaurants and it is believed it could have been this that helped flush him out. Crimestoppers founder Lord Ashcroft said: “This is the third Operation Captura arrest this summer and highlights the pressure wanted fugitives are under because of the collaborative work that goes into the campaign.” The operation, a joint initiative involving British and Spanish police, was launched in 2006 to target most wanted criminals in the southern European country.

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015


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Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015



BE WARNED - commuter mayhem AS of the 11th September cross-border commuters ARE WARNED to expect daily delays of up to 30 minutes during morning rush hour with the start of the runway resurfacing project expected to begin. The airfield runway resurfacing project will be the first undertaking in nearly 20 years and was deemed essential to ensuring the future safe operation of the airfield, maintaining RAF Gibraltar as a forward mounting base for Defence and a civilian airport for commercial flights, helping to ensure Gibraltar’s continuing economic development Although the work will mostly be carried out at night, between the hours of 1 pm and 10am to ensure the airport remains fully operational throughout the day in an attempt to minimise disruption to flights it will nonetheless have an impact on the community. As well as delays for commuters, residents living in the vicinity of the airport will experience some levels of noise as the work is carried out daily. In addition the public should also be aware that additional cleaning of the runway will be required during this period and this will cause restrictions to traffic and pedestrians using Winston Churchill Avenue. Access to Winston Churchill Avenue is likely to be severely reduced between 9 am and 10 am in particular. The works are expected to be complete by the end of January 2016.

Safeguarding cyberattacks inside Gibraltar’s secret tunnels 5 00 METRES under the Rock of Gibraltar lies a system of tunnels from where the Allies planned the North African landings during World War II, some of these are now open to the public the others have been transformed into a digital data centre where information about online gamblers and investors from all over the world is stored. The most famous Admiralty Tunnel, the only tunnel that runs from west to the east has now been transformed into a state of the art communications centre where information of customer data from clients as far flung as Bermuda, Bilbao and Hamburg is stored in colossal servers. Huge reels of cables and thick pipes are stored in this kilometre-long passage as part of a network of more than 50 kilometres of tunnels that crisscross the interior of the Rock, which covers little more than six square kilometres. It was in this tunnel in 1942 that General Eisenhower

formulated the assault on North Africa ‘Operation Torch’ and some of the very maps from the time still hang on the walls in some of the command rooms looking eerily out of place next to the cutting-edge technology of modern servers used to garner profits from the booming online gambling industry sitting above its head on Gibraltar. As one would expect security is watertight: the area is monitored by CCTV and anybody entering the area must have special pass codes and keys.

PROTECTION The tunnel system was previously the property of the British Ministry of Defence however in 2008 it was handed over to the Gibraltar government, who took the initiative to rent the space out to a private company who specialize in data management around the world. Today ‘Continent 8 Technologies’ are the operators. Continent 8, in addition to data storage also provides sophisticated protection from hacking attacks, which can be carried out for political, criminal or financial reasons. “These types of attacks are very common today,” says a spokesman from the company’s headquarters on the Isle of Man, adding that the facility was subjected to around 35,000 cyber-attacks in the first quarter of 2015 alone.

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015

d on y e m o b fro t rja and .8FM e N M 06 1 F m ro 06.2 via f r g 1 tin on alta s r a a dc ond Gib a o o h Br ala ia t r C vi El


Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015


n Gibraltar Wedding Show - 18-20 September - Sunborn Hotel, Gibraltar

VO Cinema Showings Please check with the cinema for any last minute time changes. Cine Teatro Goya Carrer de Av. Julio Iglesias s/n, Marbella 951 196 665 / 951 196 666 Ricki and the Flash (12A) 16.15 22.15 Vacation (15) 15.45 18.00 The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (12A) 15.50 18.10 C.C. Miramar Fuengirola Tel: 952 198 605 Ricki and the Flash (12A) 12.20 16.05 A Perfect Day 11.50, 16.45 19.10 Fantastic Four (12A) 16.10 18.15 20.25 Mission Impossible – Rogue Nation (12A) 12.00 16.30 Pixels (12A) 12.25 Inside Out (U) 16.00 The Transporter Refueled (12A) 16.15 18.15 20.15 22.15


Broadcasting from Nerja to beyond Calahonda on 106.2FM and from Elviria to Gibraltar via 106.8FM

Made any plans for September? The Weekend World has rounded up a list of some of the best events in Spain, from a festival celebrating cold garlic soup to BEFREE - the largest gay festival an Andalucía n 2nd Malaga Tattoo Convention - 2527 September - Hotel NH Malaga, Malaga The second edition of the Malaga Tattoo Convention will see 42 awards handed out included Best Black/Grey, Best Colour, Best Freehand, Best of the Day and the ultimate Best in Convention. It will also feature a fusion art exhibition where several tattooists showcase their art on canvas using theit own style and technique only to then swap the canvass with one of their peers for completion, the result being unique and exceptional fusion pieces. The Miss and Mister Tattoo 2015 competition will be held during the Malaga Tattoo Convention, the winners of which will star in a full page feature in the magazine “Tattoo Crew” The tattooist and Piercers Spanish Guide. To enter the pageant please

email abril883@hotmail.com. As well as these events there will be seminars, stalls selling equiptment, clothing and accessories, plus hundreds of individual artists and studios showcasing their work. For further information - www. malaga.spaintattooconventions.com. n Flamenco Show – 17-20 September 22.30 - Tablao Ana Maria, Marbella Enjoy the most authentic flamenco show in Marbella at the fabulous Tablao Ana Maria in the heart of the old town. Tickets are 25€ and include one drink as well as the show which starts at 10.30pm so it is ideal for after dinner. To make a reservation simply send an email to fay.jones@ mydestination.com with your group size and the tickets will be waiting for you at the door.

The Confetti Wedding Show will bring together over 100 wedding specialists for a 3-day wedding extravaganza. With vendors from every aspect of the bridal industry including, dress designers, venues, planners, florists, photographers and cake makers, this unique event will provide you with unparalleled networking opportunities with many of the leading wedding contacts of Southern Spain. n Free Meditation Course 25-27 September - The Farmacy, Marbella Learn to meditate for free with The Farmacy Marbella. The three day course will include presentations, a workshop and a course conclusion. For more information and to sign up please visit www.heartfulness.irg or www.farmacymarbella.com alternatively call Simonetta Costanzo Pittalugo on 697446541. n Cudeca Festival for Life – 26th September 19:00 onwards Benalmadena – Marbella – Duquesa One night, three venues a fantastic music festival across the Costa Del Sol in support or Fundación Cudeca with over 20 incredible acts including: The Universal Acoustic, Ms King, Chloe Carron, The Reinfected. Tickets: 5€ from any of the three venues which are CJs Karaoke Bar, Nutty Bar or Heaven bar & Lounge or any Cudeca shop, VIP Tables available for only 25€ plus ticket price. Full ticket price goes to Cudeca.



ERCEDES-Benz Fashion Week Madrid (MBFWM), the flagship fashion show considered a world showcase for Spanish design, organised by IFEMA, will be holding its 62nd edition from 18th to 22nd September at Feria de Madrid. Over five days hall 14.1 will once again become the key arena for fashion, bringing together the best Spanish design proposals put forward by the 42 most prominent labels and designers of the moment. What’s more, fifteen emerging designers will present their proposals at the Samsung Ego Showroom in Cibelespacio, where they will be on sale to the public.

BRAND New at this edition, where Spring-Summer 2016 collections will be presented, is the inclusion of the young label Maria Ke Fisherman in the general programme. This brand started its professional journey at Ego, where it participated in three editions. In each of its collections the label projects its own universe of proposals, which come from the confluence of many creative forefronts. Their garments have become a cult phenomenon in the international fashion world and are now a regular sight in the wardrobes of iconic figures in contemporary music. Their

inclusion confirms MBFWM’s constant commitment and support for young talent, whose names become a reference for developing the collections of the future. Since it was initiated in February 1985, the MBFWM catwalk has hosted shows by almost 300 designers. Many of them began their careers while the event was still in its early days, and

nowadays they are important names on the Spanish fashion scene. Other younger designers have become involved over the years, bringing their talent and new perspectives on fashion design with them, distilling the essence of modernity and contemporary elegance through their creative speeches. In recent years, it has welcomed key names from Spain’s current design world, such as Alvarno, The 2nd Skin, Juan Vidal, Etxeberría, Leandro Cano, Ulises Mérida and Moisés Nieto, among others, who have received various awards in recognition of their work, and whose designs are now worn by famous celebrities in cinema and international music. Last year nearly 49,000 visitors attended the MBFWM - The February 2015 edition recorded a total of 48,631 visitors -including buyers, press and guests-, a figure which is slightly higher than the previous two editions. Also, it was covered by 1,171 journalists, 110 of whom were foreign, from countries like Portugal, France, the UK, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, the USA, Korea, Hong Kong, Dubai and China.

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015


SPONSORED BY CITY FM MALAGA Broadcasting from Nerja to beyond Calahonda on 106.2FM and from Elviria to Gibraltar via 106.8FM


UTUMN in the Costa del Sol is perhaps the best time of the year, the weather is plenty warm enough for sunbathing but not so intense that you burn the minute you step out of the shade, as a resident there are less tourists so the traffic is reduced and the beaches no longer resemble a tin of sardines. The 1st of September officially marks the start of autumn and across Malaga Province, particularly in the pastoral, agricultural region known as La Axarquia in easternmost Malaga Province there are a string of harvest and culinary festivals which take place. Each fiesta includes music, dancing and entertainment, as well as tonnes of whatever the particular culinary focus may be. Whether or not the festival celebrates wine, you can be assured that plenty will flow – because nobody does a fiesta quite like the Spanish

A harvest bounty of culinary festivals

THERE’S MORE TO MALAGA The Malaga Province is famed for sun, sea and sand but what many people don’t know is that it is also one of the oldest wine making regions in Spain. Once known as ‘mountain wine,’ Malaga wine is a wonderfully unique sweet wine made predominantly from white Moscatel and Pedro Ximenez grapes. While the grapes which make this wine are grown, pressed and fermented elsewhere in the Malaga province, if the wine is aged in Malaga city then it is deemed Malaga wine. Antequera which lies north of Malaga produces the majority of Malaga’s wine, favoured due to the extremely hot summers and very cold winters which help the grapes produce the necessary characteristics for a traditional sweet wine. In fact the oldest surviving bodega ‘Antigua Casa de Guardia’ is located inland from Malaga city just outside the village of Olias, it was established in 1820 and is still hand making wine today. So with the start of harvest it is only natural that the region would celebrate this locally produced treat. “Vendimias” are festivals dedicated to the grape harvest and you’ll find them all across Andalucia; but Malaga Prov-

SCHEDULES MONDAY to WEDNESDAY Neal Adams Breakfast 08.00 - 11.00 Dave Wakelins Morning Show 11.00 - 14.00 Andy Phillips Afternoon show 14.00 - 17.00 Dave Hixson 17.00 - 20.00 THURSDAY & FRIDAY Neal Adams Breakfast 08.00 - 11.00 Nikki Addis Morning Show 11.00 - 14.00 Andy Phillips Afternoon show 14.00 - 17.00 Dave Hixson 17.00 - 20.00 SATURDAY Neal Adams Breakfast 09.00 - 12.00 Andy Phillips 12.00 - 15.00 Dirty Tackle 15.30 - 18.00 SUNDAY Mick Fosters Soul Show 09.00 - 12.00 Dave Hixson 12.00 - 15.00

Left: Wine and raisin festivals Above: Almond and garlic soup (ajoblanco) festival Below: The day of the boquerón

ince, including the region of La Axarquia, hosts many of these and many of the best. Malaga Province is also a huge production centre of nuts specifically almonds; The almond is as essential and important to the gastronomy of Malaga and Andalusia, as Olive Oil and it is virtually impossible to walk into any tapas bar and not see salted almonds offered along with a cold drink. Autumn is the time when these ubiquitous nuts harvested, and therefore time to celebrate. Not only is there an autumn fiesta dedicated to the almond itself, but another to celebrate “ajo blanco”, a local cold soup made from ground almonds and garlic, and traditionally served with sweet grapes or raisins. As one would expect Spain also benefits from its privileged position on the Mediterranean Sea, with the Malaga Province containing some of the busiest fishing ports on the entire Spanish coast so naturally these spoils from the deep fruits must also be celebrated. The “boqueron”, a type of white anchovy is considered a ‘superfood’ usually preserved in vinegar or lightly fried with lemon. The Boquerón is so integral to the culture Malaga of that it is not just a symbol of the province, but is also a popular nickname for the people of Malaga, one of which they are proud. Don’t be surprised if you hear a local exclaim, “Soy Malagueño! Soy Boquerón!”

Grape harvest festival, Manilva Wine makers’ festival, Moclinejo Festival of raisins and wine, Viñuela Raisin festival, El Borge

5th September 13th September 13th-14th September 20th September

Almond and garlic soup festival, Almachar 5th September Almond festival, Almogia 27th September Anchovy festival, Rincon de la Victoria 25th-27th September A day that is known locally as ‘The Day of the Boquerón’ .

Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015





focuses on


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Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015



Prefab house rotates to follow the Sun E VER wished you could rotate your house to keep up with the seasons? If so, Patrick Marsilli, the sun savvy designer at Solaleya, is your man. His Domespace homes, one of which is located in Torrelodones (Madrid) within the residential-exhibition centre hover over the ground like a UFO. Incredibly, they actually revolve to maximize sun exposure in the winter and shade in the summer; a full 360° turn takes just five minutes and uses about as much energy as the average vacuum cleaner. By taking advantage of passive energy, Marsilli was able to create a 30% savings on energy bills for homeowners.


The Domespace concept was first designed by Marsilli back in 1988 and originally manufactured by France-based company Domespace Homes. The dome-shaped house sits on a bed of steel ball bearings set on a circular railing. The rotation system can be controlled manually via remote control or programmed via computer. Owners can control or set the speed of the rotation at anywhere between one to four inches per second. Aside from adjusting the Domespace home’s position in relation to the sun, the rotation system also allows owners to change the views from their windows or position their bedrooms away from noise. Domespace homes are made only with FSC-certified wood, which does not include harmful chemicals, and are built to withstand earthquakes up to magnitudes of 8 on the Richter scale and winds up to 240 km per hour. According to the Solaleya website, every Domespace home is built over an elastomeric belt that works like a cushion against vibrations. The Domespace is also designed to be structurally sound, with the frame made out of beams of spruce, a material classified and considered as a hard material like concrete. Domespace homes have windows facing the sky to allow natural light to filter into the house. Optional integrated solar panels can also be installed to capture and store solar energy. The shape and design of the house help create a comfortable interior atmosphere. Given the combination of large windows letting light and air in freely, a rotation system that adjusts the position of the house, and a central chimney that helps disperse the heat, the Domespace home provides a unique solution to cooling and heating challenges.

