Preparing for a Pet in Your Apartment
Owning a pet teaches responsibility, enables routine habits, and above all else, provides love and companionship. If you live in an apartment, your rental agreement may limit you to small caged animals like rabbits, hamsters, or reptiles that are contained in a tank.
However, if you find yourself fortunate enough to live in a complex that allows cats or dogs, extra precaution should be taken to fully pet-proof your space. Not only will this save you from losing your security deposit to pet damage, but it is vital for the health of the pet.Â
Keep in mind the following pointers if you are planning to raise a dog or cat within the confines of your apartment or condo.
When looking to adopt a dog or cat, you may not always be able to specifically pick a certain breed, but it is important to research these things. Some dog breeds require a lot of space to run as they are highly active during the days.
Other dog breeds and most cats are naturally more lethargic and can fare better with small spaces. Considering the size of your apartment or your schedule, be selective when choosing your breed.
Most dogs need mental stimulation, especially when they are younger. While it may not be feasible for you to be home all day to entertain them, know that they will find ways to then entertain themselves.
Keep your apartment clean and organized, taking extra time to store important or dangerous items out of reach. When it comes to cats, they enjoy climbing on surfaces and ledges.
Be sure to keep fragile items off of countertops so that they will not get knocked over.
To keep dogs from destroying furniture or developing health problems, proper exercise is imperative. Dogs living in apartments should be walked at least once a day, preferably more. If you are located near a local dog park, utilize this as much as the weather allows for it.
Social stimulation is just as important in raising a dog that is friendly towards others. If you can afford it, a dog walker is a great investment to be sure that your pet is getting the exercise and attention it needs.
For cats, providing them with the proper indoor toys and stands should be suitable in getting them the exercise they need.