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Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015



F you frequent your local health-food market, you’ll probably encounter some sort of nutritional supplement called microalgae. While microalgae are a great source of protein and all, they’re much more than a food source for health freaks. They’re now also being used as a source of heat and light for your home YES, you heard right: algae living inside of your lamps. Designers Jacob Douenias and Ethan Frier have put together an art installation at The Mattress Factory, a division of The Museum of Contemporary Art, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, that uses the power of Spirulina algae housed in glass bioreactors to illuminate and heat the entire futuristic home display. So why use algae to light up the place? As it turns out, algae can actually thrive in very al-

kaline waters where other bacteria really can’t live. As the algae grow inside of the custom glass enclosures, the liquid becomes an even darker green and capable of absorbing more light. The exhibit consists of three rooms: a living room, dining room, and kitchen/control centre where different algae lamps are on display. The different lighting units are all connected by a half-mile of plumbing and wiring, along with pumps, LED drivers, and heater connectors that all live inside of the cabinets and make this entire display possible. The glass vessels filled with the algae don’t just illuminate the display home; they also act as photobioreactors that provide heat, light, agitation, and waste control to the algae living inside.




Now you can wash your blacks and whites at the same time!

Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015


HAIER has unveiled its new super washing machine. Standing at 1.2 metres it features two drums, one piled on top of the other which work completely independently, so now you can have two different spin cycles running at the same time. That’s colours and whites at the same time. It promises to be the laundry solution for families, students, and house-shares. Okay, so it’s hard to get that excited about washing machines, but you can’t deny it would be pretty handy for those of us who like to let our washing pile up until we’re down to our last pair of socks,. The machine can be controlled via a touchscreen on the front, or from your smartphone, which means you don’t even have to be in to put the washing on. There is no release date yet – and no indication of price point – but it promises to cut down on all those huge piles of washing stuffed into wardrobes/laundry bags and under beds up and down the country. The only downside to washing everything at the same time - more ironing!

OLLOWING ‘the huge successes’ of previous events, this year’s Over 50s Show, the lifestyle event for the Coast’s seniors, will according to the organisers, be the ‘biggest, best and most feature-packed yet’. The event will again be held at the Palaccio de Congresos, Estepona on the last weekend of November (Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th) and will again be the ‘ultimate showcase’ for the region’s older people, with all the proven attractions as well as many new elements. And for antique buffs the good news is that Eric Knowles, known to millions for his appearances on The Antique Roadshow, will appear at the show again, offering free valuations. This has proven to be one of the most successful features of the show. Many of the free attractions from previous shows will again be in the mix, including computer and Internet tuition, golf lessons from PGA professionals, pets advice, an art exhibition, consumer and legal advice, guidance on cosmetic procedures, health checks – including diabetes, and blood pressure monitoring. The Over 50s Show is described by the organisers as ‘the ultimate lifestyle event for the Coast seniors, which is entertaining, informative and educational’. Once again, admission and car-parking is free, as well as all presentations and tests. They also add that the event offers the over-50s ‘a one-stop shop’ to get information on their physical and financial health as well as enjoy many of their interests and hobbies, not to men-

Known to millions for his appearances on BBC’s The Antiques Roadshow, Eric Knowles will be giving free valuations at the show.

tion an excellent opportunity to meet-up with their peers from all over the Coast and beyond.

HEALTH & WELL-BEING Health and well being will be a key element of the event based on the well-proven premise that exercise, sensible diet, and regular, routine monitoring slows down the age process. Visitors can avail of blood pressure and blood glucose tests; spine monitoring and bone density screening will also be available,

backed by information on treating arthritic joints and knee pain. And there will also be the opportunity of joining in yoga and aerobic classes. Data on dieting and maintaining a healthy weight will also be included. Art exhibition at The Over 50s Show The Andalusian International Artists art group will be displaying their new works at the show. The AIA Art Group was formed seven years ago by professional and dedicated visual artists from around Europe who are all living and working in Andalucía.

If you are interested in exhibiting at this year’s show, you can get details by contacting the organisers at john@slp.ie or telephoning 003531 4969028


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FROM the outside of the Orquidario, the state of the art building complete with three glass domes is eye catching looking like something has arrived from space, and inside it’s just as impressive. Inside the glass building it has been divided into two parts of 1000 m2 and 15,000 m2 separated by a bamboo forest and houses a waterfall and on a 12 meter high wall there are growing orchids in different heights. There are over 1600 different orchid varieties and 8000 other plant varieties. For instance you will find the flower “Ylan Ylan” (Cananga odarata) used in the perfume industry in famous perfume brands like Dior or Channel. Or you can see vanilla plant which is a climbing growing orchid plant. Admission is free and the opening hours are

from Tuesday to Sunday from 11-14h & 1821h. On Fridays and Saturdays the botanical garden is open till 23h. It is closed on Mondays. There are parking spaces near by the garden but due to its location in the centre of town parking is limited to parking on the road although there are plans to improve the parking provision with the creation of an extra 150 free parking spaces.

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015




Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015


Rental prices rise across Spain Summary: The rental market in Spain is seeing prices rise, suggesting the property market is recovering.


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Rents across Spain for residential property are increasing, a further indication that the property market is on the road to recovery. Over recent years, rental prices have fallen in line with sales prices, but the latest data from Fotocasta.es reveals that the average rental costs reached €7.10 per square metre in July, marking a rise of 4.8% compared to the same month in 2014, Spainih News Today reports. While these prices are still 30% lower than the peak of €10.12 reached in July 2007, it is still an indication that some of the damage caused in the global financial crash of 2008 has been repaired. In the aftermath of the crash, sales decreased sharply across Spain, with the steepest falls happening in Aragon, where rents plummeted by 41.4%, the Comunidad (35.4%), Cantabria (35.35%) and Andalucia (27.5%). In July this year, prices in Murcia gained 2.6% and Madrid added 1.6%, while Asturias, the Balearics and Cantabria all experienced an increase of 1%. Whether you’re moving to Spain or transferring money overseas, it’s important to keep on top of the currency market. For more information contact us on +34 952 906 581 or visit currenciesdirect.com

Let’s talk currency Plaza de Las Orquideas, Local 6, Nueva Andalucia, 29660 Marbella T +34 952 906 581 E costadelsol@currenciesdirect.com W www.currenciesdirect.com

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Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015

Imagine a treehousefor Christmas... W

HILE it may not seem all that long since summer began - or since last Christmas, Easter or spring come to think of it - there’s no getting away from the fact that winter is slowly creeping up on us. Evenings are getting darker, mornings are getting colder and people everywhere are wondering how soon is too soon to turn the central heating on. Add to that X Factor and it’s catwailing wannabe pop stars now keeping us entertained every Saturday night and it can only mean one thing. Christmas is literally just around the corner. It’s true. There are now only few weeks till ‘C Day’ and the great thinking, planning, pondering, hunting and purchasing routine that dominates and often ruins the last few months of every year is nearly upon us. Fake trees and grinning elves will soon be out in force in shopping centres across the land, supermarkets will be trying to convince us to stock up with enough chocolate to rot our teeth and the media will be bombarding us with what we should be wanting, receiving and buying this year. Yes, soon we’re all going to be exhausted, fatter and considerably poorer.

WISH LIST At Treehouse Life they can’t really solve all your pre-Christmas blues, but they can perhaps help take one little weight off your mind by offering offer you something that is guaranteed to top every gift wish list and make every dream come true. Because perhaps you’re wondering what you can get your kids this year and you’re on the lookout for something that won’t lose its novelty factor by Boxing Day. You’re fed up with gadgets that require multiple batteries or a power point and your house is already full to the brim with brightly coloured plastic and too much noise. Basically you’d love to find a present that uses up all their energy, keeps them fit, makes them think, ignites their imagination AND gets them out from under your feet and into the garden. Tall order you’d think? Maybe not! We know it’s probably hard to believe this but Tre house Life really could help with each and every one of these gift-giving dilemmas, yes really they can! So for those with children and grandchildren to surprise, they have a huge range of wonderful treehouses in every imaginable shape and size. Beautifully handcrafted magical hideaways to suit the dreamers and thinkers and exciting treetop adventure worlds to suit the adrenaline junkies. We tailor our unique Paul Cameron designs to appeal to every age and ability. We add accessories to encourage children to push themselves and to test their nerve. We create a fun-packed environment in which children can safely stretch their legs and let off steam We build make-believe worlds where children are master of their own entertainment. And as for those slightly older kids (let’s say those in the 18 to 100 age bracket) they have designs that are guaranteed to make you the second most popular person on the day. They can build you the perfect place to fit in with and compliment your lifestyle. An executive office high up in the trees, complete with somewhere to plug in the laptop and that all-important coffee machine to kick start the day. Or a cosy cabin hidden away amongst the leaves, complete with swinging nests, hammocks and soft lighting to soothe your soul. Or even a stylish ‘resort’ high up off the ground, the perfect place to relax with a glass of wine or dine out under the stars with envious friends. So there you have it, a host of possible gift ideas from the team at Treehouse Life. And with 3 months still to go, if you let them know what you’re looking for, they still have plenty of time to help make all of your Christmas wishes come true. For more information visit: www.highlifetreehouses.co.uk

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015


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Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015





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Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015

Barclays sells Portuguese retail-banking business to Spain’s Bankinter

United Kingdom - Financial Markets

Most Active Stocks ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲

Name Glencore Lloyds Banking BP Vodafone Group PLC Barclays HSBC Holdings Tesco Centrica BT Group Legal & General

Last 132.7000 76.3600 342.5500 229.5750 259.3000 507.100 189.8250 239.00 433.800 255.300

Prev. 131.8000 75.6700 336.0000 225.6500 253.0000 494.000 185.9500 233.40 425.850 250.600

Top Gainers ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲

High 137.7000 77.1300 346.5000 230.7000 260.0000 512.100 190.8250 240.30 436.800 256.300

Low 131.8500 75.8300 339.4500 227.0000 254.0500 496.450 186.2250 234.80 428.050 250.800

Chg. % +0.68% +0.91% +1.95% +1.74% +2.49% +2.65% +2.08% +2.40% +1.87% +1.88%

Vol. 49.55M 49.41M 19.36M 13.54M 12.61M 11.27M 9.45M 6.25M 5.55M 5.56M

Top Losers

Name Last Aberdeen Asset Mana. 318.80 Standard Chartered 724.000 Hargreaves Lansdown. 1,125.00 Old Mutual 190.90 Prudential 1,400.50

Chg. +10.70 +22.600 +35.00 +5.40 +39.00

Chg. % +3.47% +3.22% +3.21% +2.91% +2.86%

Name ▼ Whitbread ▼ Antofagasta ▼ Next ▼ Randgold Resources ▲ Weir Group

Last 4,633.00 602.50 7,585.00 3,723.00 1,277.00

Chg. -78.00 -4.50 -30.00 -3.00 +2.00

Chg. % -1.66% -0.74% -0.39% -0.08% +0.16%

Spain - Financial Markets

Most Active Stocks Name ▲ Abengoa B ▲ Santander ▲ B. Sabadell ▲ Iberdrola ▲ Bankia ▲ BBVA ▲ Telefonica ▲ Caixabank ▲ Repsol ▲ Int.Airl.Grp

Last 1.050 5.223 1.701 5.864 1.014 7.941 12.065 3.667 11.850 7.885

Prev. 1.051 5.164 1.686 5.845 1.011 7.838 11.875 3.632 11.705 7.701

Figures correct at 08.09.2015

Top Gainers ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲

Name Enagas Int.Airl.Grp Caixabank DIA Mapfre

High 1.112 5.266 1.719 5.928 1.024 8.011 12.137 3.689 11.948 7.965

Low 0.975 5.188 1.693 5.855 1.010 7.877 11.963 3.630 11.755 7.725

Chg. % -0.10% +1.13% +0.89% +0.33% +0.30% +1.32% +1.60% +2.09% +1.24% +2.39%

Vol. 29.81M 18.70M 7.40M 6.74M 6.36M 5.87M 5.28M 5.26M 3.20M 2.56M

Top Losers Last 25.025 7.885 3.667 5.408 2.560

Chg. +0.765 +0.184 +0.075 +0.107 +0.050

Chg. % +3.15% +2.39% +2.09% +2.02% +1.99%

Last 9.730 2.535 11.895 7.480 42.590

Name ▼ Acerinox ▼ Sacyr ▼ Obr.H.Lain ▼ FCC ▲ Tecnicas Reunidas

Chg. -0.305 -0.052 -0.165 -0.070 +0.025

Chg. % -3.04% -2.03% -1.37% -0.93% +0.06%

Euro exchange rates 1.60 0.73 1.48 7.13

Australian Dollars British Pounds Canadian Dollars Chinese Yuan

7.46 8.67 134.13 1.77

Danish Krone Hong Kong Dollar Japanese Yen New Zealand Dollar

9.25 9.43 4.11 1.12


Norwegian Krone Swedish Krona UAE Dirham US Dollars

BARCLAYS PLC has sold its Portuguese retail banking business to Spain’s Bankinter SA, as the British bank scales back its presence in less profitable markets. Bankinter, Spain’s No. 7 bank by market value, said it would pay around €100 million, or about £73 million, for Barclays’ commercial, private and corporate banking units. The purchase is Bankinter’s second international transaction in its history, as small Spanish banks increasingly look abroad to counterbalance sluggish loan demand at home while battling rock-bottom interest rates. Barclays isn’t completely exiting from Portugal. It said it would continue to operate its Barclaycard, investment-banking unit and corporate-banking division that serves multinational companies. The corporate division that Barclays is selling to Bankinter serves small and midsize businesses. The sales are part of a global retrenchment by the British bank as it seeks to shed less profitable units in its vast banking business. The sale is likely to trigger a loss after tax of around £200 million, or about $306 million, for the British bank, part of which will be booked in the third quarter, it said. With the sale, Bankinter is acquiring 84 bank branches in Portugal and 1,000 employees, the Spanish bank said in a regulatory filing. A unit jointly owned by Bankinter and Spanish insurer Mapfre SA is also buying Barclays’ life insurance and pension unit for around €75 million. About a year ago, Barclays sold its Spanish retail banking division to Spain’s Caixabank SA.

The ECB hold rates at record low THE European Central Bank has warned of a slowing economic recovery in the Eurozone and lower-than-expected inflation after the bank voted to keep interest rates on hold at record lows. During a press conference held last week Mario Draghi, ECB president, cited lower oil prices as one culprit for falling inflation and an economic slowdown in emerging markets was blamed for slower growth in the Eurozone. Inflation forecasts for this year were revised downwards to 0.1 per cent from the 0.3 per cent estimate made in June, 1.1 per cent next year from 1.5 per cent and 1.7 per cent in 2017 from 1.8 per cent. Growth forecasts were revised down to 1.4 per cent this year from 1.5 per cent, 1.7 per cent in 2016 from 1.9 per cent and 1.8 per cent in 2017 from 2 per cent. Earlier, the ECB governing council voted to hold the benchmark main refinancing rate at 0.05 per cent. The levy charged on deposits parked at the central bank remained at 0.2 per cent.

Eurozone’s fourth largest economy set to expand by 1pc in the third quarter while sluggish France lurches back into stagnation SPAIN was the fastest growing economy among the Eurozone’s ‘big four’ countries in August, racing ahead to record its second best period of expansion in over eight years. Figures from the continent’s dominant services sector (PMI) showed Spanish businesses recorded their 11th straight month of rising employment and new orders. The country’s PMI reading was measured at 59.6 in August, capping off another strong month for the Eurozone, where activity rose to 54.3 in August from 53.9 in July. Expansion was also driven by strong performances in Germany and Italy. (Any reading over 50 indicates growth.) Spain’s domestic recovery has been proceeding at pace since the country’s banks were bailed-out by international creditors three years ago. “It is Spain that remains the star performer among the largest Eurozone countries, with the PMI signalling another 1pc GDP growth spurt in the third quarter,” said Chris Williamson, chief economist at Markit.



N the 1st of August 2015 Gate28 launched Spain’s first dedicated nowin no-fee flight delay compensation claim company, giving Spanish air passengers affected by delays, cancellations or denied boarding the means to claim up to 600€ per person. The company provides a bridge between legislation and compensation; ensuring passengers know their rights under EU Regulation 261 / 2004 and fighting on their behalf (in court if necessary) to make the airlines pay up. Gate28’s arrival is both welcome and timely, as flights to and from Spain currently experience the highest number of cancellations and delays in Europe, and the majority of Spanish travellers are unaware of their rights.


Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015

Gate28 launches no-win no-fee airline compensation claim service in Spain claims service. Individual passenger claims are often rejected by the airlines. However, when Gate28 presents a claim on a passenger’s behalf the airlines take notice. This is because our affiliation to EUClaim gives us access to their legal and analytical expertise allowing us to push claims through to a successful conclusion in 97% of all cases. What’s more, we bear all legal costs including court cases and we’ll only receive commission after a client’s case has been won”, concluded Mr van der Hooft.

CALCULATOR Gate28 is based in Barcelona and powered by EUClaim, one of Europe’s largest companies in the airline compensation industry. This gives Gate28 access to EUClaim’s rapid online compensation calculator that can instantly tell delayed passengers if they are eligible to claim and how much money they can expect to receive in compensation from the airlines. Airlines often refuse individual claims by stating ‘extraordinary circumstances’, safe in the knowledge that passengers don’t have the relevant data, know-how or finances to follow through. Whereas, Gate28 has access to EUClaim’s enormous database containing literally millions of flight and weather stats which can be used to force the airlines to meet their obligation to pay up. Gate28’s Founder Willem van der Hooft explains, “We chose Spain as a starting point


because the EU regulation is largely unknown and it is the country with the highest number of delayed and cancelled flights. Incredibly, only 5.4% of air passengers in Spain know their rights under EU Regulation 261/2004 or bother to claim compensations.

Our mission is to make sure that airline passengers know they are legally entitled to receive compensation from the airlines for delay, cancellations and if they are denied boarding. Secondly, we want to give everyone access to financially risk free yet effective

Every year almost 1 million passengers in Spain are entitled to compensation. Under EU regulations, passengers in Spain are entitled to submit claims for flight delays and cancellations dating back 10 years. Airlines are often criticised for hiding behind the exceptional circumstances rules or state technical faults to avoid making payments. A Recent UK test case Huzar v Jet2 set a precedent whereby it was ruled by His Honour Judge Platts that technical faults cannot be considered extraordinary circumstance stating ”it is inherent within the normal activity of the air carrier to have to resolve technical problems…”


E costadelsol@currenc T +34 952 906 581 29640 Fuengirola Edificio Leo, Local 1, Urb. Puebla Lucia, Avda. Alcalde Clement Fuengirola

LET’S TALK CURRE E costadelsol@currenc T +34 952 906 581 29660 Marbella Local 6, Nueva Andaluc Plaza de Las Orquideas Marbella

FLIGHT COMPENSATION TABLE Delay arriving at final destination after rebooking or re-routing Flight distance Flight compensation entitlement up to 3 hours delay

Flight compensation entitlement after 3 hours delay

Within EU

Outside EU

Delayed flights

Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible

250€ per person 400€ per person 600€ per person

Up to 1500km Up to 1500km Above 1500km 1500-3500km N/A Above 3500km

Cancelled flights

Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible

250€ per person 400€ per person 600€ per person

Up to 1500km Up to 1500km Above 1500km 1500-3500km N/A Above 3500km

Denied boarding Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible

250€ per person 400€ per person 600€ per person

Up to 1500km Up to 1500km Above 1500km 1500-3500km N/A Above 3500km

For more information visit: www.gate28.es or email info@gate28.eu

Olive oil prices surge due to drought and disease in Spain and Italy PRICES for Spanish olive oil are set to skyrocket and are approaching an all-time high as hot weather and disease harm the country’s harvest. Last week the cost of Spanish extra-virgin olive oil rose 5 percent to €4,272 per metric tonne - the highest since April 2006. 2015 has seen the worst olive harvest in years across Spain and Italy with a 50% drop in output caused by a bacterial disease xylella fastidiosa and fruit-fly infestations Bloomberg reports. Spain and Italy account for 70% of the world’s olive oil.



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Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015



5 TOP TIPS on finding the right financial adviser IF you were about to have open heart surgery, before going under the knife I’m sure you’d like to be 100% certain that the person performing the procedure was a qualified and experienced cardio surgeon with a sterling reputation. Simple common sense? So why doesn’t the same attention to detail apply to the person entrusted with the longterm financial wellbeing of you and your family? I’ve heard many horror stories over the years from people, many of whom are now my clients, who have crossed paths with unregulated financial companies in Spain. The worse part of dealing with these companies is, if anything was to go wrong, you the client have no recourse whatsoever. These people are not regulated, and as such there is no regulatory body to refer the matter to. So, this is one for you to remember. Using the acronym “CHART”, here’s my top five tips on finding a financial adviser that you’ll want to stick with. 1. Communication It’s easy to pick up a phone and make a call when things are going well. The true litmus test is whether or not you receive a call from your adviser when the markets take a turn for the worse. At these times, do you receive a call to discuss a possible alternative? Do

By Tony O’Donovan Dip PFS Cert CII ACSI - Offshore & Onshore Wealth Expert “Clearing the financial mist so you don’t have to” you receive a call at all? You should have a full financial review every six months, and be kept fully updated along the way, particularly during the rocky times. Communication should be jargon-free and designed to enhance your understanding, not confuse you. My clients wouldn’t have it any other way. 2. Holistic view of your affairs If you have a financial adviser who seems to be focused on one particular aspect of your financial affairs (investments for instance) and overlooks the fact that you and your family may have other equally important financial needs, this should sound alarm bells. The best financial advisers will be concerned with all of your requirements, not just one. 3. An Escape Plan In my experience, the best financial advisers are the ones that always build in a Plan B when investing your money. Most investments are at the mercy of the markets in some way, so what happens when things

start to go wrong? What actions does your adviser take to try to avoid losses? Do you even have a Plan B in place? If so, what is it? 4. Regulation Deal with an Adviser who is authorised in the UK. Sounds strange right? Here’s three good reasons why you should: Firstly, the process of becoming a Financial Adviser in the UK is among the most stringent in the world. UK-authorised advisers must pass an arduous series of financial examinations and have their “honesty, integrity and reputation” formally assessed by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). This is a lengthy process, and only once the FCA are fully satisfied will they proclaim a person to be “fit and proper” to provide financial advice. Secondly, UK-authorised advisers are permitted to give full financial advice to expats living in Spain under something called “passporting rules”. Thirdly, and very importantly, a UK-authorised adviser must have professional insur-

ance in place in order to operate. This insurance is not to protect the adviser, but is designed to protect you the client in the event of a dispute. 5. Tangible Results

How do you know if your investment portfolio is actually doing well? Are you solely looking at percentages and money amounts on your statement? Stop. The only way to actually gauge whether or not your investments are performing properly is to compare the performance to something. This “something” may be the FTSE 100, or the NASDAQ, or the MSCI, amongst others. Without a yardstick, how will you really know? You can see if an adviser is authorised in the UK by checking the Financial Services Register at www.fsa.gov.uk/register/indiv SearchForm.do or by calling the FCA on +44 20 7066 1000. Tony has over 17 years experience in financial service and advises clients across Spain and the UK. He can be contacted at: tony.odonovan@ strategicwealthlimited.com



Star economist Piketty set to advise Spain anti-austerity party Podemos


Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015

Eurozone jobless rate lowest for three years Unemployment in the Eurozone has fallen to its lowest rate in July for more than three years, figures have shown

HOMAS PKETTY (pictured right) the author of “Capital in the Twenty-First Century”, a hugely popular book about the widening gap between rich and poor, has become an official advisor to Spain’s Podemos, the far-left anti-austerity. He was once close to the French Socialist Party, but has recently become a stern critic of President Francois Hollande, slamming him for reneging on his campaign promise of fiscal reforms. Nacho Alvarez, a Podemos economist, told reporters in the French capital that Piketty and the party would work on “a comprehensive plan to fight against poverty” in Spain, where general elections are due in December.


POLLS Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and his conservative PP party, who took power in December 2011, currently top opinion polls. Rajoy has pushed through tough budget cuts and labour reforms which he says are responsible for Spain’s return to economic growth.The cuts sparked mass street protests by Spaniards, their anger fanned by numerous cases of political corruption. The unemployment rate however remains extremely high at more than 22 percent. Podemos is in third place in opinion polls but could force the PP out by teaming up with the second-placed Socialists which would herald a striking change in Spanish politics which has been dominated by the two big parties since the 1970s. Podemos chief Pablo Iglesias told reporters he wanted to “win the elections. We want to sit down with everyone, and in particular those who come from the Socialist family and who do not agree with the direction this family has taken in the past few years,” he said.


UROPEAN Union statistics agency Eurostat said the jobless rate in the currency union fell to 10.9% in July from 11.1% the month before. The fall was helped by a sharp fall in unemployment in Italy, where the jobless total fell by 143,000. It is the first time the unemployment rate in the Eurozone has been below 11% since February 2012. The wider 28-member EU saw the unemployment rate fall to 9.5%, the lowest rate since June 2011. The lowest unemployment rate was in Germany, at 4.7%. Greece had the highest unemployment rate, at 25%, the latest available data from May showed, followed by Spain at 22.2%. The rate of youth unemployment across the Eurozone also declined to 21.9% in July from 22.3% a month earlier.

‘STEP FORWARD’ A survey released last week suggested that growth in the Eurozone’s manufacturing sector had eased slightly in August, despite factories barely raising prices. The closelywatched Markit Eurozone manufacturing purchasing managers’ index (PMI) was 52.3

El Corte Inglés ousts rebel shareholder


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last month, below a preliminary reading that suggested it had held steady at July’s reading of 52.4. However, it has remained above the 50 mark that separates growth from contraction for more than two years. There was some good news within the data. Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland and Italy all saw strong growth, with Germany’s manufacturing PMI reading jumping to 53.3 in August from 51.8 a month earlier. Rob Dobson, senior economist at Markit, said the data suggested the Eurozone manufacturing sector showed continued resilience in August, with output growth and inflows of new business both strengthening. The manufacturing figures come almost six months into the European Central Bank’s (ECB) €60bn-a-month bond-buying programme designed to inject new life into the Eurozone economy and combat low inflation, which is currently sitting at 0.2%. With inflation still far from the ECB’s target rate of just below 2%, and looking likely to stay there for the foreseeable future, speculation is growing the bank will have to extend its stimulus programme beyond the planned completion in September 2016.

L CORTE INGLÉS on Sunday ousted a rebel shareholder from its board of directors, in an attempt to quell internal opposition against the recent decision to sell 10 per cent of the Spanish department store group to a Qatari investor for1 billion euro ($1.1 billion) The move came as the, family-run business revealed a 2.6 per cent increase in 2014 sales to €14.59bn. The retailer, a bellwether for the Spanish economy with multi-storey shops in most cities, has been snared in a shareholder row since former Qatari prime minister Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassim Bin Jaber Al Thani bought a 10 percent stake in July. Shareholder Corporacion Ceslar, a vehicle grouping the stakes of some founding family members, said earlier this month that the terms of the investment, via a loan, were too costly and meant an unacceptable loss of value for shareholders. Ceslar complained that the sale was structured in a way that could leave the Qatari in-

vestor with a much larger share of the group than publicly advertised, possibly as much as 15 per cent. It has also raised questions about an unspecified commission that was paid out in connection with the deal, to an undeclared recipient. The group itself has consistently declined to respond to the criticism. But majority shareholders and management hit back at Ceslar at the general shareholder assembly on Sunday all the same, approving a motion to eject the minority shareholder from the board. El Corte Inglés said in a statement that the decision came in response to “repeated violations of Ceslar’s legal obligations as an administrator”. It added that Ceslar had failed to meet its “duties of secrecy and loyalty”, and undermined the “orderly functioning” of the board by passing on information and data to the public. It also stressed that the decision was supported by all shareholders present except by Ceslar itself. Ceslar said on Sunday that it would take legal action against the decision.

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015



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Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015





Almost €85,000 won in the first half of August

Partners in Paradise Slot Club entered into the spirit of the theme.

Gerard Vall - Laura, maitre d of the Casino Marbella with tropical fruit trays.

More than 60 people gathered at this summers ‘must attend’ event - the White Party hosted by Casino Marbella as part of its Paradise Club initiative. As the theme suggests, all the guests were invited to dress in white and the Paradise Room became awash with bronzed bodies and billowing fabrics in what has become a staple dress code for Marbella’s elite and jet-set. The exclusive event held for Paradise Club Members was a showcase to highlight the many advantages of belonging to this exclusive club, which during the month of August has delivered €84.949 in prize money. Each member who

attended the party received Paradise Club triple points, and were offered exotic cocktails, tropical fruit and surprise gifts, plus there was live music with a Cuban rhythm, which blended perfectly with the mojitos, Pina coladas and trays of tropical fruits to add to the summer atmosphere. The next event will be a slot machine tournament, to be held on Tuesday, September 15, at 6:00 p.m. To take part in this exciting competition you will need to register as a member of the Club (which can be done very easily within the Marbella Casino) and you need to reserve a place. Come and enjoy an evening of fun and entertainment.

TODAY’S YOUR LUCKY DAY... COME AND TRY YOUR LUCK Present this ticket for FREE entry to the Casino and a FREE gift! It is necessary to bring your National Identification Card (DNI), Passport or Driver’s Licence to enter the Casino Code: WW7

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015




Follow the Sportium.es league at Casino Marbella, the best live tournaments. Held on the third weekend of each month this special monthly tournament offers two days of play, 30 minute levels, a capacity of 120 players and €200 buy-in , with the possibility of re-entry make this League Poker a must in the Costa del Sol claim. In addition to the prize pool and points, the winner of each stop will receive your drink In addition, PLUS offers 5,000 points for just €15 more J Days 19th & 20th September J Location: Casino Marbella J Admission: € 200 + € 25 (with re-entry) J Levels: 30 minutes J Starting Chips: 25,000 points J Plus 15 €: 5,000 points www.sportium.es/promociones/poker-mensual-marbella



ELF-CONFESSED java junkie? Here’s a handful of reasons why you should fill up your cup this afternoon Flat white drinkers, rejoice - if you’re contributing to the 400 billion cups of coffee consumed globally each year, eschewing the decaf option is actually not as bad as you might think. If you usually treat your morning caffeine fix as a guilty pleasure, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to learn that that there are many unexpected health benefits to (moderate) coffee drinking according to new studies - from busting a hangover to fighting a variety of diseases. So grab a mug, put on the kettle and toast to the roast with these great coffee benefits... 1 IT CAN HELP YOU TO BURN FAT We’ve all heard that coffee suppresses the appetite, but recent studies have shown that caffeine partly due to its stimulant effect on the central nervous system both raises metabolism and increases the oxidation of fatty acid, helping the body to stay svelte.


Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015

7 scientific reasons why drinking coffee is good for you

2 IT CAN MAKE YOU RUN FASTER Keen athletes should also note that it coffee can also improve athletic performance by several mechanisms, including by mobilizing fatty acids from the fat tissues. In fact, in two separate metaanalyses, caffeine was found to increase exercise performance by 11-12% on average. 3 JUST THE SMELL OF COFFEE ALONE CAN DESTRESS YOU THE MORNING AFTER A BIG NIGHT OUT Ever wondered why coffee smells so good? Researchers at the Seoul National University examined the brains of rats who were stressed with sleep deprivation and discovered that those who were exposed to coffee aromas experienced changes in brain proteins tied to that stress. While it’s not proven to help specifically with stress in general, it will help to combat the irksome symptoms of fatigue. 4 IT COULD LESSEN THE SYMPTOMS OF PARKINSON’S DISEASE It’s been previously reported that coffee can help to protect against Parkinson’s, but ScienceDaily reported in 2012 that drinking coffee may also help people with the degenerative disease to control their movement. The study author, Ronald Postuma, said, “Studies have shown that people who use caffeine are less likely to develop Parkinson’s disease, but this is one of the first studies in humans to show that caffeine can help with movement symptoms for people who already have the disease.” 5 IT CAN HELP WITH DEPRESSION You might have already heard that avocados and green tea can bust depres-

sion, but a study by the National Institute of Health found that those who drink four or more cups of coffee were about 10 percent less likely to be depressed than those who had never touched the java - thanks, not to its ‘caffeine buzz’, but to its high antioxidant count.

said, “We are not saying that moderate coffee consumption will completely protect people from Alzheimer’s disease. However, we firmly believe that moderate coffee consumption can appreciably reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s or delay its onset.”



We’ve all read about the importance of brain food, but researchers from the University of South Florida and the University of Miami found that people older than 65 who had higher blood levels of caffeine developed Alzheimer’s disease two to four years later than others with lower caffeine. Dr. Chuanhai Cao, a neuroscientist at the USF,

According to a study from The American Chemical Society people who drink four or more cups of coffee a day reduce their chances of developing Type 2 diabetes by 50 percent. Subsequently, with every additional cup, the risk gets lowered by 7 percent.


Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015


EAUTY begins in the kitchen. This isn’t another article about clean eating, or the Aga in your second kitchen, but rather where you put the arsenal of tools that keep you looking on form. For model and presenter Alexa Chung, the oven is a place to keep shoes, and in London fridges are now for storing make-up. The logic behind this is that heat and light can weaken active ingredients, so chilling products protects them and makes them stay potent for longer. This is so common that people are investing in second fridges for their beauty products no more accidentally pouring cleansing milk onto your corn flakes. The Candy Brothers say they are receiving more requests for make-up fridges in their new developments, and according to the FT, at Rathbone Square in the West End it was part of the brief that master bathrooms had a cooler for cosmetics. Kalliopi Kousouri, a partner at Make architects who worked on the design, says: “People in these properties will have expensive cosmetics; keeping them in the fridge is good for longer shelf life.”


Cool cosmetics: why you should store your make-up in the fridge

WARMER These fridges are usually discreet, hidden behind panels, although there are bright ones available too. Odacité sells a fridge for its goods. Its temperature is between eight and 12 degrees centigrade — warmer than food fridges, which should be around four degrees centigrade. They work well as kohl storage units — the temperature stops eye pencils cracking when you sharpen them and keeps them firm, which helps with accurate application. Refrigerating nail varnish means it stays smooth and shiny for longer because high temperatures activate gooey solvents, and if your favourite magic balm contains essential oils such as rosewater, cold ensures they stay active. Vitamins C and A become unstable in the heat so creams containing them work best in the fridge, as do anti-puff gels and serums. When Edition de Parfums opens in Burlington Arcade this month, scents will be stored in cool cabinets. Perfumes contain alcohol so putting them somewhere with a stable temperature like a cellar or fridge slows down

Make your cosmetics last longer in the fridge - but don’t get your tubs mixed up molecular changes. These fridges are part of the trend for spending hundreds of pounds on face cream and then having to take care of it. John Lewis is stocking three times more face creams selling at more than £200 than it did five years ago, with sales up by 120 per cent, while at Fortnum & Mason sales of expensive creams has gone up by a third in a year. But there are exceptions to the cool rule: Crème de la Mer moisturiser works best warmer and putting it in the fridge can cause it to separate. Not ideal when it starts at £108. Best of all, having a make-up cooler means you can reclaim your fridge and not worry about knocking over the body butter when you reach for the yoghurt.


GROUP of researchers has discovered that the craving for food activates different brain networks in obese patients which would indicate that the tendency to want to eat would be connected to the brain of an overweight patient with food a functional biomarker in the brain. Recent studies have begun to suggest that the mechanisms underlying obesity may be similar to those of a substance addiction , and that treatment can be addressed in the same way that other addictions, like drugs or alcohol .Therefore, a group of researchers from the University of Granada in Spain, and Monash University in Australia have sought the differences in brain connectivity in the brain’s reward system of obese people with normal weight. The researchers tested 39 obese people and 42 people of normal weight. They then underwent magnetic resonance imaging while they were shown pictures of food to stimulate cravings.

The images indicated that this was associated to different brain connectivity, depending on the two groups of subjects. They found that in obese individuals, cravings stimulation was associated with better connectivity between the dorsal caudate and somatosensory cortex, which is involved in reward-based habits and coding of the energy value of food, respectively. However, in healthy subjects, this craving was associated with better connectivity between different parts of the brain, the cerebral putamen and the orbitofrontal cortex. Three months later, the researchers measured the body mass index (BMI) and found that 11 percent of the obese group had gained weight. Oren Contreras Rodriguez, principal investigator of the study, said that “there is controversy about whether obesity should be classified as food addiction. Our study shows that the reward processing that occurs after food stimulation in obese individuals is associated with neuronal changes similar to those found in the addictions to substances.“ He added “These findings provide potential brain biomarkers that could be used to help obese people, including pharmacotherapeutic techniques and brain stimulation to help control food intake in clinical situations.”

Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015



To recreate what nature intended is never easy… IF something happens to your natural teeth, what do you do? In the past dentures really were the only solution however, over the past two decades the increase in dental implants has grown dramatically and today many people now are benefitting from a safe, medically proven alternative that delivers confident living and a beautiful smile. Dental implants have changed the face of dentistry over the last 25 years and today Straumann & Branemark dental implant systems define this revolutionary procedure. A dental implant is actually a replacement for the root or roots of a tooth. Like tooth roots, dental implants are secured in the jawbone and are not visible once surgically placed. At The Dentists – Sotogrande we offer a variety of stateof-the-art techniques to permanently replace missing teeth, tissue and bone. Dr Manuel Fernandez Lopez our specialist in surgery and the surgical placement of implants delivers precision treatment using only the best products placing an emphasis on enhancing the look and function of your mouth, your confidence and your lifestyle. As with most treatment procedures in dentistry today, dental implants not only involve scientific discovery, research and understanding, but also application in clinical practice. The practice of implant dentistry requires expertise in planning, surgery and tooth restoration; it is as much about art and experience as it is about science. Located in the quiet area of Paniagua in Sotogrande, The Dentists – Sotogrande is at the pinnacle of Total Dental Health Care, Specialist Dental Services and Aesthetic Enhancement. Your visit will be an altogether unique and uplifting experience, You are simply required to relax into an environment that allows for the ultimate in time, privacy and luxury, while we deliver a truly positive experience that will improve your quality of life for a lifetime.


Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015


Foods that are killing your sex drive F

OOD and sex have a long, complicated history together. For years we’ve heard that what we eat can have sexual effects that work on both a psychosomatic level and a physiological level. Supported in part by mythological beliefs and partly by actual science, we have widely accepted that what turns us on could very well start in the kitchen. But did you ever consider that there are also foods that could slow your sex drive down to a near screeching halt? We all know that oysters, chilli and asparagus increase our sexual appetite but other foods we eat are actually destroying our libido by causing lethargy, lowering testosterone levels and increasing abnormal sperm production. Here we look at some not to obvious culprits CHEESE Sure, a cheese plate is the perfect way to start a party or gathering or to end a serious dinner, but guests may not be taking the party back to their place if they loaded up on cheese.

Though usually thought of as an aphrodisiac because it stimulates feelings of euphoria and love, according to Dr. Michael Hirt, it will also suppress testosterone levels. DIET SODA Staying fit and trim is usually good for your sex drive, but eating and drinking products with artificial sweeteners can be a total buzz kill. Such sweeteners, especially aspartame, directly affect your serotonin levels, a vital hormone in getting to your “happy place.” LIQUORICE

If derived from cow’s milk (which could be loaded with synthetic hormones), it could potentially mess with your body’s natural production of hormones, including oestrogen and testosterone. MINT Sure, bad breath is a turn off, but you shouldn’t be turning to mint for a cure, especially if you are male. The menthol in mint lowers testosterone, which in turn depletes your sex drive. CHOCOLATE It may be a little surprising to find chocolate on this list, but it could be harming your sex life.

High amounts of liquorice can result in a low libido, due to a natural ingredient in the candy called glycyrrhizin, which reduces testosterone levels in men. SOY Another testosterone killer, eating copious amounts of it will result in a significant drop in your libido, due to its estrogenic properties. ALCOHOL Forget “liquid courage.” Alcohol may make sex less nerve-wracking, if that’s an issue, but it can seriously damage your ability to perform. “Alcoholic beverages do a double whammy on your sex life by lowering your testosterone and your sexual functioning,” says Hirt.






focuses on


Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015


COOKING UP MEMORIES with AGUSTÍN ROMÁN The Casino Marbella offers those with exquisite palates, an elaborate and delicious cuisine made from carefully selected seasonal produce highlighting the most essential flavours in Mediterranean gastronomy accompanied by an exclusive selection of wines and cavas. Casino Marbella is definitely the place for anyone who wants to enter a world of taste coupled with exceptional gaming.

Our menu To Share


Sliced cured “Jamon Iberico” | Cured Manchego cheese | Sliced salmon with garnish

Loin of “Dorada” served with banana and a touch of beer Salmon trout served with slivers of cured ham, spinach, pine kernels and raisins Tuna loin with hummus and peppers Hake served with green beans and a Romesco sauce

Cold Starters Casino Salad Sliced duck “mi cuit” served with cheese and a quince jelly Salad of contrasts with a crisp langoustine brochette Salmon tartar with a hint of apple, citrus and a coconut soup Prawn and octopus salad with a maracuyá vinaigrette Beef Carpaccio with a hint of goats cheese with a mizuna honey and parmesan shavings White garlic almond soup with a red wine, pineapple, mango and pink pepper water ice Traditional Salmorejo from Cordoba

Meat Beef fillet with a sweet potato gratin and asparagus Beef entrecote served with “feria” potatoes and Mojo Picon The Casino Kebab; Chicken with sweet rice and sala. Rack of lamb with a goat cheese parmentier and honeyed shallots


Hot Starters Blackened spaghetti, with cuttlefish ink and American style king prawns Fish soup with a Pernod essence Chicken loaf with cous-cous and a spicy salsa

Chocolate brownie with a cappuccino ice cream The Casino Dessert (an alternative way of seeing a lemon pie) Passion fruit egg yolk and sugar mousse with a smooth cheese House cakes and tarts | Homemade ice creams

Don’t forget to book your table! Phone: 952 81 40 00 Opening hours: From 9pm until 3am Visit www.casinomarbella.com Please note that it is necessary to bring your National Identification Card (DNI), Passport or Driver’s Licence to enter the Casino




Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015

Avenida de Luis Braille, Boulevard San Pedro Tel 951 480 555 REVIEW BY ANNABEL MILNES-SMTH AFTER opening their doors in May 2015, El Guiテアo, sister restaurant to Bar Betis in San Pedro town, have received great acclaim with both visitors and residents. I constantly talk to people about what they like and donツエt like, when they are here on The Costa del Sol. It is rare that everyone says the same thing about restaurants, however, the consensus across the board with regard to El Guiテアo, is that this is a restaurant that ticks all the boxes. The restaurant - bar is located on Boulevard San Pedro and has an outside terrace where customers can relax in the sunshine or alternatively inside with fans that take away the sometimes aggressive, summer heat. The views over La Concha are spectacular, the blue light in the morning casts an ambient coolness over the town and in the evening the pink light veils the boulevard with a romantic haze. The terrace is a great place to people watch as they stroll to and from work, walk their dogs or the skateboarders pass energetically with their friends. As the night arrives, a different mood becomes present and on occasion live entertainment stops the passers-by, who join the young crowd that have made this bar/restaurant their local haunt. The A la carte menu is excellent and have selections that really do cater to every culinary taste Richard Paine- Smith, a culinary expert, has categorically stated that the fillet steak is the best he has had on the coast and other friends who spend time taking lunch, have said that in addition to the sumptuous main courses, the salads and light bites are fabulous. Well priced and Spanish owned, this restaurant is a must visit. A good selection of beers and spirits are on hand, the house wines are not over-priced and very well chosen. With this redevelopment and resurgence of this glorious area, it could not be a better time to discover this gastronomic jewel.

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015



Classic old world Chateaubriand and state of the art reds from the other side


Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015


CHATEAUBRIAND perhaps one of the most classic meat dishes in the World is not as some people consider, a cut of meat, it is a way of cooking a thick cut of beef tenderloin commonly seared on the outside and rare on the inside. The dish was reportedly created for Francois René Vicomte de Chateaubriand who born in France, grew up in Normandy in the late 18 Th Century. He was a french statesman and writer considered the father of French Romanticism. The dish is traditionally served with Béarnaise sauce and accompanied by Chateau Potatoes, at D- Wine we serve the succulent dish with Béarnaise or Creamy Pepper sauce, and suggest clients to add a side dish of D-Wine Potatoes as an accompaniment. For a perfect wine pairing, European connoisseurs ask for Old World Wines including French Pomerola and Margaux, or Italian Barolo or Brunello. At D-Wine we encourage gourmets to set sail to the beloved “New Lands” and try the best of both worlds selecting an intriguing Cabernet Sauvignon from United States, a Charming Malbec from Argentina, or a wonderful Shiraz from Australia, all fuller in body and with bolder fruit flavors than their European counterparts to marry perfectly to your ‘Old World’ Chateaubriand! Article supplied by:

Centro Comercial Azalea, CN340 km 173, Edificio A, Nueva Andalucia, 29660, Marbella, Málaga Office - 34 951 339 309 Restaurant - 952 814 446


Shafer One Point Five Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley, California

Catena Zapata Adrianna Vineyards Malbec Mendoza, Argentina

Noon Winery Reserve Shiraz South Australia, Australia

Andrew Will Cellars Sorella Washington, United States

Achaval Ferrer Finca Mirador Malbec Mendoza, Argentina

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015





Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015


The spice of life

“To share a relaxed meal with friends or colleagues is one of life’s little pleasures”




Las Dunas

spice village R E S TA U R A N T


La Playa

Urb: Guadalmansa, Edif Saliñas, Local 6, CN 340 KM 163 – 164, Estepona

For reservations or take away orders please call 951 27 82 86


Open Tuesday-Sunday Lunch: 13:00 -16:00 and Dinner 18:00-23.00

“Sheikh rattle n roll” Sheikh is the super freindly owner. A nice guy. His food is freshly cooked. I LUURVE my indian food and my meal was excellent. We’ve had takeaways and they’re excellent too.

NO two people in the country will agree on the exact recipe of a favourite dish. Recipes are handed down from generation to generation, verbally in the kitchen and are closely guarded secrets in most cases, but all agree, a dish is well cooked when the spices blend into the well cooked meat. The spices should not have disparate flavour, or taste raw. No one spice should over-power the other and be so intrusive as to completely hide the true taste of the vegetable or meat dish being cooked. It should help maintain and enhance the character of the dish, give it colour and fragrance and leave you wanting more!. Spice Village situated on the New Golden Mile, prides itself on offering the most exotic and delicious dishes from India in a warm relaxed atmosphere. Our food is freshly made to order, so whether you prefer mild dishes such as Chicken Korma, Chicken Tikka Masala or a fiery Vindaloo or Phal dish we can ensure you’ll find the right curry to suit tantalise your taste buds.

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015


Kellogg’s has created one cereal to rule them all THE limited edition treat ‘Queen Flakes’ has been created to commemorate Queen Elizabeth II becoming the country’s longestreigning monarch. “Queen Flakes” is made up of Her Majesty’s favourites, Special K and Corn Flakes. These are, of course, decorated in gold leaf. For an extra dash of indulgence, it also contains edible diamonds, pearls and “her preferred macadamia nuts.” According to the Trafford-based marketing department of Kellogg’s, they recommend serving with “the finest available milk or even stirring in a little of the Queen’s favourite tipples – Dubonnet and Gin.” “We wanted to congratulate the Queen on her spectacular reign by creating a cereal in her honour,” said a Kellogg’s spokesperson. “Despite tough competition from names such as ‘Monarch Munch’ and ‘Liz’s Loops’, we felt ‘Queen Flakes’ said it best. Kellogg’s has

Queen impersonator Jeanette Vane with the cereal (Pictures: Kellogg’s)

held a Royal Warrant as a purveyor of cereals for decades, and is an official supplier to the Palace.”


OWNED by the flamboyant and ebullient Sheik, Spice Village is perfectly located beachside, between Marbella and Estepona. His mission statement regarding the fine Indian gourmet served at Spice Village is proudly mounted on the wall outside the restaurant and reaffirms his declaration to all who visit his opulent Indian establishment that: No two people in the country will agree on the exact recipe of a favourite dish. Recipes are handed down from generation to generation, verbally in the kitchen and are closely guarded secrets in most cases. But all agree, a dish is well cooked when the spices blend into the gravy and the meat. The spices should not have disparate flavours, or taste raw. No spice should over-power the other and be so intrusive as to completely hide the true taste of the vegetable or meat being cooked. It should help maintain and enhance the character of the dish, give it colour and fragrance and leave you wanting more! With this sentiment and practice within the kitchen, the proof is in the tasting, and this is what sets Spice Village apart from the rest. The menu includes Tandoori dishes, Masala, Korma, Bhuna, Rogan Josh, Jalfarezi, Chef’s special and many more. To maintain this level of excellence the chefs at Spice Village use only the freshest ingredients and spices, all in the dishes are tailor made to suit the individual’s needs so if you like a hot curry no problems, however if you have an intolerance to certain herbs and spices this can be taken into consideration as well. In addition to the main menu there are lots of traditional side dishes, fine wine and Champagnes and a large selection of spirits. For those on the go there is also a takeaway service so the tantalising food can even be enjoyed at home.

BRINGING BACK THE CLASSICS During their 1787 trip to the Crimea, Admiral Fürst Potemkin gave his Empress, Catherina The Great, a local vodka which she enjoyed very much. Its recipe was handed down during the ages and is still being used to make a fine Vodka. Fürst Potemkin Vodka is an elegant Vodka with a delicate taste, a pleasant palate and a smooth finish. The recipe for this premium vodka has been composed by Fürst Potemkin himself. It won him the heart of Catherina the Great.




Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015

“I have decided in 2020 to run for president” K

ANYE West has likened himself to Jesus, Pablo Picasso, Steve Jobs and even Walt Disney. Perhaps the only ascent left for the ambitious and outspoken rap artist, producer and fashion designer is to the Oval Office. West has announced his decision to run for president in 2020 during his acceptance speech for an award at this years VMA show. Kanye West rocked the political worldwhen he announced his intention to run for President in 2020 during an award acceptance speech at MTV’s Video Music Awards. West’s acceptance speech contained a number of possible slogans for an outsider candidate, including “I’m not no politician, bruh.” However, if President Obama has his way, the rapper’s hats may just read “jackass.” Obama has described West in such terms twice, first in 2009, after West’s infamous interruption during Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech at the VMAs, then again in a 2012 interview with the Atlantic. Although it remains to be seen if the outspoken rapper will in fact run for office and even which party he would represent, especially since he admitted to smoking a joint prior to making the announcement, various fans and fellow celebs have already pledged their vote with Taylor Swift electing to run as his Vice President !

LETIZIA Barbie version

The Rock is officially a real life hero!

DWAYNE “The Rock” Johnson found himself with new family members when he welcomed two French Bulldog puppies into his home. As soon as the four-legged friends arrived, however, they were determined to keep him busy. The Rock explained on Instagram while holding Brutus and Hobbs. “I set them both down and they both take off in a full sprint and fall right into the deep end of our pool.” What came next was quick and furious thinking that will leave any pet lover totally impressed. While Hobbs was able to doggy paddle, Brutus immediately panicked in the water and began to sink. “I take off into a full sprint, fully clothed, dive in the pool, swim to the bottom, rescue my brick, I mean BRUTUS and bring him back to the edge of the pool,” theFast and Furious star recalled. “He was a little delirious… took a moment, threw up all the water he swallowed and looked up at me as if to say, ‘Thank God you didn’t have to give me mouth to mouth!’ and then ran off to play with his brother.”

QUEEN Letizia has been immortalised in the form of a Barbie doll, the special edition doll will be presented at the Madrid Fashion Doll Show 2015 Convention to be held from 11th to 13th September in the capital. The doll, which bears a strong resemblance to the queen, has been created by the Russian company AFD Group that specialises in this type of reproduction. Queen Letizia joins other celebrities like Angelina Jolie, Marilyn Monroe and Lady Gaga who also have their own plastic versions. Letizia Barbies dress looks similar to the grey embroidered number by designer Felipe Varela she wore to attended a pre-wedding dinner celebrating William and Kate’s impending nuptials in 2011



ALOMA Faith has had to apologise to fans after greeting the crowd at a Gibraltar Music Festival with “Hola Espana”. The Only Love Can Hurt Like This singer, whose father is Spanish, was one of the headline acts at the festival, added to her mistake by saying it was “great to be in a place that’s half English and half Spanish”. There has been much contention between Britain and Spain over the sovereignty of Gibraltar with recent incursions escalating to the point of live rounds being fired within British territory waters by the crew of a Spanish Customs boat. So it was not surprising that her Spanish greeting didn’t go down well at the festival. Following a negative reaction from local fans, Faith took to Twitter to write, “If I offended anyone tonight in Gibraltar about their heritage Im sorry. I had no intention of doing that. I come in peace! I only bring love.” She later added, “I just wish that people could be kinder to each other and more compassionate and forgiving. There’s too much anger in the world already.”

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015



The Johnny Depp dog saga continues with wife threatened with prison

Sam Smith would make an excellent secret agent


HE controversy surrounding Johnny Depp’s two pooches Pistol and Boo continues with a court case on Queensland’s Gold Coast adjourned until November 2. The 52-year-old actor’s wife Amber Heard, who was scheduled to face Southport Magistrates Court on Monday failed to appear. She is now facing a possible 10-year prison sentence and a hefty fine for the charge of illegal importation and producing a false document. The famous couple made international headlines in May when they had allegedly smuggled their dogs into the country, while Depp filmed the latest instalment of the Pirates of The Caribbean franchise. Agriculture minister Barnaby Joyce said at the time the two dogs that posed a bio-security risk as the US is not a rabies-free country needed to “bugger off home” or face being euthanized. Since Joyce gave the pups a 48-hour countdown to leave the country safely, the pooches departed on a private jet under the cover of night.

AFTER months of speculation, the singer has confirmed that he has recorded the theme song for the next James Bond film, Spectre. Just last week, Smith told BBC Radio 2’s Jo Whiley he was “definitely not” working on the project The track that was recorded in January is called Writing’s on the Wall and will be released on 25 September. Smith described it as one of the highlights of his career adding “I am so excited to be a part of this iconic British legacy and join an incredible line up of some of my biggest musical inspirations.” The film, starring Daniel Craig, is released on 26 October and will have the first James Bond theme song recorded by a British male solo artist since 1965. Skyfall, Adele’s theme song for the 2012 film of the same name, was the first Bond theme to win at the Golden Globes, the Brit Awards and the Academy Awards, giving Smith a lot to live up to.


Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015





focuses on


Legal Matters is sponsored by

✆ 951 402 434 www.tpci.es



Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015

Legal forum Run by Presidents... for Presidents

ARE YOU HAPPY IN YOUR ROLE AS PRESIDENT OF YOUR COMMUNITY? THE role of President is an arduous and often, thankless task. Who do you turn to for professional advice? For whatever reason, 20% of communities on the Costa del Sol do not have an administrator to offer guidance. The Presidents Club International (TPCI) are not administrators but we do have the necessary experts on our speciallyselected panel who will give advice for FREE. As well as independent administrators we have solicitors, architects, notaries, insurance specialists, security specialists, swimming pool experts, accountants, debt management specialists- every possible professional you might need. Not only that but we are building a comprehensive business directory which our members will also be able to access and each one offering exclusive benefits and savings available ONLY to our members. Is there any President who doesn’t want to make a saving for the community and run a realistic budget? So, what else are we offering our members? n Unlimited use of our website and communication with us.


n Our panel of experienced Presidents will meet every month to discuss specific topics and offer feedback and solutions. n Specialist-led discussions on a whole host of important topics - security, debt collecting, community accounts and administration, local by-laws and legalities, swimming pool licences to name but a few. n Most emergencies unfortunately occur at weekends so we also have an emergency 24/7 call-out list of essential providers. n Our website has a section called ‘True Stories’ and we would also love to hear from any of our members who are budding authors about their experiences, good or bad to include. A problem shared is a problem halved! n We hold informal coffee mornings every Wednesday from 11.30 to 12.30 hours when members can drop-in for a chat over a cup of coffee. Together we can make changes. n Throughout the year we shall be holding different eventsgolf and tennis tournaments, wine tasting, luncheons,


spa/wellbeing days, quiz nights, family barbecue and an exclusive Annual Ball. n We also plan to support local charities and sponsor events. If you or your community is interested or has personal experiences of any that you feel would benefit from our support, please let us know.

Here at TPCI our mission is to be there for our members and help them every step of the way. We really are the one-stop shop for all your community needs and we look forward to helping you. The Presidents Club International is always bringing new benefits to its PRESIDENTS and their community members and now we also offer full support to COMMITTEE MEMBERS and COMMUNITY HOMEOWNERS. And if you think your BUSINESS has what it takes to become one of our SELECT ALLIANCES providing a bespoke offer to our members email info@tpci.es or visit www.tpci.es and register your enquiry.


The Presidents Club International SL Centro de Negocios Nuevo Andasol, 16/17/18, Urb. Andasol N-340, KM 189 Marbella, 29604 Malaga Tel: 951 40 24 34 • Email: info@tpci.es • Web: www.tpci.es

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015


Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015




O you realise the actual expenses involved in breeding, such as advertising, stud fee, vet. bills, food, etc. to name a few? Because we love Fifi and we want another one just like her? The chances that you will get another one just like her are very slim, indeed.

Because everyone who comes to the house and sees Fifi wants one of her pups when she has a litter?

But... just wait until your litter of 12 is ready to go to their new homes, watch those people back out with excuses like: The kids are too young, the kids are too old now to be bothered with caring for a dog, we are going to have a baby, the house is too small, we are moving in three months (wait till then), the carpet is too new, Grandma doesn’t like dogs, the old dog hasn’t died yet, it might not get along with our cat. The list goes on and on.


SO...YOU WANT TO BREED DO YOU? WHY? To make lots of money - think on!

Because we really love puppies?

You’d better be sure you love puppies because until you have them, you can’t imagine how much is fully involved, such as: The mess the litter makes. Can you put up with constantly cleaning and scrubbing up after the puppies, their whelping box, the yard, the kennel, or wherever you keep them? As soon as you feed them, they dump out of the other end. They then step in it, roll in it and drag it through whatever else is in the puppy box at the time. With a large litter of puppies, there is always something to be cleaned up. The responsibility you have with the litter is not as small for you as it is with Fifi, when taking care of them until they are ready to go. Most of it is up to you and you are tied to the litter like any new mother, only you can’t take the litter to the in-laws at the weekend, or anywhere else for the weekend, for that matter. You had better be content to spend all your time at home. There will be no more all day shopping sprees or any other activity that keeps you away from home for too long, as you have to be there to feed the pups 4-6 times a day. Now that you have some idea as to what’s involved other than playing with cute cuddly puppies, and you are still determined to go ahead anyway, here’s something else that should be considered.

Is your bitch of suitable breeding quality?

Do you know her faults as well as her virtues? Does she meet the Standard of the breed? Is she of desirable temperament? Is she of sound health? Do you have customers so

that the pups don’t end up in the pound? If you can answer “yes” to all of these questions and are still determined to try your hand at raising a litter, then read on for the list of things to do next (time consuming, isn’t it? Get an opinion of your bitch from reputable breeders. Learn about genetic problems within the breed. Seek advice about potential stud dogs. Go and look at the offspring of your chosen stud dog. Be sure that the stud dog has no genetic problems. You can be sued for selling genetically unsound puppies. After you have chosen your stud dog, take your bitch to the vet. She needs to be x rayed and hip scored. Her eyes need to be checked for defects. She needs to have a full health check. Many bitches die in whelp due to unforeseen problems. The bitch needs to be wormed and vaccinated. All this is going to Cost Money!, but it’s necessary when planning for a healthy litter. Now while you’re waiting for her to come into season, read all the books you can on

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your particular breed, breeding, whelping and rearing young puppies. Start saving all the newspapers and have your friends and relatives do the same (remember what we told you about all that cleaning up. You will need all the newspapers you can get your hands on. Have a whelping box built . When your bitch comes into season: Contact the stud owner and you will be advised when to take your bitch to him. Plan to pay the stud fee at the time of breeding. There may also be a boarding charge if the bitch has to stay. Be sure you understand, in advance, what the stud fee you pay guarantees. The stud dog may live some distance away from you, so this could involve transportation costs. Bitches don’t get mated on cue, so repeated visits may be necessary. All this is going to Cost Money! After your bitch has been mated, you have 63 days to do more reading and thinking. Laced within these thoughts about the precious little darlings will have to be some terrible thoughts about what can go wrong, and what that may cost you. We hate to keep dwelling on this, but things do go wrong so you must be prepared in case it happens to you. What happens if something goes wrong and Fifi needs a caesarean. What if the puppies die? What if she’s not pregnant, waste of stud fee. What if she has a miscarriage? What if you were not diligent enough and next door’s X breed got her. What are you going to do with a litter of puppies you can’t sell and don’t have the heart to destroy? What if Fifi won’t or can’t feed the puppies. Are you prepared to get up every two or three hours to feed them? And worst of all... what if Fifi dies - was it really worth it? The days pass and Fifi has her puppies without too much trouble but you still need to take her to the vet to be sure. She will prob-

ably have hormones and antibiotics to prevent infection. Lucky for you - Fifi had ten healthy pups. They are now ready to have their dewclaws removed. At six weeks, they are ready for vaccinations and worming X 10. Now they are healthy and ready to go and you are exhausted. Where are all the people who promised to help you in the middle of the night? You go to see a breeder for an opinion on price and quality. You want the truth, so the breeder gives it to you. The big male has only one testicle (drop in value - not showable). The next biggest male toes out (but he does have both testicles). The really pretty bitch has an undershot jaw (can’t show that). The bitch with the nice head is cow hocked. The smaller bitch is not cow hocked but has a weak back. One of the boys has blue eyes (how did that happen?). There are three nice puppies, but not really outstanding. There is one outstanding puppy who is show quality. The show quality puppy is the one you are going to have to keep because the children like it best - another mouth to feed, not to mention your disappointment with the litter. It has not really contributed to the breed, has it? But, you’re told to cheer up - after all, one show puppy is better than none at all and you should consider yourself as successfully breeding a litter. Not much consolation when all were going to be show quality. Now you have your litter graded and priced accordingly, ready to sell them. By this time, are you knowledgeable enough about the breed to be the expert that the buyer assumes you are? Are you prepared to answer questions on training, housebreaking, grooming, and feeding? Are you prepared to answer these questions at the time of the sale and for months afterward, in the middle of the night, because one of the dogs you sold has stopped eating? Can you direct your buyers to obedience classes, help them into the show ring, recommend a local vet or dog groomer? Remember: You are now a dog breeder and your responsibility does not end when the dog leaves with its new owner. Do you have a pedigree form filled in for each puppy? What do you mean you don’t know who the grandparents are? Better hope there are no genetic problems or - yes, you guessed it. Are you prepared to advertise extensively if necessary. Advertising costs can really add up. Don’t expect buyers to come flocking to your door the day the pups are ready to go. It may takes weeks or months before they are all sold. This involves extra food and vet bills that will be incurred by you. Let us hope that if you breed your bitch, that it is for the right reasons and in the right way, with lots of love, thought, and care put into your decision. There are too many unwanted puppies already put to sleep each year due to ignorant and irresponsible breeding. Don’t let Fifi’s children end up this way.


Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015


PET INSURANCE Are your loved ones well protected? B

EARING in mind that most of owners consider their pets as members of the family and the relatively low cost of pet insurance (as little as €3.37 per week for dogs and €2.30 for cats) it is surprising that less than 10% of cats and dogs in Spain are insured. Medical treatments and follow up care cost could get very expensive and leave you with a high veterinary bill. Having pet insurance will give you peace of mind knowing that if something does happen to your cat or dog, you won’t have to worry about finding the funds for its treatment. If you are still thinking whether you should you buy a pet insurance let us give you real examples of how people have been glad of having a pet insurance policy for their dogs and cats when the unexpected happened. *All names have been published with our customers’ permission. Mr Watts was walking his Great Dane called Ben when he realised that he had injured his leg. He took him to the vet and was diagnosed with a cranial cruciate ligament rupture on his right hind leg. He needed surgery by the TTA technique and to date still needs to have more x-rays done to ensure he is completely recovered. Vet bill: €1,265 of which client paid €50 excess. Kaila is a typical Beagle who loves tracking food and all type of smells. When Mrs Russell came back from walking her she noticed Kaila had difficulty breathing and her throat started swelling. She took her immediately to the vet and after a scan he saw she had swallowed a processionary caterpillar. She had a stomach pump and had a treatment with cortisone and blood pressure stimulants. After a 2 days stay in hospital she went back home. Vet bill: €1,458 of which client paid €50 excess. Mr Bates saw that his Labrador Bobby was constantly scratching his ear so he took him to the vet. After examining the ear and realising he didn’t have thorns or wheat ears the vet thought it could be an allergic reaction so had some specific blood tests done. After some on-going tests he saw he was suffering polyps in his ears as well as a bacterian otitis which happily were cured with medicines. Vet bill: €1,159 of which client paid €50 excess.

Mrs Shaw’s rescued cat Tilly developed a liver cancer which was diagnosed after having several MRI scans, tests and biopsy. She needed chemotherapy and palliative care but unfortunately finally passed away. Vet bill: €2,365 of which client paid €50 excess. Ibex Insurance has 3 different levels of cover and we would be more than happy to help you choose the right policy at the right premium. We give you the option of splitting your payment over 3 months so it is easier to budget for. As well as vet expenses the Ibex policy also covers costs relating to death from accident, loss from theft or straying, boarding fees and much more. If you have more than 1 pet ask about our Multi pet discounts! You will get 25% off the purchase of your second pet policy.

Leave it to the experts and give Donna, Fi or Sam a call on 952 887 125, Angela & Shauna on 952 581 561 or Rachelle, Lynette, Michelle, Lorrain or Sarah on 350 200 44628. As your local insurance broker Ibex can find the policy to meet your needs.

Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015





focuses on


Magellano 66,

Motors is sponsored by

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Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015



Azimut 72

Azimut Yachts at the 2015 Cannes Boat Show presents two world premiere and a fleet of fifteen yachts


ZIMUT Yachts have kicked off the International Boat Show season in style. The events which began on September 8th and runs until September 13th sees the Italian shipyard present a fleet of fifteen yachts, two of which are world premieres: the Azimut Magellano 66 and the Azimut 72. The Azimut Magellano 66, a 20-meter megayacht that offers the freedom of long range cruises surrounded by the elegance and comforts of a real house, the first renderings are already available. This is the fifth model of the Magellano Collection, continuing with the previous Dual Mode hull, which ensures comfortable sailing whatever the sea conditions are. Surprisingly spacious interiors and a spectacular terrace on the flybridge are the most striking features on this yacht which promises to combine the adventure of a long cruise with all the domestic comfort. The living quarters offer the possibility of separating the main salon and dining - if required - from the kitchen and the steering area, so as to ensure total privacy, while the entire main deck extends on one level

with huge windows overlooking the sea. The usual very large storage spaces inside and outside also makes it possible to keep everything in order. The Azimut 72 is totally new, starting from the concept itself to the use of highly technical construction methods with extensive use of carbon fibre. Part of the Flybridge Collection this model, however, will amaze simply because of her proportions: sleek exteriors spaces perfectly harmonized with spacious interiors. Both models represent true sophistication paired with timeless style.

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Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015

Seaworthy Super Models F

OLLOWING the success of the re-branded 2014 edition of the Cannes Yachting Festival (previously known as Festival de la Plaisance de Cannes), the 2015 super-yacht show is set to be bigger and better than ever. Featuring more than 580 luxury yachts of which included over 150 world premieres, the 2014 Cannes Yachting Festival set a standard for 2015. Each year the event marks the first industry meeting of show season, bringing together brokers, builders, designers and clients from around the world to view the latest yachts on

the market as well as a selection of the newest model launches. The impressive line-up of super-yachts is exhibited over three stunning French Riviera locations – the ‘Vieux Port’, ‘Port Pierre Canto’ and the renowned ‘Palais des Festivals’. The glittering setting, made famous by the annual Cannes Film Festival, makes for the perfect place to host one of Europe’s leading in-water boat shows and kicks off the season in ultimate style. For many, the appeal of the Cannes Yachting Festival is the volume and quality of the super-yachts on display,

with vessels of all styles and sizes alongside a selection of luxury lifestyle and yachting services. Mini seatrials are also offered to visitors and potential buyers, uniquely providing a ‘try before you buy’ experience. This year it has been announced that 140 boats will make their world premiers with Italian shipyards topping the list with 60 new models. In addition to world premiers each year a large selection of motor yachts are presented and this year 5 of the largest motors yachts in the world will be presented:

Baglietto 46m (46.30m) Baglietto 43m (43.65m)

Benetti Crystal – 140 (41.94m)

New car sales are on the up SPANISH new car sales rose 23.3 percent year-on-year in August, car dealers’ federation Faconauto said on Tuesday, marking 24 consecutive months of growth. It followed a similar rise of 23.5 percent in July. Some 55,918 new cars were registered in August, up from 45,355 a year earlier, it said in a statement released jointly with vehicle makers’ association ANFAC. It was the best August for car sales volume since 2009 and the growth figure was the highest in August for 16 years, they said. Car sales were up 22.3 percent between January and August, compared with the same period last year, at 714,062. A Spanish government-backed subsidy scheme to boost new vehicle acquisitions has helped spur purchases over the last two years and was renewed for the seventh time in May with an injection of 225 million euros ($247 million).

Majesty 135 (41.15m)

Sanlorenzo 460 Explorer (42.20m)

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015







focuses on


New Orleans

Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015


NE of the top dream destinations for any beer lover is surely a visit to Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany. Held every year from the third weekend of September (19th) through the first weekend of October (4th), Munich’s Oktoberfest is considered as one of the most festive, spirited parties in the world. The first Oktoberfest in Munich took place on 12th October 1812 to celebrate the marriage of Crown Prince Ludwig (who became King Ludwig I later) and Princess Therese of SaxonyHildburghausen. Munich’s citizens were invited to join the festivity which was held on a field on the city’s outskirts. In honour of the new-wed princess it was named Theresienwiese (Theresia’s meadow). The festivities ended with a horse race, and it was decided to repeat the race in the following year. An agricultural show, beers stalls, merry-go-rounds and other amusements were added to the festival over the years. The horse race is no longer held, but the Oktoberfest is still celebrated on the Theresienwiese in Munich, which is why locals call this event “the Wiesn “ The festival begins in the same traditional manner as it has for the last 182 years with a procession of landlords, breweries and showmen to the Theresienwiese at 11am on Saturday. The parade is accompanied by brass bands and lead by the Lord Mayor of Munich. Once the mayor has tapped the first barrel of beer in the Schottenhamel tent and shouts out “O’zapft is!” the festival is opened. Although the fair opens at 9am on that day, no beer will be sold until the official tapping. WHERE TO DRINK The tents at Oktoberfest are attractions unto themselves, as each differs in size, décor, and the crowds they attract. The best way to do Oktoberfest is to hop between tents, though weekend queues make it wise to pick a different one to visit each day of the festival. Entry is free to the grounds, tents, and to sit at tables; revellers just have to pay for what they consume. • HIPPODROM – Located Near the entrance is often one of the most star-studded with 3,300 seats inside & 1000 outside in the beer garden, this is the most colourful tent. In its beginnings (1902) the Hippodrom was a show and snacks tent with a race course inside • HOFBRÄU-FESTZELT - This is the Oktoberfest home of the famous Hofbräuhaus, meaning this tent is a favourite of international tourists and celebrities. It is by far the largest tent with over 6000 seats inside, 3000 outside, and as a novelty, 1000 standing tables. The atmosphere here can get a bit wild at times. • SCHOTTENHAMEL - Another large tent and the oldest on the Oktoberfest. The official opening ceremony takes place at the Schottenhamel tent. It is also the traditional tent of Munich’s student corporations. • LÖWENBRÄU-FESTZELT - You can’t miss this large tent! The 37m tower in front of the tent sticks out. Occasionally, you’ll hear the lion roar “Löwenbräu”. • OCHSENBRATEREI - The attraction in this tent is the rotisserie to grill the oxen. Not the place for vegetarians I would say. • FISCHER-VRONI - The specialty of this smaller tent is the Steckerlfisch, a fish that is grilled on a stick right in the tent. On the second Monday of the Wiesn the lesbian & gay community celebrates Octoberfest in this tent • AUGUSTINER-FESTHALLE - It is said that Augustinerbräu is the best Oktoberfest beer which is of course served in the tent with this name. This is a family-friendly tent and a favourite of the locals.



A boozy Bavarian celebration There are lots of reasons to like September... leaves change colour, the nights get cooler, but more importantly, Munich hosts Oktoberfest

WHAT TO WEAR Oktoberfest brings out attendees in all sorts of outfits. Comfort and versatility, like layering, are key at Oktoberfest, as most people arrive early in the day and stay for hours on end drinking, socializing and hopping from tent-to-tent. Many locals and visitors of all ages choose to suit up in Trachten, traditional garb for the fest, with men sporting the suspendered leather trouser lederhosen and woman the traditional Bavarian Dirndl. For visitors, picking up the customary outfit doubles as a unique memento, perhaps one to break out later that year for Halloween parties. Pick up something online ahead of time, or tryLederhosen Wagner or Loden-Frey on-site. WHERE TO EAT Many of Munich’s top vendors set up shop on the fairgrounds, so attendees do not have to wander far to grab a succulent wurst (sausage) or even a full meal. The food offerings are convenient and necessary, as outside fare is not allowed inside the grounds. The Schützen-Festzelttent is a favourite among Münchners, where the special dish is a roast suckling pig, sauced up with - no surprise here - beer. The Ochsenbraterei tent has a tradition dating back more than 130 years of roasting a full ox on a spit, and plating it with sides like vegetables and potatoes. Fischer-Vroni has a similar tasty schtick in the form of Steckerlfisch speared and cooked on a meter-long stake. For a snack, be sure to grab a fluffy hot pretzel that requires two hands to eat.


Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015


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Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015



Burning Man is sparking sister festivals around the world


EARLY 70,000 participants gathered in Nevada’s Black Rock desert for alternative arts festival Burning Man, which ran from August 30th – Sept 7th. Visitors were greeted with 5.7 square miles of giant flaming art, surreal costumes, a collection of esoteric workshops, wild parties and a spirit of freedom. Born in June 1986, when founders Larry Harvey and Jerry James burnt a wooden figure on San Francisco’s Baker Beach with just 35 friends and onlookers, Burning Man has grown into an international phenomenon. Unlike most festivals, there are no spectator and no VIP tents, everyone gets involved, be it by bringing art, running a free bar “gifting” drinks to others, or cooking for their campmates. There is a total lack of commercialisation you can’t buy anything there: guests have to bring all the supplies they need to last the week, and as a result, many people club together into elaborate themed camps. So what is Burning Man? Well, if you haven’t been, I can almost guarantee it’s not what you think. It’s as individual as the people who every year became citizens of Black Rock City, a temporary community that gradually builds in the Nevada desert, before disappearing in September without a trace. There are tickets, costing US$380 a pop, but these entitle you to almost nothing. In fact, the fine print states you voluntarily assume the risk of property loss, serious injury or death. For an outsider Burning Man has something of a modern day Mad Max feel to it without the guns and killing, but amid all the chaos – there is order. While almost everything that happens at Burning Man is a creation of the participants, it is generally pre-approved. Theme camps, hundreds of which form the interactive core

Devotees have taken the commerce-free philosophy of the Burning Man festival, which took place in Nevada’s Black Rock desert, to their own countries and created affiliated events where the same spirit and ethos endures

NEST, WALES 25-31 May 2016 Running since 2013, the first full-length burn in the UK happens in a lush valley near Port Talbot in South Wales. This year, the bar – stocked with donations, of course, since nothing was for sale – had a wheel of fortune that could leave unlucky burners trapped in a tiny cage called the Tequila Slammer. burningnest.co.uk NOWHERE, SPAIN 4-10 July 2016 The first Nowhere was in 2004, with just 35 people. Set in the dusty badlands near Lleida, Catalonia, the thermometer hits 48C and the dust twisters can lift tents. Projects this year included life-size Mario Karting, a hot air balloon, and a swimming pool. The camp Übertown has a DJ tower disguised as an abandoned building – with propane flamethrowers, of course. Inventions such as a hydrogen-powered phone charger are funded by special innovation grants from the organisers, raised through ticket costs. goingnowhere.org MIDBURN, ISRAEL 2016 dates tbc

Burning Man Festival in Nevada

of the event, offer activities ranging from beekeeping summits to a celebration of Pineapple Upside-Down Cake or the regular offerings at the orgy dome, where, well – I think you can work this one out for yourself! This community sense of living has grown apace around the world and now there is also a growing network of off-shoot regional Burning Man festivals in other countries held throughout the year, which are officially con-

nected to the original event. Set up by volunteers who have usually been to Burning Man these new sister festivals are now catching on. Here we look at a few: BURNING SEED, AUSTRALIA 30 September-5 October

Midburn began last year in the Negev desert. Installations this year included a flying scarlet dragon and a pyramid made of vinyl records. “If you visit an art installation, there’s a good chance you’ll meet the artist,” says chief executive Nir Adan. Next year, there will be over 100 installations, “Some on the scale of Burning Man,” he adds. midburn.org

Burning Seed takes place in the Matong state forest in New South Wales, on the traditional lands of the Wiradjuri people, with their permission. “The sheer size of Burning Man drives its intensity,” says Jane Lyons, head of communications. “Seed enjoys a more personal intensity … you develop a much stronger sense of being a co-creator.” burningseed.com AFRIKA BURN, SOUTH AFRICA 25 April-1 May 2016 Burning Man’s largest regional event started in 2007 in the arid Tankwa Karoo national park. “We jokingly call participants who have spent years at Burning Man then come to AfrikaBurn ‘Time Travellers’,” says co-founder Monique Schiess, “because they feel what Burning Man was like in the 1990s.” In one piece of performance art this year, a giant worm gave birth to a huge helium balloon. An aerial dancer was suspended from the balloon 20 metres in the air, while beasts on stilts marched below. afrikaburn.com

Nowhere in nortthern Spain

Revellers at Afrika Burn, South Africa

For more information and a full list of Burning Man regional festivals, visit regionals. burningman.org

Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015
























47 53


62 65

ACROSS 1 Spill the beans 5 Take __; undo 10 Hubbubs 14 Sheltered inlet 15 Roper’s contest 16 Very sore spot 17 “That __ it!”; cry of despair 18 Albert or Fisher 19 Singer Guthrie 20 Junior naval officers 22 Tumbler 24 __ number on; cause harm to 25 Bread recipe verb 26 Valuable thing 29 Fit or fire prefix 30 Burdens 34 Head toppers 35 Chicken’s mom 36 Actor Washington 37 Red or blue 38 Viral disease of




SUDOKU Sudoku is one of the most popular puzzle games of all time. The goal of Sudoku is to fill a 9×9 grid with numbers so that each row, column and 3×3 section contain all of the digits between 1 and 9. As a logic puzzle, Sudoku is also an excellent brain game. If you play Sudoku regluarly, you will soon start to see improvements in your concentration and overall brain power.




45 53


























24 26






55 63








childhood Edison’s initials Iced pastry Late Bernie __ Actress Tuesday Peddles Atlas page Treaties Started Jerk Old Interfered Bleachers level __ of time; early Attract; tempt Penny Striped animal All __; listening Hovels Glowing coal Twilight

40 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 54 58 59 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 DOWN 1 A’s followers

Solution to puzzle from issue 6



2 Crazy as a __ 3 Pennsylvania and Fifth: abbr. 4 In addition to 5 Game location 6 Pea casings 7 Use a plus sign 8 Rules 9 See eye __; agree 10 Desert 11 Cartoon explorer 12 Lubricates 13 Job opening 21 Acquired 23 Men and boys 25 Relative 26 Pains 27 Tartar __; fish condiment 28 Participate in a school bee 29 __ culpa 31 Mexican Indian 32 Distributed playing cards



6 3 5

4 2

7 8 9

5 7 2

2 7





4 6

5 8 1

8 7

1 8

5 1





9 6

2 1 9 5 4

4 7

2 9 5 2

7 1

WORD SEARCH 33 35 36 38 39 42

Find and circle all of the words that are hidden in the grid. The remaining letters spell a special occasion for families.

Winter vehicles That girl Nov.’s follower Tightwad Drink like Fido Einstein’s namesakes Walked like a duck Willful damage or violence Cushion Thin sugary coating Fragrant wood Engrave In __ of; as a substitute for Fender blemish Actress __ Winningham Hawaiian feast Blunders Writing table __ and flow

W E H P E N R E L A T I V E S F S T E L P I R T R E H T A F R S 44 S B R O T H E R S A M R W E B R 46 K C M E S D E M P P E O L I O E 47 49 L I L O H L E A O T O A M D N T 50 O G N A C T R W S T T U E T D S 51 52 F E E N N E O I Y I H S S N D I 53 F G U N N C S R O L C E E E A S 54 S A N T E F E N B E W R R R U H 55 56 P I S I L O S S N F D E E A G U 57 60 R R W A L N L D T L L C N P H S I R H I I B A O I O I A I P T B Solution to puzzle from issue 6 N A L S F N I H G E R U H E E A Q Q R D Q V L E K E H S W E N P Q G M U D T E C S N Y Y N R T R N K X U D K F A Q Y C T A B H R W J Q I F B Z L U T K Q O R O A C P R E O A S Y N E G O R P T U S N D X E I B A E B S R K L I E A O A I A Z Y T T C N A R F A A Z U N T F C D I T N E R A P D N A R G O N Y R A Z A O B L A B R N N D E L F I N A L K O I O X A A D R B S D V U L T M X B Q V L W L E R A A X U G U A R A N I L K I C K G E N H A U P U C V W O C Y G V H R N S I T O H Y O I D C I Z B M A H O E I D O F S L I T A S G X A L R N N T W D H P Z D X E S P R R B A M S E K L H B I R R L M R G D K V L I X G






Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015




Police in Peru have p-p-p-picked up a penguin after it was spotted dazed and confused wandering the streets of the north Peruvian region of Ancash. Local media reports state that the penguin had fallen from a vehicle

and had already narrowly avoided being bitten by a dog and run over by a taxi by the time officers arrived. The police captured the Humboldt Penguin, sustaining a few pecks in the process and took him to the police sta-

CODEWORD Codewords are like crossword puzzles - but have no clues! Instead, every letter of the alphabet has been replaced by a number, the same number representing the same letter throughout the puzzle. All you have to do is decide which letter is represented by which number! To start you off, we reveal the codes for two or three letters. 23 4 17 20 26 3

tion where he was fed fish and affectionately named “Pingui”. Arrangements are now being made to take Pingui to a local sanctuary.


Hamas has captured a dolphin it believes to be working for Israeli spy agency Mossad. The dolphin was reportedly captured after commandos from Hamas´ military wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassan Brigades, spotted the animal making suspicious movement’s just outside the port of Gaza.

26 3 18 18 3 14 6 20


Stelarc an awarding winning Australian artist has grown a third ear in the name of art and it’s on his arm! Although it cannot hear the ear is a feeling, functioning part of his body with its own blood supply following a complicated surgery during which an ear “frame” made of a biocompatible material was implanted under his skin. “I guess I’ve always got something up my sleeve, but often my sleeve is rolled down,” Stelarc joked. “The ear is pretty much now a part of my arm, it’s fixed to my arm and it has its own blood supply. People’s reactions range from bemusement to bewilderment to curiosity, but you don’t really expect people to understand the art component of all of this.”

17 23 17 10 17 17 19 17 11 3 14 17 1 5 11 6 5 5 17 4 5


19 22 15 8 3 6 9 19 5 24 6 15 8 19 6 14 1 4 17 14 14

14 19 17 19 7 17

The dolphin was suspected of filming the training of naval commandoes and was also said to be equipped with a dart gun. It is not the first time Israel has been accused of using animals for espionage having been accused of employing both sharks and birds in the past.

25 4 3 7 13 3 20 11 22


2 20 23 4 13 3 19 21 14 3

21 22 15 20 19 5 1 6 11

13 4 23 19 20

20 2 19 3 12 4 6 21 6 16 11 2 3 25 1 19 10 6 17 4 4 14 15 3 1 20 24 2 19 1 3 12 3 4 5 11 3 20 6 11 16 12 19 19 2 6 3 22 6 3 14 16 6 20 21

24 17 4 9 3 16

Donal Trump’s current presidential campaign has seen his face emblazoned across the American media for months. For one woman who had already had enough of seeing him on television, newspapers and the internet spotted his famous visage somewhere altogether more unusual – a tub of butter. “Only because I’m pretty tired of this man already… now he’s showing up in my butter… when I opened the new package, removed the plastic… poof… the Donald,” Castellano wrote on her Facebook page.

Solution to Wordblock puzzzle from issue 6 misfiling - filings - smiling - flings - films finis - limns - lings - minis - sigil - sling - figs - fils - fins - gins - mils - nisi - sign - sing - slim - Nils Solution to CODEWORD from issue 6 5 3 5 18 22 4

24 13 12 22 24 20 2 26


16 12 5 12 7 2 12


19 6 15 16 12 9

25 2 9 22 4 19 3 6


6 15 4 16 1 10 17 2


26 2 22 15 10 22 6 8 2 4 20 3 24


15 16 26 6 4


3 10 3 6 2 26 8 24 14 2 14 24 19 22


A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 14

2 15

3 16

4 17

5 18




7 20

8 21

9 22

10 23





16 16 22 22 6 21


26 19 15 15 19 18 12 16 4

25 3 17 12 2


12 19 8 16 24



21 3 7 22 6 23 12 6 11 23 12 24 4




20 5 2 22 8 13 18 1




22 16 16 12 25 19 12 7

24 12 26 3 11 12


1 2 2 6 19 24 18


15 2 26 2 1 22 4 2 24 4 1 2 22 11


WORD BLOCK From the 9-letter grid, find words of 4 letters or more. Words must contain the middle letter, and there is at least one nine-letter word. Target: 23 words

Solution to SUDOKU puzzles from issue 6




3 9 2 8 5 4 7 1 6

6 3 5 8 1 4 9 2 7

5 1 4 6 7 9 8 3 2

4 9 1 7 2 5 3 8 6

6 7 8 2 3 1 9 4 5

2 7 8 3 6 9 4 5 1

7 8 3 9 2 6 1 5 4

3 5 9 4 7 1 2 6 8

4 2 5 7 1 8 3 6 9

7 2 6 5 3 8 1 4 9

9 6 1 3 4 5 2 7 8

8 1 4 6 9 2 5 7 3

8 5 7 1 6 2 4 9 3

9 8 7 2 4 3 6 1 5

1 4 9 5 8 3 6 2 7

1 6 2 9 5 7 8 3 4

2 3 6 4 9 7 5 8 1

5 4 3 1 8 6 7 9 2

Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015


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Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015





focuses on

SPORT Sponsored by

✆ 952 81 26 89 www.redcloud.bar UPCOMING FIXTURES scheduled to be shown in Red Cloud Sports Bar Friday 11th September Levante vs Seville Paris Saint Germain vs Bordeaux Reading vs Ipswich

20.30 20.30 21.00

Saturday 12th QPR vs Notts. Forest 13.30 Everton vs Chelsea 13.45 Espanyol vs Real Madrid 16.00 Arsenal vs Stoke 16.00 Crystal Palace vs Man. City 16.00 Norwich vs Bournmouth 16.00 Watford vs Swansea 16.00 West Bromwich A vs Southampton 16.00 Burnley vs Sheffield 16.00 Sporting Gijon vs Valencia 18.15 Manchester United vs Liverpool 18.30 Atletico Madrid vs Barcelona 20.30 Real Betis vs R. Sociedad 22.00 Sunday 13th Granada Sunderland Athletic Bilbao Leicester City Celta Vigo Malaga Inter Milan

vs Villa Real vs Tottenham vs Getafe vs Aston Villa vs Las Palmas vs Elbar vs AC Milan

12.00 14.30 16.00 17.00 18.15 20.30 20.45

Monday 14th Rayo Vallecano vs Dep. la Coruna 20.30 West Ham vs Newcastle Utd 21.00 Tuesday 15th Champions League Real Madrid vs Shakhtar 20.45 Galatasaray vs At. Madrid 20.45 Paris Saint German vs Malmo 20.45 PSV vs Man. United 20.45 Sevilla vs Munchengladbach 20.45 Wolfsburg vs CSKA Moscow 20.45 Benfica vs Astana 20.45 Manchester City vs Juventus 20.45

Wednesday 16th Champions League Olympiacos vs Bayern Munich 20.45 Chelsea vs Maccabi Tel Aviv 20.45 AA Gent vs Lyon 20.45 Dinamo Zagreb vs Arsenal 20.45 Bayern Leverkusen vs Bate Borisov 20.45 Dynamo Kiev vs FC Porto 20.45 Valencia vs Z. St Petersburg 20.45 Roma vs Barcelona 20.45 Thursday 17th Uefa Cup Ajax vs Celtic Rapid Vienna vs Villareal Bordeaux vs Liverpool Tottenham vs Garabagh Athletic Bilbao vs Augsburg Dnipro vs Lazio

19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00

Friday 18th Getafe vs Malaga


Saturday 19th Chelsea vs Arsenal Aston Villa vs WBA Bournmouth vs Sunderland Newcastle vs Watford Stoke City vs Leicester Swansea vs Everton Real Madrid vs Granada Valencia vs Real Betis Manchester City vs West Ham Eibar vs At. Madrid Real Sociedad vs Espanyol

13.45 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 18.15 18.30 20.30 22.00

Sunday 20th Sevilla vs Celta Vigo Bradford vs Sheffield Utd Tottenham vs Crystal Palace Dep. La Coruna vs Sporting Gijon Southhampton vs Man. United Liverpool vs Norwich City Villareal vs Athletic Bilbao Barcelona vs Levante Las Palmas vs R. Vallenciano

12.00 13.00 14.30 16.00 17.00 17.00 18.15 20.30 20.30

This is a list of the most interesting games for you clients. It is obviously subject to changes beyond our control. We do not gaurantee to show all of these games. Games will be broadcast on a first come first served basis or can be reserved. All times are in Spanish.

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015

WEEKEND WORLD - 93 Barclays Premier League Table

Transfer window proves richest ever


HE summer transfer window was the richest in Premier League history as total spending for the calendar year reached £1bn for the first time. Big deals such as Manchester City’s, £55m for Kevin De Bruyne from Wolfsburg, £49m for Raheem Sterling from Liverpool and Manchester United’s £36m signing of Monaco teenager Anthony Martial bolstered the spending spree with the summer’s outlay recorded at over £870m, 4% up on the record set last year. In fact, the previous record of £630m set last summer - was broken this year on 14 August - before a ball had been kicked. So how are these clubs able to spend so much? The financial rewards of being in the Premier League at the end of this season are immense. Starting from 2016-17, the Premier League TV rights deal increases from £3.018bn to

£5.136bn for three seasons. This means that the domestic rights alone is worth £81m a season to each of the 20 clubs with extra money allocated for a match featuring on TV which is 750,000 each time a team features in a live match. On top of that there is the ‘Oversees TV rights’ last year £32 million was given to every premier league club. How did the Premier League compare with the rest of Europe? The top spending league in Europe outside the Premier League spent just over half the amount of the 20 English sides, with Italy’s Serie A leading the way for the continent with a total outlay of £405m followed by Spain’s La Liga (£400m), the German Bundesliga (£290m) and Ligue 1 in France (£220m).

Real Madrid to donate €1m to help refugees in Spain REAL Madrid are to donate €1m to aid refugees taken in by Spain, the club have announced. Real have followed in the footsteps of clubs such as Bayern Munich and Celtic, who last week pledged to provide help to people affected by the refugee crisis. “Faithful to its commitment to charity, the club has taken this decision with the aim of supporting men, women and children who have been forced to leave their homes in order to flee from war and death,” read a statement on the club’s official website. “The president of Real Madrid, Florentino Pérez, spoke by phone with the president of the government, Mariano Rajoy. The pair talked about this contribution and other measures that the club will put in place in order to collaborate with the care of refugees that arrive in Spain.” The Real Madrid forward Cristiano Ronaldo, who is on Portugal duty, expressed sympathy for refugees in a tweet on Friday evening. “No one at the national team is indifferent to Europe’s refugee crisis. All our thoughts are with those people,” he said.

P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Team Man City Crystal Palace Leicester Swansea Man Utd Arsenal Liverpool West Ham Everton Southampton Bournemouth Aston Villa Chelsea Norwich West Brom Tottenham Watford Stoke Newcastle Sunderland

P 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

W 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

D 0 0 2 2 1 1 1 0 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 2

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A 0 5 5 4 2 3 3 6 4 5 6 5 9 8 6 4 4 5 5 10

GD 10 3 3 3 1 0 -1 3 1 0 -1 -1 -3 -3 -3 -1 -2 -2 -3 -4

Pts 12 9 8 8 7 7 7 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2

Sky Bet Championship Table P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Team Brighton Hull Ipswich QPR Cardiff Middlesbrough Birmingham Charlton Burnley Leeds MK Dons Wolves Reading Fulham Sheff Wed Nottm Forest Preston Brentford Derby Bristol City Blackburn Huddersfield Bolton Rotherham

P 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5

W 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0

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F 8 8 10 10 8 7 7 6 6 6 5 7 5 7 6 4 2 7 4 6 3 3 1 5

A 4 4 7 8 5 3 4 4 6 5 4 8 4 7 7 5 4 8 5 10 5 6 5 13

GD 4 4 3 2 3 4 3 2 0 1 1 -1 1 0 -1 -1 -2 -1 -1 -4 -2 -3 -4 -8

Pts 13 10 10 10 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 1

GD 4 4 4 2 5 2 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -3 -3 -5 -2 -3

Pts 6 6 6 6 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0

Spanish BBVA La Liga Table P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Team P Celta de Vigo 2 Eibar 2 Atl Madrid 2 Barcelona 2 Real Madrid 2 Villarreal 2 Granada CF 2 Espanyol 2 Dep. de La Coruña 2 Valencia 2 Real Sociedad 2 Sp. de Gijón 2 Levante 2 Las Palmas 2 Málaga 2 Rayo Vallecano 2 Sevilla 2 Real Betis 2 Getafe 2 Ath Bilbao 2

W 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

D 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0

L 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2

F 5 5 4 2 5 4 3 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0

A 1 1 0 0 0 2 4 3 1 1 0 0 2 1 1 3 3 6 3 3

All results as at 09.09.2015


Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015


SPORT NEWS sponsored by RED CLOUD SPORTS BAR WHAT HAPPENED? In the final stages of the Italian Grand Prix, with Lewis Hamilton winning comfortably, the Briton was instructed by his race engineer to increase his pace “We need to pull a gap. Don’t ask questions, just execute.” WHY DID THEY TELL HIM TO GO FASTER? At the time it was a mystery – why would Mercedes demand more speed if Hamilton’s car had a problem? However, it seems the team wanted to increase his margin of victory to offset a potential penalty coming Hamilton’s way. A confused Hamilton did as asked and produced some searing pace to win by a margin of 25.042 seconds ahead of Sebastian Vettel. SO, WHAT WAS GOING ON? As the race ended, a report from FIA technical delegate Jo Bauer confirmed that both Mercedes cars had been measured with insufficient tyre pressure. The report read: “The measured minimum tyre starting pressure of the left hand side rear tyre of car number 44 (Hamilton) was 0.3 PSI below the specified minimum tyre starting pressure and the measured minimum tyre starting pressure of the left hand side rear tyre of car number 06 (Rosberg) was 1.1 PSI below the specified minimum tyre starting pressure.”

So what was Monza’s“Tyregate”all about? Lewis Hamilton’s dominant the Italian Grand Prix from start to finish but a bizarre radio message from the Mercedes team subsequently followed by a stewards’ investigation into tyre pressure left everyone wondering what was going on WHAT DID MERCEDES HAVE TO SAY? Paddy Lowe, Mercedes technical director, confirmed the team had been summoned to see the stewards, but insisted they had done nothing wrong and the pressures had been approved by tyre manufacturer Pirelli. He said: “We don’t understand it. We’ve been summoned to the stewards. We’ll gather and explain it...All I know is we set our pressures fully supervised by the Pirelli engineer.

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He was perfectly happy with them as they were set. With an abundance of caution, because we haven’t done anything wrong, we thought let’s make a gap.” Hamilton added: “0.3 (PSI) doesn’t have any effect, it doesn’t do anything. I’m sure people can prove it. Pirelli can prove it. It wasn’t the reason we won today. We won because we were the quickest.” SO IS THERE A PERFORMANCE ADVANTAGE FROM LOWER TYRE PRESSURE? YES! Lower pressures are favourable in terms of speed and race performance. Pirelli warned about it earlier in the week, and they tested both Mercedes and both Ferraris on the grid. SO WHY WAS NO FURTHER ACTION TAKEN? The low pressure was put down to Mercedes disconnecting their tyre warming blankets which meant the tyres were cooler - meaning lower air pressure - than those of other teams. Stewards were happy with Mercedes

explanations and thanked both Mercedes and tyre manufacturer Pirelli for following the correct procedure. SO IS THE TESTING PROCEDURE FLAWED? YES! If the tests aren’t carried out in controlled conditions (i.e. constant temperature) then they really aren’t worth doing at all? What’s more, many fans wondered why would you test tyre pressure before the race, then let the Mercedes cars continue after showing illegal levels - especially if it is considered unsafe? Unsurprisingly, the Stewards’ letter says: “The Stewards recommend that the Tyre Manufacturer and the FIA hold further meetings to provide clear guidance to the teams on measurement controls.” SO WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR THE TITLE? Quite frankly it means Hamilton, now has a 53 point lead over Rosberg, who retired on the penultimate lap with an unrelated engine failure .


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McLAREN are reportedly poised to lose £20m in sponsorship money next year, with two brands ending their association with the team. The Woking-based constructor lost title sponsor Vodafone at the end of the 2013 season and has been without a lead sponsor since then, last year they lost Hugo Boss to Mercedes after a 33-year association and rumour has it that banking company Santander and Johnnie Walker are poised to walk away from the team after the current campaign. It is thought that Johnnie Walker’s investment is worth around £15m a year to McLaren, while Santander pays £5m per season. Johnnie Walker have been with McLaren for a decade and what will be all the more galling for Ron Dennis (picturd above), the McLaren chairman, is that at the end of 2013 season they offered a £43-million a-year deal to be the teams main sponsor and offer Dennis turned down because he believed the offer was too small. A Johnnie Walker spokesman said they are in “ongoing conversations” with McLaren but refused to comment on “speculation McLaren are currently ninth in the constructors’ championship.

Issue 07 Septeber 10 - 23, 2015





HIS year might well be remembered in racing for the exodus of big names from the weighing room; AP McCoy, Richard Hughes and, last week, the youngest and arguably most important of the trio as far as pushing barriers was concerned, Hayley Turner. Turner, 32, will not only be remembered as the first female jockey in Britain to ride a Group One winner outright, she was also joint-Champion apprentice, and the first girl to ride 100 winners in a calendar year. Turner is understood to have taken the shock decision to retire at the end of the season having grown frustrated at the lack of opportunities to ride at the top level and a decline in rides during the week. She is likely to try to develop a career in the media while also exploring a profile outside of horseracing. Despite riding two Group 1 winners in the summer of 2011, when she became the first British woman to secure a top-level victory outright with her July Cup triumph aboard Dream Ahead, and a Grade 1 victory in the Beverly D Stakes the following year, there have been few other comparable highlights. This season Turner, who rode 100 winners in 2008 and reached 92 three seasons ago, has partnered 39 winners, but her best moments have been as a member of the first Girls team to claim the Shergar Cup and in Japan at the weekend, where she rode the winner of the final leg of the World All-Star Jockeys contest. So with Turners, departure from the sport does this leave the door open for Victoria Pendleton who enjoyed an encouraging first ride as a fully-fledged jockey after narrowly missing out on victory in a Novice Flat Amateur Riders’ Handicap race at Rippon last week. The two-time Olympic cycling champion, who less than six months ago announced that with the help of betting company Betfair, would be switching saddles to train to become an amateur jockey, has shown she has what it takes to continue in her quest to fulfil her ambition to ride at the 2016 Cheltenham Festival. No thinks Turner - “What Victoria Pendleton’s doing is amazing and she’s doing really well. But she could be Olympic fit for cycling and it counts for very little on a horse. She needs

to go to America or to Richard Fahey’s stable, where they do seven lots a morning, for a month to get racing fit. She’d come back a different rider. That’s my advice to any jockey, but particularly a female.”

The greatest female jockeys HAYLEY TURNER Unquestionably the most successful female rider to date raising the bar to new heights. Proved winning at the highest level was no fluke by winning three Group Ones and 100 winners in calendar year was arguably her biggest achievement proving she could do it on a day to day basis. Her personality made her a great ambassador for the sport. GAY KELLEWAY The daughter of jump jockey-turned Newmarket Flat trainer Paul Kelleway, she was one of the first female riders to try and cut it as a professional jockey. Her crowning achievement was her ride on Sprowston Boy to win the Queen Alexandra Stakes at Royal Ascot in 1987. Now training from Queen Alexandra Stables in Newmarket, remarkably she remains the only female to have ridden a winner at the Royal meeting. ALEX GREAVES Known as the ‘Queen of Southwell’ where she rode many of her winners, she broke down another major barrier when becoming the first female jockey to win a Group One race in Britain when, riding Ya Malak, she dead-heated for first place in the Nunthorpe Stakes at York in 1997. She retired in 2005 and is married to trainer Dandy Nicholls.

Continued from page 96

CHANGE IS COMING The only niggling doubt s on the horizon is when will Murray’s coach, Amelie Mauresmo, who is currently on maternity leave after having her first child, return to her job. Could that be before the end of the year, or perhaps early next season in time for the next Grand Slam, January’s Australian Open? Also, Murray won’t be able hold his annual off-season training camp in Miami, as by then his wife Kim, who is pregnant with their first child, won’t be able to travel. So change in the schedule will definitely take place next season. But if we look to his fellow sportsmen like Federer and Djokovic, we can only hope that he will be energised by fatherhood like them and if so - Murray we expect great things from you in 2016!

KIRSTY MILCZAREK She made a big impact on the all-weather during the 2007 and 2008 winter when she rode 42 winners between November and March which made her leading apprentice on the all-weather. At Kempton in 2008 she also became the only female to ride three winners at one meeting. She retired a couple of years ago due to injury and now rides out, runs a horse transport business and is an occasional pundit. SOPHIE DOYLE Sister of Godolphin jockey James and daughter of trainer Jacqui, she was leading female apprentice here in 2010 with 28

winners. But by 2012 that had dried up to nothing so she packed her bags and headed for America. She now has over 50 winners this season and earnings nudging $1m. It would be interesting to see how she got on if she returned. But why would she? MERIEL TUFNELL On May 6 1972 she made history by winning the first ever ladies Flat race run under Jockey Club Rules when riding 50-1 shot Scorched Earth to victory in the Goya (a cosmetic brand) Stakes at Kempton. She put up a couple of pounds over-weight on that first ride causing one professional to remark that they were ‘the nicest couple of pounds over-weight I ever saw.”

Issue 07 September 10 - 23, 2015





URRAY’S winning streak may have finally run out but his early exit from the US Open doesn’t mean he has anything to worry about. Yes this is his earliest defeat at the Grand Slams for five years having always made it passed the quarter-finals of a major since the 2010 US Open but Andy, came into this fortnight with more matches played than anyone else on the ATP World Tour this season going from Roland Garros to Queen’s to Wimbledon and then back to Queen’s for Britain’s Davis Cup quarter-final against France. He hardly had much of a break before starting his North American hard-court swing in Washington.



HUGELY ENCOURAGING He then travelled on to the Master-level events in Montreal and Cincinnati, before then rolling into New York. So it’s little wonder that Murray didn’t win, but let’s not allow this result to obscure the reality this has been a hugely encouraging season for him. Why, it was just a couple of months ago that the tennis world was all in broad agreement that he was playing the best tennis of his life. If you think back to last year Murray was still regaining his strength after a back operation, so if anything this season he has shown that he is still very much a contender for the biggest prizes in tennis.

The runner-up to Novak Djokovic at the Australian Open, he also troubled the Serbian in the last four at Roland Garros, taking him to five sets and looking (who could have imagined this a few years ago ) like a possible French Open champion of the future. At Wimbledon he had the misfortune, in his semi-final, to be on the other side of the net from Roger Federer’s sharpest serving performance for the best part of a decade but significantly, this summer brought him his first victory over Djokovic in two years, with that result coming in the Montreal final, he also touched the world No. 2 ranking again, if only for a week before Federer pushed him back into third.


AYNE Rooney has become England’s record goal scorer by firing home his 50th international goal as the Three Lions beat Switzerland 2-0 in Euro 2016 qualifying on Tuesday. The Manchester United striker broke Sir Bobby Charlton’s record by scoring in the second-half from the penalty spot after Raheem Sterling was taken down in the box. Rooney equalled Sir Bobby’s tally of 49 goals in the previous England match against San Marino by slotting home another spot-kick. He was subbed off relatively early in that match with some suggesting that he’d pre-

MURRAY’S EARLY EXIT IS NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT… OR IS IT? REST AND RELAXATION One benefit of Murray’s early departure from the US Open is that he will now have more time to prepare for next week’s Davis Cup semi-final against Australia in Glasgow, where he will be hoping to take Britain into a first final since 1978. This autumn, he will also benefit from not having to play

ROONEY THE RECORD BREAKER fer to break the record in front of a home crowd at Wembley, which he did. United and England legend Charlton will present him with an award next month. Rooney still has plenty of years in front of him and will be expected to widen the gap between him and Charlton and raise the bar for England’s next superstar to match.

the manic schedule that he did last season as he went in search of the ranking points he required to qualify for the season- ending Barclays ATP World Tour Finals. This time, he can relax in the certainty he will be at The O2, having already qualified for a tournament restricted to the best eight players in the world. Continued on page 95

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